HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO
Du the Uuderich boys kuuw that
route of the Otlderich girls have cut•-
1•esp oudenta of the Male kind In
Frappe cad (ierampy and perhaps
hither countries across ,eta, giving
num for the spireuiatluu that route
day they may Ie carried away, over
the raging main, to grace Continental
homers? However, this it only au
Mb -resting passibility. and iru't In the
gator, so to speak. 'rhe object of this
transoceanic correspondence is mutual
aid in the acquiring of a furrigu
-- language, and It certainly looks lik-
e very good plan. Alice in tioalorlt•h
writes Iu French W Alphuwie in May -
rune, who replies in Euglirh. Maud
writer in Oerwan to Karl in Bavaria.
and Karl In turn gives an exhibition
of his scholarship in English. It is a
good thing all round. Each corns -to
the other's error, and by-and-by Karl
and Alphonse become proficient in
English,. Alice learns to write Emrich
-like a Parsien." and Maud is ad-
vanced in her German studies. In ad -
alit i))n to the linguistic acquirements,
each cortespoudont gets a more inti-
mate riniwtintauce with the other's
country and its people -in it,wlf a
groat aid to culture.
It is not haul W iuuagine that some
of the letter thus. exchanged,contain
amusing errors -the, • re amusing
that they hue so natural when one
puts himself in the place of the writer.
One thet rattle to ,the notice of Pet
and Seise:ors the other day was frau a
French the -tor of Laws and was writ-
ten in a charming style, with not a
fault in' grawinar tar construction,
only a few little miabapr ire the use of
iliums, hit with an alaoewt indefinable
evidene throughout of imperfect ur-
quaintance ,with English. adding a
wart of delightful quaintness' to the
charm of the letter. The )• g !tidy
at this, end had told hercarteslourteut
Alamo the other mel.Ilelw of her
family -rhe iirone of about twelve --
and by .way of Ctaml,arn,.H1 the [footsie
of laws replied that :..;the French
families. are not so r rename as the
('.uiatlisu -ones," He' had only lulu•
childrru. It was rather shocking, inti
the young lady did her beat in her
next lettci to explain that ('andiras
do not cunspder their families cum.
I et'%. aur.'.
This is the wont.h of "noes," when,
secluding to Tom Hood, there is
"No.110 - no moon
-No morn no coon !
Naffs*. no du.k-no proper time of der
Ne sky uo earthly .pea
Nu dwta,ae looking blue -
Numad-no et net son, a her.l4e the e, !
No top to any Weep' -
No recognition of sunnier people
Nu moth -no cheer( ulna. no heal brut
\. ,trete Iw.bine-no ban.rni,•.- no new -
\ •, (nat.- uo newer. no Iw% r- no biol.
11u: November this year is nut of that
soli -w, far.
How old isArm?
This is the queetlon which all well-
reguletel newrpapeirsar'e propounding
t.. their readers, and it The Signal has
so ter neglected It it iapn,hahlyfor the
rraeem t the editor's attention hat.
been occupied by }tags ,important but
onus urgent matters. such as 'the
Alaska dispute, for itatanee. But
Prn and Schism* intends that it shall
Is• neglected no lunger. Herr it is : '
Mary is M year., old. Mary is twl'e
as old as Ann was when Mier' war am
old as Ann is now., How old is Ant
The problem has resulted in all sorts
of mental gymnastics and has furn-
ished material for the wit and the
arithmetician, the cartoonist and the
newspaper paragrapher -in short. it
has agitated a whole coutiuent. Read-
er, of The Signal are invited to work it
out lit is capable of solutions, and
%heti they are mum they have the
right answer copy the solution on a
,hurt of paper, writing only on one
,ids of the short, eucMte it carefully
in an envelope, and trail it to Smola
An amusing incident r es t/ Pen
and !(eireews from a lady teacher in a
, n y public school. The children in
this school ae drilled to jluup to their
('•.•t the mouleut they } edr the are
NIIrul and march in tjnick tiute,
III single file, from the Muldind. One
lien• e ' g from each of the Wools
fills the stairs ane halls end there is
itppatent eonfueiodpq ffora few 1110
ments, but eacn lin knuwelwhieh stair
to Lake anti which door to go taut, w.
