The Signal, 1903-12-10, Page 331:
e..',..,.es. .'se wN+uw.r7gi,.Mr.. •
IlpkD$AY, 'Dec 10 1901 3
Proceedings at the December Ses-
sion, Held Last Week.
Tenders for House of Refuge Addition to be
Pre...tett at January Meeting New er(dgea
to be Erected Next Year John Torranc.
Appointed Inspector of House of Refuge,
Resolution of Sympathy with Mrs. Hender-
son. -
The 1/remitter r.asiou of the c ty
11 eundl opened IIs Tuetoday afternoon
at, a o'clock, the 11144(11100 Ih•iug held iu
t:a the law library owing to the as(1zeM
• twin{{ in plv,groom.([leal in the court r.
All, the members' of the council were
it attendance.
1 . y • The Warden drew the tt<tteutioh of
this c it 4) various uaatters W come
before them during the *union and
trusted the qutettuls would r)4eiye
due attention.
The clerk, in accordance with in-
structions received at the June sw-
riun,11a11 written moat of the a ties
In the Province with reference to the
tenon under which their high cop-
.tabhw were age litlIA*44(ud 111110 ,AM, If,
their manner of Apr
the wooers -
anoint (whether by valuators or by flu•
council). Replies fr flftoi i. roam -
tier were plowed .before the council
amt sent to special a
A letter irony the Htirun Poultry
and Peet Mtelck Association, leaking for
a Kraut towards. the animal winter.
show. war 'soul 11114.I sent to exedra
tire comuyittee.
l' mmunicatiunN were received (tout
the high school boards of l'atkhill and
Ha'•rists)n, slating that pupils from
fedi:went counties were aolluitt.ct1 on
the sante terms AN resident pipits.
The letter front I'arkl►ill totaled Ilett
thele were 1 • N/•h(hare from Huron
county attending that shad and that
they would expr"t Hurl to pay. the
proportion of cert of 'maintenance as
set forth m the Ntaatutr. This• carte
sent to the Murat' • 'iter:
H. M. Allotment's resignation' as
ty examine' WAN placed before
the mooned and
t sent to) the ethicist'
...o;.. • 4' 'Leer. as was 411.0 a Idler from
t% in. Moffat, of (itafurtIt, asking to be
appointed on the bats{ of county rx-
a1111tIerN. '
1 ° ' Sheriff ReyIUldm untitled the routs
cit. by patter, lout be had appointed
. John Knox am turnkey at the jail in
the place of Robert Henderson. de-
rrasetl. tient tocanna y propertyet/pl-
t etre.
A tetter from W. 11. rooster w-ilh
reference to rutting down the hill at
• ulule•svip
r bridge was maul end re••
71. \feITid W Maul and bridge coumtit tee.
:e , It WAN uoa•til by Mr. NIak•-, twos
umTMI 117 31. (iU1111. -that-Mori onnoi1
express its Ntrong dwapplov*I 111 the
proposed change*. in the ANM iwment
.A'et whereby the sale of hands for
In XVII in taken out of the baud» of the
Iripal treasurer a1111 pl:ietd under
the colietol of the rher•in% tlin.,
in the c 11',1 01)inhon, very largely
itIcrrwiug the court of such sale*.
leant no specie! (ouuuittee. -
The council then adjourned till
\1',)4Mlrstay morning at 10li chek.
WBUN6sU.1Y. ' - ,
An implication from J. M. Field. H.
t01w• appointer! on the board of
h 4 exlttnin(t,4 waw tient to. the
es -:at committee.
st .t oder sof accounts ere
soli' to 4' film • 1.i '(1411•,
4 •The Irl 1 .d J0 Ansley, 10)1111
iv 51111111.1141m• was 111ry ,e.l al loll sent
\t4' the road .4 goo soot tee.
)11'. Arisky Iv orteol heels 1(1.1
• 'midget.' ere ted 114 te el unty; 411111
1U0I3 vii.., the Mtanley • ridge over the
Hatfield 'ver. 110 fee leer spelt :
a la itige• o4' •r ter math b1 ch of 1hi•
)failband 4(i r .bet Wee** up. r and
hewer \\'inglla 1. 144feet span. at oho
• li,•uuliller brill :171 feel long.
rw1111 bridge iso been erecl).d •,11 ),ii
north of Lielgrave. on the (.4, ',try (el
Morris and Wa . and .,Innidl'r-
i• M•1 1• 11 e•
d1b• repairs nl.ul l4' f the
bridges Haat stained 1 relaliItdming
• 11111 were : A bridge 4'e •t• A b4am1•11 of
. the' lhlitlau►d I+ •wtwtU',w•4 k and
(:r•)•: 04444 over Nista erre at the vil-
lage of Kirkton (the count • of Pelt II
to prey one half): the %V. -stele 111•idg..
11>+o w bridge on til• prairie tall of
Wingbum. The to amount of 4 eh• l sites. January 1st w•ss$1i,: 11;.'.
