HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-10, Page 7'I:N.\1,: (aODEl(11;I1 ONTARIO
iHorDEiT, Doi 10, 1903 7
Mo$uAY. Dec. 7th'.
J. Pette was visiting' friends at
Westfield the pest week. We are
pleased t.o know he here re,\•erd
nicely frau his recent Mimeo
On Friday of last week Mill. 11. Gel-
btget', of Reignite., departed thin life.
She wire a loving eifor uud I ler uud
with highly .' t this'd by Giver who
kneW her:. The funeral SOI•ViCes were
c,IductA$I by Rev. J. J. Hardie in the
Presbyterian church, whence her r1.-
ittedus were 1r1114.A' Yl 4) liralu1t111
It centetery. She leaves to mourn her
lose a husband and seven ('hllthl'1•n,faire•
girls and three boys, and a hurt of
ftiends. The bre-envie! ly have
the deep sympathy 1.1 the ruulnluiily
in their sorrow.
MuNuev, Dee. - 711,.
PKIt4IINAL,--Misr Jean. Trele•at•eu iM
Value fr111 Mt. IA Min 1)111 a six 'Week(.'
%Wit ....,,,:Hcv. Mr. Smith with his
wife and baby Dorothy viaittd nt An -
eon Fella y'slard Wednesday. . Mn..
Jack 'Keewatin' and little daughter-, of
).•,frit. viieitt'tl friends lime on Thine -
AIKKNM.--TKg1.K.tyF:N The 1
of Mr,. Kilpatrick war the meetie of a
happy event hist 11'rine'sIav evening,
ahem her niece, Miss Aggie'rtt•leevvn,
ea. maiteed in the 1N11tta of matt:
to'1'hos. Aikens. of 'h'',' The 4•elr-
iunly wet, performed by Rev. W. A.
Smith, 11..A., in the preeenee 1)t the
members of the family. We extend
I lie KIMMI wishes of the t y to
1111. happy young couple.
TI'ISMp.ty, liee•.l+lI).
IINIE1' Towne. The 1I t'II 4)1 14 1
%yelhe•.r 111441 excellent sleighing are
very ene,yfable division 4'41nrl
War held herr 4111 Tiesbty. law SDI
11111(• merchant. are vie•ulg with ane
another in making pre era(' for
Christ ,14.4. old New 1'earr • The pro-
iMes,d railway freen (iul•Iph hI Ii.N1e-
rieh, cis Auburn. etc., is attracting
,h1. attention of a111 concerned.
'It•Nicie*I- The nlaiiri)Ntl council
4.1 Weld \Vawanlwh, •in eonll•lianee
with 111M 1111114,('4 44I stwtute.. will meet
9 in the townshiplutll on Tuesday, the
1'eh. fit which date nil claimn agniu,sl
said iMonty etre to he tormented
for settlement, and 11111441.1 (,1 X101 4119. 111
----------110-11001 1 w1 Air lxefuse that date rTlat
14.41r1 ..r health held a meeting in the
` lr•1sIn,•r'N 4,lelev 011 Tlresday. the .Mph,
' ell the me•lulN•rs present. The medical
health 4.?i er pn•Mmt49) '141) excellent
x•)44111 44' * 1).. ,'.,iIit 14)11 4,1 he»Ith in the
township of 11tNtwen
nh during
the (x141' 1156 to ali.,t'e differ. Reeve
Met/Milan acted as chair -ilium
'regent v. I).•4'. Mth.
N,rrs:". .t. we Week
for press
Tuesolly of this Week) w'e air 'deafest
to note 11unt oar popular an') w-4.11-
know11 114i41e01. M. Fulry. is recover-
ing -nicely front the a.'id'•ut he re,
1•43111y,11144 with when ' •ing le
liar up his rattle at 'night Reeve
T'ay'lor aid 1'outlei lar %oder Were at
the s1s•eial meeting of 0111 4.141N0111,•
1o011•111111.uun4•i1011 Saturday L•4mt 141
eon -oder the 4'. 1'. It. fools th,- 1114(11
abed tow'iship MIMI the byl.tw geod-
e right of way.
N)4N pe, - noticed t A 1 t1 1ln.t
119 Cupid has been in 4)141 ' 1st
111161 • •, eldfott 0.011 of the late Fred-
erick ,t.ton, wee wedded to tine at
mu' p'' ay young ladies, 31 ins .lane
Stirling. Irl11 daughter of 11. Stir -
lag. The nlI,tial knot 'wan tied in
( MINIi,'h on Tue.slay evening. The
In• 1a1 eimpl4• popularly known in
this section an are receiving twiny
ran deletion,' d good wishes from
as 144)3(1 rir•le off ds and relatives
(oral hal spy future n life's journey.
Munn* -, IMe. 71.h.
:.4ITAle. - re Thies. *vim- has
'Haight 41114• li mired acres 3,111 T114(4.
11.4.0414 A very successful meet-
ing of the Fenn ' I(INUttile was held
in our village t Thntwlay, The
'weaker', in the aft •rn4Nrn werteMreRr's.
Smith. 1)r. Reid a 1 R. Hotml•N, M.
P. In the evening t e Ipeekete were
the three genlle•men at 0 spoke in the
Aftern4Mrn and Mr. Mar 1.11. - -
l'nrnr 11 Narrate. - -Ite% C. P: H•.
4)wrn, 01 the ifpis'o)N►' n church.
pr9n•bwl his farewell we •?nun last
4 hl
The congregation
hem been
. vete surceNsu1 nn11 pn)gnensi '11- While
under his ear• and his Ia1ril ioner4
are sorry to lone I him 1)N'► iI,
the K
nhit•e .
IWI •' w�
ry rwrcii9. ,n .the
F:pi4(.op.linn rhnr•h the merlin of
Ihr• Young Peoples Itihle clam. rf
1'al4'11, ''latirolI Iia* 1449'11 4111 )44
with 1)1 Sahl4th taext.
