HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-17, Page 135 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO ti,U14D8AY, Dec •4*, II)D3 1,4 DESTINY OF CANADA. Live Topic Before Meeting of London Chamber of Commerce. srik4 _ tascuesion on CO1001011 Lord Brits.), and Others Make InterestIna Speech** The Fie. 44441 Independence of Cauada. as per Sir W414 t . • ' .. .- . trial Laurier's Decl•ratiorit Dwelt Upon An This iolici u ow.a I order by Mr. ..." ' •', •: drew Pattullo Eapresvis Amazement. Justice Macllahriii .deciaring the Cott- . solidatcd Lake Superior Illaulealle In- solvent 'the petitioner% fur the wind - "paean'. Dec. 15.--4C. A. P.)-Lorit mg up older were W. IV- Kurtz, Wil- BraseeY, spooking at e, special meet- Hew itutch Wistar and Nichols.* Brice ing of the London Chamber of Com- all of philKoolphig, shareholdern in, mere* eestardaY. dwelt LID NII. ‘I'l- the Conrolidettel Company. The pee. 'rid Laurier's declaration before the titlon was granted and the milers Chamber of Oomularce In favor of made upon the facts stated, and uta maintaining the Ascot Inchopendeuce of on hearing the 'miming' of Spencer Canada, mid 1'. W. Ellisstatement Love, counsel fur the t"ouirolidated to the Manufecturers' Association Couipaisy. that it is lurwisent. that she had itiveiv preference enotekli: Jolty U. Carruth. who wart duly As a follower of the Duke of lievt appointed receiver ut the company. oashirs, Lord 'lovelies.y saw no course by the Circuit Court ofties Rutted inure practical thee an interchagepf State* for the District of Conne n cti- opinions othe best way to help cut, on Slept. 214, 1903, wee joined soi Gault •ther. Any tinsincial diacussions & provisional liquidetor with the To - with the colonise "Mould be avoided. rent° tleectral ''rust. CoMpany, the The beet way to strengthen the de- Master-In-Ordivary to appoint per - fencer of the Empire would be fouud mallet liquidators as events ariee. to be by urging the colonial, Ouverm Ars Appeal. . malts to Bei that their local forces Mn Bicknell, K. C., who has acted ware &llama. (:amide, aright M'S ef- for Speyer & Cu., characterized the fictive aid to the Imperial navy by winding up as. a ?draw proceeding, providing men The Admiralty should and doubted whether the Cunadiaii provide drill sheds', drill slain' and courts could wind up the 'Moire of a adequate iday fur their retainers. it company turd under the lime of was paltry and petty for the Home Connecticut. Ile said the proceedings tioverunwut, with en appropriation to wind up under Judge MaclAahou's et L35,000,000 to wrengle with New- oro,,r would bo i.,,,iit,..ird ou tillh fuundland over the cost of a drill ground_ shed. An extended spurns of British 'rhe lawyers for the petitioners for emigration wise needed, which the the order tu wind up say that the Lonolop chamber iniouf4 deviert. There applies., f ii ha* liven made for the tikr\ should be a liberal 'subsidy triali ILI- poNotise 0 protecting. the shurehold- perial funds for a fast ocean service erti end cr41t ore generally. la the to Canada '114I tralolot of the navy face of this •tir •i• Speer ict ('o. Coll- in time of peers would direct •Il to sot go usi ur dIatiIhiiig 'without the the fleet In wartime_ Ile 'Armlet) fav- consent and direct ii of the court, erect 1...ord Striathr-unas mulmeal of and tlw aine•ts of Ito company will entuaraging university students to too under the direct co ell& and sun- tia•si In Canada arsisimi of flie•cuiirt. . Carruth. Sir William C. Brooke said" he the liquidator ii44 • • t •i a l'hila: wanted the beet postal arrangenienia delphifn. *Ito has alWa..ts ina tuilied with Canada for British newspapers. kthe eights of the general cr tors He trolleyed that Canadian manufar- anti ',heret-rider... The result of