HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1904-02-18, Page 3NEWS OF TME DISTRICT.•
I)r. Hwtnllten, yf Clinton, cis laid up
with a very nevem attack of rheulne•
Three room» to the fit nose's public
school welt+ rayed Inat week on Ac-
count of a shortage of fuel.
T. 11. Race, editor of The Mituhell
Recorder, will his the Ik,miniou fruit
commissioner at the St. Limas exposi-
tion this year,
71141 100 -ecu• Garth of Abram Bishop,
lot 14, roneensiou :1, Orr)•, tuts leen
sold to Wen. Lowe, of the ran>e town-
ship, for the sunt of S4.U0n.
Postmaster Scott and Isla staff
moved into the new postoffice at Clin-
ton last week, end are now dlktribu-
ling the nein In the new building.
8. 8. Cooper. of Clinton, has re-
ceived the contract for extensive iin
provementa which are to be made to
the Seaforth Presbyterian church.
Mr. llektstun, who has had rhitrge of
the Sovereign 'tank at 'Zurich, heat
Isere rallwl to Montreal, and is aur•
seeded by Mr. Prffer, from Milverton.
John Snell, nn old resident of Huron
county. died on Sunday of bast week
at the home of hiedanghtt. Mee. Mil-
ler. in \treader. He was *eventy-
's/iren 7ee,'w of a`.•.
1'. A. j(alcon,so,, baa leenappwii.te.I
village clerk of 1' -know. *net-; adtug
Hugf Moarieou, who land held oke
*Mee for ,early fifteen ;•Mrs and has
uow leen appointed a/diritor for the
Thos, Itr:uln.w•'. n pnspserous Young
farmer of F::tsl 1Vawneirtah, , 1 Mies
Hose O. 14 a-khat•t, daughter of County
Councillor Lockhart. 'inset mitered the
l onde of mat rieuonv and have settled
down on the, gruum'g farm.
hirhnrl Davie•• of fleeter, ,ss 1a-
tiirned 1 ne from the NVest, Irt•ioring
with 'din a bride in the person of Mina
t;ntah 'fj ,we. formerly of l'ahorrnr.
1'he nnplinl knot wan tied at the res-
de•uee of %Vnm. Ituew•rt,.. brother -in law
of the bride, at \VierJbeel, Minnesota,
on I lecettelkel• alt 11.
ll' ti•.1.... t.... has r..n mea hil
ttinwitirftt AP secretary of the Winghwui
.hh.wl boned. after holding the pwrsi•
lion for neatly twenty years. He in
nestle to remove In the West. .John
F. Unmet; is the new aocret--,ry of the
*Anvil hoar.). Mr. Itub,•rtson war
ale.) \N-injham's tax collector.
The IL•rlin beet ,,agar rectory taus
u t been workinga to 1 , ca-
me -illy p
tA full l
ri n
pia ly n 1 the naanageatimt is twin{
to increase. the reuniter of gn.wees e>{
Fleets. A rrpn'esentativedef the com-
pany hats been visiting vat bets pointe.
in this r ty with the view of in-
teresting farmers in ',rut growing.
O. A. Rorke. alio ha doecep;ed A re-
sponsible positing" with Doherty &
_ Co., Clinto
n, for *rime time, ;sous Kone
to Materiel. avhere he taker char,;., .,r
e furniture factory. As one of the
official. of NN'esley church. a teacher
in the Sabbath school. and aclive in
church a us, k generally, he . will 1.e
(greatly missed there.
• A pretty hones wedding took place
at'he renidenee off Mr, and Mrs. Hailey
cook. Ni
k 1.1
. H ball 0 1 r
n Tuesday. Fr Frr mry
9ih, when their daughter, !Mar LAYin:a.
wag united in marriage to 1.. Herbert,
Johns, of (iuelph. The rwrensony was
•,;,,;;.,,•,,slw•r{prinert{ . Her. 1)r. Medd in the
presence or shout thirty -Ove of the
enntracting partite 'relatives and
The Furdwirh lassoed awes
of Jamas liat•tleib, for diat>lredienoa
and running away from school, and
the result of the whipping was. me
would 1)e expected, that lite boys
hands were slightly swollen' awl bore.
tiffs father visited the it .gistrate olid
As a result it war decided to make a
case out of it. A ntuula•r of wit neesesi
were .wont for the boy, but none of
them could may thnt he Was yet y Ii
I hurt, souse eveis-wayJug- they did suit
consider it set at all. Mr. Stan
bury, of Exeter, who wee defending
I the teacher. lyes, naked (lie i legi.trate
to (lisntise the care its is very ti•i4•1141
atter which should never have leen
been) of in puldie. anti the magistrate
aaem.tl to be of the soman opinion at
first. hut at the ,s•,q twat of Mr. lnekeon
ser uconaiderrrl Iris derision acid de-
rided to think it over. The fieling
bele is in favor of the eland the magic•
tate took nt fleet. Mr. Geiger's soliel-
t r promises to carry the cue' tie the
hi hest eo'ut if it 1+ given against
from the nevere fall toe had onJahnary
Ct. from which lie hail not filly re-
enver.7t , n`ow npmivin1 ant% it lie
hea'no relapse, he will, without doubt,
1*. *1.1. to itt tend to his ofhlee ditties
• before Icing.
