The Signal, 1903-10-29, Page 5Lyndon Times Thinks It Suggests a
Deda •s. Hoverer, That the ellnedian Premier
and the vast Majority of Mnadiane and
Englishmen Have hot That In Their Minds
Says sir with id Misunderstands the lei.
.icon on an Important Point.
Louden, Oot. 9T.-(Q.A.P.)-ins
Times, referring to Sir Wilfrid Law-
ler'• declaration regarding Canada's
powers for the uegutlatlou of her
own treatise. gays -Wisp are unwltl-
lmg t• laeerprst the dsularatlou as
un. deliberately .lalmlug tor Canada
auythlug like NU treaty -making pow -
ere, because the euggestiun points
logically to the sepetatluu. and we
feel Mat such • conclualeu Is dlstaut
from the mind •f the CauadIan Prem-
ier or of the vast majority of l'au-
adtaa• sal llstgusbta•n. The power
that makes treaties on Its uwu be-
half Brunt ■lso possess the mean* of
giving effect to theta, and we cannot
see bow jlanada could hope to do so
She could count un the rimed
strength of Eng lend. sir %lltrld
Laurier misunderstands the d.ciswu
an lu the outlet of the Portland
Channel as did Mr. Ayleswortb. The
two tiny lelands which have passed
to the Gutted States are of very
little strategist value. Not they, but
Dundee Island, our property. com-
mands the Port Simpson passage
The Intrepr.tatlon of the 1825
treaty, through which Canada 1s nut
evicted, only foregoes the clalru'they
hoped to establleh. We share with
Canada • common territorial lugs,
but we recognize as trans•ending if
the common gain by removing one•e
for all the obstacle to • full concord
with the great republic with which
every lb of nature places us In such
close relations." 1
A•ele-Ansosd•eea doled Toe Far.
London, Oct. 27.-(C A.P.)-The
Financial Times says: "Canadian
papers du not make SIC. reading to-
day. Canada's anger should cons ince
the devotees of Anglo-Rus•ricaulsm
that they are carrying the orbiter -
floe too far 'Ifo pulley of grovel) i
nig before the sprsad-..gllsrn of the
butted States 1■ a doubtful policy la
any cue, espwlelly when it •Iiimates
the Dmplre'• eldest daughter."
IW Tr..p. Are F..Meyleo image=pa•
Ma Nave Sells a Wert.
Leaden, Oct. fib. -In • despatch to
The Daily Mall, the uurrespuutient u1
that paper •t Yokohama reiterates
• statement made Oct 19, that the
ituaslaus are fortifying Yumgautphu,
and declares that yesterday he had
authentic information that they have
built • fort and are preparing to
mount heavy guns there.
The Japanese OoVtrutnsnt, the cor-
respondent cuullnues, it conferring
with representatives of the Japanese
railways with a view of electing the
r, moat speedy mobilization of the army
wheuever this becomes uuteaspry.
Mews Is Mere r•aeiae.
London, Oct. 25.-0:Deist informa-
tion regarding the }'ar Eastern crisis
le more pacific, but that usually ac-
curate barometer of such situations,
the stock exchange, peralsts in indi-
cating the gravest forbudings. As-
surances of peaceful Intentions from
both Ituesian and Japanese sources
aro so insistent as to suggest the
attitude of opposing powers on the
eve of more than one great tsar In
the past. The cupgaarison May easi-
ly prove deceptive. The weight' o1
opiniun in European diplomatic cir-
cles, in fact, inclines to the belief
that the struggle will yet be averted,
temporarily at bast.
Dealans ter Word. re Allseba Award
Were n.detiN.
l.ondus, Oet. Y'7.-(C.A.P.)-Laud
Stlatbcoust defends Sir Wilfrid Laur-
ier s loyalty, saying that Sir Wil -
Ind n utterances the other day were
u.ud crate under the circumstances.
