HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-10, Page 8s3 Tut h* l.s v, 1)ec. 10, 190 S THE SIGNAL : OODERICN ONTARIO. Do Your Christmas ~hopping Early We are ready for Holiday trading and have made long and careful preparations too .do the bigest sel- ling of Holiday' Ooods we have ever done. LADIES' NECK- WEAR 11. i 1..i no•. sly'lir.. new designs. litelerntt. prices, get a Medi...etaily. : -s•. i>fk•. 75'.. $1.00, :it NEW HANDKER- CHIEFS Ry the thaelseeil..,, nit every itriee that t•It11iti In. %t.11itt tI. 1111111 - „e t 1 71[2.110 MEN'S AND BOYIS' WINTER CLOTH- ING T/1\ 1. y.111given 1111' .iilajer•t•any , thought qct Ws tier yon dill. 141 s talk it We 1111 .11%'i2 you .)Wtney till ttna- thitig in these Mies, all lutist Itt , reatlleett at '1'lee, count and book ' nor - bin 'iutt{It. five . Men.. suits Boys' ants, hnrOveielstl... rte: FURS A SENSIBLE GIFT 1{11H., ealoriurs, jacket., et in Wanted kind at peace. '111:11 tt it l clear them out easily. CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR Jest arrived as in impiety new .las•► of the latest ties for ('hrist- ina., trail.% very nubby .Iylett. INS.r. ae•. :Or 7:e•. St�'lislt Waist (hoods New Costume.Cloth MEN'S ANO BOYS' GLOVES ',\';,i ally lib.:.l. likely , Jule. all flew !'ulna••!. ' LADIES' GLOVES hid glove dt•Isu•tuna ti 11140e stilt k of rut• eulutr+: all ('ll)•isl Man (JJtye<. Nice weed itineniiet Alves in white. grey. Fletw..1 :r,l.I 11111, t"tt l l%l ll l.'!! • himawl a•u,n. e, .lie, ie. iF '.iz.. • /WENS' AND BOYS' UNI:ogRWEAf? IF YOU ARE WISE YOU WILL DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE syste' of „railways hl Weetelit On• lred°, the liar power to he cone premed air, eleetrich y, Sr any live power other t hall rle,uu. The evident will. if it does nil it wets out to de, spread over quite rep 11111.a. It will blurb I/,nittn,, Strat hint, • W'aforth. Mitchell, Clinton mid wiughaut. T. II. I,usl•uulla•, tit London. in 'solicitor tot the attldi,•nnlx. CHURCH NOTES. The t trarherw' meetingof MI. it•ut•ge's Sunday sehut•1 twill he held I his e%'rliing. •;tihuutal it:tlttitut and he (stole Supper be ad'lIlilistV1141byall ustilli g' minister only:'' will be 1lo stilijel•l of 1 hr d is•utilrte ,11 the 11iseiple chute •h on Stall II stere( ucxt Sunday evening. 1t itt st:titrl that the vi ' no of tt .ucer,aen• tis! Kett. I1. A. \\'right ill chitl•ge of the Middleton, Hipluws%ille annat.ltuumerhi11 churches lies between Rev:M. (ioldlierg, of Duugauuuu, sod Rev. F. Newton, of'ttl'itwWk. Rotten 1141IIetur, nephew of .lobo Kleiman. of SI. Helens. who is n ttet•nt graduate of Kunz College. Toronto, has received it nnaninl,tlltt cell from low Presbyterian eu'lgu'getions of Cedarville end Espliu lis ler Iha•ir pastor. , Thr ewer:tweet of the Lord's Supper will be disp el...el mat the '11Ittg sei- ne.. next Sabbath in ,,Knox e'humh. The preparntury service will tw uu Friday eyP'ling at o'clock. When Rev. F. 11. Larkin, K. A.. of Seatftreth, will peeled', itlase 1111•Illlere will Ie' rei•eived :out reds di8I1'dllitar1 tti intending e11t1111l(Iltie:titts. N'e are informed that a,iu'led Na ft el will receive his ...titillation $i. t)erurw ill the Anglican ministry till 5 lay• Dee. :hkh. at liat)tittuu. Mr.. Neftel will outplete his a• win t her.tlogy at Trinity Universal F' next Easter. after which he will take rhaly.