HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-19, Page 51• IRE SIGNAL: GODFRICH ONTARIO ' PEN AND SCISSORS. Went bow old la, Ann!. Have you pgured it out. or have you given it up in despair? There Arel>rnrreil ways of arriv'lug st the desired &newer. Here it the way Pro and Selfsame figured it out : The problem is: . Mary is 24 years old. Mary is twice 101 old as Anu woe when Mary woe or old as Ann is now. How old la Ants? It tallows from the eller' data that Aop was 12 when Mary was as old ax Ann is now. • Putting it mother 'way : When Mary wow' as old as Ain is now Ann's age was 12. During the iuter vetting blue Mary's ' age,has grown to 24 years from A1111'14 present mgr. while Ann bas grown to her present age front 12 yeasts'. Ann's prerrut age, therefor.. most he half -way between 24 years and 12 years. rh.lrfo e, An» is 18. • Here is another • that Signal readers may ednrpMuUIr wits Ie• A num is twi(e the mgr, 11114 wife was when be was the age that she Is now.. When elle reacher his present age their combined years will be 1(E. Find the age of4.w++h. Thi* happened in (loderieb m few evenings ago. , A Ave-ye.r-old wits being pit to bed. rad, itif111r eaten lial part of the process, ems saying his players at his mother's kpee. They welt. getting along in the tumult wan- ner• hr 1ppruting what she NNW, when be interrupted her. with the remark : "Hold on ! I've gilt a lot os sluff of my owe I want to put In herr." It Wer with a greet effort the mother "held o4)" to her gravity as the youngster made Ili,' first assertion of spiritual independence. Isn't this the year you were AWN( to have. all your istnine 'presents bought, or made, early?. it la less than forty days to ('hristmar. • Some sayings nlsnrt whiners, more.' or les* true: vWoman is the masierpie•ce. ('uu- fHtiur. Mlgkespeare has p4) hens•., .nnly 1leoint9., Ruskin. %Vi,ntrn treat us repave, i iVilil v send dignity. Volt:Iir Woman 114 the moat perfect wllrli the 111(Nt w4)nl*1d7.-(iiu1141one. 1f woman 1,(st 'Esters. sorb 101 she alone 41111 rtal(414. R. Whinier. 111.'*• ira woman *t the •Is•ginoing of ell great things. Laular1int.. \\'WmUI is Host At the rn1s0 and. INtrlie'st nt the grove. f: M. 1d,u•r•11. A h*ndwg11e woman is a jewel; a good w it ie a treawllw. �tllniafi. The Itweett'Nt thing in life is the on- cMud4.1 weir • of a eife. N. •1'. \Willis, Souse more sayings about -woos. 1 hells -114(114. 4)r less untrue : - The Spanish rhyme has it : "\Veer A Women as lit 114. as she is good. it pest 1I 1041 would make her t won't' Anel a (Md. An old English 4)t iilg : '•11 * 111:111 luso A mos *n and farthing Ice will \led awry Ise pest the rthimg." The French Adage : "A onto 401441•1W /. worth A WIIUTAn Of waif.' e Ortolan : •'Then• *114 only two g.s I•women.,u the world.(1111.dyad And (Ate other (*Pill 1c found: 1'1w Scotch sty : "Helmet Wen marry moon ; wise men never." In We they ray: '••Thr 'next best thing 10 no wife is a giiod wife. The Arabian dtreblres : "Words *Iv wou(en ; deeds are 111)'11," 114)• Persian Nays that a W011*t11.s Wirths) is under her heel. - The German affirms that were daughter of Eve W41111t1 rather 1e• beau- tiful than good. The German alio asserts ( hat 'when- e•ver there is udle.hirf brewing a W.Nmul end it priest are at the to hull 4)1 it., The Pi•Ilaan asserts tlint'wolurn and dragons an• beet out 4)f the tturld. 