HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-24, Page 5THE SIGNAL: COfERICH ONTARIO • Ip• r't.I.ttY, Deo. 24, 1903. e TREATY -MAKING POWERSI WADE REDUCTION IN CANADA t • I LULL IN NORTH RENFREW. Features of the; Campaign That are Unique in Politics. Pembroke. Deo.. fn. There was • lull In the North Renfrew campaign yesterday, so far at Wet at Peul- broke was concaruod. The . leading Speakers from the opted* had j goo. home for Sunday. and reterned only last night one by one. 'the comruit- tees, however. never relaxed their ef- forts. and, after aU, • it is probably Work el that •kind which will tell Crow pow out rather Gaul platform orietory.• The effect in a voting reuse Of the extraordinary gathering "on Saturday to hear Mr. Gainey was keenly discussed yesterday, and the more thoroughly it it sifted the more the Liberals are convinced that while it was magnificent it. was not war. The oldest cawpaignere bay that they never took part iu slab a 1'< culiar campaign, one in which the real issuer are so befogged by Gamey - ism. The teatime speakers are re- turning, and the flood Of oratory will be again at full tide to -day. Hon. John Dryden and Mr. M. K. Cowan, M.1'„ will address a meeting at Douglas on 'Tuesday night, and 'the Minister of Agriculture - will speak in several other -places before polling. The closing meeting of the Liberals its I'embroke willbs• on Weelneteday, when -the aperkers oil be Ilon. J. B. Stratton, Mr. le. K. Cowan, M.P., and Hon. k'. E. A. Eventoref, M.P.1'., and - in con- sequence of the prominence -which the Conservatives have allowed Mr. Gam- ey to assume there ,w ill ori domlrl be thbr oyerilowing meeting tohear- th.• Prot foetal Secretary. Mr. Whitney, 1l•.,,b•r of the Oppoeje lien. will return to .lay. but um the , appear M sus refused rcfud t. 011 the same platform , with Mr. flunkey his meetings haveinot yet 1•n ar- ranged. • ear 'rbomias Craw eel, M. P.P., aid Colonel .Math n, M.P. P., addressed small meet Inge in ' the county last night. 1)r. Beattie ) '.- hitt,• M.P.P.,. Mr. (1.. A:! Kidd. M. P.P., and Mr. J. H. Geelaghcr, M. P.P., are expected here to -day. Mr. Gainey spoke last night at Point Alexander DREYFUS INNOCENT. Masser-rarrl. Ceases, la T.real• tt•- �� Sellaf Thai 310 111111 Ye steamed to Ike 1 Important Question ()itemised in Inter- lain Warn of over 1,800 wer4asa- Aral -M. VIMNr ' M.a.I.r Isere view by Canadian Premie. Cutting Dm ILINwbns. weals RevWaa of the Cur. Tomato, 1)r. 22. -Over ow. thou- sand workmen at the Massey -Berrie Paris, Dec. 32. -Alla weett11g of tendon M•,1 peeled... • Statement by 81r Company works are to suffer a ire- the Dreyfus committee/en next Nodus, WaWaled laur,•r a.1.rd,ng the Alaska Sound- duction in their wages of sonlething day M. Victor Mercier, reporter of ivy Mesa..and the Demand by Canada for over 7 per cent , starting how this the euwmlesiun, and one of the dire, greeter Power. en N.got•t,on - week. The cowpony explain o Gaut it Sur, of the hiluistry, ul u r tin'•,e will le the usual result of the annual ud- '.trio t a report recommending £C- just Input of the wage scale. afhrting vfriuu ut the caw: u( CuveIY d* -. all but the better mechanic., the fore- fas• It to nut yet ' report ked q, men and officials. The men so uliected whether M. Mereler'y report eitt m- are uwch worked 4 about the mat- Command revision by the- Court of ter and assert that no'tuatter what but thiun or by the l'uurt-Martial, the company cur.. to can It,.,it Is but there is every ,10405 to believe nothing more or lees than, a cut in that the Court of eussrtlion will how then* wages which were not, they ' consider the caro in he' light of Isar gathered be M. Mercier, at the ✓ ay, tau high before. 