HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-5, Page 8'4
s3 TerrsDay, Nov. 11, 1'( 3
leaw(n.'iartea7 x„
All premium tickets must be filled
out and taken up by January Ist, 1904.
And we would ask all our customers who --
are filling out tickets now to take the
same out before January Ist, 19114, as
i after that date' we will disco itinue the.
Preoium• a f
M10,41 yr.y „ f ar li
Phenomenal Fall Selling:
.y Sales this .season_huyer than ever before. The reason
--.1conomical shoppers haverealized that trio most and
best is given here for their money. Sell interest lis
o exanlille and compare the 111 iney•saving values in
More in k.?„lt 'gt :-,z:3to3 -"t LFr des€ t sieentol D'•.K.RA_"i's.: .
tweeent wax the absence of Alex.
'Young, for many yeani trailer of the
church choir, 1111 a!'ralult of 311 a/ri•
drat 1.. Mr.. i,,uug• \1.1►lir in t.,wu
that day she slipped and fell at Mr.
McVittle'a and epraiutd her ankle.
She it now getting along nicely, we
are plealied to learn.
High requiem maws was wild at St.
hater sou M Ia)• intik, All Burd''
The 'loud usual Pert -ices will b' heli in
the Baptist (hutch next Sunday at
11 a. 1.l, and 7 `p.m. F,veryo3r eonlial-
ly wrlcuumYl.
At the Inst meeting of Mt. liirlrge's
cl 1 senior guild pLeset ewe alilrr44-
se. for the more rapid reduction of
Ilse chuieh 41441i. •
Next M lay evening in He.
eiplra chlnr•1► oo South et rye*. ' Thos.
1). Hawk) • Neill speak o1. '• What
Mout 1 Ik, h1 be ieve1:•"
The anthem -What Are These that
Are Arrayed in %V bite Rohr.was
sung last M lay reciting at SI.
,Lirolge'srintmr•h and there wits other
,special sic in reli.gniti11u of All
Saints' ray..
Thr 1' g P•vtd, a china of Mt.
(ieterga's chole• h will hold a wo•ial in
the Sands)• s.•h.a,l on T,.ctilit • eve-
•ning next• when they will entertain
the liwilitt1•r4 •l the A. Y. P. A. of Ste
Paul's rhumb., (lintel'. Only ma•lu•
*4•r, of the Guild will lw admitted.
St•af11Mh Exp able•: Rev. Nh•. Small.
of Auburn, eontitiiTrl preparatory
seraices w the Prrmbyteruul church.
preaching nn Thins -day eve , g acid
,.gain on Friday after'sen'. Mr. tiwall.
i, a 'hear and jab1e preacher +44111 was
listened to with 111,1'11, pleas111w. and
)Ile wt• have no doubt plonk, and, we are
stns. the 144111k. 11f Seaf..rth will be
glad to wrlttune I • at any future
MEN'S arid BOYS'
BATS and CAPS �t a
Smith B wOetV•
NEWS OF 1'111: 1)Is1111C1
''Addit iva .l D, a- .n t 6.. .11-11i, 4' IIr1a.Kr:•4
F'si..(., Nov. 11.r
1. O. d.. 11:..4(ill 104.1 a simile in
he Orange IIa1I. )111 1•umsion.nl. 4)r. t
IIr%.Iay ey.• ' 5.
s J1. Halliday. at pit -esti teacher,
in S. '. No. 111: hes d.s•bled1 not to' re
main : lot h••r tern)..+.) tri- will Its It
•A4•:Iltl 11014 for worn(. 4411.'.
.Icahn M. lull 1111. 11411111i 11. EIfor.l's
f at of IRI erre. at Holmes% illi for as
to a ..f we're year,. at )loot :1 yeiu':
)Mr. ,Elford to have the HO%ilege 4,f
"Alin al :ally ti le..hi41)1,1 tie , ,fA•
siril Vt. ,nd¢I"t 1141 1 hal Mr. Mar -
(quiet vii move on it 'nth.. spring. -,
• 44
getupsLOYAL. • -W
\ Me ixD.ay, \ot. 2iiil
.S• R.PHM1')attry .(T Mon 1.4.44. e:
On ' RI11rHlr1y Ill e ' g •1 11: lows 1•h
rt v 1Lsle►;ich 1•x11,•11 a sal Ile.
