HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-24, Page 6k i I Irl & TikussDAr, ber•. 2.4. 'low , 4. . . • TtiE SIGNAL: WDERIVH ONTARIO in a tone of exultant admiration. _ pair or gate R elelader ewohlf bun ag. CHIIIST31AS GIFTS. • garrlsou It our ,lelcew." I a low, wl a forehead, an•hatit brows, a vroswd Galant uti the well olil"to the ••,dud we will have si. Buflisillon for I straight, Slightly tip tilted none, a ALICE 0I1 f OLD low dtor. t 't'1lar iouKh frame ol! the doorway gilts Jwst the rustle setting stilted to SPECIMENS OF WHAM MAV eg'MA36 IN HOME HANDIWORK. vllk+. who was standing by. ' find a strong cKilu set above It faultless A11re'r (»statue, the wolf striking part "Ilk goodsuggerUuu," nms•uted Father : throut. Ills hunglnatlo'n In canting off to ✓ ` of which was a graylril short gown , ending Jult above her fringed buck- ay Material. IY111red-mots• Cor- v ■10■t ■"d Pr-lly Sam.'rk.t a allow VINCENNES I ilk, u }uo•curlum. Around her head she u to ra.bleaarl. Reda—relies amid cImAniug, it garrison And 11 tvt11mander. even foundialluself whintliug gayly a , postern upporlte lite crowd. on her had Id,uud a bile Were Wvf, n wide cot• D.... T.IIu. promptly -j ret. M. Ituilssilloll wan P1e•1.41 A.; I In that be had beard wheat a bay. , tier of wlildl lay uver her crowu like The perplexing question of gifts hl By MAURICE THOMPSON a louse esp. Iler brlgbt hair hung Inw Upon her Shoulders III .tumbled bait one that arises at the approach of Rv. _ -_ eurlr. ery' Cbrlatmms. Charming Indeed erg, [eer•lAt . y sl, W- ilLRR81 (CIMtA/t i i lieverlry could not stare at the girl, wwe of the pretty trifles muds by clev !,I c t -r ;J:i�it:e i rc.ol•., tack nom•, and fw suouer had he turned W� bark er fiuksrs out of bits of sulk, matin, vel - I tet - CO � , i:.: c:pyni lq eh.;ptert •'J!r_(! upon her than the picture In Ilia ullud vet and Ifueu, witb dainty lacer and "\1lret a girl y011 ArP ..' jIP Pxr1U IIlHd NlllagPd like a wane its a kaleldo m oll "P oloabi.,” rt•pUwl the priest, "iti a ' Ile flow raw a tall, finely developed ribb ous to forun tile decvratiuus. A in a tone of exultant admiration. very few weeks. Niealllline we wiW � *gore anti a face dellentety oval, with •'Never was there another Iike you:" • garrlsou It our ,lelcew." I a low, wl a forehead, an•hatit brows, a Alter wall( -d quicklypact bum with. ••,dud we will have si. Buflisillon for I straight, Slightly tip tilted none, a out mistaking, fox down in that Spas 1c,aIH lAWla•r,' rpuki. np dte'lle de Iton- ! mouth swWt *lid full, dimpled cheeks w-Ilear Rolue women were Widdled aside vllk+. who was standing by. ' find a strong cKilu set above It faultless frau) the crowd, looking on, she had N.wn little Adrienne •BourcMr. Mile, "Ilk goodsuggerUuu," nms•uted Father : throut. Ills hunglnatlo'n In canting off to illbault. "i�t•t us organize nt once." its first lwpresri n was lucllued ex- r1adP haste to descend. Now that her ' lulpulAvely chosen vnter•pr►se was come ,,,)In - th�hl3• lite word was pa.44ed aggerate .tiler's• bwtuty add to dwell i its UI smiled pletel her bohtness deserted her, and that thi•re would be a meeting it the upon pictureryulneair. fort that ereuing for the purpuric of I as he walked back to the fort and elle Slipped out through a dllapidud4lN cImAniug, it garrison And 11 tvt11mander. even foundialluself whintliug gayly a , postern upporlte lite crowd. on her Everyl4dly went at the 114', Snatch from it rollicking fiddle tome right was the river, while southward promptly -j ret. M. Ituilssilloll wan P1e•1.41 A.; I In that be had beard wheat a bay. before her lay a great fiat plain. beyulld Ly mcclawatiuu, with Rene dr ItopvfHtl _. •, ru•.;r Sr':,tl.. -ia whch rose some hillocks covered with an his lieutenant. 