HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-12, Page 3)n
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111411 \'
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flcKiillop Farmer Makes a Find Which May Prove
Valuable --Suicide Near Hills Green --Trowbridge
Man Dies from Accidental Injuries -An Exeter
Wedding -.Clinton Expects a Lively Municipal
Contest -Miss Macdonald, Wingham, to Go to
Rennsses' hex rate for itllit is tWl'lit)•-
One milk.
\1'ul. Hutton and family have re-
moved flout '*Vinghaui to Toronto.
hornet Taylor, formerly of Clinton,
has takl•11 all important 'amnion at
Selkit•k, Mall., and will move there 111
a few d11)'14.
5lis1 IsnI*.•ne• Aitchison hose resigned
her position an t':u•lier in Iitulslnnlgh
school. 'nod Miss Agnew 1). Hays ham
been engaged to suecet'l he'r after New
Yeu r'n. I
1'1I jGnt , is 1114oking forward to or
lively It ''ileal election campaign.
Many new tunnel+ have leen advanced
for the council. :and two business Men
have •hw:ul signifier) their inta•utiou
of tanning ur the mayoralty.
1)at'id'raylla', for tunny years a IY•sl-
dent of E1ast %VIIwanl1Nll and 1Vest-
field. has pureliam11 is hole*• ked Int iu
Blyth front (loonies I'1444MI))• and will
11411111 Ips • 11 114,•11 kilt of t11111 I Wage.
31r. 'Favinr paid $674 for his IY•Mlderoce.
Herbert t S.' Young. -of Sudbury, Mon
of N. H. Young. of Blyth, was married
on the :Nth tato. at ilial 1 to Mise
Ethel M. ('ulcer, daughter (of )1r. and
Mrs. ,hones Culver, of that town. The
newly -abided tondo v;rearl, the
grIsinl's parents in Myth demon( the
Tlie tn►Nlee' of TIII•Illoull'r Nchol,
rah 1•.NII•es,klll. tires, have r11gngesi
the service.; of Miss Mallet %' cr. of
\ Ur.ass•I'', :Mending the. model
...hoed at ('liut4111, fur 114)1. al al salary
of *SMI. :Hiss Howe is the In'14s•Irt
teael1rr, tett her 4e•rtifteate•'rrpin•s at-
oll.. r .se of I hie y,M1r.
A p •tty welding I.wok 414tee un
\Veda lay, Ortolan. 241 ii, when -Itev.
F. H. 1.1 111 united in nultt•itnon. A.
11. Ih•mli no. of Ier:utbury. Al*Katop
township, n d Alis Lillian Al. 1Vill1ie,
at the reside s...1 the bride's mother,
111 Se:sheik le• rrr•111u114- w'41 Wit -
Ie•sWM1 by 141N111 sial)' guests: •
The will n . the aur Henry Cargill.
Al. P. for Kant UPN e, 100. 110..11 entered
for 'Droned.. The• ilii ,Mit is nentw4 hi,ig
i.4- el• 1010,14 III,, toad it 4 i *4141tel that
I4i''11lveM.i,111 duliew 1% lith the I'rov-
1n4•e wall rewire will am ant to n -large
141St. The estate is left to the w'i1Mw•
31141 children, the hulk 11.0 vi.1).
The toi 4141 44(4• of hiss 1 roe 31.--
4its•g,(o1..third amt -y gest 1 atwitter
of 31r:41.1 Mrs.Duuc:1a \liter or, of
'rnckel"toait4), to ttohert .J. Co o set•,
look plate 1Voslonn4laof last set 1
y w a
/ . • of the bride 'a parents. • l'. I 1
:mu 111•. roup •r will reside son t •Ifo
(,.414111) •4 farm un til+, balbal 'rune!, ,
114:11. K1111,11. . ' \
Mr. Hi.4nllly. al I1•tadl'u mill wan,
'late 41f'1'or11to.. Inas ellti•rMl inti, parl-
uer'bip, with ter kowkibtlge Heil•„ of
Urt--.N•. Additi4)1aI ul/yhinerV will
be put in, s1 n•. LI 111:11.14 II a (tell two-
other.r.•I nail •1 number of other tmprn{e-.
