HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-22, Page 44 TomRaDAY, Oct. 22, 1903.
To O. Established in Goderich,
Proposal Is Accepted.
Bylaw Providing for Tat, Eumpllon to 8e
8ubmdted at Yew Yerr•. Alp DIM* to
Money A', .1 by School Board Other
Matters S+tore Town Coursed Dr. Clark
T-at,N M.s .at.
All the :wale were tilled at the 111N'II
Council meeting toll 1.'1•id:tY evening.
'the new -member, \\'. F. C'lic'k. having
made the net•r•w.try.dw•l.ir:ttion: iota
taken the • stent coveted by- Mr.
11 tier.
1'0uueillar l'lli.dt iu.1ii ltd whetlba
the in.Iru••tiou• 1,1z:wiling the eu
tormien! of the liquor Ise 11,1 119.11
gihan t•.„1h' policemen. 11 is tt o►.hip
I1II.welwl in the 'Minitel 1. e.
A n..le. from %Vim C..uu111..•11. tax
eullrel..r, -stated that up to Flil)ey
evening he taw're•s-ivts1 taxes to the
amount of ,19, 0.11(,
•t communication 'from_ tlie pro
meters of 1lit•- hnru,w Ill((Illifact Uritis
e Mltl111Y who Wert: sU ION U recent h..
Wm. 1,, the effect that they would Is•
widen:; to enter Upson urgotiatious
With the emitted toner obis. ri't'e
eouu••1I t•,••1. Ifo a'LiUn,
Tbr ley'ul fur Which Mr. \Valls. cate-
I:I0.er..elle punks. wa til 1ewl ex-
Pie•r.I on 1h.• 11th inst.. hilt le- three
- w•as still work for hili to do his em.
• ploynlent %vas emitinu,91 for another
.4. ,,' L 4i.'1l.,ke fif lir" ))i .g '-
being Matte i.% I he l'. P. it. surveyor,
in their avid s I.,•1 oleic l:ulerieli and
I:u.:lph, .mea rip..,'tett that in easier to
'►r,•p 111.+ 111.11,•1 nrt.,olin1•1111'. hefor.-
the 1'.eilleult, in ease they at•1.• h.it
yet ilioreimitly con "nerd as
amend of trade 4,' 1 done in t.hi.
tiers -1 1. be 11n•1 'shit .11 rll•''nl,,r• to
r.•pn-•y11.11,.e -people 1III% 1001111 1111.
1.0111 11111 aisking 11(4111 Int semi ,i state -
1,11111. 1.1 t h.• .uo. mitt ii pros a ta..<
I,u.in.•.., for the new r.tilW'ay. het
towu..d.•. o.•r. eret•tilpj(theuhrl.e.
.1u applied ioic, Irbil 1 .,!'t. Mill,
1 reie..•i,ni ,tr J...„1 tax 91.1.. :4.111 1.,
1 . .' .111'! ..1 Ir . I.:u,,.
31.1gist.rat1 HIat111L'1• inn c au
wien.r.,t ion to the r..uaeil area .11
t.'.ILoll •.. 111. t•' iiie.t for ieit oil:'.•
r..,,ua. H.: .in 1e.1,•.t Ihat Ihr r.s.lu
u*,lair. iu ilea t eye hall new nceu-
11,191 )a; tit• litr11i.'n v..ndd if' clevated
sad llie U,•r.• ;9:t .•t• Coll9-1•Mil• tern
put in he ura.I' tat. tnew'ur l he *cits„•,
lee', motive wa. left in the heeds of
he piii,lir w... k- as 11...
The weajsw:ti for tj1,• r..tatilishuu•,t
of a luau, g,ulurnt''fa• tote in 1i.sle-
rirh WA. lruight before the e. it
in the following I ittttttUii.al loll :
I.Iderick, 1St 11x11, LAP,
to tie Mayer and I. omit: .
