The Signal, 1903-10-29, Page 3a shipment
and Venet-
and black,
lad in good
nit linings.
it per yard.
in high chow
lt, 48 inches
IkN. In five
Hien• light and
ort of good l!. t-
nAlity and Y1 to
ar prices IL• alio!
table of them.
lit tt.•.
. tt,_' n and Enpv•
•. �K lustre whir
f agttiyl,N, war.
trona, al t one
x and drawers,
Ribbed merino
finished with
sigth t4) IH,atrh,
r-Ial at per gar.
now all for -
111 diff rant
tl Ir•
ear stir -
!wine of
of any
It (will
Oat the
1 tittle.
ow. it.
lot u•
Shoothlg Accident-rNear Whitechurch -Horse and
Buggy Stolen, and Thief (lets Away with the
Outfit-- Farm Properties Change Hands - St.
Joseph to Have a Departmental Store? ---Cupid
Is Still Busy Throughout the County.
ThrH,h1141. Bell Engine 1'uol11,tuy'.:lshaarr and ('onurillor Code 1e.
i4eafurth will build a large aadtlitiun Wrweutt1 *writs, Reeve Mtt'allien
to their works. 1144141 1'0 44444 %Vitro's. 1t41rt tVawa-
Mr. and Mn‘ T. Herold, of Wing- cash. And MaV4.1' Vaustmr, Wingham.
hall. lost their little six-year-old ghi' The engineer will prepare plans and
from peritonitis Iran week.
e.4.i1 sates, which will be Isresentetl to
` r iiiid Mie. dewrgr In __114.— ut the--asinnettr—i.t tultuiklpaTitTo,
1 %'Idem, 11x\ r g Ui iudiAtl Helyd. N. `VItrlurtrd. and sten- tat the-rlmntyr
W, '1'., whru MI. Hawiltoll is cin a il. ThtNw that claim to know.
lulu the furniture lousiness. K li ray that the road ItRe slink two feet ill
the loot few yea's. It is the engieeer'u
A gang of Bell telrphINle Olen is Opinion that the bridge „inures sl Id'
rutfaged 111 preparing for the form- early off all the water without dint-
etl•urtiou of x local myrtemr in Blyth ' eulty.
sad between Hlyth mul'Auburn. A hos* thief visitatl the fauna Of
Ntr+tMaster Farrow. Brus.rls, - ie. •russet. S. Sle•in, un the t•al'i t I1,lat1,
. t -fitly. dirliie4ted one of Ilia shoulders i wroth of Wiughatn, 041 F�t•klay night,
by a fall from a chair, last the In-' kith inst., and t.sIk „way it Mors•.
Jural member w improving nicely. I Iniggy, h,Mueua and robe. Mr. Mein
Rosin,* men in Winghanl and did nut miss the limas until early
ut her places along the %V., (i. at B. are M*today ' g nod he went t,
fpet ing the Grand 'Trunk Railway 14,'.t•ll and iepr1•Ierl his Ila,t t, thief
ur a hotter afternoon until Nervine, i Vannot'Ituui. Beatrhing parties were
Peter Corrigan id Luck nuw.Ilea been wren uu the nand and t.4Nurls 4v K
apps.inted iicrna.- a 'ssiu001 fol• the thief hall 114111 trlu•e1 no Myth.
Simfh Bruce, in attics of Jas. Mclwrwl, Near lily Ili Mr. Ste•iii a horse, wits let
id Kink's'. who reiguei theutllcr lin."' in a 11-1.1 :old afoot her. horse
owing to the almost complete loss of take" in its !Awe- Mr. stein's hors.
i)15 eyosigIlL WWI a heavy • ,trill the thief evi-
JA•. and MIs. Wm. Glenn. of t'w llelth' Ibought x lighter our would
lacers towlaalhipl rwleke,atwl the 1 iuxkr tof fees time on the trail xud so
twenty -frith annilaersery of their weal- routs the change. The Mall with the
ding on Wednesday evening. October
11. Als,•t forty ernipll Weer prew•ut
and x very interesting titre wan emelt.
Mrs. l'hae. Hickson, of the sixth
r4neissi1441 of McK111(4(1, diel mu
Wtdttrtbay night ref lost week., 1)r-
ei-A.1.11 w:as in her w•vrnty'-eighth)04I.