1411.114 'ill also he made. This iN an-
t., Ile-d44ge,' 41..p.ile the 131il cr1ak- t
\1'111. I'unly, an old and highly 1t'- I,
ys•,'test resident 1.f Varna, ore S lay. tl
L1 Noveto)IM•r, 1nws11 aw':y' :1t I he age Ji
of l+iXt')-$ix ye•nrv. His death was the•
result of All nl•lisle•nl • Ile meet with a 1 t
few' week%a . when he fell from nn ,a,
:pool,' Use. lie is survived h{' his wife,
one daughter and iw'., sn1%. 'rhe' r•• w
111:111114 meets', Interred In Itayfleld
cemetery. - J.
Unto':u, 11. kte)w'n.,. son ;of John 2
� +111, w'h4Mue Gnu) adjoins t he vil-
1agP. of He•tlsall, is home . from the Y
nmisIN Yukon un •t► visit, 1h'. 11e- "I
I wale i.. one of thiel 1'a'utiatt who 11
Im1Y4' been Most ,ul•ei,'MNful there. Hr nl
has leen a4•tivelp-1 t1gnged in KIWVe4- h1
Mg at very n'tl a rative `ray. Ile ''
Intends ett4'ohIing .1 of Wiener, th
Io still ftirplp•y p"rti'ct hiins•If in that
line, Al
Ho1N•rt ((1toye,*I.w . Jr.. has.diw•uf. W,
ele•I ,11 estru m's -e !Irl of marl .111 11i.
Lu M. tot) th/e,tr.I e111e1.144.111 of 11.-Kil-
b.p. whie•h he thinks 4 111itnbl4 for the
leaking of leu •nt. 'there err iso
different vnrh•lie4, id Ih.- Mnhltgnee,
one underlying the of her. Should this
prove to he genuine. Mr. (lotrnloek
\ will have a vnlnnlde property, an It la
\ within two 'Mien of Srafo'th railway
\atnt' •
front n-livv dnii+'liieaaf life. 111• war d'
a quiet 1 t'1•liriu(t dinplIsiLion Intl
was greatly e'ter•I11ps1 and highly re -
spew -tett- attwhlr-ttTely htln.l Hr
Ieavesi a widow and grow lent) fetidly
or two sons and thins. daughtt•ni.1
Richarl Hicks, ('rubella, hall an
unpleaMa,Laircideut a few days. ago.
In company with \\'u1. Emery, he
was eugag(Ml in picking apples at the
toy, of an eighteen -foot Linder, whom
s • 1111'anN Mr, F•ran.)''a la44144.4'
Atipptd and Galling against that on
N•hich 51r. flicks Meese both were
4rrtripltate•Il to the gt•outod with gnat
ffuree. Alr. Hicks was rendered un-
rolnu•' for aevclw4 hours 441111 IW-
eei{•eM1 a Ika41 ,linking up, but luckily no
lames were broken, while Mr, h\s•ry
escaped unhurt,
Bernard Thotm:nl, who is • of
the earls and respected 1Y•Mi41,•ntl of
IIin,.4rll, Was on T,leslay afternoon of
I:Ist wIM'k happily united in marriage
by the Hey. Alt% \lcliillirrnv, of 1:01).
