HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-26, Page 41
4 Tnuoentat, Nov. 20, 1903.•
Wheat Showa a Decline of Four, Mil-
lion Bolho!r. I'
Immense Yeeld Al Barley Yea✓s Erne: ienta.
m pea Raison/ Has Seen More Eocoura/u.a,
as tate b ore Frarn Weeru Appears' to 8o
D.rwi.uihee 141•d_, ‘Was Bad io IM Clown
1903 Will Bo Knaan as Plum Year. .t Irld of potatuea pl•utuur•d ,tat by oar
of the largest ever recorded la On-
ul un l.dy rut d.l'Plopr•1,4t1
the Woe of dig/ring in almost' mery
Is aw•tiun of the (bather; ours esl,w•I-
uf alb' un heavy soils Isit1 00 low-lying
1•luvor f.yIp 1lgorouh ge001h. 1111. in
Moat g'OIWS ran to stalk at the ex
prose of'Neu& The i�tlidgr 1)a/ also
in evidence In newly every owI4on of
110 Prot Ince. anti wrought 'h•Ju1T fy
t'lu%er seed variously estimated at
from 15 to 73 por rent. Many IioWit
intended fur. Mrd wore cut fur hay
mud others were turned into pasture.'
Pot at oes - 11 bra correspondents
wrote. fur, the Auguait ballet in the
Tut 01114,1, Nov. 24.•-1.ullowia,t
the relpur't of the Untarib 11111, 1111
ludut;tries fur Ila.'crollm•iI tliltarl
teal* ret u•uss soul iu 114100, •dug+• .
\u'.00)4 * 2nd." • 1'h.• anal, eat 111)1110
Up• yleldli.01 reals shit' I 110 are 1.11
uu threshing ret ens torsal'd.-.1
U brat( WheatT-The favorable ut;euu0
regetr011ig lull *heal go,n 1n 1)
August bulletin have basil nilly x11
tamed by- the repoi s rowel t ll sits
finishing.'1 he ya;ftl per w•t'e, Lake -
args, and lite quality of Ilse Kral
a, av a rule, first-class, e%e.•1,I
ufall ps•rcentagr spl'uut.d ht the lion
luring the. wet weather pr.•vailiI
1u1'iug a.Port ion ul the harvest. Se%
cru( 1orreep olideutit descrildescribe111
fain us being well up in weight
-owe of it going from, 11.2, to (j
'minds ,l o' the Ioahrl. Taking trot
'veld and( quality into cul*sid.•rution
he crop to ;11/03 may W mustier
011t. of the bent in the hlstury u
all wheat in this Prolfuce. -
'1')). \4'w Fall 11heat-There ha
been a g,)'4'&Ily iik'revlo.d urea
wheat coat this full, more pul'Iir11I
'Ay' in the LakeJ;rie district and
th.•r 104•00t,•)1 where the 1lrssial
did 'tto touch injury during the
r-ryiuus three 04' four Sours TIN/
-bed ws g,•u.•rully repwrtwl us
'tag in good condition, which ga.h
s Pupa good start. and as colre-
pundents stub., at the end ,of. eau -
r, the yunnttmt
g wheat was prreng
line appear..Ire'In most plate:, a1
lough here and *herr stone fields
err 0h0wing 11,,11 of rain. , While
lying lunged(ren the 201h August
tho 4µf of the lirrt week of (k'lo-
, the bulk of the crup wits • put
sWurwhat later than usual. SoIh•
jury from theHessian Ay Was ee-
,rted, hut' bol- so. much- as M the
,.dour three or tout years: I'urly
riot len ul 0th wheal ore in.•nlion-
us being sown, leaw'sun's (1old,•y
ad being the most popular, and.
(tad ('lawsuit routing next.
/petal W eat Derrrla.1.g.