'rho redoctiuu , some . time passing upon the other 1s out a uniform one. . 11 tll ducunieuts rubwitte•d. e uwr 1001')3 pay S per cont. andd eah- Will, it it impossible .lu iprexlict London, Dec. 22. -IC• A. P.) -The Mali publlshee au interview with Sir Wilfrid Laurier by IL. Lucy regarding Canada and the treaty -making pow- er. Premier 1.aurirr raid thitt at the instance of England, Canada. ba,l con- srated to the Inquiry and looked tor it to be conducted by juntas hese trod) partisan prejudice. l'auada hod entered a protist against the pia- err as hiKh ay 10 and 12. •' what tires will be taken by the-c•uucommissioner/I,nounred type of the American 'mite A egw gs.• of n•asetls i - eau commissioner/I, but the cuulplaint 1 1'itt•burs' least eke. 22.-8,01,1 t-oeirlin- '100131on, but it iq expected it will at had received ,cast conrid.•r/ atlun from adopt M ', ercierr cowmenda- unuatiu❑ war gn.a out •1'.w/erdry lion. the Colondal Office. t'anediane were that a general reduction.ln wages is d so certain of the justice of their to be made at all nun -union iron and lee favorable to ,Culitain Breytue, li •the revision of the case shouldd• case and of the impartiality of Lordsteel',tante In the country that will will be restored. ,tu the army, no Alverstone that they were confident average about 10 per cent. It is not of a favorable judgment on the two proposed fu make any official an- butter whit protests i.uny Ire waM•, points. 1 neuro ement of the cut until after Gut it fr not aervt cd that; hr will Canadian would not get ever the Christmas. Representative's of the assume active service. disappointment and were unanimous United States Steel Corporation are M. Mercier's report, it is believed, 1 not only entabliukes slut Ifreyfiix is In the view that a repetition of she said to have agreed with the lode- innocent of writing the Ilordertau, Alaska bouudury incident would he pendent intercede upon a uniform rendered Luposrfblo by ('anade hav- readiustnient of wages of all em- "but' dwells with emphurii on the mg treaty -making lowers. 1l would pleyes.modifications by M. Greebeling, keep - nut lead to separation. as the o- Wags. D we 10 Tor Coat. I er of the Aar Office records, of his I minion would not demand absolute 1 M. Sri beimonm before counsel at Rennes. treaty -waning powers, but only the Pueblo, .Cha., Dec, 22.--Nuliccer were M. (lriebehng then xwere that Drey- pusted at the Colorado Fame! and Iron fns was guilty, while the mediO arrangement of the preliminaries of Worker- yesterday that when the' cation of his testimony now indicates ill trestles affecting her trade end works resume, which probably will• that the alleged treason was eomwit- terrrtory, leaving to the sovereign be within a few days. it will be . at' ted by Col. Henry, who was at U. power the responsibility of vetoing a reduction of 10 per cent. in wages' same time chief• of the Intelligence them 11 her bitntsters thought It -de- of skilled employes. arable in the interests of the • Ern Department of the Ministry of War. ire .The qnes tion newbut 13 1.1 Tor Cwt. Radaetl.a. p was not something would route of it now for Houghton. Mich., stet•. ' 22. - The Canada was mightier than in 11382. wages of the iron mine employes of when the point was neted by Edward Blake. To-dyr merle six millions of people have a passionate conviction that they have the right to determine Matters affecting their own commerce and boundaries. Canada had besought -the Imperial Government to bring the Canadian Just claims to court In the Alabama ease, but