HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-17, Page 16• • :rf; 747 - Pi % i i1.irmi, Dec. 17, 151.3 DO Your "4"-- "1cW, *owls, s s- --ass .411,91.14rWWW.AtrT4 roitOrr4.47i. WIFSATIX.W•ssa ; THE SIGNAL: GOOERI011 ONTARIO. • - • **, , • ' • Christmas • .Shopping Early We are ready ff•F Holiday trading and have made long and careful preparations to do the bigest sel- ling of Holiday, Goods we have ever done. LADIESNECK- MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR • • WINTER CLOTH- ilmatIrdniii• styles. new 41...-ign.. /NG modentte prices. get is choir... earl . 25e. :tic. $1.4st. NEW HANDKER- CHIEFS • . 14y the thonnand, any and every price that t it lil lw wanted. fr. MI 24* tit 1112.1111 FURS A SENSIBLE GIFT I.11/01 1111.A. Jill Let., ...cry *anted in.' at prows that will ti r t1w114 mit cosily. • 1\151.-0°9CIS Stylish New Co.gum Cloth LADIES' L' GLOVES Kid gl..1 t. 4.pm-tem-tit omplete stock of ilea' co14.1-X. a ellostnins' gimes. Niue' wool Hingw....41 gloves in white. rey, y4111 given till. 1.1111.111.41 111 y thought yet • lex time you did. 11.1:41.41k it over. We eon Vint 1114.1.4.Y on any- thing in -these lines, all must he reduced at once, (mite • 411(1 Ism& our bargains 0% er. 514.11s Mat 24 Hoye' milt., Fur 0% 0.• 011 4 CHRISTMAS' NECKWEAR .1 11.1 .11 1 1%141 4 I lomplete stock of the latest ties for l'Itrist • map trash% very nololoy ottyles, *Sr, :t -s• Nor 7:n ' q'tjn MEN'S A N ° BOYS' EOV$ rattly linedotioely made. all . wises, WW 4.010H4. ' MENS. AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR Eletwetlatul pp wtosolgitriowitts. every Clearing Ladies' Jack- I4M E 11 R ER PRE ets at reduced price turisru. BE STOPPED JAN. Ist, 1904. All to go now, at e price. Smith Br DUNC•ANNON. , 11,'.', 10. riitt ENTEtcr .1 14 klwr. Te h annual 1.1not I. .4 114 10401 1 111 1.11 1. will 111. 111,k1 Itt 1111' :Met Itt OW 141111111 tith ill•ittnitas Hight. .1 it eXeelleal prairrallo is Iteitig prepared. consist hie 011 elli trnses. solos, revitoiliollIN 111411.. l411. Nt. pails 'wing sparwl to make t hi. 1 Ma of the best entertain- ments t'..'I gi'. .11 here. Admission adult S. ch hen. Inc. Poogratot It, 141 iiiii 114•11.1. :11 GODERICH OWNSHIP. WK1oNe . . . A % 4.1-• l'oxitts. 'Will Elliott. of P1 triers arriewl 1 as wi'.k (114/111 the 741 alt' 411 W:141h1 K11111. W11011. he has been the Lott 1 1, or three vests, Ile 1.1,.tight with Is 11 11 CAI. of 'Western ponies, '.4 hi. -I. he • peels, to sell 111111,1 foie as were . grist' ly 1111.iiseil 111 Ag.II RI v trx n Isolotosi 014-14 • 'Riverside 0. 111 has 1.11.•tcd nflIccrs as foil( se.* 101. 1)401 .111olitimtoon. W. NI. : Thos. .1.-Jolinsto 1r. • 11. ; Janie, plain : 11... Lindsay. scerelthry : .1. 11. Ft ix. it -pas- time Sowell.% . finanhial .401.1•01:11- : .1011111.41 1111, 11I1.14.1 Or 11f .1. F,, Mc lecturer G. Falconer.. 1st rommitteetiout : E. Elliott. 21111 inputted( :tril 14110- flat/W.11ln : t411W014/y. 11 inilteeltin : .1. I.. 'us. :111i Ice - 141111/1. 1....01.4 I %Too, The animal • shoot of he (ioderich l'ownsitip -Rine Asanciathai was held Tues. day, Wednesday and Thin -alai of lad 1 were ange. 41141 14111 AI $1.11114401 alade. 'reek. EH', -eight 111Y1111101•11 fired over the rI The loigiles detires M. 114ot - .1 1 lg/111. 11441 '177 : %%lately. 