. . a 1 'erg.
• 11 In
✓ t.eel%e with the tr 1.pil•lily .w h1. bis
a chaise •gist i' of t� I,oa and h .le,l.
of Muni ., tor' falrm.\771' sixteen or
eighteen testsarra ilea.amlly 1.•11-
trrtainel 111 •uo4huut lh eve ' g in
mu»ic,game roc:. and k4 It*"met 11'
oel...'k they ere ca1l,4 into Ih.1
diningr"wu, •IN•n• 1/r su41q)tlliml.
oyster »"pp•1' as ...Med. After -
ram'. 11n their djunl ilnenl t1 the
► .,. i a
1 1':1 'antel.. 1►
r 1 r
ingroom. N 111 . I
Own »•r.•11 1.0 belie f of the count my
es. • 1
thank l the host am hostess f., 1 t •il
h,epla a', 111»1 Mr. J 'I'l'ls ..... "Intl,
in his usul jovial utas er. Then al
joinedLang.. 'i
• . i 1
'' 11[ iia'
I' in • I Ln
minipill** rets urn to (4.,. rrirb in 1h,•
itlidiight hour. wally 1 eased will)
111411' visit lit Jour 'whale 1. 1.
Mt-airre.(t, OH. NiZ%TI N. All
c r•I•n(d 141r• 11.1114,1 110 to 11.11 ie1•
that n meeting of the ....tors .f the
village /If t#1ya1 will Its ht 111'1 '14111' -
day, the int li• lay of Nave 1(«•r. it i
4i elWk ,in the evening. in "twit 1'.'
Hall. for the purls ea. of It nae
candidates I•of' Ib.• forlhe g 1 ,n
✓ ipen ele,lions 1..1- Loyal. As it i'• n-
pontant that h4 its inception the
'ileal ot•gwniz.•elion of 114' 44 inapt.
1.11111 Iw in good liana,. the seh•elliar
n lir following.. Akers is ,ngge.led :
Alar , (lenge NI0'see :reailleilUn..
11. wt. 'I•uill. wardwardNo. 1 : John
% illiant Want, N... 1 : ,lames 1 'long.
wain No.. ; Hrlhl. Mi' Iillan, ward
No, 4 44 clerk. %V411ianm Taylor : trcns-
llret•. AYltln•N' .Irr•11 ; a1 ssessVl. :41111
el Merl Frank 'n41t'g : Street in -
3 t)I(rI'I,,,..ert NVil.street4
1 nag. jr.. Jlnitiend ay. ie : %VIII, F.
Yo Ig, 1) 1op)\`�..6lrr•1. i• pedis•'
Magi rale Iwrlw.p.11 it letter n n 111111,1
not 1"• hh41w'n * hula' .1. 'I41ti•ts. I. I'.
111• is .4 lit t1. IN'ay from, t1teJ% :uy.
et his expN•)ieule ,Is a jtaliee f the
) axe.• sln.uW atauti hila in g'N444 Mead.
111 1e. (iceen as eon -111,11• would
Vp,let. t 44' municipal outfit. If any-
4r.ly lets any better candidates. tet
1' at end upon the hustings Anil ad-
v,»'ate 1 .•ire clailn110 election.
r,1 ra:un list 4, wryilrs ill N. wt
,tie 'Meech nit. deep L in inter -
e`,1 11111 night and have been sr, .u.•-
.r.ysful t 1 tray.*re to Its ronlin,4rl x
Week longer than at Nest intruded.
1:ug'• nudie•nees gather •• very night
find the seLviees 4441• marked by great
r,1. n'•attrss and 4N.wer. The singing
by the choir and sacred w11.14 dash
atoning IoW to the -interest of these
heli.tul llar•tlll4(4. Much ppk1l has ,Il -
ready broil .1 • and there are indica-
tions of a still 4l'.•aatrl• work.
)rlttsah' CARLOW.
Tres') %Y. Nov. :int.
