HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1904-02-18, Page 5„v"F�t ts.-rs ws^v^;lt;
She reed my pea see hent bar eyes_
1 would here sworn Ina* she was wife.
Syou Atop,
in � pow U owe• •W"isigk she. all r at Lh w lap•'
Fee weary years 1 tolled away
1 worked Dy night, 1 stlo' • by day.
Yet Issas and wealth sashed Mat as far
Almada me as gay alar.
l'ntilmyWrIbegan toTsar.. tbetit to [~
Oki own 1 wept and caned tits day
That panda maid bad crowed my way.
UV! eke 'Vee a I shrifts uponBiu attem.. ..
As Jonah said on taking leaveeot the
whale. you can't beep a good man
A fifteenth century nutouseript is
said W contain this prrgaost,ieet•
from which we Inay be aloe to extract
a little comfort :
"Yt Cryrtau» day on tete Vryday be.
Tim fyr.te of winter harde.M10s
With treats and ..new and with Rud",
Rut OM last tale thereof re geode.
AgaYn. the sower shal)e astuU oleo. '
t �9
This haw heel an exeeptiunally hand
season for winter birds. and with
snow lying dory over thin land the
hardy MAW fellow" suffer greatly toe
Want of food. Many people, mays The
let. Thomas Time.. Imus the daily
• gape hen the [aIle. If they would
make a prettier. of placing them in
a certain spot in their yard el regular
intervals. the sharp-eyed spu'tvrw.
and snowbirds would quickly dieeover
it. In Chi. *go the whi sd children
are tai -operating with obi pork fauna•
uniesionela in distributing hid for the
Miele, and our citizen% nlig'1* disp.re
of waste focal its this mine mclrifta
wilyAll winter menntes of the
T' •s atilt have frill the m10%0.1111',
with lunch ^Trapp et the rear of the
officer Mead ale regularly *1a the hone
remise*tmmnd the hinds are ou hand
eagerly pw•nitiug what is probably *11
they get 1,o rtlt during the day. The
winter wield Tee dreary imbed with-
out the births.'', Let them hare the
benefit of wli*trf''r sacrrIte jou hate
• to throw awn• }- e
Dinkel»twit is a p lotwrphrt• %who ha•
.ppsarea in New Yo City 1 who e
worths of wisdoms are.h.1'ng a wide
vogue. Herr Arae. eons •• PkcIllIi it
ere" : '
1)er mart snit der least k tor -ledge is
always ter t'atsiest talk pus r.
Derr vas twq, dings dot au) man last
lied In dei' dark. van vise it car I tack
nn 'ler odder Yeses Ii,ii'rn•,eersal v'elt
('henerally your vitt find[ der naafi cant
vakee uh Ur find himself a taiiimlanese
has been sleelong fait van rye open,
Der road uwpa elery Ivan a Jiang.
bud some peope% vtwtld redder starve
den collect der hill. •
Telling der truth t.rt a man dirt d.wn'd
s,- t.... srs... a-..
Der man mit plenty of money has
friend's to burn, 1 von he wire prske
he dist-tilers dot he luta bs,,wd noted
Von a Hiatt goes into politics he gates
into a verkd vale eferylnmly is lits
friend rest as long as he is a friend to
A higllhall in der hand is rerth 1 wo
headache in
der drug
A friend snit • loud mouth ia t'urre
den a deet and dumb enemy.
A Mb. is as gout ns a mule of Mimeos.
of yogi (tiff der girl.
Monne self-nsade tains vend der rant
eir lives talking alw,uhl Mime In -
VA ty to der Hanle rd der utachin-
ery dot oke fir un der as idled !Wall.
Tnmon in der Only day in der
year (lot • 1s to a lazy can.
Der vise it H dol *ayes nh for 'a
rainyT day ales, a stays in dem imitate
von,01 stomas.
Contentment is v 11
'yes on der present.
ye vot•k. *nit our Wee;
John Morley's Tariff Am.ndswat Defeated
br a.
tondos. rid,. 16.-Ily 'a vote el
32? to 978 the House of Cummoos
last night defeated John Morley'',
amendment to the address in reply
to the speech from -the thorn con-
surisg the Uoverement's fiscal pol-
The division took the form of a
vote of want of confidence in the
Government, which impelled many
Unloalete who totellyy dl_sagroo with
lbs idea of protect -4M to vuti 16
keep Premier Balfour in p,wes. While
Mr. Balfour's absence was kacoly
felt, It was perhaps • source of
strength to hie party, es without
any defined floral declaration • from
the Premier, many of his supporters
felt justified In upholding the Gov-
ernment. Joseph Chamberlain was
absent. ,A getters! election is expect-
ed In the autumn.
John Redmond. the Irish leader,
said the Irish 'party voted against
the Government solely to forward
the cause of home rule. He added
the same action would he taken
against every Government until home
rule is secured '.
