The Signal, 1903-11-12, Page 4•
Tut rant% Nov. 12, 1903.
, Business at, the Regular Meeting ort
Trouble Over a Opal Purdue: Basin( by the
Electric light Meters A Humane.) to 1. Re•
/nosed Holidays lm' Municipal EnVoyees
0, eusssed.
lu I lit. :Ih.' 11re 14.'1 1LIy'or in
Montreal. , Role. 111111 111111.1.11 ,4'r111.i1:41
tin' 1111 10114. at' (141 1'4.guL*4' meeting of
stir roti -il 141, F1'141 1:1.1 ant the
u!hoa u1' Slee•:. piyy',setl�ty' avertt l'. krill:
J. 1'. 1111N -it. 1i. 1 . Faliot 1,
and W. 1'. 111 Eley.
The iludit••r. repotted that 'they lied
examined i1'• ,',)fl,.1 n''. lits Tt I,ay-
I11e111 of tax,. to. the .1441 uf.oeto14}o.
and found it beers 1.• tlrjll,I2 511 11x,1
1)'411 Laid 1 he •Volpe and all bit a
.1111.1 Of 1 h.,I Iu'.n'hnuded 1.1 'the
111 11111• . •t In. employe**,
at tit.. Ioil,pin; ,•.tali„11, a-1.1.1 14,x':i
tvl•,•L'. I,"l,.Iay. , 111. Irbil„ -1 4a.I. ".•it
th.• 444:11. r and light o ounuittee,'
after ,rule df.ellueion n, to 1111 11.'4
\t1'. '4'%%:11 lead•i n(1 I 111. .441•1 t i, e
1 •I11.! 4'11 mg 144141• e'nIilled to it fedi
413y. 1141. 1 'id thought a 1.o1e should
ie. 103414t• :f. 1, 114%4 101114 a Ihal1 I.1011 1
1.4.44:4 ..l Is• r.•>;.'1•lug a v.1
aid the town el. -L u'ulnrlt•reitia'k,,l
flint 1hero. • he 0144 out 11 ii11eell
w.t•ks holidays e1 ling. to -hill. which
1'• iflt'ndel t,4 al4ltl,• low. \I r. 11'vatt
has. hetet ii the to ai seta iee
foil. •
J. A. i"..k•r wrote •mplaili4g •.f
hero.: 1111jtealy n,n,1 111 to duly•
*1 1.:N5 taxies t„1' the ye • liar.; 1141
11 ill paid the pilnuuil'luu( p11+10st1
t . \I r. G111.1ty l.•i•Husa f vizu11
but ;4.14.1 the commit 14• set the
Matter '1411t. Fitt *het ilhr in +lees ion
he had beep tt 114411114'' at 111e 111' 4a
tali..• nn West .?eel. ton,: not inl,l•'
to pay. 1-,'.'. -aw) hn•l never sen
nr..+rsseil. f1I '''I'•.. llnutier aid lin .•11
11111'et1 1.' 14•fei' 1144 .o ulluliuieat hill
1 he (•olllt of 1'.•tJ"i.,n.
A letter *Nom 11, • PillJi4 Nark.
1reportsmall at 011:4)1-11• I14111 ref.temp
' to ,11 N..w•.111.•111 of *i.•1r1 4414 *ax far
Krum -4411k hsidewalk
r al the' jewtoltice.
asked for 'hat rimedrof !lir 'It 44,
k l r l n st Oa a ten as th. Gu4.'tl e 1 s
t n1' ll. im nt d r
not pay' 141x44 but oh. s for iwl*ncr.
:riot neater n;s. .ant to the
/ public m...11044 ' Ile.
A row asst Menion •(r.lta Mimi
Mtlltdy. a"king for a water vert i1 a at
hi. pi''Le rt 4 on 'Waterloo. ;Oriel. was
',elm' to 1 he' and light rnnglit l.' .
• A t, l )' s t1•l•uy report 111 ...iter
condi? i.:44 the three !eaters, nt the
• wtt4rW,411. • pumping • hoe., yeras
I•.r'1ti%ed 1't•onl (1,' N'. -('. 1* 11, 11.•
bnilet. inspector. The Ika!e!' loll bye!,
it,Ntl«rte.lout hetes !hid Oct. b•N. \I,..!
