HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-22, Page 5CASH OR
s Store
ry way possible
ahuroughly good
just secured a
ith white, blue
cy blacks, plain-
ly good for the,
cry and Oxford cul-
'eN are at the bottom.
for them. Note the
nd greys, nearly a
nd gtmlilirn Large
the Stamlanl. The
by hand. The
nachine made
nsuring clean -
detail, attach-
rompt delivery
ean's Real
e Bread
T of perfection.
bF eased
usiness purposes.
iu Hard CSI
raid ees tie tatarket arsine
fir Ila ter • tea
W M. ,.Eu.
eV•1Y abeamilwl�
*short Date ago we c*we in pus
session of au Interesting ducuweut re
!sting W the beginning of the salt it
dustt•y at (Io derich nearly forty _y ey,
ego. It is a letter horn the safe
Christopher Crabb, at that time and
for imine years n pIoulitent citizen of
(ioklerich, and Leads as fullowr :
Uuderich,tk.h May, hilts.
To John Melbuald, Eeq., Oodierich :
Dear 411, -It is in (wntempletion 1.0
force a company for the purpose of
sinking a well for the purpose of fiud-
ins either salt or oil, and as you Wive
Lauds situated shove the bridge ot1 the
Colborne side of the river that is
thought fit for the purport. of hoeing
a test well my object in writing this
is to ascertain from you whether ur
not you will deed to said couulatty, fir
individuals. two same*. of amid land,
free from all incunllnl•anee, on their
go:wintering that they will within
Gun tlot after oblai ' g stitch deed
commence operations and do sink a
test well of at Mast 860 feet. It would
b,• useless to inform a person of your
knowledge that It the a pony should
be successful your property thereby
will be increased to au *Musa bibu-
lous value. •
1 am, sir, with respe't.
Your nowt obedient
CHMOITlt. ('etANN,
Canadian Commissioner. Would Not pin the
1. London, Oct. 00 T. dFa/t
th1,•of the de • tional papers on
the other side of tie. line Nates it really
west protest when n preacher uses such
language in the pulpit as "The event-
ful .lay has rater and it tau went."
However pure the tier. however
await' the doa•tr•lue, however great. the
zeal of such li gentleman, he is not
likely. it thinks, tn,rlw• to a high .1...
gory of usefulneir. L'p.1n the whole
we are int'lin d w slwlw the opinion.
In a ulrethlg wiselr all aro invited to
',peek, nue may tr.1u 4iu,es direly.. pen
small enewall•e of edifeali..n from
u11eranceN that leave much ,to Ise• .4,. -
'sired ou the re..re ►with of pi
aimd Of gran tttttA • inst.
when a
ran is ho is supposed to have had
well..!dial/iodic advantages 1111141, Very,
uurouth and Mims -met t Ia4gnitge, a
distinct inapressiun of intellectual in-
fetii.rityiepnwluced, wit' b acts me
pi uwntly on even the iapw.Nrd
hearer.. We du not rein cel haying
[hard anything quitei eo ahork-
img (run n pulpit in this countryas
the sentence quoted. end we trust
IN not often that stOcI / Pearls are ryr"t
before our eultiv•taa Meade' -le.
r'adj..ining culnwon r(laltit. .\
14tm )on end ['were young. Taut.
And INah were very Kneen.
ire I houah t useh ('... m .wan, lend.
•Aud e0 ere lease miens:
'Rut now I t.0 we are old. fur
ind hi'•.wr eye-teeth rut.
Avatr.ink jolt whet ire think. IgA.
And keen our mouth. tight
ib not top studying just Ie•ratew
y. 11 have f 11 graduated. Ike not lay,
,rat ra, MSC - work for y self amt
most grauluate% du -that yin cann,.t
complete any of,it, Mut resolutely de-
termine. at the very outset. that you
will detutr at hart, a few minutes x
day to self-iunpr vetjwnt. It„ mol let
a claw Iotas without at, least a gliwpww•
ate gewwl book. Try's,/, treasure up a
lir of p.wlry. A h.1e4 iJ fru fir
is littie hi.tory Or something
,lo. w -hie!' will exercise t mind 4e.
that it will not stagnate. a
Whatever you do, tlrteni 'tie • that
you wi11 keep out fit ruts. Y( havr
plenty of example about you, to mien
and wowrn who have graellatel -ith
as ,bush determination, pwrhaps, A.
keep up their .1udil•m as you no
have, and yet have dropped into th
wood kind of rote, letting all the
beauty nerd p,w•ty die ant of their
lives. Many great men, Tike Darwin,
have hero suddenly surprised. its their
old age. to final that teir passionate
love for poetry. for music. and for
works of art hex practically tically dhoti)-
` peered for bark of exercise.
