HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-15, Page 8la ?MUMSDAY, (fit. I ;ea
There k no delaying for the usual after Season
clearing sale, "fur_greater redtictIons will prevail now
than you could possible profit by waiting. Values
herewith for this week are bound to give a wider arms
quaintance among saving folk, for Its a s finally sea•
sonable redaction sale.
Clearlyit's your mistake if you fail to come
*(e' begin with • the .lack -
Not one of fie hundred or murk.
haulti.l • up-144rlat4e gau•ux•n(N es-
capes -therm in !Wire', there'sOmit this
81Nmt it. the ste1•k is going lo. Ia' re-
duced and we invite ever); women in
this lommunity whir has the r• test
ititwailf making a rlroak purchase Ibis
Seawtp lo. 4011)4 n0ar. .
Regular SI„ISI i*ekrtw-going at *9.uj)
Regular *I(i,tsl •• e , *4,181
Regular, *8.48, •• • „
yt14-:It l
Furs S>I�crificed
\\'e mean it, evert' 1•.4111. The stock
has been carefully •
yy.r la .,
- %' 111
K the.'
r h
every 2tr•l isle (4f fur ill It hats 11,41 rw-
dirce1lin-peke. There's 11111)11 m)lul,y'+
raving Innen-lance to lhie wale. Isn't p
tn.your opportunity % !li
it bits the Men's Goods
and tilts them Hard
A11 livres of yarn's gosa114 go. moiler
the knife..inen's suits, laly'N suits,
na•I•rel nal
N. hats, %flirts. Pt'irrs talk
herr with nouttePilaiil waled.
fonts• to us and wave tuottl•y un
:any wants for men or htp•'s,
Shirting Bargains
Held fast Nark and blue American
shirting, r•g111ai 15r line, for 1'2}e.
Beeet Really pGtidflame-let teshit-tient
in alkwrrted .olnrs. rrguhtr 1914 1fu1•
Hest. heavy. wide• print.., in Har)•..
reds. 1.. �
mks, black and white color.,
reatilar I9�e print. fur ll k•, , •
AT REASONABLE PRICES is. the demand of the- In o1
hour and the BIG STORE is ready to satisfyI
I�ie de-14
mend. Such a display of fine hats was never
seen in Ooderich. Come and view our styles.
J iilr ;ill inch colored flannelette; its
ink and hoar stiira•s, the regulate 1.4
me. for Iola•.
J. E. 4b4131143/ it visiting in wuual-
N. A. Metraw went to Toronto on
Or. L. M. Saber in at St. nowise fear
the holiday.
I)r. Taylor made a visit to blioton
un Monday.
Or. (intim of ('1utou, was in turns
on Satunlay.
' \v.'r (.rlkmii left yesterday ou a visit
tri tot °itiltt�x _-r__-
Fred. kggene• is hoiite frotu tiltriteforit
for the holiday.
Jas. Linalater• elf Leelnn•u, is in
Tiffin for ra visit.
New. W. A..M.Kim went to Toi.mtt
for the holiday._
The.. Hawley in spending Thinks-
giving in Detroit.
Mr. and M,s, t', H, H her are visit-
ing :it Putt Rowan.
Miss Addison, Waterloo street, is
visiting in $rosins.
Hough McDonald went up to Viug-
JiHnt floe the holiday.
Mrs, D. McDonald in visiting her
son, Walter. at Lindsay.
Miss Annie Duff was a_visitor at tjte
Myth fair the (last week.
Urs. t l)t•.) Whitely is among the vie
i1441w 411 Tornito this week.'
'rhos„\\•rathertGd left 011 Saturday
4)1) a trip to Killarney, Ont.
Mr. ' ('urrelly has ch?I1-g. of Mr.
Hristrrick'4 stole bete again.
Knyvett Neftel is attending* sh.00t-
g tournament its wtsalst.s•k,
Mies Sl.Phes.m, of the Engine
mica, is holidaying in Toronto.
edge Hoyle held court of revision
Myth and \Vinghaut this week.
t•. and Urs. J. Kidd arid child are
I1111t the eseursiunists to Toronto.