. ▪ 44041 :i Wer(• n11. right : N,,. I h..,l cecti
0lienel and there, w'a••onic .1 -light
• scale. t
The fuil,wilig anoint' Were ..•it to
lhr fna44.%'.44411 '1144• :' I1111f44111 Melte
('u.. dist 3111.:a, •l'Iw• Si(p111. printing
and ail% 1'f tr.',.(11; The lfinj.•i-
pr1''orl.1, Si. '1'1 4.1, 444441'.' Ii41s,
114.10: (...lel'icll 1. 114.1' I'o.. ',net lila,
If ethos : l :oul,)ian l:, neral I:le.•t cele
wily, 1111 .eta:.up,•Ii.•-. $111,::.: V;11 Muni
4 arl14in 4'4•.. 4 1'•44 ••Ian,). .uppli.•
*12.4441: I'11rk:41.1 Ebel I i'' 1 " . 1.'1'.1..
;Ole t 1 au.forlurr. )411._:;.11.1'. 1\' h i 1 el..
81.1111: The Iieolet',, 11 Star. I•i'inliteg
hint adoet'tisiil;. 1417.1.1: 1'. It. 11/1nb•.,
ejetteIIII wood. %11.1•:.. :11141 ;114, toll.,.
1M.w'l., Paii•ment land. Atl.a�7.a7.
An nrelnnt .d F', Il. (Inlnlrr for 1 114-
rerenllt' 11nri(4441 Ierg,4 or'roal w'4.4
110 su*4jeet 4,f • lli.,•nsr.ion. The
t.' h' 114411.o1.411. and the 4.44I'K•' 444.44
int ire1 a.. hnit'In.•nf ,-4.:,11 hill 11r.
Mutt •y .talr.l !hal they were using
eland :41s1 11., tool t• 'of 1Ids a dao)' 1kai
• Ihrc nee 1.•II 1,1.14.4' o(. 11114- F:urInont
rood they 041 114• le,• :nil (114- iq inion
woes expel,. •d Ihrc 1 hi. lou',,i) tea. not
Fairmont. - rs Ell ` tt 4i;jgea..1 pay
ing the freight et 11. •.al ni141 Irat in,q
the pt'irl• no l lo• •o:d .i . f for lint her
1 (•nn%tdetation: 1 - 11 n1. 'it I Isonelit
it th4yr was.goinj(1 114• nn (184 -1 ,.n
about paving the olio a ill a (4,444'11
,1,414111 11,41. 11ejidi44 4 •41 In b4
paying any part of '1 11,4'. , Me.
I,n'n.•y moved In refer thretain 1n
the finance a flee. 1' Brim
11,4444',) to pay- HN' whole Der. Hi Nit
1 bo •eeoider and 1141. 1 ley'.
111 11111 '.111'1411.
a 4• t1', aanrr'4:11141 ;1'414111 or,' 1 '1 tet
. f.i• t ' 111011131 11f 041 11w•1' wt•t'e• .4' 1
' the fit 11„ a 4'n 1,11x•'. •rhe 11.1'1• 11.
1100 e44 •ndil 111'(•4 (or the munch w4follori
nri Vier..
11.1der tele. , NIA
1111 1114.11,' rt•I 411,1
The nintioee. 4.1,11111,1 1,
Lord 8e.ron•,eld's 8. 1'v Jr/ PArs•
6ne,rnt Man of Nle
1.111.,:..,,, .\ut. 11' \Irlul,,Ku N'iI•
lulu J.uwry -1'irry, 11.1 Huron. Ituw-
ttat,t.s d„ad 11•• %too holo In I$;-tl. ,
,41,1%‘1 on, better 4.11/t4n a1'
klulNugo 1'114'13, add bolo u44't4t'1..14,
plats,. and 44444' the second son ut
the mors iu�(e. b •) w'er•t4 the (tight lion,
Helix) Tholuas Lowry -furry, M.14.,
a soil '.l( the sewed 1'.,, 1 441 11.'in,Wr,
auto llurt'iet,' daughter ..vI the sixth
'Earl ill tihattr:hey, lie tear • deco_
ed at "l ru1,t, 1'ullege, Cambridge.
where 1,''.I as 11 A , and be.