• of the par- ishes of Mllorfleld. Ih•ilvtou and Rtith- 'tv. At ple.rnt he tastes the Sunday -wry wee at these places. rewriting le Tort tido fit• shady daring the week. The following ufldeeeat :uuj euncr'lri^, d 1 i leen 1111%1• been a1)0,001nel by Knox rhureh Y. 1'. S. 1'. E. for the next rix .nitiudhs:--Purwident, Rev. ,I:tt. A. Audrr•wut. R. A. : iso vice- president. lhivid Stedilart ; 2nd Vier prettide'rlt, .Miss Nettie 1'.twltn ; r,'ettlrl- ing-wcr•Wiry. Mss Edith Wiggles t ,'orreslondiniesevr•ta►ry, Miss .I,'uni. Nairn : teneuter. Harry- Wiggins : tnissionnry teieturer. Mlitt lieleu 5heal•\ : eunyitwr'e of a•u'lnoittleri look -out. Hugh Melh aulld pt:uyrr. taring. Mlirs May Moraii : see•ial• Miss Maggie Mut•1:1a : Music. Charlet: Saunders : flower. Mins ilaggie Sbsl- dim t : Reel el Mil - Batt ; rvisiting. ` Miss Eliza Fraser literature. Mites .{'aerie Stowe. Thr enlnntittee Will Ite anmpletad by the eery lit k o r. w•hii'h will meet Rrxt''T'm- t)ny ,• „11inKhalf an hour I,eft,try' the 1egt.1.,1 ineeliiiti.' Clearing Ladi ets at reduced pri All to price. now at some REME!'IBER PREM- IUPiS WILL BE STOPPED JAN. 1st, 1904. Smitii \Bros. & Co. THE NATIONAL CLOAK CO. Factory WdI BeJ.crated on KingatOn 511, t= Bylaw to Be Voted On Jenuary 4th. , o •u'ree A which towl e. • •vett w-t•I1 of-tett• ) town is that of Mlt•.s•s. Mthilh Ihrts. for the r•slalrli.hnlenl 11f t fm-tiii•y in 41,.lrlieb for the ism roam.? Hi, al Indies jarlu•ts. s,tlt.:uul skirts. The taetory will be .ei.e.•ied ell ja ing.tou re stet. w•Ili•tr• a lot ha. nen;taly it'reu 011 'aliases'. The building wilt Ie' of cement. Iwo stories hie11. :limen. the rine of ale U14191141 'flitting ('ll.'s faelory. The phuls hair keen draWli tilt. and every` rare will be taken to in - sore the el -et -lion di •a modern. well- equipper) building. Thr[.' in •1 Targe demand iiot ,t he Kiti& whish the National Chink 4' patty It he name which the Mi•ist•s. Smith hate chosen fur this enlurpritrl propose to u1:uwGu t ulr•. 'rhe „Hy t•statlrlish'u.•nts hey.• difllcnity in s•= [•using the nrr•r..:try 111.1111, :11111 :nr lin- able to turn tut enough gnosis to sat- isfy Om requirements. Snaith Rens. het a Ier'It making +hent goods 111t :1 suaall .rah itt rutl'leeliull with their dtyg11tel- Inline.., :int) .1 here in no tkaubl lhro r.111 milks :t .teres. 1/r the dyer 111/V1.1111.110 which Illy iuttntl In rry on. Mi. (ieurge Snaith is a •tieal m ottet tuft' will gn to New o - - to take a Indio' comate in d1•- sit(tl q, 1.1 "11441.. 111 himself still fertile fir the new but,itlesn. • All 1 11 the Nntitnal Cloak 1' laany ask. 111' the bels is rkrulpt' from taxa 'un [[%rapt fire wlilol lall- pose.) for to • yt'nr. 11n their fnctury (the hind wit lay: 10zen 115 at present). and the usn,ll i neessirtu to tnannLte- turerx 111 regard o w'ateesnp�ly. The bylaw is to be vie 1 'l ret ,the 'mini - eipiil elect pon the 11 h of January. and ism it lea exceptinn,llly f:ayolrable Irgswitb11n fe • the town thele in no ilemht that ifth Citizens will but torn colpo the ;mils he Jryl:w will lass Ig roes. til flying u % y (-ohne. A Work Re ognize Theiefu wing ettulp ' 111•111:11 e' in. - marks eon er i e , • •n 'obit 111 1� tent m.111 let h e 11 r I I F'u- 1 1 1 h K ell 1�, . f l'aniida, to '. '.. Lets. ors town In n•felemee o t1he edmobin nuaijlenti wi,i•k dine lir hi t lin the 'lest' - 1f11ce building is 'lily emit l'linton, sln•akie for %elf. ' T,il u:l•T4,, 11re. Cute. 1'. LI•:h:. (bel1•irlt, IH!.vt Slit. 1 tt s in Clinton .in the 5th inst.. forth • peepsis of Me a• r r•t int( the heating mol plabibing in the new' Int'tnfllce in that 1.ta1 1 , t• plumbing dote. by fill (.11111[ ill 1 111111 nig INN Fon in this bedding rates high 1 in wot•kul [.hip and material., ali d the ilst ens Irving op lis w'hal called fu • Ile plumbing b' t ' irl 1 1 tin 1 + I Iris mQ In1tw 1111. l,Itil11r 'tt sler'it1191t 111115. The hot �r engine is well plarutl and tt",-kit..ilisfnrttally. I saw it pooh»\ 'lig into lothranks on the top floor. The work ou have 11 • ill thin hnittling will tat )ap:ur• fa%stealth. Willi t%. ak itinsimilar kl4,1now being 11 r in 111111.1' pnhlie 'kidding,' 1biaaaghonl the holuinion. \ (n (!ow'AN. PERSONAL MENTION. %..Jt, Miller. of Landon. 