I']eglaad wee afraid of offending the Dotted States and 10ft ger colonies in the lurch and much the same had happened In the Alaskan ease. Had Canada had thel right to arrange the prellninartco in the Alaska matter the result of the inquiry would have been veru differ- ent. ifferent. • Sir Wilfrid said that in the sent few weeks bet would enlarge on the subject of the necestety for Canada forming treaty -snaking powers -In Clew of the demand having been arclnlmeel throughout the Ikn:ninlon, The Mall, commenting on the inter - %lea editorially„ says: "There 'tunas to he good roams for Canada's con- tention. but we are none the hese hopeful that she will Mee her way clear to modify her demand." /Make Mr. re seitw R. Hawkins writing to The Stand- ard, says that Andrew 1'attidlu It of rio Importance, as he ix ups) a mem,,- her of. the l'rovincial -Parliament, which. like English County t'ounrilx, has nothing to du with tariffs. An- il," b.e; other writer gays that the Colonial Agent -General has no buslnesat w•Ith the tariff comminuton. and should keep aloof from politics like an am- bassador. Casailas Apple Trade. The' Mall says that but for Can- ed., Americans would have engineer- ed a corner la apples on the strength of the failure of the English crop • last. year. Canada has shipped to 1•:ngland .three »tittle• buabels. and this year the queutlty would be far heater. • WUI IgM Ray seeeala.d. Lord Strathcooa in an interview said that the 'announCeotent -that Canada would purrhaen tireenla•d was premature. The Intended pure .chase was not written the range of practical politics at present. Mow Jas. 15. • The first meeting of Joseph Cpam- berlain's commission of tariff exp. -rte, which 1e to enquire into the condi- Gobs of British trade. and lu report with the object of drawing up a tar. Of reform bill, will be hell .lan. 1:•. -• Lr. (.'haaoberlain has accepted the honorary presidency of the commis- P - sign. wr'lllrn confession was submitted, ju tthit% he declared that he had shot MISSINo PROSPECTORS. the kaptaln deliberately and witli ptenieditation, Iteause the latt••r Left 1. Si•eleat. acpi•r• el. Elver Ms. owed heti memo and that he deefrcd erta V. rue•r.I. •' - to facilitate Ils! te• trial cauw• he pre - 9 Port Arthur, Dec, 22. -Last August ' Stirred 1O executed Muth,, than re - Patrick Laren and Patrick McCoy. el st in, ori to 'Hie conh•usion Milli - ' t ton of Duluth, left on a er Sinter! Lha the prisoner bpd prev- p 1 rosD« Mindy kilted thine men. For sheeting trip to explore •tbe roustry In the a anan in Charlemown, Muss . he said %eiuity of l'ic Inver, that flows into that he had wined, three'Mors in pre Lake Superior at Pe.i•aula Harbor. eon. ,Ifs had trrvrd., a term in I lava They !erred provialont for fifty days na for killing a tea`weter, and had and nothing has been heard from killed a mai maua•(1 Henry 1leeker• thrm Rind. Their friends are sow on which charge he warn acquitted on alarmed about them and believe they a technicality.• are lost. They went out for the pur- lots of exploring for minerals and SHOTS FOR EVERYONE. timber, true latter especially in re• - gard to pulp wood the Oliver Mining Company, whit•h is les iron ore end of the steel trust: will be reduced 131 her cent .• on Jan. 1.• ,'• ssirie 31111. 01ot.. Joliet, I11., Dec. 22. -The co•vict er and billet . mills of the Illinois Steel Company, ' nnyydoying 1.0011 111011, -closed ' dew n ) esbel•day. l'rrsi- dent Eugene J. Bi1fflnl(tun gave Jan. 15 as the date of probulih reeun ip- (ion. Four thousand, steel 'laborers at South Chil•etgo, employes Of, the Illinois Steel Company, have been notified that they will ne laid oA_ next - Thiu•aday.'