HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-19, Page 7r
It 11i,1 „•.t, N1.i 19, 1903.
6 -
MONDAY Nuv. Itkh. MoNtAv. Nov. IOti).
1r.YANOrLIcAL l'HFHIH.- .05 Sun- Mr. Anderson, of Port Albert, spent
day aftrtnopu the animal utiNsiuuary 84tmviny and Sunday at Iuyal. .
Clay wan oh/moved. It wan a beautifulI A, W. Who. 1nurltw-rtv1 Jlltlttl
mouton day. The titte,la
ore war f♦stooLnrtxk et v, 1 s$al
t '
good and the meeting it Kucee,s. The 1i.tder11.1, township lam( W&Y•k, a,
imstor, Rev. A. 1). liischler, parachela Mvw, Switzer, Miro 4witxer and Mires
sermon foto the tx'raxiun I,Ixn taw text• Harland. of Uudrrirh, visited Mr: and
IO: 1. The misstates Of the
Houma" Mts. A, %V. Wise last K hay.
ineviuu• mewling were heal and stab -
script lot taken. The ele•tiun of
officers tilted as follows: I'trsi-
ileut. Ju1t _8ebWautx,:. xi"..w iu'utitleul.r
\1'11,. 1)u, ; Nrrrrt•ii 111141 tn•uwutwt•, 1.11Ukt 11.- -The Iry i vitl mw4111W, 11t
.Iarnh Idle The Evangelical Monday Donnybrook will 1w• ( mils, 1 every
school 11. tell for updu-dots Christ- evening tido week. The Rev. J. 1.
IMO. enterti nutrias and this years Snudl, of Aldan', initiated Mr. l'd11p-
will he no ex •eptitin. Extt•isive prep -
am, it are heady (wing tirade fur
such All enter anuienl, (Si take place
an Christina.' Eve. Ihr•r,uber Y4th.
Mom part hada v, later on.
KiDA Y, Nov. 17111.
nide a (rip t0 Kite
day, returning the
alt �S!),1 L. NUL_
1't'10t1.AV, Nov. 17th.
ANNI'4f, TEA -11ai rIsu.--The an -
n mal twit-nlrctiug of Eiekine ehur•h
wilt ti). V.t •lw held tin 'rhunality, the
For it .
I o n lh. NI t mu•tia tat
of p
tP' baud bills. •' l'111044114;.%1.. Ratline! Ramue! 1h•u r. voting-
-let sn, of %1'W. Draper. As11114•14), who
has a good p onitluu lit Detroit,arriyel
un a visiting tour on Friday of last
week. ' He will be herr for about two
weeks visiting his parents and renew- I
itis fnuntr ocutiaitlliuueit
I)1'(iuAYN1/Y i}1 uH 1'N HICrt li.,
J. (k•awford and slat, Master N'lllhwn,
along with 1). Hiekle and H. Junes,
who have hewn for about two weeks
spouting in Muskoka.' tinggiouud
returned home last Friday ,'ti'uiu
highly please) with their suers..*,
ea!•i1 having enFduoss' two deer. The
apxlrtsuMrl IIN.L inure vigintlus and
hale than When they sttal•lyd, alt evi-
deneeuf the gtxs1,.1 their hunting ex-
1't'H1.11' 81'11.1411. Ex .t M. 1111 MOn-
dayy, the 111th, the veteran and popular
public whim' tili�ppxrrt•tir, J. E.'1'iu-
'spectrtl • s•htltd. Kra'. Ruther-
fonl and Jli. -\Panel were present but
the board of trusters did not put in su
appearance is might liar.' been ex
ectt1l owing to their official pomitiuu.
%Vould it out be lielsiig:11d1 eneocrit-
ging to 'salt 1.'trbriti told pupils, as
abut the iuspeetn•, 111 have the pupils'
evi urn 1 vet l• • in t1' est 111
parents l t l l 1
r u e' c' 1 by
the. f their '11111.11
being in attendant. • at, the eiatuimt-
t' 1, In general, parents seen' to
+ass • that. they ' tun •• performed
their duties as suet. by paying for
Nt•1141411 Chi W10.414 ii,.'I(i-i-e d. 'I'),.' 111-
nta•1-to• put the pupils through the
different subje•ts in all the public)
s•litsd curriculum, the pupils nequit-
ting thrulsrlve•s well. At the elos• of
the t•xamLnitliuus theiMipe•Mr expres-
sed himself well pleased with the gess
order maintained and the ut•atu•ss o
the work. Rev. C. ItulherfoYi also
,exprea.e l gent sat isflu•tion at toeing
present. and \vas pleased with the re-
sult 11 e e , 1 it i 111• tt'Inlri-
dt f the x 11 1 ,tit T P
tl; T. (1. Allen• land assistant. Mita
p, deserve t rent titenl ion
McKenzie, 1 1
fur their painstaking uud faithful di. -
charge of their duties. As for the M-
n -
s 14s lar, hr is the right gentleman in
the right phu•r and it is the sincere
desire of his loud of friends that he
may Ire• lung spared to re•ndrr his• rill•
tient and thorough s'ryires in' the,
Ise:Rion of inspeetur.
.1Front i6alher rorn'.Iamdi'nt.1
Ntr9'ts. -•. Thi• ei•ayorrator closed
.10%11 un Wednesday. Mr. Allen has
lets el good steady season's work
Rel-. e1r. 4'"uplaind. of Althorn. will
preach in' the \Ielhlalitet rhurrh here
.111 Nuyrwlwr YJlh-missionary ser -,
t ire..
PKH•u IN. Li.. Miss Maggie, Mit 'Ione, of
1 nckuow-. is nix•Iltling u: few days
With her aunt. Mrs. Stephen St+lthei's.
