The Signal, 1903-11-19, Page 8g r.11•1Att4y, Nov. IS, 1).3
Nome First ; the
Woad Afterwards
4 GO00 motto, this, forei/her i/nhilidnals or con!-,
,unities, ante "ren[ yllr,ftfs its echo in the voice of
every ,par, haul in this - rcrui/I, !: Zvery dollar spent ;n
your house store • a'i'ds to the development of jhe home
/1' heap, they Ar7owth l j Ihr /t,a'
74- t%_-_t'oif/ll^O the , or ...o4' 'are alT score
or loss deteudenl sport each ,outer, • we are kc eeing
carcju'l /rackof your wants and •coiislait/lv, addiner /o
our' socks to tweet /hem
Come anal See the (:,10[1 Mikes ,We Are
Dress Goods -mks noes i .our Hush !nil /Veed
114,s1 complete line of 11111,,-,1a1,• m it
10141411 164. IWvi' 14(1
11144, ale at the 1111.k 1101 10411 111' 111ir,•.,
"-,:."Tweeds, Venetians. lit\late_
Mouths 111141 $now Flake.
- Jackets
O4u• inlaid le 11r14u•Imedl tiffeis yam
I'14.ir4'IMm'galll..: 51114.1111
1(1.411114.1' *12.14),Inrkcl. for $+,.,41„
Regular 111.141.1:.'1.,•I. for s.4.1,
11ny114• h.• 41.;4.- ;11.1 Ile-Il'l know', it.
4,44••11 Suil 11111 114r•t,-031 114111411111S 2111.
I.. 1s• .•H'er('d a imr ,tore j\\11s1 1{1(44',
, ('01110 11. 1114 1411,1 ...Ave 10,1111. 4n-
:In4 *4114,i for 111x11 411111
alrk.'Is, ( o;ujorlers and
( 1!J't•!!I!C
IrHrs Furs!
N'"'4' '44.4111. G1l11 woalhe• hole
�low . \\'c 11(14 Nave yon .IIMlllev .11
Stylish Huffs and Cape'hies at pri:'c. aA' any •lh4•s• lines. • A full steak 1111
1nwcr1ha1l, par 11•V1.1. leered IMdore. hand. All prices.
1\) J: ,111; .111]IIt' 1 .
/i/'t'/1!i/!1//s Stop JI['nary'/s/, 190]. •
Smith Bros. & Co.
N1';aV OF 114111; I)IS l f, l l I
1A114141611,411 `..4144. of to »ii.t rill.() 11.4::..:.1
TI'I•isilA Y. Nov. 17411,
tele 44.1. yu114' a l;11'ge gat helittf .11
Thi tat afternoon. :►t M• s. -\11,•11'••
.r .11 •Iderly matrons and Xeric.)
1:(du•s, 1. bbl 1.0...‘A ell 4. Mrs. 1'
• • 111 4 lliiiiiil( ont.rlew:4lely.
_was unable 14 ie pre.. It. but •n' Fri-
day there were 1114411 111111.'1' 1. say
4..slbye when t1 - wet '-4.n. vont.. 14
i4 n e
1 Mle•I4rh t lake Ih Int Jot. �f 1 hie,,
Saturday now ' g. '`
0111' 441144-1' • 1r•.id4•ut. \ v. Il. .1
Horton, whoa ire d.154n from • •,dl Ste,
Marie on a visit t.. friends 4.l1.4.1:1-
Yes in (4141rrich :4141 .1 hitt -a1114i1)1,r uid
a tit herr. was the Tl l�sl u • , Is. r
Qui 'd Inst week. .1\.4'•. might -mei •
that when our p41.Iolllee was tit
()peens in I8114 Mr, Holton m:ule
their., mail for Ihr la0•know� stage
1 /+4141. •114'11.
I1\ .I .Ili. 11.'1 .1.1.11.'...1 114 glMMi111•..
4.l hcliliu .0 .1 tinr.ul4 111 .:•41.444*
tunilie. ill I ho h le f di.111 - . .nil
fatal ,1.4k11,• -.'ran Id o4' r.i .111.•11.
l'heir Uwe,. 11111*ut-rl 1 children now
iu ('hio:ag » have resit •.t1,1 111,41+' t4,
r' • 141 keep 1.11..• (4141 ••611 :11-1 tau
m141:•iel daughtl•r. tt ill lit. 4,11 thea.
