HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-24, Page 7nit
I LIE SION;A14: (AUl)I1,1?I('If O T;11iI1►
1: UnitstY, Del•. 21, 1903. 7
TuRr1uAv_`.t)ee. Ill.
CRRIMTIt'As W11Hia..-We extend
the centptimente of the festive.amaon
t41 the Signed proprietors and staff and
to all and sundry of our uitisene. We
wish them a joyful (1brir&Anaa end
happy New Year, and many happy
abllel•1•eemf111 returns; of the Mame.
1 iONEER UMPARTED.- We deeply re-
gret to have to chronicle the demise
of the late William Ellis, a pioneer of
West Wawautlsh. which took place at
his eon -in-law, Thos. Mtotheri, reel-
denc., Ashfield, on Mondavi moiling,
the 2J.t inst. The dt•ceaalea bluff 'web
in it poor state of health for upwards
of two years.
('LIMY CALLS. -Owing to hot althea
being left in, chew proximity to the
outbuiklin1•tla of the Methodist person-
lm -
age 1'erentlyp the sheds ignited, and
but for the Ore being weep by the vrn-
erable caretaker In its incipiency, and
extinguished, it would have rtsultel
seriously .,On Sabbath evening hint a
thininey on the Royal Hotel took
fire, laid 11s the wind wits blowing
etrnngly then, wits gi1['l•at danger of a
contlag tion. The t1i't, however, tram
checkedi time.
('m ot'u N o it s. --Divine %revive
will be he in the afternoon.
mrnciegg at 3 . w., on l'ht'ilttluas day,
in 8t Paul's a arch here Rev. M.
lioldlwrg has •n invite! by the
members of Hol **vine, ti tnerhill
and Middleton'sR patlanvhurehrr,
in (iealrrich tow•neh 1, to bet • their
pastor. and Hits Loi hip the Bishop
of Hut'ou has appoin I 1 • to the
charger. The revere geetleulln
leaves herr for hie new i41 unbeney 4)41
or about the comllllmeet' nt of the
new year.
M I'NI('rlAI..-11) ,u'e'osd11.01 With
%titmtr the niu'Mined fathers 4 Wrest
N-nwanush met on Tut•wlay of last
week, all the members plese•nt, and
t lsnsac ted the busine•Msbrought before
them. Owing t.1 the inch•mencv of
', the wrathy'' the coh(W,I extended the
time for the payment of taxes Reel
the 15th until Monday. the'1Mth lis
inat ion day), after which date 3 will
Iw charged on untold taxes. There
(wing set present 110 1 ed any
change being nettle for iINH, (tie. pres-
ent (o11n(•il of Weed •WI4Wa41, sh ,wilt,
We prcm))Ine, Ile 1.(111.1141 lir nc(•1:
1" .
('IluIsTM-1M tholes YM, Our 1111.19.11
--ants Ars,- ell-oresogiutealatar - earnests
lee* of goodie 111 at11*11144." .lieplay.
for l'hriMtnu,s. (her IM,tmuler vietuellei•
hat a terms 'supply of eltttio' lusts to
snit the petite of all, consi.ling.4
ex'ellent beef. don. Inuits etc.
Our ewtreenel jeweller 1188 it c4•4y leril.
n a • t, *elm ) 1• • •
liana di I f ell l: (f jewellery
1 1 I{
p 1 1
1 a breastpin 1 it ' 11
fr m t o lads a r gent le: -
men's gold *4414hee, And the ('hriet•
111M toy e•41a1,lisl.n14'lta. Ilea got
gr eery and hardware erne., 1411 have
nttrictive dimplayle. The wee folk sere
in joyful Plpt•ctaney,.foldSit MA's
Never.%t.A. ' Mr. l'hau•lese of Den-
ser, l'olorulo. is having A I)Iraa&nt
time visiting relative* And renewing
former lu•.►41aintene(ehips. H1'.1(44.kx
its if the N eat agreed with 1 " It is
411o11 tits -me -nix year. since he left
here for the %1'e•st l0 feels• e.un's the
train, 411141 he 14 elle(•WdltIg will, being
engaged i•xtenaively in the ian.1,ing
bushier* - Mante•r Everett ':1L11 -
lough, 4',n of wine h.wteem of the Mal•
lough House, Is home 111 44)wnd Christ-
ina. h.litnays with him mother Mpd site
ewe,' and other relatives. He:is 441•
trn411ug thee Mchool of Pharmacy pit
Toronto... We, along with hie frie•ndae
are 'deemed to knew that hr is Muc-
feeding in his, steeliest. ... George
• Wilr.n, of (Mime. 1k,n mf Mr,. It.
'11'ilswrn, let visiting him thee and re-
newing former a.•Ip eett)Ilatl(ymbipa '4'f
his boyhood.
IFroal another eorrespoolrnt.l
Norio. -Reel and WI41. Wilmot). of
Saratoga, vi4ittel their rrlIINin, Mfrs.
W. Henderson, fur a few days Last
'week......Mr.. H. M. iiuf is spending
her Christman hulidat-, .with her 4i1-
te•Vm. MI.eees'Ray, of Imkelleld......W.
P. Henderson In able to he nr)und
after hie tee•tlt ilhtenas.. .,Mrs. Mexld,
of Auburn, spent Monday, ,et her 14'
- here... -Mhos Elsie Saunl,y is r Wittig
her mister. Mile. Horton. Dilutor. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mathesrm and nephew.
George. spent Friday evening,. At 11.
