HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-12-10, Page 4•10'0000010. CAI (II 4014 It' • . • 0 VA 40 ...VAN, 0,0T 0 .011000 9,,1141-, re, 30900 ,1141S1., 44: TI1C111111aV, Dec. 10, 1903. • 01'11^ t4$tt,i 1-1,WfWajEWaci:Jatrtan ..1114MAPOIU717.MICIVNIN.4411F.117.401011111MIZIMMZ3=1.95919441.4. 'rrl•,,,,k.1-w•oko4;144,4,14.1 %FP"' ,"1, • •f!.'".1 THE SIGNAL: GODERIUH ONTARIO THE TOWN 00UNCIL. .1' FARMERs. INSTITUTE. • THE SWISS SYSTEM. Them *laws to ilifidobatittod M the Wows- . pal Eloctions. . Al 11'0.1:pedal Meeting .4 the loWn einnwil 11041 last. Thatianity evening !MaYor Lewis look the into his confidence in Legated to the t'. P. 11. extension and at wane length _wort •iitio details in tliontievtion with the c4 •urse. he had pursued III further. iI t.( the seheitte. The MI4941114 55,1114 p11•p4r,11441.S• t he rrgIthJI Meet 1w:cot which it %5'1411_144)4111144'd t,u i;itnaltl. e.‘ t prot•itling •y for tho• right of t'ii y ilis VVtorship 44.4' 49* that I h.' 01 121/.11111 %M. eillettlittett t lie 1l', \' 141fot• t h.• taro lllll Is which the 4. paltry wishes to use in this ti 15511. 'P111: H11.411•1.A11 Mforr13011. • , meeting was 114.141 tin the following et•t•iting...all the mem- ' hers being pi•esent exciiit Mr. l'hoittp- s,111. who has Ma 3•44 rettirtall from his (.1114.64ito trip. Folloa 1II4 is the 1Iva:titer's. st...te- ,' Meld for N..% 4 nils.r • 11.iLiiter oar hand Tao.- 14,4414•411 Takef. -414414 rt..141,1r, 554414.4. i.41e. 1.:1e4•11 14 lighl raw. • .14.•1;44.41 Al .4 - 14111141 1:41114.14.1) Total 1 SC.' 11 A.:. 1... ,•. $11.1.V. t. tkilarie. and allowance.. a 2.4.41. IN int ing. ...tattooer). et... 11.91 Fire 114.eratice I Publ.. sorb. _ ..., Intere.1 en it.s.;.;;. , 1.1t.r..411 • Hill.4444).41.14.' , ..44.9.f tieneral linen.;` 5% .tiera nri,.....pit;s1 . ' 11..17 Villa-..s.ork.. sini11114.1141114 L: .411. VI 1:l....1r14.1110.1. 1.4414114 41.4., ','4. A4/144A.1 44411.1111 It' /14 .1t1..41/111111/1.1e. '•2.4.41 1141.1144.4. 4411 11441441., - 1 '.1 II • 'foto; . , 1111.114102 :111 apple -mites Irmo the If litsit Poultry awl Pet kittielt• A...SWIM hill 4.4.1. . A grant of *'.4) was iicivrceil li • I li.e,' special iviiiiiiii ice. 11. was decided that Mr. Campisell IN' p•Iiii 82.1 for his work in milking III, the granold 11:.• a a lks ir•sessitt.mts. A }notion %V.114" 1111.-.....11 ' 11t.:1.1141111g the toivii 411111i.ei, to eitfOr4T thr liy.. 111W prohibiting the playing iif ashes .,n 11n streets.' The puldic works 4. 'tie.... ttas a...ked to look into the • coat 1••i• of.- an improved service in denting the winks 4,1- s lllllll Me. 1111.55 11 • sp..kt• of it sat..*Vhav he kaki ..1.4.11 111 '4 .4* 1..4 .1 W1111.4.1 IV said w•as an imp; ..t.. nal itt tipott 1111.M, Used here. The Nlayot was alttlea1/041 to take action lier.,,:li.y 1..t. *11,. 'keeping .4 the harken "pew f,n--,writtie- gt bin hunts still expected. The diet a ter comp:111y had agteed 1.1kay hal.' in.. eal...it..\,,t keeping the ie.• tell .....4.11 lip. • .4,11 .1111/11. a: . ft Mr. Aldo's.1 fo :111 inci ease (14,,..talary as 't•tnuetery curt Ida:. was ...eat 1..-•014. eernet„wy it, .t. James Stahl. Seri of ;• staling 'that. All til,' 111111 4 of NIA .•Iiilwi. hitt .thotgloz.i. while driving collided with a post in tinning 41 110111e1': Ahe 'n'as throtett ont and ilikii ed. 111141, the lalggy 641141 11:41.111.14P4 were 0‘..damagest..'Ile 1011,41 1 111. 