HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-10, Page 5FAIR AT ROYAL CITY Great Gathering of Live Stock Br err at Guelph. year% experiments Hate ..t.15.ap ...tog • on wilds turn 'truest w ,...1111i1, 11 or hills in cotttparlauu with pluntutg the ow- cores lu rows with the moue wnutpll of IIN11 1M Provincial Winter pair. -Entries Largely in Eac.et of Last Year and Quality of Exhibits Excellent Everything in Excel Shape Initial Session of Ontario Ex mental Union. In each case. The result w`as slightly fa fats Wt' the hills ur squares. leads sed Fodder. the P1'07. U. E. Lay took; up the prla- uent edpe.I•'fred* anti fodder available to pert. 1OntaAO ferment, aad place and feed - Ing valor of each In the agriculture et our grovince. 1t war decided not to rive t cattle attlelu too kstteulty( food, ten It made them .unhealthy, uor was It Deet to go to the other extreme. and glue them entirely, hay or merely them too much Ile deprecated the' condition to which some of the roode and fodder were ked u, musty, un- healthy bins and stables w it h the mould clinging to thele, end said that so relfreapec•tfl( animal would look at It.• '1'he evening ersslon tees rs ,•t Ia rK1 w- ielded. tended. Thu prugrRtn was interesting Mud Included eprether by two in- • (nous *dentine agrk•ulturints of the United Stater, Prof W J. Spillman of the Natiunnl Agricultural Depart- ment at Washington, and Miss Mar- tha Van ltene.hu•r, superintendent of the 1)ouawtic Science Department of Cornell University. Each c p1i- mente d the faru,ers ,and people Of On- tario, and frankly .aid that the 'Is- • dustrtal progress of the province WAS, *Way ahead of the United Stalest President 0. Mills presided in tA. ah - Bence of "Mr • Dryden, and Prof. W.'K Day replied to the subject Intended fur Prof. 'Mills. •P'rogrwi. of Ihie On- tario Agricultural ('ollege." Tho Farm Memo. Guelph, Dec. 8. -Yesterday was pre- paration day of the uutario Provlo- cial Winter Fang. The •plendld pro - grew of the exhibition in evidenced by the increased number and quality of entries and the class of visitors from all sections of the country, Shoopsri swine end other e a,u al r that took grit and second and thud prizes here last year are Juet 1111 -1v - lag trout 'the. International Llve Stock Exposition at Chicago. whert they were accorded the saute class excellence Cars were being unluatled yesterday of prize winners from t.hn Chicagu show, where they took the bite. ribbon, In competition with en- tries from all parts of the world. Altogether the session of 1903 1. inaugurated under auspicious sur- roundings. 1a «very department the entries are larger than last year. The quality- has improved and the esti- Mated attendance Is much heavier than In previous years. Thu eltlzefN of Guelph have rieen to the situation. The vtsftors are pouring in, and they are being cared for with a system that Indicates thought and energy. ■ las 1■ Romiliaoa. Tuesday will witness ever thing ready for the business of the meet- ing The last gag was rallied lust .Ight, the Anal bunting soten in wh,h the other decoratlone, and the Last touches were given to the ar- tistic features. The buildings were the *ernes of emeudous energy yesterday. Ilun- drede of cant were emerged in driving stock to the stalls, drapoug the build- ings ant putting oe the finishing touches. The(Rxklblte. The entries to the ars about one- • third wore than wer.exhlblted last )ear 1n this Wauch three are nSo en- tries. 