HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-31, Page 6Tituasn.iy, I)c 'fl.
'1.1!1' !•:,I1;x.11,: 1;01►1'I;It'll tl\I 1I:!:
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c...„400. IN.. by ihti a.wcN.lsfJtattt celltAser
a IE\e'IYU Doi r
Fe:'V days after Ilelnt'r ar-
riv it %I. Rouwailioi`returned
to ''Itkruues, a•utl If • tie. wets
A rtq
sorely touched In W' muerte
propre by geeing his putkfruly acquired.
military rpuk,.anai title drop ■way be
did out let it be known to Ids fellow
citizeu0.* it promptly called upon the
new to taiier'nud made acquaint-
ance with 1.1rnteuaut Fitzhugh Bever -
tion, with Its sly worldly dladom crop-
ping up through fervid relit/hum rent1-
44'uta uud gtiilitt humor. Alt.* roust
have 11iterrabd hint more than he was.
hilly aware of; fur his *pets followed.
her, as she 1.111111• and writ, with a,ruri-
our eriticinu1 of her hulf Jtavpie to.
fume and her springy, dryad -like sup- •
pletrsip, which reeiludtd bleu of the
ablest and gruefulf•t wild birds. and
yet it touch of rrnurtueut, the subtlest
and best. showed in all her ways. Ile
wondered ant her htdueo •e over Father
Beret, whom rhe coutrolld•appurently
without efort. But In due time lie lie-
, gau to feel a deeper character: a broad-
er Intelligence, Lrhind her sups -rueful
aauvugt•rle, thistle touud Mir -slits
nutty hail un mwul smatterlugof books
in the lighter. vein.
A little thing happened which further
opened his eyes and increased the lu-
terve that liter bounty and els,weutttry
chard of (Wyly aroused lu him ,gradu-
ally, Apar* with their advancing se-
, otuaiimi ineiiblp.
Father It'ret had got well and- re-'
i turned to ills but and his round of
, spiritual duties,• but Beverley aline to
ltout,iIiot plate every day till the
sante. For a wonder. Mme. 1301115511111.111
lIktii hbu and at most times held the
scolding side of her tongue when he
was present. Jean too madea friendly
' advances whenever opportuuily afford -
1 ed. ,like found In Beverley a large tar-
get for the uilRsllts of her clever end
, tantalizing perveralty. He In turn
practiced a dignity a me-
1 quired itupenative gn y and A riorlty of manner to excel-
lent effort. It was a meeting of Greek .
with flrerk iu a new Arcadia. To him/
ben woe Diann. strong, strange, slop-,
pie, even erude almost to naturaln
yet adwirnbly pure In spirit and -lm-
hued with highest womanly pira-
tluna. To her Beverley repress ed the
great outside area of lite. Ile -came to
her (ruin wo derinnd, beyonc the wide
chile of houtxless woods d pr:dries.
Now, thele le au ante alma, vague
yet powerful, geuerat between na-
tures Ours east togtt _r from the op-
posite poles of,experlence end educa-
tion, an antngoutt7l'ptactteally equtvn-
)ent to • the to Ivlgorouu-attraetinn.
The return to atilt* Itaa always been
the dream of he eoni.ntionalizel sort,
while- the itnple Arcadian in forever
longing for the maddening. honey of
i .opltis cation.
la'.nte jealouatra strike together like
a '' and steel, dashing off sparks by
which nearly everything that life con
Its ('naw -vr [het hr t Milted --and-
kept burning. ,'What I envy in my
friend I store for my hest' lime. 1
thrust and parry, not to kill, but to
• learn my adt•eranry'r superior feints
end gnarls. :ind Old hint of sword
play Ieada back to ar at so stonily sur-
prised and puzzler? SPverler oae dal
when he chametl to be examining the
pair of eolechemanles on the wall.'
Ile tore oue down and, bundling 11
,f hfh the hateful- battle facility posaible
to none save a practical swordsman, re-
marked: .
"Therr'n a world of +faoeinatlon in
these things. I like' nothing better
than it bout at fencing. 1)twt' year fa-
ther practl.e'the art?"
