HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-22, Page 3Alf
f Ane
- ,s. siese.u.ka.rtrr...
TPbkfsaT, Oct. 2.3, 1903.
Shooting Pletality Near Exeter - Brussels Girl One
. of the Heirs to a Big Forton(; M. Y. McLean
Elected as Seaforth'; flayor—Re-opening of
Trinity Church, Blyth — Thanksgiving Day
There is a general complain
lhloughout the comity of the weevily
of apple barrels.
Clinton people ere objecting to pay
lug six cent* a amen loaf for bread
while in other places it he only livs
nlleItrs added. J'hen, within the build-
ingg the 'oras have been reueslellld
and Kp(rdneMl. the chancel newlx oar
'/steel, n new organ of the, heltry type
put in, au electric lightingllyttrut in -
••1 with trey hnmis.,utr t'le(-
rellts. !trulier., and the whole. iuti•riur of the
tieeewe WeataeoU,uneofthe pioneers r i'ujkl' 14 it dutifully fermate11. The re -
of Hiillett township, plwwd away 1111
Mo,11dav of last week at the gaud old
age. of righty -four years.
Bev, J. Greene, who hie not had a
Mat charge of late and who has
n living iu Olintun, has been ap-
pointed pastor of the Fullerton Methu-
' aalt circuit.
Dr. Libdsay, of Blyth, is taking a
t-grulueta' eourwe hl the New YOrk
i{oit441. 111 his absence hie practice
• will he attended to by Dr. W. N.
Turnbull, of Oudetich. -
inspex•to Paisley, of Clinton. visited
Winghaui last week and three of the
loyal hutelketrpere, l.. %V. Han'otl,
Alex. Orr, and Orr Bro... were Hued
for selling liquor during prohibited
Dr. Moore. of Clinton, an old 'medi-
cal practitioner who for some years
had not done anything at his pro-
fession, has guns to ('alifut•ni* to
spend the remainder of bis days with
a niece.
11. Y. McLean, editor of The Ex-
``xwitor, hag hewn elected mayor of
heafotth• by acriatnatktn, to suei•erd
the hue Mayor Br atlf/sd. I1 is t he
thiel time Mr. McLean has Leen
elected to this position.
W. If. McUnu•k.•n, Hrieueli' hoes
gardener. has takes' ' the following
prises at the different shows this ft11 :
At Seer, tri ; IAetrwel, YN ; Heats -
tele, :,I : (lorries dl: Hlyt6, 31.: Ate
wood, 21 : Dungannon, Li -1t toted of
H. 0. HMIA, D. Robertson and k. 11.
('arr.LVinghrun, have ptrrheerl a
tialwr limit of some 172 eglstvr mikes
situated near Fort Frances, altd Wive
takrp anopti0n On LWutIit i 1 't, It
is reported that they int. rid 1., start a
furniture factory at Fort Franees.
I). Rohl), of lirtsmeela, piddle school
inspecte,r far East Hansel, loan 'review'
the degree of B. A. from Quewu'a
vrrity, Khlgston. Hr had finished
, bis third year before hip appointment
ss illepxctor. and rrtwtrtly t.x,k it
notion 111 rom'leete hie letterer for the
degree. •
on Thanksgiving Day Mies Lena
Farrow, daughter of John , anew.
Stratford. and (heave Trott, .i( Hrtn
mall. were mined In nswnings. lett the
haute 11f the bride's emelt.. 1). Arrow;
Stratford. Hev. I)',. Langton' eittlyia-
• ted. Mr. and Mei. 'Trott wilt rwtiilr'at
Mfrs. Maty MAKellar Hui,•. wife o
the kite John Buie. died at her h
in Myth O0 Sunday lit teat week
Dui ingest*" past year \les. Hale had
not eojpliNmeT,grxsl health 'and an
attack o to Intl* t' te•rmin
toed in drat after only a few day'
illness. Mra, pie was 41 resident of
Blyth for over forty years and wan
highly redeemed and respected. Four
children are left to mourn the Lees of
gloving and kind mother. They art.
Capt. Daniel Buie, of Chicago ; ('apt.
Duncan Buie, of ('Ievelenel i Mee.
Samuel Ornery, of St. Marys, and
Ere. Curt is, of Hlyth.
