HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-17, Page 1480_41... • *eel • ,••r ALICE of OLD VINCENNES By MAURICE THOMPSON Cumight. ossa Y th. MRRasgaUU. mirage •••••••1.41.41•••41• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •• • • ..1C by Po. f.rltier;.'. dtaled by Auce ane 0a< ;,.,.1 4141 u':1 "If your family name is really Tar:' she adroitly changed her 1111111W r mutt tan. as you suppose from the bts.••!p' tone fu going on to diesels* for ap- tien on your locket. the birthmark, be- proaching dance. lug of surh'ithieular.hape, wun1.1 Deet. -Now. let cue male one request of ably identify you 1t 1t s:ald that th •.e , you,'• be demanded niter nsbfle. ••11's marks run regularly In famine,:. -Wee a autull tuvur. \lav 1 ask 1t:" the mininture end the diaina tlI..i na: ' -Yes. butt don't grant It In advance." birthmark yoit have enough to, make n '•1 want you to wear, for my sake. the strong case should yon owe find the buff gown whicb they say was your right Tarleton family." grandmother's." "You talk as they write In navels." ••No. I won't wear It." . said Alice. "Fre read about. Just such •'But why.. 1k•e'' things in thew. - Wouldn't It he Brand "None of the other girls have anything if 1 should turn out to be some great like such it dress. It would nut b.• r•ait personage In disguise!" for cue to put It on and make them r11 The mention of novels reminded feel that I had ta4'n the a.h-autue.• . f Lather Beret of that ',Tent. b.mk them. Jur( (.untie. I could••- 'That's w•htch he last saw in Alh•e's vasession...„why e• and he could INA refrain front men- ••Bat, then. nape of thew is 1» :1111:( 111 Rotting It lar a yo{.e that abudd.•r.d. .n,t ,rtn.at...,1 like you," he 88 0. '•141.1! "Rest raey. Father Rcr.r," said Att.w vut,hlur ttarm anrwar " "That Is oue novel I have found who'- 'rave Your cutupjimettts for r,n•• 1y dlstast.tutto me. I tried to read It. i but could out du It. 1 filing It aside. Pretty little Adrienne," the firmly re- in titter disgust You ;nut \Inther spondee!. • 1 positively do not wish to Hou",.illuu err wchlttue to hide it deep hear them. 1 ha..' n. r'. .1 to 1.' your to a well for all I care. l duta't euJoy I'.trtcualn' fit this dame of 1•�i�i Itous- readiug ,bout bw, Vtie p.op{r and .illou's. but It is uudrrb•.1 betw,pu ua hopeless unfortunates. lite.• -sweet that Adrituur is. your sweetheart' I and lovely heroine* and.lttrgng. 'high ata out. and I'm not going to be either. aouled, brave heroes." • Su for your sake and Adrienne's, as "Read about tbe hie my daughter. You et Om true heroes and b world," sruid father Beret. M. Rousaillon clanged for he always somehow have the good priest fall luta of argument be w.. about to stray sheep, uo matter bow ref feels a touch of longing when it lb* shepherd's voice. M. itous. was a Catholic. but a straying one. be had prednecd the dylog wonai who gave. alive to him that the chit shied be tett as ah.•wens:-a Protestant. without undue influence to change her from the frith of her parents. Thi. promise be bad kept with stubborn per. Matinee. sad 'be meant to keep it as to long as he tired - v of s A few weeks had passed after M Bons noussllIee's return when that (lig before hearted man took it Into hie head to a rano ealebrate kis auecessful trading sett-. somethin tures with a moonlight dance give° happen. without' retiree to all the inhmoftants of • eina11 of Vincennes It was certainly dem- Kaskaskia, fa *erotic; function that he coutetatplated, with the new and motley to a most picturesque ex- American color,. tent. .,,use against :1.. Rene de Roneille call.•.! upon Alice a war of wL' h the day or two previous to dh.' occasion o.'ither ki,ew the -.pod duly engaged her as his partenaire.. straw .,l.,ut the out.