HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-29, Page 2•
2 ' THURSDAY, Oof. 29, 1905
glut goigital
UlII1t11'il, 1,\'I vIth..
PI'BF,IMHaI) KV )i Ii " '1'Hl'HSUAS
,trelephorwl'all No. x\
Tern.. per SuNorlpt.on
,1.111 {N•r annum lit Wt' -*n .•.
Sax 1u.1r1t ,, .514• ; three Worths. '2 c.
Subscribers who fall to native Tttic wlu]a1
regularly b) wall will roofer a las or by • ,k• -
intending us of the la.:t 41 w early r .lair a.
w Acis a chailee of aridness is del•insl, twtlt the
old told 1tie new altdrr*,. s1 Id Ire pi( (.11.
Advertisina Rates :
Amish and oilier Taller adrautf-.•utreit+• 111'
tier tine for first lilwrt11w dud de 1s•r line fop
each ,,ula*1•rurm in4•rrlw,. Mrlaural by it
1wn{wn•il wale, tw .I re lino, lean •11,•11.•
Hnsit'e sr lard, 11f •i4. Mne+arkl tinder- iii ryes
Ad, erti'•.•lu nl--o( la'.1. Fuu
uud, 41n1d. sit.
Ant iunn \•ar1u11..i' (lutlion. N anl1d. 1101r...- 61r
14,,), or 111 Item. Ywriu. 6N' 1•tle or 1e tient.
Article. for :+.tit', rte., us. esrar'tilaf eight
Nu,'.. tie each iuvv'tMu : Sl fur flnl t1,, :at'
•n.ub.a.pN-ut Month. I.wyrrrelssepti...
. w •111. ill pntryrtt • . •
Iawn!noliW, ill uunllan•il type%is• p1•r line.
No notate Inn. thou Lie.
.1nn•naprr11m•111s in onllIurl. witting to et. 0111'
per wtmrl. No Awl ire kis- 1 h:,1, La•.
.11p) .µ•,'b11 notice, the ubhs't 1,1 width i, the
1),s.ullary IM•nral or :1111 $lulls bl nal or awrw'.
*non, 111 Ire rnn.Ylrnal an wlsrrl tia'ti ens and
he Hump,' act-unbar/1y.
leans, for dl -y41 .red .1,111 na•1 wt cert ia•.
liken!. will Ip• Ili' en on appltvation,
.1ddn•.. 1411 rowululia'at ion* 111 - -
VAN.177klt & lit1HY.►tratrN.
T11: 141as u..
I balr11ch, 10111.
M{'rpM.ItH'11. TNt'1n111.4Y. ('4 T..w, nut
Two byi•1a'Irtlitn4 for the . Prt.-
eluciq! Hwte.e.t •tire 11r1d 1,u Tuesday,
one in Muskl,ktl,,, the _uth.r iu Sault
Ste. Marie. The `arsines in \lirt;kuka
Wcreated i,y �Jtu death of 111.•
BridghlaiI 1 he forliwj' Liberal ntenlwr,
A. A..Iah,lfTy, 1'onse•kat ive. has been
4'1.4.1e11 Ott N'crwrl hint, lit frnl ing I1).
the Lawful. -rantiattirte, Its at
"' i..rily of a 114.111 2:141. Ins 1(lallt Ste.
Marie the election was uws.wiftated by
the ittash,1ing ..r Atatlew• Miawanie-
' 1 'II, the Conetlreative nwudwr, tilt
e n rapt p'.aa lens, The emendates
wore the .ams ail ,At the gene'
ele•1' s, and this lame C. N. Sainte
Lilwra4l, lis Iwen retaliate! pith• a
majority of over SJ$t.
TI nulprt'ieal siren of the
parti in the House ,i,. the torr not
of ect.% The Liberal. have ft yam..
members, in. -lulling the Mtn% r, and
t l,. 1'onw•t vntiytm•.forts'-Nix. arill our
s.'. 1t, Noll h Renfrew. is enema.
Laurier iJi.lut tallvery totally. hot
they heard him Meer i Great 14,ilnin
all right.
I...hl Alvrtntou•• belies
gilt -all 1 - N. 1'
p, 1,1 take p h t•, talk
l'.tnalda and giving 1' the
Staples, ,
if there two islands were
than his brad lard4.r
AI 1 h
no rigs to Kitt: t 1).•o, away a ter 'de -
`riding I t they 1Ngouged to l'AJMda.
\Ve. hail t
first ',Ill'*• of 1111• s.•aw111
M..ndnl fu .rhujg. but i1 ,1$d 111.1
11, lin long 'III nob* owing to 1Itt'
heat (nge11d.n 1 by tie. Alaska
II it is trne. ars repo;leal• ftonn
British 1 n nm nA l., t • 1w•t. of the
recent 1y-ela•tted 14411111 11 114111' de-
s •'tel Ih1.aisier Mtlli lilt':. i4. Liberals
should 1N• careful afoul In ing 111.•111
in. They may be limners.