1711 .1. •Ne..,. he„141.4: '1', Stalki•hl, ' Prottsc. 157 . 11re4441 mat 4', Villinms. each MI,: Wes. Logan. 1 14 .1. MeNlillatt. N1W•114,111100.• Ill .1,,1111.11 1. each 131 otimlon. 12x Th.. • lllll i•iection .,flit-,-,. of Atte -ii ion %%ill be held next W141111...1 1 1 •11ing. 1'11S:sr:NT XI 11.'e nivel Ong ''1 1.. G. 1.. No. 1 MI T111111.111V% g 11411 presentat oar. Mad. M1:. ll i l Johnston. who has gist t fstith- 4n l serviee in 14 llllll inn Wit 11 111 ily the following which :11441 4. ii.11,11411114 ,1171 : the present al hal 1114. III 1141.4 All • • T.. Mr,. ammo."' Joiticamo • 11,- %pi .1.1131., W0 1110 WW1 miaultur. 1...> .14 Irarltly Imago. No. H.% It, -I 11131 141' 11111- Od 11110N Mir nowt arta ice. in the Interrsa of waturel.no 10 1111A. 14 11110111 ill 001114. way ti'i oozing true merit. row murk a Simmer of a ..•(41• 1.at)yo1 ht e vairreg host 1., t 0'.1411, of 11* .01141-1114111 Ill ..41..4.4011 1110 11111 Of ••••.1410)14 111141 Iiii { ii) 14111 1, 0 hewn the 1111,111. 11 It le .1 060 44))11 11.111411.. 11141114t kir 411 114.1. good mna fan Ishii astrra, of 1.111111.14 can.) the 1, tolgt. supt.4.1-.. picnics, i•te. behalf of Ow lodge Robert Cox 1 10440 1.1•111). 110101 cd !wet hoot a. tte 41. to the .4.1101311 %re refrain from all flattery *1.011 00 0..1110 )1111 Oil 11.11 t- materia114. aa tel no drengthening and 1111 11141` 111(0. •onler lot kon by our nolole and an .1114, liork ite our behalf. and 10: n ..light .11111 :0011 ion of 3 our labor we beg MI 111104•011111 11,1 MI tooting Mat 704 Into .19nit Itt ontied orlon.% It. 101.1 ))111 al141 1411 IR 111.e Una no faithful alater. to whom 14,' are In- debted y Ise +pared for many future yran. 114 Kite 11. t inuch-appreelated and .tabood .10/Suce • Stinctir In•Isulf of 1114. 141114441/0 Ili 11.1.. l'rtae•ott ottotnItti 110/lei4yll TOM Nfrs. 1 14,1(.....:47;i1i4.4.i.t.uvA, I 111111E14T M1 t111.1...01. . :mi.. lent 11114414' RtlIl Atilt" PI; MIttillttrItIMOMItTI/t1MMItlItIMM Look 11 e re 1 intim pre-ents bought of Mt-KEN'/.IE.. A: 1t4'%% ELI, are a always appreeinted. Why ? t kii%1‘.44,44W4 et4l.:ir 4 II. tiecause- - Th47%- are um.ful and good. 't Mr .1(.. k is Lint.... giving lots I.. 1 hot,/ 11.110 + 1)111 i(I A AlS HIV 1.(1111l1 1411,111hrl 1401111 frillier. -41. Ci ": Acid mit 1,1141•14. A 1 l• 1 ighl. -..• 'I Ic.n *Iry IVO .04 111 Ill11 WC 1114N 1 :' N11 1 I .0114. 141 •10 •1‘ Zig 1 04114' snit .... le. 'at,' a 41 . IVO 4101 toot ask yoni to lony if not I -oiled . ' A A Good Present for a lioy '.. "211T11 PK:MAY 11 POI, I 4 4 i isowif.n11711.., snchilem 1111). th t*-,' 05 tint. 'reml;i4rnimr.;gt 1,1,771:1;ite: iT4 40,0,1 .5, law e. laits, les e). for IMM. (-held inchnleil. hon% McKenge St Howell stm•utte 111 acknowledgment of the tore- 1 ittents for ing tilers. shortly. Ile sent at ion. • Is taking she elms -goo, of lloltnerville. Nuntinerhill anti Midt11••ton's, LOCAL. TOPICS IN BRIEF. " .Miss Yates. witu had 'oven lig --- • • . Mr. Illation. retufwi sl ytwtertla y I., ' -t.%hart .awliei ot Meat. drug _pre. tifteintmoti.too Loislon4 1„Ail!„:1;',:;!:‘11A11,1::,11',!•14`1`..:: w 2,,„-,!..,,e -lir nwood.„„; ‘vnit ow J. Sr' ' +tithe. %of I lel roil, Int% r 1 1... untie,. Now, out, all wire.. I toll% If 6•11., returned last Work 10 Iiin Inane, latid wee let°, where lie will tomato for the tension. Tske a hot water boll. at Frit sko% 'm .141101/1 itorltwo, woo lirltl.l. /1:11011AllE0 110101. El en - ,.,11 I.