....Wes. Treleaven was in Mt. Thomww;
this week attendingthe w•etliliug of
his 1t,usin, Ed. Tr•I.:well, of that
City R. J. Kirk has returned from
his trip to New (lulat•i.. He is haul
in his psis.• of that part .4 44111• P1111,
lues %fi.. \I' • Mitchell. of
4'arlt.W. is visiting her bentIb•r for a
few day's this week lams -s \Vhy-
9111 :111,1 daughter. Mime ('last, left on
I'nr„I:n ala \isit friends in MI. 'I'hours
t is s 1 fa• \ flys -j1. H. 'Lan I
fort% week. ' Hr is •• per the
'titer." tetul is Ionise for a rest
%V. J. Mlllit1, is spending the week
w•i her aisles.. Mrs. Edward Dorian.
r. Armstrong. org:uulw•r for
1V.. is herr on a b11slut•tt
new wiegMr.r.T.-tststt•s Minnie and iw-of
'Dewy a lin, of 4itderi,h 4 . I.. were
I • or ,nday.
.ND Y, Nuv. 111111.
NIMES ---A 1111 1 r• of theta fells
(his vicinity are i' te Eng going for
1114• whiter 11, work I 1 , w.14 NIS near
\\'iat•lon ('ar11rls s 4t h, .,f Itit
comers . 11), to bit g it auction
sale of farm stork ;1111 plea is on
the Pith inst. Mr. Smith nut so 11 his
farm and intends r,•sidi for the
future in \\'inghnul.
4.. 4). F. NoT a. As n resit t of the
elifo•ts of lir. \Volker, dist 'et t 'gau-
I1.t 1. alba of the members of h s•:►I
1 .
,N • u Mend c'• �'
lodge 1' a num f new m m t. \ 11'
t � i k
received and ,lily initialed Into tllC
mysteries of the Order. This btanrh
of the ss•iely iv in is their thing Coll -
11104111.. 014•1••• (wing mow upwards of
fifty nous on the 11u•Inllefship roll.
I PElttw/SAL- Miss Lira:ie Hu1tititorl,
of 'ltldrrirh l'oile hate litsli ate,
spent M lay at her )1'.,111' here
Jnu. MdJuit•e has sold tai:: /rupa•rt\; to
Jas. Hyde and is 1poing 10 [Myth to rt• -
side. when. he 11llends engaging in
the ash Iatsinest \Viltiwm
\Veather•hend has ram 11.41 from Part
Hope. Mich„ after an obscure of
p1•t)elgtl months.
l'HhittH. - The sacrame.,4 of the
Iwonl'N Supper will be di.vp•nsl•d in
Colt in ,•11411.11 next Mnbh:it h. Hey.
Mr. Sall, of Althorn, will emultiet
the preparatory servlet' on Friday and
Rev. .1. .1. Ilastie will cnndurt Itte
V • tin 1
ca.stats tnda•rcr,-
thanksgiving n M y t
The Ley. Mr. Owen, of the
seta alien church, who for a period
I ,t • ye:o's bi4V ministered to the
pni ethis l
11'i h preaches
his fare-
well ser mon.,the h inst. lire batt)
Ioreu it diligentand earnest worker
and will In. 'h mimed by his people
in this vicinity.
\l-itnn,x.. On \'e'edneslny • last
there occurred at, the It r of Thea.
Wolels one of (has^ events which it-
W4tys give net pleasure bt record. 11 i.
daughter, Maty. wain Irl ittd in man-
riage to 1)r, Dentine'', of Wheatley.
The N•'slding tweet nt.ny Was p1'rf.,1•ne'd
by the Rev. C. 11. I'. Owen, .4 Lock
now, assisted by the Rev. Mr. :Hiles,
of Kinennline, in the pres.',1ce of .fbi-
hate ft-ienels of the contracting
parties. \Irs, (ie .11 is all 4.tini-
ablt• and popular prong holy, who
took an active Part to the work of the
1' pis•onalian rhurrh, 111111 will ie•.mneh
ntiaerti by her nonny friends, with
whom we le in wishing her and
her partner it in osps'ribs and happy
lylat M life.
Rates to the West.
A. M. Uleitill
•.inline last Katt
follelwing Monde,
Albert \'antL.al., who was eallesl
,hoar from 1).'tr •t 111 attend the
funeral of his lath r, left again this
week for that place.
Jesse Oledhill has
r n to hi
improvement's 1 L
week and in
last k
the p i r
in reiudinew for winte
The special srtlt11 it comulrucad
at ' wee'ks ago orf all I 111 prrgreas.
hint! e'' u 1 Evatt elical
• t.(l ,1 ft
Rev. M g
church, awiufed at 11 . net -vireo on
Sunday evening last.
• Tni•usu.ty, 'ov. 12th.
NtrvKNMKN \1'KItniNet 1E1.1J4. lilt
\%iIneslity. Niivrinimk• 3 1, the Celi-
dertee of lar, 1 \Iii. 'til, Uhler
Was the scene of it pre t 'wedding.
when their ytlmtgeld 'laughter,
Lucy. wis • united 111 nuu•t•inge
to M. KOMI', trf S.• •ingtille.
At :I p. 7n. the bride t party
entered the parlor. the bride 1'11111113(
1111 her fathers nue. While Mi %gtlria
r4,u t n of the 1N•ide play the
Flick, ' i 1
wetdittg marsh. Little Miss V 1111
1)hler, niece of the bride. in de it
1 11.11 ' g (lower gill. 'I'h.• 1n id N
I.•cunlittgly attired in a weans 41 aim
sexist trimmed w nth silk 11pp1 yur.
carrying in herr hand a !a'uqu, 1 of
white ehrysantheenrtits. The t• •re-
uurny woo perfornud by the Het, A.
D. (iiachlerin the pis -twine .4f the i 11.
Mediate tt•hinei, of the 1•outMet 1 g
parties. After the knot wits well at d
securely tied ami congratulations r
r.'ived, the woods, la•rilig Alton
forty, were invite( the 'Intonational'
where an ehilonde last awaited
'theca. The bride was lh recipient of
ttilal(11• and beautiful pre Its which
showed the esteem 11 N'Itlrit he was
held by llet. many friends. Thr it•rpy
rauple lett on Thursday for (heir
future howl• near WI,rl114(%ine.
•1t making some
y.'-haus• during
him rye Meg
TV ENDA V. Y. 17th.
Andrew Bennett is tttovi water
tneauJ hrt'mg rented t r 11!i
til 11t,ttkn. hdill.
