HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-31, Page 22 TH1.1Mu ', IAM. 31,=1903
egsso• true end of the town. and the adoption
Of a i{lncrad .plan Itokiig to the hu•
Uuhkltlt'H; t)NT.tR1u.
Telephone (441) Nu. Xl
Terms of Subscription
51J81 I14' 1111110111 111 8444444)1,e.
141* ueutth.. 484: three 444014434. Y.i,•.
Sub«•rhes* who fall to meet,e 1.11 F. "u♦ 41
regular') by truth will looter a fat or 114 an,
qualnlins u" of the fart at (0. early a date as
pas -able.
%Vbell a change of attire*. i.+dee.ln•I1, hitt It the
old ale( the new 10)4104" d1uuld be given.
Advertising 'gates :
l.e�[Id.aud uthlr glauilar;$Aveleilowelts. lu•
I• er line fur fin.) in..rtlon and S•:per Unes'*lr
e Leh .u1.s.lueut inwrtion. \tw.ur d by o
nontiardll.ritle, lw-eh•e line. to filo blah.
Dwane. cant" of six line" anti tinder, +5 es:
A41 enl.e1U.I1. ed Lost. Von Stra) ti 8111•
(401011A Vae•.thl. SIIuatk,41 tt'allla•II. Hou,,rmfor
Sale or to Item, Vann" fur Sale or to N.en1.
Artiste. for gale. ere., not cxaeadtn(t •Itrht
44 n .tike
o' w rlh.
for each
uI,.. tn,.+n ion for:alrvl
for ea,•h .uhsv vent month. Barrer advertise-
))(e,nL. iu pnllortion.
i (tea tl waits,iu nonpareil tylte .L• iter line.
rodeo- lows I luta ti'.
1 {Announcement* in untinory mauling hype ate
cert per wont. Nu not h...' iM.O
10.641 h
Any .1 11101.•e. f o salt rt of wit rhe Ia the
noeun611•benefit of any individual 0r 444404!
igloo. to be 'ou.4irnd 4444 Sul, en i.eult•nt aid
t) be 1IIal)ed a,•.•"nli.lgly.
Itat" fur di.play slut contract atll rrtt.e
icru we sootiest
nae t" will be g
.44k1n.r alt conmtluarot ions, to
V.4".4TThlt & Ito ti I(Td1)N,
- Toe 1444:»41.
1 Ldeik•h. (int.
O0141118iCH.-'FH C It$U.►1'. I )kt'.. 1). 11184.
The iwe-eele•tiun in North Renfrew
le on Sat rtley resulted in the 41.11111i of
111et)p(xwit' andida te. Mr. Ihullup,
by a majority of 111). 1n the general
elect imp( IRV the pate Mr. Munrl,
the Liberal candidate, had a majority
of 1:111. The tiding is a very uncertain
and has beat represented' alter-
nately by liberals and Conye•%ativtw
during the boa fifteen years.. Seventl
Vallatac undoubtedly have enntributad
to the turnover in the present etas•.
! - North Renfrew is one of th(*M. 'tidings
in which the ;term lit• of the ,(.Nodi..
date counts for much. and the l'un,
,:•rvatives had i1 decided advantage in
this rrs(wct in the great topnlarity
of Mr. Dunlop. Another• factor in the
1'' insult was the holding of the swat'
open for Ile'NI•l• tan )Wats after the
death of the bite niemlwr-newt. Thim
was somue(bingtur which the Govern-
iue•nt had no sufficie'ot justification.
and the elect,l•s.of North Renfrew are
not to Im' bhuo(d for resenting thrix
disfranchisement in this manner. It
was a conhesion of weakurs+ on the
port of the Guv.ru11sent whichprob-
ably loot the Liberal candidal' scores,
perhapsperhapsh lists, of votes. and, more-
ur'over, had it load effect oyer the windy
Province. if there is anything turn
despi.r it im eowtlrlke, and if Mr.
lbws and his Ministers are to retain
the 4eine of power in this Province
they will have to stiffen up and show
x stle'g fnmet 1 their uppmen to:
The general ail ' ' t1•ative record
of the Government wits not an issue
ion the eaiilpaigl to any great extent.
Mr. Gamey wasw/s to the fare with him
rowdy 11W1tler said scandalous tongue,
lint wee• c•11111d44t IwlievC.thnt his shame -
lest performances bawl any determining
effect upon the voting. On.. of the
hemeatiun cries was that the (iovern-
.ulent had betrayed the eastern coun-
ties by choosing Toronto in44twd of
Ottawa am thesouthern ter nlimns of
theTe•miskxming R,lilwuy. Thim may
have worked up some sectional feel-
ing. but much an appeal cannot help
the Opposition in the Province gener-
, The elect: wits lost. we IM•lieve•,
by the Choosing of an unpopular
candidate and the unreas(mnble .delay
in bringing on,the contest.
