HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-11-5, Page 2$ TNowu4v4 Nov. b, t144iO3
:hi Oikitinal
WN)14144( 14. toNt'.%It111.
!CANATTICH t•tttit ettTscl\'.
:'rul.•Ilhwlr 1'411 Nu. Si
Terme of aub.criplion
`.14Ifi Per anulmlel is 11,4116161.0.
11%• : thaw month., Tw.
Sob.criler. kilo fail 10 reveil4 1.,r WI -44N 1,1
r•a•elxrt) by loa41 will cinder a Ah'yr ly .0'
yyu4L,1 boa
41.1111no 1,4.i 41 an. eo•1r 4 11410 4.
\\rhes a rL.urtl• 11f mldn•.. i,41...0.01, tw'tb 11.4.
01.1 41111 1111• new 14I41V.. 144Mnlhl !wastes
L : assertions Rate.:
14•I1lfal Ont ot her .11111i1:11..1,11 et i.,•10e111., lar•
•der 1{tie tar ane itwr•Ni.m rind 1.- Ter line for
ra.•h .016.11..1o'nt 1104.111011. \Ira.un141 by 4
- uwapa/ril •s,alr. 1 w,Jre 1014.: 10.1,11 inch.
Hu-inc...•,ud- of -i4 lino. and 1111410r. 1.1 P11
Ad.ortt.cmeut. Pound. stna).d,'411-
matba.'p.•.ua, Sit 1141 lit- w-anled. Hous.+fur
Kale or 10 14.%,(. Pars. for s,d.' it to pilot,
Art—tile. fur Wale. ere:. nvl r3r(4dittif. rillht
line..3.1. earl. 4,4.(•n 4.4)1 : 11 for MM
. h.t (such .41a..'quent «work. I.ann'r 1111)11111•
sent.• in prol4.rtio0.
Itil•,.1 11014, 4" in nwtp4n•i1 1) 4)1' 3• per Iip'.
• Nn 1.011.0. I.... t)4an :':•.
A r1111.111s ht unH«aro readlnlr tvim one
,('4111 14'1' MorYI. No 11111 I.1'• Ir..11,a., 8:•. '
.\1,y •44.4141 nuli'•1'. 1 h 1144("'1 of whh•h is (be
paciini+ery lw•urlll of *in iudira.1ual or 0..111•6
aUs.. 10 lir ow,aden,l un 14114 rpt o.rulont nod
to ts•channs, 4.r-0n11.4t1).
Irate. for 11).p4a) and 11,111 nut /4411.0.11.e
111r1i1'- will Ile 1:114.14 1/11 01.11111,41
AMITY.. all ,obl11tlmaic,l 4llII 11)
\ V AX.4TTE:It A IteeHRIetwele.
\ Tis `4us.r.
Ilvlrril•h, 1Mt.
(iiHila:m'I1. T111'1L"1,.'.Y. \4)v. A ma.
1.11rr need 1e no misunderstanding
of 4 1114111:1'1 altilnd' 1,IWAINIa 1116.
Al 1,1 41 lwnnldnry 114'4.14' . I1ae1ito4
41.1' 1101 WI ' gsb1•:•:11se 1141•)' 1 ' 1 not
will thrix 1.114.'. They would • are
received w•if11 mu:ulimity any
'ision,•Ihomgh it should be n dl'nhil,
their claims even to a greater ext
thaul444•iat which has leen reached. i
they haul res, in 10 'where thin it had
been arrived At by A Tribunal, rxer-
'icing an impartial judgment upon
the merits of the 'awe lef1111' them.
The indignation of the Canadian
peoples 11111 a inea411im 11f 111el1 w•fsr
1,1.11.. in territory: it is the expres-
sion of their deliberate and
founded belief that the rights of Cane
hat r been unjustly. outrageously.
dislegarded:.Hlrt, 4n the enatepllllit14)1
utile 1rulmmel, and secondly i4) th
action of loudA1%a•1•stnn4.•
The a14Narltowlet by the ('nits
State'. of the twilit Whin. to till the
puce.... 41f -impart jin•ist"" 041 the
(•llIIlI)i'Nippin is perhaps not lunch ti
4e wondered at when oma (•on.ilre
the history 41f that country's intj,r-
national dealings : but that the Brit 11111
(i0'.erunn•ut .14044131 neeept such, men
as comnriwionera without stopping t.1
ider Ctuada's protest is as •-
comprehensible otely in the
14 Great Britain's consistent neg-
lect( Canadian interest.; in (4 ren-
tnry f utiations with the United
Mtates:•\ C pada is slighted 4n a foolish
endear( to in the goodwill of the
Republic, he. nit'b•ing the 14tnli11'-
ing of the lay v of a .great And
growing 'bps ch the h:nq)i1'1• and
the eneourag meat,f the I'nitel
%tate•« to the Makin* f • and
h ti
more insolent emant1w.11 the
Tun c Ipbnuacy o \GrI'l41f r• sill
In regard to the\secon4 t. Ise of
plaint the 14411 tnenf ,of Mr.