Neither the. speeches last night nor
the division an be taken sy accur-
ate Indication of the probable treed
of the British opinion on the fiscal
question. In the lobbies of the
Rode" et Carnations It was franklti
admitted that votes were given to
the Government which may ba count-,
ed on the opposition side, when a
general election on that basis of free
trade venlig. 'roteetion "cetera.
A large crowd heurd the debate.
Scarcely a uleml,•r .d the {louse
who voted with the Government last
night did not frankly admit his ig-
norance of the degree' ill timed re-
form to which the Cabinet is really
committed. The hola•i•s^ division of
opinion among member,. has been •
feature of the discussion.
Sixty-nine Nationalists toted
against the t:oralgluant. also 2N
T'ninnigl., 'minding flight Don
t •h. -Ie.. 11 Hitt -boy, Lord ticuras
Hamilton. Lord llugh (',•cil. Winston
('hurvhill. Sir .101i1, (:nest, George
Kemp end iters hired N D.it1,,bt00
The dirtst,,pe resulted in it vote for
the sinendment of 2:11 and against it
:127, making a Government maloritti
of 51.
Yr York mit our
Ambition ie yen
der future.
Leve is der .rnnntionul It dot creeps
ofor a man ven he weal a utter man
making R'*nw-goatee eyes M . i. ay.et-
M.ulpnraglte mays honesty in d pellet
c 1 H sr " ilei boll].
li Ire a 1 he hestried policy.
A font end hie money is der root rf
h laughter.
A hyprw:ri"k em at. man dot paee your
absence to speak your mime tuber/Wily.
Viakey is tilt Mother \litery's dsre-
deifel soon.
P*I fitwtion pf der tnngtle is a dis-
ieease dirt affectations many rimmrn.
There's a Melte for you `
In the world. my boy.
A currier hi yrnl In fill ;
And It wait,. today
Along life's way.
Fnr the kns with a frank"! will
t.jtrd, be true.
world wants low
In the corner that ymi ma! 1111.
There's a niche fur y'wi In the world. my girl,
• A owner for ymi M fill
rota rid that fa kind.
Wit e. tire, sweet 'mind.
4p} A phew that le writing NMI.
fee teen, he tree.
The world wanes you
In the earner that you may fill.
Thetis a niche Inc you both In the word, my
A owner he yon In 1111 ;
Anda work to do
%Vhleh on nee bat yaw
In Owl's great plan ran fill.
(ti, dram be tree.
The world wade yin
And year platIs welting Mg.
e' g.
A writer tells how 0. distinguish
the evergreens :
White pine -Five needles in s
Minch; scales of come thickened at
the bap.
Ketch -pine -Two bluish -green,
short needle,; in a handle.
Austrian pine --Two long, dark
gpen needier in a bundle.
Fir - Sect • cone; fist, spretding
neediest scattered singly.
Norway sp'hoa - Large hanging
room ; weltered needles point an
Hemlock Small hanging rotes i fiat
spray. t eh -Many needles in a chafer
tall nfi each ydwtinned.
Rad tiler _HMI.h 1 finesjk
Mali? spiny,
Arbor vltwe-Flat branches, cones
Mwecaled, and only two spells nnder
White (leder--('Sona* roundish. with
four to eight seeds ieodwe sack.
needs Wow ---Pork. stiffasedlaa• ass'
ttRetJjfed ti tlslsew. .
will glee ■I. Serviette 1. Imperial,. Mr.
Ha. Committee-D.k. of C bb
Is tup.et.r•Gserst.
London, Feb. lei -Jt is officially
announced that Lord Roberts has re-
tired from the her lime,-, but that
at 'the a/kci•I r..p1est of Ih'emicr
halfour M Sims eon ent.d to plan•
his eery ices at the dioe'.o 1 of the
Cti,l nutty.* for lnq..•riot Defence.
The (hole of Connaught hsa Urea
appoint d Inewel or -General under
the new army reform schfna.
Vladivostock Squadron the Cause of
• Many' Confliction Reports.
Three Russian Terp.d. Nate Sun
from Their Ow --
Oven Forl.Jabk Trent.
porting Troops While Russian Fleet is
Settled Up at Port Arthur.
Draperies taught Sire at a. Inlotsls-
mst-Mas♦ Routes Filleted.
New Void., Veto. Iii. -A panic was
avert*d at tb" animal entertainment
of the Alma -ands ('1nh in Terrace
,towed so. rasa eir SksilntQip SOS 'cher:
les 1. Murphy. the 1iu01,wny led-
er. While • tnude%die performance
was in progress mise evergreen der
f IsllslLls.Ifur/tip • jnj ji1W .»r'. MY111bx,
box caught tire Frew a deflective 'lee -
Irk wire. Mr 'Murphy reached out
and tore down wren., draperies that
were threatened. but the aydience
had already risen and a rush had
begun for the drxn`s. Ms'yor MoC'Irl-
the�t he opposite ,osite txox, 1 to
in rad
u ,e1 ce
a d i to remain meat
all danger was over. and in a few
montente order wan restored boring
the excitement many women fainted.