(4444.0 s burroit,•r ui 1.114411111* lou 14
111 18tH he became • pratatt, rlecre
tare t1, the light '.111w ISrujuuul
Misr el, on pc. arv'•44wi0u 'to .'th
1'i'ii7iriershlp. tool *1)4111 that. udit•e 111
the defeat 111 lite t 'u1,sa•r% 41 ice (lot'
,el'n11leat 444,•1' t i„• Irish ('huri'h eine.-
t1011 HI'.\I 4l..• geuerull eke
Tom Neighbor. lluart•led Lail July ..d
41.e la Ueai,.
Winnipeg. Nov. 10.-1'he trial of
Lileds by rill for 1,110 der .ot Paul
\t' at Woken-II*'ptt in July
halt w44• o)N' yeslvrtlay morning
at Ihe• u4$I/'4 Ftruk and Woneellow.-.
.11 wrrv'urlghlwr. and hhd 11444111
agnss►bly until hurt 'spring, wh(u
.cone trouble arum u'Pr d,ulayfit
calmed lot a lire adarted by Kvrl:rk.
Wojetchuwakl enter, d tttttou *gullet
Kyru4 fel `damages, and this caused
more bard feeling. On Sunday. Jul'.'
5, .ti}'rink, after going to: coittesriuu
at•Ihurcii. went oter .to the house of
t� a neighlor'-titutas. whereIl*
the 1-
11riun4 were uwu•tuwrd to- meet uo •
_ .Sw1duy,to hear news '!'herr he tort
t \\ujru'huw,►4 and the Cwt torn had u
e quarrel Kyruk lett lar I and
I Wojrirhuweki fullow'ed utter The
_ .ell en evidently' met when near
huu•e end .;olitioved
Ihe yearn.), which ended lu a tight
tun of 0474. 111 1nsl grit •retW'n.•d
to °litre, and Air . Coot resumed hi
post of prl4ute-•sea•r,t•ay., Ile enjoy
e,1 the toibruk,•11 clinfadem'1' of 111
thief kind the .relationship , bf'4 eteion
them walk 4l an exceptionally nut(
torte and 'ef1•t•ttuuate chat -miler. Mr
t'orl;v tic l,•d as arc ret ary' 1.. the• Sri
Ush \Its4Nut tor' the *14.1191 l'ongress
.: 1878. 01 411(01 IA,rd •aruuafirld
and thelate Marton' of Salisbury;
were filth prinritiuTuir•iitln•rw=tine Nin;
sent I'tl•iite Minister also urruw(1a443-
Ing the party 441 'private r'cletur3 to
his uncle. Lord Sllie.bgrv. '
,Mr. Curry'' w*s created 41 peer in
1880, raider the, ,tit11• 110 Berton Rim -
ton. end - Leser.- un the Earl yt
Ileaconrtield's death, his literary
execulw'. - Expectation ran high, for
the.Ars.t' few .years over the biography
of the great stut•swai. .t Inch 11 444•
understood had been 11•it to lord
Huwtwi . to -accomplish.' but thou
4tre destined to diseppointiownt. ter know',, nhelh••r. any or. what
progre4%' ha' lash :mule with the
Lord Rowton did but , plats any ae-
ce part in public aflau's,. but de-
het h ► rR Ie tocW
!Metal reform
lunlhrun4endeavor u1' anon`
melon d n 1 l sur
He 411 tile' foun-
uun-t shut are Liman a' the
n' IJu1) s." Ona ko:Lriries or
1,11'. 4 ('.1,4. n14, Brut t i'rod
don: w birth pru1111•• cheap
;utile der ' dation for
locoweeds' who rhe \nut
.s, preeua'iuua exh,tO4,•e
11'11mk 4444 * l:,ll 'Ill,•
'ging (r 1. to 23
'h 'iuutate e. 'pro-\
.'Wojeichowsj,i's' wife and daughters
heard u'screau, stud the eldest girl
running in the direction 01 the Ca11,
fuwld her father lying on the ground.
with hie (ace ru%errd with blood. a1-
_ Must drud She lirurd u nuke In 1)M
✓ burls. nearby. as i(- sutueone was
_ running away -- Neighbo,', were speed-
ily epl1r41 and the woubd,d Hien car-
ried to •h,v Honer in 4/ sheet Hy,was
dead when the.• hurled the house
• t+yritk was last ,ern at OW house of
another nelghho:., Yecbne. where he
borrowed a dollar upd Nen*. awry.
