The Signal, 1903-12-31, Page 7(1001) HORSE:It
('AKitI (i EM
-tt1' C., t T- -
--it A T14:
Well- n1poi'1tted
!Berke 'tail reli-
able drivers In
charge of the
'Bente, whieh'will
meet all trains
and steam
nkiurr...tfr. - .
-see 7
• 4.
.'iw►:dr ti,.;. .noon,,..
. . i � a.s .. f1tf11E �,•1
tore ftTnlrw t a -set 4:,c,
s Mustiest% lkw•. 24th.
Mire Nebel btevensote of London, Is
TWtlptl ffIauds herr.
John (irern is visiting his pareet.e,
Mr. and Mrs. (leo. einem.
Miss Eva McConnell left last Thurs.
day to visit her rioter near Tilsonburg.
Mr. A'Menem left last Thursday for
his home in l'oustencc, where he will
spend his I./bream:us vatltiuu.
Miss 'rens hawking, who has been
eugag(d as teacher et Inwood for the
Islet six luutiths, returned Wndnesd*y.
Thr (internam tree at l'hrist church
was a decided sucdees. The children
d 11 to
well aud were a credit
to the cant who trained nal theist. Thr
church was crowded nod all enjoyed
1hrulselvee. After the program Meso
'rigert, urganiet, was presented with e
beautiful silver tateet.
001 -BORNE.
'alt. gime V, Rede. 20th.
A happy New Year to all.
elies Myrtle Pfeffer, of Auburn. is
t he guest of Mn. litre.) A. 1). (ii.chler.
Mc. ' and Ste. Wm.,,f)hkr vent
Christman with their v. fighter, 1w.
\I. Kurhue, Melrringvillee
elm. Harker, of Elktnu, Mi.•higan,
i•.pwnding hot1daym with her perente.
9'.. ,and M is. Jacor Flick.
Edward Pfeffer. of Hulklt, .uuL.. lice
Stet's" Hutson. of Ellen ('entre. N. Y.
ser the guest.. of Het.. Mr. snit MIs.
1. IR (fishier on Christi Mast Eve.
The ,•uteretintuint at this E venlpeli-
raI church wits a deckled Muccee n. The
chutrh wits au•tiMticmlly decorated and
tilled to its alines capeity with an
nppetealive audirn(e. four corlrs-
pelndrnl wWhet t o make :special
cholic" of the good order throughout
, the rutile program Nearly $19 watt
teethed, a larger a t than writ.
'refixed at any .lualar rntt•rteinmrnt
before. Next Mundity the plotter will
have charge .4 hot" ling anti
evening nervier.
IcmmKsIAY, (Sc. hard.•
lea.. N. J. Wastes,was in lixlrrich
• 1. Sunday taking Iles. Mr. Mtlglee'.
work. -
Misr .Amis Uruatnett its house from
'(i'sterich high school err l'hl4stulws
holielaytt� .
(*Myr l'nn•rr had the misfo tem• to
Wee 1. valuable four-year-old horse
last week.•
Mews Jean Mrinenth Ir(
%ening to a tend her ('hri
tial under the parental axe
• Kir nor glad t, we that some of our
little peoph. are able to 1s• out again. .
Mies Vera 'nein la still 001111//41 10
the loose. ter wish her n speedy re-
Rev. W.D. Magee. Baptist minister
wt litelrrieh• noodle -tett anniversary
services herr Muoday Twat. He talkkt
neatly to the young people. A point'
at the eveni g service which he ...eget
to itepese cir the Minds of the young
was "Try and (1Mult 4m0 1(11 the Lord."
1\'e were Kiwi to havft him with u.
. and hope he will come agr'n.
'i.'ili. Mfternolnl a platten. event
took place st ,the pwrRnwg.• ill the
Marriage of George inane., a young
man well known herr who has been
living et Nrhriugville for antes time
islet, to Mian IsetbeUw Youegblet, of
Aelletrl. The ceremony *as per-
n / Re -a-. M. J.
o• e h e r
f lw 1 v u
1\'ilsne. -11-� wash t s
a motel' rillerlwtilltretl7tr w happy' • 1•w
- Yea'.
On lb aul»v e•ve,iug lout the cwt ulhr
of the 5fethatliet .hunch gathered in
the basement and pre.rnted the fol-
lowing adders' to Mr. Wilson :
1'n oar tester,
Rrv. M. J. WH.on, Nib. Thu.
" We an• nwt heti. tonight t. 417
to tell 'you that we eineerely
iiepnselete yew rxrepti./nnl intrremt
teken in our welfare- nut only the
untiring seal with which you labor
for our spiritual huladr
advancement. ' which
might Ise ) your errant wok
tut ala) to ash w gree
in (cir
temp et.*I success as manifested in the
tion mer yon
, exarnde1 this
year thr wag 1t1DC!rendered In con -
with Use election of this
rhumb. And now We ask one meter
Gros of , you, that you Will kind)
!tempt t this little Christmas gift with
111.' (wit wiahex of your conl(rrg*tion
for yourself and Mrs. Wilson at the
Christina" titne and that Hrwv1•n'm
lest things may be thine throughout
the New Year. Signed on behalf of
1he congregation,
awn (', (i1RVIe
31 ea. J. 'harrow
Mem (4. iaerlwt.o
MRs!. 1). (ilievoN.