Il, ' a1'I•IIit(4•I 11.1111 u. in the 4, tug t.
gIIV4• his 14.41:1111 ..ate 111.11 ie.. 1041 un
the cult lire ,I'hi. gar111•t( (;r'un and
his .e.Ie111 .t n•' I,
h • Lanisl. icraw 1 of
weedsw' 1,
1ai he1 1 h•• itis .urre,.f4111)' I
lowed Ihr 11:1.1 ..•ural l'i'ar,. :41141 1t
*rill also work op NI MI 4,4:4441'1:11 i11 his
' .holo l41.141i1. 1111.11.141.11•1, 1111.1 wlo;•1-
blm"1'1/W.. vb.. .4. A. \\'illi:um. is to
4 t tend to any ltwktne,. limiters in hi,
• obscure and Sas..I.inklarr, .f Lee_
burn. Will look after Ihr c.11'p:•nleei05.
-4411141 1 le ‘4.14'6, i I Ontario second
4 t4tt 141141II 1 a I:ry kik^ this be en -
fore, im tit , comer%. In Vienna
every 1 iii'. .1,e' it p,aetirally his
,prison 4*'. 1 11 • 'ril,•k at • night until
k in 1116- 0..1.1. 11,. The Austrian
r•:fllital'49a 4' y u' flats, atilt 111 111
o'111rk ed.•11 tit It 14' 44111 1441114444 1144411'
of ....tell 4.1..1. l• /4 k. Anyone pass
Ing III .r .111 al •r al time mita
pay the c,ne•iergea in4 the a1110.i144
of Which it I w•.IM•nee. 111. ill inidnighl
31111 401111 114114. 41'1911'1 1/1 I t' 1 0 i0 the
QlI old :and kiIlili:n• flgu ' 0:4. for
the last tliir14--. i4 V,:u,1 ha. 1 •1111.f'e1
film' 11111' 1i1i41.1 p 110• 414:'w0 ,.f It,
elm iiii ill R. 4,111' 'w •n-kllllw'11 :11.1 ' t. -t•1
•onil build••, . Ile . 4.d "iii, wife eft
I 414. un F1'' 141.1. 41.1 'hirngn, pall , e
111 V inland I. 1•.•sid for •1 teril
yea w."11414 Mg rented t eh' (louse arid
lre•II4'.1•. i . I,.hn Ky. 11. 111+• w'eli-
,hre•shet• •fruit 14.44.: 1 h pre:
4 illage of Nile. 44'1. lot . •
.Ione 1,111,1, .f the thrl.hing
on. intends .len:h',
al the Item. t . the f,Ii 411. 111 41411•
co11111nlnit y. 4 14 1 :. eltoppiig IIII for
Iheir i•.4.44•11i4 ltd:, n-in;:'/l*u m. dor•
power of his gine in.}rail of hr,
windmill the till litre! had. N11011 I.
ori, v4mhi,' p1141 snrressfr.l he i.,
111411ki1144 of 11ay41 4 grist-uul+ hsl-
cl • •4'y. put in. Iw•rha r) rht• 1:10..,' .f
nest rant' :melt act wr11 -.ire'
.bligi ig ewer ready 141 h •ip his wildi-
ng will hi, ',ha, w'I*•n key kid n
1,111 ' y41111•1 in nen .0 Win! •'cell' wa, 4
y.44rs ha
N114 191.OWNS4-14P..% V. Not. 141111.
larr\"i.. Salkeld. Hayfield road. has
t1nr i:is.-,l the purebred shorthorn
o iter 'Lillian.- a.l•irh 4,44)11 in color;
Tedi fro, In111411'IPd s1.0s1.0.1..The•4'. The ami -
1 Il is a )t mod 44.41.4' •n. .11141 '114111141
10' vV4,41 4144.41414414144.4141441fonndai•.n 4.4. 111r
uul IVehO•nt of this class of -.lo.•L.
1 F:Ilial1 and Fred. .I u 4 i-• :n,
*4 ,'t •• the Yukon.
ulerst111 that 1w'in4 to un
foreseen •114• stances John %l,i i
Will 1101 IM 41.111i10 110.110' the Elford
11414» 4.t Illi14•.4;iII»', as he h:01 M-
1441410.1 I.
wart Meha,,Kall. of Piat.-r.'N (till.
had 11 run:iwa) 'l l'li11to4 4110. 411111:4.,
Week. '*1..• -Wills rev 4kell +11.1
nal• 1.6 Ihr• horses •:,s. slightly h»Jnrcll.