• Whatever may be your sue -at'
life, resolve that you will not get too
e rut..: that you will keep gn, ng
that, when von retire from the et ive
duties of id..., you w111 hey*. w, )aiding
h'h•lin• to,. and not. fowl utterly lost
and alone in the world *hen your
reg,rlar.erupst.ion in g,.ntr.
The following recipe for "kirt,esr"
was Kit en us by a Lungs young
Ludy. She omitted to state what Ntr-
ee4W she had hnd with it. but it is to
le pr•slne4l that she Ilea found it
quite sat isfau•t.ory and in passing ti good
thing ming : . •
To one piece sof dark verandah or
hamm.s•k add a little.tu(yonlight.
Take for granted trio people alone.
perces in two ;toting ones a email shit
Mill lightly two noncom of •ttraci'lon,
title antler of nominee.
Add a large newt,, of folly.
Mtir in tote err two floating ntfk4.,
\ oro or two whispers.
Dis,Ni,f'llvrl•ne-e. ons-helfdn-
(..n glnnees in a
I n
I st irl a renal' quantity of hesita-
tion :'(one inert(,,• of resistance : two
curers f.vielding.
Ptwlau'ae 'Iilw, mese.. on a flushed cheek
Placer wi • alight eel -pant.
Set .side to I.
ent of The Wnodptoek
1 Pte," test *heel the whiM,ale
Lter e ,'lisle sail takes Ones
.nn, ply on- nkagpvi y. The
pu'ree's Kaes 111 her than rrrrres-
I'auklenl,'•andi P, is mit that. this
slaughter not (y
nod by Menke -
t)*y Mut is atanl ly going
That it is reliefs -hilly rnlrl n
the ph ( N0nantl iw4•nusn the hinds
are on t
h nigratlort- flight to the
0•.1 nn,t are eerily killed. A
Peet deal mor' pt thinks, might he
done fur. the protection 0f, Pled. k'y
a(tnt4 and teachers, and if that.
ineffitetukl the law aholtkl be invoked.
Theta is a Inw veined. the deatn,ctkm
of in.ertivnrouu birds. What. The
ktpnrt'e,s 4/tee is along right. linea. To
kill lards which
are not prantr in the
I'^'Per wens(• as font /ring a rntel
isaitinn on the part stallak awes. to rimy
nestling '•f the danger to thenellelvee
which this use of firearms
P'i'ng hop+in1'olves,
LI.1„u.ut the glbskttn fduuudary l`o
wusiou was signed lest night. A.
B. Ayles%urth, K.C. and lair Louis
Jett*, this two Canadian Cannella -
stoners, refused to sign.
The decision grants all the Maori -
Gan contentions with tin, exception
of tie relating to the Portland
Canal, The siguaturles were Lord
SIR Lo11L4 ,1E'r'rE,
Chief .lust ice Alvrstune,
Lodge, Senator -Turner and
tary }tout,. the American C'uwutty glss
'tonere. 'l'lluy euuattuted a majority
and ensured finality.
Messrs Aylerwo•th and Jutta car-
ried thelr.uut'pukee disapproval of
the dtrtalon to the point of refusing
to sign even that section of the de-
cision giving the Purtlund Canal to
Canada, and they emaphasried their
attitude by walking out of the
n.•t' room 111 the Foreign Office before
the signatures of the others had (vett
affixed to 11w historic ducua,rnt.
The only' thing remaining to be
dune at this session is that tku tua-
lurlty of the tribunal complete 'and
was the wap which iu'cuwpaI,ire the.
decision, awl which mumne•ly deter -
MOWN the cum,. ul ,the birundary
accindaure With the ; American con
tentu.ng, rontion.s1 iq question Flu.