Mr. Wilson gave a Rnitwlsle reply Co
what he aaid,wa* indeed n Rurprise.
TI'ISDAP. 1)erer)dher Mitch.
Your correspondent wishes all the
readers of The Rignal a haply !$ew
Year. .
(ying to the atlrn1 on Mondry the
attendance at church wee very smell.
There was no 'service in the evening.
1'e see ley The Signal Iwai week that
r Wen. Yotmg has been pro -
mil e4 to the rank of Lieut. -Colonel.
11'r extend one eongretuletJong.
The municipal npinirltions were
held yesterday and as n result we have
two rundidntes. for reeve And seven for
( frill.allele.
7'II.IN, ofethhaLt►D, a Pro"'
pare fat mer living one utile wast of
Nile, in se ling for the rinueil, end
an he is an intelligent end highly- e.
s .(1141 man we feel num hewill be
n`et le,' to the elnlnell Teen' next Mon-
Mine/torah MrKnI ht eeturnetl bud
Thinelny Irian M*nttolen, when' Rhr
line been leeching school for upw'arrM
of nine menthe, Te slew tines (lir
trustees of the '*tion in which Rhr
wan teaching *pprec'nt l her sweeties.
't Ie slflie•14Jlt to state that she hate
been engaged for another year at n
large incn•nsr of salary. She will
wave Dec latter pout of January to
lake charge of her seh.w,L Your her•
re'i„nulent j/lin. *with her teeny
friend' in wishing her every imecer).
\Ve not.iarl in hent week's issue of
this leper a letter nitrite(' "KRtepeyrr,"
"eYina that our present town.tlip
,e mettles Mr. Mustier, el Id have
((mother tern, end insinuating that
lit. Chisholm 'hotlld not aspire to
I„t iM1•ilion. Now, it ix .suite tight
ems nalurnl that Mr. Moser 'Monti
like to sit once more tet aur Sonnet
boon : 1,111 WC 44(m141 like to eek that
relel'(y1•r why in the of cum
neon mallow Mr. Chisholm .lmnld not
"f"ed for .onte•illo1. Ile WAR horn,
rais,l sell) hag paid mors' in this t(rwtt•
ship of ")ter for quite a b•r of
ynere sail i' tel. present, If we nm not
enl,lnkrn. 'paying takes "n275 mina
1" 1,m(1. IT Mr. Chisholm stands for
e„nl•illo•% pair correspondent wisps
h illi seterage.
• TvwusY, 1)ec.211th.
Was M. Hyde and Misr litsee Hyde,
from North Kastlope, visited in this
locality last week.
Mr. Taylor, of KAL1t, Womanish,
aware' the scepter in Nu. 3, Weet,Wa-
wenush, for next year.
. 1Vhetbe• the railroad it going
through herr or Auburn, we cannot
definitely state et prescut.
The new church here is fast arriving
at rnmplettun. It is expected that it
will Ise (petted in the near Noire.
A large family gathering spent
l'hriNtmaa at the louts of William Mc-
Allister on the 7th concession. There
were friends from titillate Glencoe
*lid other places and quite an enjoy-
able time was spent.
WguxaanAY, 'tee. 31
Father Hanlon war in matron lest
P. Keer ey 1N busy drawing logs to
Craig's mill.
Mrs. Lstldy war visiting' her father's
on theeiyth concearem" last week.
J111seph Flynn is working at his new
hotter. It is going to be a nicer our,
Williain McIntosh weals a happy
While three tenni. What's the hatter,
W411 ?
K,MM• Mary Mr(iuitr Iola returned
house again after a %left with friend's
ill Cuhr/•:s.
T. Ploughmen has returned 1s.
after spending the'fall iii the 'e mber-
wood * of Muskoka.
W. Millils. our local butcher, is sup-
plying the farnwre of the neighbor-
hood With fresh beef.
Quite a needier from, here attended
the concert at Di1111vhtex,k wet.(x,l 1111
the IYth and,report ort n good time.
1). 'welds% who went le Algeria uu
the hunting cxlvtwil)U, has returned,
looking none the wars fur 'his trip.
tkhead closed on U0 .Ylatd *lid Mfg.
Trey, the isopular teacher. lees g
home ti \VIiilevliTii. h tl Vie•ud her
l'hrietu1a's holidays' with her latents.
The new 1t. C. slouch iX needy com-
pleted. Thr tallies of the a)nglregaiton•
turned out on Saturday and scrubbed.
It. The poeur�s. were expected 14) be
here on St( ffsxlity.
Williamlirt4hey. %vita tx attending
14t. Mieharl'N 1'olkge in 'rurontl, it
Ming Ifiennestuteas eselidsye-with
his parents. He IM ae-lr)Itlpaltied Iry
his 1ii(•IHI, Mr. Knhins,n.l
Tc'rssi.\v. IIt.. Wit.
.. No MKHVR'E.--Owing to heavy drifts
anti nt ney weather their weir no
rx•tvi(•4M held in the rise Iles last Sab-
bath. . i
' tertian y W.\vK. 'Ilse wattht•r sitIt
('hri'fmose eve has been etonoy Ind
cold. land the.n)a& hart leen 1.1.. ktel
and sur. almost impassable. The•
weather is the severest we have 11x11
up lis date..
