HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-29, Page 8>� TDDIIIIDAT, Oet. 29, 1903.
Longest Session of Canadian Parlia-
ment is Ended.
G Inlerst.ng Discussions of the Closing Days
The Premier's Important Dehnrence on
the Alaska 4oundary Metier Mr. Fleldiag
on Canada's Financial Position Probably
' , Another Mesion **lora Dissolution.
_ I r
All premium tickets must be filled
out and taken up by January 1st, 1004.
And we would ask all our customers who
are filling out tickets now to take the
same out before January 1st, 1004, as
after that date we will discontinue the
Phenomenal Fall Selling.
,Sales this season larger than ever before. The reason
-economical shoppers have realized that -the most awl
best is given Here for their money. Self interest bids you
o examine and 0(mp are the money -saving values in our
store in
Smith Bros.. & Co.
1.%ddil n•*I lien- of the .11-11ict oil'Istge 7.1
M, Oet.:DI)h.
11 and Jean Chilton naw ci sitPig
relatives in IHa iishar11 1 74LI*hip.
Perth C. ml y,:tu,I:Ils.ioTtrrkeerrtotiitb
ashn1 H 1 1•;rlCounty.
• Twrpular 1
this week
Young, one .f the Masi
11•IIt•I..s of Ihr• ('.Idw'alet
Was a transient cisil"r here
ing whirl ivrs.-
TUESDAY: (het. 271b.
Tilt: \VisDLrkv \IIu,.--4'emrnt pill:lr.,
nee being built under the iris Glin*
siding t. the mill f the H.`
is is the age .f rl•Iu.•nt and it has
be n extensively used by 1NIr f:I ii..t••1
for Ole $.o.r. of tl►.ir stapledmi this.'
st111) a•I'.
'By. n11.1.EN HNIIMIP. - Pont pIH'.N•n-
gp1 t`• 1 n 1111w' - 1.1'15414 11%rt• 1111' nett
bridge. 6k;-11-3% ill Is•Mgeti (.r-.hie11tal-
traffic in lamp ten days. The strew.
llir•e r'l a latsslty. IIII(i reflect,. grew.
rnslit on the ..ntractires.. Messrs.
1Iitut..t• 11 of hini•at-dine.
Turk: 411E , , Lt.i•:ii M%\ N.110Fs AN
n I.MRny.t•rtilN, . ( Ise w'lMldiug ,last
work. Mus.1her w•rdlli.g nett well.,
A HI .De ore tean.h• 4(e4141i11pn IN•fo1.
thetime emites•f,• eating he Christ-
mas I111•key, IN'14Hh up her weddings to.
follow 1.efole the drill* 5'.111' Lark
rIWk41f 1he.00at-
rl rain. Thal is the
r m1.ni1,1 market in on •vill.ge.Every-
' h sly bee gets marl. s1. ..... email
n .1 name you one bac dor of mar-
agrablr age in 1 het who • t'illsge: au'i-,
as for elderly tnaidens, th, t' are N((1 **-
known quantity. As it 1•1 IsMple3ure,
Or. 11 you %%sada rather hal% ,iL are,*
r milli, of this state of till 'Ifs, ut►>\
S •111511 ySgrnLll ion keeps 1171 to a high'
w Hnd:lid, and it i. likely 10 do 1, for
o n• Ie.plt• marl y voting. We re tent-
h •1• reading s. -where th:t 1 cel
'Pais said in mu- .f his speeches in
t•efer.nr,• ta tIle gn.w'Ili of 11.• F'i-.',i h
population in Lover Canada th:11 In
r.nintl•%ua•n 'lost n. p' :old ally-
w•ho hn5 Fes %.•Ileal t lnrnlg)1 n Flesch
*urethra will tell. yon that yournvt•r*go
• 'ha hunt' ,.e, tl.H appear to I'w•stlia-
I1sI finless be has about a dozen olive ,
branches ars and his table, with an oe-
onaistmIl pair ..f twins .thrown i7 by
wary of cariely. 1Vell, it certainly 1
arks us i f (lull 54 81...( things were to l
b duplicated here. and that 11.•11•
mi .r will make a high reconl When
it Is hn. t.Inkl• the next revisits.,
TII Prt.t: (.'me. - Omarch/waists,
.king advantage of the Hne mttimin
went her, r are Inlsy harvest Pig 1 heir 1
crop. On every band may be betted i
Pie meth•}•'yok•es of the pickers who
rnlleet the f il into has ready f.l•'
the peckers. h) quality and quatit- I
i'' .r the fruit ha%.'far 1.n•pas1.*1 the
expe•Iati,1?..f a •n the most san-
guine of ',toyer', ,Ins 't is a notrwir 1 ht
heat, that the r1«lliu in Ih boo not 'tern
de,truelit,e a(,. i1( .1•N1r1• y.gar.,.
