HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-5, Page 74. MIS TIM SIGNAL: GODERICII ONTARIO NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. IMAFEKINCI. Momper. Nov. 2e4. Mrs. Audereou 04 visitieg Ler dangle. ter. Mrs. •noon Finlay. Mrs. Long, of Ife lllll iller, v hated ber mother, 51rn. "Way. It week. the SitWitty evening meeting %oath. but ialf tow revival 'novices at tier from here )tli 1I. sckett'r a large attended. • I • and groom. Mr. and Mia, --PiA Fluter, hove -token up tbeir_,J_VIS-. iittare rigid here. We extend them wrl,,uut ALAI good wishes for con- tinued happiness. The lomat Hallowe'en tricks were ilidulged in this year. It iv very Like for the boy"; te have 'UMW fun when no harm is doom hut the placiug 'of r. 6th, ructions ou the public highwty might Ile Iterioust in ins coussesmenee. ,fiel should lw dis000tintied• -- PORT JUJIIERT. blusumr, Nov. 21111 Mrs. John kettaid, of St. Thomas, hi or be- ....tang friend', stud reuewing ise- .1omitteucee Isere this week. .A If. Seattle would like to know who, IN(1.) .111. boy. out his buggy on the church nit-1as ..41 If it w. wotit they wauted r and (hey utiehl: hAve been le • splitting ed poi 444441 t*e hoodoo/. es 4.. NV.. (hink that the attention of t:he 14)11‘' ,t4111.11 111111111•1 be called to the condi- CIA141, f44411 of the street through 'here. planwilaitidikhillaid be dope to tint% the - water se that it will not wear away e t 14 411 the •t Feet 111141gettel.. .Fross sembereemsepeedseei MONDAY. Nov. 2ini. Ali's( Elise Richar11s*. visited thingalloon kat week. Allwrt Stevenetm. of Kincardine, spilut S lay at his hopw Isere. Mi.. Becky McMillan and Kim Jean Al.•Ketizie ..pent Sturetiay Knit/id. • A patty Of pimple front limle- tieb * plea/met evening fit the home la Mr. and Men. N. Cunning- ham Fridity ev g la.t week. Mis. Eva MeConnoll twr of young people Friday even- ingA newt enjoyeble evening was smelt 111 4)l)$I4., games and dencing. . Young people'N meeting,. in coliner• Don With St. Andrew'n .141)14.14 l(6'glll next Thonsilay. The eubject for the fitst lemon will be •"Chri.t tan PA- tamer. - Nor. ra. (41 e nt 1 iris,' , ease' •ues- for COn• lanff rvice 'Orth and 44 !HA AUBURN. • Te iltsita.v, Nov. 3rd. ..1.11111.1 N" g is off work this Week ieN1114 11144 wire hand. .t few of the gate-. Were 111imilig 1.4-I morning. Elwin Munro. 1.1111 of om eenial tsrst newt er, left last eek ftar Montreal. lie intends taking :1 14114 - there title winter, Apple ;tacking is engrossiug the At - tent ima ef quite a tiumber of the farm- er. in (hie •loocality at preuent. to poultry barrel.. h. one of the din'- . UR raperietseed in the Molter. .1ohn Phillip. nrriVed hinew front the 4/1.1 1'..tantry hut 11..11.104y. 11.• had not been there for (44,44)1 7-1111.• yetis, .411.1 ever tinily streisted to te have lawn chauged since then. It roine41 every day tir Wan throw. 'some yuogstri lase !leen 1111111.141 116- K4141111(6leirsting of the flour latill heiv sr. ()De of the tiode Inch Heist/titles paid our n visit Ire week. Mat whole low. - ma's still rests on stippuertion. ',Whether nue pedal foallier e"Pane'e ..f the ImaillY1M or not we Ilre,tasiable to Aide. This we do know, 1 Billy'. ervicee were not required take the wagon to the undertakers' filishment iisellowe'en. How it ere we will not tell yom.hecanar es got we 1111 st knew. n et '*11 IFT WAWAIPOO9H. altesiste, Nov. 2m-1, The apple i tor vieitell Melgrave hi.* week, . Mr.. 04 Cook I Mitt. J. M:144111 are visiting friends 'baton a few 141. days. Mrs. Rionekinstae, 01 Belgrave. 1. ill 21 eriment inn we nape mite limy soon 110 Well, Jaahil Wight:man is to take the ttspic at League at Weetfield church next Friday. Mies Robinem in having her ...hoot ...tweet nn the 3414, next -Friday. We • wish her albreeM. • . Rev. Mr. Hurtle. of itelgrave. and ReV. Mr. Geddes, of Ailsa Craig, ex - Changed MAIMS on 411111dAy. 'Evangeliatit rerviers Input At ihm- nvlepok thin evening. They will lw \lett every night thie week elleent Wetnimility and Satianlay. Charles McLentliftl. 