4 A writer in the cgnwnt 'roller of .• 'rhe I 'N ' 1 • hxh Unt. / ulbuln 4.s '• 1 : t one. - t fIm f4)urt11 id 111:' average f:lu11lX income im spent for cliff's. "One fiiurth of the energy of this nation goes into clothes. -And by far, the more yalir :(hle p 11.1 of 1hP14P clothes are Worn', on Intldey. When clothes get 1011 bad o wear 4111 Sunday we put them on t work in w(ek-(tlyN, e-) Is) to he *ble't7 earn 'y to 1)n clothes SI . ' vfor Inln•. t On Sunday ego, ♦W to sill h 1 w/11'• 1 rc 4 4hi 1 God Ml, end t0 nl ow o o4) r o i 1 off r 1 thea 1111(1 N.•r what other people have, on." Some people, he'.d'lits, go 10 4hureb pray : 11111 1114101 11f thein w11 to watch All pea y. T writer rl'eognixes the psychical infiue a of (+ahem. The (•ona4iuuN- nats of having n dere'-Wniet that is not buns ' in the Iswk Tend* ti *Tetuan n JN•,trr W ieh religion cannot. give. Probably it t lipoid, are, ntyntalty brighter whe dressiest in their good clothes, Al that the writer 'nod tett th*t the women A . moire influenced in this way than th= i en. How much more iulpreatiV4'is M e t of justice because of the gown ! Ilow• •h just is the jtastire lisp e,is eel he - ranee the dispenser Weal A gown ! "Any other j1l9141' is fuel he 118141'14 'there fs n crack at feminine . livery to Fashion. "We rend that c Ain ('010414 are to be mom 111114 Mea n. Hut ('erta{njpeopl( have ('ertain rota plexions anis only Pertain colors are :ulnptetl to them. Or this or that style emus* out : All think they lnnst have it. But certain perkily have certain *hapee, And these At total earinn,e with the prevailing fashinna, There Ahould 1e eertnin fundamental 11111.. in the making of clot/lee, the .nm.• IMA thecal ere In 4r•httectur•, anti tailors and 11resaulnkere shn,ild know them. One kind ,f Jog has one kind 4'1 hair sod another kind will have 'mother kind. and yet, they loth look all right because each ode's hair looks a hart of Itself. A pereon'e clothe. should seen) a part ,f the perwra. Aon though they Meir Ii041wbed like the feathers of n bird. If a wo reed kinks As 4lumgh mho, wet', 1)1.1(14. some '1,4144*, or some t,,41th•w Wer+ ,t) the outside of her. something i* wrong." \I*) the writer Alle.s•i ten nleking An artistic .1.uJv of the pnd.lem of l CAR HIGH IN THE AIR. Thr,. Ma Torpedoes aatllsda and anted ch(eaje Pike. Chicago; Nov. 17.-Turpl•duer and stones :erre freely mod to interrupt traltk 4)u the city car lines yester-� day. Clubs and revolvers, in the hands of 2,000 prone, were pot suf- ficieut to deter the strike sy'mpathi- zel•s, Sr ddtea (tiles of the Wentworth avenue lime was kept Olwn fur hesitates. The other 300 miles of the boycotted liters were abandoned. 1t is genet01y admitted here that: at protracted• period of lawlessness confronts Chicago { fluniuess is ser- iously interfrret! with. Many big re- tail bonsai have laid off half their &,forces. Some of the big departmrnt- al.eturee suspended 800 hand* yea arday morning. Tutp.d..s azpleded. During the night toe Wentw2rth Ops syr, blocked with stones in Riley places, sWRcher herrn up sed 820.