HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-26, Page 7's • THR SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO i4 EWS OF TI -IE, DISTRICT: MAFEKINO. MONDAY, Nov. 1Wd. NuTter. ,-Last weak Mrs. This. And - triton pprurt•nttxl her husband with it fine baby boy and Tom's *mile is mole' lene1,01CW. then ever now... W. H. Reed is! for a few daye The in14tTiige of thigh Philips' hate created almost it. much excitement on the hue am the strata, inI(%Ieago. Old widnw- 1111 in Ashfield will moon need to be two brave as the ancient Spartans if they wish to take unto theumelves a seond helpmeet The trustee.' are going to buy it library for the sl•hfail and have it 01*115ed ou the day of the au. mutt exswinatlou... . Sleighs. and cutters are running nicely today, but it is not likely that this sleighing will hist long. .. PORT ALBERT. MUNUAY, NIH'.: frt1. P,IH*O)AL.-John Mhe nhalz was in Ripley beat week Mr. Kelly visited friends up north nn Sunday. • NirrRtt.-Both the ehur•hee are [we- ltering for entertainments at l'brlet- matl, ell Wit may expect to have it. merry l'hristltsH* indeed The DPW eeoaf stove In the school is work- ing very satisfactorily now and wd P0111 will not cost ss much se wood evst'y)hwwly Nhould be sath1lkd We have been, informed that a young fellow from up near .l'r•we while at. the mill one dry Inst week became "leaded" and wiut A total wreck. it is n pity melt things. happen herr. it will give the l'ul'l a bad nano EBENEZER. • MA•rl'1415.4V. Nuv. 21.1. Novo'. On account of the storm Thursday night the atteudan•d• et the Kpwurth League was very small. The tapir (err next week is ••Mamsotl Follett.' taken by Robert Rutledge... Mervite bolt Sunday was taken by Mr. iletheringtou, of Nib. The Lr•nsere of Pleasant Valley are wind- ing up the threshing for this season. We would'advise the ((harming Of a temptrnnm• 'society in rontl.•ititt with t he thr shings of this vieinif y. I'Klttuo*.tt_ HUh. itntledge tate- (vetted in getting home it filly specimen of the tiger family iron up north last week One 'of 11111• ptr,spnlmi young faruer, weans a very solemn face. He Intends ul..ltling in 111811i - i i aniel affairs Fronk (iilosm is et (egad to work with, Itnbert Plunk- ett *luring the whiten.... Etrust Mc, e' :' Kti i,' and John Kenzie r M od11en have re- turned tram the \V.wt Mimi Mary Mills. Who has Hewn visiting h 'winter, neer Hlytth, has returned -lupine Mina Mabel Haililr has bu.si re-rn K*K r is teacher lel M. M. N1i.L at an increase itt salary ....`, .Mica (7iu t4s. Millis ,p•nl Nn Monday trader the parental roof. WESTFIELD. Most.tl•. Nov. Oil. Norm.. A. ii. ('air has rented his • farm to John Pk+kat Sitittel lI r r• NI a bee I Carr +us' t r) here t p fit.,i'd his fsullIy faun the nrighlssrh000l. W.. understand it i, their intent him to 'love to Myth J ` N.. 4'aus )loll has Nlki Isis lift au fty-•►x• farm to Jackie in Wighttnan for the. a'np of Bitten, He gives potweestion about the find of `larch Three of the parties who want Diu the holiday trip hs flit. 1 Ing Ksonnds sent home two\i ter each urs 'ley last week. PettomrN.tl.. -(torten W'Ightlttan haw scented the prin•ipinhip of the Au- burn wined at a ,elery of 4' Lilt Hiram ('slmtple11 has gone to Kin- ; reline to v10it hie daughter. Mrs. J. 1)hl s John Pette, who went to Hamilton a few week. ego to work in, s the Deering nutelbine shops, is in the Hamilton hmmited with typhoid fever. Robert Tunnry, ,r.. Is very pow et presw'nt. He had R paralytic stroke lest week and it he fenced he will not n•rt»err Mho M. Ker *11 engage) for another year hl Ikninybrook N•hl'd at a salary sif 1112,0 Miss Annie Buchanan, .,f Detroit, is boos,' on n ti*it 1, her, parents. 11 EAST WAWANOSH. Most.t.ty, Na,.4 N1T171Wincht,rt the grand enter- tainment to -tainment to he 'held In the echoed hollow of No. I5, Rant \Vawanamh, i)r. crusher 21011. Further particnli►rs later I). [hotter hag erected A Ixnilding to .answer for it *table thin) winter until he builds a new barn llev, Mr. Hohineon, of .Ihinga will emulllet mi**ionary 'revives et, Westfield (text Sabbath Sleigh bells are tinging merrily. s A .. • Mem hew* went t \Vi mglsam on MaturlRy, where ehrwlll visit a few days with her mother, after which she wisp return to her home It✓ Hay City, Michigan Mlss Stena 1'.wlk-wits visiting frientle in Wirigham the past week .1. Kelly. of plaid at fly hig that to his Mende in Fast Wawattnalt last week Mrs. E. Harrison in *till Improving ant we htme she unity aeon 10' aniline, again. T. Toney, sr., orf VVeetfl4W, had rl pl3alytie stroke lest Wednesday and little help' is entertained of his re- covery Mr. and Mem. Kinpn.ln•n') hxvr moved bilk -Machine. They will is grsatiy mhswel by their many (Bennis hers. We wish them every sureties. ... .Otedue Wight niri hes boll sagat hatcher fol' (lir higher room In Att)mrn *eland. 