4\ .11. tn.. 1.3‘. rm. 1 III. ntits,ges. The pliblic earls (1) lllll iittee %%AA 111,1 Ille- 1491 14641,vest i;444 I e n1141 1.4.144411. . % 11 tipplittat ion flout Nell . au ray for remission of di 44 lux A.A.. ...1p 1 111 - the 1.4.1111 of ts.visit Me 'rhe baton log orro11111, Weil.; IN, Tea 1.., 1 he lilialO.4. 4 millilitti'e N. D. • .1145ie... hattlw are. $1 1.11r. 91...nn and tin: SlelANIII LItt...D....1„ snit II.I. IN ale ern $2.1: McKenzie- 1!. :s'. 11. narda•are. -.91 4 Nat it Atli 11...1 CIL. 4.14.1,1:1-414 4.. 1.111111/11/4. 41/112 . ad $12: Flodgens• *1 „ col ton. *I.: Chas. t'. 1...e. hemp. $1.l 1 . E. s9':OB..1.1. wtork 011 141W11.41/14,:j1111 4.y. ant ; The Signal, 'wilding. 10 MS : I 4111111.". pay roll. $4413.. C tiller Elliot t ag. 'n askei a. ' d 1::t.f1:1111.:"1 .iiA'it!.\:7141 :11.1Z,S.i.;.Z:.1.114 1tI.II4t41 14, W I. i U'- * II f . 1 .. Meet ,‘11, 1;4 send- . The bylaw in reference to the N. ional Cloak Comp:mt.. ,whieli rot reit. .1 the fin4 t WIP. 1V111111gs :11 a previ ass iii....i mu. was: pm i hrough the Set 1. "1131:4' .ig.lill 4411 41(14.11111 4.f al lir) [laity.' • r . • livlaus No. ;el, to lee 1.4455 41.111111 1441* -n,1.1.*iAe. 1111 11111111 1% 14114.111 ,. 10 the . intlibt• •••••lett . and `C... "2'7. to authorize. the 1.4.11-84 41 61.1111111.M 141 1110 111 l of 1000, to : .e.i..i On. ...t.•te-ion of ti,,' t :11441.11 .T51#.'* i.e. Fla ilwa v *4I 6, aforiell. neve i .4.5 isi44n44il4"pass1.• ,Tlicse t 111...• Is li e. '8111 ,11 he %oil, 41 1.11 11;1 111.• .01.11111.-,1, at 1,14, 11111,14411 . 1...1j.,14.4 4,14 Ow ill!, . a A VII V.- apir oi111iII5.. I .11114 j11.11./ .414.1111tl ...11tirrtilvz ofii.4.7.s, ptd...t fill 5!... Imill4cip; I 0491 1441111' %4'41,'. 1115541...11114111 1 I), 4.444111.4 Iffen ailienertiet. • • a mike t. . .t• Nov 1 For. Hunt. 5%5"i, . .. -, .4.4.1h '51149.40r. , A :.en ...,... a,mu. a• kit well, kin tt 11 omit 411ta4t i !col; - \11 :111111:1 nf I m I ;Ult. and a Irietel WPM. tut fill( 111111 .% 11441„ 1 144.y i % p/4,111 :1 11 11,1 11114 III 411 Itt • flointine. 44..54:11 end mitre Mg the ' . tat.t.' ox, 4Vbile at the yen .4. the farm 4. Iolui Crick 1%44.st End. "iick- ersmith„ hey slleee11144 1 in sight 4 a *fits, Inn n we not althi to gt't '8*), ti ' -.bunting al.:114,11 .1 him. They chas. 4 ill,,, on II/ 1 110.railwly 11..tck. Jii-st• an his fux...101,),....edied the track it pill.. (gager 1 1.:1ire 41101. 1 11111111el'illg along. .Tle• fox ail no; ktiow .what 10 114:11.1. 111. *he train. At lieet he turnet14)11 the track, and sitting on his hartitches attiently watched the et llll i l rg isms- . 1., nal 'Mr. McNittintra and 1,111 (1 bent on we . witt.•Iiing the 14.x and 'awaiting . (Irv,. intents. At length the engineer 41i \ caught i Itt ..f the fox ow' he rraek In • aryl fled NI is. 1141VI. A 111111. 11 011 ilk MA ' .1 WII ,111.1.1 D.11 . 114' 411.1.01.11illg4 etills1 t • engine 1Q%give It shrill jlt I We lie earthly Whist When the. fax ta lied yi ..til ran along It track for all it -as al worlli.i ' The pug eel: 1110 1,11 11 1 ga 11044,144 1419.41141 4411,1 I .re Was an t•tont 444, ' ing race for 41 fen lin hitt the (4.4441' 411. fox was 05.4 -taken. and ' was Selititiell Ki frightened that it had no it en. mins al flu leave the hack. the wIt s of the Ivo engine pessing over it and pullout 4 Rots clean' as if the work huh heen Ki dom. a It li is huntsman's knife, he hi train passed oil. hill %hr. 10.•,,intn. *nu the lox and vatritel it 114 lllll . 