John Wilson Die Not anises, Ryon
Though Multk Awaited elm.
Tletroit. Feb IA. -Tho holy of
John Wilson, who died •t the nem!
Crow Hospital, hos leen gent to
Teterboro, Ont., his birthplace, for
burial. It is said Kitson wait nrdcr-
ed away from his home about seven
,cera ago. end that after that Inci-
dent he became a wanderer. careless
of himself or his future. Eden when
he learned of the d. -nth of bus father
Ind mother enA of the fact that be
had fallen heir to ten tholr*And dol -
term, he dirt nM return. nor did he
claim his . heritg„ n ple same finally
gent from Allen'^ Mfeelon to
ass tbs
county hotter, where one of his rela-
tives found hum n few weeks ago.
Che Foo, Feb. 16.-A reliable re-
port received yesterday say* that
three Russian--torpedo-.-hoa)a-
been sunk by guns irom the forts.
They were mistaken for Japarfess
Gold to Ito C.aS►e.d.
New York. Feb. ie. -Official eoaltr4
Motion 1r given in Tokio, according
to a cablegram to The World, of the
report that three of the four Russian
warships from Vladivootoek which
entered the Tsugaru Straits to at-
tack Hakodate were blown up by
mines talo night of February 18 while
attempting to paw the Straitly
Goy They Wore alghted sins..
New York, Feb. 16.-A cablegram
from London says the later advices
are that four Russian warships have
been sighted to Tsugaru Straits
since the report went out that three
of the cruisers had been sunk or
Melees Snob ■y *tore.
Paris, Feb. 16.-A despatch to The
Leleir front St. Petersburg nays it
•Ip affirmed there thet aftel. the bonn-
bardment of Hakodate (which has
not been officially corroborated) the
four Russian cruisers which took
part In the engagement were driven
beck to \'Ilsdivostock by a stomp.
aeonter Joel Load at Ckee.lpa
Washington. Feb. lie -information
has reached here that nearly 20,000
Japanese troops were landed at
Chemulpo Sunday. the first do idlers
of a large n+ttubcr which nil bo
thrown oto Corea while the HusSian
beet is bottled in Poet Arthur , By
one conversant with the Japanese
plaits. 1t la stated that the repeated
attacks on Port 'Arthur ars not for
the purpose of wiring that place at
prevent, unless an unexpected wca'k-
nese In the fortifltatioas there she'd.'
develop. They are part of a pian to
harass the ltuseian .alert until Corea
cat\ be occupied
Fosters Mau D Ry Fire.
auspicious Death.
ndsor, F'eh. 1 n. -Mrs. Adie (iIb-
who .has been employed as a
c in the McLaughlin house
pest month, died Sunday.
certificate gives the esus^
are, but an a result of
ate reached him. Chief
m e an investlgatlen.
n came to Windsor from
London. Feb. 1(i. -}n connection
with the rumors of another bone
bardrncnt of Port Arthur, the own-
ers of the British !teenier Forton
Hall. which was detained Roby the
Russians at I'ort Arthur, h*ye re-
ceived news that she has been des-
troyed by' lire.
neatrallsatlea loot P.sMbto.
Loudon, lett. 16.-Auawering a
question in- the. noun of Coulol0as
yesterday as to whether.' the British
(:oyerntu.at wee *eking atepm to 'Se-
cure an arrangement for the neutra-
lization of Niuchwang during the war
the Foreign Under Secretary, Earl
I'ercy, replied .that the Government
did not consider It to be practicable
to neutralize any territory in the
actual occupation of either of 151,0 et'
ligerenta. h
Q.t.raeN* wet AppruaclMd-
London. Feb. 16.-11,,,oc'Set etary-
Akers-ilouglas annow,ce•l in the
Houma of C yesterday shat
.�•e••�• moll only had
not ebe n approached with a sugges-
tion that it should consent -to the
Russian Black Kes fart passing Ault
through the 1'ardenellea, lett there
WaA-_➢p e:ea,08 LrjlaLexci::....es.-_ njla.
parsing that Russia minteiitplatod
Poch a violation of her treaty oblig-
bli 'ations to the Kuropean powers. .-
Nanta to D Alltaaee.
Paris. Feb. 10.-M .1 sul*ea. leader
of the Socialist party (which
the balance o1 power in 1'arla*uirnt, t,
his made a declaration contemplat-
ing the immediate denunciation of
the Franco-Russian alliance, which
has attracted s great 'deal iii attdl!
ton .in dlplotnatic circles. 'rho dee
Aeration was made at Mt.' Etienne,
where the Socialist cungress is sit-
though [hens Is au apemen( aurerme
of eit4teot►nt•
googol rigid 1.. •t •e.e,0ee In shells.
