HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-26, Page 31 SIGNAL: f;C)Dl;l,lull Ovr-titre) waxier, Nov. 26, 1903. 3 NEWS OF TBE ISTRICT. Wingham Town Takes Over Electric Light Plant - Huliett Township Will Not Vote on Loca, Option -Death of Mrs. Thomas Kidd, Seaforth-Dr. El- liott, of Wingham, Sells His Veterinary Practice --Miss Smith, of Kippen, Dies at London Hos- pital. Met'. Father Tina's. how token budget own and F:Xeter. Mr. unit gee. charge of Mt. titillative 'swish, %urilh.!hiller left nit Ib:• everting trans for S:tt•t11.t I other 114mldt44 III 111{l'�pllrrltl amid the good wits -lies lit n lust ul Dievhl prim, et resident of Grey township for the last forty -41111' VOitlTM, p:esw•d away o11 Thursday, 12th iu.,J. F. 114144nge• has r pletesI 1he new lave• ail lhtylle.Ilu the satisfaction of the (love • •nt engineer, who leeent- Iy inspected 1t. MINN Robb, who 11:1s h t.ou n na•ilber of the Model selio4d..staIIT ill, Clinton for several yenta, h:W resignedlher JM lilit 11111. as her sarrvk•l•s are re.,u:n41 at I. The 11ullett towliship•.I' ib at its meeting last week- refused to grant the pe•ti1ion for the dulinliaston of a h.e.i1 -11 a January elections. b•uw•nitl t option 1 lU \ Y %Voll. lolertslm has sold his hhu'k- sulithing business i11 Myth to A1r. I ' at\\' i rho 0h and take I hull 1 of h 11• 1 I •ill t tk h 1fur the Winter before daeldin a reel for where he will locate. Alpert Ford. V. S.. of Witlgliaul, who hr's 'knight out Dr. Elliott'snllr- tlee duel.•, wn14 111/11444.11 01111Svdoes day olInst week' at Trenton to Mils lianowtt. of 1t.wheater, N. Y. Alis Effie 4.,iitb, of E.ipp1•n, died ,11 Victoria h/Mipitil1, London. 1111 T11.wL•ly of last week. The 11(1•e•11sed, who WAN twenty years of age, 1M15.wd away while Ielgli11)i nn 11pn•Ialiot% The %%Ingham heekey club hai pt•g4lni1•1 and Ins di...West`lo join the Northern 1A'aaglt111•. t1yiIIk,ie11 Of K 11.; -.us*dlue, l.11;k11ow, 1% unchain, Lie-. towel, Pnh11eraton and Hnn•i,t,r. 11'.d11rwlay '4If Incl w,•okt1he 41.411i of Lucy. fifth daughter of Mr. and Mia. George I'(1leitl, 'Islam Is S•syh. oeelit°re11 in heir seventeenth yea ( 'ova pt' war, the cause of death: F:ph. Brown has bought the ill -acre (11'111 4 . lube •t Weymouth in Millet 1, the price being *2.1141. W. 1 t.ullop• of the s:u,*. township, hue sold his 101) - arty (.111111,4 tt'. Jnnlirweq for II.` %ASI. Mr. Dunlop purl14wa len*irtg tut• the \West in the spring. N'ul. Lehrer, of Mu,.w• llurlli, de- -panted this 1N.• oil the 2101 hest. at the 41111. of ninety v1Tas. 114 Wax one of the pioneers of the section. lowing n1k,.1 op the hot oil whish 110 died in led.. 11. 10/4 VMS an only daughter. GeorgeN1. sGeorge(.1114(ne: . Mrs. ItoWq•t Short west ha. dispMw.e11 of her J.rta hi Morris eu 1) ••IM 1:1id- Inw, of the! *r 11114, township. The fa i in i. n very i u.ue one 01' the tth litre. .•.sitaining 131 ,44.114, 4111 wlliah there is a quaint ity of valuable .1hith4 r. 7'he pale pwli.l w:1,. *kiln; The \Vinghari elctri' light pined has !seta 11414.31 oCer 1•)' Ib e1ow's', :11111 Ute• .•rl11rlci1 11 tends to Jett e• 3 1111111'er .1 additional lamps lanced - 1111 the .tress. For the p•csi•nl the m4419.* of 11•. 11. Grs•n will be .1 1'1.111114 apo .nls•i'f11te4,ti.�nt of the p1ns1. IA•\1 !silt Ilan p1111.1tiosel1.1.11111 Shoe - led 4 tt Mu'S.-11 to to Germ on t.