1. aaeeda had remived • deep deep-
I,olutuient in the result of the Alaska
sward, and the dtsappointm.ut would
riot readily W furgottea. Nothing
that Sir Wilfrid heti said could luso-
t% the Interleave that be desired to
saver Canada's connection with the
Mother Country. Lord Stratbcoua
added that it was Impossible tu un-
derstand why the boundary line in
the Portland Channel ogine Ily
agreed to by the six cuww/Mtullers,
Ly which the four Islands would base
dune. to Canada. had been departed
from in 'the final award
The Yorkshire Poet says Sir Wil-
frid Laurter's demand that the .col -
muss should have treaty-ma1 rag
powers rallies the whole que.tton etf
Imperial responsibility. \\\
Mertes sad ral.a41.• nasi •a tribe
sire• •1 oa►rut•.
Oakville, Oct. 26. -Yesterday af-
ternoon about 5 o'clock, while Ar-
thur }'eters and Ndrman 'Tyrell were
strolling through the fields of the
Swann property on the lake Shore
road they discovered un the ground a
coat and a vest, a silver watch, a
gold chain. and • pocket book con-
tatnirg • bank book with the name
1r. McGregor, of the Merchants' Bank,
()alt, with $269 to his credit. The
fart deposit was made on Oct. 5.'
la the pocket book was a calling
card. On the Lack was written
-need of life " The spit where the
clothing wag found was a gully, near
the lake. The buy. seiarcbed the
bushes nearby. but was unable to
discover any traces of the ulissiag-
rnan. It Is supposed• he must have
beep drowned. itis watch was stop-
ped at 1 o'clock.
Later developueinta show that D.
McGregor has torch boarding at Mrs
Walsh's. Rosedale Farm, ul1♦imute th,•
Swarm's for the past the weeks.
and left there last Monday turning
for the first train, and hall net been
heard of *Ince 'Ile leaves a wi and
three children, who are still at
Rosedale Farm. \
Mr. McGregor was at one time
manager of the Runk of Commerce at
Appsiat.d t• r. Urinals•r at
London, Oct Jt; --The Associated
Press was able to announce on Sat-
urday the appointment of Sir henry
Mortimer Durand, the British Atm--
basaadur at Madrid, as British Ain-
bassador to the Ceitrd States, to
succeed the tat• Su Michael Iferbert.
4)A1c1.1 announcement of the appolnt-
nienl. however. will nut be made un-
til to -day, when the King will forte
illy lige the conuuivsiu1
lord AleersteM Has No Defense to MaY. ter
Hi. Conduct.
London, Oct 27 -(C. A. P )-rent
t;;ltert Parker, speaking to the C'a-
■adlan Associated Press .urr•spon-
d••n1 said l think 1'unada has
so,od reaaun to feel disappointed. but
Lu. no reason to ere-Iwtraved She
io rented the tribunal She sent r pre-
...ntsilvs, prsuwably aha wan pre=
pored to accept the verdict of the
malurlV. Personally, 1 thought the
constitution of the commission little
likely to *curs without prejudice and
Poll the ends of justice 1 said so
phblicly Each American member
had committed himself age mat the
I'anadlan case With the most pro-
found respect ■nd adndratioa for our
Canadian representatives they could
not be said to las Judletal Only the
Chief Justice of England was •boyo
lh• suspicion of allowing blaself to
be used for any political purpose 1
happen to know en the beat author-
ity that he preened this attitude of
judicial impartiality upon the Brit-
ish autheritles before consenting to
art. it would have been right, 1 be-
lieve, and best for Canada, et the be-
ginning to have Objected to the char-
aster of the tribunal than to hay.
denounced It. I think It unfortunate
not to accept the decision in digni-
fied silence and reserve The decielon
of the tribunal is Ilk• red end black
at roulette, we have put our tenser
on red and lost. Let us not blame
the croupier."
Lord Alverstone, interviewed by the
t'antldtan Associated Press, last
night, said: "The statement appear-
ing,in the press that my written d. -
fence would appear la Th. Times is
incorrect A great deal has been
said on the subject already, and 1
can add nothing further."
