HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-12, Page 7TILE SIGNAL: (;ODERIC11 ONTARIO NEWS OF THE DISTSICT. CARLOW. TuK4411ty, Nov. 10. Wal. Fulford, of le.-buen, Muudaysd at W n1. Ferguson r. Misr Tew*11•y was the guest of Mtn. McPhee, Loyal on S lay, • Mr. and MrYI, Seita, of Myth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mts. McBride. MinYoung, who ham hetet Laid up with a sprained ankle, is able to 1e aro 1' again. The 1V •ii's Foreign Missionary Mlw•iety met at the huhu• of MIs., h. Fisher 011 Wednesday afternoon last and a vrry-pr4Ntath• time was spent blether. her. The Guanets are 1 helve are "busily engaged hsu•visiting their root crop. The turnips are n light crop in twist. places this year, but the tullg41(15 rued(' nut he beaten. •LUEVALE. Tuvirony, Nov. 10th. • Miss Mary \\'Arman iM visiting frlendr 111 Hrllmsels, 1'heeks+ l %mites. from near Lirtowel, was home over Sunday. Miss. M. IL Elliott and children, of \1'inghsll, are visiting Alm. Masco, quite 41 number of people from herr look in the pie social At Miss Isbirler's school. Nims Mary Aikens, of 'I'ur,IIMq•r)•, mpent a few days at Rev. 1\'..I. N'est's 1,1141 week. llorl,1ll Petrls,111 has returned 1 from Manitoba, where he has rpeut a few lsjpthit. Mr. atm( M ref. Junes Hulertslm,, of Ite•Igretye. were visiting at Hoof. Shaw's w''N L INt N'Iwk a Rev. Mr. 411111 Mrs. Hastie, of Hel- ierave, were visiting at Her.. F. .Mw'a1111 e.hl*t Werk. We are Nosey to hear that Mrs. J. (iannett ix very sick, but we hope she will si 4011 be able 11/ he pound mono. ✓ M15.telto a' 111 4111 near ‘1•444441m1‘1•444441m1444•1:.Ies returned home 41fter•spending it few weeks with her Mm. 114)) P(•Itun, warn is x4811.111 argent here. ST. HELENS. MontiAv, Nov.I1h. Maeflonald :old -M.{iuir:umrthresh• 'el;M. hail a fest 4141ye all work whilrget • t'Ig p:111 of their M•pMotalto'. r,•lstir•d. lAl.x. abIk o•aaald, who for a period ..aboltlt tw•1•I act• years ) ul lets beim Moen( in itriOr!' 4'oluutllil, has returned 111 our 111idwt. A very regrettable occurrence took MOiler this aftern(um iu the burning o acphersp H1YN/.' Warn, All thr'r .4•a/w.u's (•rv)1), •M • apples 81141 s Its' of their implement, were Imeite•FI. Although the lobi and cuntrq(m 111 4. pretty well insurMl it im a leig/Ionei at this Neasm of the year, /1t in not known how Ihr Nr• eta - 'rrw+n.aNear.:Jnr. tu Pr(1N.tt.. Mrs. .1, Welinttej', Mr. 11111 Mrs, H. S. Nitylo amt .las. `r • 115 Ir 111 w and tl IJ hl aA.A11r I than iI have returned from the \Vcsf \ Hugh Mae•Ihma , of li(mlet•i.•h 4'. I, ✓ ent Mehta) and Monday at his here.. . Mrs. J4414. tutor. who peril t'i'er years in the Weide letek 4 s visit lu frim('*. in 'Ripley, Ln 111) x1141 (him %lelnily • ..Mai. Il. 111 filler ,Ind her, stn, Mosel. open* . cc n • with friends in li,wleek,'.. Me:an Mrs. H. Metier, itf East K,rla•,1n/ t. :spent 44 lay m our Lan v, LOYAL. 'gauzy, Nov. Pah. S, Ie. limit nl, I) !welMlrtl, was again .calling ins friends h , "u1141ay last. Bleat iab•reet is le 1 taken in the r• municipal K el io m • n .Ind the meeting on Malnr4ly nb , will break rhe record and pe it ,s 4 1o•14 111 her Ihirlg'. inehailing t hi urnit 1l was stated in lest to •5 cor- respondence Oust Win.. . Ta'' • bad 1)4.1100 the ,lanes farm. This in- corr et. He ham leaned the plael• ,1 )'ear but the prnp,rl y is still for vel •. }VIII. P. Young line just ,Itni-'he, lturshing for this veatr, having 8. very i.u'Ite yield. Mr. :1(4iiiezr,-of .-i. e(su•r,. 111 rho ..f .1. T.'(i+,kllhourpeM Ma - .'11i1 r. 1114 •I 1 III I the work in!rx;rlll•nt aryl What might have r`mvild i' rterionM\ 111111441114 (5'1•Ilrrld erill,ry 'tying laic. (ho. McPhee was jjtot ready In leave with him Wore oIFti-heefeYuNiwlld Ile day with his emit.( is in the roluthernimtrtof Colborne, when the III'1.e• lifter being hit4•h,d1, took stld- .1en fright• lolt,rl arrow. the road nn41 upset the w'Ngon 411141 enrlt•Iltm into the deet diteli IIn the M,111h Side of 4114. 11e041, in (111111 or the 5t41re. Forbin- duly AIr. McI'hl•e wits near by and 15'- f')54 the 11111114.11 got 441vnr1' he had then! fully muter.o,trol. The large tole 41.404 boldly m1i,tketl 1111, lint 1111 g.NN1s (11.14' ilesteuysel by tie. ,iiiNhIap, and 415 4'•sesjable Invest xull Clerk Taylor were Just thee) petllrning from A. 1Sir1•'x Ihlr•Nhing 1h.y kindly,Iw41iet.11 Mr. McPhee 111 )1111 ing t hiegs to right 5 MOM. Mr, al.J'hee is thankful that 1111 seeloi144 43444ngi' wee done. LEEBURN. TriousAT, Nov. lUth. 