The Signal, 1903-11-26, Page 5• • i,- • 'I� Awe 'I HI;' SIGNAL: 1;ODE UCH ONT4.R,I0 I. tiltba.tt,•, Nov. 24, 1JJ:. EN' AND SCISSORS. wur.Almin of DREAMS. + � You Dever ran ,Film Who Wu( k jltfye tl ght that (Iuhlwill Smith, ,., all Men 1,10Nt print kat, unsold i111Pllta .•,,,aluiwt austere, would leave paid • moment's eln*idrratlun CO taw questa raised the other they Mout the ('au lien girl ? But he ltd nod 1• tit that, he wired* his weighty Iwo in h defence (if n creature Ito thunalgh 9„ intrnnchiti i1) the heart* of her run ryosen can be said to requiredefenr ( it is what he wipe : "The unit/ of the Edwin( was n more aet•Iullrly threatened by the A wi asks decision than It is by t he Iwl•t Iw of some Englishwuulau who has bee treulueiug our ('anneliah-wumi•u 1)i their dream. The prior of 'windy 1 t.ween the English and the l'ananlit girl,it mast lw left. to Venue to aware That the arbitlrwl of Iwaut • woo award the prise to the English girl nut ism certain am the Etiglhrhwun fancier. It he certain that she woo heritata long and that her drdlveranc would not he rude. The Englis wou►an is bokd enough to ny that *h would wend her lover to ('uuwl:1 wit old any fear of iia twing captured 1 the attraetioum 1rf l'attadlau glee*. 14 had latter out risk the experiment i slnuuler, when the l'anrdlai git•I is i her simple and natural dream, with Iwahce and skirt of diffeeht' ro411 and a round 'straw hat, She might d it muck more wifely when the ('at adieu girl i* arrayed iN one of lie divine cIwtumes we rapturously de 1rrilanl in our 'society papier,. If 1•h ceflwa11141 . Keiglishwuuian ' rata lean our beauties W have Wore of 411 4 .4. t nature- in their attire mid' /hew f. Canada. not for Lladun or Polys, sib 14111 have dim 4 u*,^a mervier, thong not in the in r'/u•temaue way. That's pretty(ro11d for the I'irithe4 war ltd OauW's rate; u •e!,I be MI)lter Maws of Preplwtc 1[w._ I. Wa*bikrton, 1).t!., S. 24. --Penia• x tor llalet of Moine yeoterday, i1) diaj ,,l cubing .the resolution of Memuto`' a, ' Nuwlandr of Nevada, W toy -klieg Cuba • to b.00wu a port of !hie Iliti(ud an Misuse wade the. fulluw•h.g mute -, Meat about Canada. which was his. ly teu.d to with the ulua,rt latersit. al-, The Maine 'statesman deprecated ,Inv 1)j, , snort 1)a the part of tie•' Panted States to invite unser„ countries to - 1 juin lit the sisterhood of states; and 4t, then said: I- "This great .ltel,ublie that 11, Ia- n -coming a great 'power 1n tiei wbr1d n ought to be doing ruuletlliug besides i I interfeting with new and ruu'rlenl Ie- and straggling repobRc1. 'lake • th•- )n case of Caned*. aware , I "1 have little doubt that then now listening to rue will wt• tier time is' when ('anode will become en imt''glul mn parR of (he United Stales. Ieni "If the plan of the &nowt udvtnlur- pus of British politicians fur a e44. h' ion*ial preference. 114 rurri.d out, n tar- n IR war would lie inaugurated es•t amt% h- (brat Britain and the Ilnil,d States. i3, and the 1'St hsh politician will seek he' K 1 n to net Canada up as a great rival to n, us -an agricultural rival. at "(het of that will arise condillun*, ,ii: diluuaaiun,. and considerations that �� I will end in tM • of the two i- peoples. Ilrt we du not: invi a (treat 4, , Britain to trod Canada' to 11R and Join the Inion. Mhe 1N too large a b,' power." . i1 The utterance of jtuine'w senior 4, Mrnat or cauwd very' great comulient„ lr, a .maria• at S,nsturN rr ':taus e , bordering on the Iklluinion toining h, -Ole h Senator 111,1.• in the hope -1 hat Canada would lie eventually a part - of the United Mtates.. Presume, l'esleetea Ravels. 