The Signal, 1903-12-10, Page 6e
B TSUltan4v', Dec. 10, 1903.
Tt41., SIGNAi.: GOI)PItwl( ONTAi;1O
C•arsipl MOIL ` . IlOwLIJ'LaalLL C1IlrAt�
CHAPTER 1v .let in 1ar11rlu and
lt ou
ul. 111
rax FIRST rAtpa u1. vt"r:Nets. boated tar back 1n a strong etude wail
OVItHNOH ABBOTT proleihly his was.helegsatretcbt'd•tfull dangle,
never so much as heard of for
alio gazed at - the Font poles wills he
datue jesune of French Grundy . talked.,
sent to him by his emote fricud ' In the rest place, he had not been In
In New Orleans.: Ile lend ,►x4.11 goutQuebec or Montreal during his almenee
from %'lucenues ilevcrnl months when. ' frutu home. Most of the time be had
the batteau arrived. buvlug -heel re- ' spent disposing of pelt. and fill's at De -
called to Detroit by to tiriti,h au- trait and In eztenitids trading re•
thorlties, and he never returned.' N11.311- lotions with other posts, but what mato
time the little post. with its quaint cab- tenet a triflig want of facts when hie
Ins and its dilapidated blotkbouse, call- gterWluual fancy once began to warm
ed Fort' Sackville, lays suuutug deowslly up? •1 sweltering of social knowledge,
by the river in a blitrtul state of help- gulled at An(t hand in bis youthful
Masness from the military point fit ' days fu Fruuee wattle he was a student
view. There was no garrison, the two ' whose parents fondly expected lam to
or three pieces of artillery, abandoned
conquer the world, came to his aid, and,
and exposed, l'athe'red ,list and
ob 1)1.Ilte with
hnd saturated himself all
webs, while the f,l.1 .ts of the stockade.
his life with poetry and romance. 'ieto
decaying and loosened iu tbt•ground by
dere acarrot, Prevost. )fees a def
yette and 1'alprenede were the chief
winter freezes and suiuwer r.1lus, lean-
ed In all dlree'ttals, a picture of decay Fa -
sources of bill Information touching gag the
and inefficiency. • lift. and manners, murals uud gayeties
'M. Oasalard Rotmalllon was looted fit people who. a be supe ose4. altered
upon a the aristocrat par excellence of the surface led sot reeplendeut and fey
Vincennes, notwithstendlug the fact
off ocean called society. , w /
that his name bore no suggestion of uo 411ee was aboolutely ,rbarmed, tv
hie and titled ancestry. He was rich ' oat on a low wooden stool and gain-
land in a measure educated; moreover. to aopard Rouse111on'a face with/dilat-
the sucr,4tsful muu's patent of leader ; ing (ieyes to which burned that rich and
stip, a comwatdisomethingg figure and a shave radiant something We call a passionate
tmanner, tame always to bis as-lstnuce soul' Bate drank in hfs, flutuloynnt
when a crisis preeoutrd Itself. lie trod sttwem of words with a 'thirst which
1 aethttlll but experience could evr,reslil•} (4lNnt uws,•lyr. 'to make the rtllsit. :1 sba,h, find will pass, and
la tdlrewdly, Much to 0L own profit, Hr felt r silent applause abut invariably with the rzcelleut re- quench.Ile I { ause 211 t out .if our likes ay..wiling to our to hen it Il. reset' you will ser the
�••t• •`-• the ' wboo or ludlaD, and the adwiriug involuntary almorp
r.,;; shtt'wdly at M. •Itouss lion out of
the tall of hie eye.
"It's ou the back of his sttoalder,"
quickly stoke up M. Itousslllou, 'and
you know priests never use . looking
glasses. The mark Is quite lnvlslble
Aberrtore so tar as Father Beret is con-
eernedI" '
-t'You never told me of your birth-
mark betgre, wy dauglitsr," said 1•'a-
1 her Brut, turning to Alit'• with slut
deli interest "lt--Jluay, some day be
eutd fortune to you."