'er3nI,l'henpceo.nt work h Js,.,Laikt - Joseph . Mo Ne• 1 ' in old. e• attended the reent Orange O.ml•ri,h. JoM•ph . was one of thy wp 4kesiiien 111 the (141 .1f toasts, the theme being "The i,Ndies," Many were 1h.' bright similes flint g reetfr1 our iin-mer townsmen. Abet, t••`I,•5:in, on his return In our midst flet R,1 absence of about 'seven Iths. Dancing may he 1111W tY•- \t O 1!'4r mmng n,1r young folks. I. 0, Chi livii.er thei I N.--ut• ono -lime citizen \ nda3lioII', 1 • n. is up Air ow' f cal weeks a the weak 1111 k burn here. This lime he ham f wo (o IIN younger moue. Climb.' and lily. Will him. John +rill rellcw old balite experieneen n4 H1o:eh:N)a' fern ionise tiring hie temporary 4t,.V here. Winnie Sh,oat and Jessie Lin ter. yr/1 who •IIs' attendingthe M1wle1 se 11 10 4n 1;1x1011•.14, iohutl with their fell*,' le slud,nt, in 11344jf vi*it'14) Clinton Fri- ten 41ay night 411 last Week h) se rhe lLelrl *411601 111 M1141114 fllrry', They reisiet w I 44 Iramanf time. Thm)- Met at the roolyro (411144•(- leacher of tIl.' Dunlathering op school. xnd her mister (dive, who tnnght it pi, tent. fur a fortnight DUNLOP. Tu:xstAv, Nov. loth. AtiAIN ENU u,c,),--Oohs board of I4hacation !soca slvtired the w•1•vices of Liu Knox as teacher for Another' year at an increase of salary. AN 44 te4u'her he las git•rn general sa1iMf114;lbo11 And the truettes found no objeclonr offer - et! G, the raise from the ratepayers. Al presell1 the school 11111 has 'de- creased amt pr(wpertiVe scholars 11141 u,1t 111, there twin gq{ronly eight children under four years 441 age in the Mrctiuu nett fourteen (4,444545 111141• nu rhil('r'11 411 go. t BENMILLER. !'ut+luAY, Ndt•. loth, The 14.ITlt Trow• \'Aj4IrroNK, --Ota Alsoisdily Thos. Vauletone died at the ,age of sixty -Nye years. A little over u year ago he fwd it stroke of paralysis and since that time had Irma confined to bed, and as few days' pleviume to his death haat the third stroke, Mr. Vau- d' , was lora at Hrnu1d114r, hit Gather being an old Mettler from 1)rV- 4tlhire. 8emb41es hi.t wid1/'1• he leaves two toy» and four girls. These are Alpert, of Detroit ; WeHtey, of He - gine ; Mrs. 44tory, (o( Ildertun ; Alrs. Story, of Tha11lrslurl ; Airs. King, of Hayfield. and Mims Maggie, at home. Alr. Varlet one was it lueltlwr of the A. h'. dual A.M. and 1,11.h'. and the pall - !waren' at his f(Irrll, which took pla4:r yestrtda))•, were• members of there lodges, Rev. Mr. Yelled(' 4.1111. dueled the mei-viers. WESTFIELD. MoNoty, Nov. tali. tali. \18. Nixon returned from Mail'toles last week. Raymond Redmond; 01 (tuil Raymondrri( -- Collegiate, sent Nllundny and Sunday at his home here. , - Mr. and Mrs. John ('u11uiugliaul, of Markdah•, are the Kuestsuf the holler's brothi•1•, (ieot•ge• \%allac,•. !)avid Ti*lale and James Anderson ha%e gime un 41 band a e'x'NNW ion to Muskoka for a roup r f wea•kM,• Prank h',r Parley, 141 / Y 1 1 . Mt•11' 1 4 In with Alfred l'arr-'tot• ►e lust there years, has gine. to rk fol' 1(. %Vighllu4411 fu ft tune. 1V, (tinier" whip has IN•vu 'gaged -will• t)Vedv)• Farrow for the L ttwo months. harm gone to Haulilton to cork in the + t•ir 1 •e h 1 uach' 1• K 111 shop.. 1 Th -1• man. 5 Aiken., vel(. K 1 w idled in the St. Mary's reilwsy tie dent last week, was .:t neph(•w 01 dwrl Buchanan of this place. ' EAST WAWANOSH. Mos DAy,'Nov. lah. 1). Mousey is ill at' present but we Imp. hu may son', be well, t►. Taylor told (entity intend nloa-iug 11/ Blyth (4n TumwJay of next week. Mls. Jim.'», of tiny tit v, '4jiekigon, is visiting ui1 Ig h••r brother. \1'w. Ifs Int.. Mem. H. On•, of 'Poon((). Is visiting at the ho • of J. H. M't'biiton nt punen t . • Alias Sproul, Mr. and Min. %Vitale). 4uli1. 