HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-5, Page 6to T.v,SDAY, No%'. 5, 1903.
Kew Tee slay Make Weir.; si11 Is
a Paver aereptaele.
it takes 212 de.giyex of twat to snake
water bull. That 1s a gekxi deal of
hent, ■ id the reeeplavle that holds the
w•ptrr gets pretty but before the strain
mud bubbler acme. Yet you eau boll
water lu paper If you ,go about 1t 1p,
the right way. 1t you waut to prove
this and try the esperltueut herr la the
w_ay to dolt:
One end of a hrnvy wire is bent Into
a ring, the other end into a spiral just
the size of a caudle. Slip the spiral
over the candle, drive In a pin' under
It. lay on the ring a dlek of stoat pa-,
Tel !seen a0ILl . -1
per considerably larger and press it
down Into a bowl stupe. Fill the bowl
with water to a little above the.wtre
and light the candle. The water will
be heated until it tolls, but the paper'
will not catch fire even if the tip of
the dame touches It. The heals car-
arritd off by the water and the wire.
The wire must therefore be Targe and
the watery must rise above the ring.
weer atelghbore le a Tree.
John Widgeon, the field collector of
the Maryland Academy of *knees,
says that birds and reptiles 'sometime*
live In close proihulty to each other.
"Several years ago while ezploring
Keret Island l ventured up a forty foot
hickory tree to inspect a aria fish -
hawk's nest. When almost to the neat
I was uttprlaed to see an enormous
black snake wrapped around the heavy
attt s at the bottom of the bulky nest
The *bate, although at mut au unusu-
al distance from the ground. did not'
lone Its presence of mind, but dropped
gracefully from Ilwb to Ilwb until It
reacited the ground. Continuing to the
nest, h tonnd a large family of field
mice. Above this was a nest full of lit-
tle sparrows, and npou the top of the
hawk's neat there were three young
hawk* Just hatching."
A Favorite Game For (-bidders.
'"Ttie German -bend" 1 ofieu a great
vorite with children. The "band" is
ed by every one ■e.1•tubling In
the leader stunding on a chair
and ring the signal for a start. 'rite
d1Re nt instruments are then imitated
with ntore or less skill, each performer
taking for his model the conductor.
First an imitat14 o of the drumm r may
i* given, follow d by the trombo or
cymbals; then da bare tb triangle,
clarinet, fife, I•'rench horn ind be
viol. Precision Is the point to be aimed
at by all the Inattumentaltuts. Lag-
gards are punished\ with forfeit', to
meet the case.
H•w Hlgt Slicds Fly.
Those Interested 10 -lite ways of
feathered folk are still dia,•tissing the
gumption of how high birds fly. Again
and again balloons have been sent out
to ascertain tile, ■Lid several German
aeronauts have collected uabls in-
formation. At present if believed
that Um average height "bird
tracks' through the air 1s a n 1,300
feet above the earth, though -c clon-
ally they bave been discovered at all
elevation of from 6,000 to 7,000
A. Experiment.
Take three bowls and eland the
• row. In the bowl at ons end put
het water as your hand can bear,
the one •t the other end put lee Ovate
In the middle bowl lukewarm water. \
Now hold your right hand In the hot
water and your left band In the cold,
say for a minute or more, theu sudden-
ly piers both hands in the lukewarm
water and nutlee the effect.
If the one tested 1a blindfolded a
good deal of awuseweut will follow.
MedMe ' acrd rape Mas tia slab
Were aelf .f Pe*..
"Than err few swatters," aatd tfw
late lir. libidatutu, "whew 1 Iu.Ien
to with usury •plt•asure than the
Prime of Wale. His apaches are tu-
,verlabl• taarvele of c 'I.rteas,
graceful expression and clear• elocu•
Ind• Mr. Phelps, the late Awl-.