11 triumph. and now V* *11114111 Mc 1 baleen is the 141' 111(1 penasetstor of the akin anti *ill soon 4111 14 it into inerclin`telise; Consumption Begins With a Cough. The 04%10 reeks and I 'Ate the ten - /lee 1 iftwla,Sof I he thmnt. Inflammation supervene* and then 440114,11;4 hlsonchial 111. lung temible ie established. The itoportioit tine. is et the beginning. Stay the peogrean of the munch hs• 11,4144 Iregrent, heeling ('84,1,1 14,1/ .. whieh rear•hes every part 14 I he 1111.n. ('hint .tubes. throat a n fl hings. Cm t arthrkone dealt risyst diSPANC gentle. "toPf" th• 1.11114tb• 114.411 /41/19' AllAt A. "{ewe the Mete 41111 theilitt Of dire r large. Cetarrhozone ,10,,,,ii,sr. lieVer 11 litiStrat. filintrntIthed for evkey boon '4 45.1454)14. For lasting eins. nee Cid- iirrhozone. Tw., the' treatment 111.00: trial size :At. Illostingi Last Wash at tesilegiewe'. Sea M. Helens and 141olonesedlli. The Weed Iliwon Farmers' Instil. held itai supplementai.y meetings Isitithwhoro. r14..141.115•4., 441. I1e10111A 61, tiolutesville lest week. %% It one ex - rept ion the ti 419.14444. weiv well at - •tended. Ali.. debgation, 11. Reid. So of I leortlyilin 41, 111141 .1. 11. S ' 14, of 1411 ghatik, gavo 9144laf4tt.thal 1,1104 111.4)11.11 1114144144414,55 111..1 .11-!J11r 4.1111V 4.1.-3111 11- the .11149 jl•e141.. 111 -W hid' 'they 441k.Lt'. The diseitstqous at the Nekeral 114411th %%er4,. lit ely, and gate the impit.ssion *hat faemeri. are wide awake t.. their best 114. Reid mainke not ott13 f a %et oritinr•*44. hilt (194144 tt Plactieall 4)41141- 1.441111..tati 11W bias of breeding, dist ea11e4.69J..are00441 ileinagement, etc.. tjf Iive';4:.••1... W11111. 4114441141 Mt., Smith's sitlfits•ta- were clover ctilliwe, weeds, good see", ree46 1'1, 1 111 *hl 1.44.41i0g 11%.• ..1.,4•k, !Reid said. a good deal 11514. 11144418 the gei•aiiiittais dif-. .•itt 11,4 1 1111441 1 .4. me 1104 I1'.• 1444(414')', The otdinary farsoer far •14s. notch 116'3' to linr...s. elweially holses :*1 hey should aever be allotvej ittore„ hay than )-111 be elcinctl tip riiraw,tilues 44 day ; it t4i5.4 tits.. In tvork, or ark 4. a •Inti •14, Willi a distended' sloitiach. Over -ft, sling OI hay i. in- t•lined to pitaltice heaves. Ii ustiti prautice it is not. 1.1 11014e Water 55.41111:14111 ill Ilea Vem Walet moderately, 14411.11111111141 1444.41, moisten food with water, ,tr, bet ter. Hine Wader alWay. Water 110- 1.4 AV °Pilling ill 114 PO1114101' i. 1'311.141 by over -feeding and a :tiering while %tarn'. Il.%•itiplimititis may be pret•entrai.._ by It•swilting 1ee..1 over Sundays and i.n.• hot 1, q1161ti44,4,.4(1441 P1Ir64Ii5 :41111. When 1141411.114....• 1 gone. light ex - tui • Paralysis call IN. pr4'vettit91 by •iii;11... .•it et. f.', -,ling and exerei•.e. • Van IA. 4411%41 g1511111 1.1,1414• (1.441111)111411.4411554.4 is•Isistent 8l is," merit . 4).. the 411 1, sl'itartlairy 1 14. ..vi, 1..4 %Set. iireVeli 11 F4A ' 11 high youth- _ 4.u, more t1i4jl: 1 14. Which alr- h !H. 14.4 the animal cannot "alloW, and if *14,' f whew endeavors DI eat it he will probable vins•t. -with wenlesit : better get, a Veterinary urgeo11. should inset...tit by giving 4smil ig total and purgatitie before calving. a 11 also ealving gi% t•1414 'tic,. 1141E9.11 iv.fraiu.froin iitilking 1 ee- ls -calved 4:41W I•14.:111 for a lime or 44. r liarget.- A 141A 111.4.1y 511 1111V et hilt e:111 .1.11111et1114e44 tly .1I40(414'--tieittipit l. 1....,- ''4)15after give sarong' purgative and also .apply hot f ha a Lind of that is ettitlagitinsl though it *11 p1 '11411414' lulls:40m 11 heat. it i well t :4.0.4.! _it. 11.,;'.','',,91', in twain - 41 %Is olio)) re •11. 