Dear Kir., %,,eI W...• In .•.Ishli.h n
w 4u11'1t1�Y in whirl,
1I,eL1,..11 .11%ot:.na(kkink
Cyr .,0,.1.1 ...•pin; 1141I Ir., Flom La: tit )11.,
haul., w it h the no wet. of from fifty to unc
)111 stout runduy 4.s eek year s.-aslanrr
to lie 091.4111111 art municipal takes and Ino
w-IQd. If -nrh I. granted (u will pror.v.l
each in 1110 ht ,njjkl and r 1.111 's ui•ahsr
�t%-tory. 1Orth.r,st+aunil.tee of the Mord of
Tnadt+IO :u% -cif w rail oil yvu tm- e.r11tu11
to urt(r.our claim. far '11,, ..t.4..'. -
N. H.'Sim it.
11r. Smith was lie tri. in reference t„
the prr.jrt-l. Hr state,' tical he run
side.s1 (1...leek-1i a *jive" plaint be. suet'
a t:art..ry., H:•1 , mor,- ileal#., and.h,•1 e c A•U-.•. light itl the town.'
not in the cilias, amidIlh thr advent
O the 4'. P. it. and 1 e water (on-
ce tiwith 1th the North, rlarket
(he •rich itolikl- luny exca mellent ship-
ping arihties. Mr. Subtle,eaohl they
0.111114 • 1111 rtvluii't 'nitlr'11 • ‘rater. as
they wt 111.1 114.• a gawlllnr en ne, avid '
they a.k 1 touly' for iehrisoh,l of the
taxes on t to it.l 11,.t, Iii.•nl.. I. Noe.,
could he .a•t•11 i.y 'the .1111111111ilik 1 .1
the byte*. n 11' lime of Ilii, multi
opal rlete1011. ,
A. M'Mltelrre. jnwittenl ..f 1 h Honest
•,t 'l'i'*.I.', .1.1,i Atilt -1hu, .....4.- a... -
heartily jn fav r of Mr. Mitnith`.
'.. w a 11 ship
1'. II M111 11. 111 I'll t III 111
P H K I 41
reale.,. he ...chi test...Wit Wan ,u gess a
point 11s'Inv 1111 111: 1N, :111.1 with the
1'. P. It. it %%mild he's. ern Vetter thee
at pr,.0•It.
' V. C. Goode ober was W; ld in ...up -
port of the p1.gtMal.
tnunrinor 1•.Iuuu rein Aril that‘I‘
...mica .1i.1 not MAY.. .. n •rule nl
goo lull its* Water 1.01'14.1•0.i a1i.i MI'.
Siuitl..14le.! 1h.11 tliev W.eu 1 ,.civ
.41.01 u1 her factories g.4.
A emotion w.a4 mewed tit.lt :a 'hvhow
le. pr,•111 t.l :au.1 •suluuitlel :►t the
Debi uluuit'Ipal eleetiens low the cx-
rlupt. •t-.lue•.te•.1.
1 he school 1..,.,i. 111:hing o.k •.1 th.
a .ylew be ,mb:uitte.t to p r..%:d• es .,.41
f.. aher.at1 ,110 at the rent 1.1; .ch , ,1.
Cllr •otlnrtl will provuh• fur ,1 9.41. 1111
this t ,n.dion :at the mune' t'
-1'hr •►.•Luk of the (:tent North-
%eget', •r.hllatiun asked that the
r,sinril n.l.•r Moe. payment to the
tr,•a.nn•i• .r the exhibit' h..s:d of
tlie .11111 of 11411.111111i.t41 1111a14e the
n9luelinn o the .nut, ind,ht hese,
-,aarned by tl • Isoar.l. :Ilse • eer.•Ltrt
1,•1,91 that le board Icad a email
Ise 1e,• In the et sl after Ilu• psaynieut
of t • prix, lea , 1d the 4ot•.ing'•t;-
ps•tee. for this y 1r, and with Ili.•
attestant . t•ouli.,•tl 1.. the eou11eil Ilii
h• 9 of t
'nula ,s (n 4 11 t real c .
l vl 4 n
nr, that ,std. IR, ,.Deese hamper
th tt beard, int would ,t o% the r tt'
ryIiaK• on of ;a11 'thibi(ie 1111 a w 11.•
etwllleietisIIl•late . t '1 la the Mrt.•nei.ns
of a town like (bele 'rh. \
M. Elliott inqui, gem*hilt rem-.
dititns the grant wrist luti. I. and
the matter wits went to thisNieto,*
e' 'f ler for Ikl''W 'gut it. . ` •
no. follow lug iie.moue wertes ant to
the themes. ,.uueuil1.•. : N. 1). Ream -
tit., tal4Jwttre. $2.141 :.I. 1i. \Volw•tI.
s44t lief :and work, Mita,;,, : 'i'he,y(Kuai.
printing And ad%erti.iug, ailt.(t1 E.
terahalm groo•..ries ft tie top ef. *2.
Th.. %Ater and light 1 int„ re
ported that the contrite' for the nue.
heeling vl the eo,al p,In'haw.1 • frl,u F.