1. ,'t low n. 1 J. \thewtn wits in S,,l,rl b o,' Toe -her. J. John.ton w.n up fano ltnrtingion over `filen a)'. J..% Burke. of the 1:. T..IL. 1- unw rrfietittg Fi u Nip.. I. F. ILlmlink left on Tuesday fora .hors vi t in Clinton. . S. 1 err. of t 'liwtn). •pent Sunda with hi. •broth* •, A. J.4 'toper. - ,'Ieot...nt The tieafonfi Ksliat.ilu ...Cs in low hint weeketta homers'., _. Mr. 'filo Tnrnheill relented ole 'eau aI (Ona her s is to fondue nail I..1 mfrs. 'Men. Meet T. M. 1`atpls•If. of Tarr[ to. i- . r111'tiny her 4 fighter. Mr, tltev.i W. , 11nt tis, Ju , Sto.m at 1 bride, of Toronto. re gue.t. ..t tis n+idrnr. of MI', Slaw'. a rely. A. J. ' 'antte•1'.., L I. i(ro dgri.. w 111 tut• Item in •1, 1,oui, and , ideas. 4itring III vont tea to nth.; 1. bottle owe mote. 1',11,1 Toren. itrn t more iter tuj -.'1411['. work on the steamer ',tilt it. w'hieh ha- laid up at I lih•ago. Mi... S. .f. McTavish. if Hnron•townitip. s•,tilows..n's er ler•, 1. .1 Ise with her +1101. Mr.. It. Henderson. Jansen Mt..:. Ks.' 1 • 1. ho limn been sail Ing oo Ihr .tr. .VIN urn .i to last .tpril, is 1 • for the winter Mr meek'. of k: .a 0'11111111e. ft on W'odne.- .h,i morning to X{srsi Me wi -ter with her daughter. i1t.. M�M11 Idit•k•. I letrvi MORE WHISTLERISMS. ■Ile Thew' gestates sail MI6 aat..le Leingb-illeietep II is owe Gera-i.el- 4 by Ills owe inners.. Jams A. McNeill Whistler, the ARlerica* artist• who died in l.unduu recently, gave hlulrell the credit of Wag "alt adept at the gentle art til making eaewies.'• Ile was almost al- ways In hot water with sumetwelly. Gad was w fund as alt old fashioned. Scotchwao of netting into a lively lawsuit, enjoy Ilia litigation almost equally well whether hs W03 ur tort. Wlu•tlin was out particularly prued of being a native American. r.srmbt- Ing to that respect William Waldorf Astor A Frenchman once sited hitt up an la•log "au American, In his itt iglu, au Fyagliahuau In his ' man- ners tad a Frenchman in his Peptic." The cultic added that about the men here constantly doatr all indefinable fragrance of rulpbur. Others have de scribed the artist's laugh as satanic 1a its cynlcfsia; and yet he felt die - appointed and hurt It his cuwpao- ions (idled to JVin is his mirth Ile had the habit of buttonholing thaw to whombut be talked, tot 8garatively mer.Zr, actually, that they uitght not Weeps him until 11e had his saw It was well worth while though, to beteg to him, ter his w11 was irre- sistible. The mere repetition of his mots did thea) iulustice, tut it was not the remarks themselves but the way in which they were mad, that made them ninny. Nis personality was enriched by all sorts of manner- isms and stereotyped words asd phrases. Artist -like, he spent a great dee' of pains with his hair, which curled beautifully. But the remarkable fea- ture et this part of his toilet was that, whits las dyed nearly all of his hair a rich, glossy black, be left or tell tale lock with the wbltes's' of age. Teesed ■ t. Own Sena. Whistler had au false mudesti/ about praising his own murk. W qan struggling fur recognition earl in made his career, he it a foto to laud his pictures so loudly per - 'intently that other