TI n1.: I41N•II ,:•
M. B. New subscribers to The Signal
will ort application rot:aime back num-
bers contalnieg the openi», chapters
of the couliuued..stor , "Alice of Old
1.1 •mgr-ra 01 toren/44$ Cin,p listrn to A Split.
.5.d .gerinpn by net' J. A. Anderson.
1 I% t•t•ue .3 s'ttiilp• Sons of S(141313.1,
.•;bbl.tle l 1 be 311111 i ;at1' .4. `trut-
1at11'• pat.,•u •..lint Lt :4luudilfg:•ervir.•
at Knox 1.l. 1011 '111 .i: tiou.bty 211
•"ltli 11110.. 1 Ile Jay follott ittt. living St.
Oath t%'. Ila) t. There adore, anul
for:'. Imv11ut1'aofIhr r•.:up in titletd-
unyc. The ol.l p'. 111 f- in meter Lurk
lh pita• of Inn• su:d hymns. ;ung
Nit .• 11 try Iturne . one of the ruler-
ii„v . nl the r, many` that- appeared
at 1h,• 1lpera Iluu•. the fol owing
r%en'il;r, sot wilt/ goof :t.•rr•trl•In.•,•
1hi• sleloml S,,.tlirll s:o(4g: "\ly ail
hill' Mich dillltulty t hal i1 4l:th;wee . 1
rut he 1% its near lux ria. vette, Ti•"
lid le Itis wife.'Klpia 1h,• whtitter a
.140,1 alai leave au, fife :l fol' 1 wn11
...eV 1 he u411151e•rllhlnl' .. • .02111 15 Mt.
tits o. walk tinsel' he'd thi' uutst
p.itIn tk' pair of gray t.yes (41x111 we 1
OVel. 1.Ntklrl.iuto..t•ud laid to a yitiet.
sh.tkeu with ensuitdun. 'Minister, Ilii
dying..tunt ants l'lu afraid !' 1 le.
Kn11 at 1211re til I. •1111:..1.1 , the htr. ul,l '
pi tnli..t *ith withal 1tisI's word fit
eishr • u••, but is the midst of them he 1
dupp4..1 1111. '1 i,••:, 1111.111:1',' he .aid j
111 Nu•ulull y. 'ken :i', •httt somehow' they
,lieu:, gie Hu' i•.wlfort.' '110 you ts•.
neve?' •'t'i' t' lust heart,' he Irplitd
mewdly,so •where, then, is there ally
vixen for fear with such. a sawing
etitlllo :Foe •1' that, minister, I'm
:ifetid. rill afrAid!' 1 1111 the
,yell-w.irt' llibl.• tthicli lay eta his hist
and 'ileitis' to1h1• 1wfully-tl.trt I'x;dnl.
' 1'1111 r•11114lllx•1' 111. 1wrnly-thit d
1'wil'tu? I begun. •It.4l,ett,l i It: lie
olid, velltuu'I,Uy, '1 ;k'uuld i1 long
:Ifo.,• you wee., limit: put 11.141 11x'
t•1•ru1 it,; I'4' route, it a Mollutnd
Hulce 111 the hill side...' , 'Bot there i. ,
.41' verse n hien you have 1111 taken I
int' .He Hurled H11 net a half-repro:u•li- I
fol oust ievi,..1,•111 Ls.k. •'1)ie 1 ua
Ii 11 ye 1 ke •l it every word long
411( t r tame burn %' 1 elitn•ly ts•
pealed the varve•, *Though 1 walk
1In. s I, the %alley of the sh:uhly of
float h I w ill fear no .til. for•'rh,w' 1H•I
2t it 11 tile.' •Y,.0 have l,et'u a shepherd
all %our life, and you have watched
,the heavy sit:oleo'. 11.1., fiver the yap
ley and torr the l•ill.. Did these
skidoo. toyer frighten your 'Fright-
1'0uuirii•. ell 111-I lie wild quickly. , 'Na. n:..