'storekeeper at Illelerave, returned home from his trip etit tVe.t ..n Tumidity. He likes the country And hmilts well sifter his trip. Itirrela OPP very scarce and many °I the ferment hove not Neetired enough for their bountiful harvest of seeks. Seine think they will hew. to resell to holes. A number ni the young petn,le of Relerave wen4, to hear the (M)' Bre then. in Wingtinni on Friday. The bone. was well reflaW111111 ond *II seemed tes enjoy the treat. The anniversary Nervier.. At Cal% rhumb were moll intended on Rowley. This evenings corteert ie to (14 144.141 in the church. There will likely h. a rood croliftl. RA the' weather la fevor- abh.. 1. pO LANES. • TvIlet/AY, Nov. 31-(1. _ The I. 0. IF. met oft Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. ./*A. Lone were in tiolerich on Friday. .1. Smeltzer le enlarging hie shop by petting a peint %hop at the rear. -The %V. M. M. met in the church Fria:47' efternoon. Hobert Henry how 40141 hie farm to, Iliteltie Rena for the eon of $1.1110.1 He hoe 'mamboed a fertti the gi•avel need front Altott. W.ESTFIELD. TrIlignsr, Nov. 3r.1. R77777771T 417 1171 140 "Irk II"t ;1114,e1111. R4'. Mr. Coupland continence(' A mettiey of 414.4..jol oxongeliatie win' ices al Ihnitiyhtook loud evening. Ateronwrit atreratleninistered at wcsitleld on Sunday bust, and the ferterly buitiotem nesselloje *1 the Alt kern rircnit war. held in the same *ft h !Cowley afters-1mm Tie buzz of the threshing to:whine "II tin. 'envie of the ittrph. packer.. MON no ttttt re he heard in thi. neigh losthood, another elw,P l'" nrached maturity14 - was rather isamidng f11547 4111%.i"I esgew the ron4 on Stinday last to see thallawthartwamisrat 4.nno tto, ev011oolly wont f1" *lea" deal cif trseihle In oonie instances. NILE. Mum/ale Nov. 2n41. 4* 74)4)1' humble el Wee11111...tletit hos route to 'newel( again, he intends to keep the readiaig public in touch with ttttt • pupular little village thrsough your valuable paper. Mr. 1 Mee. Win. Morrow, of tiodes rich. swot leunday here. Mr. and Mee. Willows. 4;0(149'101. passed Otrateget twre ti lay. Armlet ut_the- sty. Apple'sa1wj1cfiil but barrels are sea Thredsity4 for this. 'season hs nearly Bundled. The yield of groin Itas been very The root o•rop is nearly all pealed and it bin Kt/04101w, 1,111 the potato rbt is very heel. Al" Saltinda'y night Wiall Hallowe'en, the, 'toys Wine swIliiittlisig *Mir our townispeople that gate,' were movable. We all acre lwg' • g to feel the sioneuiey of wood ; at least our black - math lie has pin -chimed a ...al Mame. One of • point's(/ ) g men de- cided entw time ago that it. was not all NMI for 111441 4.4/ live alone, YU 114' 14.414 1.11kell 1111141 hI,ialf a wife. We wieh M1. and Alm. Echlin a happy life to- gether. Kenneth Morris, 14 one-time resident of Nile. WMA 1111014W11ig aequaiii- tatters here litat week. He. left Satur- day 1.4/ vimit friends in Hamilton before ret lathing to hie hone- in City life inny change 4444111e Iseople, but lie 4)- (114. 'mute bightertesi Ken. 1111410141 (11(1 thin John 11. Ryan has perebased at new twenty -buret. - power .1. .1. Came emitter. made At 1.. 41)41114. coo... with whirl, o, l'lIII 11144 threshing Omit. Heeetitly he elided i4aW yet. & Mies.ey 1.I..wer (44 his t),resolier. He ha', aliont tiVti and a half weeks' work Ahead of hill' yet. (bit pastor, Ite%. M. J.• pre:wheal* ery el...Mein ...union Sim- ilOy ttttt ruing. 111. text wits taken front the 87111 Psalm, :tit and fith One point whista he dished to impress.. Upon the the cum gregution %Nut. A. they kid hist detli-' cated new knitting to tile 141111. that they, 41.44110.1 dedicate them -wive. anew to In, .11.1 vier, • ' 111t1ei:11 1011411.11. 11114 in the Sum Moth. We.ley Memorial chianti on Almelo). *Hemmer/. the Ap. point :urea XI Were repee.ellled. !Pew - ...Mi. for next year were Attpoilitcyl 4414 fottow. : rhag. 'dew- ; enveloor etewerd : ii. 'huh/ %V. Potter, for Nile Nelmon Celibate, A. Synth, tor Stteppaillt..11 ; (leo. Mail fi or h:lienterer. Ex- pressions .4 11mM:fulness to (1..t1 for enetwrity 1111 the eireitit were given. rg atop's-dation or tin. hotpot,, or the iwytimr. Rev. MI. .1. 1Vilson, '15.4.. la. 'salary was niieed 00111 for the pro... Salt yeer. DUNGANNON. • Musittv. Nov. 2. MAltel Sharman, of (i.iiierich. has been visiting the Misimss Mrs. Joe, 'Soothers, of been vimiting her father, %Vim Nis- lough. Maw. NottInby 'returned oil Saturday from a vimit het• daughter. Mrs.. 11... 