that in about forty seconds the build -
in is quite etnpty. A few days ego
a banana peddler wandered in -whe-
ther he Wanted to gee one of the
teachers' or atiatutrk the building for n
kprivate pause • the teachrers do not
now : Into he maw the gong in the
11111 and pulled its -and then was
frightened nearly Out 4 his wits at
the result. instead of a teacher or
housemaid responding to hie call, over
two hundred loyt wild girls poured
girt of the doom and past him into the
school yard. He tried to explain t.
'hue of the treel4era, last between hie
excitement and hb poor English It
was Inllossible to lake ort what he
was saying. The riling pulsion was
strung enough, however, W impel hint
to gasp out hi the put too)' in the long
line, "I)o you wants hurt hainan Y'
The reeori doer'not •say whether
they bought nut his mtoek or turned
the• hose on him, or loth,
Originality is a very good thing, in
its place : but a departure from estab-
lished rule or custom sornetimw ham
its disadvantage. Possibly others Ie -
sides the writer have puzzled over a
sign which may he NAPO on a country
Ineelside not far from Hewn. Thr sign
is an s41v-ert.isementfor a certain well-
known (I.alerieh firm of undertakers
and furniture dealers and after recit-
ing Deme points in connection with
their h.isinesN it ond. with the line,
"Repairing & (!" T." When t h e
s writer Bret saw it he pleated for Nome
time over thes•esible meaning of
T," bast could not. think of anything
In that ptrtieular line of b tsine.a for
which it rook! stand. Finally It
dawned npnn him that the sign -pe nter
had siniply evolved a now fashion of
abbreviating "et cetera." P,swildy
this new way of putting It is jnmt as
rotre't IM the aceustotiteut 'etc.," but it
"nom he jnst as well to stark to the
pub -unless it ie intended as a
&somber arU�rya rare the fleet - installulen
of HA0. ella adventJa-
tellilluee, idrhe gad ' Food the (lode,'
and the oleuiug chaptrril, pp1etoanutse' u
very entertaining story, 'rhelee ar•c
*leo a nUIUIes- of short etorieel. In the
Captain* uf telustry eerier the curvet
of Sir William %,en Holm*, late puri
deur of the C. P. R., mow nsidrut u
the Cuba cuurpuny, will be of .ex
e.ptionat Interest t ta l'auatlians
". Ipfn'e Wonderful l'Iagrees," by
Uouut Motif. Ir an Jitter -wiling artir1e.
it it illurtruted by various clews of
the recent nate 1 exteesitiuu a
Osaka, a4 which Canada hal a w•per-
at• building of her uwu. 'fhouiae A.
Jmrvserro tl8PrlituirtHelrfur.He.rirv.
Mudialil'* voyager.ul_dl*.u¢utic_aud-
Walker ruuchides hie review' u
bridge's "Story of the World's
Largest Corpaaation" in this nUlibber
ill papers of more than pausing in
toned. 'The Apparelling of y Pretty
Woman" it 11ecuulpa tried by a number
of pi'tulea of feuliuiue fescue and
beauty. Thiele Ire also a uuu,ler.'of
other articdc, of value and taken all
through the number is -a III4I•itol•iOUN
Novest11HN ('ANAiotN MAUUAxnNtc.-
'1'he great, difference bet wrx'iI l'he
l!atuultau Jllagaziue, 011 the nuc•
hand, and the other leading magaIzinrs
Hold in this eomltr)' is the tuitional
charac•t•r• of the cuulributiuns and
contributors. 'I'he other Magazines
deal with topics erperialty interesting
to Ir'ldent1-id the ('nit4d Stales or
Oirat Britain : 'I'he l'angdiau Mag-
azine 11181114141.44(11114.1& • of i nip' a•tallee
In the people of thpr *estuary, while its
etPriem and pat wills tribe t Camellia's life
and inrideut., The Novesulwr member,
to, example, diw•11s,ea only Canadian
topics, and every rutted it,a• is a
('anaolian. Murgkret L.' I''airllairu
analyzes, -The Art of (1. A. grid," a
leading member of the It.lyel Canadian
Arlulrmy. loathe ar!{ele is illii tratr,l
With a splendid Nei lion filen his
paintings!, reproduced n coheir. 7'11r
rluuneter sketch of the naUl1h deals
with tlwtrge E. U 1, the
Vr•nident-elect of the l'enlulian Man.