Duffs A. M. Kirk. of S,Irttogl, is
gmeng (4) mime his retry next w me•
and pet a cement wall 'miler it,
Andrew is a !Mistier when he under-
talie•n anything.... _ M. E. Snnderoon
1s wields to d0 anything mince `h,' fell
oft the load of at raw three week,( ago.
..The Methodists of Dung
-in nit gnve Itt•v. Mi'. Robine)n quite a
surprise by rewetting him with A
11144 of rants on Wednrtll*y night,'
The Preabyteriansedid liktwineon Mon-.
day night. Ge,. Mathews. of
lir'e•n Hay, who has been viMititig his
undo• Win. Matthews, hate returned
M(e/Kn,Y, the. 11st.
.1. C. ( utile, A termer ivwklent nt
the tenuity town well known through
I him di44trict, wits the glued of PI11irr
Magistrate Morris ieat week.
Ins. TRIM, of Poplar Row, hum ptlr-
rhesed a One Herefer(1 4414411ion from
(iniliam Brox., of Claremont, retying
it 111(1.' over a2,)??) for him. Thin -he a
"M))Irn(1Id Addition 14) the farm nt()rk Id
MU441(1IA1. lenaT11Y4, Mince our
11441 report We find I that it will be
neeeMslry to h4dd an election (u'rrnrl.
Mg t4) statute at the beginning of the
year. There is to be,a contest for the
Ilu(vornity between Hobert Mc-
tMillan end William Taylor, each
1tinking he hem 1114 good t right
b, t' office Mn the other. Clerk 1 eit-
ton 11 to in the stememirh• hall on the
twenit of Monti i•l' 1
Monday, Ih to wr 'IJII h
41t 7 o e• •k, to tw•el•P mnninalknre,
mill in c'1 it moll is denu4(ldet the. el-
(Y•tion will 1 'ellthe' followingMon-
,lay. We tri the election 111. be
ceet•iel on with my and honest meth-
emlr, iA)yed in in bittd by on honext
respite And any tilt )t At 4'o1Tllptimn
will 1M• frowned 1I4w Ion indignant
ebs'torete. An to the literate of the
rival enndidatAem we hes nothing to
lett Billy thinks he PA down 1101)
M he rets fair elev.
ff ILE.
W EDNKsn.t Y, Itee. 'Ltnl,
Hn4on/D TtiRIR PAMTOR. they night the basement of the 114,)'
M4thodint church wan 1111, Meet& of a
ppl4'iaant gathering, when about two
hundred of the mPmlwra and nether.
Pets of the church gathered to Ornate
the ;traitor, Hev. M. J. Wilson, foul him
esteemed torture the recipient. of it
mark of esteem. Thiel in Rev. Mr.
N'il i,I, 4 ?mirth veer am p4)'•tor of the
church atrxii= fifth as nu •rintetulent.
Rev. ,1, W,'Hoa, hIns()4? 1)un nnnrin,
wa44 yelled IA. the ehni, and Ate and
Nrm. yelled
k".•1'.' emil,9I I,, the ',Int -
run, when Ales. 1'Imm ie. lair{ in, .tors.
Sohn. Dn.tnw and Mrs. IMvel (lir{'in
011 behalf of the ,$)ng7.getion present 0
eel then' with 1 well-filled murmur ('0n-
tainin about 1 . The following ex-
cellent preograta WWI given (tering the
evening: Reading, Miss (trace [in-
field ; 144,1(1, Jas. ai(aeland ; recitation,
Mies Hillier ; v/M:al duet, Mr. and, Mrs.
Hadn't.; reading, W. Watson; ('tv,ite-
11011, Miss Melntoeh;'rhorus, thee•hoir;
recitation, Mts. Snyder; address, JOY.
Hetherington 1 recitation, Mies Lulu
Dunkeld. The evening wait brought
to a clots, by "Auld Lang Hype"led by
the choir. -
MONDAY. Dee. ,14th.
Nolga,-John Redmond, , jr..
been very i11 for nearly two week
but ie now recovering Jaws))
lohnstou has sold his del -stem forth
to a gentleman front 1Vinglu4m,
1'xRsoNAI..- •Mr. _and Mrs. Will Me-
I)uweII and • Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Stackhouse entitled Guel oh friendsdur-
ing the IMIM�4w�eek John Rainford,
having *Netted a 44it4uation in Toronto,
took him departure from this b6rg on
AVeeinrneh1y Inst ..Miss Ilrye1ges
visited her friend, Mims M(•UIinbri, on
Hnt(irbly and timidity Miss Effie
Knox,! of Aldan*, visitctl her frienel,
!lite llan,pbell, for a few days hod
Tummies u.t v, 1)1.1 •. 711,
Herres, - Mee Lillie Young, of Wing -
hem. spent a bey 'tape with Mill. John
Minuet t•this week Miuw•M Katie
and Annie Kwan, of (i/derit•h, are
spending their• holidays.. at 11
.. M i*x Meal has returned to her 1 •
at ' Sunshine ('Iifwd Pugh, of
(iemierich. he home for. the holidays.
Willie Elliott, ed Listowel, who's at-
tending high Helloed, is Mtwn(1ing his
i'hristmem holidayM at-home ...\11.14.
Joseph Pugh, Whit Wits A 114 1e•g*14' front
the hw'.II )trench to the Provincial
W •11'4 111441 ltlit4r 111 Guelph, returned
1 • text week and reports hiving
111u1 an interesting 1' • quite it
number from illoel•4le attended the
l'hrist.u)es trey ,OItertaiu41mmt at ('mi'
twin's school 1(41 1)eeu•enlwr 11,,t The
Meth4Mliat tinndny *1100) entertain-
ment will lie held mit l'1lrioetu11a4 night.