57 of which are den v stoe•k, Tb, couipetitlun 1s particular , but the best grade steer Mred by re shorthorn bull. There are 92 e la this class Fur the test pair of animals there are 22 .xhilete There' 20 contestants for the leeI grads et' r of two years aiid under three, and or the beet grad. steer , ono year under two tee ur. 17 entries. 'A• - hultee are well represented. 400 M ■reek.. la sheep there. •-entries, and •--aranr-ire them are neer* from 1'tuhrgo. fresh from t • of their torle!. The romper) on is e•sitn.el- ally cheer in alar•*•. is 'given rest ftp the announcement \by JObn ('eutpbell of Woodville, ' Uttt . that he atc.pts the challenge of a flew- -ern Davidson, published Nut show 16 Shropshire Iambs, all ort of the own flock. Ne adds that he world /!tate to -vented the *Hallen e Ir.,u the saute suurcr for the trot •lambs. but he had dispu*•d of must el his best the past Beeson. 171 1x0111., la Swine. • IA itie. there are 379 exhibits. !'Ins ,a , increase over lot year, - bot' there a several new exhibitors sol the youth, 1s improved. Ip poultry the hibito •re nearly . _enable what they we • in prel'iuua tars Several assoc., iuus hays 'Proust- for thin session and idrde displayed promise to bet the ,notable ever seen in Ontario. 2$TII ANNUAL MEETING. izo est tattle* Sanaa et u• Oatarle Agrled- tarsi ass =sperl.a..tel 0114.. 'Che twenty-fifth annual mrotrng of the (intsile Agricultural and Enter'. mental 'Union was owned )est.•r.lay afternoon fa the ()nisrlu Agrkul- ereI College The meeting had a • I rge attendance of the pupils of the tit .ol. '-and a number' of ex.popflr anc'exprcted to arrive today l'resi- . deet Nelson Monteith .of Stratford, Iwas 'in the chair, and 1n addrrss"Ig union said that there were 3,1445 tanner* throughout Ontario who lade expertemnts last year and sent • la report,. 1. A. Zavitz, the seecretalry, said that the report of last year's meet - Ing he' been printed in a pumpklet of 47 pogee, and 25.000 of these had been dilrl rbut,d'among test arlu farmers. m.rs. The .x -students of the ll. A (' .. now resldi n In the I ni B ted Slates had f01111.41 the kAun•ric • en D: .A.(' Union.- d oth.rn residing' Northwest Territori.9 and BrltIsh'olut ubla had funned 'a Oes- te u. �t.c ns of ex -members had fortiorii'`i in dlOhio, i•brukn, Wisconsin and New York. Pae ese n ao adlr Cewries .1 1;, (Iilmore, of the Eaperin,entai. IPs Kut- of Cornell University of Ithaca, N.Y., s •aid that In New York Rtate the university with which he was etfltflp t.d hod ei,t ab !isles! 1 wo retirees for the reading of t h. t agri- .culturists, one foe -_I he farmer. and Illi other 'for his wife. W 11 Graham, H.S.A. of the U.A. C • spoke nn the results of co-oper- ative experiments in poultry raining. An Interesting discussion followed. t' A. -. -It,, 11.5.A., in his ad- dress on the resales of co-operative exl'eritilents with field rootsnd fin-4pr. silage and hay crops, Said 'that "there Willi it great In(•rease in • the number of people who were send- ing in their reports every year. The Plots used this year are one ,rod wide by two rods long, thus making an eightieth of an acre. Formerly they used to be four rods square, reeking the total one-tenth of an acre, .and previous to this It used to be half an acre. These plots were too large all occaaloned -a great deal of Leonel, on the past of the experi- menter. The operations this year went along thirty-four dlatirn•t line«, end of these thirty were with spring crops, and the remaining four with winter crops, forage, fodder, tillage an' hay crop. For the last four 'I HE SIGNAfJ: GODERICH ONTARIO The farut home Was the' s,Ihle't of MIs. Van Itc'nesluer remarks.