'!peau awtwtraadur, hiruettll "s Limn
of silver tougue,". dei•lartyl, says ••
writer I. 1'u-Btti, that there (was.
probably nudes um better after -diet -
net .ipeaker in ' .1itgland, if indeed
Lord Mastery was the Prince's su-
perior. •
King Edward VII has beets sethie
ed with _the; prime requisite of a'
jrublk 'speaker, a clear arid.beaettful
voice, which can make iratt' 1e4 d
without appareut „effort, In the. larg-
est hill This v'yl}e is largely nat-
ural, us anyone who can recall his
oraturli'al efforts ul forty -years or 'lo
'ago will edea; but it is also partly
the result of a long- training 1n elo-
cution by one of its best toasters.
1n the earl. years of manhood the
King hated no petit of Air public do-
tal so much as the nemealty of mak-
ing speeches, but he early determined
:that "aa be bad to speak be would,
at any rate, make • sum of being
heard." end under. the ,guld.ac7 -vl
•ht* father -himself a treated and el-.
fictive slpeaktrr-and under an elocu-
tion master. he rapidly acquired that
elcarne's of enunciation whkb nuke.
his speeder --so pleasant to listen CO.
la those day, he used to practice
so assiduously that if ever a could
not be luund /t Was 'always conclud-
ed by his brother,. and meters that
• Ba, tie was somewhere learu.nq to
spoilt,' and stories are told ui how
he would try his 'prrutice oratory on
hie >vuug brothers, p/sutnig them at
dt8rrwtt angles and - diatadgea and
prechdng until each one heard every
It►• thew early days the Prince was
ubvioesly and painfully nervous and
oven tel -lay. altbaugh tuug laatrliar-
Ity has wudrruted• his tremors and'
-he has .batter learned the art of con-
w•uaatlune, he has con-
l�lwaya Batu a bad utiar-
tlluur 1'401.0 I utak', u
cealutg hp
Nosed "1
ter of ,an,
eperc•h In pubtic, and there .re times
when 1 • would` give much to',rlip
quietly away."
And yet to ill' apprsranc.• the
King, as he chats genially with one
and another or llatena with a Nitrile
to an address. is the Must soli-pt►s-
seamed tion present, but close . oh-
:emer dill detee•t- cert n nervous
ueuesaeutN-this firm• rok u,4 ul
his moustache, tree toy utg ith his
watch chain: het or Ntick which
prove that after all the Ki is
Lumen/ end hes nerves
In hys Infancy ■s speaker bis
.lasrhus w.•re carefully prepared. co
i• d out and 'cuuuuitt.d to memory.
t in one memorable occas the
Prince 'had forgotten to lake has
shauuw•ript, mad although be .rarely
referred to the copy\of a spew•!, the
knowledge that in' this case it was
snit available for euser emirs so un
n.•rved hint that his tnvuwry eut.p
pleb ly failed hint .Lid hr,,thd fur
tome to trust to hie, °Wit iu4ti'oaptu
Fortunately ire succeeded' w well
that he was encouraged to trust ss.
in future to memory and more to 1
'Oration, With the happiest results.
`.ow his speeches are only typed in
t'Breeity•" ho consider., is the
toul of ot•atury,"as of wit; and he
out only makes short speeches him-
self, but exports thews of °there He
studious* avoids quotation. espec-
ielly of poetry. and uevrr trice to be
-Lamy, alt bough. he .uci•es•de in teeing
both bright and witty. • hit,_ atti-
tude is easy and unconventional, his
1.•tt hand t.attng'on the tante or on
lo■ hip.and the :'Ight bend left free
foe the very Ilmlberl p.'stiirrs with
A hick he emphasizes the points of
hip sleerh.
General Manse's rebate* Adep:.d by fife
The Federal, Executive. Council has
\adopted the' army organization
!Fnent.pr.-tieredar.by Maloroienernl
Witton, clwutaodtng the Auatrali•
l'ut uuuwrultb t.uups.t. The •scheuse
protietes to rale* a mobile field force
well equtp{ed and rapable•oif under-
taking military operations at the
shortest notice . wherever the Push-
u,umwealti,tt desires, and a garrison
force not' n.s11.5aartly mobile fur the
protection Lit, pre -determined strate-
gical points and plat. • of commercial
lugoortanee to the Cutunxiuweahh.