Inm tn• Tom made a clever speech
at the noinination Meeting in advo-
cacy of the Central school ltchene, but
after all he fat 1 to give any aot•ine-
g reason for th expenditure of the
of $11,(1$1 on theold building. Mr.
opinion is; that ' would be at
'dilate : 1)111 Tit Signal helm
e• of. nuthorit)•. flu(
hat of Mr. Tout or lbws
Men in Mnp(ort of hi,.
'1 would be a piece to
school board Itself is
of the wham.: the
• examining the
1. 1441blding, (tr-
ot prectit•al
this kind
an npIn
wiMP 4'
patelli Nm
\whom he 1
Leine, that
she • full-. Tit
not unitell in hau4
plans and 'inspecting
(skirl Ngaiu4bjt. and 11
knowledge N Ilei
R(• in tatters
w 1 mimiltedi
whom we have •d hat
in decidedly •'dell ) •Sul♦ e
to tl
u et,
I onanl'M -pinto
11 is quite apparent I tt the
has no wel4'on,id'trel Mltlfettle tent
ing the general school 'MyNte ) of th
town,'' :M -r: Tout agreeM that il. new
Inliloling may son Iw nt•(e•Mmary in`the
south'ml. Thi.* new lmiklitrg wulliet
doubtless be marls tr arcotnnt(1IlIt4
psi the of all gristles, and h ler*
it would then M• needed at the
ort,h street 141,1.4181. Ill the fate• of
thin where 1m the nleeweity of making
t1*• p spored addition (If forty feet
*plate? We ere,infnrm1e1 that the
present Wilding could be repaired and
attest with the nec.Muary improve-
ments: for a mere feta ion 'of.the M
which the ratepayers. are now asked
(4 rote. Thi**,'IPI c(nnw•, wnnld nut
plrlvide• Much n remodelling an is 'otr
ten/plated ander .1h' prf1nl pian»•
but would pelt the Inikling in condi.
tMm to lePr1P (dor **um' yeit•s. -
Thew• years wmtkl meals to *rete ex.
tent the (petition of the town's' growth
and would give the board 1 ppot•t"pity
decide upon a e II,eh.nsive s(•htol
xyMenl wilted d 1.. Ow 'wide of the 1»i
tee town which me expert to have
and tow 'pal tin e•** wnnld, it IM
hntwd, 1.• in letter cnndil ion tot the
providing of the Humpy wloi.h 4 he eh-
tatlliehmeol end enain4Pnsneo• of n ffret.•
CUM aystrtlt ,.f mchfNIM et ill detlland.
If the hoard Imre on with it. pimein
Meng, we **h»11 be ,w1411,,I for year.-
ear•with a patchwork building situated nt
prot't•ulrnt of the se•h(o1 fucilitit•s of
the whole town will Ix' indefinitely
\'4114' against the echoed 'bylaw.
FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. • moral welfare of the weulbels of the
family. When a pension's whole duty
in this direction is d ', then and not
WA then should responsibilities of a
public chauu•ter be undertaken.
Nis Substitute.
Bdtalo New..
• • The folluwia{p vow, credited to the
Rev. Dr. O. P.Giffutd, of Buffalo, Is
going the rounds. It first i1
wet believe, In one tit the ptlnt
In Ms church'. field of biotic •
In the bivouac of life.
Yon will find the average ('hrilliau
Jtepnwnted by 4+I. wife.
The Cultured Chinese.
A \\'esters tattles J'*Jalcs that s
young girl frons Iialthuure, slaying
for, a while its Mail Francisco, thought
to make herself intelligible by talking
what she 11lwulel a nne example of'
Lpidgin Faiglish -to the laundryman.
'heiefur• she thus aullheslel him : --
••M0 no likes 'waallet• biuugght Ilona'
Middy. Mee likes. washes. Thursday.
\\'hy yin' n0 blitgge•e' washes Thurs-
day !"' And the ('hinauuau et:plief : --
"4ilnlalll, it was not (111 14 e111M111."
Taking the Profits on Foreign In*Ntnnenta
Lundin Aet cni.e•r.
In the hast number of The North-
western !Killer, plrbllabed at Minne-
apolis, np ants 111e &imolai report of
the Pillsinu•y-\\'aashburn Flour Mills
C parry. It is striulge t1 Mee th'
aCCOUnt1 1ud(Ie but in (molds,' shil-
1 71111( 1 Moreover. . ee t111-
It1 1 lee. M Irl ♦e the R'1
trout meetingro
was hyla in [.( tor
England and the net profits for the
Year. ilU(,idi 1.18 id, are distrilntd
lowing English shareholders. This
helps to explain why (treat Britain
imports fat' •' than she' exports.