• She said to keep the IN Iai-1u x.11 was necessary the girlii to stay et h t he secret. Domestic it secret. of women's co the far Mr. C James 'levitate; of farm statiritirsi,. Ile explai manner of 1(uth i•Ig stutint ic the, method be*hull rotuparl and deductms ere 'mole. '• Farms' n4anug.anent wax- the nubble Of Prof. Spillman's+ reworks Ile cosi- freed that the 1 'unudiant farua•r was ■uperior to the American farmer in luanagrrhent. Ile .ttributid it int`.. ly to the practical e•Muratoil rtl,•it- ed In farm tuattere, It *tie the tutee things on the furm^inte•Iligenth' di: retied, he thought. `hut 'nude a111•- 'Pa1. 14011/14011/h11u1'.. and herd work net-- 'moire(' seeress 'Jo. nn' t•ocatioh. lli It intrg.....,. et, ahi...-d erIth hang , k .that brought twelves on the farm. err l'.4 Tarke.a .. During th.• cot • of his remarks Prof Spillman s.l•. '•The W'ashong- tun Agricultural leepat lent has IH. a n esto.sh.d wit Iht•pre. 'al work- ings of the (Inturiu Ells' model 1'11100.• WC dee unable t\. .111.1.• . W1d1 how you Vanity/Mils maintain an surlrt Iiln w1111 .nal, u test 'member - ;dim all working in harmony, 11, pruehicing . agricialturel rale•rim. ,ntw Me can't do i1 in the States. A11 A�y& Mae l sited Status the (tuetph i,icultural i'ullege t. known We hat« uauy of )ow- graduutee vc•- rupying mentions 00 the faeullita u: ..ur beg . type- itless. 1- Iwo we ex- pert, of the Government of the I ni- .,1 M(etely sr proud of your' 1.0111 1. o Ontatlu. We that you du nottheIK• ve in t• old m idea of w. ,. .L - leg u•b and inking too lit- tle--• ' pound of hrai here 1 Hud worth tun of 'tele Yr. Stuldrew, hei, of %Iecr Ju ,nuld Inetitute, 'closed (die e•Ittey.- Stainmn' ent u. avecsou., of the avec Of nature el tidy -� uta the old to hod teac h w That wits .t'11 e teas the n1e11 0t ori stario the 1. (1 C. P. R. 4.es Leet -a..4 • emotive, Seel, *reeked Mesar las/p.a. tI innli ]ton.. Dec. .-Two t'an- adian 1'uclh Railway fr ht trains collided at tt e. rly hour yesterday .,ttrrday morning 1.•teres. 'oleo a 1 lSeth- ien- It was a I, d -u 'ullwi with bolo trains running at up. sed. F.•a d••tuuIs of the accident r b- Iuln.,, tan,'. • i'rou, a hat could be learned. 1 urrident ails t ifs rental Of °Mere overlapping The tee. 'oruutist it,•., crashed into each other. The .net - Mot n°.I firemen of 'both trains Jumped and Wert uninjurt-l. The r'e1 of the crew got off without injury. The 1 wo\1(K•urnot Ives were had!}• socked, and the tura piled up in the ditch un 11.11 of each other. 'flee damage done is very considerable. LEOS TORN FROM BODY. Fred.Ii •. C n 1.•11• ur ■e au • I a ■ .r len I 0..t Hagar Pla.t. Devlin. i n. Dec. N. -}'red Clifton. ehlrt agineer of the Ontario Sugar ('vim- 1 ''', plant. a,t a' e �` t as instantly 1 t v kill•. 1 at 11.10 yr•rterday fdrenoun el h)s post in thn factory. 11.- wars caught in u IK•It and drawn luto Re frig of death 1 he e u n t r.•st•nc • r o of his el' { o u I.t- ents Itoth begs wore literally torn from the 1.0113 -half wry 1st Woen 1111• hem and' kisee.- and the t rruu•nduua pr.esurn had crushed almost every' bole, aarle the Keeler. Pekin. 11,'- 8,-.