Miss Frank Mels.,111 Inas been
gage' as teacher of 4. 4. No. 1 a ,til
next olid , after whish ahs ill
lake a Nonni', rimless, Miss M,la
is an eleellritt It•aeh.'r :Intl the : eel inr
will be worry. to Imo. her.
l'nrlow is again to the front thin
time in respect of the yiehl of Klein.
1Vit,. McPhee this year haul etXIeen
:wrest), oats, which have threshed .tut
.evl•11tV 11111111,111 10 the acre. Now,
what the-_l41vela 1'u man to ma•
AiwHlt t it. P - -
The trustier'. of S. 4, No. 9 lune re-
rog.agnl MitsTolla Johnston as teacher
ftrr,11N11. Miss Johnston receive* an
increase of salary. whir+ ie a sulsten-
-tial eVidellee of the *ppt't'I1 t• iu
'c ices • r belt" by the
wt. h her *env, at, h 11 ,
people of the neer
%\'bile Mts. Thompson told Mrs. Kil-
t ,lick were returning home frau, the
.!a 1°Meelast N'edm•rnlayrtrnitgdur-
lag the rttt•m, the high wild ossa•-
1w•ned their Lugg)• and 1I11•w the te•-
rupaaM14 out. Mrs. NMind ri,•k s•t*tained
a p:tiuful.iujur)• to her shoulder and
alio. bait n s•yel a shaking -11n. Mtn.
'j'li.,1illesll w'as fottMn;,t • suet
escaped . W 1
1 :14 I , t 11111 tit.
We are wtft•y to have to report that
Mrs- TMs, liemilton is rnrflneyl to 1md
Is thy result 44 an neridrlt whirl be-
fell her a few tap's ago. Mlle wax get-
ting t of, the, Wagon Ill allr bartit
when In sane woe"' she tripped and fell
to the Hour, h5,ctui'ing her thigh. An
Mrs. Hamilton I* gett mg tap in years.
111e tweid,nt will affect her uioa'i seri-
ously than it would a younger person.
Mat we trust she will unlike a g...I t•e-
rotet•%', 1
MnNn,v, Nov. Ieth.
.PERSONAL. --11. flutrh's.w w it t
helping him 1 K hl h tvrther•in•IaN•, W. Milli-
ner. Iaxt week Mist mane, teneh-
er .4
er.4 K. M. No. 2, has Msm ill 4411 la
gripe Miss 1l.'iyar and Perry
Manderson were weirs gm -stoat .
H. W'ils n'a.
NoTId1. -Wedding 'ails are ringing.
Epworth League was held here
pant Thoretliy evening. Ker. ill. .1
\Niko taking the topic, ••leptli's
Daughter " We extend Fa hearty
welcome to the new Marhelora of Sara-
toga A munler of t'Iramant
Valley people attended Mira 1}obin-
iem's concert Inst Friday evening
Mr. Hetherington preached here
Loa Monday \% II. 11•il*4in it
busy grlliug tats Lir winters wood
twiny l rR Ka o'
m t the S1111 W. 11.
Wilson V 11 hA.a Insight n shingle Lingle mill•
(emit Mr. T1 sub 'hear tia•Ifaat, He
Is taking it In the Mart to t0 4 tigltr•r
on the land he irnlght•
\VKnNEsiAv. Nov. 11th.
I' :NseNAI.. -err. and Mees. (leo,
h 1•k, Int 1Atyal, visited ft•iett i'. here
- on , Imlay Mr. and Mils. Harry
HAW a vititel the lady's. parent.
Runde Heete 11AHttn w -as in the
village inlay Woking otter repairs
to the taw' rust 1'11nninghnitl, of
(hel,rieh, r nl Monday tat his I •
herr MI H4•rky McMillian in
in (lode 'eh thin week..
'Nodes. The en •rtainnu'nl in the
1'fl•P.tetvi Hall Fri . y night WAN 11
decided sasses* and he donee WW1
very it enjoyed. tree Ashfield
Orbs see till right, the ryes aro,lnd
Mit pert think ( of our
Lund tow evening and the Rev. Mr..
Robinson, •of 1h111ga111tm, another
rate g.
PKHMINAt.: Miss Josie Tisdale has
gone un nn exfendtvl vlrit to fite1141s
in Muskoka 11its Mary (1 y
was visiting friends nems' 1.,18t4 Wed lust
week J •r l'raig, Thuius
Pluugghhuut, Rhinos' Thompson mid
Charles Hob11asm are on +1 1 ting ex-
paditiuu in 'eluskoka..- 1%i• are
pdramvl to see genial h1aektulitii
able tel be out again I\n' in him usual
place after having Tarn laid up for
wane tiled•.
Ritaut•itc '1') (ii11,KlHt u. 11r. and
Mrs. 1'ulrt titins moved to Materiel' on
Thutsht • of hast week. Ml•..(' • s
mall his f` some v 1 b1
I 11 farm all two years ago but
still occupied the hutaer) lip u1Kid the
press lit MI. l' ' • hes been ill
Very [eon' II.Vi1l It tint•- soiree t' • rata
and has found it uer(vawry to he near
a dts•ttr. We holm• the elf:Inge may
do 1 good and that - he N lit soon It.
IWmtttit•tl to his us�y+11 health. They Will
111th be vet•ey', u,fg•h mimed in this
leiglllt tiilmid. as they were' held- in
tet• • esteem b • . • •e . perste)..
) hijph l/•t•w ) every y
They ail' balsa be •b c11ssrl in the
Hannan Catholic church at 41. Angus -
tine, am they were at•tive wurke•r,..
'MoNuAY. Nuv. 111111.
PKHat)N.%I- The Misses Tibult, Mr.'
Tibula and l;: Met'attney spent Mon-
ey with friends here Mr. and
ti. Johnston, .,f Varna, sltinley
to 'whip. N•rle visiting at the 1
o ei• t e• \Johnston,t t a tau ht 1 .In. T. Jt haat
ter•, lust week. -.:.. Mr. and Mrs. A.
('INgt•r spent' 14•lar here. also Mr.
at Mrs. A. It,,in'ttsm. of %i,Nt.