** A. "'ell wil'ud• ""it'ilia• IN Oblate tre.4i outa elven. Head% III till hour.. v1511119/ 11,4* i4Ati4A, M t4l. lieu. Kirland, Price. ?A trot.. . nial will remain here Air l'hristnuts. still :4 Illy • 1141 ill IA 1111•11 111 11111001111.0 %our , o.. 1 %Hausa. onatroollonstoor.. Saline. IMP. ',Ont.. ..," "4, AI, a Y liet ICOMIMI 111114 1.441.011141 0( 1110 11100.1 AM. )011 001114 ll i .11 in 11W Max of to her home. after bitamiling NtA1110 +tribitir % WM.. VI, ' ' months in 4, -Man., with bei' F. J. Priallutio 1. auaLiett Ilor tiara .14 11.1i who iv.... . on 'weenie to tor 1;1. ‘il'In not go in him for )11111P 111041 1040141 10111*' .00111 ille04 14' 1110 1 M ill.% J1.44I111. M i1114' • . an•ived from 01114410111 Al) 10 illAl 1 of hi. 4tA0/111411.. Woodstock, on Tnewlay 141 140e1/4 tile MOW O 110 nte looking for new and beautiful ti,ittibip, with tft.i. 1,,,,,,,tii, -mi.. mid aa orewnt. tor clori.tiout. .1.0tokt %len Wilmer . M Sdi'. Vivi 1101. A114 .41 1 lentil, mid "epee „''' ( the 'rs. "bl• Miller. . tamest use 141 higloirkw. picture., ever .hown Ni,.. and M 1... tieorge At.hetiott kis4.t. to the 4 ). .4 thing of beauty W 14)44 fur 4 I I• • i l' 1. et 01-,- l,11.1 1110) COrlikill11 11.4% 0 It ill 111011114, 1" 4 V 1" 4,4'1" 1 11` %iin" 11 4 1. Fill0 .1001 rognnitiar.w . llonoel lorsowinote. IN1litia. Their friend.t wish them a vit'ithe, 10""r` 4 il"' OW 44.0 14'`' ,'.04,010.,• pleasant winterin the South. nootocsior.. painting.. staler robn.... origt• nal. b) cre)... ell awl oalwr artist.. exanbaie 4.11.1t.,Ii Now fern ; Niro. Archiliaki. 141141111411, Ito color by thireen. Vster, Harlots. 44111, spellt the summer with her $11.11111.1. Bower.. nod other well-U.0o .1 ar. .. ow, The soil; am,. on.. of l000ktilor. OW 111•11411t•I'• It. H. (Oats, edifor of The frame. al n ay. is, stock. New and original de- ',Amur 1 i arid le. th I o1W11. has returned. ajco.. Melon.. fn iiiii al art Id Mall) 41111 01 i(4001111 1, i,s, ii. Siii. w ill likely take lip hey lasli.. A ter) nth. thing indeed. 11111 1111'y A. illi41011. 111 11 loiter IA with It o r 'nor) 4 an.) 11 001111110W 11110 of artida' material. 1**4.. of all 'Linda also all material. for art 1107,11e brother. Mr. • WIti t'onts, when he work. Fine upholstering i. a aperioth) sifts 41,111..4rii 144 the ...ni y town. •thent. and Ilics hat e a ,rry LOW' ilA.O411110111 Of 110W 11101 by1111010 ,fitroilitn. 011% critig., til.., a lion. McTavish rrturneti yesterday Inca. • ,orict) of iron owl lira.. hed... An 1* ti Irmo 1 41V:1111Z, ItailiV 1(1'. *4* district. ..11111 elegant preaenta for Chriattont.. The oiihii, . are ...moan% lin ilea to 1 1.41 111.0 .1000. 11 1. AO W fleet' he 11/01 lopea tor the post, six 111 t educator. years. NH. McTavish 44 a nephew of S., • to1lt4411111Y Slit t. lilies 4 if pert Mr. Rullt. lientiorptai..iiitl fin Fames front 2.5c. 10 114e..t1 IIIt'K a. yearn was a resident of town. being Tin. ka•al lit-nichnt• um. NVimidnien of ei111447)'smi with the Isle Jus. Reid. It the World a ill elet•t otfft.t.tw on Friday id litakentood 311.. McTavish will tor evening. Ito alone when ht. returns to his homil• Aliso+ Tburlow has taken the position iu New Ontstr4.. t 1.1 bookkeetwr and atettographer.with M144011i. Mai. 0111Zie & Howell. IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE. The carload of cutlers that should Extra Train tad, watit‘,. Godorich, start. hay.. arrived for I). Meliritut last ti week is etpeeted here this week. diesselyme 2Isim W•• are itulebted to the pithli41ht.r.4 'n 0111111tent la Mottle 1 11/11 011 The 6110111h Merettry for lit hographie Deventloet. 