HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-19, Page 3nig SIGNAL: GOI?ERICH ONTARIO
Taoism sy, Nov. 19, 1903.
The Winghant ....Herm have' uriiuu-
icwl. -•
11',1. ('oats has odd his drygemxls
loudness in Clinton W \V. C. Brown,
of Wtsslstn'k.
'I'hl•elt•Illatl'N' barrel and butter -tub
factory at Dashwood was destro ed by
lbw Sunday mor uing of last weed,
The village, of Luckiow Is still in
darkness, owing to the dispute;ls•-
tw•een the eorim's(ion and the electric
light company.
Mrs. Johns, who n•aides with her
atm -in-law, Hold. Souders, tin the Ytd
('unccssiuu of Stt•phei, fall in the house
and broke her Ihigh•Isape.
Cornelius Smith has sold his fart
in West \Yawxuosh, neat. Fwrlyre
to a Mr. Phillips, cif Ashfield, and in
tends •log to Wingham.
Fico carloads of sugar beets seer
shipped from Ethel tiiatriot tit th
Wiar4ou sugw' factory. Teu ca
were shipped ft Brussels.
Then• is a eure,t in Ilupot
township for it loyal opt' bylaw
which will hr+libit the sale of liquor
within the Is le of the township.
Ott. train was too -h to stop, and
the engineand express car went over
into the river, the engineer and tirt'-
IIm11 waving their lives by jumping.
Their bravery was handaotnely rt•txig-
nixe(t by the. iatMwenget•s, for hod the
('utile train gone over tine whole of
Dent would Certainly have Is•ru
drowned like rats in a trap.
Seaforth Exposit n• : Russel Steele,
aged fourteen, and Harold, his brother,
aged ten, souls of Hobert Steele, of this
town, have been initiating since Monday
last, and as yet their father•and friends
have been uuitltle to gtW-aura- moue --s4
them or their movements since that.
tittle. The Buys cater hoose to dhnui'i
in on M lay and were irppitrt•iitly tis,
excilet' to eat, making atm rut excuse
- that they Had to hurry buck to school
fur' a- lesmi. They did ,m1 reach
e- st•Inol and that is the last their father
e has *ern or heard of them. 11'hen
they left home they wore dark clothes
and dark pealr-Maps. They were hull.
�'fxirly huge byys for their ages, I
Russell was of fair rllnlplcxiuu. The
other IMIV w•am mat as fair as his
brother, hut could hardly be described
as dark. Any inforutalin,• that will
lead to their Icing found or that
would give any inkling as to the di-
rection iii which they trent would be
must gladly received by their father,
and we would tequts+t • readers
throughout the country to Is• on shr
lookout ton• boys answering to their
F. (1. M ening hits struck salt in the
new well he has been drilling at \Ping.
'NMI, at a depth of iltti feet. It is t•x-
pretest the works will be in .4m -ration
111 a short time.
I), I)• 11'ilsuu, Seafot• h, left last.
week fur Wioniteg. He has a large
uumlwr of city lots there which have•
cone into delfand and which he in-
tends diapering of.
Mrs, T. A. Mills, of \Vingliato, on
Wednesday evening of last week
INIMMNd away after a Nevem. illness of
several wtx•ks' duration. Thr iutei-
ment took place at Elora on Mitttiuttay.
Win, Shtddel), of the 4th line of
Morris, fell on the barn floor and
broke the thigh Ionic• of his left leg.
As hr im seventy-s'vt•n years of age.
the injury is more serious than it
weluld Iso to a y gel tlnut.
Miss Hattie Downing, of Brussels,
ham been engaged am teacher of the
.se•hissl known its Baarrie's, 'lith line,
`Morris, for 111111. at o salary of "$IIMI.
Miss Downingisttarld,g mar Walton
this year witmar good nlle'e•esa.
11'1n. Wray. of Ilelgrtve, has mold
his farm ptrgtt•rts, tune d..nig of I:Aa
aures of land situates) on the :Irl liar
of Morris, to Itltllt. Maguire. Itf the 1st
line of the name township. The pur-
chase prier' WWI$•i:lM,, and Mr.
Maguire gets imimat•xsiuti ill April next.
Downs, who hie ntanv_"r:trr
was i•tithriet't Id with the ih 11.1-ty
Inger' factory it. (lintou, was pre-
sented by Mr. I)ulherly and the 0111•
players of the fitrtury with et silver
tea MIS ire. prior to Mk -al to
California, where be is going Iri award)
of health•
lsr:u•I Taylor. who had Iii•(, slN•ud-
ing u few days in (Tinton INrfor•
hog west, left for New York last week.
