HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-22, Page 7Mg SIGNAL: GODERIOJ{ ONTARIO
MONDAY, Oct. ltkb.
MIs. Macdonald, of Toronto, Is visit-
ing her mister, Mnl. Thur. Burns.
Mira Nettie Tyndall has Iel11enel
frau Loudon, where she htul been
Ntayiup_for several mouths with her
slater, ter. Patrick.
A PaisltrrATroN. - On 1',letJ*y
evening. 0th ins(., a few of the frieudr
and neighbors of Alex. (item and
family met at his home for the pur-
ism/ of wlehiug Mot farewell tui hilt
departure from tleii midst. County(
dui • tis& A ••It., Young war called t,.,
the chair, and after A few wrlla•husen
remarks iit reference ta, the object of
the gathering( called uu R. M. Young
to read the following eddies*:
('AIuuw. ant., (Mets tit(, tort
To Mr. Alex. Menu :
Iss.o4 Aro HrrrNr-rdu Fattest., We, n tent
awn!. 'waned 111>♦Ithbrrw berated of your In
t.•nd.'4 departure -Dao ruMMset u.., have
g.ithered bore tangtlt to express our .ineen,
regret that you have derided w Watt/ 1111..
Thr grentcr part of our livor, hair beton rpenl
Leel her, rod durlug that time we hes u always
bunt you a true Memt and au obliging
1 •hbor.
ta .light takru of our esteem and respect
fa you we uog that you *III wrap( this wary
1.6.11 en et nuurenhr u/ yuur life spent lost
Hoping that you may lona be ly,red lu rn)uy
111.• .,sr of this .•lair and taut /dud'. richest
ulny rent upon you and )our email), ler
Ihr wl.lr of year friends.
Alex, Vi14. x11
Tues. In I004.
1t. 3 Hr mt,(r,
A. JuurdTuv,
N' a. lb 1.11141.,
%t'w. VI.1'rei,
two tiepins.
R. M. Yoe 4.u.
A. HulrruN.
Thr chair War resented by H. Hes-
tops and Thus. Hut'us.
- Mr. Glenn replied iu a suitable uuui•
4.wr. He said he had lee
n forupwards
of sixty years in lint c9rinity 1 wan
sorry to leave, but he wan mit da•sett-
lug the good old township : be watt
`stiI Mw ' ' g in it. although rruuht'-
iug to atwitter re tion. lir 1ba11k.td
hi+' frien.le for their kind words and
far taw handsome memento they had
givent' : He woPlbl always cherish
kindly feeling tunSus's those whom he
had learned is re1eesii 41111 Ir•sjli.e•t 118
neighllnx and friend,. in the p Liu•' of
his hong ah.dr,
The 3.aarintlly then joi1)151 i11 eiugiog
"Ries( Ie the lir that bandit." %Ii'.
Burn.'t,won called ups A1141 gates 11
abort midmost in his tuna isle u
nor. Ile said he haat elw.4not
r.fil•11n as a gots) neighima• and w,i..
141 i't' I. Waal leaving ass Ing Ihr lm•xlity, hit
a. he aas not going very far away hr
sepal mull w sweet hint often. \Mr.
Ilo.tal idea .puke. stating th,,t 1.e
1,.11 leen a 1141(' with 410*. (1 101111 !lad
they had grown tip ao ueighls i,I. If
had *tweets found Mut reedy to lend a
helping hind. *.id always with a word
or ,'..fort for (hilw in sorrow and
h'Albl.•. Rev. J. 1.. Mundt spoke of Sir.
liknti's e11nne•tintl with that Smith's
. Hill .ongregat' elprt•aaing regret
al Ilia - removal from the church and
that .f his ehiidlrn ftrrlrl the (ahlrirlh
.1'h.. (. Majus Young and others pr ,n
eat add.d to the tritxltes to j41 •
- (i1enn and his family.
Afterwards a plea/tent Norio' Ouse
w;i . .pent. and road !selection. were
heard f,• Mims Patterson and Miss
• Johnston and a recitation fi1111I Major
1 Young. - • 1
MuxsAv, Oct. 11th.
Jas. 1'onnully was set (WAWA las
geek with a delegation from the
llairyii .n's Asw'M•(Atitu to lav a re-
fittetst beton• file Premier Inc the ap-
p.iat int of the Hun. Thos. I3a11an-
tyn.•, 4.x .Mlwakrr of the Loral IA•gislt-
torr and a prominent promoter of the
dtur};-Iflrr•sta,. 4i_ a w1aL_iu t
Ih 1� Menet..
F J.a*
• All -
stn i.
4.a oft 'so
been.iailel away, in the pens'''.of
Ja1 Pt. Richardson, whose death
del 'rd ver \auddealy on Mxt.ur,Lay,
.Nkh pt. Mr.' Richardson WAY 4.0
(linlon he day ,f his death, and r•-
1 e lq his usually good!
health. 1*, while (-Matting with his
family the cath 1.11111x, I.
ldoutf-w.t.ol Ir.ltiu its his heel,
caning paralysis, and it Wan oat lung
hPfa,. Fen• intromit tnremeriour, from
which mate In• Deter rerover41. lite
was torn in Quern's Pointy, 'rebind.•
seventy -fire years 11104 and in 1M17
t (hilt ennD}'4'ir1 Nett ling"
th4crlell township. On the 1,21 h eNl-
rewion. }(ere he conv(ertf4l from
("rent tine of the finest rondo in the
b14 .hili, He tnnrriwl a Mine %Vr11-
* ..l,'of New York. Adel to the' W014'
'saw sir "hihlren, who tiro •till li
`171,•se are Mrs. Harliekn and ..