14,11 4 40itimtrly 1141 14414444.411 w'ns 111141,
tient K. TIM r'p.1.1e1' W1114111 We
,cul In Li/yid 1'..('4111'1• :1 4'4101'l ‘04 the
i lalIIN'efing 111,1, .n Saturday
night has. not gut' 1..4. L yet : cou,tA-
nl•ltt Iy We cal nl411 4it 4' . n a.4Yln/t of
I ,`4. pr iiw•Ji,,gs, _\t,yn111. who can
4i `' itif.11.111:11ioon ie. t 1I Ie' w'h,•1Y{4IM111t,
f ` • 4Ln19N111g si•n*M' will confer u
fat of 141 So4\.u,
precedented Offer.
I'h: 1104 4.411 1Crekly ller:41d i. a
011.:14'1 of 'r: s• 11 rond1.uw11ion. A44
1,11e 4.Ied4 win o4 eel from the wheal,
% paper for h4 it•; lid farm. 11'h.IL.
b01»4I', e114ya1in4. 4.f» 4,' g: 1 1pt•al
.tt,ilar johrnal. , 1 at The Signal to
1st ,hlnuarv, Usti, fin ad, *1.14*, Sample
t.pi11,\w\ of the, Herald. ,ell .It ;Ipplir.,-
(*4411,JJ1' 1041' lie ween a tont .Here,
ever mho. with Shu old :►t wain(. I Iteailhr Signal's real Mitli
Mrs. 1'4 g will he greirt.1} inis4rd 'jug, a:
M►►►►►►r►►►4.r!!!!? tt '!!tttm►►►►►►i! !
tit a
,11444* 1,'.111 the 114lInitt.'* ate
0000 VALUE'S.
itielnding lite F'RAZEIR and IAN:AN; 1
MPI1o\'F:I)i1;11A 11 PION, PREMIER.
Wee 'inn• -Miss: els lt.'vs, finches,
amt 'ringers. \\.
1:.\1►F:It, 1'it t4.I.F:NI:F:,
11 At Mr„ rte,
ARP.. 11'nshiug Ma•hhM4e
The RI- ' t Place to Buy Your Hardware,
Paints, 0 3, (ilass, etc., at flight Prices.
Ryna Oros. Purchase fuildl.'g inIgesr of Pre
ant Store.
To the gait ur of The MIa1w1.
Stn. It is desirable to Giro a list of
Imitate 101,11044 lir which the L:gclgra•
h feature.: 01 (Ilntariu were, or are.
4l. Sane the Illmtilete• Damen
It -early 1111 I4 (11141. 11111 the refer-
ent vla are aralleed uy 4'i' it vert wide
ticld of literatur•. Ife•1fi,es these, thele
Ayr no doubt ()many local 1,141111es that
*444)'.- never 4plwaret ill print, but
which are known Co residents 111 val•I-
tool 4aaet, of the PeoViuet•. IudtauM
Ihrmw•Its�,nu►y render valuable weds -
11 will. thov1elote, be taken as a gleet
Ivorilre:ttkieswho p,.444 ., tiny kuow'I-
lge (4f tli,i kind %vitt conuuunicate
withath. INlllel•sigllel. 4 -
1'11'i'urrenipuudcius:_ _implies
may 144 fin -wanted 1111 pos1111 4':I141s, OI',
othewiw•, refea'iOg to the following
Iw144 ;
1. Pret.eutt name Of river, hay. lake,
4aJw•„14414411(1, or hill.
India, 11+11114', and its id): gg
a. If the presentname is Indian,
what it IIIe11W,
1. Ni:IIIV 114111/111 1111111es Ale 11414
11w41 in 11 corrupt (orm. (live 1 Ile oId
('IIr•4lkmtl(lts will ph• se address
4 t).1 V I I I
PIY14'1Iu INI 1111s1•Iuti.
T.u.ent.l, Ont.
Aless1•s. ltj tie Bros., Turi,to, have
just concluded a purchase of the
pal w11 V i11 Adelaide street wet 101-
hleliatrip in \ver of title present
prelnises tilt k11.- v411'111.1'of Lege• and
delaide•shen.. '1:11u Wilding on
this peel M•1'IV Is' at present occupied
by the 111111 and School Supply 4'one
Jpatty. mid is to be vacated by them on
wumt'y. 1st, when It vile tiro.. will
thoroughly overhaul the building and
add i1 Iu their present establishment.