• Dili., .111* Fowl. in the toe nship .4 NI rris. Th. Loris is, at peerrelI( relit 1 to Mr. ' Hunter. end Air. Lott will n ge t t n4..- la•45i.111 11111 11 next spring. .is is a gleet farm 1111411 w. le•rltsut1 1 he prier -. paid was *2,744'. .l not her ..f the old settles o111Immn hi. been removed hallo. death . Mrs. J1rs. Junes !hitt-afire, of the :Oh re 1119•11. IMO ' - IMO 11( NICK 41011, whirls t•srk p11nc• IM •icily, lith in.t• Mrs. lion -Mie. nn veiny' -six alone of age and heal 11 •ed .r 1455 1111 111 Luvl mel which 1 r mewls I'lisl : F. S. Me•.tt is k 1-111111.11/ 111111.111111 slow pr ry rf144 141 rero4ey (110111 the. hunting he I ell the Anent factory fire six KR 111111 14•111 11141111 1.. .11.10 to oho ns 111 nvle,4t1(111. N,• hope. Off 141 n 4(4114.1 dent 441 t' no gic trouble ill the 14RTrr•tts' m►r; ,;flier 111111 Int ie and Victoria ul4n Ind nowt his .1Fond, o the iott 1111 the 111 h suss 5tt,es hl t1y1 l veto Mary 11111rt e, 111 echo. has place ii•all • had ,h,,, , t pram'iee for *cone luta. 1h•. gill not siti' 11p pONNI sins 111 the den,*• until the 151 of Nov next, lett wit! spend a pant of the •Int.r. in the month. for the benefit, o his henith. The mieehnse• price was'', et Aha, Anil. IA•gntt. of 5) 'inglia n, died very suddenly oto \\'erllu lay .4 last week. Khe \vas enticing n .Mea. .1.11111 C'urrie's, near Nn hnu,, •hen NI. took suddenly 111 nm�( before' an .li. nal :lid co,1bd' *t'ri'o• hht'. spirit. 11 1 taken Its. •'light. I4•cen ' tad lei. in her 11,.11,11 health stint hl'a,.udd.n de - 'Oise has 14.411 a sh:ek to ahe neigh- . Jsola.1441. Khe• was i11 the thirtieth year of her -one, and *411n n 41nugghler of the bite \1 jIli:un \\'he•bui, of Turn - henry. 1'y. A iew days ago S. :11)1)14.1,)'. of Hal- lett.. got into n friendly wrestle while in Clinton, and in frilling ap*'tit1 ' I his leg, ns hr sup7MMusl. lie rv0115n1twl n medical man. who told him he had (rnotsued it, Int he i1•taiste it In goimr ho",. Ly train, walking 11: th. stntir,tl. The 1.•g caused haul neo 1,1"11) pain sub- sequently Ihtit hr relied in ti doctor. who again told him that he bag floe - 11•r41 UM` of 11 . 11 bon.,.. This will ennlltlw I ' to 1 h hoose for some weeks. "4,41! has 'wen 41' 'Pi I,'.l of t�1 1. death of 1h•:.1111111 VI•Ire141, at Dn111'•11 (I11n,, neer law Angeles. California. De diel there on the 11th inst. titter nu illness of neem. duration of kidney trmlde. Ill. McLeod wits the eldest tum '4 Annuli McI1,14!. f11l•mstly 4,1 • . M,Kilkt ), Intl now of Woodstock. He haul leen prod ising his pt•of114sion at (harden Grove f..r eight or she Oen la 411111 e1j0y111 it Int)e practice. Ile cru* nitont thit•tt- lght yenta of Mgr. anal leaven a 441401%. 113.1 tiro d,itigllt ern. the youngest bring two 1, 4e:rrn lit lige. Ile was n native of Mc- )(itlop'*541 erns a gtatnete of the $.i. fo••Ih Cod pr. at.• 1 )411.14'. Mr. Me - 1i• -l41 took his degree 13 m411i1 hie at. the Detroit it Medical ('olleegre. Mid for several veaty before lir went to study I*iedh'IM' Ale t:lwght se•h.lnl In McKillop std I'011s,1314 1 ownshilw. :1 very pleasant event e1(1111r41 on 11041nlne1n1'. Ni>te111M•1' lath, at (he 1'"n. ed Mr. and Alla. 14441. Ilsndfo111, ('viol rot lin, w hen I heir nl.lenl rhinght.r, Miss 14,11 ie, wan united in marriage 111 "4, I•'.I111.1, 0/ Ilt.lntnn. Tile rere- IMony was performed by Iter. 