HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-31, Page 5• r,- tense err tir. elk t.$s�it,,�+ire,. a QIP ` • r a. THE SIGNAL: COQERICH ONTARIO Ti uklhsuv, })411'. 31, IOW. AFTEK NOjtTH REN FEW ( pews ISLAND f RlSOMMR, Liberals Commaynd Majorty of Thee* in Provincial House. Premier Neueres Penmen Cordially and Geese No Indication That He Regards the North Renfrew Vole as Seriously signer• cant Ounlop's MaJorty is 1102. reroute, Deo. 111. -The Prettier Ban la kis Doles bright rad eut•Iy yesterday. Re received {mena repre- sentatives cordially, but declined to be interviewed as to the result. Ills manner held little Indication ihiet hi• rega+dW the result we seriously •ig- nllioaus, Dozing the forenoon he called ea the Lleuteuaut-Go%eanor, who now has au uflloe in the I'wi Ile - Ment building. But that to nut un unu•ue1 euourrtscu, Sad It was stilted that the visit had nothtug to do with the pellmeal situation. The only other minister in the building was Mon. 1•'. R. Latchford, but be ln•truoted his Prtvat.• Secre- tary to ray that he was not rel'ely- Ing callers. B.tb1.4 aeretwtloaary 1 B. D.a.. Conservative claim that the (Du- ertament should resign un the .tr.•ngth of the result, and l'ubiunt ch•uige% are also beteg die-uss1Yl. It does not seem probable, Lo w o% er, that the In. - mediate future contalus dsvclupmemts of qtly revolutionary nature. '1Dot situation an the House Dow is. Liberals, 81. Conservatives, 47. Deducting the speedier, the Govern- ment halal a voting majurlty of 3. 'Filet North Bestrew would return a Conservative wail nut unexpected by the Government, although, of courts., no politician gives up hope of wi0- ning a riding until the ballots are counted. Arid the situation in the Howe that now presents itself was accordingly not unexpected. (lade ivlldN•a Taos Deyr't1 Loosed. Oros V.. Vladleatl.e. Paris, Dec. 29. -Thr grounds upon which Iheyfui donee s for viudlcetlua and resteration to the army have bleu cummuntcgted to the Associated Press. Dreyfus charges that a tele- gram from Col. Scbwartzkoppen, the late UerWul Military Attache here, to Col. Paniszardi, formerly Italian Military Attache at Paris, au pre- sented to the' euurt-martial at Ren- ew, bore the' data of April, 11494, tries eta was occupied with the de- tails of the mobilization of troupe, of which-the.telegram lr5ateri, wlyre- as the actual date of the telegram was thu last of Marsh, 11495, after he (Dreyfus) had been tried. A cup), which has been tumid has established the correcto.•ps of 'trey - (us' stains, in the opiniun of the commission, which recommended a revision of the case. The stateinent of the caro against Dreyfus, contain- ! Ing the telegram when it arrived at thu Ministry of.Wrr,' wit dated April 1, 1895, which 1)r.yfua•clellila rimer the telegram was written in the lat- ter part p( March that year. 'rhe late Col. tlenry clipped off a corner jof t . he telegramand thus the actual date disappeared. 'Then Col. HearY, lu his own hand, annut+ttd the tele - grans, April, .1894. The colonel, -how- ever, neglected to remediber that the month of April had only :tit day., for in the document there is a Melt - lion of the thirty -Brost of the cur - •'•rent mouth. '1'Ie. unauthunt icily of the tekgram could have been eatablish.•d had the court al Bente.% appreciated the Im- portance of the error. Fluidly It de- veloped that in the, telegram, where the words "ce Canaille de d-" ap- peer.d, the initial "d" bud been lith- . stituted for the letter "p." T1s ori- ginal copy;• written Ivv M. t:rils•lia, •, the keeper of the archives of the • War UItlee, carried the letter "p." The scratching upuii the paper w'as apparent. but M. ik•rillou. the hand- writing expert. testified .that the letter "d" was eorreet. it is aria claimed h.