21st 1111 text YI1 1 Mill V11141 view lit I111' 011tA1110 AglikUlt 11111LI way will be pot on between titration' 4'4.11ege 41141 4141derich. lit etonsetittent.. of tht• Nun,. T.\ r 11E. eyesight spew list. • el"luge 111.- 4'. ititI, "111 14 will be at Hotel Bedford front this rt'llwv"1 1""" 1 he 111ixe(1 111611 which Fridsty night till Monday 111411. g. If "eh." 11111' i)'whet.' het wee" 11 won. .11141p. 111., 1 Ile extra train in pair eyes trouble pm I'(1814111 bit,,. taking the place of this for passengers.' The statutory meeting of the to This rmin itt 4utt.t4 t„ 1„v.' sti„tt•iirit eotineil was held 1111 TIl1411111). OVIA111111/... at -Si o'clock 1 arrive hem at Inim when the Hitancild 'statement was pie- 11.111., 111111 4114 it will 11411 carry any witted and ordered to be printed. eight it will probably arrive on time. The public: school estatainatictie iis will connect 'with the main line started yesterday. The pell...11IN :41 Sarnia. giving he 14* next Tuesday for the ehri.ttuits V111•11. „ma s people the &monist 1111111. • g 414411, re -opening Month' v..lantinry 11 h. reel llllll with tioderich. and The I 11111114111Y 6111111 it ill In di! '11 hop Will 1 41 111 Clink/11 4411 11 1 ht. in t 0,1111,1410Wle 1111 1 141 Decentiwr nualtin train • front London. nit. :P•ct 11 145 41 farewell t, Hervey Dietrich extra 11 in out will 'envy here out 5 :kid Harvey tti. cm. who are p. 111.. re Ching Stott ford at 41:3k lil 01,1 of the 3 mr. t • to (il Ileet there with the train for the mall and ales, flue ;nixed for Toronto at 'et This will tak•• the ithMe for ;tassel rs of the train War- ing 111 3:25 p. Ht. o treightiwill be- tar- ried on any of r passenger troth's. 1111is change is in 11.' right 4firettio11 and Will IN duly mre41'into.1 loy the' Ilea pie a (111541erkli. nwRI.IIIII) .14441111T f jimors 114111. 'gem. emonty st tiny ..t the county i wa 11, 11. 41111101111.1' 31111 t, ••ritY1 met at th.• ...art house this w• k 'Mal WI- , to the jurors row 111111. Norris tox. soli 11'.11-,,. 14:. 0.1',)?,,\\I 141. Pall ielt.to street., was mar .1411 1111 the thin Ir st. to Miss lalti•• I,) at at t'avalier. North HAMA. Cong ran- t i llll x :111• shoe our An -otter 1..wits IIfl High Court Ju ments. '11Mr. tio.04.4. MAE Mit sin last Week 111111 Ili. SI .'p. The repair. upon A.. Mel Maid K41.44° ill wo,..axes tried re- house. Newgate street. are apprtsich- cent!). at bioderich : 111114 1. 11114 hill. 110 111411 11144 ti.tI 111141- Wats-ball v. 1141141. . idgment hi 'ring 'wing tlI41irth.,411%. nitixtitxt and s -411.11 tried wtiliont a pi.'V at Mode- . ism., 44 01 magi 4. for 114.0111vItioll rid I. .%14 i1 /11 by ;Jennie Wakefowd 'Locators prefor- d M Mary mind Alexandria 111111114 11( A 141111 11114 111 pal 141111. or her iIJI 11 in a few Ilays. 