( 1'NI'11, '1/111• past 191' 18•1.11111,YI the
pulls on outlay. hi the burning be
'pike n t Cirl 1'salut 'and in the
leve ' his ext was t:tk t, fnnu Joh
►�1 10. 114• purposes ruutuu•neing
44.114 . aril• •s heart• next Si lay
err ug ;tit .'v try twt•niug fallowing
for it1 Inti. Ill t . Hee. .1. %%,
llubinwtu. 1 I lugannon. is ex
waled De take
NIr •►1e - s •1 T • es t' t
1 A our 111 1 1111111
rrlie'tl hitt flu. Its tufllre and general
a ea:• here on flay sl week u` Iwr
u young file wet • s1''I( king.
N w-, panes, you ho41, 1't dal this. Tor
111 ladies don't lig.• . it. Mr -
11 sial host hi. 11 itch, r parrot a
the _1'1 little .ago. 11 'pissed, As
it w' A sphoslid talk , , It 's quid to
hay diel 'neaten -Ilea 411. 11\ achy
we .i11 not wtv 1 '.m 1 •1 144.11
has t A been re -rugal• 1111 ties 1 ulr
who., am yet,bul we hope a • 111 it
Will :e t ...sat :1111l s,•enn-e he
.for :11e 1 her tear. tie, She is :a tarn
,• e 1' \ •.•11410.111
� aha 1 in The. Igo
al eoupl of weds ago that 4,4i).11 Pao
I. int in tarn ' •ip:al rho., ion. Now,
1441 al, p 11111• go slow, for we are lt)
., w •n'1 it only Inite NI
tae \, 1 n et h 1
pal ion t1 11 pair offices. If you 1,
a 'may 11 . population like Nile. ma)•
w t't - a igate
251.ter tl fl I ill rC•j'illT'
la' it w, 'lithe al r' ht,
why.I IR
TrgstAy. Now. 17111.
The apple 1 sekero And the 1hr•sh-
tug 116441n11e 1 this setio11 made 8
he'll week all tuna 1.r,I1.' men di
woolen and fail t.•ealeo.
1)..c1.1 blurt. u. 0aw• n r•,tidw,l id 12.•
1'li11t,in. and IVa . Kirklatriek, from
Nile. visited here last Sunday, both
meeting with qui • an ovation five11
their old friends, 1 aikido/4y the fair
Sunday Allem, in :awe quit• a 1111111
Iwo of lady imdeslrii • s on Hottentot
now, They Went 414 , 11 tsea the
wiite•rs of the 1.1k.' Is. tri' John F11811
m•uh, then" lip for A .•Lite. 'Also n
egnrartt•tle .4. ladies fill ' throve from
(F41ele,•irh with A dashing tram of Irlat•k
horses, .
1'he following will, w-1' think. Is• of
intrrr.t to (;4mlerieh a 41 Leek',n
maiden. of The Aiinitl, n;S it refers D.
the Rey. D. Mau'gillie,-ay. w•1 ) pr•nl•had
his first sermon in the kirk civ in 0.•-
tulwr. Rf11, when the, RM •. .lane;
Moly-14.6dt was pinata-. in ''.ntpany
with the Rev. 1)1'. 1're, naw• retired
frnuthe net ivr Work of the h,t•eti:
A letter ns•eivet at the Presto urian
Mission t"s.;tis say's the Mowll v in
KhiutgMai for the Pit'tsagatk m .1 Oen-
end and ('hriatinn knowledge, •ith
Which WT. 15, Macpilliytvty is 0 t-
nerlel, is seeking to ettu11ta•tn'r 11'
the -death of the 2(1) foreign til incl(
my mnrt,t". by the ererlion .4 it nut -
tyt's memorial htiildiilg. The 1114{{
Wilt. sallanitttl t+) It number of ss•it•
ties w•.rrkiu in ('Mina, and was ani
VMttully' iota eoltlitN)- nppruveal. in
lsiking for n Mali who co0d.l represent
the *Wild lea in securing the necessary
• \ .' i t s V clown s
rondo. .141.. to 1111 1 t) wn h .'sen n
r s ble . e '
them 1�t .alta 1 man. and the F.. t.
0. will 11P Stake' to nll.rw• hula to.l vide
sane tin to the work. -
r Not 1-111
1st tear A 1 , 1
r r m . •s , ••,,. • ,,
The apple rt ams t1 Llys, 1 ,sl f t t h
Ii I
pteaent year, (hitt ittwith regard to the
export t.nule.
The evaporator it.'Li11 running, with
a Inngq�(e supply tti.apllles tin hand. A
th', work in exti.i4eI Ilefttre 4l.el-
ing tar the tetwou.
1., L. McFnnl and the Misses MiFnnl
plaid ei chit ttroldl neqq ' sores her
Mst week. Mr. M,t"alit light the
villa • eehts.1 .,yer 1 hir•t v yea s ago.
t1' � K
A large uennlwr 0f wnt•kmen\tar• en-
gnKe1 at present putting tip piths. and
Making other arrangements for ex-
tending the telephone to ihim villa
W'.rkmen ,fir busy at the dant
the Maitland• antIlng ion slide for 111
convenience oft the fish, according to
the l'i'11uinottents ,4 the present Ilslt
lawn. p rates tit points in Montana. Colorado,
A 11railroad f 1•. k
11 November :111th the (hand
Will DAMP ticket) at re iter i
no tar fever bas luck +11tI►1►. \Vamhingthn StAt•, lit•itiNh l'ol-
' All th.' village. A deputation wit se t to ttmhi*, (lmgun am1 ('aiIt.,l•nia. ('Nap
interview the C. 11'. 1t. for the par 1's• � "' n.A���sss t n
nkl remittent Lar leen do g of ra,s•nrin that liar 1.. the villa )�Kent or auhhrss J. i). Jac
wonderful fent^ of strng(h Attu some nnrl getting. *tatiott, (lhrnald )tal.rirl. 1'aste4•nger Agent.
Iq our y,tnng leen Areolrig into I Toronto, Ir full infor-mnl i,mr mope,
training (1' see if they ran 410 anything A party from Leers attended a Bath• rte. 11
half so haul Mr. Fit)•drn's P°t ' 1 et inpc feat hr hums of N mtgl►it Hniee'- a
Is quilt a pmt1lion to his .erre. "Thr fieldis (0r18,', resident of this locality. A
111(x1 0141 MnmOer time is over" and the good time was spent, the party re-
t,uYntv,d. g e for preparations for winter has
t werturning iNN►te next day.