'l'I•r:44O.vv. Ikethiel.
To the. epee of The 'ignal:
1))ttit Silt I 1 the ('ollirt•tl,, Urns•
laJ4u4-We eVot K goal we see ft ranted
that Ihete will he opposition in the el -
tis far teevi• and r()Ine•illorn and
that t will have it mete mail rnininu.
one ('him l I. 1111111(041 the lake shore
within a half I . 4'()f tour present reeve
and 1'linIcillen. 1 '4'r. We 114P unite
Mal i4l 1+
f Iwith 1,. 11 )
1 I •I '
tt Vetere .11111
riluneillol At 4)111' end oftuw'It411ij1
/Ind4) 1101 1111414.1141411111 31r. ( ' whit e
Iden in running against him blotlu 's-
Jaw•,.M1•. Me ,inter, who be 114)911 11111 11114
out .the township) as a t h,ahet', and he
1•\'cta'w he r,' well l)M,ka'll 14. He Is a
geMd worker 1,1 him ,1911 11)1.1►tem+ x1111
))1 41tludritsti life has given good sat
fail lion. We have. no tine for
my more 4onne.illone at this end eif the
township 4(1141 think our present repn'-
s•nlxl perm 44) h1 IM• Q'1�iron another
term. Vein* tri}', . r{ATR)•.tYEll,
�lu�n.ly. Dee. 11st.
Scum EtereersotoENT.-- The co11-
cx•rt in the 111 ••11110k n( him! on Fri-
day evening lilt, w:4m very $11 eeseeft1)
in every r1•+pee.t. ' An excellent pro-
gram had Iteee•n pre►Mire) by the-t4•arll-
re, Mism Ker, consisting of dialogues,
p491141)lons, drill% and music. The pro-
ceeds amounted 411 1ted 10 $17.:11.
I'r:I:mess..--.1. Brooks, of Portage
111 Prattle. is teneteing told al-pu11i41t-
*nee. here Raymond Itrdtuon,I, of
floe thelet•ich Collegiate. is M1m•noli11g
hie ('hristmis4 holidays at Ida home
here ... Willie itobinoton iW in9Hamil-
tnn a1 peseta Gordon Wight11lnte
And W ill Taylor, having' ennpletld
t tern al the Of lerich Model. are
now fell -Hedge) teachers: they are rus-
ticating at their honors he(on• baking
upon -Ihenetei{'e. the trendier of Hie'
young And riming generation. '
Mummy, Dee. 'flet.
Rohner Quaid, jr:, be ho41f4e ittul his
Hest 1ea4(11 m sailing 410 the t'Itmldinn
The *hied here closes on Tuesday
et this week. L. Knox. the present
teacher, will have charge ngnin the
Noting year. Miss Winnie Mhaaw, a
torn 4'e pupil, who has leen 41 student at
the ll(IP in (J d1'rirh, has been
aptointe•d.0 Junior teetehrr fur one 'ed
the grades at Lint's ilead teethed. Bruce
county, 'for 1)1)4.
Weoxemn.ty. Dec. Lt.
The animal seined Meeting will bake
place at the eche eortionee on Wednes-
day of next week, at 10 o'clock a. 411.
The. retiring t.rl-t4., .1As. ('hi.+holm, t9
not. a candidates for re-election. !eye -
end new Men are mentioned hi (141-
1(r•ct1e41 with the ofliee.
Mise (May \Ine4mnrrl0, who has been
residing nt Rat Portage for *wend
venue, it4Jown o11 a visit to her Mister,
Mrs.I)4' Lawson. at IA,rn,•-id,. 'She is
accompanied by her niece, 3lis44 Mary,
and is else joined here by her nephew,
Keith lfetequarrie, student at the
Mehl of Pr/velvet 141m•nee, 711.11111,4
t t ( Mens,
for the b( li lAf n.
MmnAv. Dec.:'liSt.
('has. Peres. Anel family attended
the wedding of a relative in (iode*'lch
iw11t. week. -
Alex. !forum, who has leen it p in
the Alberta dieflict during the past
'rive 1111 within awn years ago, when
dearness over'buok hitt, end later his
'ever. and trying 1llneae prevented
Isis anWwerlug the questions' of his
many visitors. M1'. Keough wits born
in Carlow, Ireland, and from there
with hie late wife he calve to ('inline,
Mr. Keough's life hits been a long
uM• 4 l)ewr17 a ('entln•y.
otlay we at* here,
it tomorrow, where ?
Life Mover un.
So malty changes
Shall hb been.
Before we err called
, Hence, to b• with Ilius
' Who biter/del, "In My Father
Thereis rest fur all.
, CARLOW. , -
'remises', Dec Cl.
Mrs. Arch. Horton hue returned
lame.- after epee cling a week with her
mister at Stony Creek.
The Communion service in the Pres=
bytrl•lau chinch last Mableall was weal
attended, - Thee was :ea addition of
six new. members to the roll.
(stats -Noe 1'.444.x. -Thele in 41 W1011
(149x1 of election talk and •h interest
W1114 taken in the a411 lu41neement 1114 to
predseide candidates in Thr Signal 1..t
week The Major $91)'N 1,.' 144 going to
st it for the let•veship, hit or Mims.
Another c topic of cmmvel•sa-
(b it is the railway bylaw,. Whelk 4441'
hole will pins with it 'next majority.
