The Signal, 1903-12-17, Page 15THE SIGNAL: GODERICHONTARIO
1'o the raptor of The gaged :
DEAR Stn. Permit Inc to write you
those few worth', Roomy none. appealed
itt the Underfelt imports some timeago
in a note to the l'arlow hays coneenl-
ing timed)) rewords. An 1 don't pre-
tend to be ehwrienl, 1wrtutpt the Ulm
did Msi nuderstiond'what 1 meant by
the new hat. Well, it was simply to
teat my system - of usamaringg and
theirs. Tlw majority of 1yoophs port
the ma on the ground tt•fo edrill-
iag up, 1 hnec always drilled up
NI•at'aud put the Matinee lu the drilla
and coveted up the immure. I have
Igen pretty witeesusful i(,i1 this way.
Sp'xking uf the Lough Mallen farm
turnip record for 11NO2'$ last year we
measured one rod. or 1111 feet, of one
drill in three difet;e'ntll. places of a
three -acre pitteh (both ends and
,•eltter), and they weighed 04 Ib.. bag
and all; why 410 111., or one beete!, per
11x1. One drill forty roils lung,' forty
Imatehi t or 1 ton 4111) Ib. per drill..
We make the drills twenty-eight
inches. wide. (hie chain, Or (NI feet,
will snake twenty-eight drills and ei
inches to the gold. 20 x 40 .quail.
1,120 bushels. or Mt tons 1,2481 Ib. per
acre ; or on the three -acre patch about
1141 CHIS.
We followed the same 'spoken this
year, but turnip. were not w, gout!.
either in quantity or in quality.
They averaged f$ I1). per rod: 1 tun,
211) iD. per drill, ter about IMFf tens per
sere. Roth yWtrs were weighed 11y
the wilily person -a I1luuty 1•ounl nor.
I may tory here that last year they
were,,w*outwi with It Ililrbel bnkeat
at the rate of twenty bushel,) daily for
five months; which corresponds pretty
nearly U1 the mune tally.
As I have ter test to go by except
the Guelph Agricultural College
reeved of 1 1 tuust be very rare -
fid what i uiy.: If 1 understand their
report, 1ou2, on the turnip record they
...titivated IID many 'term their drills
the -same, an ours„ namely, *.d1 inches
wide. They pot 04.0) per seen•
uav call it suffer if you like ; If 1
understand their report they railed
114) bushel, per acre. hit this I should
like someone who wry be better in-
formed to explain how they tent. as
iwrhapn 1 don't understand how they
do it. There must be a I11iltpke• some-,
where. 1 think 1 ail within IN,Unds
when tory, in the humble thatched
voting* where ger my ru' (nen a; on
roots some sixty-three years n t. I
have own ninety per rent. neer dont•
mi the old style aforesaid. have
often hall I,200 1)1114144•m in Colborne.
Hut excuse me : up)h this I cahoot
uow dwell.
' II
There wase worthy neighbor here
the other day, n*tnely. Wm. McPhee,
- and, speaking of the ('arlow crone, be
iva,l.t.htrehed 1.2tl() Muhel, of mom off
s iii -acre field, which 1 think would be
beetle heat. i know Lough h Mallen
oil rotor neert hat record. \\ ell.
sl,(ttthew iimg has i h*rge of our corn
d.•plsrtment, and he says he has slaw
lift % Im4411011 p• acre. and friend John
lark +.f looya says we have to take• a
isek sept tin tune with our ('hrimtuuas
turnip -fed ifer. Well, John. 1 think
we will gl a 1'1,11 a g.mel 11111, IN1t I will
ti''4 putt a hat on 14.
I oho he h pleased to -hear
.f11n11 111.1.011e 011 the turniprecord.
bt in I am getting cold little maid is
.•.ey mended. YOUI' ',truly.
Join H19'H.ONAS.
P. S. If any of the hops in 1.'44 -
terrine will heat I.Ough Mnllen's recnwl
any tinct• that I amu to Ihr• fore. in any
way 1•x(ee•tlt the old ntylr (lout mod
have three mer•Nk he will receive a
114' W hat. J. H.
Carimie. November, 111I1Ci•
MoN n.t Y. 1)r•. I t h.
J. Rvan• the well-known thresher,
with his fatuity, of near Nile. whom we
mentioned d wvrral week* ag., ran 1111'. •
iult rented the peppilyof 1►. l'
ming for it term) of rears, moved here
44n Wedneelsy of•Iwnt. week, teeing as -
shoed in tale work 1)y Abe. Mia is and
Jlosgrh '11 peal. Lt t few day:
time John's engine -will arrive lure,
end ho will then make him arrange.
menu . r rforhe fa
In raintf
h^PI R K
in this nextion.
Harry Tlehlenlrne bait returned frim
n thee weeks' visit at Lt4cknuw.
NILE., Dec. 15 01.
t'or NCH Norte. -Special **ureic's.
are continued ntinmrI duelgn 1 present nt week.
114x..4. W. Robinson, ofrhnngen
and the (laxtot have been together
etch night. The- work has leen
.nlwned with the pretence of the I1.dy
Spirit. Irit andr1 v e (c vwlin
n f tin and un
power r 11 M11 IN
mani/e•nt4'1. Mr. Ittp to n
1111 aIle preacher end 11 man of God.
The new Nile churchham been;bap-
tized with w )a11-arinpnc1
which we reverently raise
holy Want. Annivrraary services
in the Sabbath school next 4abhath.
• Rev. Mr. Megee, of (loderirh, will
preach In rho morning to the children,
in the afternoon will adders.' the
'.ehoul, and in the evening the young
People. (Jorne all. -Oral.
Tt'II*DAY, Dec. 15th.
Thor. Million has been engaged am
10lrulnu at the Itidgewexdl Park birth,
He And his groin wife removed last
week to their new 1 , We ewe;
gr*tulat.r Miro Attrill 4411 securing the
w•rvices of w) trustworthy x 1•ouple.
Morning Slat. lodge. No. WA A. le.
and A. M., iaw :elected the following
officers : W. Sf., Saul, Hirw'tt ; M.
