HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-22, Page 8.It g ru0hsu.r, Oct. 22, '1 Jps THE KIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. 4 DEEPER CUT IN PR/CES There is no delaying for the usual after season clearing sale, for Treater reductions will prevail now than you could possible profit by waiting. Values herewith for this week are bound to give 'a wider ac- gtrintance among saving folk, for its a s gnally sea- sonable reduction sale. _ Clearly it's yea mistake if you fail to come We begin with the Jack- . ets Not • .,,f.' the hundred or, More • hanld.Itnlllip-lo-(l:ite gi(Ian.ntn es- 6111en 4110 041 in p164. . 11106.'0 jnnt thin aINnit il. 1110 •shirk is going to 1w• rr•- 'kn.el and we inch.. etery 11•01114•11 111 t11i1 rill1 tttt ltd it y wenn Ilan 111e remotest idea of Snaking a cloak' purchase thin 1.,.tS1111 to 4 • Regular $12.1111 jackets going at $1i„AI Regular $111.1111 •, $.11,1111 HHCgul:al• $S I44 $11.111 Firs Sacrificed_ \1'e mean It. every word. The st.M•k hint been (*tefully gone" through. every article of for in i1 ha. been rr- dwvsl in price. There's mild» 11ooney waving i111iN.1•4,1ue 141 Minn .'. Isn't thin vl fir opp.n•tnnila• 7 ` It Bits the Men's Goods and Hits them Hard A44 Linc. Ili men's g.xxdn go under the knife. men'. suite. lady, MtuuM, trier(.,cally, hats. +shirts. Prices talk hoer, with no 111111.1"6611 1401.11111. 4'001.• lu mN and sive nmn4v on ally w14111. rue men or boy's. Shirting Bargains 1:est fast black and h}tie American shirting. regular 15e.line. fi.141r. Hest heavy plaid Ha •Irl G. shirting in assorted colors. regular d2}c for ills t. Iil.41 heavy, wide prints, ilsnavyn, trdN, pinks. 4,Iarke:r,11 'white 'tailors, regular I'244 print. for 1111'. Eine an inrh-tailored Hnmli•lette, i, pitlk :11141 blur stripes. the 11•gular 12. - line. for lite. FINE MILLINERY AT REASONABLE PRICES is the demand of the hour and the BIG STORE is ready to satisfy the de- mand. Such a display of fine hats was never before seen in Goderich. Come and view our styles. Smith Bros. & Co. HIGH COURT JURY SITTINGS. F:. 1.. Mckinnon forlhflpl.l44nt.. 11 11'.stCott 'v.'Pert11 \hllnal.F'i'r In• QaeN-BeforeChNfJ.ilaicefahonbr.d4e This 14m•:ance ('o.n4.a,lly.---All :'(•tion 1,11 A • weer. tire lnmut•.nue 11.li4.1", Ihr.ud(1N.t` A Hays for• plaintiff. O. O. Alef'l. i -..m. K. l'.. f0r'Iiefendall.I . - Judgment b5 emiseIt for 4dalinlif for *Lill. mods party to‘pny Owls. own costs. 4 4HI4h I v Freeman. \n action 4,,,. las itch of ptntlliwi of Matt ing.•.. H. M. H,.y. for plaintiff. l%1ti. Proud - foot. h. 4'.. for defendant. After be- (10 .r1 6, i14. Ifi4 i..yn(1arirs of bred. 411 ing out for Ileitrly half 41111 bun/A110 The ant sittings of the High 1'„pl1 1111.1101 /um Tuesday •Hing Iw•t,.ne 4'hief Jird ice F:al'o111.134INK. ill placr\tf Just ire Britten. who had been 114el t1, hold the v 01111. After .. half hn(it 14604011 4111' 1 t tu14.1111n191 611 11114. :aflp'•nl1lir. 1'4.ung v 1"o.rng 441 art hal to th, tuw)lshipi n 1'oIINn•n.. Pilul, jury brought in is verlii•t for Slott MI•nger for pl:rintilf. 11'nt 1'nnx1f.n11, •swag.%. Htn lu11lslup 1w•alrl Al K. l'.. for .Mental t. 111. Meager pLlit" itf 411111.4"• • on... -.111.,1,. --Tr.... i trial: A ..11.....1 St. pia en v. (:s. re. i...)