}t,.wdrn, of the 14th, Mrs. Lndlnw,
B.heinsi iib•, and Robert, Katie and
Fi-allr1. at bane. The funeral was
heti .re 11.entay aftertuww tel (aiu4,n
1•1411 01..1N, Hey. H. A. %Vright.
Ilnv al fwluw and Yraye.
ANe 114: 1:1/NnNfj114NN w WIDIII NO.
•t uldished
Ri-. side, (y(1 Enterprise,
hen s lengthy
atr•ount .f the w.Y1di t,( Archie
Pdm"na.n.•. wu of .fes.Edtn.nrt.)nr,
formerly of thio townmhip, whish took
ace• (
11 p
Y •inik1
7th a l
The l '
Mika F'liz,
both NamA(I
ail Clark.
and tit.. r
at the h of het.
sister: -)1„i, J. .1, Conley. 41.11i1Ihr
mast intimate friends of t. he brisk and
ratans losinK terser(, Dr. %V. F.
assistrl I14 "ter. Alex. Eakin.'FTayloe officiating h..
(nest, were received by Mrs.. Conley),
•Isle/' , f the brig.. At 12 .i r1.elt,
the bride and her attendalltp entered
ami were met by the gismo') and bin
Iswl min. Who awaited U)aetn. Miss
Gray 1 • til.n assisted as ootid of the
hour, 11,•, gown Wal White SWi.s
Made wit,J, a train and t I with
lass' insertion. The
ring•lesolrr wen. %1'. N. fhn•0in soldf»N•ly apt
1.f 1:11.,Ihr t)iee a of the bilge• *.. 1111 McLMatl, ..f Inir kvunv., or n i )-
M tohty.
WICDNILYDAY, Oct. '21st.
SUDDEN I)K.iTH,-MOW wits I',NriVwl
ye1101May of the death of Miss Kath-
rl'i11e Cronyll in Buffalo, but at the.
titer of WI•iting the rauar of 'death le
not known herr. MisdCtiuyn isah:ilf
mister of John, l atriek and Johanna
Lung, of Amhfiekl, amd of W111. lung,
of Asppul, Color.ul , Her parents ale
IMHII dead anal aIle is the u11Iv chill of
Mr.. 1ulgr first lu:trrioge, The INdy
was brought 1 today and the
funeral takes pIu•1. tomorrow.
Sydney (iilison ispentl SYI clay atetolwr t this
old .1
Perry- Sanderson spent Sinittny at
Henry Wilwol's,
Mr. and Mrs. %Vatter Gihw,n spent
Sunday at leaves,
Itulwrt Plunkett is building a Hue
silo, which hr expects to 11144. tilled
With corn.
Wr wiinld ails'inr WIm'r of out• y g
asln to 111•ive a rrtdlerate pare on fair
nights in fiat•uw li avoid decidet�ta.
Many nt inn. friends wee pleased to
.w. Mr. Neidou's genial finer in these
Warts again, but we hope his pentamer
dies 1111t f..rh Mj. evil to uta• '-Vicinity.
' A ler of taut y g people of
1Itis 11/•Iglll.. In sal and other plarrN
N'ilt 111188 the tin nifty evening sr•I.411•1.8.
There will Is• uo .y4. 'ice in theevl Iiitig
after the new e•hul•ci i.sop enasl at Nile.
Juho and Mis11iM 11.., are( viol ing
f l•1
anis in 1Lan•s•sbur,( ,old ci.inHy.
Mr. Airlotughlin, Lf Nrautl*d, was
tit,• guest of hie sister. Mrs. A. 1►urnin,
rt,•rntly. - -.
111'14, Lt(Iie..1.f Eratu)wa, stem A f.fw
days during ;Thanksgiving\ wit h
f •'r 4
t 1 ud here.
Dr. J \K. 11 Ghpdot, Wife`' and
family 'op nl Jost T1a11nulay wit('
friends i'11 is viwinity,
y i.+.s 1'. - 1i inion Ii:4 retu red.
home idler h (ittg 11rru Isom' for
7m 111111inie4011 rlfe•s.i.11nl.Iu it's,
The IMsly .(a 11lnllwal .1 '111iaia
'1'hoot who died i P.rt Hur•h.team
interr d in Ut, k.•tuet•ry hers' -I ii
Thle M www
t Miva sl Lfr.•ri.• Bother.
foal, Lily and 11?igt(ir.('Itsrk And .Inn,
Meer.iiA11 qw t the \\Thanksgicio
hulial!ays at the' 1esp1%I•tive hotness
Truists. )•. O. t.:A)th.
A h►rgeatttrldwr fruit rte• attended
'up ti ll of Up Nil church on
.1. li. Vrllswl run inplatrs
holdi' A series Itf�reviral Mee -ngs in
the ne, future. \
' Ttw h m4. of Mr.\end :Mrs. •
Iiledhill •am -the• o1•rnr u( a pint_
welding 1 ursility evening, 1h•tule
14th, when it youngest daughter•,
Mime Florence i ..bill, was married (u
Hir10i111 E.hlit' . 1 Nile. i'lw bride,
who wins giren way 1,y her father,
as g/stilet 111 N' t•• %Ali 1 alba e,al•1•led
raw ort )d While eitrnitti..n.. Little
Misir.SVinnir (Ml.lh' I p1e•rforuusl 1h.•
ditties o)f 11.N•cr girl. ire(. .1. 11. 1'..1-
Iand', asmist.vl by' i ev- M. J: SVilw,n.
Nile. pert(ant.'.I Ihr ser tunny 911 111.'
`nesenre of iltmll . • .
11 f tit 11rN w. 1 'r.