The Danger of Newel/ie.
London, Oct 27.o••(C- A. P.) -The
Daily Mail devotee t\ column to Ed-
gar Wellar•'a letter de Canada. Ile
says "Today Canada 1e no longer
the plaything and fool of the fam-
anily unlade
Canada a done a
and untqu. nation, and mon a
colony than Ladle, 1s a col ny. It.
vigor, Its great strength and its pos-
sibilities frighten ma.' The writer
says there 1s danger of secession
if Great Britain loses Its present op -
Dort us Styr
SNIP .. •
Weill Dewe stems
ilrest, Prance, Oet. 97 -The Frani h
bark Savoyard has been wrecked
near here. Thirty-one of her crew,
Ihn eeptaln'• wife and four other wo-
men were lot.
New Pulp Milt. opea•d,
Sturgeon Falls, (wt. 27. -The Stur-
gron Fails Pulp company's paI*r
nilll, which has been to course of
construction here for the past six
Veers, commenced operations yerter-
dty. morning A tri,) was made
with ons machin. on Sates day, when
tete, tens et paper were :wade, all of
which has been shipped to the Unit-
ed States bar nwwapaper work This
nt(1r, ewtrolJed ly English and Amer-
ican edlpltediete, has emit upwards at
1104,006,006, aid the plant i• very
shortly to ha daidicalmat
ata ■■.fired Me. t. ■• /Employed at
Am Tar. Week.
Sadlt Ste, Mule, Oct, 26. -During
this week operations, will be commen-
ced in the ground wood pulp mill,
charcoal p t, veneer plant and saw
mill, which mpluy nearly 600 men.
This announc mens was made b J.
5 Fackenthal, ho was left Richer ]
here - by Ns beet er, B. F. Facken-
thal, the receiver a`Dpolated by Spey-
er & Co.
Go A■
New Y 24.-Arfud with a
warrant Sworn out by S3ocretary
Curtelyou of the United States Le -
pertinent of Conmuerce ' and tabor,
four inimigratlon Inspectors with Sev-
eral secret service detectives and a
number of policemen went to Murray
Hill Lyceum last eight and arrested
John Turner,' an Englishman, on. a
charge of inciting did promoting
anarchy in violation of the alien
labor laws.
LAMM otri. Awful Do�.
Niagara Falls, Ont., Oct, 25. -
About 6.80 Friday night a most de-
plorable accident occurred at Fells
View in the family of Mr. and Mrs.
G. itrooks. who have Just -moved
there from Wilson, N.Y, Their little
daughter. Bessie, aged ten year
wan hot -lady and fatally burned froas
head to foot by her clothing catchin
on fire from 4 stove, death occurrin
Saturday morning.
A Meet Important Were.
Paris, 'OM. 24 -M. 'Muravirii, th
)tuaian Minister of Justice, and
president of the Venezuelan Tribunal,
et The iTagtle. 1s quoted as follows.
"The French -British Arbitration
Treaty is the most important and
pacific mors mince The lIague conven-
tion. 1 am certain that the example
of the signatories will be followedby
other nations."
Farmer t...t . FL.t.
Peterboro, Oct. 24. -Yesterday An-
drew Kerr, • fanner, living about
eight miles north til Portypool, wee
threshing In him field, when his left
foot became caught in a cylinder In
the machin.. and was badly crushed
He was conveyed to Nicholl'• Itoepi-
tal herr, and it was deemed neces-
sary to amputate the foot.
Pepe Will Frigidaire J.Mb• Tear.
Rome, Oct. 26. -Pope Pius X has
expressed his Intention to pr.a•laim n
Juhllee year on the occasion of the
fiftieth anniversary of the pruelnma
Hon of Plus iX., on Dec. H, 1RA4. of
the dogma of the Immaculate concep-
TrllhDLtY, Oct, 29. 1903.