- 000 worth of damage done. As the cars fir telt tip r LI t 4. Dan • t u l Arte {e( - g dew, 'COI nal betleoth the rails, ex- ploded. whole track was, torn up '4h•• car, filled with police, was retroed high In the air and confuaxpn was general. Ressr0'n slatted to the spot, a great crow•4 gatljertd, and hoot in an4 •tune-ihruwlpg war 011 - oral any wvwbllrs of the 'bob were ar ectad and Iuany Other were clubbed Yesterdutt the hundri4 prisons er- rllettrd during the past 8 hours were relNestel with mere reprimands in the Police Court. This leoioncy encour- ages other .strike svmpathtrers. The police have. difficulty in preseettng. cogvk•ting evidence against rioter*, sante perjury is frequentlyi Indulged in to save prisoners. Within the nes* 48 hours the city is expected to be epmpletsly tied up. A Ssa■p.ta.u• hulk•. m. tentnsterr are debating the question of a sympathetic strike. Some o1 their intenbers hats be. a' dlaehsrg d fbr blockading the trucks of the boycotted line. They claim , this blockading wen an inevitable adjunct to the heavy traffic, but Managenr .tub of the Eutployers' As- sociation declares the teautaters have by COnhmOn t'uusent agreed to drive over the streets when, the lioycottel cotapany'a tracks are 1orate.l -when possible. 'fur. the deltberatle purpose of c0ngentitlg trank. fl.• i�,s un- nuunc d that any offending Mester will' be discharged. , • All -,tit her line* of street St's Ulf ••etc to strike in sympathy. The traction ompary 'is Jn the handot if a receiver, anal the moment its eta., ph.). juH) the strike the Iltited States true can 14c, used.. AM it is in the halide f the Federal ('curt,.' The Strikers u ll ell.• company wants to g8 I'M 1 States soldiers here. The State Ile 4.l calulot Is• d.-- pended upon) to dale it the corpus tion againitt the union. - because• 11 is cotLpured •.0 largely of nrmLrrs of *intoes. N. pussoeser•• Would D No .passengers are daring 10 kW i4 • the foo cars 1114 1 petit is 0 •Ott-. lag. The company eats It noel un Its whole lisle ,f Ila (44)1('1• au wild find find their cern, but chi' t'Xeil by refused to spread his for mit far- ther, because he say* Ie- c 't take cine uI w hat he im nos:. waning: Down .through i he W114014,414' rt tun. along (,'lark st'ee'l, there are wllke eve•.y 14* fret apart on 1)1.111 sl •0IZI the tracks, and from tan to t .nty on each car,. The crowds lien. . e sidewalks to the p' . end at t slightest dofay Of. cars, yelliing, his bag and Jeers are roared out. • waiters es Iltrtk.'. - - Montreal, Nov. 17. -The waiters at the St. Lawrence ••11:11 wept out on: strike at noon yesterday, and as a result 150 guests had to go lunch - lass for over an huur. The new man- agement last week gave the order that lunch would be from 1Z to 2 in*teal of 1 to 8 The wafters ob- jected to the change. -- • " CURSE OF INSURANCE," 1 ' A. 1. of IL. Opposed to /easel'( enamor tie Iesanaw Agitate. Boston, Mats., . Nov. 17.-C'o(ulder- ation of rteolutions w,s, Fero unled'.on the opening f the F IK' o .'dri:rtfo K n of Labor 'l'onvention yesterday. and the report t 4)t a proposition 1 u'charter the insurance e a 4) agents f the rQlmtry an an affiliated body, was promptly met by opposition on the ground that insurance agents were not was e earners and forams.. of the fact thit the admix:nun of the agents to nneml: bership Might result In an attempt to force IUNnranre upon fellow mem- bers. president (lumpere took the Ouor l4) opposition to the question. tlun He e r -rre.std belief that the reason why 1 un' Ion» were a well 1 not ► r r ante > ed was they "paid .that th.t Inmd ton much uitept- tlon to '•'144(5 4.4lrsr of insurance, whk•h\ we. are asked. •to endArnc." Towpecirllr asep•.de(1, Montrea4 Nov. V'.