8 ELENS. N MoNn.l4•. Not•. Sint. PNR.M,NAL.-,Jia, Wllr n. wife and fiunily, .its Lueknow, *petit MBt9dn • in thio vicinity Mr. and Miss. John Slhllrr, who "pent severs! weeks With lends at Mewneahurg and virinitY, Ilat't' returned home W. R. Mil Weldon, *pent Mnnday at Mew. 11. K. ill..►'., A fatntltr GAEL.- 1 - On Wednps*la ♦1.1,y lest th people of this virinit•v eel.' she 1 to hear that JA*. T/ol.l• m.lrl of Thum Todd, Wax dray'. 111I' Todd had Iron re hill the evening I - fie r apparently 'the hent of hs h, mol wait found d 1 the next til- ing. H,' wow 'mon these w had Kanto \Vast nn the In tett a .nrslnn, and had only rs'e.'ntly in home. A large rnneonrse of ft;i • r followed the ermine les Dungnnn, eeuletery On Friday lest. n dAlnopR one who attended nd from el f t i* * tntit • s•r Ms swore, Mrs. Ma4lhtn,,hl, of 1•ing- luuis, and 511•.. Thninp...n, of the Moo, and Mr. Ellet, of Milton. Nurrw,s. Macpherson Hens., welt barn wart burnml recently, hnvr teal• p NI rare abetters huilf, to 1 s.• their stock daring the winter fhis . Neil Smith is busily engaged in mowing from the farm Ns -potty owned Ile him, RIO the new proprietor, M. IlliUips, wo understand. Intend,. InovIng to hie new honaa iii the net!' (II II.1. M. Roberta, of Hooligan - non. (manure! of the West IIHw•n "mh M1111011 Fire Inmost -nee (lonsp.n y, paid hi. nnnmel visit t1 oar village 1411 Th111040% of last week. Ino, THvlor. fax collector, wee ,len here . .111(1. )'attersoq is reg*g'Nl cutting wdeet erream .,-,n: arra--+...,:.m-. with Jas. Jamieson ,As a Iseult or the recent atom' we etre enjoying excellent sleighing, and it Is the hope of all that now that it haat conte it may lamb for No151e time - Un ac- count of the ruruingq of unsuitable weather operations have leen mum - melded in the brick -yard for this mew MoNDaY. Nov. Gild. ANOTHKtt DKPAHTVHIc.-Our 'pcgnlar residents, Mr. and Ails. A. C. Msulk Id. have left for their tu15unl visit to their children in \Viudwn• and Detroit. This. time they have leiael their home. to N. McLeod tor the winter month,. The good couple will be 1 'h missed by a large circle of friends Isere, who_ wish theta a most pleasant is,journ. Mr. Mau•Donoltl did not fan- s't to take the big apple with hint to ,how what sort of apples ean Lw rairel in hislhudu o or•hrl. His fruit won prizes at thal e Chicago and Paris World's Hairs. Plea 1'.tKR. A Tu,Ht.E, -A farmer going to town on Monday of last week picked up it friend, and became No notch engrtlssrl in Ilia/naming the yew railway to (ioelerich that he forgot to watch n pair of young, pigs which he had in *-stout wick in hie wagon Isar. They unhinged to gat out of the wagon, but n good Samaritan seeing them from hie howls+ ranee to their resew and s'arrieel them to the residence of the chief of pdicr sof • town to be kept till claimed. The farmer, die- (r,vrring his bas, retinue.' from near the lig stunt• cantle ih the cireulir town, making n nous ,inquirks from mooing teams.Hiepewee of '41111 WAN r•etlt-t] on lino -mug that the animals were at Dunlop the wnnsr for their tumble. wlu. .rte" '; - DUNLOP. dal:..- DUNGANNON. • T1110eoAY. Nov. 24th. i Witriettt Herr Ix. - We preantnr that whitee•r hem coma to slay. Thr first sleighing and merry jingle, jingle, of sleigh and caller tells were hrnnl on Ft-sslny last TKt-MKbr1Nr. The annllttl tea nit'•ting of tJie congregation of Ers- kine chur•I, fakes protea next 'Thor* day evening. when at hot 'nipper will he N•rve•d in Ihr\tsuOrmrnt of tilt. church, atter whirls there ,will, 1e an iMr'Iectmlfrn,.t in the ►iody of the ehttr•h. consisting of die• by the well kgnw ei Auburn choir. ;VOW. ' +Uel d•ears b Rev. *metro.. 14: N'1 le . le n r fol 64 1e ns. • Su all oil a and \ n of Al,lr rrl.l. (loldls•rg, of Ib111gststion. Tile pro.- torRev. l'Rutherford.i will preside. Mete. - INTERMENT. TItt•rent/dog of JHnsie/ 1x11! ti11 'e W1111 dl 1 lit lift father's ra'- resi- dence dtence terry soddenly. on Weln.sdhq• •n' of Bast lt•e•k, hn the prime of 15uodh.w . listing hillnst lw..illy-thaw yfaus .ef agg were interred in Dun gunman cemetery last Friday. Noteui- lief dkh, (wingenmitle•el thither by it large cortege of Mourning 4•1Ui4e,, synlpithhzin friteels and a Afu(An err. Ttle w11,' utN•(1 ls IA' r• tl - {n•1sNiv.ly rnndnctel by Its V. S. AI -hairy. Th.