• woe In error. Nv.n ileettes /,.teat.. The relation of the parties is fur- ther complicated by the existence of "even election protests against ueui- bers elicited la recent bye -election. Fare protests are stalest Liberals, s. follows( Hoc. E. J. Houle. in North York. A. G. Mackay, In -North Grey, I John Brown, In North Perth. i A. M. Little, in North Norfolk.• C. N. Smith, is Sault Ste. Marie There are also two protests against rnaw•rvativer one against 'Hugh Clark, la (entre Bruce, and oat against A. Mahaffy, in Muskoka. The Howse will likely be called to- gether as soon as practicable. 'prob- ably esrly in the new' year, and the member. will have a chance of throw - Ing what light they can ea the situ - atlas. There Is a disposition among local supporters of the Government to throw the responsibility for the. North Bewfrew result on 'the candi- dates. They decline t0 accept It as harpy say special significance as lar as popular confidence in the Gov:. m •ornent Is concerned. because, tlieey say, Renfrew has always been ticide in Its allegiance• and follows legal Likes and prejudices. 1r. Sealep's $ sjewIty Ns. Pembroke, Dec. 119. -Complete re- turns give E. A. Dunlop a majority of 602. FLYNN iN TIOHT ML i.e raswded Ida Cease be Weir* Wessea,Ifee Crt=/W Opetsalea. Mansilton, Dee. 29. -It looks .. though thee verdict of the coroners fury that investigated jbe death of Ida Crime, the domestic, who died last Saturday as a result of an il- legal eperatio•, would make trouble for at leant two people The jury found that the udlortunate girl esaa s kir death from inflammation pre/dined by an operation. performed by Mottle Waters, to whom she had been referred by John Flynn. 61 Pet- er street. who, the girl told Dr. Ed- ar. was responsible for her trouble, dead girl made no antemortem temeat to the authorities, but • confession to I)r. Edgar la of a nurse at the. City after the doctor had told could not live. Week at Leas Pay. Pittsburg, . 29. -Notices were, sent out by th Amalgamated Aliso- ciatton of Iron d Steel and Tin Workers that the rte of the. sheet lodge% on the pro• Ilion to reduce the base of the wage al. from 3 to RI cents, thereby ruttl wag.% 10 per cent , has been acorn •. The new rate will result iw the star ng of a large number of union eh steel plants that have been idle for Ioag t Ime. To Ertradtt. Abed. New York, Dec 29.-AppllcntioS was made yesterday to Governor Odell by DSetrict Attorney Jermuo for extradition 11511"5 to bring .lanes if. Aberl from Canada. The application sets forth that Abeel is wanted here ou the .harp of forgery in the third dogre.•. and requests the Governor to seek proper extradition from the • ithorttle. e1 tlashington. Wyman Dead 1. B1• $hap. Watford, Dee 2!• - Wtll'a,n ('latter- bnck, an old and well-known resident of thin 'place, was found dead In hie .ho. shop yesterday. lir 11 F. ('lut- terbeck .t New York. and itev. ,lemes Clutt.rbuak of Gouverneur. N. Y., an sone. Booth Lill limo. 1•. Grand Papists, Web . Ike 29.- 0ar.tul revision yesterday of tin ll.l Of dead in Saturday night '• wreck on the Per. Marquette Railroad shows a total of nineteen, Instead e1 twenty- two. • Pr•sor►ad 1150. Preserved 8.11 ars generally P'nnnmlral a$ food then fresh Thua malt rod furni.hr" more nourishment than does cod. mote Ilsh ,reel fresh -• SHOCKING SARNIA TRAGEDY. It. Clair Teasel 'freak Balker- Boyd /beat Wife sad self. Sarnia, Dec. 29. -Joseph Lloyd, a track walker in the St. ('lair •tunn.'l, yesterday mornings shot his wife and then put u bullet into his own heed. The -.creams of their -three tittle ones attracted the'attention of Neighbors. Mrs. Boyd was loused lifeless in thu Minitel', dishituwel in hand. land in 4 •Hunt rotnu lay. Boyd. clumping a 311- ralibre• pistol The bullets had in- etarltaneou% effect. passing through both skulls. Boyd was 50 years old Ile carne house, from murk in his usual good spirits yesterday morning. and the authorities and the neighbore are unable to Bend r cause for the crime. Two years ago Boyd built the com- fortable two-storey home in Which he lived, and his neighbors without ex- ception give 'testi y to his index- trious and exemplary behavior The family of live,had had no sickness, and the father had steady employ- ment. But friends think that Boyd'4t mind was affected. Severs exposure to the atmosphere fei the tunnel 'at tines has beeu kitwh to 'have r' weakening effect' on lq.