-ProV1fanent offJC to is here assert that' Chink fa ron•lee.ling an agre•uleM, with ltusela for the Oovesnnl.nt of Manchuria.. 1t is ex- pected that' the arrangements will in- clude most ,af ttuasia's auppletnent- ary terms for the M'aruation and will nominally conllrny ('hlnes0 louv.•r- nignty while petting Aueaie an ad- visory share in the (Iovernm.nt. Leg *rek.a 1y Renaway. Toronto, lien, 8.-A little after 4 o'clock last night. Arthur Arut>((rong, about 25 yearn of age, while &moor- ing King .tr.et near Berkeley, was run down by a team or nntaauy hornier The truck wheels ran over bIt right lug, breaking 1t. @tribe De.lared Of. - Halifax, N. 9., D. 8 -The Spring- hill strike has been declared off and the miners will resume work in the Collieries to -day. A compromise of the matters in dispute wee agreed (Joan. CANADA'S TEMPTATION. Advrt.d t• et) 1. ord •siburu• lu M Addr•.. •e lure .real L•.it, Tram tees of Ib• l:mp•rr. London. Ike. 8.-(C. A 1' a --Lot' Molborne, ret the-1,'Liberal- tinlunls demonstration at "Edinburgh yeste day, declared: "Wu are Uvsteelt u the'Ecupire.'11 Cunadu, Auatraliu a, /South Africa are.,allowcd to go titci qwa wuy and each item i4t Iw ;411`•'' weighed by nations whose puI.ulatf r may be numbered by the hi/1011A tort lion, they must always remember' Ili temptation 10 Canada, to enter int as arrangem nti with th.• Unite Staten. Thu export of manufactur.r article to foreign'cuuntriee )tae full sn ort L'IN,yI)0,(J00 In ulster sears while the .Sports 10 the colonies ha fnereaastl from .1179,0(WJ.ti00 to 1,1if, 14)0.4,101 1. '1'h' preference 11 -tile (11111 road ju'unitt If we take care of toe Empire, wages, trade and food 55 i take care of l heutpt•Ict'a.'' - •Iamei Ilrw',- U. P., epi•aki11j) n Als•rde,.n yl•Nterday, d.K•lard ' Shu British trade was heulthv and • needing 1 iul•r medicine' nueine' C hat 111 h turn a Iverson. Retaliation Wus IN Ing tls.d•by the_Governmeitt like) Ili. drop rupj,ee it a theatre' when i was rui'u•d they would see et prole(• monist 'tags and actors. l area. 1.. sotto Africa ' J. (1. Jardine, the Cunadian '(rad COmuda'ttuner in Routh Africa, ar rived M, London yesterday. Ile soy that prospects for Canadian trod with Africa are ex-ollenf. .►N to th cattle trade, 250 had 1u.•n landed rix cently (rum the Monarch. The int porters had expected that they would have to keep thee, two months to fatten. but they lsstded in such good tondi1ion that they were killed uu aiedial..1y. Mr .#main.,, soils to Canada on Dee TA. • Lord Streithcun* in dirtrkbutiu the prized at the Cit• y of Lumli•n College Y) csterday. said that 1 he wonderful prosperity of Canada w11.. dun to ier •elcltni-ntary and higher ural ion. Eur! Crewe, speuking at Newea.t 1l' eet.rday, said )Sr Chamberlain was a a cplonial Columbus and retalia- io. wt old nut lower foreign tarots. Pattullo, .cuw'aking ut Rosh - night , said: •'Every 'work- 'anada is in- fat or of ul •'llWu-tthirds of the n fhe Canadian Nitta - with the C,,ns(•rsa- .101-stiun.' orkneen.. under the I�trfunu Sew TO INVADE PANAMA. is 7.000 *0141.,. $aid to Naw L.It Cartagena for Thix Purpose., d r' J N t t Trade • e ed ing f brut Aber 'tient' u tlyr hurt,• Three th ■',ski'n's of - at `windon wettish .4 seers address - .d fy Percy \t;•ndon.. 'he r"lwlutlons faturel the net ..ity souse of the l'huusls•rlain pr .use y u protect the h • markets. At th close of the: ne•••tOng 1,144) pekoe joined the League.. Mir F. }Turnery 11'•'unirtl, .r•ak- ing t.. his constituent. at 8 ley. swill that the IIrbtish engin fug trail \ had Letieli1.4 th ugh "duu,l. ug' process. Its ha' .mabh 1n• •ufartIIr,•s 1c Ire carries) . 