folk final •• be- gan to take him at his own/ 'value - time because no critic ti , ght It worth while t• say anythi g against the obscure young artist. This self- stRem served bio all hl life. "Come now, this 11 all nopsense. you trying to do this,' he said once to • fellow -painter w o thought he had lit upon a pr mixing bit ut landscape to paint, it is mtwla tuu good a euW.'ct t be wanted upset you. You'd [salt let me me what 1 can do with it.' la his itrag ing days he lived in the top of a old palace in Venice, starving un diet of maccarunl and pulenta, u hie to tell any of his pictures ept at stet%ation prices. It was o ly by dint of industriuuyly crying his own wares that he fin- ally 1 uced some to believe in ih1m Woolley with Centilitres.. ' in hl, days ut prosperity, steer was perpetually in debt. Fie d no head for looney matter.. Here the way he once tamed a London allitf who had a bill against him to- collect: so-collect: When the officer first appeared he wore his hat in the deawtng-room and emuked and spat all over the house. kr. Whistler sown settled that lie went out into the hall, armed himself with a cane and Jaunt- ily whacked his viettor'• hat vi The' Iran was so surprised that he forgot to be angry. One mur(Ling. when Whistler' was shaving, • m•se•gs was brought to him that the ba111B wished to speak with him. "Very well, send aim up," said Whistler, but he kept on shaving. "Now. then, what do you want?" he continued, as the maa appeared. "1 want my money, sir, " Was the reply. "What money?" "ll y possession money, sir." "What, haven't they given 1t to you?" "No, sir, it's you that hat to giVi it to me." "Oh, the deuce I have!" this with one of his tendleh laughs. "Well, I think ft's very hard, sir," snivelled the man. "I have my own family to keep and my own rent to paw." "111 tell you what I advise you to u," returned Whistler, as he pushed his caller out of the room: "you should do as 1 do, and have • man In yourself." Tilts la the Oea,ts. Some of Whistler's lawsuits became fitaous. One In particular ' he en- joy id tut * sweet morsel. although he wit fur the x hes % uta ed lust 1t and w luxury. *Re received a commission from Sir William F.den to paint • portrait, and when the picture was about finished, but before it was de- livered, Whistler received a "valen- tine" from Sir William eaclusing • cheque for 101) gutheas for the work.,r This ao angered the`srtist, Who platt- ed • tomb higher valuation on the canvas. that he painted out the /see and retained both picture and money. His even cashed the cheque in a great berry rather than return it and ac- cept a larger one. which his patron offered. Eden began suit, which Whistler fought viriouay, but tie plaintiff won, getting Judgment not only for his 100 guinea, but heavy damages best But Whistler etenes was plain- t113•,htmself. lie s Ruskin for libel fur eaten( him a c ey in • severe art et•ittrlsm, sad got• damages of one farthing chap a cent), lie also quarreled with DuMaurler' . for cari- caturing him, as he t.hought,'.._in'the character. of. "Joe Sibley" 1al, the not•ei "Trilby." He carried tie non- troversy Into the newspapers, until the novelist (who. was also an artist)' rut the objectionable character out et bis book. While Carlyle was Rill alter, Whis- tler painted his port.ralt at a labor of love, and win the great moment Mod he set a price upon It of only 400 guinea". a •nibecriptlun having been circulated to buy the portrait But when he learnedithatthe paper ungraciously disclaimed approval of himself, his art or his theories. he promptly canard the price to 1.0(10 gulttess. 