• "I have no father, no mother," .be
quickly .sald, 'bot good Papa Rotts-
aillon does like a little exercise with
the colw•hem•rde."
"Well. I'm glad to hear 1t. I shall
ask to teach him a trlek.or two," Bev-
erley responded in the ligbteat mood.
"When will be return.from the wood...*'
"1 can't tell you. -lie's -very-Irregular
In sueh [natters," abe wild. Then, wilt
a smile halt banter and halt challenge,
_1 she added, "11 you an really dying for
n bme exercise you shall not have to
wait for him -to come home, i • isur.
you, M. Beverley "
"Oh, We M. de Itonvllle, perhaps,
that you stilt offer up as n vtettm to
my skill and address," he slyly return-
• ed, for he wns suspecting that a love
affetr 1n some, stage of, progre.s lay
between her and Ilene.
Site blushed violently, but quickly
overcoming a combined nigh of sur-
prise and anger, added with an em-
phasis as charming as it was unel-
} peeled:
"I myself am, perb•ps, swords
enough to satisfy the impudent -e nd
vanity of M. Beverley, Ilentcu t in
the American arnp•
"Pardon me, mademoinel , forgive
Inc. I beg of you," be excht med. ear-
nestiy modulating lila voice to sincerest
beaeecbtuent. "1 really did not mean to
be impudent, "tor"- Her vivacity cleared with a moray
"So apologies, 1 commend yon," she
Interposed. "We will have thew after
I have taught you a fearing lesson."
From a shelf site drew dews n pale
of tolls and, presenting the hills, bade
him lake iia choice.
"There • lan't any difference between
them that I know of," she said, and
then added 'relay, "but you- will feel
better at 'net when 1111 is over and the
• ttug of defeat tingles through you, 1f
you are eonseiuua of having need every
sensible preeautiou." .
He looked straight into her eye., try-
ing to cutch what was In her mind, but
there was a bewildering glautour play-
ing across Bose gray. opal tinted wells.
I of mystery, from Which lie could draw
only a mischievous smile glint, direct,
daring. I rreslstible.
"Well," he said, t.ktug one of the
toils, "what do you really utean? I. It
• challenge without roots for honorable
retrent?" • '
."The time for parley la prat," she re-
plied. "follow we to the halt!! ground"
Nie lel the w.y to a plea:net little
court in thin rear of the enbit's yard. a
.pace between two wings and a vine
Nicene! trellis', beyond which lay •
well kept vineyard and vegetable gar-
den. here site turned nbout and fnted
Mut, poising her toil with a fine grace.
"Are you ready?" she !minim].
Ile tried @gain to force a way Into
the dein ha of her MIM with his, but he
' might no well beve attacked the seri,
s1 he strand In a,rontusion of not very
well defined tailings. undecided, beal-
toting. finer expet•11ug dolt there would
be some langhubie tarn to end the nt-
fnlr. .
'Are you afraid, -M. Beverley?" .he
demanded after a short waiting in
• .home.
ile toughed now and whipped the air
With hug foil.
"Von oe'rta inly are not lin enrnent?" be
amid Interrogatively. "Ito you really
wenn Ihnt yon wont to fend, with titer
"If you think het mt.., I"tu only a
girl yon t•an matte lest ate. try 11,-
, She Iaontin:IJ rt•plle4, nikking a levo'
i threat too ,.td hi. bre.nmt.
Qnlek am a Minh he parried, end then
, • merry clinking' end twinkling of steel
blades kept thee to their 'swift move -
sonde. lustantly, by the sure sense
wblch U halt sight, half Aril's- the
delete that gukhs the experienced relic-
';'er'a 11111111 and wrlet-Beverly knew
that he had prof bay more than his
1- match, and lu ted seconds his attack
Which touehwt biro sharply.
Alt.'s sprung back, lowered her point
e nd' !Aligned. •
".1e vont Sallie, 111. Beverley!" she
t+1•ted, with childlike 'how of delight:
"I)ld you Mel the button?" '
4 "Yes. l felt tt,;' he said with frauk
at•knowledgweut In his vok'. "It was
cleverly doue. Now glib tits a chance
to redeem o.iyeett. .