He i. now me(•r4riry-tratmul't•r of the
Ewing A Ft yet. Fiefs l'ti„ of Selkirk, it
e •cru which this a large her of
trading islets in Manitoba. and deals
largely in tlsh,
John Hunter, who for lest el:d veils
was Sunday .40..1.1 suleriut.•nd,•ot
and I-Illlir leader sin the Sunshine
Methodist church, Mortis township,
position Juan gone to take a at Newar,
N. J. Prion to him departure lie was
utalle.the recipient of a presentation
by his fellow•workl•rs it. t chin -11.
Donald McMillan, who returneel it
few wei•ks ago from Britimlh Columbia
tot he heluerof his parents. Mr. and Max,
Josh McMillan, Blyth, is seriously ill.
A shuts time Is•fon• e•avillg British
Col bit, during n fit •i eaughing, he
burst a blood vemmel in one of his lungs
and he has mince been troubled with
severe hemorrhages.
At a meeting of the Iucknuw' public
s•her,l isutrl last week, the four lad)'
teachers in the school received lin in-
crease of $25 each to their mthtries,
ing with January next. The
wields to Ile paid for Bali are: Joseph
Walker. principal, $11.311; Miss Burgess,
7{t1.1: Miss Archibald, *31,i; Miss
compiling«, s:.tt, and Miss Ifarlialr,
A pre•Ity wedding took phu•e oil
11'tlutislpy, November Ilth, at the
residence of -Robert Frayue, Exeter,
when his daughter, Miss Emily. was
united in marriage to H. E. Tomlin-
son, of London. The ceremony was
twrfornhed hay Hey, 1►r. Han , of the
J1011144 mlre•t chun•h, in the pn•s'nee
of the slixte relative•« of the r•un-
tru'ting parties.
Thom. I'arhert, an old resident of
Willett te,w'nship, has Hamed tweet. -
fully away to the land of rest at the
age ofRevell' v -six years. Deceased was
tarn ill Yorkshire. England. and vaunt'
It, Olt nie/lai with hitt parents when a
boy. Mince DWI he had 'wen it I41si•
dent of Hallett. His wife Hied srvt•n-
t..en years ago and he in Nut•vit'e1) by
\\N ...en
five mins and three daughters\
At the residence of Charles and Mrs.
\11'het•Ie•r, 4th line, Mortis, there was
i siebnttwt on Vedm'slay evening of
Iaad'lvet•k the marriage of their est i-
Ipnhledaughter, Miss Tench' .1-. and
nrireteleylor, a prosperous y g
i -mer nntock-dealer of that town -
slit , 'Ile a loon)• was ts•rfonlird
by • •v. A. h:, , ones. of H.'lgrave. in
the I settee of o r one h Iced and
twenty Ice guests.
John i:ulbs,t, of the fifth hoe of
Morris, Il) a yitlualde I tie one day
• List week. Ile prod tern h•hvering�
hogs at IIn i Is station and loot Iu•ft
the learn stn ding. when the • got
frightened 3111 tan away. . They
h1%0101111nw'n Iht' iinth tvint't's.inn of
they n{ a (nrions t te, but did not go
far when they cam in contact With
the dear of An0111 r wagon. The
shock was ml gi•i•nl Nut 1 of them,
II tltnr'-y'rat•-olll name, ripped deal
tin the apylt. The duan, as a prize-
winner and wits vnhml at M.
One of the early pioneers f %orbit
district, in the permit. tot Hen Koeh-
ler, passed awny Leal wee Mr.
Koehler range ill 1 he tow•nsllill a Hay
alsalt half n century ng", when it. •as
neatly nil forest. Ih' located ails it
Oro indica south of where Zurich . no
stands anti cleared up a splendid farm
(roan the primeval forest, 1,ik.' ;Most
of the Partly pita -wpm he WAS All in'
d nitrite's, well -doing men, 311111th in-
Mistry brought its own reward. Be
wens mount eighty years of age. His
first wife died sane years ago, and he
material again. Ills round wife sur -
elves hien. H. )eaves a family of frnir
sou and three daughters, all well -t,.
do. Ile was touch end deservislly ri•-
spm•ct'd in the community where he
.ked lived No hong.