/ An ir•ti..n IwlAnf f,Nd vont 111. Trial 1011 off nn applied- 111 1110116.1' the pmr(Ihow liey (1f the Ciel of. plaintiff until Ih, •ja))•. gaol.o1ftN1 444(4x1( in an 1,o1,•I in the s1ttings in November next. The cont. village of 13. vfirld. 11111. 1'r1Idh1.t. n r NiLE CHURCH OPENING. Great Throngs Attend the Various Services. ' Ded,c4lion Service Performed by the President of the London Conference S,ceeNnal Entertainment Monday Evening Every Cent 0? the Coal of the Handsome Church Pro- vide.) for. • The beautiful urs honor of worship which loan I•en building during the for the Mrlh,shmt etaigrl•igfa- lion at Nle war opened last Sunday limier' et a(I'p1111O11$ rlrettinstaa14(11. 1'11,• various services of the day were ateell txi hy-Ift1aLlllinmgs tapgntT:ntly- the whole ealntryside want waiting to juin with the congregation in the celebration Of file slerendful c 44064/11 of their great effort. The. pres'en(•e of the president- of the Lon-. (t.ni corft•reur(•gn•r tabled prestige' to the occasion, and neighl..ling 1111114A - ter, "I'r l4 their hearty a.Mnttal„'e iu the prtwe'dings, FinllDl•ially Nino the °evaasion was crowned with success, KWH(ient kiting r44i1w1 to ,wet the balance of the trust of building not already pr.%ide1 for. UNUIC.l.TI(IN 8NHY1('K. Thr del1.ation nervier talk place -al. 10::N1 o'clock on M lay morning. R.' . Jasper Wilson. MA.. of Ridge - town. plemident of 1141 London ('4m- ferrteer, officiating. Every seal in the (.141111.14 was occupied, the aisles were filled and urn14' 14(x11 at 4he• door. ways and ,•Isrw•here. Atte: • the usual d4voliuna l exercises, in which Rev. C. 1'. Koine, of 1Vhite•hurt-h. Rev. T. 13. 1'oulliltnd, of. Auburn, and Rev. J. W. Robinson, of Dungannon, took part. Rev. Jasper Wilson delivered the sermon. taking HS his text the filet, s•cwl(1 4411(1 third verses of the eighty. Seventh psalm : His foundation is in the holy Lnomntains, • • ,'11441 Lord loveth the gates of Zion nlnft• than all the dwellings of Jacob. Uloriums things are 144Mo41.14 of they. 4) city ,of (iis1. 1 441 pre44chrr douched upon , the h .:dory of the.•hlu•ch of God, its de- b.•lopulemt as au organized sot•iet)' of (4.144 'swop's. *baits value as 11 ruddy' ing place for Worship and Our mutual 4 mel aril encouragement. The church had it sone f•Mmdwtion in God's r .ven44nt of protection. I'ubl44' WJr- 1.11ip'Wan 44 necessity. Hume religion wit. good, Ind It cook! not be 14 substi- tute for the uniti'.I and heart.). worship 1 of the-ai+.w•whled congreg1- 14un. Those whtl a-to.hippel • week rafter week lit the wort. Of the Lord were 1h.• L' that dor loved. and bl"4'inl;1 and' joys would. Ix their. w 1ilcli they 001lld 1140%1101V else 1.4.0011 1.. It was God's pirawu.r Adonis. $$i.IN1 :.lohn'. 11,14t Ili. chore's should` Ix• fiedlinllyd l(ie 11•4 • tihrp4wnl. $14 111 after His own I barmier, hal)• and ernlr 1lhepplual, $1 . without blemish. 11 Slight be that lint. $i.l)1; Jnu1r1 Kirk thele wile tholse within it whose lives J.nt. lilliot ,jean $•i.$44 'IMI• Jitr. rl3ridr i. and ch44i•a('Irls were not consistent =a'v wits) this i•om.eptiun of the ehu►.'h, Stewart. $... but ultimately these must either 1e $I.IMI : K:•v. S, N. 11'hnlry, 1.1 drawn 1.. the truth•ur sifted out am oar' Sheppard,. .111) ; John \Vi unw'fo -thy us the glorious thing. prom- 1 $1* 111 ; Nelson • r44hatn, IF- MI iw•d to the church. The preacher Insula. $,1.1111 ; A. . Robinson. spoke (.f lir - glorious work of the Mr.. P W. Jervis, ' .IMI ; 0. J. ch1111•h in the t•e•laiulillg of x)41144 441441 fo1•(1. 