The, engrossed copy of the derision
Mao will he signed fin Tuc,iduy. There
Is nu hole •xpre that The Curti -
ashen ('uplfld,.lo,e will rwunsWrr
their attitude.'
After is brat secret fun yes ' -
day morning the kiosk n Bout Ory
(•,Ilial N.IoherN drove tock11 tau
Palace, whore the ,were ,u al by
King F;dt►ard,who.hod j et iously
been Informed .`uf the ter of the
agreement' ^'�h.. tr•ibuu
The King's reception 4 the Cone
ndnriuners was a . 4.•1 simple .affair
111N M*jrsty rungrn nutted theta Ott
the conclusion of h.•Ir labors; • and
was especially c.rdial to the
The Alas declaim) will not - ba
publicly giv 1 .out brfure to -day.
• ■ Stites Wet Ablaut.
Londo, , Oct. 21) -it' A 1' 1 -aft the
oldscyt•hs Cunupany h.rtppuet to the
l wyirtruner,, hitt Meta the ale
se • tru:a the gathering of Clifford
Ni , ('roa.tien %I -mister of, the Je-•
riot, wed Noticeable.
Mr. A,-teeworth in a .tw•rh emphe-
sized ti hope that\ ('nnudiaas
Would s0 be no ururr strangers In
Lindon "Ih I the man -teem Shrop-
S ega ea as a 1,.7r. • -
L.ndon, Oct. 'U. -A(• A i' )-Ting
Edward's reeeptioi of A It. A;t les-
worth and Mir 1-0 e, .ief to yester-
day Is `egardid as a sup to Cana-
dian feeling.
Neil 1111 Te -Ds
Ottawa, Oct. 20 -in t .e Home
yesterday Hun Mr. Haire, u,ked
tf any Information had heel, J 'nnerl
HI to ■uy ■ward befog moire .1i. th
Alaskan ('omuuimsfnn. Set N11 Id
I.utrter replied: "Wo have au ufik•i. I
information moon; his question, but
it is expected that an ail ird upon
the reference will be node to -morrow
4y thea commission.- •
New Newell pterin, .,
London, Oct. 20 -4 'hal Scutt
Dickson, who has been Solicitor Gen-
eral fur Scotland Shure COM, ham
been appointed Lord Mh,x•ate for
Scotland, h,' ,sticceuulun to Andrew
Urethan Murray; ail Nw,Y•,isleI ford
Seg ret ay for
tum havrbeen
�fwl for Scot -
Balfour of Burlrijpll
Scotland. David lou
ippotnted Solicitor (!.n
land. ,
Drawees Mae te•■ne
Toronto, Oct. 2U, --The unto Asti
man who fell Into the Bay et the
foot of Yong* street Saturday nl t
and was drowned, has been 'dentin
His name Is Ubeld Demos!, formerly .
of Montreal. lie b • char maker
and was 'Ring with his married
brother un 6 ('oal'mnrth street.
••••tarlaa I)•ad at 1 ot,
IJncoln, in., Ort. 2U -David Mit-
chell died yesterday morning at his
farm, near this city, aged 102 year■
and 7 months. lie was a vegetarian.
Ile came from Ireland to New York
In 1847, and worked on the roes
'traction of the 1X1* Canal,
D1.ldeaa se slats Leas.
9t. ,Thomsa, ()rt. 211.-'1110 London
and Western Treat* Company yteeter-
day paid a dividend of 6t) cents On
the dollar to depoeltore of the Elgin
Loan Cowpaly. 1'hu will crake the
total amount paid so far 75 cents
on the dollar.
Maio re. a111N
Plttsbhrg, Oet 20 - Eight mon
were killed, two are enlisting and four
were badly hurt vest•r4*v ht' Ah•
Callape• of • traveler' crane on the
i'Itt.hlm g and el �t . new IW III A'h
Railroad draw -bridge ever Ohs MOW.
meals Rivet. \ ,
T 1
N,et.t,s Wah Russia With Consent
at, Petersburg, Oct. 18.-A aewepaper
published at Port Danny 1s authurltY for
the report -that the British Minister
to Japan, 81r Claude MacDonald, has
undertaken to mediate between Russia
and Japan, and, having secured Japans,
consent to certain pt'upore is, 1• now
negotiating with " - 'riaroe pro -
'etc that l:uyst* Khali restore
asset hurls to Cigna, find Chat the
principal Maps ria berme be opened to
foreign trade; Russia Is to withdraw
an tier troops from Manchuria, with
the e2ceptiou of the railway guard*;
she is to renounce her forret concessions
on both sides of the Yalu Meer, Si
well 1 tbp Yoalearnpho condcwslons,
Mpd the whet* oountry south of the
Vila is to bs admitted as beiougtng to
the sphere et Japan.
