HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-15, Page 4THE SIGNAL : rODBRIU11 ONTARIO
Scores One More Success.
RaW Weather -Notes of the Exhibits-lqxcitiag
. factehe.Pfike List in Full.
WIna. on Friths). to bed the
wt.). his Intrse's he
lotted the ..01.1, 1111.1 1 hee:11 4.111110(
mod fen in, Chilling wind. t
1.111:•)• ronjdred ova vision of a hand -
was.. 4.. 13.. only it. the thought
that 11.• 1,tir
was sturdy /in institution 1.. he
groat i) our poor year.
,tit he litol to it,Ituit'lt•
Felf. 01.1t load itudele,iiiiiated the
of Dung.' tiii.tit great
people. in whose inteicsts it is held to
saand bv iv with 01- Without 01.1
It 11.11.1111 weatinl luau, .1...p.Oritig,
,s..istoto411. -keeping the,.
crowd. titan ever. omit -,Fate re-
eripts• were .1111/11 015 ahead 44 last
1111 111141.11 :11 1 II, 1,11,11. IP. 1141
1111 j. 141 141 11V1 1 11..1v ing
41431yririft (net • I hit •1 few
weeks ago it as 411,6641. owing
'4, Alcoa:fat ion s to the lease of he
1s. lira the v held
h dispute was wett I and it
forgo ahead wit k , fair.
die tool his totergel • -aw-
e theo.corrate went
11 1. 11.111
orgoat.ilated ton the happy rowolt
base its lores 1111111 hid :1
old the thiam•ia 141 mil. grent,e bud
e exhibit rot. 4-..11( was, an tidy 11111
11 11Y .41111 1141 11111111. I the article
the. io i•• ttriovittg
'11 W111.' 1•11:
1' 4:11111
11, kale.* h. (vas the stanter 111111 traVe
The .4111.4.1% of the Society kw -this
year are : President. AVolliain 'Bailie,:
awl -more. 111.•11Wain : treasurer. .1.
NI. 1141111.111 Si. 1 1111114.1411114 - T114 IN. Anil -
.114.. 4'11.114.1111, 311s. HaVilen.
Joseol. 11.141. H. 111.-Ilwain, Henry
Morris, 1..1.1. Jamieson, Herbert Abor-
given by his leftism -officers. a good
1111,1.11111 14 the sinessis svhieh. has
I.• attributed to 111% gl 11141 judgment
/11.1 1.1.1 iring efforts.
Thew was, as a large dele-
gation (11111 4.41, the grormtls.
tibise we OW iced' 44'elre H11111•
and AV. Smith. tirorgr KM/4n
counts., IL. %V. II ill. Mr. and. Mrs.
Lee. %Vim Ali
trallain. Geo. (ital.:on. Wilfrid Mc-.
Lean apd H441)t. Th.ulp..au, j1
THE o'N'l 1.:lrr. •
There W84 a great crowd in 1 ha3I
for the concert in the e.euiu(. 1'.
standing 1.441111( 431. Iil a sir , 411)4
11)4• r4uw11 N':..1444 gr'.lt 1*1:11 1:414•14 •dit.-
lrr lw.nit.'d. If the Newly is t.1
11pil•144•4.441.1 fur K441w1 rnN•rtain-
silent •1 w1. make ...u' different
MT/lige ,•ntw f..4 holding 1111.•1)1. II It
iri 1111(1.1..•.) • 1,11. 1114 1.4(.•I I114•1• to 1111
j1U.li.'e IN 1 he selves :111 uproar
as has iuer.... w 'ea the fair 4441141-41+
"the last feu' %l.IIY.. 'I'tlrlr WAN N *11141
art.+ . sof I:lent 4411• t prugt71u1. an.1
rs,•.•p1 fur 'the di1wn:4ler :Illrndy
meal ibnwl the 4r.nerl•t w'a?• Kiw 1.l 44nr.
he, took part .r..• J. 11.
1•a111:9.u4 444. Tnrvmb.. the Nell'Iin.
1.u1111a�.u. vocalist : Afi.. Au.rl,r .k.
44f lilwlrri.•II. Miss Ji.r\'itlie, of I1.4
'eh. \I1•• I'.Itler:1.,u. ..f Ailla 4.n, ainl
s Nehetkt•, 44f 1'11 1., (.•1*''iaNOW
,lk'.rBella 11•0.11.• and Edith
Le•+n, •.1. 441 ti.wlerirIi. Ili all 001 .lanes
rt•x : O. 1.. Allan. 441 1....l.•1 hi.. elute
Atrhie AleKa1(, 44f Kiel,
• wr..uy1 Ml i•• l'.nalatigne.
swinger :
of I ti•wiet telt
year-old heifer. Thom. [fisher : heart
roll( of 19110, l'Istaa.
mill. having raised ...in in Wilt Jaw.
heifer, Al •Alanns, 111411e1.