111.rrl6n. Lattils.p. Mies Poynter, of Parlolale, has been visiting in Dungan' . the guest of 11rs.'1'11me 11111 1.1141lee. and Mee. (beitge Sttrt here will 40)4.4., 1-1414-1 a home near the Preitiols•riari chlirch. There war 1311 sert•ide in the %bile, dist eliiin•h sonde! morning :14111 11 her from here' attended quarterly sierv ieeli at 1 •rewe. • With the near advent of %%inter stowe wood in nearIV as high fus it wits last year -1T2.Iill.aincl V.'S) being Asked 1114 for -a short lard. Not so many rears ago 111.1 cent. Wits eote.i.lered 14 tat,' price. TUKIM V. Nov. :till. ANNUAL MKKTINO. Oli rurality 111 IAA( week the anneal meeting of the 'Aid Set•iety in cintneet ion with 0)).' l'resbytet•iati elititsia Er4k Mel WA. liehl At Ow 11131144)', find they report that they here had 11 muccesstisi ;rent', having raised $2.1.1 for the hinds "1 the 1•huirch, for which eh.- 'society desert ell 44414*1411 intettion. The 1/11114.114 emming yett• were appoint...I 101 fol- lows : Mies Itiitherfonl. president : Mr*. jr., vice president : Mrs. D. '.111eNevin. Gs -mower. and Mis. Elettn.e I ht 1-idet on. !Wei-et/ix v. all 1.f whom tAke deep ietertst in church w.wk. %V.. prielict for them a U4444'*' miceessful year 011,141 last. Petts.H;.%1. Min. Mennen... 01Wilig- ha1,,, during lest week visited her 111"ther. Hrs. Wm. McMath,-and other friende. were pleased to w.f. licr heating ie. well. and enjoy•ing good heAlth M.•Moth, ttt l'14111.40, vieitoll friend's here laet week , Mr. and Mrs. iits. Itorie anti daughter. Mho. Marv. spent hod Mtintlny willi friend.. in the '.lc t of.Hiplelf,town- uhlp of HuronMrs. .1. lirydirea. of 41.444.1(411. visiteil relatives here to - 4111. • 4411-o. %Valker. lieerte, 1 „ng mi 1111 official 11/11e 111e 11P I F. .spent last /44ilis1*V filth his parents. Mr. 1111111 MIT). ./A.A. 4.%-)11111.1.. 11 si.t.ovcig'issi. -lialhowe'en host ..e.1 gone Anti the boy. etijove.L...Akem- eelvem in the celebration. kVe skoashl think that the depredati 11041 11141141 441111111 he ...induct hit+ re.. speetalde young Merl 101011111 1.1/11Sillee 1W111.81 11 1114.11,. no well As reprehensible °nil disgraceful. It is re. credit to permits and guardians to all..w their .11114111-11, ham eight years. old tind Im- itated, to wander, our stiett. "until 10 ..r 11 rp'clock ist 11 ight. 1'111,1114.1111/W 118ke appear to hove forpt.:tten the a.l- ntotilti tttt of the, wiee up k hill in thv it'oy lw .1% m1.1 go.'" NoTtes:- Weft. %1•Await...h Fire 11041118 1)4.1' Company held it. ii,.,ilIii'.' inei•ting Om. rreolitly pail' 113 LAM N11111,1 were token from %Vialis 14..11's Yeltivie be wan 44.09p11114 In one 111 4111e 1111111*S. .Mr. slyteo that if tie. witty whtro yloltt noon 6 ill ret1.01 11111. of the odd 14114,4 1111, will give, hint the .4ther, :is W./ 44.1111h411.11, /111. 1.1 no 1110 101 any one. ireny. MeV her mtrootem.1 ye./ Tr "AIDA v, Nov. &it. l'impotta L. Miss :dary Ryan le at her Isom'. at Nile 1.1- *4 fru. days Mr. and Mrs. W. 111. /Stewart anti family %hilted Senfortli Lod week ...Charge Nosith 14. 'Loki og thereto. of fikkir's hornet.. u'iop diming l‘is aborronee at the hunting. grr.tinds Mum. (Item) to, lai,1 up with verr WW1arm .Mr. 1))) Mrs. Connie -i- ll on. of Myth. were visitors at 1'. PIlltritt's cone illy 'file wc••Ic . Miss. Mettle Pentland 011 'mending a few wseke In lateltoow with her (-mein, Mot, J. 0. Andetenin John 11*,,,.II ford wee11 StertdAy 1()4tor 0.I our 4'11- ° Woe tie thialte fhinitantorm b. all 'I right. LOYAL. TU112414AY, Nov. Ord. , Hobert McMillau hoe purchased e superior 1)1111 front hi. Mini K. tiontettiall et -Garnett 1 lion week s ig friends in Mrs. Robert Sallows, of thotierii.h. ia 'visiting at the 11 Thos. Sallows (4*1)114414. . William Taylor has returned from Lutttobs end leis noW ptt NUM 1111 iip-to- dattrartrirfeneas. ' Master Harry anti 'sieter Hattie Young, of Kintail, were 'pests tit latyal 4111 1411r1111ty 111.41. Richard Foley ;thin pAid a flying visit to • burg, !wing the giteist James,Young. - BENMILLER. TU10411AY. Nov. 3r4• ▪ Herb. Fisher, wife mud family, ter - low, spent Situttay at Alma