0l(1lg Mon spent S 1nr at Mrs. H ar(4$1,ll'M, ' Mrs. Kerr Anil her two 611114, 1lrrbie and ('Isle:ow, of %'ingh:in, aro visit- ing et the 141ntl6' of Mrs. F:. Ihuriwlu. Misty L Hnbiit)mnl'w 411.1111411 enterta4u- ment wax Well itktonded t t Friday and was 14 111rte• stokes., The pro- er.41N w,•Il• $11.:10, M(Ns•Ita Limey, who Lax hews '•isiting her •k• end f, Mr. and Ates. IGImM•y, hes returned to her yu • in SaundlN•:u•h, Michigan. - ST. AUGUSTINE. MoN ) t .a v, Nuc. SN h. '1911• new cluIreh here is within mo•a tiral)Ie distance o1 completion, and it is rxpeet d that ;h. opening will take piney about Christmas lime. Title MAH. 044410"14 W., A Inrgdy- signwl 311•1 111111 541114 lesa•nth• fur- walthsl to the Postmart•rvUi•m•ra1, asking that n change he made in the carrying of the. Ito Ih,5 plies., the til is mos being de411oue that 1114• 11 it 511414(1,1 collie by way of lif•IKruce and Mo•m1•(4. The Ih'pNlrlment de: e•1i11, 14 grant the prayer of the pN•ti- ti n.. 113e• Deputy Pied 'Mister General 1\reply saying : '•9he tidal ro -Niue Dor the Selo• just r11)144•11, for the MRCVS rtinernu4l. iuclndin Abr•- K lem•h. wits $ICri.:C;, from which the w41uriea of the pest 'ter was taken, dunounting lu 1$427, leaving a nil revenue ,1f $Msl,:fj, The 41,141 of the mail services to theme 11fYe N alw follow, : Auburn. Myth,Angistine, etc.8ia1 ,i Belgia and Af orb. ' 1111 $•110 o• n farad deficit of ' *4l,:42. The De- partment has 1114 et 'inlet ed 11 four years contract for it ill1m3h tinily trail s•rviee ro this fifth..., 101(1 in view of the (tet that the re'eti14 (111t•ing law year ham ('releaser 1,4 es' sit per. rent. it is not thought possible ' to kr any ehallge 3111'4111.ing am • creaks! expenditure for the pre tnL" NILE._ r WeenesI.1v, Nov, 11th. PKrut)NAt:.--Mire I'OW,llI, of tett,'• rich, Yi:i' 4 Ito l Leto Sunday ' a .rim• cement lsyer, • go' south this winter, hut not 'very far Mr. ,rad Aire, 4'meter, 441 Auleitc . visited friends Noy eisillt illy. /4 '. 4'111'x411 Nlrrla+.- l'I*alehi1 herr 1144x1 Metnday both morning 444111.4ven- Ing . . • .The League Nae held Theslj1ev evening r n 1 sou, The r 1 • • . ! a 11 Ih x11 p.(. 1 1 1'';141 g an J acroNlie taken hp Min. 11 m. Th p- Mm, ThP ntottn (dimwit was, • :`late the drenleenl." Let the members of th1. Y,.•llgli• t•etllelfllfet' 4him »1141 net 11pN/1) if. EARLY I)cA'ra.--fksath has• over nmpre Visited ON. !eking from our midNt one in the 11,14m1 of youth. Mime Edith Elliott died nt iter h • Mlitul a)• morning, She had not been well for the last two Years 14411 the 6•1141 wits not. expeefe.) 5ti soon. The rim - wits a Targe and took place i4tng)ttnon cemetery. %Ve ex - one mympmth)• to to bereaved we. If tiny person has n ho1144' f,1 I I or trade c. ' • to Nile, where re M a good chntl.e to do IaaNln, mm.. s )•O(114( Ines dot not go to the 1 std (often shire our new church wile o s'(1 %Vql. IRek- lnnn has pure uudsd a road ste111.1 ). is at nice hotsen/A n KOMI 114•(0r, (ane 111(I144 111 (la(r(slag its.n rind. We wele0nte r*, ,11rtn- to Nile and wlmh thein ung and fly life. --_ Arany of the frlrndo of our • fitn,• Hr 1's"ktt.•nl • I►eniel Me level will 1w sorry to leftrn that. the hamar, he 115-w1 In at near Santa Mte, Marie WAN ('(Nlroy.41 by Nle. t 1%'44 have el tin).• of writinlg henna no ',yrs 11„t,nlm except that the house (Text flap I(en's 11t afire by two little children T swing left alone in a 1118111 *hill, the Mon Mother aunt tit) town. She locked Ise them in and when the flee war dim- ordi ' n5 evert a party wavr41 one of them hit, dol) tae, know/gee aurae. the”' (other dld not end iesisie it. and it. War Inwood to dewth. *dr it sawn tow years ohl and the child new was f 1 • sent he "flew of Thr Ill al and "I'ke (reel Weekly Herald fir one do- In exciting h q nf. The nary finery Is, "Mow ran it. he eP" The fact is it is being 1 ii •, ',limy Leaders are already taking *nta(r of t.11e alluring offer. To su1*w'rilse►s both• papers will i e for the balance of the year free. DUNGANNON. 'I'tt3o1D-tY, Nov. 1 W k.\Tinge.--Minos the "twat fell nlout two works agi) weatht• been very fnvurnl)Ir for MN+Iu•iug coops and preparing fur winter, U. 1. l'rtwfoled and 444)11, M Willie, 1). Hickle end Harry low ('44 *eted tel4„ywtmril I • week froth the !tinting exledlt' Mwstok4t. VWa1rN 01" MUNICIPAL (Y)uNt- Thr oat iii ierµ11 councils of %Vest 51.4111414411 and Aahtlehl will alert iu tempperrctive Pannell ramie, the ft uu 11'tdl(•stay, Pith, and the let thr2lmt inst. auHANT CON uCtT, —\%'e have informed Limit •one night past wu111e 1(1IM7wa11t or miscreants entered iuto John Mc('latlley'N dwelling, wL1411 waw lucked the (wing in (i.ulerichl, opened his trunk o• chest, and plun- dered thrl•efroul u razor. Should the petpetralotro of su4h (u11durt be fuu11d (4113., they N•ill be p:oM'•41t441 according to law. It is too had that an inoffens- ive' and harmless • person, 1441 hr Is, x11011141 1W mu annoyed bp hat Mg his ptoj)r•ty injured in hi14 alwlrnre. 