8.1.(11; Joseph 'assidy, the hl•hlgiQig of degraded' nations till A. J. ClMsper, $I.iKl 'has. Mel enlighfrlrlwnt. The plrltnbw•s for the ilo,alll; 4'13x. Elliott, $,. ); Mrs.. fnt1iie were that the chu11-41 ,hunl41-•1'aylor, ,i*2.4): \\'ul. . r1\'hinn have alight) aehievrmrnt4, her glory *.).(Ni brightening, her power inrleariiup(. The rullectiuns on Snullnya. uountet her influence extending until the 111 .8141.51 a1)41 the, ptrs•wS1t of the it:114nnm.should Yield, to hist might. 111 "111Iwrvande1lrrtainulrnt were rJl' 1si,511. coi4,t•Iua(1n 44n''•41ritert in 11N'at avas The tolAl 'i,*t of the (inn h wax ,•x41' 1416i 40 1 thn1,. Who heated the $4,I1tt.o1), and the eeeeipt1 (111 lthr plen114mr• to juin eh,•u►selves With the bniidinge ford w(rr $4,41444.91. Iraviitg chms•Il. a Ial»m•e 11f !42 (w14i1 (o the glNxl. After the sermon the presentation The pNastor and the building ,•um - of the rdiflee t the official Iwai of wilt',' wish to extend 4lwir thank., Mt. conference tank plan, in Glkrh through the metlimu of The Signal, to th.rrof 411r`Int,„o*•t-•, of 1144 (411strr 4411 who tiN.k pall in -the SN)114(th s.•r 1f ntatrTh.' riersaztrt1Tr-wort-pf1<t•1,'dtfr s of -Mean J1i.1>!•r 1Vi Fodlow41)44 4111. 4414. (IIIY (5(•1141144, fnnlall r*lell4.iny of Ilerl4(•atiuu 4514.1 NRET 11•Nn LA'S %Envier11. observed. the prekidrnt of the run- Next Mnbleoh there will 1s.• It, fer.n(rufffriatin,( and the parlor of regular nervier in the t the gift of Wm. Doheny, of Clinton, of the organ which wax used for the Hist time 111 Monday. Al the eine elun4,u of Mr. lielheriugtuu's remarks a voty of thanks to A1r, Ih•ha•rty was pa14r(1. and R. Holmes, 11. P.. was calle(111pon to reply, Mr. LAsherty not Iwilig present. Mr. Holmes performed the duty 111 A hnal.py manner and went on to congratulate the cuugregation on hit own account upon the building of ss Hue an edifier. The other ad• (tremor. were ills(( in -a cungratulatarry 4,044). fetes cif thanks were gamed to the •sp1•aker1 and others who had assisted in the pi()grain, to the (butra(•turs and workulen upon the church, to the ladies of the congregation for their services 111 connect' with the supper, and to lite Dungamunn choir for LIieir toeistaure gll,.the`Jahlath. _ -----. . RF4: T O, Yellataf, of Renmater. W*$ among the clergymen present. THE Ml'i I.UINU. The new churetl, which is called the Susannah Wesley \le,uurial (loos h, after nue of the honored figures 'in Meth,'44I it. is of 1141 brick, with it fuundatiun of VY1110111 bl.o•ks, The dimensions *1e 5 2 by :341 feet, with it choir Motive ten feet deep. The aldi- turitun halts a sating c,a4Macit)• of at41, and there is 14 r shouts !statement, The building in well Htlishetl through - 0111. The auditor' has a hands metal .wiling of blur tint, harmoniz- ing well with the whirr wall Splendid light iv provided h)• ace!i•lene g,nt, '1 be org,4u, as *Ileal"). stated, was (e11tl•ilolltel by Mr. Doherty, of Clinton. -The building c ' tee wear'' (om1- 4444114 of K. M&IIw ' f 'secretary : Samuel Sheppard, treasurer : Chas. liirvin. 