'It o a.>,, - --- forest. The sun blamed listw-epn wnsse,s Ont -le Jaz"u had r•rmum•d• Kill dignity Jett. New subscribers to The Signal of slowly drifting clouds .that trailed slit that be ItokM luta his cap several !,I c t -r ;J:i�it:e i rc.ol•., tack nom•, creeiiing fantastic shadows reruns the , times without adwaking. I tet - CO � , i:.: c:pyni lq eh.;ptert •'J!r_(! manly waste. Alice walked along under cover of lh� \teautitne certain cltlzpns who 'had Covernor I 1 I 0 .i, c o •• of O'1: Ji ;t6' ° - ( ` slight land swell• which then, myre Iw en In clow relations with Ablwrlt during hN star quietly mllppwd • _ ( l"j . r g,_ `. ff; I) a- y mnrkwl than it ,if unw, for )rah I A REST, 0 PLACE. Y out of twtYu, manned a 1luttr,uu and ; , Vie contour len(+ of hummol•k upon ,went up the river, i)rohnbly to A)ulnto• I __ IIA08 AND TOILLT TASLx TRIFLIX which the fort And village snood. A ton first nod then to Detroit. Iamubt• I A Dlvar Wills 11"1" y of 1.111ooa ",.,I dainty gift to add to one'a personal be - watery aw.nle• grown full of tall n,tnntle '. less they mustwrted iIlat things u,lght 1 Ilse" at lard. longings will always br a wiwla uu•:iudlrwl pnn111e1 with titµ t [ K appreciated by ;anon 1(row leo w:ifut for )heir r"mtori. .k nesting 1 las• Il,. t e sluing touul' the friend whore tjamll crave beautiful bluff.'so to,°all If. And il"•rr tray a Nnlf. It was tin+ that Charon(% and Port w'fih flu ernntau I", 11 of Ill- leiuil Joel lnch(h• wbt-pl•iIng M wf"A anon* mmckeille first A(-knowlwlged the .\mer•' wall speer• til ulu• akar a the 11ng1lawre, things, tvhlle auything that adds to the n the lw;g 1d:u1,•a luau strut., clap pxN•r.l 'lean ltorpruutrut and hulsted the fiaK fa rhne'll In ,., flhlslrut n. The e)r- beauty of tLr home will bring toy t Ills- chun•h nod Vilifier Perefs but e•Id whick as lolg us It coated ver lit rel uqulls+ of p111.,ws fo n Ulvnn of that houm(-a,ite. The followt,g illnmtrs- rentluned for some distun(whl the db , tions au.1 „uggestlons antoug ■ nunll)rr blockhouse, was lightly mild It vinxly thio Wild is said I 1,+rr•mllrr d y -tilt the rectiuu of that pretty knoll ulwyu wid. b +Luys 11f,lhP wiri .and illy e1 lrlug Ural trlgl0ally preseuled by the Delineator willed by every nue In bauulere d itIIA•t the cemetery is at present isotastefullyI mil}' prove helpful to those who are Houl"Illou. derlgn lain). IN ns variirl I tl • tale of kept. Site telt Shy now, tic If to run wren iL,vs. busy plauuing the Christulas offerings Father (llbnult tatdiued to P h F. Now that all sorts of talc knitting away and hide would be a Kraut relief. y g it kaskt. Sud a little la)e*Valiiaio,lau • TII.• shelve+ Iflu•.sluced nlovp ib.' Indeed, so relaid were her nrrvrw that I"Hngc an• to are so fashionable again a knitting bat; a slight mtivement In tho Kr,tararad cat-.. urd Ilrhu, joi ►al man, int peat tilt ry IaokN anal br[c-a I primp of Idle, arrived at 1'It r•um•s with fi a convenience.it The one %coven Ir of tall flags arae by staRlad liar painfully, . figured silk, with a black velvet dusk n Colonel Cl mllrsiun from lrk u 1laking her Jump ltte'u [awn. J. a coliset IU at each side. d'luiu milk Is used t11urizlult hew to supersede ah RouasU' tar the liuln "Link frlplad,aot M 'fru N:' Iu1W • rA g, and rlbld)ti forms the guttural vol `-e in broken Preubil. ''•Lit- ' lou as cuwruandl rand to act us ludlnb ,rl,a handle. agent for the Aspierican goverumeut in. to friend uotVnake nolw." A handsome opera bag Is made of the di•purlweut [ the Wabash. He At k- glance she reevgulz.d IioflK g' Clily embossed cehet, with the lining our wrlccnit\,f by Ibr rlllagcrs old at d'I' 