H. lt/dne•. haul 10.0(3 /I W4111114 11, Holl.
K,ar at:ti0 seer• tun.. Solite n,ri••0Wry
.tlpplit•t fell' the e•le•rtiic light depart-
ment had 10.en et.lt•Iwt. The, rept et
Was ndopatr,l.
The wadi, wool:. c 'lit.• .re.
ported llutt they Mel MuwM Mr. Neftel
in referent* to 11th1 treater of a mite for 1l),-
th,'- bo.itilitI 11.1311 h. 13,344 retro-nsrd hie
welling. .. to lxreulei>; eft tot the
Ianit at nny time fill. the pr,vita.a
agreement. The r.s Mee will deal
fertlwr with the inntte't•:
Clark's name
wls e
r 1
for that of ,•t-1'.AMu•iIli it. !louder
ton the lirtfil r '1.trt.t.
Mr. Sa Indene. address. tI the r.auw•il
in rogard to n petition W11.11 was he
fore the cennt'il s • till.• eco five da
,noir eIle•Ileinn nn (',tlrtla•II( nwt.l
limn Nelson et reef to Nl•%I'gatI
.44144/1., 1111• Matter had he. A lain
a0i411. at the time, 16111 as the 14 .11111•1
1001, Monter', the local inrprov,nwnt
iIlan fete work ..f this nal are he he
leves('the peopeMy•ta*vner. intera,Aed
*mild favor hn%inp; the work door on
this pinto. At the teem. Zinn• he ,lid
iiia tsrnstrier it fair that w'hil.• .it here
lead' stweret at 1 he gelu•ral e'xpetau•. la
which he had t., 11 witr(hutr, he hod 4
pee the whole et,d of hie ciw'n newer
eamese,,tiu11- He prttt.toaed that, M
woke B equitable. thou- who weep now
+ *.*Igat'M rt with s ewers it the
cat of the town should he aaewmel
sulttrdetilly to 1,19,%ide Noels for their
reFd4tsmienl In the future,
Tin. council ,bljucara.st wit) t
ru4siug Mr. 1`lnunle.-• pn,'k•sitiou.
Lead.. ?this Caa.daN C pe.detl
Says Il Wear Sweep Ctaaae.
London, Oct. 20. -Tho Morning
rostra special t'auadian correspon-
dent decade on the part the wieder-
of the nue beta' policy plays in
Uanada. The scheme for • preference.
nu matte' what uppo.1tu,a came
from the manufacturer*. would Sara*
the country. Overtures would oer-
taiuly Come from the United States,
bit 1,' is assured by Uuldwtit Smith
that his friend, In America have no
int tion of mu extng the Dominion
force. The growing nerd of *m-
erles is national resources, and Can-
ada N w great that unless c.nglaual
made • previous arrangement the
American offers would be su tempting
that Canada would find them diffi-
cult to refuse.
eared. • Mg racier.
London. Oot.
Daily Chronicle says: "Mr. Chow-
berlala promises great expansion in
the oolonlal markets, but is Canada
going to remove Cho duties on lirb
Da *ottani, and if not, where Is
Lancashire's. advantage conlint.in?" •
Iles Bloodiest Myr: "Th. opinion
that Canada must not sacrifice her
liberty of action is present every-
where and presents great dtdlcultj•
to the rascal arrangement. As Can-
ada increases lu population, her
manufactures will inevitably conflict
with established British industries,
and if Mr. Chatnberlaln tried to pre-
vent their establishment be would
Imperil every • connective between
the Dowiutua and tow Mother Cuuu-
Celestes /Cay (telt
London, Oct. 20.-(C.A.P.)-Mon-
sieur Jlert1 keeretary •f the Unlou
'tlhoniat 'of Paris, say's: a the
bacilli of lir. Chamberlain • mita
111♦ to fight, he ultimately wil win
the ■rtppurt of the Empire. But it
•olontett like Canada and the - C
,t not given solid reusun• for rail
Ing u the support of England, the
ate b nd to begin As ♦arch to-
ward em ipation'.'t
• et Yen slit Nosey Woe Freak?
Loudon, . • .2U -(C A.P.)-1'he
Maryut; of - tot, reviewing the
pruceedinge of t untreal Congress
of Thu Chamber o Commerce. says
that if -the l'anadlan arltamett de-
cided to coutrilbuto t• ards • tat'1
wtpenditlu•r it *wild be tticult tb
see, 00 things 914114. ,Mere t wuney
WWI Ill coin, frau, 'a4 mere - in-
direct taxation would be 'emu le,
and to Increase direct tient
would be equally tinpoasible, 'if not
still more unw'i'se, '
■.dlry r1eea1 Tall.,. .