14Vni. kindle and Henry Ihdd, who with.the plaster, Rev. M. J. \\'il- son, B.A., hay' git•rm sptrudid services In the prosecution of the work. The contractors were Buchanan. A 1.ny- s/n, of litiderich, for the cturpenter and 10111 work, and Ile). Slolhel•s, of Dungannon, for the brick and warm work. Thr. ht was iistallei by for St, Thunu(s A etylene ('u. ; the swat* were furuish(r1 b)• the (lobe (•o,,, IVa critille; the 'furnace b)• I). C. Tay!, r, I.ucknow, and the veiling tn' the P1lrslou Metx1141 t', o. I'he linreh is Millie site of the old one bui thirty-five years ago, and it is worth .1 remark that three of the present t 'tees. lohn ('ant4•lon. John Tiffin "lit `luon,'I Pentland, Well members a he• tillnt"4' bone! whin the old shut WAS 111111 . T' FINaN(•Es- faun• esfweialh' pleasant trature in cootie ti writ hr opt -Mott uf the 4hnlr h in that t i e4 of building has been e,tireh' pr v, rid for. Several aal,1itionx7 mathserii it is new revr•ivetl tin Momlty rvrnll lir f,,low', : H, H191ws.• 11. P.. $ ...t : Mi -s. 11. low. $L5.IMI ; Alias ('ath- J:llt•s El- k, :•i.IN)•,l n Uri4hanl, 4'parles Rc 44nsm, 1,111, 82 ); 'nL 4.11 )u All t 1 1(1•. 10. of the day 4o defendn10 `tn any .5rnt. K. 1'., fun p1 ' 141T..4. O. Mtanhury fol. .1/1111.ton v. King el aft, 4,,.1.144,, ,I,frnd:u,1. tial 44(1414slntd till the for •b',•laral4nn of )1artnh r.44ip tlh- next -jury Sift ngN, n. t1tIP of ,ntion withr•frn•nrr to M4.rN•r, .I.. plaintiffs witnesses wit. unable. UI he '. ul(.,•y fur phi inliN. nick i,u.41141 111111..., lit 4\In.. Uier•n,.lad., tool het of i: Tow for IIu d.f.nl:utlri. T is i•nw• ,I.ferdnnt I. Coal. of day 111 1N• Arab. ('l, eel till.' v111,10 nfl.nuu, on 411 ('atLw• . 1y and the evidence was mfr •u,- Burl v. Kunt•r. Net for se100- ry that at 4144 conrinr'uq I>ti+ lion. 1.. E. Ihmelov for pini,)iW, M. Ill•f(•rlrrl4tr g judgment It. .luhnsloll for diefenda nt. Settl•sl (111t of 001111. ur To. t Irani,• 11/1111S10i,ntil'he ti Th. 111.014'h4,5;a.jla 114 t of he Kin • defend:Mts. hing.,41; • lat hey were vel. • own .- 1•1".2`the pryilg•t•ty I Wing in Mr.. King. 'silt elmnnte'Irlt 1. al. stun, 1:I rills 0 1111 411 ns w'lll•1e•71ri 1. 14(1411, the it (1111)0 . rhos. Jolt •tnca.hip 411 lla4'i11(1 b. de MI-. and A alar. ('awry v,I'n°''r.-- ti •faction for el:1drr, 1\'. )udf/N K. ('.. fol ,`plat lilt. K. 1..1)ick4n5M 41111 6. A..4. "raw • for defendant. Th defendant. Rich. 'Wry. itap meal+.. n .4e staff. r,wnW t 1 n dog of him had •en 41n4 1141 plain 'R. Alts. 1li.•),a.•I 'Jitney. W Irish 1191 , n Initllrnw0 d'rennl and the onion w M trik,d 411 6(140,41114 (141. 1,x14 6040 5.11. 4n041 1144,111' al )11'4'. '1'l1.• ,jar)• 4{,• lnjt for 1 .aril• (half a hour .and. 44')m •'fig. gave a4 5411)i. -t , for olnmlif'nufl i'i damages, I14. Inrd.hip nl.o 441-14141 1 the full costs of 1Ile nrtioutl,flit. pl-o ,'[f. • l'arson { !Ailed }-Anrtlo n for speed per(' tmanrall n agoinrt the ,xeento1.,of n ill a s•rvjww rendered the testator. .1111 nilit for $2.,/ dlII IN' hell 1 1, I• 1 n! 1 { d (mirth 1 11 n I `tried for plaint iff,.44ill' fall 01 111. 410- (01141111164* reel. 4o Ire 1 hl mit f the astute. Anson S.:potion rot p,.lilllitf. Thre" 04(M,'» lire to len tried yrs, but I e r t will =plolI461% IN' (Ii110'414I \ Hotel Rates Reduced,\, The Q1.en's 111,1''1. '1 )rontu. Amer •' Call pino 16411 $2..111 per day. with batl) 11• 1443.14) pet -Slay. Two Great Papers for One Dollar. A f.5 y(at•t Ago) n Ilullar weekly was larked diNm We 11 111411"611hrl r•111411"611) of r►pn.ns. NOW Are are ,Trailed to offer two paper. for That small mond. liy14pr(ial '1411141 exelusiv..i,•t•Angeinenl with The Montreal %Vei•kly Ile1Rld, we offer it lid '111. Signal Cor • year. for one dl:n. T1s off.