don. Ito Mrs. Diann, of that 'Idly. , The
happy coupleWer• tool at LLe 114'l)Mall
1414tletl the •1111' evening and wire
driven t4. the gasman'• home, Where at
11uto16er of. relatives . and- immediate -
blends hill Incl to welcome thetol and
extend hearty cungtatulati6nr. Attar
II n ptuuus lepa1Mt, the evening was
tory pleaminty'Ip• 11 iu s,hcial init•r-
('041 rMr,
An old and well-known resident .of
Exeterweatenuved Mat. week in the
death u((hs*-g,' Devin, at the ;we of
sixty-six, years. Mr. Davie load not
enjoyed the best .1 he:filth (.or so
eats, but wan around 44.4 11411x11 until
01U41wr 21 st, whet he
was suddenly 14 4, ken with para 1'.i',
from 1 Iil•II he never rallied, tie
physical n tun• gradually giving :ey
until he ser ni1MY1'qui'11y and alto est
impetveptildy to the dread destroy
,fl'.,.. 1)144-1• died ;dealt four years a
and there w'aM no .unit) other th:1
an adopted daughter, airs. I )iriney,
Mise A. Caroline Macdonald. H. A.,
of \Viughn toe, Ila. 1n•e11 .11111111111141
foreign xeer'Gu'y of the 1
11'i.meu', Christi/in As.s•iati4M, an
will go to Japans. Thin young la
the talented d:ntght.'r of Itr. Mated.
alt), M. If., and she prefers the work
sheje en441ged in loamy other. Mae is
'111 ex pert in Resit lie• l i':, having ung Mule
Mae 11111ke• w•hoh.1 .li >, at n•omto, 1'iti-
verNit v, and "tonne time :agofeted a position in the Finance 1)••
NIrhpeill at taOaWit, 'al, $' 44 n v.',',
nikno n to her father surd without
tin inter nee, but she -d.•. lined it, pre-
•rring to\fidlow' her work in moaner. -
ion with Iho Y. 1V. ('. A.
A pretty Wadding lir di plats. in
E •ter oto \1'Islues41N)•, tlh iusl., when
1e13 • Na -try Jahns, ae•4•ond
dabg her of AI I►Myi.l .1,41u,n, sea1
unites in m.arriag.'', to \Villiant T.
(iosll.u., .if •the OI ,.lis n Thn••.her
1' Tens Sarnia. Thren 111olty was
performed I.y -Kr1'.' 11.114. (:.•twin in
he• pr•.enc e4 ' ' 1i:11.• relnf ix es
hill :1 few intimate friends of Gleba id.'
eel' ghee. The bride w'as ntteml..1
)' ler sister. Miss hist. ,1•.hns, while
to gn14111 Wad •lpplrl.'41 Icy Atdrew
rhnrtou. of sacl,llt. Afte11 r•rept inn
III (e.4 811', 4111,) Mr.. (1onlisnll left 1111
h.• evening train un a trip in Toronto
nl Alonfreal, after ' returning from
they will reside at Sarnia.
FUrn \VWIpwoMI, relict of the Tate
,onep.I) lfrlir,de, who died on Oe•toloer
1.1, was one of the "Ide•ai residents of
eaforth. 4:1*41ng [hod there thirtv`.,.it
molt, 11e'eensrd was a native
lin•. England. ls•ing n gnand11i.Me of
Ie great potter, NV...law...l. \\'hen
44.111 a year and ,ah:1f old. she was
-ought out to this t• try. After
g to this count Ey 8114• IY•s1.I,M1 fur
IIIIIIrlu'1' of years 1,1 T.NYmt,, town
it.. and from thein dune In Ide:afurt .
r. 11.14,1.1,• elierl nearly event •t
'al's ago, At that time Mr's. Aft• rid.•
4,1 Ntr(4k111 11•1 111 lerralyiliN, 111 f...
Well , )'en1'N ens a. 4'.nflre11,41 1)4-:1111.
Dining that t' • "du' Nit vYYI two
mute :tracks, and it Wn% n 11tu her
dent is waw dace, - NI,i' lent. (sen chil-
dren. our s' 111 Florida ;Ohl MIsI Jen.
HieMefride, al Inane'
1'iYifrsalJl'." WlU{ MILAN Skylight, "I
*ant you to luggtwt 44 IYnn'ne in Mo-
tor me. 1 BAY* 'iluought of journal
bum ,.
"What are 7 'Syr natural i4clina-
• Oh, u1y soul yearns anal throbs
and pulsates with an ambition to give
the world a Iifew'ovk "tluit shall be
Marvelous inure supe and w1lydly
Pula' •iug in . the vestursa of its
l+tI•ucUto•al beauty r'
••\Vlmlan, •uu't-i burp to Is' a milli.
tier." -- --New oak News.