• ietts'nts and shares end brothers Rory iving have the situ -ere sympathy wothy of the etnuurunity in the sn,11Ie•n Iw•reevenu'ut. S nNu IWMI • MI'Ntell'.\1. tUl'Nel1.. Iu ,t.•.•tr)-lanee with aetjonr eat this 'Ipl*I (inhere of I\'erit Wawnn.sh met in the 1ow•nielli 1 hall ou Wedne,-', day,,the 1 h alt., Reeve olid ernticil- 11,1 1. all 1i *e tt. Thiele wee a ren- 11idrrithll• t of lnunh.Ipl1 bind - nese. The council ndjuln-nel to meet again un the 1:411 of Ihlrntlwr. that being the day AppNlintell by the mtmi- riled stat Mew tot- ell ''iptl omit - rile in lice Province of I/ntario to meet. We would n•spertfully}' remind NII who have claims against the 1. rtp''lity to press of theme for payment omur before the meeting aloe, that all lax(.h unpaid then will be carge's' per ie rent. NNW K K N - M 11M MS I ITL4T At a largr galIhsi•issg of Hlll101 1414414r, Nu. :iii A. 1►. 1'. W. on Frith evening. t �Y M K• Notrurl'•r 211th. in klikken HnH, it very rnjoyubie end inetriwtivr time wax went.' (trg*nirrr Bert 41411- 1111101g, of Ilinulltun, hell been moves- ' 11 1. 1 1 • •.a moves - sing m m midst jeNit n 1 np h of dal. nuts taw a lettldt til were Ht'r renlli- Ilttes►r s's'i\'4d in 'full mrnelwrship, the avet-age age he ng twenty -pier years. After Iislrllin to it 41•1•y Iriitrit'f its *nd int e►ting dime/nurse from bsse'„ Brother t Artn,'trop the in Id the lot l a wWA.. 1.1•011 41 to a elonte, Anil alt )oat ok of hurt entire end other f►eshrnrnt,, before *'[.waling in t wee Mans. Too nulrll credit of he ivtu the o r117Ar hot enthit halts xud vl'ry efltrie•tit fvork in convincing then of theduty of intuiting their liven. There are a number of pn/'petivr InsruIilets whulo the 11s•al ufllcws'wive to enroll shortly. R..1. Kirk for the pest three veers has been the efficient Master 1\',n-kermin and .1. Tigert is the teernl- ing s eretary. IFnwn soother verve., pond ent .1 An tea est rola eitizOsls were rami reran Osolerich lout Thurtelnv ni 1 their heists left them neer 1'arin4v and they ruplyel the three -anile n k to Nils, The horse cam.. bottle a 11 wan taken hark to meet them. I sat was the matter with tlitn15P ey most have been cold driving. . l'KIOICIN %I. - Mrs. Rt t. Ilis•oeks, if les'swAttr,hies a me to mullein over Irl r with ht• (laughter, 1trr MEP. . Will. Sprint]. ... Mild Henderson has returned trot hie vieit 10 Manl- WIWI. Hr lN)km if tile West agreed with hint MIT. Hugh Stewart rel umbo o15 cot eoned (titeAn r o t voting K psnple on w urndnv evening lir. Artnatm (A. jt. t'. W. organizer) left for Ant mi Mshminy. •- .t An All -Round Newspaper. ' tit rata,' and out/tide nerve M•r\•ice [tell The Toronto lheily, Sitar ha* milt up given it *a full and t• prehe sive it gatltrring'of outside nevem of 1 tiny a; ran be found in any other l ne- (lien piper. In addition ill 1 e, iii many special fastens give to a litar a javtjcltler char!)t•ter, and 'bake it a spe•Ially I•si*(lah4o Hemp) p(it'. it gitra more attention lo, "W °Man and the Hon'ti" than any other pas{wheal rove xy(- nixing In that fnct. thuIhalf *hte rent l - en. of a new.pinplet• are women, to I mar to n e ,nl e R on' whore InMr•s. d t tttrntf t 'should 1w paid. Ind other depart - menta. mHtor3tllly, In tnerkrt reports, Ap sting. general and illy news The Star 1, n, lees enmpletean ettraetive. The Sler'n snhacriptien price le 41 a yaar, wth the hal*nee of this' year' thrown Wren new ethaerilwl*,' The Signal. MonM'al Weekly HeraM and Toronto i)nilt• Sitar for *1,411. t,,•r Lit. Tal•grmph *vet, (bolt. Nov. 2kh. (Specie' by wire ) seidtioel. (' art ('11. of Aleidt't•n, Mrnttand, gave one of the best enter- tainments we aver had in (hilt. hivie thump 14 paarkel hnp•1N'. it. 11 r'KRnt ate , I'ast Chief Meme of Sootl*txl. (•111 h' )w NILE. TUKSUAY. Nov, 24th, (%t1URt•H.-Revival services this week except Saturday evenipg. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Dungannon. will speak e aelenight itecept Thursday. - PKItsuNAt.. -.-Mr. and Mee. Ii. of Ebenezer, and Misr Trwsley, of l'sr- low, attended church here Sunday evening Mrs. Johsattou, of Stan- ley, returned home.on erne) Apple packing is fluished in this lucal- itytor this' season Mr. 