•. bitthe Insisted upon (laving the ea _ It was Oncle Jason gagem?n&juarded 1n,her behalf by a floessillon condition accepted iti "1f _ wmndrytna k ve during th dame. y stand aside end gine pb\•' to she stipulated. -Too Pr'dtiee You see. I'm expecting Lim "all the time. 1/dr.'suaod List niglit Ipnt be came p n a great bay horse and. wore ins. Whirled me up behind the t le and nway wr went." i'her•e as a childish. holt banter' sir Ip her look, but her yule sound eititagest and serious. notwtthstending delicious timbre of •upprc.ewd play- fulness. "You promise wee' she hoisted. 'bb. I prowls. to slink away into 'a corner and chew my thumb the mo- ment he comes:" Rene eagerly assent- ed -Of counts I'm taking a great risk. I know. for lords and barons and knights are very apt to'app.ar sudden- ly in a place like this." - "You may banter and make Tight .If you want to." she said, pouting ad- sirably. "Edon'? cam. All the Patine, the laugh will jump to the other corner of your mouth; s.e 1f 1t doesn't. They ear that what a person dreams about and tushes for and watts forl•nd b' - v! satinei . well as out of eons(deriiiou for the rest find In them of the gals who have no tine dresses. I i0, of hie am not going to wear the buff brio.•ade gown that belonged to Pape Rousslt- enbj.cL Ion's mother long. ago. I shall does ended to \Just as the rest do " stralo it Is safe to say that Rene dr Hon- glu. A •fi went home with, a truuble.ome 1"e story. in hie bonnet. Ito was nut n batt.lu•urt• troveed fe w•. '!any a right good i y lion nian be .re him and since has Towel nn ud Adrienne. ttnd been dassl.d by an Alice. A violet is1.:!_,•eet, but a rove 1s the gar- det'P .111.41. \The p.w,r youthful fron- tirraut.anoug14�touLave_ been stronger - hut hut be us not, d what blit.' we to Y-4 . be dance did net me off. ,i1 Lad postponed indetln cl, on a., oust rave cLatige lo theIttical rely f tbp little host. A"1ay or too be time set for the fun :.on that .t to ad 0 ran through the to of Importance w,.s r' titer ellbanit. I:t the arty, bad arrival fr ewey. a the \Ilst'ssipp (Ler i`nnce *nil the •+ had made cauttuon English in the great ....ital.. of Vtu•wum•s use nor eared ti it? r;5is to the '1. Roilss;lion river house tiul»4w-fui; L1Laj-he 4farfi4 was *Pilled at t rgnntent. Alice met him at the door c t slw.r'd ar- "Come in. Ouch. Jazou." 1e cheerily ,:e.ee to Ltd. "You use getting to he stranger at our house lately. Come i What woes do you bring, Take off y. ur cap as fit your hair. ,)ncle .Jaron' The {pipes old tighter char, led rau. ously a wowed to the best 0 • to nl.11ity. Ile not took off his qu r cap. bud looked into- ttb a earth gaze, ns if he expected soffit Iiing in- t uiteIy dangerous to jump o tad seize his note. \e"A thousand thank*, m'atlt•selle," be presently said. "Win ye please tell lratn Rouwillon that i would wish to see'.'tm,., '•Yes.Qnde Jason:* but first be seated and let me offer you just a drop of eau de vie. agwe that Papa .1;oussillom brought haat with him from • Quebee. lie says It'sd and fine." she poureedbtm a full glow. tben, petting the bottle+,on a little stand. went to Ind M. Rouroltlen. While Phe was ntteent Oncle Jason\ improved bit op- portunity t.Ytb. fulIelt extent. At least three additional glasses of the brandy went the way of the ant. He grinned atroeloutly and smacked Is corrugat- Ifeves in will come true sooner or ed lips. but when Gaspar Rousslllon later.