.'swarth at the nadia (' h
ort in Toronto the her ey
•hFre concluaiye evade
out t lightenattempt nos
a rho / n 4.f 'Canadian interwats, it
the mp us ne and di4 •assionto man-
mer peewdh ,\Ur. Aylesworth'e res-
ins! Iris deli tc opinion, which he
maid, woo full ar.11 byhseoll
Mir J,i',te
outte, t at the decisionregard both to t islends at the
nld Channelu)uth of the Porklanhannel and
the mountains hauling the boundary
was not founded igloo the evidence
and was not a Judicial fieri "on.
wit gine the past ten Term. the
hr:4:1/ It tines have • 1144.:) . 4111)• negle:•telt,
au.1 4ust'e•ad of the illl$a•o4rlln•llls that
hove sevulutionized the main high-
wli, n t he t ray ('heel: who. ant leu the hr'lnch lines "will And vast
lalwlul1+ of GI!1.101110 01,1 'n.u:he', 4)11
pas.sen c1' d'el'iee of theselines
►ere- 441 1:sti, nod where
11 rettlacwl he will find
yawl carriages 114 the
pattern often much
w1'• I-11AS% 11.e0111-
,31peemble le minim that their audacity
grown now glwn beyond all he Is. 1
3141 411.444.1 )' dial 'plifl list 411 the 'sura'
taken by the iiritish r 14x44 •4x.
seem to have only one thing in
1 heir hinds. the' is to goto England.with ie treaty 111 their p„•ke'ta, till
11144111.1' at wlud ('4)144 to (',4111111x.
The effect which l Ibe produced
upon the pulite ' I in I'1laaela by m
declaration frons lith parties in 'the
Imperial fart: oil against our
'onl-w' will greatly prejudice the idea
of British e 'lion, as Hrili411 pm -
tell kiln . Will - have proved itself 11
'farce.” d11
If Si, Joltr \la'm)1d haul madea
41111)411 44)14lle
tlwt at 4hat the. there
might 1111\'' leen no surrender in
Alriska. la it not high tions -that -'-w1'
gave notice 44) (4rit Hritnin that
therm 1111101 14)• an cud .if this amt of
An article in The Toronto News the
othrrilav vowed w complaint that has
bee suchan 11111 Nt1.1')' 411 these
14).14 1that 41)414111' have ahnnat ee1041'd
thinking of it as something , for which
a remedy should 1e found. It is (her
storyof the in/Iw
apente and anti-
qu.ate•:1 service nn the railway branch
lin/•«, ,in,4 those what have suffered
f1 he inconvenience, for instance,,
of spending batt-arin)' in travelling
fort-tiv. miles will apprr'blte 41111)4'
portions of the article.
'rhe News psoint.4ut 1ha1. although
therm has teem a Imlrul-kable de%elop-
nll•nt of the main rail Wit y lines of
l' in,ul t
If therm was any Impeel ielnlid-
eratkm dialling for an ahalt4t ent of
('anada's beet claims, surely Lord
_Atveistone, or even the British 4iuv-
'e'pnilent, should not 6Ius.ve naetinneed
(ranula on the altar of Inlp•rinlinb
interest without cnn'sulting the Can-
adian representative« or the ('ana(lutn
(iovernmrn4.. (0anad^ recognizem her
share in the duties am w•.'H an the bene-
11te of empire, and would, we believe,
he perfectly willing, in case of nere,-
sit)', l\, make some nacriflce for the
w.'lfarl u( the :j tteirl •e at large. Blit
'R•h.•n Hurl' a casa%aide.w Canada ahonld
1e,+ taken bd(1 the '11 eficietu•e of the
Hoche Government, 4411 th our (iov-
rrnnnant nny know fur whit our ter-
ritory i being bartered MR• nada
fs niiw a 'tile tam big to hetr.ateel M
a mere inht t in' the Imperial house-
hold. -In 1b plea4it (ase we have (ie• 111' prot,•14Lin1 144
not evere.the tinta41ton of knowing eh's.'" :
Mott there wan 4)y nrr,sssitc fur a "Priite%t" wilt Itr'nml-.-\
awrifiee by Ca a, nod Canadian oins
f 'IYu•y wit' ndakl• if
Confidence in the 'ad of British lint a n't-)4) to/ Atiterir'an terga �yne
negotiator\s is hots.1 At that w1' ars are dour ('hili''. 'l'h're w„14
pre}� 1 ti, take `'(4)4' granter) that Wb•n l'atikita' was est.hli4hr,l ori.,
[Aced A,Iverekore seismanything Anierieae .hl.' of the dividing Ito
worth fitting fir the Cavo which h.' Now Ion• 1-nHwl Mentes have eat
their wily into territory which gwlgra
showed tine United Mttatls. phi'ally ,nil every .1 her way iad4a-
inded, the alireid point 11 the tinrtly Canadian. We have been
whole affair hs that this is„1,r 144"wry 44,44 systemotii•ally 1pdnn.l.r
tare instance i a l4) aeries I/f'st 11(I h the Am et Man Itemitat •, x dy assist-
ed by the British liiiserntuent. There
surrender,. by Gills ihtlotl nen 4 in method in what I 1 (w•eoide in Ilas
United Mtatea After 1111. R..',, . nnntlt•44 call the ma.tueaa of prote.atillg
lotion a large t• 1'y whish had against the recent 14urrendcr'1tf Can -
lion 'claims. The 11,11 isle (4,ivrero7form•d part (If (L a under the
m eK ',unit lo. Idind 1„ the t'1,
itletlrA regime wax Urn' by the of Ia l'anadi:ul people 1111 Ilia A
United Mtaten thrimgh t c,lrelessnens kill Ilirel ioll, mid 44 lutist know
1'x ignorance 11f the British Alit horlties. t•he Ilk -Enid dip'. •v that Ilan
In 1442 inn! Arlhberton pllowel hints mimed 114 1,, ne, er,.4 f „f ch.. , the•
mime 114 \lain', west 11f the 1k•troil
self to he fenhrl by iheniel \\'('hater, h•Pt, w•ei4 of leak,• S1gw'rinr, het new•
the 1'niteil Mtaten Impe%enlati,Ar into Atoka w
handing over the territory new,!TPrtt)• 7n another k
log a large part .f the MtMte of Maine.