ufartureri Aorma•iati . E. Stewart,
the [fonlinitin Sri erintendent tat
I"ule•sty, writes of 'The Approaching
Timber Famine," and ,ul,l nares a
11111 11 fult'st4 ladiry Which will
preserve • . tinlh i-. I3eai.Iea these
a number of other articles lull
s ,rhea by Canadian wrften., John
A. Ewan in his Monthly review of
cur rut rvruta deals mainly with Mr.
Chau erlai ii's recent is ,lit ie;tl 11a„'r-
lIlrntn, •hire John A. (',n/{er discusses
the w•urlllgnliln in his relation to the
factory. ct ' life and the 'interior of
hie b
Nut'EMHRH\. Mi t 'iA'RR'a. - '1').e No-
vember Ma -1 liire's, whit'h begins the
twenty -,second volume of 1114(1 puhliert-
Q,i'on, is Inns.' thio, .a turn• magazine,
l„I its three leading articles. it pleerl,le
A '.1'•141 picture of sociological ruu-
ditiyiul in elle United *ate,. which in
another age Way pro''r Inst siguifi-
rant el. K'iIlII4'litlIt 11,11, In Miss Tar -
bell's fl -A. installment ofa second
palabrt of her "History of the itandarl
oil ('ompan)•," she pursues er un-
sparing re'wlaliime, presenting docu-
mental and uuinilearhable fart), re-
garded hit hetto as mere v'agllr run rs
started by those that have failed In
the life struggle, l'urrupti,in, syste
giistie to a point Where it can bevelled
scientific, Is revealed, anti the picture
of the Standar) Oil 1' palsy* illegal
power 1. vivid to the point of weird-.
!WINK. (h1 the more p1r•1)- pditie•al
side Linrellt ?netters, cool' g his
startling series on the wives. nnlental
dripinlathal of cities. arra ves at New
York, with a study -b( Tammany: and
in • the sem i•p,litleal, semi-ss•ial
sphere. Ray Stannard Raker nwri1I1 a
hew pima* of what he esti, •'rile new'
conspirers*" in -The Trust's New .Tial
-Thr bichos tl, t. " In -relief to tree
somewhat seriunN el lithe% 1h.• feet of
the magazine ie chiefly taken cup with
delightful flet' . There is also a
rhe' g. rambling sleteh, **Sabbath
Schroy" lay Eugene W.sa) ; Cleveland
Moffett ham one of his typical articles
on '•Rad' the Latest Mciet(ifle
Miuu•le :" and "My Friend Prospero,"
Henry Ilarland's serial novel, conte.
aft end.
T.renty f'vo last end One women
New � v. 2. -Twenty-one
man, throe women and • ten -months -
aid baby, taut death either by suffo-
cation or burls to a tire early yes-
terday la the doe -stony tenement at
No 420 Eleventh avenue, which the
police and coroner believe to have
best of incendiary origin. Some of
the peculiar features of the disaster
are thtt the fire was'practically ex-
tinguished la 20 minutes, that the
ponce could learn of but one person
Wag Injured, other than those who
lost their I1ves, and the property
loss wait oply 117,0vU Tire dead are
mostly ItaliansThe one person in-
jured, en far ae can be learned, Is
Kery Jane Quinn. 47 years old, who
was burned about the face and hands,
and severely bruised by leaping from
the second door to the ground.
la several apartments In the twe-
ame Hallowe'en pal ties were 1n
progress and the guests at these add-
ed greatly to the number of persona
In the house and Increased the oruuh
to ecce e. Although the bundles was
plentifully provided with al. escapes,
frust mid r(er, moan tt y Oil/ meaty
was out oS • few minutes after the
ere started by the bodies of the deal,
which becarn• wedged In the openings
leading to the ladders. The fire had
been burning some minute* before it
wan discovered. It had started In the
be/sweat, cad, rushing upward, had
attacked the steirwy, making eases
le this dlrecUoa lmpotelbls. The
building from the third to the fifth
door was suttee.
