HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-17, Page 12s1 " lift t;tilt - 11'1... 111.st .....111..ts • viILtgt in I In. ear. • tlas.ir 1'1114.1111as 144.AS411 ; • 1 lilit slIeres:44,114 Ility, hitt it) it 1111111114 411.1. 'night ts; tititit Is getwrittlr; Ittst..41 fr.stir sa.itstial iif t Niw 41..411. itt 11,111,141 iif ,%isil, IT ill11 , 141131 hit, 111141 1 it. although IIIIiiitt. %%.4.1,1". 111E111.1 it ". 84111111 ..f t itt v tjI t• • sr4res 1,1 lilt" (.1111M1111;1! 1114Ii. 1111,4 bit 'Y , • itjthI Ile • t he vinanil ..j Itt I he 1.18nri net.. f i•A Ilit etaji.yi Iit1titjl;IljI 4. 111 ...atela • 114..11 ti•il 111.31111i.1 Ilia = ". 4.111 ist tog.. rr """e;1`.‘,11 %%11.11 it w,"" it Isrily. 1.11.11,14.y lailaa.4.1 t. tht %%intl.,. • viii: IiiV. ii1, TI 11 I tell ; .t% le in Iliiis4 Is 411111' I ; 1%,1%. r•Ia",. :11141 li.r11111 I,t o t.h , T jr... " eGodericH i,..• 4111.-"N .1 s • t sop'. ". natiteri.il for I . ' • B • .1 tii.ly ,,r t ' al -gain ▪ Store t laiat hi. tia..1 neve. esl.aloli.laiml Litt 1? W141111. 111,144,111ItIl it lwri1111i 31.141 itt 1itt • a place ..r • on it kn 4 friiiat 11..111131 th. 1 Haat . • • • tire ‘1it1.0a41 tit ei. the f..stiv.seitstsa tl ft.t. Iliset ittg iIIig.. :list het 1....t the otiviti.11 giano kr Christmas Jteinwaq 2foredheimer ;latices 21arshall Alckeuzie & Howell's Silber Berry Dtshe s Silver Bake Ashes Silber Cake 'Baskets . Silver 93utterD(sh.rs Silver 93isctiit 'Jars Silver Crumb Trays Sieber Napkin Rings Silver Sugar Bowls &Firer Pick4 'Dishes Silver 93ie Knives Cold Meat Forks Te41 SerInces • Nut Picks LadiesWork Cases Tea SPoons Table Cutlery Carving Sets On'ers. Table Sets Scissors Razors Hockey Sticht • Carpet Sweepers ' Pocket Knives eSZOenclell )Yorc117eimer's Limited .F.s..ablished 1840 188 .0 ugdas Street, .Condon porter's Book Store, goaericl? tv hi; 1.1.11 the ...tole ' ; n • •t ' • " 5 recorilS 1131 rii1e311.1 one Of the .liermait' rin. set1 . that titne. soul in .1 ttill 11111IIIS and 1114% t imber granted by. pany he wit to elliNt will timing the wit. the power required }leis ,40•1:eit if its a Elf it joke and alWA neighbor a gtNtti UI was over six feel iniiit: he wan z1 g w.tii skilled in the int Whiela in those d capitals man could 1 reported toltaiel and tit his lintel t ite had at any tint aideml A v1I'Y days WAS that the. whiskey Were tii WIliell nit doubt tit fay of the v a:aye. a the re-isatt 011) frt,ittiently ptt,t'uf his fritta " " lw e. • • a• trIlio,te who itt looking fit neu k• • •„ ; Cen.ent. for Chritttina, KhOlala 1.14 %%linter , l'iet ore and Art Itehot. and begreet the h, 410,0.4 Ilse of pieta/VS e't 4hriat in taw i'ount). "A thing of beauty a joy for r e)er. • avail the) certain!) ha% e It in picture... Watching for Santa.... hofie-h:2 will bring me a ',resent from Mckenzie & Howell's, for I know it will be good. They have such firefly silver things, and such cute Penknives--Vack says they're real goodblades, too --and oh ! 