('oN(IkKOAT111NAL --'11sr
annual meeting of the Smith's Hill
1'n'oby'teriap eoligiel(41tbm was held
on Monday and tram well attended.
The tteaaemr•r's ream n t showed it good
balance 041 haled a1ft1•I' paying all Halo -
Hair.. There was a lively dist its '
in referent- to the building of a 01041 -
errs stable on the eJsui'h grounds for
the better lotion of h.nses, 1t
is prOtx)wsl (o build the Stable Of cOn-
(rele. The managing committee w'ar
1114,111114441 144 get out plans and stM•cill-
cettions laud an estimate of the r(lsl. Of
a building of a eer•la(in size and to sub-
unit the elute to a special Meeting et
the (•ou1414'gnt1011 In be held the last
week In Match. '
HORSE KILLED. ---A valuable horse
belonging to Andrew Johnston was
killed Last week inns. peculiar manner.
A 14x141 1,f 71)111)g peM11114' from here a1t-
tle nded the Christian Endeavor meet-
ing now 149•)111111 on Feeley 40t•uing.
driving afl•...lohn4ton'1 team. 0)11 the
way benne utter the meeting a rig
driven by fir. Qtnal.l upset :11111 his
!mese Dui :MAT steel collided with
of the boreesem the Smith's Hill to:111,
the shaft of the r41naWa rig 4'n tering
its body, The injured annual was
taken to Mr. t 'lilt t(n)'14 Wel the 4er-
11(41,m of a {etrl•i111rj•surgeon were 84"
(•ntit)' ( Ind it diel nextday. 1,. Fern
t -
ntely n.l,(M•rw111 *411 iujare��elr 1
Trlt«n.%1, I),,•.22ii4.
Pin.- "AL -31r. Neely, of Mit•hi-
gum, is ixiting at the hone" of
111,4 dMught9 Mr -s. I). Todd, jr
Captain We•hk, of I)u-
Nth. is visiting his iends in this
vicinity. Tim. enptain 111 inn 0144.1,1
1,12.11).41a tifte•11 years 14(111 to . 941144491
t+ well as. 4'{•4')' Ire did ... ,.. t s.
maunders end Ales. Ingli+ and , tnm1l ,
of Manitoba, are visiting friends in
11114' 110111111 - Mies .1 eine and illgh
Irmo, of K1111,'ugh. air s M•ndiug ie
few elope here Miss,+ Aleggie :111;1
Lily 1lark. Mivaand [Ozzie Itutherf+rrl
and Hugh MacDonald. of 1)uelcricle
('oll.•gil(te institute, are, spending the
vacation at their hone* here. �1 ry
AT 11ostK. --A verb' Nlle,'e.i5rr11 411
I • Was held 4911 the evening of i)e•-
ember 21st in • the public hell, andel
the a41spi(Tx of the 'Young People's
Bible ('Lams of 1 he Pr•$bytet•ietu 011111Y•h.
The gnestM' were entert.ai1el with
genies in the fore 114,1. of 111.• evening.
then lunch wow; served, after which
a ver, enjoyable program. (•insisting
411 I1'l'ltlIt 14)115 b(`• lisse44.1e•a41 little, of
Kinlough, 1ui,1 Rena Gordon, of
Luc • 1 mole* by Jli*,e. Pet4.1•,(on
mold Lisette Miller and gramophone
selections by M. Garton. was given.
Rev. Na, M. '11'lidey filled the chair
in his usual good form. A very
pleasant evening wet+ br4►tght to n
ciente by the singing of the national
anthem, _
Trira4DAY, rice. Leal.
Air. !lands, of Michigan, is visiting
bin brother here et present.
A. E. %Wetherell, lair principal ,t
our village :echoed, leaven on the 4111
of January for the St4te,of Michigan,
when• he hats seemed n xitlltion.
D. E. Munroe. Misses Munroe and
Man. Me1%onnld were tit 1.'rdon the
1:1111.1. pal of haat week attending the
fitment of the Indy Mts. ('aldwe11, n
former Ienident bin village.
Ftp:) Windmill; a former remittent
of this l.M•Mli(t•, but One of those who
left, abouteleven yearn ego for the
Northwest, in visiting in this neigh-
borhood at r'
)MPnt, He hi accom-
panied by his ll(unilp.
The mPnibetn of the Methodist
h I•te sue making pretxu•a-
tions for their annual tea -meeting to
iw hold on Christen/4,m night. rhe
Rea-, Mfr. I'hillil!fe, of Kincardine, will
Issues 011 ••,Tetu9eleln and it En -
We nn• worry in heart of the death
of alis. Caldwell nt 1x111(1044 on the
111th Wet. at the age, of 4a•enty-three
t'elll M, 'I''01' 8bon 1 ferny )'('I1' She teas
a resident of this villaagge(', relll4iving to
bombe] bait "1()vetlltwr. About a
year 11144 she e))H'erel from paralysis
of the throat. from which 44110 suffered
more or lea. ever ni110e. Mlle will long
be remembered hen. as a kind and
obliging neighbor. *11' i8 survived
• m 1
her h A1MOn I to whom the nynl-
thy of old slegllaintnne94 is ex•
m(1el in the hone of him nNtii'ttnn,'
Alletenar, Dee. lint.
1)K.ATI' OF PETER ('nog.-Pett'r
milt, a nettle,. of Gewlet•ich township,
here he woos born sixty yearn neo,
el in London on Thursday. loth
Mt. rte Parried on farming until n
w• yearn Ago, when he el lolaim•
n, and for the lest two }estn he had
town living in London. Ile leaved him
fs' and two mons, Harry Conk. of
11 tiv'n, and lir. John -('/M)i(, of
Indio tel. The ren1Ain) were
ought M the home of his minter, MIs.