At windows; front and rear, bodies
of Mlle and women were Jammed,
'bowing that the desperate struggle
to escape had bees the cause of many
su focattoae Perhaps the most tragic
the firemen found was on a bed
alongside a window at the rear of
the fourth .or where the bodies of
do men lay. Each had clutched the
man •ext to him In an endeavor to
push hum aside In order to reach the
fire escape outside. The features of
the men were distorted, some with
rage. others with sgony, and 1n two
Instances the men had gripped each
other so hard that blood had been
On the Wird Soo, were found the
bodies of Maruleta l.resy and her
baby The mother had crawled to the
front window god had succeeded In
groping Ulf 411 when she was sotto -
coated fa has arms lay the body of
hat child• ,
Miller a 3'.enp„nnd Ino Pills huh :
Iellrh virtue that everyone should my
them. Por sale by Jam. Wilson.
Not ling in ealr,dated to jar a
woman lie the masrvllinn attention
iestowet upon another woman with
an inferior wardrobe.
Weenie •a Le.dee Brame\ ef t,w,s, Neer
sa _8,r'a
8t. Mary's, Nov. a, -A wreck m-
anned we' the London breach of the
U.T R. about • tulle south of hare.
Saturday night. A fret((ht train 1a
charge of Conductor Mo ode *limb -
lag the grads at the HHorl`r Shoe
tivarry ran Into several cart of stone
la charge of Wel f'n•icht Conductor
Frost. Flrernau :t::..tul of Windsor,
was killed and Engineer Morrison re-
eelved injuries from which he is net
expected t• recover. His 1. was
badly fractured. Both were a con -
duster MoQuad. s train. Ffrewaa
's will arrived a few hours af-
tee hie death end now awaits the
conclusion of til -coroner'/ Inquest
to -day before removing the bud to
her home Ill Windsor. Engineer Mor -
risme ha, been taken to qts home In
• 1
Wady of Swab es. nee.• et Danby, tat.
Niagara Falls; N.Y., Nov. a. -A
body taken from the Qume at the
hydraulic eats) has bosh identified u
that of Prank M. Durris of Whitby,
Oat. Duras Came here a month ago
to work for the International Paper
Company. How he was drowned L
not known. 111s brother, Fred. ar-
rived Saturday night and will tats
tbi't.gy horns to Whitby. Plank
Bursa was • noted athlete. In boa
native Canadian town.
Pas ■aa Wallah Dee sew Peewee." u
vleterr New.
Room, Oct. 81. -New. from Soma -
bleed shows Hiatt the Mad Mullah
has few prospects for victory. Italy,
co-operating with Oru.$ Britain, has
ordered a gunboat and crulesr to re-
inforce its Hod .See, squadron, and as
attempt will ha made to anpa�lhllate
tame his forces. At the baa time Emper-
or Menellk of Abyeslnla hae born
urged to ex dine the attack of his
troops un the Mullah s forces, thus
cat.hllg 41 u, tntweeu two tires
1.e.• Mariner Repented.
Victoria, B.1C., Nov. 2. -An radian
canoe, converted into • "n' t of
four tuns, which left Victo.ia to tour
the world with a lora mariner, 8. C.
Voss, and which made the trip to
Australia; has been- reported In let-
ters received from Vose, dated at
'rawu, New Hebrides, on Sefit.'H. Ile
1s on his way to Thursday island,
and to Africa, whence he intends to
cruise to ,London. England.
Ilopod With slater -i. -Lew.