..' 'I'btril•un hundred eutployes . hate alrradv been dis- charged. "he reeson gise•n the uirn for their dismissal ix•needgd repairs. Idle 1 Winks. • Pittsburg. I'. , Dec. 22. -'tie (ilassport sloop Mille n•sum.•d opera- tions v.•sterday, slier a shut -down of several weeks. Smile of the 1000450 sues ; retarded to work at reddced wags. 'Hie rwlurtione vary (rout •20 to 35 per rent. - - • Aabel..c.$ Cider Ib. N.. .l'hieugo. las.. 22. -There was nei sign of peace id' `the livery elrlt`ers' strike )eaterduy. Antt)ulenrew have come under the ban of the striking piekete. and police may 1s' neecasary to man the conveyances of the sick. 'Efforts to wattle the strike were made by outside indnrnres yesterday. - ANSWER OF JAPAN. ANs •.Mia to •oe•sellett Canals game. Mal Polon la Min Wesly to Japan-' woe As lluaataa. Tokio. Dec. 22. -Japan's reply to Auntie w us handed to Baron de Bon - en yesterday attnrnoun, at a con- ference between the ,Russian Minister • and Foreigm Minister koinurit at the ltuesoin 1.•gutiom: It is in no way in the nature of ■u ultinlatuui, but abs asks ltuo In to reconsider certain essential point, in her reply to Japan. Baron de Rosen es now sudirteetly recovered to rewwe• the negotiltntions . PREFERS DEATH TO PRISON. *,fife. Coalitions .f salsas Cook Adults • Few Marlon. - New York; 1)e. 22. -When Frank Henry Winless,. a Ship's took, w•a3 placard un trial in Brooklyn yes(i•rduy for the murder Nov, 10 of Captain Geo. B. 'Townsend. she skipper of the other w h.otner Charles Buckley, the Jhoner admitted his guilt, and a lasu.g•r• wore n.0■ed. Seattle, Wa.h , Dec. 22 -The 'ateamshlp Ferrallon reached Seattle ir.terday. ha, ing on hoard the pas- •.engrrs of th.• oterdue ('anndian •,ramohip Amur The Amur lett Skag- w'ny. liar 1 i and nn the 11th ran irtn Harbor Reef, at the entrance to Port Sitnpaon Ss. pulled off. but in i dr,ing en broke her tail shaft. She rrni-hed the wharf at Port Simpeon. IT Edge. the bank teller. who ein- heTzlet about $110,000 ni the Ands ef the Firat National Bank of Peter- sen N .1 was yesterday eentenced to imprisonment of saves years in She • Bryan Visits 411i• Prderehurg. Dec 22 -WHIM* , 'the Audience lasted 15 minutes. Mr Bryan will Mayo for Perlin to -da NI•1•1 arid Was •rr•allrol. 4r, I.:ether street. was locked up Met night on the serious charge of threat- enIng to shoot with intent to kill. 1, Itoche had rands good hie threat:, the Palmer House would have been turned into • private hospital or morgue. Thole whom he intended to put uut of the way are his wile, Mary, 3. C. Palmer, Charlet( ..Pithner and Fred..Weiekart. However, Con- stables Soekett and Irwin arrested the would-be ehooter before anY damage wan done. De had no revol- ver, anyway. lioche's viife, Mary, has been art employ.• of 'he Palmer Homes for none time. Rote. is a brother of Jack Itoche,, (h.(' pugifillt• a.. T. PACIFIC DEPOSIT. CebNMs of Shot rreareeee M../. Quoted 1. L..lo. at Iron 103'1. 103 Tinsels for, bpr.vewts. Montl�al, Dec, 22. -The report - lima the :rand Trunk l'arifc Rail- way had ' p2iited with t'.o• Detain- tun Guternn, : It the Mcg - guaran- tee of five mi ion dollars con- firmed at. the 1, and Trunk . feral offices yesterday. 