'eletnittor Morgan -Rea r111Ocr 1 f • the chairmanship of tilt• Inter uce•pni.: ytwNea yeNtrrtlay, and h 1•• a *peed% crmiclzinR, the '�stdett, who. lie said. uverllu4e theI w'... 11.• mall the correspondence. Iwurin;, upon 4' ` revolution to show, he • said., Wt\\ the President buil known of the upr .l in the Isthmus before it lona R'•t 1141 aloud reads wlfh. armed ships it protect those engaged 111 it." 'I' »enc'• in Assistant See•- rMartl of 1 r Nutt- 1.00:m•' d•••cput.•h that it was ur desire to 111,11111,1 11. pw•e was t . grimmest piece of Irony. • sl( S Caadatioo..•' Washington, Ne 94.-T11e' follow- Idg sir the Itepu an mellI4rship on S.•na11. Cum A *'e agreed to - in- thr"-It.y,ublicun c yesterday: 1 CanuttialiN.,!te•lettons- i1 lie - chitin. •man: ' tory( • 11111r, . ' 1f r, ' Fair- banks STo IKN4'O4' l'HILUItKN A little girl waw n dish of *era Ike ie*,^on the table and, a* *h - phut , t no one wets Joking. Rhe was just I* t to take 114111e. Then *ht• heiti4,ttrel r a ntiplde slid finally 111111141 away itch the remark, "Sold again. Satan." t 1. 1.111-1.111.. how •lime+ Hia- tt m get the 11.tues 11 w0I11s of x) Ilan mama an their. tinder load teg them out at awkward t1,, *'her--"IVhe/ W1,* 1)11vill • l lel til "rhe 1111 of J1111." Te. er "quite right. Now' Will w'4* J Pupil r blower elf 1hlnl,I*,w." A little ire was dialuiseed in dis grace l4) her IIrN,lll until she n.ktr 41.11 to forgii. Iter bad, cu1141141• 1414.. 1•• 1 ,• d 11 d11w/1*t:lw, Y I1)/ time tit after. "Ita%e you sssl Owl l., forgive ?" im wired , r they. "01,, yes,'Cnhr replied. • 1)i Hr sand, 3114. -never mind. thele a •'I)lent1' worse than pat.*" r ( A little girl, when feral years old *4141 stolen some sugar. and was 1,k C r:emtld• in the net 11y her a 111. She ...keel her sunt 11111 to telt :4111 11.411r4 would never know. "13111," Mt 1 her : 1. 'Nl..d will know•."'••Yrs,' re- plied the child, "bot Ilis1 doesn't t.• "Now, children." Pail the teacher, L•1 11* Kee what you trm,sulwr ahead tetra,' im e11 . I kin 1 and the K l l d r*tir ;utimola that. Iwlong to it. \-m11 have named all the d e*(he *minae* beet oil.•. 1Vho41ut tell ole whet that One '1t 7 It bus bristle hair, likes dirt, and h. fund of getting into the d." ,11'.. NM 4))) y leolkel lXINY't:111ty around the mons. "Can't you think,' T..: • ?'• Rhe asked, eneourn ingly. "Vim:111," was the sh 'buss! reply. 1114'." - "1 Iittlr• ghat,. whom• parents weft. mien •1* of the Presbyter. laurel,, tame one daIna Mate of ber wilelerml t 'because her teacher hail told the that Jeno walla Jew. "%Veil. 111y ear. on Hr wan," said the mother, "Bu anther." retorteml the girl, "how eel the 444111 of (nod hen ' Jew. when (ilia is - I'ttwbytit•ian 7" CANADA UTE STOCK AT frp 1, Tae CNuw.*t• Prepare Per tllsel! D.f_ . . tae Display wrests., A*lr* \ Chicago, Nut. 24.-.t $1,4* • display. of live stw•k-probably • K1leet.Nt the outlet ham el.•r ms•na- will be fond in • l'hi.•*gu Iron. Nuv\ 2$ -t1) toe^: b. Fives thuupund bead el the most Velnuble est tle•. hur*-s,, sheep, swine snit horses ubtaiwd on ,ether side of the atlantic will u1,' 1ght days rum,{ate for prices Aggro- ting ggroting i (lull et the beg pavilion In Mo lie Ilal{led street. The occasion will the fourth annual internation- al If stork rxpw1lliun. I'ona an'herds wilt be largely re- presented. At the. close of the exhibit Many of tie exhibits will be r.'rtoVed at once t0 i..