The 'six 'rex 1)f the just 141 (1'. pll)n1-
.ien and keeper of the theist• of ecru
,erre sant to the bowie of refuge coin" -
Totalit1peetor reported am f4111liws :
Tota) nuull14r of 1nn041ei :admitted
since opwniug of !mime. 2111: her
of inheres on ' 1st of Ikaaanbe •, I01r2,
R2: n her admittea) daring the yeah•
I:1 r.atlulitterl). 'lt o horn in house, 1 :
her of deaths during the year..8;
number ebse 1ndw1 during the year. 1
. number dierhergerl • duriug the year.
15: her of inmates in hues•
' Ist 1)eii,I 1.r, 10143, RI (1161I.s. :>I :
1.ntalmo, 241, Number iultnit141 during
11111 from rural. municipaliti,N : -Mc-
Killop t, Hnwirk 1, Hay 2. Go oleI•ieh
townuhi t 1, Tuckerentilh 211 re -admit-
ted). Aihfledot 2, Stanley 1. Hallett 11
re-itdmitttl). Town. and vilhagaw
fi(xlerich 1, b4•afirth 2, Winghahl I.
' }Myth 1, 'Exeter 2, Clinton 2 ill maul -
:Meted). Nationalityof inmates admit -
lett during (114; Mrotland 1, Il•lottill 1.
t'anada 11. Germany 2, England I.
Expendbtureon home, and farm, $4,80e-
•'.52 : acid value of provisions and feel on
hiind l.t Ihr•Puile-r, 111x2, $1,2:0,111 i aaid
ten per cent. for depreciation of imple-
ments, ' $71.110 ; total expenditure.
$6,0t4.114. induct :- Expenditure on
, capital account, 100&25 ; •: pertllanent
i4'lptovemlentm, $24.(1) ; provision's, MIA -
nee, new clothing and fuel on -hand'
loot 11ey4lnber, 141TI, aw per inventor).
$1,171.111: 1)014111re sold dining 11141 and
IerPi1K4. 81147.
received froth
' lpaying • patients. $1t7.1'l : nnexpirli)
issomeoleo, $p4510: 11,1 /11. $2.104.79.
Amount expended for *"pion 4t in-
mates, $1,1123.79: average expense per
innl4teper (lay, 13.:i7 et•ner. The ex-'
penditarA on the house and The
renents IN ns follows:- Ilihrll •Ip for
I• and fare ).ry2 • stack,\team
and implements; $11IId.(10;".alariee in=
steatite. keeper and "matron, $7(g0,t11:
physician's salary, aVPliIulre., Pfh..
$'Y-ll.l4: Iepalr. to Iul ig and Henn.
titre, $208.11: pnovf!bus rind clothing.
$2,3114.02: fuel and light, $771.07 ;
looks', .Iationery and (adage. 911 01 ;
enpplies for stock anti item. 1St 11:88 :
4111 rapttal aeenunt, $4.28 ; hlddental
expenars, $e1.04t perrnanentlnpnove-
ments, $144.111. Total, $1.400.52.
J. NV. Shove, physician of the haulm.
of refllge, repotted this hipline had been
flifreely free foterons any epidemic doting
1 hr year, what, appeared 4) be a merinos,
lone of erysipelas being averted by
prompt oells0r.m. TL).re WAS one
birth and eight deaths. the 111(44.1• due
In: E(dletsy, 1 : et ynipelo '. 1 ;111M'r•,1l-
(r4ii, 1; paralysis, 2; pmeuinonia• 1:
k old age, 2. One inmanl: man removed
to London Aaylam. Ther• were *ev-
ent' oterideptw,
KeepeM P'rWinh of theholler ofre-
ftlgl• reported, through 1na'p0etot
Cower, the a)uolint et products raisnl
n0 the farts (dowing the year 1t1Ci:
• Malley. 230 huah. t orals, 421) hush. :
potatoes, :511) hush. ; .11i(14r beth., 344
total : 11)11 ner01114, 1.79) bosh.: Meld tut. -
nips, 1111 111114h. ; tattle tur4 . 100
Imm411. ; oniona, 415 bush. s gerelen ear -
rata, 10 hash : blood leets, $J hush. t
pp►e&rvlhitia, R bush. ; apples, 10 bush. ;
' 'fsteania--tel--1Ruh.-; •--Lamsttter, 7 lush. :
FMlrtr,nd ;tarppanics, 1,400 quarts.
8 huak. ; fury, !k1 tows; cabbage.
770000 ba
Jailer Griffin reported three' teen
Robt, Wallace, Tuckersmith ; Joshua
Craven, Montreal • ' John McAuley
a MDA Ile ,
g 11n u. all vagraNts. It would
be ue(•esrat•y ts,' purchase six *mita of
lelel4thing and six outride rhir1s
for prim."'" use and, under the 10)•ired
tail 1111P)+, two ruler 11 uniform for the
)aider and tuthkey. •M.r. Griffin urged
the putting in of *hot water system of
heating at the jail, a good pause of the
work of which could be done by prison
labor if tits tt01 Was decided at thir
The report 114 the house of refuge
committee war pMeeenterl and 111 1.01111-
111ittet' Mr. Sparkman occupied the
(hair. The report wow tul0pte41 loth
1n I)4Ililtllil tee 1 ill (o111lwit.