'T1. picture remains unsold to tht. day. ogewodwatommogi Our Slippers Make Useful Christmas Presents ODIUM DOOM WLLL sande. tante along a wail or betweeu two win- dows tor the display of rare and baud tome bits of clans. these pieces being protected by * handsome brass rail in front. Such ,bits of decoraUen serve to break up hat might otherwise be somewhat re wail spaces, and If to good to are to be preferred to p1c- tures, ieb are lose suitable fur flitt- ing roods decoration than for any other room /in the bouse.-4 inclunati Com• mer•¢al Tribune. %Ye have a great variety in Meu'e Kinbloideleel, M'elvet, Plush and Fancy Loather Millipore. A quick stalling selection of I.+ulieH, Mimeo' and Children's Holiday Slipiit+l•r, ill Fancy Vr1- vet and Felt JuIta ties, with fur tri'ltiuing. We have sat'lle very r forteble lines of ',adieu' Felt and Ikttgola Kid, Fleece liucd-Huskius. ' Just such goods as you are hound to want tit this season. UomPlete stock of Kublwl•s and Ot'erehoen. Sole Agency for Q„1, for Women and Walk Over for Men. KK1'AIHIN(t. DOWNING & Mac VICAR 010DERIUll ONAIWAVAIWIVelttlif44 ERAND TRUNK Last Week we talked to you about our Cutters ; Christmas aid New Year J. W. Itrtileri.•k retur ...11.+o low 1 thin week. bringing wish him three Ise,tk nqd tmk.. 1Wo of w hint 1W pnn:ha.irl ht rumple[[ Mr•. Ions aril. whom Ina, lta'iti .1 inss for .time week• w11 h her sinter. Mr. rt Alibi. too. In e IwtITnMOto ese r Jai. T.1 . Nils.). manager of the Loin to pr8s b of the tonlheinrr l'a, wan in town 1111. wlnrk vi-itlug her father. J..1. Wright. of t iou.a•, who t. iwnrA.weld , r In. Tho.. OWMhitt left yr.tereley for Knear doh�.. for a Grit ...vend wreak. In tier non. 110v1,1 Thi..- (i1.111111, Mr. lawlhill hn. been vi.it fiat there Orr .ohne time. Mr. ,tat Mr. John MtT+iti.h returned an til heir home in the 44.11101 01 Orin noes) ing .ane day. in tiw'n at the 111111.1.111111.1. Al• 1, . 1.11'. .idrr, At•-. Robert Horsier .:lane of Aldus...old Janie.1ticlt i Asarri Ure former n brother 11140w. the lather: i..p1e• of All. 'unworn, of Insert, n• k,vi-it in 0 M 1• roti. e.••idenet•thin wn'e Among thine ren he at i.g the pooh() tow dl iurlph t'hi , arid. Harry Reid. N .A�ti�lr), .1,' �,My. w, T. Relit. Mr. soil %1 l'. Y11 lunpls•I . t+r1 era), 't of .4 iala•ri,1, K1'Ilie ell. ate...nola•t N. 1 ainerou, A P. 1'., w t trt'1'nmt11i )e.len ret s11 OM ch r .• 1! to -ears h the vi le . •t' with the t. newt • 00 the, kaile . ore .lids In big late. Ilse lh d d 1 tee ermurad r the liar , • of erecting tti range then'oh, . Hugh7.01loulllt, of .\mis•1 t, the fled 1 k n1 that .N•1 rhe. len on Mi101nrdnnl nu: led by hi. h tighter, to snake hin boute with a with shit danghtrr it jN'tmil. A+ n .til tug re urdutbrnn.r- .1. neigbls.t,. pro -.inlet an ells 9 nitntnitill' 4111. mi the der•k of w 11.11 sea- il.TJ h1 batik b111,.. All.. %vatemta rr. *1 1111 for mon.• tithe ho, 1t,a,aro the etttienl hook•keere, nn Mtwarn. Menei zit & Morrell, need ed wont Morality liorni0ig that her soother. who lit e• el Iforheta. had CO Ido and broken one Id her 1'ln1N In lust ;dare. lAntertian left for Ito nts• on Tse arteries. [roto. ted n, she expected total •r proneurr .,told floe n•ynind rel hone for n rut\ idenible time t s .heF,e r 1111 het. t., -it 1011 L,rn•,hi t. 1. is I hr regret . f her rot .Inv,[. oto, Mhos friend. in I owai. 7.11... •:uunn .l redrew+ ha., returned totrim n Mho her trip to Manitoba. She .pent istont Of her time with Mr. and Mr.. Then. Perry. at I lehtrnlne. /,nil al.n .Idled ohms friends. In the Pro) M.''