'Long, of Henn►iller, was a weltoine visitor here Sunday R. Kirk has •returned front a three weeks' trip to New On- tario., :. BENMILLER. WEDNIWDAY, Nov. 25th. CHUit(•H NO'I•IW.--The spledtal ser- vicrs,'w•hich were carried on ot• four weeks, were brought to a close ou Fri- day evening•last. The regular League meetings tri Thursday evening of each week will again be mounted. PR Isents.'.tTION. - On Wednesday evening of Iasi'week • tsomlwr est the members and adherents its of Bethel elan h Inet At the home' of Stephen Hutt to spend a few 'wore in a social way. During the marmot the even- ing Mr. Hutt --wase p eementsd - with a puree, accompanied by the following address.: PKH*)szah. -• Mrs, Amts 1''itihrr r.- turuml from the 'Vest on Matti day Inst, :Mei spending three month, with telativ.w.asd friends in that country. Strti. and Mitis Jessie Snyd.'• left last week on an 'extended visit to (Heinle in Waterlto, county ....Ward (4h'sthi11 ar'ivel home from the West past Week. Hr expressed hitimelf as well pleased with the Western '•dnm- tt•y, and thhike that, chances for Meaney -making there are in,ul•vauce of (UMW of'this Province. TO Mr, Stephen Hutt: ' " DRAM BROTHER, T We, the mei- here and adherents bf Bethel church,' having suet to spend an hour or two 11, 'vela! ronVels+tt• tunt•hing the Ianil'e work, especially that in which you for many years have don.. ml well a', trainer of the choir, and recognizing as we do the effr.•t of good singing upon religions life e,d,the value est• ail (exp erietwel and etani +tent choir mois- ter, which you 1141'14 prtn-e1 yourself to be. on behalf of the congregation have great pleasure in presenting you with thio ttuine ascan rt'id,'nj'of ape predation of the interest you have taken in the s'1 ' • and the zeal and Ability you have shown in the Work you love w) •h. We thank G/41 on your behalf fur having given Int your age, it Voice s) clear and strong, and pray that your dap' may be niud your Tears many. When our Heavenly Mather shall se tet .to Ie - 1511,45' you -front the church l4rlow we trust he will take- you holm( to swell the monks of heaven, • i$)lgllel on be- half of the eongtegatiun1 - MIt.. N. JoiiNo - Mae. 164. M. .IITt'IIKt.t MRs. STEVENS. Mr. Bort woe taken by surpriw, blit sonde at vary able 'and appr,priatq re- ply. _ c. /IV .i D.iT.sLOYAL MONDAY, Nov. Gini. Ihr w/ o r r whom we Loyal I I s'•1 ) on the 14tktlnle1 up afire we went two pr xis laid week. He was unable to *Crowd for his lung absence ; the only attempt at an rxpdanetion he (at, give is this'. be felt hiuniw•If tseoming dazed et the c'ts urticessf some of the Loyal orators. For tine season Ilia repeat,' of the i i'st' eding, 111ay 15' slightly Inas- curate. Q•(est it is the beat wit eats get dent of hi(n.1 Thr mlitlieiptl meeting on the lith ins'. wit, *ell Attended. All the big- wigs of the municipality were there, end the hall�\was filled •ln the doors. With the xdeph n of stone slight changes, the hid 14 nR►tets recoils' mended toy Thrd Signalwan adopted. William Taylor ivas rhuwln as MAyor,/ instead of(ie/. e' r e•r I M Ph as the I K ., ter die ai lel , t •1 n Rnv'we unntance • tN b•gal matters : Mr. .MePhee *1414 11.1)- p)intwT iellr(•tor arid John Batt clerk. There will be 1 ballot Ong, all the ,41'ctiors being b • ace - usation, The 1 e' 1'114•, ' • . Th rfl1 is I t w� Rx• take t p t k notice ;Old la present til he second Monday ill .lantulry to t the oath of ofl1.r. Mb* (Trace Mtewir , of )1e'nmi1ler, tisitel Miss Orate 'nfl,'ld f4(' a few days hest w•e•k. Dien general 1 er•hent, H. ' Me- I'h(e, has leets inking; improve' tents 1 1n his el a hl r during the last tv k.•k. 1 1 K Miss•. Ed' a and ,,ffruhie Youtng, loyal. wet guests at Mort1`slale Fal m one even' 'g Inst week and indulged itt q very i Wresting g • of cr,kintdt'. Joh Pother; has lately purchased w valuable stock, which makes hit the w,saes,or of one tot; the thirst e Idea of Meek to 11e seen 10 COI borne. ark is an up-to.Iwte tarnu'r and all he needs is a partner. t' GODEIi?ICH TOWNSHIP: FRIDAY, NOV. 2131, W. ilasu•ke, J. McMill n. i.1'ith Surly, Wes. Logan and H. Mont- gomery have returned fro ti the West. They give a general re wort thatthe crop, are leery pawn' in mile parts, but ppswl in others. O. W. Harn well n 11 f tn9o•rly tenrhe'r its S.S. No. 111, Mel •irh township, holds A tr'epsm,ihlr p m inn in the audit office of the i.ake Mu rior Brower t! perry. at the Mato. 