hirers would eventually chew ties order. if coutime.41, will be the oust ,oarket againet British manufactur- • ing of. Jr. Fackemlial frimi Ifiri post- ers B. Irving of Vancouver held that ;ion as receher for Sibeyelt a.' Co.: at unless Britain forestalled the agile- the Soo tion by the Hotted Staten for a clog- er.rommercial union there was dan- ger ahead, Sir Albert K. Rollie .t.oke WHAT WILL BE NEXT? Illsdlos Vp Off.. Shoaled is las Cassel thewelteated Lak• Superior COM- Peas-Usiddliii•ro • pasitatod. Toronto. Dec. 15 . -live To ron 10 Oenerall'rust's Cerporation Mut boeii appoiuted liquidator of the Conseil- LeitesOuperieir Company. of the marked loyalty of the French- . Canadians. Mr. Fraser said that the •-.1. danger of British eknigration to Cs - n WSJ hopeless's. ottedone---tOr Americans irott.• Wolonossia tor Casale. At • meeting of the Royal Geo- graphical Society •vesterday Colonel sir Thomas 11. Ifoldich, meustrer of the British conunission on the Chill buil adary delimitation, speaking of • the Welsh colony la Argentina, said that the deputation that endeavored or to taka the colony to Canada had not represented his viegs to the colony: Usesam leambaggedi. Andrew P*ttujlo, yesterday at Leyton told an euthusiastic audience that he had taken the platform owing his amazement at th• views of the • of Devonshire and other Lib- re regarding Canada.., fiscal question was -swtt led -as• going to be heard in When be healtil the inaa's caution against 'tette, the American people he whow EsgIIabm.n could Sing °,•,L..t•Hii Britannia "lhe United Stat - .5".., es h humbugged England for years. and t only way to fight Alike C a lead done. (Cheer wa •el Co of 11111Ipplisig Dowidaseo. Chr topher Formes, M.P.. speaking at Nest Hartlepool yeeter- day said the Mr Chamberlain •r - rived at his timate of the de- -cadence of the E ire in shipping by deducting the d ease io Canada". Id galling fleet ts HOTTIINTOTS HAM). woe Boterioos Gomm sad Ifisibroo In Cape Tn Dec, 15. -Ace ding to an oftScial tpatch from the Harte- beest, River district, a Ilo ntot laager was at ed and captu by • German petro eniturdav Hottentot. drove 1,h. Germans aero the river, firing he ily and !severed. wounding Lieut Belt and .p pri- vate. The Hottentots • berquently re- treated, losing three kit and two wounded. More fighting I expected. During the engagement; the Cape po- lice cube under the fire of th Hot- tentots, who say that they akot at the police by, mistake MORGANATIC MARRIAGE Seetrosted Between ()•••• mot Youth a/ fairly. Boulogne. Italy, 1We. 15.-A Ilion- erchlal paper published here, which runeldered to be generall well iii - f0 , say, it hes received news -.fro ,Dow receut Jo o trustworthy source that Ihrl Queen Margherit•, during • rney to Norway. cmitracted tta morgan le marriage with an en- ' ginner 80 veers old 11s •Iga of Masairelli. 44 ; Toronto, Inc. 15.-H. N. McNIaet- q er, eon Of the late *pt. Emerald. eMM caster, of the unfortunate b which disappeared sny °ugly morn than a month age, retutleed Yellbe1- 4. day from Cobburg after & fruitless search, and say* that 'It le hes opts- lon after weighing.. all the evidence that th• Emerald bias overtaken by disaster suddenly, allowing her crow no chance of escape. between To- • rola° and Thirty-three Mile Point. Crowell's& BATHURST. N. B.. FIRE SCORCHED., with Oros. 'tepidity, Inistreelisa -Station. Dee. .174 -i -••=A- lire broke au _taboo. 11.30, yesterday anerning in 11. Means' store in East Nide street. shrine to' heasy wes- terISgale. w ch prevailed, the .lite flpt,uti with gr t rapidity, totally destroying Mean Co.'s 'Wort*, Mc- Kenna Itroil•. tail, ing entablishment and dwelling, 31re. 'ec. A. McLean'• duelling and barn., ucetee barber shop and dwelling hoots., It. D. Soirthnood's new ilrygo .tor.