HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-5, Page 3THE SIGNAL: COI)ERI('dl ONTAitIO
TIIwaaAT, Nov. 6, 1903.
Wingham to Vote Next Week on flunicipal Purchase
of Electric Light Plant -T. E. Flays' Monster
Steer-Lucknow Drug Store Changes hands-.
Death Removes Some Old Residents of the
County -Items of Interest From Over the
Mtn. S tel Barter and family feft
1 ass week fur Wiuuip•g, where they
•---`-waif remade its future, • - _.
\1' beau _mioperty-owners are.10
Tuts Nuvrwuet• 12th on the question
ut taking over the Winghasu XWctric
Co.'s plait.
Allau McLeod has again secured the
contract for oouveying the mails from
Lurknow to 81.. ,Helium, Fordyce,
Lauer and Mateking.
lies.. (1. A. Turk, of Owen Sound,
will preach annivrrwat•y Nervier, iu
the taackn ow Methodist ehur'h on the
second Sunday in December.
E. S. Howard and family are re-
moving from Exeter to l.00d011, where.
Mr. Howard luta Secured a poiitiuu
with the ',tendon street railway.
.t,ldrew Currie, jr.. who was twilit(
of the 1)ivi1lun Court at Sewfdrth, has
resigned owner 1A, him renown' to
Brussels, aud Jame•, McNamara, of
Seaforth, has been appoiutcel iu him
.Ir. and Mr.. Walter Mantling, of
l'liutou, suffered a great him last
week in the death of their infant son,
but eleven the old. 'L'Ilr child's
ilium* was of only thirty-six ho,,.,
%Vada. Bra., who recently pm: -
clouted If. M. TutIheipe'r grocery /tad
crockery business in Wiughaat, have,
owing to Illness, disposed of the Irnmi-
u,•as to Juhu Huwlwr•stunr, of Ripley,
and the latter is now in possemi.m.
Rohert Armstrong and family, who
have liven resid.ut, of l'oust.anrr and
vicinity for nunsr years, are rewot'iag
10 the ueighlsorhlmsl of Wallawel nr•g,
where Mr. Ansa hong will wattage ,
lark.• farm for a I)etroit gentleman.
- AIiNM Ida Johnin, of Exeter. was the
recipient of a "kitchen shower" prior
to her we tliug'do W. 'I'. li.mdison. elf
Sarnia. A her of her friends
• gathered at her home and •'rhowetwl"
bee with many articles for kitchen
1144.•, •
Ur. Kennedy. of Wkllarrburg, a
forme,. resident of Win}}gh4n1, was
married on 11'eluewd.4v of last week
tan young lath' of %4'alla .berry r. J.
McEwen, of 1Vinghw11l, attended
the w.dding and performed Ow,'
of hest -. ups tar Its oh1 friend.
\1 , l•. Vanatoiw, 1\-ieighietn, bee
�mete awedd lectr,. ..1 . land in %Vest
\',N)71weih.. teii, and a half tulles foal
Nllitw•hun-la, fear' W. H. liibsui.. of
1'ra ubrm.k. H. 1'. Mr. Va nstoue s 0111
fnor ago pnln'111c$.d Ii IW ll
sierra a
\joining 1 sit place, at re 11.•11,/ ban
2.•1 acresiu a mock, J
.un Turaday, October 1/4 11
• 11,1 V.41'. a well-known and' pr.s 11114.
111441,11111 of 1'odilen,, t.m.k N, him It
r Nilrthe parson of Mrs. Itortetr
Vorlhwotthy, .41 ID,shwuod. Thr
e' cul wits celebrate(' at the house of
\ the bride, Uri'. Mr. Murbm-k officiating.
\ The happy couple boa a 1 •)•luso
f lip to Muskoka.
John Whiteman. Klippen, intends
r icing from the more methdurum
of term life and has dieppeuse+eedel of his
fine,\farm to William 1'ray,utir, ut
Ersrx? The tar(-eentains ninety-five
acres olharm d the price paid wins $5.24I).