One of the Brat settlers of kinesis
passed away at midnight Tueadny,
January 2tkh, in the person of Win.
C. Frahek. Mr. Franck was horn in
the (moot'! of Addington merenly-two
years s i . He was a resident of Onde-
rich for a few niopthe ahem fifty years
ago and later took up Intel in Morris.
in which township he had canoe re-
sided. Hr leaves it widow and one
o n the i-
re t t Id rrwl
(need ar.
n e es r r
01Clinton, Bird at the r id n e
of iher 8sighter, Mrs. W. Murch.
hese Ince. Hultrlt. on Sunday of Inst
week,et the age .1 eight v-tllrrc years
and three months. For ,t let' of
year.; Mrs. (4oaelridge resided in 4 lin-
tin with her late ►lusheind. William
(Joodridge, anti ..sin nft'r his death
rOntinHefd to lire there tip to about ten
year•spgo, when site went to live with
Mrs. Murrh.
The coral shortwgr 1 amu a) Acute
In Seaford) that the Mltynr called a
tweeting of the town emitted to deal
with it. The council had About Mix
tens of furnace real at the town hall
to snare, .end the Bank of Conon/woe
scions mete tons to spare Which
- Parkes. the manager, offeredto
phim at the- disposal of the couniil.
1t wtaa revolted to shut down the (itt
nese ir*the town building and to deal
out the etpl on hand. And that of the
Bank of feommerce. in ark lots of
1150 pannus tin those mint in need and
reeking ap ph(I(ition. A few days
later the dealers got n ,, hall supply,
but not enough tne11 the demand.
On Monday of taste/reek Mrs. It. W.
Marks, an old and respected rs.ldent
of lieneseleld, pawed
old alae or eighred
we ,ear •
he was a native of ire odd, rotten,
to Oda country when yonng,luld with
tier husband inoved, to ilnlcsfIi1eld in
1966. They kept a 'general sto$ in
the building in whirl' she dial. A
(64r }e411 lifter th,,,y kept the trust,
off1Ce. which they bold until the deeth
et Mr. Marks about four years ago.
She leaves to en the Inas of a true
mother Robert. In KARAM, Mrs. W.
Rattenbnry and Mise Goodie Marks,
Bruc,Oeld. Thr remains were taken
to Hayfield cemetery, where they were
laid health. Oster of her hushend and
two children.
On Tensility, February 2nd, there
awny the oldee►remaining met-
eof r the eefncessinn r.f Stanley,
In the person of Mary Fraser. relict of
the Inge Donald RoAs, at the advnne d
:lige of eighty-eight years. She sour-
( bed to en attack of pneumonia
Mttni,' 4 OW 4.ys' illgNI. 4ilk
itis e'tlarmsA ngtiva arf OmIetlnnd
pinlnly, Nova Scolia. She wise mar-
ried to the lite 1Amald Rosa in ISM
end shortly after came with her lute -
hand to the [Intern tract and aet.the
on the lot nn whleh she continued to
live until her death. Aho teeter three
daughter.. Mrs. Thomas McK.nale, of
I)ak.tw : Mrs. Ales. Fraser, of Allure
Craig, and Annie, who la at home.
The remsine were Interred In Hellel'a
cemetery on the 4th Inst., and, not-
withstanding the Inelem.ncy Of the
weather, a large Wernher gatberwt to
pay thele bust trlhute of moppet to the
Ir wno4 enrrs4 lh,ndent Arltes ,
ell t.tfiA► Abut eeee was betted Ive-
r. K.• Oceta, J. P..` ors Monday
afternoon. On Friday Morning the
principal of the pnhleir reboot bid of,.
moles -its welsh one of ter tinyiSesdn
/'Suri., F„bt H1 h.
l:,,llwrne e, meal met in ;lir ties
Mill, all! be Iln•mte;r pr•r.i,•il,
'1'h.• minute. of .t of ,•1 tug Wei, )•rad
awl ,vloplc,l. It w':as ne,ve.l by Mi.
r. It• al art, tn. that
110 aster•., a
ver.. for 11,e eur-
•:esel nett
1, (:land.
: No. 7.
11,1 1. rteonde.l by
tier rollowing 1. • µl
k,•••;,4•:e and feree-vi•
teat year, tic.: Pial
ion No. 1, l:,tw• tel 1,
Michael Older : No, a. \I
No. 4. Jamrr Me/'lun• ; N.
hiitehell: No. II, 1'.\nl Me.,1,
Jodi Snyder: No. -K, l'll.0
N... 9, Jenne (t,,dlill ; No. 111.
