HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-12, Page 2Tacaaplat iltrv.1911903.
` 1tc (fagnul
iltltt:Rle'H, uJ\TAltlfl,
1 1,Iry ,
IVANATTER tknittH►:ItTeoN.
:Trice' • 1 :Ill No. 11i
Terms o1 Subscription `.
11.10 per au11.11111 lit 101) towed
Mix nu.nl ks..ss• : three hpHah•, »{e • •
'Sub...titter,. wt1t1 fall to recite The Sit. *AI.
regular', It mail will loafer N fist or by les
•gwtinlit.K as of the fart pt s, early a'tite a.
%P1u•n a change of addres. i. .10.4119. hut h Uw
old and the new .utdle•,. thoull h. glees,
Advertising Rates :
Leval Nmiiothi•r ahltlhir oda 11io•111i•id.,-l1*.•
per hoc for nisi insertion tool ae per liar fur
tot, I.- "41went inwteion. Measured by a
Uompaq•il ..,dr, l welt a 1111.•. 10 411111014.
181 -in, -- r.url. tat t 1Y1 - and utak. ,. p_t•r
• ..lt rr4seffi-W 0i In,/ 1.0.111i1. Strayd. Mi1-
We wm- V.•r,utt.,..10.411.0/, \11111,.1. Huuv fur
M.d.• 40 10 hent, Patent- (Or Male or to [kill.
\rkl.•+ roe Kole. t1 '., Iso etre41111W right
ltnr.. •L:..n'11 iuv11lou :1* roc nr•1 1(1111111..10
!tar e;arh .uh..•tlu.et .mnrlttl. larger ail% rn I...
llwni• imjMykerl inn. • • ..
Local make. LI 11onpNarl•il 1) p11• a• pNe' 1t1.14..
N.i not iur trw, {hall
.tnnmaprrmuen, in orlteury 1.4.341/14:1114,01q'
cent her wort. Nu 1101 ire les. Iluw C'.t.
Au)' .plu.'i.II mato., *lo object of w'bh h 1- phr
p tv ,r) IN'10'al u( nen indlt blind tar a...N'i
al bad.
lolly considered Ail culvert(.,'ghat amt
to b• t lt0IKlsi itecaiiBlbIl
Italy- for dhpbn awl contrail advrrli-e-
wrml. wtll IN go em 0,1 aneli1Nliwl.
Afilre.- ilteaniullnieitiom. to •
),%V.ts..tTTFIt \ Itul*:Irl itis.
'1'llsc 811:8.11..
1.,Nleriell. 11111.
1.1i1IFIti 11.Tnt itstItV'. I1 . Vii. tial
The rrsl Its of tlu,•shing have; full'
• bole out 1,'.rxlt•ctat' ' of 11:114V4041
so far as our Is aims our 1.1illcerat I,-
Fn11 wheal i.4LI4 sit h)'ield ilea quality
- as/ to gladden \Ih.• It.•:u'I if fitly tanner
V. hu is 11.1 aI. ingrate. A Lig yield
I Iter Acle, with 101110uf OW grain going
112 and even til`. lbs. per hushed. is
something AS stii\ielatit'g as a tonic to
the ti .•t -age 11uiou1 (genre. Itu•Ilt
\ and 031,4 ate also rritvl ergs, fir
furw.•r tieing :as extra plwmp as the
• Iter i- disposed to It: light : :ut4 .o
111 blessed I,oI,nt •• is maim:. lova.
is lMating (Mt :1 bet ter ilei.1ham
poll for earl her in the season.
n frill 3on,peN.nlint( for the
• Ihr up
late moo K.. •
(taut. h '3 vie•W.• i' ht•.Ilt ily. . bel, tt't-
-•fol.tiuiittk•ly he potatoI•rvp h:u L.4.11
Visite., With n griewuus not: withal • is
wiping out fro 1 1went ydive to Ilfty
per 1'1.111. Ili the \.•111•. •
• Live stock ha t1' `rot 111 good iris..
thepast ine" Iletin• been fair.. and
g 4►iu IN•ing ahmulam The Camel' .•
friend. the. 'ubiquitous 1/g• has leen
•going to lit;ttlj,•t ill good condition at
from sit t.. eight mouths. •un1)tug to
ttt•ig11I from 14411,tn221111.. \-.• o•ould'
aloet•l ,\,u.e 1he1,1:41:111i11e•4, f they
*gist .11.'h jit' • halon 8. lei• 111 ill
Tho •101, eat 11,3 has1•mo1.led Ian
e•1'. to Accomplish 11111 11111.11.-• ;I IIInJI II
Of LIU work, which helps 111 'm, ke
fur the gle:al ' 81, 1* y of labor.
Taking it all mooed. l'nnadn i. a
grand vomit ry : Orta l it. is the isomer
Prov itire. runt 111111,11 i. 1 lift t•h1/ie•e•s1
county for soil. climate. s* ti oorl men
t Iltlnd.' • N'40111rt1. '
The •(4n1.1 has done a serine!• to
bitariir 1.ilwnilism in its leading
elitotlinl of. Monday last, mid fl.
party leaders tt ill do well li heed I1.0
warning , wit hour delay. Admit l iiig
that the -present 'mitt kid sit oat ion ill
this Pteit' ince is -neither sat isfoitt it y
creditable.- it discuss,•s til' ring 011
th,•tcl,01 tulle finds it in "the dis-
credited fleet ion met bosh, soni'titiu's
)•1'4,4t1e1 11/ And the ntlttity of ioliti-
cnl prtasites who make panty 131% ice
it tllenn, if private gain." Itecai..• kik
these thing. Ontario Liberalism has
hal w, a of its' old -lime .elf-n•,4pe•t
and there is :t "cooling of e111lnitllat111
and a shirkening of effete' 1/n til• Patel
many 1J1 Htls. What, then. it
asks, is the first duty. of ()Mario
Liberals ?