'hen the r'ece'nt crash rime a 11 and ( ! ' 'M { xg industries west ,hut down the office ,teff w'as redeem' from 1711 thirteen and Mr. Ilarnwell happ 1 to 1e one of the thirteen. Thin dirat+.t that -him services nit' app miatwl, mrd that they know n gc thing when they mar it. !ORD .tT HRLI.E\'141.R. Tlnonae H. Ode was rallml to Belleville over a week since, owing to the ilhuwit of him second youngest daltghter. Madel l'., Who wive an inmate of the Deaf and Dumb Inas Rote. She was *offering from diphtheria, and after ,trying with her a week, and providing the iced[ of medical attendance, he left for home •nn Wednesday of leaf week, feeling relieved at her apparent, force- pref.. of terot•ery. Thr following morning hr woe ahnekeb 1,11 receive at telegram Hnnotlneing her death. She wee at pertirnlnrll• Aright and bselt'iv child generally, eight yeersnld, and her •wine a ways had Mute friends with everybody in the in*ti• tine mitre her entry thee. in Septem- ber. *Owing to the rause of death it Watt impossible to bring the remain/1 lune for interment. Mr. end Mn.. Cole will heve the sympathy of (heir noisily friends in their hneravement, • The Toronto Star has reduced its yeetly •uhs•rip ilm prier to 41.1)), 5twlineriptltms'lab he left at thle olftee. The Signs', Montreal Weekly Herald and Tnntnt/ Daily Sitar --•all three for 4m1.1 ): f Glance of this year free to new MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. (415•,[ N•ZMT w'Aw'ANO111. "M'=uNRSDAY, Nov. 18, Council suet acrotdiug to adjourn- ment, members all present, Reeve Mc- iJttillau in the chair. Minutew.of last meeting were voutlrulel, Treasuter'r 14(44t4015w1at showed balance on hand of 41)71.410. The following cheeks were issued : l'edlalelur, ref 1 of Mire. J. Allin'e taxer, 41.31; Jas, Alton, gravel, $1.40 ; Jas. Foster, gravel and damage, 412.10; J. Smith, damage by roadway, 45.1113 ; J. Nixon, bi'itahiug and culvert, 430.7.2; A. Kirk, culvert and iurps+ctinqq, $5.45; Wm, Bray, work, co0ceesion 40, 41.00; P. \Valrin,gravel, 448.82: J, Hen- derson, tile, 434.70; J. McClusky, repp1aair- lug bridge, concession 12. 4:3.110: Wu1, Smith, repairing hill, concession 4, $3.50; E. Tb(en, repairing drain, con- cession 12, 41.75; Thos. Taylor, gravel- ling, r averling, concersgiou N, $22.53; ; (i, `Vaal, hauling tile, 42.50; ThosAgnew�trc�ul- vet•t, concession 13, 4.4.511; Thus. Phil- lips, tile, 410.00; \Vm. Milligal, gravel, $21.70; Mrs. ('tuupliell, gravel, 45.01; Jas. \I'hyatd, nails, 41.05; 0. Naiylur, gravel, *WOO; 1). McDonald, work ort grader, 46.00; J. (taunt, H1111/1111t of award on dtwin.J11.06; A. Johnston, gravelling, etc., *1)2,70; K.-Jtrhpst,n, grading, gravelling, etc. 4127.88; J. l5uswlee, inspecting op west boiuldary, 43.75; J. Kilpatrick, gravelling, isincess' 4, 433.711, P. Walsh, drain, cooceeniou 1), 43.00. (' •il adjuut•nel to meet on 1)ecetu- Is.' 1' at I o'clock. 41'. S. McGee 1 rot, Township Clerk.' - Legal Query. from Crewe. • The ((Atoning answer to an enquirer from Clwe is reprinted) 11.010Sa to.- day's Maand Empire : -- M. R., 'jewel _ lits, -.A b(eight Irs' farm mi Ot , 1st, 110(1. It WON agtred that H in it remain in ls ws•sieiun until the let s f March, 1904, lett A -how the tight ;lid( fell plowing. Since the bargain wits site le R windetorin blew the roof off the' u•n. VVhich of the parties sl Id be t the expense of 'e- nlacing the roof i' (21 A mold 13 three head of cattle; to - taken away in threw.t•ke. Darin the thrt•e weeks lurnpji • developed. 'an A compel H to to the cattle ? Ans.---1 ' • wale was it le on the 1st of. (k•tulwp 1 t. The•irfn A him been the owner oft a ptop•rt since that date. Hence he\lnaet bra • any luso that may have been Dern 'tram by lightning, tempest, us' storns. 'H can only he held liable for his own cts or for negligence. (2) If the eattl were in a healthy condition at the tit e of the side the purchaser t bear he plea e• cannot of refuseto 1 H t o ► pay • fur r 1 cattle Iwcause (he • owe•• • (Ibsen alttl } ilsen 1 (4 .11.4 un A's premise.. A gars hits le rtnis.s' to leave the cattle for threw weeks. "This may have, been' done AM u favor. 111 A may have been -paid for pasturing the cattle for that Ie Jigth of time. n either rets• the rattle were e u e a th risk f H helot th time of the t tt p(tlr•haw, and A will only 1w liable fur hie own nets or for negli :Once. •- Three is it ltt/d•y g ' g the rands now „to the .e.ffe••t that in a certain northern town the O. T. R. train wee. to the htrprieeof everyone, on ti►nr. The laseentp{ters kii l citizen,' were so gratified and a.tottisdsed that they gut up a stihscriiition and mule. R present to emit of the tram employees. Not` till 1141 deed was done did they find out that it was the train thatihuntd have art•ived, the day betore.