W., Jaw. II.- Tigert ; J. W., Harry
Long ; chaplain, Alex. Glenn ; treas.
user, Jaw. Y g ; w•errtary, J. A. S.
\'.rete ; t.ylel•, Jesse (Irumuaelt.
Communion will be 1utiiiiii1NteIMI 111
the Presbyterian rhurel, next 74»1)1)0111
at 2::314 o'ehx'k. Prep atnlol•y service
will be held on Friday afternoon, at
thesaule hour. when the gotstor will
1e arsr1tevl by Rev. M. .1. 'Willem, of
NileIt iN expeetd that a goodly
her will be added U1 the 11)11 of
1' I.•a11I14 1111 1)1114.04 101.
Jas. SI'rSlxnu4 1 George Fulford,
of Dunlop, ale gsiiug into the stck-
rhipplug:buNiness and made their Hist
shipment of n carload ofeattle yester-
day. They niercl *s'rl several animals
herr, front Glenn Bros., A. Young and
others, paying ivied prir74. They
evidently know where to come to get
1.441014 rtiltk. Wt• wish the new 111'1n
the best of fortune in their enterprise.
I'r•p*ratiUns 111.0 .14 iulvaurwl for
the enterta' •ntt1 be given by the
Prwhyt'riau Salibatlu school o0 \Vetl-
nt'sdey evening. 23111 lost The pro-
gram will Iso 84 goer) one, told all
Mhould wake it !a 1N,int to attend.
Itu`tlwr will le nerved at the town
fall front .i to 7 ti ale reli and the pro-
gram will be given in the rhumb,
commencing et 7:1.3. Some gmml'
talent from the county town fa ex=
peeled, including Messrs. Thommn1,
and other,.
Resident,. of ,this neighborhood
heard with deep regret of the dearth of
John Robertson, 'nide,' occurred at
Ieeti'oit un Sunday. Mr. Rolertoon
w•4ts a uelice 441 this place, and lived
herr until him Ieulavat to lilwlerit•h
Nome yearn ago. 1le wire all active
member of the Smith's Hill church
and; if we Mistake not, was a member
of the building 4onmlittee whet' the
chervil w•as elected in 11472. Alex.
ltobertx)n, 01 the Nth c •t•4si is a
1)11dh•r of de -caned, and P. A. Robert-
son. the dere*sd's only sem, lives on
TI'.rNt t AY Dee. i 14th.
our .'x- yo• in the leading tinder-
ndertaker for this place.
One Ixlliee magistrate of Poplar RIM
lash our of Min valnnble ctlWllaat week.
)tr. M.Phe.• had the misfortune to
hose ,lite of his vnhutMe little driven
Inst week.
bene Iiethet•ingtln peeved through
her• \Velnewdnv last to attend the flit
stock Nhuw• in Guelph.
The indications are that w. will
have a hand winter, me the young Men
of Poplar 1141)0 and Butternut !tow
are allowing their beards to grow.
\1'r wish to inform the Nile reporter
that ,.,it. m*gi.tratc G already ap-
pointed, 1111t we expert he will have to
pay frequent visits to that village to
flitch the daring de.peradoeM,
Wm. McMillian, whit ha. 'lent the
fund Nnmtner on the Mt.r. Norwertl44n, hes
r1•turned hntne, and relate; ninny of
his wd%)enl4ren while sni1ing nn the
deep/ blue waters of the l'nnidian Mk
The Dunlop scribe, who has been ap:
lean ted real Pete tr• *Refit' that
place, maid 44 beim.* visit to loyal
Inset Werk. The said gentleman will
shortly ley another viaif to •a1k real
.'tate afairo.
Wal. Fill ford, an enterprising young
Dominent coin of is•eblrn, called nt
Lnyal last week, en Finite. t4) Carlow
awl l'ooter's Hill, with the intention
of employing one of Ulan. mom( clec
et ritieen, as r11'rk for the new indus-
try h.• is about to eat*Miih here.
Prior. ranee, 1+yr.lghf «pre inli.l.
will he wt Hot..I B.rlfunl' from this
1 t id*y sight MN Monday morning. If
your eye. trnnhl• you con«ell. him.
MON11.11, Dec. 11111.
Mies. Foth.•ringhMn. of near Retro -
field who had loan 4.1,41 nig Deer daugh-
ter, Mr... A. 11. Clutton, left for ler
tioneo t
1 n Saturday.
J. (1. Clinton returned to his home
near llamliltoII last week. He aeys
that .'toll oil raiz le got at 13 rents a
gallon front it11)rAmbitious
l ity Ie h -
auto, while the enterprising Iler•hallt'
the Circular '1'44%%11 end Dunlop sell
for 25 vents and :I) rents a gallon.
The Signal of hu[ week steaks of
the appnwu'hing ordination of 1.i4 nel
Nafte 4n the Church of England
istry. 11r. Naf(r1 Is t hi• .layer son 441
Alfred State', now of the Hayfield
rad. w•ho re.idrI here for uuuly years.
living nn the farm of John ji .r.
Lionel _nee bent- here. and received
Item early elll1c,.ttlml at No. -3 ech ol.
when taught by H. E, -Brown.
Our impolite t1w'l1Mtlatl Joseph Mc-
Nevin 1' to go to the enterprising el
town of 1 1)41 in the spring.
And become the partner of John Pat-
ton in o11r • g out it Iil'ge hnkery.
They will hitt-.• the I,test ilnpl11ve-
Men(s in nee by the knights or the
slough. .t sign that J.Iso'ph nesins
bumbles). IN the filet that he Is rutting
tonnechoicemaple woN441 in (ileo For
lest, 111711' Carboy, t44 he 41medd, IID doubt,
in thin grand venture.
Nile:tuts% I1)•.•. :ti1).
7'1tt': \II'N1t'm'.u. b,i.RITItINs. The
submitting of the C. P. R, byelaw will
Itrptli11• the taking of a vote on I1).' 4th -
o( .1.umlat•y, told we understand that
the eletotw will alsl have an oppor-
tunity 14) mark their halloo. fur the
election of it 1'w•yt' And enineillot's.