No one is. -criticising Iex'il Ivel-
itnrlr m .da•$•i14ion. Whist 1'anal '•1144
nlje'i•t to is Ihr he Went Lark 011
il(r•Iliou Mel' intVe 111.• 1-'11$11441 MIAs
tau 1%11(11.1% 4thi,11 ill his Ow 11 judg-
ment belonged t11 Canada.
I1 Is entirely reside the gto'stNm to
illy, 1144 l'..1. Ih•niwm and other, have
\stliit ill regard to the Alaska raven.
tllnl if we are to expect "favorable
a l-Orr:diou" from l i,s.11 Britain wt.
nnl!5t do nan•I.hiug in th••way of
shuittg Britain's military bur►1•ns.: If
1 he Ire retire ..f t he 1N I;r•y 'Went i..n
h..) 1 n to A diplomatic gathering.
there In$ ht have lweiin something in
such a VI •N' : 'lint it 51'x44 not. The
1'.•fa•n'nie a to a tl'ila111411 •.f judges
who were P4 Ian tU iimsider the ease
iteli,ially and Ireiue what lapel. of the
dd4 Ileal la•rl•it l's' IM•lnit(41 1n t1,,'
1'ntli Matte nil what pout to
(dal nl•1N.' \ 1e1r1 Al\ 11.1'%11.111• wt add 11114.,'
dear wont if, mit of ctn4id(•raIhal (01•
('/111n11hr1 11, Ily 1114.\ nlanifest.ol nn
numberless erless I M'1.1 hltlr+, 1• hail gltel 1144
an inch of lerritor 10 'hir11 We weld•
not in kin, ice mil l If. on the
other hand. he alteww 4tns eati'$d1•r,l-
tion to .werv'e him frntit\t a line of
jumble to the injury' .1 thi.\ alnlry.
he violated his oath uhf his n 11111 14
unworthy of aril thing Inst lel``Ilw
Sir Frederick Hi Allen. Minister
Militia, 't•mik the right mute in hi
N; Leech 8t' lb,I nhw,l last 'week. He -
f erring to the question of tol..ni»I
eitt•ihyfinn to Ihlperinl defence, Jae
r walled 111' eagerness with whish
Cana/lines 44pllang if. arms daring 114
S mill African trouble, and how in Ike
past they heel di...barged their duty to
the Cher 'rllunlry by be g I'l'l'•
)ht Ml to take 1.111. of their la's terri-
rj'. I irlti441 tipom t s," s,li( Mir
FI•Aalrrirk, "and 1 haws ho hesitation
in saying it, that if the people of this
c.anllry Nhuukl nee Ht ti, (expend
mmney for lit lacy manatees lir fop
pimp/mm ot-•drt'n.e they shall have
control ot,Wlr1auitney 1hellln•ltett, NMI
'than „Hist 14.-.1.•t- that 111lllll.y other 1n
wnyftnly. ' *Twitter it lie the q'*r
Offlee or the First 1,1111 (If the A'hnir
ally to spend for thein. That is the
principle *inch I Any . down as it
('»nseli,11, and 1 relies.. that i1 is A
sound principle. If we are able tx de-
fend mir own tr'nlry we contribute
isettr'. than Aft any other lefty to the
safety, maintenance and dignity of
the Umpire." That W sound doctrine,
and will inert the approval, we her
lies'•, offs tont majority., of l'anftdMMS,
Rulwlta it going tai have Mr. Smith
put up to rut his .tiullwr will prove t i
paying iu4•eatrnelta, and u veterituM
rxoursion to Theswlon to view their
hoIdllIgM pl.nuiars t.. ie one of the
jolliest of neat s :64 11u(i11gM. Thr
Yetr1'nus heals 1• a vett i(4(11.' bxi„
0,1411 ug to the iuforlurtiuu ('..1.
5'a+•Cue.rs lied, 1!e patents are not
issued until the settletueut duties are
p erfu4luesd. These "rl•tifleatc, may ire
tt'llusferred but the transferee ieconiIN
liable for the perf(a•ulance of settle:-
ul4.utdutirs forthwith. The 5eteraus
have ten years' rxeulption from talxa-
lion and three ears atldIN 1 b t
y Jacket
wtdc6 W perforw Nettlrwrnt duties. ,
The 'Signal this week asked a number of eitislans, ,more or less repre-
sentative in their positions or callings, for a brief statement of their views
regarding Alaska boundarydecision. F t in r
ega ding the as o lows g are their respgnses
Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A. for kettle.* (wing dour until it ie In a
U'., ns l'auN11in'M, !Ire lhitishlpo(MiNon to lo..k after all matters of
sr ads kind wilhuut the intervention of
gh, and hits n it enough, to herr a /the Old ('taint 'y: 1u England they
deal's. to "hold" "what w•4. have :" And don't arena to appreciate wiled it mean
when anyone 11111.% to 111MFNN.*e** 11.11111- 111 Canada. anti nrlvr will. Every
reply of x11)' art iol of it hats utrwllt 11)11 do
sh41uW in any humble o.i11-
1ion do all he can to make this a ei•If•
Is Ihr natural result. 4)) 1.0111•se, We It
country iu fart. We have
were not abet dute ow'nee 1'f that ter- Ills nnuw, but w4. ah Id insist on thll
ritu� which now w4. hare not. It tight to protect what is clearly
toes'1, dispute•• plot as_liane went by owl, territory. Thr 1'ftnkrrN have the
the iulptsonieu gtasts-sP"-"'"."""•„".*. - fit of Oita (heal, and there Is 1111 •iiia of
Mut a right t.. al 1p14NHy 11011111 uit, crying over it. but Art Its Itmak 0111 (.N•
'and IM the u4'slion was argpel !wrote .lir future. 1 suppose if they claimed
ithe 'dual tribunal that impression wit.