-t uelph Memory. MARKET REPORTS.Alows Liverpool Whose. Irregular, sad Chileare a Shad, Lowor-Tk• Visible Sappily= Liao Stork -Tie latest Qil.tatte Monday Evening N ' 23. IAverpool wheat futures cloud I. bight unbl 1 •,'1. lower twiny tluua it ty ted tors ,fiat re• - Ar 1•hirngu Dee. wheat eWM1d rile I,wrr than Saturdn} I,r•, torn fk1' lower and De •. ' d JuU 7yc lower. t•OR111.4 MAltI1fY.T+. Lldnn- a al',71 • Wia.t 4* pass111.' ts.4nin- •Ily une•hnwg,d. I'nrcrl,i1.,. "-herd wiulrr "heat u1N.ut tine 5'. 4ty,1, (glssrge quirt Nutt steady, Spot Am.rle•nn mixed, 1'J• 1'0!od. Flour .Spot Mhos., 211a 1N). I'.rls- -sTeam•: Whorl, t.ms steady; Nur,, 211f 757.,': 4tsr'h •t'.t Julie. 21f :g.•. View -- Ione quirt: 1v'„ 1K 2n,.: Marek onitJatL, 214( 46,•. Antwerp What -Spot steady; NII. 2g:'5. 1044f, THIS 11815.1.41 SVPPLY. • A.-.,u.p1)O1''nl with a wr••k ago. Ibe ,Dal •apply 0f,(vh,ett In 4'Hiu1Ja xud the 1'111'.01 S1'V. 11: Inrrrns.'d 1,40.uar I,ttxhrl•: corn dee revee 5 1,:,N,'l llh but+h,•I.: 'all, dry-reWNI 4h4'a a Lu:+hAa ✓ Following I. ry r Ire I d •m res 111 K N nthltr•nt for lir meek rnd11111 H,-dey, the precMlug perk 11.11 the i1,ITrwromlI ng week o f Ie'1 i'Mr: Nu • .3•x8 1 �Wb.aL hu.-2fir,.47l,lsa, 2'7 14416. ,1*) 41 VtI,'iq to, ion , . , ti,30.4,000 11,71'3,001 t,te.fote 1. re, hn ", . , SA 141.150 7,2)151.5(41 2287.00) o 11A/111111111101,. tit.. 'Mlble supply of wh t In Canada and the 1: noted States, to- gela "1,31 tislt afloat to Europe, Is 54072.- 1 '•d,rl.• again*. 562211,01M bushels a work ago, null 73,70:[,111) leu.Lels a year ago ). r 4ttlO WIIEAT xtAUKrT.I. Following are the closing quotations at import :nrt wheat (calm. lotlay: Neu fork l'4'h. Nev. Dec. May. 874 7. 4 (ebvgn ` .... ,,.. 15 Toledo. 11% 86� 1gtl Dulntb, No.1 N.� 773,4 760)11 TORONTO if. wRRACR MA It It T. Oral.,- Wheat rel) hash . AU 80 to 0. N hen., wills. , t asL' O O a�1yf�7 nr7a w'he't. *prinK. Minh. • 0 n,2 what, goose, bush,, 0 73 0 DiKerley, 1110111.......• . O 44 0 W Ann., flush. ,.,. 1 tet .... Reece, hand-picked ..•.. 165 •,•. Pen bomb. - 'e Rye, Im'L., „ ' Ru,kwhnt hush0 .•,. Oat., bush . 0 gi` ..., LIVERPOOL. ORAIit Jule li*oDt7CR. Liverpool. Nov. 21-(•isttag-wfiMt- Sp.t +Wady; No. 2 red western wl ter, e• 2d; futons steady: Der., Ile 1; arch, M 41..d; Slay, Gs 2Se.1. e• nt stet: American mixed, 30 1( pita d r41;fi et y. 1 8s fl yol, Jen„ 3. 11� Aneon--tbmM•rlend rot ealey 4081,86 into gttliet. ties: long ideas. mllidles bear dull Sit; abort elecr barks dull, 43s: Near dull, easy, 418, Lard -Prime writers steady. 87s Oil, , CATT[.d MARKET'S. Clableo t•nch•naed Trade Mink at Weatreal, With Pelee ('osee.aloa. london Nov.• 2 Live ensile •t ady u ;toe to Iltyr per III, for Amrrlrnn a'r1•r•, dressed weight; 1'ansdl,A •teen Iw• ;e polka per Ilo.. refrigerator beef, A' -,r to Wife ppeer Ih, 14beep steady; lle to 12e per Ii. >.esab'1, 13e to 1)14., drnerd weight. MONTRRAL 1.14E 1TueK. Montreal, Nov, 2.1. About 10f70 head of mettle, tan calves and two. IOeep and lambs Were offered for isle at the haat land Abate soda to day, The butchers were ont .11011 and trade was brisk with alightly low'er prier paid for t',"4' y 10..t softie, 11a (here were many more of thla kind m, the mar tet then ham bees /be rale IpMt,, Primo IMPre. mold At 5',,s' to 0'Y,' per 1h.; gnarl m.' doom of 1%' to 4p. docnmmoh rattle. from 341.' to 314o, and the manners at t55 to 'Per 11. (inert raise* ware nearer.; groomer' sold at from 21l,e to 3'y and good veils at •c fn 41i. per Ih; gt.eed I•te of tat 111+11 'old at Ma, to 10,4' per Ih. 1A11t ■Vr4ALO CA?T1.t *ARRItT, eon Regale, Nev. 2S.•..43kefls--R40.4 54a, 117110 k"1): taltl, fattest WIN aaav4r OS PI TaVLlo114Y4. Nov. ac; 1903. 5 Oue of the most danger- ous and repulsive forms of Kidney Disease is ROPSY fur which Dodd's Kidney P111, are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually dsa u..,J up, and the water, which should be expelled In the form of urine, flows back and lodges in the cells of the flash and puffs out the skin. Remove the filth which plugs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is ody oat Kidney Medicine UODD'S KIDNEY PILLS trestle 4r151..; remmea mew: prim' steers. 