Ohamberlain wants to hare England From
being ascend Holland.
Lundot, Oct. 27.-(6. A. P )-lir.
Chautterldq,. writing to Mr. '.For-
rester, the. •taunkle al -candidate In
Birmingham, say. that be greatly re-
grets giving up .tee great work of the
Colonial Ofiice, but b.Iteves It • Leat
fur ties sake of the ranee he Las at
heart. The lett, r , o.r lode.: "Ile-
lluve ore, it la the cutste of the work-
ingmen, and unless we be content t0
fall Lack Tutu the conditiuu of a sec -
said Rutland and to be a -distribut-
ing and nut • manufacturing nation,
we must wake up and utwt the new
conditions cunfrontiog us."
I 1st . $ 1 er J•s.pb,
• London, Oct. 27.-(C. A•. 17.)-174
chief bard of Waler has wit to Mr.
l'hrutberlaln a letter with his bene-
diction, raying: '•FLter the metro-
polis of Wales (Liverpool) in the
armor of the' Lord and possess thl
forts of thine enemies." Mr. l'haw-
berlain,sent a cold dictated letter
containing a brief acknowledgment:
Leber Sodomite cbembs.Wa:
London, Oct. 27.-(O.A.P.)-At tlw
annual Congress of the National Free
Labor Association, with an enrolled
membership ut 400,000, . yesterday
adopted, by 21, votes to 16:1 a o5solu
tion hailing with delight Mr. Chaut-
beriaiti'. fiscal poll•y and pledging
the l'ungrs.ts to a further policy of
preferential tariffs.
Normalise is Ferns Mode Oates
1..undun, Oct. 27.-(C.A.P.)--There
le a movement on foot among , the
Soandinavians to meet Mr. Chamber-
lain's propueals by • great economic
union of Norway. Sweden and Den-
mark. Norway sees great prospective
damage to her shipping trpde.
Term Net Near Sed
London, Out. 27.-(O, A. P.)
-Mlnist.rtallsts, lndtead' reck-
oning the lite of the pre-
sent Parliament by months, iv.
It years, and usume that it will rot
be diseolvdd yntll it hen run its n -
tural counts, The principal object o
the Liberals L to force a di•solutiun,
to do whish dbuld require that they
defeat, the Government, to accom-
plish which they have very little
chance: Mr. Balfour favors an I elm-
tiun at a disgint date: His doing so
• gives strength to the belief that,
\:(tough Mr. Chamberlain said he
jCCould not leave England this year,
and spice he has left the Gov.r,ntent
hit, resnnce is not needed is the
Ho of. Commons next session, be
could,, without inconvenience, tour
the col0'tt's next year, and rumor
says he 11 Atilt Cape Colony.
D emeb111estlem of b. lialgario 5•..rr..
Wee Ss Seg...
Sofia, U(t. 27:-A order has been
issued for tho coo l.;te, demobilizae
tion of the Bulgarian •serves, who
Writ return to their hutees ou Tues.
da . This marks the end of tint war
fur his year. The decision\to mobi-
lize reserves at the moment when
the edonian tiar.acrea we at
their h ight, and the large eo cen-
trilions of Turkish troupe to eig
place on hi frontier, occasioned
sudden ch nge in the situation.
lilrrops real ed that the torbeerenrix
of Bulgaria an' almost exhausted',
and a serious\crisis imminent. The
attitude of th. •Sultan underwent a
rapid ohange. His Majesty did not
lose any thee in :pressing concilia-
tory sentiutente a reopening direct
$aerlSee Nes Tal•.
The mobllixiti'un heti been a severe
strain on the resources\pf Bulgaria,
but the sacrifice hitt not\\,been made
in vain. It 1s ecarrely :toe much to
say that if Bulgaria bad not armed,
the enlarged Austro-Rusnian program
would not have sten the light. Upon
the intermits or failure of the pro -
grans depends the contingency bi a
fresh mobilization in the 'prism.