'the deposi, has been made by a j tioli of the st preterenee bonds, tae . a few mon ago, and authorized y the than holders iot (ID (Irond Tr k Railway. They are 41 per cent. hon s, and are quoted -in London at from 001 to 1.3. They .carry u lirrt 11) QUT OE CAR WINDOW. . I Juin From :Train (Idol 5111, Si H. Cut Nte l 1)rest. NOMINATIONS MONDAY. Oa. Illamad. Nonillion, Doc. 22. -The coroner's jury last eveniag brought In * ver- dict 10 th,• effect that Hobert Smith. the Allendale brakeman. who was killed here last Wednesday night, came tn hi• death as the result of as accident and no one wideblanied, upon the preperties . of tie': (brand Trunk Ilailway,\and were 'originally issued for the purpess: of iniprovenients to the liriind Think- System, such as company. have been abb. to draw from revenue' of t road to com- plete the improvemen in question, .. rather than .from capita account, TERRIFIC AND FATAL FIRE. New York Tiro Clinf inn ills LI* la flare* factory' fin. New York, Dec. 22. -The famous "Nines'' tire lalarui, summoning more fire apparatus then any other• alarm provided tor by New York's lire de- partment. was sounded last night for a terrific lire which deetruyed the six -storey factory building ,of the Herrmann- Furniture •nd Plumbing Cabinet Wprks at 1148-192 Mott street, and the fouratorey vernier' fac- tory bf tbe limn run under- the nano of the II. Herrmann Lumber Com- pany. A quarter of a million dolldris damage was done.. Battalion Chief of two great wails of the factory. the Italian inmates of the tenenienti etipoeite. and in the rear of ihe burn ing buildings, and the firemen and po- lice reserves from three precincts had the utmost difficulty in -getting the twin:M.10 the street. West hetat-Herhert S. Clements, Halton -J. S. Deacon. Milton, Llb- pressure wil be -brought to bear iltron Colombia by several European powers to prey war between that country and the L Red States. The first step in this d ection has • bees taken already by sen foreign pow- ers , through their .preeentativis here. who havl informe (ben. Reyes of the futility- of ah att t by .Co- loinbia to Aoki, eclaring that it will result. only M recipit- ating the Bogota llovernme into war with the United Stater. and have said to him thee the remit of bitch a catastrophe Colombia he must realize, If this is not sufficien the representatives of theme ,countries •t Bogota will be instructed to, in- form President Marroquin that Co- lombia can expect no sympathy front the European powere' in any Move mhe may make on Panama, which would inevitably involve her In war with the United States. The mem- bers of the diploinatk• corps have beovi informed by Gen. Reyes himself -that he fears he cannot check his people much longer. Colniablaa Troops Laud. Colon. Der . 22. -In forma t ion has. been reeeivest here that about one hundred Colombian t room; have landed at the Island of Pelee, north- west of -Cape Tiber'', which IN Siltl- SAM at the western esteem'. of the )it 0%1 11. tif4.-A mail Jumped tlo.oush the window of a.'c}rr on the C.1'.11. exjireew'beta-yen •2'.aud 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon while it wag siknrling into' Ottawa about six m11)ea from the city'. Only two other pasw•ugeI1 Wete iu the car at the time. They heard the crash of glare and ttjrned to Mee a pair of ,toot din uppear1ng through tee broken win- dow. One of the two sistttaturs hur- ried to Ulterior end of the car for ,the condta:tor, but by the time • he taught the olllciul the train was sev- eral. lulls* from the eetene-orf -lbs oc- currence. lecurlence. On reahiug Ottawa a light engiuu wale sent out to u point About three mikes (his side of Bell's Corner.. 'There the wean who had tirade the wild leap wus-lound lying behind etetence with his-tthruat cut.- The ut:'rhe jump had Wily bruised him and with u kuifo he then reveredhe jugular vein. From a letter in". his clothes he ix believed to be John Work of Arcola, Assu. ''Nark was a passenger on the truin bound for Montreal. 