She was a native of Me,t an• , but had
r•side•I in McKillop for over half a
'nu• latest. t-u's4)r reganhug the
"oily"41f Mt. Joseph is that a barge de-
partmental store is lalrout 111 11,- ntartael
there. [ei•((I' q'um tities of trunks,
furpitsire, cement, eon -ants, et•., have
leen limning through Zark+b lately is
route 14, St. Jorepi..
lin %'elnewdrv, 21st Moat`, Jouwph
W. Pinter, trr,kkeeper at the Hn,ad-
f.r1)t h Box factory. NrxA.rtll.. was
united in mrrri•age U, Mier Minni(-
Eby. daughter of Iletmen Eby, of
Merlin. Thr ceremony was pal formed
at the home of the bride.
Wm. Purdy, Varna, met with u
s.•4 -ions areklent while 'ticking apples
a few day* ago. The limb of which
he wan standing broke, letting 1
fall to the ground from near the top of
airy high tier. lir fowl several rite
1 ,k. -n And wax otherwise severely in-
A' m fiallilbay, of the '5I 11 line,
Mw l low .s,kl his fern. and will
nanny to Brbgruve. Where • he has
purchased n house and let horn Van
`'*nnonuan far >�S. Mr. Halliday
is an old resident of Morris. having
lic,rl there for the past twrntyone
Mir. Morrison, whlow of the Tale
Il.r•t.r Morrison,. fair many )•earn n
highly rismert•rl `eidenl of Kink
diel in Monitor, Nirhigan, on the Ifl1h
inst., *t the ripe old Age of eighty
years. The INsly as brought to
i,iekln,w mod wxa lose in the K in -
1o44. 1.•114•t•ry.
The saamierNm fans on the gravel
1,m1 north of 1-ondo.tieoo, lwrlel by
1Vw. Kitkwg.h, hoe beena.,kl to John
li: t-r•tt, who has hail it rented. Tile
prier is s.oiiwthing over 110.21$1, which
l�4SI..M4ts.d_ fess fifty
news. The tarn is well sitmatrl, and
has good buildings on it.
The residents of K411N•1.1 .1 •s Sea -
fort h, was the Mone of x quirt -We1-
`yling nn Thanksgiving Ila))', when his
\ elrle.a(•d*ughter, Mise If, -fen Penman.
` was,unilel in marriage to ('h,u'lea
Als•rharlts druggist. 01 tkmtor•th.
.The sere sumV Was Herne -it by. Hey.
F.''\HI, - Larkin, on y the • bate
relatives being p1. 'nt.
A tming woilliaul dammed Leah ('ollri-
ky, of I.)authw/w)al, allowed signs of
'mental .Ir neat (silo or three
weeks ago -and continued to grew
worse until {Rat week, ellen she was
1141141te1 U► the amyl �•irt Loudon.
At tiilws, it is yeportwl, -lt required
frog two to three rasa to. °Val- ower
her ami keep tier from doing, Mis-
A pretty wedding took p ace ,tor
W,•.InPwIAy, Defiler 1 Ith, at the
lesidenee of ler. and Mrs. Matthew
\ F'Inklwiner, ('nekton, their daughter,
`Ni».s Matilda. heist"; united in uaatri-
1 ono to John Hawlahle.• of Sarnia, an
rot 'lop* of the D. T. R. Hee. Mr.
Dalton performed the crlelu1111V. The
bridety'said was her elated., if/is.. diose.
mail 1M 4).41101 War 414sietr1 by his
brother, 1'erry Huw(,I. mf Sarni*.
Jahn Rielly has pnrrhaaerll the farm
'1 John 1Vingle, on the second .uil-
1'eaa1011 of `II'KIIIII(4. pitying for it. the
•1111 of $41.21 I. 11 44I11t*ifM 111) 11011.4
and has on it a new lriek house, hut
1341 town. It ie, however, one of the
bent. feria in the township and ie well
situated, ieing four mile+ its nu Sea -
forth fund is little more than a mile
(11)111 Mr. Hielly's h 'sle,ul farm,
791in purchaser mikes' Mr, /Drily and
hi* None the tiwnrrs' of ;1311 a••res of
fins herd. -Air. \Viugle talks of going
to the Nfirtlawest, with the view of
111111 Nlt n,' 1
11111 1
What • /night have proved a Ke,a•iulie
meet. etre hxp1N•nel near Whittwrburett
on hsnksgiving' I►sy. A•tri4nhl't• . f
ng nen were tint hnnlingq/. Two of
1, Woodsy Everett mid Alex. Ken-
tely, welt w k hog near 044. 14 other,
the former x)4 411. when by Naar
,►Iran. Kennwl•'Ann wear di/what—geol.