He began more carefully ana fttlnd
that .he, too, was on her best mettle;
but it was a abort bout, as before, I
Alice seemed to give bleu as easy open -
hug ht Ander bb oppo-
andheaccepted it with • thrust.
Then tom bang happened that he did
not wide and. The pelat 0f ids foil
was s soul w• caught DD•-
newt's hlltiguard while herblad•.eemed
1 to twist around bk. At We dame time
there was s wring and • jerk, the like
of which he had never before felt, and
he was disarmed, his wrist sod Pintas 1
mating with the Wretch they bad re-
Of course the thing was not new; he 1
bad been disarmed before; but her
trick Of doing it was quite a mystery
to him, altogether different from any
that he bad ever seen.
"Vous meP M4 rdonnemonsieur,"
/she mocktagly exclaimed, picking up
/ Ids weapon .lid offering the hill to
kim. "Here 1s your sword!"
of lighter (hitt • ,tlw'hile
but eat -tont headway towiulWi.e hither
i hank.
It.•vrrley took a hie oft plink• ane •
dint atttl'ateet from lila 1401, rent; obs
pipe 'end atoal • it•at,Qing *ie skillful
IaalNtl.w tvittluct his wlmewluit dun!
fgt•roua voyage diagonally oyulu•t the
current. 11 was a slufther, lido'
uud week'seeue, its loath rs app.' it itK.
and diwappa•aring vlth the at'iloatl„:r( the
waves and •the'(' uht'atl tight fttdeel.11
ley. who lust then we' alperiutendiug from fedlIpt cholas tool sky. Nlov and
Ila' work of cleaning up pu Wil caut.ua ' again the man at&sl up in his ti:ittI-h
in the fort and upending anew breaks ,'drogue, balancing itis ..•.. with e.ire. to
In tba sooknde; use ',t short polio Id shnyJt,R ifr;f1twoo d
Helot formed a at ilii for kP out of hl%way. and ns
ee tbau outs. he
• •a •redor ' `e
1' •e •h tan *rev,. u m looked to eve • e t. told lou .W
big two 1k Iwk.lR tl), if p g
of wanner nude sive g. um•ar head;[. . l o the dark wafer.
struck hbnt fuvt a t1) (Soto t 1.1111=R
= : .•vt•rley stood at ease. Inly and halt
Mug. NI. Ituua�iomms Ilbfllty to spa•:Ik dt•e,tndli lotting: o11. whenn soddenly
English with euuaider/l.1.' Wow hclptd wllate }tillll ,•.ttls. 1 u til1.1401rllltill', til.i•hl
ilk• frieudahip,ulong, 110 dw,br, at all fur 1 01°111011 he, iplt rotuplrlu•ud
events their drat interview vatted with In fglMiik it
• hearty allow of good felloiakip, and to grief,. an a`111151 in
as [tum pa'lsed they became ahu..rt in• apt to do, and fairly
eepnrftble eotttpauioes dining ti.:11 110..
billet's periods of rest tram hili trading
exeureiuns among tie Indiytrt. 'they
pluytd earth' and brewed hot driuka
over which t.h'y told marvelulti stories„
lite latest one invariably surpassing all .
its plash -et -agora.
llelw had an eye to huttine,', and
turned' M. hull,+Ilion's knewlwige of
the 'irallan* to valuable uceouut. NO
that he, soon had very plettsaut r✓'ln•
tlon•� with most of the triia•ty within
reneh of his agents. This gave "...feel-
Ing of great security to the people of
'Vincennes. - They purauel their nar-
row tgrietiltnrnl ittiviliee with excel-
lent r•stihs and redoubled these awl
gayeties which. even hl but and et tin
utd'r til, the adtvrne condition's o ex.
.trews frontier life, were deur to the
volatile and genial French tempera -
Lieutenant 'Beverley
Lieutenant'Beverley found much to
Interest hint to the quaint town. lint
the piece de reaistauce Wan `(ha'le
Jaren, who proved to be boy, fattt•luut•
Jug and unmanageable --a band lint to
crnek, yet possessing a kernel abs"
Mteiy original'ttt flavor. Beverley vis-
ited blot one evening lu 104 but -It
might hotter be called a leu -a eurl-
ously bu111 thing. with walls of vertical
poles act in n quadrangular trench dug
In the ground. and roofed with grass.