A very pleasant event took place in
141. Anthrw'M church. Kippwn. re
natty. Thin was t•he Pp1Ptwntetinn of
a handsome wr•ilingtl.Mk to It 1'.
WM. end a Nilter ct+ail and sugar set
In Mee. 11.11. The pals ere• weir /44 4-
134110:11)11441 by an euldrr.e. The "inrs-
entatl ,,, were made nn behalf of the
smitten and msmbwr, of Mt. Andrews
ehnn•h, Mr. Hell hon leased his farm
Dery Kippe•n and intends removing to
Seifert)', where he will have. the
agwrintendene.y of the wtt,lw.r•king
depnrtnieut in the Bell Engine \Vorke.
Bosh 11r. •wad Mrs. Bell have • been
active .•hi,prli wurkrrM in isnme•tiuu
with St. Andrew's eungrgpat'
The in.lurtion of Rev. Mr. l'aepewrll.
late .of l'a•Ie•rry, Manitoba, to the
pa.tor'te of 1)ufrs and 1'aveu
• chef -elite., McKillop, took pian in
Bias church nn Tuesday of holt
• neck. Roth congregations wen• well
represented. • The prwrrdinggki were
very impressive, Rev. Neil Maw, of
iignioudville, RlgderIttor of the ars-
iluns dining the eaWancy, !neehlI t,
Rev. J. 1,. Small, of Aubw-n,.lelivrrd
a beet nhle met•tnun, ulttable to the
occasion. It•v. F. It Larkin, of Sea-
ford), delivered an appropriate and
greet ice! add res' to t•he people and
Mr. Shaw adolrmeed the new peeler:
In the evening a reception and tea
mutiny Waa•hrld.
4 sail shooting fallibly °rem."'" oq
7hhnksgising Day) 'neer Sodom, about
lour miles from Exeter. 1t sppwnl'$
*Idle yil:ul Mtqulgke, junior, and
Inners were Gut pwbhpt hunting(f Mr.
Htanlnke• had allot a Wilk and was
'0Iug tea start for !forge. He socked
Malt lei1.1•ell to open the grit to take
telt the Ie)tlahting cartridge, One of
the locks (wing defective, the hammer
went down and the gun wen din-
. charged. The content,' went into the
xlad0men 111 John H. Smith, coo of
John Smith, 0f Sodom, who said, "I
11,1 4411(11," and (lied aleneeit Instantly,
11r. eliteleke did not cow the boy, he
ntvmg ('(pule through it, thicket un-
•IMe'n'rl• lye, Mtanlake le nearly
heartbroken over the aor)Iant,
The \Vinghani Advnnee in (tinhorit v
for the statement that. Mins Campbell,
. of Brrseelei,. ism* of a hundred heirs.
in a f"rtune of righty -five mill'
delta'''. Mins Campbell Irr•eivwl
lea that she lyes One of the leggal
h 4-a, and the notice wan a' panted
y "610 PAY her expenses to Mexico,
where she t g4) to „receive the.
Ill y'. Thi. immense' fortune of
'ight3'-flvs million dellara wan left by
Pe,hr, ('-tivoldo*to. Nix years ago, lir
was working for thirty-Hee• lents a►
day, rout eliaeuvered * "eh mine,
*bile iii the shairt s of nix years
made hint a multimillionaire: He
4i.d'in August lest. and Mime /!amp•
bell has lawn notified that she is one
°tone hundred hely' to this intmenme
oHfn,r, ti' t/ how nlnch of the San. -
00 sh„ Will !receive, mho does not
Trinity rheireh, Blyth. reseed
Gunther. m111m111.140,1,xtor in .its history oil
y, 11th 'tober, when trope/1-
service* wore held. The rector,
the WaNlelill and the rnngregation,
the latter a melee handful of people.
deserve the highest. cutnmend*tion for
liberality which
and the unanimity and
t. which they have nlani-
farted in hnproving and beeutifyin
their rbttprh The vire of the l'''' al
IN having hee•.nnr (I*g'
n,moa, It cons
: the M•Ick-work of the t nw.f
wilt hos teen 1411 lit tr.trtsf.irm the
building as to luakr it n•a.•1ieltIly' 11
Itrw ellulte11, mid 0114- of the neatest in
the diocese,
In tlu• Wesley Methodist. church.
Clinton, un'l'hauksgiviig Duty, Mies
Olive Vaulting, daughter of It.•t•. H.