In t.h.' Oregon treaty (cleat Rritblp
y.• Away an immense territory now,
rtn41141 the northern tier of Mtn
West of Lake Mlperior. At the time
of the Washington treaty of 11471 the
conduct of the British onomilalionep4
was synch that. Mfr John A. Macdonald
wrote in a private letter :•
'The American t41nlnliasiunerw 1)
found mfr Enp(feb ittalri gt
4'•:11.. II.'
tiles 441 4);o'
1'11m1gw1 411 4.
hies . Tot•imto ani Mont-
i, fin fixed -train 14/•hrd-
ii+lu th t have leen un -
menu of the. 0141('114
e tie a\eritWeise% the
policy of building up t e\rongetitive
points at the expanse of hliiu'a -section.
which alae free -front cull •intent : 111
other words, 11( "au.rifiing the enrr-
gir” of the meld to in'r'aa• t\usiue•wN t
41 4141111E 1'.111•'• It 1. 1141111141 111
Willi )'coal. iusl'ad ..f foltel'ng (11'
d, 4.1144 cul of Nei t' s whoa. whole
4,.t1i4• st g(4 to the one road.”
After 'stinting mit that condi "ons
which were not 414) irksldnn• fire ye Its
ago ata becoming intill•ralde 411 t
prw,elt expansion 44f bn.ule:, and 4m
4•rw..4• of wealth land the \ rural'
hof t4li'
travelling habit 4n the 1111111' districts,
Th.• New" points to what consjder4
the one fni•u, of -alleviation '-. ' t is the
great ,LuIlil..t4nf y( l,nn(sa inn 'by
lawnt• of IL"electric •(ropley. rul-
ways of t 'auntie are &Meg all 111
}onw'r, thnfgh We pr•4tlme w ithont
14)4)141,• nfn1.1.1hnng't►t. *o com4el the
ro4lstull•tolt holly lilies front the
I4uIh.-we'll rn//nU•y districts to the
n.•: rest wxnprt4(4vr endowed ('entre 11r
d (blend spm 441,+1 rapitnl, that
1.41, 1,• a'teginw•red w•it.hnut
r I h
h 14 t the lo•Alilirs- that are• to he
I4•neflit•..I. Ili stain.** cif'nweythey lir,,
h'iltlkl Lpurier 41. mut Irleitrarly
Germain ./ his proposal on_ thr.'I40 eery.
H. doesc not bring forward the treat
leaking a•Itesete am a finality. He
merely'.41101814 the general feeling in
1'au/ula (hat the !resent .Utua11on is
unmetisfru'l.a•y and that 1.1x1wthiug
'1 be dune to. remedy it. If the
I'rinee Al nattier Yaw guile les, tar is rjee
mancling Stir ('1(1alla 1410401111e treaty -
tusking power's, let thaw. who atm
passing judgment til 1 ' stiggrot
aft adtet•Anti%e pWlFxswl 4)l' want al-
ternative proposals if 1141')' have
them. An The \\'orad lots tried to
point 4)411, the t' • hiU arrived fur
/'artful reflection, Every iinggeatioll
conceived in an lu/ne*t and loyal desire.
40 1111114)11()' the satiation 14h„111d le
welt -owed, telt. diImarvage•d. 'rile
Prr•INiw - 1.6416.6.1104 - 4'mrntitlm pith
opinion) when he' p1,1111wr1 a plan of
prol/•tting Ranlld* *Ramat future 1011-
'M of territory, whether that plan is
the right • 4)r the se t'trig
The Tolegral., ((1lnser,4444vel also
takes a 43114110th ('0111we. Its remarks it)
n'ferenrr to the pre4oration of the Can-
adian ease are all the mitre pleasing
ft,1m the fact that her years it peirsued
the Hon,'('liiluld Mift en with a y.'