Spring. (%twat -1'41s crop appears In
her steadily ele•reusing in. favor with
Ontario farmers, jutlgiug by .the
shrinkage'in area dnring tot• Yeast
four years. '1711• quark tel -,111111
year's grain is said to tree frouf- fate
u rood. A 'few' r*mplu*nfa have Ilea
de of rust,. but the coot; generally
Ina ' ile vomited as 'ahoy,- for aver-
\ age, *though not so -good rela'rly
'14) fa wiwat. ,
The *liug 'ata in wlvirut gruw'id'
both, fall and spring,• mwy ls• readlly-
shown by 1, following statement:
1111(( %heat. Spring %heat.
1493.. 141:9\1. 1 acres :456;721 acres
19uu...1.1'Ie$,4i4 •• 3711,905 "
114*.)1 '911,5417 356,048
190•_4.. 7441.: t.2 :9043,115 •_-
11014. . 00:1.l,2M • 2413,.144 " .
hurley -11'10}r Ir n r n an da -
turas, y 1.•144 un barley. '\ lir I3 a11. of
'1t plump .rut ui ex I •t. wetting
value, although a riot dl able pao-
*un of the stun' was d,. u recd Ly
raini at bars. st. 1 (1111.•4 •r, 1 m.at-
ter of color i. nal 110.4 01) imp maul
as .11 was y ft..0" -Ours-Ago. %. filet\ ost
of the barley *Jo raiser( ion 1)a 1 lg
Purposes. 1'
() ls-A large y1,111 of oats is r
ported. d. but 0 bile most u/ the cum
will- tyr'
t.t 004011ent quality-. a pu-
um of \ 111 sold to 11r1rntlier light
weight. Sulu, etas( un•latr''uat• is
ut,luiu.'d 5o3, the straw .1. 1405113 alt
in , us u`s'lu and there .4as 41.(311
c a enable iiug" during bur-
r \i)g l0 tledt't rains. Not with -
stain these dr Stbarks,- rklb out
crop be 14 -led' 110 It Rea'l'e4.,-
Itye- 'h , crup' is. ' eouiparat v��'
lige '.ed for grain, 'tall- 1the,''11
gro fur hat pttrlups, ,7 has Jonti'
very ell is '..wain.
, - Pea alt. R ging, \
N \�
Petro=--Ut lathe. u
ear. the- .'p' ba\
ru((('('ed great 1', ' 1'
:u the Inv •.e•s 11
or -bug. and f•N acreage in. 110u3.
Was rwlu.v.l Iry UI s all 0.4 r paler)
With that of lite t4- it ago. Ilming
that tu1.' what i. k11•w'11 04 Ut• nal
u4' glass i'ca Isar In•.•t, lu rge ly svlr
stilulod fur the 1041.41 .4 111'0( or
round pro, W. 1Ile. 1a1'mlel' al'i,ly WON
regarulyd as ons;-pr.wd. The Pas. Iva:
Ili ',ter, has tailed to gig.• '11.1 -sat.
isf viten, and the- 4uulfd pea 1. mini!)
nein mute frr,l* .own. White Soule
corr.- rutident4 relwn't u geoid 'up,
many ltn4daih that the wet 0'0111 • i-
. laade (/ in*a'h straw at (he esp.)),• 'of the. is Ik Thr results of, 110.43,
year'. exp., Ione,•. taken altng.•ther, -
tier eat her .-lcour11l(ing, as injury
from rile IV.-,-5il upped 1.4 411 have Iarn
tntl.h L-•- 4 haft in the (111•011101 44440 'yea..
or .two
Corn tlgt•t Seelnurk. .10 to 1'he'lin.