-lple, niet., • Il, eouteet for honoree 1• the Canadian - Fat Stuck Show. Qui) \list ili.w ' g to The b.wIwbr 'e Malt* for or n` eq,yrlght. IM414) 1(1*)y:11.1 •'14Th'•, A. joyful as can I*•; it op)right. IN4 lit Rtot )ant Ki b*.1 int the married mean dell r•,d1 It - n. ' 1t .rygMgla, 194 b) Ruelyard Kip11 1 ' !teens.. •e It*ht,. f..r litre oprrlght, Mb.in Rndynel Klpllne.i For lin Mal •Kr *I*1 1t *'n1,viijjht, Ian by Itudrrnl kgdina.I 1,111 Tw1.11 11ne trusties TfrM), It'•t,) right, Ivo. Irp Itis,) -ant K K w*Rl. 10 11.11.1. 1. 1111 le All. . M'outright. 11111. 144 Rlidyard Kipling.. An 'e 4.1nt. to btu nae 10 •1.1 tea! tt,tiorlghl, 11111. by !tuition, Klt1ing.l • {t' Some tittle ago Pen and M'iNstn* noticed in a newepaper an enquiry its to whether it was right to first trinities. T)i. eiiguirer halls r11*ttat of giving fool to hungry warnler•rs who rnHwl Nt:1)1s home. but had been rebuked for it by mane of his friends. `Ihr• elitin', Whik•eli1N•Inimi►fg•any idea dosing am an authority on the questhl,n. Ip►ye 11 ns hill opinion that it was unsafe+ for hoIINl•h0lilers tit make n prnetiee of feeding trxmpe. Ile thought that If /melt men Iver.• to lie fel it should he done by wale orgii lz*ton constituted\ for the parpwwc. Thee is a good deal to be Paid on INlth Rides: noel in the absence I/f melte well regulated agency for laking rare of 'such COWS, stielt 1 exi*IN only in the Marge 'dame, every' permon to w•hu.n applienl' i* simile for relief in mutt manner timet be It law Io hint- \ self, or herself, and rt take I) e ,•Hiatt' of turning away al angel in disgui*e i)wrh4)m IS moan 4401) M• en- tertaining a wolf in sbe p's Hot lying. • t t Speaking -of Ira:ripe, e, Plen and Nl'i. n'* s8r* is Ieminded of an incident that. happened at a farnihml*• not fir ills - twat front (Illetieh. To stet r elate the story (he lender must kornr that Ihr well-to-do ni*n of the hhtYsiea While nI•nt. rind "*prhee" when ht• minim In- th towel, is not an rwreful abrin(hie np- p"r'I when .he is working about the . farm. dr.'s..ing rather for nlillty than few ap earanee. One* 'r nin b,• I,:ul risen pretty early tuul after doing tonne work he was (lit' in { nn the grass "utchle the kitchen w'nfting f"t breakfast. 1'p the bole ranee n knight ..f the rad and, spying the fanner. he inquired aboutthe chance. fora meal. Well• 1 have been waiting an hour n'3117e4f;' Ives the reply. The tltwmp turned on his heel. Two of hiet kind, he dlnlbtl«w thought, %t -mild be tole snitch fin- the pencil...I (be heaven. ''1L°t�wdk A FATAI, el Mr. Rebore Datable..' Kt sit Driver Flowers /art.. Chatham. Nov. 2.1.-A d wreck occurred on the L. E. k 1). 1t. H. about a mile south of the c ' at :W last evening. The mixed in coming north from Blenheim r- in- to a beet rout special iron Walla( burg, *hunting 1)t the south end u the cemetery switch. Fina,,,,, Rob - eft llntchisun was killed -instantly. and his body buried in the wreck. Driver James flowers was badly hurt In the alder and one haute, but was able a walk. Ilotb . oleo reside in Walk.. ill.•. Wltsusg 111 Meige. 'sago. Nov. 24. -"Pierce tighting, In w • h the police used their 'chins freely .•d twice ensptbd their revol- vers, nut ed the opening\ of the Mtat• sire" cable lino by tie Chica- go City Rail 1)y yetilelday- far fta ascertained u one was seri sty Injured, ■Ithou there Were R, broken beads mono the rioters. hardest lighting vest day took place at 41st street and "tate street, where a snub hiding be. d a Hence stoned cars guarded bv.o •errs The police fined several shuts err \the head; of, the strikers, . Many i the mob were. clubbed. v Isidore Pros,. 1111. (Hilaire., Nov, g4. -111r. laid•a' Prolate, M.P. for Prescott. Ilea 11 the Catholic lirnerul Hospital in pee- \earioua condition. 