It •c. lt. „tilde' -t di 1'stk fur hie 1)..v ,' U1ua1l1smI Ilan elven:1111,
1,•\1 1'iu..n. :..:S11, "hui.n• lith fluid it 'lei V141151. nail her .ha.b,tt
1 he .1 of 1 I. rat 1)11'1% slid $li'e1• 11111' roul.l wes'i friglitru him.'
with n per',ethr:u'l'atid with it 'Hut did 1I)Irst• shadow'. ,•ver matte
lino mind. In th,• introdorliuu'to volt believe that you would out
i.. ..ilium tee 1,4',•1r4I 121 a tl•il iral we the silt, +►gain', nn.l that it 55711.
Kon,• fur.•y,'r Y •Na. nit, I could 21:1
1s• sir a siutgd.l11u iia Hutt.' 'Na'ver-
1heless that is just what you a1.• do-
ing now.' 11..1°11.- 1 :d Hie with in-
I.*'insi in the history' 1.1 the kiug.luw
of ',lad. 1. 55 Iwo 1 h.• nattier of a hul.1.,•.-
..or 111 1►t. id 55.24 in 116111141% whelSol-
nn011 tt.l. ii11aIIv 1.1'..55'11141 king and
...delimit ad,ltrs:ea by' his father in rreh4ousryrs. •yo,,,' 1 rumi11ued,
I he a rat. of f lu• lest. lir took moo- Iii• sh141ow of death is over you. and
-i�,n al-... to rclYri42 thy y:tst l'eslsnlsi• it. hides" fora little thtSun "f Itight•
I,il:1 y t'e-2111'4 Upon 1111111,.11 tel Ise a• 14111x1114+a, \%'1.11%x1' '• 111 the e • be
15 i., ..n,1 wlrlhv• 111811,..111111 ki11p%. 11114 1111411 it: lett 11111• a' ihadnw. 11.-
1'.,un that inferred thresponsibility I,Mllllx•1•"llntt is what the i'xah(4isl
;with whom he did buluese telt bine tion that possessed his wife. The con
'self eepet•Ia1Iy tavoted to the transae-t setouat•r-1.s of his elemeutary magnet
flea By the exercise of firmness, pro- ism augmented the dow of his fine de-
dence, vast assumptionilgorid eloquence ecriptions, and he went on and .ou uutll
land a kindly liberality be had greatly - the arrival of Father Beret put an end
;endeared himself to the people so that to It all.
tloliti,' :Ind igyIan1nuities,'il.g rt ,•rla.tii tills in their unclouded
111.01 tar' .;toll be t
I ! not• 10
service. -None."
..kaon•' th,e 1111th
Ino t. who Ince bee
godly hnw,'s ha Ili
brat {lei..'•.
•t•,•li1•t. in duty it w1. glory -'1111 I Id shepherd 1•uyer4l his
obey that's tail to face with hi. 1 . uibliug hatuls fad flus
the speaker sail.. a flow' uctinttinedan unbroken
thler 1Iran s'
1,leiIh.0 leuin„them fall sir \ght
'brought up in , 011 t he 4.4 .5 'i lel ht '414,1, as if iiiii4111 G,
Iitrlseaf, ':twee! ! anvil ! 1 hu' comb d
that vel'.e n tlons:ntl- (i Iles nu)an
Ole he•:abet• :uud I never nntlei•t sal it
J141 afore afraid Hf it shadow, efl•aid of
land' ih011 *tuning upon n11Tat
• land elf the
Lin the absence et a military command- lite priest, hearing of M. Rouesllloa's .Ali iii+ .mon)! hi, MA
er he came_nattlrally to tie F pi'ded as .return, bad come to lneuire about some 4,N, spa.,,, tt' 111. mat
!the chief of the town, m'steu' if. main. --friends ilv111g at. )rtruit` Hr toot pu•fv es tont.' a, ingTwo
tient keit w'IWIpe of tits{ mida vont into, ftu•e now• briglll %nth an :tlwixlt.ItUW1'-
21- .liir!ut:el service: and rd I1/41 1111011 . natural radiance, he .exelatpmd, ' s'.