-. MI Kent** hardware st re, ,..I. F. •ftrion'• law Once, Imul Iffretlicre lltanningis homes% .t'ttre, and the 11.5.W. telegraph office. • At 2 p.m. a telegram was set4 to New Cootie asking for help, wh&ch was quicklyeel led to. and .14 'p.m. an engine and twenty-five men arrised, which had the lire under control by 3.:10 p.ni. The loss will probably • reach 130,000. Insurance $10,1100. A JOHANNESBURG SURPRISE. Masers la South Africa Posta,* Tor Isa. portatios of mimeo!, Johannesburg. Dec. 15.-A mass meeting called here •to -night for the purpoire of urging upon the -dioyern- ment the advinability of taking • referendum before introducing legiela- tion_ providing fur the intrtalueing of unskilled labor into the Transvaal was uomPletely captured by the ele- ment favorable to tlie importation of Chinese. Special trains," brought in thyourandw of miners from the east. and west Mind, who throughout the rueeting cheered for the Chinese...The chuirnian Was unable to put a mo- tion. for a referendum. An overflow nueeing declared fur the importation of the Chinese. BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. ist. Petersburg. lion. 15. -Jewish migration to America is constantly i •reaseing in proportions. in • cone's. go cn of the scarcity of work. • atogu. N. . Dec. 15.-A cold wave s Sw.s.ping over . the lower Adiron eks. the tempYrature having fallen degree* in the last 24 bouts. I 15.-A thousand street- ficntions of c wily are laid against \Lieut. Schillin 'of the lith Regiment Infantry. a ose trial began at z ioterdny. • ehington, -Dec. 15'7= -The Republi- can . eintore in can us v.enteriluy de- cidod m lint. Mai Mile of Hoe - ton for apinin of the Unlace' Stater' Senate. 1 inning Jan. • Hai, hae acceptre Sweinehinin - Dec. 15.4•- o reduce expenses the eh 're- on .the 'r Rail - ,'owl system mer last evening toned until 'Monday. 1)u.r\21. In the en- title. nothing except urgent run ng repairing will I* don WHITNEY AT PEMBROKE. Ma fleets,. Sologisod By floossirvatIvos • LU.-L.ag Linossi, Sam as • COMPleeittIvie Sight Tsars •sii. PenibrUke. Dec. 15. -The l'osiserv•-, %leen opetnel their cauerisign here lent sdgbt with a UMW -4 is. the WWII hall, which, in numbers and appreciatioa - of the speaker*. was much the same as that which the Premier held last Fridey. The prin- cipal speaker was Me. Whitt**. Mr. Dunlop, the caedidate, made h4i first public appearance hum, and created a fasorable impression. Several • speakers esideasored to make capital out of the Fiiidlay though everyone In the audience knew that 'Mr. Firidhsy, who was eulogized as a life-long 1.iberal, ran and is Conner- againet•ler ltarr Sight years ads. Shoal& Bask Vp Cliansnorlaisi. ' Montreal. Dot. Geo.- E. Foeter delivered all ittlilretiii lit a•seiiing to it icry turge audience in. the Windsor Hull, under the auspices of the Sic John A Macdonald ('tub. lir. Foster treated the British fiscal teleran movement in ult its phauee, and claimed that the colonies should back tip t. Mr. Chamberlain. OP NO STRATEGIC VALUE. luttitai emsa..ghut ltasbl• is Dsraita. sits Port tessosos. :Victoria 1141.. Dec. 15. -Lord Dun- donald, Commander -in -Chief of tho l'anadiou forces. returned from l'ort. Simpson eat vicinity on the Gov- ernuient steamer Saundra eestradaY. where he went to look over the siti- alien s ith 'respect to the ris:Port that, the Culled Sitars intended to fortify Sitlilito • and Klintiagliut. lb - lauds. Ile visited tenth ishrirde, 00(1 rhea l'eacee and Wales Islands, which were both *Warded to Canada, Kite- umat end Work Canah III which plac- es the terminue for the trametCan- ada railway has been mtiggessted. Ile declined to talk of his visit, but from others the party is learned that he regards Sitklan and Kanuagiiiit Islands us unable to do - 1.. Port Simpeou It fort Med. 