4tewert ; No. 11, M'•Is in J1. '
1:t. Edward \1:askell ; Nu. 11, itv
M:,y; No. 15, William Miitem : N , d.
(:bawles Fisher : No. 17. S.ii, ed t:.u, .,
err; N•,. 18, Wm. (Ike; No. 19. \Vii-
lttli I, ere : N ,. 21. It•.ts•rt 83, i i ;h.tu:
Na. 22. N1'Ilii.uu Hamilton ; No. ,I,
neem..- II. TAhh; No. 2I. ('harleo.-
Tr.•hle : N,,. 2., Aoaten• A. 'i'•illex:
No. Yid. \Vitt. \Wetter,.: N. 23.
.10h) 54Vnlinglun ; N. 24. .101111 1101-
.1',oil • No :leo, Jos. 11nnv•11. ar•. ; No.
:11, 11. M. Yo•„g; No. 3.2. _Mitt.... 1', :1 -
dill : No. :ti, Luba (Mit a_lier ; No. 1..,
Tima. ('.,'tall N0. :Yui .1o1N1 PMton:
N,.. ;(i. 1Villi.tnl Young ; No. :Iv,
Clem tip McNeill: No. 1'.1. A. .1. Gold.
than.• t N. til. J.wok 1hlcl,nn:tn : N.,.
11..lohn'.Ntlplur•; No. 12, 1L,n Nle
Phe• ; Nu. 11 Cleo es M. 1'hre : No,
11. (ir..i'ti, (Glenn ; Na. la. Harry 1(nb-
son ; No 17. (ie.,- - (1.1k : No. Ise
Alex, N•,•rliru No. 1e•1. J.in, -, Chis-
: No, all, rttuir NVilliams: No.
51, (ieurge 1' ., rt' N.' 2, Roler•t
Kirkl,slrick No. fit, Rols•rt MI-11-
N .. M. 'flows N. sot,ntire.: No,
:).7. Dar id Bogie : N i t 1111 (1' I F'nl-
fotd; No. 57, Will-i.,in\11..,tLin.; No-
ev, Ttu.)atos yule-, t : N.l, :41, William
moor ; N.., on. Hilary.
111, 'Phos. 1)ehe,1 ;
\I •Nee; N:., LLL It.,, r, t (41131.\.• (1s1,
cell : No, on, John Treble ':.. l;i.
.hoer Yu.tn�( : No. (lt, J,I 11, M ..,•r:
1 -11
. o. , J. P. 1.iule I .'
I , . 1 nen Idrrp-
e I
res ('hat.e. „ter. .laue,. .Inh.}s,
Joseph H,•the!ingtni. John 1 inklaliy,
John levy n sl Filwnnl Jenklna,
Fenrr•viewera lames Jenkins. Thos.
Sallons. NW. 4' Potter. Atmos Fisher,
Itirhard Atte, and Alex. (Tutton.
Accounts fedi(:. John itetrker. road
nearing on 1.. 11., MOW • lie/lege
' illi ;
' 1hlirrlll
Item t,,ul •l i rout
n , ex, , aye R Blair,
legal w•1 t I,'. it, $11.:i3 ; Ilari.. ,t (•'..11.1,
•, lift) a' der h . • t 9 . L
rcpburiuep;l with � , � i
\tnv.sl by \Ir. Itulw•Ms,,, we•ondsel by
Mr. Mosier, that Mrs. AI.z.11hfelds' has
1e remitted. (Lrri.d. PallotJo.eph
Haley's wte>tute listen tax was re-
funded. Joseph Haley Houle a claim
to the a tuncf for damagi•a to horse
And buineY. enamel by n d••fective
hridgeon 1.. It. l'. Moved by 4r. Hill.
seconded by Mr. Snyder, that the
eouneil examine the bridge and report
at next wait'"lpir. Clerle'tt• Mr. More-.
eeenn led by Mr. Robertson. theti.rsrph
Hetherington be 1>Jlslinlw1 inrpectirr
of noxiunv weed.. 1'iil•t•ied. MO5!A
by Mr. Hill, seconded by ell. Robert '.
wan, that the wuditnrs' report. :le lead.
he adopted. ('al' tied.. \tl us.0l by Mr.
Roleertsule, wer•ooded by Mr. Moser.
that the nuditouy Bled. reeek-e
rot their services. ('al'l'ied. Mosel'
by Mr. R,IKerte..n, seconded by Mr.
Miner, that the ireeasmrr get the
regular her ,the detailed state-
ments printed and signed h)• the audi•
tors. (':u•1etc. 1loatd of Health
Jesse lilalhlll, Jamas TA .00r. Josepph
Hetherington. Nerve and clerk. No
change in °f leet,. Adjoln•istel 10
meet again eq Nlereh 1211, et 2 n'el,4'k
p. in. F. W. Mrlho' , Clerk.