\x1 • William YnmK• it is uildrr•
stood,. will oppose NNe \ 11
. h . Taylor, rI
11 >
resent reeve, and if rels,t is cotete w•i11 Me quitn p' .11 of in ,'N for couseeillor, Ie•vi tinwin) am hint year, and wa1)4 bent
orlh' as Hew vote•M. ix, going to yry it
again, snit a 114•w4' •r in the munici-
pal field is Janes ('hiNhol111. id Le-
l/MM. a Never -young Harmer et prl-
grmmit'e idea'. \\'het her n11 the menl-
b•1•n of the present euunril will stare!
for re-el..•t let or'net we do not know.
M.'SM114. 11111', .f well, Mosier and Rob-
ertson will no /Huld declare their in-
tentions in plod t no
TE .%Y. r144. 13111.
ChliMtmns tree entero 'nnnmlt will be
held at • Zion Meth.didt 4hur•h on
('hrintmms Eve. A armed I'ognun Is
pron4wd and Santa ('Igen will be Kir.
en e. hearty reeeption..,The program
will conunenes at 7:314 o'clock. A
jolly time for CverylKMly.
('40.10,BNR kl•.% NUEO.R•AL ('HI• Reit.
Service next Sunda • ruing and
evening. 'The pt0tol•, Rev. A. (iiNehlet•,
will reaeh at teeth to•rvir•en. The M(th-
nhis eye 'N isenti a w' he
er r cin t rM I
tR d N
"Excuses." Von nee CI tdially incita'l.
The ('hrist11msentertnim)fent of
the ahal a Sunday Mchool *111 trek'. platy
on Christman Eve, Dee. 244.14. An (ex-
cellent pialg1' , conmisling of din -
drills, marches. recitations,
IogucA, ,
Flinging by choir and s'h•.i.d, etc.. will
he retelered. Dolt's will le open at 7
p.n1.. program to begin at 7.:10. Ad-
mission, )Melts Inc, and children 6•.
The decorstionm win differ teen the*.
of 1. 41.11114. yarn, being of pinch a na-
ture am this vielnity ham never wit -
mooed before. ('one early and tieetwe
a con111,,tahle seat. --('01(,
'l'1'IN41t.%v, leer. lfith.
M14. II. Fisher is at pr.•M.•nt visiting
rrIntives in ( lit loll.
Mrs. Waith Gledhill is at present in-
disposed : her y friends( hope for
her arced recovery.
Het..4. (1. '4.•lland hal the misfire
time to sprain his ankle Ian(. week : he
w -AM, hl,w'1•v1'1,, ,,b1,' to take his work on
Snnd.v lams.
Mfr. ,toil Mrs. i*so,' Snyder returned
from 'Waterloo on i'litunl,y loot, after
"pending a month %Smiting friends hada
relatives In that county.
On Thnr'vley evening lot a1lellt
forty members of the ilolnnsville
ie'ague drove 1148 and paid a visit to
our L.•aga". A growl program was
rendered in the church 1.y the Holmes -
vine li•ngo,'. after which (be friends
repaired to the Temperance hell.
where 1efn'.hnw'nes weer pent tied.
The 1.1'agu.' hopes that some time in
the tomer it may he again favored
with another visit from the Holmes-
olsterVille friend...
TUESDAY, IJec. 15th.
A ('hrietuina tltie entertainment will
take plaee in Christ thumb, in con-'
m.et1on with the Sunday school, on
\Veduewhwy evening, the 23rd inst.
l'here,.wiIl be vocal and iustrwuentnl
music, also) recitatiuus and dialogue•u.
Adudawion flew ; silver collection.
'1't• r:NDA Y, Dee, 13.
A e •art will be held in the *ch of
114411,0' of 14. 74. Nu. 1:4, East. Witwanosh. ,
her. 2.21141, for the pin pose of intro-
ducing x librttry into -111e sellout. The
program will hamlet of recitations,
dialogues, (trills. punt ' on yet
rural and histruulental nitwit% local,
and outside talent of the hest claws
has been secured and x ggrand/inn• it
expected. Aduliasion leaks and' 15c.
llxn•N open at Nt:H11, concert to begin at
7:l) 48N:v ryl.111. x dy 4441114' sunhelp
along the tansy.
'1'b• weather his been very Nfurmly
ri,re during the Brat few days, soy that
it is difficult to get through 111 pilule
' 4 • AUBURN.
Treeless', Dee. 13th.
'Lent Thwwiay clotted the work of
the evaporator for this 'wagon.
last M hey • public schools Wale
f lined owing to the Nttan : Only. the
teachers and ' pupil were prarnt.
l'. Askwith art•ieel 1 ; hurt Mon-
day, hitvi111r completed the notal
mune at the7tilwelerieh Model School.
A. E. Wetherell, the present princi
481 of our village school, is twitting
the profession at New Yeei•s, and
leaves shortly utter for the State of
Michigan. '
Lust Wednesday evening the annual
Meeting of the Presbyterian Sabbath
n h(N/l ofticeta and teaelters wets held at
the cbur('It. .All the officers and tench•
era were re-elected. .
The railroad question is still alive.
parties have Been busy during the iyast
wee 11i,ig signatures to petitions
to p 84111 ,• proem
to the councils of the dile',
Out municipalities, n'ttaesaing them to
NIII,tiiit bylaw. for thee purchasing of
the right of wary.
Extra Tran Ead, Way for Ooderich, Start.
Ins Doc. •214.
The announcement It node that on
I)•1•e'tnber 214 an xtra train each
way will he put nn betwet•n Stratford
and (i4xla•rich. In eonsegU.nce of the
change t a passenger coach -:will be
removed from the ttwhich
arrives 111.11• anywheie between II
a.m. and 1 ..ut., the extra train in
baking the i,Iace of this for passengers.
This train le slatri•to amara lug at
0::C s%' o
1) x.ln. and a it.will not carry
freight will probably nr•iye on tunr>
This will connect with the main line
train from Sat•niit. giving the St..