Should Bulgaria be compelled to arse
again, war will not easily be averts
ed,'.elncs there are limits to' the pa-
tienc'a even of the weak and frield-
?aper nine Serowe
Kingston. Oct, 27. - Yeetsrday
Morning Mrs Was discovered In the
paper stills at Mtiathcona, owned by
W. J. Finlay, and in spite of the
heroic efforts of the village people
the whole works were destroyed. Part
of the stock was savedt but there
was little or no inattrante. Many
are thrown out of work by Are.
'rhe monthly • y roll of the i 1 was
1600. The mil Will not he reb t.
suvet`tlps• Sawed. • '
Buffalo, Oct. '977.- .e debing boat
Silver Spray, wh got. notoriety •
few months age by ',dodging the Ca-
nadian revenue cutter Petrel and be-
ing tired on, was destr ped ,Sunday
night at the floating dry dock of the
Plied -re Shipbuilding Company. Whish
Wed moored in a pocket of the eld
sea -Wall.
Mr. Saye sees sir Wilfrid Leerier.
Ottawa; Oct. 27.-C, M. Hays,
mineral manager of the Grand Trunk
Railway, Accompanied by William
Wainwright and W. H. Bigger, K.
C„ arrived ve•sterday morning at
lii.40 from Montreal, and had a con-
ferdnee with the Premier.
Puncems.. James Barron o1 Hamilton F.tallr
Mauellton, Oet. 27.-8 a ru.-Po-
Beettian Janina patron, who was shot
by two desperate burglar's, early yes-
terday Morning, passed away at 2
o'clock this morning iu the City
Hospital. The doctors say there was
nu chance for bon from the begin-
ning. The bullet that struck hum
pierced the bowels, gad unlined the
muscles of the back. Inflammation
set In, and it was only a question of
hours before the end was expected to
Maudlton, Oct. 27. -Yesterday
moraine, Constable James Barron
was shot by two desperate - burglars,
who tried to break Into J. Bidwell
Mllb' residence, 110 North Catharine
street. ars. Mills, her grown-up sun
and daughter, were aroused, ual,.the
robbers moved off a fw yards arrow,
the lawn, and Jtuup►d into City Soli-
citor Frank MacKeican'. yard. Con-
stable Barron happened along the
street about this tlntu, and he was
called over. Tho robbers could bear
that he Was being called, and ,that
he was responding, but they inept
right on at the job of beaking into
Mr. MaCK.lcan's house. %hen the
officer went tutu the yetd, one of the
burglars commanded him to stop. He
tried to close in on thein, Bbd they
fired three azure in quick sucurwion.
Only one of thu bullets took effect.
it struck .ons of the ufik•.•r's lower
ribs end glanced downwisre ," piercing
the buwelr and einkitig into the mus-
cles of the back. Inflammation has
set in, mud the dottbrs du nut be-
lieve that he can recover,
For twenty years the members of
the force have ,been unarmed. The
PoIIce Commissioners met yesterday
morning, end gave the mete permis-
sion to arm themselves mitis re%ol-
vors can be bought.
The wounded constable hits hien on
the force tor 21 years, •nil is 4ii
years of ago.. -
Mgeed ••f 5350 D r.d3
The City' Council. Odd mea
i to over a Sward of fie.
ca • tare of the .'bootees.
(' ref Smith t'isited F. O.
in th t•ity Hospital last eves
The c stable sae fully consul
but wa in great Pain. Rs told
chief the the burglars never gave\
him a clot co. They were about 111 -
teen feet a y when' be wigbt sight
of them, and they fired se they cried
"Hands up!" s. .ugh sssisral theories
have barn adv ed, the police are
now satisfied the the shooter/ - were
burgjara They w at work on a
window ,on the th side of 11r.
MacKelcan's house interrupted
by the officer, and they left a tshie
knife, wtlth which they d been try-
ing to unfasten the lock, ticking in
between the sashes of the •iitdow.