-' - came In the old ..man was ittwng at "if that's so:" sat Rene, "you and 1 some distance from the bar le and will get married, for roe dreamed It , glass, gazing ind,fferetttly out `ae'roes every night of the year. wished toe it. the veranda. He told his story cftly. waited for It and bsll.ved la i1, and"- ' Esther Gibault. he said, bad sent It "A very pretty twist you give to my - to ask M. Ronullloo to come to words. I must declare,", ab. sal& "but river house, ae be had nose of great?, n ot tow by say 111•••• 'LW* Adrienne t Ispsrtatce to cowmunlcate Ii.urct.r c, aid test you that. She pays "Ab. well. Oncle Jazon. we'll have, a that you 1 eve vowed to bel ever and nip of brandy together before we g0." over that you dream •bout Ler and said the boat with for her sad wait for bar. precisely - "why. yew Pee one ag'tn' the brollin' as you bay.- jest said to me." ;.weather." assented Outgo Jazon.• "1 Renis brown face duetted to tbe't.m• 'iloo t,mttd Jes' oar." pies. partly with anger. partly with the "A very rh friend of mine lalue- sboct of mingled surprise and fear. bee gave me this brandy. Oncle Jason," ile was guild, and the guilt showed mid If. Roussutoo. pouring the liquor 1a his eyes, and paralysed his tongue. with 1 grand fiour.b, "and I thought se that he wt there before Alice with of you as soon at 1 got it. Now. says hie soder jaw sagishig Ic•Icroultly. - i to myself.. If any man know' good •'Dou-t you rather think. U. Rene brandy when he tastes It, IV* Oncle de Renville " she presently added In a Jason. and I'll give him a good chance calm. advisory tone, -thin you had at tht.lottio just the first ol all my better quit trying to say such foolish friends.•' • things to ate see just be my very gond "it surelyIs deltcloom." 5.id Oncle Mend' If you don't 1 do. which comes Jaron. "r.r dell -lou'." He 'poke to the same' thing tt►at'a more. 1 French with • curious •cent. bavtng won't be your parteoatre at the daocr spent long year, with English apesklag unless you promise. m. ea your word frontiersmen In the Carolinas andira et honor that yon wi:l dance two tacky, to that their (logo bad become dances with Adrieooe to every one his own. that yen have with me. Do you prom- As tb.y witIk.d ride by side down the be r. sway to the river house they looked like lie dared not appose her outwardly. typical extremes of rough. stnbgaraed although Iu his heart reef:fam.e sod weather tanned manhood- Oncle •mounted to furious revolt atol riot. Jason a *wizened. diminutive acne. "i premise anytb,ug you ask me to," wrinkled mad odd 1a every t.epect: be -said resignedly. almost sullenly. Gaspard Rooattlion towering sit feet "Anything for you:' two, wide *bouldered. massive. lumber - "Well, 1 ask nothing whatever on log. mno('nlar, a giant. with tang curt- sey own amount." Alice gn1-•kty replied. Ing hair and • superb beard. -They did 'but 1 de tell you firmly that you shall not know that they were going down tot maltreat little Adrienne Rourcier to help dedicate the great sortbwsst to god remain a friend of mice Pho love. freedom. yet, these de !tontine. and you halve — --- tele hoe that yea eve her. 11 yen ars f AAPTRR v. a man Worthy of respect yen.wlli net tarara uuArtr. dae.rt bit. Deal yM (Yat I too�REAT mov.me'pta 1. the aisles right l" of men are tike tide. of the ma Like • singed d .'rippled moth vain s.ttta which reach and street ly trying to rids one* again to the ml the remotest cud Quietest haring yet Seedly Sams. Roue e. Ran nooks and Meta Imparting • thrill .filo teosyed to tweak oat of ids e•m- and a sw.11 of the general motion. hareeremMt and mamma equal teeth's ''alt., (liMnit brought the wave et with the girl on stsddeely kwon bl• the American Revolntioa to'i'ts.'mnMes- remmiindlea .opener, bat the Meet He was a swipe, mtwioo•ry, bit be M•.Iwsd to has es well M be bet flat wap. besides, . malt 0t groat wormy be bed ranee to rise se Worm. is Ys knowledge sad penosil