110 had a ticket from Moose Jaw to St. Jolla, N.B., and was supposed to b., on his way to Wehsford, I'etersvillo parish, feseeti's county, New Brunswick.• Tb. body was brought here 111111 plated in the morgiw. The deceased Was apparent- ly an nt- Iy between thirty anil forty yours of ago. The letter found on him was from LanieI W'a-k, who is evidently a brother, and who resides at Wells- ford, New ' Brunswick. '!'here was aa baggage check en the body. orotter Bsptie.wfll hold an inquest. 15.1 Prl.sl By Mistake. Ingersoll, Dec. 22. -]rise Minnie Mc- Graw of Detroit, who, with Miss Maud O'Connor of the same place, is visiting 1 mher parents over Christmas, uncovered a 22 calibre revolver yes- terday morning while doing home- work, and not knowing it was load- ed, pointed it at her friend. The weapon was discharged and the bul- let entered, the right side of Miss O'Connor', • nose. Fatal results are nut anticipated. - 0. Milled. 11 leptreee, MARRIED WOMAN ELOPES. Gulf of Darien The Inland of Pines is in Panama- territory. Mosso Sad Calkins. Port Arthur, Dee. 22. --Mrs. Koh- lishean named lianiel Fillmore, who Northern •ethedit, have .eloped, It ie fultelooeti the have gone east. • Mr.. .kiihier ha* been einployed in Big Master mines and during the sunuuer hasexpent but little time at tit Mrs. -Kohler and her paratitotir had become intiluute durinieille. absence of her husband. and • a hitter from Kohler' enclosing s, chemie for 5;5 and stating that he would h • to upend Christmas Tesidted In the flight. Two small children, one eix months old. leery left ter. neighbors to cure for. lite last heard of then' Was at Copper Cliff. Ont. • Trento Ithrroisli Row Coast.. Sault Ste. Marie'. MiCh., Ike. 22 -.- Although the total traffic through the ship canals at this place for the year just domed shOwed a falling off of 1,286.700 net tone, all of this de- crease has occurred on the _ traffic through the American canal, the Ca- melia, canal, being 778,1434 , tons i excess ot last year. Building »tone hahows a falling off .fsf 45 per rent_ t• while both wheat and flour Mow loin 20 per cent. 'rhe only record which showed any considerable ince was that of.hard coal; in mei 1 'rinr cent. lacrease Is noted Cettinge, Montenegro, Dee. 22.-A Christ i an Indio, • and Deo Christian gendarmes' have been Murdered by The'' victiener were recently appointed to their posts in conform - wheel' of Austria MOM. Madrid. Dec. 22.-Arcording to the feeCtor the marriage of King Alfon- so to his couetn, Melee del Mir. aged 13, daughter of the infanta Maria de la l'az. EMUS FROM THE WIRES. Kansas, City, Dec. 22. -Tho Met- eor, the test trate on the St. Louis and San l'eaneisco liailwn,y, was, -wrecked at Godfrey. 15 miles "meth 'rho train ran into a switch and all wept the sleeper were derailed and turnbd over. Nine persens were kill- ed and over twenty &mitred. The crew of a freight train left the switch open and the Meteor lumped the track and rolled down • .sinall . Ninon Sursoill Re Goa Wilkezellarre, Pa.. Dm. 22. -An ex- plosion of gas OcCurred in the Not- tingham mine of the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, at Ply- mouth. yesterday. Eleven men were - seriously, burned, two of them feta - ORIGINATORS OF MASSACRE. ►ttttttm1?1/11mm►ttmtnmmttttttfM Jordan's W. A. IMIIcKIMOntch a --rftP -r U 1111111u111111t1i111111111111111111111 = Have You Forgotten FAnyone in your Christmas giving 1 El)oti't.ou want IO roti rotate with dome - • ono t, 1 jo you linow any poor person► Whose heart - you can gladden this. happy season ? Ir ` We have bargains, real live ones, in coats, =,rackets, furs, gloves, underwear,, handkerchiefs, - etc etc a • We thank ot4z, (tinny friends -for their patron- a OP - r age and kipcerely wiah you and all our readers a j(i' ons Christmas, and a happy apd prosperous ENew Yea a r ' r. �.tir.xP4ri va*.1 iSt!