KhtsrMlut. - (ill Tue•slay
next Dungan public seism! will
toe r••opeutd with the former, vet
'erste principal. T. 6. Allen, sled ala
nsaimlant Nle.* K. Swan, dainghtt•r ut
1(rv. ll r. Swan, of RIuevalr arena.•t1`ll'.\1. MKItTINU. -The a 1
mre•ting of the Ashfield rind 1Vaw•n-
e mall Branch Aggririillprel Mucic` -y will
IN. held in the cid court lionise,
Ihuiganugn. in AVetlne•sl*y. Illy 111th
(ley of Jinintry. lege, at 111!• 114u1' of 1
,i :hs k p. oi. - �C'Iia•lst'talts of the year
191C with
-all it oYft1I
of '•stt•nsl fnlrlhlit•s, loving
friends and sxciehle nrigblanw, hem
tonus And tr•tired with its prielee a -
wore, Its velrhrttiota will long
Ix+xr nt•ndx•1r'il 1114 a joyful and
festival (season.
Rierui,Ko 114 0111E. Mauler .►dami
TIHaisp.s.,n, eldest a, of our eete•u/el
and vrtartn blru•ksmith, who hits been
for Sauer • In the welders prairie..,
Hellish (<4 hitt -mid other 41,0i114.
caller home \one day 'ant week. His
1 M'' t94 Were e: s o
h-iellannl*m' la w 1 1 1 dt
art• hint harking No healthy. His tour
evidently agreed With hire.
.I.\11. Re'CP!t\N11.1' (MCT 11 KI). -
Owing to hrnve Know drifts Itis
Majesty's mail carrier Iictween Litek-
now and (inderieh wax not able to
strive at Dungannon 'from laic -know
nn Milndny until late in the
fifteen's/to. when he was obliged
to stay over until Tuesday morn-
ing. then leaving fore O(xleriell.
C u neerst As HIUN.tL. -The ('hristuien-
eignal is ,chills' by *11 who have
ern it for its leetutiful and artistic
appewraewe and its Appropriate and
'seasonable nettling 'natter. The ener-
tic and enterprising proprietor. are
1 est•rwingg of the let !Image 1 sp-
ay, of the 1 'ty, We extend
Signal and stnM glretimg14 for a
happy anti hnnp ermet Nrw 1 ser and
l'IrN\•.\1.Fstl 7 No o. --We are lacteal t
be able to relent t hat S. j., Sanderson,
who was injured by a fall 'rote time
met. is getting better and will in the
neer flame be 1)11 right. Also that
our genial and popular 1)iviah,n Court
elerk ix recruiting f injuries re
gently received by falling on the icy
ground. Win. Th.7mppeeo(on one day last
week Wax suddenly taken ill with in-
flamiuunion of the bowels tie appendi-
citis, int is, through prompt anal RIC -
fill medical treatment, gradnnlly covering. •
Pltesiox.tt_ - (ln Thirn eliy last Mrs.
11 Willson, being Mc partied by her
non Oeetge. of Dakota, who has been
on n %ieit to other relatives, left herr
via last -know on a cleft to relntiven in
the Pno'ince of Quelxee• George
Horne. Ihiegnnnnn'r pnpn)M' teamster,
left herr last week to send Christman
with friends east of Toronto. We
wish hill a happiy vislting tour and
safe return Your humhk writes
spent n pleased (•hriatteas with
friends' In the vireille of Kipley
('hurltea Wh reel. Who hes it gem'
pullitknl as ho okkee p et• in 1Vat'rhx)
town, ix'spending Chi•i( m1\s 'at home
• Ith his latents.
('Intle.TM.%s ANNIv(9Ks*HIKM, On
Christmas eve 11 pleseent nnnivrraary
ente)t.M inuleta. ender the wuxpieea(4
e teacher'. and Sabbath tl t I n tie nth sch(wtl rte•h l o -
Tale in (onner•tien with Erskine mMh,
W*N held in the rhumb. The p am
for bile mission ermsistel of 11111
dialogm•N sad n•t•ithIions and dim eet
of hend'oillc and well -elected gales,
with which the Christmas tree was
well supplied. The large audieenee was
pleased with the rtening't entertain-
ment, which wen en unexpected Mu: -
rem . The Christman (nee enter-
teinment whkh wan to 1R' held in )It.
Tanen Church bete on M(mduv even -
Ing, the 29th inst., has been pnatpxnel
until New Year's evrenwldg Io the lend
rendition of the rattle and the infirm-
lii hm-envy of th.• weather. A geed time
end n large attendance am expected.