44)55'front herd toe . -end days, no matter tvllat 1h. pRrothlelke , 4414.14 i! KkoS YINEDIN4.. On -Feeds a Feedilig- 51,. Sotii said a trona ss lan'1,1•41 .alote. did 1114 givt best results, and It -5.t11 hati Omen the often gives Is•1 ter re. 14 -.. Ile i stancetl two III ()1111 In4iii/..47.1111./ 1111• 4 1 '0 .1 1.1 MIMI! fee, . hey are. iti`spei 11111., awl %.•ry tt).•alt, in others. is '..':iI 11 prota.in - Ismt• 11114 loriiiiier substance Mit strong is.leydrotcs and fat . heat. 'euergt 11 'I"111111114 realist alley : while peas. i lie other hand is strong in 1.1.4414.1 weak its earlsohydrates and fat thelrefi.te. the two feeds. feil ill a mix - t ht'.';, given l!etter resolts. 111 4.1 '..ills„ t nutritive ratio. i. t Ilf. 111%4.1111 1)581111)1 *Ii,' 1.41.11y111.:1 111441 rat li 4414'I'fl 11. 11110111 1 1.1 Pl, 111 I I. 1114. 1.111.4 45.11140411 1 10 gellerally'si lking, a 1111 ..r 1 to tivikee a ('5' 1144)1*' ; ration for mature nlide yorloge stswk. 11.4111ilitigt Hoteitl, 11 100 ,1,14 1111.11 1Vit 11 11 1 4, h.. 1114.4 ii111/41. t ta os.; into I• mill 4. 4)4)4.- '1111 litiliCtt ':4' l'5544Il11 :• ! - :4 .114a 04)Usi$ Ilya's' Innocatsa Free Ar4.11 for • ' Y041116 Canada . de at ;Ottawa, 1)e,. ,11.-d'r'eicr..ntial t retie, 114 1 l'unatlit's treaty -Making power, Ina- 1 141.41 1,11 11) I, .' 44.141(11,fi%"•: MI;i:. it 1 he nutritive ra ions G efts t• get Is 7 (Salt I -tr.i11 1' (hits"... I • if If. kw -h. Bran !.-1 1 mho. t. ... Netv milk 1. 1 Skim milk 1 ti'lley : .. -, 1 L.- 7 Buttermilk 1-,- Matigolils 1 :). Turnips. 1 s \ liesilage.1 4 1 I -arises .1 111 lied ch.% et 1 ti . 1 - 4 . Timothy 1 tr, (4:,t stiottv 1 :4.4 1114. meetings Ivey). held at Lomb:- bor.: ini Tineelint.. Beiges' Vf• MI %Veil- t4c...1114e, St. I lelelis' oti Th411.-.41.1)', and At 11...414...xille On FIliblt . T110 1114/4/l. il..4 1, II... latti r place on l'ittlay i•Veti- ili.r U., • 1 he I'.'..( attemIttl of 1 lit. series, St'ilSta, • 11.111 liking .10%%•11..1. lbs.% te It itl,lhe tit - pr.")..!41...1- at thi • meeting .041 g.i. 0.4 .4,44.rt. arm.. prim .. i'»' -h. le :ri.l.iii:)ti to ,i lie I',-'11,ll.,' ..5I4..41,;,.r. ',o'er. 11..v...1. I* lisset. gave nit ev• ceilent address on -Every Shan in Ilia l'hice- : IL Holim's. .51.1'.. refcrred to scvcr.t1 non-polit iCariTil-s 4etss4'il 11111.- . 1.4Ig the las: '.4.11,1, 411 of hirlialitelit. 111'\ r. -tly aft..cling l)*' fittlatel ; Me. (tray- ella gat -e a etaq.11. of s• dos, ails', th.• 11,,I .,,vilie quartette gavel wt. )(elec., 1 lime, ' 1- 7 5 • In a Fortt I, Ilit lsn.. Nfld.. 11..... 7th- 4Speeial 1L. • Hie Ira 44witrk. • of the best.knowi red. 111., of this dace, is; 1.14 A 11,111 41 p ol.... here w 111 have ffensl rim') 'hon.. kick and kidney A..8444' and were pee natiently mute* by Ihidd's Kiiiiwy Pi )4. Mt.. Quirk vs: , 41 miso...41 (rum bknowis,, and kkl- , y ilketutt. for move I him 'twenty } a(s. At intert•als 1 W11$ t(Nally Un- it` to SS•twk. I hiettwe. 11.4141 Alellieiele 5'44 1111' 1/I 1 le /1/1114. 11/1111 1 *441411111 ),4t 4.14 . up 111)' mini) my trent& wi hi- rable whim I started to Ilse 11.44.1's 41 1l('%' , Pills1 experience:I 'relief most 111 4'' 11 1111 seven 411. 1.1411.4, % .4 4111911 111e 116111:1(1r1111) .. , ',Ii9, your l, -4411141,'I),. wit Dodd',.. 'Intl Pills. and it W•ill tauver letylop to llri, 1124 .11,11sa.1`. q ONE 9F A SCORE Ntw,"0-to44alarld Town Corea of t..ainit Reek idn^y 64ses1e by Dodds 'thirsty Pills. "c:41EL It*, Launaft I tinon Nen Sm. • . mice Lari. of tioderieh. Pee his . 