IVIte e%.•i- the ulr•hurl! 1114( received
the - least attention by piloting (N.
otherwise the quality lir a fruit 14.
koM1• lint the 1etr14(must said o
the orchards whete nit case is ken of
the trees. AS result .f neglr • . the.
fruit is sled ed. and can with difti, Illy'
to made to tins* as serail& *.-rice g
Ili 111. new fruit- Ieg1117111.in-. 'I1•r
appears to Ie a great .c:ur•ita' of _liar
Irk. end it is feared that it large pint
tion of the rill. will not 10• I' • ke.l. in
time before- navigation closes. .•fin A
emnstsinetire. a eul.ow ing to the inabil-
ity of our -t.o.p.-144( * get stock, the
price of the packages has gone )1j0
(pont :t•_' to $t vents. One ,,f one lead-
ing centred us that he had been
Relr+.l as high' as IAD et•dts per barrel
fi • delivery in 1htnga tim.n. bat WON,
RS* •el t. decline FIN' Nnul her season
sol 1 ling a tat 157 e ( unr to
meet this.,IiMrulty. The 'fruit will
have.( be ppeked etlhet• 'n boxes or
barrels utile of spruce slat Mp-isur4d
from idle New' Ontario fore M. w•hirph
is the task. ad prkage used elttirely in
ll.%a Scot.
TI.. glav for ti king
fstmelM..r ell staves is at nil en( tl .w'-
ing`hr the dell 'ion,ilf our (.n•s14..k nd
it'.. 11%%ing e. t tact that il',ays t
saw mill. Is•Iler . 11111 Off the'Ii• I.
1111. 1111111s•r, (Or.\rhirl' them in am
.•n,•rm.n.11u•Innnd. (Flan to make them
into shit vw a• forme t.l v. -
1' 111 r I 1
w'rbrr,..0. Not. telt. i orlon -ole of
Cana .tis-kww,ls! implement. 1st l.4 7,r -rwion
1. (,.slrricIAlown-hs ,.u.nen.•Ing al 1 ocluck
lit , w'1(. NI. 17 .v7tn. proprietor. Tilos.
li P.voit, Inn tiunr..r.
thlwtr. No,rndwrNth. - Airlifts sale of Mt
41. Ilth r -ilo, u7slerich down -hip. of
I IMn,lnahlo. hon torn and grade cattle. Iwo
asking ,.nd1 wo yearling heavy draught volt..
beside: a mmnIN.r of le:icr-ter -beep. Ell. 11.
sN-IPh, proprietor. TH.s. 111�p.µ NDItY. aur-
The offer of The Signal and The
Montreal \\'tekly Herald (sone,l.1-
Ise is . xeiling h e went. The
indlllat•y '1'Il•1'y 1s. "How ('it11 1t he
Lout?' Tlw filet 11( 1t 's b•itll, dime.
I 1 minty, reader, are Already taking
s vantage of the alluring (ift•7', Tu
lie '- slll.sl•rilers [with papers I'111'4e
wen for the 11.,11.111.1' ,if the y'dau• free.
t and
Drug using
15 pi
1 k . as
Over 300,000
kedge, Institute
'shpt., Si. Wet
7011ONTO. Oa
(lot by Close Buying
es -
Big Values
McKenzie & Howell
The Place to Buy all Hardware Cheap
UI UI111IIIJItIII111111UI 1111111111UI111fi
IMps•ial correspondence of The Signal.)
Ottawa, Oct. kilth.--Thr• hinges(
session of n Canadian Parliament is m57
more. It Was not only the hill est,
but easily the most iot,p. n•la111, (Ir
both national and part standpli1
N. one really was certain wh
PsrliA.otent was to LW piss rlgued uu
the last hoar. Even the evening t
fors. 1 heard tunny meluler« quest'
whether business would be finished
helure 11 Saturday erring.