Theo 'tier repot•ttd they had vis-
ited the house December hat, aud wets
rathflett with the 11lauagrumut. They
were -plese
ad to .know that the build-
ing euullrlittee appointed bast J ewe
were ready to repeat 4111 the getup( yrywi.(4(M
aildit' . They f d righty-twllllu•
neater at present in the 111111144' 141111 Ste -
cording t0 the report of the phYriciau
the general health of the f t1•* hadImell4a'pert as cooled 1*.'xp / atell. They
•ulvi*eNI the selling of a fat tow and
the• purchase of agouti Witch row, as
More milk WAN required
The, report of the building r •
'tater was read and left un •the table.
The committee relented they lutil
met at the house of te(isge' un Down'.
ler 11th aud 411er4id,d,thit Nu aulditilin,
if built, rh14(1,1 114• erer•4(1 at the dear
of the present building 1111) less ti
about 10x111 fret, basement full rise;
the building to be 4(11p11• hcig1t aw
present one. They also detailed as W
the bee of 1140111N the building
'Mould contain to Milord the Illre*Na1•y
aecum(1mimlatio t. H. l'. ' Mrfride,
als•hittr•t, of London, was rmpinyaxl
to prepare plans and 1pecifie 1tiun1 l-(1
conform ars nearly ow possible with
their ideas: Thi' hr (lid and the 111111.
mitte•r met ag • No1•rnlm•r aro and
nlDNiderrl the `dans (••uefully. (0,
losing 4•891 • 11 llll•sc Wt•1e• considered
sltirfactory and the r 'etre re,eolu-
mendeti their i11•ceptauer.
A pante.-(1eptitation waited on tbil
council lel i•f.r tis.( to the intensive-
nn Hoe•v
(04 11)14 made on the 1(4)11114sville IMiolggte•
and the (ullowitug gentlemen *1'
drewuu)4lthee '1: Messrs. Middleton.
Taylor,Ill1cksm, Snyder, Forster and
J well.
'. C. Brough. 1'. E. who had •been
rut ()yeti tat nutke a plan of the hill
1' ♦1 '14 N promoted 1
and baa what w 1 k WN Int aaYl t )
be don , was tiresome. saki ex leintrl
the plat ip and the /11-114,1111t of weal
The '1.X••••1 4(c rumnlittth• a rt•port
was real. M . (:inn Ilccypyiug the
ctiyit.. Tle'ti in was paawse)41,
They l4r•oIHln 11(11)41 that the a»nal
4tant of $'L-) to th • Huron Poultry and
Pet Stool: Assw•ia ion be given. The
amount •caked flit• .4 1» 9511.. They r
t,utntenthrl thatth tender pf F. H.'
Holmes for rind be , -.witted. 1Vith
referent.• to this t l4' of ('
debate Miller and (:(11)11 1 *ting to the
proposed vintner, df the %suletlt-
Art' .ehel•rliy the wale "41 lauds for
taxes wool.' 11. placed in the lands of
Ilse sheriffs instead of the tl• sewers
the .1NIIItti1141• was strongly i favor•
of the notion.
TIM-que•141ion of the .'' Ior'al-' 4111-
claim.. 1 noshes at the boos. of ref r
sing hlought np the folios%i1g Ie,ol
t 4)11 was passed : Moved by Ilessors.
Molter tinct Lock that this (munch
memorialize the ('loa'1nrial 14 gi'1*-
• of Ontario to amend lh(,r111use in
the 11:1(11, Aunt • Act w11414' -
In i t " 1it10(0r1 t 11 a 1 after
death the ins of as nitwits.* of.the
hmis•a of 111•1110( this P'rm•itive and
•Iaituerd' by frim( Her n °certain
be banded 1.11.1• to • *•1)141 4)1
lat.lul))•, 41' this has a v . 1• reit-
sit effer•t with the inmates q r
iesti 1'
Sheri Reynolds asked the ("uncle
to r•onsie ' 4 4Maip inlplovenientr in
the judge's cul. 14.1)1 to 1 1)•
pro `et•ly at tee.
The edit,aat' 'etre reported
that tooth )h•. 1t 1 and Mr. Mof-
fat. whir had lyophil to b.• n ls
pointed cannily r
ty 4 . ',, were Multi -
lied for the position. They also) dir-
tweed 'the :derail ion of the 41 11 to
lir i111111tw• of Ehi• travelling allow-
nn4e t0 public school inspectors the
tim of $1.50 for each *additional school
1•r hft4 and up to one 11111111110 :11141
1 Hicks occupied fie chair in
The t •pont waw adopted.
The hn 111 of refuge lom111Ntt(r• 11914-
(annu•nelcr the ieceptauice of ther•sig-
matiuu of r. l'/ats, inspect( t••of the
1 se.. to ke effect the 'let of
January; 11001. \('arried.