Woodstock, Oct. 81. -Charles Den-
nis of North Norwich 1s an the city
looking for his 19 -year-old renewal,
daughter, Winifred, who It 11 sup-
posed 'loped with Chu Myers, •
young farmer, who married another
daughter of ML Daaats. They earns
In with produce and' left their horse
up at the Arlington Hotel etdiblss
find have not bean sew sumo. }
D•ma.d res setter,
t,ondon. Nov. 8 -The demand fpr
Canadian butter shows no signs •f
mlulehing and there is a more
titre demand for the malaise arttcl
hs•Mmand for cheese is only mod•r.
ata, owing to the large stocks •n
hand London buyers .is endeavor-
ing to till requirements at reduced
fgureit T
Slag PeeaN and West sew..
Sydney, NSW., . Nov. 8 -Tors
steamer Ovalan of \ New 7waland
caught Sr. and earth' 08 Lord Howe
Island on October 20. All the pas -
*eager! and crew were saved.
Durand'• aa•e•eeer.
London. Nov 3 �Str Edwin Z.
Egerton, British Mtnfits* a1 Athens,
has been appointed Britlsb AmbeI
Ndur at Madrid in sucts.efon t. file
Henry Mortimer Durand.
setelkeerev Lewes as litre.
Hamlltona- Nov, 8.-tSeveral weeks
ago Harry bean, who rum a saloon
at the corner of Murray and James
Street, was the victim of a savage
attack at Freelten fair. IIS has been
ha the Olty Hospital ever since, mad
Um doctors found ft necessary yes-
terday to remove one of Ida etym.
term&. Owrrl.e. a&.Nulate4.
Beauport, West Cape Colony, Nov.
11.„ -it le reported that the Orman
garrison at Wermbad, In Uarmen
Southwest Africa, has been annlbl-
-lated by. the Hottentots. The report
has been confirmed in Cape Town.
Path eat Yleterr.
Now York, No 8. -With •'este fm
dlcation of • close`struglile to -day,
the' eve of the political. battle to Now
York city found the leaders of Fu-
sion and Tammany loud in their pre-
dictions o1 overwhelming trtutnpk,
Leet Pte ■crag
Stratford, Nov. 8. -Peter Omer
had a horse stolen from hie stable
oa Sunday morning,
ileacl The .Signal's clubbing list on
Ilirg, S.
LONG LIST OP *cameras.
ai1M Peeled Owlet -.Milan mala -heir r
tauleger may Ola
Toronto, Nov. 8, -John Apo. 77
Believes avenue, working at Clarki s
stable oa Adelaide street tearing It
down, when the wall came down un-
expectedly. and he wen caught be -
math, the bricks *ovaries hint en-
tirely. He bad his les - fractured,
and a largo cut that required • Mv-
oral•etltckee 10 hie head.
Rev. Dr, Robert Cade was knock-
ed down at the cores'' of /luesn
street cad Cowan avenue on Satur-
day by a bicyclist travelling at a
rapid rate. file luJurlee amount to a
scalp wound, requu'aug several stitch -
ea, and Sutra- *wailer cute.
Nelson Huntley, an employs of the
King Edward Hotel, fell from a
fourth -storey window of the hotel
and alighted on the porch over the
mala entrance on Ring street. Els
head wag fractured on the, lots side,
and he suffers oousiderable pain front
btu beak cad ankle Joints.
Frank Foetdr was driving his hors
'.and wagon down the Winchester
street hill when ons of the \ bind
wheals of the conveyance came off.
prsol ltatlnss him to the ground. He
struck en hie head, causing concus-
sion of the brain.
David Tweedie was driving In with
patatoes from Highland Creek to the
city, when a King street oar struck Kingston Si., next king Edward Hotel.
the wegea, precipitating him foto
the road, breaking his leg and shak-
ing -- -,
him yp generally,
ercy Gellfngsr, who was injured Halving ptir hale l an up tu-
In • street car accident on Saturday .late steam laundry plaint and
evening, L still unconscious at his engaged the set•viri•a of a jnac-
home at 107 Cowan avenue. tient man with city experience
Mrs. Rona* of 944 West Blow ' .at the business, we are limpet. -
street, In trying to get off a oar at
the corner of Hpadtna avenue and
College street, while the. car was
moving, fell, striking the pavement A she r i,1 your patronage is
heavily. She tried to avoid the force,. rrsls•rtfully lslirilotl.