TIM (•Notes New Era says :
(leo.", Middleton has joist received a
letter from his son .Inntea, who WAS
itn. of the {tat paam•tlpfurs on board M
A R. Icoin w'kie•h foul a niartellous
royals• from deat.nirtion ri'Il'u try.
while travelling in the nlo,ntai its. A
hit•Idg/re Over the Feaster river had Iheeil
washed away, and the engineer, noite-
ing a 11Ig on the truck neap the h ridg.•
approad 1, t-verrlyd his emir til• and put
tat all brakes. Intl the ntotllent of
i.urkuow• Sentinel : 11'e r•gl-et ll)
learn that Iter. Mr. Owen, of the Eng-
lish church Isere, has hewn removed
and is g g to Iiuysville. Mr. Owen
has been in hut -know fur `four year's
and during that time he has mule it
name for t ' self of whleb ,uav mail
may well be inlaid, Ma only among
his owls church people but g shr
citizens generally. • tie has tukl•u au
act iy i• inilvr•st in all matters connected
with the welfare of the .% Wage I
orighlsoboist and his giNsl 1• 'I
Will IN, •It rnisself ill many places.
Always ready ll) take hold of any
good project and push it. with a will,
always cheerful and glsslnaturld, he
will Ie msec) missed iu our I -
nluthitr•. 1l) iris sits a (+lunch hr carried
out his duties in Isis own forceful,
straightforw•aurl manner anti his Ilhu•e
there will be haitrl to fill. The St.
Helen's p etitdi' will aim, low. a good
friend. Since his miming hen• the
t. Helen's eon r• 'o
gt gats n have built it
new church ,and the time and care du -
%lie d to it by Mr. Owen showed the
relationship bet weer. hiuii and the St.
Helen's rongar•gatiou. \Ve ran only
congratulate liaysville on the choir.,
they have made and trust that Mr..
and Mix. Owen may be as thulontghly
appnv'iated_therr as here.
Low Rates to the West.
•I'tilil NOV14111s9• :11M11 the (;fend
Trunk will issue tit -lets at reduced
rates ti, -;wants In Montana, I'ulura,hi,
1't11h, \Vnrlingh.hi State. Brifi.sh Cob
militia, Oregon and ('alifornia. ('all
on nearest ageut or address J. II. Me-
IhrhiAld. 1lhatI-jut Passenger Agedh
Tontuto, for full intelnuat iilu, matte,
rlr:---_------ :I -It
Too Tedious.
Sir Thomas Iiptoni just before Le
saihd for h •was telling souse
friends about his visit to a -court r.Nrm
in Iid:sod during the progress of a
t nal. 'I'h.• 111 i*uu.'t w'NM l':Ille•d to the
bar mai the Paige said :
••we will now have a'swonl of"your
.furiner crimes and convections."
"Your \Vowhi r, if you are really
going to do that I'd le y(•ry llnateful
If you'd permit rue to sit down. ' -New
York 'limes.
No Hurry.
Joaquin Miller, "the pie( of the
Sierran." recently visited a friend in
Iinston. This friend, whom' literal y
tastes mutt harge•ly to Enu•rsi. Brown-
ing and Maeterlinck, f I the vener-
able (1m)l•t in the library one aftern.sn
deeply it lmae rbes1 in lewd:.
' N1 hat are you reading :%' asked
the Ikwb,niruh,
"A novel by Bret parte," replied
the Moet
The If oblate sniffed. •'I cannot
see,- said he. "how an immortal liming
cart waste his t' ' with much stuff."
"Are yon finite SOTS." asked )1t11,•r.
"that I x111 All ' •hal- being f"
"Why. of course you are,' ses•, the•
ullwat•y reply,
"In that ease," 1r'sisn1111r1 II,,'
fornian ri,dy, "I dini t see -Why I
be o very en ' •ill of Ills'
lime•." Ed nl'at•impw, i,liippineotlrs
for Novell/1w
Secret • f Success.
The Nnecein whir The Toronto St.:m
has achieved during the past filar
y(quol has 1001111 1111. it, jeer of much
r •nt iii the nl•w•Mly Mn' and busi-
ness w•ol•huh. MIY111 an a rage daily
cirenlation of over 14,0101 fl the vunr
111x1, Thi• Strut' has now tut average•
daily dr. -Illation of over 21,. It, It
ham so grown in favor. to... wi the
general public that it now rim •cies
more advertising . than. any of • 'r
paper. melting or morning, in Ila
The reason for the teiptillakliy of The
star, however. is pair Gar lit mek. If
you are a refuter of The Star you will
have noticnl that its nu•w•s colmnns
11141pot 1111 in is si•ty that makes the
I11•w-M May illi rend. IIM,ditily srinuiuh'at
Papp•• with its, fashion rills, is very
attractive;: its market reports' are
especially full -and norurate; its
editorial col its Ito'fair, sane thud
strong, and fns from partizan bias,
'hilt• its sporting rolamns cover the
,It' Heldd of mp ort.