Fisher's. Mobi•ing improved the apiwerenee of his lionise giving it a flesh coat id paint Wit week. The new ettwl /wither rapitlly nearing c pletion and will be opened for tranie *limit a month. We are 'gleamed ill Veal..tht Clarence Walters, who mit him foot a few week4 ago, is able ,111 be around 14(641111. Statute I:lbw is (wing done on some of our roads. We think the prou•tice .4 !Paving One work t,ill the fall is is 1(01111 allle 111111 '1111111111 be generally 14411/Ketl. ' a. Q11 lelPlir ..srvira ve 11. Nolan .t. 1 here last ttttt lay and were well at - tools./ The speciftl serviees whirli eottibteetwed La•st week Kee 1,111' 1.1111- TeendeiST, Nov; 5, 1903. LEEBURN. TUICSDAY, Nov. 3rd. After several weeks' pleasant visit lie e parents„Mr. told Mira. Foley. here and rt•latives hi Ashlirld. Mr, Loiwrence;of Chicitgoo, lett on Stain. - day last. She will visit her mister. Min. O'Brien, twar 14m414)1), for a few (ap( and for a week or lei will visit friends at Prineeton turd itatuilton of% her way to l'iticalgo. Our well-Lnown townsman Janice ilnktAter turs-rereired--str-hteitokhne- tax.he.presieut-at the. gulden_jubilre uf the .1I,ev. Jas. Wino • lute e pleted fifty years' sei•vice in the Pre- bytei•ifin church. The event is to la. t•elebrattell at MaeNabb Preshyterisin church iu I Mr. Filswk wa. pAstor here for a time ha WI. '91 anti in. Wan a general favitrite.' A popular Irishman • who has not yet enlisted ha the rank. of the bent. - diets him a sate that. is Annuftlly 11 coveted object on Hallowe'en. This year he got a little 14114.841 (11 the boy14 hy putting the gate ini1 of view No the huts mmildn't get it quickly. The genial Irishman had two of his neigh - Imre with Iiitn tor a "metal filet with a pipe or set till a little after 10. when they went to their homes. Fixing an Worm on the gate tight and fain with the F. R. R. he retired IV. rest. After midnight came the lads were on hand and made .41' with the gate. but t hi - alarm woke tip the genital iriahltriti, whh with a. tpweri Anne initeket 441)1111 4Ilfeet.410k 11/1 DUN :tittl reswited the gate. 'Mr lads bad rem' the story of Bruce and the spider and sullied for 44 iwcond raid, seeing the gate it the t4.1 'doer, with greater calltion. Sevet al new Jackkitit es lately bought, a./,the liardwhs; Maas. for (1)1.1 ii.., tinned ihiring 1114. pre.etil week. • ite YOrtiip top44 ere tested .111 114V.1.': . _ _ 1, IT. that hull sl the al..riti. The ASHFIELO. kni.e. wouldn't. C4) it 1111.1 the ialle tr- ite *gain turned os and 'ruined ' t boys. I hot. gonial islinian ts id forgiving tenipetatio t 1 . We ho that the lads will jill 11 . ear'm thud ti get this stupid animal a Mann, which 111111 wade litany hard fee •nite. in any c ttttttt 'Unify where ohnerVi. . - 131.UEVALE. - . TiierprAV. N.ov. FINLAY--GAIttliNtin\--A %editing of Irs hatetest wato•elebrattstl Al. 0 pm. 11 editembiy, Oen/ r ;Nth. at the rosileas...• or Ow beide'. they. %V. T. 0 tedium-, 44 the twelfth is (-mei.. .4.4444,0:,wheil hi. lady ter. Eva. wa. t,1•11 111 Ile !I'll)* tam or Onstritisony to Bert. Finlay. of the erstwesoa41111. The ceremony was - W, Smith. B. A.. ..f ie the preseaee 4,1 Ituulk‘d gut -1411. The bride. Who wan given ititay by her father, looked vt•ry sv.eet 'my dives "4 white silk end carried a ,wt- of bridal news. The cere.nonv wa formed umler 311 melt of inyt1 le wi A Ivickgroilitil of ferns. A coushi of the brae, J.u•k Fergtee.n. playa 1 t h.. wedding month. A riswite fol. ['owed ceremony and Olen the guests part 1111/k' titnis repast. After 'supper there tva. fin entertain- ment; 1:1111•114111K Of S1/111(2, eeeilAti01111a, game., rte.. Whallt the time was pleasantly totestel till the early hour.. of the morning. The present. Were ttttt t isersitis Mid beautiful as w.