_ Hl l' jt• u
_alak 41 pumw.Ysi.o. (n.
l r spent1t� Mr. W Ukulan has not
vet deckled\ where be will make his
Thos. E. Flays, Seaf.rtlt, recently
dlala„s.d of a, Munster ewer to
(iror•ge Daae, of IJtuuu road. Tircker-
uith. The animal weigh,. 1.720
talo and was add at four and a
.aeras a pound, Although ,it is
h nm,uster it ha.i.never been feel
fl al Of meal, eau! competent
jem think that when fat it will
mails rigjy 2.5110 p 1
A. ('. m•heeut, who tufa heen in the.•
drug beiminepor ih IAMknow few the pod
three yeah hes Meld out h 'vstole la
Dr. A. M. S4m•nee who is now (u
charge of the baldness. Mr. 1.,e helot
h:.. accepted almaitioie tl•avell• for
the wholesale honer of 'F. Ste ar e A
Co., Inanufw'hrijng pha' nachos, e,f
lh•tneit and Wivid. i,r, and al�tem.l)'
tr. tired his nevi duties.
The probable resignation . Mr.
Coos from the poeit.ion of town clerk
and trwwurrr of thea toter' of ('linton
naturally vans up the gtwstion of his
auecemm ot'. Among the names inert -
tinned for the clerkship are those of
11. H. (: lie and H. E. Matu.ing,
while it it said J. C. Stevenson or M.
D. McTmggert may he applicants for
e ttelthur•r,hip, ..s the. two offices
en �.trlathl)• he divided.
\Ilewlnpslav of Inst week the
.r t main (lora, only daughter of Mr.
and Mr... JI aches., of Sanilae
Centre, Stich:4, were interred in the
Zurich cenmetery, it is only a few
nionthamiticei M. ifittnacher and his
family left Zurich for their new home
(n Michigan. MINS it:uluarher At that
time wl.s afflicted with co•.Ino Niue,
and •h,' grew worts until her Death.
Mho wastes her seventeenth year.
The Clinton New Era ways : The
plvvisional diortor" .4111.' now• 11estrl)
dead pttr•k isieking and ('441.1 44*orage
s1ndcrl„king are threatened will s
law snit from • of (t a14H•k 441,11.1
tote. There is agtmesti0111rlvu1..•II in
thi+ talkol-of snit. that may interest
all of the stork-takerti, semi that in to
whet .extent they arm all halite for th.
expetew, incutnrl; in the nnrlertak1ng
as far es the floating .if the w•hrnl.'
had gone.
After long ala suceeesful service as
.'host tewrhrr Malcolm Black, now•
teaching in No. 3, Morris township.
intends taking a rest (rims the pro-
fession for tone at the expiration of
this s
term. The trustee board has
imputed a Mr. Montgomery, of Wens -
lam., am -his Nuece'mor at a salary of
tiro. Ilia dirties will •r ',nee the
Met of (hr y]eeaarr. Mr. Meek will
probably continue to reside in Morris,
*s he has a Knoll farm un the third line.
The death of Mrs. Wilma, relief int
the bate John Wilcox, took play, on
Senuntny. October 24th, at alt. 111si-
d1'.'Ie, ee of her soon• in-law, Thomas
Wristlet, Exeter North. Mrs. Wil.•ox
W44-41 411 old lady, tiring. mevemty.flve
Tears of age, May sir had ee jnyed gomi
health until Wednesday est. whew
"hh• was taken with the Dines. whirl.
restated RA 11h1)ve stated.- %%'Ith one
sin and one .laughter she 414111,' to this
country *canesw
fourteen an. ago fmm
'wnwall. Prirtfaud. whore e her
boatload had p�a�,�r�
le$0.044 tA) m011X ,j1��rely mors! t4we,
"ons end two dMrghtern.
(lintel+) New Mrs • lain week ('lin-
tshere honored with a 'lilt from One
former 1111.11114411 of acre thirteen,"
then ♦Ve 0f .whet was
Mrs, IJlry,gthe es hitt now
o.o of Cincinnati.
This lady was a general favorite in
tutu when her lupi• wear iu l'ligtun.
111r--hettrlrZKe Suig'hli. a Th•, Nerve,
who pprurtirr.l here fur uuuy.-y�r4
r. •woof reit WAN called to their -
rich tui tarn•' legal bumiurm4, bringing
hie wifq with 1 ' , mhr tiring the guest
of Mrs. Hatte•11bury while in town.