Mellwaiti, jr. steer calf. tinder I
lough, 1 .' fatted ox or
steer. AV. K. purnin: Jos. Chisholm
fatted 1111W Or heifer. AV. E. Domini
John Harr ; sheurling tutu. Purvis
.1111111 BAIT : 11111i1. aged ewes,
vi. Bros- John Kitt : pair ewe lainths•
Ii114/14., John Barr ; ram lamb,
Purvis 'Brow.. John Barr.
; ithetst•ling ram, John Ale
: 'pair/ aged ewes, raising
lainli, John Melbmald, 1,1 4411.1
Sweepstake pi•ize for hest pen of
.1tewp, ally breed. Plarvis Bros. : fat
sheep, Put kis BINH., Win. 11131114)tigh.
Ilerkshiree.--AKIP/1•:limh:sar, Jas. Alton :
sow. having raiscd pigs in Mirk .111.4.
Alto... 1st and 2tiol ; bowl% littered in
slita. AIM"' ; sow, littered in 1411C1,
Yurk.hire.- Aged boar.
1st and 2nd SOW. having raised pigs
littered in 191(1. .14111. A111111 144IW. W-
in 1$11Kt, Jas. 'Alton : hoar. littered ...
19(1. Jas. Alton, 1st and ; sow, lit-
tered ha iT634, Jas. Alton. 1st and *ad.
Brahma. light. Jaa. 1,'•ono, 1st and
2...1 ; Corkin. white, Joss. Lyons ; Leg-
horn, white. Jam. Lyon.. Howrie:
Leghorn, brown, Alto. Huwrie,
Plymouth R.141.141111 HOWrie,
Lyon. 111:1.1 Sp.inialt, rs.
vie. 1st 111141 91111 1 1 11111 4'1111%, Jas.
Lyons. Ist and 2nd .• Ilamburgm, black
Mr.. llowrie. loft and 20.1 ; barnyard
fowl, Howrie. Jas. Lyons ; geese,
W. J. Treleaven ; ducks, Jas. Lyons,
loot and 2n.l.
wheat, white, 1 Illtretholir,
hour, 301111 51.1441.1.dd ; 501
, red. M. Bret hour, 41N Altows
AI. Brethoon 9 -row
bark Ittretli....r, M. o111...:itiris:
1.ittle ; pair panto. Temple
1 Al PLEA, K
Eibigle buggy. with top, 1.%'. Th p -
teeth... of plik111101* lkold beat col-
lection farm implements, Jas. Howe.
LADIES' WoltKs..
1341.1e 1,1/11., 4,111)iluitleiretl. liele.
Afro. 141..wrie, Alto. !fele : Home.' en. -
Moro. Mrs. Heir, 511,414
James 1.yrals ,• erteliet t1.1.1e rants it.
crate quilt, Mrs. l'aistplbell. Mrs. O.
Noll twitch wia.k quilt in (mitt'''.
Mrs. CaiiitsIsell, Mr.'. 11. : patch
1111 1.101 1,111. A11144.1111 111k. M1114. How -
Mrs. ti. ; 6411114e
A• lls*11111,1,1k ; 111K 1131411 4111111. 11'. H.
chief aachei, Ills.. Held.. Alias Anse -
M1.14 A1114411/11114/1, /4/14 W11411 afg1
teillswg lace table euVer,
1 fele, latnitlry hog.
Airs. 'amplo.•Il
!Mop prairie frame. Ali,. I woo
1116.1. 111 Nott., Strm. Heir : faint.y
Csoekeis's with jewels.
linen, Air.. Nott, l'riee; .1111witi
Bort 111111
11. Beetle
of grain grown
11:11:111. Idaek. M. lit
Alton„ M.
tnd largest collection
meg and lot est vari-
ety 111' grain in t straw. .wn 1.y
exiiibitor this Year, AI. firethour, Joint
Ale Oerts001.
Thos. Di.heri.A
packed butter. sr
not less than 50 1 _facto made,
Greatly : jar of honey. i. /1111/1
Ci Arlen : maple sugar. M. Bre 101
W. IL AlcCiacken of a
packed hotter. Alton, jot
Lyons: collect 11111 • .f tonne -111411e 11
toollection of home-ing.le baking. ht..