1'14:103IN.51.. Mise l'. 11. Ilorlun
visite(, friends in ►Ving haw and Luck -
now 14041 Week Miss (1illi4•M, of
.11'inghail' visi(ted at H. Ma,Ihmald'N
recently '.1114, This, Todd and
her 41:iughter,-Met. Thoilpsm, of the
Moo, eisitld ir'il'lld4 in NVitighanl.
Mw, Titon))son intend,. hewing ('r
her home 1)n Thursday of this week.
...Rev. lime. Rutherford, of Dun -
11n11)n. Wats in our village t '('u4e
t Int
f Ann Arbor,
Ives celled home Inst. 'of
illnr N
r u r. I
1 Ntet w
Nr Ella
Bert. We
Ilw4pxi we ere
wn'rY to may, in not in very good
\health. We hole, how•rt•4'r, anon to
jll•llr of his reovery Mime .F/.s'-
)l n,' MiAlliet,',-, of the sixth von-
4'eNt • in visiting at the home of her
ffiend, les J. C. Todd Herb.
11 igll(ma of Win ham spent part
of Monday in alter tillage.
Tt•tterrAl, 1)...leth.
Name" _Revive' Reye ii aC yy ill Is'
held every night thin week. Rey; •1.
I. Mlnall is expected *1) take rha1t'ge of
the service l'hntedny night and Rev.
.1. 1V. Robins.m Friday night. AK
ore welt Senile* inn 14' keep-
ing a 11unlher of the rhildn$I from
Sunda)' *eI511411 and ))meal.' sehfs.1
Retire lheId is running his Nan-mill114,4* doing his neaeon'M work. As the
sleighing in excellent and the snow
not deep In the hash enw'logs are guile
plow, it'll atthe mill.
PKHa11NAt- (lrorge Mathews is %le-
tting relatives end friends here at
present 1 ft.:t•.hlie] is nut *levy
well at present. We wish the vener-
nhle gent 'einem a upe('lly recovery
Mbar Jennie Rynn, of Ielndon, is
visiting her old hone at present
Mts. Alex. Shemin' receive(' wont
feet'lnlay morning of the (teeth 111 her
brother in Toronto. We extend our
Rvnt)lethy... .Robert Kirkpatrick
hes returned after n two week: visit
44rts,ngst 'rioted. in RIns't•ah' and
wtat•fnn. • • • IM*- Hetherington will
teke in the fat stock shale at (jnelph
this week. •
CHvtlelf.--Reties, service* which
have been in proving the hank wwtw•t�Akl
fur continued tide week eal'11 night
except Saturday. Service of wing at
7x10 ,, tn., preaching at 7:3II `l. 1114
Large uuuQM•re have leen in atkud-
alt6e during the hist two weeks, a1•
111uet all Ole seal iug room being taken
up. The 110wer of the Ryly' Spa It had
Igen 11uultfe4ted i1) +t w' lerful rent%
and Houle have b•(qt ...meta to the!.
live. J. ,V. 1*.,bi114un dual the pastor
have been 11111(191 together ha this
work, .'!tie ser have tweet e41(1-
( hicitig, the after tier.' ie. hle,es91. .411
are heartily welcomed. (this tad let
1 ID. work for (Jud 'and give- Ionise•
ranee her. -
Turner:ay, Dec. elh.
!WEE Merits. Mrs. .hs. Pugh it
visiting friends 111 Guelph Mille week,
Mies Lillie Rogers spetil Sunday
with Mite. Hotel Nit; Hicharlsri,
of Hruss•Is, is visiting 141 John Hue -
gem' Tian Small. of Forest, spent
It few days with 111,4 sistor, M114. J'trn
Reby ()Over Still; is visiting 1111
Chilton this week " Clete. Coulee,
went to Listowel Item week, where he
has a posit 111 the :lll•yt'1'; 41/111•
mill The rhildr'n of Loth Mclho-
ilint and 1'n•;b}'teri;n Mil l(l1,1' s.-I*.,olM
are p44441iring for their 1'111istilats en-
M'No.t v., Ike. 7111.
The Advent servile. Wednesday neslay in
Christ Thaler►► was well atto. ailed . .The
preprieetione for the Cheiettuas tree
ate progressing favorably and the
children are all looking forward IU :111
enjoyable time.
Jar. 1'urrie, a former resident 4,f
1Vinuip..g, had d 'r with Jar. null
Mee. (1e941'ge Hawkins last Thursday.
He and Mr. lieu khoe agree about 1 h
future of th.• Prairie Province; they
are both enlistei:asti4• futnlite•lr 1)t the
The 1'. 1'. It. branch into (i.Nleri.'h
will he chaser t.. Port Albert than was
ant!4 !Opal fel at *11'4t. Probably if we
got 1 ether• souse 1)f• the shie's't
wily. o ,,old AI1•i
itb'Id and pre+ted
chlillfr w'.• night get the isonte411V
to visit 118 whole we ore.
Fel110(9. thee. 4t11.
Alfred E. Ritchie, who haul suffered
for s4tie veal,. with 4•011.4 iiii ion.
diel at *twit, llll e of his br fillet, 1'haas.
ttI*4 h e, alt 1111• 13th shale 94,un( of
A'h414'Id, 411 Sat 1111111V 14191• thee: swl
wain in his thirty-Nighlh year, a*ul
Icat''Is n widow and lour t'lltldren 11)
nplunl_lhe 14M.. of 11 1.0 ing husbiilid
1uu1 Affectiynate father. -
'!'here diel .41 her 'I • in the taw))
ship of Ash4.•hl,r11 Thursday evening.