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
A Man is Only as
Old as He Feels.
Some people are always young -
in spirit and vigor. The man who
feels his age i4 the man who neglects
his'stomach and liver. As the years
pita up the delicate orgauimns Lrow
strengthens the system to resist Ih ,
added strain. A perfect Laxative -it
removes all poison from the system.
Purifies and enriches 11x. blood. It
keeps the liver and kidneys a.'tive.
bbey's possesses the rare q:re':ev
being a bowel and rton•olh eon's.,
toot any reactionary effects.
l all Druggists :mac, enol Go:.
James linen. Hallett, left last week
fah• ('Nsp•r atoll Douglas, N'yonljng,
with t wo r•a rloads of puffs hreti l Awei,lt4'r
sheep which w'i're bought 'tat sari 1u
4nlytl in 11'.wtern Ontario and Nett to
• 'Inlla,,, 5 ),'Ir. the MI1ip'ellt wens
made 1111.. 'h'wo ww'k" Nqi, tilt. fylt'll
sent n c1lrlo:tel of rob:W(1111M L41 Millings,
liontaun. 14. sleeting the 'sheep he
143.4 assisted l,'y A. W. Snaith of Maple
1.:nlg', I/ resident of the L44, ,44ter
Sheep lll•Irrl,rr A04,011•ii4 1.14111, '
P. 11. ('w•w', jeweller, of Kingston,
formerly of Clinton, recently Must Nhnerl
q')Ite a boss in 1t l+h•nnge manner. 111
:MOM t lie e44NP% int hit well -appointer)
Stun he haul alot of heavy eat 4l.41M14�+-
w:11'e tel fancy china on 1t shelf,.
bore lis he 111'1 :motto• well -bile,
shelf wit •h(aeye w•.1)•, rest' 'at in the
a:aaalni�K rf 1IIP Intel. bolo to the
11114, r Il 1. f'h" i,rol, m 44,e)wl
w.1.- not his roil gg414;t ,;;null It `t'VN-
4iagenev, so , r. l n-ws i h,
'I• eat h.'. 111.x,
, 'an.lanel 4'.11 shall, o/ I'.iti.4lnah
11.11 a n41Aa'h111 In gel hrrslen,l41s
borne h ken the tot n• lay. `h,• was
- Playfully rooting w 11a ,► boy to. YI
31iIlsnl• t{ en lee t1 -ell, her thorn,
withthe rest that liert•ho,lder-MrNI•
- w'as broken. J'he whine youth 444'
hauling cabbage' few da rs Inter. with
, Mingle home. whe he Ih.l'44.g¢1'ht it wan
,(Ding Ito run away, he Thinned to
•'1444 hin,Rt'1►,.-JrteIng t-1 ' nlr'forlune•
ow lainel, t,T. leg 14
4ll) 3j,inht ' 411n4I111111 Id if .,-.4
the Mn alp of i11114 tfri'Pn M'et s n *ere
h ..k4.41 nn learning that Mrs. Verdi
'Litre Shtick had d4pnMed this life as n
1' -"lilt of taking 3 dose of r.114144,lle
need. The de4enwil hail been affected
4o•ntnlly for the pivot year, hot no ane
'n9perteel that it. would Phil rlls-
Intn'MIy. Her el,ath has mast n
gloom over 4he whole ('o11n11nlpty.
\ls• 44telck was. In her forty-fifth ypar
:Ind left her husband and two dan4I)-
tetra Ire reeve ).
Ike death of Radleri Lee., of 1.1Mk-
4f 41x, wheel( t,w,k dater at his rn
In that village ''4)4 Mgr)dn.y� n( Inst
%rook, nemilv,rl one of he Wiest toff IA -
'nos and hnstneeRR men of the plum.