Lyons, A. Kirk.
Vhit t• elephant potatoes. A.
w111 14tel.. AY. H. McCracken. JAS.
Kit ro en tankard wiirtzelo,
late. II. NIct'rack Kitkpott-
t•irk ; Swede turnips. W. Boilie. I.
Belgian earrods. John Al.•1 kern. 1„
13, McCraCken ; carrots, intern. att..
white. Oen. Correll. I. Hethet•ingt
early horn carrots. Geo. Correll, .11
Hose: 4.111 tttt Mr.. Hele. PS 11111511
Correll; rorti. I. Iletheringtou, Jas.
141111/1M11. 11111 table. Albert Alton. AV.
bible. Albert Alton. • AV. II. Me-
colleetilm garden vegetable... AV. H.
*inter Amdes.--Mpies, Jas. Alton,
11. Flrethotir: king of Tompkins
nip ; lidoton pippin, H. Morris. M.
Jan. Alton : Ontario, '11'.
.Ins. Alton Wa nee. 'flow. 'timber,
Mooch. Jas. If k Spit zeoloorg.
). Jas. Alallough 11 hook Island
• : Cranberry pippin, Jos. Alai
10.111h Atom. Afalholigh,
M. Erri W moms' varlet no, Jos.
'hos. 110mber.
ble butte.,
to keep.
11111 14111s,
w salt
/ 1141 III 111
.1 141111101.
:in only fair. and
not above the
The • 'splay wil probably 1 11.•
froill there wa a fair Mg- of
11141441 111111 Of 1111 1'. ./.14.111. 1114(111%11
1.111111.:43 14;p14, 1,1 and
•sltou VII I LC apple -go; wink{ 1.11313. 11111 il,
,.f the disirict to at oulva. age.
'Meru •41:1111! !Ike P 11114
groins, a 1411114 11f dal
1:11111 .11:11 111, 1.111. 111111 1 1111 'Oi-
o-ost sot- alk with te
1 the hulk,. work. 14 1111
•I'llere was _bewildering- •Irray
1,111V all tele. %V o h 1:11.11 heyitial. the
....optionally we'll 1 11111.
NV. A mlermow. id* 1 141141,r; 11111111, 11141
. .114.111.• 1114111/1y lot row parlor tilliituitr.
.1. it. (hay, of heeknow, -altibited
.- out 11111(111N 11r111711111 14.11 li these Mt MI -
five ye:ips 111;t11 hy 11,4 1414)4 her. /111.1 -
Ni 1.111/1 111.1 hail Ow diploma which
was. pre/Wilted to his late brother 11/1
1(11 11, 1Pfitik and how. the Mimes, Of
Ho ' ...retort. ;mew tteablivost id.
is made.; live' lentier.dati a 1 141196c1
4ThIrkstvoney fit li•tileril41. who 11/6/1%
r.jimell if IA, A. 1.101 Pit 41 1 4. ftf ertirtrevy.
mtwit.t. dna 1 he free fitr-all mooed to 1.1.
The latter won the firs1 two heat*
wad it I,a,k41 like a 111111, 11111n14. 11111.
M1Irr111,1 1C11/ 1114 1101.141 111'111111. 11414, thn.
11110 in *1...third heat. 11.1111 (141111 Hist
Uwe on • fntensit wan high. t'n„
Heavy 14.311141d, - oeml mat, wit li
foal l• 114.1 side. Jolot fel h.riiii.l. Jas.
Ong. .14... Forster : I -year -4.10 Hlly. Jas.
MIL Joh.. Afribormid, Pattie Rill-
iiVliti : team in harness. Jam. F1 141 Yr.
.1111111 51111 1111111111, sl'1111.. %V. Tay 111 .
• olt of 114(1 'died by his heat y draugh
stallion, ••lhosford Alarquis," .1a14.
Ily herodole, (4..... Smyth. Sam. Phil -
1.9.11. Andrew kirk, Salm l'hilliPs:
team 1 harness. Rola. NI..1 ;mire. .I....
General orpose.- Ilro .1 111 111. 'With
foal by h side. Wm. Ito 4.0Han.
AV 1. •Allig,lniliale. 1st arid 2.1.1 : team
in 11, 1 nes.. weight not to exceed 12.'et
blot its, I tong -ram : liploma for Iwo.
female. 6.10. 4 tletio.
!Veil.* Silver wet I given 1.)'
l'attioliatt lank of root wire. Gook --
rich. for t . best mitring 44111 (P1 the
11..1 lierington. Pi 1.1 Heed ; 2 -ye 1,11111
filly. (Op. Smyth, enry I/suasion.
single horse iti Iron so, Jas. • Harri.