deepwYMl by nffh iAl allrgxt' w11d.'h
pall of Ont:4.11 F:ughtlid would .Art
'gave 1114 it d1sl1n.t go.npd 1.1 1)111)4.. them have it ; x few 1 fel miles of
What makes unr disappointment cuhroial power(y is of 1lu importance
grievous, even painful, is the feeliug a.I the w•ate1..
that we havr Ira' w• deal ill the 1 feel that seers Canadian owes a
a• ilt 0111' hi4'uJs. If 811,1 rueuty debt of Krell to l'utu161+rualrps
had dour th$4 w. r11ub1 havr ' it; Ayleswurth and Jette for the stand
but it wet' she to whoa we has r Ittwn they tttok. It will do more to open
lu•Inst Mused to 11r0k fur• 1)l. dw•tIou, 1414 the 'yrs Of the English pulps to the
Roar whom to I•r1•eive justice; mut nu- 1ttj .(1111' dune l'anxdx Ulan any
Id the load Chief intake shall slaty• ' x111ount 11f writing.
(he reasons for the sudden change eon -
et -1101w the disposition ..f the four E. L. Dickinson.
islands in the l'or11aa11 Canal Ihr The ('IanpNlM1)14)11 of the AlxMkuu
wound whish 1111.1 hero inHiste.11vi11
fester, ;out g.t. ggtrwww•, uud threaten IM.undary tribunal was sash that 1111
the loyal 1ifr'nfFalt:ulaaus toward the remit email he reasonably expw•ted
?dot het Laud. It is Anatol fur Ihat (PAM it hilt disagreement and dead -
high .dignitary to uuakt his exacted In•k til' a11 a1M'4rtt wolw tIr Irsn in favor
p4*1110njl sunt e•fllt* (1.111 1hcire44Wnl-
lio' 1) tt his A.n11' 1)x% Iran (lipl11_ of the Aturrienn contention. lord
uullir ra11h1,F t judi'i;{t. , Alvrt•4lone's r quenelle with the
,1.1s. A. ANIlkgsiN, ICanadian ru'tentio11 would have
ulwrlt an apart divi*io, of the 114144(41
14. 1. Strang, 13• A., f ind a failure to reach any settI4''u•nL
Principal Ooderid'•Coneaiau Institute.,
- It was a shrewd, Awrl•ie.UI proposition
involvIng a Ikssil,'ility Of gild' t.. them
Like rust l'nu:ulintts, 1 Incas • and 4lu possibility of loess.
who have lurid any spw'i:11 attent' I We accepted it, however, Anil must
t1 the Iti14l..ry' of treaty -making anal a''eriN the result. in fhr Inst spirit
negotiations Ir•lww•n lirrat 111-i1.iI, I that we call, 'rhe rhnrptr that l'ane-
ah.l the United States. 1 11+4)' hay" I dl,lll interests halve been :Maul. to sub-
Saulmerve 't her (•.a11Mwh•1•At hats way ,.r May
leen disappointed hal w•ata hardly stir/ not be just diel. It would Ire the part
priwr1 nl the lwndt. From 1 he pwt'sis-1 of prudence. however. to suspend
Gent r•fits:it •of the United States. judgment until the tall fasts an. 1e-
tioy(•rnnrtlt to Watt. the matter ti) fore us and, in the filet irt•itati 1,l
disappoint isient. ti refoti11 form 4'x-
prwMsions of opinion which Fs...sally
may have to 1N• modified or With-
draN n. E.. I,. I li,'141N1,IN.
the orbit•ation of .smite neutral IN,w•rr;
tor oven tolalulitthat there was any -
thine to tt,ahntr/te, and from the
Itharxae• and position Of the runs-
V11i14w. Illels 511/11,1 It Aplp/ ti,ttel, 1t seas
a rmdxutly rvidtut that thele WAS
.1ienlly no hope of their l''ee
Ing to ettnerle anything t hat 1 hey
Wetly real 4',,1.Ir. ( 111 the
1x1141, there was g(NNl 1'1•;1%1.11 t1/
MO the Bt•itish
bent yr
whew o•1.
st song
melt t..
s.•1 tied.
term. Wil
act•isite' N•hi
would thereto
utln'imr*ly, 1
.. al kali); rat 1).•t
my View, 1'
I lots ail x colony a1
Ent! ''ere, _ and eon.