(fP gal arrteded in Altana the next
.lav He w,1a ,'c 'allay trying to en-
, cape.. 41'0 or telrte .W1111041114
were jt1,1x*ntined The rose will 414 ident-
ly hake suite time, , a% the 4.4 idence
will all have to be taken through an
ever l.0
Mal runs*
Sunk. of th
u suers• 441' 1
1n the 1114144.4'
l'ur it Solo. \•,I
r„11144 a light. e
1111.•d -wish a sills private ronin or
cubicle Nitnp)y In 'iltth•irrl'ly fur-
nt1hrd, and has tis use in re*dtng-
'‘00n.s, recreation rot ms. bathe, etc.
Heals are (1•() 1t11'n1-h' •ut Nfulflarly
4 110111. 111.1444.•. • '11.''.• hum "ca 84•-
cl11ulod41.,• Irmo .i'il)l 1 1. 1.: l)44- in-
mate., 11'1'-4*l1ats'f111I 4i 1'.•rul4u-
ent or tenquire ry hoard,',.. 44,1 have
proved 11 alts le boun 11.
441 ort:i.le poor. hey 8r.• no iml1-
r.•If-euplun ling. Wu •10,111 u fa in-
t•w•,'1t.'on the . 411.11.1l 10..44?, d frtl
Houten %vas el...1 1..1111014-.1 1., if. ill 'r
ways ae n '01, Jt.,ol..•1'
Ile It., i':.,44- u 4,, *4 ,1'1,1 [I 1
1•,111 11 1", ,, 1.. 1'.\ 1' 141 1H
01,1 .1 ,1 ,,r1 II h •1•4181.
,,,I1It"•'1,111 a n n 11 1 .and
41,. l ,. In „ I...on . e•4-
1 1 .11 _ •11 41 .. 114/V1 11.8 1'444.4 111,
ti111.••11s1.1111', and los tutih ,-.•'id. nae
u? 17 liar '-let ',lucre -
the r.
7.11.441 hieing Girl.' •k•l•tnH. r
1'uc'lago la 1','1 114.. \tun.. N. 10,
-.111.01 11••1' 114 s`e,y 1, , 1..11 )1 up in
t4:•• Iind, r, 11 the• L4,,he • et the two
unerlrtunat,• 41.11, 1 rillsln girl!.
tth(4 dixupi.•au„1 .du.i4.q th,• ai,l,n,er
01 1902,. ,,t, Ih4 Intek. of the Assfnf-
hone% al 'flat 4,44.1. west of fowl
The r.'no,(nk 4 'r•' Went -Med lot'
1 n44lne of s • 1'l 'thong. wrljrh- they
wore, ons 1,111.• r. 1: 4144,1 of the laud -
fee. Igoe skeletons.
alitelteed It Jared. 4
reonle,11'1. 111 11 vit.% his
it, 'cultism • snrhes
tko 11 11 injury so- 11 Spine
rpridiel ing hit. epode
n and
.1 eh hive
1 ire sitd.. 41111
luo.r At;
Val It
2 .hot
immi tom. 1,. bare the inti.ance
limo the rear tif, is kirn
1,31/14131 t• 1 blot.
toot itving hint of iti. Mho 11
of the tire loylatv nt 1.
' 0111111 1 1.1' i11• ree0144104 1141:11 *hat
1.1 1111161 '11.11 11.44• 01 the connell
elein toer ION hold coati in. 1')W rep. ill
et:Oilmen of the 11..t. rate' end meter
(blither. Mitt lti belt diet. Per!, owl,.
were 7.1111.1,1:10 ga114 water lausissed
and 1:ft ion. 7:01 Ileo, 44 wed Mosi. In
eon! me..1. That is their were 1,111:40,1'91
t hen hot end aloud 21 tons of eon!
owed, with about re HOOK too
the eireint. 'Ebb,* wee tedittett.s1 too
mean mat ing Anat. 01150 lry the
Woe of the ,
A `I 11'S conclude/11 he tat/thieve, hefor.-
1111. council the 11104.1 ing itol it turned till
Ttle• day evenitikr hear the re.1111 of
the M trio to Moritrral.