1: "To let things 'thrift ? That is;
the policy of weakness and frilly.
Theleetre not the times in 1hl tt•ii!
history when the plliry of driftf is in
the lead tolerable. The expanding
industries of the I'1'ut•inrt• 114311111111 n
Im'igrseite ioliry 3111 a s1 now.
atlulinisUaion. A negntit.•
/Mil 11414 :not tin •ertaeth
w•/IIt11I beds get-. I.i11N11•tlrllloy In e,.1.1.01'•
site n 1 • apitali.tir plunder•*. to feed
fat on Ili public 1a pu
I p 1 s)ulin. :Ind from'
the pat l y point of cies' to drift would
be lir pail\ of food., for the Ie' j t g
dny.t'intd.l+att , a day m1 snarl and
eel•10111 jndgoluset.
••S. • pplitleaI 4411i/4 00111, /1411.1
1e1111 to 4 1ppNlilltm'1ll. That. I.N1. 111111
{t i
be weak and (owlish. I(.•.pN111sil,rhtV
for administering .)hetiTni, of 1ht•
Pt 1011111 rent. 1114,111' Ile 1.t1w'tt►v,.rtntl
Innlllul' 'IN• sna e•mdet 3•xiept`all the
mandate of 1h.• ,'beta . ,Hesitlet. 111
.111•te11d.•r In 1 he ptle,ellt 'alta*• Or the
Ilplosithill mud hi. in''ilnllll• •t•el-
leagu.s would be not only" litilet1sui-
etde, Ina a utility agaitls) m• !Mille.
The Aleel''1 . not kin 'Wing 11 i, may
chlor• yr. Whitney, but thio Who
know1 moil those associated w11.11
him would' IN• w'ttl'totit etelly 'tee
they weak') to play into his (ands,
Of late years his leadership has INetl,
distinguished eltietiy I -.lrlusler and
-...'hnngling. toile eimforlel for only ht:
7r tnsltul tonalnal intt•••apcily. And• the
•ttt render of Ihr IIpptsillotl and it.
'eviler,lit Or un•mb•t' fen. Manitoulin
mikes t he %"Ii11ihu•yttlNhrttl'ionofcory-
'1 ml -nn I he part for the I,iiet•nts n thing
• hal ,tit be thought of in Ihr interests
titular 41' Ihr I:u•ty .'r oft he T'ra'inee•.
-There is boo one thing open In the
I•ilwt IN of 4Ontario. and Ilial thing is
their lit•.t :rod i 1111,.ing dray.
The 1 1 ' •
tan'r le.m fill the ,11‘ 11 alas( LN,
treated', with as iron hand. The in-
terests Il.f the Liberal party lite slitter.
for to Ham. of any Unlit Woa. and the
inter•ststnf the fent idler ate• supreme
over all. t 11t11f mea'lnet will hilt
u% nil, Neither the Liberal ral pnt-I t• Ilii
the idiot', ce ivies 1,1 ant• lamp any
position ter tett'nrl not earned b)• hots -
ext t11111 111%01311 public m•t•viee. If
i'ti' ' •I• Rests is pr'pttiI to Ile% Ile
the r•MltlititiR year of his public life
to the truest ,ioliHenl heroism. iT Iv
will risk eter•v.think intelligently rind
deliberately for a hurt fought to be. if
he gives Ontario another term 4f Lib-
eral attllliniest l'atifoti organilArl fon INtsi-
nese Arae 1htn ton pta,t't• print•ipltw he
will tett only error his own ...meet
fittingly and ptvyr IIyyftna•If the stntes-
man his friends helIAye hind tube, but
hi14 reward will be fou11d in the rally-
ing t1 his sUp1114111 tit the s114,Itp#rel 111111
110.81 t•ilitems, in the lifting ed bus Prov -
Moe out of its present' low political
(•slat,' and setting his party to the
plyeeN of 114 /Mr *4tµ1 IK1wrl' (01.11114/11110t.
ge'ner4st Ion.
-To say that all this h±...ashenm•y or
impossible or taut worth all etY.lrl IN 111
rotptetq Ones•If a tt'eakling and a
con auk The Liberals of ()Mario be-
lieve 11 ran he done, fol' they alt-
stonld and brave of ht•lu't, 111111 the
lloltlg of It would be to theni•tt 111.'
Leat' the` dead. It would demand
co1,11•age, and judgment, audio resolute
Kit .• Oninrto a vitalized nod
Uv11y 111140 kilt amt o prehet'sije
elucar 1 Sertire, to Neeel11 the pub-.