'Aur. Kitty, of (rnntAu. MIa4. Margaret Handford, sister of t11p bride, sell'l ns III 111$1111111111. gad 1.11(1 gr•Ml11 wan sup - p +tins' h4 his brother. Rowell F,yaler, of Forest, while the wedding, march St. Catharines, Ontario win, played 19, Miles Ninth Neil, of l'CtitniN►a T (et•4 Weir guest M felon, �-- Tnt'ehrfw, 111141401.111, UIII►tnn, %nWill, sob.. ,-1144 M., Io boiler-'.:'..- wee la- r.•• 1. ., 1 (TAIL, tetrthmy, Mitchell, Maple(itt,vr, 'M The Mlgulnl (ecce, friends. 1'ism their 'Atoll they. wi11 lake tip tht'ir lekidenee i11 (Inuitun. 1)11 !1loaduy of lust week 111)5. Kidd, wife 44 Thinner,' Kids, Kral fourth, npassed uw'41y very suddenly. .5111..-1,11.1 lain 4u1T,riug'1.0111 i11-11eulth for smite time but 141. e•1(1 ('141111 ver)' s meted:)'. Sh. N'411 1.il11111 111 n @Kant' 1111 'mg runt laughing with her daughter. Mudeleuly Mlle erased speaking, and 011 her dau'ghter's looking at lu r all. ell . 0;4w -there wase •t!ling 44rltng. Alva. Kidd haul been attacked ley IW41'11l)*si* U1111 110 44•11. u d' s'death claiming her IIabout two 1 n4 rlftl•t•.t•a411). Sh(' W4111 4IX1)•-1.114. years 11( age. She w&ts a native .4 the township '4 Adjitla, Nilne•I"• sonata, She W1114 IlIa11'ied to Mr. 11141.1 n1Mn1t thirty-two years ago, and had 1149.11 11 n'Midl•ut of Se•afurth *Veru. Mi►141•. - ' 5110. WAN 1111 1N'tit a anal eosliste•)t lue•InlM•r of. St, Ionia ehmeli. She waif 11111.•11 beloved by her ow's' family and was glu'•rrally eslw•111.1 in Ihr rotuinunit) wh1e.'sh. ,11111 1we.41 M1. Iomg /11111 W111 NO %%.I1 k III) wII. 'Ph. remains 44010 taken to the native place of the deceased on Thursday, :old after lh. M•vi1.s i11 51. .14(1114.4 e•1 rh. Adjnla, were de- psrsite4l in the tastily plot in St..1: .1: i•miletery 'het.. She leaves behind her lereatmi hlwlgtoti :Ind 11 grown -lip f:unily of some ane' daughl.ro. Ile 1.4(0.11 woks 1111 1111,1*. of Joseph Kidd, in lilnlecieh. '.. --- -_-- • • SAT UP TWO SUMMERS. ssdd'rIt .Plfs SWIM Mrs. dei Ila and ' Naha. can GO To Bed and Nee , 111. Not t Irciall. Airs. Jn 111: Kinsella. of tl play., who for vu wits o igrd to pasts 1 . nights sitting in '1 r1:Iir. is •1 oar 4 onmu again. She r• and her ki,hu•4 1..MaIo•h f lor`eIiosl.'t' ('... K ni N' by talking h)1ld'.. Ki, my Pills, het health returned anti 511 • now lake her test in then clitoral w y. Speak- ing of her. ole, M,rs. K•t awl say-: •'1 heal 11 lain 111-i ay 11011 tip and jei my bock *nd.wala-,swvtll.n 11 down the ..right 14ii14' of le al411oa111 1. 1 0(111141 'ant sleep at n flue noel III!IJ(I11 to sit up in a 1 /aiA ••TI.e lir_•' box of D.A. s Isi.luey Fills glfa40 1111. Mich 11.41.4 Illi 1 min - 11311.s1 1,4 1154• them. They Ilii'. me :1 world of greet unit now 1 ran k' (n led like ol114.1 Ili'gde.' The St. Catharines Well. 111.• aelnlil•:Ihl. Haiti ".1 i..1 1141 '4- 411 chi Ur1111d.Trank Itailw*is M)•ste11O enak.a it n pie lath ' for tra Ier. to each the many point. low:11.11 .111 its - litn•s. One of 11. pr . ' nt placesIM St. 4 at:un'inl, ()Math..1Math., when 1 U.4, fa ma St': 1 .l h:rine 'a \Vali l':Inn':i s, grout health resort. it 11'*tlsl. It is noted flit• its saline laddles, and II maintop( Iw•uph it.11n all parts' 44 .%11u•rion Ii:* .