'such lovely Skates lots of other things I 'd like to have." • Yes, Santa gen many of his Chris/ma supplies at. McKenzie 6L. Howells. Beside many petty, useful things for the boys am girls, They other's for theolderones-- • carving sets, table knives and forks, silver services,fruit dishes,etc. • and everything jYtcKenzie )(owe// ie )(erraware )Weq Cie Square, d "I'LL CATCH SANTA CLAUS -7-1 Suggestions for Christmas is the Spot or \ Bargain's. We - sell cheap 14 Our s ock contains many thissi1 suitable gifts. • Fancy 0114ts Easels Pictures Witin Desks *Musk Cabinets' les \Couches Easy• rs and any other articles n .11 would ake handsome and' ii.ef presents, t reasonable price,. Call ant see our Furniture Showroom be ffe you finish ,tir Christmas buyi the time. J. W. Broderic Beautiful Christmas gifts TH CH It IrsTY1.• We alt writing tt o? the early dal, ail Vt.) onjoyed t quit in% ite the reader b. present at the one of thetttIittiHl Testi% il ie. If the • With. Mee% , envered with s • rya" lit,zitI over 1 1 • ' iii !vise 111, "O. and trona then small blaze.I lines that roinis. T1... Ism I nig, arta &el" 01111 heard I Ile %%1It PrIr: Fine .teel enrnivinas. line and tuezwetInt. • et ehisig., phottigntt %Wert. !Ant intttype., carbon.. p110140-elarirn. 041 painting,. water eolorK. origi nal. to re.well and itt her artisht. extitietite 'deader- Clan1: , by reen. roster. Harlow. Netith.hatti. snit other well-known at - Mt.!, The )try 1101,1 glow. of 'cling. and frame. lani ay.; in .tork. New And original dt Klan, l'itittrerl (noised art ird ittally and In good ta•te. A trey rare thing Indeed, but they (loll. The) earr) t line of arthttr.' Ingteetal. Of klint.."mino all material,. for art needle we ork. FintothttlsterIng ht to .pei•isIty with them...rut they have ti very large assiortiiii•iititt ,wviemri41 beriallfill 11 re• coN a al.it err*. ttriety of him and IttlitiA btxlm. All Anil elegantetprtentrt for Chef...tunas. TheIntuit- re eOnlially fin 11.1 14i btit the Atort". 141. ut il."1""rm% asasowm, , %veil. 1.1..14 dol. shitii ;isitt,ilt ..r t.0 ti.. ••I as a fen r.49111.itt tttgiu t111•1111113. ‘N a. tt maple 1 itt t Itat -••• 111141 ..31111.04.1 11.11 la 4 ff.W Ib. trail.). I.ut tit bor. fly'that vriu triteli..11anti t - tlit y ft ti "jolly gobitl time: Whiell tt vit'. a 1, ixtu4 titelitt I tilt tit t tlttlitittt .,r ti • i•ng logs trisii.itltiity '1•Itt•i• tio-titry t lt.it lie) • , itiitihttt ,i, w Iiiist• 11 t4telay net 4" 1 Ile Laceys. Iiek.IjoItiis, tiled Ktrines :1)1.1 4.41..r the river ciitite ; , wejj tstieiwn ill itt. , 141t %IiLtlre... Lir( 1)1 • , t4, lors, P, .til, attil • It'M(111144..1 . ; ilirilTei11111 v trials . ' wt.estlitig 1)1 Ct. ; • nlii.sh Its' 11) 1• e .111 1 ...tills off vi thi. ga..r ..111 me , rilitr.4.1 ity 11... ;`;• • !vitt1 iititttitij.i ,•011• 111.titsit:: the ,t -,q ,! volt et! •T *X)NtiW itt tlii• In • 1' ' gn.iis siting es q ttisit ion. or aft, thi. wi 111(11 •• at lite exis• s4. ;Li Th.. Fre.tiehora , .1 114.4 Wilmer Smith Picture ad Art Depot coderich Beckett A Staunten .The