'London, tact. 20 -(C. A.. P.) -R.
Dunlop, the head of the' Allan Line,
Yesterday, before the Glaogow Cham-
fer of Couu(lerre, called upon the
Gus, ruwent to modify its fiscal pol-
icy in order to secure ret Iproe.&l
trade with foramen reentries.. ..
Cobden, Bright ..d reel rag OR to
Cheap A*.Il.*.
London, u. t 20. -polo llorley,.M.
••P., the. former 'Liberal Chief Seers:
teary fur Ireland, who baa been Id.
tcud-rrtireu,elt. -while, writi• • . 1315
•'Life of Nllhaw Ewart (Badsti•e,"
returned to active political life .at
night, egad , took his place In
lighting- line against the protec•tio
let policy of the present Government,
In the historic free trade [hall at
Mauchrlttei,.-:the biographer of Co
den mud Gladstone, addreeseng an
audience which filled the large •hli-
1(c*, uroused immense enthusiasm by
an eloquent and opifited- attack on
the niw'•puliC.y, a}painst which. - he
declared. he was arrayed with the
whole weight, of auti.,;rity,_both
practical and theoretical.
Bu crude, raw and unthought out
were the prupussle launched in Chert
country, that men' of all partial,
Liberals • and l'on,ervatives, were
united in opposittou to theta.
The country, continued Mr. Mor-
ley, hat been Invited to put its ances-
tor., like •Cu'bden, Bright and Peel,
up to cheap auction; but, when be
thought hoes right Cobden and
Bright had been se to free trade, the
French treaty of 18t$0; the Crimean
War and the American War, ha was
0t going -to apologize fur them.
$*.. >.•■es Tre. ■111 Asalae
Silber *dial .ad 4.0.111..
Londo 'Oct. 70.-'1'!e ltt•curder, in
charging he Orland Jury at the old
Bailey yss rday, advised finding a
true LIII Iagpinst Whitaker Wright.
The Recorder\•aid he hoped the facts
which had beedlenloand would serve
so a "solemn rnisg to p. rsuns of
high position, s Must lending their
names to comtucrleial enterprises, of
which they had ntls, practical know-
ledge, and In which `they becunrtha
'prey of wicked mon„ *bo, by means
of their names, victiti1Fed the pular
tic," .
has* Involves Milt(..••
Baltimore, ' Oct. 20. -Yesterday the
Maryland 'Trust Co. end the. Union
Trust Co. suspended, and are .now 1n
the hands of receh'rrs. The Maryland
Company had demand and time,: de-
posits of $5,7714,817.15, and the tot-
al liabilities, of the two compost
exceed $10,000,000.
atomised Wilk the £....l1.
Stratford, Oct. 20 --John Now -
land, who was arre,t,•d as a vagrant
about three weeks ago, and hoe since
been incarcerated In the Jail, was
brought before the police inegletrate
eest•rdav morning( and charged with
having assaulted Nettie Mc'l'avloh tof
South Easthupe. Ile pleaffed not
guilty and was remanded to fell
for a Week.
Dabs 54.11 1. MY n.1..a.
Fiamnton, Oct." 20.-Fdward !hike,
the negro, who shot Terence Scott,
Sunday Morning. watt brought bask
from Welland yeetrnlav afternoon.
The prisoner elating that he was
forced to shoot In Lett -protection. Hie
victim has slept quietly nearly ever
since he was wounded. That doctors
bare some 4oubt about lila recovery.
Ndlln'N (trip Powderd core. For
sale by .lam, \\ dom.
A i ithy ion t neeoxearily afijicted
with j,utlwlicelw•raurn it's it little yeti
My wife le hey Mg the hest .If beellh.
Milk'►', 4',wnJwound Iron Pills did it.
Fos' wile by .Mao. \Viisorl�
Thr're is no rerthl nitr for the
111Nn %lin dN realm. blind if he is nnshle
t.i tell a gteetibagk whoa he sees It.
relies Almost Oto Ower tmm small el
Clam ♦,,Neat.
Nanalwo, B. C , Oct. 134 -- A ter-
rible case of accidental shooting ie
reported frorll Cumberland. The vic-
tim ,was Hazel, the pretty little 8 -
year -old daughter of Jaime's Cprthew,
ex -Mayor of Cumberland, sed the
gun which caused her death was 1n
the hands' Of her father. Mr. Carthew
was outs on'his own land' shooting
grouse. and • was accompanied by his
two children;•• girl and • boy. Mr.