tem, Celwel . won Blom eaArd as term. Owen. !eters Chet IoM /atata TLIF: SIGNAL: (UI)I;RJCil ON'I':1ItI+► tiihauit'• acquolutawv at Kaskaskia when the fort and fie Rafelson surren- derel to bl•re•puutiand, and, quickly dls.wrulntf the Ane quality of the terieet's ehancter, went laltu to the post on the Wabash to win over its pkople to the cause of freedom and ludepeud erre , Nor wus the task assumed a hard one, sa Father (:Ibault probably well knew before he undercook It. A few of the leading men of "Vin- cennes. presided olyr by Gnspurd Ituuseillun, held a .. mute: lo■ •t the river house. and It w:,t ngred Hutt 'a mass meeting should b. called, Lrlug•, Ing all of the 1ubtbttants together In the vhnrclt. for -the purpose of consid- ering the mired to bo taken under the etr.•uutstancea nude known by Fa- ther ;ib;tallt. uncle Jaren cou.4itnted' i,lu1..'lt an it executive eon tltee of one to stir lip a noise for the oc.•tulou it was a great day for 1'Iner-nes. Tial volatile temperament of the French froillersmrn bubl'hd over with enthusiasts at the first WM of soluethiug new gild revolutionary wbi.h they tufgbt,b' expected to I:afie part. Without knowing iu the least what It war that Father (Mouth and Oncle ,Taxon wanted of them, they were all In favor of it at a venture. lune de Ruuallr, being au active and Itttellig.'ut yuuug inau, war scut about through the., tont) to let everybody kuow of the meeting. In passing he ■feplpd Into tbw veldts of Father Beret, who was setting inn the loose puncheon door, with his baek turned toward the entrauee and so absorbed in trying to put together a great number of small paper tragmeutr that he did not hear or look up. "Are you out going to the meeting. rather':" Rene bitiutny demanded. lm the hurry that was on lino lie del 'not remember to be formally polite, as was his habit. The old priest looked up with a star- tled face. At the same time be swept the fragments of paper together and clutched them hard in his right baud. "Yrs, yes, my sou: yes, 1 ■m going. but the time has not yet cams for t1, Las Sr he stammered. "Is 1t Iso.•'' He sprang to his feet sad revealed coufnsed, as it caught Is de:us some- thing very improper. Rene wondered at this unusual bee basior, but merely said.' "I beg pardon. F'etber Beret. I did not ascan to disturb you," and wont his way. - Father 1Brre't- treed for some min- utes ns 1f dazed. thou squeezed the pa- per fragments lute a tight ball, just as they were when he took them Crow un- drr the door some time before Rene caul. la, and put 1t to Lis poo ket. A little later Le was kneeling. as we have seen kJ mace Wore.. in silent yet t t prayer, his clasped hands lifted toward the cructtz nu the watt. "Jesus, give me strength to bold os' and do ray work." L. murttiured be- ser kingly. "And, oh, _free thy poo[ rveut from bitter temptation;: itb.r (iihsult Laei_•-vine prepared to use his el•.w.: , upon the .xcttable creole and with .outlderable cunning :.e eddr ed • motley audience at tb• church. to ng them that an American force had taken Kaskaskia and would thenceforth b•Id it: that France had Joined hands with the Americans against the British, and that it was the duty of alt Fr'ncbken to help tipho:d the cause of freer. and iudepend• en,•e. . "I come." said be. tly from Colonel George Rogers Clark, a noble and brave -officer of the American army. who told Joe the DOW/ 'that 1 bare brought to yon. Ile sent mistier* to 5.y to you that if you will give`'- l• leglauce to his government you obeli protected against •all enemies and 'e the full freedom of citizens. I u should do this without • utto !tattoo. as I and my lmro Katkas have already done. Rut • baps you would like to have a