M. Mnnuing pastor of the .Mirth,
with married to Redeem H. Milner, of
Hrunph.n. After riving his daogghtei•
away the bride's father eonducte•.I the
ceremony. assisted by his brother,
Hrv. Thou,uw \huutiug, of St. Mary's.
Drily the immediate relethfes and
(i1,'nde were invitee', but the rhur,h
war reseeded with Clinton friends, it
feting the Meet event of Ills kind to
take 'lame in the new.hun•I,. (hong..
Atkinson, of Loudon, fut•,1merly organ-
ist elf Wesley .hie ch, 'Toronto, pre-
sided at the „i.e.,. :Huss h'ruucrs
Winning Wits 1113141 of 1101101' an4 111.1'.
Kate leridesmaid, The groom, writs as -
*hate! by his brother, \\'1111101 U:
Milurr, of Brampton, 1Ir. and Mrs.
Milner hate taken up their residence
in Heiertlpl4)n. -
A•vet•y pretty' welding took place
on Thailkswiving Day' at the residence
111 the be•idi•'s parents, ••'Ii111su,k,"
Varna Jliss Anita (ire trudr, young:mit
daughter, of 1 1-. and 1 ,... ('harlrp
Wee•ke•s, bring mai•ri.d to 1'rrw•
I1mifiwii eldest mot ufJ. \\'. McLaren,
14.11.1011. The eeremwwy was per-
formed by Rev. J. K. Je•mtthl s, of"
HIrylTwld. •the wedding umtrrh'being
very aMet•ptatlrly played by Miss O11nne,
of %Ilfieh, et f•irud of the hl�de. Thr.
pretty bride looked charming, bring
1►t%er•d 111 . gow11 of white, ll�ist ',
with chiffon trinuniitgw and `ivu•r'ring
aL ielllgllet of White: rose,. 4IIP cora.
•mmi'Md Ire 1fiee Phruli Logan, who
was be•.•umingly deemed in pule blur
voile. and tarried- pink carnations.
The groom W:4. e1111rM11•tWf by ins
blot her,'Ilit Il m -t 1lclruen. After the•
,errulony • and .ongratudatione, the.
..melons' eat down to a4- dainty wed -
11 Mg I 'r•n(t fart . 'I'i,.. 1111 IIIProt is and
handsome. pr•srllt, sheared tit the
popularity 111 the young couple, who
left of the eve'nitne•t•ai11- for Detroit.
en route to \Viii,i pig, where they
will reside, and whets the groom has
a -g.odd potation ie. manager of the
til Bing supply branch ,111 the 'F;tit•-
hatnka Company.
O. P. N. from Guelph te•Ooderiete via Exeter
II•:xeter Adenmide.i- -
.• ('141:ulia11 PLleiflc Railway ('oen-
prrory/se• buildlhlg>n railway from
1 n4- all t., t.eeleri h.\ The object, os
far a we can hewer, is lit have •1 title
15.111114- Ing the punt, Ad' (ill,l•rirh with
their n n Ontario [Wench /0,1 a'. to 41-
/4111.1.- the a'.% fen/1 eli,np' delivery of
the Wee 4-n gratin ti+ the western
portion of t• Province of (bitdt i11, by
,1 means falai ly 'miler the emetml,uf
the ioitlsn,y'. An auldilio,1a' olrjr.a,
no doubt, is to have it 1'. 1'. R. br:ui,•i,
peening through this part of western
Ontario for the wake of the. tt•aflte
which may be gained ill the re•1, and
fertile counties ..f 1'erfhi. �and�� Menet
Surveying ham ''pt'•.uly "'t •flee'
from loth surds of the p ,.js,mld-rcnit•,
The intenli"n i'. to survey teas, n les,
(Ira• lit I„t'.s tai the north of ('linea 1
wind nn to 1 h objr.•Iit5' loin( /Mil the
nthe•r to t11•• wont of Clinton. A
emit. either to 111e: naw h or wnllh of
the 1i.alerirh-HufTnlu 1*,au h would lie
triter than to in' elwe` it, the Glile-
i-irh•RatT,du br81o•h. 'rho citizen.. of
Chilton, W:If,1•th and 'Mitchell mar
putting forth 1heil• past efforts to hi-
ther the company top ht1il1 the t,r:1wrh
through their towns, If the e11weplimn•
d.•cideei Iod11.,11herr would ler little
t4) gniu am far a•1 I.i.•n1 trutlte is von -
reined, elide the '.oto heel 1, 11rtr
•4/11141 h:n•r au, •advantage, in that it
w•ou'dt.a,1,1111114al:e1 a „far.• t,1 the
1raffie *1isi11g torr,, the wm..t fertile
tenet of ruuntty in 1',made. A brazier)