Oarthew was about to bre; sad turn-
ed to the boy, warning hitt- to keep
out or the wily. At that moment the
gun, which chanced to be on a line
with' the little girl, wys *ccldentally
discharged, the contents of both bar-
anrels striking the child, 'who was but
a few fret away, in, the tate and
breast, tearing the flesh to ribbons
A hole was literally blown into the
eardhd artery Mr. Carth.w,plckrd
up the child, but before he could
reach the house, which was 'close at
hand, she was dead. Mr. Carthew 1*
almost crazed.
crease. Trott* d le 1.5534.
Wichita, Kam , Oct. 20.-C.escrue
broke the world's trotting rro•.rd lot
a tint, utile yrtterday arta•roour1
going the distance ,(n 1.591, 1•_atng
'the previous rrtor'd, held I,y tom
l+illult and Major Reimer, by at quar-
ter of • eiruud Weather end trio.1
eondltiqus were of the lest. t'red•
crus wcdt the hist quarter is 80
seconds, the hal( in 59t. the three-
quarters in 1.30. Ju,t before he
reached the wire ('resc.•us broke. and.
iris believed, lost three-quarters 01
a ew<comi
41... east 1e a mai..
St. ,1 n's, Nfld.. Oct. 19 -The
schooner toe, with a cargo of cud -
fish from Fa for Oporto, was sunk
off the Gran Banks in Thursday's
gale. One of th' crew was swept ov-
erboard and lost. The three r.'uain-
lng wap launrbed, the small boat,
and after rowing fur thirt>-six hours.
during whirh,'tiwe they suffered ten
ribly, managed.' to wale, a landing.
sae kfiled 8. Curt e.
• .ondun,.i "1 kat. 20 -A despatch from
• torr,� }.pund.nt - at, \Ol.
deea sa. e.
hat nfwia has reached a thin- hone
western that 2110 lives hole Is.•u
10 t In an earthquake at Mishit.,
1'r is. Thirteen villages were. tie-
toro,'.d, end solve 1.t•t'0 peraooa ars
now uwelesa.
less)', F.. els0.•..
Londo . (k't. 19. -Tb• "tight lion.
iulw Lo'ley's (pe of 110.0ta/ from
the pu1,11 hers of bpm • of
(lliedtttun.'' is the largest.ever Id
fur a copyr ht biography in g-
leader of 1
Coluiubiii lr.
.C. Liberals.
t.-20.-.1. A
d, wail elected
'ty in Diitish
4... Mr. eb
les V. S),t'Idoo, the
1.•11 floe, a ste,.•t ear
and broke his ankh•.
Aas*Mrr landslide.
Oita*a. Ik-t . 20. -Another \-la
%lade at P.inpere Sunda. c tut
bluckulle i.( the charnel of the Li<vrc-
'Beaia for an hour. - ,
Mtn Mer►f•he , I Apsel.led..
Rutile -Oct 1A. --The 1'npe has ep.
pothted. Monsignor Merry Del Val
Papal Secretary of State. -
Wive Steele Clevalielasiee.
Y. Thee the else le °Meet Men
14.. Raft t8. Nerd."
The ehujee of the sire L perhaps
the man lenp11rtant step to all breed-
ing, operations, says the Lev. "tock'
Clot* irieloner, Mr. F. W. Monson.
,The tilts restork that "the sue is
halt the hsrd" 1s only part of the
truth. He I. much more than half
of the 'herd, because, of the parents
he usually •zein the greater influ-
ence on the conformation of the off-
spring This/, of sours.; is true only
when he Ie the more Intensely bred.
It is not enough that hs be pure-
bred; 1t le Important that he roots
of a lite of ancestry remarkable for
uniformity and individual merit. It
he be the chance result of a lice of
indiscriminate breeding, ho is not
likely to provo an, Impressive sire.
Hie stock can scarcely tall to be
very irregular In type. -The point
Cannot wen be over ,emphasised, for it
M Just here that the nuvtcs In breed-
ing 1s most apt to snake mistakes.