}e. Munn.%ndlew•' speaks ,lined)d) of the sr.(r.1mvI nee which *he rondrer, Sar. pn.gewite nn1Uy. She hay been nrrungmnietl ,'n IM: homeward tri', by Mt. /live Andrew., bun the biter unformnatei, bed take,' ill of I} held' reser and w:,. Oat cut• fh tenth reeo%e,r•rj to stake the trip. May Use Comp seed Air. Tot-tnrti,• Dee. 7. ,t tpteseed ,u1' is the Ilewc:+t ,toot lett IWIWOe proposed lot he 115.91 file 1':111w'ayt{ i11 this 1't•uvihre. An organization of mien styling them- selves tin. (hnat•it, Tenet • Company will apply at the* twxt w't,ion of the I•egi' nitre fora charter to i, s•1•att• n NtttttItrlumtmmmtt1tttmrmttt2 E Continuing our E December Sale ' we put on our bargal list the following for cash only. FRIDA Mitts anis (iluves. Inrge m'i ' -v - SATURDAY Cow chai,,a, at prime to r err the Itetla et. of•ston•k. PiONDAY Bock Sawn, extra .:Joe - r TUESDAY Whips. WEDNESDAY I'slde Krnv,•Itand 1'.oks. THURSDAY I'leket Knit rS a large ,vase 1t 141110,, fi•n111. McKenzie k.CC Howell IU IU IU III IU W Ill11111111l UI ►11 UUUUU 11 w Ly BORN: 1'1( 51014. In Iioderi,h, Mt MMNIis, 110M11111- 7 111. to Mr. and Mrs. %%an. t'n,tidc. %1i1- tinlir street. n son. MI'\MVOs. In O..1eri. h: no Monday. Noe. rather 21111 Is. to Mr. and MOs. H. r'. Mtn• trent. a datlght•r. ' FKHO1'wIN. In .%.hdrld, nn Spools). Nnv ember duh. to Mr.•nnd Mr. Titontn, Fee gn.on. a win. SMITIi. In 'West IVawnnn.h, nn %AMnewin), Ihrenttrr 2011• to Mr. and Mrs. John O. Smith. n datlghl , DIED. sw'A V. In It-Ifant, on Wedneeiey. 'Novem her 1,41 w111..1,.. :4.1111, [Keit 11 vim, t montJ, and II ,lays. RITt'111i:. In :%.hHold, on nllnrdar, Noreen - her lath. .'Ifretl E. Ritchie. aged 37 years and d de)'. Oa/Gtr [..trait.. netts. Luncheon clothe may be mind In earl - one ways for amen table coven, as eon. tors over clothe er en polished tables for luncheons. Inch am frit, salad. Marl, chating dish or roll mane lunch- eon. Rem. of tht.c cloths mad• Of the oriental embroidery arc eery effsrttl'. When a white and gold sheet is wlthcd, as 1n the bores cheetnnt or buckeye de. alga, the geld thread U wad. Monday, 14th ins. This Week HOLIDAY RATES live I»•r rent will (te rult)lrl\ T:il., wanting. WPi. CAMPBELL, 1•ullrrt11tr. TEUOITOOT Hetween all Mat' in 'Canada, Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Marie, Otet.. ISewn's, witedeor end Kart, also to Detroit. and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Ruck, roup Bridge and Niagara Falls, N. V. NUE 11110 LIMIT Christmas Anneals Ilatyei Otte' Annual heiston ice Ilpr i.:.; GUT,' Own AMetatl 140'1.1110a. prier. Solidity rel Home (- iiri.t tow. price 1 a•ittmee 1Ir1111' . hridnm. prier 11.:.. lett six t' hri.ttiva, price \'ells Irulur,rl piet.ntr•xi' i hrlslmns price sae 4 ()wit 1-Ilr4aat.t. price st.• linen mrd 11t her ntny 'ray Ila.tki frail :r to sten SINGLE FIRST FOR TNI CLASS FARE ROUNOTII► (Mod going Der•. 24th and 26th, valid ret,truhlg tw1i1 Ike. 213th : .leu gtoel going I)+r. 314 affil Jan. 1st. valid retureiug until .inn. 4th. 1(Nu. RATE AND SINGLE FIRST OLAS• LIMIT FARE AND ONE-THIRD I...1 the Hound Trip. (1.eel ening Dec. MO. 24th, and 21411, rano on Dee. 3lkh, :Slot and Jen. let. valid 'returning until Jan. 5th. 11104. For tickets' aitd all information aptly to A. STRATTON. Station Agent; F. F. LAWItItNDK. Town Agent, (Mice hours 6 a. ret. to 10 p. on. For Drunkenness mTPE and KeeleyDr" using O v• r300 000 ' CURES C GEO. PORTER ; �` A,fdrr Kooky ItHrte NUlt ,.� '•I (sten Se. we.t )TORONTO. r�_. '•�..