This winave 111r111 await. 10.11111I
square fret for show-rM4II)$ et (''4ly
141so•r_ and the eat1-441'110111 e.10 IN• util-
IzesilargclvT I' 111 •7•XIi•m;41011 . Ilir11'
4111,'.•11111:1,1111 KIM MIM:111410111 it'sI della 11-
metit.. The Hca thew is+ (u 114• 111111441
1. * 10i r mail order delw,.41I1e114. which
has grim 44 so rapidly during the Iasi
t'..W yele,:1. 111 mule .Ore increased
s1k11•e- n neeessil y. 9'14' 'upper H01.1•
Will 1441ileo.t441 10 Ina11ufa4l11161141. and
Will lie 4ln'ui.hed with the 111104
111.114'1:1 app1i11ul•e•s
1%11..11 .' ptrl.d tide ' will mak
"1)iiouoid Nu11.7 44 ith pet hap. on
X,•w h'i 411 ex .epi his; I lib,, I11 Kest an
hest equipped Jrtgrh'y reilklhlishuartt
on the ...nit •
Coral Hoasekold Wrinkle. For the O
Het Weather eaaoa,
An expert who 1s a4qualnted with
some of the Borst private les refriger-
ators In the country hes auythtug but
nn exalted ()pluton of cl4aul(uess at
practiced In the kitchen- "I am often,
geld he, "called to the finest glass Hued
Ice chests which are declared Imperfect
by the owners and tind theltube carry-
ing off the refuse packed solidly wltl
a mixture of mucus and Vegetable
matter. All vegetables, milk bottle,,
green salads and so on should he
cleansed before being put into the re•
frIgerator. Even then there Is a
formation of mucus that will In time
clog the waste pipe. The nature,, of
this mucus is not fully understood. E:-
perlmeuts prove that even ice made
from distilled water produces It. Au•
other freak some Women have 1s wrap- -
ping ice In paper and rugs until It
'keeps beautifully; as one woman said,
when she complained that her re-
frigerator. wouldn't keep thlags cold.
women should understand that 11 is
only as It melts that Ise produces units
of cold In the ordinary chest. The
mere presence of ten cents' worth of
ice lucased heavily ha nonconducting
material Is. not sulflcleut to lower the
temperature of any kw box, however
,mall. Get a good ice box in the first
place. After an ice box has been
washed end sratded carefully, put two
tablespoonfuls of sweet niter In a glut
of water and wipe the chest inside
..with 'this. It 1s powerful In the line
Don't let sticky fly paper lie careless-
ly on chain or tables, ready to attach
Itself 40 garments or to melt and run
off at the edges. Simply laying a sheet
upon lw a newspaper L not su®cleat. See
that the
newspaper is at least flyW
Inches lungJ.r than the sheet; then, be-
lling at one end, roll the newspaper
(do 't fold fully up to the margtn of
the Sheet and pen 1t there, Roll the
oppoaite‘wd In a similar winner, then
_the sideew\plonIng once ail together at
each comer. Xroar sheet of Ay paper
'VIII DOW' be lhFind7u aihalluw crtfj
or pall of newspaper, and can be hung
ovtbe chandelier or upon the tops of
pictures, where it will be out of range
Of Impale beings and more In range of
the nuisances It is designed to attract.
To pretent tbacracktug of gnaw fruit
jars 4'r jelly glasses when ring the
ing fruit or jelly In theem ace a
all!er spoon 10 each before you' pour
the hot substapce 1a. No. previous
beating of the glass Is required, and
after many years of canals( I kayo yet
to break the first glaze, and'eaya used
no other m -0
ethod.-ood Honsekeepfng.
A. Item In Oimavr Lld,
No part of rummer life Is so enjoy-
able as that of being able to have the
meals out of doors. It luncheons and
mappers are too great an undertaking
the making of a cup of tea can be
Very simply managed wltb one of the
new trays with a stationary lamp.
These trays are mode of copper
wrought by hand, with a handle for
easy transporting through the house.
They ere especially adapted to porch
wee. The idea of the stationary han-
dle Is also brought out In a len ex-
peeslre article in white enamel ware.
- Uellnenter,
New alts of Furniture.