0111. 1111111" r has rool nater J cues (his •111 i Disposal of Bodies at House of Refuge. t Warden Kerr says in his paper, The Brussels Post:'' A Hullo nal r,txe has arisen• 1 rollile:tillI with the house of refuge. in thei county over the disposAl Iof bodieS of deceased in- mates • who die without bona fide friends. Under an Act respecting. the study of anatomy the bodies of all persons who have been supported in and by any public lnsitution shall Is• iltuuoduttely placed under the control 11'x' 1/f the Inspector of anatomy for that locality. unless claimed by bona fide their friends, within tWenty-four helwrM sonic Omer the sunt of $3 paid by 1314 111 for burial ler ull expense». The keeper of any public iilstitutio,»of above character is liable been 14) N 11(1e nut exceeding' $b) for • Week rompliauce with the law. Ket'lk'r l'ItIOUINA 1..-'1'nus. Boles, secr•tal•y- treasurer•ofthe. Empirt• Accident and Surety Co., officially vixib•lb'Ietr• ON he What ull his route to tither- pat -Is of this s'rtlun of country. ile ix loud iu Probee• of the excellent farms, as also the splendid a tabun of the nimbi b11 this vicinity and through the county of Huron through which he has [rev- elled . Hugh(' p15'11, head millet- iu'4he big Mill, (i''lerieh, fold Mrs. Campbell were guests of Mr. foul Mrs. McNally . .. Mr. old Mrs. 4. MC - Nally and son, Alvei! of Blyth, left fur Houle 1/u M!M1111V afternoon, after ha4bng Visited Mr. SIeNAll)-'s brother. %1'm. McNally .1. M. Roberts, w.t•Fel u•y- bream utwr \Vela %Vawarlouh Alt P emu 111(1141 'ire Ins canoe - u (blue Inv, hens celcIlealu fin, IfM%f !r• klM 1 K. 1Vu rfmrrrrla• twgre•t t1/ 1144144 11/ 111111/144 t he ,111 Al 34444 Edith, th thiel daughter of Jahn Elliott, of Itt1.h1, witty!) Mut event took place a her (ether residruce 1111 Saturday hot at the age of twenty- four yens, 411)4 month ,old twenty: M•ven days; Her r•mein4 were in- terns! 111 Dungannon (•ellu 1444)' 1.elay, being escorted thither Int ,t toga• ru11- e01.43•sr 1/f sorrowing relatives and M' 111 'athl%' p .1U IIa•1 I . 1 N Y I'' 1 111141: . 1 ' K a(• laut- nl 1 t renis u lath .Marl'(• I h town and town. hip and from Colborne, AslOrld and ' 'est %Vaw:ru,sh• 1144:- lrtrto: 14c4. C. u thrrfod. i- hlcbd the M)lruul "hero i.•s• . ' l'he d4rlttsed had. by brr- mobaldo and gentle disposition, en- deared ho self to a Inge timelier of the y g *.opts fee 11140 to many ..141a•r than herself. and she will he »Nests misses! i4) 111(- 1 and in Mi- ami -ch. The bereaved parents, slit- s -1%10g fuste•r um1 fu11r Iwo( hers have the deep-felt Nyngat Ly of the 1.0111- '1 111 Ihr ti ywire ntllir I' '1944 pull•Inoatt•1's were Masters William Sit others, of il.»Ierich iThe ,1n tis \fe- L nti, of West %VllW lm ult ; Herbert Ml0t1t6'ts and thee- of deernsMl's coltslp4, 4i.d4l•l•l township. The de- ceased 1-1414 taken away 11) the Nonni and Vigor of pith II. .it!ode ,1l1 Iwminder 11/ 1111, young and old, of the un- e.•rtaioty "(life. 'MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. ('.amen met te141(wt •1110, (iheeks were issued for the following am(nnt$: 1,11411 •J'huston, repairing Boyd's Hill, $1 : J •m MMNnii•, repairing bridge. 1.. If., $1 : Angus M"lh•rtaid. work url grader, $A,'L'4 : John Huh),, teyueil•- Iug 1,111, $1 : N,1111; 31s•Nair•, repairing culvert and bridge, $2: D. Stewart, repairing etilvert and hill. $1 : N. Me- KeIzi4; repairing alone rnlverls, IRI': FS Johnston. gra% ening rutm•twsiun In, $17. ecu• m' 7. 1.. It., $Ibl,On 1, I,. and for ails*, $75.72 ; Sam. Straw. in- s464•timg, $1.25,4 D. Parrish. eleauing ditch, 11.31 ; Jami es Ilend4lson, cement tile. $21.:111 • Ja.. Gilmore, drain $5.8[ • JR5. Ilaek.