'Melon, in Clinton, whence the (1111-
14) took piece on Mat inlay afternoon.
IP aer(•I('r•(4 were P1/n4)114'ted by W.V.
V. MenninK and the all- wnr•e)n
0r. Ih,vid, Adam and Harry (Tante
, He W., Arthneuml Hpnryiallnk.
tWo Winn of de•eawd wen, Both
1e•keell. ___ __
Tr Is1DAY. ler. iMKI.
Its A. ills (;)INVERT, - Thebrethrenof
ruts* Lodge, Moons of England,
preparing p)11(ing fur 1.0111411.01111.0111411,(r, to IM• given
Id, the' 4411xy/treft of W14+' lodge on
u'mlly. Jam aaly 1111.h. Further mee
nine numthm, lime returned home. On
the way hotneweed he spent ma'erfl IM4
darn with ills uncle, II. (1. Horton, in to
NoT 1AO11 PARTKII. -ft'In jUnp 11Vel
tlinsinee we were called upon art
reelwit the (teeth of Mens (1••(t, Keoulggh,
after 41 wedded life of ;weir sixty --free Or
pmts.. On 9'hrrulay morning of lag w
week Mr. Kerntgh'm illness cane to an
end end he too went to his at. Mince in
his tetewife', death he heel been faith- fP
fully 'turned by him grenddlulghte,r, to
whom Wrand indite of before, emended (ry 1
his daughter, Mem, 11. Fulford, with wi
Mr. Futrell] end other friends end Os
neighbor.. On Feeley afternmee the en
funeral 1(%.k piece. from him late reel- 111'
dente. end there team A huge turnout 1'1
of the m•ction to :we n (nee-familint• 0t•
form borne to its Inst renting place in , TI
the family plot in Pin,,'iew 4'e 'tery, 31
Colborne.. Henry Zenner took the w
Mai* of J411n 1'Jni'iater M4 )444441 rrfrnt•, a 4441
the letter not. Ming able to attend fhe TI
bittern! ()wing to 111110.44, NO the other p
three poll -ben r'r+ 14'o'le t he nal li(' 1144 411
Ilk wife'. funeral b,•eph Took, Mat- I
thew Foleyy aril Robert Quotid. of Thin-
loP The Ile Mr. KNmgh was it 1111e
Irishman moll his genial manner wean 1114
fee 1r(nl mons- friend.. He w44s well atm
et -.ell ill the genet 4 1 •M ie Is and 111
g 11 II p l( 11 1 11 1
ready n1w41y'4 for A debate with h-i.41dx '1"
r nelghhmx. 110 WAN Pm1111 and nr-
n n111I'rimot will le Mads next week
A ball Med Mllj)per will be held in thk
Forester« 11411 011 Monday evening
next. lima! sic. Admileiwr--gen-
tlemen, 50 ce11114 ; tattieest free.
A 4b -Ton Christn►as Boa:' .
We els. today in rei''ript of .the
('heist Mee I•krlyer'e Advocate and
Home: \lagazipe, of leontiuu, Ontario ;
and upon moo liiuidiots of its beautiful
cover mid content' have nu heeitaliuu.
in saying that the fnrtuuate leaders of
that la'er-tol/u1ar twl'i0eli4al are Air
erten* it veritable treat. The Adi'o-
Bate people certainly use, their rations
well. Besides mill the good things of
the year, they re'eivethis superb
het c pliinentary. Among the tear
inue hWiday .ppblicat' this one
stands in the very, front rank iu regard
loth to matter 1 illustrations. fu
fact, it is not only nn'enterh►iner, lout
an telmotew. As usual, it id an eXp011-
4•nt of the highest type of Canadian
art, being illustrated by over 1(14
photogravures and reprodue•ti444M of
paintings by eminent Canadian art -
lists : while It - r(llt141n4 Weer a1xty
especially -written articles, all of ex-
ceptional merit, of which 84411114 deal.
with subjects of practical agricultural
value, no depar1411e•nt of the term being
overlooked, Koine with scenery and
methods of life in different parts of our
great 1►ominkin, while others appeal
to then:1111re s 11detit, the 491rcatlun-
isoanis to the tevotee4- of Iiteratnrc•.
For its alloli(A on no 11'4s -than}
twenty-eagtIt tons pauper were re-
(uirel. We 11,6,(1 • veneered ulat e
Thr Farmer's Advo, ;rte . 11 its emcees&,
and we are gl.td 1.0 ere t ' it is alomt
lei add still to ire e 1' •7 in ad-
vancing the fa rather inter '.t- of the
cauntry,ley, hoeing issued hem .(4.4 1;Is
it weekly. 114 It depart 1.11 's
tall s bei414 greatly ietrengthened, viler
pepnlnrizes The Ad\•vcat,• 111011. tan
ever with the h, •-makers of
country. Fier the home life, as well
for our agricultural and live stock
interleave The Farmer's A1h'oc4 to con-
tinues to render the very IM'et iud of
- Oleo ■.1d For Ratter,
The oleo people have always made a
strong point of oleo being a cheap but- ,
ter for the poor man, and enany have
been the crocodile teats shed by' the
0100 treat over the inability of the poor
alas to pay thi high price for cow but-
ter, uys Hoard's Dairyman. Of course
every one knows how readily the oleo
Mil ere sacrifice themselves fur the
poo , butterlesa laboring man, but we
hay never been able to obtain figures
the exact c: en
t t of the sacro.