1)ece*sed wan In his R4YPilty *411.41:141
year, and for over thirty year's he wool
111 partn,tsllip with the• Into (aro,
1)'•nlrlst In
the Imo -know- Woollen
Mills, and the firm of t.oeR k Douglas'
Ives widely known thn'ghont the
e,wInties of Hon,u and,rt !liner, For
nearly five Imam Mr. twee• kiwi been
in tinpilettwat Amick. end horst t44lre d
urs. Neil Rows, of ' tnrefhdd. I*:as'erl
peacefully away o Saturday morn-
ing, O. -tattier 31.1, t the very advanced
age of ninety -nn rears. She wars the
metol of tete IN Neil 1113,01, w'h,, %VAIN
Of the ea tett pioneer Net(lels of
the ("nutty f Huron. MIs. Ross, with
her hamlet (1, sett 1.41 on their 1 •
'tend to r Hrueeli41d shortly after
their 1 arringe•in MCI. On the saute
form hey refolded fur a period of sixty -
ears. Mr'. Rut' w:14 11 wu114:44)
g1Yha11>- Iw101•w1 by all who knew her,
atoll those who knew her Iwai lovwl
her most. She Was especiallya opreri-
e r) for her kin*).'
n,. 41td hospitality,
as well an for thou U•ue genuine spirit
of l'llri,tinnit y whorl. fruits are keen
not 341 1111.1e11 111 prole I'111 as In works
of obesity, kindnenot null genuine tnl-
"elllshnews. Tier demise will tae re•
gre•tt.81 by n large ritele of friends,
who admired her kindness, nppirei-
af1Y1 her 4 114-1 aian' character nod en-
e44PQ her 41111 hYN)N h."npiitalily. She
w ,t the mot It pf 511•s. 11a.donald,
c of 1)1•, 1'. Shrrdonald, M. 1', for
ho danth of 110ht, (;.see, of Trmv-
hr4 e, who 11'1114seri.01111y injnn'l I:y
.heinf.al bolts, by n frenzied cow on
81dlu11ay of IAA mirk. 411•, InrY) toes, the
Inane of .inhn \1'illi,ln's, hnrl town -
',hi 1, 'on TLuls4lay mon 'ng. Mr.
C . ale, with :1 e•n11lpn,trinn• 1 n% dl•iv-
inK r+t Listowel. in n Walton on
whtelo they had at row. I. attlimNI
grew frenzied and Mt denly bottled
lh.' other! tan nH tin' (, and then
attacker' MrK, ('rile, 01140 th wing him
into the I. In the a /it the
annual fell ft n Lha• wagon hr•r"1'If
41$ flit. 1)arm a atemotel ,('441toting
Ne1(''-11' internal 'pries, an we ly
inns:lking his geed Made and'4v4'r-
al retia, I'nnhl,' to 11A talker h.t,e, he
seal" rnrrlIrl Into Mr. tllinnl"' bons•,
which parr/• fh,•y.hael heel% passing at
the ( Ione of the mM•(41ent, and where
he remained 1111tll.hir 41enth. • 1lediea1
as4Ntst niter• was immediately) nnul-
ell, anal everything ptssllde was
deme for the injpnrl mete, but it was
feared at, the time that the injuries
incurred wrmkl prove fatal. AS they
did. The deceased war in Ilia Ihirly-
Bret year;' I
Our Unprecedented °Wet.
Thr Montreal 'Weekly Herald is a
model of 4'aleful ronden,AINon, All
the chaff winnowed fernt the wheat.
A paper for hon.` and farm. \Vhole-
spne, elevating, informing .4 great.
dollar journal. It. and The Aiggnal ho
1st .ianuary 1{1411, foot -only tested. Maniple
copies If' The Hel•aM Rent on applica-
tion, or mar he Gwen at our ()Mee,
TI: UIID.AY, Nov. 12, 1203.
You rte too risk in buying
this rauig.--it is toad.•
on honor without refer-
ence to cost.
Every part 1r so construct -
(d as to render IL the
l 4e,sl durable and bent
ujaaatiug-parts of .the
ten Iwo/ exp.sslito the•
foe will outlast d t least
three ordinary ranges.