•)r. culvert. conces- sion in, $2 ; tae. ,' afros, eepait•ingjf road. $2 : H. McKeuz •, rtejeth-mg cul- %i•rt, $tl :' John Blo' 1, inverting. *Uri ; Ed. M -144,11, goal% , $71; Ruin. Andrews, 1 Wo days work, I.:d1';John Kilpatrick. gra rl•Iling :1114 cenl'ft lldim•, $17.4)2, gravelling S. H. and ';. $•_gill, And 1$41.14, 81x) on run( 45iot1 2, $72.2t : Wm. Anderson. op 4s. $1.41: %Vie. M '(i,n•y, tile, 12G': ' Todd, plank, $12.2.'4 : H. Mn\Vhinne 4,•ttu•I1 pipe, file (• 11v,•l1, $a : W. 1.11111116/011. I)MI I1 1Y1I11K culvert,. ret. L'L'4 Thomas Johnston. to!)ait•inK ta'u cul- verts. M. It. Il nod I, *1: 4'. Moes, NplkeN, 7:41•.: 9'h.M. Earns inspecting, $2.511 : (1.41/. Fielder. inspecting. $:(.12): 1Vn1. Hrown. grading, $»; M, Ricitf. t11.pweting, $2.2'4, Next r4uneil meet- ing NOV. 21st. . Wm. STIrTII Kits, clerk. Procne!'s attention has liven called to the net. Heretofore the bodies of the unclaimed inmates have been buried in the graveyard•ut the fable in eon- mteti•em with th1. lunlse. Ile asked for instructions trout the 1Varlen, who has *shires! that in the mluautimlr the c()mYw followed 1M• continued even although a tine is inflicted older the net, which if enforced will do •h to snow worry and 44lumyaneu to Anysuch imltiUlli(I loth us it relates to the Mammae» in Irlticip*1t1u enol the kee N•r in cat•ryiug out the provisions i Notice of Seed Controt-Act, A ro )y of bulletin No. 15, entitled "Hill N. 2211) Reprinted all tf(uended ; An Art Respecting the Inspect' ' and Sale of Seeds.,with • Explanations and ('u 35," has Ie4.11 received, This pamphlet is issued for general distri- bution for the purpose of serving as it notice to the interested public. and 441s4) to plen•ide• 11o•anm foe el4,4•1' study 4)1 the 11(3 i11 Its relations to the oper- ations: of 54,441 pumbicels. seed Hier- ('hurts null soul consumers. '!'he bill, ax 4me1141sd b)' the committee of the t 41 11 during • I I t n• r I 1h!went w• '( session ,1 ti1 f Parliament, Iit- "ides that 5,44418 of cereals, M.'. glasses, x. rl11ce1s us' forage plate which runtein the Heeds of ver- min ,11/x11/,45 wei411 named in the bill will be prohibited 11Y)11t. sale, It f111'- illerprovid,yo for IFniforml Methods of gteid111g, aceo1ling to (1xed standards of p!urit)f and vitality, the timothy, :ll,ike, and 1'141 elf Ver seeds uttered for sale i11 (►an1ula. A eoPy'4 t he 3Rtrltphlet)'lay Int hal free 1) 14 11111/111:111114111 n d. aloe 1.4I441 1)i 1 1 '' .s' lull, Braleh 41 the, l'u11114irsi4111er of A(rirt11tnrwId Dairying, Ottawa.1, •tZrus tuldew.w ,111 , s ubna r du not mo- utons.postage. \ REIJBEN DRA1‘.414, STATES That Dedd's Kidne, P81, Cured Him of Gravel -1l Never Came Back.• - Bristol, Que.. NOV, Rte. - (SF *44.Iall— A remetly t*u44 will core gravel' must he a 1Ve •' tY I e• 111 11 W ' 1 ltfu• q' 1 all tri ii our diseases. x811 Reuben Dingier lief th piiire states positively tt)at 1)I odd Kidney ['ills cured him of gravel. ••1 w144 taken ill with what fthuught was gravel," way» Mr. Draper. "I wam 'utet•lug great pain and 1 steadily grew Weaker lhotglr ultt•ud,tt by two different d•N•tors: "A mutt told 11114 that 1kd41.14 Kidney Pills had moss! his mother 111 gravel ,wd 1 gut 44)1114• 81141 s(At•t41 to take t Lein. 111 just umr week 1 passel' a stone Rs large :as a NI11a11 bean and heir slays later i /mowed : t her Mena 1 he eke of a grain -of barley. • • "Tl1At is two years ago atm.1 I have' not h,cf any 111,01,16' Riutw," SALMON CHANGE THEIR WAYS. s LAM Nese r•eo 1• P neve • TY That They De. The salon fishing hos been only fairly good this year, says. 4441 .•1141 04 July ,correspondent at Gaspe Basin. Anglers have been doing well up the rivers with rod and line. In- deed, stone of the finest fish seen fur years have b,vyl taken thie Ammon with the I1y. Itt about here that is not known as siting. The fisherman• who is prefeilpronat ulcaha netting wben speaks uf fishing. and it is the et- t 1n g of v which suppliesthe markets o inland cit ten and/leaves money with a fisherman. `loot of rho olJ holds ,Sii1•o 0 teal klitd'o reason foq'(ho fall. *operatively speaking, of 14w' St; Joseph-Hensall Electric Railway. %orl 4i tj,'rad. 31r. l':Inlin. o1 1.41. .110/41.1111, wa14 in row', 1111 \Vevlmemll+ay afternoon and eve ' K. ae41nlpanfs4l hy.,t4411I5eyin• hard Nae or Nix gentlemen interesl(41 in the building of the electric t,sul from Heuwll to the first -named 1'144.