.�• thri fathers' 1, ..
. 1
• .0.111•11 not to dr -pi 1111 1 w•1. h u' now, d, ath ix pal a
I nor think lig1111y of 111ri athux.. shadow with 1'hrisl behind it a
'n' i et. ♦ 1i11 I1•, "If there 's tote xtwd,w that will lets Na, nit! 1'55
ihi,.'r live, that! mealier 111• 'I1irh 'demon nae Mair,
55...1- 'i .2' iI' I. `ht.uld iI iiiL (1, 1 for Me•ttstn•n._ know y. the (led of
.Jar it 1. 1..21 1tisLrly »ttelsttt•s,- 1t t. %tor (afoot,
bet 11 In- pie, epi tifes:u(4IT, Ju,1r , - --r
1, 1 t..1m•erning the things of lith
Mr. AitIri••
e tf true
his extended !ratt-
�a returned from s t
ing*Fpedltlun about the middle of
f v le
1 b in as was his u ariab
July, �agc s,
Irate, a glftler Alice. This time it was
• a small, thin distic of white flI t, with
i a bole in the center through which a
( beaded cord of sluew-wes looped. 'I'be
;edge at the disk was beau'ttfully uotch-
ted and the whole surface MS -Wilted so
f that 1t shuue llke glass. 5s bole the
beads, made of very small segmenta
' porcuplue quills, were varlousty dyed,
!making a curiously gaudy show of
'colors. ,
"There now, ma chinas, Is something
worth arty times its weight to gofd."
said M. Ruusslliou when he prewuted
the necklace to his foster daughter
with pardouable self aattsfection. "It
is a sacred charm string giveu we by
an old heathen who would sell b1• soul
for a pint of cheap rum. He solemnly
informed me that whoever wore it
could not by any possibility be killed
by an enemy."
Atlee. kissed M. Ron.tillou.
"It's so curious and beautiful," she
said, holding It up and drawing the
variegated string tbrough her 1lnger.f
Then wltb her mischievous laugh ebe
added: "And lin glad it is so powerful
against one's enemy. i'll wear It when-
ever I go where Adrienne lffourcler is.
B ee if I don't!"
"Is she your enemy? What's up be-
tween you and la petite Adrienne,
eh?' 1l. Rousallton lightly demanded.
"Tou were always the best of good
friends, I thought. What's happened?"
"Oh, we are good trieuds," said
Alice quickly, "very good friends, In-
deed; I was but chaffing!'
"Good friends, but enemies; that's
how it 1s with women. Who's the
young man that's caused the coolness?
I could guess, maybe:" He laughed
e nd winked knowingly. ."May I be /0
bold u to name him -''t a venture?'
"Ten, 11 you'll be sure t• mention M.
Rene de RoDville," she gayly auswered.
"Who but be could work Adrienne up
Into a perfect greet' mist of jealousy?'
"He would need as accomplice. I
should imagine; a young lady of some
beauty and • good deal of heartless-
"like whom, for example?' And she
tossed her bright head. "Not me, I am
"Pob! Like every pretty maiden to
the whole world ma petite coquette.
They're all alike as peas, cruel as blur
jays and as sweet as apple blossoms."
He stroked ger hair clumsily with his
large band, as a heavy and roughly
fond man is apt to do, adding in nu al-
- serious tone:
"But my little girl is better than most
of tbem-not a foolish miscbief maker,
I hope."
Alice was patting ber head through.
the string of beads and letting the
translucent whit*. disk fall into her
"it's time to change the subject."
said she. "Tell me what you have
seen while away. I wish I could go
far off and see things. Ilave you been
to Detroit, Quebec, Montreal?"