• Mairs Mtttr('1•sm, theref,,l'.•, is lind
the natural result of it newspaper
•policy Which connate the rusted of all
elassem. Its setltmt•►'i111Iiin prier is $1.50
a year, with a ti.d1oQnree of this year
thrown in tun . sulterrilerr.
w. C. Ellie Cured of Muscular NIT by
Dodd's Kidney PM
On I., Nor. nth.
Special). kitl'1'y'iKlety, here km) W.
Ellis; everybody known he I
m sculhtr rheu,Mtimn : everylws
kat s -s Ire is cursed and he states wifh-
old t 'sitar ion that. tae owes his cure
to le 'eh hdney Pills Mime.
Tito ears ago." Mr. Ellis mire.
awaking i him elm•, "i got morose r
r�uurloilhm . The dolor I eolith in
Adulittot! th . he could not rude it.
i got Mo Ind mild not stalk atone.
was indite I le try Ihsld's Kidney
Pills. I talk mi Notes, which drove
all rheitme I nn in of the and left. rice
in gored health again."
Rheumntisnl is ea nsal by uric acid
in the.hlosl. if the kidneys are right
they will take all uric Geld out of the
blood. hold's Kidney Pills make the
kidneys right
It is not what you eat• but what as-
similates, that. nonrhbhes- Millet'.
I'onhpmnnul Iron Pills cure faulty as.
shnilstio n. For sale• by JAW. Wiliam.
Heard in Germany.
A Ordinal, holy of recent widowhood
ent'uunterd it difficulty' in frtuu-
iug an inscription fur her dead hus-
band's t•unbstulee. After endless con-
stiltati us with her frieuus and neigh-
bors lhJs WAN the ' she selected ;
"Rest in Peace antii we iltiet
again." - November Lippincott's.
The St Catharines•W*II,
The admirable trail) nervily that is
iiperated till 111*' (1111101 Trunk Railway
System snakes it a lderatilw fur Irnyel-
len( (o reaa•h the many points iis'itted
on its lines. One of the p roulip(ut
places is SI. t'iitharines, Ontario,
w•hty*' tie fitr,ous St. Catherine's
Well, Canada's gor at health sacci, is
Irw•atr,t.'It is noted fnr-itesalitie baths,
and Ilu,usands of people from all parts
of Anu•rira +ave Isvu cured or greatly
hamefltIt•d by the use tit its N•atelx.
Mull information, descriptive It er,
alul 1111 lutl•tit•Illnnt may le. hail on np-
,Ib•atiiln to I1. T. HEL.I„'(1. P. d: T. A.,
hiraud '1'rrulk Railway System, Mon-
Ireal, l'11.1la4la, dell -It
A Colhpromise.
Au incident told by it writer in The
°lithe k reminds Ince of the Alaska
award :
"A little girl of five asked me a
W1010 ago ill her t engaging nuul-
ner if she might Have six salted al.
1111 tnti$. It was in e•xeess of the usual
allowance, but the engaging manner
pelted the pt•e,lissise 'Yen.'
'• 'May. I have seven, Its it culnpru.
111114?• she. proceeded.
" Trow u euuipromise:•'
'lit•eause I want eight'.'
"Vie c promised.'
That seems to be about the way
Lied Alverstone c pit Nil with
the United States, -Ottawa Journal.
Tyro Great Papers for One Dollar.
kfew years agti a dilll:u• w*'ekly was
Its ikld 1115111 as a villa I heapness.
Now we tow enabled to aper two
papers tor tbrtt smalls . Be spet heal
and exclnsi5j--tat•t•angrnt•nt with The
11I itue•al 1V(•ekly.11or•nld, we offe•1 it
11'111 Signal fun one 'eat foil
dollar. The offt•r it rou•xtraurl' •ily
Ii1N•1•11 thnl it should le taken advant-
age of by every until, eunuch Itud child
w ho caul read. The Slguul 1s the limid-
ileg local hi:apm•t• of this Ihlstricti, Tht•
Herald is a paler for the houlee and
farm, giving the news of the world,
and at 1113.w of entOtlitiniug rending':
The own panels, $t such a price, make
an irresistible • binal hint' Sample
coaches of 'lite Heratditt-I hi is tithe,
Q.iizzt'in -- 'iIt'lho, Pat! ,I hear yup
went" nut uu Strike.” "
Part -"Thera roight. Oi sthruck fur
shorter hours, I amino."
Quiz/A-in "i)id you get them:'
Pat --• (ii dill. Oi' to not wur•kiu' at
all now, ligorry."