Noveni*w,':MII, Sire. 1(I''t;/y: widow
41 the hate Kenneth Mehay-. Dere44s91
was born 111 the year iNI I, at A11!111••
(.r 4.s, 11. rr4.Mhir•,. Scotland,. 141111 when
eighteen ye:)4x.1.1 ege• (.111114. 10 NW. 41
Sentia, whets' title married. and r•
mantel Untie until 11151. Hcr h,tsh'Ind
aid family- then mum%ell to Ashli.'Id
where she ,'e0113I114I till death. She
w'iis will L1144W11 and highly est reined
in the cul ' y. '''l'lu• to neem sery-
11.10. 0.4•1.I• rrridli(.1.1! 1111 Satueda:e at
the home of herr 'Linghler, MIN. Vat'
ri-,h, by the pee. Nl•.:Miller, 4,f L.NI,
sash, after which the remains wet..
r1) vl•v, 4
n Ian Nu1n11 rr IIINf 4• - '
t \ 111141I it',
beside ?111• dust of her late� hu9141nd.
who died thirty-one years ngn. '1'h,'
e ura-iyiig u14gnle'Iw of her f. 'Iy are :
Angus, of Calumet, Mirll.: Donald, 411
IIintest Iia : J441111, of 4;•14414ev : Fhlnr-
,01, of [Linty Itiv''i' 31ar7(ilret 1 Mrs.
Parrish). of Aehfleld : Catherine Ole,.
McKay,, of 1111t14k.ek, N. S. ; mid
Sarah (Mrs.AnderwmI,ofLos Angeles,
Californian. - _
TI'tan,s', I)4'r, Nth.
n /Wilt. the hippy seam in of
l'hristlnn1 will he with n*. 1
And all, Ore We Meld around the first iv-
board ofIMN a
gg 1 cheer. t, will be rxleuding
good n'i,h,w i1) the family ramie. The
little folk are already l.M.king fors:n.1
to this happy IN•ren1 who it Santa
'lister 4.441i1.'4 111 1111 their Nt.H•kings,
and folk a little 4.1d4'1. 1111. rousideritlg
haw' their Marinelli' returns can beet
maintain 4,141 Mantras credit end con-
tribute to the happiness that his ad,
vett brings. Forgive end forget should
• 1 be rule at this joyous Nelson; kind
.Ilk Will ii *W44')(•r to ninny thnn n
IR. Since last (' •
g t ht 1 tma411 sone that
event w111) IIsi then 1111ve ,Meat 1•.114.11
(,nW1(141 to return no but still
their 110•1 •y • '.m dear. In conclusion
we woukl expr's, the W1511 1 1111 1 1111
('trim Inas gathering$ of 1151* may be
happy arid t•leee14n1.
PKIt1+i1N.5L.' Our 1erieher. 1.. Knox.
tae leen called to %Vo..olst 4'k ,Is n
Wiln4•Na in a 10.4.• 111 the Oxford
•aunt' qunrterl) meseil net. In his
a erre of s•Vei,) dnyro Misty Hullo
Mh w•, ai folrmer, Ne .lar, Will - tench
the h4Md ,414'x, 'Me 1e•.MI, (runs
111.1tr Alllherley, %init. l his brothel'.
N,r1Ha I. here hast w'el'k 11r. and
\11•.9. lien. F'1111'0111 Were .115s311. 31
Shejt ulnit.11 opt l",-idh, niK11t s•eiig
Mr. and Mrs. •I1. 11.441444).' n ,heir
44)5ellee Wnl. F"nl(I1111, of 1.1'441.3n•n,
took charge of the store nnd`)N4st-
44ftt4r 11'1. 1e.('I ?'411 44 1 14• . '
N 111
letter from our old friend A. l'. MM.-
Ihundol this veek'ronin
that he end
Mrs. Mnc1A Id sur
:444.4', reetll'i in
1Vin41Mn• and ere (uit/' well. They
have (leen alai el Detroit. lkefore
leaving (i4Nlerieh they had a visit
from n nephew. \1'11). Mitellnnnld,
of Truro. N. S. Mr. llnrllou:lld
wishes t,1 be 1101e1•1111N'1.1.11 111 111(1
fri4•nds about here and nt IA'4.11t�n
and is much (heerfli I.y the week v
yiean of The Signal.
Proposed T:. H. 1E' B. Extension.
The %11rirh HetwGl. r.ft•rrinl( to the
111.1 plinked extension of the 1'oronto,
iarnillon lt Buffalo Midway to Gude-
rich, Rays: "This ie th.• most 11n-
MNn'lant piece of railway new . we
arr had Um teals, and by cons11111ng
IhtF,MAI1 we 11114 out Met we are 111
Ahmedn direct line ^IN't Weer) the ten
points Trained. We mulerwl4lnd that a
n her . f oar bneine5s men have
,leen muse) nlding with the Innnager
of the T.. H. tat 1F., and hnrr.leen
roamed that the matter Is now- under
c,ne*dernt' and t hat...fa votrdble INws
may 1e re•eia-491 shortie'. The route
pll1p+j1394..1 pAtel's Ibrnt�(1) 1iµ• garth•n
01 Western Ontat•io, the tn)elgenphv
of the lama is very favorable to mil-
*ay construction end ti her of
very flourishing cities, 1(•W14 and
reneges .wonloi he 111111491 to greatly In-
creame the !raffle of thin important
Imported raw41, allaying brushes;
gm and sets at. ,lick's drug 414111.
The r•nunretl of ('o11s,rne township 1s
submitting to t11w rateJ)ver4, to be
voted on et the (loch was nn January
(ith, * bvlsw granting 251011 for the
securing of the right of wev foe- the t'.
P. R. *tomb the township•
Its Troyer ,Miles U•Nrvvs *be Careft'
.eseatloa .f team trellised. MI -
mese Owaer et • 8.4••.
As' the horse doer all of h1e heavy
turners work from the draft upon lee
Shoulders, It Is presumed that every
enlightened, civilized owner of
horses will concede that they all de-
serve p•rfectedttlug collars; but what
proportion can bout of having them?
asks 1)r. J. C. Curryer, in Nor' -West
1•'armer. Then he proceeds to an-
swer: Not one In -ten, let It th "said
to the misfortune of the horsed, de-
triment and shame of their owners.