.a/114. %V,/44 Pert had out for•gtitt•l
litany of the old faces that were herr
when she 11•ft, calliug most of them by
tleunr, when they htuln't the haat idea
who idle wits.
Wm. ltiuu, an cold and highly re-
sF*•clad resident of Mullett town-
ship, died at his .residence, about
two wiles south of Constance, on
1Vrdtlemb•y Nlrnemon of hist week.
Mr. Rin, had leached the good age of
eighty-three y.eat'.t. lie had been
ill r., over two' years, and for the past
six months had been confined to ieel
must of the time. IIs was ae native
of ('aunty--F'ernmuingh, Ireland.
Mrs. Hina rurvit'er him. and, although
seventy -threw scale of age, is still a
reeniii'kably1a•tive W0111/411. 'ritede-
MUMMA with a good, kind neighbor and
a worthy, useful citizen, an kpisra-
pollen in religion and a Conservative
in politics. Hr leaven a family of four
sans and t3%'.- daughters,
John Steele, a boiler maker at the
S•vtforth engine works, met with a
painful Arvid -eat nine night last week,
under rather peculiar rir'uFnNtaucrs.
some tutu came to the boiler works
about if ,i cl.M•k t t evening, and told
the foreman that r. Dell had sent
( to get a Ulan to ) out into the
cuuutry G, flx lila 1mN 44, Mr, Steele
Wan tlrelgrle.1 to the job, nd, aN soon
as he gut supper, lir m rted north
with Ow fellow, Who, (u he lnettu-
(iu1e, had NWwetl away taxi 1 uch fire-
water. They hadn't gone ) 1'y far
before the horse got beyond rut 1.01 of
the aril. eV, and the orropallta, a Ella•
rig ter• thruw'u int„ the ditch, 'th
the result that Mu. Steele had his a 1
broken in tau places, A pruliarit)
of the ease' in that Mr. Hell had not
metal the 1111411 .11 a11, and no IM•rsou
rhe :u awd
Ilse WorksN'ho saw hint
knew hint. and they have been u11 -
able 144 rind ant w h.o he iN.
ta. WIN Curial el ruga'' ()Lav ,n its Worst
8.o.'.. by Did rKndnse mus.
ose, tl. lilt(:;, Nov.NIr\':had. (special)
1)ra111N of ter ' will1.....14.• -Ill all
Bright's dimeaMe hive been so fluuler-
•mu dimin�).(.111. pied' few npa1t11s that
the ...bur U. It Kent in again talked
.1 hem• -
Mr. Kent. who still lives at lies (Di-
mino- street, this cit)•, was dying of
HrigIlt'. ,IinYu.... IIs 114,1 lust the tsar
of Ilia limb,. and Ilia whole Isis wain
-lillrll to N trl'rible elm.. Thrv' dui'•
Nit- 'ere iNsitit'r that he most -die,
- %Vivi watching by his' Irel4ide hie
wife Ie that 11111'. Kidney Pills
would ruts Bright'. di'raq.. They
were meat for as a lost resort. Emui
,input the flrat `4 8.', Mr, Kent rays,
ehe felt bs*rlitted bkthein. After take
ing four hose,. hr **aide to sit up.
He has leen a healthy mite ryer'1'inee.
C. F. R. to Listowel.
Last week The 1(istowel S r ,
had the. following :
Engineer Uavp1.*nd his staff of is
tants, who are surveying a line for he
pprop sweet extension of the C. P.