er.•nne's ni the corn .4',q' tat•,• e itriliu-
ar'4I in l'.' 1,1/01'141)110'9,. 1114111d.- Iha•
'oriptirin0 .a t/oll t...Id and „nm -
11y ran.!;: 1'44151 ' p, 114'' 144'4411.:
• 1•1111.11 11
1.1.,,,' 1 140 n did un,, 1, 1•, rel'
than tl..,, ..!11t- it. I.II••r Tufo,
. I Ile d,• ,.,u.,Ilt.,n 44f (Ys,' `,11:1 at
.('dins.. ...pit 111e••poor onalit) of much
of Ihe'..e.'l, 11f;re.•ddated 1•116 *.le.rubtr
r• pliant in:•. ':mitt' lem.eg1,•n71 pule
coin, x1115,.• of which is soft 'wh,',
grow411•• 111 ,rain. or W•wa. elsht
with the. *rocs V% here ru*setl bit-
der or 41,r. •11... 110W4•tet•. the great r
rt of ,1 be torn was well .d1.•,f, a
t e 11,ll way oat 4Is,• whin,• a '.ort fat -
or4•'11' 111),0 111 filo' 1'1(40,
'I', rr44- ('.5rr1-4p,)ntlrnts say v,er•v.
little L,,,,* r, ' area. the. ;growing!, .4
whirls confined mainly to sou.,• of
e 1).•.,1 111 ,,)nutter 11f the Lal,,. 1'r4,.
di. rlrt a d a few- loralitlr•s in the
pout Noslee 'portion of Ihr Mt. I-nw-
mitre • nil t taws ruuldies. Seeding
WWI ra n•' la , -w(µ1 the rnoi, wet
weather ort t owth hick: but the
tine early t weather was Slat
�\ '\ , favorable, a 1 the ....aide? ion ,f the
\ crop ,at •14071 tin Was ranks* by
'\ correspondents fro 4 fair to good.ThisBeans- This oro Is aroasI de-
wrltted. It mutter, fri
v owing and w'li,:n 1 ins
t. •r• was it leaden,,
Ib h In straw. Not, on
yea ng delayed by rails,
top, 0.a. 0(4441 (41.101,),
I n citthe. Nil, wit hslanrlin
rot rlai In, , wvrol c.1'1''•s1w1
SIMS 1)l of the trop, and its e
real triad ion may I1)• rla•wrl m putting stone•. Irick, or renient (,ns,• -
fair. '1 I menta tinder existing Vara.. Om..
Buckwh.•nt Tire` acreage, (hen to i g.marl y improving the stabling 1'.
buckwheat i. eoUpnrnllre!. small I moat floors are also
M,['where grotto this year the crop j common 1n this eobnelf Ing 1041('•
han turned put to he n Ro•sl .14' 04 f
t11a whole, (cermet. of tenth \-ield and � a e es r elled to
*no great
quality runni from fair" t0 �t as to the great M' 11'1.11 t•
of farm Ichor. MN they. aro., mnrh
divided as *el how to
the Mw/,1 410 *0. Ct...r.It,. the doll -
Ultima' �4terF�f The exodus to the north and
k elan rd erten 3f Iirrillirast *WI Continues. %Anti
•da, the wemtern and t•riWi11 roun-
1Ye0 Ion jrring *our• fruw this ('0140•
*ban ',tl/usu counties lying further
Last and north The ,vtent of the
rot, as given by aur. eorrespu0ilemt.
.varier Iru*u 10 to 00 per cr111
The Ib.t Irapa.
Tur11(pR-=111 thaw suot,uns of ,the
country • where turnips urr wast
largely gl'uwn the crap has turned
out 0,•11. 111 many quarters. how-
ever, there stye--eumplu*111x. of lire
doing witch Injury 0i:the plulo%
\luugel War,1rl.t-Mangy 4'ogllda*nts
1)4 (0- made of pour 0..(11444 .00 ac-
count of drouth, and u considerably
44a1* it y of ulaugrl laud was resuwn
(u turui,s. N,tri•theless the crop
caught up as the seaman' advanced
Carrot s--lbrreepontletlt s. huts but
little 10 ray about t*404.crop but
that little would iudit•ate that they
Imre turned out well "4fpuratively.