1 11
Maley Suylt.. played the welding
Illltsir. Mt•. a1Nf lt*. Ee hlin I.ft f.,•
1'.r.otr on then• ' 'did trip.. )n their
return th.' will ,4.w e at Nil Thr
bride With one of HertIt iller's 41 tirt(t
tlrrtr.-re, i d-1'he, Signal )Wins- h n
1)..x1 of frieudr in r..gratu1:lting'.
gnmml and wishing tel• y 11 g e.uq
con/sntlrttmte happiness in th 'r nes
r.Ia1' ,
Mecirty. (let_ hit h,.
Milo ling 418.1118 t. la' the order 4./f
the day mind heen ,
Miss W a e. of 1'0 lour 4. s
V t4, I 4.0 Y•nt n
few• days at the mans• haat week.
Mise'Ihn•:t-Pkrati the. hw4n vixifing
her sinter. 14 ,.. MnMom•h, at 1i,m1,1•irh.
F:Iw•in Shinto
Montreal 1. Atte
1' a r•
14. t11 t .
Af. M.111r1:a inr lit 1 car'ier, has
ne•nr.t the eitntYN•t'fin rat•rying the
mail. fur nn.1 h.•. tern . •ears,•
Thr rail ii.I stlr44Vors Jive boat
busy in this'iliuitc 1111' IASI. -w•k ,iud
ha t'e A slll-t'ey m(i11.YI 1111( Aa fate .1.
SI -,111'm rider ad. r \-
A Loge ulnrtlwr ..f'-11111• • ilizenm�at-
lendellheopeningofIhe Nil.• chat •h.
1 Sahlmlh, and ah. the Ica-n04•ting:
iti►Monday evening.
(TkHTAINMKNT. A pnhlir w•h1114
innp•nl will IN• l..Id in Itis•
11184• of 61. S. N.. 11 .t/ Friday
►r.lw•:loth 'r.
f 1 I 1 g1,am �tih
•r' i1111. / 11 It•. . a
Hot 1 1 1t lull
nl it•lr � pal , tuuvir.
will c"nunt.1 r at` 7.II
•air„ ah.rtly 11,1
the Irll.ines, r.1-
-Mi M'(
8 1)18,1
rt9•tl 1g.
r.n8i1 .f
,old 4i al
Thr pti
1, 111,
P 1 . m )1 •1111 (111111'1
Th non 1 1
1 . 4.o e S
ul 1 1 hal • a a t 1 hl 1 at
1 I
ur ra(tt)er flm het s mf•' w•PIe 8 'ode
ing the Saturn w 11.4 11114, 1%'il un
l)Illde has seen I h. I• r this yen
thio Iwing his sir a vent.. If h.yt,.
e14Y1. in taking it 1 •141�yea will le
bio 1.wn.
Na..tt, 111•(, 1
Mit, ill % d I% e.n '-. .f \1'it
h)Is INe•n 'e(I(m 'ng a week tti111
parents het
prawn Ihrt'n r 1 1. to Iwl4r this
week for . Ton. t..' i(Ir1•n• he will
at lend the 1lrfdicalt,'.Ifeg.,
nnl.rgan le trinlnnsl in Olen( on
•e and satin pillion. The bride WA* pound..
n mut. gowned in white .wtn- -
I I• i un over while .11k, the 1111. Me(rot•y bad on aur in
*1111111 •rm,ii,ling of white 11144 Of live stock bast 'week. 11'4. 11,14
Mlfrliylls. nd all elntNt•at1' ntTAn414' °t11nd hr L:171107;111'1.
o mold his 11(1V -nate •11111
mrnt of all in (iwrrry(r McIAlnld t. 4!,. No eel. fr.in Kitl.,s.
meted as hest alit , and .1, .I, 1'unlev.
brother in.law Tlwm wPlr nn.r'rticr�i•.n'Ihe Ilun-
away. F'nllow• the bride. got. h,. Ranllon l'irC11it. I1st SahlNit ',wing In
Is•antrful (hP ^PPl'mlmy a Ihr np•nin([ orryirrs in 1 nlnrlli.n
,.h,rl wovidin rbPakh.Mt wits with Ihr Nile ,MP1 th rdut 1•IIIIIr•h,
ahowP and the haDp couple 11ft a,11(1 which •w.tr nitrndel Ly many• from
w )w"f ie.•a gi411 window on their
algin h.4. .