1, Bair, flip IndiaD�fdng out of flap milt •I i1,. j Jt I plaln•sllk over a wadded sheet. A try w t• 1 ; of cc Ir -noting oil ad d ur t r m il to p K Sy P ted morel grow th. Ir wuS a Nidi ytts ,them by adapting hlwmrlC to tlarlr ways i ► , - 'tf �1 r, I H coed run through n casing at th visluu tit emt)edti(d uuulug, soulless C.. tpp hotel it. nese and munlerow elty. ? nui ratrrlag Heartily Into their rtxfal Fo the friend whose inotto Is a "Not tall shute man oil ser aur?" ('tet rt(rs. "pie for everything and everything be grunted-lnterrogatfv y, atrpping L dttwsslllun was a1M nt when Cap Il, Its lace" a set of tollct table trifles Nose tnf her. He tookel ao sic►eel ` tall ilrlw end hla party e'uu;r. Haw I y will lx wel(•ome. Three round bores de L' tulle, nuwhkally in cummanl of - Ir of dltre 1 that she recoiled and Iffi d�Vrhands • _ height art- made .of card- ihr ;or hut•arhmlh• enjoying seine cz a• lsu;rd coo with silk and lined with de6unicely. - cr•lla•nt • 4 cure shooting with a b1•II ': I She trembled from bond t, and /unulhed n fowling {)for on a • .,,dant sulk and or nmputcrl and latstlwl with. her voice failed her, bill she tits e a the brush. They are aruanged together or`atlee sign anal stalled at hila, t n- prairb•. caul .,It. be present i1, deliver +... on a fotmdation' circle of silk covered nil ihr I)wt, a qs there tit a- +)o Knrrl• Ing its white a her tanned dura Sou a_,. ` cardboard aWAnishd with ribbon. Ix+romp. as)u lust then iglu( M lio took inn• I wn los without a R,:wulitlrr, . Embroidered nm 10 Itfted to mate In his left hand he lue•Id hN bow, - R pretty and u til collar case. it Is while In hin right he ball lifted a most. i .•'1 think. III. tena I, IUSI you'll' mounted on atripi of car iparl over - , k an)nud tbmu;ll m• rI1L.4p nerd saw laud with scented wadding and e derous looking tomahawk. ng "What new flag taemn',' hr demand- It , u can Iscflr.• til; (III 'nplain What're A ,v,)a You rA ULF. COAXS;h ed, waving the"bow'@ end t is his -n e," *,:fill till. new •ummnnder to it till the English ray trailing err tcp a stet n young n1,6 n lard (-umr ,Ienurt• fraun,a adds a r:tc,7fld s wr•II tort slid beading his bend down close i K to hers. "Who yonder?" with III "I calft if .1 pi there es btu ultiogi•lber, ple•amaut tut b e,f 17he great American father Irnn take rr'"''h an rat trlthout gct'Ifla fly touwln unmre to the n4,nk. • •. ��,_t1, a twill. M yon baptwn ll, -ullel•t 1'hlm saran t want Was the Ingrid n. onW under his prote•ction." she es- g' ' PISI "N't Rte. bug tnh•es new.' flip _7 r•ap1afu'r 1 qtr, Ilentenalrt'r" devler ol"a ukelad.•r of the family, w , _ ___ (yea, aur--):nr unlltuUA411(inIt do liked it, have li IaNlk- within nein,. • It alniost c her to mppnk• ( lit Colonel Clark' vier. but r•uu to d i'gb, be*µ bug :" he said with a reach wbrn taking u holt iunura .... that IK'm away ob a.lrsAlbt tafr:' not In lie durltur. Tllr br:u Wats to ani I dark scowl: "I.ittle mm,uch his I - the young sous ort the shetrr•m were µnn Inwwl at the• J yrs ! tool. Z(til unuy iw• IoW an Ihc)> bt tYelN nitvntr start alai faAteuwt if. the l/ t lir Int stralgbtrned np Illi tall f' and 'st0011 leering at her for some ape hair lougHel parlye,s,*.' L•hn•rru)ark• tet Uprl;rht 1:)ardak th*t fa( -rd the nar 1' , "If w.•t,'t hurl. nuyw•ay. to find out now Rall space lunde.toy the' llrepluer. on(L !ben added: L�tlla friend Kat bIIN•d, tcalpea! where Ilrrs Aud Wako a ,roll all, 1'h.• t res long aitulcrn were thru,luhl -.