-Vanag(•r Mc- Guigan- of the (7.T.R., who returned yesterday from the west, states thyt (14. ni'gol 114(101(1 with the telegraph- Fra have merely barn temporarily Nus- peudtd to be renewed again as 440044 as opportunity, and time afford. Piro et Pinot t. Plantagenet , Nov. 1 7.-A t eleven o'rb.'k last evening the l'oblic and Model School Buildings were horned down. The Ore is eupp osed to have started around the ' furnace. lssllr- anee not known, Rot Chilly Desna. Stratbelair, Men , Nov. 17.-A Fad drowning accident occurred six miles north of herr 4atur4ec' night. Stan- ley ilaacke and .lames Mc( aw at- tempted to muss Beach J.ak, on the ice when they broke thr�0.gh. linack• was drowned, and Mcl7nw Ives res- cued by two men from the shore. slaulenpl Ow..n►Ip. Neville, Nov. 17. -The Bellevllb Cit Council wIR submit a bylaw to the a tors next ,January authorizing them acquire the local gas works and cud, them we a municipal con- cern. T city already °woe the larger par of the stork. frl■roi�, Wele.aa• Thea.. Portsmouth, p4•. 17. -Thr Prince of Walvis arrived t. Portsmouth last evening to welcomle the Italian King 'sad queen to -day. latraordinary pre- cautions have Moen t)tken to protect King Victor Emmaquel and queen Helena during their vialt. Loop Of the taboo. Washington. Nov 17.-So..flat fore. riot -Strom warnings are displayed os) the Great Lakes Cold Wave ware - tap are ordered Mondays gat wasters c14'ut°e Kew York. ACCIDENT TO KITCHENER. Meal Ire thada,rsno sad Cloatinitadossts. Okla ire■h. • Lig While ilalag Near Simla, hull*, Nov. 17.-Lor1l.Kit-, cheper, C4luulaltdur-M-thelef of the British Forces in India, `has suet with a serious accident while• riding house front a ceuutry louse mitt' herr. . As he was parsing through a tun - bis horse Locuulr frightened and collided with the walled /Idea Oho of Lord Kgchrner's legs iiie broken la two planum. i Soule flaw afterward, C eoltsy piss- tng through the tunnel found the Cowmupdsrvin-Chief lying there help- less, and brought hint to Simla He is new repbrted to be doing well Upon discovering 'the idetltity•ol the injured man, 'the Coolies bolted, and left his lying un the' ground, where Ie- suffered greatly- for half an hour. The broken boner have been\set, sad, after Waving passed u good night, the general is in a cheerful mood. OFFICIAL RE000NITION. • Malted State. Cred•atlal• Yeeeeetee 1. . tstkn ee of Panama. Papaws), Nov. 17.-Fbear-.tdmiral Walker, who is .practicaUy- President R4011.velt'a repre*entative on the Isthmus, and - trotted States Cowell Gudger, who is here to direct the re- lations o1 the ['silted States with the de facto Uoverninent, called at the palace yesterday aftornuun Uend In the name of the nited `hates paid 'their reepecls to the members of the junta. ReFv-Admiral Walker 'preempted a letter 'frotu President RooI.veit, and there were mutual eachaftges 4f good wishes. Th.. viejt of Rear -Admiral Walker and Mr. Oudilr have been construed' by the Junta sod byhe people d1 Panama. as a tgratal octal recognition of the new 'republic. Admiral Walker re- ' turned to Colon yeoter'day aftamuon. Apjpl.I LIS• Petatp•.. Ipndon, Nov. 17. -/tire -155,000' barrele of Nova Scotia apps . have hero