Uemeral Mutton. In 111! scheme, ex-
piate* that the Melfi luret* wits rout -
prier eighteen regiments of light
horse organized 111 six brigade's,
twelve regiments of lniantry urgan-
1'rd 111 brigades and ruwplete ■rtil-
levy departments. This force will
consist entfret% of militia The
troops will number 13,911 nen, dab
ixty grins, but 'mat be increased 1n
ie of war to 27.75:4 men. with
ei ity-four gene. The garrison force•.
wh h- will Include the small local
e, will creased largely of %olun-
nd will nuniti'r 11,10NM nen
sty -nix gum Thies ander the
.wore .e.11m.e..wr
Is my sed w hes to cave■Ise.
The chief reason for capottiriig
cockerels i• to get a larger profit out
of theta. Onod capons generally a.•11
for • higher pile., per pound than
other Omit ry. They also weigh
more, and are marketed at a tint'
whoa the lock 1s bringing little re-
turn. A Sock et capons ars quiet.
do not crow and ars easily taken
care of.
The best breeds to cationic,* are the
medium sired varieties such as Pb' -
mouth /took, Wyandottest Hhod. Ire-
land Reds, etc. The Asiatics do'olot
Oen mi satisfactory remits unless
kept until they reach maturity, when,
they are ae large as to he.,bey'on4'
the reach of prlt•nte fainllira _iJ-dos;
not pay Co caponire smaller hosed'',
because they do not produce dreAe-
ed fowls of the higheat duality; ('a-
,'nns are usually market.'( et tram
rim to 19 months of age, and the
market for them ope'1a soon after
ti holidays
The beat time to raponlzs 1e when:
the rock.rela are three to four
months old. At 11,1. age the opera-
tion can be performed with 1... dan-
ger than when the birdbi are older
and tare. r A bright. sunny day
must he . hosen for the operation and
the Mild. mnM hate hewn fasted for
at least 24 Melia prevloue A mortal
eel nt le.trliment■ are a.reneery for
tote putt ors. and the work requires
skill sad rare tins may molly le-
intr. , he skill by practicing on a Imo
tied MOW. -smr.rr'v'!.wM,
nd tet
w schen.e there will he available
2. 807 men aid e,tj bty-six guns,
wh ch nnw •r runldTn thne of war
be fere to 39,649 ren and 110
guns Tho ar•rluun force does bot
Inciu• the ri clubs.
•trete A t Leedom.
In I on a c Ild 111 born every
three nm tee rind a oath 1n register-
ed every , to minute. Lally a mil-
lion per* e haul the under-
ground rail aye, 7.4/00 ansums,'14,-
thep cubs an 7.1100 tra rare. Four
'tonne /id p.,.: len deliver 0.000,000
Idltera weekl walking distance
trput! to twice he cin uniferenre of
the g be. Si y thousend petters
are writteh • da, consuming thirty
genions 01. Ink. 1 n thousand nil's
of overheats telegr 'h wires airs et
shut out the, pt;sok canopy, whl h
apr.•nde above the Rants Iwmdo
street', and the nu
graph messages res
Incl year wee over (1.444
.Million gallows of water
IA daily.,
rertrr;.t - l l u �ikti
TYi S''.w!4'jl.k
T141 SJ(iNAle: crooKRIGH ()NTARI(►
11•1111r44 1t 91emi Ir Ute Beeiliy"udestrr
d Miss am- Yesdigaaries* M tee ere -
lea, /fleet IM W.5J..
Far out from the Mainland, where
eh* waters of toe Match and Atlantic
weigh, hes the lslaud of larva,
where, says a writer in, The F:dtb-
burgh .hk•oteipau, the herring todua-
try is vigorously . prosecuted each
yt•ar during the mouths of May and
Just, The Ltenutttul tidy; kuown as
Castle Buy, uu u rocky inlet of
which the auric tt. tough lung -ruin-
ed cantle of the McNsilla dill elands,
lgrwa the beadquartere ul Ow fishiest
Wet durlpg the 151500. Herring
caught around Barra and cured Lia
the island are kuuwn as "Castle
Bay- herring. 'The Barra herring In-
_dtutry, la of counteratitely r.nd4 mi.
gfa. Little mil• than hall a cen-
tury ego the quality of the Barra
"matje," Lir Maiden, herring first at-
tracted attention, and annually siatar
that discovvey its pursuit has brew.
prosecuted with anna.log persever-
ance, and at very considerable cost.
