HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-17, Page 8tSri:itin ,,c3.' 'thee (Irn( 0.•11 lel'. ll oiir vilLlge•in the ear their Christmas w'IWoI (I do 1 sliereK.wnrt. day, lilt in a Illllllllt days might 1a• thou primitive. '1'b, y kept feat ire Nilson of Y gtellesally 1aa4141 front to the New Year. in island of visite from another. 141111 the • although vl•ry 1 'ted dation, were fount' A ndutat of lou• visitors weeds. to the foil f lirtatnmscheer thole supplied with venison whet► the Korn lir ante• supplied. laexidl g(.11(ne. he p1111111 (If le the photo plodding. an were few they .rnj.4)) hospitality iso Koch hearted )antler Out Christmas was ale -4o ..►twat when it was it - 'rade 14 enjoy hiussell tr the winds. 'Tony. I' I1lmxe re TH There 11144 1111 atlell•. slyke it 1111•.. ill Ihost h..dy i .i.. til all (sins Maly else and con 4tulliedl than appesa K111t of (•,xll'.e, IrtlitesI N1ttr111111 br(n(1. ant giamsed esiwIIitle Mar rolls• were ....nobler fashion, .11141 ill 1111• dress a fox -skin sapid material for the S miller dandy of fifty Ax the village lova fact that the tlr11 MIT were established tier( stole, blarklt*itll sow lwratlr, 'et to sp 1'4k. district, and in the . Isotone .4 pnnre of '1 It was et lykei low," from 11. idiot' the trout e*i , k that the Maitliustl river. the festive seas) tl for the 1(11tiers was 4 ing village. staid her hoist the Ir 111 _ who kept the tiled•li the name of the viii THE 411 siotat4 From recoils haw be was n typical h one of the Iwr (irritating who set t1• that time. 111111 111 es 1.sin lambs and u•iv tilib•r granted by' p:lny he Was to erne mill, using the watt the power n'e(uired He is a woken of tie a o! a joke :int' Aiwa' neighbor a good tut was over Nix fee M1ilt : he was a pA w.1s skilled iu the sr which in those d* capital a lean could repor1444 tt have baa and at his liot41 the Iw had at any time. shirred a very inllen (jays wise that the v whiskey were alarm which no doubt lute ity of the village anti the reason why hi frequently called of wart of his policy it his frieuda go away THIS ('H11114TMA % 'e are writing n. of the early days Re tfie*iltr Invite t e Ira,l••r to b • present at the b one of the i111 festivities of the with.. evervt11ii'g (livered w itlr mint. was frozen ewer Ila in thenar eln)'sl.' and from their ‘1111111 e blazed lines that made. 'Ilse howl t hear) in Its woods MK 4*11(1 41401' 111141 wet? plentiful: which wag 'milt of addition for the ••1. 'wires' for the Ihvmai a few cedar INniglls _ Breolowe w as (4 111 nu*ple logs t hat set and ronlfln•t all oyr few talkies dips w the ' room. but pr "her. tor that wars traction, and the N' buttlee ileiteilet1 Out toady for what r jldly K...i loll e. str we refer it c4 WOO ea11'ie:I on in is number of Fnertcl Quebec w( re env; loge pnepltrabiey spring. 'I'h.W Ir hoe4• ry their hem neighbors wli.p4( (1( today terry he Laceys. Crew.. Mickeljohns, (sled stone+, and others the river ratio. :t R well known in tet of }lively MLelter M cystic„. hors, Foils and et! were instills/4.1 111 principally 1 rials t wrestling and IH which the man 4141 1•am1 off the vitt the game of M114 davit' by the Is .4 el 1br.wi 0g''' n hoe floor : 1b. 1114 'idols" wen eolith Io the "n •xlw•nse**{�fOw 1111 green) I.,'ilting re ,Innen ion. 1.4* titl 4l the winners h I t at the expN•rlP1 Q Thr Fleur► •11, and pi(•(Ilr'is Ile• A the is -elusion Fly !1 French songs. 111► Tittle noisy. they gewxl fellow t•H l.Ye A favorite *m men wise (h4 folk ilw noshing eheaMm the tune corra' Won't go !bane which i4 known I no matter whet'. Mwlbtni 1i en 14•►••.'r• (1... •.. . Malhrn Wen ve-t-411 wirers. ! Malls i wen va-t-en guerre. 1'on n'Nsit (Rand II viInlr•e. An.lt•her fevutit.' ass this oleo drink- ing sing, which when .ung by those body lumbermen 141111401 lifted the 411(1(etw off the nod ; fore it 1(111(41 1.