+' Just for ill ntr snkr, a d to In. on rho rackelm. The eoflslrnclfon w:us maybe." a ulrr about lits Ith. I w oil c The Indnrscrlbable nobility of anhnal I I no airnp that uo outsddi- htJp sum i wumld,try It, Slr, x0(1 jlle kilo the flre•Nrary, only n girl's tiuucerm Is•hlg �' E' I. largeness, symmetry and stn•ngth p r showed fu his form and attitude, tout result." enq,l)yed to make file corner the mnc•, j! ' i. The lieutenant telt that this cess In the w• it to pictured. ' the expreaalon of his countenance was 1111 absolutely. rrpulalve-cWlt;, hard, beast.t'rr•eu)ptor'y under and turned about t egnlar tan) •nw•m tuuy lie lwyun4l -� ol,ey promptly.' the •cdiwuy flu•( Nary to be practiced ly' *'Arai 1 any, llpcerleya,come hack so-, till- rot hu ahplve•s of white- DOLLAR CASSMb1 OID=ir A1P1low He did not speak again, lout turned bar H you Is)+Mlbly can, Ill Added ,w ill ststu(d at lacked or of µlar quickly and, Stooping low, disappeared hinged together, borAL fahlob, with rib le his tonal genial IokP, thinking It a tar ell In n µWhat -Ina case the Ilke a great brownish rpt! "erpent iR' bon. ltlbbon tied Id bow at the ata- Krant piece of haws to sui;l l-st wbrn• 'mull Is•Ing to bring Ila to itµ aymr Ola- the high grasm. which e•arerly stirred I err effeets'the closing., /'ty for a mall whose marked dlffpn•n(•e finish Ibe w•oodw•ork'a eady In tilt' is he moved through y frt,sa the men of that thup was 1110 b1 1 An embroidery apron fs o indCtpf room -m be Introduced et compare• Somehow that day m*Ap fivplf elk gift-iqr the woman ,Who lndolges til nitsiitteure from Intoxicating drinks. lately am I P:pe nw.-ltesl r. atrangrly memorable to AIIex. Rhe hili In tameµ snag; and fancy s►Aek to coin - Lieutenant ieutenant Fitzhugh iteverley WAS If been seenmtomed to stirring a(Ynem mux. Ing bids Ile own oto b now what once 1'Irglhfan of \'Ir,dnlnnu}. He G;u)ly gerµ s0r�i For Wall Lire sudden changes of, condition*. but Ibis Mn bide wr than t r be ler. kl ora. had long been prv)mMrut In .(-olouls) The ot•erinld em Im worth co hl - Was the firmt time that site had ever more rather than numnlsb. d,.kbgW 'affairs anal ld,nmtrd n record of greet Pring where ons Ilne•n gowns An, joined Actively In a public movement aeblecernenta both In marµ of lawn, dotted swifts or Hneu turned I apd In war. cernwl. The ")ns1 i• )fit" of tit oral of Important(. Then, too, IA.t)g Hula up tet the bottom, divided Into pockets Ile was the only son of ifs pareute unry rrpam fm w hi8irously mhowb up rows of stiu•hln and others(( fix p)chore•mque and ndlrly Aranutfa w1F g and hair w fie estate ronmbtinK of by the action nt the hon that k Is (or to wl Ilkµ the usual fancy %prop, laods'naatd lslarrm: but, Iike wan; nn• should be talwoeA. Ito haps one of otbme of the rrmlh•ns young curaliers i the most pmcticully time i mklrts for .inR A pretty garment of title kind. ",4 j u of tiro Old Domlumou, ht had (-utile In I the purpose heft its seams well over- iT , 2 aserch of adveblme over Into Ken- , laid and stitched down, a 1p yokp Jewel, sneer rad IAeat•rer Traces. u lucky, along the path blazed by ll ' piece molded -perfectly to the agate l'Pn np basket work In silver fur - u Jai iltobe. and when (:lark organized I rocetring the skirt at the top, a (rpt nlehPm µtett• ,decautrr ornameatatlou. his little army the young mnn's In the 7mm(Mlate front, where 1t Some new addn(•k sticks, leather .- j patriotic and 'thlvalrle nature leafy I smartly tut front gore robs up to covered, .bow al copper mountings. r ' at til@ opportunt�t'.