• intelkrt for varioue periods. and tore do not hesitate 10 may that_Boy'f was thus demented when he comihitted this terrible Meed. • Boyd Carrs .Drente, but Mrs. Boyd Int the )way Tnwe Blues. She rel•tivee, but three brothers Burse In London. JEWS AGAIN vIN DANGERDANOI no in- n joined m no o Boyd lacI,t.d Sy Ma.if.st. ilei SeBlas Attain at aleldseft New York, Dec. 29.-Fhc New York 'American prints the following, dated hishmoff, Dec. 25: Thu outbreak against the Jews has already begun. Incited thereto by the latest pro- pagaudo for a 'woad massacre os the ()reek Church Christmas Day, Jan_ 7, arid by the violent soti- Selnitic manifestoes which have been distributed broadt•ast, tlic populace has passel from jeering aid Insulting the Jews to breaking the 'windows of the .sews` houses and menacing theme with personal attack. Threat- ening crowds gather at the street corner's. and the attitude of the Christians is such that the reel dif- ficulty is to keep thom from prt.•ipit- ating a general assault on the Smi- tten before the appointed day. That which seems to have excited the populace Most itt the declaration of Gen. Unveil! that troops would pro- tect the mob if the Slew. resisted. The temper of the people is eel ksot►u by the faet that -the prison. acquitted at the recent trial have been mewled , td their home•s it triumph, including the rich student, aw•erin; who undoubtedly murdered .sew Kalman WalJov'itch'. e only safety. for the Jews seems now Right. and already Arbon. of Klshin • and indeed of all Brener - ah le, srpreparing to emigrate. B i .o t. Masse. Pittsburg.- .' . 29. -Supt. B. W. Dior of the Pi .burg Division of the Baltimore and hio Relieve% has made a complete Inv titration of the rause of the wreck o the Duquewnr Limited last Wednesday Ight, near Dawson, Pa. lie has lout that no employe sip the Baltimore • OhiO Railroad was responsible for _ . ac- cident, which Is declared to ave hien unavoidable. A few untdent dead still remain at Csanellst•Ille. 1NMban le rives Days. Toronto, Der. 29. -Messrs. Clwrgu., Shields. Cara*, Irving and other Soo pioneer/re, • assembled at the King Edward last night. after having barn away %ince the day before Christ max Mr. Clergies ob.erved with something of emphasi. In hill tone that with•n .stew daym thyro would be moms impnttant develop- ments. or perhaps on the seventh day. OUT OF PARLIAMENT. I HOME-GROWN JINGO. nes. A. S. Malt M Cbaaratas-.I5 Ap- pM.tmNt to the Railway Cow=4- nen to ne'Asseaseed. Ottawa, Dee. 29. -Hon. Blear has resigned his• position as inelulirr for tit. John and his appointment as Chairman of the Railway Commts- sion will shortly be officially an- nounced. Who his collsgaueir will Lie Is not yet kuown. Mr. Blair kayos for New York today collect in- formation in connection with his new Mitre. CRITICAL SITUATION. PrevMt.nal U•r•reme.t rt•• 145 Mom., IS D•l..d 5.. D•w1.••.• San Domingo, lkc . 29.