Thr charge st rock :vetett in one leg.
haul the zxle o(t a gun 1 n 1111)11
elevated, Everett mho We rrgg
rowel the charge in his hotly, and the
result would probably have proven
(MAI. As it is, hr is recovering nicely.
I I Boys salaam 1e to 11ir.•fnl when asst.
Mrs, (Dr.) Tweldle died at her remi-
drnce in 14.•,tf.rth. on Friday evening.
lnth Mat. Too• 41,141 et 0111 was 111.1 ion-
expsr•ted, She had been ill for about
n clew and for s'vrnal the her life
was despaired of. Mrs. Twiddle wan
the t.hinl daorghter of 1►, 1). %Vinton.
Nle haul been n mevere and lenient
Mtfferer, with little 411'110 holt• of finsl
recovery, and the change was in every
respect a weleNue • to her. Hhe
wn, of a cheerful, engaging minim,
and was Irelnv,d by all who knew her
and particularly by the members of
her awn (entity. She Mayr1 x headwind
and an intertwine! tastily id three
children, two girls anti a boy, to
Illllnrn ellnt lose of an affectionate wife
*nit loving mother.
g`i' epressatrtivie of %'ingham. Rant
warmish and Morris tort Engineer
UAvie, of Berlin, at 1Vingham, 11115'lay hast week, and took measure-
ments of that part of the ravel toad
south of Winthat is overflowed
with wader every 'opting. Raker,
4td4411 unlit water Weill going through
Clinton earl' Saturday might, :cid hr
w•at IIr144111,g t.Wa1,(s London. Chief
1'xnnornlaol and Mr. Stein went on 10
14111414411, INA failed Il find the culprit.
Postmaster Melees then Trioti Dodd'. Kidney
Pule and his Kidner Disease vanished.'
Lower W hidsor, l'arlettea ('o.,' N.
H., j).•t. :Nth. -IHlwr•inll• T.4(�jl Bel -
yea, the we'll -known) and widely re-
verie(' post master herr, adds his tem-
p y U1 tip• lung list of Deer ,cured
by lhidd's Kidney falls,
"Kidney disease lsaherel ole for
years." ) says I'I,stwaylrr lie•lyra. ••i
'hoed medicos' - and phaste►p wit hunt
4.1111141411) Iann ilii( benefit.' Hearin1,C'
of enure by Ihsl 's-Kidnrt• fills I tried
them with'pleat •d results.•
l hey 4.0111 to 1x1,0 hustle a c,111-
p10te cure in lily a *s 1 feel as well
As eVer I wags. 1 1 lire !tenni Pills
xrr the tight 11.111 - for kithley
trouble 'and will do all they are
clxileted lotto,"
19Nld's Kittery lilts cu all - kidney
ills (rola 1„11 :ache to Bri is disease.
If you 'mire the lsu•kau• you will
never have the Bright's liar
Il oom ribWtrl b► the W. 0. T. 1'.> -
The news that a hoy hail enlist 1,
for either army or u*vy, 111411 to f 1
11144411• hi�s loved upas like the knell 41
doom f/4• hintThe time:ham not yet
1.0111r when Christian 'Parents are
Alla i411114 had their slur should choose
ail herr Is -..filiation as axofer. ' : tint
'we gratefully•. and 4134111• note Ihr
•Ia111gea for the letter that ars talking
Out. in both. 11 has all 1•ume of the
spread mf that mire Ilrspirel yet mien -
1 id.. filet. that Al044i1)1 is nut A flied
hill :a Ile11.olie (x114.1411.
ARO 1/1-a.%Xlt\ .t1AVIRA. '
Fifty years ago the mist drunken
,9nss knew'. were the 'len in our
barter.. 1T (1118 u4) NupiNr1 vTMrtirtlr
t. Manage /tailors wit hoot giving then
daily dations of grog „and **amen as.