11e bud Offered 'front gangrene' of the left lig for *Mite ti n , and itK .f no rictus ur his doetor ele•kld nn limpid ion um the only p1)•sibl, chane'.' f. life. •1'he leg w'e• amputated o Monday and while then• is hop.' chalices. are, against Mri'roulx T. Yak Ow ata ' Montreal," N 24L -The Canadian Pantie (tail y Atlantic Steamship Company t relay . announced the establish mt 01 a Raw Due. to be rlrn dor the Winter months from New / leans 11) Carton* continental port .A ap.'lrlalty will -be made 01 Mcotton trade. • 1,N►.. 0.1.7 V.Ir 111. Ottawa, Nov, 24. -Oro: E. Casey, •x -M.1'.. recently appointed, to the Parllamemtary library, Is ' In the Protestant Hospital very ill with poeumonda. Ile pas &ported a{ eery low yesterday with grave doubts as to the outcome. isana..a..lty at ■.we, Pisa, holy, Nov. 24. -King 'Victor Emmanuel and Queen Melena arrived here early, yiwitrrday, and proceeded to the royal residence at fo**ore. Wer tet Tears 014. Nov. 24. --Mrs Mart' iinp.- 'ler died at I1Rhawa Mnturdey and ens hurled yeateirday. She was 103 veers, 7 ,Mentha and A days of age, and a formal rsald.at bf Whitby. sew ea Sea 111. ' w.*hingten. Nov. 4. -The ate has agreed to vete • Oa tie Cable' b111 en Dec. 11{. PLAYING THE DUMMY,. • Premier Ilahaur As Me Appears .t• Viaw.1 e1, 44w Ird Ore/. 1` London, Nov. 24,•x(('. A.1'. r --1k. .1. Bryum, Npa•ukiltg at '111,1 banquet of the 'Nut' 1 LitNvul ('hub tlou,fuy night mid that. from, 111• American ex 101'0114, preelection Wale wren_ and retaliation( i1) 1114.1 1,-ar-- it r1'u.wdwl Ilial Id a 4014 '"R'lln drank whiskey Co ps'event moult,. biles,• hut seam I.,Id Nnakrl inside 'of hiui instead of 0111.' aide Thespeech mum received with freed n• upgduu*• Mir Edward Grey, speaking 1)t Sur Isbury yest.' lit. said that i'rath1 r Bali • ami, play nag the d . bice downwards, 1~'Iwlida•rluin knew all there• was in that hand. Balfour had 11•luliutiun ,in him lips, but protection in his tl ghtl, 1)1141 food nisei Up i,I* slw•1'r. sgaslle 118411 Pearce . tri irepl4 to a leta.•r frail W. Mc- Laren o-Laren asking if Ilk new -fiscal policy • prohibit the Canadian tomtit fed to pig iron '1'M• 'Times . re!'littl: "There will be 'nu -cast iron tirCe .1f-. torr. Thi• eMwsar of the new move- ment is elastic." '1'h.• Dublin ('h her of C,Luaeree by a large majority hum called for a lluvemmast inquiry Int o' the stale of trade um wore us possible. The bele of Wi;h1, King*, 1.y1 n and. Croydon o'il,ni*ts revolt' agirilmo the -free• funders. 1'. ('Into, a resident of Croydon. Hon. C. 11. Ritchie.** canal iluela'y, aid noted fur his sple n - did fight with Winston l'hurhill' in Ilse Conserv at ire ' cause at OWhanl, will oppoee• Ritchie at the next e11c- tloa. • Mallow on Caaadlas loll. 'Hon. f).'urge• E. Foster. sli:-ukinl; at tilt:Mein. sal fi: ' ' l 'an.ulu ." hits Reid, "de6•nd 1)y with your Ilr,t and, we shall build 4/11 Cunadlun soil a minim 11) 341 year* that will slunk at yu!n' blink " W. T. steed'* new paper on Tut - snot Tines will la• published on Jaw.. Lord Lan*tiownc )kaa recently, had several attacks of kis old ailment, *vial ire. - Tit mots la Vrult_►alp. Messrs Net ha rd & Lowe largo • a fruit R. alt import 1 r 1*„ When interviewed. sug- gested 'hut more attention .huu!d be paid in Canada to the cult i. at i,g of black currants and raspberries lair the purpose of mlu1.in.' pulp. This year black`tui -,•out pull) ,sold at .1:10 per ton. and raspberry pulp almost a* we'll 1t is understood there 1i41011 wi11 Iw. publimh.'d u blue book containing. the reportie of -l. he .ariotot n110111411 repre- sentatives in regard:, to fhev' fiscal problem.' Muaie of the reports are dated 1,R fur back as l 1)l o, The ...aeon 1111N p1041..1 unfavorable for r•urers of poultry both. in Eng- land' and on the rout anent so reli- ance i* ylavel on the Canadian stile ph , especially by tier turkey import - era. '1 he produrerd are l.okiu;r for high pi ices. BANQUET TO PREMIER RO Llttw41 Climb Will Moser ■psi la Jas -pea asysee.4 P'ef.