" Volt *Hy Von .Awe my ,iarr al A I N,•rtou, pehph• shoitld take Miller's
es,tent. w,A4in r' "Yrs. It win t, t. ('otoct.Mnd titin 1111... For style h7
very long sgo.'� 'ilut. 1 Amr'f remota- •Int. \'il.un•
hal that, she mentioned meeting yon." The Signal and The Weekly MAlI
"Very likely. I was oily the groom," arid Eolith,• will I,e sent for the lsl-
-1 le elikesl Plain I)ertMr. isiwe el the year ha. only 15 cent..
Ale.. Kewa.dr D.
Owen Ronna, Nov. 17. -Abe, Ken-
nedy, Aged 115. A m.'n11wr of tlaf Wm.
Kennedy le Sons, Ltd„ dropped dealt
f hrr,t !Allure yesterday horning
whlln superintending the erection of
An elevator et the fru packing
Kemal The Sig11wl's children 144-4111
ptAge N. -
,%ItNitaY, Nov, Rh h.
1t1?.)'1'11 at• t,-PtONKKH. -OIII' of the
old pil,ueel't, Johu 1'uultt•N, Metal ttni
this life till Nattnday ati u'ek,ek jt. til.
SI r. 1'tmld/eN was uur of +t faintly ' y of
eight, but hie death . makes the drat
break 111 the fanlil)• l•Itr•Ie. Ile leave:
behind 1 ' it luring wile, r • d,utgh-
lerm and five $t,s 111 11101101 his loser.
The t •nal will take p1+we on Tuesday
to 1t••lhel cemetery. The Ierm.%el
friends have the deep sympathy of the
11th bIa ra'itti1Ni.
. eYr . iiiY+ F '1T+i7fw�li" t1Tul `a
ittt tiylie stroke Saturday uu,t tt-ug but
Is gets iug on nn well its can he ex pt•t•ttrl.
4u11tlay League serviee at %Vest Held
was • lurtwl by W. 11clh/w•ell and
was much 1-1111p•.ei by those present.
Next I•'ridaa" the (ode in to be Laken
by Mas. H. !Niel/tot-ell. It will Is. can-
nn•11,ti.t1 Me'ITire. 11',• hnpw int• a good
tu)•nted 'I'hs t•vi•uiug Mr. Ker -
Shaw is to give an entertainment iu
the w•htu l house, No. \i 4.'E,W. 11. in-
tends illustrating the I1ritssh.ha11pim
and 14, ter war by the uxy-ethet•light.
'1'11,• nduliss' is 11) and 15 ,-ruts. t
IH.tuN BI'HNKU.--1111 Friday, while
1). Dunbar haul thestraweul.ters work-
ing for him. the 'six heated and ret
the suras' 111 a blaze, w Melt wits earn ed
bairn. the •n. The lire spread tadrtip-
idly that it was useless to tl•y to ex-
tinguish it, Ku the leen Wurkel►-bt•ttvr•
• 1' 5 Y• YI 1• * \ t 't of e
It as the , tit nl . .1 (L11
I\ h •n
implements, the horse's and s • of
the rattle were. i•estuel, but nineteen'
I111e head of rattle wets. burins', to-
gether with tall the grain au71 fest It
took only about halt an hour to eo,-
\cert it lute') barn into .11111utaof 1• .
'1'h.• ihY• KGti'ttii histol 1 p. tit. The
Isom was insured but the loss of course
will be brays.
A Paper for the Farmers.
The Weekly Sim, id Toronto. is a
Iliaper that should lie in every farmer's
,illi•, It. ,Ylt l,it•K the lastest and
hest Herm-ate infurinatit n r• ittvliug
all Nu fiches of his business. •lull discus-
ses pithily questions ably antl.fesrlettly
frons the stiudletict of the t•Wrt•,
The weekly • rout•ihution 1 - '• Hy -
i 1 , Smith) alt
•slam e0" of l , I h\•in nut
1 �?ai
is worth m;1111' times the trite ti4 the
impel. The f;u11 y'ill he sent trout
now to 1st latiau•y. IIIb, in combiner"
lion aith'rh.. Signal, for $1.81. holt•
scribe now and get the full 1u•nefh,of
Ihis utter. A sample stay of The Sun
will he paint t1 airy address for the
asking: _ _
The user of The Signal ' 119ae
Ms:ittrai AVeekly Herald for tom 41.,1 -
lar is exi•itiug b c int. The
orditcu c yurty is. '•How• cab it be
dunl.Y' The. Net is it is being dole.
;wtd tt, my readers are alar:uly taking
adv:ni'age of the alluring otT,'r, '1'11
orate ■arb•t• AreEasier-411 Futures.
Into L•w.r-laei•wa. 1w Visible Wheat
Thy latest IJ.„latloue- .
• Mtrll.la) ;:t,•n111g, Nor. la
p rerlttol wheat flour,•s .I.+Nd %ad IOWer
today than ttatunlay, and e- no futures ltd
14 t„1 lower.
At t'hlkago; P. wheal .hued ?a' tower
than $aturdaV. 18.•. roto '•,r tower, tad
Iyer.. Oats p,1' lower.
ron.P.Ins et t1ilit: r-.
o ('gear Wheat on pa•s.l q,•, hay.
er+ :rad *eller* apart: No, 2 hart) wl,t,•r,
las 4'-.l^ Nov., 2e+ 181: 11e• 20a i1y..t; G., 1
North. -In Duluth, Nov„ 24s Iklt No. 2 Nor.
Manitoba per„ 21M 710, N1n118r on
age gnieier and hardly any deuton 1: epnl
A mert•:tn, Slated, In* 11041. FL tar. spot
Ulna ., 27.
Par■ 1iu,t• Wheat lour mte:ull: "Y.
:Ire :C*•. -numb iii. nn, 21R' '575Iff tthis
/]1111.1: NOV L.14'3.1.-. o*•, }lar. h - and June _`af
Antwerp Who ntr lase -steady; No. 2 IL
W., 1Waf' `.
TIER 3•Iw11/1.K mt14,1.1'.