Sugar fleet s-Hrpurta regarding
car beets describe ihoin us being
fru fair 1 u good In yield mid
qua11 v They 1100"11( to b4' rtrudily
,.l,, -1 -
full PI
to ,fall plu
+\ considers
dents ap.,*1
*ell advanced.
la( g, number soy that fall pluwlug
i4. out as fur uhrad wmal.
A►yaaaeoa s 'lora. -
1U lat'VI' , 41. 10)4)41 'rue I t
ang-The reports relating
'Mg my Myst ditw'geut.
• ntlwhi•r ut rorr,spon-
Ibe work us being.
while un' 1-4111)191
Fruit -Fruit grower. •i11 likely re-
member 11/0:1 as 11114 phi, year.. This
fruit was s0 abundant at many
rowels tumid it diilkudt handle
t , (709 in 4inlr• fur market '11.•
.p ill' of the pintos watt also o,,d
The w•ar g fair yield of apples, ut
is var.' us parts or the l'rovifarcp
(plaints ere mode of the scurcit3.. u
barrels. a d un this account buyers
w.•re .•ore Iit Our ' t han el'er • it
the selection f this, fruitand t114.111-
SIR& of bush s.'uf 4001410 that in,
former years w'uuki have passed for
shipment to 1lreat Britain were Ibis
0'4004). n•je.'tt•d Ly them. Thr' tent
ruterpiltar and codling (1111th were'
not so bad us in recent years. Pears
fielded well in, most, -places. irut trulua
Wight is reported. Poaches-. were
jpfeml11111, but serious •ruulplainls 1)'r
made regarding 1110 ravages ut th.,
San .luxe Scale among these and
other fruit trees- .1:hell-l.'s bore
Ixnmti(Ilh . -Lal sitar- rrler.dlreR •are
still made by currenpuodeuts to'Me
danger tlneraleuiIg ,'14'1'1;1 and' plum
Itreeh by • bltu•h-kl.ut t:ratw.s were
fait in 3(4+11(, (4111 ...tiered sugar%hill
11'111 hail' mlw It,. unit wind. st01'I114
11100 •110.41.10 711111 amt apples and
other u dials fruits, small fruits of
nearly a •.y tur*,ty w•.,'•' abundant.
1t•un N' o. las oor -t. trs, uuut in'r great
dru%totek 1.l„\Jh�• pr0t r LwldLng. ,.
I'.. tules';I1td 1_11.• 3410'1 -Mt, iu,er
a1.J -lull pkotl,r.•o pmt .• 14.•11 1111 *1101'
Wild ire - d.•sired uManugh u tow
•torre.pwmd.•j*ts s1w•al. of ILP fields IS
beginning 4'u get bare fur .lurk 61
rain Roth heel and dui.} rattle are
reported aor being in .11,.tup cundi-
thO, and iii db....? tile 1,51.01 num-
her.: bat sheep, while In the ♦very
Ir -.t Si( 101.11. tir.. -("r•oiuing- fewer
tory year. Ilugm, 011 the other
11, are steadily increasing in
1144*', 4'•, anti are being turned. oft fur
1111:. at -Ling ht1I1.e9 '.LII the year
ruun•l. t, made u' •favurubl, phrase
ut r 4'r .dents in- (his --connection.
The 7.11y a•iuur mention of disease
among lit ' tuck: is an outbreak of
hog cholera 1 the 'I'uw nship of Har-
wich. in hem d this hum taro con.
tined to the or f1 1 locality: •
ILeiares t r Sassiness.
The !)airy--'1'be
utted fa...rattle 0110
1.'gentree were rowel
mi?! was Iarg. and
111.' :?.p.tlrr. *us towns,
t •4'i• 1)';1•. w -large quautit
Mitt 1'r anti ob.-.'a• wade. an.
tirh•r\cou(ulunderl RANI orii•e
the homers In tavur ut cheese
the high
the last ler
a culsidtrab
disriled 11'0111
has beset a
the dairy.