(11..'taus• of ihr drlav this week
W104 the declaration of WVhilp. Taylor
of the Opposition that the (oneerva-
tiveM would talk and keep Parliament
sitting two months lunger sl 1414 to en-
able the M. P.'s to frank their car-
loads -yrs, train luiuls --of eampai
Iitet•NtUle, int it met -tuns the f•ankit
privilege to mle•Nlers.Ylides with t
session. Sir \\'illianl !Hillock show
his teeth, prat 11e seined to forget t
plowed' .f all Opposition to pn dung tl
prv.rwlings by talk. The Plrtui
1.111 Mr. Taylor that he tyais sorry f
the enndithut Mr. 71/vtor demerit
and pl.mup
ised exdt''iin hu.1lin
the "stuff- off. Mr. Taylor cut
plaints! of tingling some sacks
"literature on the green .tea mor
and (!Height It was left l here by the
PustoAlrr IIeplrtlurut, bot it turned
out (hat 5711(' of the tr•psn'twx found it
i11 his way and With ready assistance
let some of itwut through the w'in-
d.w', t. ihr great diet ress of the night -
Another cause of delay was the
deadlock !Between the Senate nod the
House .f ('ouloaons over the rpilw'av
cut *Phis' hill, Islt this otetarle also
was moved,
14 t. RLDINf'14 RZMO+ITli1!( of TIAN
The etk,totnary eon-eonflde ce nice.
thin offend by the Oppswitio when
the supply hill COMPS up for it thiel
reading Wns,this season, the to nest
ever put up. 74r. Fielding hist a t ul
Fllete walk -over when he teuli.Ml 1.
\h. 11.11, of Pic(ou, who
amendment. The ,Ninister.r Finxucd
very effectively Pitintel out that.
while the expendrtti had iu,leaswh
the revenue hall 1n,•te.1 111 a greater
ratio. Fur instance. len. was 7111
increase of•1KCe,Il7) .ince BCH in the
expwndilnre of the . ('gist. Is DepNrrt-
ment, but there' was an it 'leans.' ill
ihr r•vrn11r rulleeled .f $1 ,1111,141).
SII with the inland revenue, land in
(he Ps..t.tlrt' an inerraNe of $(111.1441
.iu •4pemdit ore parmItsee I an increase
of $1,44:t,IN41 in the leven11e, The
public /hbt hail been n rwlu
wl front
$•i1,1Nf Ter head in 17417* to 817.37 111
OM. The interest -paayments on the
laddle dead this year would he $1411,11171
ess than last year. It Was. not
economy. said "Mr,' Fielding. for the
Conservative Government to spend
e than its. reVenur ; and it Was
it .'xtravag,lnc. for the present (lov-
er men*to*p•nd 1.'.. na.uey than it
'ved.,'Mr. Fielding's speech Was
Vain' great applause from the
*(11'NDANY (Wt.:ST10N.
Seattle, in throwing milt the Yukon
Hallway 1411 a few years ago.
T.71tTP' AND (O('RLYY.
Mr. 'carte spoke next *Rid Imitated
in hhi remarks the advocacy of the
immediate roust ruction of *U a11-
t'altatliall rrilway t,1 the Yukon
Mr. limn -le)' thea gut the tloitr. Hr
declared the Btiti.h people were it
decadent lit and he was glad there
was/inch a 111au as Mr. l'hamherlain
to try to alt•anir.e thein into
Speaking of the idea that sous United
Statesmpenl e_xprrssetl, that the
result .f` the awarrl would be to cane
t'anwtian5 to tura t11w•a11IM the Re-
public, 11r. CI -Maley Maid that, all the
contrary. l'anadianti would want to
all Aare still less to tin with that t U•v.
1(e -
lot timing the ('ulchestrr brave ole-
elarw.hthat, if it diode to wear, although
w'r were o111)' six milt• people we
.s,uld, c•uf•itilerhlg 71111• gesrgrephicnl
position, 1a•al the Yankees 471 a stalld-
sti11, 1414 ihr ,, people of SItzerlau l did
Pro-ogat ion look plaer. 111 the
Senate chamber at 11 n'clts•k Hatunlay
_listening. The pro•e•elings well' brief,
101.1 the members took leave of the
capital as quickly as they could gOt
117 awa).
There in now ,little doubt that
he another -short session will he held
before dissolution. The Alaska hruud.
he :u•y award and the et nsideratiou of
le the mraiiulear suggested by Sir \Vilfrid
rr laut•ier a •lion II„vewith 11P -
properly tai the present parlia-
"i1 burnt, chid the electorate will then
11 have the .nl ll. ulliei corcesPoueirnce
7 to ,wonder• over 1s. that this country
of will klluw Where It st,u,dN, 17. \7'.