-Tbe 'si tua- tion here is extremely critical The provisional president, Ucaeral Slurr- ies, is absent from the city. and the pruvlsloaal Minister of Foreign I,Sf- fain, in terror has resigned, as a consequence of which the couia•il of ministers lo incomplete. The prori- sioual Uovernment ewleavored' to secure a loan of •20,000 for the pur- pose of defending the• city awaited the insurgents; but, being . without resources, the Government could not guarantee the loan nor the city against pillage by the insurgents. It is reported that Gen. Gelletier has torsed a Provisiubal Govern- ment at .Azuade Cowp estell presided over by himself, and that the inhab- itants of Barahona have Joined in the movement, and that the two forces are jointly marching on this city. Consequently there are noir- two 1'ruvisional Governments in the re• public. £.ilb.. n.v.11. Washington, Dar. 29.-Tbe State -r v'tl' the artnast yesterday aces >h'P f llowing undated deripatch from iIinistrr Powell, regarding the pro - grecs of•th. revolutions' in San Do- . Mingo . "Another revolution at Azua and Barahonr, with another Provisional (lovernnu•ut there. This makes two revolutions and a couple of Govern- ments. one in the north and centre, and one in the south." ATLAS LOAN AFFAIRS. Judgaes& 01.50 Aa.l.at National Trust 15, Bet.at..r of Stook.• Toronto, Dec. 29. -Judgment was ...given at (..goods Hall yesterday' by Chanr,•llor., 1lO)4,.. awarsitlg thy_ Lau._ de W'e lcrn Loan C finny. dans- ages of $7,11M/'ugails.t the National Truett Company of 'Toronto. Itquide- or for the Atha), Loan, ariaisg out of the detention of 52:, shares Dour inion Coal and 50 shares Dominion Iron and St.•••1 by the National Trust which had b.en deposited by the El- Dgin with the Atlas, instead of turn- ing them over to the London a' Western on, demand. •The prices af- terwards • depreciated, and it was sought to recover the amount lost. ' The Chancellor said that all things considered. 105 was a fair 'price to estimate the mellipg ligure of the coal stock as against 93. or $6,31)0, The steel ►riling ligure wan placed at 514. -as against 42, and the loss esti- mated at 11815). Interest 'Mould also he paid by defendants, on the divf- d.•nds collected from the time of re- ceipt until p5)u(rrn to plaintiffs, and the costs of the litigation. MAYORS BY ACCLAMATION. Belleville -W. W. Chown. Ilamllton-Morden., • Hawkesbury-lifram Robtnsoa. •Listowel -F. W. Hay. Niagara -on -the -Lake -Wm. Miller. OWen Sound -Wagner. Port Arthur -Claves. Prescott -W, h. Stephenson. Stratford -Wm. Hepburn. St. Marys -R. S. Graham. StThomas-C. F. Maxwell. torold=Wm. Munro. Ikervllle-i. M. Doble. We nd-W. J. Best. Uxb ge-T, C. Nicholls. Kinca ins -A. Malcolm. (loderic -E. N. Lewis. Dundas -Wm. Lawson. Leamington -Lewis Wlgte. W oodst ock-Whitt. Chatham -W. E. McKeougb. 111.e... By Stals=sales. Ayr -A E. Watson. -Holland Landing -Wm. lane. Merrickville-O. It: Putnam. Port Colbotttd-J. I1. Stat ley. Millbrook -W, H. Given. Port Dalhptids-T. B. Heed. pry' Merrttto E. H. Philp. Georgetown -It. D. Warren Mcarboro-Andrew Young Markham -A. Sumrn.rfeldt , Richmond Hill -P. (1. Hill. ,. Pelhaven-•Iohn• Ilantilton. BRIEFS FROM THE• WIRES. aMIMEMMID San Francine°. Cal. -Nearly a trainload of army Siq,pliem, ho pita) tents and blankets have arrived tie - der rush order's from the United Statist (lovrrn,uent. Trenton. N:• J. -A graded reduction of wage% front 1 to 20 per coat. hall taken effect at the Trento,* plant of the Anricaw Bridge Company Plev- en e en hundred employes are affected Chleiego.-.1qs. Drier.. 50 years 614. r onductor on an "owl" car, woe shot and probidaly fatally woended by a stranger id a gairrel over the ismu- aner of tranaf.rs. The roan r•ncaped. Globe, Ariz. -Two Lhelpmen near the Gisela 1lettlement have been kill- ed as • result of • feud between cat- tlemen and eheefenen. Deputy .leriffe later captured 7.arllt and .Iohn Rooth, at their hon. near Gisela. charging them with the killing. Tacoma, WerthMmokalem, a Siwaeh Indian, klll.l?. Ai. wife, el - or bvthe use ofhie A aor with a • k of wood. The wom n'm client and ace were beaten into` a pulp. The .Ian remained in his shanty with th corpse for 24 hours,, when be was p under arrest. .145 a DMlPa s4. '� _I Mende. Der. 29 -Fire 0* 'Stehle of .