Jape 'Warned Out
Tokio, Oot. 18, -'rhe Japanese work•
men at the &role In Port Arthur, the
MudQuertieni of tie Raiselana, have
been dlach•rgted.
Thai exodus of Japanese from Man-
ehurla coranues. There Is no excite
merit Mere, as the people apeureutly
kav• full cuntdenw In the govern
rt... Wilk ■...r,
Yokohama, cot, 18 --The Japanese
Minister of War, Lieut. -Gen, Terau,•h
1k1, denies chat the eymy L desirous of
war'• and say. that the cabinet Is extant
moue In wishing peace with honor.
a• r•.r of a...II.
•t.Peteret+urg,OL•t• 17-W41l• raprisse
baaf the
hopsofa peaceful Issue in the
crisis The Nevoe Vremya
putnt• out that If war break' out the
R,aaan• w111 ries es ope man at the
eats of the Czar and there can Mao
duybt regardl g the ulumate bre.
It. Novo* Veamya asserts that the
Japanese belief that Viceroy A1fxIerf
represents the It upian war party is
Quito erroneous, adding: "While the
Vtostroy hes been given extensive ad
elle strative pow•rs,he la only the exe .•-
tstoeof orders of the (Nor ln. matters
et foreign policy. One or the Czar's
obit alms, the maintenance of peace,
l■ the fundamental mods of Russian
pottey in he far east."
150 ear t. tk• ♦41.1,.1.
t. 17 'the Bin lin cur-
respuudrat\ The Ti;nes soya the
Czar is 'rep to to ha,e sent the
following tele a to Adroit al Alcxl-
e8, the Russian Vf roc in the Cur
, Port ' t
h r4
full power to nth tai , it mereocary
Russia's prestige fu ce of anus."
W•ablih t C
London, Oct.. 17. rea Britain is
sending twoaddition wa ships to
'.China The first -clues ul: Europa
has been ordu:-ed Indo To is ion at
Portsmouth, for despatch o -t • Chi -
.nese station, end's batt .hl will
be sent • there from the hf Ite -
ean squadron.
liaNl.a Irlc.r•y Is r•r Pilot H.pll.s •
th. C..r.
St. Peterrburgy' Oct, 20.-A Story
t current in mt tpry and 'dipluwatic,
cirque here t the effect that the
Czar recently, tlelgraphed Admiral
Alexlen, IP/0watt rcrroy stn, the Far.
Fest, 'r. sling It -Jepaurse. re-
Iatiwor, fid Say in Ij~1at'I(u56faii la -
torrid' ururt• be uta tattled by force
of ar 11 necee.ar-yy. The Viceroy is
teal • to hate replied to this message
b • deuhand frlg 5(1,0�M1 adaftsonal.
l•rplMlar at
Pekin, Oct. 20,=Lik4 other' cities
1A the Far East, P4kin js perpl,•xed
by the r,VorCs from wartime
of events purteruling a Russo-.,ap-
anese war. Most of these reports on -
luse-tigation prove to\,be unfounded.
Thr opinion prevails here that Ring -
sift propose"; to hold 1111 rhe has
gained in Manheria and "•fruin for
the present from flirt her advancer In
5.1,1,.. u.ael,.d.
Ottawa. Oet. 20. -Militia orders
yesterday contain the following;
"Nfnrty-Ftret Highlanders. Tjt.
formation .of a Highland Regiment
of Infantry, consisting of four corn-
panier,.,lo be designated the Ninety-
Flnt.11lghlanders, with regimental
headquarters at 1lamulton, Ontario,
is authorized: Than regiment to be
organized uu the status of a city
corps." .
-Platen a eater Lilt.