\I,•�. ('reasluan anti Urs. Smeeth are
toiling Thanksgiving Uay at Oalt.
r. and 31 re. Jas. 'Wilson returned
at t
E11 i.
u their honeymoon on Saturday
r•, U
t Ofthy B:ai
Hank Of COM
't'e. is in Turlartufor•Tharikegiving
eve Pat her -Stanley Rem Father
;urma,k went to Loudrt\n�un 'Slots
.as Pointer, of TnrYlt1t)', di el Karst
he residence of H. Murrill. ('ol-
e. •
Thus.'i?itiott at -01 Mime Rlha
dt age spending s few days in
V. J. Haunilton attended a Meri-
t Presbytery in MrKilkg1
Smith Bros. &
rasses Ibdrn • and !Margaret
rung lie yesteday for .Torom10 1 n
fore :'shoot visit.
.\Ira. Frank 111111111.1 and tau -Chil-
i Peen art. av'iital big t hr Lionel's sister at
`\{ ,NAI`ItIte t,
i .I, N'. Htvder•+ck welt to Ingersoll
on t\loudar, where he tote bought a
gna•ery stack,
Miss Florence Wino, daughter of
e iH, Res+a, returned int Saturday from
Saginaw, where she visited her sisters,
---s .-
1 -ATE rely on low prices to win trade ; on courteous treatment toretain i umT parlso►4
-Y is the only true test oftialuc: ,We court it on every line we sell. We do not ex-
pect !lie patronage of any customer except it be to his or her advantage. Prices and' qual-
ity with. us should be sufficient to draw custom from long distances. Buy by value, not by
price alone, Our (;nods are the best, Test, ( xamiue, conlpare. The keener the investiga-
tion the surer are H'e of y0nr CUst011l. From every standpoint our (Cutlery Department
compels one -to adroit we give, hest values with large choice,
e will f�ppreciate it. You will come again. Let tis Sell ou your Pal s
ml Oils and your Varnishes. If ourouse y ? Hardware, E your
Paint rf a I', is tiie•Ixst. If it is Varnish you rewire try needs painting $2. 0Hollywood
all rigirt,.
Qli specialS., 00 line. It's
'proIn Fencing we sell' more''tbaft all others in these parts. our ideal Fencing has
ven to be ideal in every partici' : ,
Ideal Fencing is made to-stan(l. .very part of it is large, No. 9 bard steel wire, with
ample ;Allowance for contraction and e. 'ansion--a fence that (delights customers anti one
that.customers will buy again Our price " • right. Every rod of fe.tcing in stock has been
reduced in price.3c per rod to clear out this . Our stock is pretty well cleareid out,
A little of each, Ideal, American, Frost r d- Perfect, at prices from 22c per r( I up.
We will Fishier. our steel( in the following lines a he ptices named }
_ - , I)ry Building Paper, per roll:��
\Hoye! (Canadian guaranteed Wringers, each • • �� $ .390
Premier Washing Machines, 2 only, were $7.00 2.00
Mincing Knives, wells Ire • r , .. 6.00
>.•..•.. .0505
4 -tine Manure i•orks.
IS Voxes Axle Grease
Large (ntltanized 1'lfils, regular 40c
Some olid sizes ('tit Naill to clear.
a word before we close, on our
Mrs. Time Miller and Mrs. John tli tints to J. D. kferrobahl, 1)irtrlot
Sheriff Reynolds is 'spending
711apksgiring in London.
N'. A. Harrison, of Lueknow, ha
intending Ihrprat weak in awls
Miss Hetet Salkeld haat returned trot
A three Weeks' visit' to London an
Rea forth.
itiug�in Turu,. J. 1 .j Bailey,
ho iher been
u lasts
bee tart week•
n Agent. U. T. Its., Tomato.
r tickets and all information apply
to agents.
A Paper for the Farmers.
u Tb.. \Varkly Suii, of Toronto, is a
d aper that should iie in every farmer's
home. It pt'uvides the latest and
s- most Graced All bra aches of his business, an dire lur-
ses public queltivar ably atullestriwwly
from the itandpSint of the farmer.