Inside and at It was plastered with
elny, end the door of dried nand was as
smooth and baud as concrete paving.
In one end there was a .wide fireplace
grimy with eat, in'the' other a mere
peephole for • a window a wooden
bench, u.'larl of skins and two or three
atnula were barely viand. itt the gf.r.m,
In Ilse doorway triode Jnzon sat whit-
tling n elendcr billet of I•iekory into •
rnmrod for keds lung flintlock American
"Maybe ye know _Simon Kenton."
said the old map --atter henna Beverley
bad conversed for awhile, 'sw'ing'th•t
you are from Kentucky -eh'''
"Yeo, 1 do know him well; he•'• a the anter with Tong %weep., making a
warm :wronged friend of wine;" sold ,,,ttticlrele, Hounding against the cur -
Beverley with quick Interest, for It rout, so as to 'swing down upon the
surprised him that Onelo `,taxon alouiil
drowning mon.
know anything stent Kenton. "I)0 you Less than n bolt hoar later a rumor
know btu), ]11. Jaum?" by wen. means spread through the
Onel• Jaunt winked conceitedly and Iniru that Father 'Beret and l.heulen•
sighted along bis rudimentary ramrod ant Beverley were drowned to the Wa•
to see 11 It was straight, then, pucker -
bank But when s cruwti gathered 10
Ing his lips as 1t on the paint of whit• verify the terrible news It loaned oat
Cling, made an affirmative nope guile Ili be untrue. tbaap mrd itonseilion lied
tmpotedble to @pelt. • mer- more dislinglhahe.l himself -by an
"Well, I'm glad you •re •cgu:tintel. exldbitloti of ierolr n.rte and muscle.with Kenton." said Beverley. When t•,,ntrehleu: f}uei homme!"
it Id you and be coolie logaherY' . rinim.d'-Oracle Jaz•tn. where told (bit
Ouch' Jason chuckled r.;mfnlacenN7 M. Rottssilion lad come up the bank of
end scratched the skinless, divulged Ilim Wabash will Llrnhennnf lteierley
apot where baa scalp had onto dour -
ander one arm and Father Beret under
tithed. the other, lxith amen apparently dead.
"Oh, several plaere." he nuswereI
e plrttjtut .adult'
1M0gtn• Is very
assailed over
..l' ee amid !Aran Loth," he t'Oo rt,/.
1oanl into the water. Nothing ;Orions
would have threatened, 1..r thoiu,ut
could ,saint like an otter. had- not a
floatiui;, halt afibmerged log Wriest up
some short, still' print's of bought, up-
on like {Malars of winch the man striwk
heavily tied was not only lima:Int had
his clothes impaled senrely by 0n. of
the ugly sloe:•rw` a tli:il kr hung in a
helpless tae.Ition,..w•hile the water's :no-
tion nlbruately lifted sold subu"erg.d
trim. his arms beating about wildly
When Beverley heard the rirnngllng
ery for help he pulled hhuself pr ptly
tv„rlher, thing off his east, us it by a
sir .c [notion, and leaped dawn .the
bank Into the water. He woe a ewiut-
mar whose strokes ronamt for all tint
:u-ndigions strength and excellent train-
ing could afford. lie• rushed through
• Yp thorn n
er hair a-miit [het hugtn' Bring Ibetn to my 1101141.1101141.seelmnt. ll -
•'T we? Iia is,iA dst n dry slap stm'ly," al. Roneimlllon orderwl, ns aooa
Is they were r•'tnr.•d to eotseloumuema;
dangling under A Wit a log barely sold be shook Idmanlf, es a big wet rani -
:risible by the bad light. ell. theta mal •O1rletiIIlM lutes covering .verj•
ruy.sealp. He, lin, he!" CHs cketrd Doty near him with muddy water.