"Yes, I've been to all, a long, bard
journey, but reasonably profitable. You
shall have a goodly dot when you get
married, my child." meat of apparently thoughtful silence. 1
"And did. you attend any parties or "Ile may have said something about it
balls?' she inquired quickly, Ignoring lua Playful way, eh'!"
hte concluding rennet. "Tellw
me not True, true; why, yes, he surely men.
them. I went to know mint you sow Honed the same," asserted yf. Hone.
lithe great towns -in the fine houses ellen, his lice nssnming an /•specsslon
-how the Iadtes looked, how they act-
ed -what they send -the dresses nifty
of (roofnl(d memory. "it was some
wore -tow"- thing sly and humorous. 1 mind, but It
"('1.11 ]1121 will split my rare, C111111.just ese'apea my recollection. A right
C'an't you fill my pipe and bring It to :oliy old boy Is rather Sebastian. In
ine with a coag on? Then 1'11 try to deed very •musing at tiu,eli.
tell you what I can," he cried, sasntn• "At mem, y,'s," anbl father Beret.
Ing a humorously resigned airs "Per- who ltlead no birthmark on his shoulder
hsps if I smoke I can remember eve and had never bad one there or on any
ervthing." - other part of his person.
Alice gladly ran to d0 what was "How strange:' Alice remarked "1.
asked. Meantime Jean was out on too, have a mark on nay shoulder n
the gallery blowing • Aute that M. pink spot, Just eke a small. five pistoled
luncheon with the family, enjoying the
downright refreshing collation of broil-
ed birds, onions, meal eukos and claret,
ceding with a drab of blackberries and
M. Roussilloa seized 'the Chit oppor-
tunity to resume his successful romanc-
ing sod` presently In the'midst of the
meal began to tell Father Beret about
what be had seen in Quebec.
"By the way," he said, with 1•zpan•
Iv casualness hi his voice, "I called
'your old time irleud and cead-
etber Sebaulttan, while up
bre old man. - Ile sent you
cod messages. Was
when I told him
ou have always
there. A
a thous'
Mightily dr
how happy
? y
to este
a gyl�
*MOINE le,
LAI ma
Sew- - . 41.
' 75,2
The old-fashioned bake -oven was the best our great grand-
motherso a
could et. Theybaked in it in a kind f
1121 d
were satisfied with it because they knew nothing better. But
the modern housewife wastes time and good food when she
fails to avail herself of the improvements of the
Imperial Oxford Range
No other range on, the market can do the baking this oven
does. The oven is kept evenly supplied with fresh super-
heated air all the time.
See this range at your dealers or write to us direct
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited
Toronto, Canada
Yanooimes if
For Sale by
'C. J. HARPER, Goderich
New Good:
Just received a new stock of cross -cut saws and
Icor one to 1 he dist turd ivt• riot act•ris . New Books at the Public L1lrary.
lir, of 5.11 ish life\antl character is The fallowing new INN)ks hade INen
the u-.'li'iol,. elemen that lets -per- Preictal And : it' nut'• ready for distri-
t.oioti tip;•.•. -lately,. • \\',+ have re- 1 ,tine:
" t \butte %hut..tpeotinn..
., 5:11 d Il „o. ,,111* tether- re
a heritage of .Itjblr and M,Ntrru t'ritleisu,.
(lith in the twin lied. \' referee', 1'ar:d.11,uf1Afe.
I,i 1he 11.4,111;1ms if S t,ll 1.11 fatuity life ..John llu-kbi.
r. . r-tls l lie serf el of St-, 1land'. ghost -
m• .atoned 1111115.21
0,Jo-ep( I'Arltr.
111 tun as. we ltnhl In 'tors
hr .r .14 dis••a1d them shell we lire 'Ise Earth's 1tpttinting.
1 inv..: or wt'.L as iw.ply. The. f:mu-
011- I vh1111 !:al Fpkltm•srn..iry
;IN religion and training had one ter) Science. -
pnt deer. 110• Intl' 1 lire al its 1411 With the alma.