'equability of
ly w•ttltrl. tore
ire o ifavorab •
lit told( not
e Ma tl t
111 .t 11 11
.1• have
•r•io)t•n, ail
Justine -,1 nl lulu
saytnlaec t
• hilted Stales
he, ..light t1'. knowing the
1e.'Iw of the Hliti4h Govern
ha '1 a troltidts.ane question
to keep, on t1) Inst of
Trite( Stat44n would
in'linle(t` tut t»s-nr N
mkt he finial. and hr
tl (tallt:4xtent un-
to art (lipdol-
judirj*fl .
x .4.nrt, id the
le 'ng Also the
acing the mat.
if the deei*ion
to its. our
fairly have
1 -•4 lead
nn three
1 would
lug its
4 the
ter fin
"Nee tett t
Alt etettete
a.( :hall ',•. Iwo i
lit to the 1
•at•tt•t• of 111
u►ins met.,... 1114111 h It. 54as abtinil»
justitt 1 in PPM.. 'lip( a s11.. Ig
Faultily Protest al lust the amanita
Motif Of (•h men. 'firth...r. hail 1111
1 IMiottg1 ie against in on all prints
ant hall Minh Als•.Mtl le simply ism-
rurwl w'4li tier 1'nitrl 4t41r* rum-
IIII4NIIalesl (hill I,..,I: rex. the '.(r anger
chain' d /
tNllll Ohl nlghalY.. 1 wind( Imo. said
111111 we might to 'bind. quills to it.
'If.11'.W. "r, .lar latrine t of the
Canadian , Attnll'1,I,, ern is correct,
that land A e,xtottt•, after n rr•ing
atilt them xn11..igllink. pet• 11 sup-
port of Our .11\im t.. t . P..r Ind
1'hamlet and all the. i'1+ , alln��.•re1
1' •If to be inMn.ney..�) by • 'plume it.
'onl.iderati''11' Miff 5l'l'tltly .i 140
rolll}a14' 'we, We haye>\1 thin , t Ira
\ At the sante tittle 1 111) nlr1 Wet?.
41slr'Gol eell►Ilt•ttt .4414,1., lir should Ian
anything lest sol ' Miter pn.t.-tis
It -is 'miler 1n- far to have the 1,1Al ter
filially .441 GAL u1d t1). boundary
stalked' tilt as 51111 114 possible. Canada
••1411 aur i11 rx1s1 x1141 plosiler ;.s•.11
witht'ut M ,,.11 411 11). Ls'nn *'.111111, m•
A 114(41.04 hash., at Port 'Mimi
The tide 113, Milled. the ntMs in 4'
apatite' 1 4.1 ' goal'. wary now.-
4,, 1):n'e the wheat land and the
•rats, and a ate happily free
from the negro
r,hlrnl and emit•
othertr,11l11(m that le in store furlhe.
I'uitell States (loos •nl in the
near future. '.
Of tones••, it isn't pl'llMhnt to feel
that we hot'. lawn snit einiss•n ed.
leullne . it p ei•lu.ps thrilled. hast
1here .141 line slopping to e4.\ ,ter it.
feet 1164 1141 a V11111114 11;11 loll 4)4144)1 row -
ward and make the mush of the., t/Nsi-
bi1$lies in our favor. The lite)
Shaper hail the ' 'tr•Irth-et•nta p:
the 1went kill is rues if w•e line it
aiw•ly. H. 1. ter,.tNo:,
M. G. Cameron, K. C., M. P. P.
The ddmlol.tition nuu1,' of the Al/wenn
!mama:try question justifies Canada in
necking 31111 insisting upon ampler
tlll•Ilnl lien of welt'gpt.Vl'rnnent and ...n-
(4ntutiimal 1t+sell m than she nos'
possesses. She should not Ire celled
Ippon to sail '1 to the sa•'rifiie. of her,
interests for 511,yon••'4 ail She
shnldllnot permit the imperilling of
her own great Nene.. for I1)w promo,-
lions or eters for the preaervatiuo 41f
British power an,1 infin.11.r. Our
poli.y ittr the holm.. 4hnu141 It.. : ^I'an-
ahialals, hold your ..w'n. no matter
ss'It(Y.n• tot la gre..
3110 M. G. ('.1 MtHON.
Mayor Lewis.
Charles Seager,
County Crown Atlorn.y.
Until we ae in possession tot the
grounds ant1 tovawln, .spun which the
C'hiefJIWriveuf England lamed fir de-
`•irn , 1 would 1.1 'welder it very bit tor-
-/' g 1n (Irr1'111lee 01' even (4)
4'1 itit•i'r his suer(. 'hawker geoid
our niiiiird feeling of disappointment
may 1s.. our I)lwn•nt duty Is to 1w
ea11111 stud moan the neees1ary .iufor-
uuUi..n. w. that w•4' may be able to
apply u11r hent juilglnrut 1.. the
Inuits of 171' dw'lsia111 and arrive a1 a
Meat -headed opinion. Thi. will Fre•
Ihr Inure neeresary- if it should appear
that N -e have burs, 111 a11)' way,
wili ngp,rel in the rare. For. if so, we
lew111e ••tip against" It very n•rie'us
'wtat.' of xffxu.l, demanding n tamely.
hii•h will have to he wanly but
thins)' dealt with. �'.' alight theta
biter t., (onside'. wheth in view' of
palst` •'x wrirnro•s. .o 'swing with
the I,
1 A. 1 1 0
'U 11 I II treat '
I1 If 'N not 1 1
(lull w.+ 4houlll-rale mu1W rxlrn44itr
pM.wlr l 111 de•Allllg wltll olll' OW II terri-
torial affair:: prusidetil. 14 .'.,olds,
that -it 54'rquld be emitted dale with
pu•anlouW Imperial interests. q'4.