It V a too common practice to select
and buy breeding etoek from among
the winners at our exhibitions, tak-
fng care only to 'stipulate that they
be eligible for registration. Fre-
quently a phenomenal showyard ant -
mal is an accident of birth, nerd wen.
though he be registered in the herd
book, is none the hese a "scrub" In
point of breeding, and can reproduce
his good gelelitiee only -by accidents
It 1s unfortunately true that a certi-
ficate of registration is not always a
certificate of merit. The only sale
way to select breeding stock 1s to
visit the long-established herd of
some breeder of repute, and buy after
seeing the sire and data, and If poet-
oe-/Able, the grand -sire and grand -dam
of the animal selected. Choose • hog
from • Urge even litter., fecundity Is
an hereditary tralt, and It 1. essen-
tial to proutal• hog raising; and
the evennet. of the litter is a valu-
able guarantee o the excellence of his
breeding, and of his consequent pre-
P11p offsprlug of Immature ;grant/
should seldom or never be used for
reeding purposes. They are apt to
1* lacking in constitution and vigor;
this is especially the carte with the
offspring of en Immature dam. Few
things *01 more quickly lead to the
deterioration of a herd. in site, vig-
or and fecundity, than the continued
use of fmmetura females
In conformation torm tl
• on the bear not only
moot 1» of the approved ',icon type,
but must have the dlelnet and un-
nf.eakabl• Masculinity of appearance
*high As easily recogplred but not
easily described Masculinity (Ices
not nwessarIly Imply undue coarse -
nesse It realists rather In a bold,
filerloss. -come on, who'/ afral4" Ss-
presainn of countenance than In any
peeullarlty of conformation. A err -
twin •iuuunt of roominess is una-
voidable, especial) 1a •n aged bnar.
tout he must not have gush excesetve
roughness y would Indisel• poor
feeding gualithes, nee le It a,.lr ble
that k• fee of extreme else. lir. San -
ISpencer, t anted Tagil.*
seder, gays on this point,- ' Alli
though some persons mak• mare etre
• gest point when choosing *(boar,
Chip see.rlesa• leads as to .ri..tnr
Ude to be a mistake, • very lairs
large boar seldom lasts long; he be-
comes too heavy for the sow►; he
probably proves to be slow, bud his
it ter• few and small In numbers. A
vasty large and heavy boar Is also
more likely to suffer from weukness
of the spine or hind quarters. and
he es frequently weal In his Joints
and crooked -legged. These latter
failings should be speetally avoided,
as they ars hereditary and will fre-
quently crop up fur several genera-
tions. Wee -knees of ankles and round-
ness ,of bone --two qualities which
should be avoided in a sire -are of-
ten allied with great dee. A ned-
lum-sized, compact boar, heavy to
the hind quarter's and light In the
fore quarters. will frequently contin-
ue fruitful for at least twice aa lung
as will the heavy -shouldered and
coara-boned boar Nearly the whole
of the most successful pigs have been
on • small rather than • large
Mural S.8..l Libraries
According to the reports of Inspec-
tors lust received at the Education
Department in Toronto rural school
libraries are being elstabltshed au •
great number of districts throughout
the pro,. lace.
Three libraries, are supported by
ties Goarruulent under an uidor In
council, July, 1902, of wh4'h the ful-
luwing are extracts:
Section 2.- "Any rural school
board which provides • library fur
the scholars shall be entitled to a
alari of whatever money may be ap-
propriated for the purpose by the
Legislature, if It purchases such
books as are contained In the ap-
proved list."
Section IL- "Every rural .school
board which establishes • library un-
der these, conditions shall be entitled
to • great equivalent to halt the
amount a dad, but not to exceed
$10 in any one year, and 'provided
the appropria on made by Heel Legis-
lature will w ant such Pa "vent."
The list ref. to Includes bio-
graphy. history, .\ ography, tr• •c),
Mythology sed • 4ry large list 'f
works on elementarylsclruce, parte'
lady on nature etude,,
Tab ■.,*tern Meg/8s1.S.
Sir William Van Borne; chairman:
of the Canadian pacific ttairoad, was
interviewed to New York no long
lieu by a young geut lemon w in-
sisted on treating halm 1114e a to 'gn-
er. The lfuutreed capitalist took It
as • matter 0t course until the 'In-
terviewer asked Innocently. • \
"Did you ever have anything to de
with our: American railroads, Sir
William's" -
The good knight'• eyes sparkled as
►e answered' "Oh, yes. I served on
both Alton and Illinois Central "
"In what omce•1" asked the scribe,
with pencil ready.
"I sold books on Alton and or-
anges on Illinois Central," said tfie
chairman of the Canadian Pacific
quietly. "but that was some little
time ago." -New York Times.
M...*ebeeeit. Wesses.