*toy of our eitivw•ribere hove ter
lay al her
mu 1111.
tadunatie. h mitt t& to hill of
nein 1
/1141 111110:1
vIr11/1 1i MP anc
Silo WWI nil
with her I
it We.' his Hartle
on I be 11,1111- dead
1411 1/1141v 14,1 A nil 11111ifWr-.
aloeig . 11,1411 hie
tho ithe. la 44 100 01
-Ic hod been woo looted a la
cif I 11111 t
111111.P Lothm-
hie 1 h. Ile was re-
, .ndtd until l'i 11% ft enonete.
4.1e eine.
P hue loud est Wiwi.
•mai the poet ica dot ti
ha% fito 11 Jail! on et VI InItliteg,
hove' ork for the no 1, -We are
hate not we fni• th.o weld
• "'twee no alas Vetted.
ed a* to the repot so the* he would
probably remign t lin ender/drip of the
l'111111 UAW*" from Dublin:
"The report IS quite mot rue. 'rho
het • are
I own
The Weekly Herald at tusee,, anti it 211 :ninth otf Iwo,.
O.Teru.r of Sell• leleodt *ski to se
Liston,, Net lu -Thu' dreadhd
'news that dally (rola twenty -(1v.• to
thus' own. women end childn•n di•
ut tit/ng, r ,n the fans \'.•rdr I.lauds
1. 4'
nu utlitl v all r 1 11111
1 meed.
Un one
da.• 1.e•d• hrtC pe•rxotla died the
!bust, ,,141 '
u ht 1'l i .
• ill
ole thx n• l: 4-
erl44wmt officials' undel,ewr(u1 u
lter turn.
watt r,led in th, N illends ask trent 1-
.,.as they cannot'.
tally to be r.'1'.1
stultd Ihe uwfell eig
!t looks tam us ff t
lotion was to df,•. for t
General wire% 11111 the No'
r.r14r'el to 'AeIC1,1
lit for work, wt. ii,•
(wetted 'and dulitelt il•
w*ot of c.,:"
whole 1./op11-
Ouvr -nnr-
%or. aro
.4 and 'tot4jl un -
11 industr'. has
ninw11 die tar
Tile 4i .t'. Who Puored water.* feaster
-t're1..e aa,lwas•r Ta•
Ilea and *8. late. Moir.
After .,the early passengers ad
Cobh. (40411 and before the arrive)
luta -lujnut1 lreVLlitrr,'t,quare*re 0
a111•pu14; ' 4111' porters aloud * n tlw
pl.rtiotut of he 1'nion- St41tion last
aught and `'s -u pped" order\, tidy.
'1't..• Stall anti mpare 3'1h4.' . talked
• hi•p.. it a r04twa ^ syr can he 110 run-
..II••,•' i,. Wad alter heir Nllapl'1un.
fl'.,. I.ew'.pujrcr bolt had been 1411144
1111 4.1141.041r.1 mi.. in day of d ('4La1'
. Ito v .poke hr. 1,• ut tie uJdt-
to aa:11 immure at A. Traveler. 'Es-
you us rec. sled to the u1Nerv44ul
'I he tiro -pun- by elle lir t wan, u
'r4,mid-1 .•11 44.,0('I-huwv4r',•d_.1I le pur-
).''. haul u du With oho• drro mode
0441,5 u to ' vo elm ago b),' a u whet
of Perham. t from Nl•1tvra Out to.
who ods ora ling down tto 0*1a'Co,
and taking W h hunt his eight-ye
owarm. 'J'he.. hod -loner 3.':.,iiu
loon utter the-eu t -bound cxpreas
the Union Stahl thoy Went to b1'
the Ind making fr 11 time t• tine
audible rub,Iuouls to the tiuvelty o
the attuaton, which ' 'orded cohntd
erahle *wns.•ut"ut to _t
ate-nye-rm. The :cur wa
WTI h, upper and lower, rrying
done loud. The nest ' of
es beet • told in the words
he slur
of porteir,,joit the soft Southern, rkey
accent and t he facial rifle -loon
whieh added eu much -to the to mg
I an (oily be imagined . "It wax ab ut
4 0 C1104 in the morning. I had co
Meted all I he Imeuti. woo bat in
forty winks irk the smoking car. when
1 heard a horrible 3 -ell Jumped ter
the car, -and before 1 took two steps
set -oral. more shroekx rang. out. and
the cull bell began to Hog- like an
-alai In cheek. I Wit• sure someone
ae"\being murdered. Ind 3.011 C411/
,111d1(1:' ut my surprise when I found
he 11.-P. clad in pajamas standing
the •1.1e,,aud trying to apologizo
to two ladies-tn lower eirven.
wakental hveryytie in the car
and. what with itte.‘ screama, the Id
xplenatione. ,on4t1 *he strong
• ut the cowrie...Hal nom wait
i diet torbed there wan a pet
..inoniunt. 'atter I had
'ted",duwn I took the, pith -
the entoking.routM .and
explanat ion Ile told
Guy -*oho. hitu up and
ink uf water In older
tile clomp he got iip.