As compared with u w•,au ng.,. tate. visll.lr
e'tppiy of w-h,at In 1•anad.1 mutt the l'nl.e 1
'Sloth's boa It.'reamldl 2.751.000 hneb.ls; corn
decreased 4it(Ltatt bushel.: oats 'In reseed
:.47.189) L5•Iuga. Following Is s 5v'nq.arat Yea
alatentcut for the yawl. rndlug I• -'1.'., t'�1"
I.1114 riling ilet.k 111'1 Ihr ,vrn•sp..ndV.0 .v.A
,d' last. noir.
Nov. 1,1,30. Nor. 0.14. Noi1. 1.:,'.22.
,N'lest, 1.0..27.100mo o5.1:5,1t0 mt.tomoat., bn. .. 11,7,9-2,4151 1,245.1100 7.5T 1100
torn, hid.. 7.t15,,ua1 7,778,8ht - ;,1�j11•ntal
To r. opit twin t-•,.1' •• •d.lblp Nept+It 'N
sheet 1a ('.nada and tit.. Pulled 19111,+, to..
g•l1ee with that sabot to Europe: 1' 7.41,-
2:U./5NAuAe a against :52.07:1,000
Ln+bel+ a
week ago. sad Ta39.7,140 bashrl. a y.vtr ars.
1 7. 21.x410 Witt AT N 5.110'1
Following are the rb.eltg gnotatlor.• at
Imps rtaat wheal twiny*, ta-day '
Nuv. 1)P,. ll.'y.
•w York - , W.A. 911'.
11',rn 11411:4
'1', ,
Inti h k.. )a(h 841k
Nu, l N. .... .... e41 71We
T{, tai/
r:i •r. i.AwnKNt'r: ti 0 4: T.
lira -
W'nP.t, 1. boob
When w he, hush
What, ' Pr r. busk , 0
W hent .nor •b
Haflev, b b
11. -suit, 11,14
1t1•I,n*, Ann
I'ea., heels,
Kyr, h us
teat.. bosh.
111 t It 4s9.
10 81% .to ...
bn 0 73
0 45 050
1 35
•a. ..... 1 .055
03tttttt ..,✓
ttttt0!•06 �.
0 3314
Nov. 18. CI g -Wheat met
sh•..h : 2 nal western inter, t'. 2A.
Futures Wet; pec. 1M 48kd, ay W 31114,
Jany (1. 21(4. Corn -Spot Pes American
nate&`d�. Vinare..to C• Nov. 4.
r 1110e. .1•4 11,4401. t tame- 3hrrt d gnl.t,
+'1141, Itaron 11tmperrtnd rut t y, 511;
short rah gnlet.:.4.: Meer bellies qhl 51s:
eIPMdera, *.mare, quiet, 54s- Lord - late
western. In tierces, Aron.'( 391 34. flu. -
At London irm05r e'ears), 'truly, f5
to 16 8s,
l:ew York, Nov, IA -Butter -Pupa; 14•
3214; creamery, extra., poi It.,
do , Meat., 201/so to 22c; dn., seem a,
t ado.. to�r41, 1+e to lint do. k•IQ.
d * t° >Nkj; o•.:tldo.. jot ro b, ,
00 i1• de. .t e 1
tat da
t a
I t
40_, seconds. 1T0
t r
d .. 1� 1 western t b1' errs Iml•
m Tr to
fry �t� lake do.,sees
6, to 1114; fr1p .ted, exttfn*, 114,0•
d.. 6t'etk• 1p) en 11TTc. Ao Wo ds 15C
tp 1M': •lp.. thihd., 130 to j4 : do.. weft
tAltCk �{pr-tt (1;4
tRcggisyj s' 48,, stat t'eu1 Itbtlla P.
'►tb V 1 Q Ci ei aryl A C 1.{]yr_,
liNr ( B• r
odt 4�t kr. No. 1, 11 1 djam to $or, No. 2,
l'8•0^t4e-irregular: re.•Ny w 2527; 'tate,
it11 pyplptt, sept . w,au, hj_L'y, I11(r: do.,
1 de. u,tu3 four,, 1(Ylir: do.. '11111•
o aM prima, tante ft. 1484,: ln., Tomato.
t to 1M; -do.. iopt., large. tarry,
11 0;Ao., lire inside. lar((, harry, hear;,
,to., tart. good to prime, 1014,• to 1(3'!.1' •10.,
eolntnotl to fair, 9, to 100: lo., light skims,
t•ttolk., 14,. do , t time, 7 to et; .1.._,_ part
• m., relate, 6%4- to 7r: do. rood, 5%,' to
C: do., ammon to fats, 3e to 5e; Ao., tea
* 1 to Se.
} r
ria I
nixes nN• 1143;*tate, •
ns, t a Tenn.
NI_TA0la 404 negrby, fan,y, e• frctn,i,white,,
Alk 14 41M1 4n. arMaww heat, lk4xr4, 30e 10
31r; do , erste, 2Ar to 2A': 40. second., 25.'
re; western moron Afro: ,1°., erst., 21le
to $Dr: do., eeconla, 24e to 2Te; Remake.
hest. 2.. to 25e: Tennessee, beat 27e; 1C •
reeky and Tenneesee,122a ), I4r to 2y:
Inferior hrNt 22gg23.ather 22220 (o ref tt,
rotor. pint., 4; to • do., poor to Rabb
to -2I!{.•; Menet trra4 ibs to 21 lctlerator, Its to 2001 do., lamed, ale t•
I1*URheuric mAcidatismleft oilin lithface
he blood
bydisordered kidneys
lodges alone the serve
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, sad
across the cheek to the
aide of the nose. The
cause is the itemise la all
Rlteuinatism- disordered
Kidneys. The cure Is Ike -
wise the wate•-
l,ttgt•s( stock i4 t11•11
4 4)ye•rr051i11gs and
Overcoats /*tailings hi Hie roam.tv to select from'
xUJTKS.{L 1•t'. 6
Montreal, Nov, 10. -Abort 700 he::A of
bombes' -iv ;little, 75 waives and 1400 Sheep
and lamb. nerd "(feted fur male tat the
Ii,.A , e
Fiat Find Abattoir al. T4e 1 n telra
were out strung and trade was g•N.d, with
an Up4f4tEd tend. hey lu prl„ all roue/*
le h. a eilalle befity 'carer :ord diens.
y Awe .p¢r11 0lfn 4 0 4. per
t"TII hrrr•■ Vold at , r t
t1'o . 1 I
IL..; good mr,lloiur� tit .Lout 4e. and the or-
dinary %tedium+ at about 3tyt• per 11, The
eotuu uta .t. k nt,trom 2:b14e to 't•,•and the
lean runners at from l • 10 21 per Ib.