'fon wily I. odds) ligation the invitat 1114 1111• t,sit 11.t. the "f illi"1" 4 '11414,1)1"r "1"9111 44 :mai, yottingeal daughter 1 dr Re.. '"'l 411 e't"le "4ge5 (41I 54 - •it itt. „f if idgm.„4.„. rrinim,,, Tin. plaintiff 11'. 1411 11f 1111, +1114 144 .1. Fraitk Ifeyeraft. 4 11" 1"I/1' when 'he w of His Mil Ai. The event e. 1.. It Yen" "kII• itt 1441.14. w". pl 1 the . Is inst. 1 am! receive' 1141 Wilt(141. /11111 11 ft erwitei ace pI otroshl 4111 li'1441 Wit 11 hin 10' a s••r- Th•• •:1 'amain Matthew 'limit oto, i.„„1 1„1. The learned 111144)'Whir." t11 11 11 111 Toiled., 0104.. wax lbw, ii,„( i entitled 10 11.1.11Ver lib III 4141 recent bey of The Rig- on it 4111/1111 11111 III 1.1 fur eight years' nal, was ft • uctiv I.• -.Mend of fl.„, 11111' she wax 21 till rich. Intl to wed from bine years agsh le 40114 11 414 ileop-hiw '44-11t. moos, neweely of 11114 II.• is survive., y his wife /mil 1 lois. children. who 1-1 itle att Sall A1114000, Texas. - CHURCH Rile left 111 114714. 414*,.. *1.4141114111 lair 1.' h Itiquig et i41•41•••• that the •Ireeased 1 expressed an 1111..11'01mi to lea... he that sum by will, Judgment for 010 it itT COI" 11)411 1111111. Willi W. 1 11. KINAtim 0TE.s. 't Wiartireo for plaintiff. I.. Dick- ' 110// (lit ‘410riclal defetela Is. Higgart v. Town - -.1.141g- 1•1111med " sti 111 ment it. All 11111 tried wit Mad a 'Illy 111 441•V i 11 ,41'1 ion to rpeoover 4t1 nixes foot* mUntaitioll toy falling oh t he otpveial Christ inns 11111(.4. next Run- *sidewalk on N'ietoria 41114111. 11Will it III% At North I reel Met 1141d I .'tush is stIlegeol l.t i he negligence. of defen l'..,tt Mug and eve • 44. ants in permitting the sidewalk to tit41, 01111116 ie. 11 defective. 1 dangerons •hrt.r.- eondit Mei. Na with... of the tareident von- as gicP11 to 410(01141/111ls 41111 1 1 110 5th Jul'.', 0111. 0111.141$0 1400A by the plaintiff for not giving mit iee in time 44'I01 1 hill, Mail she 1.1 H1141111 bre soli- citor on the 5411 she was not ' aware that any motive was 110114W4ry. 111' other wrens.. W1141 4 hstt when her had fallen l • time before l injured -she 'hal gone 111 t IA. 14nue 1141 hurl got "nothing, and she dill not 'feel like- going to th•• comfit again Ileld. t hat t here was no 11,4014111 01,10 11/40, within :1 14:41W. VII., ch. IS, sec, 11, 0111114,00. 5, for not giving. the Hod ie Ni. notoriety wits given to the neeitle t Which happened to plain- tiff, and t lit lefendants haul 1111 kni iwl- edge of it. Action illiatinmed. but 4411hoot ripstm. Prineltoot, K. 1', for '. 1,. Dickintwiti (Ood- evict]) flmilefeinl tits. - - . Christmas an T111• .1111111 011 1411111113. .11111.1111111101• ill I he OW In 1°1 • g ially. Tim Stolidity ...eland of N114 MO 11414 .14 1.1/4 .1.11141.1.11 Win 1111141-ItIl 1114144 114 .11 • '111 4411 Tuesday ing. 20tit OM, ,A. mood prognon ing twepared. Al the Prepandory 4404.1 it't. in KIM church last \Friday evening, the mem bernhip was''nereaseil by the iuldit bat forty tie name« w•venteen by ifession o faith and twenty three by 'lilt:Kcal... ' . Ile'.-. W. I k\ \ Mag.... Will 14 millict Sunday School a versitey, serviees at the Nile Meth\'dist choreon un 's S- gaR y next. ev. .,, . ..I. Wilson, pastor of I111' Nile church,. will bet be preach - el. 11 1 1 he 'Unfits* service here at 14 a.m., and the evening serxiee will he in elmrge of Howard Durnin. who is attending the eolleginte here. The 4 'heist ntas serviees tit. St. Peter's church will he the xliorm. 