Oelllesweed erlghrs Disease dm erinp Qrt
Another Wonder/el Cues by Ladd's Kidney
' P111..
Ton -into. Ont., Feb. 1.5. - 141,41,11).
The cure of Niro. T. Adams, of l'ol-
lingwood, of Bright'', din •asee line
reused a great deal of balk here and
the reeull has been the bringing to
light ofalther cures equally wonderful
by the dame remedy, Ikodd's Kidney
Pills. One of the most striking of
these is the rase of Mrs. Fred Philip,
of i)roadwny ave., Rglloton. Mrs.
Plane was treated 1n Onsets and the
Oenerat hospttald for Bright's disease
enol was told in loth that nothing
could be door for het,. She then cnlit-
mencid taking liodire Kidney fills
and Else says of the les ult. .•ihald's
Kidney Pills bevy done min a world of
W. C. T. U, COLUMN. How to 'Tell the Time.
rimiest tel how to tell the titt:e.
•911 a Oat.gery Along With Lunacy.
The New York Sun ii quoted as g-
ing in a recent article on New Year
resolutions, "The time when drunken-
ness wits hooked on its a rather comical
manifestation of jovial sphdts has
passed away. It begins to to Put hltel
0 category along with lunacy.' That
W well put. And it is Aw true as It is
well pill. The changed view-Iwint i»
very striking when the viewpoint
ut only half a r •, • •.p ago is 1.0111e111
band. -Drunks...as....i f -now_ a diagrultl,
and the rhtuue of it has c • to he
Leerily felt by the drunkutd and baa
friends, "It begins to be put hoe a
category along with lunacy." Fit
wbiel> let us thank (i.s1 and take
lige. The cunm,ereial rarefulurs0
that dire:nodts the drunkard and giver.
hilt) no• eituatlon, (hie ,rallrosd mere -
nelsons that enacts taws to prevent
(runkenness, end indeed any drinking.
MI duly, (lir .)cant '.1iet•ount of the
drunkard -all aro eminently l.rathhr
sigma. Allman the iuIetdthieet sign
in thin question of drink is the want of
cununun cause among professed tetu-
``yernnt•e peospfe and the want oh back-
bone among legiteatins.-Christian
Drink and Pneumonia.
1 be Pet/Pile's Friend has an :111 it :v
din the special danger its which drink-
ing iters ,ns stand at Illy present time
N hen diaens,0 of the respiratory e.l•-
,ine 1l 1• U 1 wl . Inarrate-tit Id ri-
g s n t I•il) ar
.as in their re, Mitt. C,mer ' g the
for us of lung disease most tepidly
i,,tal, tLe writer says :
'Phew • who have resari.n to dread
p"eum ilia most, are sufferers .fr
.•:i -t .1 5e tee and, those whose habil
it is to indulge heavily its alcoholic
liquors. Drink tains it notorimielr
sinister part batt, i❑ ,predisluai Alit to
words attacks and in inclining In as
fatal mault onse tt/.• dieser devebess.
(' 4, be forate•r•, a few authori-
ties gleaner to doubt the eti,prnre,
The Iu,nuiu,ityatl.,nt the LoYee,•runld
tr:•i.ify 'any person Lot liar 1,•1•..nr
wwe hl;rin.•s:r it is,. (Jit.
is eh:nulls.lf dying if he t..l.,, 11.e
d •ale are ahnont four times as great
ism. of otter folks. 1'11.' explait.
▪ ie., in the ft•t that a locule with
1hear -ins of pee, is calls foe the
lest a t•I, .Luh.• rl,ief or,; Ins of the
tinily. N tine folks with fresh health)
Laois•. 111. w •11. The drunktril gin
down here the dice is,•.
The Evils . Constipation Are
II 11. 1ir
xt lea thing
is lis k n 1-rliab .•tine. Mes, NN',
Eddies of Ston) Nem (Ain,%a:
Hr. H lariltoit's Iii . ar.• lav
1hint, They go right t, work at on
1 use only I)r. Hamilton' fills,” Price
ere. per box.
A Young Business Ma
fhe Cohrn.t, in 100111)•, loa.ie) ate
in„ were 1 Lnrnt the grlvl.
As 1111• salon containing all the 4.+11111-'
Iy n•tsl:tins of Mode nil aa.1 father nAr
Is•ing slowly lowered int... is. Seat Rot-
i w 1 -..little lacy spoke up.
A.c11,” he said. -puree owi•d me it
Ls '
n dried
etie teIM and.
lraainK proudly nt the
urn. the while siin' paCir.1 Ikey
on the hood. she stfid. -
•'Ain't he the hominess we"' "
ropy 1Jppincott's.