1 ail a prof hick would have ut.• rwiat been im ssiblr L 1,1,1.0 Porte. The lulloain W th.• claseificati of the a igire:0 who left •Lrilish purls for C'w)ud,t.'t ng the month of Nus'e•IIIIMr English, ,432; Irish, 70. Scotch, 100..,foreigner 2,1811. 'the following 1 1 w.ng err the totals ',r the eleven uluulhr preceding. En 'alt, 47.240; Irish, 2.50.5. Scotch, '1 247; foreigners, Ct8,M2:r. Aus- Iralia and New %«ulnad for the same time the emigrants . numbered 11.695; to -Africa. .59,772. '1'he•ltun,- her of ltrit ish emigrants going to the United States was 1111,907. Lprd Lo'ndondct•ry, speaking before the Northern Union Conaervativ.• As- oclation at Mouthshields, said h• - not agr.r. that the country was prosperous, and advocated t'it•.• Uro minded party led by l'relu,.r Italfuu- . . Home .Mecretary.' Akers-houglns, speaking t Shoreditch last Rigid, outlined, rel . sures which would be intr,Nluc,'4 a the roofing emotion of Parliament to the exclusioh of unde- sirable alf.•ns. Colon, Dec.. 8.-A rumor is is Cir- culation here to the effect that 3,- 000 soldiers have lett Cartagena for the purpose of Invading the lalhunts. No details ,ru. known, and the rumor ouuld nut be cungrnud lust night It probably tad its coerce in fort Limos. Costa' Rica, wheys 1t was brought by steamer frou, Cartagena` 'The (July possible means of approach- ing Panama, is by narrow and ditlt- cult mountain passes through the In- dian country, The Lluted States cruiser Atlanta is now off tha In- dian coast;. , HERRINGS ACROSS THE SCENT. Taekse W.rllk• i■tartlo.. T•tled t .d• Chemo of Colombians' Marek. Washington.! Dec. d. -The d••ap,}tcb of the United States cruiser Atlanta to the Gull of Darien is of ,groat im- portance and interest is 'Connection with the rumor from Colon of the dep.artero of the Colombipn suylllt•r, fur the Isthmus of Panaul4. The gull is about 180 utiles east of', Colon, and the outs.. in those waters will enable the Atlanta's comivander to keep, -in close touch with the develop- tuents at Cartagena. from which plat`, it is rumored that soldiers are to march. United States naval ern igll: decline to say whether the,. 1lespalrb of the Atlanta is the result of • ani initlnal 10115 of war -like operA/ions nn the part of Columbia. Ncverthele the departure of the vsortwl is regard - ted' as siglnificant. indicating the in- tention of the Crait,d States to be on the alert. To tbe:('ulumbi-auri •in 'Washington the reports from (.',ikon produced a luystuyipg egret Tht{c will not say whether that 'where the rumors or not. The Columbiana be- lirce *there' are• 3,000 or. more ; sol/ • diers At Cartagena. and the rnriou- points along Mei sea coast ayailul,l: for un invasion of the isthmus. wave, .'Yule atieteneent. The C ou,naissiun.rs from the 'De- partment of Bolivar, .Whci, _calla to Washington to learn the Americon attitude t'ispectitig the lsthutus:. will ]cat« New York for Colombia Satur- day. , They will sail for Cartagen,, -of th 'tire dente fro of events o at the' tine• o Kul'.. eagerly read by Reyes and his associates herr. G Rases liaid lust night that the acts f Col. Torres in accepting money for . embarking, Ins. troops is Dow under inquiry:in Car- tagena. The Paean. Treaty. Stave secured .a full stalks ent •undition of affairs. socialist Press correapon- Culon, giving an account the isthmus of Panama, no Appe.l ieesbI.d. orotate, Dec. 8. The decision of the ' ortof Appeal n the case of the est akin of limb r U,. hearing of the th Norfolk and North Peril% VIM; 10* -tit 1000 a 119 Inlnd.d down y.