• Iee.11 e11I.41 or greatly Ien011lt.11 Ii the use .if its waters. Ni411 it)format ion. des•ripl ive (natter, and all part ieulaua may hr land 011 np- p1ieet ion to'(l, T. Mu:, (i, P. A T. A.. Brand Think Railway System" Mon- treal 4',anada. ai)-lf. Clever Papa.. . • A correspondent tells 41 story about :1 n115rlitev.,t1M Iw,4 of :tientt.Se veyo 11411. 1.1 1*11i.11t father who were pHs - 1/11 n \\'ino/A' 1:)1141' train the t he• afternoon, saypTh. PhiIllI 'tphin toes. The t Kraal'.-kneelii, 1111 h Seat next the window. kept IMth- bin his hi•:ul so far hilt Ihnt 1141• bath r was 111 11 ,dill,' of urrt'un5 ate pride. shin lest the child x1111rtkl frill et his lett. fall. itialy 'the ehwl over, grahlMd the hat, 1 p oat (1r LII ekl t?il /Jni,•kly'h l fl mulct Ille self nail still "Noe'. 1 old pia! 1 w I t 1 . rlle•N• glare your flat !" The boy N': In t••.1r, Coe next Mee - on.), Alit Watio s. 11111.1 when the father', exacting @•pugs • of gnat*•• ant•. for the rent of the re e. ,said he would 4hfotl. it. lick. A thereupon pro - 1 ed the hat. 'Ilse teat,. wet'*.' dried. the t' wits donned again, awl the boy reit 'nett timid fee nearly half n minute. en ler threw hos lent de- 10)011lt.Iy 113 41.' w imit pt lnrneii 111nRdently ' at . ' Is puler nittl de - mended : "I'.,iI, iris rime 11'4 * • ! \\'Moet it bilk for Ise like pill t ' before.' Yr 111 Wm (i IaIMnlnn. THE LOO MOUES ON MI HILL Clifton (trove, lie nae Dread ghee, There's a sunny spot that dr.uws me With a *traits@ ■w1 eubtl. eparmi 'Tor the blrtdipla.e of my kindred!, The old lug house on the fang. '1411.1 the hawthorn.. trees 1t, nestle* In a garden one, wu bright, *•Twee the tired teeauasuew' haves And the travelers' delight, - Wheu the auAwo, luwb'rliig state ~al Felled Icy duty to tultll All ou hoard round haul and shelter At the log hour* .141 the hill. lu ire day It wee a 11141111.1311, TWO roll *corer!, gables grand. • Standing eh,se beside the ruadwa7, FYr.t and fur.•w.,st lu the land; Pruull of Its welthewn daubers ,It ■pp..re41 !1, look with neuro On dome other IowlRr .ablu lu a elrarwoce all f.elunl. For had not the ludles curtseyed Oft before Its oaken sill,.. In the mluuet a., stutNyf At the lug house uu the hill. Rave old hog house, vainly striving with the beat to hold Its uw•n, Brightened tare and there with whitewash. Rdltay, Ivy grotto • Frowned upon by haughty rivals, Muted* In its shape and wire, Naught carr they for reverend rafter/. pod, sweet memories mined sighs: we•allih they know 1a fame and power, AM Mee uuwadaya w dl, 1011111•041 1s plainly written Os the log Kona* on the hill. Drear. drserenl, all has vanished Base the rlv.•r at Its feed. Hems the happy, smiling alas f Ironed the ,hearth that used to meet, Fur the little ones have mastered All the good,' old-fashlow•d R.N. Long they've 'Leen Ili life's fierce battle. Rune are sire beyond the .stars, donietlt.n•w they e.,..w bark it eves', In the gloaming mint and arta, Just to dream that they are .hlldres In the lug home on the hull. Pismo to me hey're re faster. tow, Polka have 10 I11ueh e.fueatlua That they can't tell what to dp• 1. They know more than their (Westing Aland (1114. world Ind the nest, Over dogleg and Ism• They ars', often stately. reset: AM perehanee tb.t''d bare a hotter Knowle.lqv or the. mysteries 4.11)1 If they'd Mood the ent.1•hlaing In the bag bouse on the 1.111. --11: 1sahel (Indian. LOCATING BOER BIBLES. Plata t• Actors Th... Pr h141... DerIng Lat. War. '1'Iw elk i 1 o a s of