, 'i -The battle
lucentPerlathe Feb •Y•hhal'
nt and rho whalebo',"
Y Lbs Ffast'k i'.•ss churact.r,zes the
ItuYiaP-JaPanes, war, is eAcitlnr
comm.* br•re 1'he t I I* w ut Welt
• war Is Sperl..'1' aleph upon. The
cost of the hnulbard iig of Port Ar-
thur• lasting wo hours, eat inst.•d
at $650,000. tuch shell i* of hnacy
calibre costing. accurdi.tlj to French
attlllery eap,•rte, '$200. '1'o this
must be added the cost of coal eon•
-:..-,-JAPE PLk--k4,O!18
Aeesple Me Aid l0 Money or Mss Though
11•1h Oftel.
Tokio. e'en le. --The Japanese
Minister at 11nshiegl.,n has officially
advised his t,u,rruw,nt that he Is
reeciving numerous offers • of large
contributions to the nor fond from
Americans, and requests inst1 the
tions. II is coesidctet 'menthl. that
Japan will refuse to act. et this aid.
1'ew Cabiutet will consider the (imi-
tion and formally illSt'uct 1 he Wu
later shortly. Many -applications b.r
Permission to enlist in the Japanese
army and n.,,y are coming froul
various parts of the world. A11 these
applications Lase been refused, and
no foreigner +call be allowed to par-
ticipate in the military or naval op-
erations 1n Japan, except as spec-
At • meet ing of the ,hankers, new•a-
paper proprietor., and rommertiul
men yesteula. it was resolved to
support the Government Isllyetipectlse
of party Mies.
No further news of the Russian.
Vladlvostodt'.Iundron has been re-
ceived here. It 1hnugh,t, to hate
returned to the• pint ,.f \'ludivustuck.
in preference au risl..ng a fight or
exhausting its fact
Will right ter ,Lyon.
Chicago, F ' I'; -'1 hr P0'4 ea) a
Sixty Chita.' ,s'- man. of ,heli
veterans o' the Spanish -.1,,1.11 an
war. it i*. said will lea.., IhI: ,.,, 1•,
for Japan. Owing 40 the n,•ot..f1
proclamat0 4,1 i'r.•sul• 5 i It., , .
the men e• keepeie time Id. o..- ,n
secret, but it I. 'minim, .i ihar lee
purpose is 1•. )on, the Japan,.,
Japes wee 300,000 Trop% heady -Mee -
ottani at.aeore Rapidly Rolag Cos -
vetted tats Auxiliary Cr.laera
Nagasaki, Feb. 12.-t Via Shang-
hai,, Feb 16. -The mobilization of
the Jnpanrae army (1414. ln'cn carried
y 1 ' i
nut niethoAicall t ete* t mated
:tell 1 r
ther. S ,l101 trvi0ps are now' ready
tti 1T plated in the field without ion-
painng the national defence '1'h.
movements of the troops 'are sur-
rounded in secrecy. They are beteg
move.; at night towards their bases
et F'metin, Kure Miji and Yoku.uka
and the Ilghte of ordinary trains are
eetingntshed when in the neighbor -
hoot! .oi troop trains.
Members of the renerte force im-
mediately step into the place* of the
nuldning regular,. 'Their organiza-
tion iS perfect and a full equipment
ie reedy for each n e nntervr..
All the steamers of Japanese mer-
chant lines are letng rapidly' convert -
Caned. and the war.
Ottawa. 1 elstr, _.M u, ,, Whiter 05
the Militia 1'•i':ui1,,no. mho writes
the weekly • I"lulu. lite? for The
Evening .lo enn.l • tpress.s 'I he oleo.
'4,on that if G'..0 Reil sin lav'ouls
embroiled in the far eastern *rouble
Camelot may hate 10 .end un Ut (3
contingents to her sad.
*.111 5* *tee nos tr,.,.
Montreal, I eb.' I15 - t Ilalifax d,
spssOh ^aye. I ..,i, -e :,i .I. n .S. vers
of Lh'111cn 1r' I: et••sur •I s.
Men selected ' co to tit, -l•':.. Etc.t
to wutrh the .u•, In. Ian• I'unadi.ue
mllit la •
)oinulk bat'rllraa nua rumps came pout -
ins thru the town to take up a defen-
sive 'minion in the event of a Jav-
anese lauding
The Japuese warships steamed
*lowly pain. In Ilse of battle to west-
ward and about four mile* off, each
vessel beginning fire when opposite
Russian ships, which were two utiles
off shore. The . action Hoon became
general. There was no nupnoe:utrillg.
simply heavy fast firing on loth side».
I counted over 3011'ahe1l . few of which
reached the mark. others did not ex-
plode. during aotlon. . Several. mcrc.haet
■reamers outside the read» moved their
position, hut none were allowed to
leave the anchorage in the -harbor, Fir -
Ing ceased at noon, the &panes.. ships
aeithdrawing . Melt bw:ar'd., hating __lout
one battleship and one larger , ruiner
pet out -of action: -One email- boat wits
chased and sunk hy the Netek, which
afterwards received a shell at_thewar•
et line, but reached port all right, Ad-
miral Stark signalling "Well done,"
while s11 the rest of the fleet cheered
bee urrival• Even the three ship
aground fired during the action.