Tlie___weeltly ,contribution by Aay
gtilndt4s 1?ror : tIdlvitcRiuMrslitie `
is worth Many times the prier of the
paper. The Mnuwill be sent from
HOW to let January, hlli6, its rumbiva-
tiun with The Signal, for Sl.t>t1. Out.
ascribe now and get the bun 1leneflt of
this offer. ' A sample copy of The 81111
Will 114 wmt to any address for the
Miler Deis rdsou returned` tl'i Elora
yr•st*nley' after 't►, -.4 _sakntakl
weeks tri ('own..
14indon on
Tuesday to attend aco conference cow -
mit tee sleeting,
N. I/, Rouigvie and U. McIver at-
tended the (Clinton gun club tourna-
ment last week.
Slims Miklned (iutiwin, of Exeter, he
the guest of Miss Beta tialkrld during
her stay in town.
ft yester-
ds fur Sal Sarnia, wtheret;the ilne will spend
two or three weeks.
Misses Kathleen and Annie Swan
are spending Thanksgiving with their
parents in Hluevale,
Sirs. Arnott. of h`airview•, B. ('., is
the guest of her sister. Mrs.
Proctor, Hulrnrsville.
11 $til aster (hilt and O. 1•'. Coley left
Tuesday wing uu a trip to the
Telllis'dnting district,
Jolmi Herr was taken to the House
of Refuge on Sunday. Hr bad an ac-
cident a few days adore.
Tucker -
3/r. and
w.r theg
ats. hluestts 11114 week of
Mix. Robert Hendrrwuu.
Constable Phalen left on Monday
for his holidays. He wilt visit Tomato,
London and other ,places,
H. 1.
are attending n meeting of the. Educa-
tional Association in Toronto.
McTavish. of
comity, p nliKrfeday s
with his sister, Mr.. It Henderson,
Ma •o
v r Cook and !Hew. (`.Sok, of
Maria. are guests of Rev. 1)r. and
MTs. 1/ambit over Thanksgiving they.
Mt•. and Mrs. C. E. Holt and child.
of NeN R'e4twinislrr, erre herr .4n a
visit til, Mr. Holt's brother. Judge
Holt. \
Mina .1
(Chicago, th
t herr,
8waatehl returned last
very pleasant visit at
of tioder•ich frirpda
Mr. and Mn.
ramous, spent
the gusts of
Pi lkey,
A. Lns.'wl)Iwe ret mrd to St. Th as
on Monday after stay of verso
weeks with hilt clang ter, Mrs. t ', A.
r. six
Smith, of Kin -
its (ioderich.
3Irs. A. M.
Mia'. Florenee Enchain n,oftheMot
school cissa. Is 441wm1intg hanksgiving
beilidavaa et the home of h r parrots in
Mrs. Misner, of \Vindso was the
gnrrt of her sister, Mrs. M. M Howell,
on Tnrwiay. 4h.. is spending hks-
giving with her parents at (.'re
Mrs. .1. H. IN'iniao,s hAs ret
farm a risit t. o Listatu and ()level,
where she met her won. 1)r. t Itel
1)irkenn \Villiatus, on his return fn
Benson (iue.t has gone from- Mai13r
('reek, ANN., Ur Kant10,44.,. H. t'. His
friends will he'pleioasi,tu know that he'
is improving it1 health anti is putting
n . ,j
SATCNutt. OT. ITTu.- ducriuu sale of
(somans, tbrouebbred cattle, rw4 rel
hand buggies, new, turd
robs•,, rug* w•ki rut second krltd futror,s,,,
for horses and p"' age all kl.. w of ee,t ul first.
ctrw opyplrlunl'y wet Tins win gou4s
r lout
above line t your own p kms. oleos g fiat
AI. tlajr , w 1 al
t/trtruav, auctioneer. / proprietor,Ti.,,
trims SSD., V, IY•t : la. Atattlaea YM
farm stook u,d kueleme ,l. at talk At
1 Uulerfok tuwnshjV, ruruaeal' at 1 0' 1
, ..r4N t\- ttalYl.A 1', jilt rteir; ' •
.. rp r. YI4'r Il11,M•1•.