,lige (Mutant foe the pant',.' bonen', to
Hush:In,1 1 h r,.. •res ttf 11141 PIot'inl•e
1111.111151 1%111011 Wairli• and 1111)11,1 1pl't-
vale pal)', to mull 'adobe little.,
wird►, eltletene)' and ,dntegrit t tat t.e•i••
iew' in 0 word, to Kite Ih.• t'riyip3e
it lhurougllly r/lmlieten1: aggressive,
And Ili/111d ',Holness a.tll linin* lelli tit i.
the hest duly 4f ()Mario 1,ilo•rals, If
i1 ought to lie dune 11 Caul 114.111/11047 11
e el he dune. and the Liberals should
Protection is fat'ltle•d tion nnllDill.
tressed ley selfishness, land its b•it•tic-
itiei s Allen they tall. of its alt:ol-
lag.•s to 1 he country are usually think-
ing of I Itt'll' p i•k.•IN instead. %%lien
men Ihitlk adore 1/f Ihr welfalr of the
es mot iv .11 large and less of their own
private piter•stN they 11uty i,apli•,t Ili
duly:• %heir eapr•ssi.ens ilfl.tipiuion ftpon
ptlhlil' louder• taken at something neat:
.• their fare wallow. •
.Stair o sits of The (iurlph
Alert•ur)' are along this lite.:
''-In Ibe • interviews of The Tlirinto
New s and other papers tau tariff mmtt-
ters, wY faitie . that s • aeh'oi•atrv„f
to Higher tariff are posing is :.ilwral..
%Ve do not .1. bol 1 hat a tun411 mt:.y
1,,fe a ulrwlt•r of th.• 1.ilt•ra party and
11 good • prim.. 111,111.1 p1a11'ty limtle•s,
like church oat.•., ctrl et: a great many
shades td 1111111i4111 these days 1.111
of I1114141• Illrp w ho :tae now pus.
ing ots I,itt•rafs only du .o whent et'
think there i. something t,t be gained
by it. -
••%V.• write talking with one of these
ip:eu4o-i.tlo-rad tariff beneficiaries on
the Lain, this summer. a 111311 w•hi has
grown 1'1 II 11, lei. 1.11si111•ss. '1 owed to
be a• 1.1 141.Y.11.' he said, loll I .nom
te;ivt *haat Ihcie• sots routing for mor
in allyMog myself pk•rin.lnt•ui.l3' with
either patty. Ily leitsitio rofilestela
nett nl1 pmlitit. i•• nee pn..'ket.'
"It is nnfwjunatt• that I"o many
lyl.inl •. men lake the .nun• t i.•.w,"
1'111,1t4l. Fuller, T:u'te'. %%'eta.
li•1'4to11 of I:nut• ducks 1'hamiwrl:iin i.
gathering around i '
‘‘.11.111., al1 this talk iiIknit * dal. 111:111
Jackson : %%-liy shouldn't (curess like
him 1 siert 1.' ('tve•nt,ry ?
That 1'..Nwstn fatttN•v scents to turn
one 3.Ifiti#nvil.)lan pianist... And
there is:. snspit•ion that the ar11A:11'ii.
Will p140.1111, :1,'111:try 1101,•. :•. til•
)14114.., '
Mr•. 'I',114t0 ire koing 141 the 0111
;n *tV *4i4 p ft»\ 11 r. l'h:4nlwr-
Iain. Mr. Ttt%rle in it rnndi.l man aril
will un unit tell his ;win,•n.-e. thHt
hr Was 11 41 fr.tut 111e l Nandi:w 1'ahi
net for pre, t;llitrg 'fro t.c 114411.
A New Y. k d.N'lor is offering
$3,tIll for tlu ear. whit•h he w'antt to
graft on the bead of a wealthy patient
who lust one nT his eats by til tuner
debt. And the bathetic part nf'it is
that he has revel vett 1 Iris's nfappli-
cationr Irian 111.11441 04 0011.: an• willing
l4 hike
the offer.
Erwin Nrtt'fuumdlittel •w the re-
port that a politila party has been
org:41lireel *hole for th4. ndt'otntj 4f
the anion if Vie island colony will
l'nmuhl. Extept for the Fr•nett shine
•tiHlculty thele sent tee be no reason
wily Newfoundland should not be w'el-
t•nmwl into lhv ('ire:drat' confelerary.
Atm. enterprising neiglllor The
Stratford Herald las taken another
1 11
step t the (,'curl. It has insl+llel a
tete new- pet feeling press and is mut-
ltissuing a se.e11-rnlnmil-page paper of
vet'y httudsolu.,•. appearance. Mr.
Dingman has reason In is• proud 1/f
1114. M111t-est w'hirh he has :whim -141 in
the• newspaper HrI,I. -
Ni ane betwaftit' need he afraid of
Ik•ittg ,'mottled (Kilo)•tll if he is caught
Ie:ieling one of Henri titrin•asst't
speelie.. '.I. 1't.ttell Hopk i ns. 111411
I le'',;ti of thanks to the relrhrttlevl
Fr.nch-('att8ii1a,1, fol• his lecture in
'I'o14ntn the other e)Mling. I111(1 the
Sallie .1. Castell Hopkins is the most
loyal Indo It Canada. Imo • n ,
A ea Me. despair', says :
"1.a11-41 4'1144 .lunlire Alven.l • ire-
rlimrr) li justify or to explain his rnlo-
4111, Itl•i•au.e 1,1011 11 runes.' w;1/l11 Iw.
a death -buns• tit tit rottfdeice regw414t41
in the 111•11 ish IN•nt•11
111 Illhe•-'word,, the r•ns,ng•w'hit•h
11iclale11 Lord, Alvei terve s iottt-se ver
That poach ,is will lit t, the light of day.
h welly wloit 1'.1*110litutt have ben
thi king all along. •
The141.,JAlnies 4iazetle now admits
nl OU111%/1N1 t1e111a►111 fur f11111.1'
Iy- iltg 114/Wee is in neatly ►e-'
sign t A n urge and reasonlde 11111.