received, and it is expec . • that 360,000 will cow' 111' between . ' w and Maroh. Canadian cooping app are being sold in Liverpool and London markets at the rase price as potatoes. Single barrels are selling at leve than 20 shilllogs. and a tarns quantity of ('anadian apples are be- ing tranehlpped to the cpntineit. The demand. fur -('iuladian butter is well maintained. the prices ranging trout 102 to 104 shillings per cWt. for rhoicust salt. and t,n,to VM shit- -- ling. for low gr*des. . j . Cud. end Austr■lla, - ttawa, Nov. -17: -'•It is sa to - • to note,". ,.runs .sl report �+• 1. Lucke to the Department - Trade and Commerce. "that Canadian \, brsaJs unit have obtained a strung footing' n the Pacific Islands, which. r uuld a legitimate Market. The - liat steun r from Vancouver landed abdut 175 Ons et Suva Fegt and 100 tuns of auitoba was sold in - this (Sy dney,. nurket last month for island trade. A number- of island finite' have berm so interested in the ('anadian try that 1 trust it will grew." Jest' Dalt • ad. • -P eland, Orr., Mos 17.-C. W. Daly' ropped dead in is roam 1* this ci yeeter(tay. I came out here 1 h.' years ago ft uffalo in the inter • is of 'the Pan- merican Exposition. He leaves a w'4.. w 'and son in Duffel Mr. Italy was bout 50 yarn Of .g Besides _his .•, ho is r. Buffett lady, and son. he res twee broth' Peter Italy, C :, capjo, and Ron. T. M. Daly W •• peg. , A trine... De V Dar •' twit. Uri md' Duchy Nov. 1 -The I'rmress 'daughter of the 'tirund I 4lt .Skiernewice, rduc. morning. Hetee, 411 Poland, yes Iles*e, i'abeth, e of tan - RUSSIA AND CHINA. • flew Tara to the *Amalie'. to *4• lar Fast. MOSCOW, Nov. 17. -Thr Iberian mllitery re-ut'cupatiuu of Uukdeg. Manchuria, has caused such •tenaiuu and bar aroused such an aggressive attitude om the part of China that the continued despatch of 'troupe to the Far East is now. said 10 11*' di- rected agalnst (rhino, in spite of the pacific turn of the Itui+su-J apotnese dispute. The 2740,I1.l(J troupe- ordered to the. Far East when hostilities ap- peared' imminent are bring continual- ly added to. A NEW ZEAUND PREFERENCE. aareharg• es' 10 • to fie"- r'et' sena T'r'ip Goode. ' Wellington, N. Z'., Nov. 17. -1 -Trent - nor (Seddon introduced yesterday in Parliament his proposal» for prefer- ential trade between Ne'w Zealand and Ureat Britain. 'rhes provide, al- ter M• h, 1804for asurchat surcharge of 20 to 50 per cent. o4) the existing duties 04) specific • articles not of British manufacture. The tirorwaals include reciprui•al ugl'rrulents with foreign countries. • 1.154(1 Gu•r4 Sultan. Constantinople. NOV. 17.-lliula'k- able measure* are being taken for the Sultan's ss)fly.'rhe night guards have been doubled, a it is beliese4 thus 4ny attosk on is life which may be contemplated w•, 1 1x attempt- ed at Tright. At Vildiz It osk and the rurruundlpg gulden housleeping, upa•tmente are prepared 1. the Sul - an in eight different build 'gr,' but no, one; nQt,even him eunuch- knows in Ich of -these he will s td the night (11 Ills ltajesty arrit• on the spot. Another easdl• whish the bet of the Palace (dice has adopted s the subtuarine uturuation of t1 Bosphorus in the hborhood of -the palace. An elaborat.. .ystem of sub- uwur have landing al and 1rd ; the Marie: letups -of gree' been ranged alt 'akin t stagtin front of the both he surface and the Doaph sus are a blaze of TauMDiar, Nov. 19, 1903. . 