111 lnii. lir•:ul alld t h•• ,bsvty._ TIN•.'uplr Life.11
ar,• of 11,.' Sahli:nth.. Ipohough the --d e .tbntu•rnUlre.
1"' well �rlr.•1441 :It II :•♦ Ix•Illg Theflee \y o %Vi sed.
%' sl 1 let, Iva`• al.oltlt.•ly ,'s• '• to out.. wr•t.
. 1 be nal tonal wt•IGor. '1'Ett•
Sh,rtel• I : •1•hislll, in
had Kit ion 1,h. work
1 hi• *old:unl•ntt •1111es:
o f (:,s1. Alltl Idle so
K, •.t 11811 rnuuuuniun sit
n '1 r. 11 ate! i I..piIltl ion*
nnlislit. display. I,,Wt.%e•r nljlyy, - 1,111,
e, e',,•t'afford. and in nd,Iitio. 121
thio:.• thew Was 1bat p,•rs,tlutl 11
pri''nt.• w.tluuuuion pith MINI that
cilli -h 1.•ligiaIl had ntblc cuq,h is -
•d. w hen prayer hail opened heuvivl
inlet '1 st want of glory' down 'glob,
thy\-1•,1u.ecr.11yd fora(:• tf Men in
.i,did et. with the lh•ity.
'1",. et plmsiii' the 'doing deo. aitnni
spit it ti t hall always riaeacteriz.41
tIu• ti -.11 h people. the speaker refer-
red to 1IN'it leveglt ntlael •ns to 1114.
1 :aur of I h yid. and gave as It cause
of it apart 4411 the strength and
hi•.t ,iy oil he.I alms Ihi•tuselyes the
(act that Iher re 1-•svt 1be beaching
• of rhiltlh•NsI. fir:+! 11nw•(•ulive
sentene,•s Ili:d nue.tiSrolti.1* children
lea ton also: .
-Th.. Lord', un .l•nplsenl? 'tt n1N ' .
1* makes nw• down 20
1111c•4 ere" green: Ile lent live
be n11ir1 ni.teh\\
.%n.l Ihfise-wIo 11:(5,' Stu s1`'?j Lltt•
11..11 lilted of aged Metdst1l'u + Il M(•nts-
tt 11nt•n will 111•:0' /Word tltt t JI' it�.tt
nt ., ion. , 11otlglt :tnl the Inst
2.11• ttort 1.e: • from 111es:4llleIe
'bird I'-nln,, Ta illustrate the li
Ihis•Jlr, \n4et•snn minted the
I.55ingincident revotdetl by a1 M4.olrl�
ilini-11,01, which at the. request of 4(1Ie
t 2110 e,,t gr.gelion- we bete give Itt
study' o e
s .' 1' in myI
Intl. "I was It Ing
Sat 111 day e% ening when a message
canoe to the tlttt ,111' of the godliest
:1n.nng t he .41,1,1)011s w'hrl 1,1111141 p:tius 11deslwri+•lly fit nttt•ttilns of
111 •2, Hole U1011111111 hill" l ono wird bony Net•vdine islo.tluall(41,
wens dying, tux) wanted In x14• II L. .Mr, \Vehdling believes Nerylline is
n.i,ii.l,•r. 1\'ithoul. 11155 Of 111111' 11 indisj *isnhIi'as it hot•1w liniment : it
rets -'el the wale heat h-lt Jtis el 11111.011 has strength* power and
able 11111e (salagd, When 1 entered murk•.1 funvrighly, Every horse and
the low remit 1 towel the nl,l 4b.phrrl stock antler u•nhl Ise
'situation was that Father Beret l
I:real Ltk
yoy,ygi'-0 he Anile.
Work of w• 1 Street.
I:nq.bro of It Ileo,.
Romance of (' n:ulkw Ili.tory,
'rhe Golden Ila et.
1'ht• Golden l'an .
With 4'rederi,•k t • (:rent.
With Robert,. to I lurid.
Through Hoss{an Hoa•..