Olcott Beach, Y.,- Oct. 20. -
The schooner C. Peck is ashore
o8 Hopkins .Creek, d'js rapidly
breaking up. The stns nes lrorter of
Plcton, Ont., which had that Peck
and schooner Isabelle Rennie In tote
and lost them during a•heavy blow
on Sunday, has not alnce- been seen.
The Isabelle Heade is riding t an-
chor off Olcott and le In nu daajer.
Dr, sasses Ad=o ted w Dall. �\\
Hat Portage, Oct. 20.-Yesterda9
mottling Justice Chapple gave an or-
der Tor hail for Dr. Thomas Hanson,
whom the coroner's Jury brought in
guilty of neglect in came Of rhlld-
Irth, at 34,000, and Sunday .night
nd• Were accepted by Police MagIN-
tr • Robinson, $2,01f0 beltiw Riven
by t • &eculted and 112.000 by Mears.
Cause .n and Heap. •-
Pear Mea Rolled
Young.t 'n, 0., Oct. 20. -Four
men Were ren &Darn and killed on t is
Mahoning llav Street Railwajr, on
lines Sunday h ht. \berm
or Peeleful Surrender , 0/ 'Mow' (Mee
and eeabatetl•a•ef Die Death et u• Marie -
denies a•rulatieNt sty Lesser.
Saloalca; Oct. 17.The report of
the death fit Boris Surafo8, the fam-
ous Macedonia !taller, Is confirmed.
A despatch from Salonica 'Thurs-
day said that it was reported, r that
Bona 6araftsfl was lilted Oct. 12 fa
a skirmish at Pruva, nage Florlaa.
Best 'Siraloft was the lift and
SOW of the Insurgept operations to
Me• was popularly believed to be
;As real instigator of the abduction
of *1M Ellen Stone, the Aua1•ican
ltiisslonary, in September, 1001, in
order to procure through her ran-
som funds to enable the -Macedonian
Itivoluntlonary Committee to or-
ganize the Insurrection.
to 18115 Sarafoff formed a band of
desperadoes- to raid Turkish terri- •
tory, Since then he headed nearly -
400 daring ralds into Turkey.
Sault Ste.. Marie, Oct. 20 e- 'he
contest over the jw,s,crltalori of thu
plants of the Consolidated Lake Su-
perior Cu., WillCi.,hud' been in pro-
gress In •nd•uut o1 court Our weeks,
cantle to an e'ild y,4,terduy at two
o'clock when .lamer Bicknell, rept,..
senting B. '1'. Faoketthal, than rucete-
eV, 'a>r given the keys of the make
and all of the subsidiary- factory
The peaceful auj•rcedr•r of 'ilia pro;,:
perty to 14 pryer * Co., . which till
cWupanv imq lin her to dert
inr4) Ile
make, )s the result of au re•mtellt
reached in New York last • Frlduy,
whereby all of the dirrinee and oltl-
clelte of all of the •utwidia v. coul-
parllea resigned, and them' pl cess Were
flhd by Speyer & Cu., whoretorted
Brujaudn T. Fackruthul, therwty-'
fir, as the president of all t e cow-
panles. ,
Nauei of thu other direct rs• and
officiate are unknown herr. In cou-
ad.ratto, fur this surrender of • the
property, Spryer &('u. has agreed
10 postpone the sale of the curities
*.til Dec. 15, time givjng t e atuck-
holders time to gist funds t repay
thu loan and restore the big concern
to Its feet.
Prean Pr.d.erre to n. te' ert.
It Is expected that as' soon as pus-
sIbie all of the plants of the com-
pany that ars profit -producing *111
be put into. operation again by *Jr,
Feckenthal. These include the .pulp
mulls, the ww will and •the veneer
works, which would employ a large
DUulb•r of cern.t
The action atow Sou, yesterday by
which Janus l4ickarll K.C., acting
for Speyer & Cu., took lnwagediun of
the work, of the Lake MuI4 rt. o
('uasulldated, Is in accord with ill
plan by which Senator ilendurau
and ht. F.ngllah.client, are to, slut
*lofty days in which ((filmy off ill
mortgage. This po•e•srlun of Saito e
& Co • Includes all the miluetaiea but
the Algoma Ventral liwlrued, against
which the illjuuctlon le not diseolv
ed. Thi, leaven Mr. lllckuell In
of II _
r a 'the ,
lav c m
lea except the railroad ° pan
Fitglash Nyudttur•• until and /[Iced the
secure the noeweiery funds to 6take
charge hof the .property.
tattled by Ligbtalag.