'eseels pave cidise - to theme islands, lug l'ort Simpson, bat Wales is so much higher and a fort there ould make any fortification on tricited States untenable.. APPEAL IR CALLAGHAN. ' aline It. Closers Ails. Eseoptod Toronto. Dee.15.-No e in the Callaghan case has .en lied, to _be recorded Thursdit •he peal retites tltat there is no es of theft as charged, that the u intolved forms part of a debtor credit account. that the invoice sub- mitted shows it to hate bare a di- rect salt., and that the es idence of :urine witnesses for the. ('rown was improperly, admitted_ The appeal con- tends that the evidence offered, tend- ing to show the service of the accus- ed in 'selling stock of the company,. was proper, and should have been re- ceived. Further, the instructions of the court are -excepted to. A general denial is entered that there was .vi - me to garrimt the verdict. Vallee - It will Ire sentenced to-niorrow, un- less there is a further suspensiOn {writhe; the appeal. 160,000 AFFECTED. Meet Coreeration Dec$des to Reduce Weir b 10 20 Per Cent New York, Dec. 15. -The statement was Made yesterday by a leading of- flei0 of the United StateStied Corporation that, beginning January 1, ,'1004, about nineky per cent. of to employes of the corporation will miller wage reductions rengtng from Ave to twenty per cent., 'Phis reduc- tion will affect about' 150,000 work- men. The remaining ten per cent. "of tho employes are sunder e wage agreement. The financial committee i of the Steel Corporation. it is un- derstood, has under consideration tho dismissal of many high salaried em- ployes in addition to those already discharged: It was asserted that, Uarring some tinforeeeeu technicali- ties, employes of the corporation Who participated in the profit-I:hal.- Mg plan will in the coining month re- ceive a live per cent. dividend On the preferred stock, to which they lisib- scribed et $2.50. ' MAW Ceases Operatives Modsoof. , Boston, Mass., Dec. 15.-A retitle - tion in wages averaging 10 per cent., and involving 0,000 operatives, was Made yeeterday In the cotton mills at Adams and North Adorns, Mass., and Norwich, Conn. In all about 88,000 hands have had their pay re- duced. Trotinl• 1. Illinois. Chicago, Dec. 15.-Thri.e factories is Northern Illitiois were shut (lowly yesterday beca'ase •t heir employes numbering nearly- 1,500, refused tc to strike.' promise inTi.ndsouirttil.uastleiakg.r.evalents nol Washington. Dec. 15. --The Execo live Council of the American Feder & lion of Labor yesterda 'appointer! President I:metiers and t dent Duncan, a- committee to go to New York this ueek to effect u set- tlementof. the building trades 'strike in that cliy.'• aught 1. the Darkness. Connellsville, l'a., Dec. 15.111ore than 800 Men have resumed work al the Sligo Iron and Steel Mills, Th4 Men husei been idle for some months The company bas orders. to keep the men working all winter. To Coati... Stalk*. Telluride, Colo.. Dec. 15. -The Min- ers' Canon has voted to continue the strike in this region unt'il a settle- -Went- --10.-8-hor--day- • reached. with mine and mill :nanagers. The managers say they will not re- cognize the union or grunt its de - mend. PARCEL POST AOREEMENT. 