Possibly Vent. WHO
INs'sn 1 hook an vnnuyk•t ti id elt'ss
she• used t o. 11 airs ehM x" nervous
aietaslga 1eM1s1ep11M: w�,f 1j is wot.d
01 144l•oring the brawn, of h, 11h to
sickly toile and women 1.'0I94exion
quickly ta..erftes nosy, s arils rijie' awl
110WKIIIIIIrsiuis. , ••:.rrhAna
vigor will 0,e 111 return r, v,.l rr .'ifs• or
d.n.tghter if Tenr,z•oue 1. t*ken. it'.
the Irest tonit-Natle• anti meta 60e. at
d ruggista.
It Was riettose Call.
• sIr. Sholser toll of ,t 1na•1 who
elainte'l 1., have shot y1 deer Connell
the left hind foot and t\ehind the left
ear with the same bullet.
••Ingwiaihle," said thrnsitn's friends.
...Ask Su*bu there.- exclaimed the
hinter. pointing to bis servaNt.
nnaw•ered the tsrrvant.
"Ile shore .hAt de deer its de lef
foot rind 11 de 1ef 3•ear.'.
"Bet how Y' asked the friends.
...Well. sib. jusbas old Masse shot.
Ile deer stopped ed to aerate!. hla let" ver
with his lef bin' fowl. Delp bows'
The friends looked amazed. and After
their departure the negro furor 1 oto
his mareer and said " 'I)r •,1, Lose.
nes' time yo' wants 41.. nigglt'i 1O tell
deer.tor14lrl get your pints Hefter to-
gether."- . ow• York World.
A Bloated Stomach.
1)istendnn and pains from imliges-
tlo 1 an• coral gpiekly by Nerviline.
NN hen you get an attack of stomach
too title take a etif? dose of Ners ilinc,
which 1. nerf ctly hat•mleas but mar-
e.rvellously quick in effecting A boding
rare. "I was .1.'4141 ill w'WI at
Hell trouble." wt iles I lteard Morel!, of
Horhesler. 1 was in great pain nod
diatn•ss hithalt at teaspoonful of
Nets iline Ot,rl me lip In a few min-
utes. 1 ran ,•commend Nei viline for
nick heulachrnndcramps and consider
it an inv_aluahle household remedy,"
Try It yourself. Price 25r.
Resections of a Bachelor.
Twn poor lies don't make a g
There is a great deal of money to he
innde hy not sp eculsting in etowekw.
Somehow a (pill's lips never taste
right whet! she has been chewing
flood. The drop•r pipit all hot raft and guns.
Gk.; 11 waw Wore 1 was sick. n I a mother-in-law,
when it in a mob.
When A Ph1 gets to know she has a
figure she Ictal other people get to.
1. ens none doleg till my own Work jest 'jr wn is cOI1ltang, throe it a crows,
s \
indium one of Ihel a
A Spirited Dialogue.
Have yrlu Mien Al .
Al. Win h`
Alcohol Y
Kerosene hint yestenlay.
He hasn't henalire since.
Oasollae'd against a lamp -post and
took a nepthn.
An Asthmatic's Story Told.
Sleepless nip�hes, snTtylttl.ieg Yen
sedans, tljllllaltip. td oven breathe. ••1
ran acnrcefly eseribe ell 1 suffered
from asthma." writes Mrs. R. Pe (lay -
enough, of Golhnrne, a :gi>ietene of
emerhing woeld em118 on that mode
week', Nothing did me any gond
until 1 used the tregrent, her:ling
U.,terrhnxone. i am delighted! to re-
commend thlk remedy which clued
me of chronic" asthma after ,rasa of
good physlelans had given inc up.
('wttrrhuawme Ir hatter for asthma,
Kitten quicker relief than any ra.nw.1y 1
know of. My curs la a pwerfeet one."
Try C„tnrrhosnne, it never fails j
con) esthtnai ''or lose Float 11;R(��
if you hive not what Ton Mee. Mus
what you have.
M.iitAl and pltrsical vigor fis4Mw the
~la Miller's '('join,,tr.t 'Iron 'Pills.
pit wile hy'iaa W Italia.
know it, toed.
When a woman (trams of h.'ing in
ri eelestinl choir she calla it a beautiful
revelation ; a ►matt n horrible night-
h(m a woman leaI w
with h a Inrai-
nesn prdpooeitinn, either she takes it
up as if it Were poison in a pair of
tongs fir shetlnyg wilt -it, Its If it
were a yclir 4 he
woman would ave morn respect
for n man's cigarshe could heat her
crimping ii'.bt with it, -New York
Plaasnre le the crown i)fmrxlTalion.
Mon whosay they hove i1, Illnslr.na
have thatone at least.
Never put 01T tilt tomorrow telae man
yon e'►n do today. -
Most of its hove A hard row to /toe
t hematite we dee like hewing.
'Ti.. the early worm that ppve dya-
pepdn.t, the rawly Ital.
alilMrti thump ounit Iron Pill*, only
oente for f1) doses. For sale hy Jas.
W (lana.