As 1 e lel. antes (4/lige( te tot itipies
n1N t 1 e *stone posit' he (Nd 1.on-
d,tit ti 'm • awn. Flea• 1'r,44 (I/N, in
1.41/1444011 the 1.•;$s On the 11146111 hider!.
..f teultsenly ,In4b*•raey.ewe . ex -
peel noir to h tr ret 8•ihing sensible
from the 11fnte•t nfin rl Free 1'tess,
Premier Fla tr adt•f(e' to I'it nada
to accept the k 'def•I.t,i) 1,1„111)•
iN vitt
I rely
r'aU 'iow t ` 1• .
1 There i. . p
K 11
question of /'anndA's 11(yalt,y 11/ tit
Enlpi11, am' ('ani)Ifitlns are showing
it by protestiig a bile it it itt,vel lime
against the mitt ige• which hale IN•t:n
peetite!rilltat upon this country. 'ht
lir•itish y401111444 011 w(nld 1101 ,SI'ttlrl
nlH ny 110 me 40 w•kt of the kind. C'sn-
adiantt 110 nit interpret loyalty as
ute•aning a willingness t0 sit still and
Is. kicked. -
Whist the Tontube Canadian (:loth
ceases to lie BrItith it will cease to be
1'attultan. Thrtt.e'N 111 rout in this
email icy 1'il• Nte'e•Ntit tidal or it tllltXlt•
titan 1111ls. Hamilton Slketatur. '
Tei which The Loudon Advertiser
males the very pr11w1• rejoinder:
;'There are pl'acliwtlly 1141 aunrttt-
Iionists and very few secessionists ,in
this a try, hitt if this kind of talk.
1 .
N. ql Ir rue
1 . g nal the muuljwr' of Cana-
dian clubs would multiply. There
ought to be IN/ r.om in *'tis t•uumlry
for such intulivance. %Wien tt 1 :pn.t
than dare not d'lscgsss the dell
his country, i( will not Ike not 1 h
I Remember, 1 R.msmber.
' 1 reu.emtte•, 1lmmleuds•r.
The ranee where I um horn,.
''Thi• Ii111e window w'hrre the sun
1',line peeping tel al Ut01v :
_11c_ng stjiiwt,i, otiul.Ltet.ulvu
Nin' brought rw Iona a 41.11" ;
Ilml now 1 ofirn /1.11 the night
Hail borne tity breathna u)'.
I retruly,', l remember.
The 1.0.4., 1.4.41 .41141 while ;
r • Thr,iolrl.. 3111 Ihr tiny caps.
Thar Rutter• mole of light '
Tlw 1111'. where Ihr tol•hi 111111.
And where m)• brother -et
The Iubu.rnumt 00 1044 bin ham
'rLr i ns 1. ii, toy
1 iv -member. I rens emlbe','
1111ere 1 waw u.ed to swing.
.1111(1 Iwnghl 11,e air noise 1 ush a. O1•4i
Tu swallow. 1111 ihe.w•img ;
St) spirit Hew in feather, thin
That 1- .0 heal y aur.
.\tot .tllll,ller tkkltri•uul.1 h.0n11). 4.0 d
The Garr ml m): urpw.
1 remember, 1 remember.
The or in*. d,ik and high i
.1 meal lit liana. 110.41.-14.11414.1. lip-
. Were 44.10,44 tg.11101 the Ay.
11 wa.• a rhiklhh igawnmtc ;
. Bat now 't1. tiltlenn
To Loos 1 ml fart Henna' from, llrwven
Tti.wl ultra I w'.' al Ill)'„'
I'11U111:r. itt1.M1.
Joe's Quack Medicine.
\tom 11•.11 R.ratl,
It may transpire later that the sou.
Jlk• l'hulalk•ri iiti . t:n•itT will also cure
toners. r- .
A Compliment For Canada.
.. ('hlr:igu frili.h American.
Pamela seems to Iw the SI•.Ialand of
:3ttlt't'il'1t - ill an etlurat• :l sense.
Site raises men and send. 1111•ml out to
high pititio11s;
,%n Apverstonyln Air. Don't 1)cu Know.
. 'Toronto Star.
It 1. Mails fill nhether servant itis
reoim England wipe silt,• th.• prnhl. et.
Naturally Ihr a 11.41111411
!t ,tl.l n
er Irs•en.iin in the mt:anllo•r of ati
English do oiliest toward a VIII tnia1
t A Question for Mr. Balfour.
'formai, Nies .
PI ''r Haltom,' says the islands in
the Pentland canal that wa•r-xiyr11 to
the 1'hitel States by IApnl Alverstone
have no value from a strategic point.
Iht•s that explain Ude nitttirty 44 the
United Stas 14mttmitsi,1n,'t•, to ill.