•.• ILII( lunched -at Ihr D11nlinpni, `!luse, From informl;tl i,1❑ gle,rod both Net - 4)4111 4441 Y' Ir 4 tl se s 111. that e ' `4 Ih hNe iA Iikr11' In Kis thlo1166h. the n.•ees.a ry fun(15 being 11(Ils..•ri(N4l ,1h pr 444 +st The Mtu'Vryeir ie now 'at wo'k laying out the route ,Ind waking the other neresiwiry IInel""'1i4ot141 to leginolwra• tins, tvh'1•h will i.' inose,1f.d with vigor, nod whine)! asking nod of nn)• sort from 13(41 mllilieb1Ndity. If our inful'nl+*nti; nate wrest and every- thing noN•,Jm)in3+h in that olirvetion the 14484(4*' if Vatt•I,h will wish' --Me. Cantu, ,and the eon Ira• every 1411eeem5 in thr.i n.h•rtsking, • it cannot fail 1(o he of (ul vantage firms in maty ways betides tht'-1•t•Nlfort and convenience .41 1113,1.1 11 6411.• TIw liar N11ultl(' Ie a very (•*5,1' 111 fiver whjeh It • to !arid, the ground I run being prowl 1.•441 h• without 441)111, n least ,1f any r1n44i(1- ernbl(• Size, ,1n the entire route. Mr. l'Rntin, nm '► pr11n1/de1', IS a 11)4434 of energy, 111111 fi111' inform/one IN•lie4e•, has. in this instance of least, 5mecessled in gathering around 111,11 mien of .nffl- rient capital 1) pr)Nerute the 'v ,-k -stlreessfolly, Two Great Papers for One Dollar. A few years ago weekly w'as 1446)k441 upon nm n marvel of eheepne.s,: N'w WA ars enabled to offer two tapers for that small 511111. Hys 54.14,3 and exclusive Rrrang,mlent With The Montreal %V(,•kh' Herald, we ,1RI.,- 41 end The Signet for one year for ane dollar. The oiler 15 M I's troles! innriIv likeral flint b1-411 Id 114• tike') adl'a111- Ago .1 11) eVeey Inol, W 011 441111 ch11,1 who can reel. Thekignal G the howl. .g local paper of this distrustThe 1• is a pwaper, for the h • and giving the news of the wand, maims of entertaining r•.aaling. wo pp1pe s'4, At Mach n price, make t•rwi.t.ihfe us ion. Selnpk copies of The Herald at tide (Are. era farm, and a The t an i "It's & hnnge off 'ion as has keeping the Sabbath come over the, fish•" 3(s' led one old sa . ;'!t used' to be• that the sal - mu hadsome , Lind, b[ 4 notion of \ day holy, but now i`m blest If they haven't all turned Seventh Day Baptists." ' It would\be mentioned that, ac- cording to \law, all nets at. the mouths of Monson rivers must ' ars • 11(1611 at night 11 un Saturday‘ and not put down It In until daybreak on Monday. \ "Just get up un thu bank where You can look down Ihto the water on Sunday and see the shoals of big !trues a -breaking of the- Sabbath by crowding on all sail and getting as far up the river as poesiblr," thu old salt went on. "It's my belief as the biggest orthe gg• n( a eh lust hold od day school all week, ort the mout► of the river, and only travel on Sun -.1 .-,, . l'A U !DBA V, Nov. 12, 1903; roa1gia.- 11 Rheunl.tisatl of the face. UI i.: Acid left in the blood t,,•,_ - by disordered kidney lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, and across the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause le the same as In all Rheumatism— disordered Kidneys. The cure 1s like- wise the same— Dodd's - Kidney Pills • A Paradoxical Situation. (114•iug a tM•Lteil ntlmuiin( rini•pt of the finding of the• :Uasklrlosk lotudnry U'ihfival.l Hy the 4lfraee and kin.' Fwnuiw.lun of the liunuda y l•inulnl•..+'uu, 1 ,41.1 able l0 44111 un('4, ire 114444 110 41.111417 111 raise fu '1 • 3 .4s' de•Np1tc floe rlsx . cab! µ1u1 '1110 '3344x,: in,pind fa e•. . Thr deie'i.fun gi. e• tit dt.pntaleet area 111 3.N. T1111, 1 the ',bouts ' tut a ocean, though hu 1 hthe) ralvrl es') war! v 6 Mill conlinuc our me.. 'iuu a 111 4re•uulift our !Awful prix,•: Thclocould axebut Nona 1un.1Ile) 'Heretory of 41114 11uu4111io4, Welt duos they are ung d by' 11 bridge of :1/nple dgh.. True, 'I 4121.1NUL IO all !melt 11 relaid`slwuld 111.1 orb . .. our loyal humor. trot 11w te•nlicl -.fated, 44) Na) owed nu . •1en r fret : \l' t a "• longer n 'I fed Inalhalrnlion, n Ixroil ea 111 Iloaec: hit n,ltion. A11,1 tor 11 belong thu honor4, 1'14(41 lo' oar Cigarette Users,' Beware. 4I •Iwtrlhuu'l to the \1•, t T. ('.1 Swift & Co. and other l'h$'agg() 1 news huuM•$ -employing h,1mireds boys 1• 11.1 \•1• ' Isiu(41 this :uuuonrewe orsi mil:( -'ones: •:M ' u impressed are 1• N•ilh lie da tiger of eigar4te liming that wt. 15131 not employ anyone addicted to the habil." 