The fortune of the Industry dueling
thew years bas undergone usaay Sus
tuatlons-sinking at times to the
verge of extinction, ant} rising agars
to wuiething like piping days id
prosperity. A)1 late, after a spell ut
the wont, there hal been • favorable
tarn. and the afason which has Just.
closed= -tallies rank ausueg the bast.
The Barra oatj.a claim to the pre-
mier place against ori suuners asuman
British herrfpg has hftberto been un-
grudgingly conceded, and rests both
upon its size and flavor.
The theory among experts is that
the sandy banks bine from twentsv
to fifty 'miles west and east of Bar-
ra, and forming the favorite feeding
haunts of the herring shoals, provide
the fish with fund uuparting this deli-
cate favor. Among such banks. es-
noclall• those h%tng westluurthwest
of Castle Bay, the shoals twee to
find more congenial querters than
elsewhere. 'There the herring attain
more rapidly to maturity and greater
When in print• condition the meta
la ally„ and ' readily absorbs the
pickle in which It 1s cured, tingleg
it with a rich amber color, peculiar
to the matte pickle, ad due, It is
said, to its fatty and full -fleshed
condition. :Sunte idea of the import -
mince of the Industry, and the heavy
rust involved in Its prosecution. uiav
be obtained by the following figure*.
which are approximately correct. At
the height of the season Just closed
the full strength of' the fishing feet
numbered about 4.!0 busts 'this, av-
eraging the boats at thin' apiece..
with s drift of nets involving as ado,
dtttunal cost' of LIEU. brings tit►
total aggregate vali.e of the Creole
Bay deet lull competed t. Creole a tumid,
able figure. falling not far short
1:.50.1>00 Then. if 1t be exylatned
that • crab, containing. ray. from
1,14444) to 1.2011 herrings, costing the
serer, at the htgh priers prevalltug
is season. front Id to lid. per
he mg. is retailed In the best rest-
aurants In Berlin, St Petersburr.
at la .uf le• 6d , and the total
catch of the season be souse 13,010
.rens. the full value of this rich her-
erteat of our northern seas will be area
to work out to startling proporttons.
ltut 'a formidable rural. it is said,
has teen found 'mil' the northwest of
1reland,' but whether the new rival
will oust the Castle Bay watje from
lort•ign favor remains to be seen.
. The method of shouttntrsod haul-
ingthe nets is not without tater-
est. •The crew of seven nun work In
pairs. with the seventh steering
The nets ere_shottoward evening,
and atr tdb for almost a mile bellied
the vessel. 'Tbs "lie -to" 1s generally
devoted tet a•-4ew •hours' amp. and
at an early hoar the crew are again
found at their reIpective posts. Then
the first strain of She hauling -In rope'
begins. This hour brings the psycho-
logical moment, for it la fraught
with the loves of the laborious ven-
ture. That 1t 1. an important hour
in connection with the. Cattle Bay
"watt." will be seen when It is stat-
ed that • single shot tine season
netted for the crew the handieme
sunt of L1100. HMI, the calling J.
Newt by hazard's, ode or all of which
way utak.. their appearance in •
'tingle night. 'There may be sudden
mists, or provoking spell' of ralm.
or fierce tides nrnnlne Inshore and
apt to entangle the lets. or shoals
dogfish -that 'rourge of the dsh-
a.11fe-or once In • white the
sunfish may wrap )da bulky
n the delicate nets and rend In
menta what it may take the
lint of tis crew hoar. to
the whole drift of nets,
e fish. may be lost by
a few
set right;
.'fill of val
setting too
• ralaker flaw. t
Sir Frederick Li• hton, the Ifbg-
Ilsh painter, was IL+ ' Voted to child-
ren aa any inother of fautilyOne
day be called at the hou u/ a i•oung
palntet, and annoua'ed, ' his high,
musical voice:
"1 have come to sees ' t last
baby . "
The child dos brought In. and Kir
Frederic took 11 from the alma of the
proud mother. Ile Mimed 11, and then
a.i td'••
•'1 molt ore those feet!"