•Il as aniong them luring a g.4d watch :41111 chitin for the groom frOtti his gratnifilther, Robert ilitrxison. of Peterboro. DUNLOP. Mo/NDAV;,:,,i0V. 24111. MI SAtii,loy. of libiugledion, mid Mr,. Lit le, lof Ian:know, wt+e hi.re during hist week. On 1 iirkey. duck and gmew iirsea- t manv of usir' giiidwives ,,,,l of of the maiden. of 11111e Mee fersted 11allowe'../1 The gathering...held were truly hey had a gom tune ehat ling over time, our to -eminent e. McDonald has itely inten(s.) A new moue trap, with+. irtestent1 of eatc'iing. 1111e at a (11110'. capture. a dozen • at one-. Several hotiewives M41111111 4(41' village have adopted it Ind eat.' And kittens henceforth will he use. Ihdliditr/ Ones can 11M, patts tm 1111IY 1111Y ill 110 411..11l1/C14 1111/p. 1%411 1111e Gera111111 ...mein in Leoleorn iwitt thitii* • A few slays oaf. A, lupe I( 14 awn slitati A. C. Slelsitiehl pieked an apple from his 11111111111 1114 weighed one p. 1 two ounces. It Was fourteen inches in. eirciiitiferent.e. Allle intend. to take this apple i s' y ettele Sa Wale:111 th.v. C. Hall Ilpilre11 Are 11! laii! 11111,1 grown in tlw Atate, The following is the standing of minds in S. S.No. 9, C..lie.rue SI. IV. : Jean t'hitton, Ettilie Shaw : Jr. I V. : Shaw, Iletigie Willie Glazier, Hume Clinton, James. ii.srks-r, Minnie Harker ; Sr. : Ekie latvr. hunk Clavier. Wilbur •SteWati. M*hel Voting. Lola Porker; Jr. III. : /Hive Tichbourne ; Sr. : Hugh Chisholm a Jr. I : 011 ides Stewart. Et het caree Part II. : Nforr !Thaw : •Part 1. : Jiw (thazien Ina %Vil)ie Chhe holm. 4. /410114tra AryttlENT. Ott Monilfty niirlo hint week a Int•g.. (entitle, en ronte front thirty -aid t.. Mr. Foley', to threoh there in the morning, Mel 111141 11 lin u.puot about 7:31). Sleet WAS Iasi*. ing from the 111/11h at the time and the engineer and brakeman had diffi- eitIty in erring to guide the. engine. After 9:teeing the schoolhouse they Went little too close to the edge of tip ro Id going iloWn the hill lit 1 011111 lest heis', and in crossing the en ert lge. v .11Plorev;.. O 1111- lame Within 4411 ineli of the The vart 11 ,4)1 the side of the r, way and 111.' fmgine went par The a'ater tank behind wieit nom- pletely ovet• inh. the culvert of the ereek. The brakeman in jumping eft fell and hi. Jantern wats sttlashed thousfoul pieces, but lie himself was unhurt. The .engitieer• 'stuck to his post and managed to control the en- gine. gaml'otter, who Was Pint drit'ing Away (nen 4 lie Tait 1.r..1 here', saw the 1111,M:tit and the thrt•e were soon at the scene .4 the accident. Another leptera was pnedired and two of t school trustee!. Medsted in prying Aild lifting, but finally it was der'•1.41 to lea% lb.' engine on ite .itle till 13), 1114413(6, with a lantern burning to guide ()meting truffle. At (14151 '1114 the enginet.r and brakeman and the MANAMA' MA A large 'tat, of men apps.rinsl and drew the tAnk 1411 lif the creek. Tim engine WA44 riponssi istel hoicked on to the VVilliatief ferns, a panel of the fenee Iseing polka down, then armee ti. the gAtetvey. The outfit reeehed its dem illation ANA)) 11)A. 111. No one erste hivrt, Pot the neeident *how.. the neeemity 'for widening the roadway at this epnt, end routing t fw pot up at once. More than half the gratin and cattle from Ashrield prweies this way and the road id ki he fixed for (lie eon. venietwe .4 All. The. Affer of The Mignril Anil The Montreal Weekly Herald for one 41..1 Ar le exciting mocli emument. The rdinarr query is, 'l(ow can it be otteT The feet is it I. being llone, nil many 0e8411111, Nee altmely ativantage of the alluring offer. Tc, ew eutewritteirs both papore will Ise sent for Use balance of the year free. -1 Ressil The Signe' clubbing Ihit on ti p11(6413. a BACK- ACHE If' you have Backache you have Kidney Disease 'ryes. neglect (Backache it will develop into something worse -Bright • Dia - ease or Dialudes. _Thera Is no L„ use rubbing and doctoringjour back. Cure the kidney.Ther le wily one kidney medicine bol k cams Backache every them-- Dodd's Kidney Pills Ovrecoats Our Mt telt as e t a tt plete in medium 'and heavy weights in Underwear.' Kindly nil!. We east e Largerd stock of new Oreorroa tinge and suit i nice in the coup.. 1, lia .ielect from Leave your Order Now. \Underwear f.0 Suits _ Finest 1"goods made, *tie I nil n g the new Linen Underwear. 1 plet.el suit you -.in price, too -on short notice. si- THE MARKET. Liverpool Wheat inciter Bet Cbleasto 1.