55 to 55.26: eblpplog, 54.40 to 54.116: butchers' ,.leers, $6.:0 10,64.75: heifers 5,1 14,30: mows. 12,25 It. $3.00; halt's, 12.54 to 54; stnekrr and feeders, 52,:0 to 53.75: Mock beitelrx, 52 to 82.71;. !rent cows and wy rtugurs steady: emotion dull: tees] t, eholee, 1445 to $53; medium to gp3ooal, 71:15) to $40; eommoo, 520 to 5214. \'tele--Retrlpt•. 6111 head: steady, $4100 to 414.:10. S fogs-- Ise eelPto, :7,200 head: meth's., 10e l0 14.' (ower; heavy', 64.4) to 54.110: few tit $4.x.:' mixed, 64.5(4 to 114.0). Porkers, 54.5A: pigs. 54:75 1n 44.60: rough.), 13.10 to 14; stat,, 53 to "13.50. • Sheep 'and laruba-Iteerlpts, 21,700 head` steady; )ands*. '64.341 to 5:0415: yearling*. 44.2% to 44.51): wether', 14 t.. 54,25: ewes. 4.3.83 to 55410; sheep, mixed. 11-50 to 14.75. NEW YORK LITR STOCK. ' 'New York, Nur, '.ri.-H.evea-.-Urrrtpta 41feA1; medium to choice %tree., 10.• to 15c Miser; ,umulo11 grades straitly: bulls and 0)1545 steady: steers $4 to 55.20; Der cu, 8s. a. 51.311; halls. 43.21 t0 $4: export• les anorrow•: 11550 eatt)e: 15110.sbrrp S titt 400,1 quarters of beef; - erh'ex-Rs'• ee•Ipts, Mkt, .cats sd teay: grangers steady to ower; %vale, 54.50 to 1$1);'01111., 54: ems"- • cud fad raft•, 12.:Ai.10 sat:.,: western. 13.:10; city dre,sesl veal,,, Se' 10 1:114.• per 1b, Sheep and tomb, --Receipts, 1;1)10: sheep Iambs slow; Iaus rr{{,,e1•a.Iy; ela5ng aloe 1111• .1 l.,w'cr for Leary w(•Ights. Sheen 4210 to 53.85: few extra.' $4 to 44.15; culls $_. lambs. 55 to 1413: 'ape car. 10.'2 ; general sates, 45,551 to• ask cello, 54 to 14.75. No Canadian taint.... ., •` --- - tl. tATTLJ MARKT t111eea Qaot..I' Elmer-1rfa1• 1 r Ar, t to at!Ir QwotelsJoali, London. Nov. 2u: -Ilse .yule a;etay ati 4ia1 51• te. 11 y1 Ler Ib. for American s: ti drMxlsl welt: Canadian w1eH f, 1M to 3034.• per 11..: refrigerator beef, N',e to like per 1b, Sheep+adv. Ile to 12c pre I6 Lataba, 13m tv, 13yr', dressed weight. TORONTO LIVE *TOS. K.' scripts of Ilse 'dock at the t•it)' Market a.' "noted to •nearkmdi, c •nslMtng of 441 Cat e. ,at, sheep, 9:414 hogs anti 27 calves.. l:x 11w Jt ,1t .,{mad of exporters said at14' r cult.: e i 151t.•; m 1 n ale m is gwkt at oboes 11.11.100. ,. I:wpn r bulls Choler quality hulls aro oro rth $ t,, -t . 3 per ewt.; medium tat a In • Export e. Export .cow! are worth 53.40 to 56 peer cwt. ttute•her , 111et'n.4M pleked loin O but.'hct•s' 111 to 1171 lbs. each. equal is epi Illy To best exporters, are etorth *4.311- los good sold at 41; talr to good. S3.56 •"enmmok, 55; rough to hlfrrlor,- 115. sf geed quality; 1040 to L.1.2st to 13.86 per ret. -to 1'1:73 $2, to Y•Ceeders-',R• 1150 Ib., each, Holt* - Halla tor distillery byre; at $2.30 to 13. �_ - • Workers -one-year t�2-yewr.eld -deers, 400 1v 700 Ilia: rah, art. worb 52.7,7 to $3. per •w1.: off c.lors and of Poor 1.r.rsl• log quality of same weights arevwortl al.S• to 52.:0 per cwt. $- 11rh. ow*--M11ch emirs std sfli;Ig rt are worth 534) 10.$34). Calve. -Papers odd at 52 to 110 OP from 54 to 15.20 per cwt. sewer. -Priem, 53.3(1 to 4,1.40 per cwt. (41 wars, and blotto nt 12.:0 to 5.7* apring Lambs -Prices rouged froth 54 t• 14.25 per cwt. .Ho Pt wield le ro 1I no(o•, t r lin 't4lt 1 w Ib.. n1 more o K nw r than 211)1 lbs, each. oeS ear., are worth 55 per earl.: 1 ghts etld fat% 11f $4.74, .w,, 8:1.:4) to 11.75 per "wt., ,et )stags at 52 I8 582.20 per rel. TORO aro ,tcxcrto>f t. • 1 tart,. . .(e ti. Hoeolplr of Ilse stook at the fourth.. alarket erre11 also, eonslslltg of 144 rat - 11e, SI sheep &h(1 0 1.a3vei. EAST HUrr•LorTIV.t' 4t. t 1114 et l'. East Rnffalo, Nor. 20.-,'nitie Ltrv•14rt•, 21x) head; fairly nrtirp aro' stronger; prime steers, 55.10 to *5.25: • Iplint. 54.50 to 1 butchers'. 5:1.:41 to 54.04- h far,. 5:. to 11.25; .'Owl, 52.::, to 113.50; linlls. 1..- to 14: st,•• k- ers an, feeders$2.5t) 1 f of e teal. Hee'rlpas, 450 head;'LN• hlgh,r; 5,,.311 to 511 75. • 11nga- It•ewlpfs. 12,15111 head: fairly a •- fire: shade hlghrr: heavy, 144.t14)'to. 53• mi11s1 medium, 14.10 to $5; 'Yorker.. 'BJsli tO }4.01; Lig', 54.a4 t• 54.(1:.: ro nitha, $1. 0 to 5 40: atom.. 11.24 to 53.75. upper • :old tombs hetet nb 14,(110 head; cetyl•: obs, $4.:4) to it. 7:,: ye Arlings; $4:25 to wethero, t to }4.^ ewer. . 5 es' 1 , to s'1• I t $:1-2 1 totted, 1. , 1 . 