Iy'RPlttl(R li.\TfQRlx(i,, lax' Tette
day evening the menthe,* 14 the eon
ggregation of the Methudiet chute b
here, to the number of nearly seventy,
'emendatd at the parentage to give r
plevtuant surprise to their pastor, his
wife and frwily. %Vhen Rev. Mr.
and Mrs. Robinson heel returned from
the prayer -meeting at the Crewe ap-
pointment they were preceded with
a complimentary athletes txpeseive
of the esteem in which their 'u1u{rlra-
tions and *asocial' were held, a e-
( Lauded by sixty bushels of tats to
MrItolanson and to Mrs. Robinson a
handsome puree, While thanking
them in reply, the pristine and his wife
referred to the artist intilnate relation*
which haul continuously existed and
leen extended towards themselves and
family mince their comingto the cir-
*a all win -
u • in which they cue:" Thehope Y1
earl y• juin is butt the richest spiritual
bites ng may continue to 1*• their per -
tion end prosperity crown all their
efforts. ' Abundant refreshments were
servlet and Rev. -M. J. Wtlxon, palter
tit the- Nile (deceit, wax present and
kigqdly 'presided over the enjoyable
feature. of the evening. 'Cue.
Temito►t•, Dee% W.
Chas. Asquith leaser on Friday fur
his school near Toronto
%Villiant Ituliertsou nod him nephew
were present nen wedding in itmforth
the foree•r part of (his week.
Some of the F'rs•oa'ns of our vil-
lage spent Tuewd*y eve ' g at the in.
sit rent of otHues in 0,rlet-ieh.
The stormy weather pte•vented Moth
of cur village elergvuien f • keeping
their appointments last tklhlalh.
During .the f seiner pert of this week
owing to a break in the wires, there
wee no comae. ti, here and
Blyth by telephone. ho
Arthur 0latsh. • who has 'peel
the bust tune yeti's in-Maunitoba, ar-
rived I • on a vein to his patents on
the Mss* line, Hallett, last week.
Miss ('un► Fetapas)u, who has been
le/telling near Wigston, spent her
()wisdom,' holidays with her parents
here. She returns to her sekool the
latter plot, of this week.
The test -meeting in the Meth.dlist
church. hue Friday evening, awns a
fluerr14s. Shake mottle lhe•mi14rlvex con -
by giving evidence the they
were just .rllterging from parental re-
st t.
•-t#EBURI --'•
'l't•KsI,%Y. Dee. `B1.
.I(nleph McNevin enjoyed hie Christ-
mas dinner with relatives at Wing -
ham: +
511m. James 'Chisholm and ''hildren
spent 1'hristmlts with her Ila other.
SIM. \Vh*I,',i, at Stratford.
Mrs. 6. H. Clinton, of Stratford,
with her Iwo children. viritd re•la-
tivew hen' during the Christmas holi-
Miss Relit McNevit is house from
near Hihhrrt tewnehip, Pet•th 4 .,., for
the, l'hristtna* period with relatives
0411.1. Iemis:t Stirling is house fame'
I 11111314 to eloefld the holiday period
with her par(•nt1, 04!,. :and Mts.. 1).
\h•. and Mts. "Wm. Stewart, with
their two children. of (i:deelmeg. Da-
kota, tame fan" there on Christmas
Eve to spend the *inter th' here
with their relatives. Mr. ,and Mn.
'rhes. Bogie, hese. Dauphin, alertftds,,
are. alwr tiow•n onto the for-'
31e1 s relatives about flet(. Mee!
'e '.r n Me alien fatl • In o , "it
stranger to thin sect' , as mho visited
here several years ago seeing., herr hum;
Mind's n•hatives.\ It i', however, Mr;
Bogie's first visit 1 • after an ills
sante of fourteen years
'remota Y. Dee. Leta).
Ml.. Thos. I'lehh ourlc spent Christ -
max week et (.ucknow with releti%e•s.
all... h. MacMillian enjovell a please
ant ('hrietrmas with relatives. on the
nth amass , (io derich township.
For the Iasp ht hit few weeks there r yr
Mein ilanysocial dances in this
vicinity, 1 the a •meat i. often
continued through the night without
lestiietiin. 1n this eonnrctiun t14
remarks of "1). W." writing to The
Mail and Empire *re CO the point.
1\'e think "1). 11'." ix (mite wrest, as
long hours' tet .dancing/and the rant
table are Mahal t, tell on the, health
and 'often en lime parent or g Ain't
extra► laden in nursing theme who have
indulged Ino freely in the longtime.
D. 1V. repo t "The sensible example
net by the l,ieetennnt-(iovrrror and
Mrs. Murtiin•r (.'lark in limiting the
bourn of the (lanes given Inst week at
the (levet •nt House between the
home of 9 enol 1 o'clock will be
heartily nt)pt•oV(rl by all roe tenable
people. ,and it is to 1e hoped will be
followed at other xin,ihtr felti4itie•s
during the canting newton. There ix
not the slightest doubt that the
practise of continuing Roeh entertain-
ments' to a 1*ter hour will t'seet c-
ion, and emitetimril until dn)•li{-(iht the
next morning, is a most foolish one,
*N well n. injure ttt s to the health of
all cunerrne . anti nanny lifelong ill-
nesses only be dated hems imprn(le•n(•e
in this respect. The only remedy in to
have the hone, Heed. as wit* dune at
the Government House."
Mosn.\Y. ile'e•. *el.,
Mien Kerr is spending '
ppxr• g her hw II(IAy's
at her tonne in l'litlton.
\1-nl. Hteckhou.c and f 'ly spent
(Inlet matt with Ionde.lN,tu friends.