word\from your distinguished fel- low citiign, M. Gaspard Rousstllon. Speak to our trieods.. my .MM; they will be gla�to tato counsel of your th w0 pie a wisdom." ., •\ Then were 1 st!r and a craning of newts. Ii. Rop.s1lIon presently ap- , peered near tb cbattcei. bis great I form towering ma, Really. H. bowed and waved his ba•d'wttli the air of one vibe ac epta dhoti o as a matter . of course; then he too'k Ids big silver watch and looked it. it. He war the only man ID Vincennes be. owned a watch, and on the tackle t was im- , pr.estre. Wilber Glbaul looked i pleased. and atrrsdy•• mumof ap- pintsr went through the endie e. M. , Rou5.nlon atrok.d the bulging stat of the timepiece with a elr.ular m len of his thumb end bowed again. el r- tng his thmat ro unaptly, bis to growing purplish above his beard. 'Good friends." be said, "what � Franc. does all high claw Frenchmen appl■ He paused fora shout of aftpruba on and was not disappointed. lb* other name for Fraoce la glory," he added. "and all true Freocbmen love both patties.. I am • true French- man'" and be stntct his *relit are - 'rounding blow\ with the band that still bold the watt t). A huge born bat - tom on bts beekaktn\pride came In con- tact with the crystal' and there was a 'mash, followed by i scattered tin- kling inkliog of glass fragments, A11 Vineenns stood bre•tbl.s, con- templiting the irreparable accident. M. Rousetlion had Inst the effect at a great period le his epees It. bot he wan quick Lifting the watch to his ear be,Ilet.ned a"•moment with superb dignity. 'then ' slowly elevating bis head and spreade ill 1Qg hbil<v hood over his heart be • "The faithful ttmepteee Mill tells o It, as did Rome of old. Where freedom makes her !tome, there Is the center of (tower' ' W'ben M. Rouaslllon eeeisd apeaking •tbe audieu,'e agajn •zbruat,d Its vocal moonre.., and then father Glt imult called upon each man to come forward and solemnly pkdge-hie loyalty to tgr. Ant'rkr,n enure. Not ono of them hesi- tated. - "Negotiate a wutuuu war doing her part lar (Le transformation of fort Vitt - cranes from at 1•'reneleEuglieh picket to • full fledged American fort NMI town. Mule. Gndere, finding out what Was about to Lupien. tell to work making a dal In Imitation of that under which George Washington was sgh(lug. dancers to be 1n the tioderc home at the time and Joined enthuelastically in the sewing. It was an writing task. Their fingers tremblfd while they work- ed, and the thread, heavily touted with beeswax, , squeaked as they drew It through the ciolb. '•W.• shall not be fa time," said Mw.. Golerc; '•1 know we shall not. Every• thing hinders nte. Ily thread breaks or gets tangled, and my needle's w rusty 1 eau hardly slick it through the cbti. Oh. dear" Alice elmour:t ed her with both words and Work, and they had altnort Stitrtlyd w host It,'ue come with n stuff whitelr he had brought from the fort. "Mon Dieu, but we have had a great m.etiug"' he cried. Ile was perspiring with exeitrtueut and last walking. I-eaulu;: on the staff, hey mopl't' i Lis face with a blue L:utdkerehlef. "We beard notch .bouttng atId noise." sold Mute, Roder.', "11 I:unesttluu'e voice rose loud above the rest, 11e roared like. a Zion." "Ah, he was ul'.•sklug to us; be was very eloquent." Rene replies'. But twos they are waltiog- at the fort.esw the new flag. 1 have .owe for i/tt" "!t Is rc: dy," maid Mine. lin. e'I.•. With dying ang.