4•111110 11,1111 in Anierieitn terrine)•
No Land Grants'lo Seaways..,
Salm of tit• Tory rnulpaign lit.•ra-
1111,• r• ,11.seIIIN Canada startling loe-
Ole a sign. "Canada's land is for the
t'.•nadianr people." fl•side the titt(4'
i. sir'%1'ii(rid Looker. with it pa.kage
in his Iriids, reading "Land grant. 111,
vidiwa)'l.'• 'rjtr falsity of the entire
product hill isl, it•t'st,N tl wheel 11 it
load,' dear lrtt1 the LtlNvalt nava•
given no bands to railways since their
nctr.Ntni- 111 "ower 111,11 11 _ .t, their
policy 1410.4%11011'y.
May teed to Duties on Canadian Cheese.
Tonir`o (Ilub•. -
Hrt11.11 agrirultt al interests ht:l)'
essiimt• the wane Ittiluttr ti w'ard
Canadian cheese that hey have taken
in te•garl to the whet itttg 4f ram
liar cattle. Al• n nee tang of 11
Cheshire ('handier 4f %gt•icuh11
elle-d tudist•Itss tte•fetentia tariffs,
.1. Tulleuuu•he•. 31. P., ,'etr,ri to
sltggestrd 'tax of lite Iver r tit.
cheese, said he failed to see 1114%
ti duty would benefit English
1111.1 w heel t•ilnmild chr„r 11111 t I
in her,
Olio. E. Poster,
tittttd,erk Stmt,'! tf.•view.
II min be sillw•n that iur in n/1 triol'
represents Canadian sentiment, He
has nfo sl/ending in our public life. ife
tried tw•le1• within two yelnt ill 1w•o
different Ple.vinies to gain a meat -111
Parliament trill - failed. His putty
friend,: a ' e• .
1 they had desired f ) 11 I Illm met•\•lace,
very much could at any time within
the last there yea's. have, haul a stir
roust it arney vacated to gr him hack
to hi. place in the House of 1'0111rn0ns,
t Iii•y have been el ntl•nt to do
w•i hart hint, We are perfeeth'aw'a1e
oft ese frets in l'NttHiIH. lint 111 Hrit-
itin h is held up by lir etletllit,,nf lite
Dominion ns n prominent party lender
and a typical Canadian. Tar Zest
thing he 31411 1141 is 1,, ill h ht
the first pout. Especially wtvislhle is
such it course int Vies• if the report
that .11. T:11'1 •'t .11 1/ 1
1 1 nl 1 1 11
1 the (Ir
1,1nd to lake `put in the ea/mpaign.
\With %Ir. Tarte and Mr. Foster mpg .1
ing in the name of C'tutadm tints in .0 rj
'ttt of the prefee•t*titil pi diet% Ileav19f
help the Dominion and Mr. ('hanli,r-
Inin I
Th. Spite. is Night for Once.
noNdlton Miti-INinr,
%Ye du nit believe in rust telling
men to go to the polls if they Ili lint
want to Vntt'. The %lite is the privi-
Iege of the free mttl in the free ei tun -
try. and the ire hunt in the free coun-
try should also be at IiIN•rly to abstain
trapnl c44f ing if he silo denim's. - The 1111111
w•Io y411•N coluntat•il• makes its
Omits. Iwt wren two or more ennoli-
tlntes : nod h1• shield nits lin peril1ittest
41xereiMl• his awn will 111 refusing t,1
)'otr tele ally 4f the randidtteN,
1'1141et• the ballot Nvitrmt it waled he
141141111r! an lilro•lir In vole
int• ti i nndidtt.(. 'then why drive hint
to the p '11 ? Why tet•rce hint into the
polling !sloth to do nothing there f
\We lershttd. of eiurtr, thrit the
pnthonitiin In make voting 3n111pnl-
tory arises lin if ,t desire to abolish
ea n t•atmi ng. the hiring of earriagt•s,
111111 41114.1' 01t111411441.1. ting.
are dnnr for the purpose if
"getting/ Mit 1h.• rite," and, in motile
nu•Hsnre•, to 14.11111.1• the rintttve•m fir
hrilwt•y and corruption. That Is rill
vete' well : i1 is most. desirable ; but
we rrllps•tfull to:11mltt that the clan
is tint free weird in 1'11111 elletl
p 1 ,t IIIAMh
el} 10 *11.18,111itt(1ha11 h tm elect lin day.
whether he desires to vote tit: not. and
whether he Lott, or tont. It often
happens that a voter dries not wish ti
vote for any candidate 4n the Ilse, and
it spent,. to be rather tyrannical li
r p•1 hien to go 11/ 111e hall ne wnffe
the penalty of losing his volt Al sub-
seglenf eleetilnl. when he may
tlrtltgit• 110111x• 141 V01e for eandida*es
ht the fleId. _
Wingham Bylaw Qarried.
'Vinghant, Nov. 111. --The bylaw for
till' pcarried drag, 4f the elrr•trir li ht plant
(tont \%'alter ((nen fir (illi) was
carried a majority of 1 .
IndaatrNt 111 Thesulon Mr.(, Qld Mt,' iu
Boys m Algoma.