Mrs. .1. N. C»mplx•II and daughter,
, are visiting \Its. Campbell's
bather In Kincardine.
11'. A. Harriett", 1)r. and Mn,. Gor-
don and fnnllly, of'Lueknow,, myna
('hriettmv. n1. 1V. H. l'nuyrlwll'M.
1V'Ilk l-4nhin inter, wbo lin.. been
working in Ha 'Iron the pest few
week,., i.l ep coding I)'M holidays at his
honk, here.
We are sorry to lentil that A. H.
(rate has been very peerly lately, an
ham isle) Mee.. Carr. WP hopethey
may seat M• rammed to their usual
A MowH1,K P1tK0)KNT(TInN,
Welne'Iny Peening .lf hist week aloud
fifty of fin menix•rw and ,ulhrtrntei .1f
the Methxli't chute'', 1hinny biros at ae
mondan at the residence of 14s'in.
('Ample•II, and prrsentel him with the
1 Iow•i1I
1441411n .
ms and l n f
AOuch :
Mr. tt•. 1'snlla„dl. Superintendent of DonnyMMonk $).ny `4'hiR
I htlht FtttiiND, Ate. the nweiber.
of 1►.mny1.ns.k rhumb nml Mnhlwtth
'•heed• atm* ns'emhkd this et ening In
...wrests out appreciation of yon* ner-
Vices in l(ninlrtion with the diRetent
deportment.. et our church. Fon
sixteen von'- 'term hate HI4t1 Very
mereptni,le the.*, once of e;th•'1.
xupM•(iuleodl' ,1 ur 1ebb,, . 111 r (aft het
of our M*hI.tth '•MRII. 'hiring
that 11tlm poor hnlfe always taken
a great interne, 'specially in the
Y g people. and altlesuggh you have
doubtles*'ofteu felt blr physically
to attend you- were keylonl aliment
front your post of duty. • Perhaps,
lean, YOII "Ave 154411 Luse •ll$1Il at
1' •x by the awaiting hulk of eo-
1ip•raton shown liy tot; bol we *ague,
you that )}ill have ever' been tt•lurin-
beretl tm our pinyon. We lx•g of you
to at•cepl this couch, not 118 a reward
for what you have dour for iso, for
(eel alone call fully eungx•u0aL4 pale
1i11101V, but 1u. it alight tukuty of uu1•
e•ate•ul enol apprte•iatiuu. IVs hole
that you tarty long continue In •
church work, and pray %hitt lio.I may
help lie to lit • part in helping troll
V o r
w than we have d teein the must,
1 • o ole 1 .i
Signed s o f f the a M•Is t
1 u l ill h I
the church, League raid Sabbath
school by
Lttsl.t e 1(0011xsIN.
Anel. il.
Mr. l' pbeell Was cumplt•tely taken
-lye surprise,' but made n suitable reply.
thaukieg them fit• their kind wishes
1 beautiful present, and extending
to them the freed of his house.
1 ediately aft•rwanls at the .Millie
peace tyle following address and
twtinu were given Mr. Dow. who i*
a1ar111 to leave 1st and take mi
his r•sidrticte in Hensall :
To 14..Hop-:
1)11(R F'u1Hxu,--Pius the Ih►,t twelve
he we, el member* of the ihmny-
hfrwlk Epworth 14utgu.•, have profited
Ii y presidential ' tint' -
1 oil have greatly endeared yuunself
to for by leen, amiable character, tom
eurneNt (leve' to . dot)' and the
he:lrty int reit )eve' manifest in
League. We learn with sorrow of
yule• intention Of- s•5ering your ema-
nation with lis; and going out of -
Ist. In The Is •*1 of yltlrtielf
aid family we lose a valuable factor
in church- work 1a4't'. 'We take this
oppy)rtonity to chew yeti in a very
slight degree win appreciate in and
esteem) 1)t• asking )nu to kindly accept
this (hair- with cur Iset wishes for
71011) futnae happiness 81111 llarlmlM'tily.
May (h(MI'e richest hh'ssing attend and
His loving rare watch over and Nish.
you to a long and useful life in His
0l•ryir1. •
Signed on Iwl*tlt Of the L.e!ague.
EMM.t C. Fuse:,
1.euese.\ 1'. t'.\MPHRLL
lass•. Cerhrl. A. D. Hitt. •.
:4fte•r the presentation% it very 'pleas-
ant evening Wits spent ill . 11111tiic
anti gamest. Refreshments were
Nt•rtel by lite relies ',n7 the longmga-
C . and before tr•thrittg t0 - then
hon►ea'all joined hands and sang Auld
Lang Syne.
Tt•1•}em.\v, lee.. Belt.
Jai.. 1labile spent Christmas under
the purntal roof.
.I(sne (illdbill and Wife *pent Christ.
Wass with friends at Nile:
Sameurl' Yell 1 . i. .ilvntling a
couple of w'e•k!' with hex parents 11,•19.
Chattel. Oke leer., .m al lay next
to attend 4'hetluan► Ilu.inets /'ullrgr.
11'e wish hint e4ery sueeees.
1i191ron Straughnn. Tonluto. slant a
few days with friends. herr Int week.