,:W'itlg to the north :nf Clinton and
nfort vonild lie more direct then
either of 111e. (Sthete, but the line
would 114)1 pt'..4 1hrungh aN !peel a
l•.,atth•y. 'TM III•ing elm lel the tfi'sir.ri
result It i ,4111 11 11111011 that' no Inner
route tou14 IW lIdwen than tale faking
in such points as (i,ilel-u.-h, Hayfield,
Zurich, - Dashwood, Exeter, Win-
rh.•Imra, Kirke/11, Nh•atf deet , AIM
tinelph. S!gel3 h lice 44,111(1 i.lss
through a section of country every'
hal of -Which is fret i1e• .till. and Minot
am level an a prairie. For the emelt
earl the towns and villages through
Which 11 would taams have a consider-
able p opielntiun and have nit railway
('141t ilii•114111,
Now, ca. It Is et matter of fact that
the (sample v Intend building a 1511115'.
11 ix 011 t't r Imre 4t' 111 h.xrlrr nnd
ntherinlers 1 point. Im do all they
tarn toe -netts in ping the runtimny 1.,
build the line we hay,• hell: pro -
;timed. The aril tottnsltips
sbnuld officially idly (, they (':111 to fur-
ther• Ile. malta•r, . ( only to d4/ it,
bit do it ,l'i.kly' and the ,,pp 1-.qw'r
way. Official lrttrtei fermi 'different
t• may
tnnni."�ilullll urs (e. Ihr rung
Iriddec then: to rnnNieler the r, .• /I'.
herein pr,pwr,e(1 or a Nimil:lr oar. - If
111114' 11 • other inducements con
eeilV be held out, through a depute -
lion 1,, weld noon the officials of the
romps 1V, its in smite .,Hirt• wady. Make
e stir, do a111 flint ran Iw done; then if
we fail we have Ihr ealisfarliuu of
knoating we. (lid what we could,
And Nicholas Ecker Sufficed from Kidney
Dim**. for 29 Ysais lrodd'a Kidney Pins
Cured Him. •
Ill. (':Ithnrinrs, Ont.. Oct. 111t).
14periel*. Bordering on the ulir•acn-
lour is the (etre of Ni,-ho)IN Mow, krr, .i
well-known fnr•mrr thing(1 neer 11t.
Johns 1', (1, on 111e dividing line of
Pelham end Tlor•niei townships., For
Iwenty-nine years he suffrtrd fr(nn
kidney dimeaw'.
1).41(ote differed as to his In,ul
Inn.• ea !Nei it gra t-e•I,tewe het• llt•igg t'e
dinars••, end a third pimply said he
was in n dent erttme condition. None
of them cured him. In hie statement
he ray':
"At this stage 1 gave up other (r,41-
Inert. and ,tert4d lining tksld's Kidney
('ills. After taking twq betftes 1 (mina
eney were helping MP. 1 kept on till
1 hall taken sixteen boxer'. when 1 was
a gaih en f0kl"pi the 'splendid vigor of
. and small and graceful pin- ,early
Further Particulars of the Sudden Owth of
an Old Ooderich Soy.
Thr following is fermi a 1liuleaielIis
paper and will he read with a melan-
choly interest by tunny of our readers
who weer acquainted with the late
H. P. Wilkiuw,u
Trutt Saturday the people of the
c 'ly were siert lel to 4-ai•11 of
t)e death of Ito • .. \\'ilkiuwlu,
manager lit the Dtuu10nL Nuel Co„
lit Inn Imine. 1K15 Bryant avenue
north. Hr was 4 luau of good ph '
1.1.1114* mud gate Ion ' • of lung life
Lest week he had prruaonituty
syuite , of typhoid deter but they
appeared to yield -to tlledie:al treat -
meet aid Friday afte•rieon 1103we
Were "nt•l(.ljueol th'tt ire w,tull 1x•
Able to attend to kindness again hi
it few dugs, -1)u11-ing the night he
wudJeel)' 1e•(-11111,• 4111174• 111111 soon
lpassel away. Funeral services, were
a•III Mo11dxy afternoon at the fancily
residence, attended by many of his
thighbone and friends, Rev- H. .For-
ester, 1'(°I' I of the Adveut ('lu•istial
church, officiated at the funeral and
peri,' a tllti11g tribute to the decease.,
as ,4 esu 111111 a I:Illz*01. Ile said ill
part : ••11'4- are rtnvenerl by an 1111-
exee•eteol 1,1141 ex1tenlriy sad event.