11114I1les i Clinton. There maid,' timeliest tide, we'll tIi** his )(tiled. I here, but the eltreificant re of it thet he spends mold bf his t to in Hi compoly harming you hub'. Every` Lady •ould• now That Perri mom. trim 41 4 1. 11111/11.144 that hato.rfere e it h flu tin ter. cletroe .4 all womanly ft 1 414' 1.11111`11.1 irremilarities end ix 411,1141 for A' el who are nerve s and eubject b. headache, 1,1111e back, ither. Ing -down emtitta, tiredness. Ferro/Amt. is ihlta hotilder and purifier And cen't ex.' ftsr the et attplexion. For 7)11)4' evil looks and heeltli 1110 Ferrotione. Pi',,'.' Mc, per box at dniggieta 11S • pond! (adernt dint national- ' tette., Were the lien topic.. ih 4114 rid - &ell* In, the Dun. Cliford Sittua lust ,night to 1110 Canadian (NOLO Of. this 'Il,,hultyUellag hall of the (trend . crowded with fruclitir, and the Minister of the la - terror's 1144419.•11, taint 14 avail utitspokesi, manly 44nd ft•arlesa,• and ' touch as Lt 0 P I M.8 I 10 the younger geiterat ivai A8 avell 601 to 4he;u1d, was 'wetted atilt lllll it•nse enthusiasm. Mr. Sift on took the ground 4144 regard to prefet.- 'mile' trade •• that until tte knew what bort of g 'Iliad pia quo' Britain would *ant iu the. event of her pear 1.1.. upproting 441 4hat policy W. could Wit 111Iy what ,004. wUtilt1 do. • Propastoroas Ides. , It was preposterous, however, to sulfiroufu that we should 114eet/ 1401 to establish new itiditnt l'altadat wailt;s1 no favor froth laritain with - ant making sit equit'aleitt return. As to tines -national tu•hitrations, it was not 44 crone to suggest that ('44144(- 14114114 Should be uppoiuted to look ,after Canadian interred's: 'I`o the kind. 41 Imperial totlerattun that invitIved the administration Of any of althea atTairs by rept•esentatives of the United Kingdom or the other ltritish poesessions Mr. Stilton was unalterably, opposed. He approved pf Canada beteg placed •tu the best pas sible" state laf defence, and favored ever)} youth \ilt4 the count t•y la•ing taught the use the rifle. eaves*e4tiei system. 1 On •the ouesttou of Internal def mica. he said: I Wotdd like to see the adoption of the Swim Syltetu, under''.Which upon nhowing proficiency, every :kolitig man gets the pretsint of a rine, which -he hangs over his bed and Produced once a year to show that it is in good order. With a population 'or ten suilliona, of whom it million were trained %Mention, we ;woukd make it Intent...ding for any people who ia- . vadod thin country. POR A NEWS SERVICE. 111114114401.4 Flomlag DI Woods at - Masa.. •a4 /••1•••. Ottawa, Doc. 11 the an- niversary of the • illaiigUlat it'll 0( the /Pileille cable and Sir Sandford. ing, the father of the schetne, has very hittagly addreared a letter to •---ateople and the press - tit New aland•and Canada, in which he vo tI, a limited freeNetve; Service bet n the . twO • conntries, which vatedd tuke up only half 'au hour of ;the 1 itt of the cable a •Av,..r1c, and would 11 thinks, conduce to the good of tnit h. c ;int ries .u1141. Ike sapporled tsy both. When .the Pacitie ruI,Ie • AL111.41*. WAS 1111 broached it Wes • -1..nded that • news service should be ilist it Weil. Lim he idea fell throngh• because Austral* Milked 114, thinks that the other -' rtle* to the rink trail should Wet * bout the aid of the lllll ottakulth.', • WORRY DROVE MM filSrt manager Verdict \sta 18. •1 alas aloagaght• Tilbury, Out ., ts.