We are pleased to heti. of his contin-
ual sliceews in the Quern ('itv.
1.1•w•114Telenet .irrnt a few days (his
week renewing old meott tiutulradder
in this mightxmh,MNl. Ht• intends
going west 111 iLire' Necks, where Le
will piolmbly tike . tel. _ .
The ('lriStuucs tree al lie•thtl on
Tnrrminv evening of hast w•e'e•k woo a
ptnnnuneld mieee.N. .1 grand 'unwrap'
wax rendered be the pupils of the
Sabbath school. 1 wee listened to
with Much interest by a Large crowd.
I{.\itAvav Mt:knee. 1 publicinert•
leg of the elevens of this ilist,it•( w•111
be ht•I.I in (iledhill'M hall ilii Satmt•Ilny
evening..bannery 'imp, at 7::*1 o'clock.
for the pnliw0:e of dine tossing the ('. P. -
K. bylaw. Rev. .1. Elliott, of (lode -
rich, will address the meting. - A
large nLtend •r is especially dexirel,
and it in hoped many of the ladies will
be present.
Mohs of .E\eeL.t1D l'uN(•KRT.-Un-
der t he Sustisieeu of Barnstable
Ledge, S. O. E. B. S., a tein(•ert will le•
given61(411011'N el
ill hall n "u
1 e•stir►y
everting. January 12th. A program of
14(a•1t11d in$tr lied -maxis w•111 1e
given 1 • excellent talent, including
the fol owing : Misses Atls•htiook,
Price, Mallows and Tilt, Meyers.
7'homson and Lethbridge, of (4,x11• -
rich : Mimes Ilowrie and Leonard.
Highland (bowers; of Ooderieh, and
the loyal oirheetts. Admiaxinn, lar
rent:. Concert to c 'nee at )4
o'clock. ' everybody invited.
ent intareat in Imperial matter* has
apparently juNtit'1d The Canadian'
0 aanxiir people ill making their Jade
luny lame ea1MN'ilatiy Imperial with an
emhlenlalic cover. The imperial arts
cite are three in numb• , The Hot).
J.. W. inrngley tret•'ewn the whole
movement x11(1 dlstltigt,i.lie's imperial-
ism from ('I h. rl ainisnl. J. M. Mc-
Evoy, K. l'., gives' se 1uuunary of the
,ugt amts for pnileet•tbin advanced by
Professor 4estleley in 111. book on "rhe
Tariff Problem." Pref. Ashley. who
11 mice al e M o Toronto ax n e n [h stet? t T.m nil l'ni-
Yersity, is said 10 he the. Pert omie
authority upon whom Mr. Chamber-
lain relies. "Mr. (llnel•tlme and •in1-
!serialist et" in the title of a defense• of
that distinguished 14tat4;1'1*n by Mr.
Hornen 1`'. Marco., editor of The
British Empire Review. Among the
other articles are "Spain, it epaulet -
inn Hees It," by W. A. It. Kerr, a ith
some excellent illtutfatirn e: •rifle
Henry Irving and Dente," by .1. E.
Webber, with two photographs :and
"An Aquatic Hetninisr•nee," by Otengl'
Stewart, 1). C. 1.. with a photograph
of the fa,lou, "Four" that won (1i
chats )ionehil nt Perim in 1x87. A not-
able feeat re of the home is the first in-
stallment of A. U. Itradley'M "Fight fel•
North America," the new serial dealing
with the 14140)1144 between 17511 and 17111.
The stories are by E. 1'. Medley, R. 1).
Rudolf, Hopkins .1. Moorhonee, Orncl•
Channell, Duncan (amplest' Scott, end
Mary Stewart Durir. AN usual, the
departlllente are well 'Written and in -
tempting. Every Canadian should
read thin publication daring 19114,
-.TSB L4D's° -
VNb0tlk Dvreem)it a\'t1
*4.4 s+ eawfIm117 8'11°144 M w alt
to. wM *tg*I or any.
01 -orb". 84
Dodd's are the °sly
medicine that
. will cure Dia-
KIdne beteg. Llk.
Brillht's Dia-
arI til• dia-
•ase was In -
pills .Kldnctileuntil
I�d'e Kidney Yilh
cured IL Luctora
themselves confess
that without Dodd's
.Kidney Pills they ale
powerless against Dia-
betes Dodd's Kldoey
Pills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes
Imitations- box, name and
pW, are advertised to do so,
but the medicine that 1e.s
-k R.xld's Kidner Pill,.
•Cradd's Kidney Pills ate
Arty cents a bo* at all
Swan =arkeea Strttag-Fatness Are All
Firs! -The Live Stook Markets -lie
• Lata1t Qawuas
111 coda; Evening. Dec. .
Liv. spool wheat future* e'oned to -day 'fed
tu(her teak halt 1'hnrllda7 and rote •1s•
tares !ad to hlgher.
use: ('bleaso a. wheat closed the higher
Cham Thursday, May corn rte blither, and
Yap sat. rel hlgher,
rOREIGN MAl1K(:r-.
Lon,1oe --e,lo.e-Wheat. of .pass. ge tether
armor. I*1esla No, 1 5orthern Ilan,. Dee.
and Jan„ _ta 71,4d. Farrel. No. 3 North-
ern Man.. Jan.. 211a feet liaise oil peonage
arm but oat active, Blot American raised.