Marys people the desilyd mottling di-
rect cnnne'cti 'with G.Nlcich. The
extra train out will Lave• here at :i
p.. no., reaching Stratford et 0:20 in
time (o conmelt there with the trait ,
fort e north anleo the' urised fr
Toronto at 7::11. This will take t.•
laic.• for pa+s'nK rex of the train ewv'
iug at 3 p. 111. No tr•ight will- • 4111-
liwl 4411 any of the paewen trains.
This change is in the right t irreth''
and will he duly} appreci ed by the
people of Glalrtieh.
1'1t4w. • Tsrmt. ey ght specialist.
will le at Hotel third from this
Friday night till M ,day ntoening. If
your eyten trouble on commit hilts.
Wisest Vs(,a es Aerates at Liverpool ata
Cbiasge tee - Vlid ble' a■ppli-Lies
5l t -The 1,0tgt (h•ublleaw.
Monday EveuWg, ler, 14.
Liv pal wheat (slurp closed steady to
%d raer 10.1847 than $•tur'Iay, and toes
futor.ot 44.1 h(aber.
Apt 4'4)I.' ,. flay wheat dosed %c Wither
thin Saturday: May curb 5tc higher •*d
Yay USIA 1,44. lower. -
/ \ Enne:l0N 4.&KK/.1..
Land thew w'h'at-Ou passage, buy-
ers ltdlfl rent °petal, rte; Pin ''11, No, t
thert 3 x tuba m 1o 1a r•::1rk !In1ae-
O tu ..K quirt but stead) d ' t
[w nNr.•J 1t nI:l. FIwr -ritwtMinnieSots, w
3d.\ r
Parte. close \i'
bent --Tone 4 ,let; Levees -
her, 'lOf 5;.•;ap•4 and 'June, 214 71e.
Fleur our.tLe Ih1em bar, 2114 /3M7;
Mirth 8114 )uue,,,,f OUc.
Antwerp-'Mluu0eol• Biot steady; Ne. S
red whiter, 17f. `
As compared with a\work .a », the visible
S tq,ply Of wheat Iii ('aq oda awl ;he United
8tatew hat liereaaesl• 2,301,000 hushefr
cern (here: m.1 MANI boa la; oats increased
1112.x41 bu*bel4. " F'piluwt Is u cumparal
11re xtatinnent .for t1).• wt ending to.iry.
the h re«1«II e• . . anal
r Irk awl h • err
P K t ro I ole
week of Inst rear
Dor. 14,'00. Dee. 7, 4. Dee, 13,02.
Wheat Iaa.3/,414,.1»/ 12,052. in 45.4l42,.lo0
Oat4,vtrw'... 11,277,4(0) 8.115. i Ir.4.000
Con .(l(111,(0s
- dU(t tSIN,(g5 21437'000
b1).. 6,u.3 5,
To'nvaplha:n0, (1)c rlslbb• wuVply of
w hent In ennada and the United Stal ., to-
gethrr wltb that afloat to Europe, is 58.-
r8-014,')00 bushels, 'plait 5e,112,0(.1 bushels
* week nee, old 70,4410,000 bushel* • feet
Yellowing are the closing 4wotatloSe at
Impertaat wheat ceilres today:
(:u1), oyer
New York .. SIRS M
1'leo0 i• 46% 70
Toledo ...... :..... 81i3t
Duluth, No.1 >. N ., 7W 81
TOltuf.TO It; LAWRESCI: is v,:.e
004.0.1. rod. bush W,8 to 0 7
%beat, white, Leel 0 7x 0 TM
Wheat, spring, bash .. , 0 7N
Wheat, goose, bush . 0 72 0 73
Barley, bush 0 4;4 0 47
11, ens, hash 1 35
Beans, land pl,'ked 1 07.
Pea., b,ieh 0 54
Rye, bush 0 154
44..kwbrat. hush... 0 45 0.44
(lata, bash 0 3141,
LIL'Ktl•Ool. (1444410 Axe PRODUCE.
Liverpool. Dee. 14. -fork -Prime meal
Wrst+0z- n. 77s 01. H1,111e - abort tvt• steady,
46. 1441. Bar,m- Cumberland cat weak 40s;
Short AN, easy, 43s; long clear Mi'en,
1101.1 *say, 41. 1,1: long dear mldd0e, bMr7
Nems, 415; Hear bellies arm. .49s, Shoulders
--Square Sion, 35a lard Primo wester*
1 e retitled 1*
mtelree. ■rt4, Ms. American •mit fin
pests erns Sas, Tun/entitle Ar Irtis steady,
4i $d. Ire a a /modes-Per•th,' coot
15 la to 16 lOt1
Wheat -Pipet Shin. Ne, 2 red western wb'
ter, e1 21,14; futures quiet, Ilecemher none
Mal; Ma.n•h, Os 4'4l; May. as :14)4.1 Peer*••'
afoot firm; American lulaed. 4s 1541; h•
tures quiet: January, 41 0144, March,
were oCeree ant/ sales cr these were arae
at f.'c 9.' to -5%c per pound,
1'rllw' beeves odd at from 4540 to 4%u,
good medium at 4• to 43,44.; ordinary meal
UM at 3540 to 3%16 mud 44e common truck
at 2 c lu 814c per wound. Bulls -odd as
pool 20 to 50 per puuud.
Tprea choice salver tepid for 3L0. Other
Rood calves sold et 810 to 120 each aad
tie bub* at about 13 each.
11Lerp sold at 3c to She per pound; Iambs
ht 4c to 4%c.
Mat bogs rued at from 4*f to 5Ya0 W.
emir NUr/ALO CATTLK 11Att3T.