In the Heart o, the ' life-.
40 the Irish lirlgadr,
.o Surrender.
1'o•Herat and Cabal.
.tt A,rin,•ourt.
4)111 %Vitt. lta'Ibtldl. -
Forty -115e 11 nm:denten.
AG the Point or the "word,
11,1. of Empire.
Wu , .1160 Tepper,
•1'4,411 'eau After.
IJ •e••... N • lour'.'
5t� Olt Roger. the Flnnti/:r,
%I;.rtramt , t'.s
1t...mlifni Joe's i's
Lonny 14/11
.111 - w'Lite Hird.
e ,.1,1.1i,, Macklin.
dll..•kteberry Finn.
W,I,' , Sharp.h(ntero.
The Moe Flower.
Inst se Stories.
•%V hNlc4utn'. '2'ife. `tquttre of Inglewood.
The Ked
1 sok 0 1
Font- Fent R*•r..
Fuel of Fire;
4ih(„t 1 :au).' -
Red 110114,
Nn1hber Witt.
Thi, Hebrew.
Fortune• of (Nicer Horn.
Flower 'i the Porn.
The Vultures.
The VIrtdnkin, '
he istrisll :School
I*''I View. toll
1• mord
of Ih u l
IIII r'yerent
Attcr way absolutely charmed.
been here. Al., you should have. eea
his dear old eyes full of loving tears.
He would walk a hundred miles to gee
you, be said, but never expected to to
this world. Blessings, hies+togs upon
dear Father Beret. was what be mur-
mured in my ear when we were pett-
ing. He says that he will never leave
Quebec until he goes to his borne
above --eh!"
The way in which M. Rousatllon
closed his Utile speech, Ms large eyes
upturned, Ida huge hands clasped la
front of him, was very effective.
"I am under many obligations, my
son," said Father Beret, "for what you
tell me. It was good orf you to 1emem-
ber my dear old friend and go to him
for his loving messages to me. 1 am
very, very thankful. Yelp to to an-
other drop of wine, please." Neryiline.
Now the extraordinary feature of the l' wJ "I' oil h , Ili . oud hiruthi11 Moll in dal- vSi'' Isdl lel.
ha 1 1 IM 11 K• � K ,p'
known positively for nearly five years
that Felber Sebastian was dead and
"Ab, yes," M. nousglllon continued,
pouring the claret with oue hand and a
making a pious gesture with the other,
-The dear old elan loves ydu and prays
for you. 111s voice quavers whenever
he speaks of you."
"Doubtless he Lunde his old joke to
you about the birthmark nn my ghoul-
, der," snld Father 'Beret after a *no -
of st. Hide's.
A Noted' Horseman s Experience.
31c. Antoine \Veidling, 1/Wner 111
Ilevetas2I1-I, and pruprirt'r of the
IInt nl Iloilo., Brockville, way's' no
ti intent ,snuptii-es with N,•rvillne for
gel 4111 Ilse :0111,,1 the stable. For
.Non N, sprains: swellings, internal
y of Axe Handles, Saw Handles,
e ., always on hand.
A full sup
Saw Sets, Files,
mo -
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in Issue of same week.
Thew. (lyes will dyu,N'ool. 1 oboe, Hilk. Jut.,
w' Mlaevl Malde In one bath they ars flu,
tolest 1101 MOW. luproied e, In the World.
Try a package. All eolor+l at Ill(_(21 I/lll'It
stoat le •
'ChLtwill It.u, 1x441 nobutit :011 relitta4 %116
modern inacbinery' fur uhu4 111111# prtxupr 1 y
and et•unutulallly all kindle of w'uud work.
Building Material
of r% try deac•t•iptiou kept in stuck.
Mash, thews, Fratnee Moulding and
Interior Land ilxterior i''lniehhlg of 411
kinds on hand or matte to order.
1satlmatos furnished on application.
Ordure it ilicited.