of the fall with her arm, and it was
broken near the shoulder
reel leen ■4. err.. (hauls ca ,d -' fore 'and 1,liv-
Lfrt.wel, Nov s. -Robert Cleaned, creole
Jr , of the 4th line of Elms, wee
cleaning tie roof of She barn after
threshing was over and tail sonoe
twenty-eight feet t0 the ground. Hew
�,. _
lung he remained on file earth an `- �`"" " 'r' 4
Two Great Papers for One Dollar.
A few yea** ago a dollar weekly wan
looked 1(Puu as a marvel Of cheapness.
Now we are enabled to offer two
papers for that small num. Hy special
anal exclusive arrangement with The
;Montell Weekly Herald, we offer it
end 'rhe• Signal for one year for one
The oRrr is so extraordinarily
lila•ral that it should b• taken advant-
age of by ever•)' man, wtaulan and child
who can read. 'l'he Signal is the lead-
ing lie'al,paprt• of this district. The
H eralel is a purpler fur the home and
f,tr•t11, gi''ing the news of the word.
,old a Inas* of entertaining leading.
'Phe two pa)eri, at aurh a price, mala
Iu1 4lil'tl*tl Ile )Ii,ttic ill. Sample
collita of The Herald at this offlte�,
' W hAt yen henry a num-ettw.tk of- a
baby 114 "it" you can safely tart that
he's a bachelor.
.Aortic loch week overtime in trying
to lay up wane(hiug for the rainy
dayr of heir grandchild teen.
Jordan Bloe 1 W
,Steam Laundry
wt 1.0 dsi all kinds of laundry ,
'e1Trk, promptly and satisfac-
t111 iu ,00,ka 1ifl i Ifo I�fI io 11f11/oitllfolom Ni of
We will have to hand this week over
one hundred of the newest hat shapes and
ready-to-wear hats, at, less than half price.
We have been looking for a hat bargain and
we got up-to-date hats at half price and
All we have are marked down to1a4uary prices. '
Not 50 left of all our bill stock. They are your now atclear-
ing prices.
0/ ibiiii(ti ter ilrilri(triiiili iii iluiluilr ilrilriltiiluiliilrili
...pectin's fa not known• is wane W r
wile, who, being alarmed M his , ^ -'-'- • ▪ ..
lung absence, found him la like utter !{ s-1 / k 1 ! ! i
yard, 4e teal still 1a • ntunitlts0 ODa-
dlttun. For P)f i e
Lee PMI/ aw,..h.d.
Lletowel, 1fov. 8.-W, Euruon vas
lowering • pulping machinist
something went wrong witu the
vator, and Its huge burden of toms
three or four hundred pounds ti t1
upon his log and smashed 1t se bnf-
ly lams amputation may be WOW
11Peew..4 Is • I.ad.
SI. Oatbardes, Nev. 8.-A fatality
took place in Grantham Township en
Saturday afternoon, at the home of
Peter Beckett. Harry Leroy, a little
two-year-old eon, was playing aattl�o��
a shallow pond, Just a short dhtato=
from the house, when is some way he
fell Into the water. Nothing welt
known of the acrtdest until the Bbu.
less body of the little nae was found.
0a• Allied r.., I.lar.•.
Pittsburg, Nov. 8. -Ono trainman
was killed and tour other, ssriously
injured yesterday in a collision of the•
Butler passeuger accommodation and
a freight engine.
Even' Farmer shtn't,l lceep
these three 'core:: .'0., -t
in mind 111121 cuntluet Iii, 1:,run
on shier business princi1les.
Guess work and 'haphazard
lei hods are no longer used by.
s ccessful and up -to -'date' far -
k3 re:i.hi, Tour \VEEg(I.Y
SCN, lie I..:.r+n:r's business
Paper, - t'u ail) poet the very.
latest all' 41..! 4acurate iu-
formatiou garding your busi-
THE SUN'. market reports
are, worth tla•,an times the sub -
se ' tion pri2,r t `ou.