VP the waisw. lid when he arrived
at a at le. 0404 ht was tii• berth he
tr.tso.n0,t beanc:iirtwhaili Which Were nut
about to lift up
the holt fellon'e lend when his
yopyit IA; ••lass of *at-
. r and doutlied, the sl Ong irulitan.
screamed aguiln and tridouded
Os; Mont ii•lanrirlear t the d. llo
Vhet did the other pu.sen s ay
morning'''. asked the rep
I told them thut, he .0148
cited, and when roll het asleep
handed 1111 • punch on the jaw that
louwurd all my teeth. Of course, he.
apolygired, and he gate not the dub
ler. hit Ow punch was worth twice
the looney The neat week I weld
04 'a new route end 1 hiv,ea't seen
the fallow'' rite "
hat Is Zhu funniest Incident you
p4'er experlrtnC.d in 4he business?"
asked the anxious enquirer.
tl'he' lung' nue snuled a reminierent
simile and d.•littered himself as- fol-
lows ' About two or three weeks
ago there was' a patty of school
teachers from the Rest on my car
lar Motlh•.•al. The most of thein
Were ladle.. and good looking ones,
too. but th ' Were *Wo u1' three Who
were c.vlal• c more then 21 years
old. Ono of them smuggled a small
pup into the c,lr by -a hued bag, and
118 rho wuu to bed alulust iotmed-
fately. 1 hod 80 elupi.•lun -!bat rt'-
.•Iythiug was not all right. ale
waia(prd til• keep the little brute
gui.t. and •0 tiler. Was. no Way of
finding out about Mal.
"About six o'clock 4a the tnoralug
*he gut up. and 1' went to wake up,
the berth. On opening the curtains
1 raw i rough -hatred pup. about as
big as a pint of rldtr, -wised up
with a 'switch' of false hole. He was
but ing a lotely thaw. end was growl-
ing to • tierce undrrluul• About half
of lite hair was turn out of the
switch. end wits Kcal Wed all over
the place, while the dog looked like
ail 4 01118. Whtt• 1- war laughing, the
wumuu retu'tied, etidaltly for the
take hale She was worried all
1iglit, hal she did the best she could
with the ,switch, and begged me to
let her keep the dug until we got to
)Montreal Sloe said she would re-
ward nu., and so as we were only a
few caller ./rutty the. city k gave la."
"How did she reward your'
"She gave ate ton eras.- said the
ong .porter, with alieur •omni•, a8T1,a
oak the valisie of a fat dru11A1(!
and pointed out le car.
The fat drumlins was the
guard of the latae
parte', had to ,p t•
k.•4. tap Now Mamie
Ottawa.. Nov. -
a 4 lU tY. F
uuito i ate u e1' 4
11u a un w
4 has ut se-
w' nil Mr. Si(t
turned h un. Iler
r tiled
in Eng 4d•to 'look soot tihr oh 't'g-
turie4 th v'o, with a .ire 10 :wt'11r
infur Muth which will no doubt t
01 as.I4ta144• to hill in (.quipping the
11eW 1/01101110 ObsvF)atory' at 4 tte-
\tb lir,• 111'• • h• l ,. of th*, Will: (iud, when
Ida e.,re 1tie Wont
Thal .411x.1 u-. into 1100, let lu our haad
r .wl,rd;
4•t u1' a .wurd to wield non elm reald
till *MI
And b*4r ., forth to the •eonb, of the
trualpet of the•
Fast and wee and north, wherever the
1ddtle gr. 11,
As Muir to r 1.3w we, the wort
the \1'111 to dn.
Brut 111011 cast begInnlnri, Watling an-
ger/iv r1•.eu..