Count your ehlekpns Ixef,Nrr Lhey're
hat•heli ni* 1ys ynull never halo n.
11MNt'it( f
fit. vIlene Dance rapidly earedy
Millet's Cor�o�q)tmdd 1n,n POI*. Illi'
sale by Jas. Wilmot'''.
An I'r e�rr ter me to.
tyou1$ln:, )041,1 like to learn
1 guar l aoy( nt teach you ;
At Arm, Outwit. it'n a, haul n- tun.
An. waken you t ,vi.t :.1111 1..rn.'
AWmnther l5 11 a lhnrt 1. folk.,
Dig folks, what 'icier learn.
You Mated halo,• 1 he r11rk jam ...
At.' start light at the top ; `
Thelia 1 wol, a o'cboek, and whets ),,a reset.
Thr,liu l k band you .top ;
NOW, limit -vibe hour, trot ))'0u've Ind ,:
To "*181 what ynu'ru about.
Decedent the itsole.t.lclrt•. In eon,.
TO Mild the minutes out.
You riald.i eek.lu o b. o•
YuU*natted front, tin's....
Hoa' f.r the uttuute i.0 La
Like this -you rr out chin' cue
All' w ben >>'011 r found the uiiuutr.'und
you utatUt,ly by the
An' ghee you've gut the l iuw u' day.
As tufa at. vuu'rr.1ic..
Therc'e fuller. 1 know, what 5I)•s that they
l,on't have W e00llt that wry,
ast.w tan tell by.iu a glance
slut Ann' time .)'day •
Ibu,usu,t weeao;leeloft,
yy uw senile L. es. it, but she showed
Mo like 1 at -r,.win'
-�V. W. WHITItt..., g. In Januar; Mc('all'.
A rat may look at u king. but A
king may order rabbit stew.
If the children require physic bone
acts so /limas Miller a Worm Powder. ;
very pie/want t . take. For wale by
Jos.•NN'ils on.
fit l t.•
When the Lt'imp
,of Life Burns low
• the strain on a�i the deli. Ali. organs
of the body 11 very. great.' The
stanch a• .d bowels are weaker -
the fiver more sluggish. Constipa-
tion paves the way for d,r.ded
kidney and !icer diseases.
Nalent4e aperient, ., ,•xlrArted
from the r,• 1..,,•, of fresh fruit.
It is not a I. •.un•e' lint a gently
effectual a1.a ,
eel a
1 xatic 1,
eretke s. the ,..",em of all imp,ultra
•and Arla open the most acne. , c (W
ganismwithout discemfon.-Albey'j
leanses and purifies the bloc. r u
latae, the bowels and bricgr
r•efteahing�•' rp. It cur,s geinrti
non by �iaou510 the cause, and
betels• ~t all d ��s�en4 eA
b 3MIN�Tf7+u
gu5INE55 U LList.
. hcR n'� hu.i i.;;;;orriFtbrbNwlt"
n mi h
w t t n K
. euros. o awano N
erraAun o'•ro Nr oke oath nand'
u u -'^r oelrenclP Can plan
'. 5 'mom 'lig men a1 a0 arersge-,
.alar)• or ala `er. m..ntb to scan.
New r,ur.. from Fehrnarj let.
jaw write for catalog ••(i
A. L BROWN. Prin.,
lea menetein, ,>.1.
A very Bold uinlects often n ,.holt
one.' N(n•iug may intoe in March this
year. - 'hr r ,bins atstt the bluebirds
may be only t wo.,v three narks away.
A Toronto Lady Cannot
Say Enough in Praise
of Iron -ox Tablets.
February' 9, t 9D37
I' take pleasure in giving
you my testimonial, which I
thine is but little to what I
have received from the use of
your Iron -ox Tablets, I can-
not here express the good I
have received from them.
They gave tau so much re-
lief that I could not say enough
in their praise. My health
was so broken (11� that my
doctor said I had better go to
the hospital. Some one told
me to try Iton•ox Tablets. I
have taken five boxes and am
truly thankful for so great a
medicine. When I was run
down so that my senses were
all but gone, they set me on
my feet and gave me new life.
56 Winchester St.,
Toronto, Ont.
Do not confound Iron -ox Tablets wit'
liqui.l preparations which dept•nd upon
drug-thsguised alcohol for immediate
effect, and which creafe a habit Which
is nothing more nor less than alcohol-
ism. Iron -ox Tablets build up the sys-
tem naturally—they cannot create a
"habit." Ironox supplied real nerve
food, which drtug-disgul.ed alcohol does
FiftyIronoz Tablets, in an attractive
aluminum pocket ease, ee cents at (nig-
gists, or sent, po.�paid, on receipt of
pre -e. The Iron -os Remedy CO., Lim-
ited, W'alkerville, Ont.
The Signal's CI Albin, L's'.