The special report of the Massachu-
setts bureau of atatiatics of tabor on
"Sex In ludustry" shows that women
Do longer need to depend on men for a
ring. According to the figures, wom-
•10's emancipation is about complete.
More than 88 per cent of the women
workers of Massachusetts are unmar-
ried. They prefer freedom, work and
Into of their own and care notbtng
for •mance. Divorces, too, have in-
crea • being about one to every eight-
een ma . Tbee• are the answers
to the s • consul taker: One table
shows 44 wom engaged as back drty-
ers, teamsters, et . • 727 messengers and
errand girls, 5 butc, re, 7 nimble cut-
ters, 30 brick masons, 245 photogra-
phers and 5 steam Otte beside, Du-
merous .otber occupations us - Ily 811ed
by men. More than 100,000 are fat`
tortes, 79,900 servants, and 20,000 e -
flee profes$lons.•
Aatltokl■ 1. DIphtbeefa.
Antitoxin to full strength and quality
never yet felled to cure a case of diph-
theria when adw1t lstered on the fiat
day of the disease and but rarely when
on the second or third day. Just as cer-
tainly when admloletered within even
three days atter exposure to a ease It
will prevent contracting the deadly dis-
ease. In every rase of suspicious sore
throat give antitoxin at once and In
tiros amount. It can do po possible
barna If the dlte,4e should prove not to
be diphtheria. It YOB save Ilte In nine-
ty-nine, cases out of a hundred 1f it be
diphtheria. The foregoing statement
Is made by Dr. A. Ly Reynolds, coMmbe
stoner of health of Chicago, In an otO-
clal publication.
Two Great ' Papers for One Dollar.
A ter yeate neon dollar weekly woe
looked npn11 a• n liult•v,l of rhea tines..
Now we ,are, enabled to offer two
(wiper,. ft tic shall s . Hy epeeist"
Nnd-rxel,isive arrangement with 1'he
Montreal 1Vrekl• Herald, we offer it
04111) Thr Signal ft, unv year for tone
dollar. The offer i o.. extraordinarily
liie•ral that. it .howl/ oe taken advant-
age of by every Iran. Areinan and child
who can read. The Signal Ie thr heel-
ing local of thin iliatrirt. Thr
Herald i. a paper for the hone and
farm. giving the newt. .1 'the world,
Anil a mass of entertainin twluling.
The two pea{0•r'e, :a1 Duel a prim, make
ul irresistible c binxtion.: /*ample
respite; of The Herald, i( thin office.
If rim want to knntr anything about
ehth life, a0k n ►Ndierman. I
Women are re forgiving than
1ne•n, because 111111 nerd more forgiving.
Seasonable Goods.
It's ,Economy to Trade at This Store
in buying oiir stock of new Fall Goods we have tried in every way posAhle
to make it profitable to our patrons. Every article offered here is thoroughly gored
and the best to be had anywhere for the price we ask. We have just secured a
lot of the latest in Dress Fabrics -Naked goods in black flaked with white, blue
with white, green and blue mixtures, brown flaked with coloks, fancy blacks, plann
blues, browns and coach drabs. These dress stuffs are particularly good for the
price we ask. \ ery new designs.
Ikou't forget to ask fur our Patterson home/twins, all w,o,l. 80 inches wide, black know tear g�(t•ey and Oxford col-
a. They ale pwwitiyrly the Iwai col, h spawnu e ithmarket. IVO tearrices am
ul p nt the heat um,
Our Ladies lata are moving satisfactorily, and so they ought •t the prices we ask for them. Note the
priers -$8.UD to $12.110. Every coat new this senate,
FltRl1.-P:xalnine • stuck before you buy. It will pay you because our fines are right.
Be mute and ask for • 2ei tent duuhlr-full tweed diulw materials, blacks, blues and greys, nearly a
yard and u quarter wide, weed to hold the color and good to wear.
Under Clothing - lufautoi, l'hildti Mimes, Boys'.Ladlee' and Men's; at all prie a,and opmalities. large
stock of !,winery and gloves.
Kid gloves, lest qualities made. Perrins are the hest. \V. have thrid.
Standard Patterns, h, lit 1:1, thl rent•: no letter pattern. ramie iu the world than the Stand:m'1. The
llw.igner, 10 reale : yearly subecripliun, Me. An S -{nage fashion sheet hoe.
A content tel. willing laborer it worth
:al bier (.6111. mule (haul Chi 41 billed,
e pul44ory worker.