which often appeered to me to he *emir-
le•ss, The Telegram dives the hand -
tonne thing in these word.:
•'('anuls is assured on 'the (lest of
ant hornty that her representatives
W1111 srr'.w1 011 the Alaska teiluu.l,
And who addressee' the tribunal 4)r
prepared the came file cuuoael did their
whole dui)-. Thr occaritliil quest hats
asked by A. U. Ayh•sw-urtle, K. 1'.,
showed God he half clearer under-
standing of 1114 the' Mille/tie farts of
Ihr case than either Lord AIvetatune
4)r any 4)f 1114' United States etimmis-
shiners. 111' aieldres, of l'hrixtopjlrr
Robinson. K. i'., has been already
praim'l. The preparation of the Can-
adian ease down LO, the newt detail
diel crrlit ho he great execlft4,e power
of Hon. Clifford Nifton, to w'ho'm Most
art he crdit t. g4'. But Mr. Rif.
ton's ,(Tort" were well ser 1'd by
Reel Wade, K. l'., and the juniorsrur
pl11yw1 in the ease. Thepreparationof the case from the ('aialiau stand-
point was far' moor (ou.plete than the
Anleri,•an ease. The disappointing
retail of the orbit net ion should not de-
prive Ilan. 1'Iitfo41 Mi/lou 1118 his aa.is-
tants 11f the credit which they earnest
by able and faithful work in the pre-
paration of ('Amldli a case."
I rl•uulin4-for The Mail And Empire.
with the .eap('able -oirnt of meal
partiw1nxhip. which it .eabitually dis-
plays, to try 14) aggravate prejudice
against Si,' N'i,lfrid •Laurier in his
('11nrage 0)111 .land for the rights of
('amp,lie ,11)41 to attempt to make patty
cap41141 11111 011 a national erisi14. ('An-
a1liaul pm•iuti(' s14444I hent at this jnnc'-
tu1'• is, 1111WI•v'r, 14,1 sturdy to Ile dile
Flied b)' the eonlri1pi111e altitlllleof
Thi• Midland Empire. -
After All fh\atJuts been said of the
United Mhltea.astmeniasionea on the
Alaska tl•ilmnal, Mow would it do to
:ell thrid "puerile" jurists ofdiirepnute'
1 he dune with it ? '
ell. it won't d0 any h t14 kick
4)'h a racket over thlj, Alaska.
that the British liciailrttn)et)t
0 rare next time not t,
sends of t he Yankees.
The joint,11(•tinn of Mir forma -Tette
and Mr. A 'Irwwolth in the Alaska
Is) .11 • . 1 - la, a Mettler taken_ elk
the hiertnory., het ween French and
English-apaki g Comedians in their
national settli
Globe y "The (i4.1•rich
IInf1•,•h4r_II•y, its linnf""mAr)• as waw
)• p))•allrl line that the ('nnadinu Knitting „1„Ige„ lurking the tree
p 1Ya1'y 111/lallgene )( of its
1)11'1' threatened to bmild 4'')1a....rind 'IN, As it in f\ah1,' to fill its
u to to Haulili„ ; and. we *4111141 orlrrw. 'I'hisi as it .old he, and 4w
.11,. prerer 141: st•e (hr 'railway" cause for 1•nngl'ilf,llation not. for tariff
do the work that in tie eleel• tinkering."
4)R. hu ever. as they do nothing
to de -etc'', th ('4.nntry th,4 alewdntt•1'. The Toronto tires' air mean not
belong. to t hen�a4 long will 4hey in- trying to find evidence of t
viteOther%14) a•izil lhe. op11041Milt ie4 ill/4” 0f mm1mfal•turea gi4.,
hi'h the•)' neglect \.' ('nna1111 fit' Fnitel Stat.4
iron ('minty. a d inderl Ihj. 1'hl•r'• are a lot of thing% that
e western dis4ri(t, ill welluble tap this Wily would like to tiny •c
vent 11f thetrnllev nil if the News 11)1111 can 'hunt. 11
bargains" in this direction he ea
0 POLITICS 141 THIS: make a g•wwl t 'salon on them. \
There is
test agninnt
&deem rights 1
the Alaska Is
/1111(nde of the
davit,. evidence n
a. ►efittingg ('anlul
tial now%taper, has
fedi i a 0•'11.M of I
Whim*. bo a ra1111or fail
stood it •(4 tit Br41nIn.
,4,o,,lder i . The (4In►e
1Vor1i1, rot rt ret by \\'. F. 1
the ('omelet tai '• Al. 1'. for�Fnst
b'ork. and The . !liar. I..Is.r.,1. bout of
whteh have het'-, h trier of slrikilt
articles 41n the 4itII4tt . ' The N',n•h�
replies to those 41 It a.1' %hal. 4., the
I* carte s
party Iolitirs 411 the 41rn-
r 11141 411 ti filch 1'a
t"e leen disregarded in
fnd1ry matter., The
11,1111,1 1111.P$14 14 1.1111-
thim. The (i111e,
'4) most 4ntbeen•
"iced Canadian
ling articles
1 Is' ler-
Milder to
re 'Hie
14 to
ho -foo longe 41,Irrnt ed.".