1 t. , 'les5 7f. West Htn Farmers' j n stfhate, The Sipplementtt•y Meet ingk of the \Vest pluton Farmers' Institute, will le heft' et : LONDES130110', Ilit154 ilitll` Dee. 1st ; li[C L(9R:1\'F. pnbla(• hall.Dee. e. 2nd • S1'. HELEN'S, Itb1ic hall, 11.1•. :hal : IIOLM KM'4'l I.I.E, \Villmun's hall. Dec. 4th.. - ' 'DELEGATES: DR. 11. (4. REED, \',,✓, (il'tirget,w'n: Subjects: ''1 he Foundation Print•i- Mdcs sif Mre(essful Mtek Breeding ; " -Thr Modern Ma'idle and Hat -nese Houses. and Hoiw1. t 1 !treed "The Itelato15N Which Exist. Between Improper Fording and Disease ; " "Management of Dairy Cattle, with n view of Preventing Disatee."- Evening Subjects: •''rite Kelte•at-roil and Train- ing ' f the Young )fosse •" "Forming 1111 an Occio ition," J. 11. Sa1IT11, Litngliank. Mnbje•s'tie "Feel. and Feeling •" ('lover \I'114r1* ; "linedSteed; A„"1'[111)1 Moll 10 Ih1rn." Etening .nllje•s-t, t "Chiron - • nn Oe•upt• "Agricultural ' Iscatin,,." 0u'inlerehip tiekel• carols ling .21x•, and in ndditiun to the s-,ln- 04eliteratur• it entitle,, the holder to it protides iter admission to the fat nitwit. tow itt (111111111 every- tiny through. 1t. (hie fair. Tickets can Is• obtained In C. ('awnels• 1 NI '(Irk \i . ,. ,rrllw or (l l(' Secretary. I tall' L J. BROPBEY & SON -- TIla I. RADON' - Moreau\ \)•'rtctort oxa V.1Mot1.TIVC?B. AIWA Orders eer.r*llp •Treated le M all hours. salable, dee, 'settee *1 Overcoats Our. st.otlli is complete, in mtdi)ult' 1 heavy weights in Undei•wear. /. Kindly call. We can completely suit yup -in price, too -on shortnotice. Largest sits* 'sof new U� ercoal111$14 and Suit 11114(51 in the mon- ty to selel•t front Leave your Order Non. Underwear Il' Suits Fihest goods made, lli! luding the new Linen Upde'rwear. McLEAN BROS. ART TAILORS. CLOTHIERS, OUTFITTERS. The Square, GODERJCH. 'Phone 77. • • • ;e 4. yr 4I• 0 r • • www ,. ,.A..,.:,wwe Demand Far Exceeds the Output This is the situation of the Wm. Buck Stove Co. with their Happy Thought Ranges and Radiant Home Heaters l z _\* , Have you seen • thl'iCa( i avert s- l' ' ml'.nt in the Tor- onto dailies ' 1f not,, here it is : 14.10. STO.V M: YLATi' MOI' LDERM w xllllal 111 e I h l - main .• th u1xl,m O.. I 1 new .hot, of the \\'\ (' ..1.151 ITkll • 1, ( 6 .-TU\'}; l'U„ HnprtfoM. l' at once. Hun- dmd& of (*millet nM' 4.111'"11 sur Happy Thought Ranges. Wages the best. Shop the finest on the cun[8a•pt. TIZis goes to show that the general public are waking to the fact that the best is the cheapest. N Besid 13 e the great number .I have already de- livered' this fall, I have nine customers patiently waiting for-.JIappy Thought Ranges and' four for Radiant Velli& HIeaters. A traveller, r 'a`esenting a paint .and oil house, when in. the the other day said, "You are not the only one s • t of Happy Thought Ranges. It is the same : y all along the line In fact he said that dealers . ed him to see if he couldn't buy some from other dealers r them, no inn r what the cost was, as they didn't' want to keep t r chstomers waiting. g > If you. nt the best range do not leave off getting t 1 t el l day' you lwanti t, but eall and leave your order Remember there are a number h a o4c1, of you, but you are next after them. • This is the season for punkin up.your double windows and replacing broken glass. o not for- get that I .have a very complete lin f glass All sizes carried in stock at moderate pric . In shelf and general hardware I have the latest and most up-to-date stock west of Toronto, ' Plumbing and Heating a specialty. Every- hing fully guaranteed and Al. • • CHAS. C. LEE ONES-Stdre, 22 ; House, 112. • • • • •1' • rnmrrrrmn►»rnrtrtm N1 WUATE ST. LIVERY ALEX. ROBINSON. Prnpr,eto, ► O.s Thole• who drive, for either t)IINi t' ,ss nr' IImOIII1 •, *1111Ngl the rwgnle Street Liv- ery w(' I I s'quui14al _with good horses 'mit rigs Buggies, Phaetons, Wagonette, etc. Every rare taken to 4.101111' the e tort. M111141 t alt 1. Ru•f ion Of patnme. (tit 1' in.' a e'nll, Al -EX. ROBINSON, 11;.`pa,,.pit.•'',,1II'1,111,11' 1 111 11,11111.1. �MS�IIM4N•.4 sal4.ea HOSPITAL FOR r WOMENPRIVATE, SECLUDFD. 1)1., imam ittaot Ian. . All Olt .x s, 4.. M. Bryson, s>!,'York 8t., Buffalo TGU.NDRY BRO1 Livery, Nack o 'Bus Stables (3000 NURSES (;A14R1A(3RS l' HA ETON[ . 1T-- RRAMOiIAJILE itATLfS- Well-appointed Stocks . and re•li- 'Ahh' drivers in !\bar({ a of the f ilwed4 whicldwill ole t- wll tralnn and trani boa ts ALL CALLS ATTENDED 'ell l'ROMI'f1.Y FROM 1fo1'M:Is AND PRIVATE 1101'11.:14 OU N DRY "EROS. MOUTH MThs:ET 'PRONE FIPr yoar d ler yon saw his adYertisement in V The Signal, aoderich rI th apt 4N 4 I ) e a es. e r, t' r,: • .; . is cit n ty Cee rel, CO. 'rhe of of r., of old 'h IMI 4111 y4 1 .