• to serve Ilia country : waist Itself. An Altematl•e model Is 'Y The pendant every Imaginable d Marler no gallnut a commander. the popular box plaited skirt, and Here lase covers an 1 else field )n the • h, 11 I intent upon him formal talmmtnn, Lien- i the turriings of,the upper part of the present vogue of Jew ry. I tenant Beverley sinflted biddy Into the 1 seems before the box pinits begin; are ( I Rblsll and gold and g o enema} and 44 fnclosuro at itonnnlllon place and was trebly stitched on either tilde and them flat on the Ill by altar. Itouilmillob I give almost the effect (it orerlayh)g gold al's handsome co binettons in 1 : th one of her worst molls. Slip glared ! and restet the deadly efforts of the open gtR•sem of the seeso I A alai Umbrella hand,( o Ivory Is 'i at him with her bandit on ber 61µp, her '! (undress. The "into of (Date mild ffffff I �' spirally woiltld With cords gold. fr t mouth tet irrlt*bly aslant upward, her boleros, nccntrinll as they do only on Another In burnt Ivory is worn with ��, I,! eyebrows gathered Into n dark knot the Shoulders and under the Arms, are sliver. orpr hPr nose. It would be .hard to likewise beat overlaid and stitched, 1 .Imngine a more forbidding coonte- ' the sl(teve ertmti only being etitchod Vivid reel, bright clear green, rt rn I i'j Hauer, and for hupplementary efTvet out nattirally Kind bound Inside without lie• brown and other warm buttes mark t1it , Z; t , IS 110µ114d hunrlifow-k .Irnn to stand bre Ing pressed open ll, the usual fashion. Autumn lestber g(mw]s in bags, pnrwv , hind her, with his bug hpnd Iving back , and comes of every kind. i in flip holetiw of him shouldprl and his Alelres lie. Merced silver Is much to the fore In '� ~� Inng ebin Plevnteil, while he govi-ped In Sift together twn and a quarter bric-a-brac and table service ware, and tell fly lip into Beverley's face. quarts of flour, two nod a halt tea. meldern art work bps robbed h of lip - • �"k i "Ban Jour, inodnnle," said th! Ilion- titssin■ of hnkink powder, half a it's- former look of flatness and inferiority. i tenant, lifting lite hat and speaking spoon of molt. ]full Into tele dour a I Amteri@s, moonstones, turquoise and "What retie Jlnp mulnl" with's pleasant accent. "Would 1t be cup of lanl kind n third of a pound of I jaiµ ■M tashfonable stones for tllp penrnhce affected her imagim , if wttlt Agreeable to Captain noun►llon for , butter. Uolston wit11 n pint of milk. hniod-ome handles that are provided nn ludescrilnuble, fnrro-. NIU-,,,, •r. the tile,to'rpe him A mmn,•nt?" . i'lace aro it I.,Iml And roll'ln one And together with We of gold points, for pathetic alluatlon in the love affair Ire• ' Inesplte fleverlev's elecenmsm in us- i two-tbirds pounds of butter in four roll- umbrellas. • e e -I toren Itpne anal Adrienne hnJ utak n Ing the 1'renrit Inngnngp he bad a dr � Ingft. Line the mldi•s of the dfmKi and ar- The pnrrhnmfng pnbltc tiremn APepr bold of her conatclence with n illmtuirbing tided brusgnpnese of manner and � ; range four ehfekenm,plewwl until near- to fire of the Miwknot And rrow•n mil �, grip. Burt the 'shadowy menne of her curt turn of volve not In the least (late ly tender, with Inrgtt%t INmen removed. til In brnnrhPa, anal mnme of the rihbnn \)ending :vents, of which mile could lac. True. the soft Vir)tinlan Intonation I ('raver with the rpninining cruet, eft grrungpments are prettier and more town uo Idea, was behind It -all. mile marked every word. and bin oMHnartrm an openhig In re•ntfir for flip steam to grneeful then ever. ra bad not heard of nndywhut or nun; waft an low Sri It Nftr.nItolinetllon had escape. Rake slowly for three hours. ilsndmntne ailver or gold capped ter liril or f.exington or Concord. lout been a queen, but flip light French I mocks for men Inky the new mgners momptIll Iike R weft of their slgnitl- grace wan wholly lauking. Neuralgic. Hes laehe is Usually ance had own through her mind. A "What do yon want of ►ny husbands' ttle:ndi,l kit it II blindi lain, Intl r.