They Iwsu•hel hind it wits the regular
thing fur then to live in the Mobile
houses and taverns until they had
spent every (ant they owned.. Nowthe United Ytatre navy gives its sail-
ors no liquor when en fluty and the
British,navy puts 14 presniwn on sob-
riety by allowing its men a, lunch 1,1.
bit 44,11141 y' if they 410 not aren't the
dally grog.. al
.t?Ni 1-l4, X,/\ ARMIES,
The Vni !hales and t ansulinn
anuses have p rhibtt.e1 the sidle of n11
f.N-n1s of liquor n military canteens.,
To be slow in ix h eiteri'the regula-
tions are vhdatr,1,' hoot in both Die
law lets emirlnuualy decreased the
cunauuIplion of liquor. The Bri-
tish army encourage. total x'batinenee
by providing, for the Army Trnq)rr-
snee A.,41/01atm11, at each Iarg0111ili-
thrk centre, a tine room furnished
with games and grain reading matter.
Let me ,old that the present hasils of
the British artily Lord Robe -rand
1/1x1 Kitchener --d4 all they 4./t11.1,1 ri-
tirely prevent the wile of In; • whkp
th.• ,nen are ifteetive Nervier.
not all this kwundrt•f.d advance ?
Why, the army Mort) to be the round-
ing -op plate of all the drnnkei low -
diem of the nation null the last thing
done begets. 11 fight, W y okl•time
general. was to 1111 the. 1 n up with
K1Nu EDWARD Iiti.\14, PRO 1
Did you antler that it few weeksltgri
11uu1lter of army AIN -IN asked Kings
Edward to Alter army regulations M,
that when his Ile/11111 was pto11)44411
they Iwhh were 1.411411 alrltaoncrN)
might be permitted to t•rsp41.r/d to the
toast in Water? Ilia Majesty graciously
replies! that. Depute' he aail not the
ri ht to make melt a Than he h,ul
K K+.
nu doubt flees• WA.. had 4.11(411 114) so
i/ re11/esle4,1,•as he 11islis•If sbnukl ruin
rider .11 in health loyally drunk td
water ** iu wiiiI,i -
In the Dalh)ian vst•nly, (want Von
Rossano . pt'toninenfArmy official and
an intim,11,- friend ..f Emperor Wit
item's, has just 1rs11.•11 H dieing pro14n1
Aga 111141. the nee of liquor by soldiers.
He has been 1111 11h41t .odor twenty-
five "The
and declares :
"'I he• 4111111x1' Who al.:4400S altogetheir
In the hest011111, fie (•H.11 HrMI/lpliNh
more, ern ru11r•11 ht•tt.•i-, and i. .
better soldier than the nem who
drinks even ',nmsbeul«ly. Mentally
and phyad•wlly he is better. Brandy
ie Ihr worst plris,n of all. Next to it
ro •s hoer. Each limits the rupacitS
and lowers Inind, holly and Rntll.
Strong drink tion and only inenuwu
A Paper for the Farmers.
The \� h• Sun, 01, T1,1.1,1114,, 14.
aper (hat '')11ld lie 111 every1'.lr'111r1' e
hi It provide,. the hatrlt and
mint neve mor, information regarding
all branches of him leininimui. and distil*.
WM public questions nlly and
from the standpoint 4)f the fanner.
The weekly contribution by "A Hy -
slander" (Prof. (iddwin Mmithl *hone
is worth many times the pri.e of the
paper. The Hun 9111 be Rent /nom
naw to tat .laniary. 11NNS, in combina-
tion with The Signal, for JPl.A1. Binh.
arriht. now and get the Bill benefitof
this offer. A sample copy of The enn
will he sent to any a.11llrrwl for Rhe
*Akin,. 1
7 AW the ampple wanted the 1, l':' H. Iifttll had, anti unr that will III+ rft.ctl
TnE ylE!iT 44"'1•_ " a malt of (ho rood. Iwlraight, will (a• built ftolll the bridge
Ur11,a1'r1uN t'AMI'AIUN LITrHATVR6. Ito the north ride of the Hour mill.
There was a lively tilt tort wren the Thr direct4,rr of tJle (', N. H. could
Provincial Autonomy for N. W. Ter. 1 Pustliuultt•r Ururral and the O a�'t- }uqt auks a better ay., nu of . lout.