Some horses have broad, flat
necks; some thick, "stag" necks. eth-
ers very thla through the middle por-
tion, thick in the lower quarte', and
sometimes thick at the top of the
TIE 11II144E'e COLLAR -rte. 1.
neck, making It didieu1t to
perfect tit of the collar to the .td.s
of the horse's neck
The oblique. or slanting. pd the'
upright Shoulders are generalle re-
cognized, but rarely heeded when fit-
ting the collar. The heavy muscled;
the square and beveled or "wedge-
shaped" shoulders, the thick and thin
shoulders, all must have the required
attention and adaptation. for the
best results.
When the collar Is once perfectly
fitted, It rlhould never t,e used on
any other horse until a permanent
amigo Ts 4'p bo made. when - the
same -care roust be used as 111 the
The proper . ' . tion of the hams.
for the perfect ?ting of thy collar i.
rust about cert t l , ,
I as 1 octant
{ as that of
'the collar u ar itla•!t hew1)
t natet work
o k
together in harm 'y with 'the. pe-
culiarities -of the : k and shoulders
of the horse to ,• fitted. 11 the
sides of the neck of the horse ars
parallel and nearly t same, the us-
ually straight hamles will answer;
but if the neck is thick (staggyi the
haulm should be outt'ur ing to con-
form to the roundness the sides
of the 'horse's neck and 1 urving for
the hollow or very thin 4t •rough the
centre) necked horse. 'I'h hames
should W of the form of t. horse's
'as nearly I
na - po e1b e, that
the collar will fit elute t.1) t sides
of the neck from top to Dottoand
remain in position ..witch the t
possible movement.
The carelessness in not buckling.
Immo strapstl
Khely enough gh to ho
the collar up to ?Fie sides. of th
bore's neck, permits it to spread,
and a sweat -pad is soon required to
lilt up the space between the neck
and collar. Sweat -pads to a horse's
shoulders In hot weather are about
what Arctic overshoes would be to
our feet to summer time -soften and
•call them.
Before the coilat-maker .tuffs the
collar he soaks the leather as wet as
water can make it. When the filling
is done he puts the solar on an in-
anllnat• form, supposed to be the
right thickness and width, surd leaves
It there to dry, when it is found to
be a /tile unyielding thing to be put
upon the horse's neck and shoulders
to work in day after day, whether it
fits or not.
Now why cannot we imitate the
collar -maker (In part at least) by
taking some burlaps, gunny .acke err
Other material and
malt it thorough-
ly wet and
wrap the collar around
Its entire surface, leaving over night,
and place upon the horse (after boat-
ing the face of the collar with •
smooth stick to loosed the d1Lnt
where It con i
a n cbntact with the
shoulders) and buckle the hames
tight enough to draw the collar- up
to the sides of the horse's neck at
every point; then work him one d♦♦y
at moderate draft, and you will hare
a perfect fitting collar for that par-
ticular horse. The collar should be
kept on the neck and shoulders until
dry, so It will keep its shape to the
neck and every inequality of the
shoulders. In changing collars from
ane hone to another do lust the
same u 111 the beginning, and satis-
factory results will follow, both to
the horse and his owner.
Potate•e Orr ■ 'smirk
In some French exderlmente steam -
.d potatoes with oat straw were used
for horn• toed. During the 24 dales
of the test, the heroes t.hat , were
hard worked lot almnat 24 pounds.
This was net considered a very fav-
orable showing. In another seeped -
meat • neueh better showing wlee
made, so *at 11 p.unde of by weer
ooseidered eaurvale•t Is SO per`
ed Mertes,
rural J•val. Water,
.fevtlle caster le one of the moat use-
ful nt family supplies, iapec)nlly et tbfi
505enn. Handkerchiefs never get 4'o
A01),48411v yollow as during the Rum-
mer, when they ern used to wipe per-
spiring teem sad kende, hit a hath tot
be ter fifteen minute, in • weak .ole-
•• _ �• W�a. se.,.. welt t'.etore them
to u clear eouretexion Javefte water,
too, will remove obstinate stains of ink
and Irou rust. The stained portion
should be rubbed In the duld and then
wushed thoroughly. •
I/11.141 Future. r 4,1N.r el ( hese/u-Ll►er.
4 l•r4'.•• Leaver-Wve iit•'k Mrr-
1.e1. - The LeNN Oaot.11oo.. '
Monday herniae, 11ee; -7.-
1.lveri, ,I o -bee* Ito urs rl•ated to -day nn
e4uuge,y l0 idol J„wer than Mat ludo) an
-cunt future., 4{,11 to ,+,r11 10w4'1.
At exerts wheat and flour formes Md%er-
.d ', .wutlua•r bo -day.
AI ('hl'vlgn slay w'hett e)ea.d b,I• blt'h/'r
thug Ma11nrdey; Mur earn 44r IewaM 111113
allay oats 5.4' tower.
. rata;IiI/:N 114111.1x. .
Iqudou (lose - Wheat 01,:ue4ge, 1.11),
err? a0.3 *eller. maim, I'arelo No. 1 Nor-
thern o1) passage, 31a 3,1. liaise on par
rage ant, hal hot) active. Hp'.* -enter.1^11
mixed 111s ISI, Flour Spot !lima. 20834.
1'e)1'1: Vlore-- Wheat tone 41)14'?: 1)''.. 2111
73c.. Mur.il and June, 24(1 al... Floor 't 'ole
MIM,; Iles„441;13,.•; hent and June, 24(1.
Au?4f'••rp- 11'beut, stet stehdy: No. 1 it.
Is eotn..n -..l with a week ego, the visible
stip!, of w telt 11) (Womb' and Iib.' Tutted
'Ktet,x bas Int -reused 115140,44 I,uake;a; mirth
41 rt'.:4ssl 25.4,4111) b,14f4.ie; oats, deer...deed
41,4Ge awn bushels. Following 1s 11 •'nulpMrl-
Ilre statement for the week ending to day,
' .r
1w1),eek profeed14141i( inweekaay rcand the e4ytsp0ndlag
lox. T.V. Noe. 90,112 4, Lt' -. 042.