80me new nests of tables of nominal
'Wants have recently made their tip
ranee. Four eotnaltnte the se't.
tee s g In under the top one
Tb . ars d( beautiful. polished dark
wood, Inlaid with lighter colured woods,
1n eri-olleut designs, M.rgaeterle Is
beIng more and more ikltro.luced In
mingle articles of furniture- It is pleas
Ing and wilt not clash wltb the maJor-
Ity of furnishings.
A new window meat aaltaWi', bow -
ever, for other places as weM, com-
mends itagf, for It rises beyond merely
e entered pine box. Thin one 1. up-
holstered, it 1s tine, bnt the frametrork,
which lm beawtlfuIly polished bent
wood, In entfr4y vl.lble. It 1s a most
desirable Innoeatton end no longer re.
Womble' a makeshift, as the i'omemade
Window seat, feverishly do_ These
al.o do mat Wet Mt on the floor, but,
h aving YPef, are rammed a few inches,
giving R a kit imanberseme appear
ance.-, ,rt interallaore.
144: %int iv. In 01 1 rpt \n. ember 1'144, to
Mer, ,, ( Mn... A. It. am/twin. w .•on.
1:1 !INK 1HI,)7t. At Ike r.•wfd.nre of the
hrlde.. 444.4541. 1M wen n.welwyNovember
.111, by the Ste. A. 11, (i(1r, htnr, W.
o4hne,.MtwwM nr. s krt. suttee. to Mb.. Lw'y tlhke,
Read The Rtgrutl's clubbing fiat on
IMP. 9- i
Au nucuuluwu novel by al new pen
appears in Lippincott's Mlugazine for
November. It is railed •.A Rouse
Divided- and is by Ella Middleton
Ty lout, hitherto keno% 4Jr a series of
delighl(nl 11/•41'. parables. ••A 41.u,o•
I/ividisl-introduces while characters
un the slime. if the Delaware, when
a great dramatic fl4MM1 furtli.iMs a
climax. It i, a tender I.Ve-dory frith
two grim parents in the Imekgrouud
who have 1104 14110ki•41 to eNe•II other
fur years. A remarkable title writtru
with lower and charm.
(11/4 4 f 1.11.. 11(•iest and rllOnt readable
.1144•* s1.1'.rcilt a 'lung time iv The
(4ir1 with the Banjo" in the November It is by Iran 1), Hallo-
well, whirl., it is.r Wilispe1w1, is the
naw d.• puma', for '6-'uenller tot s
family long Ilislinguisk in-41
liters 4111',
The St. Catharines Well.
The 44) nit411,11 train ...emir the s
o(wrlt441 Int 1 h lira id Trunk Railway
S) •w tilt/k1•s it :1 pleasure for tMcrl-
ler'' to reach 144.• 1111111» points 1414ae1
on its lines. One of he 141411 shell
places is St,. retied -it (hd:u•io,
where the tannins SI. 1'Alhat'i11r'M
\Fell, 4'livada'. grey( hr:+Il 1 resort. Is
I.M':11141..11 1, molts! tel' IiJ9: 1111. 1MIt11N,
and thoosauds of iM4lptr 11,111 all larks
of America have teen eared o greatly
twin -tilted by t ito see- ofits wit IN,
Full information, tles•riptire 1 tat ler,
,and all pallirulars 101111 lie Imul 11 hp-
dirati.n 44,ti.'r. 8411.1., iii 1'. A . A.,
(4r:u11 sink Itltilway SVslrml, . 4I11 -
t Ira 1,- ('nrrAlln. 111-1*
Robin wa11. P., the facia ' -
representative fix-
x- \%4..l Elgin, 1411
p1r4�+,iitlrnl 0( the 1'8n1441ian /41:411411', in
M letter expressing hieap .tv4•iation of
the positi.n taken by `Thr 1%1ekIV
Stillrrg:telling the e111I' 4tlards and
drainage I,*Ils, Naps:
-The Weekly ' Sam has given lunch
aid to myself' and other member, .f
Parliament ..ham tit iu our endeavor b.
11•gi.lnlio41 favorable 11, the farmers 441
('ansa1•1 r 4•.
. 1 a
Ito .• guards. drainage, rte.