The death of Hobert Patten \\'ilkinn,mr
is tleplultil by all who knew hien 1
lamented by u wide merle.. of friends.
Born hi (':uuul:f, lie writs in his ,thirty-
ninth year. keying scarcely leeched
the zenith. 1 his earthly (anet•, Wheel
in a ,1ounetet the light of life went nut.
His intellectual and social gifts made
him (Silt' 4/1- •tnlute's uohlsn,n,' Ale
a role mess luau he wait energetic, see-
cesietol• 1 •iiiiie ;;while in 'the so-
cial rwlul he 14,114, )ulncired for his
wit and wot•th. lleurlrnls to a fault
end possessed Mf It warns. ,heart, he
fouuet greet delight in Slickly 81111
was ever a wile • guest and u t-oYa1
h11st. But italts as 41 still, brother,
hn,:Istnd au(1 father that the noble
qualities of his heart shone 441111 1114)»1
lustre. Provident amt kind in his
I his peer as it Ii,.baw41 and
father tall s.•areely lar found in a life-
time, Thr joy of his udithrr and the
pride of his father. he t14l rotne 111 tee
the 51:111 .11 their ''Id age. Much at 111/111
i•uuld 1101 fail to he 1114.111 by 111a Ipoth-
en. *MI chel•ishd by 111'. Wife 'and
ehillhrell, fol• W1145111 hr li4l'tI, \\•r
U•15.1111.0 emit and all t,1 them may
e late 1)i.i virtues and avoid hie
weak [lessee. lint This ,'wile life
✓ 111phasiu•s 111e tact that brrfity, •an.1
imperfecti4)u are al 11.11.11W4 Mott all
things earthly. 'The Things that
are wren are temporal. b114Ulf• things
that *le nut seen .tee etu•ual,' 4441.141
(hell:p silt' ; /11141 WI: 4111 1lll'' GAM ilia*
with the ancient Sentiment I 'All that
which Pieasies is Innfor a uo11u•nt :
all that. wft-Ambit-14ichft-Ambit-14i.s Ilit for a
4)t4/ite•nt ; ( fly that w•lei.-h-. I. eternal
ie truly vale Ids.' • Thea.- tint 5 lacing
true, how• ear• l4 we :should 1 '_11111 to
ilevi to ton hint' of this elect t'.• alga
and 111e to he ings of tittle 811,1
ee•u.e. The t('t 111141 this is the time
ill which eternal destiny isideter-
111i1rm1 int -este this with infi11It'•e int-
i tance.!!!'jWhile our friend elllph
i7A5I t'he A.5•llllll-of the two great Mout;
utandinents, weave glut to nay that
the first, e11 oine ing Iotto (it nl, wan
not r'Jee•tr!' He was a iwlitfer iu
Hod, in Christ and inthe future life
and while we could wilt 'that he
had In•oresladl( xt(eptek3 Cht•isi
14114 entered Ho14 arryire earlier, we
are gle4tl-Lo know that he assured
his wife that he leu( 'made his 11401441
With hod.' We'k that the 'Judge
of all the earth will do right.' \{.e
fear not to leave • friend in the
iuutdie of then who loves the world,
and ill the h • of extt(•11,ity
forted the heater of the penitent ruule-
tamer. N'4- can only point the family
- (0 •111.• Father of inercies and ((lel .1
all 1 full,' who haw promised to lie
'Pother of the falhrrleut, AIM s. judge
of the •al4W.' \%'file the Ie•les%1st
w:dee Is a, tlrly grieved, (111.1.1• 1s '11
iu the past, the ,resent and the futile..
for Whielt to 'lw thankful. Many
others haws free' thus bereft, whit
were left px•uuilrws and to ithuul
friends, while our siwtr: is memo u,1tled
with rimuly ettintug, loving 4. ,t,, lit
which she can (-maid.., and, Ii•.t of all,
x11 alhuighty Fat her tete ,u vs hose
bosom) she can pillow her head in this
tnee of supreme 1411rnow•. Let lir hope
that in the sweet by ,41141 by, whet, the
angels shall gather and gainer the
bart•est I , that they 'lay Iw able
let way, n4 a fa111i1v, '4\'e're all: here
father nnd •pother ,1114 rhilelr•,1
Merit Backed by Enterprise.