Cho... AV. Taylor : tab- matched
(wows in harness, M. AleNatight4m.
1- year-old ekling. (think 31.1 11 :
pin. I.. Lott : ir matched 1110140•4
Ihirnin, lieut.. orris : 5sol of lint
by E. 4'. Attrill for best colt. of Hatt
lest female. PAL N1.14.1. 11.
Smolal. -Biker 11114131 giVIotl '-by
two years. rthl or 'muter, on , the
II. Trot or Pave 10, It.
.. It. MW111111. 1114.1ellell I.
Of' Wit 11 11311 in 191,11, John ,Jande ,n11.
las. 1'104101m ; 2-yearo1s) he er, John
et can. ranter I ye141., John .1.intie-
year, John .11 mi.1.4oup, l'iirv la 111,w,
threfir-old heifer. Moo. Dieber; 1-
2;)11 Tent
N1341,11101 I 441. Smyth : stuns -
apple, A. Orem. Morris ; Blen-
crab apple. A. AI 11. M. Bret hour :
▪ irk patrick.
Pears. t•te. :1 name( vsrietieo
Wars. .1101. Kirkpostt-irk. :
I mooed varkty of pears, I. Mot•rim,
A. 1 /teeny ; :1 4114)411491 VII elks of
Little: moiebes. Geo. mtnyth, 'W. 11.
McCrarket. H. Meilwhitt. 1),
1111 11111 Kariba. flowers. o•Ilf, A. & W.
Sproul, A. Kirk.
MO 10 yank sli wool flannel. Albert
bora. blanket*, ft made, Albert
Alton rollertio of tinware. W.
intioiro, Mita. Aluis•Itroisk,.\ ,N
; collection of wafer 111(11.1
itinnship 1.y h.ty 111'
girl mitier ',years. I ie... Smith.
fl".wers twin
lien, Mrs. !tele 114"let,ti*.onlis:1".an(iiiii.1111:.
pa instal ori. gl Mra, Hele. Mrs.
alit leave., An. Kirk.
Heavy horses -Thom. \kte
• Light horses ---Dr. Fow
Moo -riling IP. Farr, 42
I birham and grade 'matt
Alar.. (4.slerich.
lkiiry cattle J ns New
stern. h.
rep AV. A. Wilson. lawk.
M. 1..s•kliart, Althorn Joh
Seasonable Goods. CASH OR
It's the Spirit Behind the Guns
That Does the Business
Tho old-facillioned ‘vay of doing business will not 414) for this end of the
twentieth century. We take every advantage the market MT, rdiy• for the benefit
of our patrons. .
We want .tn toll y.ttl something about our ladies' coats, all new this season.
Nt: old coats to show ; everything now and up-to-il,.te. Misses', too, a nice lot.
Prices fin. Wiles' #3.00 to $1.2.00 in blacks, Qxfords and greys and black and
, whit e. Alisses'`new shades Of blue.
We have a stnre full of bright fall and winter merchandise for you to select from
-.Just now want your attention to our furs, got them all ready to show you, stock
, A 1 and prices at bed rock.
Your *Gent • to a few of our kitting lines goode- t he largest !and moat romplete range ue
ever carried, both English. French. German, American and Canadian made in pt-irea from 25 rents to
The famed Pattetooti homespuna, all wool, 56 inehea wide. in grey. Oxford and I)Itu•k, ....rmuo. anything
ever teen here for the priers.. If you want h eon lw sure /1.11t1 See thou' before yo41 1443y. Thr
quantity we are ,4411ing already is eviden.e that Mir priers are at the but.t4au.
tie lure anti ask for • ItS eent douhke fold tweed drem. materiads, k
yard and is quarter W114141, g1111d t/J hliki 1hr 414114/rand good to Vfeakr.
Under eksthing -Infanta'. Childs'. Miaow'', Bops', 1.adiese and Men's, at all prices' and qualities. 1.4trge
atio•k hossiery and gloves..
Kid gloves', Iwot qualities made. Perrita Are the best. We have them.
'A lot of dress goods in homeopons and tweeds, good coloring.. and good to wear. at a bi 411/ priee, and
jug( what you may tient for the coming cold weather.
Your ehttire of 10 ends of wrapperettes at wholeaale prices to vlear. ,•
Y/1111' ehlliel• of 12 rain C4114 114, n.1'311141 stylish, at wholesale prices: 1.s. many ill stork.