•)• is sovietriuselinnr•ily ern Mar it 1huul, 1m• taken Havant - /1' by every man, wlnmin And ('114111 ti ,rad. The Signal is 1 he 'taper of thin di,tri,f. 4'111• n paper far the home and the news of the world. 111(1) a 1(114114 Of .nlrrin` ' K tea411iu44. The Iwo pntlr .. 31 1414(1) n pn•iee. make nn -inr•.islilel4 •ulnhiwlt 4un. 5 3 111 11111 1.11 1'1'1 1 1 I f The 111• 114141 'R 1 1•' I II1N 1111 1 Hl 1. ti • li I 1 :Igr• w h. Mg foe 1 HornI,1ii farm. gip 1 tttttt tttm►ttmtttttt► mtttmmttt Os - f Two\ BigValue.s l (lot by Close Buying E E EIi -INCH LEATHER\IFADSTALLS, E E E 1 1u1uii1ia1i1ulUlu11uta iii iii iiiiU111im a PIULESKIN MITTS, 25c a McKenzie (Sc Howell The Place to Huy all Hardware Cheap Ill e g{ In the 4.11nn41, 1616 '44\J. 1Vilsul, 13. A„ the ahem/ Nm, at '2: 1) li,I,''k, titre taking part. \ will he n Sunday 'whom, tally, and in AFTF:HX41)N..,0"U K4' v1Nli MF: n-weM. (le e5(ni11g tllelr• will he 44 sermon hr Further art-v,i'iN we; held at 9:311 the pastor tithe Mt tt IAL w•hIN I Hud 7 o'clock p. in., and both after- n.mm 111111 eVr14ing the '-n'e'gations' PERSONAL MENTION. were ss large that it was necessary to hull ov't•How- m)raituts in the 'base. Bert. Jngdwy, of Strattllyd, is hnmh• writ of the chinch. the• Nflerruon fur x eislt. .,` a baptismal nervier w*. -he14, fnnu• (i19dfrey.Hnit, H, A., was up vomit infant .1 Ieeeiving file rite lit the bands Totrmto over Sunday. of 111. 444(141111. Rev, i :nt4wl• Vel•Innn 14 Mclean went to Toronto on rich: pn•arhed in the aotditan•iutu '4f Monday d antsi+ting Kry fir Uani01 of Molle- M 1 ill n lad of cattle, 1 the lehnn h and Rev. T. K. ('ouplan Piss 1Nra Merman, ,.f Bntfonl, !Item of Auburn, downst*i,s: In the erne Thanksgiving with her minter. ing Rev. Jasper Wilson again d.•.\ Miss I. Stra.han, 1,f H/dgentiBro,.'• ironed 14 powerful sermon, and Rev, (4inton, was iu town -over Monday. Rubinson, of 1►rngann(I, $ (3. Cameron, K. 4'., M. P. P„ 4. ached to those assembled in the in nnlreal and Ottawa this week. Sams Krv, ,1, 1.,' ..11411.'•... AIrA. 4'. R. Cooper, of Toronto. spent n, ii% IMI.rl at this service. Th44nkegiving with (ivller,, h friend.. brisket service docilep( the da) Miss Hattie , •Ilrnt. The r oit• of the `rs w+ I1hh, rhe rent .•x hHarrison. of Norwich. lunch 4 rimmed phi. duly At the "p.'11t Tia k.giv,ng at her home herr. (ming at d afternoon'•rvirl•s, being 1141. and'Mls, 1). ('14ntelyn Wert' Ai ritrd 4n(h4 anrrnlwnl by Minn Mc- Toronto and Hamilton the. past week. Vittl.'atttl M Tyndal. In the even - ng the thing mon lelhlrlist choir ,N.k ch4lt• a oft r music 1lp4tail. and N' .••.' n' ov • n h.,1 h IrAt t r overflow w mWtin K 11 the hnin•mlent. .; I1 \ • INi TIM M .\ •T).iY Tt1 ta:. . v i l 1 M RA]/. 011 Moneliy 'venin the ofwning celebration was ry)lelit 1 with a fowl supper mill ent.rlainln t. From early in the evening t. JHA1140 411/4•11,011 from 1111 (irechunti, nithome in. rhnt'gl• of the -.tipper arrangements were taxed to the Minitel in haling the great throng. Thr huh....0 the• 'o,gregitiun haul made .xcrllent .- v.i ' , and there W,.s 44 110111ltlf111 11p- lsh of Ow good things of the ta11(14. 11.•1(14.' w(n•k wan performed in the serving of the hungry ones, but finally rv.