PnleaN T.(TI N To All,. S.t
O Mahuola .. ' 1111' 1choir of
Sim' li, 11111 1111 •rhI.1getleer with
c,4 • r• .I-
:a1N1n fiftyu»m1w1 .4' thecongrega-
tion, t et at Ila• hon • of 1'1 as M,/1 --
pm pb.: . the 'gathering
w -as to pl 'se'nt to Jli.s %Laud A4Jiow'4,
who La si r:r < 44i;as o• .dill of the
chtlr••h:.nal hu has rec. the '..tired
from t4.'.i"..i ion on :acro rat of bar
rrnsl.,ll.4.4 diol 'Tirb. a 10n1 1114111141 ilr
11 111111.11.11111 0(1 I• faithful r"• vil'es ill
*hat I'll pt.il y. 111 Is•pinif-0f t coo -
grove' ion JI t.• Sa11, 's .was p pled
with al Iwanlif.d go watch a 1 a
handstalie gold hro44ch 1 Willi pea fie
,Mad 1111141uis•, Mr. p1 •411 ill 1011 N'
NI is- 4'l1)4l Te*'Iet'n•ad 1lie 44411'ring
:uidre•s : tt\{\
(nit.. 44.1. 34. ,hat.
T.. Mb. M.4:: stall,,...
#►0tH Fietrxn„ Im [tiT+ Tftr
y, •vu•y of your birthday, we, 4r
ol. *rtes of Smith's Hill rungs -garb)
have eel to 11x plc•.. 11111• appreviali'.111
.(the 1111 w'1 11 yr,, 1,:lvr done foe 6444
i, 11,' vire 4't sono. Oaring the
114' 4 sic tee. r•.'. 4111 111.1. held the 1\oat-
11,11 of /WW1 i.* its 0111' 1'1111'''11. Yet 111
hat, iil.udw aithfullyalmost every
....• ..11,1 11110 his t' • - aye hey,.
et et (..1[1141 y1m ill i,•Ilt sold painstak-
ing 11. 4l ' work. The petition .f
's • n honor: •: 1 ,•
r ;uli t 1 on, f M n l xlt th
K t
). sp.' .... hi Iola'. 1.1Awl, 4t N.s11i r11 :11•r
1. 1 ,Olt );teal. A4 t►' sligl/1 token of
th,• st1•enl in *4111,11 you are ht'ld. we
Itsgg t 41 von w ill n.'rept this watch
:111.1 hr, 'Tit as a n•,w.IIl'l allee .f you
solid 's ill Hoping you
hare 111:1 • hat goy IIII•t1m 14 t-,, 1111
N' i,hing ye e. e14' .1111.1.1 ,116 ill
flaillr• lift., w• remain.
noir.NIe INV • ITI1'14 11,1.1. ('tlt•n(•It.
-4Signel of Its •IlT of the rnngtegn-
t' 4
1. . M.A1.1., Pnrtol•,
A. J Ye)1741i,
i... . Tr:aa•sr: !V.
111 111 hell'.
the hour of refuge . on Wednesday,
and were linnk+ p111/este'd therewith.
Mrs, Heiken. ki it uow vlaiting with
Mrs: Van F:Kwoud.
. WV. I, H. 11'411wtu,•uflirrforth. wits
In town this week On b1tahlrat in 1111-
00111.11 W11 111e new stole that i"
bring 1.ui1t .r1 Hapliltaall street.
Commandant. Schelky, Mrs. mud
Mir ekthrtky left on Tuesday (111 their
n4111'11 to Phibulrlpbha after grrudia►g
the wlulnter at the residrucr .of Mr.
rod Mts. J. 1.. Aitken.
Thr wr'ot'h anaivesaut' .f, the
411 ' g of"SI. Peter's riunr•h weal.
brrtwl ori.Munx) last most s11 •r7at-
folly. The altars
prettily y deror-
for the occasion. 11re rl41greg:r
ions at all the '. •rcu•1•s were excep-
tionally large. and in the Iry ' g -the
twitting capacity of the elm'r•h w: e'
(axed to its utmost. large numbers
fr of h.•r e..minunion% being in at-
tendance. At the 'cal-ly wax. there
were about lin r • •ants. end the
►,::pls.'t'ier was Very l:•)g,•h'-attend.rl,
-fly by Illeillbert of St. Peter it eon-
gregat 144(1. Inca•. Fat her Stanley
preached a splendid sermon al the
second 111x544 1111 the subject Charity.