Csarevltck R.palrtag.
Afterwards the Ce.areyltch got off at
high water and was towed lite Taste
beefs, where ehe now 10 being repalrad.
The Palled^ of r.'ted her own re-
p the and rejolned the fleet. The Het -
viten was still aground when 1 left.
The, casualltie^ were 'e' killed and t'4
wounded. Nearly half the ca.uallti's
occufred nn the Pallada and N•e lk.
The Japanese fleet sailed southward.
At 1 oeloek all quirt. The wounded
were brought ashore and removed to
hospltiiJl. After mayday night's Sti-
lton many Japauewe torpedoes ware
found floating outside the harbor. They
were .ecured'and their mechanlen, ex-
tracted. During the afternoon Alexleff
ordered all women, children and , nnn-
oonlbatants to leave. •The •tow Apecial
trains were erowded. They ran as
often as po^aible from Panty. The wo-
men and children were immediately re•
moved In an English steamer.
After the action on Monday night
article' telegrams from Vladivoeteek
stated that the cruiser squadron,
attiring of the Gromovol; Ramie, Rurlk
and Rogatayr•had shelled a town In
Yee. anti then returned to \'11dlvcs{-
tock. 1 offered a large price for a
,.r tug beat. to put to sea from
Poi t .t hur for (*hero.. ('hinwallatao
ov N. a • ,twang, but was muucoeeefut."
Lades teas 151.11'• t .rrsepesdent at
were Arthur nets l brpuft. Ohs 11411
London, 'Fsb. 16.-1fe' Landon
Daly Mali Its ,lved yesterday, the fol-
lowing uneen.orrd details 'of the hint
•tea fight at. t'urt Arthur 1101,, its
who got out, of the
Hessian 'Ms- .:..,-. • ....„
y ONlie-hung ), %edai•.A.
Wining. Feb, 10.-1 hate just reeehed
here by »peclal train from Pott Ar-
-tour. and to sieve time have ertt:ee
spy ,ceeuut whlie traveling in Io1Lm0
-live-^There- watt nee -ether method- •1
getting un' of Port Atrtbur oo Irene-
mltting a ieessage of this length, as
since the buhtbardment on Tuesd4s uo
vessels has • been permitted to leave the
harbor, a:.d the railway telegraph Imes
are reserved for the excluen'e use of
Russian oelcfats,
There were only four special corre-
spondents present at the bombardment.
Reuter's representative, two foreign
corresprrdents and myself. Cnfottu-
nately one ,•t them wail wounded,
About midnight on Monday the town
was roused by the firing of big Rune.
hastened up the hill on which th
aln batte y Is ',Rusted. I saw that
Japan, e torpedo boats had •IP -
•bed wi'tln half a mile of the Russ
et .04 were showing Ilghta,
an, stews Just like those of
nese torpedo boats crept
o the Ruaslan ships. Re-
discovered each of the
discharged torpedoes,
ok effect, strikin)( the
v)tch, Retvlzan and
The three dam-
n the harbor en-
d ^Inking. Nee
oua fire from
the Ye settee@
e• .however,
eww and
ra 1,,
the Ru!
The Ja
quite clow
tore they we
Japanese bee
three of which
battleships Cede
the eruleer Palled
aged ships returned
tr^ure 1n order to av
withstanding the mutt
shite and forte. four of
torpedo boats erap"d.
was sunk, and anotherto
errien was deserted by her
afterwards raptured by Rnsaia
I saw several Japanese crud
the ditance. The remainder
fleet was still farther off, lying e
ward. "'bowleg .eaaeh tights. After t
retirn• boat, the' mebt nI then Jtrusnm1eer .quudron,
COPS under Admiral Petnee Ktompakl•.
the+ Imbed to Investigate and then eeturn-
Thehdea ed. The *.-tion ceased at A a.m,
am heart. fa h f th neemuss knee■
WIlIllrumor* that s The Ins* w Ruasl^n ehtpe was right
Wills all k11teA and twenty wounded, apart from
Mrs. Githe disablement er the three Russian
Chicago. ul her remains have been 1.i into auxiliary cruisers, armed with ship.. Th. damage dome t0 tin fleet
remot'.d toy Wheatley, where .he once quick -tiring guns -and fitted with ler- and fort. fa fact very great. Tho many
lived. Her ueband is sail to still Pe "' ho^t. Ruwwtan torpedo beats and deiitroyers
reside in Chi . may Leet to a clash were to the harbor they were ant ready
Whore fbi,I.)ghte Are Law.
Owen Sound,
lack of fuel the 11
town has been mho
being 11110W blocked
coal oil. Thus the t
nets after ^inner Th
dig up their rualy can
eoRsider themseltes forts
h 113 -Owing to
ting plant of the
down Freight
there is no
n is in dnrk-
whn can
In • mould.
to -
Roves to Railway.