•'%\'b)• du you call this a farewell
rotscert ' 1'4411 kuuw that the rhauraaae
ale that the singer will ret)u•u as Us-
ual." "Vest ; :but it gives the pur-
chaser of r seat such an admirable
oplitrtttnitg i4) ally fatearti (0 his
money,' -Washington Star.
Dwarf Prices
Giant Values
We reduced have Thane hes. aumber of nes that te, perfectly g 1o1 cull e at rwtly
Ler prima but we foal that we unut clear good value todd
- - liner. lease our *lock of the lath
�"tYHave arrangerd a table of very rp.coal values which it will
You to hook through. Tete tot cuuristr of Ukrn a, wumeu',,
1)•4', huh/sea' and .hildteu's shw,
if low pride Make a bargain, high nudity doubler it, and
that is why you x11(4.114 NCI' (herr genas.
otilf Ty for Women.
Walkover for Men.
DOWNING & rlac
Successors to E. Downing.
Fall Wall
Paper Sale
WE, the undersigned,
Idealers of the town of God
rich, agree
Not to accept any grain
offered on this market
that is not thoroughly
cleaned, at any price
agreement becomes a
ne sty to protect ourselves
from 1 :, is all grain is under
Govern toin(l/.•1•f ion :old
must ..G, (,earn before being
('leering sale of all linen of
watt! parser now i11 iotork.
rash diw-oust.
Rene,,, llrr, in under to get ggia
the *hove discount. 111 el 111.
111114( Ire paid for at lima of
No wimple tulle
during Wall Paper wale. mit
''h,.;4.. flal,lt.
itnpirter 1)\41', ,,• (Nall
our uld frit
I4 1•,a
making any improvement. He has
been vrtta low this week.
Mrs. Wigle and d,aghter, of Kingn-
rille,left last week for their !wore
after 'spending a few weeks At the
St. Lawrence. Mrs. Wigle'narn, Earl,
win trotaiii here till Abirut Christman.
William Miller, of Toronto, nun of
W. R. Miller, of !Amnion, formerly ..f
Oolderiehl. wan' (married recently t..
Mi..n Janet l'hrntrr, daughter of dos.
Cheater, Se4artat u, ex -warren of the
county of York,
R. N. Williams returned Tuesday
night from his trip to the euant. and
Mreports having had into
r. William's wan u 14 the hsin nthat
ntrrick the handcar seven mites west
of Rat Portage.
An n e.Nlnt of the
ar,dent wir found on page 5.
Frederick W. I)/.t.,r'insWetlliso,d the
freshman class in orbs engineering
course in the Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute at Troy, N. Y. His brother,
John \i', Doty, wax geminated at the
same institution in the class of 1802,
and has noW an important position
with the Foundation and C'orntraeting
Co. of New York.
Dr. ('haricot Diek'ens WipjArna has
retuirtled from Europe, where he has
`pent eight months in study in the
leading hospitals. The doctor, who is
A gt•aduate of Western University,
Cleveland, and of John Hopkins, Rehi-
re, has been four years in lakeside
H.pltal, Cleveland. with which be
will again for connected when ler re -
souses practice there,
Fire At Brussels,
mewls, ()et, l3,-lihurtly after
ight last night, Philip Arue•nt'i
ng mill was dsaltt»ye/1 by flit.
Wilding wan a large two -Store)'
and contained _ quantity
IV o
culla a
the tit
that ft
the la
Nam er
fruit i
non -el
!frock ri
*hitt Hri
lokom 11
10 North
on line o
Lake G;
aolng Or
points* o
Fifth And
it it makes feeding ennnt faster than without it. .lust the thing for
s, fattening sto k and horses.
\Best ('a'a ian
We keep r
Graniteware, G
In Cow ('hat
All the first in
Saw, at prices that.
W Ieaters at $4,00, $7.00, $9.00 each, brand new.
Cita ( 'I at 20c a gallon.
*1131 .' a Blitcksmith's Supplies, Belting, Valves, Packings, Tinware,
This is t e place to Ally Glass.
(' have a • (ply of those good old-fashione(1 kind, strong and good
Of Axe ;1 X -cut Saws, including the now Fraser & Logan Racing
hltrrrst in ding purchasers,,
Bu of us an. 011 Will have satisfaction.