11.4.lunl''1hank 'I'h.• Stan for many of
the 111w'11 that w.4,' (.tared tin 14144
MAI 1114, last session in aid .1 the
(41111ing c.iumnntp,''
The farmer. all over the rtandrp are
showing their approval by sialweribing
4o The Mon in cumhil,ati4.11 with their
loyal i:!uer. The prier of The' Signal
rum W(444tty Kiln- 4.,,,T! mead iii 4TnTT
*1.1114, am) 14 year's s1111Ne •ipt' 11 Thr
Montreal \'e•kly Herald in thrown in
free. Iw4tve putt onler,alt The Signal
I own. (4f Paradoxical I''4'1119.
1?11j11y11wnt, Novelty, Instruction.
' 1,sf to V411ry w• WAseINS
T111•.ngh the onterprizw of two
three of (111' pnblie-spirited citizen.
the iwnple of (itklerich will have an
opportunity of w•it.neasing
The Marvel of the Age
AIR 6 312'. es 11040W zero !
AS A ' Freerriil. ale. htil ! Hams
LIQUID I Atlee ! !Attila .0 41.1.1. rte,
Victoria Opera House
TuesdayEvening, Nov. 24
I'If 4)-i:s : :/14 ;Ind 2.-14•
I'I:nl 4.1 Kidd', l.,.kaore. 614.411 5:41
4164A- 11101 ' g
w Great Clearing
* Sale Before
1 Inn• .f hk ❑4.1 Lir limy
clearing At.
-14' each.
$1.(1) pictures clearing at 50e.
$2.111 •• " E1,i0
Witt Ph our wh•w wind.wn
for lines we are clearing At
IPSO than wholesale cost.
"4RbithiMElt PIANOS.
Phone 1111n.
I In4oMPr of F'iIlP (4(011,,
Swedish. Trio
Front Stu4•l'Ixllnl, Sweden.
Madame Von Zedeler Hausch,
!tido \'iuliniKt :
Miss In6 eborg Haunch,
Moto. flutist :
Miss Gurli Hausch,
Solo \"iolini.t :
Assisted by the best local talent.
'r lis w'in hew lyre '»lit l event, i4•
11;14 pail Ilauw•h and her daughters we
reetrgttz,d 1s Ilnikh•tans'-01" the tlrst
rank. h:very lover of 11141sic sh...1,1
heal them, al
Victoria Opera House
Friday Evening, Nov. 21
AI►111SSION,-2'e; 41Fal:n\'1?II
Plan :at Iii.141'r-ti.ulkslul•4.
Incandescent •
Vapor Gas Light
•.crab:,t ..f ...4.49(4 ! 64.►t weearlb. Make. ■ltd
!AI,* 11.444.1%r row 11 Is pxlable, bane a shy - Itt' uJ py.ei w1rt or aa• me
•' air. A &,+r, p.- • .1M., p'werlut. steady
a hl. A; fr..vJ kr f •I(tiwJ,rMeNww
100 Candle Power 15
Hours for Two Cents.
0, w1:ka to nim, no smoke or smell. No.
ele1,1. Superior to electricity uf
kelt lent and cheaper than keroseaw. &leis`
.. ae.ted 4.y 1(1 use quickly pays for k. Greet
tarkly01 P.rtIllf for 111.100r and uetduor tee.
/1.14 ih the Pluneer lueau.leseeot Vapor flee
Lamp 11 I. pet feet, bawareul fanitalio..
There are More
use than ALL other
snakes combined,
411)1.11.`,.44:1:\ r R.:t 111'1 ,N I'nl'VTV.
F.ngnil • al I'.u•a.n 4x ' ,V+i.14 .4.r,
4I.rner Mock :1141 .111s•n Nor. •I,.
-r- -
Sl+ulnrh, re1411)1e u•ak14+ lhnt won't (aid
0111• lea►g 111106 11(tN•k in eel•y, c1)luplele f
fsleturer"., ,
prove disappoint -
the heist maim -
Have you tried a pair of our Rgldwr Rees heck? Just the thing
il(r'tdis-w4ti141n, .
11'e have A IAr'ge HNwa'tllle'llt .1 nu•41'M Leggings, in train and
Satin Calf Le*the•rs»with latent adj1144(41.1,1,' taste ' gm. Ask (u
.tie thew.
11 will pay Volt to inspect tat' 441,14.1, .f Inru'N and w •ti's
Felt goods Big 11111ge to choose f14,111 at lowest l(4•Ie4N.
We :11'1• ready to meet any demand. P1.1e•s fight.
It EPA11t1
lil)UF:R14 fl
„ tei
Two Great Papers for On Dollar.