''aulnot.itold, its n uru'-1410-to-1wpprat
lotion,' to have 1,w• 4'ahaltle terri-
a•ia! rights fritts ','.I a1Way` .I41 meet
IN try and paM44ii4g exag(•nrlt"4 not
es ill thnirttrnrpt to iThIl ate etude
Som who h will her tut h 1 4.M
1 INr•1 x1(1
.11 1•i
t 1 lin
Ihr more 1 If N'•• stand Old Ilpl
for mit eights in al inanity way.
It Wan Infortnnxti'-thnt the. Wills,'
tinrer'111' it ...1lme'11toit In refry the
'x141' to a 1 •ihnnal one -halal 11f Wh1Nat•
nlrudM•ts es Ire (iw1ualiHe411' by the
very terms o the 1real y, which re-
quired that the • slat mpd Ire ••impartial
jurists of 1o•4)a instead of noted
)44111/.on14; 1111164 ti king it p{rat (rally
mlpMossibl. tlyll 5 • should reeeiye
Justice, no matter h, w• clear uul' e':/w•
ttti ht Ire. I1 Appeal. 1 II/41 the 4'., row
el'ult((1 (loser •nt 1)n (stn) against
,it. tint the thiti1411 (love intent shoed
the tl4Atttr without wend '11'4 for the
I'$ruuilaan protest.
1h,' e'Nnnnt help strongly ....tenting
the fi•tt,)', w'h. ' g and 1 'sh •sf
talrtii' ..f the 1'nit(rl States, to et the
heifer of n•1 hs• mum( c1 the •sty
n441d1• w'itti thew, by a/pp/i1 int(
mots! pallixana nn the r..nlltli114 n.
Minh tart i('M hi.twty a small, hot.
trawling 'pirit, nnwortht' of a glen
nation on wbanld.lel .unjlmetinn with
(:teoat`,Hritain, t ' h'pe of the .''i
(144 IIl'i)i!*,',,,*.I)t of 't. . w•rirk! depends,
if they nti11 only awake to 11 tealixal-
'Iion of their great calling.
Rev. Dr. Daniet
The Ala4katl IMtlndary nw'ard rotors
to most people in thin runntry with a
'.hick of painful .lrprise. Hrwibly a
Nmmpw•nMi..n 41f jedgnu',t until the full
text of 11).• (11.1'lsllrll be let-pitw1 by the
ov(rnno•nl would 1+1• the w'inewt
ellfatwe. Fn the present infnmel state
of pn111h° Opinion the tension itt apt to
he warped when w'. begin to talk
Alotnt the Jostler of the owned and
(envies Are Apt to be sulwtinrlwl for
facts ill At Arlt itlg p11'1u4tlhrely to
(ll rider thin tour tinted - 0m in
all d1). IN•ar•ilt4 t. We srt-v 'h doubt
N twitter the ild Talk now freely in -
/bilged ill by t)testNnr4$hlr w't•ihblerm
elated the $rtlt*A11t .*tlitilde of the
1•11i 1111 Slattern ..i• .t he indifference of
Ow British Foreign (Mier t . the }tort
ii,)*'i ,'-Os .,f(', ( 'a nail* bit,',) hi't' ,'e,, 'ii,t,ttI,k'
or helpful. '
That a necessity existed for s•
diplomat ii artrnngelu••ut in the f*i.11
sett lenient • of 1h(• Alaskan dispute no
will glwstion. 'shat the tribunal
1't,.. alsk 1110' My' Opinion of the primmer! unassisted of honest allyl
nhli• men --stint is of t1).• highest
integrity awl jnristm of the higheet I+
..Ares no one will for a nlontetd o
d.,ht. In ties' of these things it 1
ws•nls tai 1,s (tett it it unwise to any, a% 1
weer redoing, Aha( lertol Alois/one
in wholly t.. Atha, that the twsnha
N•t(lhl hnvr Leen 'Amply different had
ted fhr laird 1'tilef Jumfier of England
-lbowedI' •111., her... sritsuet.•part i -
a ti -
Ion a1111'414. he blamed bs' infin4'nw•N
that iendrt'rl him action olfialsi, • fo
.lir 1M/hill/II eottw•iener. It hem shah
been stated that the intoe wouhl have
hr. -n far Mhrrwilw had three of the
emninisskmrnt been ('Nmulin11s. It
has fitthe ..r.' h i•.,, tliwnly hinted
that Canada Wan nnrrifIced for pur-
nrpo'1r . of imperial policy and that our
wnmtry will never sire.• her right.
until she is able to negotiate her ower%
in some sty get the heat of um *nd`alfl trvnfil•m indep entlint of the Mother
ntrpriil•aj that we got Anything. Tile Crmnt Though 1 cannot endorsor all
coast line in glteetion in of no e'mlt•r' thew Mon., 1 will 'date a flu
eta' value to the I'nip4.1 States, w1111e thing t Gr ma art now evident.