('nlntn t drwt roynil 25 bntnes Srt'eral lit' , were Inn, and 1.0415, p.ersnni were r furred home- less. Thr lose It $75,114 O1asgew N sld. 0 ke see c44.111s•l•o. $ nec5M Smarts. • Londoa, -Dec. Denison's remarks regarding the honesty of Chan,bsrlaia a oppeneats have aroused. the auger set 1115 Utas-• gow Herald. w'bkh says that while leo man abouts for the E:ulpire louder,, he is not it rspresent$ttvu Cunadlaa; but a etoues-g,own jingo, and u... Ilritotia resent his Wiper. inenco. The Herald microns that the IcouumIlu commission W perambulate through Canada ezhibititig au hypothetical preference 'Mould fake notes pro and con.. It, Cremer, M.' P.; received • con- gratulatory letter from Andrew Car- negie in New York. "Thu runclilding of r'pretenntial (arils with C'anada," he said, "would cbauge feeling hero considerably. Thine 51111 no donor that but fortunately this would not be untillifter an appeal to the coun- try. 1.0 of tafpattat Mels.. -Tb. Broad Arrow says the greatest steps toward imperial unity during tho last few years have been the fiscal policy and the prrence of Sir Frederick Borden on the Defence Co •tee. Canada realizes her Im- perial obligation and the steps cru full of luagnificent imperial procaine Lal Ghoso in his l'resideutial ad- dress tit' the 'fndian Netlotial Con- gress at Madras, waut.Yd Sir 'Cham- berlain 19 say if Canadian 'wheat in to be protected against tidiun grain. George Glueing. the novelist, died of consumption )esterdny at St. Jean de Lux, in the l'yrenees. H.' was, bora at N'akelield, Eng., in 18:57. reds eremites C.*p.tltlea. The Manchester (:unrtlian devote column tb a better siffnou "Son , of mhow he at 1 fails toY t the Soil." who a l Chamberlain propmn:ul to tax foreign 'corn and dairy produce and admit- ting colonial products for t,1 ' going to help the British farmer. it makes nu difference to "Son of the Soil" whether his • petttor is Canadian or German: what tie doer foes is the increasing w'yerity of his competi- tion. The colonies. not us, are ex- pecting to benefit financially. Because they loved the Motherland the colon- ies would have helped whatever Gov- ernment had been in power. For many years the Br,*whmIl district, in Cheshire has Leen bite of the great hay -growing districts, but competi- tion, principally from Canada, ha:, reduced Zhu tette to such an extent that it is difficult now to intik.) ends meet. The farmere as a body are strong, ualxnding protectionists, but they will want a lot of persuasion tie - fore they are convinced that Mr. Chawba•rlain'n proposals will. im- prove their position. i B. Par, 14e Preis..... JAPAN'S, . LAST NOTE lwmm!!!mmtmmmirttmtImmtm r Jordan's C (ioderlch Rumor Tllat Japan Has Bit 'relit! for W. A. KIS-; Russia's Reply. E t3luck _ Ont. A. a;. r IU1i11u1U11111i�u1111UUiiUlU11i1 _. BEFORE STOCKTAKING January 10 Said to be Date N•we Generally ie'More warlike Japan is Slren4ti.e,un0 11sr Position'. n Corea Rueeia $Sod to • Mari Pared Latae Order* For Food Itatra.rdinary Meeting of •.Ivy Counsel at Tokio. fly London. IMS. • 21q..-I(!IMO r cos - Gimes busy with, the (aurae -Japanese crisis. The latest report credits , Ju Pun with iusiaing tint stun ia'shrll reedy to etre last vote' before' Jan. 10, un the ground .of the rapid ap- proach of Russian naval reinforcu- 'Iftrnts to the scrue,of action. Enquiry in. thu best-ihformetk Japanese qua'- term, howeaor, /oils' to find support bpr this statement. Baron Hayashi, the Japanese Minister. paid a long ,visit to the Foreign office yesterday. When seen afterwards lie said he nett no further information. 