• r,. nssslillenetl Unit iu all French wnlgw .4 1 • C' f2raltma f2um6er', December., i9o3. Su, re • lour • l q..1, 4144', ('4,,';.41a,l..1i,11. 1.. sly oat y. • (f +."y toga; u : /s fhr. Christ -Add buffo 1 - thus he come to olid. Mrs If (4(4•414 "yoIld•trill Io aero.? 01p tillaittont of Or the slunuler 4(f lies: I w(M•u111:i 4.1 a half doaeu geuia1441141 congenial spirits (4nmpe11 in a leaf' -grove nn the Lake Huhu shore. In the party was au ..111 sort of g.'unls named Barclay, a1li,ut w•holit Wolof know' .much situ that 110 WAS M riei11` star in neaslait'r ,•irclet in the rity from which 1104 all hailed.' We hadn't askew1 I to join ,nor party, but he caste rather myster- sou(4ly 0110 night sed nted.. 1 ' •If *a. agreeable Altai w'.• IN•rslnNle•.l Milts to • the rest of his Vacation •Wi111 us. %%u:sero -.oily later fur but 1 ion anticipating. A (nay'. lotus eaters' life •we lest of it in camp these warm August days. atretch.tl out in the shade' .4 the trees wit11 seientilic ((1.4.. utllro •.4. oho yellow covered variety *41111 the brds for eonglany, to sly . nothing .1 pipes and toba1.o cuough to f gate the caterpillars on the went) talks, while at night olir rearing ('x114(1 lire kept the Ile•w'1, and 'the 1,tura at e(Inal distun o Gtitil . out blankets woae•1 us to slumber. • -til, were a11, Pae Barclay, matter . of fart young fellows, with no thongflt for the morrow wive a dim idea the we'd hove to get batik to buena• .< • time, wad 1141 ml.rli roman, •' i(1 4bliteruts. ' But Barclay w,,. differ- ent. 'Tlomgh his sue•,-,•,• in his ehos•n calling Brad h, l'4, Both. less than pi *141, it had always Urso 11 THE etrnrk m. that L s energy was mai. tidal. I sized 1�: " up ua`wdreaner'hy niter., el it LII �IYe.e 1(1a11 by 11,9 (•as114. is Id I Caine 1., tlio concluetolI(• luric 1111 ti camp that 111)' diagnosis 11'41 Pro r- rect. ' All da), long he w1ro141 I 'by himself if* Yam. shady l.I..t. eyes- glls.iug Lake 14 ,r,l and only etirriing w lien til. il',t sun Mjlifti.l and roa.t•"1 hila rill. This flay 011 which the...vent happened,' of which, this at..n' tela, he had 141.1. ul.*Isilelly taciturn, *lending the day alone with a b..k which 1 11otiled he ass not reading. 1 went over to him 4114(4 lir (w'il'e thinking lu• wean worrying over Pnl,etlring pine hoping to cheer i • up. toot" though lie slid not repel tee w111, Iiia favorite. wistisi11, his'sar•ostir tongue. I saw that he preferred fly P.m t0 my couilnuly, and Po rejoined my camp motes. At nij ht hu b•laac,.l in the enn101N111 meuu.r. While the neat UP" 111111. 1 ar'•aliil the roaring camp fire, t.Iltug cracks • joker., atld smoking like a ' teal tuna.r•il; 1(11(114 'at off by hul,s•If 41 the bluff and, Seating !Mose there. remained for hour. nl•ni.ule(4a'`yud ('11.11*. .mol eleven eicl.N•k we all turned in. 1, shouted to ' n' and he joint.) the party, throwing, himself down 1 his blanket neer 1111. with a ahort'••1:...l-uight,.11 "aid was yam. like 1h,• rest of lie, apparently Pam. I mast have elep , teiseml hour* ht 1 aw'okr With a 4(1(44 load 'wart ')Milt upright end ity1krt. Th. little Pimp bu(N•nt ilmig from tittent 1•• .h. 1.11118 a dill, light over the despite; fo e..nfluni'n(s. but 1 was outwitted to bi4ico 11 .'14/4 a blanket was 1111NY.11(41(141. • N..t thmka, 1 the yiattcr ..f enough inga just.fy me tt amusing •►sly conllwni.)a, I dip demon 011 111111 wind tlltsidee. • 'filen w,.. /to Moon. but the sky was tide,( •Tear, and 1 soon caught might - if the outline .,f Bap. - clay , Moire leaning aj;uin1t of. the trees of the• hlnffa hundred yard! lir so away. \ TI.. wind had risen Pince nightfall. *wl 1 colt4. hear the billows thundering ontLebwcIi, though ili} h.1uff 11i4 them from 111y eight. it 111111 not ti rat ••f the breektint however, that attracted un' atten- tion Po p111411 SP the 14141111 lit 1tlrehny''a voice. Who could hu he talking to at that hour of tiler night, in that lonely Spot1' Qliickir 1 made my way towanl 11:111 111111 at hast • 44041 by his aide. A weird fiuure he Laikidl in the dint I1Lht. Me Arita wet thr.ngh and his hair clung aimed his fitreheae in a (1141411. nine.. Evidently he had been down by the breakers. It whoa not lits wet appearaure, however, at 11)11..