anal r 14 I11(4, 14, ifMlsudp (.nil An4.la Newman rind Mime Maggie Kilpatrick
IMat printA, '%Both Itride nnep and Howard 1 ltlt)in, nth. inr. attend-
>inaaln• 4Jiy. The F
041irrn .f 1.11 N..1.. 7/ rjwitlls, "144.• it 11, NieFlf`iI `(',^; 4.•gli 1,.. ••Ill.tll P'
Mospav, Oct. 19th. Ilhr .loath hits quite a Ia.t of
FtYrrHAw. M.tn'Hn lanar iv• 11tads running 1. it. Perhaps the por-
ia; D•V a heron fruul Ilia Bagel r 1 141111 Woo a little hard, 114 he undo k
lk)Ilegiabe It Ntltlte r*.h4. out to kick jlo g.'tt,. •A.tt1'. ifg'flth4. 1e pastIfortniting 411(1
for the entrtainul1PIIt a( the Sunday
Isitin i have olade a great drain
on the supply of Ntovewladat d the
�Tflr. •
by which way thin plent'hrr (sour
football witI1 a picked te•aul front the
Crewe an,Fihiug:t•in ,n •• evens. Thr
ga}m• was eld 011 th.• 01 18 of the
Driving Park Also riat,n and resulted
HI a •tone -41 1 to fl ip favor of the vie-'
dors. Emelt side' h:ul strap',layerr1 I)IIATII MEisu%T 'l'HK1(:---On
and slue coutemt was kern xu, e14,iting, , Friday (s�ink lot Mite) Debertsulx,
lhuugla (u the mislaid Iwlf 1,1)4. rain • the IM•koved wit :•1' Georg.% Keeulgll,
mule playing rather• disagreeable., lutaped awayy t► a Utia l ft..-.i-kl:
•I'bt' gest$ earn' rt was an easy obe:' th1 ajji• ofr ei tlty-fuiu• yea es. The I
lull ,F „liming over the heal) of the ceased anti hal• esteemed and vette':
i(.- Vill. M d4. -keeper, whowaml run teferel andllthe town 1 ip. TIi todband y o5Wl s4.r 111aIIiel lers of Ihe
following N'as theliue-up of the teams. Ireland sixty-two ;)rats logo, ami in
1 II(4)4II'Y,'
,l UC HU ANYaN-l'MxW'Y, 1.04 they 1•x1114. t1 this .•uunU•y, Int-
(tnuH Ik(y11 dual t4., Trelurtuu siding Hod fat• a short tilh�e set -}lau-
Hero, 1'amphelr 1 b,a,•kN ) r, (•lark harnuim. Quebec. Then they cans. to
Nils, Papier 1 1 J. 1lePary
11..11ukwau. 1 (Bens Held 11'hitlsy loud lire( thele fur mum'
itwl. Idrl.enpoa hf. Int, k, h.p . eid 1 Wlity years before Io g with Lheir
i' plat(' ,tf, (lake family t/ Coll me township. After
1 %'A�wtl Will. titewart sumo )raise of fal'miny t u•y' tern• -1
1•x"1 I furw•ards l�U1f..,Neil from aa•tive work and fat' ut I' tvvenI t
r. tl•l,ay N, lburtke
H�t)uwlrr J l_ fiveyral,84 their bred• hail i*en in tali
It is likely that a•(wt urn shateh Neill (midst. %Vi(h ane ,Ind all the reeler-
Iw pIloyet in liudei'ich Int Saturday un)t•il /wiI ti,p the luaittirle were it�ht t•xr'tlu'y ,w1'Ir'
lrK*neY,.tktolwt DINh. able to lie about. 1%'eregr tttutt Mr.
IandtTrit NAL. thesho•teniing t itl the i dayyslifagr•e Kurt vdllt'irr yeas, +l i•11 iiouslthe y• illi
l'"""lwmiu-11.I.i dual illll IN rapidly Mrs. k,rouglt'. lnsl illnl•mm way it spurt
" K ata)' xuMl that plop(1•at' one, Il.•ut4 being due simply to old age.
should 1N• ,,,ad. 1,, the lumnill •Ph1• f, 511 1) shoo Dud daoghl.es
trintrl•, K sut•t'ive : Mi.h Dud Philip, of l'ali-
IIusY. '111• lnr.Iil,K �' is fursi:t : (1.41rge x d Jnhn, of Nevada :
bused)' engaged Iasi,( 11• M... H, I0lford, f Ibis pIue : Iles.
.114,4 N og. •t1 tzt., ,.g, K1'ain, a) Hes. Thus. Hat em, t,(' I 1111 h, \lion,. :end
1• lu oetrkrt, 11is. Jutu1 We•I41,t,1 of Nortll '1'enm-
F',til wheat is grotviog 1:tpidly and wauda, N, 1 'the t'uo.•nth w•hi,•11
I(•t_.l lire is excellent. 1'he pM.Ltto 1111(1 tM.k plat•.• tHI' SkItn eta • 111 "PilleVie N•
iViiill(I haw• Iwen 140 abund.(1•t ane. r.11t•t••'., ('olds.111.. wi . hug•Iy ilt-
liut umfor9un:atl•ly the 11d is eneral.
K I!• iltrl. 1'111• pt 3, ht, .1 wf�• .Inas
arcing 4.0 whfeh (bets ply'Irihl) N'lll ten ('.Niki 11. F.Irv, Ji,hu
u have Backache you haw
Kidney Disease, If you neglect
Backache it will develop into
ao Dell is • worse -Bright • Dis-
ease or Diabetes. Then la no
use rubbing and doctoring your
back. Cure the kidneys, There
le only one kiJney medicine Ilei
it cares Backache every time•-
Cable. 14teady_I.rg h1 Lem•se Nut
sleab Prides at Bulla1..
robeNTe 4.41* bTOctt.
libu♦lpta of Ise stack ■t the city cattle
market uuutetf to 40 cars, composed of
857 cattle, 1400 hep, GOO sheep sof to
liry.0►re-Best 10 4 ' t importer' sell
*pith $4,73 per cwt.; =odium to good at'
•tenet 44:'3.
B• rt actio-Qholco Q lity built sre
♦ l
s 0
{♦ of c
sold at N to •�. � D'edlue Dn4e
Export (`yea-p,rt cows are wort!
p..t.•,- •Ind R1.4) to i3.d0 per (:wt.