Wlt.'af, lal..':rl!0321t5) 91,1511,n1l4.1 43.91Y,u.5
Oats, 1,1) ... 4,1)3,4144) 144,441.444 11,7310011
t'oru, b1)•alee/Heine 5,4147.1411 8.99,3(00
''rn rwpltuiate, the ttsud,• supply of
t. loon 11) (Lases and the t'411..d Slats, to-
gefla•r with that afloat to )Karn).. 1. 341,-
452.4a10 bnabele, against 511,14(41.4441/ bushels a
week ago, sed 74,512,000 bu'Y.'ls a Year
Edluwfng are the cicala, kuota tion, et
lmporlanN.wYore ..y went centrad today
.,Cash. L!52•'.,44 . (Itrtynv,
�( hi'a,.
01% aRt4
4-01,11,,gu „
l�luth, No, 1 Nor. 7'454 $2'(1yy
Tel ONTD /4. • l.AlV$KNCI- -*I. U:...1,
Gin M
Wit t. red, bush
Wh .t, whale, bush .... 01°7970
10 707010.,, .
Wh •b ..p1114, bush ..,. 0 77 0 hal
WI,.:, , gn0,144' bush .... 0 72 0 73
Harley bush. 042 0 47
Beaus, ,Item 00
1 3✓
114'4114„ and -packed ... 113 0
" t'eu., 11 a 0 53 • •..
lite,it.r •...b4 ,,. •... 054 • 055
Ins1•a� 0 413 0 40
Oats 8o1Y
• slab
leiveerotet.ORRIN *ND PRODUCE.
LI5'lwpoot, . T. -What -Spot strode;
No. 2 red tweet • whiter, 5. 2d: futures
steads: *1..'. 4 nal; L b."Ila 4%d: May,
b 3%d. Corn.:- at dy: AwMi1914'•an
mired, 4R %its fut-' et quiet; Jan., tb 1'
31 l d.
Bacon- 4'Luslwtlsn ctrl •eal,• 42s &I: IonR
(dear meddle:, light, Bak; ion deer mid-
dles Gravy, weak. 42e..+, 1 clear I ,aIle. dull,
4410 wt; .M.ul,en, at t ern, 43e, le,rd-
11403r we'etera quiet, '4 114; A-Prin„ -tn cr.'-
fitr,gIt5/ 9d, allowis
atMdy,l 2a3e.'., 3
tops at Gooden (Pae(: Cost)
i. Rheumatism et the back.
4 he causo is able Auld
In the bl,:od. If the kid-
ney's did their work there
's ould be no Cric Acid and
no Lumb go. Make the
k:dueys du their work. Tb.
stare, p.o iti%e and only
cute f r.Luanbage is
therefor for Ilse troll of Twenty years 1111.4
b,niow 1104 "111.1 .nm thereon, Alld,lo nsse.-
xmd 1e1'y upon the support cr. of fiddle S•'h,4,1-
*1)1,1n the slid Muudelpollty a special unm4at
rat e .nfl1ricilt to nwet the equal ,.amid inane
tarot al plitN'i141I .511,1 hlh'ne.t falling due in
each w+ar 4r rbc sold t.•rn,.1
tn41 where/V. the said \I uuieil4.l l'ouhe,l 1.,-
refn,',tln raise or lr'Trow the Amu so regnire•1
xna ahc.
mitt llo.lerieh Public School Hoard 4,.,-
n•, l•ael , the •ref.) Muiuieip4l ('nant'I1 1„
su114nJ4 the question, 11) Jive cots of Ih'-
rle.•tors qualified In *ore under the •ambulid.'I
4',1 3l.th'i{4l .tet for stoperwtin41(t of d -?,,-
w•ho xrr •upp4,M1,r of 1'n1,ii.':+chunl.. 111 t he .44141
.4nd w11en:n in' onler 10 burrow tbo Mehl
luau 4) will he n4r..l4ry to i -.mw 41el.•u111re.'1?
the .441 11411ici slun
it'' for the sof 4:4.11444.10.
as herein p 1.911w:h1eh f* 1 h remount of 1ht.
debt Intended 41 IMe clealel by lad" ttylawl, the
proceeds of the ;Mid dc•Ik•tn ores to be kppl4•3
to the 4131-1.1'..• aforeseid and to mother.
.tad' whereas it is de -Infold, to Issue the said
dele•nt.5re. at one lana',' and to drake the
orin4'llutl of till, sad 41111 repayable by yearly.
.'1111",1 nMng the (M:rfl41 Of l Tele y )en e..being the
e1)rreney of the said debenture,, add y\'arl)
same. 1a•in1..,f such n'a,,eti*e all1.,It11tH that
the .Iggregute amount payable ineach year
fur prhu•ip4.I and intuse•.t in .itmpret -1)1
lht.' add debt hall IMe„4. nearly as . roitlle.
tertL4at to the :40114103 .o µ(5atda
e fn ''ril. 1)t the
maser 11111111111 ', upr, 111 t 111• wl4i• period,. t.
shown in Rebell; 14 .\ )11.,1V111annexe(.
A Id whereat. the total »114011141 required 1,)
the I 'lnsdidansi lLudeip..l A.•t to be mists!nnu'utlly b))' sweat) rate for wiytng the aid
edebt and hitt/re-1 'an bert..after provided 4+
rre.-t. -
.5 old el...ea- law•.) 101111? of t f• whole 11...
0111 properly ,
r. s.at }the'r ren of los
1 brie .,s
1 h n h,t
e 1.31 3.41 t rc, iced :• "e"sl Int t„11 lhrteol
whereas the auto - of the r,11-44,41,
141 II) fire lett or the s 1 - M uni4irelit)
4437.144.1'..' in/dusk " of .I14.1..41 for 644'4
haprp.eu4enl", o(which lid l-bw.,?de41
no pa ti of the principal r intcl ..t is ;tan art...
and hg' Ibe payment of pont whereof 4
sinking finial amount' 7ru fou,
11 un'4 to
g '21 h . '
ytl» Ite1.'1
'therefor the /A1.unieil5L ►'.run ' of the
1 r7N,ration of tore Tbwnvr 4i' derieli Hurts 14-
1,•) w•s:
Santa Claus
has alrcatly arrived at McLEAN .Bl(OS.', and is
- 'being - kept , very busy '.these days distributing
Christmas Gifts
to the malty customers who call at their store.