21. Flour. spot Minn., As 31.
Part. -flow --wheat tune quiet:•Urs. Gr
100, March and Jus 211 20. Jloot tone
Weld( Dec. 28f 36t•, March sad June 281
17f very -wheat, spot valet; No, 1 S,. W..
Le compared with . week ago, the visible
supply -of wheat In Canada and the United
81.tal his Increased 1117,000 bushels:. rte
Inerea.ed I,000 bonbons; oat. decreased
4110.00) bushels. Following 1e a comparative
statement for the week ending,to-dey, tee
preeediag week and the rorrSSpoadls. week
Dee. M1* . --Dec--. 21-.•016" . Dr. 27,•82
*1*eat ba..114.31(4,00) 84,507,000 40.078,008
tkta, bet.
e . .. saran 00 &020.000 41,080.000
Ceorq, bis. 5.72h16n 5,4187,000 7,112,000
To recapitulate, the visible supply s1
wheat 1n Coded* and 111. Vatted Watts, to
ether with that afloat to Europe, 1. 07.-
000 bushels. against 58,727 bushels
a weakest*, and 7'2.710.000 bushels a year
LSADIN° wHr:.\T MAnl:t1 -.
F*11ow1141 are the doling gsoutlotsa at
Important wheat centres today
CWc • Tart Cask Dec. M
Toledo' wjy ADt% M7%
Duluth, Ifs. 1 Nor e•., 8134 83
TORo7r10 .r. LAW*2'4C1: a t.:.. r.
rata`Wheat; rad, bush ' 80 79 to 1..,.
wheat, wilts, bosh 0 703{1 .. .
Wheat,. spring, bomb...-0 *r .•••
Wheat, geese, bus► 00 744 ...,
rley, bush.Beans, bosh 1 85 ....
Beans, bend -pick** 1 65 ....
P. burl, 0 55
R7e, tomb.0 64
J04uekwhest, bush. 0 45 0 40
Oils. bush. O 31ev ....
l4vstyo ,1 Dec. 28. -Wheat • -10pot firm:
No. 2 western wlntef, ISO 3d. notate. (inlet:
Dc. nautili.). \arch er�4 d Illy
(Mew -Spot steeds: American. mlt.•ol. 3."7‘i•
Futures quiet t Jas, 4.OT;,d, March 4s 034.1,
Baron --Short clear hacks easy. 38o 6d. ford
- Prime western xru;, 35e tkl; Auxert'•nn
refined arm, :bl.. Hops -At London W.. in
e Casino, Arm, is to 18 MOs. .
The Impor4s or wheat into Liverpool Isis
week were 84,3(0 quarters from A I,,.iIo
nd 8000 from artier ports. The Im•
tlw6 of earn from Atlantic ports last week
webs 18,700 quarters.
Cables Quoted Lower -Demand Quot-
ed- Peery Light at Montreal.
London, Der. 28. -Uwe tittle slow at 1.P.yc
to 111,,• per 1h, for American steep,dress-
ed weight: ('nnadlan steer., 10'• to 111 per
Ihn; rrfrtgeralor beef• Bite per Ib, cheep,,
111 to 13c per Ib.. Lambs. 13e, dewed
weight. -
TB Uis»IA Y, Dar:. 311, 1803.
1 off- Sale
For Two Weeks
to Stock -taking
1lut•ing flue next!. wo .week we will offer. our
1113.01) Overcoats fen $12.00
12.110 •• 9401
10,1X) I. • 9.I1)
r (4.411 •• 6.011
*1141 26 PLR CENT. OFF then•go,Iat prier on all \Ten's lord !A)710 Suits
and Clothing.
The baatet ,+luck in the e t . lis select f
lS )
tional opportunity.. 'litre values -were iu•ster better.,
not Miss this easel)
weeks 25 per cent. off I weeks
'Phone 77. The Square, GODERICH.
Christmas Day
is the day we all want happy
'thoughts, and to have those
happy thoughts you want a
What present could you give
._ yanewile..-01,-sister- that would---
give them more happy thoughts
than a
llapy Thought Range
B. 11th
' 4
t .1
rya t •
t s
in the
Les :
1f Mt,
all (ter
ed for
to be
ser on
▪ t hey
nd it
1. sir.
•fro of
11y in
tet 1
ds of
elh is
1 ha
C the
. un
,Iver -r
Montreal, Dec. 28. -About 500 bean of rat-
tle. Ill calves nod 1:0 sheep and iamb. wen
veered for Nal., st the )last End Abattoir
to -flay. The ..leen. cold weotber helped
to make a dull market mon dull, end tiler
were slow, a. the Watchers require hat lit
ale hoof -for some timetr-�to corse. About 20
extra rattle. which wer•4•,held on this mar-
ket for over • week, warn meld le -dal at
Iltr to tic per Ib., or ill tie. less than the
prjres at wh1.•h they ware held last Mon-
day. Prime beeves sold at 41pc• to 434e per
Ih.; good mediums at about 4e;.014011.•7
medium•. a1 :1'... per Ib. Tee cal'were
small real., gad sold at from e3 to $?each,
Sheep sold at 3.• to 84.o. snot the lambs at
vvie to 4%e per Ih. About MO fat hogs warn
offered .t the stork yards to -day, and Boos
lots sold at 10 to rase per Ib.