1111 ill furling. years. Kvery priest hasthe privilege Of offi•ring op the holy Merit's.. 11t t III' mass three 1 IMPS 011 1 '1111/4 1110s Daly in horyw of tho•t hreefold birth a clolat. theiptermil Nigh front Iliod th•• Father, till* birth in time of HI virgin smother and His spiritual hitill in me. hearts. The first 1111191. will he at Aa.m.. ow ...ciao Hi s:an a.m., and flu. lam(, 11 grand sisal high imams. .will INN vele- lwated at 111:31 a.m. Hey. Father Stanley, psalm- of Mt . Peter'n. will be eelehrand. In the evening musical vespers 41111 henedier ( the Illemrd talatcomsent 44111 1,,' given itt 7:31 p.nL and including appropriate instruct ions in llllllllllll and evening the pn train will he 1••te. , - PERSONAL MINTiON. •4 ". Mho C Hy is back from 'to- •rotitti. • Mrn. Iloit in away on a visit to Nia- gara Falls. . 11. M. Lay left on bin return to kagway on Monday. " f w day,. thin week. '. (i. Randall wiu\up troni London 'i -n (.1,11 01 ening nail January I1. -or ' ('ti't, Inkster. of thet•rttimer Petrol. retort I hotgp last Friday. i'han. \Lane has returned after.the neasim'm Jailing on the Nem\ Orr, Will. Merarttry left thin\ week play no the Midland hockey tskim. Will Elliott, of Puttees OM is Inane from t he Wtate' .14; J. H. *I*wkiu,t.,Ita hoots from 81010It It. spend Christman New Year. This is the season f happy fans ily reunions. 11.114.11 )*4111 n and old gather front fott- and near to ee brate the .0% of i'hrintnias. .Iiisit a *mil tti t ose who will 111441141 the svantin sat (if town. Choice Christmas 6 ft Boats Nothing lllll acceptable cm 11101, 1.11Nily selected than A \ • We have theln in all their nry . Christmas bindings. 9%e ('alt," "Buret Leather." nry Parchment," etc. • Fr Gems "Tidincro in Mom), and Story,- ,} -:'-.J,T1171sitiol..ilL41/1 "call of the Wild. Pte. Fiir Ladies "'.4 i 11 so m e Womanhood. ' 'Mrs. Wiggs ' -Lovey Mary," ' "Fortune,. 1.1 Fife,- Pt r. Ws 14.1 MAO', 1114411 rOlIntA in 14, (10111 112.5) to *MAIO ther Wallets. 11411 Folds, Mk Inns/ veers, Mt ng IL wn tlort. , Cork wa, dainty boxex of St not t I Ane is /1111ILICt_ed Motesthis Mt Fine( *bins. I'm *% eek from 44.4goode Hall for their*. ' Olean, rte, cat ioti. Ile% . Kobel. Stanley WAm at Dublin 11.1'. 441)14 11.4h41111( 1111 a forty Mimes' dc v4.1 nal. \ I I.1. T04.10 tetik Ma. ' 14 1.11/1 1011. .petit a 4411'k oil)) her coltsdn, Mina Idothlittits.. 3 .(0GEHOow. ., PORTER 14 . M. NI. .41414.we 111 '"ilmtAtt'trt° ,0 yetetsla;to f:Arstiotsr NMI I 11 1E131E11 l'IANOM 41 • ,11 , 47, .. • rI 41'hy put up with the i 441111 delay of waiting at the ntat it,iu fur your 4 ieket at the lost minute Huy )otir ticket the dety before from F. F. lAwrettee and it for may reason. ytai do not use it he will refund poor mon- ey. 0111.••• holies 41 n. 111. It, 40 ). Single Hei41.3.1414*. fare, good going Dee. '244 11 and tit It. valhl rettuning until Dec. 31th : abut good going Dee. Slid and Jan. Into '.anti 11H111.11111g 1411111Jan. lth. 11101. Single fare 411)41 nno-third gond Wing Dor. KIRI, 24th luid 31111( 111141 1111 Dec. :Mali, :ilia mid Jan. 1St4 %ailitl vet tinting until JAIL 5th, 11114, Plow. Tarim eyesight specialist, will be at Hotel lllittIft,nI from this Friday night till Monday 1111011' g. If yinir eyes tronble you consult hitt'. ,BORN. 4(441411E:. It. i.u.li,rklt oti Bletieles. he. 70. to Mr. nod Mn.. n'oot.loyle. 