Coldwater, Oct. 18.-A sad drown-
ing accident ocuurr d la the river
here about 0 o'clock last evening.
-Walter ltainbird was out duck 'shoot-
Intr. and when returning home a
Sturm came on. lie is supposed to
have been atruck•by lightning and
fallen out of his Canoe. ilis.coupun-
ton was a short distance•behind him
in another canoe, and felt the shock
of the lightning. A distunes ahead
of bis he found the canoe upset.
Word was sent to Coldwater and a
party went la search. They soon
found the body, near where the ci uov
was found. o
garret by Tattle, we*Ir1„
Port Arthur, Oct. 20, -Little Ar-
thur Tow was struck on the head
yesterday morning by a board from
the steeple of Zior, Methodist Church
e• 1fi, skull was crushed and grave Fran
are !mei Mined Jot- his rtcotery,
✓ �
sag• Johnsen et • Ig•m• r aa.•t Orate
trrd.r !for 1'u..•..1eu,
Toronto, Oet. 20. -In the Judge -
meta handed out trrdav try Jur-
the Britton, the winery Injunc-
tion restrelning the 'entre' 'Jruat
Cu. from taking posseson for Spey: & Cu. of the works a th�1. Stun.
as dissolved, as was al t
etlua restratoug Judge o a
of lgoma Irian granting an u
r • • fist.
+ judgment says in part: " le
c 1 . y contrary to the polka f
the u as law Is now adlninlute
ed to mit en action for eject-
ment a afterwards an 10.110n fob
Nal,. '1't.: .wt W nut for turwlusure
or sale. 1 for declaration es tet
the plaintiff rights, and 1/' 1 nuc
right in dec•id that the action in
alio district :our le only fur rn•olrev
of laud and ie within the jut nod a .-
til,• of the court, mottos!. hot to n• -
strain further pros , e inns there were -
Iv bream% the plain fie' could hate
complete recuses in the pre -
reit action.
'The mere Wit:Mi fin o immediate.
p,w4eesle,n cannot' under h.• serial
and unfortunate eircuw,ta eta, .now
existing, matter tnuch t, either
party. The plaintiffs are 11h, "wee
in fact and must account •• (or their
dealings with the property if the de-
fendants •re able to• redeem; end
d.•feudattls in the present aclien ha'
the right to attack the mortgage I
open to valid keel objections."
This decision does nut, however, af-
fect the Algoma ('antral Railway.
an, by the temporary Inju*ctfun
¢restart, Masxr,N. t'nnrnhe and.. flow -
an, th. Central TrustCO,
i1 Co.: and all 'others are prevented
fr,lnl laking I41.01r'04' ,.f the hall-
way. he refloat, are, mrumce•r by
a Minn r injunction restrained froth
deliverin the property (u ;Moever
Co., or
e 01he•r , J,rlilnls.
Orest iafeelaa adored. ly 0arfafe said
• Mata '•eke•aer.
London,. Oct. 20... The -MrtaereH,
71e ton schooner, I: en with codfish;
reached Qn,4•nwtown rol!n Newfound-
land Sunday night. , h ,was navi-
gated for .the' entire trip, •-Lich last-
ed, 141 day,, 1,y her certain -end mate.
alone. 1'he u,rn suffe.:d terrible
hardships. The whoop.., enrnunteawl
•'u•rrsmIun of gales and cold weath-
er, and holm.. r•aua41 the certain
and mate extreme sufieringa. They
neyi•r slept in trsts hunks from the'
time they started. For pita days the
.,•hoone•r was on her' beton end,, and
then the t wo men subsisted on plead
and nater, a, they were unable to
tight a fins.
Hale, 11..1n•n ].o.,
Sturgeon l,,1ls, (Mt. 21). -The im-
perlel PaIN'r Mills began 04erat lone
Oct.' 1.1. over $I,IuN1,feei bay,
repent on theta. l
Wear our cloth , *nee and it will
the a •vtery difficult th'
yourself to any others.