•sterday. 'dr. .11 tic.. (Oster granted all order ) tprkntn4 the h..,arin ti • of the peUtirm ill lau..al next, and- this' was appeals gt.,nsi Hy the Itlss•als, who claimed .I .. dote for - I he 1 rials ought to"1 been fixed, and. as the six loon limit hail ies•n passel, the IK•titit should ,. hl fail. d sol. The ('hi Justice, Chief n liter, urntutencing the d.•cision. said; - ••W 11u1.• Colne to the conclusion that the tellers dere properly made, under the 1 ilr,n,ietn. red n es a that, the tholiscr,•. 11.4of r I lei, it'. l Mkrr gn extend the *11.1,- was. rightly ekereised.' His order is conlirw.d.'' ' The whQie Court • nee!. C) t hs ,n 010 lltrld to Reporters. 'Montreal, ler delivered ten minutes French 'ewst.nl Premier, who a01 health, extolled betas, yethe said t h•fure the public wM, Premier mads no refs to outsid mutters. etc. R. -Sir Wilfrid Lour - happy little speech of art evening ret" the ov,en's banquet. The ared lin he in good r power of the r renpionsibility y.t'y great. The two whatever With Nr prederie Loudon. Dec. R. -Mir Fre. rick Bor- det saw Lord Strathcona terday morning, and y.sterdey afte ou hr maw lion. Alfrd',L.vttleton, C metal Secret aro - Ilra.tf rd Market Tees. Ilrantford, lees. 8. -The Brantfor market fee for 1904 were No111 by auction yesterday for $1,875 to Jo- seph flower, an Increase over 19413 of ' 00. KKetlhlee wet Malty. Broc villa, Dec. 8. -Frederick Me- Qdlgg w acquitted of the charge of d,•etroybi hats In the Union Ilat. 11ork, by udgis Macdonald 3estet•- dat. :en. -We-eh-Mgt-rim Dec. 8.-Ofltrlal differ - tuition of hilt- ratification i.f Junta of Panama of the lath "fan l'anal,tn•aty has been aeed%ed .t• lb, United Sates ,tilmini,t-at iolt and the President will send t., the Melt - ale the. •treaty for rat u,. ,.t 100 b: - hat body. BODIES WASHED ASHORE. nuW'.c0 crocked ea Perplead • .ad. Near cap. ake�e. . ' duh 's, N11d Its•. 8.- 'Che't.xt eel bleb ' - ,,eci-',• ke! on r1'y;and flew!, near 'tire Race. during- a furious storm `at ltudnight 1'o,d.1', the Danish sub... o- ft -qua AIic•rn'i•. e. ,'jfor crew of tend' their bud- , pro 11•-.' grid Spain. lige pers fly were ore 'Alaska Award Washington, ite,- Hoosteveit itt his aim a Congress. after re•onn that 1`•d to then tonus Alaska!! Tribunal, said :-t rysu salteite ry 'in e.--ry-way . ft is great it terial adv wage to u. people In `d 1 Far .Northsest. t has ed twin removed th,. Held1 disco lace and possible at to become mor,' with each posit, has furnished a sl fairness awl good ae.a Idea(. Pre. .lent •114•' 'to the 11g e ion s ger s que.ttion Iii cutely gaevntuutt year. Finally, it 1 proof of the 11 with %4 filch two frlendh• notions can, apj,runrh and' determin,- issues involving ria- banal sovereignty. and by their na- ture incapable of nu hnlisston to thin) power for adjudication- The aanrd is w•Ifexe•enting on the ul'1�.1 points. Ion de 111led try Trained Liens.• 1MaNN u,, hurley of .tnhult, (: erltinny: Its' .N 1 1 1 u i P'ix•hrr a lion tauter to y.•Ntrrday'trying to make a lint. N . r' 1 th o h n ho , I '. tIt of nrnl slnu•i. him w n tlhip, 'a' 1.creupop. he leap. e , d upon nes 'al' ' HMI oho I ) w.l i I I rot her at one sten Thr•'wotitnn ahriek,-.1 nee n and the th .