•t•ynllP had had a good *upper and. wait ready for the entertainment. S) gnat nem. the crowd that after the auditorium) had Iw(n till4d1 to the Inst inch the Iamement was :dill full, and it w•a4,d19•ided that the program should lie given in ehlpliemte. Over eight h11ndt+rd people paid the 44(1mis.lnn fee. and the t1,te1 nit.•nd44ne4 could 1114 1011 1. 11.411 h 1hnrt of nine hundred. - John \Vilf(tld. of Myth, was chairman of the main gathering and ,lames 114t,hrll, of (io*l.ri-h, dia..' 011444.44(11 Kindler ditties do11•nrtairs. 11.,nr.441•nu4 in,Indw er1 •Leelln,, by Ow Nile ch1i1• : 514.141 nrl(a by Mies %.Vitl11', of (II 41w•ich, and Mas Pat' teriiah, of Auburn, and duets by the M,.nts. Tyndal : sehrtinwa by the Nile or.hr+tra, eomp(nrd of Mira. R. M(.Ilwnit1, Mn. M..1. Wilson, Minn .1, Sit .w44rt, Isr1111. Iletherington And Thos. Elliott : recitation"' by I1.v. J. 1. Mnlall 4411(1 Mos" Annie l'nupl*t)1, of Alln,•n : mod n41.r,sn•h by the rhairusen, ,l,nseph Hetherington, Rohl. Holmes.. Al. P., 14.5. .1(aspw'r ilson Kes.. M. N. Whaley, of St., Helena. anti RPS. 1)r. (ittgily, of \Vinghanl. Mr,. Nettielingloh *poke for the t boatel, giving credit to the latli.lt the enngregnfinn for originat.inR the building project. And rendering a tribute to the fmutor and bnlMfing (ommift,•e for their lahorn in tarryinpg the project to au attereasf1r1 a coin - Mellon. He fiknAe vii the bhankn ,If the trustee,' to all who hail given their a seintan(e, and nl(Inthttted especially Mrs. H. .1. Horton, of Smolt Ste, Maria, Ont,; ie ' visiting n•lttiVeM 411 town. Mr. and Met. Lang, of 1Wo.dstoek. w•et1• the guests _(f Mts. Heck Ihr puttw,rk, Mr. Bennett ham returned to Toledo after 14 vista at the residence Wells. MeV. W. D. Magee left on Monday to attend m Baptist Convention\at. 1Dw114 St I. Richard Ti,hbnrne, of Brattaind, Wall Paper Sale Continues to Bid of October 25 PERCENT. CASH DISCOUNT. 1'leaving Mole• 0f all Tines of wall paper in Nt.wk. 25'. rash discnnnt. Itemrnilrr. in under to get the atlstre di'r*1nt, 'wiper timid be paid for lit time of No 414lnlple rolls given out during 11'olI Paper sale. NORDHE4MER P}ANOR. Phone 10)13. 6E0. PORTER Importer lit Fine N'sll ___ Fnfwts I was In town from Wednesday till Monday, Mlle M. H. Nuftel hi up forts To- ronto ou a visit to relatives, Miss Ida Van Slolw, after s very serious jlhtrra, returned to Buffalo on '1'ursds4. , Mrs. John Stewart and daughter, Miss(1r'ace, visited to Toronto during the Week. W. E. Mill, of Norwich, formerly of Beilnillrr, spent Thanksgiving at the old honor, Manager Saunders of the oau ruulpaly went to Toronto peewit,. iy un hrlm4,esx. MIs. Wm. Clifford, of Brantford, was spending Thanksgiving with friends in town. Mina- Mabel Johnston. was home faun St. Margaret's College, Toronto, for the holidays. John ThurIow, of Brantford, sent Thauksgiving holidays with his parents in town. Alias Edna Moore. of Stratf4 lid, was *'guest at 1411' .residence of J. Kelly during the week, • 1- Arch. Sands has returned from (llenex• and intends to 0ntkr his 1 at Saltfmd again. Miss Pearl Videan and Alias F41.10n4. 13ba(•kstumr visited friend.. 