Waterloo. Felt. 1R. -Thr by
bonus the. Waterloo nod We
Electric Ian ilwn% to the elltenit
$1,0,00 wan toted on y,•st,•rtlay:
voted for and 1:i0 ngeinal. The h
law wan rnrriefl by n majority 0
w to
A hands Tragedy.
Winnipeg. Feb. 1* -The body of
well-drre w4 young man woe found
three m11e+r emit of Brandon yester-
day entangled fn a wire fence. He
had apparently lost his way In a
fyaasilted a Bridge.
Salonfra, Feb. 16.-A band of Bul-
garian* on Feb 111 dynamited •
bridge between Tlemirhlssar. sod
Dj,tetth•le. Severe workmen aaa two
eeldlsn were bilied.
hope beige, flesetwew
Cape Town, Fah. 16. -The Parlia-
mentary slectiolal fust held in Cape
Coles y have mantled in a Pr
leve t�al(Irtty of Ave over tits Afrf*
1 badder >♦pad.
Thr Gm-ernmrtnl officials rr(IAOe 1n
to re*let nn .,(tack. Th. Jalrnnese: 1"
fact ''rca'" I a Brent Anil" of eurprtr,e•,
give, out any information rntnrding not only i.+• the unexpected onslaught.
their military intentions. They es- hur by the ptotnptne.it and braveey
peel to profit by disaenlinns in the 1 „iii sins ti they acted.
Runnian council of state. 11 is be- tin Tneslay morning news arrived
li.'sot that. the extrartrdtnal,t',powers fr'ni P.uley *het the Japanese fleet wee
cnnfrrrerl nn • Cieerny 'lletiefl will .leering ",'''ward in *Dwelt formation.
lead to a rlwah het Wenn . .-.,.gn Min- If rmpe te eight about eleven n elo^k•
L A R and Genet -id Knrlipiti There ,e a 1n all lit ah M to Otto lines
friendly to Alesieff. The result of • ry
ere. Rotsslsn:. h•A m1lelAe thirteen
disagreement bet ween thes.. twin Rus- large venluele under Admiral Steele
si.n Icader. herr w'onpA end in • (Pingehlp 1'eteohevktwk) and Menr-
nlflitery meddle. Admiral Prince Ktompaky (Flaph'p
'ibe .T,pancsc arc'.onymre4 Ihat 1'.re.vl"t, ex ludlntr PaR•da, Cesare -
I1. Rtie^ian^ *111 be unatsi. In con- i'ttch tFing»hip Rear-Admtnl Mollis),
centrale and maintain ',u.isal tope. 'v''i iletvizan, wehM) wee, lying
agrnnnd mer^so. the inner homier en-
ai any iihportent point of mtlitar•' .-,m e. iii h vas isw water, The *ctbn
villa enmmen'•ed by the trig rune of the
Dynamiting the R*nwnt• land betters The morning wee dull.
ere is merit talk rm'renl in re- *110 light wind. olid fie hemY7 amnke
to the possible d. nnu.itng of Jen(N•red It Iiffktllt to observe the
railronrLin \Inn' burin. IAlln of the nrtkmi but i wllnrsard r11
tilt,- that baa pn-•dble iron the itenenn 11!11
Of .IapsM•^n 4100 n4' 1' ,q,,ss:*e th.' enhwn(r to the harbor In
eau^ or of Mttb.. t hattleiMtlp, six first -clang
kin. especially as the latter Is lIR- r Isere An,l thele neeond-claw. erul.-
the 1
The ba
istingnishnhle (imp ('hRr Ilnr •01 fire Two shell. fell (near us
pee .lin oinking in ebutch'reF t. and amt stelae 1„"sky others fell in the eel Winnipeg, r"yerl
J a W t A • M o KI M Ooderich
Block Ont.
On fCCOunt of our growing lousiness we
have to olakc marc room, and before that is (lone
we want to get a lot of thy goods out of the way.
VIA Seask-Cp .e the pelmet.* Branch-
Ose Asessager Injured.
Winnipeg, Eel,. 1'.-'1h.• eustfa,utd
brunch erof t th n l e1I Ithe
tt as ditchedie
near Killarney vesteldev n(tetueen
tale passenker, Mr. Young ni Xapin
lea, sats injured '. 'lh.' ..there '.rdp••.t
as by ,a inirurL•.' '111 ['aim.- was a
,loublc-heie r mad I mining List when
it vucouu,(' l(d •, sooty drift. . Both
.•neuu'S and e.c1y ear Left the track,
secerai tuppli•Ig otei'. inc hiding • the
mail, baggage cur xutl smoker. The.
track an.l rolling stork were badly
T. dal, iI the N.w a..adary Llas of
(Maas, Feb. 11..-.1 Until cotrintls-
sion has been appointed to delimit
the Alaska boundary as determined
by the tribunal when sat in London
suer. 1t *'ill be coiaposed of
lir. ltttnan of th. L'ntt.M l3tdtnw
Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Mr,
W. F:. King, Dominion -Astronomer.
They will inert at an early date.
probably in -Washington, �toyddraw up
r i�tt(�s a fa.. kite nPf!'__ _
"77011tltteflAtterreetilre tverntat Dtlr,'nna-f 5r-
1)o uJlu-fi.ld sbautiuif.-rappalur 2.5e, lulu 31k _ _ _... --
1 piers 31•inrh black Meerut gususls, legulat• Inc; now 2.5e.