• ofhrlinn,. hill,. d i the atl:irk lin (nought anion: th nlw'Iv,•N for 1,.,gueen if.,hrr IL•,h I'h rix was u, friehthA pt un,o:q•. 1• he. v i . t N w nml ,i 1 neOrli t nny w. in- Itl a A11v�tn and (AI terthty f St it,• n Capital et 131:4,0110• :Weird Oil (•e m ne o re p Meek,- . The .tatAl- 1'omp,ut;. of arra Vo; . k. Airs 1' itle the. S,cl'.•inry o. '.•Ire 4, it'Hti' of increase n: , from $7,0eti,IN)O t t( 1 I M{Ilrr',. Or 1 Powder, 1.111'. MA' Hale by .lar,' %% sun. • w:..4..i..� b o. t140sw, Dec, 10 1903 • Mtttttttttttttttntmttt'rttettttttmm�ttmnrtttmtttmtttttttttm2 � 'mkt( Jjlac�k a Soderich, 'Ont. 1 v r e coat Sale : )0U to realize the fact that the prices on our overcoats and11.1" pea jackets injere>�t you. We did not!buy_any coats till late this .-4 Benson ;Ind then not hill we got a lot of 126 at our price. These coats must bt cleared out, we have no room to carry them over and we want - OP- OM- Ow - Me Me - ice• ~•►- er•-- r e \til It our moncly out them.- •- - 1'•n ., tt" lt,•ader . •,:.ts 111 WM' 11111 hlaek. fly 11.,111, teicel vs'11 '. teen:eriz- r•,1 ,'. uK, t'i' B,lau psi• s .:d, to $12.511, •.11 I„•_,1,111 hill' peil?e I' tali. fit 1, Oetereoate and reefers fist' llletn and ' • boys, Lit C'hevint, Frieze. etc,, made for this se:vein's selling. All at the Ntwe big •ut prices. It will duty you to see thew,. a a j� `• .A clearing lot of. skirts from ono•of the hest skirt manufactur- a u ars in l':uia(llt which we are prepared to. at 1 c' 3 I I less than the maRu fhctul 1 -' ll{i . s, I)finns Mari at 0.50 each. • a JACKETS liiwu Ile w suhtll lot :wail.. Pleating aft :111;• uhlprice. F!fRB u(•rk ruffs ftein 1111.Z1 tu'1612.511 1'31s1'i11. •, *1.35 t. $1241. MILLINERY BARGAINS To wind tip a p1'(.' IK•nnts Millinery '..'Baud w'1- tv111 cleave!! we hive lett for 'e)•y little Friers. 2ficiiiire a 53uiq 5tore 3 atu4/4;Z►i���a,u11�4491uuulllullu��ldbddda�uuu��,ouull�uW t111C A Railway Story. "Say." said one of the two fool. ro- 1 raking stur•i tneus to 11... geniis Ain •11- ' .1111 1,111111,./.it n. h of i, • 41.14• 11141 ,.n 1* %ii:• n1 . -I -- •,-t. 1•. 1!, -.. ,..:. .••,r aft '1..:. t • -Iv Irt..t„1' • 'la attieL.. ••eodn't stake ,t feller to t,ttlrt%tiu' t' eat, cud yell :•" -N..," le- spun d tit.•'operator, ',who haul to 1.. hisl.ni '.mt. ing. "Ain't even got .1 fetk wrap,. ap,: left fromluekfnst No,' wits again the ch.r•tfail respiinsetot the Viral) whet -r• vim -kink left no merinos. 'the weary y disciple 1j(4 test turned a Wily all..rnt�} rttit'. then-p,uttueLanil ,praseion,,4, ."Yell vela.&'ev,•1•ythiu' Kobe' b1• t, 'lit•, desp:deh,r, don't f• yv•h :'' ••l'e " was the et•rla,rist• Shim time. ••\\'ell. Just report two einpties *,•ii•1' e..,t, 11111 veli;:: , , • 11`11 ,'- ('.nope.,,. b Doe Pill,u'uly , nts for :.41 .Io.. -. 1'ut• .:tle 1•y .du.. s. • - HAVE YOU Weakness of the Back? Paine and Aches In the Region of the Kidneys.? Irrogularity of Bowel or Kidney Action? Feverishness? Chilly Sen- sations? Puffiness; Under the Eyes? Brick -dust Deposit or Cloud• !nese of Urine? • • Dropsy of the Ankles or Wrists? lftese are the danger Cignal.a w, h toady that tlte kidneys arc doidg their work of expelling is from the blood. ese organs are brought cost tt on,theMot l more and more. tient is likc- 'ab etcs or 'idnet•nt r WIC l f bl 1 Cnl ntoaheal d' { ` '11 be poison e forst of Rhe ly follow. and Hrigh 's Disease of the may ult. 1'ou must once. 1)t niers of the kiln. - brook no 'lay. To slake weak kidneys stro and to cleanse out clogged kidne s, Bu=u The Kidney Pill That Cures It is the rr,ht ct ofe t}i latest t scientific research and is the great kidney regulator. Bu -Ju is sold slld druggists; box of by 8R 'its cents. Do not accept eubeti. for Du-Ju NEW vOna, N. Teva WINDSOR. ONT. day Millinery The opine. 