MR. F:HITIM,, WIleft off last week
at the landing of • pall) at This
salol. The that thing that. ttnttk tin
after landing and getting nil the 'lag
was the 6 eternal rock taboulders,lIer N
which are the domlivaid features of
this .t hole district, and sl , very
strong evidence of the groat Kitimat
1,41.11ki. The tlrlet Ajea on the Nurf*M.
of all the large rocks are from tont It
In smith in straight linea, many of
11.cem au inch it more itt depth, and
1111• surface of the nock is as,inlldh N
11 lass., :\11 of.1he 110111410* +tae• '14I,a
different foniatlantailock.
After seeming hotel rail' , . Intim'
aunt interviewing Ilse f'row'n hands
agent aim aiiaugi .fta-Wi..next.day,
we ;:tarted to lake In the Nights of the
1tiw•u and surruntdinlnl. The first
plats. ,was the llynleul sawmill and
the Muumuu. limber yards. which...at.
%i•t•N to the initial (he feet ilia! limber
in king in the 4111441e tit this there
district, met only at" I'hess 1/m, but
alsit al 111111.1 River, Algo ll ills. anal
in fact all along this northern shtoe
it lake iluron. Agriculture and
every other imelu•lry Nein to Ike ne-
glected. Intl everything a 11011 the
sawmill seems to have been 1441111 41
lit an :11:1. Machinery hors t of Ihr
work and 1114411 styt•riutend.v. Phan
the t iull• t hal the log leaves the 1V..at34.
till it gtws out into finished hinds,' of
different kinds, or ht1i,.. tr inckels, or
perhaps 111111 refltve info the great kill,
where all refuse is -/late t;WoMt1, it never
semis to stop or to go iktck, but moves
Onward midis changed fn shape
11/ another. The first Naw usualy
takes off the two slide; 1/11 opposite
sides, and then if it is int elided for.,
inch Ike:uel it is tem thmngh a gang'
of slw•N of tWaktsg. or More. The slabs
are 3:u•ried onjj1 nlranS of )e•vulring
rollers t1/ lithe*" sates, tt•1)etr they are
cut Into hath% or pteket., tied into
bundles and fit lilt market. The refuse
of the ,shtlNt is carried on to t he ftn•n.
ate, where It is used for heating lei
Nass or di•. ropsI. Siam of 1
dills employ from lire tet _)111 nen an
ran night and day. The stili 1111
)earl: are lighttvl by tits•t10•ity and
are as Ivan as 'day. The sten receive
from $tall to tri per day, iteporeling to
quakily and quantity of work pwa,
1'11,'1'.• W.13 another industry which
surprised us ily that nut-nf-1 h.' -wry
nt' 1Iti•rn 1Wn, viz., 1a Hr•t-,-lass, top'
h, -date woollen still, where you may
W.Uch 1 h whole jmet•i env -the fleece of
wlo1 just as it iHa1e from the slump's
batk gnaw int.. the picking m:whirr
and in A short time(snows out a blanket
ready for 1st•. Th: washing anml'Iry-'
ing are both done by • machinery; only
taking about three minutes. each I.,
complete 1ht. whole operation. Most '
of the labor is dune by girls, who eain'
from $25 to On Iver month. Hen• we
mei ;i Clinton boy, an 1/111 s'* ,;1st of
the :ctrl regiment, Willie ('lardy.
The next ening at an early hour'
we hired N horse Hid rig trent' a lit•e•rt-
st tile Inept by an old Rayfield toy
nanled'1'haflie Donaldson. 131r. Don- "bison *tit kind greetings to any 1.1d
friends Who mow see this, and in pas>-
ilg 1 nay' that he is H hustler and
agertitl.- hearted fellow doing al
goat] nisi 1 .1 out t4'jeetit•.' point
this morn'ngwas Ifa)'s *mill and then
tin matt 1 milt and corning into Tht'.-
salon a • in, North of H Aurin of lakes
we dr. r'tlintugh the 1ownvilips of
'1'hessl on, Kirk a meal antl Day. Each
of the r tow•nshipeketiolxinsit '.ddeal
of g' I land, bol al Hie • dins a
grey ileal that is t•ry` rk•k)'. We
sat so 1•cey.Hae 1 net with goodstn le s1110/4 101• I h us, hit store.
sea les were waive, nit, for lack t.i
sl mes to build with, blot owing to the
f et that throe is no limestone here
111' • has to"be shipped in and is
•ut•(h about ill emits per bushel. Th.•
10iplt we met seemed to he 4al.it11011
',red all .ilia that th,•y hail it good
e o lllll ry. %WI- any a few very fine
faille( le( it•ith gold Millin
s, but the
xre 1 horse.,1 e nerlly
very pooindeed. especial!
We neon vitiate to a corner about NIR
fret higher than Smli(h's Hill in 1'•ii.
Iol•ne, which boasted 11f the eiuntrryy
store Had postomrr and a blacksmith
shop, but no hotel. but We gut our
horse into a stable Iwlonging to the
store -keeper and fed i , and- sat in
our rig and att. our
unately we bnnlghtllwith with 114.
teh he
me time enjoying t he twantired :wett-
er.- about II«. A. half -toile to the right
wit pretty little Lake called \%'ngne-
hohil '. 11 it, tliot't three miles tu•nlss
and eh lead Will inn find the bottom)
in wane A)Iscl•S at fit fathoms. This
lake is full of white fish and sal
trent, and surrounded 1/n all sides
by the fewest Alotit oar -fourth of a
mile to our I in An Monett* nock
21111 or a111) feel h' h arida mile or Moil,
arloss, bfe•twee that, rock and the
lake there e sol Pits:Rent ftirrim
ards.ti hnildingn and are • good orch-
14141s with fine apples\ One man Who
offered tiis farm for ale wanted VII
pwrArr• foif.