•tals. . Corder $ rrlee. "smuronto, 14 , 24, -The Roes Lib- er t ('I w 1)b *rid their ...petting meetingfur O• season in Kt liei,rge's Ilall lam night. and trona -Acted a consid- erable amount of bustle**. It was decided Ip tender a r p ' ts•ntary banquet tO their I insurery "resi- dent , lion. -lieu: W. hats, in .1 . e- ery next. e' Oectonot1 will la- / the nature- u u pu11111er demons' tion, the ,baht• will be at the price of If1, • addrl9Res wi be given by Mir ihiarl, Mul other Cabinet Min errs, . - TA* 4aelest'`Oeal Last evening the I y Prefontaine, Minister apeut the.; day in th. tertalned at dinlie Polon. Before 1 l a coeupliIwut to t a Canadian% lir ,'dhis intim his 111,1,.11 Iv.• Cana dtrd 111 tie had fast c tie up a firm. the tastes to none. - 1 the lixid let. ler to make., tie cued to none in 1) - Ow' *IRU • Anil Ra n&ond Marine, who c y, was en - by Mr. 1". 1). ving hey laid ability wl1.1i which had carne1 t an :art, Ile also •Iar- un ahellever posslb • to an lines the preferon•. in C010 1'40111. 4111(1 1lm1O1r1111.{, pursuance of that policy h. -en another contract, fur a Meer for the prot.ct ion of •r lake fisheries, to the Pol- Thejcunt rar culled for bout on t Iaku*• second. dental' , he mentioned nine on of the Prem- anadian route se - he world. amt. Manila, 24 Ave days a 9(Ml Nur others c has to 14,011 111. 1 tie •.d ekU.a: fight last lag, 1,1t of which and many wounded, ion (ien, Et tin of an d aatthe• re were killed tied off dead all 're place In .1010 beta Wood command at wits. Major 11. L. Scot 4th Cavalry and five Ameri iv* R were wounded. Sid Ce.lt. ea -Mai Mellow Whitby. •4,,v. 24. -The adjourned meeting, of t' • (IoW creditors look lace ,4lwt.rdu, A .prolo*itinn was • 1)l fifty c.• - *; on the dollar to unsecured cos -tors fpr an alma - urge, nod heti latter pre w' 1 n1, 1amnia ugly accepted. 1111 be palWithin thirty Yr. Jus. Welland, NOV:. rive r4ntrn110n to nominate a rand•• attended. .lamra 11n1 was nominated on the but Rtatel he would not few days, Mr. It. It. (lam/ and Mr. E. A. Lancaster, dressed the neetilig. - hnnl. ed, 21.-✓I'h.. Co ,•rva- •Id here .gest :day ate, wan lar Iv of 'I'horuh first ballot, 'fit ' for a MX. P., Jape O. alter Raulus. Mt. i'.•tersl,urg. Noe. 24. -Thr' tweed-ofncial Russian agency lila r,- lei veil, from Tokio a reportto the effort I hat Japanese warships hove been despatched to prevent the i(nm- sian • war vessels Marry itch final goyan reaching fort Arthur to join the Russian squadron there. t.r..t allied by *.y. Port Arthur, Nov. 24,-7hr tw"- yearold ' son of M. Letterman, l4rmer of Oliver. wan leer I d. ntnII killed by •n eight 41-.ar-ntd boy die charging a shot gun, . 'Ksk.r Orders aee.ltimteili Berlin, ,Nov. 24. --Emperor WIllldm ha* directed the (Irr:nen authorities to o)lrl,lly recognise the Republic of Panama. 4ape ll...I0.. no Louis Sotto. Rome. Nor 24 -rope Pint y1Rte•.. do mei. eft .n pa iv ate sedienrw Sir Loeb Jetta. 1,ieutenaal-'Joretaor of 01•Me. amid family. . Wall D.,urved. - The i 'nth• t•a1ur mHer.1l ' by The Family llrral/T 111)41 \YeekL' 1414i• of %lulltle:l this season is meeting write,' the sitecewl the FFatiblh*hl•s deserve. Their pictures -"Heart Broke." lInrl "111ilrl tai ('11,841.'" nil' beautiful, ,111,1, their id hot' premiums rolurts4 ii up, i.f calltullt 61'pp•to-,late. II -is the bigk,t•r1 dolbo's width in YasudaI0.14y. The Family Hrtakl is st4'nrinl •thous4uils of new sul,w•rilk•rm by (heir generous girls this year : i1) fact few "� lobuleswill be, (usual without bill .heart paper :/1)d -beautiful mend ttttla when • rlullui' secures so tonal. 