They have a lovely stock of notions for men ritad'boyd suitable for this
gift -giving IA:41Ai. For inetanee :
Gioves Handkercliiefs Scarfs
A'ier , ► r
Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Umbrellas,
' Hats and Caps, Fur (ioods, Overcoats,
Raincoats, Boys' Suits, Men's Suits
,1i,1 about one thousand and pre other artic'le's, tt tt re of lees useful, and all at
4'ricesiiwe•nqugh 14) wake it worth yulu' while tido yuul•1'hristlnar whopping
Kihudlew, y eall' .,,,'I see their stork of holiday goods. They will be pleased ter
111154' t '
'Phone 77. The Square, ¢ODERICII1.
Christmas Day
is the day we all want happy
- thoughts, and to have those'
happy thoughts you want a
11.4 PP Y 7'H O UGH T TO COOK\
I. Mtdn5rpwTt'o6,p•ifof *lav said. cairn
. 41 I:ai' •h
!dial! ),Orn,w the rims of yea; 1.144
1.1114.114.. 11111 ,Mlle 10 the C,41'•rirh- Pit lie
...1401 14011 1 fur the pnrieson ap,re,vtid, anti
the tmrpsw.c rairinl( the Fold talfla delwittni•.
7.I 0f fhhlb, -ai.1 tow' to the .Mount u(', x-
:(.rreshid. ins u. of not Ie.., than 41'till(. elfell.
1 .11.11 he4•.m9mit ' 41,411' year after ?41., 1.s
ing of tbt bylaw ; ich debenture- -hail he
torted on t tate of th 1 -sill• t hereof and -hall
e Is,y»hh• nhin tern?. )'ear, liu•reah•'r n•
th • Dank 4,? 11,a
ntrvl in the slid Town of
c • , •recta. .
r. :favil of t • -,lid delde, imus -hall be
:414.111.1 b) 111 .3 y, Ir 411 Mu• - .Y Town of
I Mh rid or hr ..ao 14 110-.1 t4.1411 alt hurIraed
/)'•1'y loo ago the 'one. mat 1 y e Tn•a-.
tire �4- bf t1 • -,,,4 )'"„ , find Ihr ('1e shall
I Ia. tile I the 1 1r11,111'.41 t• .weal ' the
1, n ►•:,lily.
T 4 •-ai'1 , •1.111 n/N4il hear intul -e
Ihr at. f four 1 'rent pl•r nmou, and shat
IM no, 'n1,• h1. l4'w l4n4ttmrs Ihr said hal:
nt the last e,la)- of 1 Pother in ,.•h and- 1 „ rt
nr •rime Ihr • 1r„•ne 1.rreof :
it a ,•
•h , 1 n ,
:1141 1111414" art, "(the 4'R °Rill.
cso tor'j.•n 1)451 nn. nerd+t .�1
sknl 1 in th • w�r,fidebr namuc9e
1. frtng he wrr:.114') ' lbs silt. 411y'm
re. th M. a 114' rn4'e.) nil' nilly x•111'
h on fl rho 'tr h;4.0'11.,, I* 01'11)1171' a'�1)P
:,r»,, flab 1'1 1111'44<.) ,,)-in 4''+11111 Triwe
of ',.11H.• the " m Orf 1142.2910 he ptirl'o.'r
4 ring t1 • a ttttt 1 t . 1 Ih este .the "aid
Yea for,nil 'hal , MI interest In '- N,;t of
rhes. 1 debt. as "h. n In the sell 1111c .1
h.•rt•br t•'
Th nll. by4x(,04 hull it 'e streel 1)u t I:c 1 ^,tf
Ib�'I•assl 14ets .. ..
K 'par ••n14. 01 1' '4.' 1„ of the ",rid To i
of tiulerie 'mantle, to ,q • under the rum
dideue,l A unit -Mal 5'i foe the creating of
,debts. who . •-ipi.,r •r' of�(41N•' W)4t14) ,
shall Ise baker in till- by ,1• n1 be following
time., owl Mae .,flat ist sty. 01 tt,m110T. Ihr
tflno• rboh odr.l o,-o
0o411.,n,m14mc4 , in •
m- ;wr4�
rnnt inning till t -r 11111/1k in In. af riun of
the nnn-. by t r following ?lepgl!\ret4tn-
ingF'noeg Rtt4li* .,m NO. 1, a1 a., w'aYttM;
.op,u. 144Ieh.r!len
14,'t nrnhl I/MHect'.
Potting Sold14'.1.41.11.'1). C-. nt V i n'. ado•,
(lot.. 11.11 (.. I lr•
pl,t - Ire• 1111131 ((Mer
PollingNut/lit Wen N 8 at (Some
her, E. teat' Every 3term • Helenehfit
Polling Signify ...ion No.. I. at Mr. St
4100.,1. 1'. Bites Deploy It liming IMice
YaIItstar 1.01111111
i.In \
o f
rt Nn 'w'
Shop, (leo. Blind: IMpuly net Ing iOfficer.
Polling Suleli*hdon No, 41, 41 J. Brrtphe•
finny tt'at Son IM any lief ern Officer.
polling 1.111111111141111 No. 7, nt IA'' ni. N45 (Ile'.,
.1, t'ntigie l)rp.n)'+Itl tuna hag -U •r,
7. 11 x
n nt into 6
oft u il,I Troll'
that Tiy,
Ion, the ?1lalgnrnf the sad Tnwa IhM1 •rash
.ihn111attend Al the Poon.•,* ►'henna \. nt ten
oeloek In the fureniwn to-pp(Mdllt 1 ,,tis II
atli•nd t( Ihr *,,Mous podding. p1,wes 1 wI t•
and nt the 1)1,1,1"nh4uIng np 6111.1'* nb:1'''''' .1 *1144. on behalf of the p4:r.'n4 Inter1 Inrind prom oting or app rtilg the ,slaking, hi.b)fast• m-(wethely.