After .iesting our lunch and while
striating about we saw someone ap-
prtaching with it smile of recmgniU1/n
1111hi% f,t 0.1`
• He1. enl
1 It
h hand to
flu. I'ttinn•I t.nd said : "%\',•i1l'nptalin,
how are yon ? INat't )•1111 reform
inc ; I belonged to your c p • ' NI
(hong twenty-lwven y n.go
you dr•illt•d nu down at 1 din ramp;
it p•rhaalls yid 111101' ern pre, f011
111441r• 1116 1'?" Thi nuts was a Mr.
Hagan, ,f flue inn, who taught
school at Exeter f. ..iauy yearn. 11e
was ter) Ili Ibttt• with his 1 •
in Algoma and mild not e • buck
to old Huron co myy again. He took
les (limit into h venal• to show us the
stack 1/f apples which grew on his own
tees planter) 1 • himself nal twelve
years ago. ' e• had tlont thirty lar•-
.lelsalf lineit *king apples. His fres
seisms! to are but • enemy rind
that was a toper, which is Very de-
structive 40, the. apple trees in that
district, 'Another pest we notieel oft
the north shote, but it Was ren the
*Wild Cherry tree ar Oink.• cherry, nal
on the plum 4r lar.' ehert•y (re.. ; that
was the black -k Int,
NEW grotty
i'1' IS A (IOUI) ONE
this project are' all W1'aterltkt county
num tvho are seeking to make this an
eIeetric railway 44411 e. The road
would be of iutulruse tulvnitage to the
two towns. F:ugineetw are tact ,front
Outdid' fill'Veyilts1 toward tiexiey'ieh.
They mi., skirting the 11,111 11 of the
t•olin*y and Will top Elititia. This is
lowed to take trndr front this la+tltly.
If the %Wrliealev had gores of al once
it will hrtul orf he (iurlph line. The
1'I Nml should teeeive proper enc. Age -
meld from Berlin anti Waterloo, who
Neill he the greatest beneficiaries. This
road will have to have a !sinus. There
is no use saying otherwise, tit+ *herr itt
no titWet'tuut•t)t .ulatdy Iwl•itid it."
Mr. Jaffray had been told by Mr.
Plate that Mt. Prity'tt report will Ike
of the Iwst and Must me •aging nu!
tore. "If Berlin aItems 11urlpli to ref
off lite there trade, it will be it
worry day, This town hits a -.chanter of
being the great ventral city between
Lundeen and Tnnetitu. Berlin lull No
far 'not paid a cent for its railway
facilities, hilt the town cannot k(erp
this up. Neither can she keep her
paition in the race ietween Guelph
and St rat f fiord utilrsis she helps to Ino -
ter' her territory. He rnnslderetl
that the Wellesley extension project
should be heartily backed' by the two
t l Mello,"
Mr. R.Nte•htian said he had been
with Engineer Pray to %1'elirv)•, t
iv pr boned to go through 1:rerlsvillrI,
south of Btitnli•t•g and thrntgh Lite
-womit. Nothing (metier raw he dour
until the companyhas •\h•. Pray's re-
dlort in hand and is truly to meet the
tntini-Maid it's,
Electric Line for Which Ooderich Is Projected
The Il•r
Ion News -Herm -11 gir1•41 nn
neconnt of n meeting held in that
town November :Irl to discus. the
treat 4.111 of tailwa• (td
Ther• Were two pro 41/4 before the
meeting, flint of the Idike Erie, Till-
manlnlrg and Ptu,if b Railway, and that
of the 1'rst,m, Berlin. Wellesley and
(iltlerich electric line. That portion
4f the discuss' r•Inting to the latter
proposal it reported as follows :
\(r. C. H, !fanning, of Preston, said
ift regard to the 'W elleesleyy f'xtension
that. F:nglncr•r 1'nly, pg iktiiton, was
h taken with it. "The route (pro-
posed is tin %%'ellesl.y, (Henan/in,, UP,
towel, to Ottlerirh. Mr. Posey will
have his written rejtnrt ready in a few
flays. The Boards of Testi.• at Its -
towel and (indtr•Ich have been asked
for trade sbttisties, the same 14.MHerlin
and Witten loo. The toren interested In
Give IIature three helps, and
smarty every case of con-
sumption will recover. Fresh
air, most important of all.
Nourishing food comes Next.
There a medicine to coatrol
the cough and heal the lungs.
Ask any good doctor.
► est aw.s A,wenClIn R7 MMtrssa Y Tsar.
•awl. 1 0e.e gees r.rr9sre.eer r fay e!
a.nie.or.a' , is. t r ...ve .newer be-
aus= o. sa.nLTam, laartr.s, (Ale.
ees foir`.
earth domande daily action at them AW nature with Ayer'a PING„
We are (determined to clear
tat our stock of Wall Paper
t is fall and h
r a O
y some
tempting prices to offer,
Dining July and August see offered
2.1 per rent. off. We naw• offer one-
third off, or ail per cent. ‘What does
that mean? .Must this
lir' Papwr for IS a par Hell.
elk. "
la• " lit 3 ••
)tr " ,• " „ aI, „
fee .. ,'`4 a ,.
rpr „ Asir
Bltrlenl from ler
dS 3 •an
law par yn1H.