The foliowintesiduekin with
r•ferm(e to Mr. Nits resignationam
ineptw•t4r of the hn s• of lefug1 wars.
placed on the minute book : ••11oved
by Mr. Miller, s911ndrah by Mr. Bow-
man, that we sinverely regret that
our eeateemed inalertor fOr the hollow
(1t refuge, 111•. (Ia►tq, I1(1N.,felt it hie
duty to dare his re'sigtuati )1 in the
hands of he ronnty (•nunrih having
filled this p.witiot share Nov gnb('4,
1401, with et lit to himself and title-
faction to a county.. IVB' •tvel
mach plmenityn proposing ns is
4urce$sn• Mr. Jon Torrance. of 11
township of Tick.. mill. at the *tame
mnlnt•v ram him prdecoswor, also that
Mr, 'Turranre'4 duties begin on the•-
flrst day of January, 19011'•
Thr resole( het was adupte4l. •
Moved by Mr. McLean. *Fmodern by
Mr. hiller, that AN as (snoty r<nntcil
we (bPsilr• to rxpltws our sincere regret
overthe demise mince • 1nel meet-
itlg of Mr. Rolm t Henderson. who sit
faithfully and rolupx•tently--tiNe(1 the
!monition of turnkey at the county jail
for s( many years, and W4 desire to
tender our rympiithien with 111.
Henderson in her Iottt•linesa, We also
wish the clerk tri forwawl a ropy of
thhl resolution.
Moved by Mr. Iturnill. rk•cun 1481 by
Mr. l'u'ng, that .1. M. Mehl, 11. 11., be
appointed ronnty examiner totill the
vacancy Cita/Nil by the resignation of
Mr, Anderson.
:11)4,81 in amendment by Meatore,
(limn *nut Bilwrllan flint the appllea-
Iiltsi )f Mr, Moffatt le arrl•pted.
e reamed •then went 14,1.4 (spit-
mitt4 a of the whole on these nppllrn-
thorns, With Mr. Mrlweah in the chair.
The rt ,nitte mew and repmn•tetl that
Mr. Mn t. was appointed x11(1 thin
appoint' if 'wont confirmed by the
Moved by r. Sparkman. seconded
by Mr. MrNnitghton, that rhe reone41
of the heeler o (iodeorkh to*Fnship re-
garding the grainer to the township 1,14
referred to the raid and 1rridge com-
mittee. '
om-mittee.. Carried.
The report. of that h(1ilding 4ntel-
mlttro• was taken tip in •Cnt'Meets..
Mr. PrteerdWl necnpied the (hair.
The committee m414 Are repmn•t.' l Nwo.
the report he somend14 by folding to
the last (daunt. tout the c it Lace ask
for tender' s m1 415141 flame really to he
placed before the January 44144011.
the Washes'* ri4n11lin1e this
aha it W*. mound byy Mt•. Npacknrin,
aecob ed ItMr. Mel4•an, that no
actions taken for the erectken of an
♦ddith)u to Cho house of refuge at the
. meant Gene: ' -
'l'blr wax hat on the following
division : Yens---Duruul, I'regit+mni.
Lamont, Laont, Miller,.-MI•Nateghtlu
/mot Sparkman, 7. Naylj_ Illlwuuul.
u `0 1 u 1slcklucre,
Cantelon. u 1 11 ('
Patterson, McLean 4'd Young, 4:
The report of the building tem► plait-
, tee wow parson . -
Th/' to ty yu•ollert • rulul.N Mee re-
pmt•terl Mathew three ia111ates at the
e(a11tty Jatt'7MIT—eive(q'thiug in good
dialer at the jail, also the souls at the
court, house in 11/14x1 order. They rt•-
ummeIdld t hat the clerk be instructed
to.. ,mot1Jy • the Iele•p11ope cul'{{sa(y G/
remove the telephone from the 11•11i-
den44 of 51 ie. Henderson to the regis-
try' office; that 011 maim] by taken
with 1 efert►ce to !•hanging the ryrteII
of heating at the jail.
'The report was adopted.
'I'Ie( wad and bridge t•ounuBeate me -
'tided taut the engineer's report
be ativepted ; that the bridle between
Grey amid Ilnw•ick It rr11a111t and ten-
d(r% be called for to he in fort he Janu-
ary session : that tl'n(1en4 be naked loud
acia•ppted for the label bridge, p10-
vitlnd'lhe comity of Perth pay its due
plo(kn•tion„ the 1\'Istfleld bridgge
mhlud(1 Ie rebuilt : also a (mulct should
be caned for awl repor-ted at ItleJwlu-
1u•y 139s14iuu for 1a bridge 4111 the prairie
south of IVingham. The (41111 nutter,
suggested that 4111 (84404 Ill•Id(t•'i lye•
built of steel with r1111'tete abutments.
With leferrue to -the H0l0osyille
hill I the- dep utatiuns froomp Col-
borne; Clinton 41111 (1m11rtcb tow•'- .
ship •wit11 reference to the grant
made by this county the e ' tee
adviser! that $254)q\le paid ave` 10 the
Re'v1• of (:/slerim11 tltwnship.•'Juhu
1)M111.hlilletui, fur work dolordolorc,1y the and
cThuunle hl «. parsed rsed i4' c 'tree and
3101•(111 Ov Mr. 1414•kb:It•t.-s•co1144l
by Mr. Miller, that this( ail instruct
the clerk to 'write the Education 1).•-
MI1II1P11 for 11111priol( regarding the
ame"thue Ilk to the Piddic I44hlo1 Amt
of 111(4, i •r(•aaring- the .twtvl•Iting el•
to *ituee 0f )uhlic s•1dol inspectors.