'4. The ('lark of the 1'1111 11 01 the so1
.0( Cal M.•h shall attend al his o4le'c id
Town 'Roll al ten o4•)4i•k In the forenoon
Tuesdu). Ihr fifth 'In', 4,1 J*na*ry, IIs11. 111 -un
up the dumber of *(rtes for,'owl 1901411a the
14ttcdnl the Commit ('han11N?r' this dog
Nett9Aber, leis. '
�i,,. - . Mayor.
St iiF:1)y').F: A. 1'Ii'rl(.
)t4' rred,4,l in the foregoing ll)Inw•,
she n4' how floe torment of Mtlsn,III thereby
rrfert , to I4• raided annually by Special nuc,,
w, i1) r.l
u M
4 .tt '. '
r t. 1 ro N►:,
0l Ire. 4
11111 317.!11
11444 . 1:.31
1107 1,211
.. 1901 7 qt
*4454 !1 it
1111' 1 17111
1111 *
• 11119117111:1t:
ilio 1111: 1M{
1111,1 I m
114* 4
(Orta 0I
11411 T
. titer
('ablee 1 nrhaneed-Trade '1'alr,Wltl.
Mn lu,pror log 'Pone at N nt;eal.
London. Ile-. 7. ---►tare rattle , Iy 11
111,4• to 113,.• per Ib. for Amrrl.•s s rile.
dressed weight; comedian steers. NM to
,,ate lb renege or beet, 9x,C tu9e
Iter II,',.. Mimeo slow Ile to 12e ' r Ib.
Dabs, 134•, d weight. \.
IYE a DI':
A T (
Mon eel, Ike. T. -About 550 bead ofd, f•
ellen' tile. 15 mares and 510 eh''rp 011
lambs w offered for sale at the Fast 1,.'
I.attotr iv -da
7. Trade a fele, with np
1m(a'otrd tone 11) prices an found, rout u,oa
tetile selling better than they hare done
,r Meats .(line past; prime berme w'l•* et
1 ,m 44,c to 4%,e; road mediums at nhont
4.• ordinary troett10W5 at about 314,'' and the
co . mon Abet trona 2',c to nee per Ib;
44' to
sold a
field at from 3e to 4!444 per its. Sloes,
from 2the to 3*, c and Jambe nt from
41y1.• per Ib, flood Iota of fat liege
from 4%e to be per Ib.
41'400 bey
steers. $5 t'
rows 42.25
sta'k�ra and
heifers.: 42 to
urs steady: R
41001 10 44044'1• 4.
tql' -Receipts,
lealo,' Dec. 7.-�,lattle-Rete l,ts,
slow. tardy etendy; p[1rime
45.16' ablppl*g, 44.255 to 54.,41;
to 4.75; e .'
elf n 7 t 4
>t. e 4 .z,4
o 43,73; ' bulls. 12.54) to 44:
ceders, 42.50 to 13.75;'stoek
'.75; fresh rows 1141.1 epr1mr-
to ''*1144'.', 4i.: toto 143; ,,.mm,m. 420 t0
740 head; steady, 543,50
'Ib,gw Iteetpte, 34.01 befit': Retire; Id44
nn41 Surfer+ Ilk. Iuwe others nboot efr.uly:
heavy. 54.:,:1 to 44.4)3: Ixrd. 44,34) 111 44.33;
York,vs, 44.15 to 44,411; rigs, 44.:4) Is 44(41:
wombs. 43.75 10'44; *1p - ,
y 'and Iwmb¢ line iota, 2'1.44 M•iiA•
sews. rNmht 54' higher, nlrrd1eh.ep 10e
hhrlrer: Inlnlr.,. 54.34) 10 3115: rear[ ors,
14.1.`, to 1:41; wrthrrs 44 o 44.23;
4:1.50 to 44.751 'sheep, tallest, 150 to 33,x3,
NEW O t• ' . 4( K.
Y Y K K t, l F. TTK
New York, lie. 7;- Meer' tte•riutrr,.,
1194; .low to 10,' lower; Dative n urn, 12.:41
to3:4391 .toi•ker4 :1 t R 23• 22
4 - 4 04 11.•11. .M
'1:41: ho + 2:4 e
to II 1 to 3:7.1: 1.1 )
10 4:4.19); betters. 42 to $4,:41; est' • to (o•
morrow: `•N4 ',little, 1247 sheep na. 4401
quarters of 9N9•f. -
t'ntmw keeelpt44, 17441; ovate drmnrn !d1
fully 74)41111.1 (44)4.01,1; vials, 44 1.. 4)4; 1 ,
59.23; grassers null fo* calves, 42 to 1•
- we.4,•ra, nod I ndl:lnn eel yew, 43.Ir2'-,
4:1.73 -
Mhe.'p mill Lnmhs ' *trxelpts, 13.157: sheep
barely steady: lands firm to 13.' high r;.
M.tep, 42.23 to $11.43; exp.'H gl il?l s, 114;
r411s, 42: Iambs. 13 t.. 40; calls, 44 to 41.73;
1'1nnda'Inn1s, 4:.,23.
1t4r1s Iterelpts. 13,210: ntarkM 2:4• to lie
lower; 'tat.' mot I'enn. bona; 44.Iti to 44,!01.