•• form In the hand and upper pnrlMn. t changia wAs rnmin Into her idyl- Mmr. RonMlllon dentardhd. 1 rod flan grndnatillly taaln n h o flip' g1"h E y - UI•f roli,cm qui kh• wlu•n Nervilin'• Ir round rhnpr for 1hP mala Irnitlh ill the IIC life. Itbe wnm indistinctly aware of \Hlhtng UnplrAarun. i rmfu/T )roll, np11dh•d, for it is flee •tat+nKeat pnin- It. as Ave sommimem are of as approach- tnmdsmeS" amid Eieverley. relietrr, in lily world. V rotmider ick.-F:IRIp ItPe In Jewtlsn Circular. Ing stone ivbilt• yet the sky 1s sweetly "ll he's not at bearle, m'sfma'; ht's I Nurt ilin - I ni t -t m;tXlt•nt Ir•Oledt• far Corns Grow Befwan the Tort bine and owmim. Whion aIle reached m•nrwl s. I nut mob act to I N'nt lit- tip the atter for a few days." KI } 1;t4,•ks." is ripft JIIN. (I. It�t Mims. (t Bot call 1A'cm..d w'thout rain in one hnn,e the house was tuH of µraphe to die relaxed her stare, nntfa+A het t tlnllimulr, "Istt, nevA. worry If Near- dit h PulunnftrCorn'anafWart Ex- - M. itolsalllon, In tuft pyemt of eyelirownamt even let ftll her has« I I cilia• M ,Ili ihr haus•. The palace Inu'fn•. 'this anndarrl fritted never monde, was dispersing wlw bran • from hor Pllelfilke hips, y Sly• \ "Thank ou, modallae," mnld ilkv relief that \ervilinn brings nuthem i( latrnm t he deal it d entire rat t'pKr. trnv 1 �' pMaTizti+aii tir•mr. A ir+w,aplrlfraflnrnr ►tf l•nmaf�ttMnIntl dtr111s nett demtmv ••1'1vµ Zhorzb Vemintnn"' @knitted h"I, bowing again. "I am sorry not to newer yc, (ail", to kill the• rain. I the flesh. i'mf• only 1)utnam's, It's; thi- Onclp JAsnn as soon am hp on her. here P"n hum." can alta) rr•ronnornd Nervillnr fur (rent. And then ili" nil talked At once, any. Am flip was turning to go a shimmer i mtiffin"if in the joint% andt•heumal,snf." Ing fiatter1n11 things 11rnt1t her. lime. of brown hair ttresRed with Sold TI•y PNerriline ytwu•ftl•IL Priv-41 lfm•. Ynagro". Ill tura flRmpl-inK of dimenH• Rnumalllnn trill in arold am umuAl, hilt sltufgk u(Irm his Thdrrn free Just with-• . tent. rilb m Ilrely chattering et the guests to s dmfs. Has e Panama, if In ro. I The 111,111'( a Haul l;n. tuony*la)ut ,Mtllt'I', (491 Powder. CakrP. Fnr V.den,, nM her volae. opastih, to a military commanA, wbilo R I himself ►hr h•>m Ile like. In hear ntht•/w axle Ity •tn., tat, ilarn. "I anpp,ml Ill. Amprlemn cnmrnanMr pR1e of )ray - 1111.1 hit wI a fitlk ' Mak of,""I.mc."'.. Ifrar•mthunle Ilfakr%A IHAll I,m,k lit .• A w Ill spnei a garrison hprp" anme one The robin atom was ill lighted, (int the F'ifl.y decvata for n eltuAt ler ! • 'rhe beat dollar slings Hlnrt y -nine crnl,. sold to Father Wbault, "and repair the CrrPUWRMIP 4lttaeWs dice not Oman to � of all tunf(-s Mille I- 1'IIn11,4)tultl Irnn' FAM -11 day brings it, seq+mutte mild tort" YMsf W tlWlt. illog0 , this fluff( Ivfnm. Flit Inde by ,lam, Wi Mots. dimtiloCt fgn$@Wtimitb•. till dnflig g,KAL . , .. "� tel.,' ifit w , si.•M l'•! a"'.: .. i N. FI,' ,, f : aa, s5, � .fin ,. ., int rl� En jliM Ignorant. I Mr, aledalone led the Qrsopet,, A pl.n alurut law 11'rul of Huulllum Mr. UittelstJlne was lrAvAliuK, allow han lrraivMrl a Iett(-r fl7,ag1 it IAnadwl, lots a o, fnlw this northern part tit F:,ogcuul, ennuluiretal agency. fee utwt• Ft•nitcq into lk+l . Lir Iced pureh. Ing certain Infornitlknl. 