H. (lI lid. '('lir r•nlxinm ive tai 1 Ia Bitch• a' • rttls..(,4 1 • pleated tote of
S.avIt l F.tHNNEI.I.'-{y'Iu. F'iuli) tratilt•.+idstlttwr•of dr •ea tutl•Drre. 110U to 170 1 escb e9rsl 1•
and fa wily 1114• rwlluviI1 ('(111111 Asb- t.i, Idem. KoIM Olean, arhos,. ,$,•; 'Ii , Ile Intl t;,/l. bort rx eq, arP wunp L♦•7•
fieldlu1i,di•richt.wnship. wh••le h. t4(1•1114',.'ars1441.4'.111-,u1 Our,•,•1',.,t mu.dsu111u`J rri�twt ( ytr,
hits. Ism hl t e Hanley ' M•tt4. t( 1:473; ,tel.4
K 1 p ( .411'tIIW t) th.• xgh l .uspht, hit h1..' 1 {Y •31 v i_\n5.
total oases :Nits Ado b'iulny 411'•, infant ganglier. le(t t.a 111.m to b 'n c` era nt 0.,x1 011 tify. ?cletto
(.111 lt.•11 (oarlr lux b,•4. of alt , d- 'up. had Iwo wile x ltI.•.airlg to then' 'R, ha,'t, tK id 2u t- timer ►�
(nates. All epj.'t.d t hems) Ives t cry th.•ir• 1.111 age, havingg with Urs. F'4 - (4 t1 lY1ti ►e4. cw 1 lees it
ulu.•11 :mud the hu..t.•r1s leerii'el u _ ford's iaemist ,Der, noblyyp catedf fur lhl.it(' t• e4� Il t yep,*, �o. ,2 %Par -old •teen,
leroI tw.ineifll and r:sl11abl• present. in 1h••u• yl •iei,,g In11T111(ti.a. 1'wl 00 au ewt.1 ,.g c ' iud orth r br 4.o
as lul.rrls .r 1.8(1•e1N. ,1. 1I \' N'r•e •:.: 1114 of fiuwrrw w'ern NI•nf I - 0t of utlre pyo' breed-
AIrNu n•u, SKeixltty. Ilio I.. Ilarinn.'laf (him pIlur. and 11t• ate wane
T}Ir Illelf111'1- •' C.� Mr pw4
p.il �.nuu it .r 4Vex %%':hN:uuM h, in AI • All•o..1 I►unlop, ,old (/laced un are womb'" Yu p rewa suJ sOrlsgen
p11eacteCr u( 4ulj.urmu •ht, 111.•1 on Ihr •asked• 'lra brothels told sisters .eves-Oriree Id
We nesday. the 1111i inst., the nwul- ell tl drectiti Yl sue stilliktil'e and lilt• • •'om t♦ Ib to 50 cwt, IIII t10 cock
111 I (tont -
wu iu .-4.l
1 1 •. Nr ►
1, 'e• •,. foe 1
Int. 1 t M 1 t•
K 1 Affrr tau• - k (Ilei mud Nhr Ir(t lawn, mad ucpa `t 41.60 tr� ve' cots for
I ti.in.•w. bought 011 Im•fu11.1hr r it tw,11ty'-1 /r ifraidchddr.,, std ,five og 1► s rit4i. Pe •trout' 75
14:(44 duly' oirlysiderwl and chr.,11u•s to Kleat-gntl 1•hildlen. n e of e t t♦.lu m u •
upWarls o1 $5411 were issue) the t• s Beat poi cwt.
i(+tdjuurnwl. to mtrl , sin u0 1Ve1- 11 ect D•coa k300 not ices
,y tg aW c n4. uta. are Mee more flap aqt Ito. Part,
ne Ia •, the 18th day of Nuvt•iniav', at a pimp have Bina / tt sad Orr Mk �.� a cwt.: ugD d
stiller'). Clomp nd Iron Pi11.4 did wit. dots: id $2 o 17. conte, w per cwt., a•d
If1 u • (M k ,.. nh• to f7 6o pnr owt,
Fur sale bo Jam. it o . - *AST ■vri•LO 0*TTLN *A1tsT.
Baal R. Qat, 17.-{Sale--Hecetpta
d,�and eedy, uurhapg ed.
115 l :1{k {ower. 1Ato
-$ep•►pts. Wt) DPut: Now, 24e to
M1 t Yt,:. (n to 16 1 4:: mis••d. 4610
1 or ere, 10.05 to 4.1 20. pigs, 13.:m►
. 44,(13 to 43,11,: pew. 63,75;
to j 3u, Ilwlr4ea rad gnsw,ta
0 141
pa d Ls Roeelpt4, 9pp heed;
-lower. fortifier, �t-• tower;
25 to *'.45; yenril.,gs, 41 }p 44.'1'.5:
ewq 43.40 to 43.4:' *eth r*. 44 to 44.•25;
ehRp• Oiled. $1.30 to $:t.u;,; Caaata Iambs,
40 to 40,50. ,
w York. (1,1,.17. --neer o receipts
rep led; three cant of Kentlal•I7
sold 44.50 top 05, txports f•Vt to AY.
6140 he a, 3530 a'utters of beet ,calres-
l.ecPlpts. 440; vitt' little tradtug`e\a'tow
4 P01s Mel at 45 to 411.;0.
sheep au Lambe-_Be.wlpta, X2734; . r
atprep•and la's ,I slow, with a weft(,1 e;
sheep 1u1d 144 •,5U to 44, 'molts• 45,.)11
te: mins. 01.30,
fipga-Itwrlpta. Mao: market, doweri
light -state Dods- a,
ANN .tL T.tJt-ruL( FA •also Turn. - -
J, 11. 1' •tor i14 around of present un
his Dint 1 •annual tum• as roll..•tor fur
%%'est %',a an.w11. The v.•neralle
gentlest:an I highly esteemed I.y the
ratepayers f1 • 1.he Iotsinesslike v.ay
iu w'hit•h he di.41harges him -d,, '.. In
olrh•r that�the fidiuu•iat Jiff:airs of the
1 '14lI hip Way Int .t (U1sd at the 411NM•
of th.•.y ear the -taxes. ,as reltuired by
the uu nici i mtatut`;� �i�u�e to 1w cuI-
w•led on o •hefoae '� 1ith day of
p •eurlwr.