-1 roner Wit's. of ,rb,ilh,,w,40441un Myer t on that " of F. B. MeNungii 111IageI ..i tbit ..Men't141111A. 110 3 vat erday. '1'h.' \luie , *fir hen! the evidence. deviated that et•eitat 4:ante to his death l,y 44 ahot ed by himself while* bar - ;older mpurary Meant 3 , ('41,1,'. - ho. wot • -tug ol'er his 1U441fl t•ittent ▪ b of J. W. Bleartbar, LC. •Toront Dec. . McArt ir, who died -esterday ornihg, of d bctk 44041441 at the age of !44, w born and licated in 'Middle* count Y. and called to the bar in 73. In 1881 -he entered into ',ali- nes.. ip with III .1. Macdodald and .1. Stelyart 'hip , and was an on- , wurcessfel candidat for the Mani- toba .1441slat lire In nete, lie after- . Wards praci laW in Minneapolis lid In Itosaland, C.. *here he WWI 1 call president o Board of ;Tram Daelle Whirr Wilma. LotUllen. Doc -Henry 'leant t , one of London -a ser want! ere and a man of later worth. died .Sunduy 414 his 'resident 4•Th es 'ot t •at.. • ' South London , `ahgeo year.. Vr Winnett, who was born Ireland. cattle here while quite young... and started n leader factory, carry- ing on • prosperous business. Ile was a member of the Met hodist church. Deceased brakes six sons anti three daughters. • maastaaratar Cliarge 41. Stratford, Dec.' S. -Actin under instruction from Crown Attain:tee !Arington, .111.Igh Constable T. f1.s,4111.- Carthy yesterda3 morning lain \an ,inforination before Police 1 Magi* rata o*Loane; charging Elias Merlon with inatislatighter. Mrs. Mellott will not lx• included 114, 1104 charge. The ar- rest watt made yeeterday sifter/34mo. Medan' will .biritish ball. Th. ilhoptimg saavatiso4moreer. Hamilton. Dee S. -Frank Johnson. *14. colored barber, who did t he shooting Aaturday night, Wax re- moved from the City Hospital to that hait yesterday, morning. Next 11[1:11.• day he. will fare two charges of shout. - Ing with Intent to murder. Moori's wound fa not meiotic and the bullet will be removed to -day. 'Try at Winter Wavigatios. , Montreal. Dec. 8, -An attempt at Winter navigation from Quebec wee Made Sunday, when the itteaniship Torotdo left for neat with a large citra of deals and cattle. She broke her way through the lee eaelly, and It is hoped that she may be able to find her Way through the North Channel.. ' Mateo** Cleimmitall. Ottawa, Dic. II.-Carrahan, wider sentence of distil et Cernwall. Imo tde sentence qpiamuted t• 1111 leeprleentnent. Ile W lessee, /1•7 1111•1/••••• 1111111o4. RIansilton, Inv. A -White trying to hang on In a fartneCe sleigh Satur- day. Rey Mequeen„voungest Won of De, Mcqueen. Freelto'n, was thrown ea and almost initantly killed. meth. illetthe beet men on -$111 who thtfike her we is the feeling with Which one regards another *lib wean itn gowns. Many a mail will notice a decided eoldneta4 int the part of Iiiiiannexed i411 this winter it that twalekin Keck Li not forthcoming. A little girl Watt overheats' talking to ber dull, whose 411111 had cotne off, expo/116g kite sawdust atuffing. "You (leer, good, olwalietit dolly. I knew I heti bib) 3..tai to alien. your fetid flue, but 1 didn't think yon would chew it 19. 