as if the fact were a meati enJ , ble 'flan he led the way with melodrnmat-
jeke. "Sinton Kenton emu tell yea*, e strides.
thet little ,Stir. 'The Wiens thought
I was dead, and they took my bait; lett mom a fright,/ reform of what ap-
t wasn't dead: i was pod, a-givin' 'tan peered on the face of thing.to he grand•
n poevnm mi. When they wait gone I T. tate. t;•Kmrd Rousaillon netually
got top from where I was n-luyln' and trap .d Father Reset and Lieutenant
tr0lhd 0(1. My prod was tore. Auk a lb„ te
y one til a time out of the eddy
ventrrirlttt, but I was mod! He, he. venter and by the Veep river hank.
lie!" rIISt wits truly A• great fent; but the
- All lila Itmt he .poke In Yrrn(1h, lett never tralbino,. When men gr-
and the l:o:tllah but poorly pnriphrus- .iced be sass standing between the rol-
es his odd tutus of exprt•ttttnn, Ills uptMA tarot., panting and dripphtg.
grimatna and snorts (11111)01 eten be tohtitl.•sa he looked a 1t he had
hinted. , !replied them from under his arms,
it was a long at0ry, a. Beverley re- nd w lty abotddu't he have the benefit
eeiveil it, IoM ai•rapplly, but with ccr-
talm rale art. in the end 1 .,neon
Said with .1'mile self itisfnetknt:
'"Aeetdbnts will linppen. 1 gut my
clmuee at [het Intim who skinned my
head. end 1 Jeri took a bend on 'int with
my old rifle. 1 .loft shoot f It, never
could. but 1 happened to bit '1111 remove
In the ler' eye, what 1 shot at, Dud It
seas a hundred yards. Down he tum-
bles, and i' stns to 'Its and finds my
sante or* scalp n-hmugiu' to his halt.
Well, i lifted off his hair with my
knife and nutted mine from the belt,
e nd then Iliad lath scalps he, he, lie!
Ye ask Pinion. i(enton when ye pee
'Imo ire wag along tit the same time,
and they made 'Im run the g4'mIlet and
pretty nigh beat the life out of 'Im.
Vtntrebleu !"
Twilight end moonlight 'were blend -
Ing softly when Beverley, On his way
back+ to tam fort, depnrting from a 411
'genet muse, went along the rhvr'p side
-anntbwnrul to have a few mnmente of
reflective strolling within reach of the
water's plen.ent murmur and the
town's Indefinite 'evening stir. Rich
sweetness,the gift of .arty autumn,
was on the air brownie .oftly end of it
Iliac weft and singing In the wINnw
fringe that hung here and there over
the bank.
(la ire tartber side of the Area's wide
Now, swollen by rorent hear. r.in..
Pftverley saw it plmgne, In one end 4,f
which' a dark $pimp .wtyptl M the stepped In tar a few minutes every day
Strokes or -paddle. The slender' sad' 10 sae Fathep Beret. involnntarlly
Modem Itttje craft was hnhhing nn the lenRtkeeing hie visit he a .tiding ratio
eboPt>r paves and !taking a 'lltltng ss he become better,e,tunlnbrl. Re
alas MOW aestlag Inas •.d maser bliss* to estop abo nrlest'5 tessera-
) \
justice to Nis/orient accurney there
)t• *rent Implication?
"I've saved them Iath4' he roared;
POM which, of course, the ready cre-
ole tiling' un !ion inferred the est rem•01
,oseibl•' heroic perfurtnnnt•e.
"Bring theta to my holm. Immediate -
y." And 11 wits tit tt elimt l} ti.1nr.
• Tho procession. bdnded by '.1 Rnne
, Ilion, moved noisily, for tam French
ong»e must .hake nit what comes to
t on the thrilt of every exciting 'da-
imtmn?. Tim only -intent Frenchmen N
he stead one.