Ours will stand the it of blue
and will retain their shape.
We can please tasty and - n rtic-
nlar dressers, b(ith 111 fit' antifa
Our fall litre iv complete i
novelties and staples.
g to accustom
Frank H. I'lartin,
The Tai,
For Pro it...
Every Farmer shook' keep
these three words c,'n•:tantly
in mind and co,,Jtict" his farm
on strict busittesx piIto: pies.
Guess work and haphazard
methods are 140 longer a ed by
successful and up-to-date far-
By reading Tan WEAK -LT
SUN, the Farmer's Business
Paper+, you will get the very
latest and most accurate in-
formation regarding your busi-
ness. . c
The Sum's market reports
are worth many times the sub-
scription prise to you.
Every Farmer ie Canadti
should realize the full value of
She service .Tnl Staff has ren -
red hinl\in a public way. it
w due to fhc'action of Tax
SUN, n giving voice to the
opinio of the farmers that
the la relating to catt
guards, ainadre toss rail-
ways, and fires used by
railway loco otives h been
We will lend Ha Wager;
SUN from now to t January,
1905, in combiltat ,n with
The Signal, for
Suihsel•Ile 114,W,
Siuuple her (he asking.
TwneDSAY, Oeb. J2 ._ 1 3.
!miss Bleck W. A a M°K1 M 6laorici. 0.1.
Overcoat Bargains.
Urn's $i2:ut4 Overcoats for 110.111
•• MIM) '• M5t1
7.A0 •'
8,111) ••
`• 8, W
" -41.011
" 3.50
Early in the gras011 tar price epttiug we twilight too ninny
411141 want._ to unhuul. Mete. Must'. Nut's' Snits and Overcoats
at price.: your Way.
for hitless suit., at per ren t
:id. it
Pure• wool, fast eulur•x, +ilk. to
no. •1,:111 kind for $I.ti) to
DRESS GOODS.- All a,s,l
Sel'ge, good Caine at 25,•, 10
clear at per yard .... , .,
ZEBILINES at all prices.
from 51k• to $1,54.
Hellin ant., at IN1rgltiu
MILLINERY. Still growing in volume of ia,sfnr'K INr'all, we
.'ell at dry goods prices. We Nee'ut•trl N special allies in
'1'uruut0 hest week in ready-to-wea, hats find veils.
tw tlr tui Illi iii til iii lei iii ib Oa tui ib tui tti stili ice itviw ilii�i
Mtrtrttftfi mmttnnnnmmmtm1m11mmmmmmm4
Fall is Here ,
and You Will Need
Your Feet Weal Shod
ate prepared for you With rna' of the' lest .
stocks tvhieh net• have ever ah'Wn. NVe handle .tG-,th-
ing'lnl the field footwear and give theme Ye yuiI,, at
1 st pt i, , s, N'r hxndh•
'The Celebrated Slater The Einp
Shoe and The'OGeo. A. Dorothy
rens sad
Gentlemen for Wo
WVr will lie p1
` remember our p tic
1 truest Prices."
Huhlk•es --w n lave t
1 ulnae you (Julie giblets atW
always Iw,u ' Itiyl►a't Uuuds
Int th;w and can fit any shoe.
uuuuuuiuutu�u�uru�u �iuuuuuiiiuuu�uu�
My sGk'k of Millinery for full and winter Ise in- ready
for iu4pwytiun. and the Indies are invited to eel al., any
firth• JIM! ruse the new Nhatl,s 1 styles. They will nod
a ev,mplete asspit t ,,f the latestshapes and trimmings.
Many pretty things in the
.S0 i new Wool Lace Effects .1
In Heaey-to-Wear Hats a I
Targe variety to choose from
street, - GODZRICH'
Call and see our stoves and ranged they save t
least. Every stove or !ante sent out on 30
most, they cost the
ys' free trial. -\
Just What
is •Needed `
Otir Ilial(' nir-tight heaters are ,just' the thing for
falC They throw a great heat, burn chips, corn cobs
0)' chunks of wool.
Call in and See Them
G E 0.. L. AL.L:A N_
ki0' l MT Pit icPs
Ft e
'p h