W we barked 11 to the tilt, we hod left
It •'plat. tf peeve!) --
hulldtag, wahlag, plllst of ctoad
Ilse WrW1, we fought the *telt of
Will. now Ore,'
•ni':w rough *kat we left Its
scarp.. .1.441
Pesti wa• e1' the IOC bat wr'_ablpa wen
yet I1t•re tart.
Wrtre 11.,vl the Ws of the world to t1.
W.I. Id their rery tbrvoryl:
'air eeeret stir. of he world weir, silted
Rots t
the )
4' one
wit Aar /wear; - -
TIl ue.w. 11te n 1111.1 c1 1 0., F.a(laad, the
0111(4. of 44(11.
•Fee W'• fn ill ill, a44str•1 finned■ to the 4041
of the northers light;
h..t And the tall of her morale; dram gem la
d-� a K1.dl. of 1144rud,-
i41ke the 4.,Iee of the son la ..,.g .t*. (teat
8l #.,' round ■•e rnuud:.
r .
- Ani the .ha.ow of her IIie *boo It -* o t•
,'th.• faultier Breeze
Float. from shore to .bore /f the satroi
Y .ea\
Y And the of rlsw.t death N nide with • mem-
or And the rail• other pas
full., ever '
had be
'et ern
sig. g
mike \for et
11Ie the`, his
eked foit‘a
Or I. the
,f the rond to Hell odth the
etismo of
who nat., that
VIM& PM. or tbo.hiams
or fade 1 die.
Whit. the 11,1nr At ea fulfil (1100 round hi
the ming mkt 7
life 141, it
'fli highest pal'•ition x mercantile house can 'INTO is to hxl the Mist in its class
in 'the colnmluuty.' Wi, want your help in making this position still stronger and
he •.with inclose a few. items n1' interest for yon-c;lrefull read the following.
� y
The iu' v Ilur,; elf Ilii'. stiffs 1.e 11111 11:1 11111' .111.1.'4•.:1 f••N' days Ago are dnl,lg 111 11 1111 of K14444). •'111.1'
are 11.1. ne4y' right as 4041 144' in style 411.1 iu prier tot• \V. '1 aim. 11" !Hit (4U-thri• 1' ' an4i 1•xa
thrill. If they also not whist you want d,n'tpur'h:we.
1\'e have ..t ill :1 111(14' of Ihese 5tlinll:14114101, :Li veld, Ca threes materia which
The; aur*n1i111 U4*44l4 ter rent. less l hair regular 'brie•.. 'I'h.•1 wear lam ht nl job ,(s. you %huulJ not 1141st
K 1• p
Thele is still teff 44n :t1'+u•leuent of theme wrapperetts4, regular 1'34 rent cloths for lu teems.
Our tl,)i.'. mala ah• glint; fjie•, u,nre than half our st tek sold aha nlv. Host' '4
1'x4114. (*1. are nli 4((441,•, t yew w':Il It (.. Ker nll4•
1}LACK SATANNA WAISTS. 'rh.•a0 7t 14.14 sh'l(1d 11:n•e IM/v1 herr werk4 11K,1 but did 1114 COW.. 1111
14.4.1 1,4 t4' ,ie 0.11' Ili,' 1 :t 111 • 111•1k1.1•v. 1•erh:,p4 it in just it. w.•II for it leave' tut now with 'nothing
1* 1l the hew' •.1 4,4 411,4W. F:vlvK4�111. 1M•111d 111•W (411.1 lit 14(14.11 priC.•,., l'o11u•'n4d err thein if yon Want
44 14•. "
FURS I:xt(1uine our 44 MJ;. 1t 14 1'i{111 111111 the 1/111141,4 nt41 rinlply at bed 4-0ek, aU new.
KID GLOVES.- Best blakel'N 44.141.14• 111.1'1'111'„ are the bled. \1'41 imve Ihrn,, ?:r, 1.IM
/Ms -has iu .-010114, bred. hr:uul $1•:II, .. 8 and SLIM.