Last Buffalo, N.Y., 114.... 14.-4tttlt-/ts-
1 mime, 11;50 head; retire Brad Orin; faller
atee7u, 15.73 to 34.23; „primo 'teens, $5.10 t0
$5.50; shipping. 34.40 to 13; toddles's, 3.50
`0 14.75: heifers, 13 to 34,33; cuwr, 32.25
Lo 13,75;, bulla, 32.50 to 34; *tle•hers and
feeders, 32,50 to 33.73; »trek heifers, 31.75
to 32.70; fresh cow* cud springers stead);
good to choke, 343 to 335; medium to good,
150 to 343; common, 130 to $1
Peal' --Receipts, 400 head; steady at 15
to $7.50.
o0*-Receriptr, 20,500 head; active, 100
to 15e -higher; plow 20e 'to 310e higher.
Heavy, 14.410 to 15; luixed„ 34.115 to 35;
Yorker*, 34.90 to 13; pip, 13 to 15,25: gen-
erally $3.10 t.. 85.15; rough*, 34,10 to $4.25;
stags, to $3,75.
Sheep and limbs, Receipts, 21,000 hood'
strung: lambs. 34.30 to 30:30; year nip,
50 to $4.75; members, $4 to 34.25; ewer.
3,50 to 33.75; sheep, mired, 32 to 34.
New York. ,deft 14.-8eereo-Ite.'celp
4(:14, strong
to 20e higher; romait
of r.nnmou tattle 30e higher; bolts arm to
l54. higher; rows 10e to 15c higher; .teen
$4 to F- bulls, 32.50 to 33.80; eases, 1110
to 33.25, ',sports tomorrow, 13:10 Battle,
14.27 sheep and 3800 granters of beef.
(`mires -Beretta. DE heed; market 500
higher ion veal :ow barnyard calve*; west•
ern steady: reals, (4 to 15.50: barnyard
stuck, 12.25 to $3,50; common westerns,
32.51) to 32,06.
Bleep inn lambs -Receipt.; 11,440; good
Weep strong others steady: lambs 15e .try
23e higher: sheep. 12.25 to'33.90; ehoice, 14;
lambs. 15.28 to 34.35; one ear 16.40; culler
34 to 35: Canada limbo. 33.13 to 14.
Hogs-Ittce'tpts, 8748; market gyp'• higher:
state and Pennsylvania bogs, 151254 to
Chicago, Dec, 14,-Cattle--Rlce!ptp, 14..
000; market stead); good to prime alters,
34.40 to $5,15; poor to medium, 33 to 34,75;
atorkero and feeders, 31.75 to $4; cows,
31, to 33.50; bolters, 31,75 to $3; tuna
$1.75 to 17; ealves, 32 to 07.25.,
H0110-Rscelpb to•daY, 48,000; tomorrow
30,00); steady to 5c lower; tolled and b_ -
cher'', 34.45 to 34.70; rood to choice, tea
34.40 to 34.70; rough, heavy, 34.40 to45;
light. 14.35 to 34.05; belt of sales, '14 3 to
Mutely and Lambs -Receipts, 200f't sheep
steady to 10e higher: lambs steady, good to
chole. welters, 13.50 to 14; fair o chotcsl,
mixed, $2.50 to 33:40; matin 3t to
Cables IYlgltrr..-at Dalt ma4
Seesaw on Ass eats Xa,rkets.
Leedom, Dec. 11, vs cattle, 144 at
11c to 1 . f erieaa .t
Der a Alumina tet.
dreamed weight; • Iladi{n seen, 3054c tv
11%c per 1b,; refrigerator beth, Ire pot Ib.
*beep slow, 11c to 12o per lb, Lambe, 23.
dressed tielg141*/
`Receipts of llvi stock at dm City Cattle
Market amounted to 26 cars, consisting of
302 cattle, 514 &beeps 750 hugs, 21 calves.
Expoera--Best lunch.of expoit`-4s .ire
worth 4.40 to $4.85 per cwt.; mediums at
.'bout/ .23 to 14,48 pat cwt.
ItOport buM-(:boles quant) bulls an
wgFtp $4 to $4.23 per cwt.; medium AWN
sora at 33.50 to $3.65'
Expert Cows -Export cowl ars worts
:laid to 33.75 per cwt.
Butchery Cattle-Ltolta picked .lots of
hoteliers', 1100 to 1175 lbs. each, equal t1)
quart to the Lest .:parte are worth
1440 4* 34.41;; loads of Rood sold at 14 o'
$4.25; rale to SOod, 33.00 to 33.M5; common.
33.15 to 33.30; rqugh to Inferior, 12.25 1e
ITst. lbs. each, *t $3
32,25; canners at 51 to 31.70.
readers-8teery ofgood quality, 1050 is
telt per col.
Buns -Bolls for t • distillery x.yree at
$2.50 to 33.,
Stockers -One-year to 2 -year-old steer*.
400 to 700 Ib., each, are worth 12,75 to 33
per cwt.: off -colors mad of poor hreedtng
quality of same weights are worth 32 to
$150 per cwt. - •
Mitch' Cows-M11ch cows aad springers
ore' worth too to 350.
Calves -Calves sold at 32 to 110 each. oe
from $4 to 56.50 per cwt.
Sheep -Prices, $8,40 to 33.50 per cwt. lar
ewes, and bucks at $2.50 to $2.75.
Spring Lembo-Pricesranged from 14 is
114.15 per cwt• and $4.46 to 14.50 for chats
ewes and matters for export,
Hop --Best select bacon hogm, not Ie.11
than we lbs. nor more than 200 lbs. earl,
00 ears. aro worth $4.75 per •cwt.: IIghta
aad fats at 34,50; sows, $3.50 to 13.75 per
cwt., and dap at *2 to $2.30 per cwt.
Itecetpts at the Junkies tattle Market
wore 15 ears, coas0lting d 260 cattle mad
02 sheep
East Buffalo, DetIL (attleReN1ls
400 head; dull, epilauf'I.\Veils -Rectellsta
240 heat; :Ake higher, 33 to 37.50.
Hogs--ileeeiplo, 12,900 headl4active, 5c
to 14.1e hl eery, heavy. 14.70 to IVO: marsh.
84.70 to 114.73; Yorkers, $4.110 to $4,70: pigs.
34,50 to 34310; routine, 311.N0 to 34,20; stages
$3 to 33.;41.