•,a,�•r, - You truly,. 3 ▪ 1,!!!!tttmmmmm1t1mrrrmttttt1 a We Ag M°KI M I I I I I I I I I lug 11111111111111111111111111 I lu 11110 -hood-Wood I tilit-apared to deliver tir:t quality greea, cordwood in one cord lots or -1 cord. CORDWOOD . Dry stovewood, cut, split and delivered at $.1.50 a ton. All kidds and sizes of bard and soft coal kept on hand at reasonable prices. Dealer in Coal, Wesel, Lime Kiel • •galast Jews. Kishineff, Bessarabia, Dec. 22. - Two Hessians naMeid Gnetschin and Marosieik. who have been on trial charged svith murdi.e as the authors of the matteacro of Jews here laat spring, were sentenced' yesterday to von and tivo years penal iervitude Fe oeetively. oteetwo-• other, persons- charged with ing involved iu the massacre are tenced to • periods rang ng from on to two years each. One person .1 eentenced to six months acquitted, w le civil actions brought &menet the a used were dismissed. The costs, of t 0 prosecutions 'must be paid by the onvicted persons. Detroit, Mich. -Miss Lillian Abeam of Liverpool, England, ia talented harpiet, 01 child at Harper Hospital, Awed 20. Shit was taken 114ck with typhoid fever while filling •an engage- ment •t. the 'reinter. Theatre. Albany; N.V.-Frank Boman, aged 12. weAl accidentally shot and killed Sunday evening by rOVolVer in the hands of his sixteen -year-old brother. The). were examining the pietol, Which neither thought ,was loaded. • Adis, Abele, 'Ethims.-Feworted by SeVi•IVII thousand EtItiOpian mold - ere the American mime to-Eniper- Skinner of Marmeilles, entered the Abyssiniun hapital on Friday. when, •Ileged Sipper Vale; Arrest. .New York, Dec. 22. -Dy the arrest yesterday of Emil Totterman. • Swedish sailor, the police' believe that they have cleated lin the Mys- tery in the intirder of 'tearah Martin. rent, on the East River front. watt fully identified ,hy Jame,. Kelly. tfie pnipriet or of tee- hone, his wife and other person,' es 'the man who. ori Saturday night. aceotniumbel Sarah Martin to the room' ite which Mar body was found. Plane Cowls@ to Ciaaada. Victoria. B.C. Dec. 22.-Chiese latiorers are said to he rushing into Canada by The hundreds to evade the head tax of 5500 on every Chinaman that enters Canada after' Jan 1, They are Sow required to pay bet 550. The steamer Doric, which re- resitly .arrived at San Francinco, from the Orient. brought AO Chinese, who woke imtnediately shipped to Victoria. The Jammers liner hipline% Maru, just arrived, brought 79 Chin- es". and the Meaner Omni, cerried 149 Mongolian'', all of whom are la transit to tensest. WHAT THE K Ninre DO. r Holiday Gift • 034. /11111 Pagi • seri- .0 Am,you look- ing for 111144 - not se sd The este Ior with the' Chritit• 111014 number? It Weida lie a med.. nie gift. All the I tie pewit e-- as bia y of 'ter stele scri rs may, it is Just e a letter from ho e .eVery a dm 314, d ▪ tor fared d for et be er on they iieny id it re of bout fluid ly in The sigeal and Montreal eekly Hemet 10 January ot ch is arm - the rious will 011 itety any - They Are the Filter. Hue 31•417.• Huger si Into everything we eat d drink, 110 matter bow -pure" the 1 is la- beled nor how careful we are, Isons enter. Were we not provided w er- mine especially designed to look ter these poisons,. human life would s perish. The kidney's are the filters 0 the blood. They catch the poison le the food and expel it from the systeM. That ls. they do these thing"; when they are In healthy and vigorous con- dition. 