(1 my interest PI much me the jit'euliir eine in his eyes' and the .Hill excitement in his 11 tier; „ 11, 11.,, lila," hs maid as 1 ('x11111 up, " roe been for a walk down there .with Mollie. I Heti to get her tie c lack with no to the 4 Ip, for Phea dt`y.ping wet, but. she wouldn't ewt1 , she wouldn't pmts." .••When. laid..., old fellow%' queried. for I had Aim w'k1 -.,Ili,, *t1•e1 au. did ►lot exalthy Pee 16344 any female fri 1 of his 1von111 have -in p mei down t t Ion.P,ule beach at that hour d the night. ' The're Phu tis," staid Barclay ieitedly, .tending there by that big Pantie. IDon't .y(nl See her I' 1•ofwe here, Millie." h. railed en- treatingly. " ('oule here." at 1,4,11 - Mg his antis Omani the shore line. • 1 �1 I aura • "fleiad14.oa is pwtiay" She .AiWrra 1111 shoat, • "Moog. wp pM.ar 1lfeirki4lys f, Bombe's whouf.•' Little + ones, mossy, rel for thorn, Trill of a t'Arirtraeaa when Jesus lean bore, A Vulr-Tier Bonnet. • Host gpaci ' princess 111141 t shy, I Wien .4' 1 h age pay, haste at your hood command. Though young In years Plat turning three how grand A world of wisdom lies hl•ueath the sheen • Of your grey 4.14x; )hat che.riah yet a Wylie, • i 1."'ke,l mid looked for Mollie ii* vain. Long, At taboos,. half shallow of that ulywtii• land 1 gry-I.okiug breakers i•aluu malting in to the .Froud whence wo short ago you e•aluee• God's hand IN'4(h in serried ratka, backed by whole reg' *it. 1 trails in those pink cheeks, (► Prins, r Je1111. slid 111111isr more, but no 31ucould, luld, 1 see, - Sweet 11111 4100114.0 e, were all• Onto. tears y. idled e •'1 don't mute her;" 1 said tukiug to my c•tmllau- Tunnel into I.•rrlr of purest brillimny, "She s gone. 1 guess. Let's\to back to coup," They were less pure than your baby soul I • o , w e years re ,141 1 r pray that when to a• Mae m alslay n uu his we . sh k tt • Anil I t 4 and I hid l halal t sl s.• H 1; 1 Y udf impatiently. • ' And you are old, that %ti11 your soul may be •• She's not gone," kw 'mutten•d. "Can't I se As eputlurs MI the 'wade that wave1 its roll. her ''Chather 'Mantling log b.atd.f that big stone. M Shea all in white. ICs Mor bridal dress, I Kai+aa," he 1�(11It0.- aA w� added, "but 1 wish shit luldn't wear it: It 1.a.k, • PO 4411(1, tis.," 01111 110 w. cold, SO 0.141, 1111 1l( �rhiye•1491. It it i.dil ' Ntd, •• lw;t's go buck to 11111 ' 6►t', Then ul 'Jdea stn*i•k owe. •• You lack, Harry," I raid. "and 1'11 bring . oldie.." No. voa 41011'1," wit, the crl1701 Mall, turning (411 ane with! lie (14.11•.. j light of madness to Ilia eye 4• No •you dnn'r.--S. one atolu he from me before, blrt'lioleapy shall ag "Ali right, old fellow." 1 .I neiassuringly, you can oast isle. thought )til watt' cold." • •• fold, ' he unuttered. •• Cold. ye., i'In cold, and Mollie a colli and the wli., a are ('►lel. and thele was r touch of iuli114l11 owe in his roto. •• What are.you dune mg there for% Coo.,. here." Aad. again he be.•k.med. Mit still naught could i 1111 rare the 111041111111g w114'08. s'lie'r broke in foam along the shone lisle, MISTC;LToE_. 141.11 over the 14.ulder at which' the 1,401,4,• ala(,I 14.45 gaall1g. yl was at a loss what to do, 1 dared not roll my •loe•INng camp mates, for I wow that Barclay was t1,.r,utghl• 4ouvinced his Mollie wits 1a•for.'