141.• The 1\'ortd to 414
elielpticm 414 ti evil Klemm thathit)-.'
iwen panned etpre tit. Wilfrid I.nrier
Ib certain quartrti for his proposal
Oat Canitda shoilld 1Hl''ve.terl ail h (1111
(''.117-nwg jl0Wrtwlia a 41,04in4 of
preveniting Author t.rritnria1 Inaw'm 44)
th111 colonel. through the thele,, of
HNtiah diploma, v. \\'hilt 41Nnlittlug
tMfihia prrpoeial may bet 1,• flit;/llble,
Wur111 says :
• it mint INS irangsuborml that Nor
Every Canadian worthy the name
should support the 11141141(14' of
e ( 'anndinn rurmuis.i,mer•s un11•at it
\\11n'Imsively shown that they are
1n`tli.• wrong. Lord Aire:stone has
tu.t /iia yet /cern deigned to reply to
the,'hitge 41f breach of .faith which
psis 1sr•n i1t4n'llr 1114d again4* 1'
1.41,• trews tet• that tries to make
out that the mlimion Government
propose•., an int Pram(' 1'd the annual ex-
to over 'Ib,IMM1,11011 mina
hit e' a Ion. 1.141 unit e o t he intelligence
elf its rude,.• \\'h*t ei*phnalion will
it give when the weal yeletrcloneM with
a total expenditure of pwiyhl• 11116. -
third !him nmlonr1l :' O1' d,w•s it ihn•nd
`1 keep 4)h lying indefinitely ?
'ho' Parllrniwntary mission hat it
Awed, mer (Gown einrr.jsmdert has
' tinted ,f he 'srrie.1 of we'kty letters
4n which he h.- leen keeping renders
of The Migted informed of the if ' g,.
At the "apitN 1. \Ir. N'wr•ier'e "keel -
`tent letters Nave b'rn mint with great
itit'n•sl, and w•d,Arc pleases to 1e able
to Inforn our Islet« the they w'H1
from lint,• 14) lirlle ill hear from him.
All i •r in HIP i'nitwl
States 4111 46141 Gimlet.' n 'toy, 11y' Ihr
et at iH a ,111(1. l0 111' Mi al Myee, "1
nn1 glad to •'Pe by the ('(Illi)), tit. of the
peN% we w1I1'scotl 'send 1)n 11.119'4
to (i.,iletdch. Slate. of onlnrin, 1'. M.
et -catty fear that mu- friend
Ichner rrei'.e4 n ,,lv4nkrn ide,, frim, 4311,
4fnit,71 MtdI.pal4+ryy. 'rhrn• ask] tri
1••,,f,,' lo)) etnlicml4ts oe'rrhere: bit
they are all dead twee%
Matey MI,.:' and '440144)1 .'tel cos
were held in the 1'nlit/d'Mtaten on
Tu4 1d4y. 1 he 'Iatle•at M whir h moat
general Interest wax taken wow that in
New fork ('it)', where Mayor Low
sought Ns -election til 1414' head of the
reform ticket. The moult was n sur.
prising tllrflover from Ib• 4'rerbnu
('441lion, the Tacoma itv candidate,
lieorge 14. Mcltl'Ilen, winning by
phlnaltty of 71),111/1, (/INnkle. M New
Ynt'1t the )ibetiuma tarnlgblut lite eluded. •
isometry dal (111 show any r/awarkaW4
Iahl he r Ibemoer'.ti ,1r Rypoh-
•win, -
J. \1'. Heng..ngh, the well-known
11114x). "wt4)1Irrlat, who WAN ru-
t 1„ assist' In the llamah/m.1*in
q noteide in the Melted King('
1441 not 1,
ilk. to 141 , cwt,,.
ting w )p to intim
11.n and deride to cut lose from the
Hitndn;{loam p4liticinu. (4' Iapr'.w•s
Jouilt a. to the success of Mt. l'hau'
14'rlaiu'. policy, "outing to abaft).
inethlsts and his failing to give 1164411 -
lie AIIMWen+ tri gn1•eHnns_'
Tlw hew York'Prllmne, which is re-
garded hag" tilt inilnilijnlv(ee a tUe
Washington Administration. - states
Geist the official view tonere is that np
11are41tly the t 114t4rl Mtates hag lust
1.1,41(14 erre-sixth of the disputed terri-
tory in Alaska. This is a sufficient re-
ply to those who were w1 snow 11141
'amnia had "nn case." If the matter
had born tnirly deeidwl, ('An.uia would
probably have got con:i(1e' apply 111111 e.
N't• should like ".x1)4.11141' (o inform
440 w•hrthet• n singer.. ••fale•vreH" per-
fort,uuxe' should. bring lower pries
fmnl the fact of its helot only our of
of extended series of "farewells," 4)r
shouted have an 1•uhnn'wl value bemuse
,.f 1111' 4ncus,lmd prulwlbil*ty 4)f 41.