Calve. stele seared. and -sold at front 13 to
142 rack. il,•.-p sdd at trout tat,. to 3v...!and the iambs at .frou. 41' to Otte per Int,
Cued lots of ?al hug. sold at show •544.
per Ib,
EAST Ii11rrA1.0 CATTI.F: t14i:11tr,
F}e1V ,flngalo, Nov. 18. ('rattle 11er.' . *,
a•.al heads ditr$hle Letcher grndw gh-
et% others *Lundy• I t{tate steer 25 to
Sri.: ,ht11.pinz, 144.4)1 to $5 • hutches.
$:t tat to 5.045: heifer -t !S to 54.40; rows,
52.2.E to ;:tarn hulls: t0 111 14: storks+,
and fe+,te:'. 12.50 *3,75: st.N•k hotfoot.,
own soil immures'steady
it, .ho.• 45 1.. !it: me -
i2 to 12.7:: frl•a
to strum: r•.
lens 10 t I
12r1 -
I: �4
- ret as TV; hetet; $5..50
tows. lu•t•elpta.,2.40 head: aet•TPl
heavy, 1.i-el5 1.. 15.110: few. '15J5:. mltrd. 15
to 55.1ns y1Kk.'ra.' f).SI'. t" is 1'.Igt. $.::10:
rust1'tt , N..-':, 111 $4.124: Atha.. !:d7.41 to 1141_
Shoe' and 1.8111111/1Iteeeiplat •_ro,1141 It, -5;1•
mow: lalllha, $4.50fn $5.111r; yearling.. sat{
wetter., $4 to 54.2.,1: ewe.. 11:1.2:, to 1:.50:
alt,,-lt net t,.l, 51.:50 to $3.73.
NEW' Yt1 K 1.14E sTitt lis
NF•W 101.1., Nova 1e.-flretio--6eelpte.
4117.2; ate. 9-s 115• to 15c „w-er; belts and tutu
cotes steady: fat ....too Pak Io 11M' Inw,•r;.
.nAtt .trr.. Et 21 10 -b
15. tulla; 12,50 is
t:t yew.. ♦t to $3.:4l. 'sports 1t-stWr.
row, .•,-ett10, 11ra1 ahP,-p n d issie quar-
tprw .uf Mwf•
I'alt.',. ate, -.•Ips., 'JOT: a.•0.1 cents Aiat
Idbrra steady; grassers' tad w. -.tern at.'n.l'
Vella, 14.1111 to 1►e.1rr: "etre•*, $4;,ariten-
twa and fed callow, *Y.7* t 1.3.50: wt•at,rls,
*3.2.'. to 13.1t2
r• -
- N 3' uia
aan�yy Ism BWY'4 1 .
, u '.aro
Sheep aud W
1 f
get 'neatly for 114mh sheep uAYmlma: sheep.
142.2 to 13.75: few obligee uud a ale id do
54 to 114.12tt•: ....its. 11.75 t.. 52: iamb., aiL7.t
to SAMA: f••w extra, (5,Ii): , 1111., 1,4.7O. 1,•
;4,1111: 1 inada' I.n,1,,. (5.1' iI.,.5 , i i, \
Hogs !t -elle. 11'.7.11:- market 214 1 4 1'r:
Ont.. And 1 euasyltenls 'logo, f.i _11 to Si.
few Dlgr. 85.40,
ramie. Steady-d.N Doomed mall
Hlgtl.r Pelee, ra4 Nwaerewt.
Mall. env. 16._ .• tailR mesay at
Nett to 1 Lar per 111. per Afterlt.te Veen,,
.4 111.111repeMae gtger1014e to
C per Ili. girl .tor 1,44", {rnr to 544.'
>t.e to f!e pet Ib.
Gables raehaigetr_Hege elite sad
£aster at Duffle.
Tomogra Lt•It TUCK.
B1calpte'of Imre stork ere 44 rnr loads,
'0441114A of '2111 calf , 713 i11.•eY Sul
Iambs. IW:' hogs and a valve.,'
Erporiers--nest moa • of rtaporters sold
at 54.25 per cwt.; Medium to good at about
%3pIl4nr-t •ve%re-"i7A7tltty--tris LT aro
worebl$4to 54.25 per cwt.; medium bull•
sold eau to 93.
Export t'411%•1 iai,.q-t eaus are 00118
53 W to $3.410 r t•wt. ..
B utchers' t' lllr-Choice pleked Iota- of
bttrbers, 11 to 1175 I8s. ,•ash. (squat to
quallly to est esperti'rs, urn worth 54.25:
toads of r sold at 14; fairto gsoit. 53.50
to 53.7 • common, 53; rough to. Inferior,
52.25 t 52.85.
O.,d, Steer, of good gnnllty, t.,' to
1160 Ibs, each, at 13.211 to 5A.M0 per els)
Hni1.-buua- fee Ow .ellatnl 1'y byre, at
52.0 to $3.
1toekers-Oue-ye.r to 2 -year old 'doers,
400 to 7W1 lbs rac8, are worth, 52.75 to
'per cwt,; Mf-eolora rod of poor - breed•
lug enemy of same *debts are, worth
'11 *0 to 53 20 per ewt.
Mllrh Cows- Mitch tows and springers
are worth 124• to 545
Calle►-1 Ire• aod
at 52 iso each,
or trout CIAO to if):0 per rtt,
• IWnep-rider. 53.'9, p0 1:3,41 per est. for
ewes. en4 bucks at 52.50 o 12.75-
S pring 1.nuths-i'rlree rang..1 (rout ►3.41
to 14.1.: per cwt.