Square 'go derich Get Your d, Tailoring ,t ridhain the Sailor ,1 Al can suit„you what- ever 3 • ur tagte. The only up- date tailor in town. •tesov- \ elties Always r store. F. J. p ridham Ckristmas goods tkai °lake 3(crnasome presents Bissell's Carpet Sweepers • Men's and Boys' Skates $2.0, $2.75, $3.00 and $3,50 f 0e to $2.25 • Carvers in Cases Butter Dishe"; $27, $3 7, $4.50 anti $5.00 81.0, $2.50 and $:150 • • Dessert Knives and Forks Basile Dishes Rodgers 1,147, $5.00 set , $5.00 and $0.00 • • ocetutietta iiy a ,:.,,„-f„, 11/1 .11e141l1111(/‘. KINK, frit1141A.... little noisy. they ' i.„",,- ' i ' , :'t. ' Nana, 'Jaunt*. in A PIIII[8.70,140111st PAPA*,, . . . FRRIM, ' i' A fav- "''s ' "'";'; fr.:: `, , .itite mem; 'L ', 1; :,cv ' . '''''; ,. '. ' '•',,., .;.,;,''', .-1,' Noon woe the loll , " .-1,.' ''-- , • .;''';,P-..,, 1,14 , , . , )ta raising t•hirrt Ib.' tune. (stream . ., $4 ... :.• ,, , ; , ," . ; F f -' L.; f , ,,`„.,, Wont go H1111114 ;., ; -, it, it. .4 w' 4.ttt... i" t; , , 4 „,,- which Jet knitwn I ... . _ --- , 00 flint tt.. where yt Ladies' and Girls' Skates Smoking Sets 50c to $1.75 1, $2.00 and $2.50 4%. ttttttttI itt v(18401..11. Nkliether for a Italy itt jointly. ttttt et it is A gift. Ihat is sure to he apetipiaterl. Mdis ) faction itt itiisttIitt,.lt itsstireit,Kx eintnges are not onlv allowed hut • ", invited. lriees ftrati up. (3E0. PORTER c„„,, Iron.* square BE SURE TO SEE OUR Chld's Knife, Fork and Spoon Sets Child's Mugs Tea, Dessert and Table Forks Cracker Jars Tea. Dersert and Table Spoons Crnmb Trays Bokers Onaranteed Razors Carving Sets Large Assortment of Pen Knives Ratter KniVes Smoker's Sets Picke Forks Vnerrrirre ppa,,a•5 Nana -iv' teen vat -en gotetrii ! thelaileh hire SI in the new land • een va-t-en gueire, 1 thn ntialt „,„1 hAving 11(44*111 gainful II 1 ,,mint. latish..I that object lbw", en limit Atmther rs itt this .441 rlrink- irrienv4hirt 11 when song by yes n hors thy) look hack and think 101 141 H1111414 lifter, t itt. the fres k Ind lifi• Owl they led in fin- it i itt reclearing op their bintls. Abell 1141 MAII 11 French gunge id was hetter L him neighbot. owl 1", 7:11 ; ing song. * lusty linnhet epotee. ta the rt mendweed that i "114 VL L 1 LVV 1 e inteaist*steupit, %ma/A trims imsi ^. 410t.41A441i..; ; t "• iM• - 4. 1. . e ."F larger portion of the audience cover thi.ir ears, bond down their beads. or contort their features In painful u▪ epnee. directly a pistol sakes Its appearance on the stage sr fa OS ring. '1"Ivey tle one like It. and Solar se we Gan fvedie treat tar sidtoted CALL AND SEE OUR GOODS. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM. ge0. CSC fi//an THF: LEADING NIERRN" IIRISTMAS ItARDWARK MAI To %LI, . - tis.Z111,1207.44(70, W. 0. GOODE, minty cern sitiattetne. '4 4-444.44 If DPOPID qa Mi t LOCK (all oust see out Ihres anyway -It'. tt plwooire to ..how ni,e goods. VC);14441-Prigellittreq,,itir4,1TH Tittaf; /012kARTIKIP W:7"; 4°' Itatiatt Witti4trAtiai'tZ7:etip",*Zr.t.;„1751.!1714,,,,I,