$ Alice -sewed It to tie Staff. \ ' ••Volci"' she cruris^ "five' la re- publique Awerlenine be lifted the staff and les the sag d from bead to foot. "Give It to rue," .nld Ren forth a baud for It, "and I'll r fort with It." "No." said Alice, tier face rid aly lighting up with resolve. "No, 1 in golug to take It myself.'" And *litho a moment's delay off she `trent. Rene Was 80 caught by surprise that be st.usl gaelug after her until she passed behind a house. where the way turned, the shining dug rippling around her and her moccaalus twinkling as she ran. At the blockhouse, awaiting the mee meat wben the symbol of freedom should rise like a star over old Vin- cennes, th f crowd had picjuv'..;..ely broken into scattered gee -ps. Ali... en- tered vetered through's • ,-, in the stockade, as that b -,-;,.sed to .b a aborter route than through the gate, and appeared suddenly almost In their midst. It was a happy surprise. a pretty and eetubing spectacular apparition of a sort to be thoroughly appreciated by the lively French !only of the audl- enee. The men caught the girl's spirit, or Ir caught them, and they made Juste to be noisy. "Via! 'Fla: L'p'tite Alice et 1a ban- =ere asIden de Zborzb Y••inton!" ("Loot, look: Little Alice and George Wash - p over her bolding to the % 1' i t. M'ia, r.r ! . 44.110 gi&ft IhM1a..-.111WL /KY "Good Mende" M Bald. rgton's mag shouted Oncla Jason He i t his wiry little legs through a sort of. pas de zephyr and winked at hien- self with concentrated approval. All the men danced around and yelled till lbee were hoarse. By this time Rene had reached/Ace's side. but ob. did not see bpm. She nn 1 into the blockhouse aMI climbed up a *rude ladder way. Theo abs appeared nip the roof. atm accompanied by !Roue, and planted the staff In a crack of the Yat where It stood bravely up. the colo dusting free. lobo turned about te descend and for the first time yaw that Reda bad followed bar. HL tam was begmipg. the seconds, and the loyal b.art of Its\ owner still Biro* with patriotism" Onel• Jason. who stood is front of the speaker, swung his shapeless cap as high as be could and yelled like • me- se., avsge., Then,tb• crowd went wild for a tiro". "Vivo la !mace: A has rAogle- terre " Everybody shouted at the top oe bb vole'.. "What linen does we all de." coo- United M. Ron•Mlloa, when the soles unaided "France has clasped band, With George Washington sad kis brave compatriots. S* do we " "Tim Literati Taslnt•n"' shrieked O.sIs Jaren to • ple+eleg treble. tip- toM•g and abatis( W cap Recklessly soder Y loeasliloa's sem. ?be enter wlaced and jerked hie Med back. bat imbed, saw It, soy. per. hafts !ether fillmialL, who leneMd tinartlly. la courtesies Meltismtlts said: •'Frtnwebtrua Amoeba r tbe esteem Met of the veld sod tell me dee Halls N. II. News bscribers to The Signal *1110 anplicata n receive back num. bees 0ontai•.ing t opening Chapters of the continued spry. "Alice of Old Vs-tcennes,' \ "Felt Gay" After the Sec- ond Box of Iron -ox Tablets. January 6, 1902. About a year ago, being a sufferer from indigestion (a bad attack),I bought twoo a(ckages d Iron'. After g one I was conscious d an improve- ment, and i remember that the second one did the busi- ness, Pelham ayt 182 Brunswick Street, Toronto, Ont, Fifty 1mmot Tablets. ria as smartly, &lamiaam pocket case. ss .eats at dug• gists. sr seat. postpaid. oe e. oar r Ers To get that appetizing, brown appearance and out- side crispyness on roasts of lamb, beef, etc.