On14 of the surest eigny of a 1proarh-
111g winter Ilse 1.1)1114' to 11,111(1 1n the
shape 451 ••'s Alumnae." published
by the Dodds Medicine Co., of T11-
mntu. For thirteen v'eari this inertial
little book has Made an a'lyeal app eaar-
811('.':111,1 their are few familiar
or welcome visitor':. to hi• hMu)rs of
Canada. ltd data and stetist41". are
carefully prepared by the best known
autMalt ies and have 'wen found tlni-
foruly loireet.
In 4111.114111$do '1* that is ofto this t itits ,'ivstlt1,
the 1 '%mediatn warder. 11 gives in con-
detewel form the record for the y:•:,, of
the wt•Il-kits nt'It D. si.l'. tt4hllldlrw 111:11,
'first prepared in 1';451:11114, - hone come
to be x household word iu the homes
of Ihr civilized w(S1•l .
It shows the growth of au industry
founded on merit and cultivated by,
ente•rpri.,•- It shows the apprrnatuw
of the public for :t remedy that they
litre 1tu'l themselves And not found
wanting. It shows the health hund-
reds of ett11rrene have found in 1►lxld's
Kidney fills when in their misery
they thought death was their only
relief. .
And 1eeld'x Ah11:alac has become
1)11, 11f Canada's' national advertise-
ments. Published in many countries
and Ia'hgmtgew it has made farads a
familiar word in those lauds where
the great 1►onlbijou hre
as heretofore
'.14.4x1 for• a dreary' 'Wattle .1 feer•elt and
snow. And whenever it has guile it
has been 1,41uw•eel by Ihxld't Kidney
Pills and lexid's Dy./ta'pwia Tablets.
Nei one in Canada needs to he told of
their work. It is familiar to every
hnu.l hullSulfee it to way it has
dime 1 • to The Deeld'x Medi,ine
Co. and the proud name of ('and da.
I•lunters' Excursions.
Thr, (11.11,1,1 '111 link ' '1' single
first -clues fare iron stat 1, ars in ('a)atla.
•Hiv.•kvia.: awl wrest, also from Suspen-
sion Bridge, Niagara Falls, and Buffa-
lo, N. Y., to the "Highlands of On-
tario," which include 'the \luskuka
Lakes district, Luke of Bars, Lake
Nipisiig, Argyle (u(' b -o
Irl North Hay. 11.itielsay to Ihdlhurto,,
on line of (',11111th Atlantic Icy., Rainy
Ledo. to Parry KI,111111. Tickets good
going 04 ttttx•1• 2Ith to Nov. St h, and t0
is4nts.0u (l P. Il., Mattawe to Nipi-
pgie and (L•u,lew ltit.•t inclusive, also
Kip auvu,uld Temirkumag. (beat go-
ing October Illh t4/ Nov, 11th. A11
ti,.l;els valid ret111uing um lir before
Dec. I2th, hall A hands a illus-
trated pamphlet, entitled "Minute of
Nish Mud (bone," 44.111 be sent tin 1ap-
plivuti1l1 to J. D. Mtlhaield, Diet t•is-t
sassedp(re. Agent, (I: 'I'. K -., Toronto.
For 111.3.1?, and ,Ill imftr111ati11n apply
to age•nl,. .
A htide{Ir 1l ighly prided, yet she is
given ,iw icy.
• One, wiry to make a howling swell is
to luw'rl a pin putt, his ulatouly. -
Copy of change of running advertise-,
merits must be left a1 this office by.
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
"Diamond Hall"fRyrie
Bros.—Toronto, is one of
the largest ,retail jewelry
stores in the world.