111• 'J., hn R':uulyulke•rm stores the. t'application blank to he 1131,.11 out by ors applying for a 146)511 'revolt.: "1)o )'110 1154' lol):u•cu. or cigarettes f- 1 m•gatiVeaul.wer IM 4'XJM4'tNel, allld i1t favorable to their acceptance els tan- plu)•ees, - Ay.r'. Sarsaparilla 1' patty, Low- ell, where 1 lends of 1511.5 are em- ployed. rl .tl e mewed 1 following 1 rMsphl- tiou : • ••Ma11Y•II I. 11y1) l "Believing t hat the smoking elf cigar - es is lnjurials to loth hind 111141 INN •, (ht•rwby unfitting y g (-net for 1 rir best work-•tlierefoe, after this ( e )t•e, will\ not 4employ any young 11 11 under 141.6-nty-one years of 8go• Who s 'k4s •cheldcl•t(I'11," Chief Of ( --t•niGtl States Weather mean \Vials M. Moore has ptueell ths .ban on cigarettes in this depart- ment (.1 gl/Yat• Mit 1l1'rvii.e, Tea'\Asststaint Ko slat numa,g.•r ( the ('in411o•ha14d Tele 11411111' •and Tele- graph Company 11114 155(1(441 the folluW- ing 0111er : Y1111 nts• directed to serve notice that the use of ei3#alettem after Angled let will be prohibited and you are further inatrueted,to, in the fill tire. refuse to employ anyone who Hetet! ► is tufhe habit." \ ',The Pittsburg and'4 tern 141431 Yl4t, (0441.id5 the lime of 'cigarettes by the attaches of luasmeng,•r trains, and nol(Hils as•elln•is that 133(4)' luu,t 1404 mnlu3P cignr•tte' a lu the .I4a4M'ngel- "Oao•111•s n1 the eonlpltn •, On the 11'4Mt-4illie('7nr, Wisconsin Railroad, twenty-fivt• lltlmwer', 45'otk. ing um a bridge. wear disrh,,tgeil by, the reran master because 1111•)' were smoking r' k 11 (igen'? f., •x K K T. rr \IIYI M:1te. l 1 • Ovrecoats hl Our .1. 4 k is romplet, in medium 81141 Ileaa%y weights in Underwear, Ki11(31)• (-4411. Largest Nt1M•k of new 141 (1 141 1 ltt11gs x1111 Snitin(44 in the ('41111 t' 14, .4'1, '.1 41'"efi. Leave your Order Now. 1M Underwear Suits Finest goals maple, including the new Linen Vtitli'rwtai•. \1's' can completely 4441it you—iu price, t4)0' --on short notice, . McLEAN BROS. ART TAILORS, CLOTHIERS, OUTFITTERS. 'Phone 77. The Square, UODERICH. The Ilappy Thought Range..... TWENTY YEARS IN USE When an opposition makes the statement that the life of a Happy Thought is only three years you can rest assured that he feels sore because it is going into 440 many homes and is being so iehly praised by all users. There are Ha Thoughts ou h is In town g o n that have been In use for twenty years and they look as good and work As well as numerous new stoves rya I am s a sample to s the shortage, the only econta leave your order. Company has pro '11 sheet of Happy Thought Ranges. I haven't cv4'n ow you. I have had twelve in since I adverti.,.•.i d I still have four orders to fill. So if you want al and up to -date range on the market call ami 1 may have some in by Saturday, and the ised to ship me some at once. A11 (:,mala 1s' int hteil to The Poni- i Herald a tY 1 'Wee 1 v Star of 1lorlt- rwal for p11r44hu•3ng a new 'imp of the haiiinion of 4'tuln('e tight up -tit -date in a•very respect. It certainly iM re - inured. -Although t, cash oleo of $2.1' 1 IN•r ropy 4s placed on their new map. still, ythe pihlishels of that glee( (tliily wee 0y, a, with the'• II 'f144t• r tion, are tif?er•ir1 IIt'111R- •4lwdutely free al.ngo with two tither beautiful colored pletiires 111 all who subsoils. to The !'unity 71er,dd for` IUM. it is the biggest dollar's worth ever ofTrrrt. (Read The Signal's clulrlpng list on _Vmr m 'pfll /l l' page It _V it i mq r K nllihel w (tilnnl • a The Radiant Home is on of the prettiest and at working stoves on the Canadian taarket. 