't. ArlgIlr• ., oulttn1N One*. lllanliltun. Npv. 17. -The Pity lin prt'venwnt Society called u Iuav'ting of rttirene Iwo Mishit, nl the Board -of 'Fred.. resale: • to Maoist.' the pro: ptydlluu 14). 144'4110r 'w " mountain drive. About fifty prominent t-ltteens w•.•rd present.. and tlwy endorsed the sche•014 , rlal..d•1. far ,cealda. Quebec, (pie... Nov. '17. -...Abash• 50 Finl>,ntlers edited in port S3(144ev night un board 1 lid 1.1'.1*- sl.ul e,4. Mount •''Temple. They are u hard+ looking lot. 14111 ler Loup! fur 1luhtt 1(ay, hike St. •luhn district, %%hoe they will take up (senting 14n4147 True Ag*Let W.tl4er. Omaha, N.•h.,' Nov. 17. -Tho' Ifs' S. •Gnua1.Jw;v last eight returned true Dills against 4J. S. 51.1(111 r ('leas, 11 Dietrich and Post Minster .1114.4)1) Irish• er of dustings. Nell., charging them with bribery and conspiracy. BRAND TRUNK Oie Way Special Ezcllraio. Tickets are e. Sak•Baily Until Neulidl:r 31th, -to Potats i. British ('Hint int. _California l'oh 11.1410, Muute1414. - t'tah. 14111111/,- 11"',1 thvgiui, \\'aNtingtuq, et•. Live Stock Expo 'tion, Chi- cago, III. $13.16 Fare for Round Trip, rem Goderich. Good going Nov: 6)th.:Wth, Dee. Valid tad111'Iuug on or before, Inert. it Mth Clemens Mineral Baths �rl•4.s O'ntrl.0 Midas': 'Ment , Ireland, Nov. 1' dressing a Nationalist demons here Sltnda John- Redmond tfat had ' known ' of the erste* o Williap )'Brien to resign fr participation 'n the work' of th. party he w•oulave beseeched him flat (0 put his t((erh1On -into effeet The majoQrity of the \Irish party sup- ported )Jr. t)'Bri•n's 'whet. of ron- cliation i,, the Inin'l4 ration of the., Britfsh (70411711 lent'* Irish Land Act. •but the irrec vsection of, the .�l,a"ndlords lt-en meanly t.fying to Yuudk'n•uc•t the p0 'cv. ,-Ad- tion - xd 'e-1 11 \ tilde's Lite Eau a OtCitwa, Nov. 17.-.1. S. Lark., writinpj-, f -. .1.4%,dn1(11' ry, soy ":40 .Austrahiu.s Who 1241 14) set a in ('a - nada have rel urned; ' awl oil errs ler,: writing to friends. runel,uiniu , Canes- 40,4%da, and ads is4urt.ulians n t to wove. Their chigr d o. the old - Hess of the wiliebut, as in . 'ere instance, the ierdii t was pr0Zloun -ed after. a couple of wee*s' residence May, 11w opinion *415'formed upo' stories they had trued. and not upon experience. " n Reciprocity Reitotat1... Chicago.' Nuv. 1 7. -Fifty members. of the Minnesota brunch of the Na - 1 It•cipruc.iL , following r.•solulio1 at a. meeting here On Saturday: "Resolved. that we should, for the mutual benefit of the people of Canada and this country, encourage closet end more hermoni-, s relations. and for this purpose w ask such action by this Govern - me t and its represe'ntative's on the Join High Commission as will bring about liberal and fair reciprocal trade r atlons with Canada." Nee Shoes vi \\'(II 'we all do at thin lime (if t'be y ear. Von need your money torr, do you?. %%e41 no do Most f us any and all tiniest and seasons. Nilw hrte'* where lnnn's hard earned I)14I11111 goes fitt•theslt , ` 1 \You get,linwe than shoes, you get SA11f(F' ('TION - Natiefn.'tNln, isle*cs 1 style eombined. (•1111 An . let 4)M show Solt *01110 Of our lines. They will Inter*. you. From the little Mie 11P the 11d,.ti'nple we have 1114• hofs to kneel your fleet etimfoftab1e. ' THE RUBBER QUESTION 14 There Are rubbers here f4)1' 111(' shape of shoe.'