Sheep and Lambs--Iterreipl., 10,440) head;
lambs .trnng; 10r higher; lambs, *4,50 to
1; yearlings, 44,23 to 34.50; ionisers, 34 to
es t s1) m.xe
4..'S; epi 313.40 0 33.85. sheep, d,"
31.50 to 54.75. -
Cbles Stately -Trade )i'mI7 w1t1
Higher Pollees at Mewteesl,
London, Dee, 14. - Lire cattle .reedy at
11c to 1714e per Ib. for American
dreamed weight; Pan*dlan .1e0r,, 10140 is
11%c per In„ refrigerator beef, Its per IR
Itkeep. Mew, 10e to 1 c per 1b. Lambe. 12e
t. 144 ', dressed weigf.
Montreal, Deo, 14 About ROC •" e1
cattle, t0 calve. and 100ak!! nd taws
eery offered for sale at inn aet-Nati *44.1
(.4.' today. The too -" w 'Nt .7.111
mas 1.nwal iilS sok NR r prt.°mu°
New von& I.IVE •TOCK.
New York. Dee. 11.-- B4ere.-Reee'plrr,,
11017• steers. uneven; top gratles averaged
steady; others a tenet ion lower: bulls
steady; °owe slow; native steers, 31t.r.7r to
353 oxeh ,ad aloes, 43.41: to $:4.70; bulb,
$2.00 to 311.00; cows, $1.111 to $2,33; export.
to -morrow,.- 1330 rattle, 1100 sheep and 00144
%In*iters of beef,
carver- Herelpta. 142; steady; r0s1'. 43,:0
to 57.73; no barnyard enlves; weeteros,
33,70 to 53.•
Sheep cad lambs --Receipts, '3044; sharp
in' liberal supplle. 111141 slow; iambs 10c to
17.' higher; sheep, $1 to $31111; few choice,
34: tulle. 32: yearling••. 14.50: loathe 113.23 .
and /0.1214: tote: $1.20; no Canadian lnmha.
llgve-Iteeetpt.," 171sllhIRher; state and
)'emus nerals hogs, 34,00 to 33; salted w
term, 114.25.
('hteago, Dee, 11.--4.5ttle---Re•rlp.4. 27011;
sl.'eelt 4to
bull: g0ve► to prime 1 14•
Icor to meMllnm, 13 to 14,75; Molise* and
v., 21.71 to 13.110; tows 11.70 to 83;11;
heifers 41,7.3 to 34.70: eaair.. $1.711 to
32.410: bu*t5, 51.2J' w 34; ealv'1M., $2 10 1.5.25,
H(•3,--lteeetPts to -dal, .:10.•19; to-tnorrl)w.'
2;10)0; Wang to 5c higSe'r: mixed nod
6nt'bPn', 14.54 't0 34.70; goal to 01rw 1'
hoary, 344) to 14,73: rongfi 7trevy, 34.441 to
34.45:' light, 14,50 to 34.02; Ma'k of rales,
34.3o to 34,41,
bbeep-iteee(p4s, :4100; sheep. lower:
letkba, speedy; iteral to Iba4r wf41ero, 33.30
to 14, fair to .haler mixed, 3330 10 113 317
matin Imam, N to P.M.
Public Notice
BYt:A\V NO. 28,
To AI'T114)Itl%F; Tits: ht ltlllw'iN4 nY
THR NI'M nF' 4ta1,,1 11111 THE ('UN.
.030 43111 i341'1tKY,F:MENTA IN
T(qI F: C F: N T It A T. I ' Rt f ('
1411114101, 43; THY. TOWN
1%-herbry the 1itdcrleh Public School 11*051
ha. tpalr eppllcatlon loth,' M"nfrlpa) Connell
oftMc Town of tioderi •h for the stun of $0244inl
for the hdl.nving std tions to and Petite...
*neat -t in the Central Patine M.hoM I 4ldt
In the old Town to wit : To provide a new
rn'IN1 roof, new hardwood flr., new +It.h
and 0,10. to the window. 4,4 ,he P1'w'nl bn)NI.
I'w, to build an'addlm,m, of bs•ment. two
dories, and ns$, to contain heating . r -otitis,
water .hots. tie awl.; 4mlran,1u andd4IMe
.7441rwa7. IM ilired by the r*ruMtlm. of
the &Ment IMa *port menti. to installa proper
.s.wm /.lwong and lent notion to the
a. now ' to reetnat1vl•1, and topair mmanrry
moot M )I
peal otherwise sen c.III IM.
a NleerkN•aOtl interior of the present hwIMIrIR
and Mode ter draif0e mei .cher sanitary
••41J„g0r1N111-, Alte l lit -re negneetal l woM
, um
uil to kroeS •serlelterom of the awM Town
is a symptom of Kidney
Disease. A well-known
doctor hits said, " I m.VSZ
yet madea post-mortem SI-
&minatlon in• case of death
from heart Dlseaw with-
out finding the kidneys
wereatfault." The Kidney
medicine which was first on
the o,Arket, most suoops-
ful for Heart Disease and
all Kidney Troubles, and
most widely Imitated le
thcrefur•tor the terio of 1x0141ear. old
blrn.w the .wi,4 .14144 thereon. aMl to n..r+,•
acid lav)' U(N41111,,• .up4Nlr(t'N of 1'ul.Ue Se•Mxle
within 111.' wall( 111111ir11N1Iit)' 44 .00C11t1 4441411x1
rate .nmeicnt to meet the equal annual instal -
fount., uf print lryil aull Mit rod haling due 41
each roar of the wild term.
.11441 w•hrrerw 111e.wtt) Municipal 'Connell Flaw
refuel( to raise• or borrow the .44144 wt required
an11 rbc .abl Ualrrich I'ubliv 15l•huo1 1l.Inl 1 n.
ru. u.lerv( the ofd 31 nu,1.Qw41 Council to
.ul,wit ihe -•w41 iteration 111 1110 )nu' of the
eleeton. gnalifrd 0) vole under the ('unwdidat-
,' I lUud':gsl Alt
for the creation of debt,
who are eupawrtert of 'habil.: School, In the instil
And whereas In order to 'morrow the w/id
.11111 it will he nctxwwry to i".uc debent tire. of
the wkl ll nublp1wrlfty for the .040 of 01.101.01.a, herein rrovid,d I whi,•h 1. 114e amount of the
debt intended to be ereat,lti by thi. ldylawl. the
t'nixed. of the . id (114)entmer. to he amainl
o the purpoec afurewtld and 04 no other.