1 (hell ,Nal'►:•,, 1{l•v. Jetties
lls4,, Ion, paastor of Iwvel)uru and
(ilmlrri - 1 towns hip alrp:.int merits, ani
Met,: 1'. ntherf.lrl ex elat ngel4�Ntlpits
ltsl Sab1Nt 1 Iluile ,i nunliler .f
.1m citizen. rttt•ndel the olid,. (u
con)Mrl 11.11 w 1I the 1IN•Iling of le
114•%4 and IMem11 7 ebur h ,11 Nile ort
Sunday and Mont y- evetting, (lees(
piraise is due t.. 111 Irlastor and bnild-
Ing committee anN1 the mends».
f..r their energy- ani .-1i1N•r:tlity ill
IIl'.ling NIN•h a tannase a ,1,1d molt'
snln (44117 yl + itt71tuU: kaaitd_-
ii1g- ,s pi.nitnt by rhatny ti
IM• the . neatest tang ttM tip -
,ti -,late edifice for ,dialite w1 •shop
in this section of 1hecteint •y, .
PKHSON.t1A-- -Mts. Jxli. t'urwen, Mei,
r. (!frown and rhildrrn rte o11 Ia visit-
ing tote 10 fronds 111 1stolrtie t)wn-
hip the ' � ast st'•e•k . MIs. .1.
lul.y 141)11 1 Wel wet1M \k ft here on
N Irle.ilay last 1. join` Air. Smiley,
who Ia.-m4rtlr'l a posit' at Port
1rth11 Mr•, 1(1111 ;Mt,,. hone.
4Valkleit- t4.,• visitin f•ietnd. in the
S.py village 411 1,4. here`, 4%'e. wish
the veneraldb.. eouplt• ,. plFamanl tint•.
..11111. FiNvlrr, nth. wi1I4 aer.tn-
(• sl ht• his giandd*nghle1r, Mio. E.
filen 11
n .l c'm'
I It t. 11•Intt'el+' nt Lisle.'
e I, returned hunt' re ently' alud re.-
SNai. hating 10111.1. pI,'*'4ant 4 rt
ir.. D. -Riots sold mom, 4'irtnr of lien-
. 111. ate visit iMg friends herr artti in this
vicinity Mr. 1(1ul 51,., McNally
'(tent 'Thanksgiving Day' with friend's
is Il*Nlerkh std tr•a Live. inr Port
Albert B. 1. Crowfoot ' ..\•\ in
(iowl,rirh attending the (1(,1yrm tae- a
juror 'William M• Nabb i,i,t m iiL
.101111. .f Ft•rgns, after visiting\ for•
• day's f he formers bleat her, J( lin,
hdt f.r'hoiuu' nn MInday, the 1[M1,, ria
1.111kn(45. Sir. 1Villiam 11.Nn1)11 is
highly pleased with the toe
11 Il 1 N1' -
:111C. '1 our (loge and th.• mnrinb91i1V
.f .1
11 111. 'a• r
it n
1 far r
t h r t4.•
xI k. I
tha111e .r
1 la k 1rf •
coil •
t fu 11 '•o
Ira e
..n.idetrll t he 111Iv Ilrawl4µ•k,
.I )tars •
tl. (1.• 1
1. 9
Thr• Ilriln Ota•:an.r wa . .1111 ing .urn
ill IlseM(11r,.f 11. Il.rinn, :John I,ink-
Iater aml Jaf, Mar5lutls TIMI week.
.. The 11i.sr, Riskin, of the tnwi'hip
1.1, KIli.e, Leath' '.mity, wile. Ill.
gn Im of Mins K. I.itlkltter• let week.
.111•..' Hager. hif.• of Ihr• l,.pala !.
ii:tpli, pastor i.f ti,Nl•riell, was the
41111(1 0 .(Ir,, )'•, 11. ('1"11.11 during
.t week.
he 1,11-h(ird enjoy'.41 hi. Thanks -
g dip,,,, • with 111111ives at Kip -
II n a 11 1140 tt 's at Ihtirfi.•Idaseeiug
hiO'snl 'n, %Viet 1".IM•ritigltmi,
.1 4'hio•:Ig.,. is u``1 on
Is, Mr,. mol Mr•.,
nl fame(. and is
t Kingsltridgf•
a 514)1'1.. h r mar
1f. f'.h•y nt fien•ti,
also tisil ing 1l 11ves
anti Ihnlgannon. -
.1. %Veath. satin ,roe th. attend file
terltd Ihr 1.11.. is.' Rem. h, his
1111 let•-i11-Iaw', frntt 11111t1•a111 it, NPN'
1',tr w'a. the finest H, i''nlfnrl
duringbi' .try hen•.
Mr. and(, )Mimi Parrish.
anti p lot atm)' k n.N'11 her•,
to I'•.ide n INI••rirh. Mr,
hating ggiv
his tent.•
emetine Town
up farming will n rrini"1114.
a 44.111.811144. ell 1,11 Die
f Huron.
t;01,ZI. Zanzifiliiii„An174. txmilwanx Ap:11,:w4,1' having iii.1,4toni it Whg.e 111:10,1111 jhot, ',was marries ' ?need* y of last
iim. ,R.Inviimftt..r ("nhor lath m.0,..)4r. ann :rotto:::fiNiaiii? ii,Nleriell ,,,, ,.!,,n...0), 1 sr. iin:..ihkiAlit;11,4.11,11P.:tecli,i,11.7..t,tyt itia..ItifylAirflriti:41,;tv:ilitosdrii..'