fr•.iiii (curlpplt to (ioderich, were with n
three -tullees of Listowel yrstrrlm
morning, and were expected to rear
town I;uh► night. The route taken in
the preliminary survey is by way of
Elmira and Moncton, c ' g Ovral
through Morniugt.oq and,Ehua about
it mile month of the 1a Iarv, Ned en -
teeing the town on the nth side. It
is quite likely that other 'ur'eyM
lhrn,gh the town will also be ma.144
With a view of finding the nus( suit-
able rntlanrr..AN well Its the most ron-
vrnieIt place to halite as near the
centre of the limn as 1a,asible. le v
ing here, the line will likely h' .'imp
near Trowbridge 10111 straight to Drug -
eels. F:11giuerer Roberta atid staff, who
lh(ve been surveying the west end of
thlte route, Iiavr, we lrt•atand,
rear ell Brussels from (ilmirrl.'h, !a-
way"( Blyth. It would m1 ionise be
y)rrnra re to conclude that the maul
will be h ilt this way, but everything
strife to ver the rnorth,'1•n mote Its
the hist, it. being the shortest and
moot di •t. cheapest re• build, easiest
way to itet\ U.abr1•ich, as well am
arssuring a • a •r an14mwt of traffic
than *11y of mute north of the
main lin.' of th It
', Thestatistics he amount of
freight handled In - •d nt o1 Listowel
for the past year hav q' prepared
for I R. P. It. •.110 11,y, and the
total 14 enmity, witted. yin . Thepls-
senger - ltltnemm dune helve not ek-
e.•re el lit. any town of floe me size
in ('4n.ul,.` \'ithlee other goo. owns
are nlmo oti northern conte,\and '
no better , hying m.41 ion cane
found attywh1 1Vith these far
Iefore them, th • is good reason Mm
u•t a ilal. the ' many Will deckle
up. the norther ' 1 • rite,.
Ste:Hayfield at 0 -n Sound.
(Iweq viand Adver ear•
The Governttrent tere
Bayfle'd arrived '{n port on
got ti 1
Al -eines
day morning. hay •• 1L1 ted the
sea aon's Work in t by. rt aphis
survey of take'Su(erior. She 1. now
uoakr,lg ready to lay h(• for the
winter. And few days with err p
magniflrent steamer in the 4mo -tet
which for many 441111/.41/1101 were N•eitpiael
by her old preeler',.'.,r • of 1 e Maine
name, which latter has this n±
been relegated to the 10eving ilerviee
and is' now bearing the record for
sire of rafts brought into the haelet t.
Ti.r-Nsyfle'lekim in (-milium! of (lap -
fain 7,ealand, and the survey e
tions are carried on by Lieut,
and a staff, when full, of twenty
urn. The work this ....anon, lyta(,',tlilnrl
in the neighb orh,osl'of Thunder 13sy,
where there is a vast fl.•Id (or opera-
tion on account of the nt11t11aar Of
islands in the vicinity. The sawyer
ermeiste Of taking mraanrenie to of
the depth rot *ate•r, I.erating eats
atld maks, and preparing charts di -
rating the satue, which chaste re
orale over on a reduced seal. t
OtGawk- after the sIIson'm work h
closed. An .effort w•am male to have
the Hayfield laid up at (IrWIerleh this
s.seon, but ,mleam the prier comes
very soon tend the officer,. Infortn It08
thatit hihardly a t sir there dill
Pal win tear 01 her taken away
from Owen Sound. he Hayfield
was formerly the•t.ord Stanley and is a
Ana venial.
1 1 Our Unprecedented Offer.
The Montreal Weekly Herald im at
,utile! of careful condensation. All
the chaff winnowed from the wheat.
A paper for thane and yarn,. Whole,
mune, elevating, informing. A great
dollar journal. it and 'rhe Signal to
bit Januar,1143(1,for only g1.00. Sample
copies of The Herald mutt up applica-
tiuu, or w{4v be wen at our office.
M(Iler'r li1•ip Powdw•m cure, For
sale by Jam. 1k ilsl,u,
What P wuwau like; about giving a
cant party with prizes is that if
tyolllall she doesn't like wins the first
At. can change them around.
Copy of change of running advertise- I
mints must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
11111':11. �III'in,11J:I
Our Catalogue is a veri-
table bank book, wherein
every article illustrated
means to our customers
a direct cost saving. 1
Th. newt.dit;onYsad), Nov is.
rill he of incalculable .alae eo
eve() pen,» into wboso hods
st cognac
It will illustrate articles
of high quality only at the
extreme lowest prices,
)Vrite for copy. It will
be forwarded free of cost.