. him* and 1 did 1114 know what he might ill if 1 left him. •• My deliberations were broken in upsell My Bare•lay.- • 1(.on't yelp hear her calling'" he queried. I Iiatene,i \Abo e us a H•. k of 6ittiw*ile• gulls ,' cled.1seatingirith tirelees wings against the Kale at11 ..• arioually uttering their plaintive cries. wilt their wen 1 hotel, the'n•aring of the surf and the sighing of t1 • .wind its the tree bps were the only. (4.luula that n •t' my ear. - t . Eve time 11110 of the Paring birds uttered it. platutire toter Replay would bitten .eagerly.• •• Yes, tis Mollie," he rep erted. z;he''s esti-- inR me. T . jail... the vixen,' he Iter.td fi4.14.1y, • •' She's at he old trickly, tantalixl414 Ione, teasing mr, defying me, n 1114 n1e mall with,her beauty, but .he t come. Here, Mullis'" and he stoned on a mlui rave for the hon, line. '\ An instant he used when the array of the first breakers (lashed ov r hind, but only for an ivatant. !ltouuting (11e stone t i have (4x111 manes' (to the shore, he turned and 'touted, " 1'11 catch her yet, .dim, nee if I don't." and before 1 could 4.," e,.% -,r 11144-14.11 Nuthe a•Ilt 1y 'to 11111 down the bluff std slake an eff .rt tseize him In. had dashed int.. the .curling breakers at*.1 joie. to his di aim, while overhead the 1111N•king' mutes td -the Iliittiwakes lured him* Om A 11111111011 or twin lapse•d beton. he (he- ap •a r.(1 l,ci natll a huK.lnlj11w. al)' Leat glinglst 0 ion (41411*' 4141 hint waliin nit, his •artnaoutatrctc�t�( lid the words, " I TI'cute you yet, Mollie," ou lips. -H.irrvirg Mack I alarm.. v 1nnlp Mates, ::1141,• (ego *II,' w„ • iwtr..Ile(' the PL' Iv ill morning. but r1l� i(1n t find the •11(141)• .4'1.11r umbo n.ute'friend. „le careen► 0(4111 me the Ph•9e there rin. des p and sw i The holly sea never recovered end *cit 40 hate, he fiabes of -the swift flowing lu w•as Mol:,. % 1 In rent l ' g h4 one- a swr(•h of 11,relny'1 plpwrs reel the InyPter)'. Hot had a:waya iiis•d among n as a Ma4helur, but ).is papers *hewed that he bid 'teen a in newepup4•4. .initis in an Annerieau city and, a married morn. Mollie wan hie wife, 11b(1 a two co ►1111 entitle; with Hering Maid - lines, clipped from a Western paper aeve•ral mouths to1.1 the whole story of a Misty man and a beautiful neglnct•d w•ife,.if ai elopement soil a futile 'march by is heart -broken h hate. The net of the, ',tory is too simple to call f. etplatlut ion. iir,aNl- ing over the lona ..f his wife. *I tot he loved devoted- ly. Barcla • hadK one sud•le'ilY naan., sod haat his life iq pursuit of the Heetitig.phan- tome who nightly rico the tam totsped hjl- lea's of . P 1.iike ' ,► Huron.. Grocery 2epartment We always carry a selected stock of the Finest Foreign ;old I1(muestic Fruits. Our reputation for having the best slakes it safe to leave your orders with us. LAT& •AitietvAL& Walnuts -Florida, Almonds California and Pecans \lexicau Peanuts Oranges Hickory Nuts Malaga -,Grapes 'Wiens Figs. and Dates Candied Peel . Chrlstm Confectloh1ry Will havet'a large stock fresh for Christman,week, Cihilja Departmegt \\;r are showing a larg of nice thing' ('nm. see thin. Prices ,are rig and the goods are lovely:' a PLAYMATES aught; 'rst. When "fork" Ada 1 first canoe to the Pot _hy hill never Been the Llsiile 44 a printing office and lie the words of elle of the . n,lla.elt.t11, he was t• green as they make them."(though the hue edge of his verdancy wore off in the •ours, of r.tut'nth or go, even .after he had been there fu11 six months, he was still sport for the whole ata But at last there water a day w •11 "fork" got even. ' Otte day he man•hed in and an minced that he had had an offer to. go to the Allen 1.