the Society of Friends In Loddon are endeavor- ing to rind out and return the Mlles belonging to Doer families, which were taken by British ioldiers°tu tie lour..' of the South African fear and fur this return of which an appeal was recently issued by -Earl Roberts. The appeal wing recently repeated in Canada Information has beeni received of about twenty Bibles which are miser ing, and sornr of these have already been located. One is 111.1 Ina posses- sion of the Bishop .1 !Upon and be- longs to t'oli,wandant 1'Mnsloo. The hihvli has expressed his wf((lingtiess t return it. Another One Bible wan of England. and hot of the• Dutch hurl, who wits a f the Society of b1.5 at his od).•e. 4b1 a large 1 S. by 11 Inches, • it 'der Me1•w1 Mins ('uptaln Were e. +or Ermet u.:1'his ie first isrt of 'Ruminates rharfctera. IB all pmhubl)i Il,be•lon 10 'one 01 the 411.1 vo.r•t ekk,. s. '1 other Is not NU old ant api arently belongs, to a faintly n /hent. ltecentlt an oAlr livings N.•w•- cn,.lte-un-T)'n4 wrote u say-t'kt�e+ *as returning. s Ruble ho . , •_ t trtftn Me AiN in 1111• west a to d )o at.d .is 1 l' 1(1,4111 hues killed in 1111• war. Mr. Al.. ander u 'riends has two Ili 1 IM a nut Ili141411 dated 1 ,II• int( to the Ya r.•tmrned y ful 141,11 ily al fur* w 1. contains whlt•h lit in • 1011 1 nl.t pedigree VO l IC _ TO AVEL'' ISERk. Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this °thee by Monday noon to ensure insertkon in issue of same week. Dr. McCahey's Condition Blood r..r I.,,Ilas up stet...@ and non Tablets dowel Ingmar/N.4rain. Th., Intent ani ran *Waging M 114 1. *. the velour ,s lad banal 1. They an IM .tn«,e..t b1••1 p110441141 .,11rl*. la U. .end ha 4,•1.,1 an.l rank ew,r Y. lora 4arty.r 0111 kill all da wn .I..•rh•.,5r. i....laa 1144. animal Ina hnl.hr, sal. 4,1r rwMItk O. rasa 31. u,d /A'. .r. • kidney and I .od.n, ver. In. 4..14414y'• Hoary Clan I,.r Mmt.n *In.INI Nowa. 4*. �r41d.. Iw thy 05.1.1 that .111 ran t1,. learn. reir4., awl fa.v per 4.,lk Tae In. ReGah.7 No -1r Ina Co, (sytlrr, coal, Cur.1.. Fw., Iciue;n iericltlac F,.luid.n' int-linl.ml ny 11, 11. 1 .rnlw•, of WS men *MTh belonged, he believe ensu. 111/1 one 4Nar111111M bila of WOO;Kraal, iteilliro11. !Pashto* Echoes. Black still holds grunud, ellpeelatly when relieved, by w•hlte or by sliver. I )re*,eM Ilfgl too large •-•- bigger In the waist Dunn we should have thought It p�o.Mlble we could wear theta a few years ago and touch too Iury,e In the sleeves for comfort.. Black flowers are having a ►trent fol- ' lowing. Mingled with the 11nniril tint- ed blooms, they enlia ce the beauty of he latter by contrast. Love Rates Li the West. ['Mil 'Noe :trunk- ,/rhe -'- tinsel( I 'I'r.olk will issue tIckes 4 at reduced rat-, lu'JMliids in Muntiuut, l'.,lorado, I tell, \\'apahiuglorl:StnG•, Ifrilishl'o!- umbia, (I(egon and ('aliform@. Call on Ilrnrulb ;Weld ul @.1(111145.1. D. Me- It:,unlil, 'District 1'nsaeingee .%gru1, 'rut•Yutl,e. tar full infurmaliuu, Heaps, etc . :d) -it • WHY "CANADA'S BEST?" 11111' rye. 1:,1 ;al.:1111.We•- a.1'. 1,r -t «y.le•u1.: 111.4 thurou •h our 1 rG•ednio: load blarurhot•: •hugp b•.arif. 44411),.03 town : 113 el i1 ett> lumen..•,; m111 winters recon e • '111 ',,' 1aIJ.wsr Nolo. *later nnd ,1. 1 •1'. that ..11' O. r.r1.. 