be flow of
t tool,
Iii t
price pu*d for cheese
urt to the wv•on cut
yurnli1y ui aids Ip
leer to' ('0,.-',' mak
ling,. and se'rral"t'urrrmpo,drn14t,.tate
that it 0.11. likely ,t'*ut the ch. male
tusking seelSnl Wuusdtrlin-fart tel' In -
(u Fqv.-a1ber than has been tb.• 1.110-
1 of Ii((o 14102 was a 4t0od rM•rse
year. bol l90:3 has been rtln flet I•r:
In fart the past season hils'he*'u the
t profitahh• ('bees., y,•ut\ that
11101•io .bus ,t.•r known' (:rade Y1ur-
. are the breed still to b.,
rally fuumd go dairy, cows. .s
113 in. the wr.trrn•hull of the
• 1)411 In the cheese romitlem
N.. Lawrence altal l*t taWn
steles and Ayrshire., with
ere rqually popular
oil horns, .9,•rsevs and
along 1
rivers N.
-their gra
With the
their grades (.me next in p'pelarit l•,
Poultry• .111dlfig hp the (',marlss
of corempondenljl, poultry' do' nut re -
eel". the 'sortie Zhu Olt and care that
i• Le.t,4%rd
11(1011 t other animals
1111 *111• 0(('111. 4,•44110 ea., Ihell. 11(:-
111•. to lin a gree %ino nt l•L,••. t :n the
0('•71011.' (''ding, hunt " , and inn
.nal rine' 411 1111w1. •A11h0111 1 111e.
us'.' yrst. nut feiorHt.le lar , chicken+!
it *n•inr til, 1).r mid cool `bur the
most part, ;mod p1iees for both eggs
and pooh hv hat.1 greedy' 011ralnlp(g041
14.1.,' and thaw. ^ good ci.•I:I 1
1114143 is 1'40011,41 0 11•' ,N*t
411141 *trot rn1 parts of time Prot *are,
Int In 1he Si. 1,uwr•wce sml 'Unita
comities at,iar 1st. I4 Yee 1101 (14111'• .1'1
will uw*wt• to unfavorable weather.
tours. stomata. an *he I arm
F'uru, 1:uprtlye„w•nfir1'$,l' n lair
a114011nl .,1'unthenl1•alulrawte1(0 done In
not 1ss-tsar Inrmerri have 1091
nlitiliden,•r in its h1•nelits, but, chiefly
14,.'11,,..• good ditchers, end fer4h la-
borer. gen.•ralfy. have been 110 $4'ltrre.
14114 'thenHail and other wooden fences are he -
dirt!. 19/1
tae I ing rdpidh replaced 1t • woten 01)'11
was .hal01 (,•44,,00 of various designs, but barbed
Were• hi now nektons asked( for on an
1 101.4' 111 , Malar*.) fano. A considerable nnm-
11' h1w•r 9,f new bowies, barn.,
and other
ern hulhlmm
L•nfy R wNee..ere'(,•d daring
the year, but still a larger ntnouni
of work hem been done in the way of
( b'.,•
TIIK S1(JNAj.: (:(ltI,U1t;F4 ONTARIo _ ----- --
JIIrU I1. the 1,11s to tlb• Prot inr.
111 its laps( 0Iall *4*41-1 and
Is•rlenced youn►I liu•u, 411141 l'h.•ir p'
here are being lellea by. ,0141 ('o
youths who surer lb -'e pilrisun
tltougll .1)4451 nf, 111,41)4' gic, sun
tion Kag.w µ4µ)a' Flo • tendelte%
lower, and FUMY• 1•urr•.{w111th 111 .
}list that it is fugfussibl.• lu Ivy
(tent rates 1uµ+. 114411,4' 11 profit•
totw11lay:;r'•.1 tlrr►em1.g
!'lu,shhtK *4 11101, '114V011., 41 than
usual. belong practically ,(u lipl.•tcd ).