It is to Canada. ThtA Hensel( Im l Idle 1. sluuaptihilIUisl 01 t11e 1:At-
s unilletent reason (..r then. to gt'1ip It. *than pe..p{le have It m. di1rply urinal•
it le mel(w, for CI 1101411 ever to•l(Op)n Irl through what she believes to lie the
Alnskaln Ilrl•i • hua lay "Pinkie.
it -respect ie.. al( the ttu•rita there e'en•
two great mistakes made by I'amnia :
F'i'st. in .r,nsrnting to Ienv.' an keit..
*Melina; 4'1114»418 and the United
Mlattm 141 n tr•i111am11 of three 1'hi1w1
Stats and only two Canadian judges.
The mecotiol tlll'take watt In Olid with -
dray' dig . all 11/1('e shell till•. .1'*)11ettI
Muter {woke faith by appointing nen
not cooling w'ilhin the t•rmn •4 11,'
ragreeta1.11t. iilfN. tam Ill.
Wm. Proudfoot, K. C.
1 don't drink that I and in a Partition
to give an ..pinion of /my value. Like
moat. Jeipl1. 1 liar. kept. frau'k ..t this
natter nm it pr.gms4erf. 1 alwisys 4'x-
jweta.d that the United Staten would
iuvaaiou of her therishwl rights,
2. 'rhe parsed mifortunate Wel iu
the tide of affail•r is a met -lour 1tenhl'r
to the (pompe' of lasawl'laliNlll and a
rude iuternaptiou N. our widen visions
of a " 'ted Kwpire."
Thee ds great datlger through
t1 nluwrntIry irritation of an 1'a-
11 rineht Iwtwern Canada and the
M er Country, ale/ that the hither-
to friendly relations 1411101sg batwe'rn
taw Iklwinkm and the ['sited States
will lar• r s,1'1(,'ailled that It will be
,shute time before that cordial f'ieud-
rhip can he resurnrtl.withlut painfll
interruptions lir titint1llu.ratarldlllgald
d I,G.INI,
4. Meet Canadians will lymptthirx
the l':\IIaN11M11 clip' tM who re-
flood to sign the aw.rt.
1 will mond% add in doming that but
fur the diw•useryof gold in the Yukon
thin tr'uultle woukt never have al•ilreu
a11d the 11N1iieel ..f llvwl and Skagtsav
never been heard of. Hut 4411.4' it has
ariawu and the Alaska e 'ado,'
ting merely as r "c •t of intrt•Ilteta-
tion" has rendered its Heal decimal in
reganl tit the meaning of all obscure
treaty, we call only may :
(a). We prat 114) a strong fight,
!h) '.Ve rams out of it around 1N•sr
(Ito. U.INtra..
Morgan- Dalton,
n ` Mae.. AMf1Nd Township •
11. ilil'N'rl• to your retitled for 111)
braes 461 the Alaska boundary 11r-
ri+ion, I will say that after e11tt,idrr-
ing 1114' different Isha\sra of the affair,
4ar•tiellarl ' the action 11f Lunt Alter
.alone, I believe the M4Ma1.•1' 1'anwla has
a right to have full .'..111114,1 (d M. 'Lir
'eg.4i*Buns In the future the 'kite'
it will Iw fur l'a 11,a(IINII,,
-W. J. R. Holmes, M. D.,
County Treasurer.
Ai 1 understand it, this leiestion
wan to ,w submitted to six impartial
jlll•$44IM of repute, 1111're of wh11111 5Yew
to Ire »ppolintwl by 1/11,' united Staten,
1 think the Carnelian lian (iovernlnrnt
should ha VY Behind to accept ad.
impartial Pirates the ptl.eibM n lwtwl
by the United States, but they N•(M4
accepted. and a decision given, null it
i4 row' the duty of the Canadian
�wople to acr(•pt that derision grate-
nllr. Ki4Rhlt( cannot (lo any
gond ; Iiesill •n, it downs out Appetit. to
'1e that we have any gars) gr 1 fur
(irking, %r•i,n, that the nue mut 1111
the a '4,aon who Inure than x11) of
the others filled the hill as an inl-
puu•ti:d'jnrist of reptile, 1 Mean $wad
Alert -atone. favored the United. States
runtellt• as against out's. -
NY. .1. H. Mathes.
William Lane,
County gawk.
understand that all parties to the
bargain agreed tt appYtlllt jlll'14ts s.1.
would give a judicial Hiding. The
United States broke faith in this r• -
apses. Hritaiii hurl 11111:ub1 sh11udd
hnvr a'•tet1 toge•ther ;laid r•fusiel G1
singer(' 1114,1,-,' 11).•41• .ire til lr(•N.
It dares 44(x•'1 that the 411lmtion14 Iwfolw
fJIN (' '.1M1o►l. t', Weir set(1(rl 114.1 ill
Iefrr•tlrt• to w•1uu is justice. but to
please 4) Ihr bullying attiUalr.11f the
States. Fur 'one 1 must w4y.