East 301.10, Dec 2111.---Cattle--Rscellts,
1600 bead; active; c to 2M• blither. Prime
steer's, 15.15 to 86.3; shipping, $4.50 to $5;
hatcher,', 48,80 'to $4.90.: heifers, 83.451
cows, $2.50 -to N: bulls, 12.50 t 14; stock-
er. and feeders, 82,50 to 14: etorker heifer.,
42.26 to 42.76: choice, froth cows end spring.
ere, 42 to 113 per heed higher' good to choice,
$48 to 1.57; medium to g *d, 435- to $45;
(ammo'', $20 to $30.
Veal•--Reelpta 175 bead: steady; 20.
Meter; 1e to 11.15; a few 19.
Hogs-Ha•ppti, 12,800 bead: sawn: 10s
to 20c higher; henry anti mixed 1151n M
Ib; Yorke,. sod K to $•3.50; pep,
20 to $680; relight, $6.10 to $4,35: stars,
to 83.X)
Rheep sad Lamb.-RaetpO., 13,800 heal;
sheep 0.' and Iambs Oak• higher. Lamb., $5
to Mete yearte, 44,25; Welber', 44 t.,
$4,50; ewes, 83,75 to $48 .Aeep;•ml,ed, 12.50
to 14,
Naw TORS LIPS /Toch.
New York, Dec, 28.-B.*vet-Reeelpt.,
• 3 head; steers mtead7 et last week's clo-
sIneergper. ce4sxb0 all.
to a:n30c Bw•t 104.tto0111t5cHh511ta40r;;
stags, 545:1; hulls, 51.80 to 4.7.00; rows,
11.50 to $1,50; extra fat, $4, 8kipmeata to-
• gone.
'Iver--eceipt., 1133. Peals 25r higher;
I.arryard .1d western calves higher; Teals,
44 to 13,50; little .rosea, $3 to $3.50: barn -
de.. $2.7,) to 43.10• western, $325 t'.
$875: .4ty'drowsed veal*, 70.4t• to 12150 per
Ib.: emmtry drrs.rd, 11)04•.
Sheep amt 114m1a,--R..rlpts, 987.0. Rhecp
steady; tombs, 20• 9 30c blither) .beep.
4. A to 18.75; choler, Ilgbt, do,, $4; lambs,
.50 to 111.09; call., 14,60; Canada Iambs,
Hog.-Iterepl', 4843; market 25c Upgher;
d ate and Pennsylianla hogs. 116.26 to $6,40,
Chicago Dec. 211. --('salt-Recapts.
000 g000t to galn.e Steen, 14.x0 to 46
m�oorr in mrdl, , 4.725 to 14.73; st0ek.t,
f9eder. 12 to 12.40: cow• .4 11111•.., 11.
.BA� .+ns 160 10• Its
to era. 4 . t ga ba
t. 14.10: salTea, 43 ao 78'bo '
Hogs- Receipts 25,000; t.imelrsow, fib -
i -
000: 10 realm higher, rated nod batch•.re',
$4 586 to 14.00: reset to etude, hl4 v, 44,70
to lie 90; reugb heavy. $4,45 to $4 7•), light,
4415 to 44.56: bulk of foam. 44.1! to $4.78.
Mee, .R.ia4pt', 20,(161: aceMtn
lamb., arm: good to rib** art.rr., 4360
to 54.25: fair to Melee mixed, $3 to $a,te1
Isms. manse. MAO to sa
Collieries Rena...
Scranton, Pe . Dec. 29 Work wale
resumed at R11 the Pala ware onot
Rudman Company'a collieries rester
day. The f)ntarin and t,1.1(0ln 1 ntu-
panv 'started up ill wartheries And NW
of the indtv)durl eperetors reesum(fl
1 gall and see my large new assortment of
anti numerous Other useful ('hristmas gifts.
'PHONES --Store, 22 ; !louse, 112.
�fmtlltltttltttlttltlY��tttitll�►�° r
'Bus Stables
ALE x. ROBIN 80N. Propr.etor.
Those who drive, for
either hu sin Mas or
N)lea/ etre, will find the
ewgete Street !Av-
ery w e• 1 1 equipped
with mewl IineMes and
riga -
Buggies, Phaetons.
Wagonette, etc.
Every emir teiken tr
'metre the eottlfurt
M,►ttMf,t•t Io.ti .4 '
(live me *'earl.
l)yjlsnlilat_l'ull„erne 11.1.1.
tul'Tlt MTltKIM 'PIP NS: e•tl'r'
PRIVATE, our dealer you saw
WOMEN SECLUDED. 1s advertisement in
The Signal, Goderich
Bryson, 132 York tit„ Buffalos
.4' t
211vet ,104al:sl. .. ''9ri:4;1 ',Mhxv .71:41liaas:•-1"11 (
ly is
t by
r nerd'
0" of
e loo
'y (th.
Ir. It
"woo rY
.4g 10,
Weise, a
141. -