. They are this year's (0041) -+strong and durable. I'm a , pour on and your feet will n,1'rtl gu44404 that the ground •)f wet *n11\ slushy. - - •rbc f. Wm. Sharman THE SLATER 341(4)E4 FOR MEN. 1)OR(YrHY i)ODD FOR WOMEN. INIIIt11111I111111111111u1/U111M aNNe lee -11 • FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY My stock of Millinery for fall find winter Is now rally. for ilnspcclion, And (h,• Indies nee in 441144(1 to .'all At ant' t1111e• 111,11 MeV the 111'W Ah*des and style,(. They will lin n .• piety ass4rlment Imo the latest'thapts anti tt•inimin Many pretty things to"the new Wool Lace Effects, in Row-1,4o4Year ,Mats a Targe variety to choose from Tri tel. near IN•troit 11ttickly and, lilt• rca,'hed by the (ilial The Catharines Well" The Wlt((0a. • . is l(tlu4)n( 44'11 1(11' a great specific ns' evens disorders, Situated otr the di line of the 1.111111 1.1•lwk, els n ami 'froom Nia- g, ra'Fl(11s. I. tickets and 11 informal 1 *mil to A. S RAITON, ?41.1111/ Agept, F.'F, I. \VRE*10E, 111w Agent, Office ours 6 a. 4)l. to 11) In. '• Write to 1), Milkmaid, 1 t•ict litimmeuger At, id, Tin,ul4), to de- s/IAA ik'14., 1i1,.rl 1111• r•garling 1. 11111t'r 114s011.*, 1.11 Jain Bie t_ W.A. M°KIM Wendt, Oat U�t1���11�NrWf►+tr�W�►iliiliiliiliNitwii�iiliiWlwNuthNr WOMAN'S GLOVE BARGAINSY. i! 3 doz. wu1n1u1'14 1111te11 silk•I1114(1 51(N11m,g11N•e1. regular ' %'*11414' $1.5x1, fur 741.90 1 des. wumi'n's brown silkdined Mocha glares, r.•gulur , tahw111,7:) for -• 41.26 1 dos. w'4)ulali a grey silk 1h*s'1 Mocha gloves, tetanise Valu' 41.73 for • .,n R1.516- A genuine bargain in Ream inutile wantuld, tµ1011s. - JACKETS Not uran)left - Puke ,Inst a few neck :old there wits '11M' -War in ,t , tutu bell tt t14 leititertilha__ short time if little price tick •11111,511 1 epode' for12.00 4tH have Any - nn--vit•ltir: we.;..7110.,111" . •; " -.. don't want til have • left • 410.111 •• 44. $ 7.50 by the 1st of January. Fwd on down to 41:50. "NOX ALL" A spur•i.11 line of pun' wood cashmere , hose, ext•1 quality yarn, fell • fast i1/taed,two nMss,fast cultis', special is 1. .1. New Mea pillttertni'I*k•, , BLANKETS Otte "miltch- Iewi' is flu. best value4 weever hundh'l for this in. tine lofty finish,, full1aourrd uYtt•hlesx it to i4)*alit for 4 Y, the prier. DRESS (7-01)11A. \Ve hat's a lot that t be cleared. The time ite drawing nein' fel• stocktaking and we don't want to in- ventory half what we have. Your opportunity to snake 75c do duty fur $1.1441.• - M°KIM'S BUSY STORE 'e ,1 .4 We Lead Them In style, quality and prices. You can g what you want here, - riak-,you,.w 1 get the correct thing Fall .S its. Overcoats. Odd Trousers. tl Ill) 111. Fancy Vests. We 1 n ve them all. • L _.. ve your ord r here. ,Do it now, and you on't have o envy your friend whose tail ring we att nd to. - Frank He i lartin, The Tall r. FOR. 3 DA ONLY • L� G EE I'1ONST IN DA 'Saturda V. 1 FOR 3 DAYS ONLY day and Tuesday 2and 24 AT PAR O FAIR. t nigbargains if l LAMPS .is N u l,h Iknt oar W1:11411100111 (hanpronu10, mind our large red' 1:1111p14 I(t 13;54),. worth 4..414*, elk set, SUNDRIES .N' !Mottle 1,f \'.1!»•11111' flrr 3(• me es 4s 64 7( itekag0 of T01l.t Paper: Nail 3 eels sees '9 t h fere.. <1 taking .I ower HI Seed. d, worth 7e, fat t x f Matches hr. fur. Ir 10e ' 'ruling llrnNhes for . � w• :xti n, only Hat Sir •.11u 'sins foe'..Tee Hi) ing 1 ' n14 1(k ('hi nen nittll...