We an 1 'anxdiait. rxnno) Ant give cre-
de•nrr to statl•w.•nit, mettle by ..sir rulu-
mis*iunrn( and loading In441, Nod run-
'•hMl.• if psrsihlr 1.. Itis.' full lv'nhlrt
1111 Our iwirl 41( Inch gulatdun* that
Dass' aid.' ill the (onlay, N'. 1..►Ntt.
Alex. Saunders,
President ooder.M toard o1 Trade.
11, Iit* .'1,r• at thin tong.. 10 platy
Inyar)f on leelle/I in regard to the jns-
tire of the detisinn in the Alaska
1,, !are award,
It appears( to tile that oar fault lien
:1) the d1N,r of England:' 54110 wady
the !Witty. in the first place, Anil ap-
pointed Iuryey..r, to define the line.. of
dralAr•.a t ion, and 1 pteltllnlr Upon their
r•4kn•t Lord Alver,tone gave his ds•-
1•ition. 1 think that, while ('anwl4
should Maud by Mr,,A I*sW(llth.till
Mir 1e11ns Jr* le. still t14) hasty 111 opin-
ion `should 11461 lie flaytlel ill tile• 1411-
utf :1 statement foam Lord Als•er-
4tom'. Prima a canna] look 1t 1hr
i,Lnd' iod1111de. At the t1) of the
Portland :('ha •1, it 4triken me that
Canada hat in Peat•te Anil N'alrn
inland.. Hat. 'better position as regards
fortification Nod ei.wt def.•n.r, Mhould
Meet 4lmpwm prove lw the let
.d the 14ralnil Tntnk PArifk- Railway.
England is certainly tt 111nm4' do a4w-
repting men of such prim mei opin-
ions An arbitrator.. who, in*tr,ul of
judging impart11(11)•, mule it Itlrit
business to get all they ...mild.
It,.h.tild be a natter of c'.mgrntlLa-
inou that the aliillter IOW 164,41 nettled
4411 e•+wily I. peat -ern! arbitration ha-
ste/0.4 war. 1 therm. the time will
never r • when Any other kite! of
Weir than rort,111rr'int war ail! le. var-
ied 1111 het%evil the 1'5)1(1141 State%a11(1
nkda. if W.. have leen improperly
11 ding islands which hel..uged to our
nen Reser, let 11A hand them back w-ilh
di)ln . I do 'hot approve of the jin-
goism of either x B.111110m► •.r A (i
ley, hu an, rather n fi.11(Iwer ..t filed.
stole an Bright in their "peace Willi
honor" ph turns. y,
Al,Ex. MAUNDY:11W:
1.0 04 Saint -11a eyeliog
Var,te net it flew the veterans /or
whorl he !wetted binds while in
Algorin r et•n.tly. in the ,rg'nd jlla'
'Nall .11 the wAl•t hull I Ihr,a('ulunryl
.tad ►naps ttt thli di,itriet with hint and
gave a minute diwritlt m of the
variorum ..Arch loos he bait n d.. Mose
of the (Ands are in the to 'whip of
Haughton. thr.ruglr a.hi.h he snr-
veyetl line of the AIg Plat. I toms,
and Col. Wert* stir. he took p all
ihr land available for tht• vete fin'
grants on either side of the Enda. Y.
The lend at Had sight he said w•..1,
weer' very looms pallet with Huron,
1)'t several Huronitram whoa he nh•t
who lied) leen in that distric,'t for ^bon!
x encore of years would not think of re-
learning. N'h11.• Ihr bull appeared
untidy on top d was ole -ey below and
held the 1414,1,',' w.'I 1, This was pro iri.
. Ached &So
ress Goods, Suitings and
A juvenile lodge of the Sons of
F:ughtnd is Making pa..ggrems tuw*nJ*
urg(u,ixatiuu itt town: I( in expected
thud the iuitintury cul+ling will be
ilrk1 un Nov. 11th. The •new lodge
will -take Tit hiiy.'t,'on nye' to eighteen
seats, and 51)1 Ire under the paternal
(sure of Liverpool Lodge, No, 1411, N. 0,
Take cold easily? Throat
tender? Luigi weak? Amy
relatives have consumption?
Then a cough mesas a great
deal to you. Follow your
doctor's advice end take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It
heals, strengthens, prevents.
►or • rows 1 rice *woo? so
ch..rl rasters! ter a to
ka.tr Ir 1'YI iw11a.ii. wale 1
i4.. f. A. auwaaor, Mas., 5114*,
sx..we_Rs- a.c.
•1 for
Wcak Lunos
Ayer'e $ Increase She aactly
IM Nem. and thud' Alla roe*
II -4 .4 lig i 1- 1 G
Upper Lake Steams•
hips "Alberta,"
"Athabasca" and "Manitoba" will leave
Owen Sound about 1.30 p. ,n. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and Saturdays for
Sault Ste.'Marie, Fort William. Con-
nection for Winnipeg, Calgary, Banff
and North Pacific Coast Points, \• -
DA/LY Transcontinental Serviq
leaves Toronto at 1.45 p. m., via North
Say, for Winnipeg, Vancouver and
Pacific Coast Points. ,
- A..t't.,u1 I.. -alai 1'. .,A, , 4geat,
I.. al *Ke oil 1,,„1e. 1,
We are determined to clear
out our stock of Walt Paper
this fall, and have some
tempting Ihl'ilsteM t(, Offer.