11'vita 1'a 11. A. L. BROWN, • 45. • ' PrIJ.cipal. Start Right To -day and y, , will lied the world very muyy'h brighter to -morrow. A good eediplexigqnn-the bloom of perfe)t 11; alth--bi'irgbt eyes, clear brain - these are within the reach of all who take care of their digestive organa. Take a teaspoonful of bbeys Effervescent GEC IIIE BEST= -)T l'A1'S CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. It. •-ring a lh ro KI 1 . .. ..1 ...11,«.•1101' 11.111114114 u.11,.01C. li rg.. d•r.LL ••areal - +1 > u.',•'..ful ill Mil/1111$ 4Ma.ilhm This n,'h,ad invariably :;iv.. 11.snld.U(. Orr tlloren t*,•y ell •. I. w 1114 for .•hail :nter tin+•ll' ' I' 1, --,bur. , W..1 E!LLIOTT, Pry i5ipa Salt iu a glass of water every mornilr rind you wilt, find that blotches an eluptione will give place to clear clean skin. Throw away the po'ldcr poufand rouge -pot -they uric counter- feils gf nature. Abbey's' will cure constipation, the \enemy of a clear complexion. At all Druggists ,y. and (lie. the Early Training. Success in after life_d finds largely uporl the training received when young. No boy or girl should enter businessIife in these days of k.sn competition without proper preparation. ' The mind should be trained to grasp and understand com- mercial matters quickly, and every young man and woman should receive a thorough, practical training before entering any business house. The Forest City 'Business and Shorthand College trains over two hundred and fifty young 'nen and women every year, and still the business worldjs demanding more. Booklet explaining courses, costs. etc., sent FRta for a postal. Fah', a J. W. WESTERVELT, PRIN. Y. M. C. A. Mimeo, LONDON. BARGAINS NEWSPAPERS th •g , N e M 4 The „BEc. s ' Incandescent �a or Gas Light i P � f1... Tlx e4uped sat stewed nlik'gMw e.r,M. 74: ,'•• burns /sown Ras. It b pottabby Loa:. ie 1. �r. here. Requires o pi``l*.. 1411,+ or y;:1 4 e� neo A 13/1 e, pm while, is' A,,tut , ,:cad tijt t. App.vl'eJ 1y Fs uwsace 14J, 1„rerr. 1 Candy, Power' 1E Hours for O Cent. $25.00 Diamond Ring Diamond is a fine r1itee rotor of the first grade. ,. 1, perfectly cut and perfectly proportioned. Set in either of the above solid t..1\ K. gold settings four S25.00. We guarantee the value of toys ri 'and will refund the money if it 1 , entirely satisfactory'. Mail On reeci) saxn 1 r id to any address of pal R SIZE: (fin. John S. : nrnard, JEWELE12;- LONDON, • ONTARIO. No wicks to nim, no smo e er rme'I. - chimneys to clean. Superior electricity or acetylene and cheaper than ke neo tiavierg, effected by Its use quickly pays or 1t. Great variety of .Pictures for indoor a nd.. utdder use. This s the Pioneer Incandescent •t a Gu .1,.asp. Itis perfect. Beware of iml sL 1 ! very WAR. RANTEDTE There ' are More "BEST" LAMPS in use than ALL other makes combined. Sold ..17 BY GEORGE, BECKETT -"/cell.►: \ r F t 11.•,t►v lilr\V1'\'. GODERIOH. ONT. ''-, Enquire ;0 1Slr.m,.. Rh{ or at re.ldenr 4. corner Brook and All)crt Street-. Re YOU THINKING R'H. T PAPER Vlll' WI 1.1. T.\ K1: FOR Italia :• SELECT 111': Iila'I'. \\ II It II Is '1' I I I esters Advertiser 1'I::1 It 111. equal in the 1,'l14� U. 1 holt• ptl.si,1u1 (ife•.; \\'rile tot ' 4(04711,' copy. 111115.:.11 ord. I - MI -SI RN A1( l;IaISLR, U.•,11,1.111. 11111. The Signal's Clubbing Llst : Thr Stmt) II 11 H I , .