' A tuediral tousled iNtreatingits
mita. r iu ndcisntg tolls not to ump
g' t tip out of had a. 441.11 am their
r s ale open in the spurning: just as
it . .ylooly did mach a thing. -B.siton
WE, the a dt'rsigned, grain
IIP erg of the own of Gode-
rich, ' : ree
Not I accept a y grain
offered on this Market
that is not thoroughly
cleaned, t any p ce
wha ver.
This, agreemen ' becomes n
necessity to protec ourselves
from loss, as all grain •s`under
Government inspectio and
must be clean before ing
& SON,-
WM. BrRRnws .&
SON. ,
Hunters' Excursions
Single are for the Round Trip
Ft ,ll station
an•1 west I
lit edge, Niagara
Canada, Brockville
ling Muspenoion
Buffalo. N. Y.
"The Highlands
\frekoks Inke•e district. !Ake to
MngnrtrWan River, Lake Nipi
Severn to- North Hay inclusive, lin
say to Iialihur•tem, points' on Caned&
Atlantic Ry., Rainy 'Alike to Rose
Point, on l P R.. Hsvciosk to Blear-
iest lake Jet. inrhlsive.
(itysl going October 24th to Nor. 5th,
i nel,isi ve.
Tickets on sale Oietnher 9th to' Nov.
GI points 011 (:. P. R., Nett/twit, to
In end Gamlen River inelumiye,
ipwawa and 'I'ilnitkaaning.
All L1+Ckrts valid returning on or he-
- fore December 1211x.
for earn from bake point« if naviga-
tion eh fore December 12th, 1900.)
R'ritr toll' handsome illustrated
hook entitled "Haunts' of Firth and
(:any,,: givin)k all information per-
t.nining to gooier laws, the re'giono t..
go to. nut*::Uhl II pvirtirniers. ('o,t,
sent on appplir,ali. to J. Il. Mel3/nal.l,
I li'triet P,1ls11g'i *g1111. T1 114.11
Fbr tirk .•1« ((1141 rill infnrtnat'
apply to
A. MTRAI'FON, Mt*tt.itl
F. F. 1.A\VRFN('R, 10
011ire lumen d a. m. to
urn Agent.
}meq p. nt.
Cash H
When you paint your building there
are two kinds of paint to select from:
est ---Good prepared paint ready
for use.
and-i.ead and oil mixed by hand.
You should always choose the good
prepared paint. It costs less, wean
longer, and looks better.
We can tell you why this is
particularly true of
Come in and let us give you
more than a nutshell of truth
The fall is a spiel:Wad
telae to paint.
N. D.
dware Store,
Whom Do
You Buy
Your Bread
1 he old w - by hand. The
new way, achine made
bread, thus insuring clean-
liness in every detail, attach -
with a prompt delivery
P II -Dean's Real
Ho made Bread
Is t stands • of perfection.
ou Not
Ti of the
Bead Are
P. t.. D AN
Detling an
Anxious to
Make a
Call; he will be used
Change ?
see you\
N 1'
10 1
- !li
nve , DMI
For alt business pu 111,n
Larg(a�Stock recently received at a.
We do good printiat all ways aid always The Signal a
Victoria St. Machine Works ,HELLO I
For the pest two month, our snot,' has 10•,•n undergoing re -
11111s and ere have now the F'INF.ST 5111)11 I1(N)NM IN 1'Hh:
I'0t•NTY, stao•ked with n Moot ronpltte nod IIp-ta.-dete.t.o'k of
11)1di11111 and high-grade furniture.
Franey pieces of furniture In barge t%R0Ortrnrnr. Parlor, dining -
114)111, bealissnn eha11 and kilt hen ftirnit tore.
101,1068 REASONABLE.
1'phol,tering and {airtime framing a sped 1111 y with Um,
We ask you to give ns a evall and we will he 'dossed t, show
you our gentle and quote prism.
s. A. S!raan
Beckett & Staunton
West Side of Square.
'Plane 89.
actical Engineer
and Machinist.
4n IneS Boller",
b , Mill Machinery
Farming Implements
(ienerel Machine aid Hleeksmith
Work of all kinds Galls lo order.
spall' RA RCARON A RL*=xL'A 1.1. R(yf,ICITA
Works : V,OW,ia Street. Goderish,
TN. 8811T
scraitou Hard Coal
IN T82 MAhe Ire
w I (i.sI 4 d owl tMarisa ace..
(MI•.a (t* Iba (K . M e.a.
W M. LET%•
GMdssa. MA M bats b 1111.11RILLIGII
Oram pimp* Weeded le.
\ A
Mr -N
of i
by 1