• Insitionaally The Logo* ildlot aliens.. Mot1024 Ilvening, Sow. 2. Liverpool wheat futures '...441•441 44.1 to 444 Maher today thati Mitemisy and. cora fm tures %.1 higher. At claWay.. Per. wheat eloac.d 141 lease 'tjesit'_9(muoter: Dec. corn unchanged fiat we. nets Sit.r karts% FrittElla11,01.4111111 EY.. Sentue-vatee Work Lome outlier market Wh737. furstei. Herm deleted at meter ptievs: enema H.:. Mons. Heise Amer/ cei. .:44ti at a drivs.see :of (4; Dauutdlfl Hour. Anwrinn strany; Not111474 meat,. Parte Ind, Ant nel p •rt14.; 44.0111... As company, with a vook tic% its visible pply of wbc.it Cseada nut the retied tate. aoitea.; Oiled 1141111/1,11.101•11; oatA 1.357, - GO bushels, Eollowing 41 11 et at eineng for (N. ••••141 entitas 1...1.44. toe preceding week and the earrespoichog week at lest year: Nov. 2. 10 (Jetts surt. Noll. 1. 10. Shoat bii..$11216,44a) :r.2.200,000 Osis. Dn.. 8 trit...4.0. 7 O...2..*0 7.5t744100 corm 1/./L12..sui To. romplItylata the visible supply of wheat In Canada and the United Staten. together Mtn th•t blurue.• 14 60 M.IXXI harts* against 80.26000 hiedell WINK ago .ad 85,566.00 both'!" a 74.444. 44(0. 1 M.& 1111 411 4411 T se•nite:r rollowka are Me cloning tomitatitill• at leoportan anon centres teday: Cada On. Dos /07. Sew Yist• . \ 87 Mt cilieNS .4 • • • D•fof$14, NM 1 . e• Unita • Lewin's:Nes sr taster. Tee.toet e, No'.'*,k.1. 11 „c iting W F. B. Scott OM week. •, M Hood and Mrs. Hold,. kits iends Funlwich. last, 'We . 'Mi., aini, *Mrs. (4oist. Shedd/S.4/, vat Mortis Wentylsiting at A. PlitIA!riWOLI:S '411 Sunday.: ••• - . \ lir sorts) club- .4 this village will led( auteetubly t he Fiiresiers. hall on the ev of 1%16a:ember 5th. Rev. W. J. 4.,, 9189411411114 yery barn -sting se*r.M. revising to the young 41111,14 ..44 heir faults And ideols. • The itiontlillx meeting of ttttt eii's Institute was hi•ld at the bottle of Miss Jennie Elliot on (1,11., 0-4 Ot..ber 21,t. A he, of 'relies, nickeling % isnot s, wet e preitent and /1 101e1e1.1.nl :11111 Pe0t11:1111, after mem, was -spent. Mr.. Maxwell. pr • 4.1.-nt or th••1 II-tit:tic, re 1.1 :1 he) of it I n tut i net met ve on per -flow to net Ise erotic easy." Music was ren- dered by Mi.. Neon :ili•Neughtoe., followed by thiiesiv..i.ie .411 1'1 pie.. 111r... Roby invite.' the ladies 111 he,. home for their 114•41t ins•eting. The meeting .1.....1 .witIr the .inging of t be Nat' 1 Anthem. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. E. T t. 44411. OA. 1 ith. Council net aceonling to adjourn- ment. 51..inher.. till present. 1{1.4.%.• 11/1111ill'41n in t he (hail'. The mil -Mies 4,1 last meting %%ere read anti confirmed. Tlietremeitvr'm mt ate, nett t • m how i lig ba1. anee 1,11 hand of r41.00. was 01..1. ('(4.4414.44 441.74' Nulled, to the amount .4 $01.1.1111 for payesent of coutract ()ninejI tidgnarned to meet on 1%'etines 11/1%, NalVelllbee ISO,. at 110 o'cloek. AV: S. Al .11 pert ('1.-,-k. The St. Catharines Well. The train . •rtii•e that ie niter -atoll 1111 (11*' Grand T.nnk Railway Siy.tetit makes it a !item...tire 1,0 travel ler, to .rea.•11 the ninny points located on its liner.. (hoe of the I"4pbnc,,1 pineeti im St. (*at liai•itte.. On ri,.. whei e the fanfous l'atliat• Well. Caneduem great fleetly rewirt, located. It is 'noted for it,saline baths, and thous:made of people (1111111 all poets of .A eateries) have been 4111141 orArevt 1 benefit tell by the lie of its waters, hifermat dleseript ive m it tev , and All particulars 111444y be hail on a 111 (1. T. HELL 11. 9. -& T. A., Grand Trenk 114111Way 1ty...14.144, Mon- treal, 1'3114113. A Paper for the Farms tilt. 'Weekly SIM, of Toronto. i. caper thAt ehould he in every farmet•••, . 11 provides the biteet and inoist ttecinstte information regarding all branchem of hia ',mine:H.14nd shorn.- !WM 11111,1i1. quest lone ably'end termite", ly from ,(11.• standpoint 44 the farmer. Th.. weekly colitt•ilintion By- stander- (Orig. (ioldwin Smith) alone its Worth Itialur 4. . the prier ti,,' paper. The Sim will le• emu frt now to 1.4 January. 1101.14, in cowl 'nil - 4 hie with The Signal. for CAI. mallHMV a1).1 get the fitlibe efii thin offer. A sample copy of •lie Sun will be sent lo nay adder. ler the asking. Ilf 11111. •1111•Ie71..1Ve al- ready .r...tetetel their next yeti. By this Mean+ they get The Weekly 1,1 • at onee, and it will be ',mini to the let of Jane - art . CATTLE MARKETS. thanduir Cialkles Snelostaged 1111.04544 nee fka• *Mote Money sod Priem Master, 1•0111.011TO Lt •• STOCK. IIMporters-Nest loads et exporters on peek 24.2e pee cwt.; mama to goal NI *best 3&16 RIO.,'. 