ritories Discussed. , t • regretting the lobs , 4)f ow.which
t they neve- now soled ls,
_ Tory cxullafgu Iurratury NAich ate which nuke in Blyth, jhuraele,
lying all uvrt the cort'iduis Id. thv Bist,w•r1, etc. Hetett i4tr it has Iden
Dmuats on the d.nsu. -0. T. P. B,II Pasts. commons inaterul of in the Iambi/Bee, a hula of tittle end patov ilr W anyone
the senate Tons of oppo.,,,on ut.ratnre i which is the proper place for tai of. living in either Blyth or Brussels w hu
BeingBent Out at the Public (aeons, I Wattled 141- , to lila county town to
w:}il wenn. Sill' 1VI111AAw . ttjeK k
Po.tmaster General . Announces RaetWir (" ffittlWN'! a Aril hUNltt•.t. Ily • the
it. so+ued tel iutp,t,und the whi b of urs 4',''P. H. conmrtiun the test in -
Surplus. IIt, s,h1r lYN1 large aiu•ke, anti the g
Mesial oorn.ltwiatetwe ut Tles Nignal,1 Oplxwitinuchniieigel- hint to oil so, conveniences of the past will lie ht•rr-
Ottawas, O'•toiwi• 17th. -1t W''''''.
,u NI
Hr said the 'snail lungs were oI taiurd' f Thrr—, is gentleman in Huron
eau '-Nidel dis•u.rton which trctt plot 1 by nkI Wake it h Star by hand and at who is eaving ed. stone unturned e-
! 1 thrid hinge it his business to are that get the 1'. e, H. from liuelph to Dude-
thr time .4 1hr ('remits tilts weekthis thing W*II 11411 repeated. '19u•i,• i,ich, and that is 'Mayor Lewis, of
and one nif the 1110.4t. infaotr sting of the I love still several ruins of until bags to titslrrich. He is working like a
t be s 14.111 srI and mailed isdure ,roroga-
session• _ purr— hen you ask an 1I 1i' when
The cost of the er11seit� was up on Narlialneut will likely prurul(ue by
MoidN •. Mr. Blain. of fest;" 'started will look significantly at tale 'wiwid
the bell codling by eritieisilig Mr. pile" and Nay, ••Just ar soon as that NOTICE TO I DVERTIBE RS
Plotter's management of the work anal „tuff' hs „Nit of the way."
r general striate took planer. Mr. NKNATS PAN$I}i4 TOL KAUAI HILL. Copy of change of running advertise-
FetheN, replying to the Oplsatthon . menta must be left at this office by
yi,llcs,''5(41(4•4) that the value of the The Henatr has passel the s;(•ond ' Monday noon to ensure insertion
work from, statistical tad historical reading of the Urxnd Trunk Mollie lin issue of same week.
siaudpoint Was well worth the money hill and 111e (onitnitti'o etude is (AN;
expendrtl oil it ecru if it was twice 114141'11 like work to e;1wrt 'h 451*y
the rust of the Aerate of ISA. 1 he to its tasting early next week.
1.1•11s10114111111444 t•nntxin •h valuable 1)4 W. - - '
information :and every collegiate and
high mehoo1 should have copies of the BLYtH AND THE -C. P. R.
work. '
AV'r/Nult y-40)14 TOR Worri1N•iesT.
TP Ukp1AT, ?et. 29, 1903. 3
You will Meed a good stove pipe vanillas.
Don't forget that thele ie pone si' heat our
(east oder.
SEATIMALL Brightelpeilsttre,
�_"� Quickest drying ofthem all.
good for all explored 'Iron work too. ,•
Urs it1iow,--lrl'h•-. b for $1.IN1.
(Costs no 11111144 than- the I' 1111m4111 stuff• )
It will pony you to tone up your horses for the
Ii.-*vy fall w'oi•k, with 4)111• oteid11i4hl IN nyder.
1)4llpt waste yore money OP linstxrl meal, Ixb- Fur
died '•stiw'k food," but use wnnrthing really N --
The Best Tonic
Red -Blood
•- SOME,
15e -a for elfsli.