The Place to Buy All Irardvare Cheap.
( • Elunters' Excursions
41 40N.
A. J. PER, -
WM. BUR /.WS &
kr Drunkenness
r Fete Dig sig.
Over 300,000
ere- et 11
seas)- ▪ (.,•...s eta. Wel,
Single g t Fare for the Round Trip
From 'stations 111 Canada. Brorlt •ill,
and west iucluditsg Suspension
Bridge, Niagara Fells, Hitflat,, N. Y.
".The Highlands di Ont.
Muskoka !takes district, lake of nava,
- :lagnetewab River, Lake :ipiedult,
Severn to North Hay inflictive. Lind -
nay to HeliMirlon, ta.tnt'. Irl (•anadA
Attantii• Hy., Hairy Lake to now
Point, on ( , P, R., naertiiek In Sitar -
hot Lake Jet, lnrhtaivr, •
g ()e(ulrr 241h to N.,.:,th,
t, lu.l11sir4.
Tir•krfs 1111 -ole October nth to \,.,.
.3th to point. nn l'. 1'. 1t., Matiewn, to
Ni tri and Garden !liver ine•Insive,
also hipnwA And TituiskaminX•
IAlt tieket4 valid returning MI lit la.
fors Orr -mutter 12th,
for earlier frr}rIto lake JN.inls if naaigA.
tilm flows Wore i)eerudr•r it b. Ban.'
Write for btabalternw 111o.traot.si.
Iaaak entitled " ItattntA
fir•," giving Ail .information 1ST -
tanning to pule laws, the r•gi.4,• to
go to. maps and All -Irani i. edam., t 'o , •
n t 411 rippllr at innate, J. I k
1 t•iet P111 emigre- Agent. TY•rorto.
1+ tickets. Anil all information
•PPIY ' 1
A. S ' AiTON, 4tati,/n Agent,
P. P. 1 'RRN('1•:. Town Agent
(M11 r NOUN (1 a. o.1. to 10 p. 111 -
•\'his ws•k we olwnwl III) 111114 extra ge1A1 Alaska Sable
1{utr.. aril ( Collars. They are late unll•Ix anti their antival
4111. 414/ our fur Ntrs k .us( nuak,N it Ihr• 111404 e plete and
tv-st se have rye- •.huwtt.
eliable Qualities in
Wothens Underwear
TNF Ladies' Wool and ('neon Underwear we showmade e
best and largest mill in Canada. It is the mill that
is semlls theby mostth
It makes the best. Every garment is absolutely reliable in
y way Nothing stinted in either material or workmanship. Fall
stocks are all in. Values are real good. Here are a fes, lines that are
hard to beat :
At 25c
tic * valid rettit.ning Oa Air before
/mug sleeves, soft finish. well made, is
rota, irtahle and servieealile garment,
drawers to match ..
At 35c
shaiwil. higl; nee'. ;sleeves., pure
I .11 101/ %ill) it to keep It ftlall shrink-
ing. forefeet fitting, 41 (.1)ttoft41,31.1.• g.1r-
patent power's,. will not lump iip when
twx.iter ortineti/4„..t/nrat were to, match both lines,
At 73c
I.ntlitee fine ribbed woollen undercoats,
;weight, will give exeellient Wear. 1/11WW,
Ladies' ribbed ouuderwear, very flue goal
y, 'loft lamb's wool, every garment
labelled "ionnhrinkable," will wash and
wear well. very special valour at each .1104
Children's Underwear -all sizes, many prices.
eal kid Gloves, $1.00
011r kid glove stock is sc
bes' WE' can find te sell at that
better if we can get it.
exrra good one. The glove we sell at $1.00 is the
price, and we are always on the look -out for one
Real Prime), kid ghoveq. iii:ide (tom soft pliable *king. every pair guaranteed, extra line
Our English Flannelettes
Have you tried our famous line of Fnglish flannelettes at
it every season and people who try it once never like to
gvt, any other make. It's cheaperst because it's best.
Plain colors and fancy stripes, 1.2kc per yard