Standard Patterns, 10, )5, 3.11 rents; no better pattern"; made t he world t han t Standard. The
1/esigner. lo resits yeorlyaulwoription, a -page fast sheet free.
Fowl -Colin Campbell. 00derich.\
(train-- Win. Itorrows„ tilltleri1141
Vegrfalits. and route- -Win
omfact tires .1. M. Holw.rta. Dim-
4,,I..11,itistirilirits Step wit Slot her...
()airy proilin•ts- Mina. Mary I..
6.1•Iiiiitriloinl Hower.. 1.i1.11. Stewart.
Alla.. Wm. Prima -
Fine arts -Mimi Grat\e.Polley. God. -
J0•14,1% Labs bp fee Owen Years bv
ttottbsiLpimu.t,_Itavb. at Work 0666's
6.dney Pais Old it.
12th. (Special.. - JosePh Boone.
fishermen here, 1. bark al work Adler
years' enr4.ree.1 i•IletlY$14 from
kidney !MAW. Kidney l'ills
loured . Mr. Item.. suffetes1 from
bou•ksche 1 kidney disease. !luring
his long micknew. he was tootles" loy
several 111N-11 11.1 and after seven en....1 10.
in a hospital was sent hisme ass /nem -
'Acting 01) the advlee of it "trien41 he
owners! to inst• 'hold's Kidney
is* result he in AilloWing Itis ..I.1
iteet tion. all 11111111 1.11 11141111Pritnill 1111111•
(11t11 helieve it is myself
in it at oil aftel• all I hear years 411
"Yes. Dodd Kidney cured me
n;u1 1 am only too glad to tell it."
1 .ng. have you?" ked the 'stranger.
••1'11,11 haven't white office very
turned the lieW inemnbent. 4'1 we
'Attila. working Piot 66 though you
expretril pion- salary tr. he mot off if
pm dic1.0. earn it.-- 111111•440 N4.111,111-
V"INIILL-.. my oister-inlaw," said the
nger, "has caused more w...nen to
Issamie regular attendant'. chureh
'tiled the Itev. Mr. l'obotiv. "So
4611 11V111111C/111.1 "N11. 11111 1.1h/.
naiad falhiltnallle milliner in
When you paint building there
fre two kinds of paint to select from:
ist-Good prepared paint ready
for use.
and -Lead and oil mixed by hand.
You should always choose the good
prepared paint. It costs less, wean
longer, and looks better.
We can tell you why this is
particularly true of
Corne let u lime you
The fall is a splendid -• 'tole"
tone to paint.
Cash Hardware Store,
You Buy\
Your Bread
Y1111 Wi11 1101.11 ts141 Pt 01'0 Opp vs.
f.se CAI
Qiiiekeo drying of thrin
It's goial for all expiated a n work tool
Woofs no ra..re than the romthen stuff.)
It will pay YOU 1.0 time np your home thr
heavy fell work, with our condithM po der.
1.1on't waste your ttttt ney 011 linseed oleo'. b-
elled "'stock food," hot lime ernitething Iva
good, that's. mire.
Best Tonic
You- (wcarr
aide chlrolp
itiekl 'show mare:
Are You Not
Tired of the
Bread You Ate
Getting and .
W. C. GOODE, Chemist
1- he old wa b hand. The
new way, machine made
bread, thus insuring clean-
liness in every detail, attach-
ed with a prompt delivery
/,arnell-Dean's Real .
Homemade Bread
Is the standard of perfection.
Call; he will be pleased to
see you.
Victoria St. Machine Works
For the plat two tttt nfho‘01/4. store haw been innlerg g
pairs. nod hAve rem the RI. 114T SII(VW ROOMS IN THE
COUNTY, atocked with moat risinplete and up-to-dotte stock of
Fancy piece.. of furniture in large assortment. Parlor,
room, bedroom. ball find kitchen furniture.
rph..latering fool picture framiug smooiality *Rh no.
We ask you to give too a call and we 1.111 he plemied to Allow
yon um sews]. and quote pricro.
Jul A. %oho
Beckett & Staunton
West :Side of Square. 'Phone 69.
Practical Fngineer
and Machinist.
Engines, At111 At aohin•PY
Farming Implements
General Machine end Illarkomith
Work hf all kitolo dom. to order.
isPRIelts 1.11.4110N LW •A ROLICITE
Waits: Victoria Street. Godorith.
Scralltoi8 jilt] CORI
4111 Oda we dime dos leserst 11661e6
Offdiri Wet 66 Lai ,11A1D1
own WNW*