Tohr."ther.v.th num-
ber and p, ice, we
publish here a list
of special Birthday
All alone! mounted io
vk cold
4 teat--rrh..61s.1•
s,,.eri-reds, f1
aw MIS -•hie. *Tie
No iwt-r, - O. EA.,
No 111111-rex+. a • o rawer
~p.'b'No Mel -crit. 61.ne"PPidre
OeaoM. a-. ms-H1e.. NOS
*...mW No. mat -Pr",e 1.0
D.roroar • ' • TuryuolM
No. or;- r lav sin
Thee w nth ;seumerable other choice
Rear, at very low pores ars Ma/ -
trate.' .a out new■talutue, ready
Nev. eat11. w'ntc for • copy.
J. H. W O Ri"4. LL
Sole Agent
Gasoline Engine
to Run
The safest and
most reliable
gasoline power
yet produced
Suitable for any
purpose and place
where power
is required
Made in all sizes and designs
for stationary and marine use
Four of these engines have been placed in
Goderich during the past eleven months.
If you require power that iseconomical and
handy, call on or write to
Victoria Street Machine Works. - Goderich, Ont.
The Glerk or Xppregtice..
If clerking in a store or learning a trade, why,not prepare
yourself to reach the trip of your business P
iA busiuess.trainiug combined with yo3rknowledge of your work
gives you the ueceasllry advantage oyer others to Make this possible.
The Forest City, Business and Shorthand Collage Course
includes Bookkeeping, Financing, Higher Accounting, and every
tuaslern priuciplu and method used in business -is not hampered
with old-tiule systems and methesls.
A complete course in Business and Shorthand can be taken
in one year ; the cost is small; the results are quick, remunerative
and permanent. -•
Booklet, containing complete information of courses, eoete, -
etc., sunt to any address fur it postal. - - -- - - -. - .
J. \\. \1 K-'FF:1:\'h:1:1, I'un 1 M t'. t. Brttntso, LONDON.
T he Signal's Clubbing List :
The Signal will - receive subscriptions at the following gates :
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald
The Signal, Weekly Herald anti Weekly Sun (Toronto) 4 80 \
The Signal, Weekly Herald anti Weekly Globe 1 70
Tho Signal, Weekly Herald and Daily Globe .. t4.60
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal Family Her-
ald and Weekly Star
With The F-lIl'-r:Jd :end tV,"4.1) u - u•,• I aso premium picture.,. "Heart Broken," and
"Mont to l'Mm,. •, - uud a quick reface m•e p of the Dominion of Canada.
The Signal, Weekly Herald anti Weekly " Mail and
%Cil It Ii,• N'erk13' SLoil:uot Empire Is a Vre•11ii Sue pirult', "Thr victurW
The Signal, Weekly Herald anti Toronto Daily Star.. 2 20
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto Daily News. 1 90
Tho Signal, Weekly Herald anti Presbyterian • '_'
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Westminster 9
Tim Signal, Weekly Herald, Presbyterian and West-
minster 3 25
The Signal, Weekly Herald and London Daily Ad-
vertiser •► 45
ie Signal, Weekly Herald and Impressions (a lousi-
ness monthly) 1 80
The ."glial, Weekly herald awl Montreal Daily Wit-
1 85
The Signal, Weekly I erald and Montreal Weekly
Witness , 1 60
ho Signal, eekly He l anti World Wide 1 60
Signal, W kly Herald anti Northern Messenger1 25
The 'ignal, "We ly Herald ;ind Chicago Weekly In-
Ocean t . 1 50
The Signal, Weekly Ierald awl Farmer's Advocate 2.40
The Sigh 1 Weekly He tld and Farming World 1 85
Kited oubeerihe tit The Vanning is Id mw•ise, a ropy- of The Former'. Annuala handy
'wok of 2i1 to ler to of ti-efnl blforuot n in regard to all .leportoients of aglicultar•g.
NOTE THie Any of the we.itly
sent to new• suhatTil from now lint
/girt. Mentioned, `'lite ler of this
toll. in the above Het "will be
it t first of .la unary, IUUti, for the
arae r,
la in free. '
No family should be'ithout plenty
Semi rentitteancen by postal ote, post
ddtestlitrg : -
gaud reading matter at these
order or express order,
THE SIGNAL, i3oderich.
The Most
Ever made by a Canadin Publication to
its readerk.
Two One=dollar Papers for one Dollar !
By special nttnilgenleut with the publishers, were enabled to offer
We have the Rotary and . 'it tie
White. All them .• maehine•s hate Intl
hearings. pinch tendon, tension in h-
cator. automatic tension release
double leis], dist caps on needle and
presser lines, self-tbreading cylinder
shuttle, "King" set of plated steal nt-
terhntents and manly other Inliir-say-
ing devices.