1Vbeit they are weak. or over- worked. or clogged. or handicapped hy degree. they do their assigned work More or less imperfectly. or uot at all. 'When the kidneys are not working 'Well. the poition which should pass from the eysten1 is returned to the blood, to circulate through the body. Excess of nrle acid in the blood causes Inflammatory. muecular or articular theumatiant, for one thing. and those Who have etiftered from any of the forms of this distressing and danger- ous malady will %ay that thie Is enough. Tbe best authorities on the subject. however, believe that this Is Only a small part. and that to kidney irregularities nre doe a long train of lbodily ailments. e The kidneys often give warning. tie:nigh not always and not always In time, of the dangers which menace the body from their an normal condition. Among these date fer signals are weakness of the back. pains or aches in tbe region of the kidneya, Irregularity of the bowel' and kidney *Ireton. chills. feverlsbnese, puffy eyes. brick dust deposit or cloud - the ankles or writes. When any of thetle Pymptoms appear blood potion. fog to a certain extent Is undermining the fabrie of life. The result of the latest resenreh into kidney trouble* le and th nit- etre 19 the viege:rehbileeh nirsepputari atlon known as BneTn. . It may be ptirchnee4 at any drug sten ta boxes of 50 pills at 50 cents. 11 /were well 'to pity no beed to efforts to anbatItote other so-called rtinsedles VW this dangerees condition, as Btteilli embodies ell that tbese have with the I addition of the Intestandreflate decoy. fries and enhanced altIll In preparS, Ignorance ix far Iris 01'1\1.101 HUY Phi** Affe1/61111111. Holiday Millinery may suggest momething you want in Millinery Ooods. My :dock o( Hate and ail millinery material is always kept up to dale and onlete will at MI times receive the very beet of Good asaortment of Readr-to-wear Hats. Call on me if you watit anything in my lin... MISS CAMERON itablf rly is aviest ever them strttmttrmtntrrrttnnttPrtrImmtltrmttrffrrm You Need Shoes Well we all do at this time all tinier; o 1 Pennons. Now helmets Ihe year. You nerd , tricot of ne any and .he•rn a man's hard • Von get 00000 re than shots, you ipot SA ISEACTION - rectisfaction, mimes and style e CI I told let us show you • of tem lines. They will .rest von. From the little • to, the old people we hav he Ames to keep your feet I! fOrti1111... THE RUBBER QUESTION '1'11..11. are 'libbers here fer any shape 1.1 ether/4. The are this yeetiel gixele -strong and durable. Pitt /1 MUT 00 and y • feet will IleYer glienn that ilie ground la wet and • Wm. Sharman FOR MEN. FOR WOMEN. • 40•11•11,44,4•4100110•4111A1AinlAiniAicalitliOnlAinfAIAWAIMAIMAInloalailiiiiiiiileileitiiiiiiiiii4iii0444•ileiliillUrieiilitliOMAIMAIMAWAIMAIMotlatiatiollitiottottAlmiatio 01 0100 00 00 Oi 010140 %Wilk* 00 ,,,j 1 cgo. L. „„, L '''' 1 4 'ALLAN eur We have just opened out a fresh supply of "Joseph Rodgers" table and pocket cutlery; Merridan Britannia Co.'s "1847" knives, forks and spoons; R. Wallace & Son's "1835" spoons and forLs; carvers in CRACS, butter dishes, biscuit jars, berry bowls, berry spoons, butter knives, pickle dishes, pickle forks, crumb trays, razors, shears, scisiors, hand sleighs, ladies' hockey skates, mens and boys' hockey skates, hockey sticks. pucks, shin pads, etc., etc. A Bissells carpet sweeper make,' a vety useful present for mother ! CEO. L. ALLAN 4 .41 sty llth• ant foot Ltd., rn• by tee .ert lee farm manty reacts Int :in0. en) of te mold loteeph • len ieorge te *old farti n. oft Fel, Mespul ▪ to Mr. t ▪ done, rent I Or