Makers' Written Guarantee.
The makers Lave every confidence in this ranges -they biose
th•misel•i•N in 'writing that it will. operate p•rfe4'tIy and
agail4t implrfec tio1r in Material aitd Workmanship.
such a Guarantee accompanies no other range -enough said.
Gurney, Tilden Co.
Hamilton Toronto Montreal Winnipeg
Sole Agent - Goderich
Gasoline Engine
to Run
Warr anted
We rill not sell a watch that
we cannot positively guar-
the that wo
arm. ptc.
Our No. • s Silve?•\or Gun
Metal W tch at $6.o is a
warrant d time -keeper.
.eat.t tea .KelWatches
u blah tri. you n.
of our greatassortment.assortmenassortment.eet.
rite for our new catalogue.
eady for delivery Nov. tsth.
It will cost you nothing, and
it may be the 'means of sav-
ing you considerable money.
1 11, 120. 722 and 124
Vonsit St.. Toronto
The safest and
most reliable
or any
apo and place
gas ne polder ' ' . ere er
yet prQaltcea e Ira equired
l Made all si;andeaig s -
for stat `aryr nd ma ne u
Four of these en' Ines have ' 'eon• p . ce
Goderich during the past eleven m1 ths.
Ifuire ou require q power that., Is econ f mica1 n
handy, call on or write to \.'
Victoria Street Machine Works. d
J emagd for, Competegt e elp
Canada's manufacturing and commercial enterprises are (level-
upi111 so rapidly that Nle question of properly trained business
help 1r becoming a serious ore, ' . •
The demand- ter sulh hale in every ;largo city. and1 town is
grouter than itho reapply, and every„.ttiff nit. from the Forest City
Business anal Shorthand' 1'ollegu is , quickly 'provided with a
reatitni ra'i4-4 situation.
Why tlid take'tivautago of aha, goal times and take a course
in this loading (.til ege 7 1
Thu time necessary for a c•ISn►plote course, in either Business
or Shorthand iN only rix .months or for 1,60 courser, one yeas;
the cast it smooll,atod the moats are permanent.
Booklet, conte' ' g eoluplete -yefurluatiwl, *1x1144 111r a postal.
' Fe C. ,1$. C.
The Signal's Clubbing List:
, The Signal will ieceaye subscriptionsat the following rates
TheSignal and Montreal Weekly :Herald
The Signal, Weekly ,Herald and Weekly Sun (Toronto);1,80
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Weekly Globe 1 70
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Daily Globe 4 50
he Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal Family Her-
,•ald and Weekly Star 1 85
t hThe Family Hcrubland Weekly star are two premium picture-, "Heart Jhelum" and
�'llanl 1. Cbo s•," slut a ery,tek reference moped the I)otuhlon of Canada. -
The 5' '11al, 'Weekly Herald and- Weekly Mail and
1 80
Em a re
With The w `kly Mail nn,f"1i;n4pire mit premium part err. "1.110 V1, -t oris 4'M...
The Signal, Veekly Herald and Toronto Daily Star.. 2 20
The Signal, .ekly Herald and Toronto Daily News1 90
The Signal, Wee ly herald and Presbyterian 2 25
'fhe Signal, Week herald and Westminster 2'' 251 •
The Signal, Weekly erald, Presbyterian and West-
minister 3 25
i Signal, Weekly .Ile , d and London Daily Ad-
\ orrises 2 45
ThtJ:S' al, Weekly herald a 1 Impressions I a I insi-
he monthly). , 1 80
The Sign Weekly herald and Montreal Daily Wit -
2 2 50
The Signal, Weekly herald and Montreal Weekly
Witness 1 60
The ,signal, Wee lierald,and World Wide 1 60
The Signal, Weekl Jerald and Northern Mesa er1 25
The Signal, Weekly Jerald and Chicago W -kl
ter Ocean 1 50
The Signal, Weekly He id and Farmer's Adv' ,te - 40
The Signal, Weekly Hera! ` nd Farming World .