4411 'Witt at wet It daughter. MCIVER. OW Ileerttilwr 1414. to Mr IV. Niter. it (honcho rr. MARRIED. 14411.1111 14, •1111INNII:Y. A. Knox rhumb 11011140, Ilutlerirk Ilt.tenaber 1.441,, by Kc. .1. A. .tiult.o.tin, Wil• Root A. Mole, .0 1 lllll inantion. 144 Iirrione. daughtt.r %V101/41. 11/0 11011 of .4.1111.1.1. 4' A N:Wri 1)4 4: .1)141)44114 oN. In tionlerielt. at 1110 loebtion matt 'Mon Hum... b) 14(4. J,.,., linittIlloti. uu Waditeudn). Ile, 1114. *SY J01110400, ilatagitter of Saitstiel Johnston. ilutIct 4.4, tutettablp. to Abrahans N'attoot '11.w JtolINsTION lMi,4K. .41 the no...Menet...1 the lortar'. atotticr. Keay. minor.. on Wednew day. Illeendienalh. by ft.. JAN. Anderson. 11. A.. t'kree..pberJohn.see. to Weiss 101en. dauebter of 1110` bliU• Ilettry Hoak, *11 uf DIED. ItINTI IN. In 11utlerich. at% Sumlay, lhoc. nth. WIll. Mutton. aget1 0144year+. H4.11KItTs1...:4. It. liciruit, 01*4101141*). lieeeno toot 4111t. 114(1, John Itoberteen. need 77 years. 1.ttioett.h. and 11 day.. HIN11 11.1M. At A>ltater, 041 WedlinutlaY, 1 1corlitlot"r 11, 10‘,.. Ititigbaiti, formerly the arm of Hingham & L44IIt., iners:lientm. I.ucknew. ei41s1 144411)-'., K It tot H. 14. 'olhurn.' 011 Th 41 wel aY. ember 17I1,.6(4mm Keough. weed tel year.. 4. funeral will take_ phwe front loi. bite re. ewe. lot ti. leokr Word sant. ('olborne. on Vrtoto). Ilarctisber It44li, at*012 p.m. :Friends and iu•ouarntancea will plestaw accept thi. r A. Splendid Christmas 6ift A.P70st look- ing for PIM -Il' ent for an ab- sent friend ? Why not send The Signal for a year,conneeneing with the Christ - 111118 bomber? It Would, be a wel- come gift. All the Inane news - 11.4 malty of our nub- st.ribert) say, it is just like a letter Nf‘r1.0.emk.10000 t•N'er.4'7 The Sig ...I ati.1 340111 rral.-,-4,I. 11..ral(1 1,, Jnoo.tr, 1.1, 1111". 01111 111.00 4XeMigii=air Our Slippers Make Useful Christmas Presents W hit,' at great tart y it Nlen's Embroidered, Veit et, flush and Fancy Leather Hlipix-rx. A quick sellittg wire( ion of Ladies'. Mioses' tool Children** Holiday Slittperio, in Fancy 1'7 - et ati41 Felt .1 tabet m it la fur tr. ing. 41•4• e comfortnbig. Imes of !Ashes' Felt and I longola litical-litiskins. J tint ',Mit WHO/. Ms you are Is 4 to want At this season. stock of 11111,1wcs 1 0. Sole Agency for fr), for Women and Walk Over for Men. DOWNING & MacVICAR (i01)KRI('H Ns 13.- -Thin store Will In' open Oa 1114. 0% P1110 gs until January 14. faiseoweviog4 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insert in issue of same week. - Harness Goods r Npucial .'al liar overcoats until Jan 1st, 199L 1110.00 liiheirkn dog emits for New ,itd,k ••f nice' black -mountain bear atul Saskatchewan buffalo eobes joist arrived 41111' week. Priers right. 121.50 Kersey blankets foe 1111•41 'while they last. White baby robes -lovely nkins. reduced to $2.75. Suit CAMPO, travelling hags, trunks. ete. Large stock to -select tram. We have the best thatit made in these line... Prices to omit. Just .wt' them- Nothing bettet• for a Uhrirtmaa present. D. ncBRIEN Harise.s. 11.11,1einent I to.rtler. I 4 • 84.1. G41DEI For flrunkenness THE and (yelleyDrugusing Over 300,000 C.