411 Seafotl41 7lank.igiviug.443. Meters. ('hml. 4111,1 ilarold Illnek- stone attended the assembly in ('Im,- tou Thanksgiving night. Mrs. A. Duff and Ming Eleanor \Valker visited friend.. in Clanton and Blyth on Thanksgiving Day. MI's. 1414',,,. Crooks and Mrs. H. Acheson. of Holuwsville, were (loth'. rich visitors n','r Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Mitton, of Hidgetown, were. visiting at the residence. of Jas. Yates and returned on Muudsa. Robert Stirling, Of, (lint 011, 541011t Thanksgiving Italy in town, the guest of his sister, Aft.. Mary Van Stone. Mr. and Mrs. 1w•thhridgr, of Olen - cot., wwlw vi.iliug their grands.,u, (ie,. 'fetidwidge, uvrr '111;wkagiciuK day. Jas., McPherson w44s home 11•)11( 4i,'aforth ucrr Sunday. Mr. MvPlier- s.Ml has charge of a broker's office in S*.ifurth, It. Holness Al. P., retm•nel hone tion. Ottawa last week, the *,' ion leidg ,early at an end. He was in town on Tu(•slay. Mr. and Mt.. H. M. Tyler, of North Tonawanda; spent ?several days i, town during the week visiting • their numerous friends. - Mins Mhxw. of Rodney, who ham Iwen viritMug her brother, Iter. Neil' Shaw, at Sraforth, spent .Several drys in town this week. Mr. and MIs, W. SVhalr, who weir, visiting Mr. Whit tiitepr, li.'og. (4reen, have refloated I- ntone. ('aunty of Welliigtnn. Kincaiomr Reporter: Mrs. Henry Collins end daughter Gertrude left for (i,derich last week, at which plater they pur4slw• remaining a 141014th. Have The Signal sent to your friends, Roots $3.75 Oxfords $3.00 Shoes ror Yee drew Irony, are the Leaders Behind every fact reason. firs 44. 1, When there are a 11u,1ti- Glde uf shoes trying to be w01.1, a441 our shoe far stir - pawed all (them 111 vol llllle of sales, thew Is a gaud reason for it. This one shoe In "Quern Qualit Its sales are more than double the sales of any other WOwen's shoe. It can't be because of price, since many other shows east the name. It b. simply a triuluph of Leadership, "Queen Quality" is recog- nized an the leader in style. It leads ; others follow, It originate* ; °therm copy. -- Everywhere it meta the style. If aeon wear "Quern Quality," you are with the leaders in fashion. ) 4 DOWNING & McVICAR MOl.h:.40 ENTS. (iODERICH NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. IAddltibnlil newt. of the dbtAct cm pate 7.1 COLSORNE. TVlteaAY, (let. dgth. Tu 1hr Editor of The Sign.1. DILAH Sol(, true tow•n.hjp fathers have )veru cottsidrrulg the *dvisg- hility $41 iwFn•ocMg mit roads 1111 Slruun,r( and now when the' tall r:i414s nue here they have let sr,•eral contrails for gr.Yelling. It alight be the (lest time. lxlt it it doubtful -drawing over the wet tendo. to and fn)lu the gravel pits. Is there noon in that Winton iu,titutiuu 14 hsr nam there will be 44pplientions for 11101w its„sten. A ('I M,Iant*x R.ITNr•.i Yklt. DUNLOP. MoNU.iY. Ort. 11kh. D. 1.x5'54111 vini led relatives. near Sarnia laist week. Mrs. T. Vid.•an and grandaq., James \'limn, were transient visitors Timm - day of last week. - l 1. A large lwr I f (x11- I'Wi r t litM attr1140e1 the funeral of the late Mrs. Keough, of I.rels,rii. on Sitondayy Iasi. She and her Sen.rablr h,slalRl. 11115• 40 bis uiurl)'-third )•ear, were popularly known herr. To him to extend ()*r deepest sympathy in Isi. hour of sorrow. MOMS LAIJMKIJI.--During lamp yv u• we noticed that 1Viu. Glazier's trrltt, i, R. Whiting, was a winner in mevet•41 raves i11 this couuty end in Perth. Already this 11.14-•«411 it las Cat/6111A prizes lit the trent fair in U.slrri.