Flu -h .14h..eri4Nrr to Thr F,trndntr %('11,14 n
book of L.i, 40 241 INag.•. of u.a•rul infurnlnl lou iu
.,,p) 4,1 'rhe I•-anue•r'.4 Annua
nt to :a11 dep:u'tment.e of agrlcwltu
NOTE THIS -Any of the weekly hlicatious in the above list wi he
sent to new .4115M•rilw(s fr m now until t • Snot of .lalnnary, 191ki, for t e
prise mentioned. The remainder of t his year ' thrown in free.
No family should be without plenty of g d reading matter at this*
Sena t•tmoittances by poetal dote, postoftlee moue rder or express order.•
-noting :
\THE SIGNAL, Goderich.
\ a ,
The Most
ade by a Canadian Publication to
its readers.
1Ve have the M., % mise Skull', The soiperioe'thinik hi the Net,: Wil
While: . All theme machines have hall elates include a eelf-Nelfing needle, nn-
loent•ings, pinch (Plt.io1, tenniun 'mit- toonati,• frodobin winder with bone put.
eater, Mntn'ntir• tension rel`aer, ley, not tie floor leveller 1very eon
double feel, dant raps on needle and venient), cylinder shuttle open on 116• The Full ('.tbiue
rig -eager bars, welt -threading cylinder end alpd alwanhtely sdithn-ading{(. Ira 1 :old Drop plan-
ahuttle, •14th( bet Itf hinted "14x1 at- rwklg resent(. steel set of attach- nue.- 1nlsIn r• t stand
in edilllr-
I4Mh)nP4t4 and many epther htIM,►'3Mm'- merits. They look well alt to '.and n h, si e
ing deviei•M. I end work The 11ffNrhmm�fN ores somewhat mim-
iklr to our other timid linps.
Ir'ery n1a4`hine that lances our store 1l+ intiranteeed for n term of tenerrs. If it's
• falls to give nal IMf4a•f Iran w4• immediately repine,. it with ,1 new ,11'1 happen t Genf 7l II11tI'hlll (•
is'iliflialllt to judge an article i►y looking at the olltsido
and l)rcitection you s uight to know the product inside and out -hence thown satisfaction
ing the machine. A trial will convince you. If on treed untothe .ryany
necessity for try -
makes or styles tde will be pleased to let you try tljom, and Minh to try any of our dif-
keep repairs anti a full line of Accessories, Needles, Shuttles, Itoi)ilios, Ilohhil -
wlndter Rubbers, Oils, etc. 1
Tttt�tge111 • n l
Papers for one Dollar !
,..t1 IIS.• p nblishers, yt` ere enables' to offer
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Both The'gignal and
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stands In the forefront of Oan444'4 great
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with eapeeial reference to Its ronatltu.
ones of readers, who desire a comps•-
4enslsl summary of that world's naw,
the 4sl standpoint oft the CCanadian is viewed fwho
*Ashes to kenp abreast of the torero,
wnbcet belittle to wade throukh roY-
Minns of Irr*Nrant matter. Careful eon•
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THI$ COMBINATION in a great one. Your home patter elves vole in
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r r,.li1 an adt•an, e, and You Want The lY sow ytl�ee Herald att bat.
send 111 your dollar, and your eiMontreal Weekly dII�.t»
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AS 1t Noma Paper.
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Id tee fent place, nothing Is permitted
144 (Os columns that cannot be read with
pro t and Intrort'on 11 •very member
of t • housrhnld. In 1hw second plies,
It la edited with special reference to
matters that Intereet women. '•hada•
1lerton'a" work ly tel k• with her woman
readers constitute the most popular de-
partment 41 the kind in any Canadian
rape.. Tb'y are veritable "heart to
heart-. talks won the women of t4.
Iromlelea and Sr. aphr.eiurA l6 thnn-
aanda of Romeo In then depertm t Grecs
given 111111.11 to Mother. tlm.Peated
Cooking Reelpeu: the la'e,t 11•111111101111,
illustrated, and a hr,dred end on• topics
of feminine Interest.
THE SiGNAL, Goderich.