�" A few years aagua dollar weekly wa►
ks.keti 1111011 as A Iw4ryrl of 'cheapness.
N"uw' par are 1•ttalolerl t. o1Trr two
1wiN•n+ 1.4. that ',.tall . . Hy special
and exclusive ,arrangement with The
Montreal 1%rrkh• Herald. we offer it
and The Signal for one year for .4.r
dollar. 1.
T10• offer ',
N. .
ff 1 1 rxl�
rnur lularil '
Ii1M�raI Ih(t it should Ire IA►4.0 advant-
age .r by every 111311, W01111111 And child
who 1.111 IV./411. ,, Thr Signal 4N the lead-
ing 1.14111 pawl:' of this dietritt. The
Hr1-4141 is A Ialkl• for the 1 land
farm, giving the tees of the world,
Mid a mass 444 eot\ertainiltg reading.
The two M•
la I1'. w such A price. nuke
an irrr•Nistihlle r Iwwt• . Maniple
copes of Q'iw Ifer41ld at this oftle•.
In Rose Time.
Lc fw..r.1 .w do mol crow
In Juu..+.rrt launch of gm*.
7144• .41441.'1 .Imre snake them Noir
t Ls. 11,3 1.44) ,rare
Pool partner Milos
For Drunkenness
THE and
eeleyDrti using
IY Over 300,000
Com. - CURES
pied -
reK pass la.tlt,ta
CTEt-[?1•nONe •4. 21
7.41 DOOR
Endless Variety
Fine Qualities, CoodVah.ies
ERE is not a store hereabouts can show you a variety in furs that
ou cafi see here. We do not make this statement boastingly; but
it i fact we want you to know because it means something to you
whe% u come to do fur buying. You are not narrowed down to one
or tWo styles or kinds, or articles, but there is a choice assortment of
new, popular and stylish fur garments here today. Wideness of choice
is not the fur stock's only recommendation. Its strongestint is the
sterling quality of every garment that finds a place in pit. Each
garment is made from choice, selected skins, cut, matched and put
togetherlby skilled and experienced furriers. They are the best furs we
have been able to find and we are willing to stand behind every
garment we sell. Furs bought here are right in style, right in quality,
right in price.
Ruffs, $3.50 to $25.00
Collars, $3.50 to $6.00
Stoles, $7.00 to $40.01)
Caperines, $6.S0 to $40,00
ckets $25.00, $35.00 and $40,9(
All dependable quail es, correct styles and good values. We pay parti-
cular attention to the filling of special orders, and should we not have
what you require in stock, will get it for you on short notice.
• Such mantle
selling as we
have had this month hsb, been
phenomenal. Phenomenal values
have made it so. If we had not bought
them (tutu the maker at the end of
the season we could not have sold
them at any such prices. He sold
them to its cheap and we aro passing
them along to you in the same way.
1n ,justice to yourself you ought to
'see them before you buy a mantle.
Styles aro correct and prices are
money saving.
Ia41i4•s' jai kPM, made to sell at 110.(1), ask
pore 111.
(adit'ti jacket's, ',lade to 4.11 4.t $12,11i1t solo
v price 118.1111.
t:heaner emits,$, and 105.00.
(`hildren'. roans, $$•:1111, $Sd>t) and fli1.5o.
Not many stores sell as good
underwear for 25c ante 50c as we Ito.
A few, just a few, may, but there
are not many of them. No better
underwear for the price is made in
Canada, and we are quite willing to
have you match them for value with
any you will get ANYWHERE.
At 25c
I:Ili14.1'..,ribbed vests, Shaped. fine (petits.,wd6 finish, gond weight, every mese (1111,
no skimping, nirch' finished with lace
and 11''lve ribbon, all sups, and drawers
to mate p, per garment 25e
At Soc
Ladies' rihlxdl veli44, e•n011gll cotton mixed
in with the wool t.. keep them Iron1
shrinking, greed weight., soft flniab,
- well male and trimmed with leer,
pearl 1101fons, ati sixes, drawers to
match, per garment.
\ ,
Plush Knit Vests, SOc
1101irli pphwh knit tests, Very (soft and
comfortable, 101u1e by a pa eat moron.
will not shrink up when w , draw-
ers to match, per garment . AQe
Better lines 7&• and $Lest,
(combination stilts 114.2. and *1.:411•
Children's underwear, all .4*.., many
qualities. anti tights fine, *1.00 and $1.M.