Cash Hardware Store.
why no
Do ' r qu Bake
Because the
Baker's Bread
You Have
Bought Was
Starchy, Wbiite,
Tasteless, \
Pasty and
Sour ?
Try reka
You will never • ave an unsat-
isfactory loaf -it is so creamy,
white, flaky, light, who 'some and
nutritious, and every loaf crown-
ed, .with a t1'ivpy crust of licate
golden brown.
Do you bake because it
Try Eureka Bread
The loaf cuts out a suprisingly
large number of slices.
Rousaillon had brought him from flower. We must be 01 kin to each
Quebec. other, Father floret
The pipe well tilled and lighted lip- Tho Priest laughed
parently did here tn. e1f,•1t to guild, "If our marks, are alike, that would
and enrourege M. Rousslllen's mein- be Sas ev►d•nte of kinship" he said.
ory. or, 11 not toe memory, then bis 1m- "Bat what shape is yens. tether'"
agitation. which was et that fervid "eve sever seen It," he responded.
snd iltwral sort enmmoa to natives of "Never seen 1t! Why?'
the Midi and which has been exquisite- "Well• it's absolutely invisible," and
dMlslall be the late AIe\sags Ds* bi heartily, meantime glance
ITS1 up to you whether you want the
hest Steel Range made for the
Pon your %election depends a great deal
1f the stove won't bake, then good hyo
to happiness in your household.
-make rich, red blood that gives color to
pale cheeks, strength to weak bodies and
energy to tired nerves. They cleanse you --
invigorate you -give the perfect digestion
nnd wholesome regularity that mean good
Why not try?
Fifty Imn-ox Tablets, In an attractive afemine
pocket case, 25 tents at dntggints, or sent, Ids
nn receipt of price. The ironox Remedy Co., iAst•
Ited, WalkervflIe, Ont.
Ohelp you out, we would suggest a
National or Pearl Range made by peer
plc who make nothing else.
will then have no cause for worry,
snd cooktnt will become s pleasure.'
Buy one snd be convinced.'
The Moffat Stove Co., Golfed. Weston.
Med for torn N the ►led of wee, rev outs
FOR, 73 -sr
The Stove and Partials M>sn.
Hamilton St. Goderich.
THI Bahr
SCrlltoll Bard
Al Coal weighed on the Melba
Werra youkrM 1110 110, for • toss
Orden Web a1 LIS • SWEARD11
81.m pr..poly astseel•d to.
Lverj' 1'artne'r flu Id keep
these three. wts:ls Cry' tutu'.
in mind and e•t'ne uct :lie farm
on strict ht:site• 4. prin%il• •s.
Gimes work a•id ha; h:ua
methods are no I•'ng;er'toast -to
successful and up-to-date for-
Hy reading Tug %Ver..Kt.y
Suw, the Fariner's husjness
raper, you will get the very
latest and most tn-
lotinatiglt.regar Ing your busi•
nest: -
THa SUN'S market reports
are worth many.times•the sub-
scription price to you.
livery Farmer • in Canada
should realize the full value of
the service Tits Sus has ren-
dered a public way. 1t
was due to the action of Tin
St in giving 'voice to the
Itil+it'n4 of the farmers that
1 law relating to cattle
ITu' ds, drainage across rail-
way. and farm fires caused by
railwa locomotives has been
1Ve will nd TRI Waalct.v
Suit from no to 1st January,
1906, in co inatioo with
The Signal, x$1.80
s w•.
u hxcri he a
Semple for the asking.
Horse Shoe Pads
are a real neces
silty winters or
summer - they
supply the give
nature intended
on hard roads
and pavements -
protect the frog
of the hoof from
stones and from
balling in want
er. Improved
ad Ideal "
Horse -Shoe
cure or prevent lameness -
pre int cracking or spreading
of t se hoofs -make a bone's
*or ing life longer.
EfeIf you have a hays
troubled with Ialne-
ns through bad
write ow export tot
cent tet, •w,
-s Omeseleo!-s
wa's.Bw► 11N ss , klinMtelk