Oce until the last report of the Penn-
sylvania dairy and food commission
came to hand.
This report shows that out of 1,482
samples bought for butter In the Penn-
sylvania groceries 1,193 of them were
oleo. As the above was sold at butter
prices, the poor wan had to pay about
1119 over what be could have bought
the oleo for under Re own name. This
is philanthropy at 10 cents per pound
excess profit
oesd Guernsey Cow.
The Illustration, reproduced from Ru-
ral New Yorker, ,Is of Cassiopeia 4885
A. 0. C. C. This Was the second best
Guernsey cow in tit 'i Americas
is Uric Acid In the blood.
'Unhealthy kidneys are the
cause of the acld bele``
there. tithe kldaeyaactod
as they should they would
strain the Uric Acid out
of the system and rheuma-
tism wouldn't occur. Rheo-
matism is a kidney Dia -
saws.' Dodd's Kidney Pills
have maJ• a great part of
o4111 - reputation Curing
Rheumatism- So get at
the rorty of those fearful
shooting pairs, and atilt,
aching joints. Then Is
but one sure way-
'►o rerappltulst., the risible supply of
wheat 1n (Lnada and the Patted tttates; to.
tether with that admit to Europa, l+ 68,-
i27,1Ya) bonnets, .galuet 56,014 (1410 MINN*a week ago, and 7.2.79RAo0 umbels n yeas
Euilow(n,t are tLr (•Irving eaotwtlons .aa
Ant.artault'Antat (*titres to -day;
Ne York ... Caro; nee
tble-,xo ........... ... Bot4, bl
7altdo ,llllllll Nita 14044 b7
Duluth, No. 1 N ,., ... ... 804 82
TORONTO sr. unwound& )1AfKET,
Wheat, red bush 40 7811 tel.-
Wheal, white, bush 0 78 0 70
W4144t, aurins. blah ...,a 78
Wheat, goose' bush a 7't,
B .•.•
Barley, bulb
Keane, burls
as, hand-picked
Pe bush
Me. nab
bib kwh t,
Oats, b
. 0142 040
1 55 .,,,
' 1(15...
0 55 ....
bush 0 4H.- 0.40
L sarou, • RAIN IND , yilopvCs.
Ur • • , Der, -wheat, spot arta; No,
2 red western, w er, tis 3d:tutcres,
.steady; ., u•,minal; arch. Os Ned; May,
n. 4d. • ( spot, ..toady. ratan allied,
414 24yd, 'mares, steads'. Jan., 4* ?4d;
March. M lieut., short cut steady,
4clear . II.,e ' spm rib. wee , 48s; long
weak :Ms tome
.r:ear middles, h. •,v, well, she .I.•ar
beeps, 10 to 1.0 pound., w sk 't4: shoo
square, 11 to 13 pounds, nowise. bops
tendon (Poole- CU'steady, i3 12. r..
(0. The Imports of w est Into Ll•rrpool
last week were 81,100 asters lts,ut At -
14011' porta, and 38,000 resin other port.,
The Imports or corn f bel 4tJantie ports
test week were 6.900 quarters;
New e Yer.
Dec. 21.-
tet- s1et
I m-
oose* at,loe; creamery, extras, per `Q�. 2Jc;
de, drat, 21c to 22e; da, wow!' 1.7c to
WOc; 11p thirds, 15c to 16c; do, tell, exta'ne,
l:lc lb 21e: do„ Oro; ;Tier to wee: der,
see -ends, 18* to 17c; state deify .tubs. Drat
114e to loci do.. seconds, 17c to Lk; do..
ttlyda, 160: to 111e; western Imitationuremia-
. ry, citrin, .11,c, Ito. I1rwl4 17c to lac; do..
seconds, 15c to 10c; renovated extras, 181ye;
du., Ones, 17e to 18c; do. secawde, 15c to
11k; din thirds 13c to 14e; western fat -
tory, held, 15c to Plc; do.current make,
eats, 151:: do.. .ecoude, 14,1•X; do-, third.
13./ac is 14e; packing sto*k, hell, 14. td'.
16c; do, marten make. No, 1 1434c: do.
No, 2, 1814• to 14*; de,. No. 8. 7.214' to 33''
(.beese--Beeetets, 5107; quiet; stats. !Atli
cream step(., '1.1 fancy, 12c; du,
to tonic, Ile to 11'4c: do., tate made small,
cheer, 10c: do., good to `,rime, Itc, do.,
common to fair,
1w9e to ,e .114., aept., large
fancy, 12r; de.. good to prise, lie to 1119c:
do., late made, large cheers 10c; common
to fair, 9c to 914• do„ Hest skims chcace,
se to Mee: Ito, prim. 7c to 71ac• do. part
.►1, prance, ire to ekc; do.. (4'i 5
. 15•' to
t.%c: do, co9noa to tsar, 8o to 3c; do , full
'lima, 11,4• to 2c. .
'U' -!trendy' receipts. 332: Bute. Pena..
an . r$.' fans'• selected, new, 42e to 46c;
d.., ar. Amor, Etc: do. ends to
w..te n extras. 36c; do.,
Santa Claus
has already arrived at MCLEAN BROS.', add is
being kept very busy these days distributing
Christmas Gifts
to the many customers who call at their store.