The coon 'l then a(tjourned. -
The )Vinghlaui
IMI l'IlChristian '4(o
A I (I l mato 'romper:
4'e / organized.
am I nl a •u tv►t
has r
H li,vll.
George Buchanan. t Lan g41I
Ir has
1N44I1 eng1441(1 t. teal•h the Ilelfest
soleh41u1 (luring the conning )•eau.
It work* is again' in
W.- ' ' •
died on Thursday of last week after a
long 11111(144 41f consumption.
The annual meeting of the Comfier -
vetiver of East Huron will be hell nt.
1Viughaul on Friday, Ueeenllwr 14th.
11x..1. Niwllet (: , win has just re-
turned _from at year i0 England and on,
the (?uutinrlll, intends practising in
Or. FI1
4 - • l • (1 4'.,1Ia'rta
1 .•h111, whom the
liver. of 1 ilrrj-1- hold have eho»en as
their candidate for- the lh '
Hu(1si, is a1 ft 41(1411 iesid,tt 0f i'linto's.
The 'sported sale of the Cain Roma-.
Luck now, to \\1n.'ty: of Duran.
was not c1 111pdeled. Mr. Putout was
ilnald4' to ar•ang' u111414•t•s 1(141infac4lr-
ily .Ind the -\
deal is o1T.
William 11116 elz has 1111.1 his 111-:4'•r•-
fit)rm flu the Novell 2404. Melfi Mop, 11,
(1144,444) Stewart, 4*afurtb. for flu- sus
of $0,:14(l. 11t•. lhllolz tap of going
melt for his health.
is reported that there riot; be
ge ?it 11114 Il/011440•11mnt 1 top•
111 refuge he(ute lung, lir.
Freta• bite made an exc.11i•nt 1n 1 -
tiger. a (1 ire retires 11114 place will
hard to 1 1.
Juin (:. nt departed this life on
Sundlay of 't week at the residence
.f his ti:ulght r, Mrs. John !'rich, Mea-
t tt the a • of1.erCItl elm• 51at4.
114• 1 • 4111 as an ollokstroitlent of
Gray town
t l\\ K. Pea ( v as 111( 111:1h -
ager of the Mea web in • t • Do-
nli0ionV41111k ease Sloe ht w;44 • 1411
ten years ago. 1 lea 'ing for
Th' mute, wallet*, a n/• fig. 111'y of the
batik is.lo•ing (gk•n(rl.
The• • p er.nnil. who eve i 'n11)41
the 1.114111 t•xphioi 0, e ip(en
Plesbyt.tia'1 11111(lh :0e a 1 oy1t-
a. Mi. Ien i►n w r
,,ived (h4' most merinos ;Nitwit. all.
is getting on nio•el . ahe.l it is th n tt
that his eyesight will not 114 hmlp a yr
Ina Nish time it is 110(4411 he will -
al)te (1, I4•N111111. 1114 Wolk. \
l,ilw1eili'e 1Chleder, 1th line, Morris.
has prochasmd the line .l141 -alas ratan
maned by John H. Mrl.aurhlit1 two
miles north of Helsel* on the grav(I
road, and will get p eowsliun on Jann-
firy lit, ('ri(e paid was $7,5111. The
farm. is in gosh shape and will make
a most desirable home. MIN. M4.-
Iruu'bliee and daughters will move to
Brussels and .1110. H. may go to the
West next spring.
Thos. Gibbs, 11 reNi(lefl of i.(llldllm-
bnru, died somewhat unexpectedly
110 Mattmlay afternoon. the 24th alt.
Deceased war in him ordinary health
on Friday. and while engaged in buy-
ing a stave in (ier1•y:s store,. Myth,
waw token ill 51r. (terry, sos•itig that
he wiw mock, lent hitt his for coat, and
sept hint .hole by his hoc•, but he
bc1.14(1• I1%(,Vetlrl f • what swill d to
n stroke of parah•mi4,
one of the oldest tesitlente of Wing -
hall', !Mimed away o4' Sunday, 10th
4,1t., in the person of AtehilIld 'lily-
h41t•, tiered ninety 1•Pal•4 4(041 eight
months: 1)eleasr( bail been runitnlrl
to his is n for Only n few weeks.
During the east sono ser he 1
i 1 g 1 was 4'l b
to he neon/ own and was n4 fictive
AA tinny inert a • ne sixty yeen4 of 4)444•.
Mr. TaI)j1 b ' mm-_ d tri 'S.ingbn,r front
Brassies 4001,' ) vet* ago and the
funeral, book )lace 1 the Brussels cenl-
l'tet•yori.Wedie$(1*'4 aftertioem.