1151141---05olro eosin/ bone are oold •0 050 to worth 1114 012? ewt.; modflon haild 45. Expert Coors- 'port °ewe ere worn 23.10 to 01.0:1 pot rat. , hoteliers' Cattle ('440414 Oleked ieta M Markers. 1100 to 11/111 the. Mel. eau•I 111 quality to beet e)porters, are o4r43 34,30 t• 14 30. 104414 gond geld at 01 75 t• 114.101 fair t• good. 111.60 to CaTO: commis. ON resins to Isferlor. $2.26 to p.a. ruder. torero et 40.0.1 (loamy. 1110 ne 1150 lba ...b. or 3420 I* 13.70941 tot Sone guile ter the aistlimeo wren at 5120 to 011214 PAT mm• eskers- 0••7.1r t• yearsid Moors. 400 to TOO lbe •r• worth 01 18 0111 pee eons WI rotors mull of pots 1*1 qpient tit sem. weights GTO 5284 t• 5080 per eve_ Ittich ow• MIle• veers and isalmotile aro ...eh $119 t• 50. fel•••-Ohnes pid et 13 to 116 0.044 er from 34 1 14. 508* ow owl. Sheep rooms 40 t• 010 peewet Om torzt, eat bora" it 11 50 to 0 TO etc Lambe- Paco' tonal fres $15 t4711.4:00 pm owl IWege.--Ilese aelfw1 bents 3rbece, sea less a uss 440. sows thas 1111814. LaZ dm worth 116.0 par Piet: as Kul or% hi on ooLital - geese, kieteg. husk .... beds Bean& bose-netrol . Poss. bash .. hoe. boob Oats bash tttt . 0 134 /1.1•4.11 POO ONI•IN 4141.1 'snow F Liverpool, Nov 2 -Wheat- spot No red treaters winter etesdr, 84 44 Intone Steady, Leo 0. 64, March, Os 6444 hay, les 0(48- Cinm-Iiloot num: American ratt- ed, 44 2150, futures Weedy, Low., M Jan., ts 114.1, Reef -Mitre ladle mesa steady, 26. Par% -- Primo W0.(1 -T3 steady, 110e. nacos- l'omborland out grin, SU. loos Wear tuld- itteg -neat, War, isair-Taarwas, beaiy, arm. 610; abort clear bulks street, sos. Terri Prime eastern, lo tiontes drat, 36e. American pati refined la o. Imo, 0.. Id. Hop, at (soda', (P8486. Ocreat), steady. MI 184; 0 ten, les. 50 l4.4 Is .... 0(4 071 074\ 045 *So ttttt McLEAN BROS. 41 ART TAILORS. CLOTHIERS, OUTFITTERS. 'Phone 77. The Square, GODER1CH. 7 CATTLE MARKETS. . . ._ ....,..\ C0.2(1..Vsolkauce4L-Sottew On........ Mostrotal. not Priose •re ihealso. London Nov 2 14''. .-sutle steady. 11e to Ilho per It.. for •orrican .stoena dressed weight; Coondliio Peers, 1044.1 te 11. pee lb.. reenan-ntf/ teed, /Ate te 9e r per lbfibeep and., 10444r to 124 pos lb. Laanbs 111e, greased weight. MONTIIE A t. 1.4 v a rcruiC K. Montreal, Nov 2. --about 900 bead elf bet - ton 'cattle, 75 reta•es and SOO Mom 106 Iambs, wow., offered ft.,r sale •0 th• Dug drol Abattoir today, There were mom pretty code cattle on de martst to lay than mid and those brought luwer pricem good loatM: 4410*4(44 aosovo and dear; tito Pricwe of likt hogs ars motor: prime towns mitt at abont 4544 par lb, ; good crofkume al (rya.. eke to 4c end the ordinary medium, •0 OM= 3'130 00 WA SW lb; oommon ,took mid at hoes he '1111. 11-54e and cati.lag bulls at llho to as pee tt.. 20(714 01 tls creaservas eftA, roam leas and sold down to weir white the bettor worts *old at to V4.mid goad •asla at 4c to amo per , Owed tot. of tooc,s sold at about to 4.4 stanniss '140. I( oboe ne per lb, Illimp-•Sold at ttcve 24 to totic per lb. 4/ee1 tete ef tat b.'s.: sold it &boat 15540 per Ib eon • too 0..484to ta, to ova pie lb.; • ior at vo sa- ssed°, milt* mew from Oatarlo wars ow tiirog at Orono 1166 to 170 Obolo. 11•1111 1.01rW•1 0 at •111N111r. Zest Buffalo, Nov. 2.-Oattle-0 11750 bead, Wow, 10e to 254 lower;"14C" stems, 5620 te 16.00. stilpplm., 34.20 to as; botcher* 11111 50 Oa ft 0. 144fere 0 26 to 14; corri, 045 to Roo, boll*, $0.116 to 34: stockers end feeders. 0.50 to . te 02 75; it:1•1747"432 33; god frh owe_4 *princely seady; good o r. 18 te $561nowliom to good, MD to iTO 127Vetls-Rnmipta. rastr 21 7, 01111 to $7.111. heave, 33.40 to St 130: astted, 00 to 5.•0:' Yorkers steady, 0(4.., 5.4 to 100 1 Noce---Recallpts 2400 bead: 1:1 Vorirera. 3520 to 15 AO; elev. 33.10, to P-.....3); roncit4, 14 40 to 3470 stags, 1111.73 .to 114 1o; dobies not gromera. $6.10 Ds $6,20 ,-, Sleep and lamas- Receipt". 22 1110 heed: "beep snow. hoot.