Father Beret, was not only well nigh
rowttel, but aerlontly hurt. He lay
or a week on n ?red In NI. ilnnaslllon'a
m».e before he multi p11 ftp. Alice
ting over hien night nod tiny, .earcely
sleeping or eating milli he was 'install
danger. :1s for I/e'erloy, he shook off
nlLHte efftetp of hi. struggle In a little
while. Next tiny In. -wap out, es welt
and strong- an over, hnsa ,pith the
Weirs of hilt office; Nor writ he lean
happy on ntromnd of what the little pd
venter► 1(10 east Into bis tipettcnee.
it 1e good t0 feel tint one hits done en
unselfish deal, •anal no poling man's
heart repels the freshmen' of what
remelt to him when a benutifml girl
drat enters his life. 1
Nattrnlly ertonptb, Aloe had some
tltonghts of .Rived, a while she wns no
attentively caring for Father Beret
lithe had never le -fore poen a ntto like
him, nor fend alto read of Amt. Beverley
"Keep it, be said, folding ills arms
and trying to look unconcerned; "you.
MU* cdptured it fairly. I am at your
mercy; be kind to Inc."
"Mme, Roussiilori anti Jean, the
bun.ibback, bearing do racket of the
toils, had como out to see and were
•tandlug agape.
"Yon ought to be ashamed, Alice,"
said the dnuto in scolding approval of
what she hail done. -Girls do not fence
with gentlemen."
'This girl does," said Alice.
"And with extreme Ouster to this'
genUeman," said Beverley. laughing In
a tone or discomfiture and resignation.
"Ab, m'.iett' there's nothing but dis-
aster where elle goes," complained
Mme. Rouasillou. "Site Is a destroyer
of everything. Only yestenlay -she
dropped my pink bowl ' and broke it.
We only one 1 bad."
"Anditiet to think." kald Beverley,
"what would have been the condition
of Amy heart had we been media rapiers
instead of leather buttoned folia! She
would bay. spitted it through the very
"hike enough." replied the dame In-
differently. "She wouldn't wince,
either -not site."
Alice run Into the house with the,
foils and Beverley followed:
"7.'e must try It over again some day
soon," he said. "1 rind that yon cr•
CAV$M OLe RHCUt Airs" .
Stalest N•rd ut weteace on The Das.
pro•. Malady.
The prevalence 01 rbetnlattim In
aowr form or another, and We largely
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e long time set physicians to ponder-
ing and Investigating as to lb, cause,
The eauau ascertained, it would re•
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The efforts of atudeute of tills 'Wile -
thin, therefore, became conceutrated
on the most effective means of cure. A
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tive epeetIcs and it must be prepared
wltb such care and akill as to leave
no possible element of uncertainty.
The result of such study and care 1s
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table compound to the form of pills
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a way as to cumulate weak organs
and overcome clogged or sluggish con-
dltlpns. The kidneys are the [liters Of
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ly the poison they should excrete and
expel from the system is returned to
the blood. 'then ensues blood-poleon-
ing. When the kidneys are well the
excess of uric acid and other poisons
is expelled, the blood 1 1
purified, u
fled and
rheumatism may be left to nature's
Jpgellperative action. Bu -Ju 1s put up
10 boxes of 50 pills, selling at 50
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New York, N. Y.,
Cb teal Co.. Ltd,
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1 18. 140. U2 and 124
fosse M., Tornado
1,, 0. tliilit :tui „1. mf 11,..
nu.•", .1, , 66 16161 1,1,61'.,'. 11.
V111616664.‘;1,11 ,,.1 11 110• 1e .rotten r..n
::1tt-1 Kit •tent :l a ,rowel:, - lar•:
..•Ies+1. tie trip )on 16111061.06.61.1'
la 1•e) in„ ) our, ntllwa)font tip 1,0
alt,. 1 atl.J,a!ue •'. . ' 1r• n,r.ua11, 11'
all ntw.ul il. 1F tail.• tor It.. , ib 11
A. L. BROWN. filo.:
I.r,tnllli.(lnit, t 111t.
r iSTRATFORD. ONT. __d'•
.t h61uo, w6te-u,s wkr, warking, 6q:1Jmmg.
re•-1111•Inemila'tllg 'ib al- the b.,.I Url-offer.