Outing July' and Angus. w•4. offered
25 per rent. (ff. q'e now offer unr-•
thins off, or :41) per rent. What • dorsa
that mean? .411st this -
Z's' ['maw for lg r per roll.
3114. • 13 r
la• •' hl ,e
Ilk• •, % , 7 w ..
(L. it i•l 4
4.r• •• lei 3) •.
'Borders troll Ie per yard to
l(er Orr yard.
We have opened in stock this week a shipment
ot, highest class west of England Cheviot and Venet-
ian ladies' suitings in hlI desirable colors and black
58 inches 'wide, velvet finish, durable and in good
heavy weight, sufficient to make without linin
Value regularly would be $2.00: special, at per yard,
..i, $1.450
Ihwss gINM1N in lute of the most plowing granite weaves in hl¢h char
(hewn Material nut for this w•al,Nlll, C0111114 ill In,rliuua weight, 44(�Ii iuohr4
wide, and has ,111 ,Ip'p eitashler superior to Pratt 115 Sol inlhin, In five
lit len. 5V.. ,,e showing it ', at is•. yard, Tie, *1.414), *1.22.5, 91,:511
and $1.73.
Japanese Rags
IMI unh' Jtl aha. matting rusts. 411•
))1,'.l euah1 of ntattingr, will filltrhid,
being mnmlfau•lutwre notate of muddiest
and pekes were from Me to 751.1 yartl,
in Iwautiful Ilriental creations anti
idwltt. N,• open the lot Matrtwlay
utu11,ing And plat 1. ..n lame at Valli 1:4.'.
:1111 yitrtle vtlra, :MI i11rhes wide,
heavy rau'tarta., splendid pat-
terns and 4.o 0114 :U1il teye•Mih1K 1t'-
Iiar Me » r
1. `u
ernial. � For two l days '
wale at per yard my1 n
Dress Silks w
VII yids duly, of black Flrnch liar
I)e toil deem* silks, 11Mv)?' Wright, wear
gstarxnt.•(d. lirillient finish, Z( 'riches
with% Iti•gl'bla• (Ohne •.,•'8, at per
yard 1CM•-
q',- invite rally hIape.tingl of our hors for the w•awol, now all for-
ladies; Astrachan jatrketli'tJi31,141 to $4s.(in.
Ratite w'arfe. wart" %. art-. minx w•arfn, caperines in all different
ele'N furs. of all Li1111,
One came of Hannelettes, light and
!lark culilt'l, in all wAt of good pat.
terns, a goad heavy ((1vility and .Nt to
31 inches wide, regular priest' t' dr• and
Ile it yard, one gr'i"41 table of then):'
Sat lmfav ,old M11nday, at de.
Sateens and Prints.
11411 yams Flwnch ...Jeer' and Eng
hell Iola. laud .1 ' lues, .(2 inicht*. wi,1N\
and m it great shone of )w ttarn,, war-
ranted f,wt colors. I'rilraa regnler
12¢. to 'Jae, for the Patterns, aiPatt one ..
sale psi..• Ilk,.
Women's Vets and
:111 (darn ladies verde and drawer's.,
boys wither weight. Ribbed merino
vests, button f.mt», finiahrII with
edge. Ihnwrn. ankle AwtO4 to mooch,
six,•e• J4 t..31.4 bast, Mpx'1•iltl at per gar-
ment v;..
ward its .t,N•k.
W. Acheson BSc
'PHONE 711.
Shoes lar , the Leaders,
da. of shoes trying to Ite
awl mit- shoe far n1'1 r
laterIeFl all la he114 ill Vol • of
vtlem. there is Kiss! reasie
for it.
TUN ii•M• while is "Qlleell
40Alify." Ire male, are more
than (1.mble the melte. of tiny
other .114140. I 1 (Isn't
he 110111111W of since
other sh.we 'ern* the
same. It is simplYsktriemph
"queen Qtytlity- is retog-
nine(' an the letuier in style.
It leads ; ()therm follow. It
Et"' 1. sets t he style. If yogi wenr "t1hie..n Qvuslity,- yial
,11, V41111 the leorters raahion.
10414:R It' H
It is wilful ex traviii{ance to buy cheap
Iseal made clothing
are t Ones when small wants' will decide for or wgainmt
At such t Ones 1 he quesition of appearance la Aiwa's.* hound
to me up. Let aim take care of your appearance.
4 1
Clothing' 1 hitt is of the c llllll non run firings no prestige
‘Ve are prOnd to any that our goods have lieellrerPflir 1101
the pomition We occupy, en loaders ita our
The Twentieth Century Hrand of Clothing is five very
beat mole in Cameie.
Isktrie but fine tailors employed hy thia firm.
Tim goods, are good, the linings ate eon& the
retain their shape.
We will ho. pleamed show you them grtndll.
nothing to look. you'll nave Itionny hy boying.
Made ill viv160.11-11. l'hev irate, haseeere anti
frieze l'riees $11.01 to 11111.111)