Ryrie Bros.
hitt! irrt24' oy .3t. T . to
'so IrrIn:f11►n17'II IUf:1:)
. .• 1
7 I s - .w I t �"`
Ayr 11 al mho.; t n .Ik, nM
.w NI) .rA .i.e1l. n .N,•• h..ih 114%.1 Yr(!
lal.•.1 •and to . .,1 Ir,r in the es
TI. .f Irakngl•.%I whit at Hick... tom e:
A Cour: in
Advert s:ng
One Dollar;
I MPHI(VSHIVS a�u•.uti•ty jool•n,tl
of Matinees Making ideas which.
dining the year, gives 11 thorough
t Llntvrt Of the different phases of
advert 'ng, will Is• sent to any' Iul-
d1•rsm in Ca ubt or the United States
far our duller. nd. Len cents for a
i}lluplr cop)•. It wi he worth a dol-
\ lar to y011,
St. Catharine, Ontario
Jr.. ripUon•to Iliprr--n.. „SII'.
at 'rhe Signal 411114,'.
• 'ie,
. •..iiit
ru `
Its graceful outline, tor-
rect proportions and
hands.Nne appearalrt•e
Make it a perfect kitchen
Its castings at* clean and
snnedli.. Mad. -front -the
hest grtule of pig iron.
by Union Mennhler.r-its
ntekle tlttings are roust
Effective Work and Long Life.
1'o these attractive f.wture are added effectiveness and dura
trility-thuuwauds lave, been In. daily use for years without
*'ver haying required repair or occasioned the slightest
Gurney, Tilden Co.
Hamilton Toronto Montreal Winnipeg
Agent Goderich
e Engine
to R
The safest and
most reliable
gasoline power
yet produced
5u able for any
purpose and place
---where _.power __.
Made in all sizes ;and designs
for stationary and marine use
of these engines have been placed, in
during the past eleve, months.
If you require power that
handy, call on or write to
Is economical and
, Ont.
Street Machine Wo . $ - • °oder,
. j
We have Hs. Rotary ,ars1 Shuttle The m11 ot• point, in the Ncw 1', I
White, All r.
I th w machine,
hams incl :e a self-•elfinq needle, .to
Vextings, pinch tension, terndon indi- tnmati1 Iso ;btu winder with loos. 1.W -
('o automatic.
t r,Mansion ismer. Icy, auf.nnn i1• I}ron• 1••velle•1 Ivry ron-
do lie feed, (lust raps on nevi and vrnient to cal Hier mhn111e open
. . •r"ehanhon Inc
1 self -threading ryliil�ier end and •al clot.'}t• self-thr•Itlinir,
shut * '`Kin wet of plated steel lit- swing ttralle steel me
incl Hata x1141 many ether btls.r•-sty= t 'f :at ,
vnenta. rhes' 1111111411111114well and work
ing device's• •ell.
Every mar-11in'. that leaves nor store Is gi ru,t eel for 1 t it yeas. if it. should 11 tlurt*Machine
'Tie full ('a'.(,,.•1. ani) Drop Ile'td
Ii, tvmnn1144 are pleasing in appear-
ancetend built to''amidnd a life -tiller.
The ntttt4Nlu,ctlts ale -m, 'what mitt.
Bar le/ (nil' outer a11a1•Ili teen,
• erm oM
fails to give sal 14(11.11. we i lately malar it with N flew
It is (difficult to judge an. article by looking et the outside. For your Own satiMfactiol
shd protection you ht to know the rt)duct in •do and d - -
P o It hint• the nrceasity for try-
ing the machine. A trial will convince you. If you need ono and wish to try.any dour dif-
ferent makes or styles we hillbe pleased to lot yon try thein.
We keep repairs and a .A11 nb of Accessn4es, NeedIels,`Mhuttles (toll IIOln
winder Rubbers, Oils, etc. • N. 1 r '+�l lnn-
.T//e Day of Young JVlen.
The peat positions with large Commercial Houses are now
(flied with young men horn eighteu to twenty-five years ()lege.
Thew young omen reach their positions by keeping in clow
touch with the managers.
To get in touch with the heads of ouch concerns it is neoas-
sary to have a thorough business training.
The Forest City Buuuesu and Shorthand College gives •
complete and practical training in stenography, financing, bo ok-
keoying, higher accowltir[g, etc.
' Has (ho hest organised and most capable staff of teachers in
0 Write for booklet giving full particulars of courses, costs, etc.
.1 W. WESTERVELT, Pala. Y. M. C. A. Bult.mso, LONDON.