110.1 pls\ys l' the .. tau• lure,. ul-
1 huagh 111 u 44.91 Nr• 1 i,.u. will(.•('
ILrr hiug •is rfHl ie wino... Progoemb
fu marketing ,is Kurd to dew'rils•,
nearly eret;y 14.'uµ•(' L,•ing a litw lull.
hilus,•*( 1(4014in* the di.Nuoul ut his
gram. `11111,' report thatmoreewilleat
has been. sold':thult 0 014 111401 1111 AC.
Ihr Rothe aisle Niel WW1* years 'b(;u,.11,
while others iu ta• s0040,' uct.a<e.1gm
slate that t•.I;t Ill Ile. wheat or otter
cereals Mete L..0 sent 10 umr►eI. tau
1t 1s Uuw I.ru1,1utdr lu heel
all kinds of gram• to lit', mitt,;.
avoid 0•,10 as 11 '1110 adydmllll.43
turning grain into beef, or boron
91•rll U. 1.1 I',•11de1' iU1'111i•1'I. 1,1111'11
•s•tldeet of Ole grain market t
formerly, in the disposal of 1
*heat, barley, ,and 4)4(40: rtrui,wa ul.
1110410/ 11 derided rise in the price of
nay' LA theme cereals would soon bring
ell a sulprising't- forge • uppli'
(hut parti4nlar main.
Cr.p /terser/ saw 14.14, For leas
The following a4'• I b:• final est -
mates of -.the 'Iaoduet uf. th,l, 11111:1
crup computed (('01)41 retains of actual
� f elJ wade by 118'e.h,rt 4 4111d un ext 4
S14111 u( rurr,.o (h14d,v,t.' •
of quarry'. tall see eta! 0('114'.. ul• t h., saw..
nh`d hl r11ug1. ('4101111144 leeue,
1ar,a lull ytrws 4,f hurtle la•lx of d.4•r at
all ry the several stations II•ing 10.1 ready
al. for 1lilaslsa•Iali.on. ••
sae The (trend '1'11111► 1',41ilway'Myst eel
{ ave made 4 spweiall',• ie the '1:11.1 levy
l 1':110 of ,441_1'4ilikingUa 11..11"atU•ar-
,,,, ions that ('11iiula.holds fur111 for the
oel•ist. 11111.1('1• 1`11.1 .01st 0411:111.
I'SpeCi4lly disseminating the informa-
1 ioe rot' (lot• delectation of 1 he iI.rtsts-
'i11g brig helium s4 of traveller.: 41,141 the
('1111,41 Slates, Thous:.sls of 11111111('.
hate Ia•.9l exlr•nde.l i4 *Psis direction
with the n•selt 1111.1 1111'11111111' lots iu•
1.1'4 !1 •441 pl11•eo411•ll:lly. 11 is s.of,' 10
Met 11131 the (tnlDd TI 1111k are .1 g
tool I lin it 11,1y- 111111.1• factor to mit 4'r -
lis, 1'.11144114 Ilx'llie \h•reit fur 11a. s11311-
111,'1' 5•4011411' 1111/1111111011,011:111.
rarotcrs 'Should Support It.
It. X'. La111e1N(NI', Idly., 11.' 1'. 1'4'
1.:itet.lu and 3.;114414'.1. in .t*ritiug 1.1
1'11.:\\'eekly Sue regatdiug the
'change hl .4111• law te•.1w4't)41!4 the
cattle guar I mice, ion, says :
"1 think 011104.1', 18,11' 111,11 the
1iu144 light over Cal 1lo,g111tnI h•gislali11n
011111! I. a1 10x1 detrliuileak i,, blear 114 ell-
1011'ci0g the rights of t h.• 0» tyle, t0
wrdeto yoel 111 express my nppeeeia-
tioe of I he a,rlista11re„tende r d the
coos, of the farmers by '1111• \Ceekl%
yf lion doring the. past. *11104• years.
tom the Inc g Iv will
1•i4t• y.1n the appt•1•cia1i111 x111011 ;1.011
11e,o'i'*4' iu regard *.' this elalt*'r."