114.4ng Ir4lly the 11.41 of krr appr11'.
anis. Patti mining again—this is
what brings up the prollen. At the
1ti tine of her hast pn•'.i(a)14f:umwrll't4,u1-,
we mimed d a chance to hear tier 1,t M
d(lh1• for standing 11414)111 We were not
an editor then and really Iliad the dol-
lar��)�,'' and what we want l4) know' now
4m Whether we 1•.11 gel in for fife y emits
or til , Will some one he kind
enough 'enlighten tem s tc, the his-
tory of sin :t1' coats ion t ' lost ?
in connect'•\n with the nt Bap-
tist runre nti0l0 ' , Id et Owen ,and,
The Advertiser 1*f t town t h+ a
good awry hey way showing
"fntaili:n•ity with lbw ' urs jinni
.cation and entionenettint t the dr-
molninat' ." It is a st.44-)' of n darker
of the Hapl i.t p•1•%tlamil'411 w' *441.
arguing with a disciple's of hit
We•sdry and trying to 1',m �ne��e hr
that he didn't belong tn, The right
church. ••vnu read de Good 1ltl(lk, 1
"u14%WV?" "11111 1'nl•lr M. .Taw
W'w.leyon declared he knew it from
('over,t4) rov.')'. ••Well, den. I done
want 1114 yap et yogi talk neater 4)b de
battery (de John 141• Hopti14 ?' Yrs,
he'd rend alp ahlnit him. ••All right,
14(44. Niue unr 1114' (ue'shmn--f i .11)
kit•er to kivrr i4) de (toned Hook did
you char ren are WA mention ,b1 John
de Mehdiui ? Ale. now 1 has you!"
A Farewell.
MS' fair.•.0 child: 1 Aare n. Nine r 1111:.' yon
No Lark bola piilr Ie+kk•. •.1 41411 awl row:
Yet, ere we pati, 01141 11'. -oma I1 :in'leave y"1,,
Fir r)rr)' don'.
fir 1111441*, .wref amid, and IM who w4U be
4118., 1'r: ..
1o, nolle Ilona•. MA 4119.4114 11,•,11. all ,IAy
And .0 main. Life. 1044111. and lima I:v.t Icor
'CV!? .
1111. grand. *weal •.3141.
,'hark•. Kin` -ter.
ehake.p.are Uplo-aMM.
Tor Into Saturday Niltht,
The / It ' • 0 1'
ht f Ar til •: 'o
1 4 ) t ah n is twin
'trowel ; it tel.444*'th En$ lamp that gives
„4)11 4.nrb• Main that takes,
A Kries, Qsa.tlen.
Want bird 1' . '
n Inrr.
The Ila1)414411 Her;141 wants motto
for the 1114*- Highland leg' ail there.
W hat's the matter 14144-41"flare knees
cuddle alma'?''
Ore. E. Foster, Frewtoi }
strntfmrd Iterate.
Talk x1.0111 Ala'skn deeiwi0n'going
against ns Well, we're plying 1?ng-
lanll off h)• wending r,14.11tlk there,
Temperate C..r1M.m.
latawa ('Itimn.
('Amulia11s 11114 unr of the qt teml-
perat.e people in the world according
n, atatislilw juin published, maul the
French are the 111.14.. IIIibuulously in-
clined. A 0ompntati4)n shows that the
ofrench consume al„nt Ill' (warts
? aleoholii• beverage, per year per
h.eaal of fwlpulall4on ; Switzerland 1:41.
fttel\' end lirnlml•k 10, England, (tru-
e and Anstrite 41. IEullai41, ('1141/11
Staten n, I'al►alha 2. Tww.nty•five
years of temperance work in England
has nlilv\teehm•ed theotr•Pnt4ge front
In to 4i, ' The r'utnrkah1�r record of
('anlube f) nb4temenissl).as (a I11(1at
crditable n 1,'n• p4+ple stud an olije•t
Festoon to the rk1.
Our N.ife li.rs an 1-naenins,-
Hrlti,h Aa*rk,14, l'h4rian,
\Villin,, E. ('.11�1 w writes Hutt th4•
British postal serv4'e in much superior
to that in this coer'atry. it is really
remarkable what adrnla.ions people
will make Wien they 'get Merit)• from
the (swi elling furry of am 11111)1 turole•.l
,/rm4slnf/nlowd-p,rhlic.opinion. Ilye
and bye w1..1.111 learta that the.. 011"
several things they do teller over on
the tither mule than in *Mal Iandi 1.1
ellighl(ennl,-n1 :and IiteM V. VIM chem
will aIway11 lea qualifying ph1444.
our pnt•Ii•• should r•„4)l the In-
t .u,i' iit.inn that in Any particular re,
%pert they did 4)4u "lock creation. ”
lint in t' • it wider knnwleilgv will
enw1n,• n 441 iter r(•ap.el for of her
ptgil•''s methods cif life and gumc•rei-
uient, t1 gat we shook! continue here
to think mum the best that can be,
1 '
it in well-known fart that during
the post few yea1-, aer4rill mono -
factoring firms have Hinted *heir
plants outsi.1' ..f 1h' eit 11/,41", atm.
firm ham motel thin y.rar, anti am the
majority of the clerk* lire in the cit.)'
n certain t of gr,w.' 1111A been
allowed an to Ihr ``promptness' of their
arrival/soli' morning. But Ihry were
mpp,oswl 14)'14)1x11 cm the ohne elem-•
ter the cans,• of nny nn4n'nctumItty.