1191( �IiI+ *ser) 1► ,dauti til launch "f graliVs, 114-11* lim4-ollar in two re"Ma•1::• It was which he enri-bod alit the, train with addl•i•amed tit Hampton. �hllavio. Anus- hill,. When he utea•ive*1 at the ric 1, nod euclookd in it trill A, 1 cent •Tisane," or rmslole-hops(, t41e of- FI,•Id•h Iwwtnge stamp, to la• 15 by liver refused to let, the gtuspM , the II*ntilltlo Hlvl in st•mlifle{ n Imply. sysying that, Ibey true du l ,. g The Il, inihi"1 I na 1 r .1a 10 - i 1 1 rnk rims rep Ill 1 t the stool refused to pity the doty, wdltew- etlerl that Ramal* im a IN itish (dont-, nlon the clwttiata-Iauust. (>�cep, axial 1411,1111nt w It1Ht t1w• itn•ntier ,)f the I),p he would Hot loop allvwaxlio paw with uniuion is Fre,peh by mule ha IN th-Il- Ihu Kt(rIpU11. (i1,lalstoRe hutlulraus, ish 1411.11. Lund it liritish"Nullj1.1•t. Tip raitl•hr would Is• ullowwl M Marr with IAmulufi ngwnry isold ruumgla to know the gtttplw mud, I kiutl thou (ani at tin I.•r lllan to sI•nd A. Fti,•uch (Ieefage the IstslFet. ItLe rvw•y one of thunt. mtaoip fol• lea( iD ('.fluid*, its it hat ••vow ,tilt) file I" said the ••ligand II •l IJ cslabli.hed a evisLur-V or robot*. I Old \Lair" triumphantly ur Iw took lair ------. ' heal ll, the train Ixluutl tW_liruwrlls. When• thelr's- much ouoke there'o I Many 1► men who uwewt mouaething likely to lw :t lot of soft. ectal. to Ilfmw•It n•fueurlt tit !sty it. . -. . _ _____,_ _._ I . - _ . -L-.------- - MIC�,',i't lg J,+(" llaawi@§ - '.v_,tt :`;si, / "Felt Gay" After the SLC- Winter TLrm Jas. Ilk Illll and Box of Iron -ox stetter n.vin IWakior*haat that bu.laeamur ,hotlhaud (rune. IM Tablets. en1r M• 11,11 NN,a'is) tIN• iswl, meal you January 6, 1903. 1041 ate•( Ihhel n) l'nt,,gvti vmt w•M.,s, \1b h -Ip )oil to !tel thaw b) Iw) lull ),Ike roil"ay taro up w About a year ago, being a at. (•atallualle_ •(t • l.frr4• awl u•Itm all about It. Write for It. 1141 it sufferer from indigestion (a bad rtatt. A. L. GROWN, )'rhos. attack), I bought two packages lA•a„Ii%1- L 11-11 of Iron -ox. After taking one I was conscious of an irnprove- . _ _ _ __ • - _____ _ __ ment, and I remember that_M (� the second one did the busi- A FAMOUS SEHOR new, and I feltggay. R Pelham Cf•ookenden, 182 Brunswick Street, Toronto, Ont. C ` . Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an altracUve iTRATFORD. 0 aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at drug- t ladle, wi,: • t,,ake, t wkir,g. numtling. t f 1'1111 Ir sit nl:.hal taw 1-1 lA„ill_ gists, or Bent, pocti)aid, on reeei %Atmgr. In I salols I.Any. (IMI'lntu, at µ-ice. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Lim- wa), set t-witlon.. This erdlelre• ple,w find, Walkerville, Unt. 16111")• •d it. antd0ala+ in eater to'Wat .a dh•(tr, A. lea, bet-. \Center tone open. y .Ilan. lilt. llnnda...... .... In11yl1'. free. , a Al - t.. _ . , . ' 11 W. J ELLIOTT, Punct* -- , ---- . - - -• --- -- - --• _ .The Glerk or, ,µpr .nice. If clerking in a store or. Ii+arnukK a trade, w y�not prepare yourself to rruch the top of your bupinero'r Ahupinel•mlreiningcon)hiu(•elwith ywitknowle(lg o(yourw,trk giw+ayotitho+tetx•.asry;(tvantogt-twrr..t'-orsio"' • "a"ibie, The Forest City itupinese and Shorthatid Cull Course indudrw If,w,kkpppinK, FinRllciug, Higher Ace;uuntiuef, nal every modern principle and method usiml in business-isl/ot tapered with old-time systems and methi4ls. A' e(ulpleta course in Business yud Shorthand cook taken in taw year ;klne cont is small; th••results are quick, remun live atld 1wrtunnent. &w,klet, containing et)mplete information of courses, ts, Ste., sent t) ay widruss for n inrs►ul. ,- . st - ,,i, J. W. WE.-;TF'RVFt),T,.I,m% 1 U , itIli itt,i%c, id)NDON. to THESE IROUBLESkNANAL HAVE BEEN OBV IT.E D BY THE USE OF �t STOVE. 