A large poll' 44 her imports are.
(laid for by her profits ou enterpris:4
in foreign countries. such as the great
milling enupam• in Minneapolis. No
wonder the British do not 'unsider
llrllorts as a curse.
A ,Lesson in Economies
New Turk Journal of l'Iwuuaere.
The )rice of c hides does not
depend upon either the rate of wing(•s
or that of profit, but npnl.thC demand
for mad the supply of the a db
ties produced. to increase their
1H•ice, that is. their cot to-consuw(•1'a,
111 (0 restrie( jhe de I, which must
in turn trstrl't the supply and, curtail
pexhl'tiuu, and that 40111 diminish
the wore' from which wages and
interest are derived and lessen the
rewitnl of Moth lain* and capital.
There is no advantage to either in
high rites if the i t to be divides!
is not increased, and Moth might Fe't
more with lower rates. Neither high
wages nor high prices are in them -
twit w an ddvantege. any more than
it could be an advantage to measure.
the satire vuluaile of any material with
a larger standard.
Newfoundland and Greenland for Canada.
The I'r...bytoriun.
.'l'he feeling is widespread anti strong
ill l'dn7(ila that without delay neg(it-
ations Idunlld be set on fete for the
entrance of Newfoundland into the
Dotuiniou. The {it•oge•sum isms iso*
been enlarge' ley the suggest' - that
the Governnlwnt of Denmark shooed
(w approached with n view to the
purehars( of (ireenla'I. If this move
were •iii+ essful it wo11111 fi lresltall al
pseible repetition of the. Alaskan
.petal' oat the. Atlent k' slant ,of
'(lwlula. Denmark doeu not seem at
present t) be in the clod for. parting
tolyl her over -sea (x/ss•Msiuok. It
will lw remembered that the (lea
to sell the Vanish West Indian (.limbo
to the United States woe reversal.
But Canada might be more fortunate
than the United States and theinhab-
itants of Greenland might be ess dis-
posed to protest than those of St.
Tho uuls. At all events. it would do
no hams to trey.
Why TMr Coins in Canada.
Toronto Star. -
(iuvernol• (' in. of Intal M1L)•M
that in the past ten years American
mauldactners have ineemted $101,-
I1111,0111) in, the establishment of branch
faetolies in l's11*uhm. The Mail and
Enl 1it•o points to this statement with
penis as proof that the National
Policy MI 414 x good thing for Canada.
If the figures are not exaggerated.
they seem to show that the existing
Candellan tariff is doing very well in
the way of bringing in(1nsiriees here.
But it to worth while t)f 1.1Mse•rve that
Mr. (' ' give. tw,) reasons for
the starting of these tftxnch fa stories
in Caneda. (hie is to eo•a(M' the
duties bloomed by C nimbi: the other
is. so that their mobs "luny enter
other market+. 011 better terms' than
if they came Rent much a selfish and
high tariff 'uttt►tr)• am the 1.'nitei
States.- The latter reason is worth
considet•ing, and will have re Grecs
and influence to Europe begins to te-
tmlintl• pure and againmt the
wol4Mfl (ne)tectioni4nl resorted to by
Untk gam,
- Canada's Grund Climate.
Toronto Star.
striking A g the uryn♦ tri 1 g utter-
.ti'p of the itei'itiend Mark filly,
I'ears.. while in Toronto, nothing 11e
said will be • gratefully rumen)
tweed than his statement that ,during
his six weeks in l'anadat he had seen
more sunshine than during two years
in England. Another Rnglimh visitor
said, not lung ago, that only in Italy
had he t I sunshine 'nneprable
with that of Toronto. It is title. and
the world ought to know It. With
us a cloudy day is the exception. and
a dreary. wet slay ilf cemented as un-
natural and unjust. The ('alnadian
w'inte'r gives plenty of 001(1 and an
al lance of snow. but the earth ie
sealed by the former and blanketed
IIV the latter, it be locked in. as (Wri(al
of rest, and comes forth in the spring
r•fre**hel' send enriched. The soil is
not bnplvPrimh'd by in'ras(rlt rains:
that tvueh away its strength, nor does
it'rumhle sir' pltdn under (Irnitth.
Winter clothes the earth, tuck,. it up
for It season Of sleep, and when nature
er0*144Cs in the spring she is mtr)ng and
glad.Nome the First Consideration,
Wex.l.tes'k nentlnel-iterlew.
it tran**piles that one of the young
deer x•radrx•s whit we're recently nrremt•
Yd 111 ('hicago after jw long career of
horrible cringe in the 11.1011 of a woman
who ham devoted herw'If for yearn t,
the bitrrelax of *x•i'tie•s for the,tw-
itter of counteracting evils pr•va(e'nl
among ►ovm and young men. \\'hit,
die was endeavoring to bring about