Thc";kiiignnl wrt11 re -rive s•ulwcrip-
olaw it rites ;
• tion .,t Ti. f 1 ,>f
The lelg al,wn.l Montreal \Yeekl7llerald..31 its
The 7,4.....r, :.1.' 1•:.,ekly Itrrald and Weekly
Run ,'t tree' 01,
Weekly _� Irl
We , : , ,•nrolled u. ninny a ut:C is
during 11, .ant five months, •o,ud f.lg
from Grp.. • Mr ,e. w'e enrolled last year
in 1,n n,"o, hi. 1fhl. tell., 1. t de. The
young ern, ..• of Western Ihltar , evident.
,y kngw which IN the best w•hrol In attend.
\rw l.lndrnlo nlmil•rd nt nty time.
cror Aur retain run.
N. J. ELLIOTT, P iscipsl
1 td.
Tibea axell. \l'ee Herald nod Weekly a u
isle. elrn"l, W wkly 11. .lel and 0.117 M.ae sn
5 wla;n y avesky Neiw1A ; eaafe..r
r.—a aM swa W.okl ate, 1 ae
.7!ie ,cry of Young "len.
The beet positions with largo Commercial Houses are mow
filled with young turn from eighteen to twenty•five years of age.
These youtsg men react; their' positions by keeping in clow
t..ut•h with the mauagere.
TO get its touch with the howls of such concerns it is.neces-
sary to have a thorough business tra. g.
The Forest City liurinesr and teluortM,rul ('elloas, gives a
complete and practical ora ' g its steuogrli(thy,itiganoing, book-
-Iwaptidg,-.l►igiusz afai'uestig,
Has the best organized azul most capable staff of teacher
Write for booklet giving full particulars of cnurses, 'costs, etc.
F. a B. a
J. W. WESTERVEL7`,-PRIN, •t Y. M.C. A. Bwt.ois%, LONDON.
Send us your (lame and addra:ss i rw
will mail you, re -paid, 45 packages of
ture of Sweet Pea Seed.
Sell these for us, return the money, and
will sand you this beautiful little
Talking Machine FREE.
1f yo. do not well package.. -
retu «Ike,. to us—the
try t. you olhmg.
W. make Unto eller
solely to advertise our
1 tu sell oke
sweat. t
Once for de-
.••nptin .d
G raphe_
phase and
full detail..
U y.w
want Our
Seel aCs._
a.k Mit.
Dain 1Trl 11
money) 'find ua•
our ideal Mix -
reed.men to Ilio C.na11an Peoaleo.
%1-heu wetting, address: Lrrf. K
The berate Net Yearly PIM
CORN....-.. '..is.
WHEAT. is.
75.00 _from . BANANAS
200.00 .. . from RUBBER
'tti. Cld,w f .skis liseeld and Weekly
Thi K7," lsaielY`aa1e',ais e. -
Deny News I wt
Tbo _ stoat, Wer'kly itchtld end Prciby- �•
The Signet, Weekly 11 ald and Waits
sMater .. fit\ : 2>
Thr r; rnel. weekly Hera).fa Presbytert.n
nJ ar•lul• i
• 3 L
,Thr `e •mei. at•rckl)• Herald ,d Leeriest
Daily Adser,ser .. . - 3 45
The Sign*L ts'wki) llerwld ' I prw-
.Ne.,n bu.tnoas nnoati,'rt . 1 an
The Sternal, weekly Herald and rent
Daily Witness. \ 11dr
T11. sign, 1. 51"....14 l)' 11, r:.ld,un, 1 i1..Aareal
Weekly Witness.. \ 1 ..,
The. 'icnal. Montical Herold .ani WO Id
Wide �\ : ai
The `lgn.,I Meekly I15 ,1,1 and Norther
McNeal/ter �1
I to "igunl. f' ciskly Herald and lbkagn
Weekly Inter Ocean.,.
i, 'Week a 'a
r,�l, lel • {;eratd nod FSrwer
011 to 0
eAna a _ ,
Tho -'Igna1. t1'erk 1, 1Iu r:dd oral panning
World - 1 ill
No family ;triad.' 1s• w11lu,ul plenty
„f good n•ttlirig matter at tie ,...• rates.
S•lnl remittances by p merit note,
1s'et,bt% • money order or, express
oder, addressing :
l�ll-i: SI(;: ,� (', 0 &rich.
Guessing at the heat of an oven spoils
more food than inexperienced cooks.
Dainty pastry and delicate cakes are
ruined if the oven is too hot or not
hot enough. The oven thermometer of the Imperial Oxford Range
does away with all guesswork. The least experienced can tell to a
certainty when the oven is ready for baking or roasting.
Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the
Imperial Oxford
Hti rit&r,
l.$)alt1U11. L etkl(Is1F.
K.. 10 se,•ure I rou.pt reply.
Telopholles 15
en investment in the New York -
Honduras Com mereial Company, bring-
ing your money into co operation with
that ofothers in Banana and Rubber
Plantation, NM yon 00"' on your
capital for Bye years and 100 , after
that time.