'THERE WAS A CROOKED MAN, AND HF SMILED A CROOK D ILi BECAUSE HE'D BOUGHT A C I THAT HADN'T ANY STYLE rHE HAD A CROOKED COOK, 1. _1' AND CMUCH CR � I :r' ,'l SHE FED SHE THAT MANf O ON MACHKED CA. "'ITILL HE WAS NEARLY Dill N;' lill # 4,111► A 1 National Stoves O[ Dodlttitstle Are Great i BVIATORS" Diffieuljtie% MJde M QUICKEST SER-S...FUEL SAVEAS, THE MOFFAT' STOVE Co" ualsel r Send rot folder .f the kind,,( Stave rou .fns fwmtoNr Oran, FOR SAL a-1- Je H. WOPSELL�, vie Stove and Furnace Man, Hamilton St. eta dar'ch. Thousands say that . M c C L'U R E'S IAUAZINE- z is• a bat pubillo d at any price. Yet it is f;onf 0 cents, a copy, i 1.00 * year. /Near 1tttatber of McCluri s there are Allicic.4 'cif intetlae Six good short stories, Illieleft UII Atll►aects of I kinnomits Ilton(, sto- the rfelltr�t lintilmR) I ' rifla of lifo and action— imporinnce. and itlwars good. -:T k _ � �11V 1904 , "' NleClum'R will -Ilse mare intereating, important and entertf ining than ever. "Every year letter than 0 the Imst or it would not lie McClure's." E&"Mullw•1•ilm• nrrw for Nei[lulr'e till- Nall, it tilt Ke•t tit• Nmembor And Decroilwr number, „f 111ts1 free. TN N. M. MfCbUNR l:(r>Ir t!rv, RZ( i,KKlNnrnN Bl.nn., "`Z.I1 NKw }'naaf. N.Y. I ;�'j,.. *)I REXAl.L " o0 DYES��"r J.P r.,'1'11ert• U)... willdye \Pauli ( ..thou, Silk, Juir tt�or IMlxd uwd+ lH o.A. Iwtth they are ll,ut,Irl(-L anal ,curt jmptvrud U).• In the world. , Trs at lxkckngv. All ccik, , al 111('K'd I)Itl'(1 , ST411 k. _ _..---- - 4 �5, n ' •� Afl t,1; "i, mos`'" [it f. O3igVg i 1 a-s� 1{t Ptlu!Q1ao0 f�stalYPA", 0.;i .Mi" ' J0410 11V utnp stn , t t thou u ! £dMVI "1S3atrr a1 fiiv a ',aA '' tut ttltly1 ,, ,, is 7tlglglm{ l0 OJre>s '17eMad R 1 dot1Y ay ogrJ a .•t lu7awpuvouf JJ.)uohl ay�t •pH �„, i' ar Ja.pirke paw -on a# sol wnsall{ /011aµ , »"1 t' I.,,, .0 Jol.[.e c1117w trot w Aft ►aw , . IaI." ,talo-; tawill .W.,47 pug aaal[4 , - ,V Jo [t17,..r7at4 W Jotaaday •.+:ata 0) •[aaoi,v I! ON -Il+au• Ao .;autr era %mi 11 0) 03134* off' ° 1 :• •slU90 onnl, sol sjnol 51 .tanned Q1PU80 001 � ,-"-...r•./ .,,.., f w, f Aq r•w+v rt 1 to rs. Lta7.• In)ar.uad 1e q .ad '•ll,. Y •N ) ,1; •t,n •x ,u r-�,)r 1 -,.fid oet uaJlapJY .=,, 1 _/.r,e U Yaw!) •.,,, g, I •I if ••r3 ... ill sa:r,i ys pww..,a1)< 'twee-rlya s+J►aNll� r"ra.A e'1 a` Ir 1g2i-i seg .tode� 4 ivaosepueoul UEORGE BEC KETI'11 WN.1'' o,"ENT FY)R HIIHUIY (•ol'YT\ QODLRION. ONT. Kaau I ..t P,u+.An'r fair or at rudd.•i„ , orner B,ro'k wad Abn:rt )0.ncl-. ELLO 4 �- - I � I I 1, I 11 THE OLD RELIABLF, ALL KINGS OF " "x:1ke,' �''" t teal"i.: )wl"i1 OOAL�� ALWAYS ON HANG 1. r i „ „,.. THE n[aT 1. if Scranton e• Bard Coal t '; IN TIIR MAKIl At (1x)1 wel0•t1 nm If• VW*ot Meal•( whore youlrel flats Ila fur a tar W. Me "E. Orders Me tat jots' I Illill MAlfi'S —fi/a1r tpel�l.alt Nfewdrl M. --_- �•wi..�,. .-r I rsr,^ Farz ._ a ;t. 'S; For Prof i t..•' Entry Palate r • h•`ula! . I Nr(1 ' these three' war.'•. :,+nsf:•r: 'k �, *, e In mindiand can, IM Ili• farm t .ij strict hu.—i("". prin.'!-I..% I t cess work -and hnphxtarJa l t' 14 mlgthods are no I.^n„ tr u •ed b.% I tl' i ccw successful and ufKtl e (Ar. - ,•- me Fly rca', -k,, Mn t"i i;k' I{ ., St ;1 '�Y . K "�`t�avr I I t r. • e;: k. ..I �i1I r ( M i t tKmntion c�a� t n tK :r 1 .i f f 1�, ` f „yrr"iv� 21 nems. O°b ',,, „a t a 1'Ha Sea - m.:r4c1 rep .rt `� a chi are worth m: y trries the n'+ a scriplion- 1•ri: to,�;qu. , , �r'I A< @,' 1. Evcry Fsrmcr in C an.1+1a ^ ' , should realize Ilia full vatic t•1 ,I y Ilse service 'rin, SL X hark ren• ; -, d'crad him in at public w'av�. It v was duc to th,- activist lir1•n►. °1 �[ SUN in giving voice to the • � F 4 f Opinions of the tarmers final ,1 'ql the law relating to cattle . guards, drainage acrefts rail- ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. %\'e will send THE WEEKLY SuN from noty to 1st January, 1906, in combination with The 51gnal, for $ 1.80 Hilliscrilm. now, Sample for the asking, VANATRII k ItOHERTSO N', THK NIn+N.V. 11 L ', lioderich. e� —- - - - - - — --�� li ( i v ]f :µM1 � , 01 t. �. (11;16 , ), k I Aj