Canada Wee film.
London, Oct,• 27-(C.A.P.
Secretary of the ondon Chamof
Commerce, nays:''. "Before %lint ' g
Canada I used ter regard the Can
dian talk about the wealth and. ad-
vantages of their land •as sic much
tall talk, but auw I ani quite as . n- "
thusiamtic as they. 'l'hene in no turd,
in reality, for preferential tariff..
,ngland does net yet kiww her t'au-
a e well enopgh. 1'h,• truth is th.• 1
ret y of the batistes Is too largely i
aidl the DDominion in the dateline
w ent '1 her resources."
Jerdaa Blot W. As MOKIM l$drick' 'i1'
111 0/111111/1 ltblief 1b tb1111lV 11i ib 1b1111b111
,Overcoat fiargains.
When the Lamp
of Life Burns low
the strain on all the dcluate organs
of the body is very great. The
idomach end bowels are weaker-
the liver more sluggish. Constipa-
tion paves the way for dreaded
kidney and liver diseases.
Nature's own aperient, is extracted
item the pure juices of fresh fruit.
It it not a purgative but a gently
effectual and insistent laxative. it
relieves the system of all imperilie.
midects upon the most seroit;, a 01-
gani mwithoutdiscomfort. Abtey'e
.l Bos end purifies the blood, n•gu
Writ t e bowels and brings sound
refreshing virep. It cures conslipa
lion by \retnoding the cause, and
brings , tbg entire system bark to
healthful •or. Directions on the
hottk. At 1 druggists s5c. and 50e.
$12.50 Overcoat. for $10.110
J0k'(11) •' I1,:I0
7.511 " " &HO
(L111) " 5.111)
5.111. - •. .. 8,50
Early in the tlttawln fur inic•tt cutting we bought t.tili many
and meat Le unload,- lieu aSluita, Buys: Sita and Ovrisssets
at prices your way.
for ladies suits, at tier silt
I'ui•e wool, Gast colors 50e. t
The $1.511 kind for $1.1)) to
DRESS GOODS. -All wool
.serge, goal value at •Lit•., to
cleat' at per yitnl .,. _ 171c
ZEBILINES int all prices,
front btk• to $1.50. •
R• it t't t, i et barge! n
MILLINERY. = Still growing in volume of business because we
sell at dry g.tiilis price's. tVe sexnt'etl some special values in
Toronto last week in ready-to-wear teats ;end veils,
kb kb kb lb kb lel kb ►1/114 t4w 14 �0411411111(Ir tM 04 rIr 1(1i 114111
pine i .6.14• I N..pIiu'.
Winrtjpeg'jfa,n., Oct. 27.-}'rederiek
Morrison, 30 .Park street, is in the
Winnipeg Gene l 'Hospital with a
portion of his a missing as is ro-
il/IL of a gasoline ettpleslon a hi,•h
o.rurred Sunday rnuon. tie is
badly but not fatally injured I10 was
working with a tin of aitolinr, clean-
ing sone paint brushes, and at the
•Alla time enjoying a nu t smoke.
A violent explosion was t result.
Fermiers' In.rrtete M.•Iln
Toronto, Oct. 27.-(I. C. rep
f tp.rintwtdent of Farmer ' In k I
tetes, has sent .to the pre!iii tele
Inittilutes throughout Ontnrlo list
of 6110 meetings to Iw held ming •
November. December, January and
February. These meetings will be ad- I
dressed by 80 tnetitute workers,
sea Kill. Patinae.
Ottawa. Oct. 27 -August Itolm•key,
of Neta }Jdinhurgh, diel in the Pro-
testant IlospJ 1 from injuries result-
ing from a kic received in a quarrel
with his stepson Gus Kullesh.. The
boy has an arm , and he \defended
'Minitelt with his foot.
Teed WIL 0.