A b;t'.ket of gill'.. mitts at 114• per pair.
New elaitt waists at coria for .114•,
A. few old shirt w aids at each :Cs• and Gs•,
New wrappers. fast eulorpercali•, waist lined. fa ill •h
led loin, well wade, at. each SW avid Sten
lett new diese slit le Piet in trout England. 'GM tire,
starts at 'emit
:1 .special 1ie,ntifully made line of skirts, nicely
1 u inum•.I i itis :tppliaime. value at *;3 u ), fol•
Flaunelette night arc -des frees than cost'. Thee :ate
traveller..' swul,lee.
The.,• low price.: :u a nal for nor .la a only. 11 Ina% nal _Ise
dishon••-1 to sell at b;lrl;:tjn twits•., t,stav and at angular prices
t nnuwruw. but` it, none too honest. \\'filen we rill prices il'A on
the *•hole lot, ova Ihe.,• prices rentnin till :all ,irlr_aold.
Praelaeat Figure in eke Omitted States
rawartsnr-/.surf:--. -._.
Washington. Feb. 16. -Marcus A.
}canna. Senator from Ohio, and one
of the f,iremost figures in American
public life, dust last evening at his
apartments in the Arlington Hotel,
t r
ntyphoidr atte
.fever, t 6.1
an illness of two weeks. Ile passed
away pcaccfully and , without pain
after being unconscious since 1 a.
m.. at which time tile' first of a ser-
ies of sinking spells came on, from
the last of which he never rallied.
Th. members of 'the families, with
one or two exceptions, were at the
bedside when the end carne. Timing
the last hours life was kept in hie
body only by the use of most power-
ful stimulants.
Senator Hanna's death followed a
*inking spell 'that lasted 10 minutes•
beginning wt 13.30.
Senator Hanna will be given a
public funeral in the Senate Chamber
at noon Wednesday. and probably lie
1n *tate at the capitol Funeral ser-
vices will also be held In Cleveland,
• Colll.lea at dantee.
Feb. T ere w
Kingston. F h 1 h a. •
collision of trams at the r pine -
tion early yesterday morning, tett
fortunately with no serious results
The belated western passenger train
was coming in when it collided w ith
a freight train ?n the main line.
o men in the caboose hada th u-
g escape getting off with cute and
wee. Passenger,' ready to debark
t were thrown down h
mgt, on free y
ision anti several were bruis-
ed seriously injured.
ed, but
Harsco 81111 Petition As.ehly.
Kingston, ' b. Io.. -The City Coun-
cil last night v a vote of 12 to R
adopted a resoh ion to ^end A de-
putation to the term Legislnttire.
asking that the etre , railway chart-
er be no altered that penalty cheese
may be attached and at 'the com-
pany he compelled to rn their cars
throughout the year.
Tb. Telophoe• Rsrlag„
Ottawa. Feb 16. -It is ?T0*l"y tMRt-
the hearing of applicatitms from
Municipalities or independent tele-
phone companlet desirous of connect-
ing with the C.P.R., which were to
have been heard to -[lay. will 1 s
postponed until later. Some reldee-
tion bas been raised that the notice
ite too short. for all the parties to
reach here in time
Callaghan la Fres.
1oronto, Feb. Its,- N. H CellaghAn
wits relensed from Toronto tail 0n
Kunday 'wing. with his two
months' Nente1ln•e en completed.
would will ,sly rlak their fere in teen :enA western harbor, where teeny
old their coenl1'.V'e cause. .1 targe etean*'-re flvtng peutrsl flag. were en -
body of troops Is dor in \sgasakit0n ehored Mwu Taw..
Saturday to dntbark 'on Iron:possum rtes
for Corea. After the +lttms.Ilbep,enl of the ae-
Nagasaki and Yokohama ' *arbor's ttnwl all prep„ fled towards the hill out -
SSW protected • by - meas.
Several Ruoalan merchant 011501a,
which have been capture•tl, have been
taken to Nafreho se prise Nine
transports for hereto are at Dior.
[efts•.e wet t..41eg.
Absolute reticence is maintained by
the Government' An Intense
omens among
dde the 10" ' and Ent ander 11. pro-
new,. A 1•tfs while after the dant
shoe n big 1_ Inch one .xlMOded.smuh.