The first to nevive bite generally le,ula
rift with the worth,: "Train late,"
"Punctured a tit';'' etc„ me the rase
mat be, And 111 thie Ie other 'l.'rkl
invaeto ly mitt '•i► /o,:' Mo a1'_
enuhmhs' hive they 41009nle to the
format procedure thielthey hardly
ever take Ow $empty(' to ser W44a1 'x- I
'ie heal. Dfu' 1144. The other Morn-
ing the 11,144 arrival, who %As bap,
rlola4elt' 141y penciled in the wort,:
"'Wife had 111 11116 1111. morning," 111n1,
to the Amazement of the 11Mn4f1e',
thin extraordinary explanatilm was
promptly ••dit4+,rla' 1114 Ore waydoo,
Nor *Ma his aattaliehnitnt diminished'
when he maw the untee hog's mum in -
101e4neer'• M.nlniecwlp.-- Travelling WWI
War en Those Date.
In *he spring oration of the year
I!t'4a my father and family heft their'
1111m' 111441' Kllniskilten, in Ireland. to
'•uligl•,Itr to ('.111:1 In. I wail then 441*.
u year* of age, 1her was due,
and 1 was the youngest of the family.
Pre visions for the spa voyage were
hroly4At to 11,1111 lett). of a (Ali
41'01611 by (1114' 1101a•. N,' were two
davit on the journey to 'Jerry. The
ship *'r were t0 g4) in Wam a sailing
ship, as 4)o steamboat had creased
the Atlantic at this dale. The ship
was not prepared for ilea for a few
days. N hen it was really W.' got on
bard a14,4 tt1e1, we hn\i a rough tiutr
tui sTs mirk('. There was an hare-
fratiuua fever to the ship- ami .almie- of
the 4laxxrn ells were sick. The ship
N'aN Pit 41111W41 at quarantine, an island
twenty miles taelow Quebec, whets a
doctor rulpd(4yeI by the Government
'ante 4)u hoard and gave orders for t hr
ppa)4lassrugene to he handed on the island.
There were open sheds on the island
for is to live In. in about right.. day■
we got on blind again and sailed to
theebee. We then got 4)u a ate emlulat
14141/111 the "John 111111" that ran 14)
,Inllteal, N'e were a few da)'. at
\luntreaI ami then went to Lachine,
where w4' gut 1111 Au 4411.11 111)441 W
bring 1114 up the -Mt. Inwnen,r rapids.
This hoot win+ named •'Ih'ralll Boat."
It was drawn by two yoke .1 oxen
41111 /*'13'4.11 by . two Frenchmen.
'cher' were two open 1111 the boat I1,1141
they 44411 lung poles to keep the boat
i11 the right (channel. 'N11t being
attar.. of Iii' danger of the reptile, we
all got 4)u the boat and when about
Ind( wily up the rapids the roe 'woke
and 1444.11 the boat went at to fearful
seed until it gut le, deep, calm water.
We then -gut out 1111 the sins. and
w-AIkeel up the rella1m11rr of the rapid
llar•t of the river, \1'18 then la►ardet1 a
steamboat that lir/Might us to Little
York, now named T11ro111o.
TWO 1111/1111.1.1.1 of James amp
Icahn, 1.111111' I4, 4'un1.1)4 cine year 1 -
tote us. They lived i4) the ,' try
114.141' York lout James left the place•
where he wax walking and well to
liode•i,h. The y gest .4 the
children was sick imd could not 414 41',-
44', .t'4.. at that time. John and 1 writ
4)11 y 1/1141 411 Hamilton and proceeded
1111 (MA to, the Huron tract and the
third ul11ruing w4' come to the friendly
home of old Andrew Whitely in the
Iwnship of tiolerich. A few days
41' my father an.l (4 'ly left York
we • t tee Hamilton 4)o it tont, and
4x11118 from Hamilton to lioeleri.h on te
wagon drawn bv two hones.
(ie0Ha1 ('ox, Sit.
thee—term Hill/.
Tripe and 4',,—. Toronto.
Dan. MCOilli'nldy haastepped
out of the diulerich Signal 1OIe•.'
after twenty-two years of faith-
ful merrier. It 441 4a1d that he
wilt shortly enter the civil ser-
vice at Ottawa. Mesirs, Vu*n-
,Itler and Hobert anti; two
foru+ri• members- of the e14\If,
err the Il4'W proprietors. They
141.4 pitting in new type and
making i11rprovemente of a
general rha :tet•, The new
1111,11 w•e111 to re act Iuueh
in e1' aw
+ the K 1 'Ilia
K � tit veteran
t Mn
anon' th'c snrrrrdwl.
We are determined to clear
(flit our stock of Wall Paper
this -fall, ritlll have some
tempting prices to offer.
(hiring Joh- and August we offered
Li per rent. cif(. We now offer one-
third off, orZ4j per tient. What Mica
that mean? .lust *1)441--
Paler for 18 a per roll.
• 134- •
" ail c
61., . •
,, 4 4 ..
44.41 "
Boilers from le per yard to
Vie per yawl.