Mrs. John Butler, of St. Thouuls. walig
H,•nzi's "Ave Maria,' snit Leonard's
was.. was .111115 'by the choir. In the
eve ' * "Come, Hitt terming "C.e, Holy.
Spirit.' end an • 4) Salutari'." She is
s •.wr o Ve • • e xtnon and
p" »• 1 f a Very Nn g
/dear wg11•aulr y4114P and her x1111qu►g
was delight to everyu,r present. '1'h'.
IIIIIwk' by the choir was also well mail
tiered. Rev. Father Pinwrunettdt. of,
'Ii,ln,. was present and sang vespers.
Auld gave the benediction. and Hca-.
Father Hayes, of Ass rt11lwant College,
5.44ldwieh. debt -red as loll ore. *akin
for his subject the won't.. "Fur t s
rants• w115 1 Morn anti for th:s ..; .e•
'11411' 1 into the world. that 1 u'ghl
give *44464114(1144. of the ,U•uth." v
Father Wye's is an rl"ltient » akar.
with 14 earl ,d:Wd par 'ngde-
1icery. an, for over an rune his w.•11-
sentences .' o
r1 undwlwere r employed el t 'o'
it holding Christ as the souse of all
tri h and his divinely. couuli"sinmwl
1.11111 •h ani. the pr.s•liainrr of th4' truth
t he his
. chllt',i. V
Al .) Mellows request It .I. 1..
Small 1 I tithed for her, " 1(111' also
14111,11 w111 • • 1,1,415 of praise 1..1 111 hat
Kent ee*• w• . ec . and It. J1. 1".0.411g.
41411' o/Ih.•,• ers of the eln►rh. also
gave a »hor•i , dee 'rare rrlunin•l'r
44f the ey'nin4 at p nMn41y eptfenf in
games nod nod serum •iep•1•"-
ing the ...unpin join. .in singing
'•lilest Ile 110• fir 1 ' 1 htn.
(ho• 1n 11 ler of 'Ir 'lr•1 1.r, )ng (hoar.
!tttttl ItlItttttmitttt!mmmmmt
t, Tvo
Big Values
(jot by Close Buying
ss„ ..e...„r„1.':114.
R1'i:nyt a :t
••44114,. +442.4444'4'-a`
McKenzie & Howell
holt tlir ages: M.11114111411g of
.ry and progress n/ the early
a�4is given. mud in nn alTr..Ik1u-
Two Great Papers for One Dollar.
A few year, ago* dollar weekly eras
In)ke) up.'n as A marvel of cheapness.
Now we are enabled to outer two
Itniers for that x1111411 j.11111, Hy sp44dfiI
and exctllsta•4-artw11grimrnt with The
M.,trtstl N'jrkly Herald. N•.• older It
and 'rhe Migd*t for 1141' year (Of oar
lunar. 'The inter is w1 'i ('*un1i11arily
111rrat 01:11 i1 *tumid 1w• taken advant-
age of by evert• Mau. woman 141141 e111141
1i lido can rend'. The Signal bathe leal-
i'IK local paper 4.1 ilii.. district. ,
atoll is a paper fur the 1 sod
(a1.1t, givt(I5 Ihr new* of the world,
:dud a 111111* of erne otildtlg needing.
'Tie 1 taro $411se s. at such a price.. make
.4)1 iurwi.•.lilde c.muhin:Iti.)n. Sample
eopili of TIM' Heald111 this Miler.
HrantIful china tea pets ---prices
from St:r► to $1:) at the Maple Leaf
China 11x11.
Masud Deers.
An English decorator noted tort
doors which •re not required for any
reason for their usual purpose may be
locked and utilized In decoration. "In
old houses where the walls are thick
they form deep r'ec'esses, and by plac-
lanIns four or lav shelves In these they
are transformed Into excellent book-
shelves, over or rather across which
• handsome Curtain may be drawn.
When the recess le not deep enough to
accommodate books narrow enameled
shelves will serve to [til with old china,
brlc-a•brac end photo*. and the effect
produced by these arrangements la[ in
general uncommonly good."
Year Trager wails.