0.1015. tW . Madams. According to The Daily Chroufcle the Japaueee. Government outbid the Russian Government and actually purchased the warships Moreno meed - 1Iivadavie, both of which are low nearing completion at Genoa. tither papers i.rint a report that the Jaj.anetie Ministerial Council has decided .to transfer 1125,000,000 of the educational fund for emergency purposes.- - ! The Daily Telegraph's Tokio. cor- respondent says that after the inset- ing of the Ministerial Council the Emperor entertained the 1ounclllors at luncheon.. The Cabinetinet then held a sitting, which was prolonged until late at night. The correspondent says that the Finance Dlinlater on Sunday entertained the leading " bankers at dinner for the purpose of discussing -with thein the Best mans of meeting ,tbe emergency. nreete'e Less Delay. St. Peterelfurg, Dec. 29.-111 omelet circles here the delay in presenting Russia's reply is not regarded as -ominous. On the contrary, the fact that Bulimia, in accordance with Ja- pan'. request. Is actually- .reviewing the matters in dispute, is regarded as a fivorable sign. It is pointed opt that had Ituksiu replied inimedi- - atelir_-unfa+•orable th duatioga , nitltttt have been drawn. and although Rus- sia believes her proposals were ex- tremely conciliatory, containing all the concessions' mho can make, this doer not exclude the possibility of finding alternative propositions in some portion of the general scheme of eettleurent which may more eloer- ly coincide with Japan's wishes. If careful reconsideration discloses the possibility of ouch a course, it is said that there, in every reason to believe it gill gladly b. embraced. Privy Csaselt Meals. - Thu WesII514Iilrr Gazette aay7: ''•Cokmel Denison si very eloquent in denunciation of the stat•tnept that Canada i•' not in favor of Mr. Cham- berlain.These are- lieu words, but they butter no parsnips. The test of Canada's support is' w&iether she is able to live up to the standard. 'No payment, no preference.' " Referring to Colonel Dtnison's saving that the Canadian Manufacturers' Association resolution watt in support of Ur. Chamberlain, The Westminster ()*- Lotto says: "General support 04 o little -use; whet is wanted is evidence that Canada is willing to pay." a=leentl.w L.oe.o. An emigration league los bees founded, the object of which is to promote legislation offering Ire. training, emigration and a colonfa farm to one member of a family on reaching the age of 18, the emigrants to be provided with outfit. passage out and money placed to their dis- posal. their training to be completnl under the .direction of the colonial Ooverstmmnts. Tokio, .Dst•'. 29. -An exh'sordmory meeting of the l'ri'v Council yester- day approved the isnie hs the Crhi- net of • an ewergencv ordinance au- thorizing -the guarantee of the prin- cipal and interest of nn insuo of 10,- 000,000 yen debeMnree for the pur- pose of expediting the work on, the SeoubFuman Rtailwav, which i , ex- pected •to be finished by the end of next year. The ordinance also pro - rides for all possible 'military ex- penses for the protection of the rall- -wsy and Other interests. It Is believed that unless ltuasia 1 modifies her reply Japan will lame-. diately safeguard Corea, though leach a fate') will not necessarily mean , war with Russia. MESS MEAT FOR B[AR'S ARMY. assets Masa at1111.e r•w54 erd•r• Wilk Ta.k.• firms. Kansas City. Mo , Dec: 29. -The ItuSsiau Government has fast placed an order with Armour eE\Co., of this circ, for a million and a half pounds of nitys treat for Imeredirte shipment to San Franciso: The order cane for the- delivery of, the meat at San Francisco by elan. , 22. '1'he meats It is said, is for the %ince of tho Russian army, and its deshi- nation hi said to be fort Arthur. \ Dep Moines, la.. Dec. 29.-Thie\ Cudahy Packing Company of South oinah,t is in reeei l et a rush order 15 for 1,141,1514) pounds of extra mess uieat for the . Russian Tioyernul.