-11. No opposing steed In its clans could 1s hnsn4 44 ns forward to meet it. 1l HIytb ,and Dungannon two of u r Jasl4,t popular trotters were beat., 1 pet the E)u,lup hurls, wnich we eau nolle 1!Ay is nelrOdd ,414 441114,', D,(nl. 4: Apra 'i4 Imbibe in anng ythiit 11•rtek, . and 14. Whiting showed the thousand., nd, that saw the meet that it was second Gr none. For Drunkenness STM[ 11nd eeley Dig using N Camsover 300.000 PCURE S peat- U re Adder.., Kee4y leetla,ne woe -1e eeuiL TO110MTO, O. ----- (tEPItO Ne. 25. HODOENS - BROS. tad 0004? WEST el HAMILTON STREET 1 Handsome New Mantles -- $7.50, $10, $12 Just in this week TI til: mantle .stock is kept fresh and up-to- date by the constant addition of new styles as they come on the market. This week some particularly stylish garments arrived. They are made from popular cloths in the season's latest style. Come in and see them. Not more than one or two of a kind. Nobby Coats for girls A maker's surplus cleare(I''at a lig reduction. Last week we and .racket maker who wanted to to clea his surplus stock of children's ce e. Ills season is about over and .he wanted to empty his racks. We g the lot ata bargain and now we ar: going to pass it on to you. If you want a coat for, your girl see these. ,They will sell\Vlt $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00. They are new, natty styles, 'just Out this season. French Suitings 5$c a yard Jul tee lister'a Price is France. Think of buying stylish French IIitifl with- out ,at the maker's price wit out any 'Fluty added. That's what on can do if you come here this :k. It is one of the teat dress gl •t s bargains in the history of the store. We got a bargain. Now it's our tur'11. All wool Francis suiting', 45 to 110 in(her wide, neigh ),Seel• finials, every thread Imre wog.l, will snake hand's/me and 'serviceable sr to Or ,kirto. if nought in the ordina way with freight and duty added con pot Iw "old fnr IPns than SLIM) per ya (%omr, in a gonad shade of navy Mu on male Saturday 'qt. the very,low price'per yard of tisk' l 850 Sample Table Napkins J S,;O travellers' sample table Napkins go on sale Sat (.day. Each napkin is slightly damaged, 1►ut can be easily repaired. There are twe\ve entire sets In the lot, so if you come early yon cin get nearly a dozen alike. ' Prices are $1.00 to $2.00 a dozen less than regular. i1 Sample Napkins 2 for 25c Nen 4.1y rds4 travellers' 'temple tattle napkin., n11 pure linen, sa1llp)rr lend One of the Twat. Ho ifish makers, would sell regularly at from 82.5)11 to $1.111 per dozen, Choice of It commencing Sat mrd"y stn 2 for 25e T Sample Napkins 3 for 25c Travellers sample tulle nap- kin,• all pure linen, it few fine ones in 1ot., qualities that would sell for 1114.410 to *2.110 per dozen, choice of the Int on Saturday ..A for Mc Odd Samples 2for 541P• 9111) owniplen of towelling and table damask, imitable for ('heap napkin" or towels, As- sorted sir..*, good quantile. on "ale Saturday at ...9 for iic FIODGENS BROS. N rho In 1111".1 ,l tl Linn I., 11 Alt II 1► 1 440" teen odd. 11 e H tett tit ,1• w at ,1,11 or U at 141 ►I pl 1L.n.. r h.•n , t 11114 o. 1 W. amt ,1114,? 4ien .I Iur. !sort po ibl {r rep t Oarm MI' al low. sas 41(1, ,1,M 1, • mend and di vire In seen J. woe.d J.. w' IV.•- Hnn,,, and 1nl„ Pion T1I 1411.1 11' F. Ji V • 1'4 1.0111 WM. 1 H. DU J1'11111 Hari) I nm Than, t"'ort lawn horn fon ;eine Th. num lord, Ism, 11110N 1111,41 • h, mor Arc" t• 1411, me" 444.4) and An men and r LOAN, farmthe M , .I 4 q