11114' ILA t 1D1t." • 4.; (!;76 -fall of lloalth and Energy, Life is worth thing %O,',, one can awake after A good tia,ThCa %sleep- endy for anything theday may.bring. rye clear; tongue clean; liver actin e ; tomach right ; hand steady and every a", vibrating with that splendid sense of the power of perfect health. roe Ww ynjoy this enviable morning aVettine, but bbors. Effervescent Salt curl hiways he depended upon to restore the system to its natural con., ,*.tion and keep you in good sound health. A gentle laxative it helps nature to rid Ow. s3...tem at poisoneus impurities. stimulates the liver and tones up the digestive organs. At ;411 ritnegt.ts'2se. rind 6,41. Christmas Goods Again the festive m•asoll is here, wheirall are v1 iv. r..1.14..111.7.4(. r ril.:t,,:whailltrtrilit.:i"t 4)41*)'14.)..reineiniter,o111. man preeents wi hoist seeing N. Alle thhlkS 111\bnying Christ - every store ill 1 41Wt1 : it ,l the-only:Wily 10 Make 1 he best seleeti ts. Our lines Sterling silver novelti .1... ''''''.' 0\ this year are peeitliarl 1 Wolin. 1)1(1 11' ,•at.eftilly purehased, • Cut glass in all its briflianer in 404 1)4111)41 useful things. ' • latatellitrit maiden*. sets. '''' Leal bore:040s Wrist latter:A't Ler and cut! cases, etc., etc, \ .Fancy china of all kinds. Christinas culendars 1%1141 eititi\O; itnidift books Of every popular fully. Whether you ho'.' or not, Cl'l and -look everything over earr4; pletteet to sit* von. \ \ .., KIDD & Christmas Goods and Christmas. Prices 'l'hc first item we want. you to note under the head of Christmas prices is our Ladies' ('oats. There aro just 17 left, all new this fall and correct styles, in black and Oxfoill grey. They are groat bargains at the following prices 912.00 Coats ftw 150.00 , New a,r, 10.011 Costs for $.42" ' 8.50 coats This .X.1111 Coats for 0:00 Fall. FURS AT SLAUGHTER PRICES $ 7.00 Coats for $5.00 0.50 Coate for 4.90 4.90 Coats for 3.73 3.50 Coats for 2.50 Next.come lenient slautliter prices, as the following figures show. •Look them over carefully. Y011 11401. get a chance like t is for a long time (1n: new, fresh furs. 2 tirt.y 144.111) Ruffs. 1115.00. for $3.00. I Electric Seal Storm Collitrx -- $0.50. for 115.00. 5.75, for 4.50. 8.50, for 11.50. 1 Ruff $3.50, for $2.75. t Ruff, V1.75, for 1112.00. 1 Electric Cape Collar, $17.00, for $12.50. 4 Eleetrie Ststl Ruffs, lung, with four tails, $4.51, rot. $3.2.5. I Sable and Electric Seal Caperine, long, two heatIm and six tails, $12.90, for $10.00. 1 Grey Lamb Cap, 110.34). for $2.75. LADIES' WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS n 1.1 11144ek Mild dark grey houneimmus and black and navy Venetians at greai reduced prices. These are all Una fall's purchases and in the latest styles of make. l'here ;me only :3) thew. skirts left and they must lie sold at 40111e priee. Lengths from 38 intik* to 11 ineht•s. CI-IRISTMAS GOODS Kid (doves in black, tan. ;pr)' and white, at rw. Perrin's make. Every pair gait _ Kid Gloves, the same 4101011. AS the 75e line, $1.1X1 and $1.21. Pertin's ke. Es guaranteed. If they go wrong we give you another pair. Pt•rritt's are the best mak French kid gloves and fine quality. NEW SHIRT WAISTS Just in for the Christmas Dade, in black **- huh**. black and :lite Instr.*, white Anil black lustree, cream I teen and White corded leads. Just the thing r a Christmas present. A few silk waists, too, v .1 • ty, and price). ads. at hest rock. Weed. 'I'V pair of them They are real HANDKERCHIEFS Th,. hit of Ilandke we evt•t• hail is here and ready for • in thin. Yon will find them Al and the pt range front to 75c. A 1.1. 