X10.00 per month for one year gives
volt an inves•ment h 161;000.00 at
the end of that time' at ruling rates of
IThe above u borne ont by actual
0 cial agar.►, which can be proven to
an + entire satisfaction of the prospect-
ive ineeseer.
'.V u'ehon
and yards
lip town
1t „,es.sumer
G West street
and 8t1
When you want the best
to be had in
All kinds of COAL al..
ways on hand.
hr Wade L t e� All Coal .Maar on IJsa
M Wm. Lee.
Orders Irft. at C. C. LEE'S Store, re
Mille square promptly attended
M.W yifdew etre
WcNV a1 ''r
Wantave rte n•srntattf
in 'rhia Lnenhty.
The Most
Ever made by a Canadian Publication to
its readers.
wo \One -dollar Papers for One Dollar !
arterial nrrnngernent. with the pnblisliers, we me enabled to offer
The Signal and The
Montreal Weekly Herald
A great dellnt'\we.kly-•fin• ONE DOLLAR it yeast
REMEMBER THIS FACT. Every guhgcriber paying one dollar in advance
for our paper A111 rereIvc TheMo treat Weekly Herald for one year without
extra cost. The teruts o out err ngetnent with the Montreal publishers are
such 1 hat we ran make no devitio from this. rule—the money must he paid
IN ADVANCE, and all Arrears mutat paid.
Most cookie failures may, be traced to\the fact that you don't know
your oven. With the Imperial Oxford Range you know that the heat
the oven isevenlyi
of distributed and its exact
Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet. Or better
still, will you call at one of our agencies and sea
the stove itself?
The Gurney
Foundry Co.
Toronto, Canada
Montreal. Winssipoppj
bl►rO_ C. J. HARPER
As a Newspaper: As a Home Paper :
ranbli.,he4 In MN, and 1. lhn wenn•'
nld,..l Canadian ',awe IA . it.+ old mgt: It
Kt. ,r ew
n til law y0nth and stands in Ihr
1s 1 eaottlnently w paper for The Rome, i
In I e first piece. nothing Is perraltted I
to it.
1 that r
anent M
road with /
forefront of Canadlen journal.. As w ) lin tilt d instruction to every laeral:er
n the h o•I t. In the peened pines,
n••w•testier. It I. edited with emporial it I•, esti .1 with ap•rlal refcMnee to
retrtn•ne•n to Its eonatitneney of renders, . mallet-, t t Interest women. "Madge
w.h•. tin, Ir, w romprrhrn.dre ''l Inetry of
rho wore'.
Mannas" a of talks with pop Larne -
It new.
of the bob. N:very- reader. eons ante the rant n,01(a-
udnF M viewed front the atnndlydnt of 1 Iwrtrnent of t ,kind In any ( anaAlwn
theth,l'r1'nee when ontl hnoi keep
p shrewto s 1 paper. They re refitahle "heart 55
he art." talks wi the women of she
1 rnwlth r0ln nu,s of IrMlecnnt mal ter,', Dominion and n . spprMlMed In titer
i :vrf.11l nrnrb owl) inn nrxrk. Thr Heniki s 7 winds of homes. , Mi. Aeparteent.
t rratmcl.t 0f every line of news. lao nor ore `Lunn H1n1. MMber. ; hnac-
voifow• II with outer paper. of somewhat tented ('ooktng 11 a pea ; aha latent
.in.11er names, The ;Herald 1. a emit- I•ashinna• Illustrated, nA w hnaArerl
islet ne eiwper, net a blanket 511564 and one tonna of tannin a nationals.
TiiS (1)\Ii)INATION is a great one. Y(inr home paper qqn you in fall
the 1)1•.11 n"w'a, the local markets end the ,eel gossip. Thn Want 1 Wee4dv
Hm,al.I gays yeti the general new% of the world, report.; of the grew ker•.
department( of interest to farmers, and, in particular, features of value an 1
Interest in The Monte. One paper is the ',lenient of the other.
SUit911filrrioNs may hngin at any time. 1f your antweriptinn is alfki•ly•
paid in tuhance end yet want The Montreal NVeekly Herald at ones, rent in
your sl'dhtr, m)11 your subs eription will be advanced a year.
:tddrees alle-ommnnientinna to
THE SIGNAL. C}oderich.
Tkass Dyes welt die West. Ceiba. fit, i.e.
��aa► �s(ry� ow Inlaid hoods In ARs tow.tosra 1 1J,.
H M Me
=lugs Ms pId MIS Int, of Ufa �• t eu.es R sI u la SSW awns Ingdse.vei D!e 3s �s1er1A.
UMW tks laadl,td ty world ev.alassr
TMt MAOE WINO PW/0$ 00. 6eserra , . , wattisngnsr ern. R•algs.t, M.. Oases. . ••Neil1iloauloss, — Try • Y••rssra aft eww st -