• the dying dap.' of a
Ir tauwsl of all, but this
idle the opposite.
lay at midnight the
(i,rvernmlexit "1, eight down" the r(a•-
rr•spondente )ala 'ng to the Alaskan
Is. lacy dispute, 1 , properly speak-
ing. all except that i (*fisc puldi.a-
tion the Imperial 44 'ernnlent with-
held Its *onsenl. Mr. nasal started
the hill (rolling and wens hdlaWed hy'
Mr. Borden, who, dimly- 'ng the r.r-
1r•*11( sn.h',a,e, deducted the 111111 that
the Pn'nlier had not g • a 1111 it in
the right way and dw•Ixl*Ml alt Sir
\'ilfrid had hacked down. and, raw -
it inspiw(tion from the atmos! .rte
of ( i.
. r. Gourley, • who ler'
t, h sat beside h u
he unwed-Ihr Guyer tuotrut for 1
weak ladling of the case.
Sir 7Vi
Bo.trlen, 1
Borden's pre' sett, he would appear to
he to a rertaie xtertt re$palsihle for
the situation wt*P h exists an a rerun
of the award. Blit there wets. por-
tions of the (r.1Y,,Mp)ndrnt• out
brought down which,, Would pelt an-
other complexion on the matter alto-
gether. The Prime Minister said that
the British Government h1on,p oed
the name .f •\dver4t.n7, 7 n1 ChiefJustice .f England. as one of a (',OI-
nli5sio err and he Ioul every compo* to
belies's• that it wens a Wise s•Ie, i.n.
H. could not ,ndrrstluld the principle
Which gave two of the islands in.`s
Portland ('anal to the United States.
He w.vild wait for the promised stelee-
nu•111 of long Alverstone before pass-
ing judgment upon hila.
Peellap the greatest, to erprise the
l'retuier gave was when he declared
Ilia? the British Government had nrht-
Irarily ratified the treaty Sit 11 the
I'tided States without .Lett r•otlMid.'r-
111g I 'n,inlll'M protest alpine( the s•tie\•-
li.n 4,1 the Yankee 1• 'ssi.nene,
►t this glint it w'n5 es'Ident that Sir
R'ilh•k1 seemed t11 have the unpub-
lished (IIWptleh(', before his mind NtdI
he heesime H,iiu-r 1 esep a little ag-
gressive. He declared that .(,n' Can-
ada to Gsssle from its position after
the sig ' g of the treaty w•lIlo1 give
the Cudeal States a chance they
longed for 10 raise Ih.• Stats and
Mt1'11NW .vi•)• the disputed territory,
-141111 I:N11A4l1 wlal,I 4-111111. have to Hgle
Pith x11 the odds against her or Ie hu -
titillated. His tr•m.sh• for Intim. etc -
rasions RN* 111. wearing of larger
trentr-mlaking powers for Canada.
'1'llen, he said, we ,-,.u:d ,lo things in
unr mill Way accordingto. the tweet
light we had. He (I•clale,l tIIt
,`tis• entire correspondence would
Ili published and Laid before the
H1..pli• of I'atinds, "lrgardll•ss of
I.Nerer protest from) :III(•.nd."
1 *ever, the des•inion had leen given
,In, could not be changed. Canada
lnnsl at on('e 111/4ke Ih• best'14 (hr .!1-
uitten. A railway from Dawson City
to n Itritidt ('.1 hia (wort motel Its
,•.illst.l•111•t,'I n« 141411011 a1( p1Mi1de. Hr
nren11,'1 The art ion of the Tory Senate,
at the instan.'s' J a «lick b,I,I, '1st fnnn
d laurier replied t. Mt•.
admitted that, (nnII Mr.
The Words of a Brave Man.
Loudon. Oct. 22. • Thr Times
this morning puhlishea the dis-
sentingopinionpres'hlhd to the
Alaska 1 lu'v tribunal by A.
H. Apleswui•th, 1111.' of .the t':111-
,tilian Iy4) '5siu117ra. 11 is 4a1 -
rel lh•t' N•r 17, and fakes up
Ih•ee.411atu7s in The Times. ami
ie a naw( minute discussion of
phi• whole Iread question, and a
recital of Mr. Aj'1eswort h's rra-
sons .for disagreeingwith the
inajoritY. It c meItales N's fol-
luw•s : r
•'1 hair were.• to say that tl
yourse the majority of this tri.