1 3 a! Crowed a 441 ter.w,.d • l'ol'••uhyljga. Nov. 21 =The Nerwe- g14111 barque Capella, Capt. .lubuu- neKum, bound front Ar•ndal, Nurw•uc, for 'fable ' hey. Calve Colony,- h,a, beef) Necked off hurbpirrg, .Jutland the crew of fifteen .turd were drown ed. : .1 spoonful of help 1*• bet tet than :. dishful 111 udvin.. , The .parrot is the only bird that talks but the lr'lu•ea•k can a tailonfold. Peter says Hutt nothing is so likely to 11111)11.1• It coolness as a phot il•gll- utrnt, . Spend not all you hnvc, believe no! all you hear, and tell not all you know. Millet's Kidney 1 /Madder fills• lure headache, 111114grwt' , rhe'uut- ; titan and all ailments cnuseml by of - fee tot ki.lney% and bladder. Fee 1.44, ply Sao. \\ iIM .n. 1 Whether for immed- late 4)r future consider-. oration our prices for Copper Plate Engrav- ing are worthy of note. For instance, we en• grave a plate like this for $1.0U. • / 1rFront the plate we print 100 choicest quality cards for $1.0o, Th. "plat.- will last a hletie,e. Write fore copy of our new handsomely illustra- ted catalogue, ready Nov. rstb. On request we will send it to any address free of cost. RYRIE BROS. 1r WELF_1r`4 11*, 120. I2.' and 124 Veneto fit„ Toronto .. J. H. WORSELL Agent God erich The- "'� PF1E3CT!', Gasoline Engine +;4d�kia4 , Always Ready to Run :4 4. ' lye. .--- f•. . si,ae ewer . 4 Ns7..s,,) ✓. The safest and � Suitable for any most reliable �5'°.t purpose and place solineol\�e p r � �where power •y produced 4 „+ ;(, e, r is reMuired Made in all sizes and clrsign for stationaryand marine use F(ur of these engines have been placed in Goderich during the past eleven months if you require ppdwcr that is economlcal and han , calf on or; wlfite ' 1 1161111111101.11.111111101.11 Jordan Bludt W. A. iVI°KIM liodcricb, �.�. ilial 11i1to.*1111111111i1 W11a;11i elf 11111111( tui tb i&11i11i WOMAN'S GLOVE BARGAINS NS L E RGAi g7;li4 t, �t 3 do*. woman's 1411Jw ii *lk•hlisl Ale*•hzi gl4V4's, )egldlil' • 31.111E 1.1 doz. woman's' brown *ilk'Ihitd Mocha glover, legtelaf value .74 for *1.116 w01/mart's grey silk lineal :\It*•ila glove*, regular value 1.7.1 for..: . 11.25 genuine 111e bargain111 ioseasonable woath e goods. JA ETS Not, many:left , P'URS ,fust a few neck t ter • *ill he less i1) It • `f11114 loll at big e4sluctip)N. . sh tt ,lull• iTlitth prite thrk- Eht.:11 Capri•ine for $12.11) et have,"any virtue. '*Ve $l*l.Cll * k.11U want to have nuc left '-;.$10.1*) " " $ 7.50 y the 1st of January. )" ( Oil llO •s to "NOXALL" A "Pedal BLANKET1S Our "lnAteh- line of Imre wool cashmere les" is tIte hest value we lever how•...Tetra (ivabity yalrn, full handled for this '1•, 110th) fashfumel, Itv)udes1, fast Colin•, - ie. Ilene lofty finish, fullseourfrl 'spit tial 2 .. 1 tF. Matchless it is i1) quality for New Idea pfatients 10e. the price, OH EMS (10(11114. \Ve have a hit that Must 1N, 1•lealvxl. The -.time is drawing iurar furwtoektaking and we don't want to in- ventory half what wee !lave. �' oppsn'tuuity to*uiike 78c do duty fol *1.IA).