The baby's socks were instantly'
taken off.
••uh, what lovely p(nk toes!" cried
the artist. "They are quite (ireekl
They are perfect."
Thii was In a tone of rapture. and
later he said to the father Witmer
"Johnny, yds must paint those
dearelittle legs, and feet. Work hard
all day at drawing. modelling and
painting, and at night dreatn of your
art. You must concentrate %ourself
In your work. You neat 1lvs 1• Jt.
That's irhy those grand old boys; the
old masters, were so great."
A areew Camphor Menet.
A prtm.%111 turret containing 120,-
000 camphor trees, measuring from
7 to 18 feet in clrcuwlersbce, lass re-
cently been dlecoverad In Formosa.
it le estimated that the yield of
camphor grim front theme tree's will
Ape of 1.1..- an t to 13.000.000 pounds- T1s•
in 1.on4o Forest to not entirely rod load of
5,000. Ninity t'enphor trees, but contains ether
eoneuee' ..va'4el i.•e Including an abundance el
.toed" okk.
A Paper for the Far
The Weekly Nun; of 'rbn tn, Its n.
paper Chet e1 Id he in er rnter'a.
hints.. it prOvid.', the Int* •and
mind itecStit•nle inforunntlon r•ptntvling
tell Natalie". of hie leo,inem. .nil dia
mem 'Millie gnlwttone nhh• and /eeriest
fr,n the .fandpwint of the termer.`
The weekly ,•ontrihntion kV "A Dy -
Mande," (Prof. (ioldwlu Smith) alone ,
le worth nlattr tines the prier Of the
paper. The Atm wiN be emit. from
now to 1st Jantowy, IWE's, In pomltlna- ,
Hon with The Signal, for $1.Rn, ' Rub- j
write ,,o* and get the tall Itenel[t of
We oiler. A maniple ewp� of The Son
Will scut to tiny allder+w Mr the
Nicks' Forrat,.
He y. 1. 1t. If fete. of Kt. Lerida. make'
thi.;wrnlher folrenst (ow November :
l'pnn the whole. In. (Milordk for Ni'-
t•rtnlwer le not. No two -melted and
'(toms- ns (blotter !ovenbird 111 he,
Krone nnttleawlnt weather, with tw-
ee/Mined no.) fntrefttl ebot•ntineas ea
lw,i,.11y aver the erelong of the great
nki•a, twiny i.. mended on. Mit not to
nnv nrutst►al r,r pheaonnen,Il extent.
In 1.1,1, h pleasant nn:un.n*l
weather mate he exported thrntgh
Nov embed and into heeentlnr.
\iill.•a'. Kenney Anel Hln'Idet Pills
chemise the system and warily the
hilted. For sale by Jae. Wilatwn.
kik li
!fere le M.ssi is bleak asides 11111 L
Owe rselleetr•
to breeding squabs du not select
any um breed, as the mixed verde tis
are stare handy end work .te*dIs.
To get the quickest return buy ••
dock of orated birds aril put them 1p•
your house, then gradually cull alt•
file poor uses 1 have rased had Mar
deck, wya a Pesnsyh sa11 lady, sad
always tiideas the notes squab. front
the part blued Antwerp* et 'l'urblte;
We need not care ouch how they
tarte rinsed to be careful the Limes
bird Ls Mary. large and well dor'
vsloped, aa the main object we are
wurMttg fur le to get the laripr
Pigeons can be raised allccasdaMy
in r nasetaaut •11 a. imp.* is Weil
Mild they are provided• with all re-
quirements 11 pigeon. ars allowed
their liberty 1t taste about 1 cedar
to raise a squab to four weeks old.
,bull 1f. confined 111 slit owe. than
double the coot Ptgeune ars not
destruetive to mope saless they are
compelled to• daunt their rood Well
fed bird. sever, deMsuy stacks or
any kind cd grab cro1M.
Haag dl.altprovor"uf boding trots' a
hopper. but I have ono sad kwp w
welt dllad. 11 yet have ylestty ad'
oats, mice will at 'Whet the feed
quarters -
road prlltalpally wheat and cora.