•444.. CURES Far% Adam. 1..1t, Institut* btr " k t .Dnon ro.ui To All Whom It Jay Wont The bles1.•rich Lumber want to boy three hundred thousand feet of wool IVIA11111 SAW logs, delivered at their nat. (ioderich harbor. Will pay for first-class elm. ,u.11 and Inuowood. $11.00 ; for maple. 11112.410 ; (or oeeond and 1111r-d- o-la144 logs. saute proportions, se- em-411ns, value. All to 1w de- livered at their sawmill. Gude- rich harbor. Will pity cash for above 4414 delivered. Have MI hand large quantity hendork lumber. *Inc. pine lumber and. cs.lar shingles for sale. 6oderich Lumber Co. 0. HODGENS BROSIwestiir) (veueenoNe Just Six Days More r, UST six days more to do your Christmas shopping. What is left to do must needs be done in a hurry. This is a good store for people o are crowded for time. Everything is arranged for easy seeing and bung, and selections can be made from a big stock without waiting any ime. • Hol ay Linens Som .handsoine pieces of table damask ca, e in last week. They come in sets,\cloths -and napkins to. ;fnatcli. Patte\ms are decidedly new, different from *y we have ever shown. The qualities are good, pure linen through and through. Other good lines as well. Tnly cloth. 5411-, 75,. and too. Doylies lac and Lie. Nideboanl scarfs 50e, 75e a LIM Fine towel*, each. 25e. 501. am 75e. Linen (Icahn *1.54), $.2.80, at and *A.m. Napkinn, per fur/en, $1.50, 2.5(1.\$8.54411mai 5150, tip to $0.00, Holiday Gloves Again we remind you of the suitability of' Gloves for holiday gifts. They are always acceptable and an extra pair or two never cornea amiss. No kid glove stock like ours any- where near here. Styles and color- ings just right, qualities good. Every O pair guaranteed. We sell them at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per pair and can give you leading colors as well as black at each price Those Cheap Ribbon As cheap ribbons as those we put on sale last Saturday we never sold. We ' bought them from an agent of an English Ribbon House at half his regular .13, ::cle because lie wanted to get them out of the way before he took stock. Now we are handing them over to you at half the usual retail prices. They are heavy quality, all pure silk, and come in the followingwidths. At 4 Cents At 10 Cents ALL SILK 111 11110N I INCH \4'I 1)1'. pieown all milk ribbon, good sinality, heavy weight, in cream, pale blue, pink. cardinal and many nth.', shades, m. ribbon that in 111A410 to 114.11i 1 at to Mc per yard, now melting 114. 1.er yard . 44 At 7 Cents AL1, SILK HIIIHON 14 INCHES WIDE .144 nierett all milk tiNottn, fall I } inch,',, wide. all the popular shads's,. A ribbon that coats wholcoode half more than the prire We ask. now selling at per yard 7r 1i A1.1. SILK RIHRON 21 NCLIKS %VtDE 50 pieces pure milk ribbon. good weight and widthall the point/fir Khasi... in this lot much 1111 pi nktr. I,1u, ert411/141, carslinalt.. etc., a ribbon made to sell at 20r. now /telling RI totor yard ------114 At 124 Cents ALI:MILK ItlitRON :14 iNctiEs w11)}.: IP piece.t heavy all milk riblmaL full lit inches wide, comes in all the Familiar Mhittleg for trimming and fowl work. The wholpeale pru•om was a good deal more then the priee we ask. Now selling at your choice per yard 124c OMIFEINIM, HODGENS;BROS:t 4,4 •