• - 0/0% 1111/1liliii11i1lilt%11i0/ 011110/0/ 0i11i111IW110/0/ value$1.01, fin. MCKIM'S BUSY STORE fI ' , •4 ' c% • t WHAT YOU WANT 1N BOOTS IS HERE sitautich, reliable makes that won't fail 1M•.i '0V(' disappiuiut- 1)1K. - Our lung loot *tock is Very complete re the best tuna*)- til (*wtl,r'rs. puce you,nisi n !stir of out• Rublwr lt.cn (mils? Joat the thing tor 11149 .e:l1o1), - We have a large nmsorti ieiit of nu'n's Leggings, in (:rain and Matin l'itlf Leathers with patent adjustable fastenings. Ask to awe them. 1► will pay . )1 you.to N 111 1,'l• 1 'N 1t all' sl,* o .1 •k f tllell'N and wUnlien Felt ,Nets nig range to eh, ow. (nom tit lowest pri('ei1, • 1! RUBBERS n We air d) "to meet any demand. Privet. right D 111?I't1111\li. a W G & Mac VICA R` j 1, CYTS ti1)lil•'itI( I1 We Lea Ill) 111. You can gi wail•. y risk -you wi get e i Fall Snits. Overcoats. Odd Troy Them All In style, dual annce. want he Korcecitin d ���� �,.� ��.•�i Fancy • Ye ,. lave them all. L ve your order here. Do it W., and you n't have to envy your-frie whose talion wee attend to. ' Fran Hartin, e_ Tailor. I s JA AUSTRACHAN Vicipria $ Machine Works. - (ioderich, Ont. FALL AND INTER MILLINERY 1 My for ien. s � t. 14 ,'f ?t4ullitt Ilrnlfo tai 1 nod winter It now body FL I invite) l4) roll sl anl!l a r„ and .10e nest $•Una t : 4' (1).' little, ts a11.1 hem 11111 will hftk.l 4 EI M>!'R and tri in the In Re new Many prettyWool LacegsE Effects . large vat -to-Wear ty to choo t a a from Inamool MISS CAMERON Hamilton Street, QODWOH 4,11i*.semen p..82ai it• '1.1 Enttltfttrttttlttlt!ItItt!MII1MIllIttrttttt1tMtn1Iffn it la r. h ' dater it You Oi. Ne n Shoes Well we all 11) id thi•i lino of the year. You need your money too, (111 y111) l \Vel) No ell) 1114 felt ..1 11. alley, :111,1 1a11 t' •s and system's. Now here's where a maul's hard earned Iloll/ars goes farthest. • Yon Kett re then Rliwm, you gRet. SA7IMPA(TION aatisfartim e, wiles noel sl vie combined. ('1111 and let um show yang • of our fines, They will •tnter•,1 vote. From the little • to Ilse old people we have the mimes' to keep Your feet r• forbade. sof, THE RUBBER QUESTION fiThere 1111,1.1111114.04111.11• for nny simile or Nhe,es. They re this !too 's so N1•'s sjtong u, 1•llnrnhle. Puts parr 1)1n and pen. facie will I lint the gnnitd Is wee dad slushy. Wm. Sharman THi•: 14LA'ri-:It mut )l 14 volt 1lEN. I0110T11Y i)t)nl► FOR \VOMI;N, 11 Bth rias 8 4 1 e 16 f H I ty ere rl, h 00 iI ,I Gel, a Souse r it ` „ Ran e. ,, r-:-., l' ' ' i ^ ---._, You u ' re tisk in btiying ", , .• ..a.this I • • '' Inge -it made .-. f�a,', �' iii--, ���-ccc �t: On a 1)r without. er- , �r�., ; -. •r to est. s . •,.� .+�`>•1 1 L _ y part s, afinatnl t- Baa ' r 1, �. -- � ed to 11 !der it fie '..-',-3," 3 4.V'. .„ `!Sgaillika.P mob 411),1,6*?and et opera g -parts of le 4 ', tire toe xp osed'tu tivi fire fill o tlast at 11•aek .,, ••�- $ tierce uaditl' • rang.' . Ma - rs' tten Guarantee. ' v Thae mak n have err cpnfl •. ce in this i'ttnge-- ey irnl themselves in wri ' g that it ill operate, pee , ectly a d againstainst imperfecti imaterial a work hip. Such a Outman .. eom?anies no other range hough said. Gur ey, Tilden Co.. Limited, H.milton Toronto Montreal Winnipeg J. H. WORSELL Agent God erich The- "'� PF1E3CT!', Gasoline Engine +;4d�kia4 , Always Ready to Run :4 4. ' lye. .--- f•. . si,ae ewer . 4 Ns7..s,,) ✓. The safest and � Suitable for any most reliable �5'°.t purpose and place solineol\�e p r � �where power •y produced 4 „+ ;(, e, r is reMuired Made in all sizes and clrsign for stationaryand marine use F(ur of these engines have been placed in Goderich during the past eleven months if you require ppdwcr that is economlcal and han , calf on or; wlfite ' 1 1161111111101.11.111111101.11 Jordan Bludt W. A. iVI°KIM liodcricb, �.�. ilial 11i1to.