* Weedy; Oohs, *420 to 81-35; Iftw at 1540. yearlings and werbere, $8.75 to 14; rem, 0.26 to Pito; sham, mixed, 11,50 to 11.85. NSW Tong 1.74111 sttOOlt. _IS,. York, ' Nov, 2.-6.eves--gmeipto. 00o1; ettarra glow: toll Irides •Itlat steady; other* demon/trot: hone 1444• lower: .ows weedy to 101 off; native et..no, 53.25 to 33.20; hilf-tireetfo. 117.36 to 13.60; °see. 112.25 to 34,13. balks. Ir) to $3,50; cows, $1.20 to 0,26 »blown*, to torwrow, 1/01/ cattle, 1150 P....,p mitt Mot...earresa of 1,.04. csi,.. '‘'11P"PIPIlli • 114'4'), , ...Is Parr, grassers, steady to 14..41.•1, N ,. IN 54 to $8,50; c14..4..... 3.75. grallinalni awl fah Mous 112.00 to 43; fed do, 1316 to 33,50; cominm Wealern. 12.78 Cheep and, 1111g4-- Iteeelpts, 111150 oboes slow 1:11tilall 1,111 ima,a-ca.,, own. "M., tie to 10c higher' 4,44 Of *alas 184 Pi 171.; lower. mbe,-p $2 to Irt..13:• eolle,_ 31,50; m Iabs. 15 to $5.75. (41144-)1 4114" 116.15 to 0.0; Maeda limits 115 t• 11.71. 11046 - Iterelpts. In.sile! nierkot Me to 21Ic lower: "litho and l'onn. ono. $5 40 to 85.110. C1410•00 1.11111 "Toult. ebleelfo. NM. 2,-444400e.---Rece4p4., 24'.84n, inclo.nog WOO Wrens an/ Wass westerns; good lo prime Wein. Ile.:n to- 5371. pow t 0 medium. 3360 1 .0 114.184; ,444.l44,44 opt Gorden 3292100 *4 20: moo 111.1:.. to •24: 1...114., $2 to 05- ...Rimer. 21 15 to 12.50; lotlfs $2 to 24.26; calves, 0 to 111 75; Texas f04 differs, 13 te Salk; waiter, Seen -•.184 23 t• 13.45. lints -Reirelpts today, 27.000; to -morrow, 21 ono ,elleiled error,: Moiled. west ; :MVPS slat leitchere. #4.447, to 114130. teed :0 Amt.'. biller. 0 to 1111•20: Progli Warr. 04.40 to 14.01 light, 060 to 01,0; bollt ef IMMO st 14.0(4. IMO, • Sheep atoottipto 00,000: steed)* to lame; lambs, 1Or Mower: tend to AM..) werwee. 140 tr. 54; IhAll to Masco riled, 511 to 0 a. benne limbo dirtil t• 040. .. While the prynier ot only ofinstnkind. 1111111, there is re fen in shelving 44,0114411,yet the hinge! 114411 1,,.l 14.14 her the loos ho Know*. Wilell an opposItion makest statement that the 1 a Of a Happy Thought on4 three ye i you eau reat ensured. he fheie4lisoysoirp.r.alrewmaiubsye nitaisuI/rosiug .into so many homes and is bei so 1 years and they krhoughts In tOwn Therthate haarvee a "In use tor twenty as good and work as well as numerous new stoves I am still short of appy Thonght Han I haven't even a *ample to show you. I have had Lwelve in ¥nce I advertised o shortage, and I I have four o rs to 511 SO if you want onyrorder.lyoueoonmoiate ca1 nd up to-drano on th market osll and irony have some I ny has p hied to ship me some atby Sncea.trdaY' and the iss\ th I*. Com, . - is one.Of market. your 0 heat t and best working stoves on th. 1 India a big gale of it. Call and it Ind be ou want is stove that will giveyou Iota of get a itodiant Ilome. ‘ I ask you to give and Sto% es a trial before pay - for them, and if the 11111 satisfactory you are not weler obligation 1.-) keep it. It • turned at my expense. I have a number of nd-Iis ranges, wood cooks and °al heaters which I have.taken in etc nge, which can be had at bargain prices. am headquaeters for the latest ard ware. and roost up-to-date CHAS. C. LEE, 'PHONES-- Store, 22; House, 112. ._intrIrrttmmt NEWGA E LI V ALEX. ROBINSON. Proprietor. ile.• vie GUNDRY BROS. Livery, Hack _ 'Bus Stables Thom. who drive, for eit her 11,, 11 iness or pleasino, will find the Newgat (61114-1 1.1V- ery w 11 equipped with 'omit horses and rige Buggies, Pha,..tons, Wagonette, etc. Faery cote taken to meson1, the conifort ,mil sal isffiet het of pa/Tons% (live kw 11eall. 00011 HORSES CARRIAGES PHA ETONM ----RTC., AT - REASONABLE ---R A T 8 - We/I-Appointed litiehe and reli- able drivere iii chnrge of the 'Humeri; whiehl will meet all train and steamboat s ▪ th ALEX. ROBINSON, Oppirefte colhorno 1 1..i. ALI. CALLS ATTENDED To Pito 1UPTLY FROM If h: AN(It PRI V A,TE HOUSEs GUNDRY BROS. rio1•H'KE •'• 'PHONE virrj M Al s J. BROPHY & SON Telt 11141/1•110 VW1‘11Y(A crlwt '.'.‚.\ ‚4.. Order* earelhally •4ow4e41 to ay ail boom silent est Sat. *warm 04 HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN81) PRIVATE, D .u1;9734".60.:Z1rys1;041EZ I o iffdi his advertisement in !tier dealer you it The Signal, Godorich 'ne0111111111MMNIMMOMPlandelniellieleureillesein