•15,4• Mubecrilltions at the ftE ov)ing rates : 'lite Signal a11d:Alontreal Weekly Herald $1 00 Tho' Signal, Weekly Herald and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1 80 'I'llo ' nal, We�ikly Heald an(1 Weekly Globe .1 70 The Sig gal, 'Weekly Herald and Daily Globe 4 50 'rho Siam I, Weekly Herald and Montreal Family Her- r alit aita Wee y Star 1 85. \yith The F+ultlly IIerald at 1 '.Vo. kly Star are 1,40 premium pictutre-, "Heart !Mikan," and "lima 10 l'h.M..a•.' I d a quick 1 ferviw : p of the Dominion of Canada. T I)ie Signal, eckly. Herald and Weekly Mail and Empire . ' ' ' 11 1 80 AVM. •t' M lu fell e V leU I' 'rose." t llb'fhe \ e e lit Mai aw :nq. I s porno an picture* Int• "Th 1 t rlr n The Signal, Week ,The Sil.nal, Weekly Tule. Signal, Weekly. The Signal, Weekly II The Signal, Weekly Her minste 1(1 and Toronto Daily Star.. 1 80 • d and Toronto Daily News1 90 and Presbyterian 2 2.;- nd Westminster 2 25 . fesbyterian and We The Sigual,IVeekly Hera and London Daily Ad- vertiser • '. . • • . • . • 2 45 The Signal, 'Weekly Herald au • mpressions (a busi- - ness monthly.) ') ..\' T The Signal, W,eekleralll and treal Daily Wit - Mess '\2 50 The Signal', Weekly Herald and Montreal Weekly . Witness 1.-60 Th Signal, Weekly l herald d World Wide ' 1 60 'flue signal, Weekly lier.ild an, 'Northern Messenger1 25 "I'Ile S. 'nal, Weekly Herald an Chicago Weekly In- ter •ocean 1. 50 Tile Sign: Weekly Herald mid Farmer's Advocate 2 40 The Signal, eekly ilerald•and Farm' I World . 1 85 F:n.-1.',,Ir'.-nI«•rt The Paroling World reed yen a ropy 11 The Farm, 'Y Alunu'1a handy 1e.,,k of to:Yn Raises .1 •io'fed 114 .nm: ltua in r.•*e,rd to all deg (mains of �M.•uaure. 25 NOPE TH/8 n) ..t Ill. weekly puhlteatunn ..'111 to 11.4*'- ,nllserif,• (nttlt now until the fired of ,In w prnn• usention.kl., The r mintier of this year ins thOWII in No' family should be ithout. plenty of good reading rates. • , Ke•5d n•nlittaneeitby'metnl kitAe.potdufllc4 money order or ex attidres.4itlg : will be VANATTER c$ ROBERTSON, TIFF, SIGNAL, Goderich. the The Most Remarka Propos' WHEN YOU ARE READY T. SEWING MACH Mille'r's (trip P'ow'ders rune. Feer s eby.111.+. 1% 'ham. n wants lint little he below, and nt'.4 idiom all he gel N. Mille 's 1' pooled Iron fills, only 25 emit* \Nilson. Thele are world. (tee gores fishing. No 411111 in 111n' is M marries' 111:111 he's never right. Mental 'end burnt IrMlne41 by Miller's 'ills. For sally 1, .11,14. tr :i() 'loses. Fur wde try one 4 Ileer people in chi usually n truhfll mutt alt right ---and if he N. ten 10 ons that 1 110* 114'il '4 are mum un.I Iron 1151111. 1 BUY DO Nor MAKEI1 MISTAKE AND OVER •OK THE TIME TRIED AND , EVER RELIABLE NEW , WILLIAMS WRITE FOR A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF OUR GOODS RAYMOIt A Course in Advertising One Dollar • 8 'M s ty or 'r ra h g t'. d n on r ver made by a Candien Publication to its to ders. TTTTTTwo One =dollar P ers for one Dollar 1 to pnblieher1, we\srn enabled to offer The ignal and Montre .1 eekly Herald n great dollar weekly for ONE DOLLAR a ' \ This offer in ueiv1, - and *tin be made by no 01114.• palter in this district. REMEMBER THIS FACT Every subscriber paying of dollar in advance "" for our palmy will yL•ocitl•'('h. Alonlnnl Weekly }terata (oro slur without .xlt) cost. Th. Li•rm5 of (oils nft,uugrnlcnt with the Monttral pl fi+hetw an• such Ihat w. cal make no 114tintion from thin ru t --the n*oni•y a lurid .1 ADVANCE, and ,11l :n't•t:tt*g.