E 'i'' Farrrier n Canada
stool •atizc tltc fu "alue of
the sere . Tue :Sig as ren-
dered him • a public y. It
was due to action TIM
SUN• in git'il h vol a to`. h.
opinions of th farmers t t
the laid
guards, drainage roes rail-
. ways, and farm fires\caused by
railway locomotives has been
We will send THE NVEIIKLT
Stat from now to 1st January,
1906, in \combination with
The Sign 1, for $ 1.80
Subscribe no
Sammie far Ihe\nsking.
- U.slrrich.
Aden, Nov. 8. -Thu report that an
officer and several rues of the 13ow-
h Rides have been wounded in n
, kmlah la the Hinterland Inas [nein
cunylrn ed. The fighting as .new quits
serieud A "mall British force wee
S urrqund.d by tribesmen at 8uallk
end ,non ran short of ammunition._
`itrun reinforcements were sent out
from . thala and effected a release of
their c•aired.* after a sharp tight.
Eight, Itish soldiers were killed and
an odic, and a number of privates
were WO •'- .
and You Will Need
Your Feet Well Shod
}Vt• are prepared for you with one of the best
tetocka -w' ich we have ever 'shown. - We handle noth-
ing but th lest footwear add give them W you at
honest prices. We handle\
The Celebrated Slater The Empress cad
Shoe and The Geo. A. Dorothy Dodd
Slater for Gentlemen for Women
We will le. pleased.. to • show you these goods and
'ember our policy has always been "Honest Goods
atHonest Prices."
' Rubtrra -we have thenl\new a
Nf)' 'toekI of Millinery for fall and winter Is now reiuty
•for inspection, and the ladies AIN` invited t. rail at any
time and see the new shades ,i'id styles, They will find
it eotupfete ass.Irtmr'nt of t} -l.' -Ttteet shah's and trinuuiuga.
Many pretty things in the In Rear+y-to-Wear Hats a
Wool Lace Effects I large variety to choose from
Hamilton Street, -
Londoln, N
The Daily\]►
says terrible
red at Tursh
dart. 1n Persia,
were killed and n
Otis hundred and
factories were dost
stalls were left eta
bazaar. The autlre t
ally demolished.
• 0116 eke r•r.lea Town
N•v T.rb.t-I-P•Idarb
v, 8.-A despatch to
a (roan Slwla,, India,
• tllquakes have' occur -
near Turbat-1-.11ai-
which 850 persons
tubers Were Injured.
ghty-(our carpet
ed and only 32
d 'g in the great
w . was practk-
Vowels Ashore reg,
Bu8•1o, Nov. 8. -In a den flog
that prevailed over • Erie at
dusk last night two hi- lake bo t•
ran alhor• on the Oanadl n side ne,.
Point Abino. They are t Melanie.
and the C. W. Watson. le former
is owned by the United St es Steel
Corporation, and has ou beard the
largest cargo of grain •ver carried
by 0nc boat between Chicago and
Buffalo. The cargo appnox nates
209.4,4)0 Module
The Signal 'and The \Vsckl)•
end Empire will be went for the al
*nee of the year for only 15 rents.
In a stove or range that Is nbt giving you
the best satisfaction ?
If so we can save you 'from 10 to 20
per cent. in full and give you every satis-
Tho style and workmanship 'of our
made-to-order clothing makos a direct
appeal. -
We have made unusual preparations
this season to plAase our customers by
selecting the now and beautiful creations
of the leading woollen houses,
CANADA and .giving the BEST OF SATIS-
FACTION to all.who use them. •
A False Report
Solar, -aIle is circulating the report that" PERFICTION STOVES
A 1) RANGES" crack and warp and don't give satisfaction.
We have the most complete line to
be seen in Goderich and we invite your
inspection of them.
Wo h . ve yet to receive out first complaint. E\ eryhody.usitt a PERFECTION
STOV AND RANGE has had the best of satisfaction, and all agree that they
save m 1 time,' fuel and money than any other snake.
The Tailor.