They hove a lovely duck -o( notions tor weu_aud. boa.suitable'for this
ift-git;ti); season. Pew -instance :
Gloves "r tr", , - Handkerchiefs, Scarfs,
`Ties, Collars',.and Cu ffs, ' Umbrellas,
Hats and Caps, Fur foods, Overcoats,
Raincoats, Boys' Suits,' Afen's Suits
aIamt 41 M1118out n44(uteu,e thousuld and 0114' Other article&; more or binsuseful, and all at
prices low enough to make it worth your while to do your Christmas shopping
Kinthedlym, call and sae their steak of holiday goods. They' will 11e pleased to
'Phone 77. The Square, OODERICIII.
Cf1 ^ - N" • >' i J - 4''4 • - wi- A
Christmas Day
is the daywe all want happy
thoughts, and to . have those
happy thoughts you N.want a
What present could you give
your wife or sister that would
give then( more happy thoughts
than a
appy Thought Range
:rats• 30c t
tiros, 33c to ' Ldp.• seconds N0! to •4.4•:
do., am 33c; do.s coeds, 20* to a:.c;
dtrtle., 24c to 27c; refit - tars, 25c to 29c.
carte. item, -(latus' Ryer. Hol&
las OR for Lower Perces.'
• London. Dec. 21.- 1,4,4' cattle, firm at 114
to 12c per Ib, for Auha.lc.o stem droned
weight; eapa,uan steers 10e to Ito, •
Ib.; refrigerator best, 9)yc p(r Ib. y
11c to. Lk per Ib. Iambs, ale, areae
OAlaIOPRI NU A. O. O. 0.
model dairy herd. In the six months'
test this cow gays 11,270 pounds of milk,
wblch tested 4.26 per cent butter fat. or
287.73 pounds butter fat, which made
815.01 pounds of actual butter. Tho
financial record of the cow for these
six months stands its follow;
1.11) pound. hay M N
4147 pounds allege ,„•,'I„-1 414
1,610 pounds green clever......«..,:v811
1,141 pounds bran
61 pounds eats............ -
714 pounds gluten _
42 pounds cornmeal
42 pounds linseed meal _
12 pounds cottonseed meal -
Total value of grabs 17 to
Total 10
This left a profit of $50.40 on the pro.
duction of butter fat.
Know Tour Cows.
Much of the protlts of dairying U
eaten up by the cows. & single cow
May be all right In appearance and
even In the quantity of milk yield, and
yet she may be merely an expensiv
luxury, her feeding and care weighing
more fluanclally than her butter prod-
uct Every cow should be carefully
tested not• nI
7 as to the amount •
yfel hot a • to the amount of
feed she requires to make 1t from. The
teat should involve A carefnj weighing
of feed as well as butter, and (-owe
that de sot yleld a reasonable profit
should be disposed of.
What Oles.4 nigher At i.l •.peel ..d
Lewar .t Chlea.o The 1-1•11915 lUPPlr
-The Lwta•t ()notation.. •
Mond.(• t:, ening. Dee. 21, '
U?Prp.s.l 11'11,111 4111.1,9 - 140r1 94,d hIghol•
1017..8 than oA Met'Ird0, and (M.1 futures
144 brother.
At (Wear. May n Iv 111 .'!%sod 14., low/t
Mon 4atordar, Mn,• -.,ire %e HOW5eM
Ilea .Wan No. InSer. /
1011E0'0: 11AKK4r4.
I.nndnn - ('hwe 1\JIrnl. , i. 1,1 ...Ire, leas
offering. I'11rrel, No. :t not -4140m N1;401401)1,
flee. nod January, 214, 4' 44, .ml 21044141. so.
2 norther. Munlnew. I,..- 4401 .1611,., :041
414.) M':bo•. un p614Awg', tlrm Inst not se- P
Ilvr•. ?tlmd .(m.•r1-Mn 114(1.•! 1.11: 7,1a. riot°,
Prot Minn„ 2rei :kl. '
Per). 4'10.0 IV14,14 fon fr:n. 14-,. 'lf
10e; March .41 Jnn.•, 218 2a. I'L..I•, Ione
Mule); tree., 2141 :am'; JIa1' 41 nod 2 11,•. :141
Awl w.er-. 44Vhre4, spn( fen. No. 2 ItsWw
It �' '74 ii'i':'
**iv 494?v11949-114i1c#19
- >1
Montreal, Dec. 21. -About heal of
butchers' cotes, 4') :'aures std 1 sheep
and lambs were o4T»red for sale at the Eget.
Itnd Abattoir Io -day. 1110 b eters wars
out wrong, bit Hide was sr Now, a4'
the butchers were bolding ick fur lower
Pieta cu Christmas cattle, ban were Dana
last week. The bent .t which has been
welkin this city for so year's past wag
.old for 0r'gbehl 1910
lbs., dd acame fronE Act-. (ut. Sales of
Chistmis tattle mer mode at 5c to 514o
0" 1b.. Qat a few r choler animals were
weld .t higher rate ;Mame eeeres sold at
about 4(: poi• 15Ib.. good mediums 91 olnett
Le; ordinary me.ltfima, at about 41%», and
the *Olwmoa stock, at. 1,.y to 30" )14T
(.Mete sold at f oat 43 t. illi 0a1eh. or erten
11y4I'to .8:.144.14 Ib. Abe' -p 501,1 At fr.nn f e
to.1'yr'und th tambA nt 4'.- to. 4,4e IM•r II,,
(44.44d lots of t :logs Mold at 41411t ,1,,". p1•t
pv5nd, ., 1
East Buffalo, Iter 21, Cottle- Itecelpta,
32140 heod; (food beery dutch, fs' grades,
thetlre, us: to 1:M, Willer; others, ale v;
prim...Steers. $5,10 1. 15,13; ehlpping. 43
to 43.10: but,•hen', 14.:x), to '14.73; lictfe•rs,
43 to 44.10: rows 42.0 to 44; hulls 4=.1x1
1• 14.10; sto,•kers aril teethe*, -ee.3,, to
,b0; mock batten., 22 to j •1; fr0.h cows,
d .p1.104ms, slow; go' h' .'b1A,•' 44,9
to x1; r 49 f`r
41 I um 43 In 3l:xr; Wlw)ou, .411
to t'
iM. nos -(t
4 ere t■ w
bd. low.