Don't clip your 1inger nails with the
(Klmsors; use a good tile. Clipping
causes the nails to become coarse and
h eavy and rough. The general rule 1a
snug the ells Is to have them follow
'Me shape of the linger tip' but • nar-
aerower, better effect can be obtained if
they are left a trifle longer 1n the ren-
ter. They s►oald be rounded, of course;
never pointed. Claws are no longer in
vogue. They Dever were In vogue with
people of *sod las and line sensibili-
/e1.111.40 1 le eh(rll•h *1414 referred to
the fount r of institutions of learn -
in alnl the,* un•.' of'duet of our her -
Hai of lit era tire. art and sculpture
and r e s
. 1r, through which Nu
paw i et1 the t th. The church haul
aliens). t: ght the •,1 h, the 411"•trines
taught ,by fir Chun •h of Rome now
We a in Ih.•
wen.t mar Its w rhe Delight ht
'•nrli('fd lays., though there waft '1
fnllrr ,o Ilinl2\uf the 'truth as the
la •» edvn red. \In this elrtanw'tinn
1,11sid.•raMd time *44 devoted to for
position of the 4'hnreh 0f Montle the
question of ti save aann in44ten(e of
the way the cit n•h 111 r I•ylihy to
1114' truth retuned 111 yip -14 to modern
I1.nlrn' i.T,.
Will. l 1.l.' 4Nlr l'JI
West .
Fred. Tltmuwrn was
(lea. Wrens 41)1141e a trait
011 Friday.
Engineer Kelly -made
1,011111111 ..n Monday.
Her. %V. D. Magee N spending this
week at Thames -vale.
.Lunn Mharnvan left o1 Tnewlit)- nn
a trill to the Nurthi•r"1.
K. Donee) left on Monday to
a d a wl•rk in New York.
urned fl'om'the
Tnramto tri%
to Toronto
trip to.
IM+tr•tivr Murray, of the Provin-
cial force, was in town on Friday.
H. whitely made a protest -
- aimed visit to Meafut•th on T,e sy
Mrs. J. Hinton rett)rneti to Toronto
yesterday aftelh000n, after a vinic in
town. 1
reinter Blair, of finlaneH, be,
roe ed to town th4 week with his
found •.
Miw Malr1 Erratt, of Ante:, n, is the
gnatnt'‘ her mister, Mrs. J. 11.
dlw.•'ewt entree(.
Mrs. Jbrlroneson and Mrs. !lender
won left on Monday for Lurk nota.
•h1•r• they will ureide.
Nee yaw ple,oed to Nee that Mi.-
(} re.lohnston I» atrle terre 1.,t 11811
her oils* and ,aware illn.•Aw
a .Ir". Mnl1e• and Mee. Mk -kelt re
fur 1 n Vill.sis yest.'t•aln) aft.'' ,1
inlnrt 4' •[mit t0 I*. Mabee. �.
Jlr. , G in, wife of Jailer (ir n.
-went to lb Its) onNk tome)' to mow
her they, tt,b • neri.n,itty III.
The Place to Buy all Hardware Cheap 1
4U1U1111111 111 UI
Mr••lbelforrt Not ,r•Inrnel iron) a
vj(. it of sevens! twits' (Mention with
111111lv.•m 411 lined in and Hrnntfon).
Miss ('. 1'. ('. C. 'Arun rots guest at
the 11'4(lPnl•r of Mr. 11 MI% A. M. J.
Nnflrl, having emote 1 fn0n Toronto
on Friday.
Mies Nva T,rn1n11I, t fh.• Signet
,.tare, t1a•' re'iirnwl to win after
etten4H'g w week's holidaytta her Nene
in (Tintern.
John H,rke returned to his duties at
the (4. T. R. dirket office on Monday
Mut left again on Tnrmolnv to relieve
wt Rotkwtsal for a few days.
Clinton New Km: Mex. Young,
county ,mllnlllativmer, ere Iaaniest by
his wife. Mix, J. A. Meth, ,,Id, Tonal
tet, and Inn. Jew. V win Eg1n.rrd, visited
1 VI4lt are your friends saying
about you? That.your gray
reis makes you loot old P
nd yea, you ire not forty!
4 Na (pose this' looking -end.
Ilse Ayer's Hdr Vigor sad
restore to yoiur grey hair all
the decp,_dsrk, rich -color of
early life. Then be satisfied.