0.5. Not Utility to Motor lat. •irrnallio Moat WWI Cassias. ashington, D. C., Sept. i5 -Cs - Da II are protesting to the 'Post - office pertinent againgt the refusal of the 'nited States to enter into parcel t agreement with Canada, but, it is of likely that their pre- test• will. produce fruit. The United States service is not equipped for handling parcels, and should this country enter foto the treaty desired by Canada business would be trans- acted at a decided Joss. Capt. Brooks, kuperintendent • of foreign mails, said: • '.'The 'United States has constantly refused to en- ter into parcel post treaties •by which it will have to transport across and outside of 11. territory mail of other countries. "If we made. the treaty desired by Canada it would handicap the mail service of this country, and we would have to make the same ar- rangement with others. We are not enuffejed for parcel post business as are some of the countries of Eueope, and do hot handle packages weighing more than four pounds, while in Foirofre, eleven pounds is the usual weight,. and some Countries carry packages weighing ' considerably more.'' JOHN WATSON. OF Alt Sadden Drain of Um Woll•Ksiows Isolte. milsot Maker. • Ayr, Dee, 15 -John Watson, sr., president of the John Watson Manu- facturing Company of Ajr, died sud- denly at 5 o'clock yeeterday after- noon at his residence. Ile had spent the afternoon in the office of this works and had just reached horne'when he drooled deed. Heart failure was the cause. Mr. Watson was probably the old- est implement maker. In Canada. Ile was born in Scotland in 1E420; came' to Canada in 1845. n4 commenced business is Ayr in 11447. • He leases three imps and two daughters -John George. William and Alfred, all mei,,- of the Watson Company, rt -aid - frig here: one daughter, Elizabeth, at ' 'Inue. and Misr' M. N. Watson. who resides in Guelph, as principal of the McDonald Inistitute. Deceit/led was a, life -tong Reformer. nanny oat to PI Toronto, De . 15. -At 3., $ o'clock yesterday afternoon S. Era two. an !tenon 'welkin mail. wart nin down by fi .T.11 . engine No. '771 and 'lev- elly cid in pieces 11.' was engem in cleaning out the switches near t station when he was elught by the engine and carried we't of the bridge before being discovered. The remains Siete gathered up and taken to thin - London. Dee. 15. -The reinains of ter's undertaking eetabliehment. Herbert Spencer were cremated at where Coroner Prltton will hold an Pests attending the closing rites. Tiss, mom of 692 was found upon &- Hampstead yesterday, a feet Melted inquest on ihe tiOdy this morning. An Indian gentleman, who was Pre- I ceased, partly in cash and partly in sent, offered to donate $5,000 tcrent G.T.R. cheques. dew a Spencer lectureship at Oxford telverstty. Plows DwIlly hamegenc, Victoria, B. G. Dec. 15.,..41. M. Cadger Illesstal• Flora was placed in the dry dock yes - Hamilton, Dec 16 --Sir Richard today morning for repairs. Iter hiiil ('artwrtght Is being treated in a las been badly damaged as a result private hospital in thps city for their. of her strandingsad repairs will or - mat ism. cupy tire :meths. CASHEL MAY BE CAUGHT. Murderer Was d ow 5. Nill. Waist of Calgary. Calgary, N,W.'I'., Dec. 15. -Cashel has Just been discovered on the hint' a few miles west of Calgary. A de- tachment of twenty 31Ounted Pelice and a large nuniner of citizens are now after" him, and expect to bring itini in in a few houls. la fort* 4. thole*. Toronto.. De. 15. -Tem perilous' incident's occurred in the bay between the mainland and the shine. of the island yesterday . In the 11140, two men in a malt boat were caught in the ke, bid were gallantly miscued by Harry Stubbs and Fireman lieens, who wont to their rescue in dinghtee. It took from two till live to effect their emcee. Later, men working for e Eerry Company, eight in all, * similarly caught, but the' ex- am of a Frenchman' In the pail, whir rawled over to shore on the pieldle, while lying on his stomach was folio with variations and they all reached shore in three hours. In ach case/the men nearly perished th cold. NOMINA nommt George\15. Grant. .P., was semi- nated by North Onta Liberals at Beaverton Monday Devlin, barrlste of Hull, in out as an independent LI al candi- date for the Commons. e is • brother of Charles Devlin, 