•nt. The shipment must reach San Fran- cisco bdnre Jan. 211, when two Itus- sialr ships+ will sail with bcel and other suppliers. n British 45.5155 tar detho Sordes. Londhn; Dec 29 -An 'Admiralty OFFICERS, BY BULOARIANS. Tark.y Tbrestosed ey wesedealass sad Vigilance Ordor.d. Salonica, T:uroi•Van Turkey, Dec. Mi. -Thr authorities are informed that 4.000 a Macedonian revolution- ists, under the leadership of eighty Bulgarian officers, are ready to in- vade Turkish terr' ory. An order *vas ism here yesterday, requesting the Turkin officers to ex- ercise extreme vigilance.. It is rumored that theitrmy c)ond ar reserve will again be call cedd out. N. $atIsfsetery Answer napesesed. Wiaehington. Der. 29. -Although. Secretary Hay- has not replied to the note of Genernl Iteyea. preparation are rapidly g g on for the closing of the Colombian le•gwtion and the departure Of COI hews repre.enta thea tot; home: They have littl hope of a satisfactory 're.pontee by the t'nitld States Government.' Doe** wr't to light, amt -- Philadelphia,` .1', Dec. 29. -The United States auxiliary cruiser Nei sailed from the League Island Navy "Yard yeerdav en route for Colon currying two battalion. s of marine including 600 men, and live months' living and lighting "implies for 1,000 men. Ratified By Cawsda St. 'Thoma%. Dec 29. - The agree•nl ment between the Canada Sohern Railway, and the Pere Marquette 1(ailway for running right% esus rati- fied by 5'aneda Southern tthareholrt- ere •t the annual Meeting held here yesterday. a ' $ 'Woman's Flitgltelettd Night Cowie, 110.01 Jackets for 2 7.00- ." " :5.1a1fur Gauntlets.. $18,50 Ihte Ileetu is Seal Caliente.. 10„50 flue Fleet t is Seal 111.1%1 Kk 'tis $rill and Astriehau Ca1x'rine,. 5.u9 grey lamb Muffs 5,0i1 •• •• GuuhU.•t., OV1RCOAT BARGAINS DRESS GOODS BARGAINS 11111.7%( w.Nluul's mate silk -lined gloves at 110•. .1 big 1st of 1•em enants and oddments at ver small Trivet*, +e, wr .10u t 'Want to inventory thrujatt a Sett t 30 . 3511 1 :AI 15) IMI 77,15 51511, 2511 :i lel asalaed Weals Comedies T.b.ee•. Windsor, Dec. 29. -Th. Canadian commorcf•I agent Motioned at Man- chester. England. has written the Canadian Department M Agriculture for eamplen of Canadlan-grown to- bacco. with pricee and other informa- tion regarding bright and .bipuwat. Me Willis= MI6. Deed. London. De. 211 - tier William Al- lan, the well-known ,Dann. rnglnrer, ahip.nwner anti Ineunl,rr of Parlia- ment for flettrdlrmd diner 1811:5, is dead 11e wan horn Nov. 29, 1887. order issued at Portsmouth requires the,ollirer, and men of the 1lrltimh Natal lt.•xe•rve to notify. the mut hurt - ties Cif the addresmd% where telegrau). can be sent in case of emergency should they' be required "for ac•the S ervice. The order is generally con- nected with the rumors that tho fleet in the Far East is to b. strengthen- ed. Iadlus ea lb. Warpath. Chicago. Der. 29.-A despatch from Hermosillo, Mexico, says that the Seri Indians, who occupy Tibourn Island, in the Gulf of California. have gone on the warpath, and are raiding ranchos and committing de - Predations on the mainland, The Serix are said to be cannibals. and the fastest runner% in the world. Tin *wept Weep .la.. Buffalo, Dec. 29. -Seven thousand sheep were burned to death at the East Buffalo stock yards last night. The long. narrow sheds in which they were confined were swept by the !tames before any of the animals could be relented. The lose Is esti- : mated at 675,000. Pear.l....tel D.,e.5. Petrol's, Der 29. -The old Ander- son House, which .was established 85 years ago during the ell excitement. .va hurned yesterday. Thos. Edi., the proterietrn. ioseii Meetly all, but r ami.. Inauranc• to cover The building, which it* also ins,nM. In nwnod be Thos. Huggard of Toronto, mtnntmmmmmmmmmmm M°KIM'S BUSY STORE a r -r a a �1111111�1111111111�111111111 