•• Myer'. Sas 11es reate,ea the .ae.r.1
VaraM Pal has W t vim pwtr
'excel. V ell fee elalm for la^
1111111.11.3. yap D/D9 . N..saalsVWS, a. T
t, a,ab.lne. ....ergo CO
Au •u
Dark Hair
Low Rates to the West.
l'uH1 November NUtit ,the lirssd
'1'ruuk will WOOS tkketl at red11/`ed
'aura to points in Montana, Colorado,
l'tah, 1t arhlugton Mate, Hriti,h Nul-
la, Oregon and 4'allfwnls. ' Call
un 11ealest agent or midis -es J. U. JIe-
Iau111111. District Par»••11ge• Agent,
Toronto. tar full inforumatiou, neaps.
rte. 3H•dt
Cot vara• will a» Repeal Readers lite
Impreealone of the Country.
,)EEAtt Itlll'n/ (.-Having been asked
by youlla'anau'other f•ieuds
fur toy viesI( vitall ouppiu'rnyion' shout AI-
gotlla, 1 hive derided. with your prr-
uui"t' , to give you a few short let-
ters iihuial- Algoijw and what 1 Slaw
Alomt the Trip a the lake1 have
ve•)•.1ttlle to say ; it was very •1i
like many other tripe of the hoots run-
ning flan N'iltlwor to the SIR, O'htrp1
are taken advantage of by 1 Incls of
yoyir readers every 44,unne•. Nuttier
It In say that the trio from (i,sl.rirh
to 7'hessalou on the King :inward, up
Lake Huron and tinsmith the l}ex'giau
Hay with its' line piclnlewlnr
-ani}'reeky islands, is a pleasant our.
Salle tot the islands are nwks of only
a eiw'swarm yards s1. ire., but na41y
l t res are quite large and (•4)4ewl .
with dense forest, at this Newton of the
year rluthed with footage `of every
shade of the rainbow. Most of them
shuw•eil no trace_ of !Inman habitat4..n,
lens he chatters ate That in a few veers
hence tunny of them will Iw lovrnwl
with the happy hlnte'tl.lf handy l'ana-
di:ul pi cera, Who Will Irmvrrt the
primr.al to eel into ire, ifs fields
roweled with a .fIra in
:and pasture lands 1)n huger will 1 w111,
instead 04 the elver and Hear, herd;: of
sleek cable. Men)- instate -ea 11f this
trtisf.4'uiatkin we saw in AlgutuA.
matte by 01(1 Ilurun Ik,ys, many of
whom 1 44ha11 speak of again later on.
Our little patsy ems In ..mulct of
threw veteians, a sergeant, 11 'nla),.r
411d 14 cu11.tnr1, w•hn in future will each
he caller! by r►nuk fur, brevity, instead
of by name. The Major heal N'rll
service in Smith Afriea anti his many
rxpurriroees ton s he African veldts wee
of 'meat inlaid.. ser.i.e fill 0111' natty in
'ur,11uoting the reeky cliffs of Al-
goma. The Mrrgeant and Colonel haul
lug wart) nervier limier the Manner of
our late beloved Queen in repelling the
Fenian invasion from one beloved
Canadian hoots*, 1 .ahaatkl perhaps!
here state that the object .f our trip
to New Ontario was to melee( frown
hinds given by the Ontario (}overn-
1111.nt to veterans .f 18e8 alt(Iwo to
4h,a.4• who took port in the loth
African wear, fur ser. ices' renalerr'4*IJ to
tie• nnolrr.
AfterKfuer day. waiting for the M'1:1 -
certain »framer King FAIw•an1, 'which
on ace t of a big storm haul leen'
delayed.'ny- gallant host. Capt. Babb.
of the O•em1 Hnu.r, sighted 1111-
h -desired steamer oft the south
pier at .Iayl eek and at once play the
ill -aired information to the Major a,)
Colonel, wh.1, after a hardy hrr,akrant.
ha44tehd down to the dock to inter-
view Mr. 1.rr and take llaawage till the
boat. The stelanwr re,uainwl only a
few ' to in port anti Many wu,ld-
lr passengers, we were toll, were left
behind, NI among h t m it whom 1 0 0l
g a 1 was one f u
party of lhnr. vis. lir Sergeant. 1.,t
West Huron
Farmers' 'institute
The Muppleinentar•y Meetings.( the
\Vest Huron Farmers' Institute will
Ir held at : LGNI►F.HORO', liiu's
limit, Der. 1st : HKI.(1RAI'F., pubis.
hall. lar. 2101 ; ST. HELEN'S. public
hall, Dec. 'int • HO1.MF*IVILLK,
Wilhelm's hall. 1)1.4'. 4144.