Hog,- cat select 1t•,•nn bogs, not lege
than 180 1'M. nor more than 21111 Ile, raeh.
o(f ears, ars worth 55.30 Per owl.: 1111.14
and fats at 55.03: ;.ow/. 13.:AI to f:1,:7 per
cwt„ and 'lags at i2 to 12.50 1 et eat.
Twriat• Jeemdew 1.1,. /Meek Market.
Fifty two loads of live .fork arrived at
the lSdon Rock Tardy at 18e Juuitlon ou
1 1(day. - -- . -
West Huron
Farmers' Instttute
'I.1he .-nppletltenlary Meetings of the
West 11',1•.,11 1•'tt•nter ' Institute will
Int' held at: 1A)N1)I•:h 01{0':' Hill's
Hall, Dee. Ism ; iiEL01t: VE. pulite
hall. 'Me. 'and : S'1'. HF:LM. ':Y, ruldir
hall, Dee. :1141 : 11(il.MIv VILLE.
WilItnm+„ILDee. s1 ' 1'• h.
Ihr. 11. O. i4I'F:i1', vas., (irut•getut
Ihjerls: "'I ..4. Fouraltion I'ritu•
pie of Sinreessfil Stock Htrr41ing ;
"'The 11.mlet,, Saddle .and Harness
Horse and How 1., Rived 'Them : '
"Th.. it. hila.. IVhith F.ftist Het ween
int i-. N•r Fronting amt 1►tseas• ; "
"•Matrngeint tt of 1)nit•y Cattle, with a
view of fret . that pis•sse." Evening
Subjects : ' '1'11 Ethical inn Arai Tritin-
in) of 1lie font Howe;" I•'llt R
asatt1h•cupatfoo.' • -
.1. 11. Smolt. lain hank. Subject, :
"Feeds and Feeti " Clover
Wend.: " '•(irttl S,•4•1 "From roil
It. '+ren." N.vening snhj I.: ''1'b,,s-
itig an Oevilpnl1l'n :" " riculttatval
N. 11;'-A ►fn•unlwl.hila ticks e.r.tte
only 2-0:-11 ul in Addition to th vahl-
nblr 1111raUttr it entitle. the hart( .to
it provides 'V
lass n41uu. xiu r
tt to the
.tock show- tat (inrlph carry , 41a
1htvmglt.rut the fair. '1'l•ke(s can 1,.
obtained from 1'. ( J111114101. 1V. 'War-
nock, k, \\'. Mot row m• tte Secretary,
J. I*OPI11Y & StIll
- 14111 1.NAp1Yn
VMVAITOA' D(irtltoYI tV\V1\
theezi tIp I)rNN to a' su
Mbsa M Aa
111 - Leave your Order Now.
Our Klock lit c•onlplete
in Marl', alnd, heavy
Weights in rinlerweat .
m 4,
Finest g.N1.1. 111sa1,•,
Including 1111' urea
Linen 1'11t1erwear.
Kindly x:111. %1't• 1'„u completely suit you 1n price, tax) -on whorl notice.
'Phone 77. The S uare.-61ODERICP1.
4A ^
Den tad
. t
T hid
is the sitnatiod of the W . Buck Stove.
Co. with then' /
Happy T'. ght
Radiant dome
Have you .seen
their advertise-
-� ipant in the Tor-
onto dalhl
p. Ifnot, hlsl(,ltis:
Iuil S'I'u\•E PLATE \IIt1'LUhltti
04111114, 10 tyIp ulan the insnaaol le
"enc.. Loff�t or the 11'•)1. 141 Ch. NT11Y F: tett.,
1.1111. I:1t, Brantford. 1.0uw ^t one,. 14118
dn,l ,f f»uoill•m n%1' /*tailing for Hap o
• Thotlgtet Riolan»: %%..gee the 1^tat. int t , 1Iu•
Aurid uh lh.•,•outiornl. - .
r U.1\l)
oes to show that the general public are
the fact that the best is the cheapest.
'ei.'t'd lis
wet' mg ► f
Radiant I 1111
are not the
Ranges. It r
Iu.titct 11e said t
couldn't buy some
matter what the cost
keep their customers \1
teat n iinbei' I have already Be-
have nine customers patiently
toughy Ranges and four for
ie short
o same c1'
: alers
1Ot other
t v :, as y
g a paint and oil
ly ler day `iRll1, bou
a)) 'Thou ht
appy $
o he line."
n t tae.
asked hi o see if he
dealers them, no
the liidn't tat to
L ,
If you want the best Inge -do not leave o
getting it until the day you ant it', but call and
leave your order. Remembe sere area number
ahead of you, but you are nett ' er them.
This is the season foruttin
windows ) p
replacing broken Oa
get that I have a very complete line of
-soles-carried in stock at moderate psi
bur double
o 'not, for -
ass. All
Ile shelf and general hardware I ha the test
and most up -to -(late stock west of Toron '
Plumbing and IIeating a specialty. Ever '
thing fully guarantee/' and Al.
'PHONES -Store, 22 ; House, 112.
ALEX. ROBINSON, Proprietor,
Those alto drive, for
nit Iter 1.1114 i 1 ens or
Irl actli Y•, %%ill 111141 the
,Newgate Street Liv-
ery w4.11 egtli pittI
Willi good horse.. NLtd
rigs /
Buggies, Phaetons,
Wagonette, etc.
h:cer)' raw taken to
miaow the 4•.r
and rad Mart ion I4
(lire fns' It Pall.
/1p�►ratlr 4'.,IINAne 11.11,1.
il! III U11t14Uttdl d 11 la t hunt 111
r61 Y
(11H)1) IIOii,YE4
. 1
A'ell-apro inted
Iliet•k, and
able driverm in
charge of the
'Hosea, whiehlwiN
meet'all t
:I rid vl l- 11 111 111, a t t
:\NI) I'll IVATh' ItousEs
Lt-TH sTlti:►:T I'HoNF: FI►TA
3j M [[ ,,!! Pf:1VATE,
OL 11 SEour dealer you Saw
11f1GLUDFD. 18 advertisement in
, , , , , , i t , ,. n. watrt 1
f.7 Bryson, 132 York bt, Buffalot
The Signal, Qoderich