Pram i.. ntagnifirrot .tack of Pia-
eem .Jew eery. \.het,. ,r Leather
Getc, y.•u ) ,•4.e. with
aranteml Wli1tae1,.,.. at ytroar
A request will bring to your
door—free of cost—our
handsomely illustrated new
'catalogue. Ready for deliv-
ery Nov. t 5th.
The great magnitude of our
business permits of our sell-
ing at money -saving prices.
We return yournmoney int full with-
, out quetioe f ecexpt f article.,
ordered you rue Rot perfectly Wa-
118, {ir0. 122 and I24
Yonas AL, Toronto
ssential to=
Health d Life
Is the proper performance of the function of' th kidneys—to remove poison
from the blood. Uric acid causes rheumatism, nen 'a, paius iu joints and
stiffness of the muscles. Bu -Ju acts directly on the idneys, healing, stimu-
lating and toning these important organs. It is the late scientific remedy
for kidney troubles. -
All =� Teads•Mark
In box of 50 p111s,'
l 1 4 J u 50 Dente.
Refuse substitutes,
itfili4 :de;
-Naw YORK, N. Y., AND
\\'.• bit the Rotary and Sheath,
\\'hRe, A hem. machines Meer lull
bee tinge. pm tension, tension indi-
cator, anto11)n1 ir'nnien releneer.
Mn needle and
(leuh1,• feel, dust o
preset• Inns, self -thee lug cylinder
shuffle, "Kin(' eel .d Iola a steel at-
flu I ruts and runny "titer. .4,r-J1w-
itlg fevim",
The snper•bn• points in the New• \VII
limns include a -.elf-setting; needle, nu-
tont*tit b. Jaen wind!•,• with 1'.rv,' L.UI-
ley. at 1110111 It i.• floor levrllet Itet•V con-
venient), rillmeb•r Mhnt11A open on t
and iota alr,mh,li'ly self-Ih����H�1�ng,
Hivingtreadle, steel set 11
tomtits. They look w-�ll'nnd ' w11tk
well star to mer other nrio•Iefnr'.,
The Pull 1. , „net and , Drip Head
Hay 114 .r,,• Me:view in nppenr
enc.' band built \1t, stnn,1 it life -lime.
The nlfnr) •1114 arr..“ lllll .whitt
Every nt.chine that leaven our Mr urelieepalisor n term of ten %mese If itort h Ir 1 happen f
I 1 sen tent n nuu•hinr
fails t11 give rat 'Don -we immediately repin q, It with a tie* one.
It is difficult to ,judge an It,rt a by looking at the outside. For your ()wit Sa'tisf . fa
and protection yon ought tp know the product inside and ont—hence .the necessity forcitry-
ing the machine. A trafti will convince vols. If you need one and wish to try any of our (dif-
ferent makes or styles we will be pleased to -let you try them:
We kei3p repairs and a full line • nf- Accessories, Needles, Shuttles, Bobbins, Bobbin-
wlndefitubbers, Oils, etc.
You will need a good stove pipe varnish.
Don't forget that there is none to teat our
• Least odor,
BEATEMALL•Beightemt. fade,
Quickest drying pf them all.
it's gond for all espi'e'd iron work too.
' (tar it now', -244 ,i fop $I.(x),
I('o14114 1111 mule 111x15 elleto,1mlcn sttiff.)
, It will pay you to tone up y0111• 11011:et for the
1 heavy fall work, with our, comfit' !sootier.
I Don't waste your uxlney on Mowed meal, lab-
, e11e1 "stock i(xsl," but use wgtlethi1g really
giant, that's ,
The Best Tonic
Sam pson's
Red -Blood
VOLT 011(11e.1' '1.1) TAKE
2&'-4 for $l.(10,
Fur sale cheap—two Sft •
pickle show mien. -
14/.‘C. GOOD /
4-E, Chemist,
▪ ' ILpOK.. •
You nun no risk in buying
thin range—it is made
on hewer without refer
cure to curt.
Every part is so construct
e3 as to render it th.•
must durable and 1x•.1
. operating—parts of Ow
Ore box exposed to the
fire will outlast at least
three ordinary ranges.
Makers•' Written Guarantee.
The makers breve every confidence in this range—they bind
1h,emsrls.'s in writing that it will operate perfectlyand
against imperfections in material and wprkutauship.
each a Guarantee accompanies no other range—enough said.