gIN411, tlIttes mors,
sale chess thio Kt
11ickle show 411444.1. 1
W. C. GOODE, Chemist,
Early in the aanssinn the qua»lion 4)f )'th Nmindard.l
granting Provincial autonomy to the Railway clatters in Blyth are at
Nin-Uiwrsl Territories was disneeel, present at fewer heat. 'It is now a
but mithiug definite mid 4)1• sutra Nettled fact that Myth Neill be one ut
(akenimtit Teo -aide), night, when Mr. the atxt*)n4HMI the proposed extension
144ar1e's, u41,\'iug nn aanrlldllltnl t,i of the Canadian I'x1•itlr Railway from
supply. made out int les14ling(( plea to
(iurlph to liltdrt•irh. - Uuring the past
NAr�iauwnt t, ittunl the allrgol dr- week a surveying lel•li' liar been lay -
mends of the Tel -vibe -les. He read x ing out the ptop1.sld touts east and
garbled "oaten of official correspond-
or esp,nd- �I, nl othe ill,ai r li'1r'rtu t the lor• 'i~kyxrl
rare between Premier H,tu11tain of the
Territories and Hon. l'liff4)iel Hifhnl property of Mettles. Fraser mut Logan,
on behalf mf the Federal liove•tiulrilt
0110044A the (irauul Trunk Railway near
and deduced lhetwhom an imperative the roetheln 1 1a1y 41f the village
demand for provincial statue 'tu the iiiiil then proceeded eastward over the
West ea x paniten• fin• their ,pwditicii) farms 41t Meteors. Jxulrs Iw,gxn end
ills John McMillan. e
Peter -
Prank Oliver IAllwrtnl, who res O11 Tuesday Chief Engineer Peter-
Ip++Ii.d.tlo Mt-. Borten, along with T. o. sol mkt Engineer -1441144 -rix: acrongen-
Davin IH+u•kxt'Mewxn) bagged the Op led by .Mayor I:rwis, of li ,deticl,
pIltu ili4)u in less than twenty wiuutelt, 1•isileri our village :on l were taken !m
It will he remembered that last July Mond by Reeve. Scums and Mr. ):'funk
Mr. Davis in 411 interview with Thi• Metenlf, pirsident to( the Blyth Board
7'uhnit, (Bids• handled the quest. of Trade. The rugineerr'chgnged the
without tfl•4ves and 11ra
iphrase"ninon-sante drs'ril*d alx,ve and t e railway
y f:ul' was thought 113 many to Ix• will now enter Blyth from the west
pretty strong language, hut it esu. 'illy and ,11) along the mouth side of
folly 4xplxitlel by these gentlemen.1 he river. rro„aiug Qheen street at the
Mr. Oliver crystallized the id, nation south end of the In•i,1aP and'` sin
oil the Vitt e n
side f the flour inwill
iu ung of his �i.ulld and wh4)lewmu•ly�"I
'blunt phrases. ••Wl1'*at the West Wallis; 1ea00 the will by going uncle': the
-is money. not 111111144.4y: deeds. not Dram! Trunk y. an arch 1* ,
talk." Hr twittered' , Mr. Modt•n for built. for tfta utilities The natio
newlaurn zeal tar the interests:old )xty1$ wiH tP'ao.;lTestu►grelaud
of the West and hi N11 lir w1au1.1 street, Iwtweetrtbe tunnery end Hour
always be as solicit u. for 111111mill. . The river from the dour unit to
action ..f the 1►I,minion at present. the bridge is crooked and winding.
Nr. lilnrlr11 had ve'n iteett o give 1 hi, This will all be 1111s1 in and utilized
West x rrrttfirut.- 411 stir ter, ledfur r'ailw'ay purposes. A new river
Mr. Oliver ctnluiderefl it`s rat er rheaia
gift. Mr. O)i\••,- said he- had been x
member of the Northwest Iegi Nature
mei hail taken {awI. in 111„ dram ion.
id this very question. Mr. 1(11 en
Toad purptaiely avoided ml.rnta4111in4 , 10
•111.- dluwhaek to 1'11-11104x1 111114,
Mr. Oliver puked hinn psoinl-
bltilk if he advocated the "terms" of
Mr. Hanitan'. ht,t. Mr, Borden - was
busy reading a )rslk. ole IOliter( said
the Territmr,•e t4 a %/x11 . Would not toe -
rept Ploviiolsl ...tains unless the Fel-
0,.4 grants Weis. 111141111iti11t91, 'W11ieh
to a horse of xnnlhel' 11,14)1'• 1114 !!x•1•
r. Hxultxin'» Irian which Mr. Bordenra 011141•111.-
. Ila\';is 111 owl that -. It was
mere • a Lal Of afe • Regina people,
and it his ronstititin • he bailhnow's
'of 1111 - meetings to rehire sag ' t
auto v. They W041141 hare lu'
111or1gnge the public doIu)Rin 14. Vitiate
f IN fol 41 lit exienss,\wh1•rens xs
it was naw •• 1hnulni,,ii
plovidlrl114• y.. Moreo',,-r, til„
tt tlaTita►liuii 'ai: --- uIwreasit�ik i '_.lexjri
:41111 1441N1111N AIR it Wns IN1'is011.14• o g4)
(xutiously. In x few yrnt.e t raw
N4)111d Ire enough, "pie there feet 1
In' three I'iwinees - lid •it was lint
nut to have any let in oil. -
NValt•r Scott (-\Mail 1mhal enpptirted
his colleagues frena the Weed.