*1111111111i1 W11a;11i elf 11111111( tui tb i&11i11i WOMAN'S GLOVE BARGAINS NS L E RGAi g7;li4 t, �t 3 do*. woman's 1411Jw ii *lk•hlisl Ale*•hzi gl4V4's, )egldlil' • 31.111E 1.1 doz. woman's' brown *ilk'Ihitd Mocha glover, legtelaf value .74 for *1.116 w01/mart's grey silk lineal :\It*•ila glove*, regular value 1.7.1 for..: . 11.25 genuine 111e bargain111 ioseasonable woath e goods. JA ETS Not, many:left , P'URS ,fust a few neck t ter • *ill he less i1) It • `f11114 loll at big e4sluctip)N. . sh tt ,lull• iTlitth prite thrk- Eht.:11 Capri•ine for $12.11) et have,"any virtue. '*Ve $l*l.Cll * k.11U want to have nuc left '-;.$10.1*) " " $ 7.50 y the 1st of January. )" ( Oil llO •s to "NOXALL" A "Pedal BLANKET1S Our "lnAteh- line of Imre wool cashmere les" is tIte hest value we lever how•...Tetra (ivabity yalrn, full handled for this '1•, 110th) fashfumel, Itv)udes1, fast Colin•, - ie. Ilene lofty finish, fullseourfrl 'spit tial 2 .. 1 tF. Matchless it is i1) quality for New Idea pfatients 10e. the price, OH EMS (10(11114. \Ve have a hit that Must 1N, 1•lealvxl. The -.time is drawing iurar furwtoektaking and we don't want to in- ventory half what wee !lave. �' oppsn'tuuity to*uiike 78c do duty fol *1.IA).• - 0/0% 1111/1liliii11i1lilt%11i0/ 011110/0/ 0i11i111IW110/0/ value$1.01, fin. MCKIM'S BUSY STORE fI ' , •4 ' c% • t WHAT YOU WANT 1N BOOTS IS HERE sitautich, reliable makes that won't fail 1M•.i '0V(' disappiuiut- 1)1K. - Our lung loot *tock is Very complete re the best tuna*)- til (*wtl,r'rs. puce you,nisi n !stir of out• Rublwr lt.cn (mils? Joat the thing tor 11149 .e:l1o1), - We have a large nmsorti ieiit of nu'n's Leggings, in (:rain and Matin l'itlf Leathers with patent adjustable fastenings. Ask to awe them. 1► will pay . )1 you.to N 111 1,'l• 1 'N 1t all' sl,* o .1 •k f tllell'N and wUnlien Felt ,Nets nig range to eh, ow. (nom tit lowest pri('ei1, • 1! RUBBERS n We air d) "to meet any demand. Privet. right D 111?I't1111\li. a W G & Mac VICA R` j 1, CYTS ti1)lil•'itI( I1 We Lea Ill) 111. You can gi wail•. y risk -you wi get e i Fall Snits. Overcoats. Odd Troy Them All In style, dual annce. want he Korcecitin d ���� �,.� ��.•�i Fancy • Ye ,. lave them all. L ve your order here. Do it W., and you n't have to envy your-frie whose talion wee attend to. ' Fran Hartin, e_ Tailor. I s JA AUSTRACHAN Vicipria $ Machine Works. - (ioderich, Ont. FALL AND INTER MILLINERY 1 My for ien. s � t. 14 ,'f ?t4ullitt Ilrnlfo tai 1 nod winter It now body FL I invite) l4) roll sl anl!l a r„ and .10e nest $•Una t : 4' (1).' little, ts a11.1 hem 11111 will hftk.l 4 EI M>!'R and tri in the In Re new Many prettyWool LacegsE Effects . large vat -to-Wear ty to choo t a a from Inamool MISS CAMERON Hamilton Street, QODWOH 4,11i*.semen p..82ai it• '1.1 Enttltfttrttttlttlt!ItItt!MII1MIllIttrttttt1tMtn1Iffn it la r. h ' dater it You Oi. Ne n Shoes Well we all 11) id thi•i lino of the year. You need your money too, (111 y111) l \Vel) No ell) 1114 felt ..1 11. alley, :111,1 1a11 t' •s and system's. Now here's where a maul's hard earned Iloll/ars goes farthest. • Yon Kett re then Rliwm, you gRet. SA7IMPA(TION aatisfartim e, wiles noel sl vie combined. ('1111 and let um show yang • of our fines, They will •tnter•,1 vote. From the little • to Ilse old people we have the mimes' to keep Your feet r• forbade. sof, THE RUBBER QUESTION fiThere 1111,1.1111114.04111.11• for nny simile or Nhe,es. They re this !too 's so N1•'s sjtong u, 1•llnrnhle. Puts parr 1)1n and pen. facie will I lint the gnnitd Is wee dad slushy. Wm. Sharman THi•: 14LA'ri-:It mut )l 14 volt 1lEN. I0110T11Y i)t)nl► FOR \VOMI;N, 11 Bth rias 8 4 1 e 16 f H I ty ere rl, h 00 iI