I�IAirl'K4':il• fol' 1111'11, 4 '11, *404414, 4fi1'IN 1144/1 ('IllhIlrll.
tiln•r'n.., .i, Id, 14, SI 4,•1114; It.i heifer ,i((.'rn.111x41•• in the world than Ihe -N
1) •41111,•1'. 11) ern*.: 4early .uh.,•rintion, fkle. .tin 8 -page fns) ' sheet flee. latlMlalsL, •The
AS �0 J. 111. COLBORNE•bo• 86•
5 ----
-If you la,)ell•t a44y ere 11111. 10 (,.1 -
'VP 0.1111111 a few of your frit 1r.
in restyle 'rllt)Ijrd 'eki ides',
'*4,44, Pills.' For ' 1
F r�fi
.las. t Ilr4ll., •
ill nee -
1Y1'e 1 .i
I' 1 I this .>
,v, king b m t uu1K Y Air.
Fit i e4
1 1 i ,:.1 1
1 111 1*1al it'Wilts.".
tat 1 , ear '
r w t' .
t ) N 1't
fiery Ion; . I...illy. 1 . limpet it Imly
�t1v114e1 s.,. 1'1:.1.,.1, :I.bia '*,
The stone it a pub hit, enter,
and id .ettin either o 1 co solid
I4 K. gold nags.
Slakes a betati(ul and
tole' present for .i4(�er.
Laughter or.Lady fie
We guarantee its vat
t.illtotfund'Jhe money if the
not entirely .sliaf ci 1'y.
1laikd Itrcpa.J to any address
en re44*ipt of pike. •.
oaks ooze. CARP.'
Joitt S. Barnard.
O ld I • A putter with the well -
1 raiticif Ala be, ;•reittinoe ma of si
11141 11 1 11.1.4 to Antal tin the car pr.. -
the torsi ritiode 01 Mg, inade ..11
Ihnlo of trouble 10r t '11 11 1 he 141h -
omit rot lion Work, pro alrr had 10
'Hod the habit etotek to him tiny mid
ntith1 11 told hitt) one 11,1n4,4
ran* he had been making. mod he'
se 1114 'Porler, If yeat ever henr
II3,11•F la It for yell h time.' Store
..nough, the next week he war top
iire- again, and Kirin. midnight
and robbed for
There is
hing in Bu -Ju
to aff t the most delicate con-
stitution 1 jurionsly. It is the
latest product medical experience in
kidney ailments, the' cause and cure. Tones
the entire system ai renews health and
vigor. "The kidney ill that cures;"
accept no Other. A t 1 druggists.
Box of Fifty Pills 1:1 ty Cents.
The Claflin Chant c•1
Co.. Manufacturers.
Windom.. Ont.. and
New York. KY.
Brighte Up Your Home Wifh
1'1 irei :Dv I moiler/if
•91.. eiterhalt toter.
,1,11e111 14 the article flott log
tile than all ot io
wort it mit i he market. .,The
lots ;rood for yott take our mirk
Two Igt whisk show eases for male riteiti\
1•411 litei
1.4 1 lift 11111.11 . ie
int 1 higi. net.
log Inferior
-use IL
rind tilts dad lane. Be irot. ex
This Fall With Om
an honest blood norifiet.
Not "'stork food"
but something better
tb • (lid htI
not buyt .
els ti
from tis � . •
eC.11l e ,
. wc'
were o '
n the business
rniti )
a 1
f hell.
But we- are strictly'iii it now, and can supply you
with almost anything in the furniture line, at pricos tll,at
will suit'nll purses.
We carry the largest stock in West Ilinon.
Adam. had no such assortment to choose from a
you hav,e,at our store. •
' We mate It specialty of upholstering and picture
Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money kick.
Beckett & Staunton
W st Side of Squdre. 'Phone 89.
Ba ains
in It= dware
}lave jilt received
will .ias, sold as follows :
Aura. ti ly worth. 7:te at
(Nell Ax 4Landloot.
lotto tI Pa ru Barn Draw KM, worth 011.18, at_
e following lots of hardware which
These goods ea
Cash Hardware store,
Why Do
Do You Bake
Because the
Baker's Bread
You Have
Bought Was
Starchy, White,
Pacty and
Try Eureka
Von will never have an unsat-
isfactory loaf -it is so creamy,
white, flaky, light, wholesome and
nutritious, and every loaf is crown-
ed with a crispy crust of delicate
golden brown.
Do yon bake because it is
Try Eureka' Bread
The loaf cuts out a suprisingly
large number of slices.
For Business and Previsional People
Good Printing on Good Paper -the kind
that will add a tone to your business --
is the kind we do at
The Signal