Do not change the feed too meth, al-
though peas, millet end buckwheat
may a led alternately .11- oalyali ao
disposed. A good plea to to feed us
tke ground In good. weather. but on
datetpt rattly days 11 le always _prefer-
able to feed from a hopper. The old
• birds feed' their ruuag. ,
The age of squabs ready ,dor mar -
het 1. tour weeks, although often-
times they will de at three. To pre-
pare thea for market bleed from the
mouth and pick clean to the crown
of tits head, plunge tato cold water
to plump them and remove the heat.
wash and 11e it bunches of three.
*aisles Mw Wilmales Lla..l■ Stumm.
The four sheep shows iu thia Illus-
tration were exhibited at St. louts
In 1002, where the photograph was
taken. re addition to wineiag writes
at. this lair they were prise winners
at Toronto and London 1a 'Canada,
et Syracuae, N.Y.. Sprlcgtleld, 111.,
aed at the international exposition
in chits;o. 'Illy dock .Mown at these
places and also at Guelph.. Oat., won
151 prime.
To secdre prise winners takes tips.
cona.queritfy I always keep my fleck
ia'the beet condition Illy stleep for
the hies of 190o am• nod in treill-
age l wperMaee sad judgment N re-
qutr.d Is solo/tier the right ktkd of
sheep.. They most be fed with a
gnat deal of carr. It they are push-
ed too rapidly they will go back un
y Liu and it will' be no ads antage to
start out on the circuit With there.
They *met be et their best at the
(list show and should be kept la thus
cued/Ova -throughout.
Luring the winter my show Sock
are fed clover hay. roots, oats. brat,
a few peas and ems of them a !wall
quantity of oil rake. They are turn-
ed out in the spring, as soon as the
gr•vs 1s In good condition, but the
-grain lswife-ountfnued" T kiesi i wi�Li
out of doors during the 'summer, pre-
ferring the shade of totes to this
shade of buildtngs -J. T. Oibson, .la
The Farmer's Advocate
The N teaea4 Wallas
No one In these days thinks• of pa-
pering or whltewuehtng • kitchen.
The walls should be oil palated In •
flat $nieb--test 11, wlthont veratah--
and If it is properly done they may be
weighed freely without injury to the
surface. There are also several pat-
ent wall eoveringe resembling light oll-
-cloth that are put on like paper.
• \
ate bbteade.
It 1s said that a lotto() reimported of
two nursers each of rosewater, alcohol
and glycertn, with one teaspoonful of
borax, Ie a certain core for black•
heads. After bathing the fere night
e nd morning rub In with the hand.
In a woman a long, narrow toot al
ways shows high breeding, and • small
foot does not always appear desirable,
MS the exceedingly small ours mean a
weak and anbmisetve ebirecter.
"ran you Inform me If there are any
colleges for women 1n rermany"
some our asked the secretary of Berlin
university. "No, thank Ood!" was the
There are more than fifty women
"druminere" In the United States is
the employ of eommerclal houses.
Nest Huron
Farmers' Insiituie
The Kuppl`tnentary Me ding* of the
1Vest. ninonFarrners' Insfflnte with
1.•• ield at : id)NJ)KKIN)RO', Hine
Hall, Dee. ; IIEL(4RAVK, outdo.
hall. Hee. :11(1 • ST,H1:1.RN'K, public
h ill, tare. A.'.1 : HOLMEM 'iLLK,
Witivm's hall. Dee. 4th.
iin. H O. Hp.F:I,, t.x , (ieorgetown.
-Kmhjw•te : "'the FrNmdntion Princi-
ples of Kncersrfnl K1ow:k Hiswling ; "
• rhe MI 11114•11 Nndelif` mill Its OVA'
Hosea, end How Ili, ureal Them 1"
"lite ltelnttons Which Midst i*. teem
Improper reeding and 1)i.eete
“Managetswnt of hastryy (`aide. with
view 01 I'r'rventintt 1►haeaap,"
` J. H. Semi. I engRhank.--tit►hjeets :
`1 'F.Yde nun) . Feeding
" " ('loner' I
1 Werth.: " "(irxwi Nced • ""F11N11, floil
to Horn." iening albjie:ti (di
• " nar I
ingpt an (henpat.km i Ag !ilium)
' Education,"
dem W "NV I MUNI&
All ek1huse f.taad.4 for.a*b► illy.
pig,- thous • be, Mi !Mea wall and
pushed e4iag ea quickly as poling..
us/ug soda& 04011 tote*, Ni wish
they. wilFat. De carefub not to feed
too heavily on grain. Tips nidi
tk.lvo tooth Dptlutr 11 shpt pd to
roams at wttl Gad pini up their food.