The slprrior Ii 'Oils in the New Wil-
liams inclnd,' It self-m•tIing net•r111•, itn-
tomatic Is,bhin iv haler tvit.li 11111.0. l, N-
IP). antonlntir titan' dropper 4vet•y coti-
•enientI. cylinder shut Hi. open on 11)4 'i'he Mull 1'ahinet and Itrn l` pend
Ittl and atrN,l itch s('Jf-threading, thaysi,nds ,tie I . • 1
p e arms m nlils'ae.
tre,ulle, steel met of attach. -((tile lotto' Wilt In stand as life•tint,',
They look well and work The attachments are tent•'w'hat. Mint -
well. blotto our other machines.
*very dtaehlne that- leavete our store Is guaranteed for it term of len years. It itahinlltl happen that n matt -bine
fails to give satisfaction we iutilhediately replace it with a new one.
It is difficult to ,judge an article by looking at the outside. her yoiir own ititimfaction
and protection you ought to know the product inside and out --hence the nec(i'sity for try-
ing die machine., A trial will convince you. Tryon need one and wish to try any of our' dif-
ferent makes or styles we will be pleased to -let you try them. --
Wo keep repairs and a full line of Accessories, Needles, Shuttles, Bobbins Bobbin -
winder Rubbers, Oils, etc.
The Signal and The
Montreal Weekly Herald _
:1 great dollar weekly for ONE LAR re year. This uHe in exclusive' lel eon Ile 111:1411. Ity no other paper in t 'N distrit•t.
REMEMBER THIS FACT i t'u'ry'su to • •hIN•,•paying one dhtil ar i advance
Itil• 11111• tialm•1• will rowels... Ttle•.Mmirthdeal \Vo.' ly Herald for one yea t• without
•(Int-u-uwt. Tile' 11•rnls-4 lair arrangement w t the M9tnlr•Itl publis TM are
.11••11 that ween) stake tin (luviutinn front this r e- the it ,y t l paid
IN ADVANCE, and all art -enrages st ht' Oak!.
Both The Signal and Weekly Herald will be sethlt
FREE for remainder of 1903 to new subscriber
$1.00 to 1st January, 1905.
iJvvvAs a Newspaper.
was esinhlhh,d in Pad:. and 16 the
tenant oldest ('aitadisn paper is Its
odd sae It has renewed Its youth, sod
stands In the forefront of Canada's rent
Journals. As a newspaper, it Is edited
with oaprrial reference to Its reason'.
eery of reodr•rs, who dralre a coinpre-
k •n,leo summary of the world's new,
if the writ. hverythina la stewed from
the a:anelIolu of thn ('aned's'. ver
wlther .to keep abreast of the'tlmn,
wlthtVE basing to wade lhtos*k eet-
rmns of irrelevant nvattef. Careful con,
ernsn'lan Mirka The mutants treatment
of •V ip In. of news. no not eonrese It
stilt ath.r papers •1 somewhat stellar
tomes. The herald Is a compact paper,
ant a blanket most.
As a Nome Paper.
In Um first place, paper
thinfo I:rp aria.
In Its columns that cannot be read with
of profitmos
ahnueepo dthe Instruction
to hhyiesecond pleess.
It le edited with special reference to
matters that Interest women. "Madge
Merton's" weekly talks with her woman
:sae ws Constitute the must popular de-
Wrtakent of the kind in any Canadian
1 per. -They are veritable "heart to
Irwin" talks with the women of the
toles, and are apprerlal.d in d. of homes. In Dila department are
l Hints to Mother', elm. -Dieted
Cooking Reelpes the latest r'aahloes,
illustrated• end a buttered sod one tortes
of feminine interest.
• THIS COMBINATION Is a Irreatsone. Toyr home paper gives
f' II the Meal new*, the local market* and that' local you fn
Si'^rkly Herald given gossip. The sof the
r.' 11 markets, departments of'Int 'Interest farmersaws of • ans. I � reports of eau
e of tntuy *'rid Int r.et ip The HOte1e. particular, rea-
ti:e other. An• paper r the complement of
SUBSCRIPTIONS tray beetn at pity time. It your * enet- prig tl
is -
r'•a ty pal 1 In netvnn, n, and you want Th. Montreal Ws.kly Harald at efata,
ann.! Ill your .Milne. 504 your suheerlotion will De advanced a 7ege,
Address all conimuntcatlose to:-
THE SIGNAL, Goderlch.
"f, 'AlAcoir
)� ,1, 4}
_,. ' Range.