And whereto It i, dearxbl.• t, reale the said
Bette I(iiree MI 0110 .1)n1.e, and 111 kl' the
prlu,'I sol of the wild debt relwynblc b • yearly'
ruw.,tnring the poricd of twenty years..taing the
aurn•o• % of the said del.ent nre+..nld yearly
4111114 b, u,. of ,n,•1) nrpeel1c0 auouut. 'that
the e»l1flg1(r eM•.le amount 11 )alrl' It, each year
for 1,rin'• and Intere t in•t of
the olid Ilett Atoll Inv, a. nearly a. po.•lble.
er nal to the aglu.n,( .o payable In each of the
utter nineteen 4'-'r- of the rood period, a.
.Down 414 Sc111N1ub A 1(1•n•tu annus.(.
.And whereas the toU.l amount requiter' by
the ('oiwli.lal:d Municy.el .{.•t to be ni.trt
annually by .pt•.•lal rate (,,' .tying 11,0 wmd
debt and lutele.t R,. heteio.tfter kro'idtd i.
% el,wherea. the 4unonnt of t1),• w 610 rata^
dde Prolwrty
'it1g1. 31;11S,.SIS.P 1.
And where». the »muun3 u( the exi-,ing
debenture debt of the .aid Munleitslit) ,-
#0117.1let.lM, ludu.fae of $ ttItLMI for local
in11{.rovcnlrnl., of 'which .aid de1N•itttt a debt
no port of the principal or fnla•1e.t 1. ,innrma,
and for the payment. of portion whereof a
•ltlking fund *sou 1
r t4,R to V32;111.47 ha. hero
loot hied.
Therefore the 11 statkl led I'uu1N•fl 0( !Lc
Corlwrnl ion of tla• Town of Uoatcrlvh enact. in.
fulIow.: -
. Thu M ,,,'u Ila,l 1 'ouN•il of t1).: said Toast,
o/UldOri'I4.I,,11 t.,m.w the a
ne of $9.1401.110 is
111111 deliver 1 w1n„to rbc liubrfrl1 I1)1bfir
S,•1101,1 FlroRl .for the purls.. Nforew id, apt for
the porton. - of raiding the wad 4.4Mo/titre.
.1 the -.aid *11w•1, t0 the t of $.3.inu4 44, ,t
afon•wid. In .0 i. of Mn 1e.. than $1,81.1111 each,
-hall be I.,nnl within one >ewr after the
iug of thi.. bylaw t ":Mch del.'ol,re. shall 1a:
4,.ft.) on 11)0 dale .111‘e bone lben',f and .half
h' par able within 1 wenty year. t hen•»(ter at
the Hank, of Montreal in the wail Town nI
Ftitch f the ..s hl /lclie•ntun•. • shall h•
ages! by elm Mayor of the- wad Town of
..1n;1i.h or It Unit.. other prn,.n authorial
b)JlewUKn the wand Icy the Trutt.'f
the odd Town, anti the Clerk .141((1
d tach 4h"n't41 1111i' 011rlwmt1' „al of the
3. The +44)44 delw,,( un•, .hu11 Weer iub•tt1.1 al
Ito, rote elf four per cent. per annum. and .hall
1a; 1Ntys1.1.• h, equal an.Nint. NC 1hr Kahl !honk
the :41-t day of I)cren. ler• in each and i,erryy
yearduring the rurnmey thrn'.4:4441'1
.mount+ is•iog uuule up of the ag n•4nfe ,um
due catch Star for principal Nod lutrtt•.4 a.
.Down 1)4 t1,e w•hed oke hereto ,, ne tell.
I. puring the currency of the .441,1 d pent-
ane.. there .Iwl11e• raiwvl dim 'tally by eiwelal
rate toll all 1111' 411utx•rty of the .up -
1. rter. of lite I'ubli0 74,-). , hi the maid Town
of Utal•rll-Il the .un1 of 4t/11.21 for (1)c ppnrpore
,1f (eying the amount due In (sot. of the .old
)(nr. for principal and inten+M1 iu of
the odd debt. n..1wwn In the 14.31 ulc .0
Dania .nnexed.
3. Tbl. b) law' 8.44,50144k.' effect on t he day of
the tw.+,in* thereof.
a The vote Of 110 ahs I or. of the wild Tow u
1441i.alrt•4•640011000 40 Note gimlet. the C101-
411101(.111111nicip*1 Act for the creating of
debt.t who are .importer. of I'ublfe Srh..l..
.hull t*. taker, on Ihr. bylaw NI the following
time,. ,1 plate.. that F to .ny, ou 3londny'. t'
fonnli d .f JAnnar), 11184.0 •ac, ng 1)nt
the bourn tine ni•i..k In the forenoon anti
tont innln t 1 Rte oi•lk thea ,•noon of
1 r1h.• following dcpul! return.
fhutosar, Dec 17, 1903 7
Santa Claus
has Already arrived at McLEAN BROS,',,and Le
being latat very busy these ,days distributing
Christmas Gifts
to the many customers who call at their store.
They have it lovely litx;k of notions for turn and Io)35 suitable for this
gift -giving s•ahuu.. 1•74.1* instance : -
Gloves,r "Kp, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs,
,Ties, Collars and Cuffs, . Umbrellas,
Hans and Cads,. Fur Goods; Overcoats,
- Raincoats, Boys' Suits, Men's Suits
and al4utt o, • thouslul and ort' other articles, mote Or less useful, and all at
prices low enough t) make it worth your while to do you(' Christmas shopping
at this stole, ' and see their .stock of holiday goods. They will 1x1 pleased to
dhow them.
'Phone 77. The Square, GODERICII.
the v.Irle 4 e y.