The (irmnai Trivali* Riiii",. 11n,, fives stood. here were i omit at tiw
alb °Tongs et Lnir -- ---.-- - 14001 a very hanasome iiiiedratrd wedding. A largr vire ' of friendo
kr i, pit :;:ePkiv Herald for otir .1..1- m000e, reindeer, caribou. rte., in the RittlrkteD IVY T111$ PRRAt'llr . The
'Ihlia,,,r, e'"1111 flinch oomment. The i "Highlands of Ontario,- and it other opening *Tyke* of the ne* Methodist
16"er y;t1,71,7,,111, "How can it ha points Along the Hne of the (Item! , church at Nile drew enite a number
41114 in. '44. 11 MI IN being (-Irene Trunk. Copies of the mew WI 1 1* from here. One or rho viotiting per-
Stra," "Y roaderishe ainsivly taking' furnished on Application it finite! 4008 ill him oliorourie staked that he
law ffAf'a '' "9 -..."'"e talltuting offer To . Trunk ticket kiffices or to .1. I). Mr- , hail seen with regret severe! of the
Think of it 1, Th Signal •11111 Th.
1l.nheal Iv....1 y' L rail toJ ary
1.1, 141ki, for only 141.1 Suh.erilm mit
•e and get the two I wl•s f.a.over
ftitat'tetell .l\nugttw for• the call alum of
Llitoopool Asa CA trate 'Moat
CoraL..., -Lee Stook *4.r
f \. L.test Qaot.tt..*
(Saturday Sweling ' net. 17,
Liverpool whoa Yturea close,ile day ' 4
hlgb,•r than Fri, •0d cur* •lutures lea •
lower. /
At (Titrate to asp QPc. wkaat sow •d' the
blgher than Pridar: 114., die0 441 to*w,
and bee•. wap %r lower. -
roalUON 14A NT,r.
LCvd*4*. C1eee-w(eat, e paN•ge, 4111,
but steady. Parcels NN 2 hard winter.
'Qct and Now,. tis 9!yd. $LUse, on passage,
9lilet but stead)•- spot' American ldxrd,
21 'ad, Flan, spot )lien„ 27s W1,'
1'. a- HWld,y.
M1t r• WDru l�}tyl_m' 14)'7_
Following are tte ,•Iooing n13.tatlm0 *t
haporiant wheat centres to -day' I -
New• York - t'�- `Vet. De Nay,
Newngo 44 bi'•b *4516
hleToledo -• . Wit lb eta
n* �uthl Nu, 1 N. Ri' 70k,
ToltalNTo sr. I. t Neem: )t As...T.
1t'beat; cad, butsh . ,...40 Tl to 4..•.
W4ut, t. alt• 1e .. it.�• 4)46 ....
N'h, al, 't r mak . MO ...,
Barley, b,811 AW•••• 0 4 0 r(i
Iteano. bash - 1
trate,, Lund -Irl)
1'. alt, t*ah . p IOtN%
l i e
W . 1
0 ii
Ua(s, loch .. O:IJ
Alslke, .lobo, No. 1 ,. ..45
A144e, ggeeend, Nu. 2 4 YS
Aae1kP,. ra,M•, ..D 73
J'Imswhy sprit ..........., 1 Ott
Nay •*d /Irmo_ •
Hay, par ton I 414 110 le 411
Straw, lame, per t..'. a 7x)
Stow•, sheaf, 1a•r ton ... 10 30 11 OS
Yrsits sad Ye*eiablowee _
1'ulatlw`w, peer Lag . *U y;4. to 40.E '.i dem Oct. 17 At to -day's market a
Al pt•a, per L'.1 U 7;, .1 M 'total of 141'1 boars .f I berme weir• oIl.rd,
l'rlAtage, pr doset U NI 4) 745 L,-0t,(t *hits, hill/Ince colored• IMIPS
1'abhop•, nsd reel' 0 10 were nwdlr ,t 1131.1•, 11 5 -111.•, Next market
beets, per peck U 1.5 palurdar. th;- '4. .
l nntlfuwrr, per dos 1 011 2 (111
('u nYa, awl, p.T (b• U 13 U 2e1 gg_w�■ ��
('e•Irr1• M•r dux u :al •. 20 Dr. MMC .1.114-K3. Condition Blood
'i ud ,.ups. p.,.r bag Uhl 0 1*)..
%'re q,d,te Ina'row, drra ' 0 4) 41 :44 Tablets, 141 t�1��,,t)410 ,guty 14`4..'•) (14 ono
roattr down h.•/law er ,1 r ,n. , L.7 prevent
H� leW .,.e',nth, of the the •.,.awwNlll ii „r hent hLroJ,
tlpring ehlr le11., per pelt. psi 1,1 ear n .h. alt tfl'et i,u,.1 pnwr.uq m«L.I.r In te.
Spring elni•k., u•4. ell. ., 4.l 2;. worts 6.4. h..,.. 1..o t. n. u. 4.h...
I /al
1 �0
at 419 e) per eat,
��- • r-
011 inl)Ialt, -y7 -Iia
Laargest stock of Ile44
OVercoating,r auld
Overcoats tv
tinge 111 ille e
OIs' stock is tall, plete
in m.tt' told heavy
weights itl LYudt'rt'..;o-,
Kindly call.
Leaye your Order Now.
'We .au comp.. , ly sti t` on=iu
)' prier, taw-ou •hurt notleeb
Finest goods made.
including the new
Linen Underwear.