. I '-_-t Without an abundance of
pure fresh air in- the
_" N.9 •, . rc oven whatever lit co (iked
1} � ..'lht•reiu is distasteful :pini
��• ,w hw Ith •.
�� �•••
r _ • Meats are specially susrep-
)l.:` 7'.
_ tilde to imptiritbw whUe
Til bu'ing 'roasted-- their rich
• dare;- is retained only
schen the oven is pure.
Aeraed Ovens Breath Fresh Air.
By at ingenious arrangement applied Only to I lie Souvenir,
fresh air is made to circulate freely and. ever) I hitg impure,
Including odors from t'INIkillg food is driven out of the oven
and up the chiuluey=nut into the room. -
The Aerated principle hi Vie only oaf that actually ventilates
the oven, t 1
Gurney, Tilden Co.
Hamilton Toronto Montreal Winnipeg
J. H. W O Ri"4. LL
Sole Agent
Gasoline Engine
to Run
The safest and
most reliable
gasoline power
yet produced
Suitable for any
purpose and place
where power
is required
Made in all sizes and designs
for stationary and marine use
Four of these engines have been placed in
Goderich during the past eleven months.
If you require power that iseconomical and
handy, call on or write to
Victoria Street Machine Works. - Goderich, Ont.
The Glerk or Xppregtice..
If clerking in a store or learning a trade, why,not prepare
yourself to reach the trip of your business P
iA busiuess.trainiug combined with yo3rknowledge of your work
gives you the ueceasllry advantage oyer others to Make this possible.
The Forest City, Business and Shorthand Collage Course
includes Bookkeeping, Financing, Higher Accounting, and every
tuaslern priuciplu and method used in business -is not hampered
with old-tiule systems and methesls.
A complete course in Business and Shorthand can be taken
in one year ; the cost is small; the results are quick, remunerative
and permanent. -•
Booklet, containing complete information of courses, eoete, -
etc., sunt to any address fur it postal. - - -- - - -. - .
J. \\. \1 K-'FF:1:\'h:1:1, I'un 1 M t'. t. Brttntso, LONDON.
T he Signal's Clubbing List :
The Signal will - receive subscriptions at the following gates :
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald
The Signal, Weekly Herald anti Weekly Sun (Toronto) 4 80 \
The Signal, Weekly Herald anti Weekly Globe 1 70
Tho Signal, Weekly Herald and Daily Globe .. t4.60
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal Family Her-
ald and Weekly Star
With The F-lIl'-r:Jd :end tV,"4.1) u - u•,• I aso premium picture.,. "Heart Broken," and
"Mont to l'Mm,. •, - uud a quick reface m•e p of the Dominion of Canada.
The Signal, Weekly Herald anti Weekly " Mail and
%Cil It Ii,• N'erk13' SLoil:uot Empire Is a Vre•11ii Sue pirult', "Thr victurW
The Signal, Weekly Herald anti Toronto Daily Star.. 2 20
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto Daily News. 1 90
Tho Signal, Weekly Herald anti Presbyterian • '_'
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Westminster 9
Tim Signal, Weekly Herald, Presbyterian and West-
minster 3 25
The Signal, Weekly Herald and London Daily Ad-
vertiser •► 45
ie Signal, Weekly Herald and Impressions (a lousi-
ness monthly) 1 80
The ."glial, Weekly herald awl Montreal Daily Wit-
1 85
The Signal, Weekly I erald and Montreal Weekly
Witness , 1 60
ho Signal, eekly He l anti World Wide 1 60
Signal, W kly Herald anti Northern Messenger1 25
The 'ignal, "We ly Herald ;ind Chicago Weekly In-
Ocean t . 1 50
The Signal, Weekly Ierald awl Farmer's Advocate 2.40
The Sigh 1 Weekly He tld and Farming World 1 85
Kited oubeerihe tit The Vanning is Id mw•ise, a ropy- of The Former'. Annuala handy
'wok of 2i1 to ler to of ti-efnl blforuot n in regard to all .leportoients of aglicultar•g.
NOTE THie Any of the we.itly
sent to new• suhatTil from now lint
/girt. Mentioned, `'lite ler of this
toll. in the above Het "will be
it t first of .la unary, IUUti, for the
arae r,
la in free. '
No family should be'ithout plenty
Semi rentitteancen by postal ote, post
ddtestlitrg : -
gaud reading matter at these
order or express order,
THE SIGNAL, i3oderich.
The Most
Ever made by a Canadin Publication to
its readerk.
Two One=dollar Papers for one Dollar !