11 ., for Galway. His candidature is s pro - Met against thn French -Cana nil getting all the patronage and ho the Federal and Provincial rep sentative. Tresses es 15. ***** t. Ogdeneburg. , 15. -Mrs. Margaret Mill. was frozen to death here yesterday. On her way home she tripped and fell heavily to the 'side- walk, becorathg unconscioue. The street is little frequented, and when Mrs. Mills' body was found it was discovered she had been frozen. Limited ISa. IN allehlgas. Det roit . Dec. 15' -Michael W. Tay- lor. the largest moan in Michigan. died Sunday night. Ile -weighed 425 pounds. and at one time tipped the * roles at 4.75 pounds. Ile expected to reach 400 If he lived long enough. THE WAR 114 COLOMBIA. C.S. Mariam' to tie cent to tno 'forgot 1.115*. - Colon, Dec. 15.-A company of ma- rines from the United States cruiser l'rairie wee landed here yesterday • morning, under the conimand of Cap- tain Smedley it Butler, and inunceli-• ately started by train for l'antime. dentinatgon of the marines is maid to be Yiviza. up to the San Miguel Gulf and Tuira River. The decision of the naval' authori- tie!, to Million marines at Yasize mow poseribly.be owing to the reports that Col pian trine* have been seen I hilt uu to the ore - NIMMIlltIttttt/trtttitt/IMIttttittrt!MMITtiffIttrfITTITTIMM Gordan .Wock z A. 21exitn Soderieh, 'Ont. Buy Something Useful For Christmas Gifts,, You can find many things here will fill the bill for very Half dollars will do duty for dollars in many lines. Mocha Gloves underpriced. A clearing lot of woman's and girls" fine silk -lined Model gloves,41 • fasten - he very newest for this winter, came liter way at it bargain. . I 61.50 kik-lined gloves Or *LO) E ,4'47ir.4..?'. $1.75 • t.:-N.LI'Ls;rtittasti4 Christmas Belts The newest silk belts, black, white and ear d' I. with oxidized and gilt buckler. Special at 25e, :ilk. 17u. e•;rt • Fancy Collars .4 ,4 foe gifts. Otte six...bile in black and white, 4 white and black 1 coitus. The neWeet, nif- tick collars at 4M and 25c. \ • OVERCOATS : -The 'dock getting leer. so /UV t Int prices. Elegant, tine Heaver overeolam in navy and blnek, priced up to $12.50, all at each *KM (*Mt,' fOr $5.1". BUY.'" heaVY. reel' -' 0*- ers. geml linings and well Wit 11 stOrM c011ines, at $1.113. If your boy doesn't want one you know some a boy it would make. happy. Suits and trotmers at reduced pekes. We want lode:sr out all our clothing, especially the overcoate. Furs \\hob, I ler for a gift ? oiwy eaperines at 111.26 and $1.75 at $10.50 for $7.50 • , little coin. 1 " " ti10.00 16.50 " $16.50 "$12.(1) rey Lanib Gauntlets $5.01/ for $3.50 Stuffs SIM "*8.50 'oney Gauntlets $3.75 for $2.30 Handkerchiefs are always aecept able, especially stick as we are showing. 11.anilkerehiefs for 24. lip. SpeCial had( linen he 1, 3 for 11k.. Others in pure Irish lawu tip to 51k... The Exceida, it favorite. 5,1 at 104. to 31k.. Mens Ties' .ittid 31iiffiers.' some made up a ,f t j specially fur Christmas itt bows. ' E- achic,Xtrri• '4 .93itelq 5tore sent tittle th.•. 110 reason to be- lieve that any 1.,. ize force . under orders to march on Panama, front Caracas. 'lite opinion tO Pre- vail that the ft*. Cohnutiu it tOtil,Ittl's seen were'pronal,IC scouts eho 15. endeavoring -to -aril what -prevent is .• and protective nemetires were tu•ine. taken by the Republic- of Panutua. and shut it was their presence gave rise to the exaggerated 5111110re iof a speedy attack by Colombia on the, lethinue. ' They had here talking at; they walk - td, She had remarked. pathetieally. "Oly, it must he terrible ton man to he rejigged by a woman.