\I 1 has decided 14/ take with
4pegani to the islands at the en-
trance lit the Portland l'1lamne!
is, in- my I bar jwlgineut, sr
/1pp1s51 to the plain le4ni1w-
me►ItM 114 41)54 ice,. 171141 MO ale.
lately irrecimeilalle with any
disposition of that branch of this
rate otp1al'prin(iph•M of N judicial
chalarter, that 1 respctfullyiie*
cline to affix illy signat*Ire;pr
their award.
itign,sl). "Ayleswotth."
Wall Paper Sale
Continues to End
of October
4'IPNring slur Of an lines of
wall paper now ill Mita.
mash litho MM.
Reluelei ei•, in seder to get
the 4111%,' (114(• 1, paper
4- be paid for at time of
purl•has•, '
N. twnlple tolls given out
during Wall }lather sake.
Iniplrter .t `ine %Vail
n. "BEST"
Vapor Gas Light
73r .k.4 a l rlroerr.l Itret *co ears. Stakeouts'
burse nee.. ass. It Ie portable, Issas It sap
where. Requires no pipes, wires of gas ma-
chine. A este, pure white, powert.t, stead)
light. Appre,MI y F.rr Moe..-. U./rrwry 1),
100 Candle Power 15
•Hours for Two Cents.
No wicks to tries, pro awoke or smell No
chimney■ to clean. Superior to electricity or
acetylene sod cheaper than kerosene. Saving
teemed by Its one quickly pays for It great
variety of Pictures for indoor ..d outdoor uv,
raw is rhthe Pioneer Incandescent Vapor (,aa
tamp. It is perfect. Beware of Imitations
There are More
pas maother
makes combined.
WH.R Aon%T FOR R1'RDN ('(4'NTY,
rtngal,e 141 I'Mr•altn'. fair or at rrwMe1)0e.
corner Hoick and Albert Ptm•ts.
Just Think.
1 the nnmis•r.f nen 5')111 etre troubled with indigestion because their
47 it es 1114) inh'ri.r ingredients in their cooking.
For all Cooking Requisites
g. I., STURDY & CO., who keep a e plot. @trick of Groceries of fine
quality, the only kind a (Ompetent henlaekeeper should 1115•,
'Phone 91. The Graters, West Side Square.
West Huron
Farmers' Institute
The Sum 11.1111 IIIal•y Meetings of the
\\'est Hurvu Fanue,a' Institute will
be held at : LONDFFIHORO', Hill's
Hall, Dec. 1st ; BEL(IRAVH, public
hall, Dec.2u0 ; ST. HELEN'S. public
Intik Der. :Ad ' HOLMEMVILLE,
1Vlllsaa's hall, Dee. 4th.
D*, H. (i. HEED, %%M., (iea•getown.
Muhj.ects : "'lflr F' Iatiorl Princi-
ples of Mo eetteful Stock Breasting ; "
"The Modern Saddle and Harness.
Horses, *ltd How to Htr•w1 Thom ; "
"'rbc l(rliitious \\'hich F:xist. Between
Improper Feeding 741141 Disease ; "
"Mau* tuwott of Dairy Cattle, with it
vires of Ylrvrnliug Disease."
J.' H. MMITil, Ianglsuk. Subjects :
"Fortis and Fowling ; " " Clover
Weeds ; ' •(111(4(1 Newt ;" "Prom 'toil
to Barn." F:v ' g slbjo(•ts : ''('11Mss-
ing an (►Irnp.stknl ;" "Agricultural
Steam Laundry
Cigabs St., out IiE( Gime/ lad.
Having purchased an 14p Io-
date 14041411 sundry plant 41N1
engaged the w•rvices of apu ne-
tii•aI Hutu with city e'xperienee
at the h tlines's, we. are prepar-
es! to 11.1 all kinds of la hey
work l*" 1114161)' and satisfac-
A el•are of your pat is
tra(Nctt.11y solicited.
(3(551,, called for and deliv-
My stick of
111 medium and heavy
weights, Is complete.
Finest goods and hest workmanship
at Ire Aerate wast.
Wont Strict, next door
to Bank of Montreal.
*EL1v1UNt N., 25.
One Hundred and Ten
New Jackets
Go On Sale Saturday
At Less Th Maker's' Prices
A Sale of Ladies' new Jackets away below
regular prices is something out of the ordinary so
early in the season, but that is just what we are
going to commence on Sat►frday, Oct i ' - 3
Here Is The Reason For
An U
Last week we were offered every cent that one of t
garment makers had in stock. The manager was leaving i• the
country next day to purchase his materials for next spring. wat4 -
ed every coat he had made up sold before he left. To clear the lot he
made the price very tempting, cut it down below what it cost him to',
produce the garments. We cleared them all, 110 coats by actual
count. In the ordinary course of business we could not sell these coats
with our present stock : however, we do not intend that they shall
interfere with regular business, and so commencing next Saturday we
will put these 110 garments on sale at prices that should clear every
one in a a week's time. Every garment is new. They just came in
Monday morning. Every garment was made for this season's trade.