(Tinton New Era t 1,`'o had in town
this week oil of the nod tCuero of the i
10', and Ill's. to the past cm of \\1n, i
shah,'. who is 4(i brother -in- att. of Jos,
flat 111911/11117. When n r(•. (hent. oft
Clinton he was a framer and helewol
pelt up the 1)1(1• frame building that
was dirps)Ne4I of to Oyu place 141 the
new pototadi140. Krone here hu went
tel tjuhieseillo and eic1(10(8 1 it hon.!
there. $elllug 0(41 lit went to Ilhth
1 'IV 'lt 11 Wag e genial -
awl for ones 4' h th
pro Irietor of the Commercial hotel
that still Mandato() . th1 cornet. 1.14,)'r
intg.gatlu•te4 acv luu11 111 4'i suflleil•nt •(1l'
this world's goods lie' retired and lived.
a peaceful life till about Move yea's;
ago. when fly sold hie residence and
moved 15i Muntre91, where he has
*111(1• resuhrle 11e is sill( hale and
hearty and delight; to tell- 1,t' the
mya11)' ?airtime indolent of the early.!
Mayr. Ile thought nothing (1t' 'avulk-
from Myth to Clinton and 4•(111
111u•k 10 that place to renew tho many
ncgetainlauetw 110'1. 111 that luau, on
N'adne'siay. H1 will have reached
his eightieth* birthday. q4' Jaipur')
A few weeks aryl it waw r•pertwl
that Miss M. Campbell, ell, of Brussels,
foruu•rly'ot Whughaul, had 11(911 left a
large legacy hy. at Mr. •l'uldosrll, of
Mexico,'it (inn aarati' 4' stranger. It
w$tl nutod also Shies 'auq)114
had lecehvt'd $JI$1 th4at) fury 1144l18 •1144.•Il11
to Mexico, whither she was called to
receive papers 0ulitlieg her to 'the
1''01I4t of the bequest. The '*5 111g-
hnn1 Ak1a•ance slates that a 114 tee 11:(11
lately 111(4 ter9ivefl 11ou, Miss Camp-
bell, staling that she *111)191 safely 111
the city of Mexico. She likes the
country well, and it appears to be a
(111)4.41 where ninth ey-making is easy.
Aleut the legacy:-1Vh••u Mr. -Cold-
41s•o(lied, he left Miss Campbell one
million (1011111.14 ins. stesl in a uliu)'. Eur
there years site receives the sly• 7
111(1 4111 of this Million dollars, ,which is
payable W her 401(11y on August 1st.
At the end of the three 50111s rhe (11n
command the principal stn' of *1.(444,-
1111. The story of this IIIIlllPAM! legit -y
is a pretty piece of tstatin), , a 1t hinge
fvtture of it being• that Mr. l'uldusl•o
seven years ago was a !tow Iua't but
thedisvot4'l•y of a 11(11 1111114' 11114114• hint
wealth)'. A letter. 'a brief call. and
111011 110 more, until r9(•(ipt of the 1
1.ttol' informing Miss 1 :u.upl4•11 that
ansa WAN a1 legatee of the rich estate.
ars th9 links In the 1'101111 'of events
that hear ramie Miss l'atulplell aa mil
'huhair9. Most (4.ap1151(1ing •e1 -
have been written on lesser f.mul-
albn14 than this s,mn04'hat strung.•
but thir :diem Campbell 1most fortuhatl,
atyail•. -
• When You 1414dPhysic.
tiet.a to reliable )
x of the old ri•lu1 la I t.
Hamilton's rill4 of Itandrnke and
Butternut, whirl) 10114/115 the 1x1w•e1-
wits t amusing griping pains. No
remedy is half so satisfactory as 'Dr.
Ilsn(ilto n s Pitts. Price Mc.
Kien the drug stow). clerk.
awakrn411, Cody re) he held up, then
was one eInsolation --111• haul nut (4490
aroused by a cllatodter after 1a postage
stamp. • "
If yell'• system nerals l • g• o•
take Miller's l',iullranal kat' 1'1 1-1
For sale by J•ta..\Vilion,
I w'
A sekclion made from our
Catalogue will be delivered at
your door at precisely the
same cost to' you as if pur-
chased in person at our stere.
'11..11 -rake.
Thi, snd.ome (-
e Tea Set—
non t.onduat b.ndlss.
finest lay plate—se a
marvel . good value.
Oyu w atalogue will lie
ready 11 15th. Write for
a copy.
118, 120. 122 a - 124
Yon$e St.. T to
' U tNESs (2LLEGE, `.
W Whys
41'1y 110111,, you hake a roar..
ID -n f 114(114we do only the
n,nda th roelgII 'oak. and have
.1.14•r41r .y'.tc11N IN Insla'tn•tinn.
(4,1r .tlmdnnl of Inot awn 1. Nal
Ili»hr.t. \1'14 141111 tare 1,•1174
ware young then In 1' 14hnrthn11
p•• -!tions at Pe vire 1110 h 111111 1111
11rite for (aha n4( 'e:,
1h, it now. A. L 8 OWN,
1 • ,,ln• 1 . . , 1' n911u1.
A FAMOUS rSC11001,
A. large. ,vide awake. working. hu.'
r,,.ult-pnmlucing .•e:11001 -UI. ,A•.• ,••, i ,• .
colhpr. 111 (*emote lot! iv. 11n•dnn 1:-. ..1
wnye,lyel. 1s18ltinn.. 'Pitt Irllleate et•,'•: -
Mane 'of lel. gradloalee In other b4'• a•••.-+
entices as teachers. 11'tnter twirl 0 514
..tan. 41h. 111r•t.ome l tido ne fn•r.
N. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
?he Day of young )Yen.
The beet positions with large Commercial Houses aro navy
filled with young men from `sightseer to tseonty-tile years of age.
Those young men reach their positions by keeping in close
touch with the managers.
. To get i4' (nnch with the 11oads of such' (oncern4 it is neces-
sary to have a thorough hn4in11* training. '
Tho Forest City florins** and /dearth/tool ('allege gives a
empire,. and practical training ha steungsaphy, financing, hook -
kaeping, higher seeaunting,
Hes the beat organized and most capable staff of teachers in
Write for booklet giving here artirulari o couridi'costa, etc.
Fe . ,$.
• e( kik
J W. WESTTRyELT, PRtm. Y. M. C. A. Beitiosel,1.ONt t1.
Drink aaod a Man. 4. 4
This little verse fouudl•d 1111 n Jap-
8111►e proverb dor Imam (1111.41 (t
the !cork* of au F:nalinhw'ouulu ((l'
bury pen :
t the , el - Is' I's hl' 1 511^
A 1 un 1 I11 Il
144 ay-Imt Iles: alai !lank
11 hnlYhey nay fu Jahxn
VIM( flit. own rates n drink. wage
'then the drink take. a drillyk
Tisch 1 be drink take. 1111. ;nom:
N'11thi4/11 •o r b 1 eel , vi,lt
pale. p
and 11/141(e44 at Bight ' 1 }icy 1(4(11114• r.
(1111.4' (1r two) of Miller's \Vomit Punt
dears.. 1•'nr sale by .la.: %Vilp.un. .
Ring 7
Diamond is a fine white color
of the first grade.
1s perfectly out and perfectly
proportioned. .
Set in either of the above solid
14 h:. gold settings for $25.00,
'We graranl(e the value of this
ring, and will refund the money
if it is not entirely satisfactory.
Mailed prepaid to any address
o4' receipt of price. -
saki) roe size CARD.
John S. Barnard,
Ever made by;'a'Canadlan Publication -to
its readers.
Two One ldollar Papers for one Dollar !
lyIptt'ia1In'tiliagluui1t with the publi1I1•111, WU lues enabled to offer
The Signal
g and The
Montreal Weekly Herald
a gleet dollar weekly -Jot. ONE DOLLAR at year. This otter is exclusive,
and can 1N• 11111,14 by lin olffe•r paper in this district.
REMEMBER THIS FACT --Every sutscrilet•paying one dollar in advance
for our paper will rect•ist-'J he Montreal Weekly herald for one year without
extra cosl.. The teems of 1410• arrangement with the \lontr•al piablishelr are
such that 4514 cam make uoder iition f•I0111 this rule ---the money must 114e paid
N ADVANCE, and all arrraIages must be paid.
affeBoth The Signal and Weekly Herald will be sent
forr 9
FREEemaindell' Jof I U3 to new subscribers—
$1.00 to 1st January, 1905. •
As a Newspaper.
was established In 141*11, and le eke
seeped oldest l'anadlan paper. In its
old age 1t has renewed He youth, and
stands In the forefront of Oaneda's peat
journals. .As • newspaper, it is edited
*1th especial reference to Its constitu-
ency of readers. who desire a laotaprs-
heosivo summary of the world's new%
of the week. ]tverything Ir viewed from
the ,standpoint of the - Canadian who
wishes. to keep abreact of the time•,
without having to wade through oot-
umas of Irrelevant matter. -Careful con-
densation marks The Herald'( treatment
of .v..y lino of. news. Do riot coufuee It
with other paper. of wanes/hat seml4ar
names. The •Herald Is • compact paper,
not a blanket sheet.
'i?1e «BEST'
Vapor Cas Light
TN. -thefts: ash shrewd helve na t .` 4(:.!,,14 and
burns its own gas. It to portabic, bang it any-
ahero Sellouts no pipet,wire or toe the -
pine. A rile, Imre 14 i9•, p.1.•. flit .18a,1y
1: ,1,7. A u' 14 bybo ls.sru:e UeJ.
1'M .'
100- Carndle Powe 15
Hours for Two. Cents.
No wicks to 11 im, fp) *•oak( or em:ll. „Na
chimer's to tic.o,. Fuperi.arto (lee. rwity 'e
accts true aud ch< lex r th .n kerosene. Seri
✓ fletied by its use gnkkly payslur It, (Ire.
tarlelyof Pictures fie' )ud41gr 91111 outfitor live.
1 hu a the }4 .n. er In •n!rlrwcnnt 4np,r 4i4s
t,snip. It it: perlcct 144:a41e 4't inaitahuna.
F eery
There are More
`,BEST"- LAMPS.i n
use!' of All ether
• -I. , t3Y
• •4F 1:.G( :`•J : .1 1, , ,t•,
.. aeaire .e Pat a \,f Or
or .