- "Indeed it must." was his response. Then, after ivhile„ with sympathetic iiimingenti- 'mistress she exclaimed, -lb doesn't seem that I could ever have the heart ti • do Anil there canto ;t silence between theta as lie thought it 11,Ver. • B Trademark jr u Makes healthy, vigorous kid- ney& B Trade -Mark j U u Restores to old time vigor. Bu'=Ju, Cures Rheumatism -not mere- ly relieves It. B u=Jtrade-Mark U Is the greatelasttoriK. Kidney Regu- B Trade -ears u=Ju Makee life the delight It should be. Bu=Ju Is the latest compound of sci- entific research and Skill. Trade -Mark B j u Is Intended only for the cure of kidney and urinary diseases and rheumatism. B Trade -Mark ji U u Is sold by all druggists at so cents per box, so pills. Relent all substitutes. Insist on get- ting Bu-JU, the kidney pill that cures. efi7%1/4411#lie.delv ,oderca pelted VORA, N. Y.. AND WiN01.001. ONT. Holiday Millinery e approach of the Chrintaiiits and New Year',, Seasons t something you want in Millinery (bonds. My sint o c ayk 0 late and all material is always kept op to date, and ortlem will at all 1 nut* receive the t tory best of attention. Good assortment of Ready-to-wear Hats. Call on inc if you want anything in my line. MISS CAPIERON 11ANIII.TON 11. "41 • • '4 !t, t" Souvenir Range. Aerated Ovens Without an abundance of pure fresh air in the oven whatever is cooked therein is diStamteful and unhealthy. Meats are specielly suscep- tible to impurities while beingroasted-their rich HAVOC is retained only when the oven is pure. Breath Fresh Air. Hy au ingenious arrangement - fresh air is made to circulate including odors from cooking f and up the chimney -no unto the The Aerated Principle im Lhp only one t the oven. ' •• the Souvenir, Impure, lytn its I. Ie. Gurney, Tilden Hamilton Toronto Montreal Winnipeg J. H. 'ATORSELL Sole Agent i.4•.;•4 .44.41.et, •-`et• hit: `14.14t-tt Goderich .YrItttfIttttftIttI1t/tftttt?fttyrn/ttittfttttttfttMtt/111/11MMO E a E 1 t , ----;,---\\ ... You 1 slat 'J4 Need t, 1 4 s h ‘ ?1(\ 6.- - 3 , r,\ Shoes 0\ 1 W4.II we all do at this time of the year. Non need your ttttt ney too, do you?' Well so 4,, t of us any and all tithes and 'sermons. Now heist's where MAW* hard earned Dollar* mew farthent. .4 Von get more than mhos", you Fet SA1 ISFACTION- natiefartion, shoes and style combined. Call and let us show you ADIIIP of our They will interest, you. Prom the little tine to the old people we have the shoes ..to keep your feet emidortable. THE RUBBER QUESTION Their are robbers beri• for any ,1144pe of Aloes. They are thin year's gods--ntrong and dorahle. felt a pule oli and your feet will never guess that t he ground is wet and slushy. Wm. Sharman ITHE tily1TE1 IHOEti D.OROTHY DODD MR MEN. IFOR WOMEN. AhlnialbAbtiotIAIAlotiAlAinbiliAblif0AblfitIAIMAInlotlAbOA1•444040A114Atoileitiitiiiiiiiiihaiiiiiiiiii0iiiiiiiiiiitoiiiiiii1A1Ali 0440 kti Of 01000400 00 04 OM' 04 lel Mil0100011 CEO. L.; p4 ALLAN _ WE HAVE MADE ELABORATE PREPARABONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE We have just opened out a fresh supply of "Joseph Rodgers" table and pocket cutlery; Merridan Britannia Co.'s "1847" knives, forks and spoons; R. Wallace lc Sou's -1835" spoons and forks; carvers in cases, butter dishes, biscuit jars, berry bowls, berry spoons, butter knive, pickle dishes, pickle forks, crumb trays, razors, shears, scissors, hand sleighs, hulks' hockey skates, mens and boys' hockey skift:Cs, hockey sticks, pucks, Shill pads, etc., etc. J44 tAttp14.w.:•,.-„;. •Vi...PKISISTWOOIL.Amicasii,...reff51144•1•MirYte,,, A IlisseVhi carpet sweeper makes a very useful present for mother! • ti CEO. L. - ALLAN!IJ *priviv.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fivwfwvogwrIvoirmyr•tvlowolumworoffvoityrforforpftvolpfprotormuripfpftwfweitwwwwwwwfvfvfvffovviwoliv.www.p,,t 41. hY rf he net ton. nty re. vatIle 1''L" -- -et"- tt••-•-• • . YArm•••••••... .'1 • • le ewaseeoweserweerespeereertgor