-1 R. H. G.Hv.ltn. t•.s.. Georgetown.
M Meets : "1 he Foundation Yrinci;
pl.'s of Mii.e.ssful Stork Breeding :
The Modern Slul.11r and IlnetOws
Hoprwm. wind 111oav to. Howl Them ; •'
"The R.•letions Which Exist H,.tween
Improper F.Ydieg and I/bestow :
"M:anegement of Dairy forth•, with at
view of Pv4.Vrntin.r 1►isetwe." F:vrning
MM,lje•l.: "The K.Im..aftiol and Train-
ing of the Young Floret. 4 "Fanning
am an ()COSMO' .
J. H. Ma11TS, fatnglwnk.-Slhje•ta :
"Verdi. and Feeding " ('lover
Wetele ;" Moil
" }INH MI "From II
to darn." Evening .uhj'cts: ••1.11.10+
ing an (Mcupatiun:"' "Agricultural
1i411ucnt i0(1."
Special Clearing
Sale During
November Att1
\1 .11! b 4.411 ,i11/ll 'inflow,
L"' lin,•-. u,• 11x1• l'lenrillg rat
it 11,114 1110 Hoole (•(et.
This week :1 lb./. china
, nvun pal..hrr44. rlenrh)g al G
SI•tere1 do -en children a
spm end saucers, clearing al
110,1 114. 1•nrh.
4110 c"h11111•s, full (+oh
I"IIIMi 1"ark s. 1'tl'al'lllg al I441
l4ORossix PIANOLA.
PhINM Inuit
1n.1.'nt,•i 144 F'i,,r Liss!•
Boots pet
Oxfords (o��
Shoes are
Past Cater
the Leaders
Refund every fact lire
'raw 1r,.
N'hen thele are a Iii-
`, k :S told
Of *Mute trying U)he
wall, and war 'tour_ tar sur-
a I» '4 'r all other. lh vaunts. of
wiles. there In a gl*Od reason
for it.
This one show is "Queen
llnullityy. Its wales err 11.10.114111.11hnlhie the wales of alny
,.l her w44u'rn's slew. It can 1
he hw• Sets of price, minor
litany , 11'er shows coat 1111•
wont'. Itis'amply n*r' ph
of Itsullership.
1 " IN
"(tllel'll Q Iailtyy 1 •g
niz.d am the learner In style.
It leads ; others follow. It
ot•iginataw ; others ropy.
Everywhere it seta the style, 1f you wear "Quest Quality," you
) 'are with the leaden. in fashion.
k 901.E MONTS, lu)UF:RICH
he joined le later on brevity of Owen
Sound. Of eourrle WP telt sorry to
leave a third of our force behind, hut
we conk* not bele it, NO we decided to
make the beist-uf it. We arrived at
Kin.'*rdiur about noon and took on a
few pawwugrtrl and w • freight. -"We
entered the (ieurgian HII a httleafter
'.unset and reached Killarney, in
Galury'N 1'11"1, the Manitoulin, about
midnight. ' 11 wits mining and foggy.
1411 the captain deckled to 11N0ain there
in the barhor until daylight next
sting, After 'mot hrr pleasant day
on the Georgian Bay and 44►kr Huron,
part of t hr our with a eta? hl•aal wind
anti amid very pretty w'a'ry indeed.
*leo 1)u low
.11untlrulaudaudand al
h ►
many islands, great .4111 small, WP
turned into. n 1411le l,1ky 011 which it
%limiter! the pretty little town of Thea
1a1o1 roti the 1))'ulr1* lumber mitts.
loth of which we 141x11 %Irak of in tan
next letter anal ale. of our Hod ion -
previsions' of thin part of Algoma.
Jo41N A. S. 1'AHl0R.