4 11l1.4. UNDERWEAR , WOMEN'S .44 111 %ilk All wool shirts and drawers, the" best we ever offered at ak., its here. Al* wool and un - _shrinkable. Our all wool line at 754. cannot be excelled. Fine natural wool and tinshritikable; fine Wm! heavy. $1.00 to $1.25. We have the. very' hest :Or line of wix.1 fleeced that ''1111 Inol in the market. From Me: Winter weight, up te $1.00. The p414110 11111 15e, 2111e, 25r. 75c and 81.00. Both vests and (haver's. Children's and miaow' to fit everyone, frith' the babe to the bill grown girl or boy. HOSIERY The best lines we ever ettrrA full line of 9111 ttanks. Bargain Days We nye going to give lint patrol* THREE the tiREATEST BAIMIA1 X lb% V44 4.% en seen at t hi - store or AllyWheee .'Ise. Nearly our whole eomplete, huge and varied stock of seasonable staple and faiwy dry goods itt bargain day prices. Remember the dates -MA FURIDAY, DECEMBER 19114, and MON- 1/Al". liECENIBEIt 2Is1. Ins* and final bargain day on TI1 I '11.4DAY, DECEMBER 24th, Standattl Pattrns, 5. lit 13, 20 cents: no better materna made in the -world than the Standard. Thi• Ifesigner. 10 cents : yearly suliscriptilin, Fier. An ?l -page (4144)114 41t shect free, PRODUCE ORJ• H. COLBORNE. PtigNE CASH It is inapt entible foe 41 41111411 140 help Co.others without helping himself A man is lwgiuning to hate eonfl- tnee in his theoriem when lie is C AGENCY . P. R. TELEGRAPH. g to listen to 'arguineula against TICKETS d EXPREsN co. them. Christmas is Coming int to give something reitily good\ as a 4;hriatu8lUl present, why he+ of furniture? ' • We ave man lines suitable for gifts. Call and see. If you want solid, 60r Tffilr money, you cannot do better then expend it in ftli•nikare. 1101, • 1l\IIIMI 411)1' A Few Suggestions. Ca 'nets, Par Suites, Desks, Easels,oqhmild he glad assist you in making your Christinith purchases. ires, t1 Essiebsira, ItuliVidual es in Parlor and Drawing -room F4iture. Becket & Staunton ..NF)/RTA *ERS and EMBALMERS. Day or night eelliepromply attended to. West Side of Square. 'Phone 89. Apsimoms For the.. Holiday 111111%, .Season On Saturday • December 12 WE WILL OPEN OFT IN THE NTOHE LATELY PIED RY GICO. STEWART. NEXT NEW BANK OF MO NAL A 5c, lec, I5c, and 25c Store FOR THE INOLIDAY. TRADE.' Big Bargains In Every Uri*. The store will be lighted Ity the new Vapor lt/1/1 Light. PARSONS' "BRIM lecendeeeent FAIR If:KP ‘171ite.fr.44,7 air eta ff an vena • , t7rst !!".4 -!!!' You Desire To be well dressed and to have the cor- rect thing, if so call on us. ()ur clothes discount *hose, of all competitors for fit and finish, The rapid growth of our trade is evidence enough that we are taking the L lead. • We can give you perfect workman- ship. attractive styles, in fact everything that can be desired in strictly high-grade tailoring. Frank It nartin, The Tailor, Merry Christmas is Near It's time to be choosing your gift good. Buying is early this year. Christmas Perfumes Toilet Cases. Daintiest anti most acreptable .4 all gifts. The latest, lines consist of oak glve, handkerehief or jewel (woe, with metal- spray ornament/I. Beautiful durable, $1.50 to $4.00. tither 'nice packages from 50.r. tq $IM, 601111. MI Iota as 15e. ria, 350`.. Yfe• Ebeiy Goals, hrses and Wallets, Bat Brushes. Military (trashe. Many, other lin,. It - In leather, oak, etc., with nterling silver and other fit- tings. Beautiful!, up-to-dat, per- manent gifts. For Gentlemen Christ Mits par kitgea of cigars -- eery nice. liitt Pipes, Cigar Ues. Cigarette Cases, Saga' Sets. Sittnving outfits etc. /lolly and Mixtletoe. W. 0. GOODE, Call end ofee IrEDPOR Chemist LOOK lines anywaly -Ira a pleamire to show nice good*.