The amend W - hist 441) a
straight parte vote.
.\xl sell NH 191..`nIPPII'K N NPI.t'N•
'I'h.• 1'.ttn:Pife - C etleiral, , x1 to the.
Finan„ Minister. haul a nosy tory t 11
tell of the lid • imitation of 4. De-
partment dui ing tl r last yral - He
W,tn agxinelde to show q.'roulette ' ted
surplus 4)nttsisle of the Vokon divis n),
wh41•h was 41 senu,1(0 arry1unt. , l
Willixnt 31 Mork woitdd 1x• tot1 rare
lent Harte -sr to•. Mr. Dion as
Minist.•r if IL-illwn}'s and ('11041141 if
t,- a-.5
For the
Onto 11..
On receipt of your
name and address we
will place before you
for selection the great-
est assortment of
Jewelry, Silverware,
Leather Goods, etc.,
in Canada.
to this. new, tddioe of oar
Catalogue,m.4y Nov. is.
Ire 1424e ,dads .pcci l awl
to e.(,* , .Ius artiyla
of very moderate ., t.
In it ars presented
hundreds of oppt'rtuni.
ties for selecting Xmas
gifts at money -Saving
w. llat Sepias. naafi.
RYi 1.. BROS.
1 t8e IZo, Z and 12s
Von$. 5t.. Toronto
Do you not know that the
kidneys must be kept in
good working condition or
you cannot be well? That
delay in this case is very
dangerous? That the tand-
ard remedy for disordered
kidneys is Bu -Ju? Why
not use it a since? All
druggists sell 13 -Ju in box .
of Fifty 1'iils Fifty Cents.
Reject all substitutes.
"Ito TEO
141* VORA, N. r., A1.40
We have the it dery and Shia tie
White. All these tnarllines have ball
bearings. pinch tension. tension indi-
cator, 1111(4,11,141 4. tension releaser.
double feel, dust coops 4)n terrlle and
pre.Ner barn, N•If-threouling eyllnllrr
shuttle, "King" set 4)f Miles] steel at-
1lu•hnl4nts an11 manly other labor-sav-
ing devises.
Rvery machine that. leaven )'s
(nils t..
1 1�
F '
The npnt-in,- it.ints in the New 1l'.I
11am4 'elude a s •1f--•etting needle. 7n-
((11r,lb . )oil w'andrr with loose (.0 -
Iey, 0111 Iiia floor leet..I101 1\et\' ran-
ve14001),v in(ie'rhilfheop.-n 40.the '1!.r Mill I':Wird
end .anti n s)4Itely self -threading. 1l.tiyuim his :tie, plods
*wit,( too, ell, stool set of altar 11- ones 1mil huih 14) n.:I
meals. They ...k well and wink The *Barb tents are N,
II. tial t, . r ,'tis', 1i1,a'
en (hal n mal
nae -1/i.op II. 111
1g in 14)glm'
1 n life•ti1111•.
('chat %1111
tore u gotarantosel for n :ern tit ten year.. If 11 4451.1 loam
sitiafaction we innneli* •ly replace 11 with a new
It is difficult to end • article ,
judge nth A cle by looking at t •outside. lila your. ow; sati> fast' )n
and protection you ought to'tnow the product insider . i'1 out-Jinneo the invent fur
ing the, Machine. A trial will ednvince yon, 'If you ne nnA and wish to tui' any o our dtt.
ferent makes Or styles we will lie pleased to lot you try Own,. .
We keep repairs anti a full Jinn ni' .' 'v'44nrjni, Nt'c h'g, Slnl'tltea 131►1►bina iinlll>i
winder Rubbers, Oils, ore.
11110 .
BLOCK, . .
(r, '. : i ;r•
Without an abundance of
pure fresh sir jou the
oven whatever is•cookel
therein is distasteful and
uuhvsl1.h)'. -- -
Meats are specially su rep
tilde to impurities while
being rousted --their ricli
flavor is retained only
when the oven is pure.
Aerated 0 ns Breath Fresh Air.