CO11)44411 1.I(R
(4i(.•4Kn• her. 7.- laltle-I*e•rlpt+, 211.410:
alts; Mesdy; gno.l to ,rime steers4'.15 to
4'411 to ,:311 4
T In In 1 W 15: t,b4'k-
w; J .
r •rd1r. ,ores 61.70 n
v 1•
4 4
e 1• 4 - 1 •'e, { 41 A
44: h If r. 2'fu F1.13: rnn 1)t t t
2 tar bollsn 4.: valves. 441 n
42 r s g w r r r
a 4
11375: Texas-fedstee 4
} steers. 411 In 4:1:7.1: west-
ern 'deers. 4:4 to 54.20,
ling.- Ilrrtipts to -doe, 45.0141; to.nw,traw,
40,,41. 7 • higher: mixed 194)1 bub•hrrs.
44.37 to 44.151; mood to ebol et. Henry, s1.M
t1. 14.44); 1On011 IN•n,i, 54.211 to 44,41: Ilght;
*4.21) to 54,50: boll, of soars, 44.4•'5 In
lheep.-fle'.'4p*., 211.41191: ahem, lots: lamb.
toe lower: Rood to choke wrth4•r4. 4:171 to
44.'2.5: fair to •'hole,' ,,tamale 43 to 49.75;
antler l4 0111, 44 to 44.73.
Public Notice
1)TLAW NO, 1111, lett►,
T4)) A('TIWRiZC Tiik Roltliott'1: of
THF: 4(43) 4 E eaum.ul 44011 Tit_ t' 5
$TR*'t'TI4N 4)1' AN ,1*i)IT1 �L.,TI
Till.; FIF 5
F. Tit Al.j}''1r4�
t'laAi '
• .It
)+Plant,. IN THE TO -.r
II?, 0ll*l RI('*I.
W here* • 4 he oateri.•h Pub!' q School tinct
h5a made nppaeal fon III 4lir �ilnk•gal 4'nitn'•11
of the Town of ooderi,-I. for IDUs arm . Mals, t41,s
for the following additions 7o arid Impm*r
memo In the Teener*I Po, School bulking
In the ,whl Town, to wit ' o prnvMe a new
ince,* re. 1f, nen Ianrdwa4l Miori g. new rash
and Nis.. 10 the windows of the pennant betid-
ing, to Inulin tan addition, of tsau'ment, two
slorM* end reef, to r.mtaln tenting npttnranl
wafer .loarta, operate entrants. *1111 dAlll!),
.ta4rw1ys M. n9fnlrwl 1/y 111e nertllafti,ns of
the FA neat ion Ihepartm,ntl to llrstall n proper
system of ,',,.nl heating ntol *tweet? len f., 1 h
ewe. room... ... 111 Mam*tn•et And repair nuur1uy
tR tne4'14v1. (n leen or MAerw'Isn ,sewn the
este'lnr and interior M the Newel, bwl3dlaer.
and pro* hie Mr 'intimate rind ether 50n1 5.-y
1rlltneements. and hes metre -led the rM
Gonna le Issue debeata,es el 14. mid Tewn
. 114.32
1)14.1 ?
•47. 72 144!._:4
240,10 L4.1tt aY.23
".:L.,4? 471.17 3112.111
211.145 417.34 lee.2t
. .xi . 'Nw,2, 4112'!:4
1'. ,31 451.544 1rt2.
,4.1111 •' 4! :1 fin ''1
1:44.111 •4:, 47 ni2.2.3
117.92 I '132.2:1
, 15 '4 il4 (411.23
*..h4 .404, '4 *14-1.4:1
1).1'4 net, ,112,2'4
2.3.12 (151.e1 n:.• 'A
41.24 Lill tlrllll:l41 1:1;211,4x1
Take nM Ire (hat the 8144444 is wiry, , . py of n
pr44a5•11 bylaw', whleh hn4 Irerl 1 'en Into
ronslderat ton, and which senile. thrall pos.-d
by the mooed of floe Munirlte411ty In lh ,-cent
of the essymt .o/ the clectoes thin% oh inert
,then•11.1 after one month from the 11111„ Ile-
atlon'1 )hr. Signal n.'w'gtapur, the data of h
flea pnblir•,ttion wn4 Tbousert •, the t14h rise
fh„•n,M•r. 1!143, nn.) the Io1e of the 4leetor',,
11. mold \InnM4p41)i?y, 14,1,', ,Ire "uP1e.Mer, n
1'11le f4•hrwd,, will be token ?Armen 0o the
der sed ,,lthe how stet plates therein Steil.
• V.'31. >4ITI'IIFLL, -
1 leek.
•t,, - - TNR I.RAIIMu --
W4t 1Y*k\ .W.retkoryl4v.i\
V. ni.v',Amer 74 .
�wre. ►• rariAMJ • 4pneed te M
k•.at,l, erREI 4'r
Ilfieeee as
What present could you givo
your wife or sister that would'
givo thenmore 'happy thoughts
than a ,
llapy Thought Range
1. ��..
"7`\'"*"U" e sV'46"0"'W'0"'''lf 1'17'' :
**444644".5,646+45461644 \
and see
myI, r e l ew a \
asortment of
12PER S'
e, •
numerous us
CHAS. .t
'PtiONI:S-Store, ; , ouse, 1 12.
M; -
i tmftmrm,tilm t� r■
I -
ALEX. Proprietor.
Those who
either b 11 4
)[(leaoml•e, will
.Newgate Str
dry well 4
with gore! 1111
rit fat•
4'M Or
111 le
4.4' 1.
91111 )N9
Buggies, Phaeton
Wagtte, etc.
Every , - . In7ten to
en4ur 11,.• comfort
s1tbor tft a /
(aye Ile at call.
1)P3Mreit4• I'oIlN4rne Hotel,
i a
Livery, flack
'Bus Stabls
(4001) 110148 E14
-RTC., . A T--
--RATE Fi--
►Neel► -appointed
,tacks and reli-
nhle dt Ivere in
hitrge of the
1111X4'M, ti'hiehlwill
meet all trains
end 'i* '' I41h(ate
A. )
4'.! 111 < 14;1 t I 1'11o\F: FIFT J
4IVATE, your dealer
RaSECLUDFo h18 advertis;eruyoentuRaw in
M. Bryson, 132 York at„ Buffalo The Signal, aodel'lch