UI III1�1111/III�C -Wood-Wood - I ant prepared to deliver elect quality green cordwood i11 One cord Lots or 100 cord lilts at tho follbwing,prices. CORDWOOD Ift Tong - - 1111.75 px•r stmt. :eft 10 in. long '5 101.51) per, cold. ., l'1, tk STOVEWOOD DI mil 22 in. lung $1.75 per dnuhl.. cowl. stovewood, cut, split I 1111 ored at 44.:10 a toil.. All kill' . and sizes of on p hard and softcool' e t lanllat �� reasonable I)1 ice F. Barlow mss Dealer in l'istl, \\'daJ, Litue and Cement. Splendid.. Holiday Gift Are look- ingyou look- ing foo a pres- ent for an *la- ment friend Why not send The Signal for a year,trrfnmencing, with the Christ- uuutAlpmber3 It would" • 1xe It wel- come gift. All the Keane ilews - 0..1 ilany, of our autl,- xtrahCr5 Clay, it, Is just .like' a letter' from home every week. - The. Signal and Montreal % reply Herakt to JAnuary 1-1. ltsei. only 1110. B. 18th Pegs • Col abed l s 7 toe is 1 7 i and • 1 s only aseau. ch, n the es : l Mrs (mane, ul for dered ed for to be ter on peechh7 eying 2t*rlY mi it ditty alt•. re of ibout ;fluid ny in men, int I Holiday Millinery '11'1t4. appt1nr11 of ' 1 '.hf•isttnas ;lttd Ni•w Year's Ne•att. ms iney suggest s •thing, u71se want in list cry (ands. My stock of flats and all 'natio •.• materiel l: always kept up to date, and orders will at till 'mei. receive the very best of attt'ul' (food assortment of Ready-to-wear Hats. can on me if you want anything ht jssy line. MISS CAMERON II AM Ii,TON STREET. GODERIC'll MILLINRIt. tmfttmmttttnttrmti?mtttmmtttmmtttmmm tyy fftm1 tirtimrlirtrit:r ttmm You Need Shoes Well we all\ In at this time of the year•.,, 'l)tI need your nlmOey too, o you ? Well Wo do mord of in any and all (ier•% end• Ne Ins. Now hell's where ti man's hard earned Dollars gtx' artbeant. You get melte the shore, you get MAI IRFAC'tION- Nntisfaet,ion, shies Ane style eomhitied. ('all arti let us show you N. hf on lines. They will interest you. From the little • to t old people we have the .lft's to keep your Art rolnfor t le. THE RUBE QUESTION There are 1111411.111 111'11. for ty shape of shoes. They ate thin year'% goods- -string an 'hirable. Put it pair oft and your feet will never guetts Nin the ground is wet and slushy. a 1 1 1 1 Z .1 1 i Z Wm. Sharman '1'111•: SLATER SHOES 1'Olt MEN. • epee, `y I�1Y Sy is SVIe+t ever �etn GttO, Ltd.. 5 - word Ston. A form mnty )`acro hand, 11,300, souri, •1) 01 of t, of s 1101,5 - one1)h kt too icorgm • sold arti n, Head,tri. (Delt. acre. ASPI'. been 1 06104 • Feb Mryull )Reeve. y li eery xr rewh I)5)Iiil'I'll\' 1)1)1)1) tint \\'l)MI:N. �i ww+u�u�wuuuwu � yiMWiiliilriliilrih>iMNiiliibiliilifi�ilr�IrilriliNiwilr�i�w ilrNriwNriw iliNrilrib iia iiliiliiliili ihih iW iwihihih iW iW i1�i1�N,tliiliNiihih ilnhiW �Ir i1��W iNib �Nih�W ��, i11 �W iN iW Ni iliihih ih iW iW i1f ih ib �b �1, �1�i1��1�NrNr 1 ix •141,-a:,r. ICEO.L . ALLAN 1 1 GOOD `I 1OLI DAY GOODS We have' just opened out a fresh supply of "Joseph Rodgers" table and pocket cutlery; Merridan Britannia Co.'s "1847" knives, forks and spoons; R. Walla.e & Son's "1835" spoons and forks; carvers in cases, Nutter dishes, biscuit jars, berry bowls, berry spoons, butter knives, pickle dishes, pickle forks, crumb trays, razors, shears, scissors, hand sleighs, ladies' hockey skates, mens and boys' hockey skates, hockey sticks, pucks, shin pads, etc., etc. A Bissells carpet sweeper makes a v ry useful present for mother! . TTTopTTTTTT^IuTTf'tiTTTpT0,4100011II+TTTTTTVINIM, '1TTTTTlvTTTTTTlkfiTfMTTlVIVMmNVT IVIR,UPTTmT000,01 futuPgul" TTTt1fWIligi TAT CEO. L.Ai ALLAN Itfe dl•.1 Sot h tia T1'rMh, e Viiedelle.elff .it :isete•Hislrrlirs!tt?' dF,q I 1^i.:dvt4:.t7,*wez,44:11s:.;.411et14....2n+tmr:.ieAee6'.t:':3w::.!A: steers=. m:. sc.:- ',ors .......neE:''Ar's��l'.e�"1A:h.,.'t'i'A"t�2'SF.,:.. iitrkR'..;d't�l;'d , 1 . ..