11 of the Christmas and New Year's Spa/Ione may snggeat no n'thing you want in Millinery. Goode. • My Mock of hats an all millinery material is itltyat* kept rep to date. and onbent`will at all times receive the vel ;y beet of nttelltin11. \ - Good assortment of steady -to -wear Hats. all, if you warn atll' ( 111110 III 1111 lien 1 - MISS AMERON II \ ‘111:11 IN R1'It1:ET. (IQ l:ltR-11. \I 11,1.1 N 1 1t, iliiliiiliiltiilii�ii�,i�iiliilrilriliilrilrilblh iw Ili Ili 1/� Iblh tib 1� Ifirlir IMdr>wf Ilrwllrltftlr�rtLllr>1rN�W,lh lhiwitiiliiliiliiliiWiliihiliiliililh ihiNih ih iib CEO. L. ALLAN ' Y(9u run no risk in buying this rapt{. -it is Wade on honor without refer- ence to coot, Every part is eo construct - eel as tri render it the most durable :end best operating- piglet of the fire Is.= exposed to Ge- nre will outlast at least three ordinary ranges. guarantee. Makers' Written The makers have every confidence in this range --they bind themselves in writing that it will operate, perfectly and against imperfections in material and workmauship. Such a Guarantee accompanies no other range -enough said. Gurney, Tilden Co. Limited, Hamilton Toronto Montreal Winnipeg J. • . WOR EEE Sole Agent Goderieh !ttttlttttttt ttlttttttt•i i i 1 ttttmttttmrttimm11t1ft1mtlm, 1 j You 'T 1 "slater riNeed 1hoe 5,�Sh ,oe� .1111, Veil we all do at this tithe of tine year. i' 1 nerd your )nay too, do you % \1'4.11 ...do most of tie 11','1and all tun and sensors. NOW 114-11,..M where. a t In', 1N11�1 earned liars gore fart bent . You'get "ore than shoes, you get SA' SFA('TION,-- stttisfaetion, N .Nwe and stele ehmhined 'all and let tee show you horn 1,f our fines. They 1 II) Interest you. }'nen the little n • to' the 011 IK'ople e havethe slic,c•t to keep your fort c nfertable. THE R BER , e ESTION 'flirt . try *1lbbN'r4 he - :tee this yen ' INni,- -stem' and )•'our feet ' never giro slushy. Or y nhatlW I,f sheers. They ed dt:tabl'. J',tt a pair on that the grntnd 1s WO amt Wm. Sharman 'i'ftl•: SLAT}:It RIIOI•;s • 1 07111' nom) FOIL MI•:N. FOit '03,1f1;N. IU 111111 III IIUUI IUIII III I1/111NIUIUI Ill liiilliiliui WE HAVE MADE ELABOERATE PREPARA1IONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE/I��I�INiIWIulhl�ilhlhlhlhlhlhlWlwtlrlblwllru,ihihihiwihlhk We have' juAit opened out a fresh supply of "Joseph Rodgers" table and pocket cutlery; Merridan Rrittannia Co'. "1847" knives' forks and spoons; R. Wallace & Son's "1835"spoons and forks; carvers in cases, butter dishes, biscuit jars, CEOL. IF - berry bowls, berry spoons, butter knives, pickle dishes, pickle forks. crumb trays, razors, shears, sciccors, hand sleighs,iE ladies' hockey skates, mens and boys' hockey skates, hockey sticks, pucks, shin pads, etc., etc. ALL A 13issells carpet sweeper makes n very useful present for mut I ALLAN I 94uVI !1!!1!!1'!!N!1! PWIV/IT!1!IVPMWWWI !W1!11!!if!Thi!IST!IVTTTT!1WP!1!!N M!!1 M!1!!It!1WPTTP.PTT!1!!1!!1! OI!I VSVV.WP!iM!'tnTW !V!TWliVi T!1!T!1!WOof iffiT!1!!1VIVO >E TT; S t7 • .. 1 1. 7 t be 1' )1' of be h g it 3- of it id in l of Iltt, of fold h no (th ,ore 11. PCI, Kr. ry k.1 M 5 -