W. Acheson �"c"c Son
r Bargains. ladies'
This is an almost new department with us, but,
the new dress skirts were so stylish and neat we
have - now in stock a tine range or choice, To Intro-
duce ,them, we will please all ladles with such values
Ladies' All Wool Cheviot
Dream skirts, neatly trimmed and
very Latest rut and style, at
special .33.00
Black. Dress Goods
Black Cord De Chines
A eerie, bright finisher' dews mat-
erial for 14ni(e, Idolises 4)1' separ-
ate skills, dress)- and very
popular, at, par yard, $1.011 and
*1.25 and $1.50
Ladles' Broadcloth Skirts.
scabs or Maid trimmed. Novem-
ber styles, 4141.11 very haaidlwnw,
1$4•I111 and $500
Misses' or girls' wanly -to -wear
skirt«, all 1rie•tl, 11) wool chev-
iots, different edm,land black,
new atvies,.L, each. *2.1*), $2.50
Ii1I pieces of a41 silk ribbon, heavy
glace finish, in new stripes and
plain, in whirr, rre'a•n, pink,
grey, blur, i, inches wide, for
tics 4)r belts. Regular prier
per 4•,1,1, :toe and Mae, ,11w4.41,1
wale 111 I8c.
Night Gowns
gio d/,Iwu I,61111,night gowns of
heavy, full, soft, Meot4h flan-
elette, i4) plain pinks and 4,1ues.
Lam• trimmed eollar, front and
sleeves. Regular best 1111,1411
quality, 2 days melting .... 75c.
Ladies' night gowrim in filmy kink
and blue 41.1•ips, hall sine
frilled r ill,r and cuffs. S (It xrn
only regular fine 1puillty,
Maturity and Monday each 39c.
Ita4ther early to advertise• lathes fur emits, lent herr they area, all new
and bright, w1 w•4' will make a mpecia) November lewdest. \
12 only ladies Astrachan roots, emitters' satin Hews', tiir curl, 2R, 811;v(d2
inches long. quality and wear warranted, regular valor sap to 1101.•
yw"•ial November male .110
Ladies' and Misses' Kersey, 'Zibeline and 4'hrriut. 4,141 ','luta, With and
without capes. new style*, opened this week at .htleei OM $7,00i
Winn , 1 $14.141
131'TTERII'K PATTRRNM FUIt TRIM MO. 1114 L 111 swarm.
W. Acheson & Son.
'PHONE 711
Our Unprecedented
The Montreal We0kly 11''0111 414 A
4,1.110 Of careful 'ontlensat; All
Ow chaff witiuowed front the wheat.
A paper A,r hnllre and tarn. \\'hole -
.(aur, e11•%4lting, informing A great
dollar ptut•nal. It Alla The Migtuil to
1st inmate, 1011 5. for only 34.4141. Maniple
4.4 'rhe Herald amid On aP4lir,1-
44nn, Or may le t our meen aoffice.
Think of it! The 4�III salt The
Montreal Weekly Herak lei 'IAn11,u j
, 104 /, fir only >tl.ttll. Mulloa:rile at
one' and get the two paper* for
foto—teen numths for the 41,811 sum of
The brand Trunk Railway have
issue' a very hatxlaome ilInstreted
pamphlet entitled '•illulnt, of Fish
And lixnlr," giy1n1( 4nformation 11• -
goading ,wW14411444 fir 141)4.41118 deer,
moose, \reineb''r, caribou. etc... 411 th.
"Highlands of onfmio," nail at other
ptl,inti a11111g the 111N• of the Grated
Trunk. (.pies of the wane will be
tiir nished un A .pli,m1ion et (4 -and
Trmk ticket edger,. or to .1. 1). Mc-
Donald, 1)i,414,'t l'ay.eugrr Agent,
Torontel. 54.61
My shock of
Serges and
In medium and beau)'
weights, in complete.
Finest goods and best workmanship
at mc,hlea/e cont.
Went Mtreet, next door
to Hank of Montreal.
Just Thlnk�.
of the number of n/en who are troubled with indigestion hcenww• their
wivrw 1,w• inferior ingredients in their cooking.
For all Cooking a uisites .
(►RUMHM. PiDne 91. - no 'Grocers, West Side Square -
g4) to STURDY & CO., who keep a complete aloek of (lel ('ries of fine ,,
quality, the only .kind a contt housekeeper should use.
It is wilful extravagance to hut. chcap
poorly 1,1 11110
Male in teleinswa. I %Prieto, heaven, awl
triter. Prfean 312.00 to 11118.00.
Appearance -
Naat apptittratice counts foe nmeh in them life. There
aretharm when 11111 611 pointa will druids. for or against you
At mteh Omen the (mention of appinertenee 14 alwnyft hound
to eon* up. Let 118 take rare of your isppisernmv.
lathing that is of the coninion run Wrings no resettle,.
--%Vc 'Are priaul 4.4. ray that our good!' linve for its
the 1e4.1.c ticcispy, as lea410ra in 41.0.
The Twentieth Centitry Brand of Gleaning is thin voey
heat mode in 1'4n/tit*.
None but floe tailor!, employe:I Ivy thin firm.
The Kan& are rewsrl, the flirting" Arp gond. the trierments
retain their sheepe.
We will be 'cleaned to shoat gnat time gouda. it 1'0610
tit/tiling to look, you'll nave money by buying.