• Public Opinion and that he was going at the e 1 of the week. Heads nlstrntIrwent together to p1 a fit- ting send 141 for him. It was derided that it P .uld take the torte of a presentation, and on Naturde at neon when all were gathered round, Joe, the line man 0111110 to the front with an whit -yea: Ckas. te. JYctirq We pay the hest price for gilt you if mak it bring it along. "-in losing you," it read; we feel that we are severing a connection. which. from both a busi- ness and a social standpoint, has alwa)) s prove n most pleasant. While we cannot but 'believe it must be to, your own personal advantage, we trust you will bear in mind that in your new field of endeavor, you carry with you the best wi.h.•• of all the friends you have Made during your sojourn among -us. As a slight token of the re. gard and ',term in which we hold )(At. we ask too to ac- cept the 'accom- panying small roll ' of bills and we hope that when you ar- rive in Allendale and proceed to paint the pathway of riotous lining with the same, you '. Will bear in mend thefriends you have. len behind in the Post office." Give Somethi Useful And at would 3e useful or cceptable /r a pair of hi ' h -class olhy Dodd s mother, sister 2 Dor- Your some THE L Ft SAVER It was part of the goon. that -"fork' aho'IId bot open the roll until be was odd) 011 his journey 111(1 pre- panit1''11 were 11.4or1- 'ugly 11111,10 to take hien to tow and keep hila busy until train tin e. But h1,(mel1e�1tooahp awayandpieions (,J9.Ilp med tin ei alight pretext. w'a with little surprise that he foo 1 it contained not ' ng morethan a wall of wrapping pml.cr. e that afteneam, jnat before he left the tow.. `itl he calf into the 043 1( a small square parcel • hi arm. When he spoke, there was mamma a subhis 11X0. he to the primmer', '•the, felk,we have buena`,,s good to me to -day and I feel that I ought to do slnwthing for thein in r'tnrn. I want you to take this Fox of cigars and after 1 tm stone, hand them 80411141 to the crowed. It's but very mm•h but it will sort of let the're know that I sppreN•iate the spirit in which they have -remembered nor." T/osatoniehed for utterane1r.the presamun took the box without a world. The .tatter was tloias(1 through the (Hil'e, and the boys ■11 felt dlift le aeham- eel of thems'lvea. Thee time to act was 'limited but the result was another presentation at the train and •' fork" found himself the easter of an ?tory-handled, silver -mounted umbrella.- At six o'clock, •Joe 'tre- pans' to hand mit the cigars. Everyone in the 4Aicw • gathered annwnd. other person's sister would appreciate a gift of this kind. 1 -lave you seen our house slippers ? We have. an exceedingly fine display for Ladies and Gentlemen. Call and we will help you decide what present you should give. ' S iI(1,byg(Neh:"hecrier l. The box was ijpeeked with shavings and meet' on top r.a(1: "Would thirty rents hay the hunch:'" .H. M..1. Wm. Sharman Sole agent Slater Shoe for men. Sole agent 'Dorothy , Dodd for women. r Mer ,.•'•..ew,asr.,. w.ry1..• ,.r ..�..... themselves. home* in the new land of (Mit 1•41•44iein, anti having ee(•om- ,lish..l that nhje•41 they • en moo 'h tdily act •pt ter 1414:tied cirrumdun- 1•es when 11,.y sok lN,(•k /std think of th.• free kind of life that llwy led in cleating 11p their boraia, when 110 Iran wise Ion ler 1111411 his Ilei$hhol.. and • rlsitln/m 10 I ma torn oleo oen ess ,uw stage pistol Is overdone. By tar the larger portion of the audience rover *heir ears, bend down their beads, el' contort their fetters.. In painful suspense. directly • pistol makes Ita appearance nn (h. •t•se 01' 1■ ring They an not like It, sad so far MI w• ran Judge trots tis adtatstl �..- -UO TO- - .. -- PARSONS' FAIR •- �. 4 F h' ' ', a ev:t'. .r.. �,.1:Tt�'k.__ -ii ..w ,, T , yiihla•ai•�' .. . -[ • • -----'+ runty W. 0.000DE, BEDFORD aLOOK Call and seta our lines anyway -It's a pieasnra to elbow nice Ifondos 4;1