,j.lI ti,• ht ('nmol' 11510)>- 11t44111411166Al-
a{Cletwa.iu,.n.'.. 'ill' r, meg.• 11644
lana) lir it. gnulua(,* to other bu.inc'.
..liege. n• Irn.•hcr-., Winter term open,
.Litt. Ill. 1i hail* • r tl.degae for.
W. J. ELUSTT, Pr'iacipal•
ire ---early Craining.
5iuss in- after• life depends largely upon the training
r'.eived srhan voting.
Nn boy ot0irl should entar business life it these days of keen
without proper preparation.
The mind shou:d be teamed 'to grasp and understand com-
mercial r.'tatterseuickly, and every young anon and woman should
.reoeive slit/rough, practical training berorc entering any business
The Forest C'ty Business end Shorthand College trains over
two hundred and 'fifty young men and women ever; year, and still
/ the business world is demanding more.
Booklet explaining courses, costs, eta, sent FREE for a postal.
F. Ce 13• a
J. W. WESTERVELT„PRI". Y. M. C.A. Bon,otlso, LONDON.
Citi! '.f.....
•rr. a4
ere use, • tering arid a jerk -he was
- dlao
show ecce few points. Where did you
learn to fence so admirably? Is M.
Rouasillon your toaster?"
"Indeed be isn't," she quickly re-
plied. -elle 11 but a bungling swords-
man. My master -but I ani not at lib-
erty to tell you who has taught me the
little I know,"
"Well, whoever he Is I should be glad
to have lessons from him."
"But you'll never get them."
"Why?" '
"Itee:t use."
".1 woit n's uitlmatnm."
• ":1a good as n man's," she bridled
lrettlly; "and nouletlrnes heater -at the
toll's for example. Vous-comprenes,
n'eat ca pas?"
He laughed heartily.
"Yes, your point Marilee me," he
• When Beverley, taking his leave,
putted through the gate at nonunion
plate, he met Rene de Ronvllle going
10. It was • notable nnlnehlence that
each young maw telt something trouble-
some alis In his throat as he looked
Into the others eyes.
'A week of dreamy autumn weather
came on, during which Beverley men -
aged to be with Alice a great deal,
mostly sitting on the Roneellloo gallery,
where the Lading vine leaves made
fairy wble eringo, and where the tem-
pered breese blew deliriously cool from
over the distant multicolored o red mt ltl I woods.
The men of Vincennes were gathering
their Indian turn early to dry It on the
cob for grating Into winter Weal. Tony
women made wine from the /native
grape. and front the sweeter and richer
fruit of imparted tinea. Mrs. itonneN-
lon and Alter stained their kande •
deep purple dnring'the pressing aensnn
and Beverley round himself Pugnged in
helping Melia Unlade the juicy crop,
while around the overflowing earthen
Iola the wild lees, wagpn and hornets
hummed with an lncenannt, Jarring
.lean, the hunchbgek, gathered ample
Mores of hickory unto. 'relnnta. hazel-
nuts rind pin oak neorne Indeed, the
whole population of the rilln¢e Arndt. •
great spurt of indtiatry }tint before the
felling of winter. and presently. when
every prepnrntlnn hail hien cempleted
for the dreaded cold mermen, M. Itoma-
oniotn carried cont him long cherished
plan, and gay• a greet party at the
river 'tonne. After the moult aureeaaful
trndlnt experience M him life he felt
Irrepre•eitlly liberal.
"•lays hnip one more roaring good
time," he meld. ' Thst'o whet life la
IT'S up to you whether you want the
hest Steel Range made for the
Pon your selection depends a great deal
If the stove won't bake, then good bye
to happiness In your household.
Ohelp you our, we would suggest a
National or Pearl Range made by peo-
ple who make nothing else.
will then base no cause for worry,
and cooking will become a pleasure.
Buy one and be convinced.
The Moffat Stove Co., Wooed, Weston.
Send for folder of the ►Ind of more you out.
The St'we and Furnace Man,
i+milt n St. Goderich,
t �'s�YS�fsff�'n n A n44Y'•11
Z'1AGAZ 1 N 13
Thousands say that
is the best published at any price. Vet it is
, only IO cents a copy, $ I.00 a year.
emu number of McClure's there are
Allid('tt fir inteen;in I Six good short stories,
intl'itwt ultjects of ! humorous stories, sto-
the greatest • ililtio nal f ries of life and action-
in11NJr'tance. and always good.