+ 1110.)t:ilk to Ir f is 7e idea. (4th rigs'........... t:N• fk• teeth 1% 11114. Varnish ,7c Polish 7e Tacks, 2 per; - .r , :M. tire DS Barge in SO F(/11 3 I)AYMONIA 3 IJn,w of I's' t11i.'i' $u 1, 3 ss) ft i 1' Sweet Holy a !'Itl�p:, .. 1:4 ' Elect! it.lll 10 " of 2 for :N• fel :l rakes of soaps i11 a 1141x' ` 3 " " 17Pt11 Si111p ...... Large liar of pore ICH/dile 1e- 1, 'L -s• YI `C N' I Nutt en; .tato Jlnnher St ve $rush,.,*, whl'LII 11k•, \\' 41:114:11w. nshlMarl* 115. p Ill/owes : - M - A. Mel Ike !Aim( (11nreten :e 1A4110. 141, (.amp ((testes :M• igtrgesiue• BM teleses. worth 1(k•, for....'. Fk444 a poll • p r•bnm.' your winter. t'lillarwenP . ttk.• ,,1 (il,rnrt• at 41111' pri(ost 144)11 lAtliete 1)111(4' nod (lpIhllrn',.. ,IARDINIERI:S 'We hnc, n bug, ,Iswn•Ini,nt ,f j,lnlini.tr4, :Onto ebonite from, m, ft Otos' 2: tip to $3,7.3, the beet tette..ver off. ,- .el, BR O(�MS r ■ 1 N IIIYNII . 11' site '411111. 1 } M 1 RMV and . Idle fi•e..• ..... . Lii• A hig snap 4 ODD 1ISI-IES FOR TIIRF.E I)A't. ONLY \ die Clips w nl 1t am Mauve 1 nrl t w •o w Irl {• t Ia.fl :dk• ('t' - S11,111.1.111. nn41 1111M 1n ns) 1 • R nworth.. k ? l4., f 1 ^Ik• I 111• I es, worth 71k• for 5114. Ten Phi 's, worth NM, for 1)inner I' hes, worth 711.1:7, for Supp Pitt , worth One, for .AM" WHITE TONEWARE 7 -in Plates, wort alk• den.., for.... ilk (Lin " .. le .. . 451• (kill ,. .. 7 , 0 .e, .4 1(k• 10 in " 144E " •. a, 70c .Ali 1:N• Colored Bowls for tic A hig snap in wets of • DISHES 07 hese, sets, (14'cor+1t1et 111 11111 wtrPII and pink* worth 47.1441, (0.' t rnth $10,9.:1117.i r fo... ten sets, worth $3.1i).. 3.3i • 1.20 144, 11. 1 4(41 1*111 B ,E OILCLOTHS AWhite nd ct11twellpattern* eerie*n t 1' th, worth 26e for 2n, F90we Pole all iy. xMl lianeeta• *t a ha�"d - OR ITE 11)lt Time}: IrA\'S O' .1 10 -bit. I)islipmu, worth B:N•, 11' 11!(' {-tit " 1 " 7:c' k. Wash lkusfn,.w•orth 214•, far'' 1 :#1 ` Onttfi t,1 Tea Kettles, w4,t!th 41.45, f1Uc 11¢ k• IV.. have . ,t large P a. K stn Ich t of ticy 7 en x. tN h• 1 s;•,4. 4)i to " 3 '4' linve the Irtr test 1 1 1:M•, Miura of 4)l w, ever had d • the hristttans In •. All pri'''es to einerw' mi. INWARE 17-11, tin Pni meth 1:A• her a Nk• ( dipper -lotion Il(o re, worth 1'optc1r.ai,110(1(44,1, .. T, 417.-1 • •11 Flour Sifter•, worth lie,, 0e All 20e Dishp'in1.N:s 13e L;. ' :-o. iii• 114111 1' 4.N . /ill colorer.. 1 1 NI Milkr tit1s',w( t t 13e.('nlhndi•t�, worth 1.1.• foe (%opp Oa Vent 1.1 Kettles 11.h $1•13 1 PAHA, 111 -qt 12 -qt .... .... ..,. 10-(p t 1'he biw,sl snap in WALLPAPER (111)1 o'er Was Olfrteel. All :4.r 11ttlti•r for i)''ii r 3e. * ....... i3 9s'�tmt1?,l fit 442* 041 Monter to match. �" .ilk • • TOILET SETS FII let Seta worth •e $1.115 for.... 41.75 2.2.7 1,05 3.70 " ... :1.011 5.00 4.00 A hig eta in BER IN WOOLS 2. 1 :I nd Si fold i Shed InnJ Huts a W n.1 -_ Atifdalust,n oz GLASSWARE \W*ter Tumbler-. S f, 714• Ail Mites 1'itrhers worth 354' for2110 Batter i)iahos .,.. 101 ytits (1(141 Popp N•I".fic . . MISS CAMERON R .- . : t°,14, PARSONS' FAIR wawa Street, 041 t SOD=BIOH Corner West Street and Square, is AlVA" to 4er”,•„a-.. *.%L81442vb1516„iat 11n,Ca OODERJGti; r i. • . 1 7 1 a 4 r i* te m `4 1 Pi. of 01 et, of Md h (N 1 1h N.l eta it In 4 • a