CINIft`yu9y d.'reegtttg for .tuck Mede
w*' Ow MMbtthier aa4 do batter 1f led
'dry food. of Mod that N well
baked. It`arket stock caa be forced
abode' .Honor or soft Riva, put the
pror.pst is' attended with more er leas
- To -haw good ptlktm 11110 will
/ow •tato wend bens and tulle pro -
Idle layer. tae best IM' st be giv-
en Irani time >s,alett..
awed their soma t
*.s r t1w cdt3*1 1MmhJq' agile►
ate u.til lfavemb r, if conyini.at.
TM has will come tjlrutlgg�lli tWs
tainting la better condittup and
)sales will• desk up sitter shedding
their h.el t ti good shape. The 1a
a good plat•
A roan who cast'pretrial ilia he 1.,
having a good title MI u. kit in s
laxly elates house is the mune mitt.
twh i. eau usdke hie' wife twlira a the
talc• regret he has du lies in that he
ltd *1541 mail t' her 1111• %e WA Warner.
that tht. ...haul 1+ e1. tug the
1•uur.... n. L'a,t da. tluntnwr tn.n,
I.Uldeult and .11 alucature say 110.
l'ulttprie uur o lrrtculuu. with tktees
of other ..•hood-, and be eOnvineed.
f1/1115 14 fate to Hp refunded. eat
nkat 'll ie tree fur asking. mat
'Phut.! lb. Prlacted.
plan, nal la for. +at "nidus a
I laavold medium edu atIon Olt r .ulrrior
.iwrahannd li..iniug. °urge.wluane err 1.1
or).-u,Y•r,wr.d 111 welt lag pu.111u.1.. Th1-
...hall nit arlably give. 4*.l d udnH• nwrr
11,..n the) Lia p,-tt. write for eatalegur.
Later thin ,,with If plrwlrle.
M. J. /1.MT, Principal.
rnoN a/r
cl e%t.,,,,E
Ctill� w=.�' ♦ ��'
There Is the best prescription
!� .�c'Jam for, «i:
r1 gel 4
Indigestion and
rbj�'�e a :'':@ri'� D Constipation
that medics] science has pro-
i.'+e.ien. .e.
Not "a moment's relief" but a real, permanent
A gentle laxative and tonic that will cleanse
your system, purify your blood, put every (.Mata
is good working order.
Iron -Oz Tiny Tonic Tablets eve rigor,
energy, good health.
Why sot try T «a>:1'S4Ak1;
yJyI Fifty ironox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum
pocket case, is cents at druggists, or sent, poetpatd,
on receipt of rice. The Iron.ox Remeel� Cq.� l,tv-
- /1.d, W. t78C�
To get that appetizing,
brown appearance and out-
side crispyness un roasts of
lamb, bed, etc. -to keep
their goodness in them they
must be basted. In the old
style stove this necessitated
reaching into the hot oven
and moving the hot, heavy pap and holding it in the front Of
the oven while it was basted A tedious performance with
unsatisfactory results. The draw -out oven rack of the
:YN / / /ir % /r nG r
Imperial Oxford
makes basting • simple find
successful operation. Draw the
handle in front of the oven for-
wardand the rack bringsthepan
and its contents out of the oven
where it may be thoroughly
Basted with the greatest ease.