=to keep their goodness in them they must be basted. lo the old style stove this necessitated reaching into' the hot oven and moving the hot, heavy pan and holding it in the front of the oven while it was basted. A tedious performance with unsatisfactory results. The draw -out oven rack of' the t^ NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS: Copy of Chang* 01 running advertise. meats must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion In issue of same we.k. Imperial Oxford Rangema� basun. a simple .I�a successful operation Draw the handle in front of the oven for- ward and the rack brute the pox and its contents out ofthe oven where it may be thoroughly basted with the greatest ease. The Imperial Oxford Range lessens the labor of cooking and insures the most successful results. Cali at one of oar sgenctsa ce write los die Imperial Oxford lealet. The Gurney Foundry Co. IW.eleed Toronto 111es.tawl. Wiaamtfa. sad Vomeoower 1 For Sale by 1 3: iatl,i 4141 G C. J. HARPER, (ivderich New Goods Just received a new stock of cross -cut saws and axes. CROSS—CUT SAWS MONARCH SURPRISE VANQUISHER 1 ' RACER LANCE AXES RED RIDGE PREMIERS LIGHTNING iR± A fullsupply of Axe Handles, Saw Handles, Saw Sets, Files, etc., always on hand. - N. D. RO UG V I E, Cash Hardware Store. GODERICH IWhv DO Try Eureka Bread You Bake? 1 Do You Bake Because the Baker's Bread VOL Have Bought Was Starchy, White, i'asteless, Pasty and .our ? You will never have an unsat- i-taetori Ion —it is so creamy, white, flaky, li}, it, wholesome and nutritious, and ei 'y loaf is crown• ell with a crispy c 1st of delicate golden brown, 1Yo you bake because it is cheaper J Try Eureka Bread The loaf cuts out a suprisingly large Dumber of sheep. i-in:s 11 P. T. DEAN'S G1;(1l'EIrl EN I•:III I).11• THE POPULARrIY �t MMTArs NATInNA!: %- nVr{ ..,a .FAV py'•'Hyd.... he.r�a•T�. In,�l t ht. -t .1., 41 41 r^ i..110 Aanotated e„ ..d w.rr deem � PI, oi'�.At.•the eJ a a;..d (fat (ol,lrrw1 nes w„_At• 'lj' FrAr OVE /►lookei HOME TREASURE' R 11�6f Trait MALIO WY' J. I -i. WORSELL, Tkt Stove and Furnace MID, a HaatUieghak REX/LL Vet DYES Theme Dye. will dye Wool, ( ellen, nttk, Jul. or Mlsod (load. In one bath -they ere the latoml and mein Improved Uy Lt the Mudd. Try a package. All coke%at KICK'S pH( t: ter.Itic, F. SNffETH`S PLANING MILL (ult. NELSON MT, nod l'AMlii{IA ROAD. COODKRlt'IL Thl. tulll toe been rebuilt soil refitted soh modern machinery tier man ufmutury�aw'suy p. and eeonotuireny alt inner of Woodwork. • .5 Building Material of every tkiteriptiwt kept in 'noels. gosh, thews, I"i'*iues, Moulding and interior and Exterior Fiubtbiug of nil kind. on lutnd or nudc to order•. E.tuuata'r furnished on application, l►nlrn. w,lisIte•r. F. SMEETH: HELLO ! 1. THE OLD RELIABLE / ALL KINDS OF {'` ALWAYS ON HAND Tutt RUT Scrawl Hard Co Its Tea MARKST Al Coal weighed on the Market calm when molest !M lbs. ter a Ms • WM. LEE. Orden left si L JI 1)SZIPZAZDT asen gremtAtl at•sad.d to. • For Pro ... Every Fairmer .!ttx.l.l' kr, r These three w..r, s cnnst . 1 , in mind and crq,tuct h s f;um on strict but.iac,; prir. iidc. Guess work and ht:phaitrd methods are no l'ngcr used h, successful and, up-to-date far- mers, 13y reading THE Wt.Fi:LY Sum, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness: THg SU'N'S market reports are worth many times the sub- scr1j•t1. tl price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should) realize the full value of tic service THE St•N has ren- dered him in a.public way. It was ly1IC to the action of TM Sue in givine, voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. We -will send Tots WssrtLT Sun from now to 1st January, 1906, in combination with The Signal, for $1.80 Milesc•rilie now. - Mnugde for the asking. VA NATTER A ROBERTSON, Talc M114,4 if., Inalerich. Horse -Shoe Pads aad�ss a real neces- sity winters or saammmer — they supply the give nature intended On hard roads and pavements— protect the frog of the hoof from stones and from balling in wint- e r. Improved Dunlop ad Ideal " Horse.Shoe Pads cut. oft prevent 11m1415' preytnt c1'acking Or spreading 'soots—make • bora I lifeyou longer.withtrtroubled wlow nentem 11118r,,Sr ver— s,. usaNk mom