, 111.19.1
)-,,-1-,111 A11.4.I.1 •
Dr. McCahey's Condition Blood
Tablets4(•41.111414 •M, std run
• w1.,. n.,n«. ant to • Theyn•nvene
a 1 n4(..! •• lh,r '04(4 the mutat fie, 144"1.
Ther an, 14. l)o4.
s 411. 'n.•. 14.4 Vhrer . li.a11 )1 40*4(«
r ln,rrr•sed earls Mote three (tar. ,4
d e •rm(h, . 14*-. M,Isn
.1...m.•11. nv4G , y• tar. .el
w. •..1.•ll. ion.
IAN-. 'sr
«. L sl 4'a. >r, 4'.w• .
'•. :eh 1 ',near: fore tor broken
rt. 11k wort' Met will. nth Anrn r yt1ct
t. 1ea•1. . 1 Ieaee. SN in.'11e6easy Yeaicima14,
(.4444.1W, 0,4., ' ow
For -ole intiuh•n. ' F, Jon1u11: in ('lint.
IA 11. 1). Conan:.
- As • Moms Paper.
Islproesoneeally • paper for :pie Horne
hi Dm nest place, nothing Is permitted
fa *0111maa that cannot be read with
pre t and instruction hr every member
of • household. In the second place.
It ted with special reference to
mottoes1 t Interest women. ••Madge'
Marten's, at ly. talks with her women
readers mann the most popular de-
partment or the • . d In any ' Cinadtan
paper. They ars table "heart 10
boort"' talks with the women of the
Domain and are appree ed In thee -
sands o homes. In this dep •• est an
given Into to Mothers; 1 -sestet
Ooeklag `Ree . ; the /Most V.
tlhutnte4, and hundred and en• • - -
V fatal& a 1&t t -
• THIS COMBINATION is a great one. Tour home pa .r echoes you In.
the local news; the local markets and the local gossip. The Montreal
eekly /feral,' gives you the general news of the world, ports of the
great markets, departments of Interest jo farmers, and, In • Ocular, fea-
tures of value and Interest Ip The Home. one paper to the co ' dement Of
tb. other: - ••
1i 8UB8CRIPTION$ may begin at poly dune. If your sub.crlptl4 b al
ready paw in advance, and you want The Montreal Weekly Herald a most
soul in yo. lr dollar. and your eub.erlytlon will be adranced a year. most
Address Ell cotnmunlcaUona to :-
THE Si(1NAL, Ooderich.
0 dost, Largest, Most Widely Circulated \\and Only
N ional Agri ltural aud Home Paper iri\ Canada.
°Nome Maga
Ir ,rr a Y:
-114.,,1. Pref `eR
Alter Janua ' I904. [NICE $1.50 ♦♦ •'111 t1F:1(s,
,-• .,b, 4- go -I 144 ,14' (hi- )Ior ire.. including magnificent l hrienl number.
I 4 • 4oar .Mural .tion a• !hat.* 14.
I UIi ,) +iuglr L.uc. •A •n , w
t a1lllrl C) 'r w
K• e h
1. 4' •n
K sou, ,
London, Ont.
Subscript ions to Farmer's A' to,1 1 It .c14 (11 at this nonce.
The Signal, Mo real Weekl Het; d 1uu1 Farmer Advocate -all three
for IK•/ 1M. ,
A in*
•- ,T—tea®
1\'14 'have flay Rotary it WI Shuttle
White. Al th1.r:• Mm•hiewm have -trill
bo•a Ings. pin r•Irn4100, tenrinn' boob -
rotor, ailtolti%a '1' • tension - telealrrl•,
d•mible teal, di rah:. on ►1(0111. and
',remota. bars, SP bw1a(1ing•). 111141•t•
4111(1.1Ie. ••Kin j' sl . f plotted steel, ail-
Iaehtienls and •m01114 11h -r late
devi.erp., \
. 4'
The superior points in elle New Wil-
liams incl1dl• as self -salting needle, 1111-
1nnaati.' bobbin winder with loo s,• Intl- e
ley, atitoreatic floor leveller (very roll-
venien11. cylinder shuttle open our the The Cabinet snit IAop dead
end and ales odnts ly self-1hived ipg, Haytnon(1m ars pleatwing \ in appear.
Swing tr•ialle, 41141 set of attach- *nee rand built to stand a life -thane
melts. They hk ell amt work The tu•
nthnu•n4(• t, nsine hat sera
wPoII. wilnr to our 'ether machines.
4tvery tereehinl• that 1 '. s Ant tint 1m K4arnntetti for a term ret ten years. 11 It should happen that a nlachhte .I
• is to give too t(tFlare ion w6-itnnntlbttely replaceit. with 1t new one.
It is difficult -to ,jli a an article by looking at the outside. For your own satisfaction
Rad protection yon ouk ht o know the product inside and out—hence your
n Ce881ty tor try-
ing `'tl c machine. X. trial '11 convince you. If you nee(! one and'wish to try rine of our dif-
ferent makes or stypes we.wi Ne pleased to let you try. them, 1
We keep repairs and a fu line of .Accessories, Ncodlei, Shuttles, ' Bobbins, Bobbin -4
"winder Robbers, ()its, etc.
G. W. T H 0 MSON & SON '