The Imperial Oxford Range
lessens the labor of cooking and
insures the most successful
('all st one d oar agencies or write
fu the Imperial Orimeti
The Gurney
Foundry Co.
lfamtreal. wtlsseflle le and
l ie€1" For S:,1q . bywl:« t Irl ; rig'
C J HARPER, (oderi ch
Dr. NoCahey's Condition Blood
Tablet r.....evz, ro a,. ere sea res ' r
e..s r.. , .n.1 ..n1. ere rnr'ase I
pot ern.••• M. • 1Y w�, rhe , I l g1..1e,,
They an ,u.ry.a IWM 14.. es , ra• .1115111141
11 I. U.
.'•ole 1.1444..4 ruts. r.. an. .setas. -nl s• ra I WORSELL
:11=4.0.0...116..31‘,.444=Z4.1141.10; W-
wi s.4 w ' ►rt tNlp... Yv. ,. 44.. 11 Oa.
• 1.11►
n H.
r s e bs..'lrh Iq M. J.M,Ixn'. In r IIn1111.1011�n S•
OOR s KriETREA51lIl( '' r 9
e A L H7 n' -
Th, 8'tvve and Furnace ¥'un,
Hunters' Excursions
Single Fare for the Round Trip
From etatlutw ill Cal air, Brockville
and wrest includiug HW.prnsion
Bridge, Nlagnra F'aHY, iluITah,, N. 1•.
“The Highlands of Ont-
)dmtkoka Lakes districts Lski ottHilye,
6fugnett'wau Itivrr, Lake Nipissiug,
8,'veil' to North Huy inclusive, Lind-
y h, Hxlibut•bm, lklitlta 1111 1't111041.1.
Atbuihc Hy'., ItainY Dake to lime.
Point, on l . 1' H., liitw•pluck to Shot. -
led lake Jet. inclusive,
(iulsl g - g (Anuli rr t4th to Nov. 511i,
illt•Itia vi .
Tickets Liu pale October lith to Nut.
'III W pointe Liu C. P. H., Mnttuwa, to
Nipippou and (lardpn River inclusive,
al,a t Kiluowa and TIniskteutiug.
All tickets valid 1i -turnips. on or Iw-sig
fore December 12t,
sur 'earlier from lake punite if novigil-
t' C104.111141011. tweeutlnrr 14th. hitt.:
Write for handwrote illustrated
Meek entitled "11 G. of Fish and
(lame," giving all iufurtuatiun pw•r.
tabling to gn,ne bow., the regions to
go to. 1uap, and all paltit-ulan.. Cow/
tient on application to J. U. Melkmiltl,
District Pnaw•ugsr Agrut, Toronto.
For tickets teed all information
AMY to
A. KTRAITON, Station Alma,
F. F. LAWRENl1R, Town Agent
(Mite hours 6a. tu. to 111 p. tn.
NACir aC
Upper Lake $tranships "Alberta," i
"Athabasca" and "Manitoba" will leave.
Owen Sound *taut LSO p. m. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and Saturdays for
Satdt Ste. Marie, Fort William. Con-
rtection for Winnipeg, Calgary. Sans
ands North Pacific Calot Points.
DA/LA/ Transcontinental Service
t . Toronto at 1.46 p m., via North
Bay, for '�''ya[[,I��nntpeg, Vancouver and
Pacific Coast'
1 A. M.. `NOTMAN,
"d a, nrr.1 I',..-.-45' r .Verna
1,...1 %Krnf. 10.1
('ult. NELSON ST. toed 1'AMIBItIA
Thi -1,,111 l .1x•en n:h.11e .A tel Uad air•
it iiTi'n, mark.rrry frit neeenot cterlrig terns,•, 1).
gen t r.•unor,tatall)' 511 kind- tri ty,nal work.
Building Material
of et Id). dew siphon kept in stock.
Wash. Ikeire, Prunus, M.ntldin1 and
lot.rior and Fxtrrirw Finishing of all
ki•de on hand Lir mol.• to order.
F.Nt *nisieli furs i.hed un application.
t)r.lerr u,l i,'IhYI.
HELLO ! ixtrur
tk .. THE, OLD
ScIIItoll Hard Coal
111 T7t■ M.&RZRT
wire mime 1 s1 now vegymee M. wear
Wim. L'e
(ttdwe left u LSi♦ a /ii?ZATS11
AWN* p11ee,0.11 •s•ssdal a..
1.• 1
N' I
tr. .
' Ill