There is not an,old style or a poor style In the entire lot: It's the
mantle chance citi year. Do not miss it.
At $6.00
Lillie,' Anil Misers N.,iak Jar 14.•Is, tv91h
strat4aiw and 1ett, made from extra
Banal wAui Ileac., lineal tbIrwghoat,
in gorY. *Ilryy'• 717x1 bhu'k, lwhbv
e grlrulrnt, t•r'g4ar valla AL len" $171.141,
I.1ulieh jaeketa made faun all wool frtear.
Velvet collar, lova*( Aack line) thna7gh-
at, railwl Meows, alti1 Mtitrhing, in
black or grey, idylls& Auld serviceable,
Invade t. *•tail at 410AM.. -
1wdi.•. jackets rlla(1e front fancy black and
wilily tweeds, double triton cloth
• with plaid 11114, limINe hack, new
sits.%.', moults to retail at $11.11). ('hare
of the entire Int, ciannemring Saturday
cut etwh $(4.17I
At $8.50
Isties.' (suits
1114,11' to
nude (nun black and white
stole (1(117t, shoulder capes
sea at $12.90.
ladies black Besiver Jatkel«, doable
breasted, lined throughout. •whet
cal., sery Ane quality, a regular
$1'214) coat, Alsl Never*( odd costa
that we only hare one lir two of.
n•gidar $ULIp goods, choice .f .rote*
lot commencing Saturday each. .. , . $8.:1)
This is certainly the mantle chance of the season. Opportunity to save $2.50
to $:l :►A on the price of a coat, does not come every day. The earlier you get here
the better will be the choice.
Mantles At $4.50
With these new mantles we put on sale 1.5 jackets that we carried over from
last season. They are good qualities, semi -fitting garments. We want them
cleared at once and put them on sale Saturday at $4.90 each.
Ladies' jackets Muth• from friezes and bearers, in fawns, grey. and black*, 1I_ setui-fitting garment«,
,omelet urw' fnnn last seas Hl, regular $1.171, $111.171 and $12.141, chane Of Is OD Satunlay.... $t. f7)
Bargains in Children's Coats
I)o not forget that we
are selling(
ldre '
s coats at special prices. If
' you avant a coat for your girls come and see what we are showing. We
cleared it lot at bargain prices and now pass them on to you the same way.
Children's Coats $2.00, $3.00 and $400, Worth Half As Much Again
The Sale of Sample Napkins
The sale of travellers' sample
napkins started with ;t 1114h last
Saturday. There were nearly one
thousand to sell and of course that
quantity cannot be soli) in a play or
two. They are with(nit gnesliou the
best lot of samples we have ever had
and never have we sold as good
qualities for so little money, Every
napkin is slightly damaged, but can
he easily repaired. Selling below
the wholesale price in every case.
Sample Napkins at 3 for 2Sc
\Vorth $2.1411. $2.411 per dozen
Napkins at 2 for 25c
`Worth $2.714 to $a.rtl per dozen
Napkins at 20c
\\'nrth $1.:1)1. $41.41) per 11,.z,',,
Napkins at 29c
North $41.141 I, $11.111 paver d,,zten
Finer Qualities 75c,
Three Big Values in Ladies' Vests
The best and biggest underwear
mill in Canada makes our ladies'
underwear. We buy it direct from
that mill. Not an ounce of shoddy
goes into any garment it makes and
all are made from clean, pure stock.
Every garment is perfect fitting.
These three lines are extra good
AI 2Sc
forties ribbed erste, button front. Acing
sleet es, good weight, soft. Antall,
drawer* to match, per garment rr
At 35c
141*11es' fine rillbd white vests, long sleeves,
button front, properly .hap'd, good(
vreight, soft, finish, drawers to match,
per garment . :the
At SOc
1wdirli ribbed *inion vest«,tut Pnnitgh
cotton used with the wooll to keep it
bons 'shrinking, soft. (Minh and good
weight. Ala., ladles' plush knitveatA,
heavy winter weights mule• by a patent
process, will not knot op when washed,
dr•awerw to match both lines, per
garment . Iffk
$1.00 and $1.25