•s ,nu.t he paid, Both The Signal and Weekly Herald will be sent FRE for remainder of 1003 to new subscribers- $1.00 o 1st .January, 1005. 1 N1'r1FL.S1UNM, a monthly journal of heisln,'.s-u)nking hien* it•hleI,. during the year. gives n' thnru'tgh trainman of the different, plane,. of Advert !sing, o-1II le Ment to any nd- 4111•.. 111 ('nnmin or the I'l*NM1 States for one dollar, fiend 1141 rent's for a 11/111114P ropy, 1111.111 110 w-nrt h it did - lo y'nd. ' IMPRLSSiONS 'tv.• have the Itolilv nod Shuttle 'bite. All theme imiehines have hull @rings, .pinch Tension, 143Ision'nd1- raor, ant ttttM le tensions releaser, d .a v fere, duet caps on n . le and pr: iene, ...or -threading 'Under shuttle, "King" ,'l of plated stt •1 at-, Whiney enol nitinv.other Inlnm• v. lug devices. The im et•iOr point/4 in the New Wit- ; Ii:uns in,lnele a sell-st•Itiiiir 11(•,11., nn• t4)nlntb 'A'Shhill winder with lor.si pub ley, an'.•,ltlaltit. floor Ie4l11e 4ve•))• eon. venien' ), cylinder shtlttlt• Open loll tole' end it id alnMdutay self-thrw,IlnJt swing treadle, steel set 11f atl,14eh- menta. 'rile). look wi•11 nod work well. F'aill Caldnet and Drop "lead liar to tier other machines. Every m hine Dint leaves our rito,Nk„ ,Ktin ornoteed a term of tett v...tru. lf it shmthlimppon t Iva ri mnelnine • (AN to give satisfaction We. illlinediltely n•pleuze it with 111,W' ORM it 1R 111111 it to jadge articie by looking RA the outside. For your own satiSfa.ltiolf and protection y it 01 145 I 1. t.0 know the product inside nnil our-4)one° the neeessiLy for, try, ing the in:whine. \•A trial *ill cenvince von. If you need one and wiidi to try any of om: dif- ferent makes or styles we will be pleasea to let, you try their. We keep repairs and a full line of Accessories, Needles, Hiiiitlem, Bobbins, •11Ohbist winder Rubbers, Oils, etc. 01 W. THOMSON & SON "THE MUSIC DEPOT" THE SQUARE. GODERICH As a Newspaper. Tl I R dlitvTR R''at, W F;IaK LT 1TRRALD wait estahllahed `te *:444X. and 1. the As a Home Paper. Is pre-eminently • paper for The Dome In the first place, nothing Is permitted tta «Minims th•t cannot he read with profit and Instruction by every mews., of the household. In the second place. It Is edited with epeeist reference In matters net interest women. -tlaotice Merton's- weekly wise with her women tendon., conttitute the most .popuiar de- partment of the kind in any Cansillan paper. They are veritable "heart to heart" talk* loth the women of the Dominion. and are aptOnelatekln fhou• viands of homes In thin deportment sre given Hints to Mothers; time -tented ("poking Recipes. the latest leashlone. Illustrated, and • hundred sag eye names fesatnIn• Intermit. T,I Ill COMBINATION Is a vest ene. Your horno tier rik•es TM) In tn/•nl news, the local markets' It nol the Incai gossip l'h• Montren: ". • tie, Iferald gives you enorttl see* et the. world. reenrte of the .1041:411N, departments of Interest to farmer., and. In partletibtr, tea- . f ening •nd interest 1. The More. One paver te the complement of I cuINSCRIPTtONS may attain at juts them Tt Teter limbnerlrlinfe is al - ,t ',Ill In adertnee, and you want Tb• Montreal Weehlr ornirl Mee.. 11;etiviii1"1:11471.1mftrMulinftdleatlegg7Nir :imicrttee !SI" Pa) b. stiv""1 Ye". THE SIGNAL, Goderlch. of of es, of 01.1 h tet M. Ith oest Ng Mr h.