Etet•y- filr1u1'1. 0110.111.1 sultmoribe for
t topes. The Signal. his bottle
paper. an1'I'h('%\',elle Nim. The Sun
ml.lt.n, n x11'.. ilk). o* 'market r•t.n't.
:11..1 form Lo.hlew, generally. '1'L•e
combined pill, of The Signal and Thr
A3....1,1)- Su11 'is 1111.4410 grid a year's
uhr:('ripliuu lu T11e )bola•:l 1\'eekh
Ij,r:ld 4,1111088 in 1'11,•
I'I r neo• 1 111.'1 '411,1 '.1,414,48 l0 1s•
built by the t'. I', 1:. of W. '(4•,1 trill
'v7 :11..11
Full wheal, (1.".,112N a4I'04, 1
12.:11:1 bushels, or 25.4 per w
'hc 3,4•Id of 11102 Das 20,2:13,
ush,•Is -
Spl'ing. wheat, 211,515 a: revs.
It'.2:1 $ bushels: w• 111.11 1111314.14
•4'r. The yteld for 1902 a as
144,824 bushels,
Purley. 71.9,6311 acres •24 3-14 6
mints: or :3):3 per acre.
(►.air, 2,645,9113 or 11192214.1
she( or 41.7 per acre.
tire. 1'79,27; acres. 2.1170,7
1x11.•Is� 04' 111 per sere. The i
111112\was :3,:104,3:12 bnahels.
Peat.. \ 41)7,1:19 acres, 44,924.11
lit ill
r 21.9 per acre. The yield
s 7.664,679 bushels, and
yield plr 1)'r• 14.4. •
*15.4447 acres, 2.049,.
or 21.3 per acre:
N9 acre., 978.246 bush'.
ter acre. The yield for
4:3:3 bushels.
1.011 ' alien, 16,6:c,-
120 per' ,w were. 'I'M,
440.14 (8 acres, 41. -
1, -
or 5113 per acre,
was :10.140.024
1902 *
.\ ay.rag
Hock w btu
4 huahels,
11.•aitt,, :s$,
wan 670,
r unit, 1:
447 1*
irW uL
6.2:19 h
1)019 fu
'anvils; 7.8
.lts: or 3:t5
(!nrl as :1.227
'n11141et 1:14,469 a
-h.•IS: u4' 315 per a
19412 way 71.7411,204.
'ora for Husking, i
44.9121 acres, 29,244 ,6.M b
3 Iso :11' '11. he (Topf
312.I44 bushels,
torn for situ and (odd.
.727 acre., 2,.:64.400
:4t tints , l. -r alt . 171••
'2 teas 2.011.3:14 -tont.
ill and 1104er. 2.763,:410:
11.7132 tuns; or I56 tun• p1)•
• crop of I002 wits 4,45
pole, 4:4.1 ,;9,413 I,shela: or
Ire.• of hearing age,
if toren. "2,12Tint,1131 stand.. T�
1 of 19K12'it.., 8,1174..717 pound
rtes. 2.612,77 14
w•re. '*1).• 3 fel!
1 bushel..
Vin, 64,:416,341
The yield
t utn
s:ystiaii. returned to rent
lines -The Highlands, of thdario.''
Alt. sum made the trip with v-iew
,,f ming an add it ional collect ion of
id.I to the already large 011i1 II
11.,,to111111,111\' 1111%1• 1100. and t• hieb
441111'14.1i..11.. _4%'1114.11 1141. fo.111141 ill
fur the sport sman.
nas most smeetedoil his tweed.
-out lins been able hit obtain :i Isra
lite Moder I he Act of seeming 1,1.-
the ear)
rhela: Or
2 was
09 fyl'
iptrialltes Zhiz Meek
ovember 2 6
D__ecember 3
h.. ill Iltettio Stuffs from 25 cents to $1.40. , Ali utetneilate goods, newest destgiimandcoloring...