For Drunkenness
1Pet and
eeley Drut usin*
Over 300,000
1r - CURES
*easy tastiest*
q re
"-• "BEST"
Vapor Gas Light
r1e tA•,Ipat w! 1e e14 Agit sr seed. H .1:H, 4� \
be,.111101. I.S. It le ported...' Issas it a.-
where. require. 50 ;Alma, • , r '.•
e►Ise. A see, Poe .kite, 4>..terinl sur_ / rA
11g►L AJ[p•aa1 by ton Jwres-1 Lad..w4sr.
100 Candle Power 15
Hours for Two Cent'.
)lo wkks to tris, so smoke 1x smelt. r:,
elenase s to clew.. Ruper)..r to .1e. r1.14/
metykse sad cheaper Thee kern -w.., 110331A
I . a Fur k Gr.
1 oee ukk l
ella'eled to V ♦ W
'wrlel MIs
cares Our .0 lour ■"d u.laocr v 4.
This � the Pioneer Itw-w.ldev.nt 44'sp.r (.sa 1
1.1111111). It k peeled. 1ewu. 1.l 1m1ulwa►
There are More
use than ALL other
makes combined.
.t by
.444;4:'. I 11114 -H! H IN 1',l'\TY,
4-.0,,4,x•• al, 1•,, -.4 ,- fu s
Air u nabs. !1
sou.•t,lto.•t. 04�a %Meet SWIM � .
si Ms. ]a.
WEST.4 n aad leel.TtN1
Our Great
Mantle Sale
Buy \ Your Winter
Mantles Now and
e Money
STARTED last Saturday and will continue until every antle ad -
vertised is sold. At the present rate of selling that will not be
long. 310.00 mantles are selling at 36.90 ; and $12.00 ones$ 38.50
because we cleared a maker's surplus stock, and got them at a figure
that lets us sell new garments 33.00 to $3.50 less than they were
made to retail for. That saving is yours if you take advantage of
this big sale.
There were 110 in the lot. There is not an off style or pock
garment in the entire collection. Every garment is new. All were\
trade for this season's trade. We bought them cheap, that is why we
can sell new and stylish mantles for prices like these.
At $6.90
144dir,i el I onisse.. Norfolk jackete. with,
'trap ngx and Iwlt., ttsuI. from extra
'• fine w11ooI cleave' lined throughout.
I w R
in grey, macy and hh►4ek, n nobby gar-
ment, regular value at least 1110.444.
Ledieli jaekets, made front all wool frits.',
4 velvet collar, hew hack, lined through-
out, raised laewnta and etitehing. In
i; black or grey, styled' end *reviewable,
made to retail At $111.(1).
Al L:uli'e' jackets, matte frau fancy black and
white tweds, double teXtnre ..14t11
with plaid leek, hemp bowlsnew
"derv', mule Io retail sat $l 11• 4'h,Iice
of t he enU re lot. rn wing
• ' lase
t $8.50.0
7.P len., store front, shoulder cape.,
maul to sell at 1112.4M1,
1.1»x1.4, mall.' from black and White
Ladles' k Beaver jackets, double
breasted. .Hoed throughout, velvet
Dollar, y ' Axe quality s regular
111100 coat. Also several odd coati,
. ural, . we only have one or two of,
. regul0r 112.(X[choice of entire
lot commencing' urdsy .ach...... , ifl.'d
The Children's Coats
\1•.' can save you money on a coat for your little
vonrselt•. \Ve got a bargain pr, It lot.. ourselves, and are
t 1011 to $' 110 less than regular values. All are now gar
New Coats for Children $2.50 $3.50 and $4.00.
r 600 Pairs Samp19 Cashmere Hose -.r{.;...; r4,1=--Arxa=-,kx.
Another lot of travelleia' sample hose go on sale Saturday.You
remember the bit lot we haul last summer. There are not as many this time
but the values are 1119t aA gottll, that means that yon can /*aye money by
buying t:.ashmere hosier• here ;tall now.
50() pairs to sell. When they are gone no more. The saving is 8c
to 20c a pail'. Better lay in a supply:before these are all gone.
Or], as well ss one for
clearing the oatt kohl
Reefers Or U tors,',
' Lu
• JI'l