1 am -having a bi Isle of it. Call and see it and be your own' r I f ii,, you we dge. n A stove e that will give you lots of heat with \sky, little fuel get a`jiadiant glome I nak you to gt 'ut my Hauges d stoves a trial before pay- ing for them, and if they aro net sat factory you are not under obligation tI keep it. It n be roto ed nt my expense. I hove a number of ae,;o`nd hand r nges, wood cooks and coal heaters which I have taken ft each e, whioh can be had at bargain prices. \\ 1 am headymar tors for the latest and most up-to-date hardware. CHAS. C. L 'PHONES—Store, 22 ; House, 1 t-- You tont • not est (; U N 1)1 V 1, y011 in this worhl heft look out f, i es- NEW(OATF, ST. Newoi fr for n r under. Af4. btrack Wlil`tale b• V Livery,,f N.V4.4:ask 48 i1*4an how he Iike.eltiirte- i A N D ritsI life in his '. t..',. presence if you ALEX. ROBINSON, AO Pr opnelnr. -- dant to hear the 114th, '1914• signal and The 1Veekly 11•,il re of the year for only 1/ rots. . .1 h:111p')1• will Is; seal m the Ixa1- alnqulry shows that the Idea Is prat - West Hut' n armers' ' es t I a t e ,*tont that the lordly salmon is gradually Learning? better then to persist ht 1 o.ting his ari*tek•rlltr nose intonets. 1 u his own undue u (••x- a Ioeritoent14 aunts by restless rods novo gu 10 show that the big limb oto con- gregate at the mouths of st•eame be- fore sailing ht, end suple little muc eine !844 been • tet with in ground fishing for the rt !Rh rrahv and young lobsters. This wilt 11r ale to those who know the salmon bee for it 14 pre•(- ty welt\understood tha this finh.ale at sin*'fr rn all 'nod •fro the (line it tames fresh water unto It reaches the s6a again, -,after its Nunln,er out- ing. ' The.flies wherewith anglers )s -guile' Jalmon To cons• to gate .use prohnhly1 taken from sheer light-hearted es* or from a collec•tor's rage for pmt %• things. But it It Mln111d prove that the, Ash latter about the mnutho( of fresh water doming. and gutty bre ',)laxed to take bait there, there will he great rejoicing on the part -o th4 great army of angler* 'hi PAnnn, afford to hire a salmon Alert, twat wail he glad to Ink, Home., ef get- ting OM to one of these rookie ti4h in the open *,•a. Aa11-Ii.p., utter bat 4.417*1 Torthtn, Nov, 11E—Under the ems' pees of alms Coatinenral Inion, Henri Bouraaet, M.I'., spoke In Association nn ' Hall pain evening 041 'The Loyally able of the 'Frehch-Canactlan."y Thep,- %erre it p anti-Inlperialial, hu loyal galla, to *tot Canada. (r t/aGloila0l .tram' quite this provincial they war t1Kt jlsd (1344 e 0 Qetiateir n1 4 C1n tmis. 'Inc The Sulphite f+n'y Aleut i li p of,,1t141. \Vest. Ilun)n h'af tele 1114114 We Wilt Int hell at : 1,(IN K4131)111)', IIiII's !bill, Iter. 1s1 : BE1• )H:1VI':, public hall, Ih•c, 'lids Mi'. II ,EN'M, pati, hall, Ike. :3rv1 : lit) ,111ESIV11,1,1?, 3\ ilIs411's hall. Dec. Ith. DELEGATES: \ Int. 11. (3, 111.1411, r,N,. Ile,1tyl '411.11. Mlihj.els : ••'1 h6' FnnOdnl(tin l' (d.•, ,1f M11er,'44,(111 Mt.e• nri- og "The %llNIrrn Mn11111e k„ iii 4Hattie* Horses, Hid Ilo1• to Hived 'duan : • "The. He ifi,15 \\'IIic11 Exist I1•Iween Illlpr.11e•r Feeding and l lime:INS• ; " "•Morin It 1 of Dairy ('nt11e,.'.villi n, bew• of 1're%e tins( Disease." Evening gnhJI•(•I.i: ••9'h, 1411114111), 14 nod Train - Ing of the }',un Idol's(.:' "Farming 1M 1111 1 Mentor 1,141. O. e eie '1'litise w•1111 drive, 1111• tit111.1' 11114 i n,•5 s ,11• N/14eas1111., µ'I11 find t he ewgate Street I,il'- el• ' we • I I e. J puipp46dl With girth! 1101'W5 81)11 Pigs Buggies, Phaetons, Wagonette, etc. f 1 cer) rare taken 14) ensue the el 11011 1 111113 51a1 144(1(4.1 Mu of pal rias. "Pef. ff. SMITH, 1811 ilk. Subjects : elle and Piss h' '• 1'lo'er •%1',44IN : " "(iwwl MMd ," •"I%rtin M,,fI Iti Il4rn." Evening Rihje s .4.111sw- 1ng tut (►ecsoot ion 4" e' rbrmll,1r11 Mitre ion." N. (1. .4 memislrNhip lick.' owls I ' L:R•, and, in addition to the nlu- piloratute• it entitles) the bottle to rtivi414', free admission to the. :k sh,w at (itnaph 'every de inghtimt the fair. Tirkete Ieln lie ailed front C. Csmpls'll. W. Wet - k, W. Morrow or the Nett:tft try, (1 • m,Jn call. ALEX. ROBINSON, ssss//•eae••I.3sate•tl J. BROPHEY & SON —RBA LAAD11I.1 — Rlentra , b\etei ort w*.. 1 Verdkea\otrht.rs. ham Milt IN dry. eUNse el Bus Stable [oil) il(Iltsla4 4'A ItR1.A(iEs I' ii A ETON KT('., AT Ith:AMONAi3LE ItA9'EM1 1\'111-npptiimte41 H,u•k» 1111(1 teli- 1Ih1e drivers 4m eh4t•ge of the •Files, whiehiwill tllert. all t tel i n s 411111 rot 1.11.111 1111,11 \1.1, ('A1,114 ATTENDED To I'Hl1p111'r1I1' loltOM HOTELS AND 1'If I V ATE HOUS1?v GUNDRY BROS. 4TIt1:4:T 'I'H(I\4; 4'131'1' 'HOSPITAL FOR 1WOMEH PRIVATE, ES ULE D. j 411. 4'wr44 IcrxP1'Rn. 4 111. fiN NR(TV. M. Bryson, 132 York St., Buffalo Telloar dealer Jon saw is advertisement in ._..a_ The Signal, Eloderich