By an ingenious arras-? , tit applied+uuly Ur the Souvenir,
fresh air Is made to circ' tr freely and everything impure,
indudiug (Idols front cookt g flsxl is driven out of the oven
and up the clliuulry—not hl the room.
The Aerated principle is the }due that actuallyk' ventilates
the oven. -
Gurney, Tilden Co.
Hamilton am ton TorontoMontreal Winnipeg
e W nn peQ
3ole Agent
Thi-:ndll ba- tern iobuiil and n•841041 with
i' •I1T11 ma.rhiuery fur uuulo flu•l11 ril.t pr.gnpl Il.
101 rvvnolnl.•n11> 1111 kind. of Wuahtlx'k.
Building Material
1•+1•1't d4•n.'I,lltn,Il k. -la 111 -tu. L.
Sash,- Doors, Frames, ltlnuhling and
111141ior and Exterior Figishing of all
I. Inds on band or made do der.
ten hlrttishd on appliral ion.
er's sdiritrd.
441+ of
Rubber heels are not only
comfortable, but are also
a health necessity.
Are like walking on air—
wear like steel.
Tr.. Dwnisr.ris Ore, LI en new,
The Most
\Ever made by a Canadian Pubftcation to
its readers.
Two.�One=dollar Papers for One Dollar
iT4t1 11lent N it h t hl• 11111.11. iers, we our enaMei .to offer
The Signal and The
Montrea Weekly Herald
a great •11.11nr weellly-for O DOLLAR arrear. This offer is exclusive,
aand 1.111 lie Made ply-nuofh.-t- ;sayer rthis district.
f•1 •
1 out
paper \\'
111 1'1.1'1'' '
1 1
I \ The 4)
1 Montreal
e111 1 i'4.s1. 'j'I'hr *riots of our arrangement
such 1ha1 we 1:111 1nnke 111..It•vintinn fon.tjhi..,,
IN ADVANCE, :11141 all al 1.0:11.14g1.44 111114 be pall.
Both The Signal and Weekly
FREL for remainder of 1903 to
$1.00 to 1st January, 1905.
!Neriher Nlyin(( one dollar in aulvanee
t•klVilerothl fol •
r one year without
'ith e M4)nlneal puhliehes are
ui p he nlllney t ire paid
As a Newspaper.
was 140 41110be4`, In 1&Ig sad le the
eand older* 'Canadian paper. In Its
old ase It 'has renewed Its youth, and
.rands 111 the forefront of Cenad s treat
journals. A. a newspaper, It IS edited
with laperi4l reference to Its ropstitu-
en.y of readers, who d.slr.. eompre-
hensivo summary of the world's newt
of the week. Everything Is viewed from
the standpoint of the Canadian who
*Isbell to keep abreast of the floes,
althea' h.ving to wade through col-
umns 04 Irrelevant matter. Cestui 100
densfnon marks The nrrald'e treatment
of every line of 11.50 IM not mettle* It
with nth.„ pappeers of somewhat similar
names. The !feral/ Is a compact paper,
Sot a blanket shen.
herald will be sent
new subscribers
As a Nome Paper.
Is pre-•minenaay a paper for The (tome.
In the first place, aotbins la permitted
1n Its columns that cannot be read with
profit and Inalru-tion by every member
of tete household In the monad place
It U edited with special- reference to
matters that Interest women. "Madge
Merton's" weekly talk* with her women
readers coostnute the most popular de-
partment of the kind In oar Canadian
paper They ars veritable "heart to
hear' tants with the women of the
boueslon, and ars apprerlated in thou -
spode of home.. In this department are
gleet runts to Mother.; time-teht.d
Cooking Recipe*. the latest Tuhiona.
Illustrated, and . bu.4, 11 and one topic*
of feminine mere14.
THIS COMBINATION 1s a great one. Your home paper elver
full the !oral news, the loret wutrkets and the local You In
eekly Herein gives Ensco. Thr Montreal
Resat market., departmentsof general
farmerewn of ., anarl n report. of the
turn. of value and interest tp The Nome. ctn. A Dnrticutm t o-
th. other. now V the complement of
V SUBSCRIPTIONti mar begin ai any time. ft t
Flatly paid In advance, end You want The roar yaDaWeekly Herald
r.iltl at 1• al -
*end in your dollar, and your aubserlptlon will advanced ea'ud .coca
Atkin.a all conlmunlretlene to:— year'
TI -IE SIGNAL, Goderrich.
I1 -