By special nttnilgenleut with the publishers, were enabled to offer
We have the Rotary and . 'it tie
White. All them .• maehine•s hate Intl
hearings. pinch tendon, tension in h-
cator. automatic tension release
double leis], dist caps on needle and
presser lines, self-tbreading cylinder
shuttle, "King" set of plated steal nt-
terhntents and manly other Inliir-say-
ing devices.
The slprrior Ii 'Oils in the New Wil-
liams inclnd,' It self-m•tIing net•r111•, itn-
tomatic Is,bhin iv haler tvit.li 11111.0. l, N-
IP). antonlntir titan' dropper 4vet•y coti-
•enientI. cylinder shut Hi. open on 11)4 'i'he Mull 1'ahinet and Itrn l` pend
Ittl and atrN,l itch s('Jf-threading, thaysi,nds ,tie I . • 1
p e arms m nlils'ae.
tre,ulle, steel met of attach. -((tile lotto' Wilt In stand as life•tint,',
They look well and work The attachments are tent•'w'hat. Mint -
well. blotto our other machines.
*very dtaehlne that- leavete our store Is guaranteed for it term of len years. It itahinlltl happen that n matt -bine
fails to give satisfaction we iutilhediately replace it with a new one.
It is difficult to ,judge an article by looking at the outside. her yoiir own ititimfaction
and protection you ought to know the product inside and out --hence the nec(i'sity for try-
ing die machine., A trial will convince you. Tryon need one and wish to try any of our' dif-
ferent makes or styles we will be pleased to -let you try them. --
Wo keep repairs and a full line of Accessories, Needles, Shuttles, Bobbins Bobbin -
winder Rubbers, Oils, etc.
The Signal and The
Montreal Weekly Herald _
:1 great dollar weekly for ONE LAR re year. This uHe in exclusive' lel eon Ile 111:1411. Ity no other paper in t 'N distrit•t.
REMEMBER THIS FACT i t'u'ry'su to • •hIN•,•paying one dhtil ar i advance
Itil• 11111• tialm•1• will rowels... Ttle•.Mmirthdeal \Vo.' ly Herald for one yea t• without
•(Int-u-uwt. Tile' 11•rnls-4 lair arrangement w t the M9tnlr•Itl publis TM are
.11••11 that ween) stake tin (luviutinn front this r e- the it ,y t l paid
IN ADVANCE, and all art -enrages st ht' Oak!.
Both The Signal and Weekly Herald will be sethlt
FREE for remainder of 1903 to new subscriber
$1.00 to 1st January, 1905.
iJvvvAs a Newspaper.
was esinhlhh,d in Pad:. and 16 the
tenant oldest ('aitadisn paper is Its
odd sae It has renewed Its youth, sod
stands In the forefront of Canada's rent
Journals. As a newspaper, it Is edited
with oaprrial reference to Its reason'.
eery of reodr•rs, who dralre a coinpre-
k •n,leo summary of the world's new,
if the writ. hverythina la stewed from
the a:anelIolu of thn ('aned's'. ver
wlther .to keep abreast of the'tlmn,
wlthtVE basing to wade lhtos*k eet-
rmns of irrelevant nvattef. Careful con,
ernsn'lan Mirka The mutants treatment
of •V ip In. of news. no not eonrese It
stilt ath.r papers •1 somewhat stellar
tomes. The herald Is a compact paper,
ant a blanket most.
As a Nome Paper.
In Um first place, paper
thinfo I:rp aria.
In Its columns that cannot be read with
of profitmos
ahnueepo dthe Instruction
to hhyiesecond pleess.
It le edited with special reference to
matters that Interest women. "Madge
Merton's" weekly talks with her woman
:sae ws Constitute the must popular de-
Wrtakent of the kind in any Canadian
1 per. -They are veritable "heart to
Irwin" talks with the women of the
toles, and are apprerlal.d in d. of homes. In Dila department are
l Hints to Mother', elm. -Dieted
Cooking Reelpes the latest r'aahloes,
illustrated• end a buttered sod one tortes
of feminine interest.
• THIS COMBINATION Is a Irreatsone. Toyr home paper gives
f' II the Meal new*, the local market* and that' local you fn
Si'^rkly Herald given gossip. The sof the
r.' 11 markets, departments of'Int 'Interest farmersaws of • ans. I � reports of eau
e of tntuy *'rid Int r.et ip The HOte1e. particular, rea-
ti:e other. An• paper r the complement of
SUBSCRIPTIONS tray beetn at pity time. It your * enet- prig tl
is -
r'•a ty pal 1 In netvnn, n, and you want Th. Montreal Ws.kly Harald at efata,
ann.! Ill your .Milne. 504 your suheerlotion will De advanced a 7ege,
Address all conimuntcatlose to:-
THE SIGNAL, Goderlch.