II erg Patti isons mi. the 1.....t. 11414.0 them black and greys, both in all Viljal and unions, and
we are making prices so as Ill tiring theni within the reach of every
eicits. just LI) 1.4t, all this NeaSSIU11.11 Mar, 11111t1 they will be put at prices Which rhould cities! theni
out in 44 very short time.
FIN'S in the newetit makes and ai prices So• rmilars aiiil ruffs tip to $17.00.
If there are bargains in fats in town these are at leiust some of them. •
BLACK SATANNA WAISTS.- -These Minds ithotild hare been ht•re weeks ago Mit did not coins till
la 1 (Ay. Mal to it tvir I 111 ii 111 1hr Junkets. Pet Iiitt.s it is just Hs for it leaven tis now with nothing
It 11 the In•vv. ones to show. Every one brand new ;maid such pores. Come I see them If you went
Morita:. iii colors, hest brand 111.711.
KIDs GLOVES. -flest maker's goods. 'Perrin's are the beet. We have them. 73r, $1.03 and $1.23.
, l'utlet•weat• foi• town, women, boys, girls mul children.
Standard P.ittertis, 10, 15. 2 cent,. ; no better patterns made in the world than the Standard. The
ik•signer. 111 rents ; yearly subscription. tilk.. 8 -page fashion sheet free.
f),=u2 J • 11 • COLBORNE. 86
Are exceedingly prevlent. As a people
we are not careful enough as to what we eat
and drink. Weak kidneys lead to chronic
blood -poisoning in many cases if not attended
to promptly.
the best medicine for weak or clogged
\kidneys Makes them good as ever. Try it.
pax of 50 Dills, 50 cents, :2112,./11. gme;iir
at all drioeists.
Do not waste money on
True Lung Food.
A fienuine Cough Remedy.
Many or yoi have ;lard it. A pure high-
prire Mir. 3 for 1111.1)0.
After present supply is
hook t41 liOr by MIMIC
of high price of Nor -
Stook up now.
As usual we will '
nave the best.
THE RED FLAG JI;)irodcakl!
If Priced
EClo hing
NO -
You can't afford to pass this ; there are too many dollare in it.
3000 dollars'
th of clothing, etc., which must be sold before -.0
$12.50 Men's Overcoats for $7.50
All other prices at same close cuts, and some at greater reductions. -1
Aleil's arid Boy's Overcoats, Pea Jackets or Reefers, Suits, Pants, etc. Gloves ,
A Traveller's set of samples ()I' over or top shirts.at cost and less.
ltemants Of Tweeds snitablc lkoYs' wear, children's suits and women's skirts
and errats.
EThese. goods must ,,be sold and sold before the New Year. The instructions a GROCERY EVERY DAY
clear ent. .at any price -will you imprOve the opportunity, save dollars on goods --=
you must buy now ?
Just Now
When' the evenings are long you want a niece couch or
Parlor Suite to brighten up the hotis2 with.
Parlor Suites
We have a mice assortment all the leading styles of
!Jaye you seen our new sanitary folding bod'eoueh, all
steel, one of the most comfortable mites on the market,
also a nice range of other couches at $a. and Upwards.
Ph•ture training- and repairing a specialty. Saila lion guaranteed
peckett & Stau,n,ton
West Side of Square. 'Phone 89.
New Goods
Just received a new stock of cross -cut saws and
A full supply of Axe Handles, Saw Handles,
Saw Sets, Files, etc., always on hand.
Cash Hardware Store, GODERICH.
Why Do
Bake ?
Do You Bake
Because t he
ISaker's Bread
You Have
Bought Was
Starchy, White;
Pasty and
Sour ?
'Try Eureka
IYou will uever have an unsat-
isfactory loaf -it is so creamy,
white, flaky, light, wholesome and
Inutritious, and every loaf is crown.
ed with a crispy crust of delicate
golden brown.
Do you bake because it 18
cheaper ?
Try Eureka Bread
large number of slices.
For Business and Professional People
Good Printing on Good Paper- the kind
that will add a tone to your business --
is the kind we do at The Signal