Vancouver, D.0 t . ,27. Cite-
rnct. H Leonard acid wi , Who we's
arrest ,• here Saturday .o a charge
of forg. agreed y,:sterd to waive
oxtraditi • and return to N w York.
Tarte.Ragless is Feer.
London, Oot. ' .-(C. A. 15., The
Allan Line has • . red a sec. d
turbine ocean Mier r the Cattadi
Ltvefpooi wen ice. ..
Mr. Itnlne nee
%Iint r I, (hi 27.-M. .I, ' therein,
ns tl I' .r `t. Ann's (rise i, is
very •i•, lot and little hot la
sneer .1i lit tt him recovery.
For Pro
Every Farmer shout
these three words const
in mind and conduct his
Yin strict business principle
Guess work and haphazar•
met ods are no Ioutger used by
-- ul and Up-to-date far-
y rear' g THE WEEKLT
StJwq the ' rmer's Business
Paper you w get the very
latest land mos accurate in.
formatiint regard' your buds
Tax S 's market
are worth any times t
scription Qri a to you. •
Every Far err in
should reale t Ie full valve •
the service HE SUN has rape
dered him in a pu tic way. - It
due to the a ion ante
S in giving voi a to the
opns of the Gtr era that
the . w relating to, cattle
guards, drainage acral$ rail- ,
ways, an. farm lires caused by
rail way I.! .motives .has Begs
We will n• Teta WEE
awe from n w t. 1st January,"
1905, in ombi • < tion with
The Sig Ir al. for ' 1.50
4ut..s'rits• ihow,
Siuntrlr for the asking.
and You Will Need
Your Feet Weil Shod
\1',• are prepared for you with one of the hest
'.locks which we have eves- shown. We. handle noth-
ing but the. Nest foltW.'sr rend. give them to you at
honcmt priers. Vl't• handles
The Celebrated Slater The Empress sed
Shoe and The (neo. A Dorothy Dodd
Slater- for Gentlemen o r Women
We will is• pleased to show you Ices• goods mid
remember our policy has always leen ,'tifunc.t
at H est Prii•es."'
Rubbers we have them new en can fit shoe.
Ev ♦ 11Ris * 1i Li iiiail
111 i': 1'1{1('1•, .i it 1: HI(:HT. \E
/u1/1//i/�...,u1 uluu„�l „„ JUt11N11111111111Ullll..
tf stick of Millinery for fall Do110Wul winter s oW really
Nat G it,.J Alan, and the Indies me invited to' call at any
t i i i i. • a red . •t. ttu .Herr t/Jlat4 x . tttttl_ at ylw. Th.y- will time-
unplile ss nrtun•tlt iif the latest stuipt•s turd trial lll l s..
To Men of Taste
alt, td see our'tstoves and ranges; they save the most, they cost the
1 : • t. Every stove or range sent out on 30 days' free trial.
TIH style and workinanaltip of our
made-to-order clothing makes a direct
appeal. We have male nn:tsual lu'iy►Iratir,n,
this season to plaase air cil.toinois fly
'{,selectins; the n.W and beautiful creations
et the leading woollen houses
C.eadl.a App1N Is IMd...
London, Oct. 24 -(C. A. P.) -The
Nova Scotia Government's display of
winter apples In the Crystal Polar.'
1s creating much Interest arming Brit -
1•h fruiterers, and the public 1'he
exhibit 1s tastefully arranged, and
Ore big court i• filled with apple
scent. Some nlenhelme measure a
foot fn circumference The Hod. air.
Drysdale. who himself has 200 bar-
rels for export, says the export taria
thia velar i• nvna,kalf a nif111oa.) Der-
r.b of Neve Scotia Rlbrgna ;fetch-
the *Mal yesterday
efegtrl� n
- t r.
t + f
Our, little air -tight heaters, are ,just 'the thing fol'
herthrow a great heat, burn chips, corn ION
nn of wood.
We have the most complete line tt,
be seen in (loderich San we invite yhitt
inspection of them.
11 in and See Them