'lag the an,. treats of Guensberga Ya-
lu Concessions Oompany and Russo•
l'hhltee peek., The streets•were 'hen
, ([rely deserted, bet the torsi police.
kept efdenskl nrdvr. /rhere was no
wens• 'Ise women and 8hlldren were
very erste. Rsa1esuRts Pea the .4.
16. -Fire
Mit HEN.
Seasonable Footwear.
You will find us prepared for
you with a well selected stock of
all kinds of footwear for this
season of the year. Examine our
felt shoes and you will find them
to be what we claim. Honest
goods at Honest prices.
Wm. Sharman
Copy of cha'ige of running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by'
aeonatey nsan ro ensure fwa.etism
In issue of same week.
of the fact that the 1%w:titi;ui
Pacific 'Telegraph Company's
Imes :n1,1 euiines•tions reach al)
P.1111,,/1 1 hrront im•nt of America?
:111 (lie ',ei teipnl cities, Dotes
and t I I logos ,.f' l':uraala the hent
possilde se1•5N•1' rp,irkest des -
pat eli avid gl•e;nest ace 'ambi-
tion allt•a)s available, ' fiend
your next telegrnni, by tilt/ 1'. I'.
It. and SVC Whitt we 1:111 dt for
I you.
At, you •Ileo ;Mar.' we' sell
I I.'kel. 40 ;111 p.inls un the l'. I'.
Jt.:nnl pay tame far,• to counter-
ing points?
\\ a issue mllnley esters 14,
der,: pnvnble all over the vent Id,
• • IVY e'
you intend a l t , 111 r the
If t
tee ca o et ran i• . 1V.'
aft Il wool t s
ere agents ur e 'steam-
f the Aneet nt nw•
ears .•russing Ino in•eu n.- At•ridrnl
insurance tickets always on
info oration always •s r
r tl , \ hrou•fnll •
gitwi,. (MVP hrnil•s \\'eek
dads : *4 Il. 111. III K II, III. : Sattr-
► lir-
(ley : x;1. n,, 1t III it, u,.: Sufi.
slay [pen In .1. til., :I p. in. and
.t l; L: s1 Ilul: %NI, 'u'I•Il IIT
Goderich, Ontario
WOO LEN( ;OO1) .
ry slus'k o1
I ?t'ecds,
." ergcs (1110
m mediuHl and henry
weights, in complete.
1Finest gtmils and blest werkntansliip
at tm,rlrrste coif.
World's Fair, St. Louis, Apl, 'e0 -Dec, 1, T I1 E T A 1 L O R
1004. •
Wee Stied, next door
King Potton, a statue in cotton :,(1 to Rink of Montreal.
feet (High.
G' est (,Xaa ttglittrWe,rx built, :i,IHlel
titer -power.
Exhibitor shown Icy Fifty Enleign
Litt Stock exhibit covers 87 acres,
Art Tottery 'Manufactory in opreration,
Decorative .Sculpture cost '!t,5111e Ke1, -
Hart's livery and ^erintntly aannutdd One way and round trip tourist tickets
Calder & Chri.tie'n ntrn:k of herd- are on sale daily,
ware at Carlyle, N.W _T., Jye•nt,•rolat. Choice of routes and slop over privi-
legesFrequently it. in the mare that make"' at principal points.
the money go,
Grand Trunk tr ins) make direct ._con.
Mnny a defpT ttf Tine ff ggiteF a tai %j--' tfeitions at Chicago with all rail -
kern to lett hay. 1 ways for the famous winter resorts.
Put it heggsi on hnrwehack And you'll For tickets and all informat hot
ruin his Iwisinnsvu, - I apply to
To he wealthy, hp e4nfnmieal ; to let
poor, he miserly. - • A. STR.AITUN. ?Ration Agent, tt
Make other folk* make hay for yon K• F% T"A > . 7bww ARsent,
' while the mm shines. t II1RN lxrteb fJfRl a. m. to Y p, rR.
Lein log Toronto o.I 1/5 pm. 'dolly u'it Nor 1,
Nay, for Atp
1.0. POINTS.
First Ciess Steepe,., Daly. Tonnte to
Winn.peg, volinr. I ing with thorough Flee (lam
Nlerper. for t•snem,vrr.
l'ne ailed Dining ('or nervier. North Boo
to Leena,. And IterNdoke to Salmon Amt.
Pully Equipped ToLr1N Care team Togliatti
^t 1.s.i p.m, ou Tuesdays and Saterdayep And
North Bay Al I'I ai p, m. Thursdays elle roil
thnmgh to Vane weer without ehang.
Berth in Tottrid.t'ar, meats 1* add/tfoe to
re -nage ticket from Toronto to
R1nnliton, 11.m. Monte Jacor nueteeter,.
e, nes els! coke, 117.1A117.1AVancouver. VA
For Maps. Time Tablet and all Iaformstlon
Apply to any agent o' the C'annas/ 00
Aasietattt General 1•*slsttgor Assoc
JIva aims*
OSEPH Kt/RfitilDaer0e
• tip;