In om.:.•r.:
i'611foa71,IN1f%i n No. 1, at Ja.. Walters
.hop, 51. Belcher ln uty 10•tunlh, (Miter.
1,011)1,44 74,4(14'.I olling NultdIri.liii Min. w1
114 111 +
(hp: Fite+ !knotty 1 timing (Miter.
l'olling Subdivision
N 3. at ('onnell (balm
her, Ift Van Every 1 101111 Returning (Imler.
I'nllingSohdivi•1'u, No: ' nI 31r. 1bdher.t
.hop..1. 1'. Mates Deputy.ltet Inii om,rr.
Polling Snlwllvidon No. 4, at Mn. 1VMton'c
+clop, (437.. Illnrk IMpni • lteblrn nmlrr.
I tilling Sutelivl+ion 4,, n, at Itrophey'N•
Harry %Enlwx, Dewily Itet'meting ( ecr. ` -
t'ullinsf Solidi% l,lon Yu. 7. at I tenni..'cvdlc't,
J. ('rnlglr 1hq.uty Returning om,rr.
7, ton SNtnnla7. the .econd day 01J0 ,44ry-,
11084, the Mhsynrof the wad Town of Dal eh
.hull attend .,t the 4'',,rneil 1'bomber. tit n
,,clock in the forenoon to appoint preen,. 1
attend NI I1),' verbal. polling I,IN.•/a wh.n•.4k1
and at the final .Nmtning op of the «114(14444 the
('• dobelied? Clerk. I 1,f
the aero. .
n Int •.
I n . t
I ('1 In
yre44.tttttt 4 or oplpwing I hc'fao,b,
.K of (1)ft
bylaw n'a0ps•tIV rly - •
N. The. 'leek of the Council of the said Town
of U«Ierich .10411 attend at 1,1, um/•c In the
Town Hall et ten n'elock In the forenoon of
Tuesday: the Oft Miley of Januar', 11584. to ,mit
no the number of vote.' for an,l against the
Datedar the t'mmcil ('haniber, this day
of November, 11108,
'4Hi'f,x .t..
itcferre(I to In the foregoing 14914 w,
Showing how the amnuut of p,n1(uwJ thereto
referred to be reboot normally by+Ieclal nuc a.
re:.%It. Ix•rE.a):M1'. PRINCIPAL. TOTA1.
1811 ism r
1 *MOM r
57 4 : t
tIN Cf
h!1h :u7 n IILa1 a1t.74
14111 :tti : •+
U Tp),rel Nil..4
ear I7L'1 11[.1)7 0*72:4
f1N A44.Ni k'.'I,
I'.1111 1...! "47,71 55(2.74
IJtn• xl 7.1.12 4542.71
41)11 tnl xl .17.72 • 4141.74
(1112 NN.1I 1:1,4(4 Ott.2:4
1141:1 R'L.4st (7,13 N(rSt
11111 111.x1. 11;.'48+ :110!.....
I11Li 111.11. 441, 65 45(. Cf
InIN 47•.al (X4.141 (541.'74
1417 1:,x.7!4 .5*41.24 (5(.:4
Wtx I:4x.x8 524.37 4152.•24
111111 117.141 .Dial •. . 45(4. Ce
• 1!r!u 111.1 '. .. :'81.144 45(.2:1
11121 -3.,111 :.54,7:1 4(2 74
Ilett 114.x'. 1)1.1.41 4,1,74
n►C* . 2.31% '0(.141 140(,71
. \ 34,1(4.451 40.141(11:1•11:111:4;"e01177101
01 s1:t,244.M1
Take , eit{,r.' t hal rho 44 ,. 'c Is x 1 rut• copy o1 a
1MIIxow.1 hklaw•, whirl. loot leen taken Into
r'nslderat1ua ;Nnd Which will be finally }roved
by (h• eonneIl elf the Mnn441p41ify lin Ihr event
of the a.wrot of. the 4hv(or. jiving obtained
thereto) After Irma tli from 115. Ilr.t natfle
ori n In the Signal ne•wsp om... 1 edan. ofwhleh
Or.t publication aa. Thithelay, the Lal, d4y of
th•eendser. (1111, end Ilk 1'14e of the elector. of
hs• .And Mnnlctpalfly
let now +uprwrrten 14
'uhlic 14•h.,d,, will he ken thermal on the
dnv awl nt 44,,' 11.1111. and r+,Umreln Ovtd.
w'M MITCRrl,l,,
1 leek.
- 11144 I. RA 11INli -
•Twawrot\ V1%Tve oyt awl\
•teen tar.Ally s4les4e4 10 ter w11
boors. oleo or day.
leer bar *e
Christmas Day
is tile (lay we all want happy
-thoughts, and to have those
happy' .thoughts you want a
What present could .you give
your -wife or sister that, would
give them more happy thoughts
,than -a
happy Thought Range
1 [or
f be
r 4)0
w of
ou t
y in
)t 1
Call an(1 see my large new assortment of
and numerous other useful 4 'hristmas gifts.
'PHONES ---Store, 22 ; House, 112.
ALEX. ROBINSON, Proprietor
Those who drive, for
either httsinl•N1 or
rteasare, will find the
Newgate Street. Liv.
dry Well .'tuip)4444
With g.N(d horses and
Buggies, Phaetons,
Wagonette, etc.
'very car' taken 14.
e lir the comfort
nth N r '
mat o f o t
It (
rat eons.
dii%'e• feat roll.
(0plrosite (',.11.unc Ilolcl.
wwwaT uww
054.14 Al . N1'111;1). (AI, , I1N 41 411 11.
M. Bryon,•132 York St, Buffalo
h'1t,4 RTON8
-.BY C. A T-
Well -app in d
Ii.wkn and reli-
able driver in
('hal'R a elf t N
'Rows, which!w
meet all (rein
and "'tennl6oeta
• 1th.
n.. 11.
70('TIT ATR3:4T PITONS t!73'r1t
our dealer you saw
iPertiaemewt in
licit8 ad•
The Signal, aoderich