KIIo '
W. Acheson & Son
N veinber .Bargains. Ladies'
• Vl rn-Skirts
This is an almost new department with us, but,
the new dress skirts were so stylish and neat we
have now in stock a fine range or choice. To intro-
duce them, welwill please all ladies with such values
Ladies' Ali Wool Cheviot
'It,. skirts, neatly trimmed and
very latest out and style, at
spwctitl $3.00
Black Dress Goods
Black Cord De Chines
A 11ew'. bight finished threw mat-
erial for suits, Mantes tin separ-
ate Nkltt... dressy and very
popular, at, per yard, $100 and
*1•Mnd.... $ 1.50
1 y,
Ladles' Broadcloth Skirts.
Satin tar braid t •' ed. Nuvrtl-
1,er »tyles, and t't•ry handsome,
special $4,iMI and $5.00
yliss•k' or ' Kiril+ neStly•to-w rat
skirts, all %ins, iu wool ohe.-
tots, different color and Mark,
new styles, at, each, IMMO, $2.50
211 pieces fit all silk ribbon, heavy
glace finish, in new stripes and
plain, in white, ,'team, pink,
grey. hhw, 5 inches w ide. fur
tiles or hell N. Regular price
per pint. :or and :lie•, tikr•ini
at lllllllll18c.
Night downs
,i d..rr11 Indic.' night gowns if
heavy, ill, au flentch Ham-
.•lette, in plain pi kttand blues.
1.Iue trimmed collar, front and
sleeves, Regillu• Ilett $i.IMI
quality, 2 days welling ..
Ladies' night gowns in fancy pink .
141*,1 blue 1.trip s, toll size
, frilled eoll.t• lend ruffs. :1 dozen
only regltlar 111*.• qualltt%
Salulda% and Monday 'Null 39c.
Rather t tidy t,1 advertise holies' fur emits. but herr they are. all new'
and bright, vel sr wi11 make at tateeial November Irtuler. , -
12 only hultr: Astrachan cants, farmers: satin lined, gar curl, tail, :it, ;t
inches lung, granny and Wear warranted. regular value IKi1) to SG,
special Nolrt'tb•r wale $25,0A
Ladies' t 1 \disse
co' Kersey, %ilwline stud 1'hrviot Isla rvutts, with and
Witt*u11t'r:1pe•s, new styles, opener) this week at•. prices *5.11) $7,1111,
$9,1111 and $12.111.
W. Acheson & Son\
PHONE: 7fl. •
PAc 1 ri c
Upper Lake Steamships "Alberta,"
"Athabasca" and "Manitoba" will leave
Owen Sound about 1.30 p. m. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and Saturdays for
Sault Ste. Marie, Fort William. Con-
nection for Winnipeg, Calgary, Banff
and North Pacific Coast Points.
DAILY 'Transcontinental Service
1 Toronto at 1.45 p, m., via North
Bay, for Winnipeg, Vancouver and
Pacific Coast Points.
.1..1.1 Irl at•n.•rtl I`..+.r aware .tg.N.
LtNe11 .1gt'na• lit Ntrrtch.
N 1^
My stork ,1f ' \ -
Serges an(
in Medium and heavy
weights, is complete.
Finest goods and hest .workinanithip
at moderate met.
West Street• heatdttlr
to Hank of Montreal.
J st Think.
of the b•r of men who are 1ron1,hml with imdigtstiot* bee*tow• their
wires use interior irtgreli,•nts in th.ir Clt.king. -
For all Cooking Requisites
go to STURDY & CO.; Who keep at complete stock ,if Iirteries of line
gnnlil 1, the milt kind a r latent 111411sl•k,•,•1t.r s14t11141 11.04.
ORDERS. I'Phone 91.
The Grocers, West Side Square.
Cheap things are rarely good, but the best things are generally cheapest
1 i I15 successful l,usiness is not an accident, or, lick. it's ,just as we planned
it, and the result of our determination to sell • the best really -to -weals clotb-
iiig t:l ('anada. If yon want a sitit or overcoat .come here. Our store is full of
clothing for boys, yrniths and men.
W. E. Sanford's Clothing -Oak
in gall reliable Intdinnl price giNtlt,ettlrnor-
ditat•)• vales /II leery nrlit,try prices.
111) `S
\ HI'OAi'S-CAP, WOO, $7.511
i'A►t'TRS' OVERCOATS- $i1.I10, $7,5), $K,(M►,
Pretty High' Grade
Bat nig hi nM oto mond lop our customers.
MF:N'ri FINK OWKR('OA.T4Y-$IL i1I, $14.08,
$lat.(MI, $ts.IeI..
glNNiiHigh h
tlnttl lookers,gn.N1 fitters. 'prowl gNs'
s. lit
$15.111, $17,111, *1s. ill,
Men's Long Overcoats
Rhort, prices. Medium lengths, shorter pricepl
1116.00, 1112.Hn, $1 kW
.W C. PRIDI-lArl