�� TORONTO.'On N011I.11F:IM£R We would like to say a little mor,• alatut them --not about the ones we had -they're gone, with - two or threw exceptions, and the people who loughtthem am happy ; but we want to tell you that the rar- l'1ad we will have heftier this week is 'alt will itt just es geeel illithe Theylest. Theare 'mule by the a�me Iwople : elegant uutflte they and d,trahte, tro. Don't mine tete of them, for they may tea the this sese►n they are get titi'g Now about something in our 8uness Department Spec inl values in fur overcoats mail January 1st, 1004, $3LlIt Silwriwn dug estate for 018.(1). New shipment to arrive this week all good value good skins, well lied and made to wear as long as ,the coat will hart -almost a life. time. We fully guarantee every euaii. 01.51) Kerney blankets for 5141' while they lest. Ihr not [Oise th.• chance of getting a pair. White batty robes -lovely skins, reduced to 102.711. They are excel- lent value. Malt eawew, travelling hegx. trunks. . etc. large stock to select from. We have the test that'a mule in these lines. Prices W suit. Just «re them. Nothing better for a l'hristnles present. There are a lot of other things in our stores suitable for gifts at this season. fall and sew what we've got anyway. we will he pla+tued to have you call. D. !'1cBRIEN 9 Harness, Implement and Carriage Dealer, HAMILTON -ST., . UODBRICII. 1! I• TELE PRONE No 13. HODGENS BROS. THE DINING ROOM WALL. A Big ■ 2x11 molt WEST of NAMILTON STREET. 11 311 Ribbon Bargain HERE is good news for ribbon buyers. Last week we cleared from the Canadian agent of a large English ribbon house over 200 ends of colored silk ribbon. He was taking stock and we got them for just exactly half his regular prices. They are extra fine quality, all pure silk, and all the popular shades are represented in the lot. We want to sell them quickly and so have priced them the same way we bought them. The whole lot goes on sale Saturday morning at 4c, 7c, 1Oc, 122c, per yard according to width, which is less than half the usual re- tail price of qualities as good. Do not miss this chance, it is the biggest ribbon bargain we ever gave. glow Pretty Plates mad Dishes Mer a. betl.tlr.Up Displaying. One of the most 'striking •54 dice Nva ways of decorat lg a dining room le by the judlilons tree of pretty plates er oddly ornamented dishes Thiene mit, be arranged to nub • way an to en- hance not only the beauty of the pieces tb•mn.lves, but the artistic appearsnee of the room The hit of wall d►rnre tion shown in the illustration 1s avails bee where a vete. chair rail 1s need up- on the walls. The little shell thus formed may be used ler a short Sir At 4 Cents LL SILK RIBBON I 'Null WIDE lAl iute. all c,lk ribbon, withal finality, tu•aI)' weight, in cream, Bale blue. pink, re dinitl and many other shades, n ' rihMm that in made to mtetil at Ile to 10e it,'r yard, oil Saturday flattening at ler yard ..... At 'Cents ALI, MILK IIIHRON i NCHEY WIDE 110 plast4te all milk Milton,1{ inehet wide, all the popular a ribbon that coatis wholesale hall metre than the price we ark, on sal. Saturday at per yard At 10 Cents AL1, SiLK RIBBON 21 INCHES WIDE r10 pieces punt milk ribbon, good weight and full width, all the popular shiudia in this lot finch as pink.. bitten, Ceram., cardinals, etc.. n ribbon inside to will at 20r. on sale Saturday morning et per yard i 1fk• At 124 Cents AL1, SILK RI$IiON ai INCHES WIDE (4) piece. heavy all silk ribbon, hill A} inches wide. comes. in all the pnpnlar shades for trimming and fancy work. The whnlea.le price wait a good ileal more than the price we aide On sale Mann - day morning at your choir* per yarn . 124e HODGENS BROS.