IN 1904
Aic('lilre'a will be 'nom interesting, important and
('nt('ltnining than ever. "Every year better than
tire htatrn 'mitt not be Meeteral"
FREE )loll. •alta• now for Mctlure' s for 190t, and gel the
Normative and i ereitrltrt' nntniarre of 111111 fn'e.
I or. S. N. M.('t.I'RK ('totl's!tY. (1$1 1Atrrtert'rls Ibrdwt.,
New 1'onmi. N.l'.
i ;l nr.,5my may,
Tlta,.e U).•- wtll,t , w'uol. t oUua. x111, Jule
or M1ge,t Uo,.ln lu poly hath alley aro lho
latent and moat iulpru1. 1 lrpu fu the 1.urld.
Try 0 Iwokagu. All colors at it ll'K'a MICU
Vapor Gaslight
71..hega f eel tt.oalne 1414 ata•A, atskrs and
burns neowr `u. sW,, bang 1: it porit a+l r•
where. Rainier a tial pllk•t` titres or gas en.
thine. a mato, pure wilts, powerful, steady
appro.. 1y I- int t..r.,.a iWnw0.r'
100 Cenctle Power 15
Hours for Two Cents.
No slog• to trim, no Naoko or smelt. No
rhimnrys ba clrau. tiulestue to eet
krlrny or
acetylene eon cheaper than kerosene. tisslueq
effected by Its [tae g•klly Hera foe 1. c,rat
t -telt' of Fiatnrre for tn•toor and eoteloor use,
Poe IN the 1', ,lir, r ItteNt decent Vapor Uy
t.au.p. it Is perfect. bcwate of imitations.
There ire More
"BEST"' LkMPS 1 e
use titan ALL other
makes combined.
f Sold
GOLF- •.lttF:NT Fon 111110)1 Cot'x Tl'
l,ngtdre .al Parson'. far or at residence
tuner Mock and Albert lkteet..,
11'0 Ufa
Scriitoi Hart Co
171 Ttta MARKET
LI Coal wegbad on tbs Market Beal.
where mime et M00 tba. for • too
Orden Iaft at LES ,3r JI.'„ ipz '
Store pr•MpUy assead•d N.
For L i
s• PrIJt it•••
Et-ery .Farmer should 'keep
these three words reomtantly
in ntintt sinal nen:act . his farm
on strict tnetiness principles.
Guess wort: and haphazard
methods arc no lonffer used by
successful and up-to-date far-
Ily reading Ttln WtuKLT
Scv, the harmer's flotslness
Parer. you will get -the rcry
latest and most accurate in-
formation regarding your busi-
THE So.'s market reports
are worth ninny times the sub-
scription price td you.
Every Farmer hi Canada
sh.tu:,l realize the flat value Of
the s,,rtice Tits St'x has ren-
dered i.jnt in n public say. It
was due to the action of TNS
Si''\ itt givin;; VOICE to the
opinions 'of the farmers that
the . law relating to Cattle
gwards, drainage across rail -
.el 0, and farm fires caused by
railway locomotives bas bests
We will send Tna Want
SUN from now to 1st January,
19.05, in combination witb
The Signal, for $ 1.80
antheerile now. -
Maniple fug the asking.
Tim Smuteal.
Horse Shoe Pads
are a real neces
fifty winter• or
summer -- they
supply the give
nature intended
on hard roads
and pavements -
protect the frog
of the hoof from
stones and from
balling in wine
er. Improved
ie Ideal
Horse -Shoe
cure or prevent lament'.
prevent cracking or spreading
of the hoofs -make a horse's
working life longer.
If you haw a hone
troubl.d with hum.
n.sit through bad
hoofs writ* Mr aipsrt ler
ultras fess.
11 1 I
L✓ •
Tia IIaaNP nag IIN., LMsNSA
Due lu • seed tar •tar
naw beskW "1.ww•bed7."