The Signai's Clubbing List:
The Signal will receive subscriptions tit the following rates:
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald 91 00
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 80
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Weekly (globe 470
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Daily Globe 50
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal Family Her-
. aid and Weekly Stair 1 85
With a Family Herald and Weekly Star arc two premium picture., "Mart Hroken," and
Id '61mae,' and it quick reference wap of the i)ominion of 8'anada,
Signal, Weekly Herald and Weekly Mail and '� p
Ijil<'e . 1 80
With a Weekly Mail and Empire IN a premium pi. -1 ure. "The Victoria Cerra'
The Si. 1, Weekly Herald and Toronto Daily Stare 2 20
'l'he Signa a Weekly herald and Toronto Daily News1 90
'he Signal, eekly Herald and Presbyterian 2 25
1 e Signal, W kly Herald and Westminster 2 25
Cb Signal, Wee Herald, Presbyterian and West-
inster 3 25
le lienal, ekly - Ierald and London Daily Ad- - •
♦-critter , , . 2 45
CLe 'i Ia1, Wcek Here
all,' impressions (a busi-
inonthly) ii 1 80
, Weekly I rsiIil as . Montreal Daily Wit -
Id an Montreal Weekly 2
kly herald and Wort Wide 1 s
1 s0t
ly Herald slid Northern Messenger. 1 25
Herald and Chicago Weekly In -
11 s
The Sign* Weekly 11
The Signal,
The Signal, W
The Signal, W
tet Ocean ' ] 50
The Signal, Week! -
Karh N,tb,criber to The Fart iter World receive. a ropy of The Fartn7:111nnual. a handy
Irak of'L.4, to 4411 pogo. of useful fon Clog In recant to all department., of
NOTE THI$-Any o the key publications in the above list will be
seat to new sulseriters fro no until the first Lf January, 1906, for the
price mentioned. The remain r of . is year is thrown in free. --- -
No family should bi witho P of good reading matter at these
raid and Farming Wor 1 85
eulittlut'e•s by postal note, , ..i .. money order or express order,
THE SIGNAL, Goderich.
The Most
Ever made by a Canadian Publication to
its readers,
Two One -dollar Papers for One Dollar
AITa'ttgrnn•nl ,silo t11.• 1,ul.li.I1.•r', tvc aro• enabled to nRcr
The Signal and The
Montreal Weekly Herald
-a at dollar weekly for ONE DOLLAR is year. This offer is exclusive,
Ind n Ise nutehe by le, ,,t her m•I• in thin district.
RE MBER THIS FACT -ery stiliewri1er paying • dollar in advance
fort 41111• paler,. will receive 711.' Mott •aI Weekly Herald fur 0418' year without
weirs* cost 'h.. terms of tan• at•rnn -meat with the Montreal publishers are
such Dud we 1 to make no deviation f u this role the y t. be paid
IN ADVANCE, l ill all arse»rages must • paid.
al and
FREE hlr reminder of 003 to new !Jerald wsubscribl be ers to 1st Jaary, 1905.
ANaw•FMK1eVsandCanaAl•n paD.efint of O••se.p.rlal nt•rs to II■tDlnyI. vttee,o tokeep aDreaat Of thRxde thint macerCwrTh• H.reldxt otDernonanrm•a.Deu• D1anY« eho«
• a paper
)16Hn.NT.d l w . :1ls th e.1•hll.hed 1, rye
nd oldest to rte
age, 1t has renewed Its youth, and
ds In the fore r da'• great
nals. As a newspaper, It 1• edited
enc cno.tlto-
y of reader•, who dretre a compre•
ely° summary of the world', sews
heweekheirwesi fen etatdpolnt or the m
4Of then wen
cut ha•In to w el -
x of lreel.ven URD *00-
alles marks rent en-
eery Ilne •r ■ewe. la not ,ranfueo ft
o so similar
es The Herald Is • compact paper,
As a Nome Paper.
re- f
p .m o•nrl> •papers for 7T• Hom•
16 the ricer ala,.. nothing 1• pormltt.d
In Its columna (bit runot b• read with
Droflt and In4tn,rtlen by emery member
or the household Ie the ••cord place,
It la edited with .pedal r•t.r.nr• t0
matters that Interest women ..Madge
M.rton'•" weekly talk, with her woman
modem co41(Itute the most popular d•-
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