N1 . '2+,-
1(nen It♦r•01pM, 17.2110 h•ml\\ a.tHr;
h, n('y 44,10: mixed, 4451 t• NIH,;�rorkers,
44.45 to $4141; pigs, 44,10: roughs, "aib'bk4aall1,73.to
$4; wogs, 15 to 844,3..
Sheep and Irm4M-Khrlp(,. 34114d;
slow, 10 to •F. low'r; Iawalm, 44.:x1 toy
yearlings. 14.23 to 4475; 'tether", 44\ o
41,23; ewes, 13,37, to 43.00; Wimp. mixes,
42 to 43.75. \
Now York. 1Ms•
„r 21, R mss-Ire^.Iptm.
4:ibn; steer., *tend,: opened slew,' closed
mere eche; b,0I,. Atvady to strong; thin
-084'0, 141x• higher: others( Moody;. steer*,
43,73 to 43,11; one car 11!'4.404: 010,4. 4:1 10
14.50; 1111145, 12.70 or 4:1,10: cow R. $1.113 to
13.40; few fat Ohio do., 44 is 44.25. Ex-
pecte to -morrow, 1124 rattle, 107.1 wheal rent
1411. gnn+'trrs of beef. Veleta -Iterelpts,
1047; ,rata, 14011,11' 111 strong: larns:eel
d0, steady- wester'(, active; Teale, 44 to
144.11114: 0hoice and extra, 48,73 to 49.x7( .
1•atnyard stack. 42.73 M *3,2 went -run. 43
to 84.
*seep and lams... - ltecelpes, 1:4,0,4;; sl.erp,
1(M to 19c 1.04"*; I*mbe 1(11• In 'Lir :ow,•r:
*4)10 SAI,, i4" Ins •r; AArep, *23x1 SI i W4l;
few 81e4rungs, ti1.:M1; Inmle., 44.,.:,., t0 M.al;
xem'rnl *Ilea, 41,73 to 41MO,','.na4) Iambs,
K• an to 444
/legs--ihwr4 t., 1.5,4111: 5'011,: Mute ORA
enssylvante, bogs, $4,76 t• 44.00,
THE VL11n1.81 MUPPI.T.
As 'oInpa -od with n w.ak s*n, 144. vlslsht1�s
."Pp1, of whilst It. rsnad. And the 1'n414111
MtHrw ha, de. r.A.,..l '117,110 bmlfpat•
ren. Inr4MA4,41 94,4.41 bnshela, oats Inrn4e4'1
1•.1,N(7 Inr..hN. 1- lln% Ing IA .1 r.Mnpata
llrr •rntwl18nr f.,1i the w1M't omen* to dal,
th. pr►-edlna wr.k std ,be r4rie4peudiag
week M Inge
1h", 21 'o: Dec 14.'117 Oen 10,'02,
whMt. ' b.l ,74 :1417..1444 a4 MN.Orl/l 44 4f41 NA
(Mata. bn ... A 5211,0r 27 Tat 41,419,(111
Cars. be.... dr1 a.ea7.so0 lTwat.tlW,Ooo . 8.341400
-Tae 1. Coo ,r1
111VONIMr %lkrecl(\ri• %%AA,
V IIINMO\11ntr9,
• ♦
4110054114 ■Iw a• el1swat. sight w. 4.1.
4w.b.. Pt
Call and see my large new a rtmont of'
18.17 ROGERS' tt As
and nbfnlerons (ith'r useful ('hristmas gifts.
'PHONES ---Store, 22 ; House, 112.
4s+4s +yrs a`�"�z;
VnItti111111tIttlitt't""1!1111f flZG
ALE4( ROBINSON. Pr oprxtor
'Those who drive, for
either hum inese m•
111400114', will If 11(1 1 he
rwgllle Mlreet
• well equip/wet
good hot•se.8 Itlld
rigs -
Buggies,' Phaetons,
Wagonette, etc.
41t•ery 41111' (411e1 14,
emnlln• the c fort.
_ end tultiodeetion of
liive me A tall. •
(limonite ColIb)rne Hotel.
Livery, Mack
'Bus Stable
(,()OI) 110HMEK
1' 11 A ETON 14
---KT ' A T-
Ita0ka land r•li-
lable•'tlt'ive•rs in
charge of the
'name/, Whieh!will
meet, all trainee
and mtteam 'met n
)1'T11 WTIIEET 'PHONE FI/9;111
our dealer you ser
WOMEN !CLubf=_
.441.1 1'.144414 A. , r t' 1 r:1. , 11.1, mK WW1 4 P
ad�ertf, io
M. f3lrytwn,132 York Bt., Buffalo]The Signal, [I'
h- by
• Leese
hada, 'e
41N flf
e of
s Auld
, acre.
ry SM.
. 11.
1,10 Mr.
tam m tv