Gurney, Tilden Co.
Hamilton Toronto Montreal Winnipeg
Bole Agent
T61.jn(11 has been rebuilt and refit led with
linoleum nuxhlnery for 111311ufaet uriag 'mania Iy
ad ceobienl.rdly all kind, of Wood aork,
..f evety description kept
Smile, Doors. F1',ane'*, Mot,lding 441111
interior and Exterior Finishiistg of all
kinds on diacid lir (mule to milker.
Eldon44tem t'urn15h151 on application,
(ardent h./Ile/led.
Rubber heel. are not only
comfortable, but are also
a health ueoessity. 1
Are like walking • on air--
' wear like steel.
This Dunlop Tiro 0.., Lln,New,
44111 110
The Most
Ever made by a Canadian Publication to
its readers. -
Two One=dollar Papers for One Dollar
Ify sternal ari'iihj ' rent •w'
the publishers, weare enabled tg o1G
The Signal and The
ntreal eel, ' Ierald
greet 11,lII1tl .wrrkly fur ONE
I, LAR n year; , Thin offer ix exchimive,
rid r,ul
(a.• made l nn other {mtps ' 1 1
x dtvlr itt.
K .'t'.t• mnlm Owl: raying cn4..ilolinr in I111nnrr
Ile 344Intt•r 1 \\'e4-' v' 1Ile114111 for Mile year wit Meat
lit• a•t•angp' rut wit the Montreal inahhsht'ra are
mike no • •%1x111,11 inn thin 1n the y nuh.� In' paid
and all rued :5 enlist lee`liait.
0 i The Signal and Weekly Herald will be sent
EE f. remainder of 1903 to new ubscribers--
for rear 'goer will reeei t}a+
extra 1114. The ler
1411111 1 t. we t:
$1.110 to 1st January, 1905.
As a Nsilnpaper.
wan eetahla-had In 1(11*, end 1*
orond old,•t 1'.nodian paper. In Its
old .*. It b.. renewed 11a youth, and
stand. In the forefront of Canada's areal
rnnroal. A. • newspaper, It Is edited
with imperial reference to Its ronstltr•
miry of .readers. who Aram. • Cem,re-
h.n.lre summitry of the world's news
of the week. 0,verythlnt I. ♦Ir14e1 from
the .asndpolnl of the Canadian who
wshe. to k..p abreast of the floes,
wtthcul having to wade through rel--
umn. nt Irrelevant matter Careful con-
densation marls Tao Herald'. treatment
of •wry Ione of newly for not reuT.e 14
-won .other paper, of somewhat shallot
15114154. Th• 11,4404 U • compact paper,
hot a blanket *beet.
As a Home Paper.
le pre-ominen,y a paper tar The tin•,
In the first pia.. frothing 15 permitte
1n Its eolmmna th•t eannnf be read with
profit and Inatrn.hnn by evert m5mb.r
of the hnu,.hold 1n the second place,
It I. edited with aperI.i reference td
matl.r• that Inter.rt women. '-Madge
Merton's" weekly talks conn her wom.n
',rider* ron.tnnte the moat popular do.
partmrnt nt the kind In 1117 Canadian
paint. Tb•y are rernabte "heart to
hear - talk• with the worsen of the
mnoenion, and are •ppreela(ed in thou-
sands of home* In this etepartm.nt are
Ilfmt Hunte to Mothers. tem. -cited
cooking Reclaim, the latest nubbins,
Illustrated, and a hundred end *no topics
of feminine int t.
THIS COM$INATION Is a trent one Tour home 'epee etre* Veil to
full the weal n•se1 the Meat msrk.t, and the local gond'. The Montreal
Weekly lfersIl jrlvrn you the general new* of the world, reports of the
great market., depertm.nts of Interest to farmers, and, In particular, tea•
turns of value and Iatere,* 1} The Home. Ono peper la the enmpl.m.nt 0111
the nthi n. •
I.) *USSCRIPTIONS may h.gln at pity Bine. K your subscription la al-
ready pal/ In adenine*, and you want Th. Montreal W.ekly, 1J.rald at oaf,
send In your dollar, end your Ruhecrlptlon will be adyancod a year.
Adams all eodawlwnlrettone to : —'
THE SIGNAL, Goderlch.
•.v •14 • •
t 1
k.4,. •