'Phone 77. The Square, OODERICH.
ralt.lr ete 3,, at
r It
�, D1' f
ap rl..ert
*bleb(; cauator t steers, :to to
ro.: trl4rrstor 1 •f. Vr,>,a• to c
eep, ak' fdy. 1051•: a illy? per Ib.
Cowanayll1.•, Que., 41st. 17. --At 1 w Pelt-
', mw•Iing .f 1 haater*'1uwpahlp, airy.
men's F:xchange here tu'yay, 111 fat• ,ries
oRPr.d 14.-o, 11 '.. .•h• t• -,•t 74 ere:nn, len
offere,l nap( Luse., tit1,•r. Frank t)n•' k. t
bought 4142 Lore, .. rear /n4. ale, np i 2
for IU•. Fre,( 6'owler, M bux.N fix 11 r,. Irk.'
Ilna'h Allan, 200 bo►1's "1 I1 :flee and 514
Loxes f.r 1141•; D. A. rl'lirrroti Ik 4o.,
1'.Mt Loxes at, 11. . In- n .1 I(7 M(LY a1
11 3 ilk•; tt'Itt••. A l(ose)s -1 hoxPs at
11 3 1tt1. and 7 4 0 11 3.16.'; glgalro Brow.,
•C• et Ile, and Janes Alrinn, es boles
row )1(61.'; al1 *Md- Hugh A nn b,.ulrht
i n
n 1
/01eew - . Ir
1 n r n4. 71prc; h pis malt
r7mplP, 8D b.xPr at ra.je gid .hi •ors at
30!4e; Jame•, Airxauder, 110 Luxra s 24144,-;
liens a L4nglol., 45 1,03,•. •t a 0d
btxen el ala%.•, and 1011 LOxe, nnold.
t'orrw*ll. u.' 17. -Ther. err.• 19.41
Irf ehpMle, 1277 w'hit.. oat 1'0toy41, 144
boarded been to -day. (1l1 ..•Id but 119;
44 • whit• went fnr (15Sr', and the haJanre
(*4 414,.; rnlnrrd Mold at 91 A 10,'. Saint
were Hodgson Hr,m., ga1;'J. Alexander,
; Willow 14 Haley 214; A. 44'. Haan(,
1 '2
1 erkla)-4 par IL 0 1.1 n 10
err b
lay " "
1 P ed
4.y' y ace- 1
m4. P b
B r I u1
( Ir o,
r 1
'ggg•. Oslo- lnld
714 e4. ^'/
.4e wenn In seh.1r•e 4.'.•1 Mr'. 11 till •1,
1 . Lend 4.h• •.Imw►lI ,��� . h4I .7 NL
1.1E4 P,*4 Pah e, 4.6 endfrac. u4.. N.7.he), xhl.ry ..e
'o Ter N."• .
A ne r
e r,
1• mtrrnm.
. n.t
nae,( n4.
ml w.11 .
N re latMw
Orta( Into
/u w
1 ., . 1s8{1 7M b4.. Yo,:•GP-YwIIcW l;•.
Fur .
hr 11. 1t 110114 , by i-. Juntan : in t`liu[o.I
4. H. wok3ELL,
tnr the 411:111 114111 ”Poill will lie Unload. District Passenger Agent. goisl men nes! the ,village cutting The Stove nal Furnals Man,
, 1
When an opposition make the statement that the life of a
Happy Thought 18 only three years Soy can rest assred that he
feels sore because it is going into 8. nIl4hy Iiowee • u beu,41 lou
highly praised by all users.
There are Happy Thoughts in tovl%1
that have been In use for twen,
years and they look as goon and wor_
as well as numerous new stoves
I am still 'lion of Happy Thought Rangel\ I haven'tven
a sample to show you. I have had twelve. hi sin e I aJvertised
the shor,age, end I still have four orders to fl11. - if you want
the only economical and up to -date range on the market call and
leave yoF1r order. I may have some in by Saturday, and the
Company has promised t0 ship ore some at ouch.
The Radiant Home
is tine of the prettiest and beet wort inK •toveu 011 the Canadian
market. I am having a big sale of it. Call and see ir- ai,.1 be
your own Judge. 1f you want a stove that wiU give you lots of
heat with very little fuel get a itadi tit Home,
i ask you to give my Itangea anal Mtovsa a trial 184(01e pay-
ing for t11en1, and if they and not satisfactory you are not under
obligation t� keep it. It can be returned at my expend.
i have a number of seconds hand ranges, wood cooks and
i oal heaters which 1 have taken in exchange, which can bel had
at bargain prices.
1 an) headquarter,' file IatOOt and -most u -
to -date
'PHONES --Store, 22 ; House, 1 12.
E.W � .
ALEX n091N$ON Proprietor. i � D
_._ us Stables
111. '• who (like. i,,
.lila haMinf ., alt • li(s)t► 'lll►RSKS
N4"u18Inv, will land lhr (ARR1 Ao KK
••w(01e Mlrie4 lit- 1' H A N T L) N M
e#' esti ep19pp4' 1:4*,. AT
tci geNNl htnw•s ;turf \ t RFAMONA 1(1.14
\ n'IR4 t H'A T h S
Buggies, Phaetons,
Wagonette, etc.
PA'Cry Carr' 141 kelt I.
A 141441111• tip• ('141,1 hal
mol 1.1)115114li.n of
1.041111/.111 -
Orders rare/en, eileadddl 11/i01 011
boom slant or ear.
Illessbee Ile
1J,t•ks mut reli-
able driviera Ill
rharg. ,f the
'Huw•m, whirhlwill
nl.et all trains
and .1 4.n nlh,a1N
PROM 1.1' '101MNI
M. Bryson\ 132 York ftt., Buffalo
Tell ?sliradtivBite ritetirs linen Piwn